A methodology to model groundwater flow in sub
A methodology to model groundwater flow in sub
A methodology to model groundwater flow in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains Report No. R10/43 ISBN 978-1-877574-17-7 M Thorley D Scott November 2010 Report R10/43 ISBN 978-1-877574-17-7 This document should be cited as: “Thorley, MJ and DM Scott, 2010. A methodology to model groundwater flow in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains; Environment Canterbury technical report R10/43, 75 p.” 58 Kilmore Street PO Box 345 Christchurch 8140 Phone (03) 365 3828 Fax (03) 365 3194 75 Church Street PO Box 550 Timaru 7940 Phone (03) 687 7800 Fax (03) 687 7808 Website: www.ecan.govt.nz Customer Services Phone 0800 324 636 A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains Executive summary Environment Canterbury is continuing to develop numerical flow models of the Canterbury Plains aquifer system. This report describes the component methodologies used to develop a numerical groundwater flow model over the central Canterbury Plains area. The initial stages of the modelling project attempted to explicitly deal with the inherent uncertainty involved, particularly in relation to prediction, and is reported in Scott & Moore (2008), and Moore & Scott (2008). The current project has built on that earlier work by adopting or adapting several additional tools, and refining the methodology to accommodate the demands of a multi-layered model and to maximise the use of observational data. The regional modelling project takes an approach that acknowledges model uncertainty, and recognises that different predictions will be influenced by different model configurations. This approach requires the modeller to think about defining an individual model project in terms of the prediction objectives. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) MODFLOW model was employed for groundwater flow simulation and the Parameter ESTimation (PEST) toolkit was adopted for model calibration and uncertainty analysis. The Groundwater Vistas (GW Vistas) Package was adopted to provide a graphical interface to the MODFLOW model and to support the use of PEST. The model calibration process depends critically on the distributed processing capacity of Environment Canterbury’s Local Area Network (LAN) to support parallel computing. Geological structure is often a fundamental component in the definition of a numerical flow model. Environment Canterbury and Applied Research Associates New Zealand (ARANZ) have been collaborating to develop software called Leapfrog HYDRO that provides a three-dimensional representation of the geology beneath the Canterbury Plains. This is beneficial not only for developing structural context for a groundwater flow model, but also for communicating our understanding of the structural composition of the aquifer system. Once the geological model is complete, Leapfrog HYDRO provides the functionality to construct a MODFLOW model grid complete with zonation based on the geological model. The MODFLOW grid and hydraulic conductivity zonation exported from Leapfrog HYDRO are taken into GW Vistas. From here boundary conditions and parameterisation of the model are undertaken using GW Vistas. GW Vistas is not only used as an interface for the MODFLOW model, but also for PEST. GW Vistas assigns and stores the PEST setup, such as observations, variables in the PEST control file and parameters. It will write out all the necessary PEST files consistently and correctly which makes the generation of a PEST run easily repeatable and less error prone. PEST evaluates many more model solutions than a manual calibration. Typically when a model, especially a transient model, has a run time of the order of 20 minutes, then hundreds if not thousands of CPU processing hours are required for its iterative calibration. Given that Environment Canterbury has hundreds of computers; it makes sense for us to harness the unused capacity of the LAN to complete many model runs. Most of the post-processing of model results and calibration can be completed using GW Vistas and ARCGIS. Three-dimensional visualisation of model results in Leapfrog HYDRO is still under development. The aim is to be able to visualise parameter fields, groundwater flow and goodness of fit between model and field observations in three-dimensions. Model results to date demonstrate the utility of the three dimensional model-building procedure and illustrate the flexibility and efficiency of the model calibration technique in evaluating alternative conceptual models. We expect to progress various aspects of the model in the coming years with an immediate focus on the representation of intermittent river recharge in the model and the spring-fed stream flow targets. Environment Canterbury Technical Report i A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains ii Environment Canterbury Technical Report A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains Table of contents Executive summary .................................................................................................... i 1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 1 2 Background ..................................................................................................... 1 3 Methodology.................................................................................................... 1 4 5 3.1 Model scope....................................................................................................................2 3.2 Geological model ............................................................................................................3 3.3 Flow model definition ......................................................................................................3 3.3.1 Land-surface recharge .......................................................................................4 3.3.2 Pumping .............................................................................................................4 3.4 Model calibration .............................................................................................................5 3.4.1 Graphical user interfaces ...................................................................................5 3.4.2 Generation of calibration targets ........................................................................5 3.4.3 Regularisation ....................................................................................................6 3.5 Parallelisation of model calibration process ...................................................................7 3.5.1 Automated batch processing .............................................................................7 3.5.2 BeoPEST ...........................................................................................................7 3.6 Post-processing of results ..............................................................................................8 Demonstration – Central Plains example...................................................... 9 4.1 Purpose...........................................................................................................................9 4.2 Geological model ............................................................................................................9 4.3 Model grid .....................................................................................................................10 4.4 Temporal discretisation .................................................................................................13 4.5 Boundary conditions .....................................................................................................14 4.5.1 Recharging wells (alpine rivers) .......................................................................14 4.5.2 Drains ...............................................................................................................15 4.5.3 Abstraction wells (analytic element).................................................................15 4.5.4 Streams ............................................................................................................16 4.5.5 Constant heads ................................................................................................16 4.5.6 Inactive cells.....................................................................................................16 4.6 Land-surface recharge ..................................................................................................17 4.7 Model calibration ...........................................................................................................18 4.7.1 Head targets.....................................................................................................18 4.7.2 Flux targets ......................................................................................................22 4.7.3 Weighting of observation groups .....................................................................23 4.7.4 Hydraulic conductivity ......................................................................................23 4.7.5 Specific storage (Ss) ........................................................................................25 4.7.6 Super parameters ............................................................................................26 4.8 Results ..........................................................................................................................27 Model development and future applications .............................................. 35 Environment Canterbury Technical Report iii A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains 6 Conclusions .................................................................................................. 36 7 Acknowledgements ...................................................................................... 36 8 References..................................................................................................... 37 APPENDIX 1: Wells Database Query report for geological model building ...... 38 APPENDIX 2: FORTRAN code for calculation of monthly recharge................... 48 APPENDIX 3: Fortran codes for aggregation of Wells/Consents data and synthesis of water use.................................................................................. 52 APPENDIX 4: Batch files used for distributed processing ................................. 58 APPENDIX 5: Documentation of the code and instruction files for the program checkout.exe .................................................................................. 64 APPENDIX 6: FORTRAN code of post.exe used for post-processing of transient model calibration results.............................................................. 66 iv Environment Canterbury Technical Report A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains List of Figures Figure 3-1: Figure 4-1: Figure 4-2: Figure 4-3: Figure 4-4: Figure 4-5: Figure 4-6: Figure 4-7: Figure 4-8: Figure 4-9: Figure 4-10: Figure 4-11: Figure 4-12: Figure 4-13: Figure 4-14: Figure 4-15: Figure 4-16: Figure 4-17: Figure 4-18: Figure 4-19: Figure 4-20: Figure 4-21: Figure 4-22: Figure 4-23: Figure 4-24: Running BeoPEST on a homogeneous local area network (LAN) (from Schreüder, 2010) .................................................................................................................................8 Westerly facing view of the geological model for central Canterbury plains (labels are the geological formation names and alpine rivers in italics) ..............................................9 MODFLOW model grid extent .........................................................................................10 Conceptual geological model of the Central Plains and the assignment of layer guides and MODFLOW grid layers .................................................................................11 Conceptual geological model translation to MODFLOW model......................................12 Boundary conditions used in the MODFLOW model ......................................................14 Estimated total pumping demand over the simulation period .........................................16 Weighted spatial averages of soil properties used to model land-surface recharge over the model area ........................................................................................................17 Location of Group 1 & 2 head targets which are derived from eigenmodel analyses.....18 Location of Group 3 head targets which represent average piezometric head ..............19 Location of Group 4 head targets which are the vertical differences in head between sites located within 500 m of each other .........................................................................20 Location of Group 5 head targets which are sites containing time series groundwater level data .........................................................................................................................21 Boundary condition reaches or groups. Waterways are represented by groups of boundary cells demarcated by the common reach references i.e. the number 14 represents Lake Ellesmere/Te Waihora ..........................................................................23 Location of Kx and Ky pilot points ....................................................................................24 Location of Kz pilot points ................................................................................................25 Location of specific storage pilot points ..........................................................................26 Calibrated horizontal hydraulic conductivity (Kx) distribution for each model layer (m/day) ............................................................................................................................28 Calibrated vertical hydraulic conductivity (Kz) distribution for each model layer (m/day) ............................................................................................................................29 Calibrated specific storage (SS) distribution for each model layer ..................................30 Scatter plot of modelled versus measured hydraulic head (m) .......................................31 Plot of modelled versus observed transient piezometric head at well M35/5144 ...........31 Scatter plot of modelled versus measured drain boundary and spring-fed stream flow (m3/day) ...........................................................................................................................32 Plot of modelled and observed transient stream flow from the groundwater system into Harts Creek and Birdlings Brook (m3/day)................................................................33 Map of modelled and observed transient hydraulic head root mean squared residuals ..........................................................................................................................34 Map of the simulated piezometric contours .....................................................................35 List of Tables Table 3.1: Table 4-1: Table 4-2: Table 4-3 Table 4-4: Summary of head targets and their primary calibration purpose ......................................5 Key statistics relating to model grid .................................................................................13 Preferred values of average flow loss and reach references for recharging rivers.........15 Expected average flows and waterway/reach references for groundwater dependent water bodies ....................................................................................................................22 Expected versus modelled flow and reach references for recharging alpine rivers........32 Environment Canterbury Technical Report v A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains vi Environment Canterbury Technical Report A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains 1 Introduction This report provides a background to the regional groundwater modelling project and its current status. We then provide an overview of the modelling methodology and describe its component parts. An example of the latest application of the methods is then provided. Environment Canterbury is continuing to develop numerical flow models of the Canterbury Plains aquifer system. One of the guiding principles of the project is to develop tools and methods that support our modelling philosophy. That is to move away from the tradition of developing deterministic models, or “one model to rule them all”, to a more probabilistic approach whereby a prediction is identified as required for a particular purpose and the model is constructed, calibrated and reported on for that particular purpose. This approach essentially acknowledges model uncertainty, and recognises that predictions will span a range of possibilities that will be influenced by some parts of the model more so than others. 2 Background This project is part of an ongoing modelling investigation that commenced in 2006. Earlier phases of the investigation are reported in Scott & Moore (2008), and Moore & Scott (2008). That preliminary work set out an approach to modelling which attempted to explicitly deal with the inherent uncertainty involved, particularly in relation to prediction. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) MODFLOW model was employed for groundwater flow simulation and the Parameter ESTimation (PEST) toolkit was adopted for model calibration and uncertainty analysis. The model calibration process depends critically on the distributed processing capacity of Environment Canterbury’s Local Area Network (LAN) to support parallel computing. 3 Methodology The current project has built on previous work by adopting or adapting several additional tools: - the Groundwater Vistas (GW Vistas) Package as a modelling database, pre- and postprocessing tool and PEST support tool - the Leapfrog HYDRO1 Package for development of 3-dimensional geological models and translation to MODFLOW2 grid - new development in parallel computing, and - modifications to the preparation of model transient boundary inputs (recharge and pumping). Other refinements to the methodology have been developed to accommodate the demands of a multilayered model and to maximise the use of observational data. The project methodology has five main phases (which are sequential but can be iterative): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. identify area and/or issue of interest geological representation flow model definition calibration and prediction interpretation of results 1 Leapfrog HYDRO is an integrated 3D software solution for developing hydrogeologic models. This software can be found via the following website address: http://www.aranzgeology.com/ 2 We currently use MODFLOW-2000 Version 1.19.01. This software can be found via the following website address: http://water.usgs.gov/nrp/gwsoftware/modflow2000/modflow2000.html Environment Canterbury Technical Report 1 A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains The type of modelling application that is required to evaluate regional scale groundwater development and management options means that all phases are likely to be required. These phases can be summarised as: • Model scope o determine a sub-regional area where predictions are required for a particular purpose and, in keeping with the project’s philosophy, focus modelling efforts on a sub-area rather than spreading the effort thinly over a (potentially unnecessarily) larger area; • Geological model o query geological data from the Wells Database at Environment Canterbury and build a geological model from borehole data and other sources of “general geological knowledge” using Leapfrog HYDRO; • Flow model definition o build a numerical MODFLOW grid and assign hydrogeological zones based on the geological model; o estimate land-surface recharge across the Canterbury Plains potentially incorporating delay functions for areas of deeper groundwater; o estimate pumping development over time. • Model calibration o further develop the distributed network system for parallelising the model calibration 3 process using Parallel PEST, and more recently, a beta version of BeoPEST ; o calibrate a zone based model using automated calibration techniques offered by PEST; o use the calibrated zone based model to assign “preferred values” to pilot points in order to impose our knowledge of the geological structure in the calibration process via regularisation constraints; o estimate several heterogeneous parameter fields consisting of Kx, Kz, and Ss for each model layer; o estimate the steady contribution of recharge from alpine rivers; o estimate the flow and/or conductance of head dependent boundaries representing transient recharge from rivers and spring-fed streams; o assign head and flow targets that require the calibration process to fit: piezometric and river components based on eigenmodel analysis; average piezometric head and vertical gradients; time varying groundwater level signals; time varying flows in spring-fed streams; transformed and compressed groundwater level signals using the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT); and super-observations of groundwater level observations using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD-Assist from the PEST suite of calibration tools). • Interpretation of results o interpret model and calibration results to determine goodness of fit and reasonableness of parameter estimates; and o presentation of model calibration results using the Leapfrog HYDRO 3D viewer 3.1 Model scope Identifying an area and/or issue of interest is important to any project scope. We believe the project should be scoped in terms of the prediction objectives rather than a philosophy of “let’s build the perfect model that will be all things to all stakeholders”. This means the modeller and the client need to identify what predictions will be required in order to define the model. This will help the modeller focus on variables and observations that are important and identify those which are more peripheral. As a consequence, the regional modelling effort is now more focussed on doing sub-regional scale models rather than spreading the effort thinly over a larger area. Experience to date suggests that it may not presently be feasible to apply the preferred model calibration techniques to a model that covers an area as large as the entire Canterbury Plains. This is a consequence of limitations of 3 2 We are currently using PEST and Parallel PEST version 12.0, BeoPEST version 12.0.1 and some of the groundwater utilities found via the following website address: http://www.pesthomepage.org Environment Canterbury Technical Report A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains currently available computer systems. Nevertheless, the methodology that is being developed will allow the evaluation of relatively large areas like the Central Plains. Once several sub-regional models have been developed it is possible to integrate them. There are currently no sub-regional models built for a specific purpose, but that is the next area of effort (see Section 4). 3.2 Geological model Environment Canterbury collects and classifies borehole information in the Wells Database. This information, along with other pertinent sources of geological data such as geological maps and geomorphology, can be used to build a geological model. Environment Canterbury and ARANZ have been collaborating to develop software that provides a three-dimensional representation of the interpreted geology beneath the Canterbury Plains. Three-dimensional geological model building assists the development of a conceptual model for a groundwater flow model, and at the same time provides visual media to communicate our understanding of the structure of the aquifer system. The ARANZ software also allows integration and synthesis of hard borehole data and “soft knowledge” through its use of user-defined control points in the surface interpolation process. The three-dimensional functionality also allows a move away from a predominantly layered and two-dimensional view of geological structure. Building a geological model using Leapfrog HYDRO also acts as a valuable quality assurance process for the Wells Database. Errors relating to bore log entry, well location and screen depth can be scrutinised efficiently when plotted as a group in three-dimensions. This provides a useful quality assurance feedback loop for data management. A system of Wells Database queries has been developed to enable a smooth data export and import to the ARANZ software. Query reports are shown in Appendix 1. An example of the geological model building capability is shown later in the report in Section 4.2. 3.3 Flow model definition Once the geological model is complete, Leapfrog HYDRO provides the functionality to construct a MODFLOW model grid complete with zonation based on the geological model. The output is a MODFLOW grid and hydraulic conductivity fields that can be imported directly into GW Vistas. This is carried out using the standard import utility in the model initialisation menu. Boundary conditions and parameterisation of the model are undertaken using GW Vistas. There are three broad types of boundary conditions that need to be simulated for the Canterbury plains aquifer system – rivers, springs and the coast. Rivers and drains can be specified in several ways. Firstly, river recharge can be specified using the MODFLOW River Package. The river boundary can be assigned by arbitrarily elevating the head of the river boundary say 100 m above land surface in order to make it “disconnected” or “independent” of adjacent groundwater level conditions. This means that a constant rate of river recharge can be assigned by adjusting the conductance variable to constrain the flow of water from the river boundary. Another option to represent river recharge is to use the MODFLOW Well Package. That is appropriate when focussing on the water balance component of river recharge. The stage of the river can still be reproduced as part of the modelled piezometric surface during model calibration by assigning “pseudo-observations” of the river stage. A system for routing flow overland is needed in the case of rivers like the Selwyn where flow is lost to the groundwater system variably depending on river flow and wetted length. The MODFLOW Stream Routing Package (Prudic, 1989) can be used to distribute a variable base flow component of an intermittent river over its length upstream of the spring discharge area. Environment Canterbury Technical Report 3 A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains Drains can be specified as pumping wells if the water balance component is the focus. However the choice of boundary condition representing these features depends on the prediction required from the simulation. Changes in flow to spring-fed surface water bodies resulting from climate variability and abstraction are likely to be important predictions for the model and therefore the MODFLOW Drain Package is considered more appropriate than the Wells Package. Relating spring flows to nearby groundwater heads and setting these as observations or prior information could be part of the calibration target set. Simulation of the “stream-depletion” effect of further groundwater development would require more accurate and detailed assignment of river or stream boundary conditions than the methods outlined above. The stream depletion effect is concerned with the pumping effect on discharging and recharging streams. The spatial distribution of stream-bed conductance, and stream stage and bed elevations would need to be specified to a more detailed scale. Field testing information would inform the model calibration including aquifer test data and stream bed conductance surveys. The offshore margin of the model can be represented as a static head boundary to which aquifer system discharge occurs. Therefore we typically use constant heads within MODFLOW for representation of the coast. 3.3.1 Land-surface recharge The method for calculating MODFLOW Recharge Package input described in Moore and Scott (2008) has been modified to write the Recharge Package input in MODFLOW2000 format to be compatible with the Groundwater Vistas Package. Recharge is calculated using a simple lumped parameter soil moisture model for each 1 km square of the model grid. Water budget calculations are performed at a daily time step using rainfall and potential evapotranspiration data derived from NIWA’s Virtual Climate Network. Average profile available water (PAW) for each model cell is determined from Environment Canterbury’s GIS (combined soils layer) and monthly recharge is accumulated from the increments of daily drainage occurring when the soil water holding capacity is exceeded. The FORTRAN code which carries out these calculations is listed in Appendix 2. An option to include a simple single reservoir model to allow for depth-dependent delay of drainage has yet to be incorporated in the code. 3.3.2 Pumping An estimate of pumping history can be synthesized using data from Environment Canterbury’s Wells and Consents databases (which provide a record of potential demand for irrigation) and from the NIWA Virtual Climate Network (which, together with soil information, provides an estimate of soil moisture condition). Synthesis of irrigation pumping is based on the assumption that soil moisture deficits during a nominal irrigation season (October through April) above a specified threshold will be met by irrigation (with an assumed efficiency of 80%) when and where that is permitted by a groundwater abstraction consent. The FORTRAN codes developed to implement this synthesis are listed in Appendix 3. The first of these (aggregate_wells) reads a list of wells and corresponding consent conditions and assembles an annual series of irrigable area (for irrigation consents) or volumes (for non-irrigation) for each well to reflect the consent history for that well. The second code (irrigsim) uses the annual series of irrigable area for each irrigation well together with climate and soil data to estimate monthly pumping. At this stage in the development of methodology the recharge-enhancing effect of irrigation has not been factored into the recharge calculations. An interim allowance for that effect has been allowed for by discounting the calculated irrigation demand to provide an estimate of the “net use” of groundwater for 4 irrigation . The appropriate discount depends on soil properties, type of irrigation system and climate but is likely to be in the range 20% to 40% (Scott, 2003). 4 Canterbury Strategic Water Study (CSWS) (Morgan et al., 2002) developed the concept of net use which takes account of the enhanced recharge that occurs when groundwater is used for irrigation i.e. Rainfall + Irrigation = Evapotranspirationirrigated + Rechargeirrigated 4 Environment Canterbury Technical Report A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains 3.4 Model calibration 3.4.1 Graphical user interfaces There are many graphical user interfaces (GUI) for MODFLOW. We have selected GW Vistas because it provides: • advanced interface for MODFLOW; • advanced PEST capability including calibration setup, assignment of observations and parameters; and • automated PEST file generation that makes PEST runs repeatable and less error prone. 3.4.2 Generation of calibration targets The method for generating and applying head targets is similar to that described in Moore & Scott (2008) with a number of modifications. Five groups of head targets are now deployed as summarised in Table 3.1. Table 3.1: 1 2 3 4 5 Summary of head targets and their primary calibration purpose Head target An average piezometric head component related to land-surface and river recharge at selected sites as derived using the eigenmodel An average piezometric component related to river recharge only at selected sites as derived using the eigenmodel Average piezometric heads at all sites with more than three groundwater level readings, and well screen and/or well depth information Head difference targets which specify the vertical hydraulic gradients between the average piezometric sites (mentioned above) Transient groundwater level data over the simulation period Primary Calibration Purpose Representing alpine river recharge Constraining hydraulic conductivity Constraining specific storage Due to the large number of available observation data and parameters, we can easily exhaust the capacity of a standard desktop computer (using a 32-bit operating system and 4 gigabits of readily accessible memory (RAM)) to hold a Jacobian matrix in RAM, we have investigated ways of compressing observation data5. This can be done in two main ways: a) Data compression; and b) Super-observations Data compression Environment Canterbury has an extensive collection of groundwater level data. The Wells Database contains nearly 1 million groundwater level readings (excluding recorder data). When we attempted to use a tenth of these data for calibrating a groundwater model, we exceeded the limits of our computing resources. The challenge was to live within our current computing resources but utilise as much of the information in the data as possible. The solution: data compression using truncated discrete cosine transform (DCT). 5 A Jacobian matrix is the matrix of sensitivities of all model outputs corresponding to observations comprising the calibration dataset to all adjustable parameters. Where sensitivities are calculated using finite parameter differences, this requires as many model runs as there are adjustable parameters for each occasion on which the Jacobian matrix is re-computed. We can generate a Jacobian matrix with more integer rows and columns than can be held in memory by a standard desktop computer. More information about the Jacobian matrix used by PEST can be found at www.pesthomepage.org Environment Canterbury Technical Report 5 A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains Groundwater level data over time form signals, and can therefore be represented as such. The DCT process linearly transforms the groundwater level data from the time domain into the frequency domain. The frequencies are then listed from lowest to highest frequency conditions which can then be truncated by the user to get rid of noise and redundant detail. The compression ratio is such that approximately 80% of the information is still present but is represented by only approximately 20% of the frequency coefficients. This is the equivalent of JPEG (image) compression. There are two significant advantages in compressing the data in this way compared to sub-sampling (taking every nth sample). First, since the noise in the data is white, removing the high-frequency signal greatly improves the signal-to-noise ratio. Second, different weights could be applied to different frequencies in the parameter estimation. For example, we might be more interested in matching the response of the groundwater system to stresses rather than fitting the average head value. This method can also be described as a smoothing method that samples the data in a more elegant way than random or regular sub-sampling (Thorley et al., 2009). Super-observations Super-observations are derived using the SUPOBSPREP utility from the PEST suite of utilities (Doherty, 2010a). This uses singular value decomposition (SVD) which describes the dependence across observations to reduce the number of observations required to calibrate the model in the same way as Super Parameters are employed in SVD-Assist. The main advantage is the reduction in size of the observation dataset in order and reduces the computing requirements. Applying SVD to the observations also helps the calibration process focus on aspects of the observation dataset that are more pertinent to finding a unique solution. 3.4.3 Regularisation Typically, it is difficult to find a unique parameter set for a groundwater model because there are many different combinations of parameters that can provide equally good fits to our measurements. Unless we provide some additional information in the calibration process it can be impossible to estimate properties like transmissivity and storage terms uniquely or at all. Including additional information into the calibration process is referred to as regularisation and can consist of prior estimates of parameters, and/or relationships between parameters (Doherty, 2010b; Doherty, 2010c). There are three frequently used types of mathematical regularisation: Tikhonov, subspace, and hybrid methods. Tikhonov regularisation uses a constrained minimisation formulation such as preferred value or preferred homogeneity. These are most useful for including geological constraints and/or “soft knowledge” about the parameter fields that being estimated. Subspace methods such as SVD determine combinations of parameters that can be estimated uniquely even though individual parameters may not be able to be able to be estimated uniquely. Hybrid methods such as SVD-assist utilise the strengths of both Tikhonov and subspace regularisation. We have utilised SVD-assist in PEST in order to reduce the run time of a calibration process, include prior information about parameters such as geology, providing a mechanism to achieve a unique solution to an ill-posed problem, and allow the calibration process to focus on the most sensitive parameters (Doherty, 2010b; Doherty, 2010c). Pilot points are assigned to the model grid on the basis of observations such that more parameters are 6 assigned to areas that contain a greater number of observation sites (Doherty, 2010b; Doherty, 2010c). The initial and preferred parameter values are assigned based on the geological model to incorporate our conceptual understanding of the aquifer structure into the calibration process. The advantage of preferred value regularisation is that fewer regularisation observations are required to implement smoothing and structural prior information in the generation of a heterogeneous field than the preferred homogeneity regularisation method7. Preferred value regularisation also allows the 6 7 6 Pilot points are the adjustable parameters at a point location that are then interpolated to form a heterogeneous parameter array. More information about pilot points can be found at www.pesthomepage.org. Preferred value regularisation in PEST will try to keep the property values as close to the preferred parameter value as possible which is user defined. If several parameters near each other have the same of similar Environment Canterbury Technical Report A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains parameter estimation process to adjust the geological boundaries imposed by the prior information more readily than preferred homogeneity which only interpolates parameter values within the geological boundaries provided by the prior information (Doherty, 2010b; Doherty, 2010c). 3.5 Parallelisation of model calibration process 3.5.1 Automated batch processing PEST evaluates many more model solutions than a manual calibration. Typically, when a model, especially a transient model, has a run time of the order of 20 minutes, then thousands of CPU processing hours are required to minimise an objective function. Given that Environment Canterbury has hundreds of computers; it makes sense for us to harness the unused capacity of the office network to complete many model runs. The general behaviour of this system is outlined in Moore & Scott (2008). In essence the system allows us to use the computers of other ECan staff members when they would otherwise be idle. Batch processing is used to deploy model runs from a “master” to “slave” computers and also to run the various processes that contribute to a PEST calibration run. An example of the batch file (enrol.bat) used to deploy the files and start a slave is provided in Appendix 4. The enrol.bat file is called by a programme that monitors the screensaver program. If the screensaver commences running, enrol.bat is called and a job will begin, until the user interrupts the process by turning off the screensaver. Batch file processing is also used on the slaves to complete the model run perturbations and return results to the master. These batch files (pestgv.bat & svdabatch.bat) are written by GW Vistas and are also included in Appendix 4. We have made a modification to the final part of the batch files to avoid the calibration stopping due to incomplete MODFLOW model runs. This may occur where parameter perturbations cause a solver convergence failure. Following the MODFLOW run, and before targpest reads out the model observations, a program called checkout reads the MODFLOW *.lst file to ensure that the final stress period is reported. This program and associated files are included in Appendix 5. If the final stress period is not found in the *.lst file, model observations of zero are delivered back to PEST. As a result PEST will see large residuals due to that particular parameter perturbation and steer clear of it. Otherwise the results of the model run are delivered via targpest to PEST for evaluation of the residuals. 3.5.2 BeoPEST Parallel PEST has been used for distributed processing of many model runs in order to reduce the elapsed time to complete a calibration run. However, the Parallel PEST system has been recently superseded by BeoPEST. We downloaded, free of charge, a beta version of BeoPEST from www.pesthomepage.org in order to evaluate this new system of distributed model calibration described in Doherty (2010d), Schreüder (2009) and Schreüder (2010). We have provided feedback to the authors of BeoPEST on what works well and what could be improved to assist with their development efforts. The following figure (Figure 3-1) depicts how BeoPEST works across an office network (from Schreüder, 2010). preferred values, then with regularization, these properties will be as homogeneous as possible. More information about regularisation in PEST can be found at www.pesthomepage.org. Environment Canterbury Technical Report 7 A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains Figure 3-1: Running BeoPEST on a homogeneous local area network (LAN) (from Schreüder, 2010) BeoPEST can also be run across the internet and on cloud computing system if required. This will increase the capability to harness more distributed computing resources for model calibration and prediction. BeoPEST has radically altered the calibration process of our groundwater model by increasing slave participation and reducing the communication time between the master and slaves that had plagued Parallel PEST. Some alterations to the distributed processing procedure have been required such as starting the BeoSlaves after the BeoMaster (which is the opposite of Parallel PEST) and using different command line protocols. Generally it has helped to streamline the process as the network folders, run management files and run instruction files (such as ppmodel.bat) are no longer needed. A BeoPEST run is generated using GW Vistas and all the files are copied over to the slaves. Few file alterations are now needed because with BeoPEST, the slaves are actually running PEST with direct communication using TCP/IP internet protocols. 3.6 Post-processing of results Most of the post-processing of model results and calibration can be completed using GW Vistas and ARCGIS. Examples of post-processing are provided in Section 4.8. Three-dimensional visualisation of model results using Leapfrog HYDRO is still under development. The aim is to be able to visualise parameter fields, groundwater flow and goodness of fit between model and field observations. We expect to make significant progress in the coming year in this area. A FORTRAN program has been written to report residuals and statistics of transient modelled and observed data. This information can be plotted in map form to show where spatial bias may be occurring in the model-measurement misfit. The code for this program (post.for) is included in Appendix 6. 8 Environment Canterbury Technical Report A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains 4 Demonstration – Central Plains example 4.1 Purpose The purpose of this section is to describe a numerical groundwater flow model that is “proof of concept” of the methodologies described previously by considering the area between the Rakaia and Waimakariri rivers (the Central Plains) where current and potential demand for groundwater for irrigation has raised concerns about the impacts on groundwater-dependent streams. In the future, we expect the model will be developed and used as a tool for evaluating water resource management options. Such options may include simulation of managed aquifer recharge scenarios or the delineation of capture zones for public supply wells or spring-fed streams. The work programme for this has yet to be determined. 4.2 Geological model A three dimensional geological model has been constructed for the Central Plains area. We have fashioned this from borehole information, geological maps and the uniformitarianism principle (the present is the key to the past). The geological model is shown in Figure 4-1 and we plan to publish a description and provide access to an interactive viewer via the Environment Canterbury website: www.ecan.govt.nz. Rakaia River N Waimakariri River Fill Riccarton Springston Bromley Linwood Christchurch Wainoni Shirley Figure 4-1: Heathcote Burwood Westerly facing view of the geological model for central Canterbury plains (labels are the geological formation names and alpine rivers in italics) The glacial, post or inter glacial formations can be seen in Figure 4-1. This shows the coastal confined deposits to be discontinuous as they pinch out a third to halfway up the Canterbury Plains. The land-based equivalents of the coastal confining units, such as the Springston Formation, can be clearly seen with the inland extents demarcated from the geological map (Forsyth et al., 2008). These formations incise into the glacial formations such as the Riccarton – Wainoni. The base of the lowest formation is assumed to be 200 m below mean sea level. Environment Canterbury Technical Report 9 A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains 4.3 Model grid The model grid is shown in Figure 4-2 and is a cut-down version of that used in Scott & Thorley (2009). The grid was generated in Leapfrog HYDRO and imported into GW Vistas. The model is aligned with the mid-reaches of the Selwyn River, is active over the Central Plains area, and has 13 layers. Figure 4-2: MODFLOW model grid extent The layer geometry is guided by major geological formations. Figure 4-3 depicts the conceptual model of the geology and shows how layer guides were applied in Leapfrog HYDRO. Layer guides are used as continuous surfaces in Leapfrog HYDRO to create layers that are continuous across the MODFLOW grid. Therefore, the position of these layer guides must be based on geological contacts that are also continuous across the model domain. The user then specifies the number of layers to be created between each layer guide. The model layers are vertically distributed equally between the layer guides. If a geological formation fills more than half of a grid cell, Leapfrog HYDRO assigns the hydraulic conductivity zone corresponding to that geological formation. This enables Leapfrog HYDRO to create complex three-dimensional hydraulic conductivity distributions, where hydrostratigtraphic units can pinch out or continue across the MODFLOW grid, and allows 10 Environment Canterbury Technical Report A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains discontinuous units like the coastal confined deposits to be assigned on the basis of zonation and layer geometry. MODFLOW layer Marine deposit Terrestrial deposit Layer guide Christchurch Springston Riccarton Bromley Bromley Gravel Linwood Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 4 Layer 5 Layer 6 Layer 7 Layer guide Heathcote Layer 8 Layer 9 Heathcote Gravel Burwood Layer 10 Layer guide Layer 11 Shirley Shirley Gravel Wainoni Layer guide Layer 12 Layer 13 Layer guide Figure 4-3: Conceptual geological model of the Central Plains and the assignment of layer guides and MODFLOW grid layers In Figure 4-3 we have applied two layers per aquitard unit (Christchurch, Bromley, Heathcote, and Shirley) because replicating vertical head gradients will be most pertinent across these units. Modelling horizontal flow is most relevant in the aquifer units (Riccarton, Linwood and Burwood) and therefore one model layer was applied. Two model layers were applied to the Wainoni as this is a composite of less distinctive aquifer and aquitard units compared to overlying units. An example of the translation of the geological model to a MODFLOW grid and hydraulic conductivity zonation is shown in Figure 4-4. Environment Canterbury Technical Report 11 A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains Figure 4-4: 12 Conceptual geological model translation to MODFLOW model Environment Canterbury Technical Report A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains Key grid statistics are shown in Table 4-1. The LAYCON variable in MODFLOW was set to 0 (confined) to prevent transmissivity changing with saturated thickness and therefore avoid dry model cells occurring. Initial heads are set equal to the topographic elevation and to zero offshore where fixed heads represent the coastal boundary. Table 4-1: Key statistics relating to model grid Grid origin (NZMG 1949) Orientation Spacing Discretisation 2383986.3392E, 5701706.0961N 335° 1000 m x 1000 m 108 rows x 106 columns x 13 layers Number of model cells 148824 Number of active cells 82498 Initially the model domain was set sufficiently wide to cover the entire Canterbury Plains area with inactive cells specified to limit the active model extent to a sub-area of the plains. This approach has been abandoned for two reasons: - Firstly, the number of inactive wells has been reduced in order to lower the transient model run time. We conducted a series of speed tests in order to optimise key settings in the MODFLOW run and found one third of the run time was shed by minimising the number of inactive cells. We believe this is due to improved or less onerous preconditioning in the Geometric Multi-Grid (GMG) solver; and - Secondly, GW Vistas allows the addition or subtraction of model cells of any shape and quantity to the margins of the model. Therefore the extent of the grid can easy be adjusted to incorporate more or less of the Canterbury Plains area as required 4.4 Temporal discretisation Both steady-state and transient models are used in the model to represent steady recharge, spatial, and temporal components of the aquifer system. This model was set up with 3 initial steady-state models and one transient model which had 460 monthly stress periods from January 1972 to April 2010. Two steady-state models are used to establish alpine river recharge from estimates of the steady-state piezometric effects of alpine river recharge and land surface recharge at 17 sites. These steady piezometric components were identified through eigenmodel analyses (Moore & Scott, 2008). The first model establishes alpine river recharge only in relation to hydraulic conductivities. The second steady-state simulation then uses the known estimates of land surface recharge to compute hydraulic conductivities and hence the absolute estimates of alpine river recharge. The third steady-state stress period is used to reproduce average hydraulic head under average recharge and pumping conditions and with the alpine river contribution as constrained by the two previous steady-state stress periods. The third steady-state stress period also acts to define starting heads for the first of 460 transient stress periods that follow. The spatial components mostly relate to the geological or resistance properties of the aquifer system such as Kx and Kz. These parameters are adjusted so as to reproduce observed hydraulic gradients between observation points. Average piezometric head and vertical hydraulic gradients are very pertinent observations when estimating heterogeneous resistance fields. Transient stress periods require storage parameters in order to reproduce time varying aquifer system responses to climate and pumping. Time series observations are most pertinent when estimating a storage parameter field. Environment Canterbury Technical Report 13 A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains 4.5 Boundary conditions The boundary conditions assigned to the model are shown in Figure 4-5 and include drains, recharging wells (alpine river), abstraction wells, streams, constant heads, and inactive cells. Figure 4-5: Boundary conditions used in the MODFLOW model The current version of the model uses recharging wells to apply alpine river recharge to the model, the stream boundary (STR) to route Upper Selwyn River inflow across the plains and into the groundwater system. Drain and constant head cells are used to represent discharge from the groundwater system such as flow to springs and the coast. 4.5.1 Recharging wells (alpine rivers) The rates of recharge applied to the model are constrained by PEST for the alpine rivers (Rakaia and Waimakariri rivers) using initial and preferred values. These are shown in Figure 4-5 and summarised in Table 4-2. Reach references are shown in Figure 4-12. 14 Environment Canterbury Technical Report A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains Table 4-2: Preferred values of average flow loss and reach references for recharging rivers Waterway/s Upper Rakaia River Lower Rakaia River Upper Waimakariri River Lower Waimakariri River Expected average flow loss 12 m3/s 21 m3/s 2 m3/s 8 m3/s Reach 1012 101 1001 100 Source Gauging Data <2010 Gauging Data <2010 Gauging Data <2010 Gauging Data <2010 Recharge from the major rivers was assumed to be evenly distributed along each reach with the two alpine rivers divided into upper and lower reaches (Waimakariri River at Halkett, and Rakaia River at the SH1 Bridge) over a total of 120 recharging wells. The main advantage of this approach is that we have estimates of the changes in flow across the alpine rivers and therefore potential losses, but not the properties of the river bed. Therefore the alpine river recharge rate can be included as prior information through preferred value regularisation. This approach also avoids the complications that non-linearity adds to the calibration process. This approach to specifying river recharge has the potential disadvantage of allowing simulated groundwater levels to rise above the true ground surface in areas adjacent to recharging rivers. In areas of the model where this proved to be an issue additional head calibration targets were added to constrain the model calibration process. Such pseudo-head observations, set at the true topographic elevation of the river, were added for the Rakaia River and the Waimakariri River. 4.5.2 Drains Drain cells are assigned to represent spring discharge from the groundwater system as shown in Figure 4-5. The stage of the drains was set equal to topographic elevation along with an arbitrarily high initial estimate of bed conductance. The initial values are used as preferred values in the regularisation component of the parameter estimation process. The target flows are discussed in Section 4.7.2. 4.5.3 Abstraction wells (analytic element) Analytic element wells are used in GW Vistas as point or vector based data like that used in GIS. This means that each element is stored in GW Vistas as an individual well and pumping record rather than as a combined flux for a model cell. The total pumping load assigned to a model cell from all the analytic wells assigned to a model cell are summed and assigned during model translation. We imported 4016 pumping wells into the model each with a simulated pumping history. Not all of the wells will have been pumping over the same time periods but will represent the gradual increase in irrigation demand met by groundwater abstractions based on the rate of resource consent grants/renewals since 1972. A plot of the simulated pumping demand is shown in Figure 4-6. In order to account for irrigation return water and actual use, 60% of the estimated demand was applied to the model. Environment Canterbury Technical Report 15 A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains 200 Pumping demand (million cubic metres) 150 100 50 Figure 4-6: 4.5.4 Jan-10 Jan-09 Jan-08 Jan-07 Jan-06 Jan-05 Jan-04 Jan-03 Jan-02 Jan-01 Jan-00 Jan-99 Jan-98 Jan-97 Jan-96 Jan-95 Jan-94 Jan-93 Jan-92 Jan-91 Jan-90 Jan-89 Jan-88 Jan-87 Jan-86 Jan-85 Jan-84 Jan-83 Jan-82 Jan-81 Jan-80 Jan-79 Jan-78 Jan-77 Jan-76 Jan-75 Jan-74 Jan-73 Jan-72 0 Estimated total pumping demand over the simulation period Streams The upper Selwyn River and tributaries are simulated using the Stream Package in MODFLOW. The result is shown in Figure 4-5 (above). Base flow derived from the Whitecliffs recorder is routed down the upper Selwyn River. Manning’s roughness has been set at 0.035, the value used in recent river modelling work (Aurecom, 2009). The bed conductance parameter, which controls the rate of loss to the groundwater system from the stream, will be adjusted during the calibration process. Average flows were used for the steady-state stress periods as were the inflows to the Hororata and Waianiwaniwa rivers. We plan to use more refined runoff records for the upper Selwyn River and tributaries in the future as more information becomes available. 4.5.5 Constant heads Constant head cells are applied across the marine areas of the model. Constant head cells are applied to layers one through three so that the aquifer system’s discharge to the sea is predominantly via the Riccarton unit. The position of the constant head cells are also shown in Figure 4-5 (above). The assignment of constant head cells over the offshore area aims to simulate the saltwater boundary. 4.5.6 Inactive cells The limits of the active model domain are illustrated in Figure 4-5. Bedrock outcropping to the west of the Canterbury Plains alluvium has been assigned as inactive cells. Unconsolidated deposits to the north of the Waimakariri River and to the south of the Rakaia River have been excluded along regional groundwater flow divides. 16 Environment Canterbury Technical Report A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains 4.6 Land-surface recharge Land-surface recharge (LSR) has been estimated using a soil moisture model which determines drainage through the soil profile. Daily rainfall and potential evapotranspiration data for the soil moisture model have been obtained on a 0.05º latitude-longitude grid from NIWA’s virtual climate network. Daily water budget calculations have been carried out for the 1972-2010 period, for each 1 km2 model cell. The soil water holding capacity has been determined using the average Profile Available Water (PAW) from the Environment Canterbury’s GIS Combined Soils layer as shown in Figure 4-7. Figure 4-7: Weighted spatial averages of soil properties used to model land-surface recharge over the model area Environment Canterbury Technical Report 17 A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains 4.7 Model calibration 4.7.1 Head targets Five groups of head targets were included in the calibration process following the strategy for assigning target/observation groups outlined Section 3.4 and Table 3.1. Group 1 Group 1 comprised steady-state piezometric head estimates determined using eigenmodel analyses (Moore & Scott, 2008) under average dry land LSR conditions at 17 sites (Figure 4-8). These sites were selected based on the length of record and the representativeness of the system dynamics and are the same sites used in Moore & Scott (2008) for the Central Plains area. This group of targets was applied to steady-state simulation number 1. Figure 4-8: Location of Group 1 & 2 head targets which are derived from eigenmodel analyses Group 2 Group 2 uses the same sites as Group 1; however, the observation is the “steady” river recharge component within the piezometric head signal. No LSR is applied to the model in this steady-state stress period. By removing the LSR component, the model is forced to adjust the alpine river 18 Environment Canterbury Technical Report A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains contribution to fit to these Group 2 targets. The observations for Groups 1 and 2 are summarised in Table 3.1. Group 2 observations were applied to steady-state simulation number 2. Group 3 Average piezometric head provides a representation over the greatest number of sites of the three dimensional flow fields within the groundwater system. Fourteen hundred and thirty-five sites were utilised to represent the long-term system-wide piezometric head distribution and comprised those wells with three or more readings (Figure 4-9). The targets were applied to steady-state stress period number 3, with average LSR (dryland) applied. Steady-state stress period 1 is included as preconditioning for the second steady-state stress period simulation. The third steady-state stress period provides the starting heads for the subsequent transient simulation. Figure 4-9: Location of Group 3 head targets which represent average piezometric head Targets of river stage for each model cell representing a river (alpine rivers and the upper Selwyn River only) were also included in this group. These were derived from the digital elevation model (DEM) using GIS. Group 4 Group 4 targets are vertical head differences between those Group 3 sites that are within 500 metres of each other and in different model layers. These head difference targets are generated in GW Vistas. Head difference targets help PEST find a solution that matches head, but also represents the Environment Canterbury Technical Report 19 A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains hydraulic gradients across model layers. This head target group is applied to steady-state stress period 3 and contains 732 sites. The head difference targets are shown in Figure 4-10. Figure 4-10: Location of Group 4 head targets which are the vertical differences in head between sites located within 500 m of each other Group 5 Group 5 contains the time-series head data used for the transient calibration of the model. Just over 37,000 data points from approximately 833 sites were used in this group (Figure 4-11). Only sites which had more than 12 consecutive monthly readings were accepted. Data collected at finer temporal frequencies were sub-sampled using the DCT method described in Section 3.4.2. We started with just over 500,000 data points and sampled at 60-day intervals in order to create an observation dataset that can be handled using a 32-bit operating system. 20 Environment Canterbury Technical Report A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains Figure 4-11: Location of Group 5 head targets which are sites containing time series groundwater level data Environment Canterbury Technical Report 21 A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains 4.7.2 Flux targets Twenty-eight waterways were grouped into 14 model reaches represented by 439 drain cells as shown in Figure 4-12. Estimates of average flow derived from the available literature and from Environment Canterbury databases are listed in Table 4-3. The expected groundwater discharge for each reach was established by evenly distributing the flow over the number of cells for the particular waterway. Table 4-3 Expected average flows and waterway/reach references for groundwater dependent water bodies Expected average flow Reach No. of cells Reference 3 m3/s 53 12 Environment Canterbury database - gauging 1.6 m3/s 45 27 Environment Canterbury database – gauging & recorder 1.8 m3/s 1 30 Environment Canterbury database - gauging Heathcote River 1 m3/s 20 19 Halswell River Halswell Canal 1 m3/s 17 39 1.9 m3/s 29 10 3 1 m /s 14 169 Ettema & Moore (1995) 3 m3/s 55 39 Clausen & Horrell (2007) 0.7 m3/s 23 12 Clausen & Horrell (2007) 3 1.5 m /s 13 32 Clausen & Horrell (2007) 1.5 m /s 19 19 Clausen & Horrell (2007) 0.2 m3/s 48 11 Clausen & Horrell (2007) 3 3 m /s 30 13 0.5 m3/s 24 10 Waterway/s South Branch Waimakariri River /Otukaikino Kaputone Creek Styx River Avon River/Ōtakaro Estuary of the Heathcote and Avon rivers/Ihutai LII River Lake Ellesmere/Te Waihora Miles Drain McGraths Stream Silverstream Lower Selwyn River/Waikirikiri Irwell River Hanmer Road Drain Boggy Creek Doyleston Drain Tramway Reserve Drain Nairns Drain Birdlings Brook Harts Creek Parkin Drain Waikekewai-Taumutu Creek Lee River Tentburn Stream Jollies Brook Cryers Creek 22 3 Environment Canterbury database - gauging Clausen & Horrell (2007) Clausen & Horrell (2007) Environment Canterbury database - gauging Environment Canterbury database - gauging Environment Canterbury Technical Report A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains Figure 4-12: Boundary condition reaches or groups. Waterways are represented by groups of boundary cells demarcated by the common reach references i.e. the number 14 represents Lake Ellesmere/Te Waihora 4.7.3 Weighting of observation groups Due to the differing number and nature (flow and head) of the observation groups, the groups were weighted to evenly balance the composite sensitivities. Without a weighting strategy, PEST is likely to focus too much effort on the flow targets, due to the magnitude of the flow (m3) versus the magnitude of head targets. We used the PWTADJ1 utility, from the PEST suite of utilities, to ensure each head observation group and the flux observation group contributed equally to the objective function. 4.7.4 Hydraulic conductivity The zones of hydraulic conductivity created with Leapfrog HYDRO were used to assign preferred and initial values for the pilot points. Pilot points for Kx, Ky, and Kz were applied to each model layer. These were assigned on the basis of observation data and ensured a pilot point is assigned no less than 3 km apart and in gaps no greater than 10 km. One thousand and seventy-nine (Kx and Ky) pilot points were used and assigned mid-way between triplets of observations in each layer (Figure 4-13). Environment Canterbury Technical Report 23 A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains Figure 4-13: Location of Kx and Ky pilot points Vertical hydraulic conductivity (Kz) pilot points were assigned at the actual head observation locations. This method is recommended for reproducing vertical gradients across model layers. In total, nine hundred and thirty Kz pilot points were assigned (Figure 4-14). These were assigned on the basis of observation data and ensured a pilot point is assigned no less than 3 km apart and in gaps no greater than 10 km. 24 Environment Canterbury Technical Report A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains Figure 4-14: Location of Kz pilot points 4.7.5 Specific storage (Ss) Eight hundred and thirty pilot points were used and assigned at the transient observation sites. Pilot points were assigned no less than 3 km apart and in gaps no greater than 10 km. These are shown in Figure 4-15, for all layers. An initial and preferred value of Ss=0.01 was assigned to all pilot points and did not use the geological pre-conditioning as used for the hydraulic conductivity pilot points. Another approach would be to use one value for the “unconfined” Layer 1, and another “confined” value for the other layers. The geological preconditioning of hydraulic conductivities was not used for the preconditioning of storage parameters. Environment Canterbury Technical Report 25 A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains Figure 4-15: Location of specific storage pilot points 4.7.6 Super parameters A total of 2,881 parameters were assigned to the parameter estimation problem. Given the large number of parameters and the possibility of parameter insensitivity, super parameters were employed using SVD-Assist (a method in PEST). Ten to twenty percent of the base parameters were used as a guide for the number of super parameters resulting in 288 being assigned. At the completion of each calibration run the base parameter sensitivities were re-tested and the weights of the super parameters readjusted. This adjustment is usually done two or three times or until little more can be gained in the reduction of the objective function. The current run used 288 super parameters in the first calibration run (10% of base parameters) which resulted in the model reaching a more realistic initial condition. During the second iteration we increased the number of super parameters to 576 (20% of base parameters) in order to allow a greater degree of detail in the calibrated parameter fields and boundary conditions when PEST is fitting the model and observed data. 26 Environment Canterbury Technical Report A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains 4.8 Results This Section describes the results of a model calibration run to illustrate what can be achieved via the methodologies described throughout preceding Sections of this report. Estimated hydraulic conductivity and specific storage fields are presented with accompanying analyses of the model misfit and uncertainty. The performance of the model is summarised in terms of residuals between observed and simulated heads, and flows. Spatial bias of modelled to measured residuals is also illustrated. The following figures (Figure 4-16, Figure 4-17 and Figure 4-18) show estimates of Kx, Kz, and Ss parameter fields respectively for each of the thirteen layers of the model. The parameter fields were exported from GW Vistas and plotted in GIS. Environment Canterbury Technical Report 27 A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains Figure 4-16: Calibrated horizontal hydraulic conductivity (Kx) distribution for each model layer (m/day) Environment Canterbury Technical Report 28 A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains Figure 4-17: Calibrated vertical hydraulic conductivity (Kz) distribution for each model layer (m/day) 29 Environment Canterbury Technical Report A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains Figure 4-18: Calibrated specific storage (SS) distribution for each model layer Environment Canterbury Technical Report 30 A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains Figure 4-19 shows the modelled versus observed values of piezometric head. These data are from head targets Groups 1 to 5 and give an indication of model to measurement misfit. Figure 4-20 compares modelled and observed data over the transient simulation period for a single monitoring site. We expect to improve the fit of the modelled and measured heads in the coming months. Layer 1 409.5 Layer 2 Layer 3 327.6 Model Value Layer 4 Layer 5 245.7 Layer 6 Layer 7 163.8 Layer 8 Layer 9 81.9 Layer 10 Layer 11 0.0 0.0 81.9 163.8 245.7 327.6 409.5 Layer 12 Observed Value Figure 4-19: Scatter plot of modelled versus measured hydraulic head (m) Observed 5.1 Piezometric head (masl) Computed 4.8 4.4 4.1 3.8 3.5 1.0 2801.4 5601.8 8402.2 11202.6 14003.0 Time (days past 1/1/1972) Figure 4-20: Plot of modelled versus observed transient piezometric head at well M35/5144 Environment Canterbury Technical Report 31 A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains Alpine river recharge was estimated (summarised in Table 4-4) on the basis of eigenmodel derived piezometric observations. Some reaches are showing very encouraging results and agreement with measured flow changes across these rivers. Table 4-4: Expected versus modelled flow and reach references for recharging alpine rivers Waterway/s Upper Rakaia River Lower Rakaia River Upper Waimakariri River Lower Waimakariri River Expected average flow loss ~12 m3/s ~21 m3/s ~2 m3/s ~8 m3/s Reach Modelled flow loss 1012 101 1001 100 ~15 m3/s ~3 m3/s ~9 m3/s ~15 m3/s Spring-fed stream flows were represented by drain cells in the MODFLOW model. Gauging data were included as calibration targets for modelled flow into the drain cells. Figure 4-21 shows a scatter plot of all modelled flows over the observed values. This shows the modelled and observed data fit can be improved. However the distribution of residuals is centred and not overly skewed. A plot of modelled and observed data from a water body over the simulation period is shown in Figure 4-22. g 0 Model Value -127510 -255020 -382530 -510040 -637550 -637550 -510040 -382530 -255020 -127510 0 Observed Value Figure 4-21: Scatter plot of modelled versus measured drain boundary and spring-fed stream flow (m3/day) 32 Environment Canterbury Technical Report Groundwater flux (cubic metres) A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains -9170 Observed -37024 Computed -64879 -92733 -120587 -148441 -176295 -204149 -232004 -259858 -287712 1 1401 2801 4202 5602 7002 8402 9802 11203 12603 14003 Time (days past 1/1/1972) Figure 4-22: Plot of modelled and observed transient stream flow from the groundwater system into Harts Creek and Birdlings Brook (m3/day) Figure 4-23 shows a map of the root mean square of the modelled and observed residuals which is calculated over the transient simulation period. This provides an indication of spatial bias in the calibration process and/or where efforts to improve model performance are most or least required. Environment Canterbury Technical Report 33 A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains Figure 4-23: Map of modelled and observed transient hydraulic head root mean squared residuals Figure 4-24 shows a map of simulated piezometric contours in the last transient stress period (463). The warping of the piezometric contours reflects the influence of the boundary conditions such as the Selwyn River/Waikirikiri in combination with the estimated parameter fields such as hydraulic conductivity. This shows simulated groundwater flow directions are reflecting observed patterns of groundwater flow. 34 Environment Canterbury Technical Report A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains Figure 4-24: Map of the simulated piezometric contours 5 Model development and future applications Many of the tasks outlined in this report were identified as tasks in Moore & Scott (2008). The major milestones that the modelling project has achieved are as follows: 1. refinement of spring-fed stream definition – more gauging information is now incorporated and a base flow record for the lower Selwyn River/Waikirikiri has been used as a flow target. Work is currently underway to improve the synthetic flow records for the Lake Ellesmere/Te Waihora tributaries; 2. refinement of layer definitions – this has been achieved through the application of the ARANZ Leapfrog HYDRO tool; 3. definition of transient pumping regime – this component has developed but will improve as water use data becomes more readily available; 4. refinement of recharge estimates – this is an ongoing process and irrigated land recharge remains a challenge due to the lack of water use data and irrigated land use data; 5. incorporate model in Groundwater Vistas Graphical User Interface – this has been completed; 6. refinement of coastal boundary consideration – we have yet to make progress with this aspect; 7. further consideration of aquifer property variability – some progress has been made but is very reliant on aquifer test information, which is an ongoing data collection issue; Environment Canterbury Technical Report 35 A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains 8. sub-model integration – the modelling project team has shifted focus to sub-regional models because modelling a smaller area well is preferred to spreading computing resources thinly over a larger area. Sub-regional models can be joined at a later date if required; and 9. improving the measured and modelled fit of heads and spring-fed stream flows. While the numerical model and calibration system still require refinement, we are now at a stage in the project where the model is ready to use for resource evaluations. The modelling project team will be seeking to support Environment Canterbury work programmes with the numerical model. 6 Conclusions The methodologies and example case outlined in this report demonstrate how to conceive and calibrate a numerical flow model of part of the Canterbury Plains while acknowledging uncertainty. The methods require significant computing resources and we are continuing to add to the distributed networking system as new machines replace older ones. Details of the methodologies are presented in appendices 1 to 6. Continuing development is required to maintain and enhance the modelling capabilities within Environment Canterbury. Application of the model to particular areas and issues is expected to be a major work component for the modelling project. 7 Acknowledgements This project is being carried out by the Groundwater Resources Section of the Investigations and Monitoring Group. Several members of the Groundwater Resources Section have contributed to the development of the modelling methodology described in the report. Matt Smith and Jamie Glass have collaborated on the development of the programs which control the distributed networking system. Nicola Wilson has conducted many of the database queries. External consultants have also assisted: Catherine Moore of Environmental Science and Research (ESR) with PEST methodology; Marcos Van Dam and Richard Lane from Applied Research Associates New Zealand (ARANZ) with ongoing collaboration efforts in developing Leapfrog HYDRO and writing the data compression (DCT) utility. We would also like to acknowledge the very helpful and valuable support and software provided by Jim Rumbaugh of Environmental Simulations Inc, John Doherty of Watermark Numerical Computing, and Willem Schreüder of Principia Mathematica. Dr Vince Bidwell peer reviewed this report and the authors would like to thank him for his constructive criticism. 36 Environment Canterbury Technical Report A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains 8 References Aurecom 2009. Selwyn River hydraulic modelling. Reference 43451-001. Final Report for Environment Canterbury. Clausen, B & G Horrell 2007: Estimation of daily flows in Lake Ellesmere tributaries (1 April 1991 – 31 December 2006). Environment Canterbury Technical Report U07/85. ISBN: 978-1-86937-736-6. Doherty, J 2010a. Groundwater Support Software – Groundwater Data Utilities. Watermark Numeric. Watermark Numeric. Document can be found via the following website address: http://www.pesthomepage.org/Downloads.php Doherty, J 2010b. PEST Model Independent Parameter Estimation User Manual: 5th Edition. Watermark Numeric. Document can be found via the following website address: http://www.pesthomepage.org/Downloads.php Doherty, J 2010c. Addendum to the PEST manual. Watermark Numeric. Document can be found via the following website address: http://www.pesthomepage.org/Downloads.php Doherty, J 2010d. Documentation for Windows BeoPEST. Watermark Numeric. Document can be found via the following website address: http://www.pesthomepage.org/Downloads.php Ettema, M & C Moore 1995: Seepage in Lake Ellesmere. Environment Canterbury Technical Report U95/18. Forsyth, PJ, DJA Barrell and R Jongens (compilers) 2008. Geology of the Christchurch area. Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences 1:250 000 geological map 16. 1 sheet + 67 p. Lower Hutt, New Zealand. GNS Science. Prudic, DE Documentation of a computer program to simulate stream-aquifer relations using a modular, finite-difference, ground-water flow model. Open file report 88-729. U.S. Geological Survey. Carson City, Nevada. Moore, C & DM Scott 2008. Canterbury Plains regional groundwater model: Progress report to February 2008. Environment Canterbury unpublished technical report U08/05. ISBN 978-1-86937-771-1. Schreüder, W 2009. Running BeoPEST. Principia Mathematica. Document can be found via the following website address: http://www.prinmath.com/ Schreüder, W 2010. BeoPEST Programmer’s Documentation. Principia Mathematica. Document can be found via the following website address: http://www.prinmath.com/ Scott, DM 2003. Net use of groundwater for irrigation: a review of the concept. Canterbury unpublished technical report U04/53, 31pp. Environment Scott, DM & C Moore 2008. Canterbury Plains regional groundwater model: Project overview. Environment Canterbury unpublished technical report U08/20. ISBN 978-1-86937-801-1. Scott, DM & MJ Thorley 2009. Steady-state groundwater models of the area between the Rakaia and Waimakariri rivers. Environment Canterbury report R09/20. ISBN 978-1-86937-940-7. Thorley, MJ, DM Scott, M van Dam and R Lane 2009. JPEG- like compression in model calibration. Abstract and presentation at The New Zealand Hydrological & Freshwater Sciences Societies Joint Conference. Whangarei, NZ. Environment Canterbury Technical Report 37 A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains APPENDIX 1: Wells Database Query report for geological model building Procedure for preparing Wells data for Leapfrog HYDRO David Scott 18 February 2010 1) Select wells using ArcMap 2) Export table of selected wells Creates a dbf file including all fields 3) Update Well input.xls on O:\Software\Wells Database\ARANZ Paste well_no column from dbf file of selected wells NB: This is used to provide the selection criteria in Access Do not delete Wells input.xls since that will remove the link used Access query which generates the table of strata data in the 4) Open Aranz Hydro.mdb O:\Software\Wells Database\ARANZ 4.1) Click on the Well details button on the Startup form This runs a query to create table of wells & details st 1 four columns containing: Well_no 38 Environment Canterbury Technical Report A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains Grid_east Grid_north QAR code Plus other fields of interest Query details are described in Appendix A (NB wells with depth < 3 m are excluded!) 4.2) Export to well_detail_selection.txt Select the following options: Field delimiter {tab} Text qualifier {none} include field name 4.3) Select Strata data button on the Startup form This runs a query and creates table of wells/depths/strata Query details are described in Appendix B 4.4) Export to strata_data.txt Select the following options: Field delimiter {tab} Text qualifier {none} include field name 5) Open well_detail_selection.txt in Excel and sort by: Strata (descending) QAR_CODE(ascending) Save as well_detail_selection_sorted.txt NB: This sorting is intended to ensure that coordinate adjustments are applied to those wells with the least available strata information and to those with the least reliable location information. If you plan to use the Max_WL and/or Min_WL attributes check whether these include flags such as -999 (dry well) or 999 ( 6) Run resolve_coincident_wells.exe (Fortran program in Appendix C) Prompts for name of collar file Respond with well_detail_selection_sorted Reads: well_detail_selection_sorted.txt Writes: well_detail_selection_sorted.out well_detail_selection_sorted.dup (list of coinciding wells) 7) Run screens_from_collar_file Python script in Appendix D operates on C:\Projects\screens Reads: well_detail_selection_sorted.out Writes: screens.csv 8) Run Leapfrog HYDRO Create new project Import boreholes Collar: Well_detail_selection_sorted.out Environment Canterbury Technical Report 39 A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains Interval Tables: Strata_data.txt Screens: Screens.csv Select fields from collars file - Hole ID, X, Y, Elev(z) Select fields from strata data – Hole Id, From, To, Lithology, Test 40 Environment Canterbury Technical Report A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains Select fields from screens.csv – Hole Id, From, To Potential errors & warnings during import process Collars Errors: Non-numeric values Warnings: Errors in unused collars, Collar has no samples Strata data Errors: Non-numeric values, Hole ID not in collar table From depth >= to depth, Overlapping segments Screens Errors: Overlapping segments NB Errors can be exported to *.csv files for inspection & resolution Environment Canterbury Technical Report 41 A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains View of imported borehole data. 42 Environment Canterbury Technical Report A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains Appendix A: Well detail selection query Query can be ammended by switching to query view mode. O:\Software\Wells Database\ARANZ\Aranz Earth Research.mdb Query: Well detail selection Properties DateCreated: DOL: GUID: MaxRecords: OrderBy: Orientation: RecordsAffected: ReturnsRecords: Updatable: 9/07/2009 5:35:02 p.m. Long binary data {guid {58068FCC-BCC2-4EAEB28F-F51D83381A9E}} 0 [Well detail selection].GL_amsl Left-to-Right 0 True True Friday, 25 September 2009 Page: 1 DefaultView: FrozenColumns: LastUpdated: Datasheet 1 24/07/2009 4:48:50 p.m. ODBCTimeout: OrderByOn: RecordLocks: RecordsetType: Type: 60 True No Locks Dynaset 0 SQL SELECT dbo_WELL_DETAILS.WELL_NO, dbo_WELL_DETAILS.GRID_EAST, dbo_WELL_DETAILS.GRID_NORTH, dbo_WELL_DETAILS.QAR_CODE, dbo_WELL_DETAILS.REFERENCE_RL, dbo_WELL_DETAILS.QAR_RL, IIf(IsNull(dbo_WELL_DETAILS!GROUND_RL),dbo_WELL_DETAILS!REFERENCE_RL,dbo_WELL_DETAILS!GROU ND_RL+dbo_WELL_DETAILS!REFERENCE_RL) AS GL_amsl, dbo_WELL_DETAILS.DEPTH, dbo_WELL_DETAILS.Strata, dbo_WELL_DETAILS.TOP_SCREEN_1, dbo_WELL_DETAILS.BOTTOM_SCREEN_1, dbo_WELL_DETAILS.TOP_SCREEN_2, dbo_WELL_DETAILS.BOTTOM_SCREEN_2, dbo_WELL_DETAILS.TOP_SCREEN_3, dbo_WELL_DETAILS.BOTTOM_SCREEN_3, dbo_WELL_DETAILS.SpecificCapacity, dbo_WELL_DETAILS!Highest_Water_Level+dbo_WELL_DETAILS!REFERENCE_RL AS Max_WL, dbo_WELL_DETAILS!Lowest_Water_Level+dbo_WELL_DETAILS!REFERENCE_RL AS Min_WL FROM dbo_WELL_DETAILS INNER JOIN [Well Input] ON dbo_WELL_DETAILS.WELL_NO = [Well Input].WELL_NO WHERE (((dbo_WELL_DETAILS.DEPTH)>3) AND ((dbo_WELL_DETAILS.Well_Status) Not Like "P*" And (dbo_WELL_DETAILS.Well_Status)<>"ni" And (dbo_WELL_DETAILS.Well_Status)<>"ND")); Environment Canterbury Technical Report 43 A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains Appendix B: Strata data query Query can be ammended by switching to query view mode. O:\Software\Wells Database\ARANZ\Copy of Aranz Earth Research.mdb Query: Strata Data Properties DateCreated: DOL: 9/07/2009 5:36:59 p.m. Long binary data DefaultView: GUID: LastUpdated: ODBCTimeout: Orientation: RecordsAffected: ReturnsRecords: Updatable: 25/09/2009 11:29:35 a.m. 60 Left-to-Right 0 True True MaxRecords: OrderByOn: RecordLocks: RecordsetType: Type: Friday, 25 September 2009 Page: 1 Datasheet {guid {8A7E2AB0-8C06-4B25902E-ED10B2934CE4}} 0 False No Locks Dynaset 0 SQL SELECT dbo_STRATA_DATA.WELL_NO, -1*[DepthFrom] AS Expr1, -1*[DEPTH] AS Expr2, dbo_STRATA_DATA.STRATA_CODE, dbo_STRATA_DATA.LITHOLOGY_CODE, dbo_STRATA_DATA.STRATA_DESCRIPT FROM dbo_STRATA_DATA INNER JOIN [Well Input] ON dbo_STRATA_DATA.WELL_NO = [Well Input].WELL_NO ORDER BY dbo_STRATA_DATA.WELL_NO, -1*[DepthFrom]; 44 Environment Canterbury Technical Report A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains Appendix C: Fortran source code to resolve coincident wells c This program reads tab delimited output from the Wells database, identifies wells with c coincident co-ordinates, assigns offset coordinates to eliminate co-incident locations c and rewrites the file with the trailing information intact. c c The first four attributes listed for each well must be as follows: c - well_no (8 or 9 character field) c - grid_east (7 character field) c - grid north (7 character field) c - qar_code (1 character field) c c The program is dimensioned to cater for up to 50000 wells - an error message is displayed c if this limit is exceeded. The location of the first four horizontal tab characters is c determined in order to extract the grid coordinates. If the 1st tab is not in position 9 c or 10 an error message is displayed warning of a format error. c c Note: c To ensure that coordinate adjustments are made to those wells with the least available c information the records should be sorted by stratacode count (descending) and qar_code (ascending). c c David Scott c 14 July 2009 c c Modifications c - redimensioned & additional comment added 25 September 2009 character*512 character*32 character*25 character*9 character*7 character*1 integer integer*4 logical*1 line file_in patch well(50000) string ht tab(4) x, y, east(50000), north(50000), qar(50000) coincidence max = 50000 num = 1 ht = ' ' write(*,*) 'Enter name of collars file: ' read(*,*) file_in open(10,charnb(file_in)//'.txt') open(11,charnb(file_in)//'.out') open(12,charnb(file_in)//'.dup') read(10,1) line 1 format(a) write(11,1) charnb(line) the output file ! horizontal tab character ! rewrite the header to 2 read(10,1,end=99) line coincidence = .false. c........locate the first four tabs tab(1) = 0 tab(2) = 0 tab(3) = 0 tab(4) = 0 j = 1 do i = 1,512 if(line(i:i) .eq. ' ') then tab(j) = i j = j + 1 endif if(j .gt. 4) go to 3 end do c........extract the coordinates 3 read(line(1:tab(1)-1),4) well(num) 4 format(a) read(line(tab(1)+1:tab(2)-1),*) x Environment Canterbury Technical Report 45 A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains read(line(tab(2)+1:tab(3)-1),*) y read(line(tab(3)+1:tab(4)-1),*) qar(num) c........test for coincidence if(num .eq. 1) then east(num) = x north(num) = y else 5 do i = 1,num - 1 if(x .eq. east(i) .and. y .eq. north(i)) then coincidence = .true. write(12,*) well(num),' ',well(i) file x = x + 1 y = y + 1 go to 5 consequent coincidence endif end do east(num) = x north(num) = y endif ! coincidence ! record coincident wells in *.dup ! reset to guard against c........update line for coincident wells if( coincidence) then if(tab(1) .eq. 9) then ! cater for 4 digit well numbers (i.e. tab in position 9) write(patch,6) well(num),ht,east(num),ht,north(num) 6 format(a8,a1,i7,a1,i7) npatch = 24 elseif(tab(1) .eq. 10) then ! cater for 5 digit well numbers (i.e. tab in position 10) write(patch,7) well(num),ht,east(num),ht,north(num) 7 format(a9,a1,i7,a1,i7) npatch = 25 else ! tab not in position 9 or 10 something is wrong with input write(*,*) 'format error for well ', well(num) endif do i = 1,npatch ! patch the line with adjusted east & north coordinates line(i:i) = patch(i:i) end do endif c........write line to output file write(11,1) charnb(line) num = num + 1 if(num .gt. max) then write(*,*) 'num > max' go to 99 endif go to 2 99 stop end 46 Environment Canterbury Technical Report A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains Appendix D Python script to extract screen information from well details ## read the collar file and output the screens input_filename=r'C:\Projects\screens\Well_detail_selection.txt' output_filename=r'C:\Projects\screens\screens.csv' import FastRBF, Numeric import csv dialect=csv.excel dialect.lineterminator='\n' f=open(output_filename, 'w') dataWriter = csv.writer(f, delimiter=',',dialect=dialect) dataWriter.writerow(["well id","from","to"]) input_file=open(input_filename) fileReader = csv.reader(input_file, delimiter='\t') for idx,row in enumerate(fileReader): if (idx > 0): WELL_NO,GRID_EAST,GRID_NORTH,QAR_CODE,REFERENCE_RL,QAR_RL,Expr1, DEPTH,Strata,TOP_SCREEN_1,BOTTOM_SCREEN_1,TOP_SCREEN_2,BOTTOM_SCREEN_2,TOP_SCREEN_3,BOTTOM_SCR EEN_3,SpecificCapacity,Highest_Water_Level,Lowest_Water_Level=row TOP_SCREEN_1=TOP_SCREEN_1.rstrip() BOTTOM_SCREEN_1=BOTTOM_SCREEN_1.rstrip() TOP_SCREEN_2=TOP_SCREEN_2.rstrip() BOTTOM_SCREEN_2=BOTTOM_SCREEN_2.rstrip() TOP_SCREEN_3=TOP_SCREEN_3.rstrip() BOTTOM_SCREEN_3=BOTTOM_SCREEN_3.rstrip() if TOP_SCREEN_1 != '' and BOTTOM_SCREEN_1 != '': dataWriter.writerow([WELL_NO,TOP_SCREEN_1,BOTTOM_SCREEN_1]) if TOP_SCREEN_2 != '' and BOTTOM_SCREEN_2 != '': dataWriter.writerow([WELL_NO,TOP_SCREEN_2,BOTTOM_SCREEN_2]) if TOP_SCREEN_3 != '' and BOTTOM_SCREEN_3 != '': dataWriter.writerow([WELL_NO,TOP_SCREEN_3,BOTTOM_SCREEN_3]) f.close() Environment Canterbury Technical Report 47 A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains APPENDIX 2: FORTRAN code for calculation of monthly recharge c c c c c c CP model 108 rows x 106 columns 19720101 start climate data read from *.lst files averages written as separate model input recharge written in MODFLOW2000 format DMS 3 June 2010 implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension x(200,200), y(200,200), paw(200,200), * j0(200,200), k0(200,200), w_rain(200,200), * recharge(200,200), rain(31), pet(31), total(200,200) real*8 lat, long integer*4 date, yyyymmdd, lastdate integer cellid, yyyy, dd, daysinmonth, row, col logical first, exists character*132 line, file_in, data_directory character*9 fmtin character*7 climate data_directory = "C:\TEMP\vcs\" nrow = 108 ncol = 106 do j = 1,ncol do k = 1,nrow total(k,j) paw(k,j) x(k,j) y(k,j) end do end do ! CP model ! initialise arrays = = = = 0.0 -999.0 -1e30 -1e30 open(15,'recharge.dat') open(16,'total_recharge.dat') nrchop = 3 active cell irchcb = 51 cell flow terms will be written inrech = 1 fluxes inirch = 1 locat = 18 cnstnt = 1.0 fmtin = '(10e12.4)' iprn = -1 factor = 1.0/30.44/1000.0 day write(15,2) 2 format('# MODFLOW2000 Recharge Package') write(15,3) 3 format('PARAMETER 0') write(15,1) nrchop, irchcb 1 format(2i10) ! total recharge per cell ! flag unread paw values ! ! ! recharge unit applied number layer to variable to highest which cell-by- of recharge ! only read if nrchop=2 ! mm per month => m per c.......read the grid cell details open(10,'grid_paw.csv') read(10,*) line ! ignore header i = 1 10 read(10,*,end=20) row, col, x(row,col), y(row,col), pawavg paw(row,col) = 0.67*pawavg w_rain(row,col) = paw(row,col) ! start fully saturated i = i + 1 go to 10 20 imax = i - 1 write( *,*) imax, 'grid_cell details read' 48 Environment Canterbury Technical Report A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains c.......relate model grid cells to virtual climate stations inquire(file='recharge.dbg',exist=exists) if( exists ) then ! assign vcs from saved file write(*,*) 'Assigning vcs to grid from saved file' open(17,'recharge.dbg') do j = 1,ncol do k = 1,nrow read(17,*) ks, js, pawkj, j1, k1 if(j .ne. js .or. k .ne. ks) then ! incompatible saved file write(*,*) 'recharge.dbg incompatible' go to 99 else j0(k,j) = j1 k0(k,j) = k1 endif end do end do close(17) else ! create new assignment open(17,'recharge.dbg') write(*,*) 'Calculating vcs grid assignments' do j = 1,ncol write(*,*) j do k = 1,nrow j0(k,j) = 999 k0(k,j) = 999 distance = 1e6 if(paw(k,j) .gt. 0) then ! skip grid cells with paw >= 0 open(11,'coords.prn') 30 read(11,*,end=31) x1, y1, j1, k1 write(climate,41) j1, k1 c write(*,*) k, j, climate file_in = charnb(data_directory)//charnb(climate)//'.lst' inquire(file=file_in,exist=exists) if( .not. exists ) then c write(*,*) k, j, x1, y1, j1, k1, file_in go to 30 endif r = ((x1 - x(k,j))/1000.0)**2 + ((y1 - y(k,j))/1000.0)**2 if(r .lt. distance) then distance = r j0(k,j) = j1 k0(k,j) = k1 endif go to 30 endif 31 close(11) write(17,*) k, j, paw(k,j), j0(k,j), k0(k,j), distance end do end do close(17) endif write( *,*) 'Virtual climate stations assigned to model grid' c.......now step j0old = k0old = yyyymmdd = icount = through the daily time steps 0 0 19720101 0 40 total_recharge = 0.0 do j = 1,ncol do k = 1,nrow recharge(k,j) = 0.0 if(paw(k,j) .gt. 0) then paw >= 0 j0new = j0(k,j) ! set initial target date ! count number of outputs ! dont run budget for cells with ! test if last climate site can be reused k0new = k0(k,j) if(j0new .eq. j0old .and. k0new .eq. k0old) then go to 45 endif ! use current rain & pet c........open climate station record (file 12) and corresponding average pet (file 13) Environment Canterbury Technical Report 49 A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains 41 c write(climate,41) j0new, k0new format('P',2i3.3) file_in = charnb(data_directory)//charnb(climate)//'.lst' write(*,*) file_in open(12,charnb(file_in),status='old',err=98) c.......find the right record 42 read(12,46,end=90) line 46 format(a) read(line(11:80),*) lat, long, date if(date .eq. yyyymmdd) then ! yyyymmdd is the date of the end day of the previous month daysinmonth = 0 first = .true. 43 read(12,46,end=90) line read(line(11:80),*) lat, long, date yyyy = date/10000 mm = (date - 10000*yyyy)/100 dd = date - 10000*yyyy - 100*mm read(line(11:80),*) lat, long, date, dayrain, daypet if(first) then first = .false. elseif(dd .eq. 1) then ! new month encountered go to 44 ! go to budgeting endif daysinmonth = daysinmonth + 1 lastdate = date rain(daysinmonth) = 1.1*dayrain ! apply ground-level gauge correction if(daypet .lt. 0.0) then ! correct negative pet estimates pet(daysinmonth) = 0.0 else pet(daysinmonth) = daypet endif go to 43 else go to 42 endif 44 close(12) j0old = j0new k0old = k0new c........dryland 45 appl = 0.0 ! zero application dryland option do i = 1,daysinmonth call budget(paw(k,j),rain(i),pet(i),aet,w_rain(k,j),appl, * drainage) recharge(k,j) = recharge(k,j) + drainage total(k,j) = total(k,j) + drainage total_recharge = total_recharge + drainage end do 49 depth for endif continue end do end do write(*,*) yyyymmdd c write(15,1) inrech, inirch write(15,51) locat, cnstnt, fmtin, iprn, yyyymmdd 51 format(i10,f10.3,11x,a9,i10,5x,'RECHARGE (',i10,')') do k = 1,nrow write(15,53) (factor*recharge(k,j),j=1,ncol) 53 format(10e12.4) end do write(16,*) yyyymmdd, total_recharge write(*,*) yyyymmdd, daysinmonth yyyymmdd = lastdate icount = icount + 1 go to 40 c........write model cell summary 50 Environment Canterbury Technical Report A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains 90 write(*,*) 'Transient recharge written to recharge.dat' close(15) open(15,'model_cell.dat') do k = 1,nrow do j = 1,ncol if(paw(k,j) .gt. 0) then write(15,91) k, j, j0(k,j), k0(k,j), x(k,j), y(k,j), * paw(k,j), total(k,j) 91 format(4i5,2g12.0,2g12.4) endif end do end do close(15) c........write average recharge for model input - divide total by icount months open(15,'average_recharge.dat') write(15,2) write(15,3) write(15,1) nrchop, irchcb write(15,1) inrech, inirch write(15,51) locat, cnstnt, fmtin, iprn, yyyymmdd do k = 1,nrow write(15,53) (factor*total(k,j)/real(icount),j=1,ncol) end do close(15) write(*,*) 'Average recharge written to average_recharge.dat' write(*,*) icount, ' months of recharge averaged' go to 99 98 write(*,*) 'Error opening ', file_in 99 stop end subroutine budget(paw,rain,pet,aet,w,appl,drainage) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) a = 6.0 relationship smfac = (1.0 - exp(-a*w/paw))/ * (1.0 - 2.0*exp(-a) + exp(-a*w/paw)) aet = smfac*pet w = w + rain + appl - aet drainage = 0.0 if(w .gt. paw) then drainage = w - paw w = paw elseif(w .lt. 0.0) then w = 0.0 endif return end Environment Canterbury Technical Report ! constant in aet/pet vs w/paw 51 A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains APPENDIX 3: Fortran codes for aggregation of Wells/Consents data and synthesis of water use (a) Aggregation of Wells and Consents data c Program Aggregate_wells character*132 header character*50 WaterUseDe, WaterUseDe_old character*20 well, old_well, wateruse_records(1000) character*2 well_status, use_1, use_2, use_3, aquifer_name, * well_status_old, use_1_old, use_2_old, use_3_old, * aquifer_name_old dimension areas(51) real minArea, minArea_old, MaxRate, MaxVolume integer*4 commence_date, expiry_date, start_date, * end_date, grid_east, grid_north, countwu, * grid_east_old, grid_north_old, countwu_old logical*1 wateruse_record, irrigation common old_well,well,use_1_old,use_1,use_2_old,use_2,use_3_old, * use_3,well_status_old,well_status,countwu_old,countwu, * area_old,area,grid_east_old,grid_east,grid_north_old, * grid_north,aquifer_name_old,aquifer_name,depth_old,depth, * WaterUseDe_old,WaterUseDe,Mod_grid_I_old,Mod_grid_I, * PAW_AVG_old,PAW_AVG nyears = 51 open(11,'out.csv') write(11,*) 'well,yn,start_date,end_date,area,use_1,use_2,use_3,Wa *terUseDe,countwu,grid_east,grid_north,aquifer_name,depth,Mod_grid, *PAW_AVG,y60-61,y61-62,y62-63,y63-64,y64-65,y65-66,y66-67,y67-68,y6 *8-69,y69-70,y70-71,y71-72,y72-73,y73-74,y74-75,y75-76,y76-77,y77-7 *8,y78-79,y79-80,y80-81,y81-82,y82-83,y83-84,y84-85,y85-86,y86-87,y *87-88,y88-89,y89-90,y90-91,y91-92,y92-93,y93-94,y94-95,y95-96,y96*97,y97-98,y98-99,y99-00,y00-01,y01-02,y02-03,y03-04,y04-05,y05-06, *y06-07,y07-08,y08-09,y09-10,y10-11' nrec = 0 open(12,'wells_with_wateruse_data.txt',status='old',err=6) do i = 1,1000 read(12,*,end=3) wateruse_records(i) end do 3 nrec = i - 1 6 write(*,*) nrec, ' wells with wateruse data' ! note use records open(10,'in.txt') read(10,*) header c........read the first record ! ignore header read(10,*) well, well_status, area, use_1, use_2, use_3, commence_date, expiry_date, countwu, grid_east, grid_north, aquifer_name, depth, MaxRate, MaxVolume, consecDays, minArea, WaterUseDe, Mod_grid_I, PAW_AVG call zero(areas,nyears) ! initialise start_date = 999999 end_date = -999999 if(charnb(WaterUseDe) .eq. 'Irrigation') then irrigation = .true. else irrigation = .false. endif call set_dates(start_date,end_date,commence_date,expiry_date) call set_old call assign_areas(nyears,commence_date,expiry_date, * minArea,consecDays,MaxVolume,MaxRate,areas,irrigation, * WaterUseDe,well) * * * * c........read the remaining records 1 read(10,*,end=99) well, well_status, area, use_1, use_2, use_3, * commence_date, expiry_date, countwu, grid_east, 52 Environment Canterbury Technical Report A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains * * * grid_north, aquifer_name, depth, MaxRate, MaxVolume, consecDays, minArea, WaterUseDe, Mod_grid_I, PAW_AVG if(charnb(well) .ne. charnb(old_well)) then 4 * * * * * 2 * ! new well ! write previous well if(nrec .eq. 0) then wateruse_record = .false. else do i = 1,nrec if(charnb(old_well).eq.charnb(wateruse_records(i))) then wateruse_record = .true. go to 4 endif wateruse_record = .false. end do endif write(11,2) charnb(old_well), wateruse_record, start_date, end_date, area_old, use_1_old, use_2_old, use_3_old, WaterUseDe_old, countwu_old, grid_east_old, grid_north_old, aquifer_name_old, depth_old, Mod_grid_I_old, PAW_AVG_old, (areas(i),i=1,nyears) format(a,','l1,2(',',i8),',',f10.1,3(',',a2),',',a, 3(',',i8),',',a2,',',f6.1,',',i8,',',f8.1,51(',',f12.1)) call zero(areas,nyears) ! reinitialise start_date = 999999 end_date = -999999 if(charnb(WaterUseDe) .eq. 'Irrigation') then irrigation = .true. else irrigation = .false. endif call set_dates(start_date,end_date,commence_date,expiry_date) call set_old call assign_areas(nyears,commence_date,expiry_date, * minArea,consecDays,MaxVolume,MaxRate,areas,irrigation, * WaterUseDe,well) else ! update existing well call set_dates(start_date,end_date,commence_date,expiry_date) call assign_areas(nyears,commence_date,expiry_date, * minArea,consecDays,MaxVolume,MaxRate,areas,irrigation, * WaterUseDe,well) endif go to 1 99 do i = 1,nrec if(charnb(old_well) .eq. charnb(wateruse_records(i))) then wateruse_record = .true. go to 5 endif wateruse_record = .false. end do 5 write(11,2) * * * * * stop end charnb(old_well), wateruse_record, start_date, end_date, area_old, use_1_old, use_2_old, use_3_old, WaterUseDe_old, countwu_old, grid_east_old, grid_north_old, aquifer_name_old, depth_old, Mod_grid_I_old, PAW_AVG_old, (areas(i),i=1,nyears) c ************************************************************************* subroutine zero(array,n) c ************************************************************************* dimension array(51) do i = 1,n array(i) = 0.0 ! initialise of areas end do return end c array ************************************************************************* Environment Canterbury Technical Report 53 A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains * * c subroutine assign_areas(nyears,commence_date,expiry_date, minArea,consecDays,MaxVolume,MaxRate,areas,irrigation, WaterUseDe,well) ************************************************************************* character*50 WaterUseDe character*20 well dimension areas(51) real minArea, MaxRate, MaxVolume integer*4 commence_date, expiry_date logical*1 irrigation do i = 1,nyears date = 21916 + real(i)*365.25 if(date .gt. commence_date .and. date .lt. expiry_date) then for year i if( irrigation) then indicates irrigation well if(charnb(WaterUseDe) .eq. 'Irrigation') then record as area if(minArea .gt. 0.0) then areas(i) = minArea else write(*,*) well, minArea, ' <= 0 ' endif endif else indicates non-irrigation if(consecDays .gt. 0) then areas(i) = MaxVolume/consecDays elseif(MaxRate .gt. 0) then areas(i) = -86.4*MaxRate daily volume, flag as negative else areas(i) = -999.0 data endif endif endif end do return end c c consent initial active WaterUseDe ! consistent use so ! use minArea ! ignore inconsistent uses ! initial WaterUseDe ! use MaxVolume/consecDays ! use MaxRate converted to ! indicate no available ************************************************************************* subroutine set_old ************************************************************************* character*50 WaterUseDe, WaterUseDe_old character*20 well, old_well character*2 well_status, use_1, use_2, use_3, aquifer_name, * well_status_old, use_1_old, use_2_old, use_3_old, * aquifer_name_old integer*4 countwu,countwu_old common old_well,well,use_1_old,use_1,use_2_old,use_2,use_3_old, * use_3,well_status_old,well_status,countwu_old,countwu, * area_old,area,grid_east_old,grid_east,grid_north_old, * grid_north,aquifer_name_old,aquifer_name,depth_old,depth, * WaterUseDe_old,WaterUseDe,Mod_grid_I_old,Mod_grid_I, * PAW_AVG_old,PAW_AVG old_well use_1_old use_2_old use_3_old well_status_old countwu_old area_old grid_east_old grid_north_old aquifer_name_old depth_old WaterUseDe_old Mod_grid_I_old PAW_AVG_old return end 54 ! ! = = = = = = = = = = = = = = well use_1 use_2 use_3 well_status countwu area grid_east grid_north aquifer_name depth WaterUseDe Mod_grid_I PAW_AVG Environment Canterbury Technical Report A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains c c ************************************************************************* subroutine set_dates(start_date,end_date,commence_date, * expiry_date) ************************************************************************* integer*4 commence_date, expiry_date, start_date, end_date if(commence_date .gt. 0 .and. start_date .gt. commence_date) then start_date = commence_date endif if(expiry_date .gt. 0 .and. * end_date .lt. expiry_date) then end_date = expiry_date endif return end * (b) Synthesis of irrigation water use c program irrigsim implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) character*132 header character*80 line, file_in, file_out, data_directory character*50 WaterUseDe character*20 well character*7 climate character*2 well_status, use_1, use_2, use_3, aquifer_name character*1 map dimension areas(51), demands(1000), q(1000) real*8 lat, long integer*4 start_date, end_date, grid_east, grid_north, date, * well_ident integer countwu, year, day, period_length(1000), * period_from(1000), period_to(1000), well_no, prefix logical exists, irrig nyears = 51 index = 0 do i = 1,1000 demands(i) = 0.0 end do c c data_directory = "O:\DATA\NIWA Virtual Climate Station Network\Vir *tual Climate Data\" data_directory = "C:\TEMP\vcs\" open(15,'irrigsim.out') c........read stress period specification open(10,'time_steps.csv') i = 1 2 read(10,*,end=3) period_length(i), idum1, idum2, * period_from(i), period_to(i) i = i + 1 go to 2 3 nper = i - 1 write(*,*) nper, 'stress period details read' close(10) c........read irrigation well details open(10,'irrigation.csv') read(10,*) header 1 read(10,*,end=50) well, start_date, end_date, area, * use_1, use_2, use_3, WaterUseDe, countwu, * grid_east, grid_north, aquifer_name, top, bot, * Mod_grid_I, PAW_AVG, (areas(i),i=1,nyears) paw = 0.67*PAW_AVG x0 = grid_east y0 = grid_north c........identify closest synthetic climate station (file 11) j0 = 0 k0 = 0 open(11,'coords.prn') distance = 1e12 Environment Canterbury Technical Report 55 A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains 10 read(11,*,end=20) x, y, j, k write(climate,21) j, k file_in = charnb(data_directory)//charnb(climate)//'.lst' inquire(file=file_in,exist=exists) if( .not. exists ) go to 10 r = ((x - x0)/1000.0)**2 + ((y - y0)/1000.0)**2 if(r .lt. distance) then distance = r j0 = j k0 = k endif go to 10 20 close(11) if(j0 .eq. 0 .or. k0 .eq. 0) then ! no station identified write(*,*) j0, k0, ' no station identified' go to 50 endif c........open climate station record (file 12) write(climate,21) j0, k0 21 format('P',2i3.3) file_in = charnb(data_directory)//charnb(climate)//'.lst' open(12,charnb(file_in),status='old') c.........initialise parameters w_irrig = paw demand = 0.0 imnth = 0 c........step through daily climate record 31 read(12,32,end=35) line 32 format(a) c........for the Selwyn tribs case ignore years prior to 1972 (i.e. those without pet data) read(line(11:80),*) lat, long, date year = date/10000 if(year .lt. 1972) go to 31 c read(line(11:80),*) lat, long, date, rain, pet write(*,*) well year = date/10000 month = (date - 10000*year)/100 day = date - 10000*year - 100*month iyr = year - 1959 ! pointer for areas() rain = 1.1*rain if(pet .lt. 0.0) then pet = 0.0 endif if(month .ge. 5 .and. month .le. 9) then ! apply ground-level gauge correction ! correct negative pet estimates ! irrigation season october thru april irrig = .false. else irrig = .true. endif if(day .eq. 1) then ! start a new month if(imnth .gt. 0) then q(imnth) = demand demands(imnth) = demands(imnth) + demand endif imnth = imnth + 1 demand = 0.0 endif c........generic irrigation appl = 0.0 if( irrig ) then if(w_irrig .lt. 0.5*paw) then appl = (paw - w_irrig)/0.8 ! appl capacity with 80% efficiency endif endif call budget(paw,rain,pet,aet,w_irrig,appl,drainage) demand = demand + appl*areas(iyr)*10.0 ! mm x ha => m3 go to 31 56 to restore to field Environment Canterbury Technical Report A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains c........end of record, write non-zero demand to GW Vistas input file 35 close(12) non_zero = 0 num_mnth = imnth - 1 do i = 1,num_mnth if(q(i) .gt. 0.0) then non_zero = non_zero + 1 endif end do write(*,33) charnb(well), grid_east, grid_north, top, bot, * non_zero write(15,33) charnb(well), grid_east, grid_north, top, bot, * non_zero 33 format(a20,2(',',i10),2(,',',f10.2),',',i5) do i = 1,num_mnth if(q(i) .gt. 0.0) then write(15,34) i+3, i+3, -q(i)/real(period_length(imnth+3)) 34 format(i5,',',i5,',',f10.3,', 0.0') endif end do imnth = 0 go to 1 50 open(13,'demands.txt') do i = 1,1000 write(13,*) i, demands(i) end do stop end subroutine budget(paw,rain,pet,aet,w,appl,drainage) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) a = 6.0 relationship smfac = (1.0 - exp(-a*w/paw))/ * (1.0 - 2.0*exp(-a) + exp(-a*w/paw)) aet = smfac*pet w = w + rain + appl - aet drainage = 0.0 if(w .gt. paw) then drainage = w - paw w = paw elseif(w .lt. 0.0) then w = 0.0 endif return end Environment Canterbury Technical Report ! constant in aet/pet vs w/paw 57 A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains APPENDIX 4: processing Batch files used for distributed a) Batch file used to initiate Parallel PEST distributed processing @echo off echo **************************************** echo %date%, %time%, ENROL.BAT START echo **************************************** Title PESTRUN ::prompt $d,$s$t,$s echo Preparing to enrol in parallel processing echo ----------------------------------------if exist c:\temp\pest\ goto update echo Creating temporary directory on local drive ::mkdir c:\temp\pest\ mkdir c:\temp\pest\logs\ :update echo Updating model files to temporary directory echo ------------------------------------------cd /d c:\temp\pest replace I:\GWmodel\model\*.* c:\temp\pest /a replace I:\GWmodel\model\*.* c:\temp\pest /u if exist I:\GWmodel\slaves\%computername% goto enrol echo Creating sub-directory on network drive echo --------------------------------------mkdir I:\GWmodel\slaves\%computername%\ if exist I:\GWmodel\slaves\%computername% goto enrol REM Abandon process if sub-directory has not been successfully created echo Unable to create sub-directory... echo Abandoning parallel processing goto end :enrol echo Registering availability for parallel processing echo -----------------------------------------------rem pushd \\opal\corpdata\GWmodel\slaves\%computername% cd /d I:\GWmodel\slaves\%computername% del *.* /q REM Check to confirm that directory is empty dir |find " 0 File(s)" > nul if not errorlevel 1 goto doit REM Abandon process if it has not been possible to delete all files echo Unable to delete all files from sub-directory... echo Abandoning parallel processing echo ----------------------------goto end :doit echo **************************************** echo %date%, %time%, STARTING SLAVE echo **************************************** copy I:\GWmodel\model\ppmodel.bat ::I:\GWmodel\bin\pslave < I:\GWmodel\pslave.in C:\temp\PEST\pslave < C:\temp\PEST\pslave.in IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO RUNfail echo Parallel processing task completed echo ---------------------------------GOTO end :RUNfail ECHO. ECHO =================ENROL.BAT FAIL========================= ECHO *** Problem with PPest execution, batch terminated *** ECHO ======================================================== 58 Environment Canterbury Technical Report A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains GOTO end :end echo. echo **************************************** echo %date%, %time%, ENROL.BAT END echo **************************************** b) Batch file used to initiate the BeoPEST distributed processing @ECHO TITLE ECHO. ECHO ECHO ECHO SET SET SET SET SET SET off Groundwater Model ENROL.BAT - Contact MikeT or MattS for more info -------------------------------------------%date%, %time%, ENROL.BAT START -------------------------------------------- master=HP1204 port=4006 pestfile=gv2_svd.pst slavedir=c:\temp\%computername% modeldir=\\opal\corpdata\GWmodel\model logdir=\\opal\corpdata\GWmodel\logs ECHO Settings: Master=%master% Port=%port% Pestfile=%pestfile% ECHO. :dirs ECHO *** Preparing to enrol in parallel processing... IF EXIST %slavedir%\ GOTO update ECHO ...Creating pest directory on local drive...... MD %slavedir% IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO updatefail :update ECHO *** Updating model files in local directory..... REPLACE %modeldir%\*.* %slavedir% /a REPLACE %modeldir%\*.* %slavedir% /u IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO updatefail GOTO beopest :beopest FOR /F "TOKENS=2 delims=:" %%A IN ("%time%") DO SET startmin=%%A cD /d %slavedir% beopest32 %pestfile% /H %master%:%port% IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO runchk GOTO end :runchk REM If BeoPEST has run for less then 2 minutes then report error FOR /F "TOKENS=2 delims=:" %%A IN ("%time%") DO SET stopmin=%%A SET/A delta = %stopmin%-%startmin% IF %delta% LSS 2 GOTO runfail GOTO end :reset ECHO *** Waiting 30 minutes then will retry beopest...... PING -n 1 -w 1800000 > NUL ECHO *** %date%, %time% RESTARTING BEOPEST...... GOTO beopest REM Error reporting :updatefail ECHO %date%, %time% File update error >> %logdir%\%computername%_err.log ECHO %computername% %date%, %time% File update error >> %logdir%\~Error_summary.log ECHO. ECHO =================ENROL.BAT FAIL==================== ECHO *** Problem with files update, batch terminated *** ECHO =================================================== GOTO end :runfail ECHO %date%, %time% BEOPEST %logdir%\%computername%_err.log FAIL Environment Canterbury Technical Report ERRORLEVEL:%errorlevel% See main log >> 59 A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains ECHO %computername% %date%, %time% BEOPEST FAIL %logdir%\~Error_summary.log ECHO. ECHO =================ENROL.BAT FAIL==================== ECHO *** Problem with BeoPest execution *** ECHO =================================================== GOTO reset ERRORLEVEL:%errorlevel% >> c) Batch file used to initiate PEST and MODFLOW runs on each slave when determining base parameter sensitivities (pestgv.bat) @echo off del gv2.hds del gv2.ddn fac2real <fac2real1.in >nul kmakr <kmakr1.in >nul fac2real <fac2real2.in >nul kmakr <kmakr2.in >nul fac2real <fac2real3.in >nul kmakr <kmakr3.in >nul fac2real <fac2real4.in >nul kmakr <kmakr4.in >nul fac2real <fac2real5.in >nul kmakr <kmakr5.in >nul fac2real <fac2real6.in >nul kmakr <kmakr6.in >nul fac2real <fac2real7.in >nul kmakr <kmakr7.in >nul fac2real <fac2real8.in >nul kmakr <kmakr8.in >nul fac2real <fac2real9.in >nul kmakr <kmakr9.in >nul fac2real <fac2real10.in >nul kmakr <kmakr10.in >nul fac2real <fac2real11.in >nul kmakr <kmakr11.in >nul fac2real <fac2real12.in >nul kmakr <kmakr12.in >nul fac2real <fac2real13.in >nul kmakr <kmakr13.in >nul fac2real <fac2realz1.in >nul kmakr <kmakrz1.in >nul fac2real <fac2realz2.in >nul kmakr <kmakrz2.in >nul fac2real <fac2realz3.in >nul kmakr <kmakrz3.in >nul fac2real <fac2realz4.in >nul kmakr <kmakrz4.in >nul fac2real <fac2realz5.in >nul kmakr <kmakrz5.in >nul fac2real <fac2realz6.in >nul kmakr <kmakrz6.in >nul fac2real <fac2realz7.in >nul kmakr <kmakrz7.in >nul fac2real <fac2realz8.in >nul kmakr <kmakrz8.in >nul fac2real <fac2realz9.in >nul kmakr <kmakrz9.in >nul fac2real <fac2realz10.in >nul kmakr <kmakrz10.in >nul fac2real <fac2realz11.in >nul kmakr <kmakrz11.in >nul fac2real <fac2realz12.in >nul kmakr <kmakrz12.in >nul fac2real <fac2realz13.in >nul kmakr <kmakrz13.in >nul copy gv21._kz+gv22._kz+gv23._kz+gv24._kz+gv25._kz+gv26._kz+gv27._kz+gv28._kz+gv29._kz+gv210._kz+gv2 11._kz+gv212._kz+gv213._kz gv2._kz >nul fac2real <fac2reals1.in >nul kmakr <kmakrs1.in >nul fac2real <fac2reals2.in >nul kmakr <kmakrs2.in >nul 60 Environment Canterbury Technical Report A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains fac2real <fac2reals3.in >nul kmakr <kmakrs3.in >nul fac2real <fac2reals4.in >nul kmakr <kmakrs4.in >nul fac2real <fac2reals5.in >nul kmakr <kmakrs5.in >nul fac2real <fac2reals6.in >nul kmakr <kmakrs6.in >nul fac2real <fac2reals7.in >nul kmakr <kmakrs7.in >nul fac2real <fac2reals8.in >nul kmakr <kmakrs8.in >nul fac2real <fac2reals9.in >nul kmakr <kmakrs9.in >nul fac2real <fac2reals10.in >nul kmakr <kmakrs10.in >nul fac2real <fac2reals11.in >nul kmakr <kmakrs11.in >nul fac2real <fac2reals12.in >nul kmakr <kmakrs12.in >nul fac2real <fac2reals13.in >nul kmakr <kmakrs13.in >nul copy gv21._s1+gv22._s1+gv23._s1+gv24._s1+gv25._s1+gv26._s1+gv27._s1+gv28._s1+gv29._s1+gv210._s1+gv2 11._s1+gv212._s1+gv213._s1 gv2._s1 >nul copy gv2._s1 gv2._s2 >nul @echo on mf2k gv2.nam Del finishchk.dat >nul checkout <checkout.in if exist finishchk.dat goto OK goto matt :OK targpest goto end :matt copy blank.out targpest.out :end d) Batch file used to initiate PEST and MODFLOW runs on each slave in calibration mode using SVD assist (svdabatch.bat) @echo off REM This part of batch file added by SVDAPREP REM REM Delete model input files. del points1.dat > nul del points2.dat > nul del points3.dat > nul del points4.dat > nul del points5.dat > nul del points6.dat > nul del points7.dat > nul del points8.dat > nul del points9.dat > nul del points10.dat > nul del points11.dat > nul del points12.dat > nul del points13.dat > nul del pointz1.dat > nul del pointz2.dat > nul del pointz3.dat > nul del pointz4.dat > nul del pointz5.dat > nul del pointz6.dat > nul del pointz7.dat > nul del pointz8.dat > nul del pointz9.dat > nul del pointz10.dat > nul del pointz11.dat > nul del pointz12.dat > nul del pointz13.dat > nul del Spoint1.dat > nul Environment Canterbury Technical Report 61 A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains del Spoint2.dat > nul del Spoint3.dat > nul del Spoint4.dat > nul del Spoint5.dat > nul del Spoint6.dat > nul del Spoint7.dat > nul del Spoint8.dat > nul del Spoint9.dat > nul del Spoint10.dat > nul del Spoint11.dat > nul del Spoint12.dat > nul del Spoint13.dat > nul del gv2.drn > nul del gv2.wel > nul REM REM Run PARCALC to compute base parameters from super parameters. parcalc > nul REM REM Run PICALC to compute base parameter prior information. picalc > nul REM REM The following is copied directly from file pestgv.bat REM @echo off del gv2.hds del gv2.ddn fac2real <fac2real1.in >nul kmakr <kmakr1.in >nul fac2real <fac2real2.in >nul kmakr <kmakr2.in >nul fac2real <fac2real3.in >nul kmakr <kmakr3.in >nul fac2real <fac2real4.in >nul kmakr <kmakr4.in >nul fac2real <fac2real5.in >nul kmakr <kmakr5.in >nul fac2real <fac2real6.in >nul kmakr <kmakr6.in >nul fac2real <fac2real7.in >nul kmakr <kmakr7.in >nul fac2real <fac2real8.in >nul kmakr <kmakr8.in >nul fac2real <fac2real9.in >nul kmakr <kmakr9.in >nul fac2real <fac2real10.in >nul kmakr <kmakr10.in >nul fac2real <fac2real11.in >nul kmakr <kmakr11.in >nul fac2real <fac2real12.in >nul kmakr <kmakr12.in >nul fac2real <fac2real13.in >nul kmakr <kmakr13.in >nul fac2real <fac2realz1.in >nul kmakr <kmakrz1.in >nul fac2real <fac2realz2.in >nul kmakr <kmakrz2.in >nul fac2real <fac2realz3.in >nul kmakr <kmakrz3.in >nul fac2real <fac2realz4.in >nul kmakr <kmakrz4.in >nul fac2real <fac2realz5.in >nul kmakr <kmakrz5.in >nul fac2real <fac2realz6.in >nul kmakr <kmakrz6.in >nul fac2real <fac2realz7.in >nul kmakr <kmakrz7.in >nul fac2real <fac2realz8.in >nul kmakr <kmakrz8.in >nul fac2real <fac2realz9.in >nul kmakr <kmakrz9.in >nul fac2real <fac2realz10.in >nul kmakr <kmakrz10.in >nul fac2real <fac2realz11.in >nul kmakr <kmakrz11.in >nul fac2real <fac2realz12.in >nul kmakr <kmakrz12.in >nul 62 Environment Canterbury Technical Report A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains fac2real <fac2realz13.in >nul kmakr <kmakrz13.in >nul copy gv21._kz+gv22._kz+gv23._kz+gv24._kz+gv25._kz+gv26._kz+gv27._kz+gv28._kz+gv29._kz+gv210._kz+gv2 11._kz+gv212._kz+gv213._kz gv2._kz >nul fac2real <fac2reals1.in >nul kmakr <kmakrs1.in >nul fac2real <fac2reals2.in >nul kmakr <kmakrs2.in >nul fac2real <fac2reals3.in >nul kmakr <kmakrs3.in >nul fac2real <fac2reals4.in >nul kmakr <kmakrs4.in >nul fac2real <fac2reals5.in >nul kmakr <kmakrs5.in >nul fac2real <fac2reals6.in >nul kmakr <kmakrs6.in >nul fac2real <fac2reals7.in >nul kmakr <kmakrs7.in >nul fac2real <fac2reals8.in >nul kmakr <kmakrs8.in >nul fac2real <fac2reals9.in >nul kmakr <kmakrs9.in >nul fac2real <fac2reals10.in >nul kmakr <kmakrs10.in >nul fac2real <fac2reals11.in >nul kmakr <kmakrs11.in >nul fac2real <fac2reals12.in >nul kmakr <kmakrs12.in >nul fac2real <fac2reals13.in >nul kmakr <kmakrs13.in >nul copy gv21._s1+gv22._s1+gv23._s1+gv24._s1+gv25._s1+gv26._s1+gv27._s1+gv28._s1+gv29._s1+gv210._s1+gv2 11._s1+gv212._s1+gv213._s1 gv2._s1 >nul copy gv2._s1 gv2._s2 >nul @echo on mf2k gv2.nam Del finishchk.dat >nul checkout <checkout.in if exist finishchk.dat goto OK goto matt :OK targpest goto end :matt copy blank.out targpest.out :end Environment Canterbury Technical Report 63 A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains APPENDIX 5: Documentation of the code and instruction files for the program checkout.exe a) FORTRAN code for the program checkout.exe (checkout.for) program checkout C Program checkout reads a modflow list output to check if it terminated normally and returns a code to say whether it did or not. implicit none integer msteps integer iline,n,m,mstep,i,istep,ierr,num character*200 infile,outfile character*300 cline logical exists C -- The input file is opened. 100 write(6,110,advance='no') 110 format(' Enter name of modflow output file: ') read(5,*) infile open(unit=10,file=infile,status='old',err=100) 130 write(6,140,advance='no') 140 format(' How many time steps are represented in this file? ') read(5,*,err=130) MSTEPS if(MSTEPS.le.0) go to 130 ! Checkout will expect the final stress period to match this value C -- The name of the output site sample file is now acquired. write(6,*) 250 write(6,260,advance='no') 260 format(' Enter name for output file: ') read(5,*) outfile C -- The output file is now read. istep = 0 do read(10,'(a)',end=500) cline n = index(cline,'TIME SUMMARY AT END OF TIME STEP') if(n .ne. 0) then read(cline,501) istep 501 format(64x,i) end if end do 500 if(istep .eq. msteps) then ! list output is complete open(unit=20,file=outfile) ! create output file to signal completion write(20,*) 'finished' close(unit=20) else inquire(file='count.dud',exist=exists) if( exists ) then open(20,'count.dud') read(20,*) num num = num + 1 close(20) else num = 1 endif open(20,'count.dud') write(20,*) num close(20) end if close(unit=10) write(6,510) trim(infile) 510 format(/,' - file ',a,' read ok.') end 64 Environment Canterbury Technical Report A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains b) Instruction file (checkout.in) gv2.lst 463 finishchk.dat c) Blank model observation output which is copied to targpest.out if MODFLOW model run does not converge (blank.out) GV Processing Complete o 1 Computed Value= o 2 Computed Value= o 3 Computed Value= … o42487 Computed Value= o42488 Computed Value= o42489 Computed Value= 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Environment Canterbury Technical Report 65 A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains APPENDIX 6: FORTRAN code of post.exe used for post-processing of transient model calibration results character*132 line character*10 well, well0 integer group logical*1 first open(10,'target.out') read(10,*) line ! ignore header open(11,'post.csv') write(11,*) 'well,x,y,rms,dif@mean,dif@max,dif@min,sdv,num' well0 first = ' = .true. ' 1 read(10,*,end=99) well, time, x, y, layer, observed, computed, * weight, group if(well .ne. well0) then ! record results for well0 if( first ) then first = .false. else denom = real(num)*real(num - 1) arg1 = real(num)*obs_ssq - obs_sum*obs_sum arg2 = real(num)*sim_ssq - sim_sum*sim_sum if(denom .gt. 0.0 .and. arg1 .gt. 0 .and. arg2 .gt. 0) then obs_sdv = sqrt(arg1)/denom sim_sdv = sqrt(arg2)/denom sdv_rat = obs_sdv/sim_sdv else sdv_rat = -9999. endif write(11,2) charnb(well0), x0, y0, sqrt(ssq_dif/real(num)), * (obs_sum-sim_sum)/real(num), obs_max-sim_max, * obs_min-sim_min, sdv_rat, num endif 2 format(a,2(',',f9.1),5(',',f8.3),',',i) well0 = charnb(well) x0 = x y0 = y ssq_dif = (observed - computed)**2 num = 1 obs_max = observed obs_min = observed obs_sum = observed obs_ssq = observed*observed sim_max = computed sim_min = computed sim_sum = computed sim_ssq = computed*computed else ssq_dif = ssq_dif + (observed - computed)**2 obs_sum = obs_sum + observed obs_ssq = obs_ssq + observed*observed sim_sum = sim_sum + computed sim_ssq = sim_ssq + computed*computed if(observed .gt. obs_max) then obs_max = observed sim_max = computed endif if(observed .lt. obs_min) then obs_min = observed sim_min = computed endif num = num + 1 endif 66 Environment Canterbury Technical Report A methodology to model groundwater in sub-areas of the Canterbury Plains go to 1 99 denom = real(num)*real(num - 1) if(denom .gt. 0.0) then obs_sdv = sqrt(real(num)*obs_ssq - obs_sum*obs_sum)/denom sim_sdv = sqrt(real(num)*sim_ssq - sim_sum*sim_sum)/denom sdv_rat = obs_sdv/sim_sdv else sdv_rat = 0.0 endif write(11,2) charnb(well0), x0, y0, sqrt(ssq_dif/real(num)), * (obs_sum-sim_sum)/real(num), obs_max-sim_max, * obs_min-sim_min, sdv_rat, num stop end Environment Canterbury Technical Report 67