
* .
Statement of Church Government
For the more certain preservation and. security of the principles of
OUT faith, and to the end that this body may be governed in an
orderly manner consistent with the accepted tenets of the Southern
Baptist Convention, and for the purpose of preserving the liberties
inherent in this church with respect to its relation to other churches
of the same faith, we do declare and establish this statement governing
the doctrines and. policies in the operationand ministries of our church.
Policies of operation accepted and agreed upon by the members of a church
body are absolutely necessary for the working efficiency of that body
and its inherent unity. Church policies are a form of cooperative dis
cipline which a church body imposes upon itself for the total good of the
whole, It is with this objective and purpose that the doctrines, state.
ments, and policies are set forth herein,
understood by the members of the congregation that the
section of this booklet dealing with church policies (not doctrines)
can be revised through additions or deletions by the two-thix1s Tnajority
vote of those present in any regular or announced meeting of the ohurc.
It should be
Our Church
"A Baptist church is an organized body of baptized believers,
equal in rank and. privileges, democratic in spiritand principles
of government, absolutely sovereign in authority in administering
its affairs, acknowledging theheadship of Christ, united in be-.
liefs of what He taught, bound in covenant together to do what He
comnianded, and cooperating with other like Baptist bodies in the
missionary enterprise of spreading the Gospel.
Our church, with all other true Baptist churches, accepts the
Bible as the sufficient 'ule of faith and practice in all matters
of doctrine and polity, and believes that the mandates of the
Scriptures are authorib.tive and binding. All members, including
pastor, deacons and all otherofficers of a Baptist church, are
equal in rank, rights and privileges. No individual or gioup of
individuals have any authority whatsoever over a Baptist church,
The church is absolutely sovereign. It is also to be rigidly
followed that a Baptist church is a fellowship and the church
body reserves the right to scriptuzally discipline thàse who
hinder or break the fellowship of the church.
The democracy and sovereignty of Baptist churches is summarized
by Dr. J. IYI. Pendleton in his Christian Doctrines, as followsg
"The governmental power of a Baptist church is in the
hands of the members of the church.
"It is the right of a majority of the members of a Baptist
church to rule in accordance with the law of Christ, The
will of the majority having been expressed, it becomes the
minority to submit.
"The power of a Baptist church cannot be transferred or
delegated and church action is final ,
These are time-. honored principles which have been adhered to and
practiced by Baptists since New Testament days. Therefore, these
principles are reaffirmed as the foundation of faith and practice
of this church.
A Brief History of our Church
The need. for a mission in the southwest (Kendall) area of Miami
existed and Bible Study was begun in a local residence. AI1a.ttah
Baptist Church members purchased two acres of land on S. W 112th
Street, east of the then Wayside Park, and gave it the name of Way-S
side Baptist Mission, With growth came the need for a larger meeting
place and the Kendall Community Hall was secured.
The Wayside Baptist Mission was inaugurated in its first service
held on Sunday, April 20, 1952, in the Kendall Community ll at
935 0 S. W. 79th Avenue in Kendall (Miami); Florida, The mission
was an extension of the ministry and under the sponsorship of the
Allapattah Baptist Church of dorntown Miami
Several ministers served in the early days of the establishment
of the mission. The Reverend Warren Ruby was finally employed as
Mission Pastor. Under the leadership of the sponsoring church, a
tract of ten acres was acquired a S W. 77th Avenue and S. tAt. 98th
Street for the future buildings of the church and property east of
Wayside Park as sold. During this time, the sponsoring church
also purchased a parsonage in the area,
In January of 19549 the Reverend Roland L. Jarrard became Pastor
of the mission. Under his capable leadership the mission grew
in numbers and financial strength,
on Sunday, April 8, 1 956 , groundS-breaking ceremonies were held. on
the newly acquired property an& the construction of the first unit
which included a small Chapel nd educational space was begun
The second important event in the life of the Wayside Baptist Mission
came in the summer of 1957 when it was organized into an independent
Baptist church with a charter membership of 467 and became the Wayside
Baptist Church.
The Reverend W. N. Hinson became Pastor of the Wayside ptist
Church on July 1, 1956, and served for six years leading the church
further in its growth and development. The second phase of the
building program took place on December 7, 1 9 8 , when an educational
unit ias added to the original buildings,
The fourth Pastor, the Reverend Felix Wagner, became Pastor in
April of 1963. It was during his ministry that the third phase
of the building program ias projected. This included the addition
of another educational unit, the enlargement of the Chapel area
and the renovation of former buildings and grounds,
The church is continuing in its growth and development. It has
now taken its place among the larger churches in the Miami Baptist
Association and projects its ministry under the direction of a full
staff and a dedicated church membership.
Our Covenants
1. Qhuroh
Having been led, as we believe, by the spirit of God to receive the
Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour, and. on the profession of our faiths
having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and
of the Holy Spirit, we do now, in the presence of God, and this
assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one
another as one body in Christ.
We engage • therefore • by the aid of the Holy Spirit , to walk together
in thristian love; to strive for the advancement of this church,
in knowledge, holiness, and comfort; to promote its prosperity and
spirituality; to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline, and
doctrines, to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the suppOrt
of the ministry, the expenses of the church D the relief of the poor
and the spread of the ospel through all nations.
We also engage to maintain family and secret devotions; to religious.y
educate our children; to seek the salvation of our kindred and ae
quaintances, to walk circumspectly in the world; to be just in our
dealings, faithful in our engagements, and exemplary in our deport.
ment; to avoid all tattling, backbiting, and excessive angers to
abstain from the sale of, and use of, intoxicating drinks as a
beverage; to be zealous in our efforts to advance the kingdom of our
We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love; to
remember one another in prayer; to aid one another in sickness
and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling and
Christian oourtesy in speech; to be slow to take offense, but
always ready for reconciliation and mindful of the rules of our
Saviour to secure it without delay.
1te moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will,
as soon as possible, unite with some other church where we can
carx:y out the spirit of this covenant and. the principles of God's word,
2. Christian Workers
The following statements represent the adopted princ1ee of
spirituality, conduct and loyalty relationships with which our
church identifies tse1f as we represent GOd, the Bible and the
Great Commission in our cormnunity arid the world.
9jowshipth Gods
1. I have personally deposited my faith in the death of Jesus
Christ as a substitute for the penalty of ray sin and trust in
no other person, thin act, or works of my own to merit
eternal life and salvation, and. will always so represent
access to the life of God and. salva+i.on to others in my wit;
ness, testimony and teaching0
2 I Ive the assumnee of my eternal salvation on the basis of
1.ving been born from above by the Holy Spirit the witness of
this same Holy Spirit s presence in my life and. the factual
premises of God's Wox&
3. I Will consistently study God's Word and. seek to grow in the
grace ard knowledge of Jesus christ with the goal of reproducing
. His life in mine,
I will strive to live a holy life in my soul, thought, life,
speech conduct and companionships as I seek to represent Qhriet
and. my church both in private and public living.
5. 1 will covenant to abstain from the 'use practice and participa.
tion in any act (alcoholic beverages, profanity mbling habitual
dissention, gossiping, etc.) which wauld nke another person stumble
or would bzng reproach on my witness for Jhrist or that of my
church and the gospel.
6. 1 will Covenant io make every effort to win personally my rela.
tives , neighbors , friends and others to a knowledge of Jesus
Ghrist through soul winning efforts.
1 will covenant to seek or accept scriptuml and spiritual
counseling from the Pastor shauld either he or I request it
concerning my fellowship with God.
1. 1 will covenant to earnestly pzy for my church, pastors 1e&de
ship and coworkez as we together strive to g1oify God through
the ministries of our churth.
2. 1 will covenant •to refrain from publicly criticising, hindering,
or teaching contmry to the leadership, programs, policies and
Bible doctrines adopted by o•ur church 1 (See Page 7 )
1 wIl]. covenant to financially support the operating and. missions
budget of our church and will encourage and. teach others to do
likewise with the tithes and. offerings as a goal and lzsis for
Christian sharing and stcwardzhip0
wifl covenant to cpernte with the church organizations in
which I serve • by maJdng every effort to attend local chirch,.
associational, and area sevice dinics, and rallies which
woiild give ne further taaining and prepaxation to improve
the effectivenesc of my service for Christ.
14. • I
1 will covenant to strive for the unity and effectiveness of my
church and the organization in which I am serving by accepting
counsel and guidance as to assuniing new and different areas of
service and I will. also recognize that I have been elected to my
position by the church to serve for a period of one year unless
otherwise indicated,
6. I will covenant to seek or accept counseling in matters rt. ating
to my church and. others from the pastor should either he I
request it.
Believing that the work of oir Lox1 and His church deserves the highest
and noblest standards of Christian service I hunibly and loyally agree
to serve God through our church in fill agreement with the Worker's
Church Doctrines
The doc*xjnes of our church are commensurate with those generally
accepted by Southern Baptist churches throughout our country, These
are stated and scripturally supported in the attached pamphlet pub..
lished by the Sunday School Board
of the Southern Baptist Convention
and. adopted by the convention on I4ay 9, 1963 at the Kansas City,
I.assouri nvention.
Q Denordnational Policy
It shall be the policy of this church, to the fullest possible
extent consistent with the independent character of a Baptist church,
to support all the Ilissionay and Benevolent undertakings of the
Southern Baptist Convention, the Florida Baptist State Convention,
and the i•aami Baptist Association, to whose doctrinal and missionary
beliefs we offer our cooperation.
Consistent with this position, all staff members, organizational
officers , teachers and ers, and comnii ttee chairmen shall be
members in good standing 1 shall cooperatively support the work of
our church and denomination, and shall adhere to this statement of
church government. Failure to measure up to these standards shall
be sufficient cause for the relinquishing of leadership responsibi1.
Q Church DisciRlines
Our church recognizes the need of church disciplines within the
limits of Christian love and. scriptural teachings. The scriptures teach that Cod.'s child is to be holy in all manner of con-V
duct and; attitude toward his brother in the faith.
While it is true that in a Baptist church all members have equal
rights we are not free to say what we please if by what we say or do,
e injure 'or embarrass a fellow Christian, make a brother to stumble
or bring reproach on the testimony of Jesus Christ.
It should be remembered by all members of the church that a Baptist
church is a felloiship and that those who break the fellowship place
themselves in position of being counselled . by the deacons, Pastor
or someone so designated for this responsibility.
It is the position of our church membership, therefore, in keeping
, with the spirit and letter of the scriptures that the following d.is.
ciplines shall be our policy:
1 . DisciplineofChrist . This is • shown throughout the New Testament
and. is summarized in Colossians 3:15.
2 Disciplineof theScriptures. Christians are expected to form
their behavior and their fellowship with their fellow Christians
- on the basis of Colossians 3:16.
3. DiscijfSelf. In the matter of Christian discipline, ones
self-discipline is also necessary for Christian service and
living. This is set forth in I Corinthians 9:27.
Li.. DisçjplineoftheChurch. Jus set forth the pattern of dealing rith those who need guidance and counselling by the church
itself. Read iatthew 18: 15.47.
The word of God enjoins us
. to subject ourselves to the guidance and counselling of other
church 1 eaders as noted by the Apostle Paul in Galatians 6:1.
Doctrinal Disciplines
Those serving in leadership responsibilities of teaching and other
activities are expected to conform to the doctrines of the word of
'God and as adopted b our church. In the event of doctrinal differ:..zences, these matters g ill be processed by the deacons and the Pastor
with recommendations to the church when necessary.
Q Membersp ?22
bebBaptism: Any person professing faith in the Lord Jesus
Christ as.his Saviour and. declaring it as his purpose to follow Him
as His disciple, may, by a unanimous vote of the congregation at any
church meeting', be received through baptism into full membership of
this church. Those presenting themselves for baptism must be baptized.
within twelve months. if they are not baptized within twelve months,
their name iil appear in our church bulletin preceding the annual
business meeting, at which time they will be dropped from the baptismal
roll and must present themselves to the church again. *
JiernbershipbyLetter: riembers of other Baptist churches of like
doctrLne, who have been baptized accorling to the New Testament, may,
by a unanimous vqte of the congregation at any of its public services,
be received into full membership of this church in good. and regular
standing upon receipt of letters of dismissal from those churches. *
r Statement: Any person who has at some time been a
member of a Baptist church of like doctrine, and who has been baptized
according to the New Testament, but whose membership has lapsed or been
lost 1 may, upon statement of the facts and the vow of their faith and
love to ChrLst, be restored and received to membership by a unanimous
vote of the congregation at any of its public services,
* Note: In the event that the vote is not unanimous, the matter
shall be referred to the deacons for further consideration and recommen. . dation. tothe church.
T'ansferofMernbersj: Any active member of our church may be granted
to unite with some other Baptist Church. The letter shall be
sent only to the church where the member desires new membership. Any
member who unites with any other church or group other than those of
like faith and practices shall have his name withdrawn from the Church
a -Tcr
hen any member moves to a distance inaccessible to our church, he shall
supply the church with hi-s new address and move his membership within
one year, providing there be a church of the same faith and order in
the place to which he moves. In case there is no such church or there
are circumstances which render it inadvisable to change, it shall be
his duty to report to this church as often as once a year in person or
by letter and contributions,
InactiveNembers : When a member shall fail. to manifest any interest
in the church for a period of one year, showing no desire or intention
of returning to the church, such member shall automatically become what
is designated as an "inactive member.0
People whose names are on the nactive List" are not to be counted
as members on any official report of our membership and, accordingly,
they are not entitled to vote in any business meeting of' the church
or be entitled to a letter transferring menthership as being in good.
It shall be the responsibility of the Deacons, after due effort to
re-.establish the member's fellowship with the church, to notify the
church clerk of all such lapses of active membership; and the clerk,
having receivedsuch official instructions, shall place the name(s)
on the Inactive List,
In order for this matter to be systematically carried out, it shall
be the responsibility of the Deacons each October to thoroughly
review the entire Church Membership Roll so that an attempt may
be made to regain the interest of such members before their names
are given to the church clerk. Upon being given any such names
by the Deacons, the church clerk shall immediately place them on
the Inactive List, report such action at the next business meeting
of the church and. notify such members (if the address is known).
An "Inactive Member" may be restored to active membership by the
church whenever such person shall indicate to the congregation at
any of its public services a desire to be reinstated and give
satisfactory assurance of intention to remain faithful t the
Our Church Calendar
The CIcii x_ shall begin September 1. and continue
through August 31 of each year0
The Chrch Financial Year shall begin January 1, and. continue through
December 31 of each year0
Business Meetings
I. There shall be a regular monthly business meeting of the churcti.
At this time 9 organizational reports and other business items
may iDe presentecL The Pastor may call other business meetings
as they are required,
2. If the matter to be considered at a called meeting is other than
routine church business, notice shall be given publicly through
the church buUetin from the pulpit, or at any regularly
scheduled service seven days preceding the meeting.
:3. In the absence of the Pastor from a business meeting,may
appoint someone else to act as Moderator pró-tem; otherwise,
a Nodemtor protem shall be elected by the church, with the
Chairman of Deacons acting as Chairman until such shall be
Lij. The government of the church shall be vested in the hands of
its members, and a njority vote of those present and voting
shall be effective to bind. the church, except in calling a
pastor. In changing the Church Policies, a two'thirds majority
. vote of those present ani voting shall be necessary Also, in
receiving members inlx the church, there must be unanimous
approval by those present ami. voting,
5. All members of the church shall be entitled to vote In the
church business meetings, each member being entitled to one
vote. Any member may make motions or discuss motions on items
upon recognition by the Moderator.
6. A majority of the members present at any regular or called
meeting of the church shall constitute a quorum for the trans.
. action of business3
7. Roberts' Rules of Ox1er (Revised DIition) shall be the parliamentary
guide in all business ieetings of the church.
8. No member shall introduce any item or project (unless of a routine
nature) at a regular or announced business meeting or at a regularly scheduled service without the related church committee
or Moderator's prior knowledge of the substance of such item or
Our church recognizes that the spiritual as well as the material
work of a church is done by and through human agencies ; that is to
say, through the Pastor, church staff, employees, church organizations, and committees. These shall serve under church approved
The Pastor shall 1e the administratIve and spiritual leader of
the church family. Policy applicable to the description of his
ministry, responsibilities and pütorchurch relationships follow.
The staff organizational leaders and employees are responsible to
the Pastor's direction through those persons or committees so
The Iinister of Education, the 1inister of Music and Youth, the
ELementary Director (and/or any other staff member which the church
might call) shall constitute the church staff. Members of the
church staff shall be ex-officio members of all committees. These
shall serve under those items of the Personnel Committee Policy and
the position description which applies to them and their ministries,
They are directly responsible to the Pastor and the Personnel Committee in behalf of the church.
The organizational leaders (general church officers, Sunday School
Direcjr, Church Training Director, World Missions Committee Chairmen, Chairman of the Deacons, and Chairman of the Finance
.. . . .- Committee) shall seive under the church adopted organizational
policies and in cooperation with the Pastor, the church staff and
:with other organizational leaders.
The employees shall serve under the Personnel Committee through
the Minister of Etlucation and the church adopted Pexonnel Com
mittee Policy.
The church approved committees shall serve under the direction
of the Pastor and in keeping with the church approved policies
covering the work of eaáh respective committee.
As declared by the Scriptures, Christ is Head. over the church, and
Chief Shepherd of the Flock. The Holy Spirit is His administrator.
A man called of Cod to the preaching of the Word, ordained by a
Baptist Church, called to the pastorate of a local church is the
Undershepherd of Christ and, under the Holy Spirit, chief executive
of such body. Therefore, the time-honored position of this church,
as it relates to the pastor is restated as follows:
The pastor of this church is, and. shall be, regarded and recognized
as the Undershepherd of Christ, performing a spiritual ministry to
the Spiritual body in this place, and the chief ex:cutive and administrative officer of this church, as pertaining both to its
spiritual ministry and program, and its business, secular and
material affairs; that certain powers, duties and prerogatives
are inherent in the office of pastor; that these powers, duties
and prerogatives are not to be exercied by the pastor dictatorially,
but under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, in the wise counsel of
the deacons, organizational leaders, committee chairmen, and the
general membership of the church.
That among the prerogatives and obligations of the pastor is that
of formulating a general program for the church, in its spiritual
work as well as its material welfare. That the pastor has the right
to call upon arid expect and receive the wisest counsel and sincere
prayeuJ. cooperation from the church staff, organizational leaders,
employees, and general membership of the church in formulating
such a program. Jhen such a program is formulated and adopted by
the church and placed in the hands of the pastor to carry out, the
pastor will have the cooperative efforts of the aforementioned in
carrying out such a program until it is changed, modified or superseded by the action of the church.
The pastor shall serve as Moderator of all church meengs,
ex-officio head of all departments of church work and as an exofficio member of all committees of the church, Among his specific
duties will be to give special attention to the spirItual needs of the
members, to preach statedLy at the church and to administer the
ordinances of the New Testament.
Upon the death, resignation, or removal of the pastor, the church
shall, without Unnecessary delay, call to its pastorate some minister
of good report, provided that notice of such intention to vote on the
call shall be given by the Pulpit Committee publicly from the pulpit
at the regular Sunday morning services, or through the Church Bulletin
on the Sunday immediately preceding the date of the church's vote to
call the new pastor, In the permanent absence of a pastor, the chair
n of the Pulpit Committee may call the church into conference for
this purpose at any Sunday Services providing proper notice has been
given on the preceding Sunday. The church's vote to call a new pastor
shall be upon recommendation of the Pulpit Committee, and shall be by
ballot upon at least two-thirds majority vote of those present and
voting. The pastor shall he elected to an indefinite tenure of office
to be terminated at, his own pleasure or the pleasure of the church,
The general church adopted Personnel Cornndttee policy shall apply
to the Pastoral leadership except as follows
A. A special Pulpit Committee shall be constituted in the
seeking and. securing of Pastoral leadership (See Pulpit
Committee Policy).
B, Any question on the part of a member of the church or those
*.outside the church concerning Pastoral leadership shall be made
to the Pastor himself. If this is not feasible, then ±o the Chairman of the Deacons and/or the Vice-Chairman and Secretary of the
Deacons who in turn shall share the matter with the Pastor. If the
need of further counsel is needed, a meeting of the deacon body by
the above namQd may be called.
C. The Pastor shall generally limit whole Sundays and weeks away
from the pulpit to seven annually.
These Sundays away may be used by the Pastor for vaca
tions, revivals, educational opportunities or conventions,
The Pastoravoid (except in the case of vacations,
or distant--.foreign or home-preaching missions) being
out of the pulpit more than two Sundays in succession.
While these seven Sundays and. weeks away from the pulpit
are made available to the Pastor, it is expected that the
Pastor shall not use them unless the need calls for them.
4, The Pastor shall generally limit himself to two revival
meetings annually away from the church field.
The Pastor shall calendar all commitments and shall
generally keep the Chairman of Deacons and the church
office informed when on out-of-town responsibilities.
Any deviation by the Pastor from the above procedure shall
be made in counsel with the Deacons,
D. Pastoral salary adjustments shall be recommended by the Deacons
in cooperation with the Personnel and Budget Committees. *
Our General Officers
The General Officers of the church s}-11 consist of a Church
O1erk Assistant Clerk, Chairman of Finance Conirnittee (Church
Treasurer), Vice-Chairman of Finance Conmittee (Assistant
Theasurer), Church Librarian, Assistant Librarian, and Church
Church Clerk
The duties of the church clerk shall be to keep a correct recoid
of all proceedings of the regular and special business meetings
of the church 1 He shall sign letters of dismissal of members
and cooperate with the church office in keeping a correct recoid
of membership, and in keeping the records and papers belonging
to the church.
Assistant Church Clerk
The Assistant Clerk shall act as historian of the church and
keep a record of the various church events which might add to
the historical interest of the church. He shall also assist
the clerk in all matters pertaining to the off ice.
Church Theasurer and Assistant Theasurer
The treasurer and ass:Lstant treasurer shall also serve as
Chairman and Vice-chairman of the Finance Committee. (See
Finance Committee Policy.) The treasurer shall sign all
cheeks fordisbursement, said checks to be countersigned by the
Financial Secretary. ' In the -absence of the treasurer, the
checks can be signed by the assistant treasurer and in the absence of the Financial Secretary, the checks can be counter..
signed by the Recoxtis Secretary. The treasurer shall give a
detailed and comprehensive written report of all receipts and
disbursements, balances, etc. at each regular church business
Church Librarian and Assistant Librarian
The Church Librarian shall be an ex .-officio member of the church
elected Library Committee and shall be considered a General Offi
cer of the church, The Librarian's responsibility shall be the
Church Library under the policy covering the operation of the
Library set by the Library Committee and approved by the church.
The Assistant Librarian shall assist the Librarian in libra,
operation and peiorm same duties when necessary.
Church Parliamentarian
The Church Parliamentarian shall be nominated by the Church
Committee and shall serve for one year unless reelected, He shall acquaint himself thoroughly idth the church
adopted Roberts' Rules of Order (Revised Edition). In any case
where the Church Parliamen±arian cannot be present at a business
meeting, it is understood that Roberts' Rules of Oxder (Revised
liition) shall be followed by the Moderator.
Our Deacons
The Church Nominating Committee shall present to the
church each year a recommendation of men to seive for a three year
term, replacingthe men rotating from the active deacons, plus the
name of a nn to fill each unexpired term of office, The election
of deacons shall be by ballot at a regular Sunday morning service(s)
by the congregation after due notice has been given, The Counting
Committee shall consist of the retiring deacons. The qualifications
(see pages 19 and 20) adopted by the church shall be used as the
basis for consideration.
The number of deacons to serve the congregation may be adjusted
as the congregation grows numerically. With every additional fifty
members added to our active membership, one additional deacon nay
be added but the deacon body is to be expanded only in multiples of
Deacons shall serve on a three-year rotation basis. A deacon, upon
serving a regular three year tenure of service, will not be eligible
for re-election until at least one year has intervened. Vacancies
occurring throughout the year sIll be filled by the Church Nominat..
ing Committee recommending to the church names for election by the
. ..
The officers of the deacons shall consist of a Chairman, Vice..
Ohairman, Secretary. These shall be elected at their first meet
ing in October and shall serve for one year. Legal instruments
of the corporation shall be signed by the Chairman or ViceChairman,
sealed with the corporate seal and attested to by the Secretary.
. .. .
Any member who has served as a deacon th;t, upon honorable retire
:ment due to age or infirmity, be elected by the church "Deacon
Emeritus", which office he may hold for life with all the rights
arid privileges of the office, except that of voting in the meetings of the deacons.
ep9psibiitiesoftheDeaconship g The office of a deacon was
scripturally instituted to assist the Pastor in performing obliga-.
tions to the church family involving their material needs. The
deacon, therefore, is the Pastor's assistant. It is also the
responsibility of the deaconship to pray for the Pastor and to
be available for counsel and leadership in the many ministries
of a New Testament church. The office of a deacon carries with
it the responsibility for Christian example, cooperation and
sharing one's life with others. The deacon should be borne upon
the prayers of the people and be given sincere and prayerful
support so that their responsibilities may be perEorrned to the
The deacons shall be assigned the watcheare of the mebers of
the church, It will be. theirs to assist the Pastor in minister-.
ing to those of our church family.
The deacons shall be responsible for adjusting the church membership rolls for those whose membership needs to be placed on an
inactive status.
Please SWDY carefully I Timothy 31-13 and give particular
attention and thought to each listed scriptural quali'ication
for the deaconship. These qualifications, such as marital
requirements, home relationships, etc. are basic to serve as
a deacon.
A. Are you a tither of your income THROUGH the church? Yes ( ) No ( )
B. Will you be responsible for visiting and ministering to a segment of the church membership and also
participate in other personal witnessing and soulwinning visitation? Yes ( ) No ( )
C. Would you faithfully support with your atten-
dance at and participation in special services
and meetings (Revivals, Bible Conferences, etc.)
in addition to regularly scheduled activities ? Yes ( ) No
C )
D. Are you willing to submit to the vote of the
majority and support the action even though
you voted contrar y to it?
Yes ( ) No,( )
E. Iftil you Coor)erate in bringing to the attention
of the pastor, chairman of deacons , or to the
staff member directly related to the problem,
any matter that might contribute to rnisunder
standing, disharmony or disunity among the
members of the church family?
Yes ( ) No ( )
F. Does your employment generally keep you out
of town at night during the week?
Yes ( ) No ( )
G. Do you believe in, and will you support the
operative r•ission Program, the organizations,
policies and ministry of the church?
Yes ( ) No ( )
H. Hould you destructively criticize your church,
its members, its actions, or the Pastor before
groups and in:Lvitha1s?
Yes ( ) No ( )
Do you buy, sell or use alcohol beverages in
any form or amount?
Yes ( ) No ( )
J, Will you attend every Deacons' meeting unless
providentially hindered?
Yes ( ) No ( )
If. If, after elected a deacon, you find you
cannot comply with the a1ove requisites, will
you tender your resignation f'om the active
deacon group ?
Yes ( ) No ( )
III. Please indicate your attendance at the following:
Sunday School(
Morning Worship(
Church Training(
Evening Worship(
Weds. Prayer Hour(
Mission Enphases(
) .(
Iv. Please indicate the organizations in which you are now
seiving and in what capacity.
da y School ( ) -- Church Iainin( ) -_-- - - -.- ----------.
Music( )
--- ------World Missions ( ) _______________________________________
Committees( )
Other( )
Thank you for your cooperation. Please use the enclosed addressed
envelope to return the ±orin or you may leave it at the Church office.
A Baptist church in order to fulfill the Great Corrudssian decides
on the number of organizations within itself to cari'y• out these
rLtnistries 1 It is our conception that organization means the
distrLbution of responsibility. The organizations of this church
shall be the Sunday School, Church framing, World Missions and
Music. These organizations, leaders and members, shall serve
as a pare of the total church program and in cooperation with each
other. No one shall enlist a worker to serve in any position with
out first consulting the Pastor and/or Minister of PlIucation, or
ganizational leader or other related staff member.
The leaders of our organizations in addition to other church
leaders who comprise the church council shall meet annually to
schedule the church ca].endar and their various activities and
programs. Organizational leaders shall not initiate or change
any program or policy without the knowledge and approval of the
Pastor and/or Minister of Education on such rrtters prior to
action thereon arid as regards any financial obligation outside
regular budget items without the full knowledge of the Finance
CorfllTlittee. The organizational leaders shall discourage fund.
raising projects within their organizations except as appxved
by the church.
Sunday School
The Sunday School is the ovange . l istic organization of a Baptist
church. The purpose of the Sunday School is to reach 9 teach, win
and develop people for Christ. The four specific tasks of the
Sunday School are as fol lows:
I. Teach the Biblical rovelation.
2. Reach persons for Christ and church membership.
3. Perform the functions of the church within its
4, Provide and interpret information concerning the work of
the church and the denomination.
Sunday School Director
The Sunday School Director shal I be nominated by the Church Nominating Committee and shall be elected by the church each year. He
shall, in cooperation with the Minister of Education, have general
supervision of the Sunday School, its conduct and direction, con-'
sistent with the church program. The Director, Pastor, Minister of
Education, and Church Nominating Committee working together shal I
nominate teachers and officers of the Sunday School to be approved
by the church in conference on or before September 1 of each year.
Vacancies shal I be fi I ted upon recommendation by the Pastor, Sunday School Director and Minister of Education to the Nominating
Committee and approved by the church.
Church Training
Thepurposo of the Church Training Department in a Baptist church
is to train Christians in church membership and leadership. The
five specific tasks of the Training Union are:
I. Give orientation to new church members.
2. Teach Christian theology, Christian ethics, Christian
history, and church pot ity and organization.
3, Train church members to perform the functions of their
4. Discover, recruit, and give general training to potential
leaders of the church.
5. Provide and interpret information regarding the work of the
church and the denomination.
Church Training Director
The Director of Church Training shal I be nominated by the Church
Nominating Committee and elected by the church each year. Ho shall,
in cooperation with the Minister of Education, have general supervision of the Church Training, its conduct and direction, consistent
with the church program. The Director, Pastor, Minister of Education and the Church Nominating Committee working together shall
nominate leaders and officers of the Church Trining to be approved
by the church in conference on or before September 1 of each year.
Vacancies shall be filled upon rocommendation by the Pastor, Church
Training Director and Minister of Education to the Nominating Cornmittee arid approved by the church.
Wor I d M i ss I ons Comm i tteo
The purpose of the World Missions Committee is to involve the
total church and its organizations in missions. This can best
be achieved through four basic objectives which wi I I promote:
Information"KnowingCStewardship - Giving
Intercession - Praying0. CommitmentGoing
World Missions Committee Co-Chairmen
The World Missions Committee Co-Chairmen shal : Schedule and
conduct as many meetings of the entire World Missions Committee
as necessary through the Minister of Education's church activities
calendar; Have the oversight of the entire World Missions Committee
in reaching its purpose, objectives and the responsibi I ities of the
Mission Area Member Representative; Secure information from the
Mission Area Ropresentative and other resources in providing ma
tonal for the World Missions Column in the church Challenge, and
in providing prayer requests as petitions to be presented during
the prayer period on Wednesday night; Arrange with the World Missions Committee Area Represontative Members to schedule a mission
emphasis in a service once each month of the year (a definite area
is to be represented each month); Plan and coordinate the quarterly
Missionary Conferences with other mombers of the World Missions Cornmit-f-ce who represent the Mission Areas Involved in the quarterly
conference emphas i s.
Better hymn singing, the training of singers and music leaders,
the improvement of musical ski 1 Is, the development of Instrumentalists, the better understanding of hymriody, and a growing
appreciation of music in worship and the life of the church are
possible only through a music program organized for that purpose.
The tasks of the Music Ministry are:
I. Teach music.
2. Train persons to lead, sing, and play music.
3. Provide music in the church and community.
4. Provide and interpret information regarding the work
of the church and the denomination.
A. Organization
The Church Council shall be composed of the Chairman
of Deacons, Chairman of the Finance Committee, World
Missions Committee Co-Chairmen, Sunday School Director,
and Churchining Director.
The Pastor and/or the Minister of k1ucation shall be
voting members of the Council and shall act as Modera-'
tor and Co-moderator of the Church Council.
:3. The Church Council shall meet with the Pastor at such
time and as often as he considers best for the purpose
of planning and coo.inating the work and. activities of
the church, It shall make such recommendations to the
church as it feels necessary.
B1 Functions
1. The Church Council shall have the responsibility of
projecting the annual church calendar by scheduling
the major church and. organizational events.
2, The Church Council shall promote the cooperative
coordination of the church organization and
The Church Council shall recorrjiend, on the basis of
planning and survey, a program of annual and future
objectives in the spiritual, evangelistic and mission
ministries of the church and its organizations, to the
church membership for discussion and approval.
I4 • It shall become the responsibility of every organiza-'
tional leader, employee, staff member, and member of
the church to cooperatively and with coordination work
towari. the end of meeting the programs and objectives
. projected by the Church Council, when presented, dis-'
cussed and adopted by the church.
Our Church Committees and PolicIes
The church authorizes the Pastor to nominate six members to
serve as a Nominating Committee. These nominees must be approved
and elected by the church
The Nominating Committee then has the responsibility of nominating
and presenting to the church for election all those who serve the
church in her organizations and on committees with the exception
of the Pastor, members of the staff and employees of the church.
Policies of procedure for each organization and committee or
anyone serving the church should be approved by the church and
adjusted as necessary.. 1iembers of the church are cooperatively
expected to abide by these policy procedures set by the church.
E.ch committee shall appoint a secretary who shall keep accurate
minutes as to date of meeting, members present, and concise
statement of proceedings with recommendations set forth as made
by the committee. These records are to be kept on file in the
church office.
Ten . Commándmcnts Forin churchRe1atedj1bflit1es
A proper conception of the pttrpose of service for the Lord through the
bhurch is necessary for an understanding 0 working relationship between
pastor and people as "coc4aborers "
The pastor of a chucch i reponcib1e directly to the congregation for
its spir1tua1 athLtnstat1ve 9 religious education 9 ministry of music9
financial D c' phy1cai proparties0 It Is obvious that while he must
°0pastor" every one of th3se rriinistrie 9 it is humanly impossible for
him to fulfil]. ever;r inute rzpon3ib11ity 0 To assist the pastor 0 a
church staff of cvea1 poop!e is ernp].oycd. In addition 0 certain inem
bers within the chu:cch 1ody a'e also de3ignated to give the pastor
assistance0 Thece arc c1caconz enera1 church officers 9 teachers arid
co!n1nitteeInen GtCa
arrange with the Patoz and/or the Minister of ucation for
a meeting for briefing and planning as soon as possible after
exemplify Christ in thy nner of christian conduct within the
church membership arid to others0
refrain from forrnuIat1rg arty p1ans fund raising projects9
policies 9 or act±on at any time without the related conunittee°s0
Pastor°s and/or Ninicter of iucation°s full knowledge of same
in keeping with our general church policy0
demonstrate a spirit of cooperation ani adaptability to church
wide projects and p3licies0 (Visitation 9 Stewaxdship 9 Misions0
Revivals 0 eta0)
50 fulfill thy responsibilities in cooperation with other existing
organizations of our church ;ith their particular ministries0
6 seek to promote high s i±rltua]. standards of 1edication 9 witness
enthusiasms, and. positive optimism in your service for Ghrist
through our c}v.rch0
consult the Pastors 1ttn1ster of 1ucation, and/or the church
secretary for tho chuoh calendar of activities before schedü1c
ing any meetings oi' ovent33
refrain from dertructLviy criticizing your church 9 its orniza
tions 9 rnemheship and ie9Aers,
9 0 prayerfully seek wdorn in discovering means of more efficient
and fruitful srvce :n the area of the ministry you represent0
Audio-Visual Aid Corriniittee
A. Organization
The Aud.ioVisuai Aid. Committee shall be composed of
six (6) members nominated by the Church Nominating
Committee and elected by the church.
The Committee shall cooperatively coordinate their
responsibility under the direction of the Pastor and/or
the Minister of P1ucation.
B. Functions
The Audio4Tisuai Aid Committee is responsible to the
church for the use, safety and maintenance of all electro
nic equipment in the category of movie cameras, projectors,
recorders, and public address systems both portable and
permanently installed.
The Committee will coordinate and work cooperatively
with the Library Cornniittee in the cataloguing, processing and nintenance of audio-visual aids,
Only members of the AudioVisual Aid Committee are
authorized to operate audio-visual aid equipment.
Church and organizational. leaders and members shall
requisition and calendar the use of any audio..visual
aid equipment through the Church Librarian and/or Audio-S
Visual Aid Committee Chairman,
The Minister of Fducation shall be advised of the use
and calendaring for the use of all audio-visual aid
Audio-visual aid equipmeflt may only be used for church
sponsored projects or ministries. Members of the church
are urged to refrain from handling or operating audio
visual aid equipment. (The high costs of the misuse of
electronic equipment prohibits unauthorized users.)
BaptismalCoinznittee Policy
:i.. • The Baptismal Committee shall be composed of six (6)
nembers nominated by the Church Nominating Coirirnittee
and. elected by the churche•
2. The Baptismal Committee shall work in close cooperation
with the Pastor, th Church clerk, and the church office
in performing its ministry.
B. Functions
1. The women serving on the committee shall provide for
the baptismal needs of the female candidates for baptism. The men members of the committee shall do 1ike
wise for the male candidates for baptism.
a. Arrangements for the 'use of respective dressing
rooms and facilities for baptism shall be made
by the committee Chairman or a designated Oommittee member.
b. Baptismal robes shall be in full supply, identi-'
fied. as to size, and kept laundered and repaired
at all times.
C,.ndidates shall be provided handkerchiefs and.
towels in the dressing rooms.
d.. The candidates for baptism shall be given a].l
the personal attention necessary and an atmosphere created which will relax the candidate and
make him conscious of the §nctity 'f tho Drdinrrce
of baptism and the meaningful Christian atmosphere
of our church by the members of the bmmittee.
e. rery precaution should be taken to provide maximum
privacy in the dressing rooms in oxer to avoid
'unnecessary embarrassment while the candidates are
preparing for baptism.
fl, The baptismal rooms should be equipped with needful
items such as a portable hair dryer, safety pins or
' other clothing fasteners, combs, bobby pins, mirzvrs,
g. The candidate following baptism s1.0 have the
assistance of the attendants in preparing to enter
the auditorium to take part in the worship service.
h, All wet garments and towels shall be placed in drip
pans to avoid problems with wet floors.
is Dressing room doors shall be equipped with locks on
the inside and. orderliness and quietness shall be
maintained in the dressing rooms.
j. In preparing the candidate for baptism, the attendant
shall check to see that no one is wearing a watch or
other items which might be damaged before entering
the water and that the full name of the candidate is
written on a slip of paper in pencil and pinned to
the right shoulder.
k The Baptismal Committee shall consult with the Pastor
each Lord 0 s day or prior thereto concerning candidates
for baptism.
( contd)
:i. The Baptismal Committee shall meet the Candidates
in the dressing rooms, and after robing, escort them
to the baptistry for baptism.
m. The .ptisina]. Qnunittee has the responsibility of
arxanging for the filling and temperature of the
water in the baptismal pool for each baptismal
service (the committee dll work with the Superintenclent of Buildings in this matter).
nI The Baptismal Committee will also direct, in coopezation with the Superintendent of Buildings and custodians, the matter of removing all water on floors
between the baptismal pool and the dressing rooms.
0.ptismal services shall be scheduled by the Pastor
according to the candidates 9 wishes and. the schedule
of services,
A. Organization
The Chiidren t s Fliucation Committee shall be composed of
six (6) individuals nominated by the Church Nominating
Comniittee and elected by the church, The Pastor and the
Minister of Education and the Elementary Director shall be
ex-officio members of the committee.
The Committee shall meet when necessary or called by the
Committee Chairman, the Pastor or the Minister of F1ucation. Faculty members shall attend when requested.
The Committee shall be responsible to the church, the
Pastor, the Minister of Eliucation, and the Personnel
Committee for directing that phase of the church's
ministry to its children which has to do dth the weekday
pre-school programming.
The Committee members shall serve in cooperation with
the Church policies and related personnel of the
Children's Education ministry.
The Committee shall recommend salary schedules for the
director, faculty members and employees relating to
Children's Education personnel to the Personnel Cornmittee and the Church Finance Committee.
B. Administmtion
The Eftementary Director shall serve under the supervision and policies of the Children's ucation Committee,
the Pastor and the Minister of Elucaticn in relation to
the Children's E1ucation Committee Drogram.
2. The Eftementary Director shall serve as Director and
.may seive as teacher, in the Children's 1ucation pxo
gram Teaching assignments shall be scheduled annually
by the Children's Education Committee.
The Children's Friucation faculty and employees shall be
under the direct supervision of the Children's liucation
Committee, Pastor, Minister of Education, and the Elemofl'tary Director,
A,, Organization
:i., The Church Library Committee shall be composed. of six (6)
members flOThi13ted by the Nominating Jomrnittee arid elected.
by the crch.
2. The Gonunitee shall cooperatively coordinate their responsi'.
bility under the direction of the Pastor and Minister of
3. The Ohurch Librarian shall be an exoffic1.o member of the
Ohurch Library Comnittee.
B. Functions
The Churh Library Committee shall work coopezatively with
the church eleeted. librarian in close cooemtion with the
Pastor and the Minister of Ed.ucation in the maintenance of
an efficient church library and. visual aids department.
2. The resporsibilities of the Church Librarr mrnittee sFU
be as follows :
a Promote the acquisition of acceptab].e books for church
librnxy use through memorials, anniversaries and other
1. ?intain an efficient system of libmy operation as
to the loan and return of church librxy books
C. Keep all books properly repaired.
ci. Promote the use of the church libmry and its facilities by members of the church and its organizations.
e, Supervise the library cataloguing, processing and
storage of all.books for the libmry, films arid filmstrips in cooperation with the Audio-Visual Aids
f. Set ard adjust clurch Library opemting policies.
A. Membership and ILection
1. The Dining-Kitchen Committee shall be composed of six
(6) members nominated by the Nominating Committee and
elected by the church.
2, The Committee shall consist of three women and three men.
One member each of the Social, Personnel, and Property
and Maintenance Committee shall be represented on the
Dining-Kitchen Committee,
:3. The Dining-Kitchen Supervisor shall serve as an ex-officio
member of the Committee. However, her attendance at Comrnittee meetings shall be only as requested.
B. Policies to be followed by the Committee
I I The Committee shall be represented to the Dining-Kitchen
Supervisor and kitchen employees by the Minister of
2. All Dining-Kitchen facilities and equipment shall be
limited in use to functions and events sponsored by the
church and its organizations, denominational activities
and wedding receptions, (See Property and Maintenance
Committee for wedding costs.) Special requests for use
of facilities and equipment shall be processed by the
Committee and the Property and iintenance Committee
whose decision is final,
:3. All events using Dining-Kitchen facilities (or any part
of them) shall be scheduled on the church calendar through
the Minister of Education. These dates cannot be changed
except in consultation with the Minister of Educatio4,
4. Dining . Kitchen facilities and equipment cannot 'be used
without the presence of the Dining-Kitchen Supervisor
or personnel authorized by the Committee and/or the
Minister of Fducation
.5. Dining-Kitchen rooms, facilities and equipment (stoves,
sinks, utensils, etc.) shafl be kept clean by the DiningKitchen Su p ervisor, maids, etc. and Building Superintendent
through such policies as established by the Committee and
represented by the Minister of EcIucation.
Dining1ütchen equipment shall not be removed from the
church property except as authorized by the Committee
and in keeping with other church policies covering such
use under the Property and Maintenance Committee Policy,
Any equipment so authorized. to be used away from the
church property shall be by signed requisition,
&penses for special depaftment_ide events shall be
paid by the sponsoring department - DiningKitchen Superb.
visor, kitchen help, etc.
ningKitchenCounittee Policy (contd)
C. Dining .. Kitchen Supervisor Responsibilities:
1. The Dining .. Kitchen Supervisor shall serve under related
church personnel policy and under the suporvision of the
DiningKitchen Committee and Minister of Education.
2. The Dining-d(itchen Supervisor shall be responsible for the
purchase (using purchase order number issued by the Finan
cial Secretary and approved by the Minister of Education),
preparation, and serving of all food service as directed
by and in cooperation with the Comnitteo and the inister
of Education.
3. The Dining*Kitchen Supervisor shall rakc reports and prc
sent currcmt records to the Finance Committee, through the
church Financial Secretary and/or Minister of Education,
of all expenditures and receipts.
4. T'ne DiningKitchen Supervisor is directly responsible for
the irinacu]Late cleanliness and working order of the kitchen,
food, service area, its equip m ent and facilities at all
5. The DiningKitchen Supervisor and other employees working
in preparation of food shall naintain a current health ccr
tificato at all times.
6. The DiningKitchcn Supervisor shall be responsible for the
preparation and serving of designated meals as follows:
The Weekly Fariily Night Dinner
Sunday 'Snack Tin&' for choir and/or Councils
C. Special church events when occurring
d. Denonin.tjon1 neals when occurring
C. Any other speciil events which ay be scheduled by
the Com1ittee and i1inistar of 3ducation
7. Metls for clissos or sriall groups are not the responsibility
of the Diningitchen Supervisor and special arrangements
must be mde through the Conmittc and/or the DiningKitchcn
Supervisor for use of ftcilitios in otch case and approved
by the 4inistcr of Education.
a. The DiningKitchon Covittoc shall roconond to the Property
Emd ikuntcnincc Committee now equipncnt and equipment repair
as needed for the DiningKitchen facilities.
The Dining(itchon Conriittee shall dcterinc the number of
DiningKitchon onployeos and make rcconiendations to the
Personnel Comnittoc.
10. Prices for etls, as well as serving procedures, shall be
set by the [)ining-Kitchcn Connittoc, in cooperation with
the Iinister of Educ3tion.
DiningKitchen Cori'nittee Policy (contd)
D. General Policies
1. .jeiibers of the church are expected to adhere to the provisions
of these DiningT(itchon Policies for the econoriy, preservcttion,
c1omliness and order of our facilitios and equiprient.
2. Children under sixteen (16) years of age shall NOT be in the
kitchen .rca for ANY REASON and at ANY TLE. (This ticans
whcth3r food is being prepared, served, or the kitchen is
3. It is ouphsized that the kitchen and all cquipcnt riust be
left iinaculatoly clean and in place BEFORE it is closed
after otch food preparation .rid serving whether used by the
DiningKitchcn Supervisor or authorized personnel.
4. Rigid insect and deodorant cxterrinating processes shall
be in effect at all times in the Dining-Kitchen areas.
5. Individuals shall be responsible for dariago to church
property while in their possession and shall be expected
to assurie financial loss incurred.
6. Portable oquipont owned by the church crnnot bo ronoved
from church unless following conditions arc not:
Use of equipment shall be for churcii-sponsorod purposes.
Minister of Education shall approve use of such equipment.
C. User of equipront nust sign requisition blank stating
purpose of use, duration rf use, and date to be returned.
d. User shall be responsible fr full value of damage or
loss of oquipront.
7. 3chwi'r in diningkitchcn fcilitirs sIvuld be in keeping
with the highest Christthn standards.
Respect and sanctity shall bo observed in r'lation to
all diingkitchon facilities and equipment.
b. No snking shall bc pornittod in the dining-kitchcn
.facilities 9f the church.
C. No qucstinablo farm of recreati on or manner of dross
shall be permitted under the sponsership "f the cl.iurch,
2r related group rganizr.tins in the Cining-kitchon
facilities f tho church.
irianco Coiiindtteo Policy
I. Guiding Principles
1. 'Ii.thes and offerings shall be recognized as our plan of
finance. Members of the church and Sunday School shall
be encouraged to give at least a tenth of their income
through the church and. Sunday School.
2, The Unified Budget System shall be our method. of finance,
and there shalLonly one treasury in the church,
The Stewardship Committee through the organizations of
the church shaLl be used. to promote our stewardship pro
giam led 1y the Sunday School organization.
The church shall u the Eight-point Record System on
velopes, that those attending may make their church
offering through the Sunday School.
Special offerings shall be taken in the church only for
revival meetings, the three annual offerings of the
World Missions Committee (namely, State, Home and
Foreign Missions), or as authorized by the church.
In the interest of sound business policy, the follow-.
ing measures shall be observed
a, The church Financial Year shall begin January 1
and continue through December 31 of each year,
b. All bills and obligations (except for Petty sh
Fund) of the church and its organizations shall be
paid by check The treasurer shall sign all checks
for disbursement, said checks to be countersigned
by the Financial Secretary. In the absence of the
Theasurer, the checks can be signed by the Assistant
Theasurer and in the absence of the Financial Secretary the checks can be countersigned by the Reco.s
All offerings, regular and special, shall be
counted by pre .-arrangements made by the Finance
Committee for accurate and safe account of all
d. The Minister of Education, in cooperation with the
Finance Committee, shall approve all budget autho-.
rized expenditures.
e, The Financial Committee willa10 be responsible
for seeing that quarterly reports are sent to all
contributors showing the amount they have given to
that date.
A detailed and comprehensive written report of all
receipts and disbursements, balances, etc. shall be
given to the church at each regular business meeting.
There shall ' be an annual independent audit of all
books perbaining to the church funds, and a report
rde to the church.
II Tnct! Conunittee
A. Organization
The Finance-Budget Committee shall be mposed of six (6)
1 , members.
a Three (3) menthers of the Committee sFU be deacons.
b. The church treasurer shall be chairman of the Coniraittee,
C. Members of the Committee shall rotate on a threeyear cycle.
d. The Nominating Committee shall nominate the Jommittee0
e, There shall be inter-representation between the
Finance Committee and other committees when necessary.
2 . Each member of the Committee shall be a tither and shafl
seek to create a sense of stewardship and responsibility
of our members,.
, :3. The Conunittee shall work with the Financial Secretary of
the church. The Financial Secretary is the bookkeeper
and j.s rponsible forfinancial records. The Finan.
cia]. Secretary will be under the supervision and assigned
responsibility of the Minister of Education and the
Personnel Commi,
B. Neetings
1. The Budget'Finance Committee shall meet monthly with
the meeting scheduled after the closing of the books
of the financial records for the month, hUed meetings
are permissible when the occasion demands such and may
be called by the Committee Chairman arid/or the Pastor0
C. Responsibilities
1. The Finance . Budget Committee shall submit a proposed
budget in cooperation with reconunendations of other corn..
iiiittee and organizational directors to the church
2. The Committee shall exercise budget cntrol and shall
be directly responsible to the church for processing
of all receipts, counting of monies, deposits, ex
penditures, bookkeeping, and all other matters related
to church finances,
3. In case of items not provided for in the budget, the
COfluTlittee shall meet and pass on such except that in
items over $100 the church will vote its approval.
D. Budget Control of Ebci,enditures
1. Request for use of funds by those authorized by the
church to use budget funds must be with the following
a 1 Item must be listed in budget0
b. Ependiture for one budgeted item cannot be
charged against another unless special
authorization is received from the Finance
ci A requisition form secured from the Financial
Secretary or rilnister of Education must be
filled out and authorized by the proper comrnmittee or person.
d. Purchase order number must be secured from
the Minister of E1ucation or Financial Secre
tary for authorized personnel to make purchases.
C. The Finance Committee and/or Financial Secretary
shall not honor payable invoices which do not
bear purchase order numbers.
f i A petty cash fund (amount to be set by Finance
Committee) shall be maintained in the church
office for minor emergencies but full accounting shall be made for all amounts used from this
A. Organization
1. The flower and Decorating Committee shall cxnsist of six (6)
members nominated by the Church Nominating Committee and
elected by the church0
2. The Committee shall cooperatively coordinate their responsi
bility under the direction of the Pastor and/or the Minister
of liucation.
B. Functions
The Flower and Decorating Committee shall minister and serve in
the following areasi
1. The flower and Decorating Committee shall cooperatively
coordinate their ministry with the Social inmittee.
2. The Connnittee shall furnish flowers for regular church
services, church . wide socials, receptions, revivals,
special occasions and. other church.-wide pograrnz,
:3. The Committee is to plan with the Minister of Diucation
in the expenditure of budget authorized funds (flower and
decorating budget item) to be used in carrying out their
4, If the Committee recognizes that the church has no second
use for the flowers and decorations after the initial usel
flowers shall be taken to the homes of shut-4ns, the sick,
.. the hospitals or uses in other areas.
The ColTuflittee shall provide flowers and/or fruit for the
hotel or motel rooms in which visiting speakers and guests
(evangelists , pulpit supplies , etc ) are being housed.
C. Guiding Principles
1. The Committee shall encourage tF membership to contribute
flowers to the Church for memorials, significant personal
anniversaries, and from weddings or other special occasions
in the church in which flowers are used.
2. The Committee shall acknowledge floral and other decorations
presented as gifts from members and others by personal note
either in the church publications (challenge or Sunday bulletin) or by personal correspondence.
The Coinndttée shall refrain from dang1ng church ftirniture
in using floral and. other decomtions. This hs to do
with water 4ange, carpet niarking and defacing of woodwork.
Li. .
The mmittee sh.i1 consult with the Pastox and/or Minister
of 1ucatiori on any matter having to do with flowers and
decomtions not covered by this policy.
Long Range Planning Committee
A. Organization
Long Range Planning Committee shall only be included
among church committees when the church progzm for the
year justifies the servtces of such a committee,
The Long Range Planning Committee shall be composed of
six (6) members nominated by the Church Nominating Comraittee and elected by the church (with individuals representing Sunday School, Church Taining, Missions, Youth,
Music and Deacons).
:3. it shall be the responsibility of this committee to
survey the irnrriediate as well as future (long range)
needs of te church in the areas of improvement, re
rnodelirg additional buildings, and other properties
making recommendations to propercommittee(s) and/or
church as deemed necessary.
4. The Committee shall cooperatively coordinate their
work dth the officers of deacons, the church council
and other related committees and organizations of the
In the event that a building program is adopted by the
church, this committee shafl at for the church as its
building committee for the projected building program,
During such a building program, this committee shall
proceed under the following building committee policies;
a, All plans and specifications including costs shall
be cleared in a duly announced business meeting by
the church in conference.
b. The committee shall work closely in counsel with the
church organizations and related committees involved
in a particular building program.
C. Plans and specifications for all major building pro-S
grams shall be drawn up and supervised by a reputable
architect recommended by the committee and approved by
the church body.
(i:, AJl building programs shall be placed for legitimate
bids from reputable, bonded builders and contractors
and let to the lowest acceptable bidder.
5. It is recommended that contracts for any major repair,
renovation, or building project shall not be negotiated
with any member of the church or its organizations,
(This is for the protection of the individual member
of the church or its organizations and also for the
ptection of the church itself. It is the purpose
of the Building Committee and the church in this
matter to avoid undue criticism of the individual
member and on the other hand avoid placing the church
at a decided disadvantage in expediting the project
f. Periodic reports thirthg construction in a building
program shall be made to the church body.
Committee PoI
A, Organization
1. The Lord's Supper Cornidttee shall be composed of six (6)
members and ;haU be nominated by the Church Nominating
Cornndttee and elected by the church. *
2 • The Committee shall cooperatively coordinate their responsi-.
bility under the direction of the Pastor and/or the Minister
of E1ucation1
B. Functions
1. The specific responsibility of the Committee is to serve in
all those areas that have to do with the inventory prepara
tion and maintenance of the utensils and equipment used in
the Lord's Supper.
a The Committee s,ll be certain that sufficient cups,
trays, bread and. juice and clean linens are available
for each Loid's Supper service1
b. The Committee is responsible for the collection of all
cups, etc.. following each service, and the cleanliness
and readiness for use of all equipment, with a definite
storage place provided for same within the church build-.
0 The Coxnxnjttee shall be certain to have ample elements,
bread arid juice, prepared for each service.
A. Organization
The Missions Committee shall consist of six (6)
members, one of which shall be a representative of
the World Missions Comniittee, These shall be nomi..
nated by the Church Nominating Committee and elected
by the church.
The Committee shall cooperatively cooxdinate their
responsibilities with the Associational Missions
Committee and other related committees in coopera
tion with the Pastor and/or the Minister of &lucation.
B.. F\inctions
The Corruuiittee shall represent the church in the church's
approved extensions of its ministry in the establishment
and operation of new mission locations, branch Stday
Schools and Fellowship Bible study classes.
In the operation of a local church mission, the Committee
shall make recommendations to the church body and in
cooperation with related committees in all matters re
lating to personnel, budget, equipment, maintenance of
such properties and ministries as the church may operate.
:3. The Committee shall project all local mission work
according to the church adopted Policies.
:• The establishment of a local missioii with the purpose
of becoming a seifsustaining church shall be in cooperation with the established Associational Mission Policy
when applicable,
MusicConmiittee Policy
A. Organization
:1. The Music Committee s111 be composed of six (6) members
nominated by the Ghurch Nominating Conunittee and elected
by the chuiche
The Conudttee shall cooperatively coordinate their responsi.
bility under the direction of the l4inister of Music in
coopemtion with the Pastor and. Minister of Fducation.
3. Leadership of the various choirs shall see as ex-officlo
members and shall attend meetings when so requested.
II,. Those seriiing as Instrwnontalists in the church ts ministry
of music shall do so according to church adopted job des-'
B Functions
Committee shall assist the Ninister of Music in pro-'
,. . 1. The
cessing matters that have to do with the church's ministry
of musio
2. The Committee shall work in cooperation with the Pastor
and/or Minister of Biucation and Minister of Music in
planning and projecting the mix4stry of the Gospel thiugh
music in the worship services of t1 church.
. ,
:3. The committee shaU promote a progmm of training and
music appreciation among church uembers in the field
of instrumental mu, song directing 9 vocal groups and
l4• The Committee sIll make recommendations to the appropriate
committees for equipment (robes, instrunients hyinnals) and
other music materials and supplies.
The Committee shall work with the Minister of ?kisio in
staffing the graded choir program during the church year.
in committeec
A0 Onizat1on
The Pastor shall annually appoint the Ghurch NominatI,
Gonmilttee to be approved by the church in the y/Yc'Y&øb&r
business meeting0
2 The Nominating Committee shall be composed of six
members and shall serve beginning
January 31 annually0
30 The Recommendations of the Nominating Coiirnittee thall be made to the church for election by the ChUrCI at duly'
meetings accoriing to church policy0 Recomc
I) ( (
shoii:Ld be corp1etcd. for the church year bOc
if:1 : '
g:nnixig- September 1 by the ae#-Wedtday in -gttst
! .
. -1
C '
The Pastor 0 in addition to the Minister of B)1ucation
shall be exofficio members of the Noridnating Coiinittee
ani their counsel shall be sought by the Committee in
making its nominations0
50 The newly appointed Nominating Committee shall nominate
the General Officers of the church and. the Orn1ztiona1
Leaders (Sunday School Director9 Church Trtining Directors,
World Missions Ooininittee Co . Chairmen 0 and Church Youth
Missions chairman) to be presented to the church for
election not later than the March bnsin3ss nceting0 The
Nominating Committee shall further nominate Ghurch mc
inittees as needed 0 (See policies covering these corzmittee
for direction in making nomñinations0 )
6 The Nominating Jomrnittee in coopemtion with the Pastor
and the Minister of B1ucation and. the Organizational
Leaders shall fLU all vacancies occurring during the
? The Chairman of the Nominating Committee of the previoi
year shall serve as a member of the Committee of the
current year0 How3ver0 he cannot be re-eleoted as
Bc Guiding Principles
Limit number of committees needed to efficiently ser'e
our church0
20 Avoid using the same person on more than one mnmittee
unless flecessary for interrepresentation0
3 Standardize committee as much as possible üing a
°°rotation s 3rstemoaadding new names while rotating
others off or on to another committee when feasible0
14, Give con1deraticn to proper mtto of age, sex, ability,
and training in naking nominations for each comniittee.
. The Committee shall consult with staff members, orniza.'
tonal leaders ani others in making nominations.
6. The Nominating Committee shall look to the Minister of
F4ucation, newly elected Sunday School Director, Church
Training Director, the World Missions Goirmittee Co-Chairmen,
and thuroh Youth Missions Chaliman for nominations to th9ir
f\ ,.
. respective organizations These nominees will be pre3ent'
to the church no later than the ]sfrW3rrthiy in get--'
7. The Pastor and. kLnister of Ethicatlon are eofftcio namber
of every commitie and must be advised of each committee
meeting and o! ay action taken by the conin1ttee
The Nominating Conmittee sh3.0 nouimtte a ohdman for
each committee and his name shall appcar in the listing
of each committees
ch nominee shall be approached aM his consent gained .,
to serve in his respective place before his name is pre
sented to the church.•,. . '•
C. Quiding Qualifications to Determine Proper Nominees
1. Does the Nominee have , •
Spiritual qualifications for his place?
b. Personality traits suitable for the place?
Coopemtive agxeement iith total church program?
ci. Ability or possibilities for training in church
a. The time to give to the responsibility designated?
. Loyalty to the church services and activities?
g. The grace to rightly represent Christ and our church
to our membership and those outside our church?
! sexy Committee_Poli
(Birth through 3 years of age)
The church, to Implement its many ministries and proams shaU
operate a Nursery for child care and educatirn
The Personnel Committee shall eiiiploy a Nursery Weekday Superin.
tendent and such other personnel as the Nursery operation requirns0
:3. Policies for the operation of the Nursezy (employee hours &,Iary
maintenance nursery hours additional paid peaonnei eto ) and
the re3pons±billty of the Nursery weekday uperintcent (and. any
additional 'vorkers) shall be cecouunended by the Niry Coinriittee
to the Poronne1 Corirn1ttee and approved by the church.
The Nursery Cornriittee shall be composed of as recommended by the Baptist Sunday School Board.
. 5, All Sunday School and Ghurch Training Nursery Torker3 superintendênt directors and associates shall be volunteer,
church-. elected workers,
Volunteer workers shall be obtained for the extended worship
service on Sundays under the direction of the coordinator,
No person under eighteen (18) years of age will be permitted
to work in the nurseries,
children older than Nursery age will not be permitted in any
Nursery at any time. Arrangements dealing irith children above
.nursery age are to be n.de through the Elementazy Director,
Any group in our church needing the Nursery facilities must
nake arrangements for their use through the Minister of F1uca.:tion and the church office at least one week prior to useage
Children are not to be left in any nursery room under any circumstances when the Nursery is not officially opened, If the
worker has not arrived the parents are to remain with the
child until tho worker arrives.
Children are not to be brought to the Nursery for any reason
other than attendance of a church function by th9 person • bringing them.
, 12, Feeding of children .- other than bottles and baby food. cannot be cared for in the Nursery. Children should be fed
before they are brought to the Nursery. Fruit juice and.
cmckers will be served to toddlers twoyearolds . and threeyear-.o]xls during the extended session. Sack lunches
can be
' . provided by parents for events other than Wednesdays or Sun. .
days if arrangements are made with the Nursery Weekday Super.
intend.ent at least two (2) days in advance.
:1:3. If a child has any fever or sic1mess he should nt be brought
to the Nursery. If a child becomes 1].]. whIle in the ohrch
Nursery the parents will be called to take the child home.
This protection is for the sick child as well as the other
children in the Nursery.
14. Nursery superintendents must see that rooms are left in order
after each session,
15. All buying for Nursery rooms shall be made through the Nurse
Committee and the Minister of alucation,
16. The Nursery shall not be open for a period of more than three
consecutive hours unless special arrangements have been made
with the Nursery Committee, the church office and the Nureery
Weekday Superintendent.
17 • Under no circumstances shall the Nursery be open after 10 :00 p. in.
for any event,
18. The Nursery shall be open fifteen (15) minutes be'ore all ser.
vices and events,
19. Department or organization-wide socials will have the privilege
of a church sponsored Nureexy with a three hour limit if arrange..
ments are made thrOugh the Minister of Ellucation one week prior
to useage date. The Nursery schedule becomes ileçible as deternined by the Nursery CoiTlinittee in the event of church-wide
events such as revivals, socials, etc.
20. Special requests for the use of the Nursery shall 'be made
. through the Nursery bminittee or Minister of iucation.
Any such reque5ts must be made at least one week prior to
useage date and must be paid by the group making the request
at the rate of $1 00 per hour for each worker. The number
of workers needed is to be determined by the Weekday Superintendent,
21. In the event of matters not included in these policies, the
Nursery Committee shall be authorized by the church to deter
mine the decision and such determination shall be xnsidered
The Nursery (birth through 3 years of age) will be open fifteen
C 15) mInutes before all services and events.
830 a.m.12s00 noon
615 8:30 p.m.
¶[1JDAY i
* IOsOO am 1 12a00 noon (Visitation)
,* 7s00 p.m. - 9 s 30 p.m. (Visitation)on recuest
5 45 8 s 30 p. in. - Family Night Activities
7.15 9*15 p.m.Church Choir Rehearsal
estimate of the number of children is needed by the Nurseiy
Weekday Superintendent.
* 4th
Personnel Corrunittee Policy
I. General Statement
ELection - The Person?l Committee shall be constituted
as foilose
ll The Church Nominating Committee is charged with
the responsIbility of nominating the Personnel
2. By virtue of office the Sunday School Director,
Church Training Director, the World 'Iissions Cornmittee Co--Chairmen, Chairman of the Finance Corn-
mittee, Chairman of the Deacons, and one other
person elected annually with the Pastor and Minister
of Education as ex-officio members shall constitute
the Personnel Committee.
(Should a matter come before the Personnel Committee
in which a relative of the committee is inlred
ia the discussion, that member will be asko
absent him or herself from the meeting.)
The person on the Committee not representing any
particular church organization shall serve as
Chairman of the Committee,
B. Administration
1. The Personnel Committee shall administer in Personnel
responsibilities beginning October 1 through Septernber 30 annually.
2 • The Personnel Committee shall repres ent the church
in securing prospective Staff Personnel arid employees
and shall recommend to the church for vote any person
other than the Pastor.. (A special Pulpit Committee
has the responsibility of recommending a Pastor.)
:3. The Personnel Committee shall. process all matters
relating to Church Staff and employees (with the
exception of the Pastor who will be represented
to the church by the Deacons in these matters) in
regard to salaries, hours, vacations, employeechurch reLationships, staff and employee dismissal
and related employer-employee problems with recommendations to the church when found necessary and
in keeping with other church policies.
C. Identification
1. STAFF The Staff shall consist of the Minister
of E1ucatibn, Minister of Music and Youth, ELementary Director and any other staff member as
may be neeed.
2 • FULL- TIME E11PLOYEES : Thes e are persons who work
on a regular daily or weekly work schedule -- church
secretaries, superintendent of buildings, custodians,
organist, pianist, Dining-Kitchen Supervisor and
week-day child care superintendent.
Personnel Committee Pol icy (contd)
3. PART-TIME EMPLOYEES: These are persons who do not work
on a daily or weekly fuI1-time work schedule. This
would be extra kitchen, child care, secretarial and
custod 1 a I serv I ce.
D. Benefits
I. Vacations, salaries, insurance and sick leave are listed
under the policy relative to the aboveidentifled groups.
2. Christmas Appreciation Gifts shall be distributed annually
as follows:
Staff Members - $50.00
C. Employees (Full-time secretaries, superintendent of
buildings 2 and fuII-'tirne custodians) -- $35.00
d. Other Employees (Weekday Child Care Superintendent,
Kitchen Supervisor, organist and pianist) - 10%
of monthly salary or $10.00 minimum.
C . Part# I me Emp 1 oyees ( Extra ki tchen , secroterl a I,
custodial and child care help) shall be recognized
with appropriate gifts.
I I . Personne I Comm i ttee P0 I 1 cy Re I at I ng to Chu rch Staff
A. Administration
1. The Personnel Committee in cooperation with the Pestor
shal I be responsible for seeking church staff members
and recommending them to the church for approval.
Staff members shall fulfill responsibilities and
ministries assigned and designated to them. by the
Personnel Committee and the Pastor.
Staff members are expected to attend regularly scheduled or cal led staff meetings as deemed necessary by
the Pastor or the Personnel Committee.
Questions on the part of a church member or those
outside the church concerning any staff member shal 1
be brought to the Pastor and/or the Personnel Committee
Chairman. The Pastor and/or the Personnel Committee
Chairman may then call on the Personnel Committee as
a whole or related committees if the need necessitates.
Staff members are expected to servo cooperatively with
each other in coordinating their particular ministries
with the total program of the church as administered
by the Pastor (See Administration Chart, Page 13)
Personnel Committee Policy (contd)
All staff members will be expected to be loyal to the
Church and. itS policies, Personnel Committee Policies,
. and. the program of the church . Any staff member found
fostering disharmony or finding himself unable to refrain
from publicly criticizing other staff members or the church
program will be given an opportunity to resign from the
employment of the church, if such disharmony cannot be
resolved when brought to the attention of the person or
persons responsible for the lack of harmony.
B. Ministry Schedule for Staff Members
1. Staff members shall serve under basic church ministry
responsibilities as assigned by the Pastor and the
Personnel Committee.
2 • While staff members are not assigned weekly hours,
they are expected to give themselves unstintingly to
the responsibilities with dedication.
:3. Staff members are expected to be available for regular
workday offi ce hours , Monday through Friday, unless
visitation, enlistment or other church related activities call them away when the church offices are generally
4. Staff members are expected to have one workfree day
off during the week as scheduled by the Personnel Comrnittee and/or Pastor.
C. Vacations
Six (6) Sundays per calendar year away from the church
field are permitted the Minister of E1ucation, Minister
of Music and Youth, the ELementary Director and any other
staff member. These may be used for vacation period,
festivals, camps, or other related events, The staff memi'
ber is requested to exercise good judgment and counseling
in scheduling time away within the limits of the Personnel
Policy as apprcved by the Pastor and scheduled with the
Minister of Education.
D• Salary and. Benefits
1, Annual salaries and adjustments to salaries shall be
recommended by the Personnel Committee in cooperation
with the Pastor to the Finance-Budget Committee and.
the church.
Established monthly hospital insurance benefit.
3, Full annuity through the Southern Baptist Securities
Plan for ordained staff members.
Workman's Compensation.
Employer's parL of the social security payments for
qualifying employees.
• $50 . 00 annual Christmas gift.
Committee Pp4çy ont'd)
III • Personnel Cdrnmitteo Poll cy Relating to Employees
A, Administration
I I The 1lnister of Flluoation shall supervise the employees
under the direction of the Personnel Committee in the
policies set by the church and in cooperation with the
2, The employees are under the direct supervision of the
Minister of iucation for their daily program of
activities. It is understood that each church em-.
ployee must recognize the authority of management that
the Personnel Committee and church have placed in the
person designated as Minister of Fducation,
:3. Any work or responsibility needed to be performed by
church employees (custodial, secretarial, kitchen or
nursery) must be requested and programmed through
the office of the Minister of EXlucation,
The members of the church shall bring to the Minister
of Education any suggestions they may have in connection with the employees instead of making them to the
individuals involved,
Salary adjustment recommendations shall be made to the
Finance-. Budget Committee by the Personnel Committee
as the need arises.
All employees shall nintain an "up-to-date" job description, outlining the duties usually performed and
closing with the woths, "and such other duties as may
be assigned by the Minister of Education or Personnel
Custodial and kitchen employees required for overtime
work by reason of church weddings shall be .id for suth
overtime from funds provided by wedding party.
B 1nployees and Church Relationships
:t. Employees of the church are to bear In mind that while
they may be members of the church, they are to respect
the church as their employer and other employees as
fel].ow workers,
2. Anyone emp].oyed by the church will be expected to be
loyal to the church and its policies, Personnel Committee
Policies, and the program of the church, Anyone employed
by the church found fostering disharmony or finding himself unable to refrain from publicly criticizing other
employees or the church program will be given an opportuity to resign from the employment of the church, if
- such disharmony cannot IDe resolved when brought to the
attention of the person or persons responsible for the
lack of harmony.
It is to be understood. by anyone employed by the church
that attendance at called meetings is considered part of
the work week and that attendance is compulsory.
C. Vacations
:i.. All vacations shall be scheduled by April 30 and filed
with Pastor, Minister of Eliucatiori, and the Personnel
Committee and shall be consistent with the church pro
gram. Any changes in vacation schedule shall be filed
with the iiinister of Fducation prior to the scheduled
2, Employees beginning their service before January 1 of the
current year shall receive two ca].endar weeks vacation with
salary (including monetary allowances which form part of
the total sa].ry) in the vacation period designated after
January 1.
:3. Employees beginning their service after January 1 of the
current year shall receive a vacation period with salary
on the basis af one day for each month of employment
after serving for three months.
4. Work free legal holidays for employees for the calendar
year as follows: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of
July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and the day following.
Christmas Day and the day preceding or following. If
New Year's Day, flemorial Day, Fourth of July or Christmas
Day falls on a Saturday or Sunday , the preceding Friday
or the following Monday,as desiated by the Pastor,
shall be work-free.
D. Salaries and Benefits
I. Employee salaries shall be established by the Personuel
Committee and recommended to the Finance- .Budget Planning
Committee before budget recommendations are made to the
2, Employee salary adjustments shall be made within the
budget; otherwise recommendations shall be made to the
Finance Committee as the need arises.
3. Workman's Compensation Insurance shall be maintained
covering all paid employees while in the peormance
of church duties.
Hospitalization for each employee shall be provided by
the church as etlihedby the Personnel Committee.
This will appLy either to the church's adopted plan or
any other held by the employee.
5. Upon termination ot employment ty either empioyer
or employee, the employee, after a tenure of one
year of seivice, will receive termination pay equal
to two weeks '. ( Ecceptions must be approved
by Pastor , Personnel Committee and related mnd.)
. E. Hours
I • Secretarial Em1)30yeeS
.a, Of-fice hours to be established by Personnel Corn-.
mittee in consultation with Pastor and/or Minister
of Education.
b. Work week and work day hours to be assigned to
individual employees at the discretion of the
Pastor and/orof Education and Per-.
sonnel Committee. Secretarial ernployees are
permitted one (i) fifteen minute recess during
mid-morning and a like period during mid-afternoon.
Employees are requested not to abuse this privilege.
2. Other ( part or fuil-. time) Ernployees
Hours shall be assigned accoxding to church activities and at the discretion of the Pereonnel Cornmittee and the •1inister of J1ucation.
Custodial Ernployeesz
a . Superintendent of Building and Grounds shall work
under the supervision of Pastor, Minister of Ekiucation, Property and r•Iaintenance Committee, and. Personnel Committee.
The custodial employees are under the supervision
of the Superintendent of Building and Grounds, in
cooperation with the Minister of Ekiucation, the
Property and Iaintenance Committee, and the
Personnel Committee.
The custodial employees work week and work day
hours shall be scheduled by the Superintendent
of Buildings and Grounds and approved by the
Minister of Education,
Custodial emp].oyees are permitted one (i) fifteen
minute recess during the rnid-. rnoming and a liJ
period during the mid-afternoon. Employees are
requested not to abuse this privilege.
F. Sick Leave
1. Sick leave for employees (working a minimum of thirtyfive (35) hours per week) shall extend up to a maximum
of fifteen working days per year. This sick leave is
not to be accumulative from one year to another. Of
course, church personnel are to use this privilege
: for legitimate illness only. Sick leave time cannot
be taken except as accied, with exceptions only as
approved by the Minister of Education and Personnel
Iinterxance Gonunittee P242X:
t1on8 The Property - and Maintenance . conunittee shall bi
nominated by the Nominating Gommittee and shall number six,
They shall serve on a threecyear rotation schedule0 At least
two of the mezbers shall be deacons serving concueritly0
B0 Administration
The Property and Maintenance Committee in cooperation with the
Pastors Minister of Ed.ucation 9 Superintendent of Buildings
and all other members of the thurch staff shall be responsibLe
for the use of ALL ohurehowned and. churchopemted buildin3
properties and. equipment0
:•2 In all matters where further counsel is required than
. specifically stated in this policy the Minister of Eiucac'
tion shall consult with the Deacons aiid/or the thUT in
The Inister of Education shall be responsible for schedul
ing and the Superintendent of Buildings shall be responsible
for preparation of facilities • according to Property and
Maintenance Policy0
0 AU legitin,te authorized requests for use of church build
ings facilities 0 and/or equipment shall be entered on the
church calendar by notifying the Ninister of Education0
These shall be dated as schethi].ed and cannot be changed unless
committee and. contracting parties are agreed0
Cop9n4:Jiti9! The Property ani Maintenance Committee shail
serve in close supervision and cooperation with the IIinister of
Education in work rnlating to the Superintendent of Buildings
and the custodial employees of the church0
At no time shall the Chairman of the Property and. Maintenance
Goininittee or any other member of the committee act in. repre
aenting the church the use of church funds or in any other
matter without all members of the Property and Maintenance
Ooxninittee being advised prior to such actionD
The committee shall. be responsible to the church for the 'nainte
nance 0 uses repair loaning 0 zenovation 9 cleanliness of all
bui].dIngs 0 cquipment grourids, furnitures automobiles and
chinery owned and related to the church0
The Property and. Maintenance Goinmittee shall obtain process
and maintain all necessary insurance on properties an equip
ment0 The committee. shall bring all items they determine
necessary to the deacons and. church for approval and authori
The Property and Maintenance Oomxnittee shall administer policy
relating to special uses and requests for church facilities and
equipment0 They shall administer in cooperation with the Ninister
of Fducation and the Finance Committee that section of the church
budget entitled maintenance and rvi0
21^y:iaintenance committee poiy
D0 Liability of Those Uslng . Church Bu11dings Pzperty 0 or uipment
Individuals shall be responsible for daniage to church property
while in their possession arid shall be expected to assume
financial loss incurred0
20 Portable equipment
from church unless
owned by the church cannot be removed
following conditions are met8
a0 Use of equipment shall be for ohurchcsponsored purposes0
b 0 Minister of Education shall approve use of such equipment0
00 User of equipment 'mast sign requisition blank stating
purpose of uses, duration of use0 and. date to be returned0
d 0 User shall be responsible for full value of damage or
loss of equipment0
restricted Property and
Maintenance Committee shall change appropriate locks whenever
it appears that keys may be in possession of unauthorized pex
Issuance of building keys shall be
Behavior in
huroh Buildings
(1) Respect and sanctity shall be observed in relation to all
churchowned and operated buildings and equipment0
(2 ) No smoking shall be permitted in the buildings of the church0
:3) No questionable form of recreation or manner of dress shall
be permitted under the sponsorship of the church0 or related
grnup organizations upon church=owned gounds In buildings,
use of equipment0
F 0 Genemi
Church House and Equipment Use
10 Ohurch buildings, preperties and equipment shall be limited
in their use fors
a 0 Organizational activities in the life and progzam of the
church and under its contrel0
b 0 Denomination activities sponsored by the Association,
State and Southwide Baptist agencies0
Weddings (See article covering policy for this item0
d 0 Funerals (See article covering policy for this item0
e 0 Baptismal Services (Sister Southern Baptist churches shall
be permitted use of' Baptismal facilities as needed0)
fo Regularly scheduled events0
g0 Other requests for use shall be processed by the Preperty
and ,intenance Committee andcons0
G0 Weddings
The church encoumges its young people to use the equipment and
facilities for their wedding 0 Hcwever it is necessary that cer=
tam policies and procedures be followed to avoid confusion and
misunderstanding re.rding the use of buildings, .
(pesrLoq ait
ueqo -pj etfl pu'e qotnio eq':poq eq o'j. -ç uo-çdoex jç)
S T O T O S ' 4.9 i:t1t O ' u T p IT n a jo quGpuequ-p:edn 'osd
'uoTonrt: jo ;ce.sTuTl4 'to-cA:tEcIns uqO 'D{-2u T u W qq.-ç24
se-cvctTo 3: qo;tnqo Jo 99fl IOJ uo-cw?A.:tesax 3I11 ':1 srlw Iesn •i:
suppot• III
____e_pw oq ouuo se-nTIToeJ: oqq.
p oTcU-Ep3M
I'T1PIATPUT Gtfl 0 1.uuiidw'OUeTUOAUOO ;o Grt
etjq ;zoj 'qaxrLo eq'ooçj;oçouu-; qoinqoo'1
t_io :zo joe43 Aq wr dwn uç pd oq uouppq ;o
en etfl U'3 [OUUOS13d :toj qocj u-çppei qq. jo qoo oqj,
eqq. zo/put uoonp jo
re.9tut Gfl. iq poioicIdq• q-nw se-ç':.-ç-[-ço'eJ uoqoq-u-çn
Ie uuoxa) s eEm ;teq.j't 9EUTIUe[O ptre etrçpopxo Jo uo-çq.
-tioo:c eq'. zoj Gquods3I eq ptqs suoqcte33:t
IoJq;cioj: ueqo'.pj pu IPH ew:i. ;o s:tes
•uTpITna jo q.upuoLt1adn pu IoTJ\J3dn;
ue40'1431 'uoTwonW ;o euj ':toqsecI Jo U0TSIA
•iecInipun pesn eqnw s3 -çq. -ço; pui qtzoucI-nb
ueqoq:pr n Jo Gfl 94};oof$ oquri?ot u-rT
'2 IOJ pU OO • o$ eqqs uppeit flflj xo iodqo eq'.
Jo esri eq 103 X34O GL.OJfltO Oifl JO St3quFw-uOu ,IO '
cpnoq VIOLIflO oqq ;ooqq uo peu-çui;ceqop
eq - pt tjoçqit eopxe ppw xoj otttjouoççpp
t2 eq iizzeqji) oo'i$ - :toTJLzodnS u e qoDi so
4o3e oo't$ - q.i;o - o°cI
oo . t$-TtI'xo•3
pe #:vocpuT
are Up1ci[EOJ Oqq parçsep ;i
ooci$:toqu-çp;coo3 u T ppG'0
•oo's;z$ uoq.cIooa:t qiit 000s uoeooj
tq:çt 4cp%xnq:Es IoPw!I 'OOI$ 'uo -p-cl000;c qpt
g 00 • 0 -'uoçq.deoai ou
.uTpo;n puuTpTTna Jo q.uepuuednq
(4cxd u -gppeii ;o UO -p.aI0Sp e)ow to oo'i$ -
0 fTfl ;ioqwow
-uou puioqwew zojtrçppoit xo; oej iuuoia '
• toinqo oqq jo iequiw uqnqçxq.uoo eAçoi
Awe oq. ox'qo jo eaj oq-çeqqs (uewcI-çrbo
pTrE ueqop 'iycTeqo) S8 TTIT 0 J qç pu'e 40XtU0 4JT%
qsou-cpp8A 'II
•;zoq'Eu -çpxocx-J trçppe p3qu -cop soxnqo o qnsuo
rE?pu G to qoLtnqo
uo unpoqo xo uo-çonp jo aj.s - u -ç-nsuoj '
o:cI I.-[nuo3•-i:
g unpeqos
u-c patw iio ; £tpT-c:t eq nw aznpeooxct U -çMOOJ eui '
(pquo )
Committee PoJ4y (contd)
Church weddings shall not' be S ched.uled on Sunday if
they involve any church personnel other than the
Minister. Church facilities may not be used for
wedding receptions under any circumstances on Sunday.
Wedding date and rehearsal. shall be entered on the
church calendar and cannot be changed unless the
Minister of Eliucation is notified and arrangements
are made with the above listed individuals.
Users are requested to respect the sanctity of the
church and the sacredness of the wedding ceremony
Photographers are requested not to make pictures
during the ceremony. (Photographs can be made after
the ceremony.)
Proper protection of furniture and carpets must be
made from melting candles or attachment of decora
tions. Guests are forbidden to throw rice in the
There shall be no smokinthe church buila
No al coholie beveeived or other unchristian
behavior in the church buildinsoron tbounds.
The Wedding parLy shall be responsible for rigidly
enforcing this policy among the guests.
Those damaging church property shall be expected to
assume the loss incurred.
H, Funerals
The church chapel and facilities are freely available for use
for funerals to all members of the church and their immediate
family and relatives 0 (Renumeration to the organist and solist
of $5.00 each and. the custodian for $10.00 shall be at the dis-.
oretion of the family of the deceased.)
For non-members and. their immediate family or relative, there
will be a charge of $20.00 for the use of the chapel and church
facilities and $10.00 for the custodian. If the church organist
and. soloist .re used, there will be a $5.00 charge for each.
Any special problems arising out f the above stated policy
shall be processed and adjusted by the Minister of Fducation
5_n cooperation with the Chairman of Deacons.
pue sauuar dpid • 'potoeq uo-çrnpa 'sçuçui
si:tt Jo pxooai ' a rci t n. wid:Jo uo•cn-rBA
UT eA.oeçqo 9q u'e3 oqit eoqq. tflT M U T . ULSuOo iVq og!
eAT;oadotduTut3uoo eqsod uowtojtrç ire einoeg 'p
• 4V •[Ir13t13 weqq. ieAa1x
pu'e stoi.sed aAT.3adsoId :coj: suoTpuwwooe:c pe eeoej 'o
•P°D JO IITM 9tfl jaas
•6p 14TwuIoO 4. T dTM ;tfl. Ac4 PEEVAUT
1xo;'ed eioédsoxd ' eq ç eun 'zosi.ct Aoadsotd e
paxep;suoo q i - qs zoq.s'ed 'e .noqpt sç qa,tnqo
eqq UO4M wweui: aqq. upInd eq. upcddti ,c•
ea 3;TtLrLuoD
TdTM:toj poser at'e saupeppu'p'totEo1; au
•qo1xrtqo aq.: iVq ouxoq eqeiçtawccj q.ptin j. e Aq paixno
'o! euoqdo-ia. teaw ¶uTpoI uoT iodu azI. ) esuedç '
—UT (
•9uoi:;oetes ee;puwo3 dTflj
uo so Irk eq sooxd o; ee 1,vinLrco uç;uno aqq. a;nqsuoo
ttal 9 (io.osiw Lz';T1wan3 Jo e;icuTT
4pT9nN Jo
iz;sTuTw UOOfl JO ;te TuTW) 'es eq; Jo sxeqwew eui 'a
s ;no £xieo
ao 1.;Twwco .TdInd peqoee tjo%Inqop9:zepicsTloo eq ij,q
1.oUct puooes at.!; uo so;04t JO .X$t1ILU SOj4 w; ueo
f-six uewoit ( ) oit; pu uew () 3oxqI. otuiOtI puooes
e IZOJ paq.uea.:td eq ,jseetrçwou (ot) ue oq; jo seureu
e4 IeoTAxa9 dTti Xobt UTtttOW 9tJpUt1c3 UbtOflOJ $U1
'30fl'Bq u'çj eq;. tq.un p81eAQ eq c4 .otx ex S99UTWOU
ue i. eoq; JO 8ULU eq. pu eeuituoo çdinj aq
uiq; ;uae:tdex o1. oxnqoJO eo-çOqo srç
pa1epTuoo eq ijq 9 I.OA JO xeqwnu .seqçqupçoo
.pa'x u$wOjt (4i) IflOJ pu' uow (9) XT eqj; • 4TlLtwo3 q.d-t1
8q3 XOJ 3auTuIOusiaqwew (ot) ue. xo; opq
UT OA O. ,urtioddo eq. uoiv eqdçqstaqwew
(peotrnouu' iftrLp ueq sq u-pow eq jo aocLznd oç,j-çoecI
etj. ueqtt) S8OTAX9S dçqstoit upixou V'iptm eq. rçxnj
:sbtotEoJpa.Oe eq U'eq 00 14 •pLrwco eta
•ee wcuruioo etfl. uo tXWOjvt OWl.4'Q
s:toqiiraw OATJ JO peOcIwOo eq fly4s ô4'puuic) çcITnj e '
' . WTd pu' poeu !pr4p.We ogxçuçauç o-[oqit se qoinqo
1U9Xd1 :.soq u'eo oqit eot. -- qazrtto aqi. JO q.ajq. pue tocI
'8 30 )jtOM 64g. pu'stepunO4M sieqwew Jo pesodwoo eq pinoq
ae Tunuoo ;cd tncI 4L • xoi.sd Jo urno euTu,tQ3uOQ qainqo
eq. o; uopuounuooei eii pw sxozed eq'çsod ae.saiuç Le
pue wxej.wç eq uç çdndUpTJ IOJ aqiç uodax eq cxi. peoop
eq iy aewcwwoo 1T dtnd ' ! se tiO.s' d wooeq 4OXtL4O ew1 U9tM
speaking aMlity, admiriistmtive acumen, appeamnee,
fainUy, credit rating, ability to work with others,
denominational attitudes personality, tmits • that
have to do with humility, willingness to work hobbies,
visitation, and other ntters necessary for successful
e. If God. appears to be giving direction, make armngements
to hoar the prospective pastor by hearing him preach as
a committee or asking him (if he is interested) to come
to a nearby church. The Committee should, at this same
time, arrange for a conference with the prospective pastor
and. his wife to discuss thoroughly the items mentioned
above arid also fully inform the prospective pastor of our
II' after this, the Comrn.tttee is impressed of God to recommend the prospective pastor to the church full infor'
1lation should be given to the church in a specially caned
meeting at which time a date can be set when the prospective
pastor Shall preach and meet the thurch family.
g. If the prospective pastor is accepted by the church family
as Cod's man for their leadership, this should be voted
by ballot by a two-thirds majority of those church members
present and voting in a following announced service and
if the prospective pastor accepts, he should be advised
of the church's action
The church dU ha the responsibility of assuming all
of the prospective pastor's tmvelling and living expenses
incurred in the process of the negotiations and in addition the moving expenses of the pastor's belongings and
( ';test-i otfl icci. pwnqsnw soo-arp
:to sso Aimsq-t4oçq1vL tesn qq Jo q;td
u-ctL:t3ouo3 JcoT-tod: -iieuo
tfl 1IQ
Jo UOTTAOXd etfl tUfl OA9MO4 p@fl )CL TU0 weo
VI9UKI-cnbe qort• ico-cTod equnuo eououçpu
ctedo.iaJo UOitOd upp3qq ill: )ezoqqfl#
Sj.UOA8 pu SI8MO4 uTppoM-etd epnouç i[Pt
-cLLL • queAo pu SITATO pe:v-Ee:A: toinqo u-c
c-uo pn oc.uwctçrtbG pOqTpOep axo;#e oq)
. ( . oqo ' ' moci. 4ound
IToos o. uq.-eax quewdç'nbo
'eo ç\1txeA IT s )
t_lons Jo esn pwe ou'euoq-u'ew • ucdeEI!yEsIOS oq;
Ito; tioJ:nqo eTfl o':qsuodsaI eqeeq4-çtuwo eqj; '
''°' xetq.o -w- oTTJuoo 1OA oI. SU9A
UTTflPO4O tUOOuocln p9Od c s-cs'aidu
°°;° _1oztn4o etfl uoq-onJo xestrçj ofl. qM
uoTIed000 uç SUAGrpuoI'o it wwoo cu
eupu'eeO pu sseupepxo u-cioqsax
'uTiies 'p00; 'setq.-coo uoTiedaid o. uo-çax UT
q.uGAe t.Ot1 ioj: s;ueGuLt O)UI -- 'eq eeq4wwoo 4L 'C
eG:iiT uIU1oo ptxuOT'eZTUtO
j;qs;-çpoqno 'S9OH 4OIflIO '94TwwOO
u-cw;cooea pu ;teMoT. oq qq-c1t S-UAa qons ,toj GTTA
--zeq euTpzoo3 t 9A TWetd000 IT'M E 8-UUIQtL1L
:teTr4Q pU
'suoToOOxet-o puT;t-s
•-;tATutre 4 T -coos Ttio'eGs
'suo-cqd000i 'sd-cqsi'oTTejqon-tIE)Ae [Toos p-çi
-qo;tnqo i -E s a:oj uçt-[-q; ooçwwo eUi'l
• uo-ci'e3nwJ Jo eTUJ4
atj': ;to/pu' xoq.13
TU0dGGt x -çofl 9utOOO JcTeA-cwe;ted000 -trEMs
'qainqocq po[e pu
ee-cwwoo uTupio qo;tnqo °'-n- .&q • peuwou eq [t4 9 pu'e
s;taqwew (9) XT Jo .STSUOO irai s ee-cuIwo i -c°° °qJi 'I
uo T
z Tu'
;t o 'y
A. Orantzation
:i.. The Youth and Family Services Conunittee sF.0 be composed
of six (6) members with both men and women represented,
nominated by the Jhurch Nominating Committee and elected
by the church1
2. The Committee shall cooperatively coordinate their reSponsibillty under the direction of the Pastor, Minister
of Education, the Associational Youth and Family Services
representative and other related committees.
B. Functions
1. It sI1]. be the responsibility of this conunittee to minister
to young people or their homes within the church membership
or those who live in the area and. have been assigned to the
committee by the courts or other agencies,
2, The Coiamittee shafl initiate programs and provide sponsors
from within the church membership to facilitate these programs.
:3. The Youth and Family Services Cxnxnittee shall take under
advisement and process all requests for benevolence among
needy members of the church, their relatives or persons
in the conwiun.tty,
. zs The Committee shall carry out its work with the least
degree of embarrassment to those for whom help hs been
requested. and. hold all information in the strictest confidence,
5. The Committee shall thoroughly invcjgate each request
to ascertain the validity of such request. and determine
whether the need. can be met best with a gift of money,
goods in kind (food or clothing), or through secuz.ng
employment. They shall also program assistance as to
duration of time that assistance shall be given.
6. A record of assistance shaLL! be kept by the Committee
i ving complete information on each request for assistance,
7, It shall be the responsibility of this mmittee to work
with the church office, cernmunity, state and. county welfare
agencies in processing requests for help and especially at
such seasonal periods as Thanksgiving and. Chrima,
8. The looze offering contributed at church services in
which the Lord's Supper is observed shall be deposited
in the financial "Special Funds" account to be used in
the Youth and Family Services ministries program of the
9. The Youth and Family Services Committee shall minister to
church members and their families in times of serious illness, bereavement and/or other personal needs.
Youth Committee
A. Organization
1. The Youth Conunittee shall be composed of six adult
members nominated by the church Nominating Corrunittee
and. elected by the church.
2, The Youth Council shall also be represented in the
person of one male and. one female member: The
President of the council and one other chosen by
the council.
The Comniittee shall cooperatively coordinate their
responsibilities under the direction of the Minister
of Music and Youth in cooperation with the Pastor,
Minister of Pliucation and other related committees.
B. Functions
The. Committee shall plan, in cooperation with other
church leaders, a program of activity for the church
This Committee shall provide a program of activities
to include all of the organizations in addition to the
special activities planned for various individual groups.
C. Guidelines
1. All youth activities ëhall IDe within the counsel
and framework of church adopted policies. In keep
ing with general church policy, no individual or
group shall speak,. act or compete as representing
the Wayside Baptist Church unless authorized by
the Youth Committee and the church leadership.
2 Church facilities and equipment for youth activities
on or off the church property may only be used under
church designated supervision.
:3. Recreational 1 social, competitive sports and all other
activities under the sponsorship of the church shall be
scheduled so as not to conflict with the programs, ser
vices and speOial events projected by the church calen
dar. The church also will not be represented as sponsoring any recreational activities on the Lord's Ly
The church shall also not be represented by any of the
above named activities in which prizes or rewards are
which could be interpreted by either the church
or the unbelieving world as boideiing on gambling. It
.is important that the testimony and witness of the
church be rrotectod and projected at all times.
D. Youth Council
: :t., Organization
The Youth Council shall be composed of one male and
one female representative from each Sunday School
deDartment: seventh grade through twelfth grade,
The officers will boa president and a secretary,
elected by the council.
2. r'Iethod of selectiong
a, The director of each department, after consulting
with his teachers, will recommend for the approval
of the anister of Music and Youth two nominees
for each position,
The members of the Sunday School Department will
choose their two representatives from these four
:3. Guidelines:
a The Youth Council hall meet once a month,
b. The Youth Council shall meet jointly with the Youth
Committee at least twice a year.
e, No elected member shall serve on the Youth Council two
Consecutive years,
d, A member of the Council will be dropped after two
unexcused or fourexcusej absences. The director
of his Sunday School Department will appoint his
cmrnittoorDoi icy
L Thc Stowardship Conmittoc shall consist of six (6) members,
four men nd two wornon
2A mornbor of the Finance-Budget Committoo shall be one of the
members of tho Stewardship Committoc for intoroprosentatlon.
3, Tho Committoc sh8l I be rocommondod by the Nominatinq Com'
rnittco and ulocted by the church.
4. Mombors of the church staff shal I serve as cxofficio mombers of the Stewardship Cornitte.
L The Stowardship Committo3 shaH cooperatively coordinate
their responsibilities with the Pastor, 1irdster of Educa
tion and program organizations.
it shal I be the responsihi I ity of this Committee to promote
total stewardship of life - time, talents, influence and
possessions throuqh the members of the church and al I pro
aram orqanizations throuqhout th church year.
The Stewardship Committeo will be responsibk for promotion
during the annual stewardship emphasis in subscribing the
annual proposed church budqct.
The Committee shall have the responsibility of orienting
now members of the church to the church financial program
and 3nlistinq their participation in support of the church
-------Statement of Church Government Our Church
! Brief History of Our Church Our Covenanìts -'
OurChurch Doctrines
Our Denominational Po icy -- '---9
Our Church Discip ines---
Our Membership Pol cy --- -----.
Our Church Calendar -'---"
-Administrativc Sequence of Responsibi I ity and Programming (Chart)-'13
Our Church Administrative Leadership ----'- P astor -----
Our (enoral Officers ----------------------------------------------------17
Our Deacors
Our Church Orqanizations and Loadors --
Sunday School 3
World Missions Committee and Music --24
Th Church Counci ! Pal icy
Our Church Committees and Policy -------------------------------------2
Ten Commandments for Sarvinqin Church-Related ResponsiLiHfles --23
Audio-Visual Ad CommittEe--------------------------------------------I
Baptismal Committee Policy ------------------- .--CM 1drens Education Committee Pal icy ----- -'---Church Library Committee---------------------.Dininq-Kitchen Committee Policy-----------------Finance Committee PoHcy ------'--------3E
Flower and Decoratinq Committee Policy ---------------------38
Long Rango Planning Committee Lord's SuDpor Convittao Policy-----------------------------------Missions Committe€ Policy------------------------------Music Committee Policy - ---------------•Nominatinq Comnittec Policy-----------------------------------Nursory Committoe Pol icy ---'------Personnel Committee Policy------------------------"-----'Property and Maintenanco Committee Pol icy-------Pulpit Committee Policy '-------------"-
Social Committoc Policy --------------------------------Stewardship CornmittoPolicy-----------------------. ------------------Youth and Family Sorvicos Committee Policy ---'-----'Youth Committee Policy-----------------'------- ------------- --- 33