Christmas Catalog 2004
Christmas Catalog 2004
On the: New York Times Publisher’s Weekly Wall Street Journal USA Today Barnes & Noble BEST SELLER LIST! Give someone a Total Money Makeover this Christmas It’s a gift that lasts a lifetime! Holiday PACKAGE SPECIALS AT GREAT PRICES! Retail Pri ce $ 59.99 $94.00! BIG CHRISTMAS SPECIAL ITEM# BIG This package includes a set of basic tools to empower you to take control of your finances, beat debt, and win with your money. The Big Christmas Special includes: • NEW! Total Money Makeover Book • Dumping Debt Video • Cash Flow Planning Video • Financial Peace Software $ 99.99 Price Retail 0! 0 $183. WANT IT ALL SPECIAL ITEM# ALL This special package gives you Santa’s whole bag of goodies at an incredible price. Everything you need for a Total Money Makeover is included in this special. Give it all as a gift, divide it up as several gifts or keep and use it all to kick off your New Year’s resolution to dump debt and take control of your money. The Want It All Special includes: • NEW! Total Money Makeover Book • Financial Peace Revisited Book • Financial Peace Planner • Financial Peace Software • More Than Enough Book 2 • How to Have More Than Enough Planner • Cash Flow Planning Video • The Great Misunderstanding Video • Dumping Debt Video ORDER TODAY! Call 1-888-22-PEACE $ Buy any 19.99 TOTAL MONEY MAKEOVER ITEM# TMMOBK Dave Ramsey’s newest book is inspiration, motivation, and a plan to help you accomplish your financial goals. This book provides step-bystep instructions for winning with your money. With each crucial step there is an example of how one of the tens of thousands of people who are debt-free accomplished that step. $ * 10 BOOKS for only 100.00! 11.99 $ ´ LA TRANSFORMACION TOTAL DE SU DINERO * Total Money Makeover is not included. (Total Money Makeover in Spanish) ITEM# TMMOBKSP El nuevo libro de Dave Ramsey es inspiración, motivación y un plan para ayudarlo a lograr sus metas financieras. Este libro provee instrucciones paso a paso para que Ud. pueda ganar con su dinero. A cada paso crucial hay un ejemplo de como lo logró una de las miles de personas que ya estan libre de deudas. With 2 audio cassettes! $ $ 19.99 14.95 FINANCIAL PEACE PLANNER ITEM# PLAN Dave’s workbook format allows you to frequently monitor your progress and, most importantly, to face your situation with honesty. Inside you’ll find help on how to: • Assess the urgency of your situation • Create a realistic budget • Clean up your credit rating • Dump your debt FINANCIAL PEACE REVISITED ITEM# FREECASS The New York Times best-selling classic revisited! Updated with 4 new chapters on marriage, singles, kids and families. Buy Dave’s book and get our most popular audio teachings “Cash Flow Planning” and “Dumping Debt” on audio cassette all for one low price! TRANQUILIDAD FINANCIERA $ 14.99 ITEM# PFBKSP El primer best seller que escribiera Dave Ramsey ha sido actualizado con cuatro nuevos capítulos y traducido al español. Con un plan probado para sacarlo de las deudas, controlar su dinero y prosperar, este libro le ayudará a entender las fuerzas financieras que trabajan en su vida y le mostrará como controlarlas para enriquecerlo a usted y su familia, financiera, emocional y espiritualmente. “Straight-Shooting, No-Frills Financial Wisdom” $ $ 14.99 PRICELESS 14.00 MORE THAN ENOUGH ITEM# MTEBK Going beyond just a book about money, More Than Enough guides you through finding a balance in your life and relationships by setting personal goals, creating a personal value system and understanding the connection between money and romance! ITEM# PRICE As Dave Ramsey says, “If normal is broke, I want to be weird.” In this compact gift book, Dave uses straight talk, down-to-earth humor, and quotes from his Rolodex to help people learn to be weird. It’s a message of both hope and empowerment. $ 14.95 HOW TO HAVE MORE THAN ENOUGH PLANNER ITEM# MTEPLAN A step-by-step guide to creating abundance. Filled with Ramsey’s blend of down-home wisdom, and overflowing with inspirational insights that have made him a trusted friend to families in financial distress. “How to Have More than Enough” offers you and your spouse the chance to work together toward building wealth. O rd e r o n l i n e 2 4 h o u r s a d a y a t w w w. d a v e r a m s e y. c o m 3 Specialty Items SAVE $520! for $ 749.00 Reg. Price $1,269.00 FPU FINANCIAL LITERACY ON VHS $ 16.95 COTTON SPORT SHIRT ITEM# CHR042 7 oz. 100% cotton pique sport shirt with welt knit collar and cuffs, taped neck, clean finished three-button placket. Color: Black or Creme. SAVE $3! $ ITEM# CHR133 Bring FPU and HOPE to disadvantaged and low income family units such as inner-city programs, low income housing, IDAs, CRA programs, prison programs, etc. Financial Literacy Christmas Special Includes: • 1 FPU Leadership Kit complete with 13 video lessons by Dave Ramsey and Coordinator Guide • 10 FPU Membership Kits with lifetime family membership $ 769.00 Reg. Price $1,289.00 ON DVD 21.95 Give the gift of HOPE! You must qualify for this Special Purchase Price call 1-888-22PEACE, ext.141 for details ITEM# CHR134 LONG SLEEVE TWILL SHIRT Regardless of your age or income, you cannot afford to miss out on this powerful program! ITEM# CHR043 100% cotton fine line twill 6.5 oz. shirt with one patch pocket, button down collar, and double back yoke. Washed, softened and preshrunk for ultimate comfort. Every shirt is reactive dyed to retain its appearance. Color: Red, Green or Black. SAVE $4! $ 7.95 $ STAINLESS STEEL TRAVEL MUG SAVE $2! $ ITEM# CCFPUMUGS Stainless steel 16 oz. mug with plastic liner and non-slip base. Reg. Price $189.00 ITEM# CCN$99 Financial Peace University is a 91-day life-changing program that empowers people financially with accountability and support group help nationwide. This life-changing programs includes: • Over $200.00 worth of educational materials • A life-time family membership 2.95 MOUSE PAD ITEM# CCFPUMOUSEPAD 7” x 8” x .25” rubber base pristine cloth. Lint-free. 4 99.00 FPU MEMBERSHIP KIT The perfect New Year’s Resolution SAVE $1! ORDER for your workplace! TODAY! Call 1-888-22-PEACE SAVE $420! Bring this Offer ends 12/31/03 LIFE-CHANGING class to your church! contact the FPU Church Department at 1-877-378-2667 and ask for your Free Preview Video $ 849.00 Special price is good only through 12/31/03 Reg. Price $1,269.00 FPU CHRISTMAS CHURCH SPECIAL ON VHS ITEM# CHRVHS Church Special Includes: • 1 Church Leadership Kit complete with 13 video lessons by Dave Ramsey with Coordinator/Leader’s guide • 10 Membership Kits $ 869.00 Reg. Price $1,289.00 ON DVD ITEM# CHRDVD Limit ONE FREE Leadership Kit per church For Christmas delivery, order must be received by 12/15/03 COUNSE LING FINANC IAL PEACE UNIVERS ITY S PERFECT STOCKING STUFFERS! PECIAL! 2 $29.95 F 0 R Reg. Price $40.00 FPU DELUXE ENVELOPE SYSTEM ITEM# WNES-EXECUTIVE2 All the tools you need to begin Dave’s proven, easy-to-use Cash Management System. Try a simple way to manage your household income and expenses and avoid spending more than you earn! Complete Envelope System Includes: • Memo Pad • Coin Purse • Holds your Checkbook and Check Register (register not included ) • Convenient Slots for Your Debit Card • Extra Cash-Management Envelopes Find out how Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace One-Day Workshop can develop loyal, committed and productive employees on your team. Reserve a Counseling Appointment AND RECEIVE FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY $ all for only 299.00 ITEM# CC$299 The 2-hour, one-on-one counseling session will help you achieve your goals and New Years resolutions of being debt free and building wealth. Dave’s Certified Counselors are located across the country and they can help your specific situation. Included in this Great Gift: • 2-hour, one-on-one counseling session (Valued at $475.00) • 1 Financial Peace University Kit (Retail value $189.00) • Lifetime membership to attend FPU classes Receive FREE Workplace Training information CD Contact Financial Peace@Work at Counseling only 1.888.227.3223 ext 125 ITEM# CC$199 or email [email protected] SPECIAL $ 199.00 O rd e r o n l i n e 2 4 h o u r s a d a y a t w w w. d a v e r a m s e y. c o m 5 9.95 Cassettes $ EA. 19.95 VHS Tapes $ EA. THE GREAT MISUNDERSTANDING Cassette ITEM# TGMAUD CD ITEM# TGMCD VHS ITEM# TGMVID What does it mean to be a “good steward?” God gives us specific guidelines for handling money and in this 60-minute audio, Dave Ramsey explains those scriptural guidelines for handling money and how our stewardship is a reflection of all areas of our lives. CASH FLOW PLANNING Cassette ITEM# CFPAUD CD ITEM# CFPCD VHS ITEM# CFPVID Dave walks you through a step-by-step method for setting-up a household budget that you can live with. Dave shows you how to live on less than you make, pay your bills, allow for entertainment and still have money left over at the end of the month. $ DUMPING DEBT 14.95 EA. Audio CDs Cassette ITEM# DDAUD CD ITEM# DDCD VHS ITEM# DDVID Nothing feels quite like being debt-free. Could you accumulate some wealth, share some wealth and live some dreams if you had absolutely no debt? Dave Ramsey shows you how to become debt free as he walks you through the necessary steps and details of dumping debt with the snowball method. NEW! $ 24.99 Reg. Price $29.95 FINANCIAL PEACE PERSONAL FINANCE SOFTWARE ITEM# SOFT Our ZD Software® award winning personal finance software. CD-ROM Includes: • Debt Elimination • Financial Management Forms • Interactive Budget Forms • Financial Calculator • Retirement Planning Book and 2 Cassettes! $ $ 19.99 Reg. Price $43.85 AUDIO SPECIAL ITEM# FREECASS Our most popular audio teachings “Cash Flow Planning” and “Dumping Debt” on audio cassette. With the order of this audio special you also get the NEW “Financial Peace Revisited.” 6 ORDER TODAY! 9.99 $ Reg. Price $11.95 FINANCIAL PEACE BOOK ON TAPE ITEM# BOT Listen to the New York Times best-selling classic on audio cassette! Dave Ramsey shares the principles that guided him from bankruptcy to financial peace. Abridged Call 18.99 TOTAL MONEY MAKEOVER BOOK ON TAPE ITEM# TMMOBOT $ 24.99 TOTAL MONEY MAKEOVER BOOK ON CD ITEM# TMMOBOCD 1-888-22-PEACE 7 E A R LY L E S S O N S T H A T C R E A T E A L I F E T I M E O F S U C C E S S $ 9.99 EA. Children’s Books ITEM# CHR067 For children 3 -10 years of age. THE SUPER RED RACER Junior Discovers Work ITEM# SUPERRED MY FANTASTIC FIELDTRIP Junior Discovers Saving ITEM# FANTASTICFIELDTRIP THE BIG BIRTHDAY SURPRISE Junior Discovers Giving ITEM# BIGBIRTHDAY BUY THE SET & SAVE! CARELESS AT THE CARNIVAL $ Junior Discovers Spending ITEM# CARELESSCARNIVAL 29.99 Children’s Books Set of 4 ITEM# 4KIDS $ 19.95 Financial Peace Junior ITEM# FPJR The power of Financial Peace tailored for children, 3 -12 years of age. PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Nashville, TN PERMIT NO. 1 To Order: 1-888-22-PEACE FOR FREE GIFT! When you order, use Catalog Code: CC3 to receive a special gift. Catalog prices are valid through January 15, 2004 unless otherwise noted.