G abriel - St. Gabriel Church
G abriel - St. Gabriel Church
G abriel February 28, 2015 St. Gabriel proudly presents... Next Sunday March 6, 2015 8:30 am-1 pm Fair 2016 Located in St. Gabriel School Multi-Purpose Room For More Information: Pam Lewis, St. Gabriel Parish Elite Sports Performance providing exercise assessments and recommendations Sports programs and advice from Catholic Youth Organization Lake Health will offer health and wellness assessments and various screenings Chiropractic Care and Lifestyle Information from Morris Chiropractic Nutrition Advice and Products from Shaklee See Second Sole’s wide selection of athletic footwear. Plus more presenters! Pastoral Staff Deacon Ronald Adkins ...................................................................................................................... Deacon Mrs. Allison Capella .....................................................................................................Volunteer Coordinator Deacon Daniel P. Clavin ................................................................................................................... Deacon Mr. Kevin Donahue ............................................................................................. Music Ministry Coordinator Ms. Maureen Dowd ........................................................................................................... Pastoral Associate Deacon Robert Grgic ........................................................................................................................ Deacon Mrs. Alicia Henrikson ……………………………………………………………………….Marketing Coordinator Mr. Paul Kelly .................................................................................................................... Pastoral Associate Mrs. Susan Kuchenbecker ................................................................................................ Business Manager Reverend Jeremy Merzweiler .................................................................................................Parochial Vicar Reverend Frederick F. Pausche ......................................................................................................... Pastor Mrs. Donna Lee Saladino .................................................................................................... School Principal Mrs. Ann Silvester ...................................................................................... Learning Loft Preschool Director Reverend Edward Suszynski .................................................................................................Parochial Vicar Mrs. Alice Torrieri .................................................................................................... Administrative Secretary Parish Phone Numbers Parish Office ………...(440) 352-8282 School Office ……….(440) 352-6169 PSR Office …………..(440) 354-7551 The Learning Loft …...(440) 354-7574 Parish Fax …………...(440) 354-7558 Website ……………….www.st-gabriel.org New Parishioners: Welcome to our parish! Please call the Parish Office for an appointment to register. Baptism: Parents are required to attend a preparation class held on the fourth Thursday at 7:30 pm. During January, May, and September the classes are held at St. Mary Chardon, 401 North Street, 440285-7051. During March, July, and November the classes are held at St. Gabriel. Please call the respective parish office to register. Reconciliation: The sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated every Saturday from 3:45 - 4:30 pm, or by appointment. Marriage: Diocesan policy directs couples to arrange for marriage at least six months prior to the intended wedding ceremony. Please call the priest or deacon of your choice for an appointment to make arrangements. Holy Orders and Vowed Religious Life: Anyone interested in ordained or vowed religious life is invited to talk to one of the parish priests, pastoral staff members or Fr. Michael McCandless, Director, Diocesan Vocation Office (440-943-7660). Hospitalized and Homebound Parishioners: In case of emergency, call the Parish Office immediately. If you or someone you know would like a friendly visit and/or communion brought to the hospital or home, please call the parish office. Funerals: Please call the Parish Office to make arrangements before any publication in the newspaper. Catholic Information and Referral Service: (CIRS) refers persons to the Catholic and Community services that best respond to your church, personal, or life crisis needs. “Help is just a call away” 1-800-869-6525 Page Two My Sisters and Brothers, Spring is coming, trust me. It may not seem like it this weekend, but eventually nothing can hold back the Spring. Tuesday we begin the month of March, and things are definitely looking up and heading in the right direction. Like life, we may experience some setbacks, but never lose heart, Spring is coming. The greatest sign of Spring in my opinion is growth and good fruit. I think that is what the parable of the fig tree that most of us will hear this weekend is all about. If there are no good fruits, meaning the good works that we do in the name of the Lord, then perhaps we should “cut it down”. Thankfully, the Lord gives us another opportunity to cultivate the ground and fertilize our efforts, but eventually, with no fruit, it may need to be cut down, or it may just die on its own. The message is clear. Growing and bearing good fruit takes work, and that is what Lent is very much all about. Those of you who are celebrating the First Scrutiny with our RCIA Elect at the 9:30 Mass and hearing the story of the Woman at the Well, are basically hearing the same message. Jesus calls us to conversion, and conversion leads to growth and good works. No matter how you slice it, we cannot stay the same. The opportunities of Lent, both personal and parish wide, are those very tools that we need to use to further “repent and believe in the Gospel”. Now is the time. And if you do, I assure you, regardless of what the calendar says, or what the weather brings, Spring will come. This is a very special time for many in our parish who are celebrating sacraments of initiation. We congratulate and offer our support to all who celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation this Sunday, and pray that their lives will always bear the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Thanks again to all who have helped to prepare them from the day of their Baptism. Please continue to pray for our Elect and candidates in the RCIA who are preparing for the Easter sacraments. I hope you are generous enough to take at least one prayer card with a picture of one of them and make that person a special focus of your prayers. Send a note, say a word of prayer, and let them know you care about them. It really matters - more than any of us could measure or fully know. And please keep praying for our second graders who recently celebrated the sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time, and are now preparing to share in the Eucharist for the first time. The sacraments of initiation are meant to be life-changing, but they change our lives only if they are all about growing and bearing fruit. The centerpiece of our Lenten journey unfolds soon in three major Lenten endeavors. The first is our Lenten Par- ish Mission given by Fr. Dominic Roscioli on March 7th, 8th and 9th. Fr. Dom’s one-hour talks are repeated each day at 9:00 am and right after the 7:00 pm Mass in the church. Through meaningful and humorous stories, Fr. Dom will leave us with very practical and profound lessons for Christian living, growing, and bearing fruit. Please make every effort to come to as much of the mission as you are able. The ideal would be to celebrate Mass on each of these mission days. The second event is the Dynamic Catholic/John Wood Conference on March 12th from 9 am til 1:30 pm in our church. It is entitled “Ordinary Lives, Extraordinary Mission”. I am sure this will be a major spiritual boost for all who attend. Dr. Wood is an associate of Matthew Kelly and will undoubtedly help us to Rediscover Jesus and Rediscover Catholicism. I just purchased my ticket for $20 at the parish office last week and strongly encourage you to do the same. This will be a very wise and valuable use of your time and your twenty dollars. I hope to see you there. And third, we celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation as a community on Monday, March 14th, at 7:00 pm. This is the best time and best way to celebrate God’s great gift of forgiveness and mercy. It brings great growth and real fruit. Make these three things the centerpiece of a Lent that leads you to the Triduum and to New Life - the real Spring. The rosary is a very powerful form of prayer as we seek the intercession of our Blessed Mother and meditate on the mysteries of the life of Christ and of Mary. I urge you to pray the rosary often and regularly, and remind you that it is prayed communally here at St. Gabriel several times during the week (check the weekly schedule in the bulletin on page 3). I want to particularly call your attention to a group of people who pray the rosary on Sunday mornings at 8:55 near the statue of the Holy Family for the intention of moving the hearts of people who have been away to come back home. You are always very welcome to join them as well as any group praying together. I have run out of space, so please carefully read the bulletin each week to know what is going on. Remember the Irish dinner on March 5th, the Health and Wellness Fair on March 6th, and so many other important events that truly give life to our parish community. It is all about making “Spring” - growing and bearing fruit - the reality of our lives. Have a great week. Peace be with you. In God’s love, Page Three Third Sunday of Lent February 28, 2016 Weekly Schedule MONDAY - February 29 Lenten Weekday 7:00AM Rita Kohankie - Rosemary Melynk 11:00AM Dorothy Padden - Ginny Gaskill 11:30AM Stations of the Cross TUESDAY - March 1 Lenten Weekday 7:00AM Fran & Joe Turk - The Wilder Family 7:00PM For Deceased SVDP Members - SVDP WEDNESDAY - March 2 Lenten Weekday 7:00AM Loretta Steiner - Jacinta & Gabriel 8:05AM Gertrud Holzhaeusser - St. Gabriel Sunshine THURSDAY - March 3 Lenten Weekday 7:00AM Emira DiVincenzo - Olivetta Totarella 7:00PM Anthony Vitolo - Sister Eleanor Davidson FRIDAY - March 4 Lenten Weekday 7:00AM Lucille Pausche - Family 11:00AM Intentions of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Joe & Barb Bertone 7:15PM Stations of the Cross SATURDAY – Marach 5 Lenten Weekday 8:00AM Vocation Holy Hour 8:30AM Ann Kamesis - Mary Ellen Godic 5:00PM Anna & Joe Linsky - Mary Jane Linsky SUNDAY – March 6 Fourth Sunday of Lent 7:30AM Frank Tercek - The Liberatore Family 9:30AM For Our Parish Family 11:30AM Julia D’Antonio - Martha , Sue & Ken Coyle 5:00PM Nancy Sabatine - Louanne Doerner, James Sabatine & Family 7:45PM Night Prayer YOUR GIFT TO THE PARISH Electronic Giving Total Sunday Collection Budget Over(Under) Children’s Envelopes Last Sunday Year To Date $ 1,379 $ 21,246 $ 29,800 $ (8,555) 949,062 1,013,200 (64,138) Number 10 Amount 6.25 Children sharing their time, talent, and treasure: Worked hard at school - Nicholas Went to Reconciliation - Nick N. Cleaned Kitchen - Ben N. AnC - Chapel C - Church Conf Rm - Conference Rm CR - Community Room LLGR - Learning Loft Great Rm MPR - Multi-Purpose MRI - Meeting Room One PC - Pahler Center (gym) REO - Religious Ed Office S - School SO - Safety Office (located outside parish office) PFCR - Pope Francis Conference Room (located in REO) MONDAY – February 29 11:30AM Stations of the Cross 12:00PM Rosary Cenacle - AnC 6:30PM Living Stations Practice - MPR 7:00PM Adult Bible Study - MR1 7:00PM Festival Core Team Mtg - CR TUESDAY – March 1 6:30PM 50th Anniversary Mtg - Conf Rm 7:00PM Growing Through Grief - PFCR 7:30PM St. Vincent de Paul Mtg - MR1 WEDNESDAY - March 2 6:00PM PSR (Grs 1-5) -S/MPR/PC 6:30PM Special Sports - PC 7:00PM RCIA - MR1 THURSDAY - March 3 1:30PM Mission Circle - CR 3:30PM YFFC - PFCR 7:00PM Family Prayer Night - AnC 7:30PM Rosary - AnC 7:30PM Choir - C FRIDAY - March 4 8:00AM Clean - C 10:30AM Rosary - AnC 11:30AM-7:00PM Eucharistic Adoration - AnC 5:00PM-7:30PM Fish Fry - MPR/PC 7:00PM Benediction - AnC 7:15PM Stations of the Cross SATURDAY - March 5 7:30AM Catholic Men’s Fellowship - MR1 10:00AM “Friends of Jesus” PSR - S SUNDAY - March 6 8:55AM Rosary - C 9:30AM Sunday Preschool - S/MPR/PC 6:00PM BOK HS - CR 6:00PM Crossings PSR (Grs 6-8) - PC 6:15PM Good Shepherd (Level 1 & 3) -Atrium 6:15PM Good Shepherd (Level 2) -PFCR 1&2 6:15PM Good Shepherd (Level 4) - LLGR 7:45PM Night Prayer - C Health Fair Page Four Important PSR dates and times … PSR Grades 1-5: PSR Grades 1-5: Our classes for March include March 2, 9, 16 & 23 from 6-7:30 pm in the school. Are you interested in becoming a part of the St. Gabriel playgroup? PSR Grades 6-8 Crossings: We are looking for parents and grandparents who would like to meet other adults and provide their children with social time with friends. Daytime and Evening. Toys provided. No class this Sunday, February 28 as our 9th graders will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation. Our classes for March include the 6th, 13th and 20th from 6 to 7:30 pm in the Gym! Living Stations of the Cross … Please see the website under Parish/Communities or contact Allison in the parish office for more information. All youth grades 6-12 are invited to participate in this unique expression of Jesus' love for us. Please come and join us as we celebrate Jesus' life, death and resurrection this Lent. DO something special this Lent! Contact Michelle Kuch at [email protected] or 330-5413560 if you are interested or have questions. **** **** KINGDOM 2016 KAMP LOVE WILL HOLD US TOGETHER! June 13-17 Kamp Counselor Application Kingdom Kamp is right around the corner! We are on the lookout for some high energy high school counselors, who have completed 10th through 12th grades! Counselor applications are available on our parish website as well as at our parish office. Deadline for applications is Sunday, April 10, and will be numbered as they are received. NOW is the time to make a difference in the life of a Kamper! Please contact Mary von Carlowitz at 440-352-8282 or [email protected] with any questions. **** Family Prayer Night … Family Prayer Night consists of Mass at 7:00PM followed by the Rosary on Thursdays during the season of Lent. It is an opportunity for families to come together in the presence of the Lord, to pray and be in fellowship with one another. There is no better way to prepare for the Easter season as a family. March 5th from 6:30 to 9:30 - help set up, serve, and clean up at the St. Gabriel Irish Dinner held in the school Ongoing - Musicians and singers needed for Sunday 5 pm Youth Centered Mass June 20 to 24 - Students (5th grade and up) can sign up now for Vacation Bible School volunteering. Further information can be found on the website under “Volunteer” or phone Allison in the parish office. **** Growing Through Grief Bereavement Support Program ... Have you been grieving for a year or longer and still don't feel like you’re coping any better? Do you feel like you are walking alone and no one understands what you are feeling? If the answer is yes, please join us! This program offers suggestions for working through the stages of grief and finding ways to continue on. It provides an opportunity to share your thoughts and feelings in an environment of understanding and empathy. These sessions will be Tuesday evenings, March 1, March 8, March 15, March 22, and March 29. They will be held in the Religious Education Office in the school from 7:00PM to 8:30PM. You do not have to attend all sessions. For more information, please call Eileen at 440-255-1447. Page Five SGSG 50+ Single Seniors Malley's Easter Candy Sale Monday, February, 8th through Monday, March 21st The St. Gabriel School PTU Spring Fundraiser Internet orders can be placed at the link below which will take you directly to the St. Gabriel Fundraising link. http://www.malleys.com/st-gabriel-school up until Monday, March 21st. QUESTIONS: Call Deanna Macioce- 440-867-1924 or [email protected] or Kim Janezic- 440-3396494 or [email protected] SGSG 50+ Singles Seniors will beet for lunch at 1:00 pm on Tuesday, March 1st, at Longhorn’s Steakhouse. Questions? Call Maxine at 440-255-8005. **** Stay Connected … Help us keep our records current so that we may serve you better. Please contact the parish office, 352-8282. if you have any changes to your family information: new e-mail, address, phone number, family additions or subtractions, marital status changes, etc. Thank you! **** Your generous donations to our recent St. Vincent de Paul Society collection are greatly appreciated by all our members who carry out this important ministry. We are richly blessed by your partnership. We assure you that your kindness will be even more appreciated by our clients who receive help because YOU CARED, We will continue to pray that God will bless you for doing so. Saint Gabriel Social Group St. Patrick’s Dinner Saturday, March 5, 2016 6:30-9:30 p.m. Multi-Purpose Room of the School **** Friendly reminder: Night Prayer continues thr ough the Lenten Season on Sunday evenings at 7:45pm. The Best Fish Fry in Town March 4th, 11th, and 18th Come to the school to enjoy this amazing “All You Can Eat Buffet” from 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Be a part of the fun of the Fry! It takes over 130 volunteers each Friday to make this great community event happen. Sign up to take a shift! See the parish website for details See you there! Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner $18.00 per person Advanced Sales Only No Walk-Ins! Please return form with $18.00 payment to Parish Office RSVP by Monday - February 29th SGSG St. Patrick’s Dinner Name(s): _____________________________________ _____________________________________________ # Attending: _______ Phone number: ____________________ Email address: _____________________________ Checks made payable to St. Gabriel. Page 1 Eight Page Six Prayers for our Elect and Candidates … Upcoming Events to continue our Jubilee celebration! Commemorative Tile Painting DURING HEALTH FAIR ON MARCH 6TH Founders Mass & Brunch April 10, 2016 St. Gabriel at Lake County Captains Game Friday, May 20th, 7 pm Please continue to pray for our 4 Elect (catechumens to be baptized, confirmed and welcomed to the table of the Eucharist at the Easter Vigil) and our 9 Candidates (those who will make a Profession of Faith in the Catholic Church, be confirmed & receive Eucharist). We ask that if you haven’t already done so, take a card or two from one of the baskets in the Gathering Area. Please pray for that person/s throughout the Lenten Season and write a note to them to welcome them into our community. The notes can be dropped off at the Parish Office or put in the baskets in the Gathering Area March 6th – March 13th. The candidate’s name needs to be clearly marked on the outside of the envelope. **** Jubilee Weekend Friday, July 8th Dinner Dance at Quail Hollow Sunday, July 10th Jubilee Mass 11:30 Pictorial Directory will be available June ‘16 John Wood Tickets … Tickets for Dr. John Wood are available in the Parish Office for $20. Dr. Wood works with Matthew Kelly of Dynamic Catholic and will be speaking at Saint Gabriel on March 12th (9:00am-1:30pm). LITURGY CORNER How is your Lenten journey coming along? Are you looking for more inspiration or more opportunities to grow closer to your faith and therefore, to grow closer to God? We still have several weeks of Lent left, and there are many opportunities here at St. Gabriel for you to find ways to grow closer to God and to discover more about your faith. If you haven’t made plans to attend the Parish Mission on March 7, 8 and 9, please mark these dates in your calendar. Father Domenic Roscioli will speak every morning at 9:00 am and following the evening Mass at 7:00pm. Father Dom’s presentations will help you find God in your everyday life experiences. Come when you can. Later that week on March 12, we will be hosting Dr. John Wood of the Dynamic Catholic Institute to discuss how we can together bring new life to the Church. Tickets are $20 and are available at the parish office. There are family prayer nights on Thursdays, Night Prayer on Sundays, and daily Mass. There is no shortage of events that can help each of us grow closer to God. All we need to do is make the time. Page Seven Page Eight Music Notes … Joyfully, we celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation this weekend! Holy Spirit, come! We still cry out to God to fill us with the Spirit. And that cry resonates during the season of Lent. Be merciful O Lord and fill us with your Spirit and grace. On this Confirmation weekend and Third Sunday of Lent we continue to ask God to have mercy on us and forgive us. We are challenged to love and forgive others in the same way. "Have mercy on us, O God." Thank you to all the families who registered for Vacation Bible School 2016! We are SOLD OUT! See the website if you would like to be added to the wait list. Adult and Student volunteer sign ups on the website as well. Follow Him! Won’t you Hand on Some of your Time? Saint Vincent DePaul Consider joining the team of volunteers who help the needy in our community through the St. Vincent de Paul organization “What you did for the least of my brothers and sisters you did for me” VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Adults needed to help make this week special for all the kids! June 20-24 5-day positions available and a few part-week positions as well. Child Care provided to volunteers with children too small to attend. . See the website for details! Fr. Michael Wittman Ozanam Center Child Care St. Gabriel participates once a month in helping the needy through this Social Outreach Program which provides food and clothing to those in need. Adults and children over the age of 13 are welcome. Please sign up to help those less fortunate receive basic necessities. Adult needed to help schedule volunteers to watch siblings of 2nd graders as they and their parents attend approximately four 1st Communion events throughout the year. Please sign up for one of our upcoming assigned Saturdays – from 9:30 to 1. March 19 April 23 9:30 am - 1:00 pm Call Allison in the parish office to volunteer Contact the Volunteer Coordinator, Allison Capella 352-8282 OR email [email protected] to find out more!! This is such a valuable service to these families – please consider helping this to continue! Page Nine READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 2 Kgs 5:1-15ab; Ps 42:2, 3; 43:3, 4; Lk 4:24-30 Tuesday: Dn 3:25, 34-43; Ps 25:4-5ab, 6, 7bc, 8-9; Mt 18:21-35 Wednesday: Dt 4:1, 5-9; Ps 147:12-13, 15-16, 19-20; Mt 5:17-19 Thursday: Jer 7:23-28; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; Lk 11:14-23 Friday: Hos 14:2-10; Ps 81:6c-11ab, 14, 17; Mk 12:28-34 Saturday: Hos 6:1-6; Ps 51:3-4, 18-21ab; Lk 18:9-14 Sunday: Jos 5:9a, 10-12; Ps 34:2-7; 2 Cor 5:17-21; Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 Alternate readings (Year A): 1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a; Ps 23:1-6; Eph 5:8-14; Jn 9:1-41 [1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38] Overindulging in donuts is not a healthy practice, but a once in a while treat, combined with the company of other parishioners, can be good for the soul. Please join us on Sunday, March 6th, in the Multi-Purpose Room for Coffee and Donuts, in conjunction with the Health Fair. See you there! Health & Wellness Fair 2016 … Are you feeling the winter blahs? Have you gotten off track on the resolution of weight loss, fitness, and improved health? Come to the St. Gabriel Health & Wellness Fair March 6th 8:30am-1:00pm to give yourself a jump start and talk to vendors who are here to help you stay on track and stay healthy! Health screenings will be provided by Lake Health, MaryAnn’s Family Hearing, and Morris Chiropractic. Talk fitness and health with Elite Sports Performance Gym, Second Sole Shoes, Apparel & Advice and Shaklee for scientifically proven nutritional products and green cleaning products. Visit the Crossroads Hospice table to discuss volunteering as a way to keep active and involved. Focusing on health and fitness today still includes planning for tomorrow so Catholic Cemeteries is available to offer their expertise. Great door prizes will be raffled off after each Mass for those in attendance that visit each vendor! All this while enjoying Donut Sunday and some health snacks as well! Here’s to our health! Pam Lewis, Parish Nurse Please pray for the ill and hospitalized members of our Parish, their families and caregivers. Pray for an end to abortion and for the respect of all life. Jan Smolinski Tim Schussler Alexa Bernard Fr. Bob Kropac Liz Armenti Fr. James Patton Lauren Landgraf Ken Grant Marlene Waltman Butch Andrews Virginia Trivisonno Vanessa Gromek & Baby Jennifer Sanderson Rachel Gagliardo Adrian Turc Madison Goryance Jackie Lipphardt Christopher Routt Dennis Watkins William Trittlett Doreen Moorman John Nemec Angela Walk Mary Ann Rysek Olivia Jones Carolyn Takacs Phil Vincello Ray Poyar Tennant Crofoot Michael Lann Milana Capel Andrea Barbour Ellie Callahan Jamie Ryan Angela Marconi Diane Guffey Kara Vis Roberta Telfer Marie Martin Maureen Rawley Brian Minotas Tabatha Swetel Matilda Boyd William Tripplett Nicole Sexton Vicki Griggs Kayla Hoover Ken Udovic Tony Mlack Matthew DiPierro Audrey Hurray Barbara Merril Pat Elia Rosemary Moegling Joshua MacDonald, Jr. Barb Swaine Flo Barron Amy Megery Linda Dean Jennifer & Caroline Diane Sutyak Liliana Dzolic John Misny Robbie Hurley Rush Williams, Jr. Mary Ann Conaway Ruth Darling Patricia Manno Steve & Alice Baluch Christine Klingbel Katie Buza Noah Gromek Cathy Dye Lisa Murray Angie Simone Ann & John Glenn Jacob Surrell Michael De Angelis Mary Ann Eppink Charlie Bartzen-Plungas George Roth Thomas Neider Kathy Kelly Judy Manion Dick Jones Diana Ranels Eddie Luther Edward Rumy, Sr Anna Kalp Marc Latkovic Sandy Healy Marvin Maynard Callie Bergoc Joanna Siegel John & Dorothy Kiliany Kelsey Qualtero Gloria Rogers Nicholas Posatiere Elizabeth Dostie Steve Goodlive Ashley Queisser Peter Brandetsas Earl Henninge Kathy Sweeney Nicole Turcolveri Donald McCurry Tammy Guinan Tony Bolaney Richard Kocevar Jack Napier Susan O’Leary-Hess Mary Ann Kelly Gladys Bukovec Stephen Hurtack Greg Schettler Julie Looney Lori Kovatch Diane Anderson Donna Hefner McClure Sue Waite Marge Centa Tammy Edwards Mitch Hill Ana Plaz Donna Lemmo Diane Baechle Elaine Rozic Terri Novak Mary Demeter Dean Ulsenheimer Clara/Crist Hershberger David Brodzinski Jo Losecco Katy Balogh Gary Waite Phyllis Henschel Sherry Formolo Betsy Greenwald Gia Dadante Laura Lucas Mary Catherine Dostie Evan Sines Monica Alvarado Chuck Gole Barbara Watkins Charles/Ruth Letanosky Debra Horton Darlene Kuhar Debbie Kaut Phillip Lasko Laura Canney Tony Stanic Pauline Jaeger Deborah A. Kerby Matthew Concitis Joseph Semple Elizabeth Hershberger Mark Mahoney Robert & Dorothy Cook Dale Brockway Debbie Kreitner Linda Couch Margaret Connelly Pauline Nowacki Felicia Bubonic Mary Royko Larry McCleod Eric Gotto Lynn Stauffer Sue Atkins Stephanie Kurtz Deborah Carrilo Ardalee /Gerald Steiner Lora Peterson Rachel Kayza Marissa Marchiano Terry Pollard Tyler Leigey Kaitlyn Hammond Please remember our elderly and homebound as well. Please pray for those serving in the armed forces here and abroad including SPC Lauren Meyer, U.S. Army, P.O. Jeffrey Meyer, U.S. Navy, US Army Spc. Sean McIntyre, Sr A Alexander Skorupski, USAF, Sr A Nathaniel Galecki, USAF, US Army, 2nd Lt. Patrick McDonnell, US Army, Sgt. William McDonnell, USMC, Captain Steven Convery, US Army, Major Sean Huss, USAF, Captain R. Andrew Iafelice, USMC, 2nd Lieutenant Nelson Liuzzo, Spc. Nicholas Lemmo, Colonel Paul A. Fortunato, Jr., Colonel Linda Lawrence, M.D., Captain Michael Ficzner, and Captain Rebecca Gartner, US Army Jag Corp. New Patients Welcome DAILY 6:30 AM-3:00 PM • BRING Dr. Dennis Horvath • Dr. Jerry Patriarca Dr. Christopher Phillips • Dr. Brian Titus Dr. Michael Rodriguez • Dr. William Koenig PRIVATE PARTIES Rehearsal Dinners Baptisms First Communions Graduations, etc. BREAKFAST BRUNCH LUNCH PAINESVILLE DENTAL GROUP 440-354-2183 CHARDON SMILE CENTER 440-286-2474 RIEBE FAMILY DENTISTRY AD FOR 10% OFF ROBERT A. RIEBE D.D.S. MICHAEL J. RIEBE D.D.S. 2155 Mentor Avenue Painesville Twp., Ohio 44077 (440) 358-8000 440-350-6272 9570 Mentor Ave., Mentor Parishioners Since 1971 LIC. #26518 ERRATO’S Parishioner HEATING & COOLING CO. 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