Monthly Newsletter AUGUST ISSUE


Monthly Newsletter AUGUST ISSUE
The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord
lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.
Numbers 6:24-26
How do we say goodbye well?
With Harold and Margaret Hartwig moving to Lafayette, Ross Church is forced to say goodbye to a couple
who have been part of this congregation for a long time. When someone leaves a congregation how do you say
goodbye to them and how do you do it well?
Oftentimes when a person leaves a church it is under tough circumstances that are necessarily positive.
Perhaps they are unhappy with a decision that has been made, or the vision that has been cast, or have been
hurt by another member. There isn’t often a goodbye in these circumstances, the person just stops showing
No matter the circumstances, we should wish someone well and bless them in the name of the Lord. While
that is not always easy to do it, it is the Christ-like thing to do.
Harold and Margaret are moving away and so it is easier to say goodbye well. Truthfully, it is hard to say
goodbye because of the relationships we have with them.. Whenever someone leaves Ross Church I hope we
can wish them well and bless them in the name of the Lord no matter the circumstances because it is what
God wants us to do.
Shawn Gerbers, Pastor
To be a multi-generational, multi-cultural community church following Jesus Christ.
Inspired by the Holy Spirit, we share God's love joyfully and meaningfully so that all
may know Jesus Christ, be energized by His love, and become responsible, growing
members of His Church.
As a church, God has called us to be his people in this place. We can do that in a
number of different ways, but God has placed it on the hearts of Ross’ leaders to focus on Community, Discipleship, Evangelism and Worship. We believe Ross Church
is meant to focus on these four areas, and do them well.
“Oh sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things!” Psalm 98:1
“For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the
body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in one Spirit we were all
baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of
one Spirit. For the body does not consist of one member but of many” 1 Corinthians
“And he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for
him who for their sake died and was raised.” 2 Corinthians 5:15
“And he said to them, ‘Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the
whole creation.’” Mark 16:15
Worship Services
Oct. 2nd
World Communion Sunday
9:30 AM Rev. Shawn Gerbers
Oct. 9th
Zone 1:
Zone 2:
Zone 3:
Zone 4:
Zone 5:
Zone 6:
9:30 AM Rev. Shawn Gerbers
Ministry of Music: Ross Choir
John Rattray, Shelli Cavell, Mel Scheeringa
Oct. 16th
9:30 AM Rev. Shawn Gerbers
Oct. 23rd
9:30 AM Rev. Shawn Gerbers
Ministry of Music: Ross Choir
Oct. 30th
L.V. McCoy (D) Bob Taylor (E)
Mel Scheeringa (D) Don Mauger (E)
Kevin Cheeseman (D) John Terpstra (E)
Jonathan Evan (D) Keith Best (E)
James Crowder (D) Rich Mara (E)
Brandon Lohman (D) Dean Schramm (E)
Prayer Room
Oct. 2: Rich Mara, Don Mauger
Oct. 9: Bob Taylor, Keith Best
Oct. 16: Don Mauger, John Terpstra
Oct. 23: Keith Best, Rich Mara
Oct. 30: John Terpstra, Dean Schramm
9:30 AM, Rev. Shawn Gerbers
John Terpstra
Rich Mara
Dean Schramm
Don Mauger
Bob Taylor
If you have children (infant through 2 years old) feel free to utilize
our nursery so they can be taken care of as you enjoy the service.
Our qualified Nursery Attendants are:
Oct. 2:
Oct. 9:
Oct. 16:
Oct. 23:
Oct. 30:
Nikki Eriks, Eileen Scuderi, Jaydon Doran
Wanda Crumpton, Maureen Lohman, Madison Cheeseman
Ashley Gerbers, Gretna Szymansky, Emma Cheeseman
Monica Eriks, Brittany Gifford, Maya Cheeseman
Ardy Best, Ruth Kaluf, Nathan Cheeseman
Children’s Church
Touch the heart of God, change the hearts of kids! During our
greeting time children ages 2 to 1st grade are invited to the 3rd
Floor. Children’s Church is where your young children build
their worship foundation. This is where they focus on God in a
personal way—and experience children’s worship through uplifting songs and fun, memorable Bible learning.
Oct. 2: Peggy Gardenhire, Kennedy Bianci
Oct. 9: Ardy Best
Oct. 16: Laura McCoy, Jenny Hernandez
Oct. 23: Shirley Bianchi
Oct. 30: Cindy & Jessica Lovall
Oct. 23rd. is the DEADLINE to hand in November
Newsletter materials and calendar dates. Deposit in
writing in the “Secretary” box in the Chapel.
The Aaron and Hur Honor
In Exodus 17 the Israelites are fighting against the Amalekites. Whenever Moses held his hands up the Israelites prevailed, but over time his hands grew weary so Aaron and
Hur held Moses’ hands up for him so that the Israelites
could prevail. Without Aaron and Hur to help Moses, the
Israelites would have been overcome. The Aaron and Hur
Honor is a way for Ross Church to recognize and give
thanks to those who serve God by serving Ross Church. If
you would like to nominate someone please see Shawn.
Join folks from Ross and the community as
we enjoy a good meal together.
God is doing some amazing things on
Wednesday night at Ross,
come check it out.
This month’s recipient is Janet Best
Janet does so many different things around Ross Community Reformed Church. It depends on the day of
the week as to where you will find her.
On Sunday mornings Janet runs the computer for worship. She ensures that everything runs smoothly. After
fellowship time she helps oversee the Sunday School
During the week she keeps the books for Ross Church.
She pays the bills and prepares the financial statements.
She also volunteers for AWANA on Wednesday and
the bread ministry on Thursdays. She really does a lot.
In fact, I’m not sure I can list all that she does. If you
see Janet, tell her thank you for all that she does for
Ross Church.
56th Annual Torchlight Dinner, a ministry celebration
for Providence Life Services will be on Friday, Nov. 4, at
the Art Institute of Chicago. Join us for an elegant dinner,
access to select galleries and complimentary valet parking.
Make your reservations online at or by contacting
Joan Schutt: (708)342-8108
Sunday, October 30th is
invite a friend to worship
Is there someone you have
been thinking about inviting
to worship? Or maybe they
have been going through a
rough time?
Invite a friend or family to
worship on October 30th.
Member Highlight:
Kay Childers
1. Tell us a little about yourself.
My life began in Watseka, Illinois. I grew up in
Hammond, IN. I married my husband right after high
school and together we raised 5 children, built 3 homes
and lived in Calumet Township. I drove a school bus for
30 years. I became a member of Ross after Pat Mara
talked me into coming to the Easter Sunrise Service. I
found a welcoming home here at Ross.
2. Are there any clubs/activities at Ross that you are involved with?
I sing in the choir, play dartball, help in the kitchen, belong to Esther circle and am the contact person for the funeral lunches.
3. What is your favorite Ross activity, if any? What makes it so?
Dartball is my favorite activity because it brings us all together with other churches in fellowship. My
second favorite activity is working in the kitchen on banquets, the cookie walk, the Community Meal,
4. What are your favorite Ross memories? What makes them so?
The live nativity outside at Christmas and the concerts in the picnic pavilion. It is nice to see us get
together with others for fellowship.
** Want to get to know someone more? Or maybe no one
knows much about you? Make a suggestion of yourself or
another member to be our next Member Highlight! Send
your recommendation to the office! **
Father/Son Cookout
Saturday, October 8th
1-2:30 PM
Tickets are $5 and can be purchased from
Roof Replacement Fundraiser
In July we began our roof replacement fundraiser. Our
goal is to replace the eastside of the Sanctuary roof, along
with the roof over the classrooms. We would also like to
replace the garage roof. We are looking at a cost of
around $45,000 for the total job. If you would like to donate towards the roof replacement, please put your donation in the offering plate separate from your normal giving, or you can give your donation directly to the deacons.
This is a large fundraiser but a much needed one since
we are reaching the end of a normal roof life span. We
have been spending a few thousand dollars each year on repairs to maintain our current roof that has been losing
shingles each year. If you have any questions please free to ask Jonathan Evans or Mel Scheeringa.
Goal: $45,000
Raised to date: $1,245
AWANA has started back up after summer
All kids from Ages 2 to high school are
invited to join in on the fun.
If you shop Amazon, go to and use Ross Reformed
Church as your non-profit of choice. It
won’t cost you anything and Ross will
receive a percentage of your purchase!
Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed
is the man who takes refuge in him!
Psalm 34:8
October is
Hospitality Month
the friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers.
synonyms: friendliness, hospitableness, warm reception, welcome, helpfulness,
neighborliness, warmth, kindness, congeniality, geniality, cordiality, courtesy,
amenability, generosity, entertainment, catering, food
October is going to be hospitality month here at Ross Community Reformed Church. We as a
congregation are going to attempt 1,000 acts of hospitality.
This idea was drawn from the Slow Church book we studied earlier this year. We recognize the
great abundance we have been given by God, and so we respond to his abundance through generosity and hospitality.
Below is a list of a few examples of hospitality. Every time you complete an act you can fill out a
card and place it on the board down stairs. We have 31 days to practice hospitality. Let’s see
how well we can do.
Greet a stranger with a smile or a high-five
Invite someone to get a coffee (and pay)
If you see someone who by themselves, invite them
to join you
Laughter is the best medicine, try to make a stranger
Share a ride with someone to your neighborhood
Pay for a strangers food/drink at a restaurant or
coffee house
Give away baked goods (cookies, brownies, pies,
Bake a cake with some friends and go to a public
place and offer it to anyone who may want some
Invite someone to stay at your home
Invite strangers or acquaintances over for a good
home cooked meal
Offer to pray for someone in need
Bring doughnuts (or a healthy treat, like cut-up fruit)
to work
Cook a meal or do a load of laundry for a friend who
just had a baby or is going through a difficult time
When visiting others or having people over put your
phone away
Hang out with the person who just moved to town
Each time you get a new piece of clothing, donate an
old one
Give someone a book you think they’d like
When you go somewhere to get or do something,
ask the people around you if you can pick up anything they need
Let them have the parking space
Visit a nursing home
Play board games with senior citizens at a nursing
Babysit for a single mom for free
Open your home to someone in need
1. Ashley Gerbers has given us an update on Ali’s foot. The last visit to the doctor, the X-ray was not clear but she has another
appointment on Sept. 29th to have another X-ray taken. Hopefully she will be up and around in no time.
Ashley would like to thank everyone for the prayers that were offered for Ali. Please God heal her soon.
2 Delores Carlson is having problems with her stomach. Not sure what the problem is. Please pray that she
will soon be over her discomfort. God, please hold her close and heal her.
3. Dortohy Douma has been in the hospital and hopes to be out soon. Please keep her in your prayers. Dear
God please take care of Dorothy in all her needs
4. Dan Bagwell (friend from Wednesday nights) has had successful surgery. Will be home soon. Please continue to pray for him. Thank you God for successful surgery, may he make a complete recovery.
5.The following people are experiencing various problems and need our continued prayers.
Karen Scheeringa; Kathryn Fronek; Marilyn Niles, Seth Lender and Bertha Banning.
1. Dorothy Douma
2. Elsie Edmonds
Ron Szymanski
4. Tom Keller
Lincolnshire Health Care Center
8380 Virginia Place
Merrillville, IN 46420
St. Anthony Home
203 Franciscan Dr.
Crown Point, IN 46307
Aperion Care of Kokomo
3518 S. Lafountain Street
Leona Leep – 11606 Parrish, Cedar Lake, IN 46303
Eldon Niles – 8711 Mathews Street, Crown Pont, IN 46307
Kokomo, IN 46902
1. Major Scott Diehl
2. Charlie Eastman E4
3. John Morris, Air Force (Bertha Banning’s Grandson)
4. Paige Raymond
5. Don Alex Tatalovich, Navy – Crew Chief of Search and Rescue
6. M/SGT Alex Zimnawoda
Would you like prayer?
After the service, a member from the Prayer Team will
be in the prayer room located off the hallway one level
below the sanctuary. If you have a prayer concern or
praise, please feel free to join them – they will be happy
to pray for you or with you!
Prayer Team Members in Prayer Room
Oct. 2: Katheryn Fronek
Oct. 9: Maleeta Yonker
Oct. 16: Harold Hartwig
Oct. 23: Eloise Kalmar
Oct. 30: Pat Mara
All classes are after the church service, from 11 a.m. to Noon
Nursery (infant—2years) - Nursery
Beginners - 3rd Floor
Post High - Preschool Rm.
Keith Best’s Class - 3rd Floor
Eloise Kalmar’s Class - Fireside Room (begins Sept. 11th)
Ages 3, 4 & 5 year olds
9:30 A.M.
Mondays, Wednesdays,
& Fridays
for Elders and Deacons is on
Monday, October 17th at 6:30
P.M. Those who would like to
request baptism transfer of
membership or to make profession of faith in Christ are
invited to meet with the Elders.
Please call the church office at
980-0200 if you plan to attend.
The Ross preschool playgroup meets every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from September
through May. Please recommend our preschool
to anyone who is looking.
OCTOBER 6, 2016
Meets at 9:15 AM at Katheryn’s home
Study Book: The Great House of God
Katheryn Fronek, Hostess
Wanda Crumpton, Study Leader
Wanda Crumpton, Chairwoman
Only one Oct. Birthday
Arlene Mauger, Oct. 5th
Meets at 1:00 PM at Kay’s Home
Study Book: “Biblical Ministries Through
Kay Childers, Hostess
Linda Tolle, Study Leader
Kay Childers, Chairwoman
Meets at 7:00 PM at Church
Ruth Kaluf, Chairwoman
Pat Mara, Sunshine Girl
EVERY CHILD MINISTRIES is a Christian mission
dedicated to African children, especially those in crisis. ECM has major work in three African Countries—DR Congo,
Ghana and Uganda, with additional outreach to several other African countries.
Our banquet this year is focused on providing a successful route for African children at a crossroads!
Please help us continue to reach the fo4rgotten children of Africa by giving generously that evening
in the freewill offering. THANK YOU!
Lake County Fairgrounds, Crown Point, Indiana
Young Indian missionaries with the burning desire to reach their ouwn people with the
Good News are willing and ready to go into a remote area to share the Good News. They
are willing to endure hardship and persecution to share their faith.
Not just India! In many areas of the world, people are routinely brutalized, jailed, and
even killed for their faith in God. Being able to listen to God’s Word and receive comfort
strength, and hope is a huge encouragement to those who live in areas where persecution
is common.
With the Talking Bible, these pastors and missionaries are able to teach non-readers right from the Bible
what the truth is about God and His Son Jesus Christ. For the first time, they hear about a living God who
loves them very much.
Your partnership with Talking Bible International is helping to place Talking Bibles into the hands of people
who have not other way to learn about God. They can’t read. They can’t meet regularly together. Without a
Talking Bible, they are alone and have no way to learn about God’s love for them. A Talking Bible gives
them knowledge, hope and assurance of eternal salvation.
Please help us continue to place Talking Bibles in areas where Christians are persecuted. Together we can
Help Pastor John reach those who have no other way lo learn about God and grow in their faith.
Because they need to hear.
Mark S. Hoekstra
President, Talking Bibles International
We are writing this special letter to you to let you know that we have been forced to retire
at the end of this year from the Mission to Internationals Inc. We want to let our
churches know first so that you will have time to plan accordingly when it is time to make
a budget for 2017. After Tom’s disastrous back surgery in October of 2014, he has tried
to recover and return to work full time. He is not doing as well as we expected and
hoped. So regretfully, we are going to retire and dissolve the Mission to Internationals Corporation on December 31, 2016.
How grateful we are for all of you who have been such wonderful encouragers, supporters and friends to us as
we have worked to serve the Lord and the international students at Oklahoma State University. You have
faithfully supported the Mission with special gifts, in prayer and with many letters and cards of encouragement.
We wish we could come and visit you to thank you personally for all you have done for us and the international
students here at OSU but Tom is not able to travel much right now. Tom & Liz Stewart
Year –end giving makes up a significant part of Alliance Defending Freedom’s
Income, which determines our ability to fight for you. And we are trusting God for
$7.6 million in gifts before December 31 so we can be a vital force to defend Christians when they are attached for their faith in the year ahead.
To meet his need, everyone must do their part. Your gift — whatever God leads
you to share — will help immediately. Please give prayerfully as you are able.
You see, this year we received more than 3,000 calls for help.
That’s far more cases than Alliance Defending Freedom and our allies can take. And with the opponents of
life, marriage and family, and your re4ligious freedom ramping up their attached, this number will only
increase. It troubles me every time we are forced to turn down a request for help due to a lack of resources.
We need your prayers and your gift today, to fight back and win! (John 15:5)
Without your support, we can’t even show up for the fight. As a strictly cash-based ministry, Alliance Defending Freedom will not go into debt to accept a case. That means we can’t take on a legal battle unless we have
adequate funding.
I’m writing to you today from Kathmandu, Nepal, where my wife,
Ronda and I are based. First and foremost, I want to thankyou for
your generous support that has allowed MAF to be here and serve the
people though the disaster response period. Your giving enabled
MAF to make a huge impact on the ground, in terms of lifesaving service.
Right now I am working on getting government approvals and laying a foundation for MAF staff to serve Nepal
well into the future. The rebuilding process is expected to take between three and five years, and we want to
be here to support that. Many people are still living in temporary shelters. Please pray for the rebuilding process to pick up speed, and for the health and safety of the mountain people through the coming winter months,
particularly those living above nine thousand feet.
Beyond rebuilding efforts, there are great needs in areas even farther out west … in a very dark corner of
Nepal. We are earnestly praying and taking steps to provide flight service to this area. The people there
face extreme poverty and have poor access to health care and e4ducation. Human trafficking is a big
problem. The physical needs are just enormous. Other like-minded organizations already in these areas of
Nepal are working on livelihood projects —agriculture, education, or health p4rojects— but they’re struggling to
get out there. Travel is difficult, time-consuming and expensive. MAF can help them overcome these barriers.
One of the partners we’re working with said that, because MAF is providing access to these areas out west,
“there is a new hope at our doorstep.” Now they’re able to reach people that really need to be reached. Working together, and with your help, we can bring hope to people who have none.
Stan Unruh
Mission Aviation Fellowship
Nampa, Idaho