Saint Lucy Parish Second Sunday of Advent Saint
Saint Lucy Parish Second Sunday of Advent Saint
Saint Lucy Parish Methuen, MA Second Sunday of Advent December 6, 2015 Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil 4:00 PM Sundays 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM Daily Monday - Wednesday - St. Lucy - 8:00 AM Thursday & Friday - St. Monica - 7:00AM Saturday– Saint Monica- 8:00 AM Saint Lucy Parish Holy Days 8:00AM 12:30PM 7:00PM 254 Merrimack Street Methuen, MA 01844 978-686-3311 Fax 978-794-0383 [email protected] Office Hours 8:30AM-4:30PM Sacrament of Reconciliation Monday from 4:30 -5:30 pm, and Saturday from 3:00 - 3:45 pm or by appointment and 6:30pm - 7:30pm Friday at St. Monica ++++++++++++++ Pastoral Staff Sacrament of Baptism Second and Fourth Sundays of the month at 12:30PM Father William Lohan Pastor Father John Cassani Parochial Vicar Mr. Kevin Fitzgerald Facilities Manager/RCIA Coordinator Sr. Rina Brunetti, p.m. Hospital & Home Care Mr. Karl Jackson Director of Faith Formation Samantha Moore Coordinator Youth Ministry/ Confirmation Mr. Tim Therriault Weekend Assistant Sacrament of Matrimony Contact the Parish Office at least 6 months prior to the celebration Pastoral Care of the Sick, Homebound, or Elderly Contact Sr. Rina at rectory offices 978-686-3311 Ext. 34 FOOD COLLECTION Neighbors in Need 3rd Sunday of the Month November 29, 2015 2 First Sunday of Advent Saint Lucy Parish Methuen, MA ON-LINE GIVING All of us are people who are often under pressure time wise. It seems that we are always trying to remember to do a million things and we don’t always get to each one, at least as quickly as we’d like. So much calls for our attention that things fall through the cracks. Paying our bills is one of those chores toward which none of us look forward. The mundane work of writing checks is not something that excites us. We have a suggestion that will take a little bit of the load off from the check writing duties. We are appreciative of the fidelity the parishioners of St. Lucy’s have to giving in support of the parish. We know that traditionally most people contribute through weekly envelopes, and we are now offering parishioners the option to give online. Online giving is a secure and convenient way to contribute to the parish. Online giving is a great help to us and streamlines our cash flow, especially during bad weather or vacation times. This system is more convenient for the Parish and eliminates excess paperwork and the data entry of the envelopes. Online Giving is a web based application that allows you to start, stop and change your contributions at any time. You can give to our special collections in addition to the weekly offerings. You can choose a One Time Gift or set up regularly scheduled contributions that are withdrawn on the date of your choice. You can use your checking or savings or any major credit card and the funds will automatically be transferred to our parish bank account. Online giving offers many benefits such as maintaining your giving even if you cannot be here at Mass, seeing contribution reports and history and generating tax statements at year end. You can access the online giving site at The Online Giving web site is designed to be easy and accessible for even a computer novice. We encourage you to try to sign up this week. On the weekend of December 12 and 13th, Karen Miller our Business Manager, will be available at all of the masses in the front lobby to answer any questions. Fr. Bill This coming Tuesday, December 8th is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Patroness of the United States. It is a Holy Day of Obligation when all are required to attend Mass. The Mass schedule for St. Lucy’s is as follows: No Vigil Mass December 8th - 8:00am - 12:30pm - 7:00pm Masses at Saint Monica Parish: Monday, December 7th - Vigil Mass: 4:00pm Tuesday, December 8th—Feast Day: 7:00am and 10:00am (School Mass - All are invited to attend) November 29, 2015 3 First Sunday of Advent Saint Lucy Parish Methuen, MA BLESSED VIRGIN MARY SODALITY NEWS A huge thank you to all the Sodality members who helped to fill Thanksgiving Bags at Lazarus House. Two hundred bags were filled with fixings for the Thanksgiving meal. It was just enough to fill the close to 1000 orders that will be delivered or picked up for the holiday. After completing the work, Ken Campbell, Director of the Food Pantry, gave the women a tour and explained to them the good work they do. Saturday, December 5, 2015 4:00PM Domenic and Mar y Rottonnelli and Guiseppi and Francesca Bevilacqua Memorial Sunday, December 6, 2015 8:00 AM People of St. Lucy & St. Monica Parishes \ 9:30 AM Mar ia DiFr uscia 11:00 AM Multiple Intentions: Margaret Nicolosi Arcangelo, Giuseppina, Gabriel, and Giuseppe Sangiorgio Salvatore A. Privitera Monday, December 7, 2015 8:00 AM Albert DeSantis +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Memorial Christmas visits to members who are in nursing homes and homebound......Please contact Eileen Breglia, Sunshine Chairperson, at 978-688-2978, with the names of members who would enjoy a visit from Eileen and her committee. Memorial Memorial Month’s Mind +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SODALITY CHRISTMAS DINNER AND PARTY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13TH, AT NOON, IN THE CHURCH HALLYANKEE SWAP!!! $5.00 GIFT!!! BE CREATIVE!!! CONTACT: ANNETTE AUTIELLO, AT 978-683-5159, TO RESERVE YOUR PLACE Anniversary Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2015 (Immaculate Conception) 8:00 AM J oseph & J osephine Cataldo Memorial 12:30 PM 5:30 PM Wednesday, December 9, 2015 8:00 AM John J. Mugavero Memorial +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Next Sodality Meeting: Sunday, January 10th, after the 9:30 Mass and the praying of the rosary. PLEASE NOTE THAT BECAUSE OF OUR CHRISTMAS PARTY, THERE IS NO DECEMBER MEETING.*** Saturday, December 12, 2015 4:00PM Angelo, J ack and J enny Maimone, Rev. Charles Antonid & Philomena Sgueglia Memorial Sunday, December 13, 2015 COMING IN JANUARY..... THE SODALITY WILL BE COLLECTING NEW OR GENTLY, USED CLEAN BLANKETS AND NEW SOCKS. ST. MONICA SCHOOL WILL AGAIN BE JOINING WITH US. 8:00 AM J osephine & Stephen Catalano Memorial 9:30 AM Nina Coco Robie Memorial 11:00 AM Multiple Intentions: Lucia Currao Joseph J. Gilmore Joseph and Yvette Bergeron Memorial Memorial Memorial WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT THIS YEAR ST. MONICA PARISH WILL BECOME PART OF THIS WONDERFUL MINISTRY. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ We are a Sodality dedicated to the Blessed Mother in service to our parish and our community. “It is good and holy to pray for the dead.” Thank You !!! Amanda DaSilva A special “thanks” to Armando Pizzo for building the beautiful stone wall by the side entrance of the church. Take time to stop and admire his handiwork. May her soul and the souls of all our beloved dead rest in peace Amen. December 6, 2015 4 First Sunday of Advent Saint Lucy Parish Methuen, MA 15th Annual Project Warm & Fuzzy Thank You Collection for W/E 11/29/15 Offertory: $5,830.00 Grand Annual: $ 8,682.00 I wish to extend a heart-felt thank you to all who participated in donating to Project Warm & Fuzzy. It is amazing to see how an idea that started so small has become so incredibly successful. The out-pouring of support this year has surpassed all other years. Thanks to your kind hearts and generosity, many children and adults will stay warm this winter. I look forward to working with you again next year to make this project an even greater success. I would also like to thank the people who spent countless hours knitting and crocheting all year long. The personal touch gives an additional layer of warmth that can only come from something hand-made with care and love. Thank you all for making this such a successful project and for contributing to the good of others. May God bless you during this Holy Christmas season and always. Thank you for your continued generosity. The 2015 Grand Annual Appeal My friends you should have received a letter from me this past week regarding the grand annual collection for this fall. This collection stays in the parish and is an important piece for us to meet our weekly operating expenses. Please watch out for it and prayerfully discern what you are able to contribute. I apologize that the letter is going out a little late. We are doing the mailing in house this year which will yield a savings of $13,000 dollars. Thanks for your generosity. Triduum in honor of Saint Lucy – Ashley Bolis, Founder, Project Warm & Fuzzy will be held at St Lucy Church on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, December 14, 15, and 16th at 7pm. Monday, December 14 - Adoration with rosary and a reflection on Saint Lucy and Our Lady of Guadalupe. Our speaker will be Mr. Jerome Kiley, a Boston native serving as a Missionary in Ecuador. SHARE THE NATIVITY….This year during Advent and leading up to the Christmas; we would like to place on display different Nativity Scenes. The size doesn’t matter and pictures or banners are also welcome. All items will be returned after the holidays. The scenes will be displayed in the lower church hall and will be available for viewing from Dec. 20th through Jan. 3rd. If you would like to have your Nativity scene displayed here at St. Lucy, please drop it off at the office during the week or give it to one of the Ushers before each Mass. Please use the form below so that we have your contact info so each display can be returned. Let’s truly celebrate together the “Reason for the Season” and begin a new tradition here at St. Lucy. (Forms are also available in the Magazine Rack at front doors of church). Tuesday December 15 – A communal penance service including The Sacrament of Reconciliation. This service is intended to serve the people of both St Lucy and St Monica Parishes. In return, St Monica will host the Lenten Penance Service. Wednesday, December 16 - Celebration of Mass followed by the blessing of eyes. BAPTIZED THIS PAST WEEK: Nina Theresa Saade Baptisms from November 22nd Alex James Finocchiaro Casey Brian Guyotte Jackson Gabriel Pereira William Anthony Simone V _______________________________________________________________________________________________ CONGRATULATIONS! Address:________________________________________ November 29, 2015 Name:__________________________________________ Phone:______________________________________ 5 First Sunday of Advent Saint Lucy Parish FAITH FORMATION (CCD) As we near the season for snow, we wanted to publish the cancellation/delay notifications procedures for Faith Formation (CCD) and Confirmation Preparation. (1) Delays and/or cancellations will be posted on the following news sites: (a) WCVB (b) WHDH As you know, you can also register your mobile phones to receive notifications directly once the notification is posted. All you have to do is register on their websites. (2) The notification will also be posted on our parish website. It will run as a ribbon at the top of the home page. (3) Finally, emails will be sent to teachers and families the morning of the cancellation. To be clear, any cancellations or delays would refer to Faith Formation (CCD) classes and Confirmation Preparation Classes only NOT SUNDAY MASS. If you have any questions about this procedure or anything is unclear, please contact Karl Jackson at (978) 6831193 ext 35 or via email at [email protected]. “When You Sing You Pray Twice” We are looking for volunteers to join a small choir for the 4pm Christmas Eve Mass in the Church hall. You don’t have to worry about carrying a tune. If interested, please leave your name with Kevin Fitzgerald at 978-686 -3311. Program for Adults desiring to receive the Sacraments It is not too late for any adults interested in our Catholic faith and in becoming a member of the Catholic Church through the Sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation, to join a program commonly known as RCIA. Anyone interested in receiving any or all of these sacraments, which they may have not received in their youth, are encouraged and welcomed to attend. Sessions are held on Sunday mornings at 11:00am at the St Lucy Parish Schoolhouse. Sessions will last 90 minutes. Any questions please contact Kevin Fitzgerald, at 978-686-3311 or Bonnie Bonanno at 978-609-7307. If any adult would like to prepare to receive these Sacraments but is unable to attend on Sunday mornings, please contact Fr. Bill Lohan at the parish offices. November 29, 2015 Methuen, MA ADVENT TREE OF LIGHT Once again St. Lucy’s Parish will partner with Lazarus House in assisting families over the Christmas Holiday. The Advent Tree of Light will be located at the main entrance to the Church on the weekend of November 28th to December 10th. Tags will be placed on the tree for specific gift requests. If you are able, please make another family’s Christmas more bright by taking a tag and purchasing the item requested. DO NOT WRAP THE GIFTS! Place the gift in a gift bag and place the tag on the outside of the bag. Leave gift bags in the rear of the Church or in the Penance Room. All gifts must be returned by December 13th. Questions please call: Annette Autiello 978-683-5159. Bible Study: Gospel of Matthew... Bible Study will not meet on Tuesday 12/8/15 due to holy day mass at 7pm in St. Monica Church. All are welcome to attend any of the meetings held on Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm in the St. Monica Church chapel. Bible study ends on 2/2/16. Contact: Bonnie Doherty, 978-270-3366 or [email protected] Calling All Who Want To Serve the Lord….. There are forms available in the pamphlet rack near the front doors of the church for anyone who would like to serve as a Eucharistic Minister, Lector or Altar Server (children 8 years or older who want to be altar servers) P.S. Training will be provided. Please return the forms to any o9f the Greeters, the parish office, or drop them in the collection basket. Will Meet Sunday, December 6, 2015 At 10:30 (right after the 9:30 AM Mass) Guest Speaker: Gary Hufnagle - Haven of Hope, Methuen All men of the parish are welcome – please bring a friend! Refreshments will be served Mission: St. Lucy Men’s Guild is an association of men dedicated to St. Joseph who meet regularly to pray and encourage each other to be spiritual leaders in their families, in their parishes, and in their community. Any questions – contact Larry Giordano @ 978-683-2220 or Jack Whittaker @ 978-373-2376 6 First Sunday of Ad- Earn Your Bachelor’s Degree from Regis at Northern Essex Community College in Lawrence n Nursing n Public Health 1215 Main Street, Unit 122 Tewksbury, MA 01876 ME MB E R - WH IT T IE R H E A LT H NE T WOR K Inpatient Psychiatric Care 76 Summer Street, Haverhill t3FGFSSBMT (978) 851-9103 Learn More: 781.768.7330 [email protected] Rosaries from Flowers “Handmade from the Flowers of your Loved One” The Catholic Cemetery Association O ur ministry includes assisting families before a death occurs. Call today for your free pre-planning kit including: our free booklet, money saving certificate, information on payment plans and specific information on our Haverhill Catholic cemeteries. ITOWANT YOU ADVERTISE HERE Shouldn’t your family be protected? Call Today . 339-226-1271 617-779-3770 For more information We serve over 100 Parishes and have available space in those bulletins to serve you better. Bulletin Delivery made Simple. Christmas is Just Around the Corner Mail Parish Bulletin Order These Beautiful Christmas Cards Today To your inbox Sign Up at 617-779-3777 Wishing the peace, hope, wonder & joy of the Holy Family to you and your family this Christmas! Receive your Parish Bulletin in your inbox every week. We Have Space Available For You! Support your priests this Christmas. Text PRIEST to 56512 Clergy Health and Retirement Trust Support the well-being of our Boston priests. Text PRIEST to 56512 or visit us at Msg. and data rates may apply. Clergy Health and Retirement Trust Caring for the Well-Being of our Boston Priests Clergy Health and Retirement Trust Msg. & data rates may apply ADVERTISING SALES PART TIME. FULL TIME. FLEXIBLE. Save 30% to 50% On Most Printing Costs! If you bring your printing to a chain store or other printer, money is leaving with those print jobs. We can help save you money. What’s Inside SUMMER Sell Ads for this Bulletin and more. Call Ken Romano 617-779-3771 CORY SILKEN GRIFFIN ARTHUR Saturday, June 26 th, 2 –4 pm Join us as we welcome Summer with delicious from the Jazz desserts and music Trio “String Swing.” Enjoy our lovely area, and tour outdoor garden our beautiful commun ity. Subscribe to Kindly RSVP by June 23 | 978.369.4728 68 Commonw ealth Avenue West Concord, MA 01742 Get the Catholic Perspective and be fully informed. Subscribe: 617-779-3792 For Advertising Information, Please Call 617-779-3770 MAN MGOOD MIRIA 2010 Pilot Bulletins Chowder Ramp up Your Ga me • June 14th to August 27th • Mondays - Fridays • 1:30 - 5:30 pm • 8 years and up • Through a unique collaboration The with Cambridge Homes , a local assisted living residence and The Griffin Museum, come view remarkable and inspiring photography in a comfortable home-like setting. FEST Booklets Bookmarks Business Cards Calendars Door Hangers Flyers/Brochures Greeting Cards Magnets Newsletters Notepads Plastic Cards Postcards Posters Presentation Folders Stickers Table Tent Cards & much more Proud Printers of This Bulletin 617-779-3777 [email protected] Saint Lucy Parish, Methuen, MA Kenneth H. Pollard Funeral Home, Inc. 233 Lawrence Street, Methuen 978-687-7300 Family Owned & Operated PAINTERS 978-682-9901 UNLIMITED .POVNFOU4BMFTt$FNFUFSZ-FUUFSJOH C Joel Begin over 15 years experience . Interior & Exterior . Power Washing . Deck Refinishing Painting . Carpentry Colizzi Memorials, Inc. 978-674-7035 217 Merrimack St., Methuen #"/,3615$:t3&"-&45"5& 1&340/"-*/+63: Free Consultation | 978-557-9700 978-686-1872 Piro’s Italian Bakery Fax: 978-686-1878 .FSSJNBDL4Ut.FUIVFO Your Full Service Realtor June D’Urso 978-360-5889 C21 McLennan & Co. St. Lucy Parishioner Space Available Since 1985 JOHN G. PIRROTTA We Deliver CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT t"DDPVOUJOH"VEJUJOH t5BY1MBOOJOH1SFQBSBUJPO t#VTJOFTT*OEJWJEVBM 978-689-4045 289 Merrimack Street Methuen, MA 978-794-0224 5 Pitman Street, Methuen PLEASANT VALLEY GARDENS Join Our CSA Program Fresh Vegetables Every Week Vicki Mullett, Agent Partner 508.736.8657 844.OUR.LAER | Fulford Group MA & NH The Roar that Opens More Doors 978-682-9563 255 Merrimack Street • Methuen “Be a Servant” Matthew 20:26 FREE KIDS Meal With the Purchase of an Adult Entree. One Kids Meal per coupon per visit. Toppings extra. Copies not accepted. Tax not included. No cash value. Expires 12/31/2015. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y BILL DELUCA FAMILY OF DEALERSHIPS WWW.BILLDELUCA.COM For Advertising Information, Please Call 617-779-3770 SAUGUS 900 Broadway Saugus, MA 01906 NORTH ANDOVER 550 Turnpike St North Andover, MA 01845 METHUEN 436 Broadway Methuen, MA 01844 READING 50 Walkers Brook Dr Reading, MA 01867 BILL DELUCA’S WOODWORTH CHEVROLET CADILLAC 978-475-6200 ANDOVER, MA BILL DELUCA CHEVROLET BUICK GMC 978-373-7700 HAVERHILL, MA BILL DELUCA CHRYSLER JEEP DODGE RAM 978-373-9500 HAVERHILL, MA Pilot Bulletins Saint Lucy Parish, Methuen, MA
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