October 4, 2015 - St. Lucy Parish
October 4, 2015 - St. Lucy Parish
Saint Lucy Parish Saint Lucy Parish Methuen, MA Methuen, Massachusetts 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 4, 2015 Saint Lucy Parish Methuen, Massachusetts Saint Lucy Parish 254 Merrimack Street Methuen, MA 01844 978-686-3311 Fax 978-794-0383 www.methuencatholic.org [email protected] Office Hours 9AM-4:30PM ++++++++++++++ Pastoral Staff Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil 4:00 PM Father William Lohan Pastor Father John Cassani Parochial Vicar Mr. Kevin Fitzgerald Facilities Manager/RCIA Coordinator Sr. Rina Brunetti, p.m. Hospital & Home Care Mr. Brett Iannazzo Weekend Assistant Mr. Karl Jackson Director of Faith Formation Samantha Moore Coordinator Youth Ministry/ Sundays 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM Daily 8:00 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation Monday from 4:30 -5:30 pm, and Saturday from 3:00 - 3:45 pm or by appointment PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS ~ Lord Jesus Christ, Savior of the world, show forth, we beseech Thee, in Thy Church the Holy Spirit with whose power the apostles were so abundantly filled. We thank Thee for the blessings bestowed upon the work of priests and religious; and we pray that Thou wilt add to the number of those who now pray, labor, and sacrifice themselves for Thy glory and the salvation of souls. Give them unselfish zeal for Thy glory. O good Jesus, give us more priests and religious after Thine own Heart! Amen. October 4, 2015 2 Sacrament of Baptism Second and Fourth Sundays of the month at 12:30PM Sacrament of Matrimony Contact the Pastor at least 6 months prior to the celebration Pastoral Care of the Sick, Homebound, or Elderly Contact Sr. Rina at rectory offices 978-686-3311 Ext. 34 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time Saint Lucy Parish Methuen, Massachusetts Disciples in Mission- Carrying out the Local Pastoral Plan with Selfless Love After a year of hard work, our Local Pastoral Plan (LPP) has been approved by Cardinal Sean O’Malley. As fall settles in we move to the great and challenging call to implement it. The plan calls for a large push to get everyone involved, by more fully engaging in the spiritual exercises (beyond just an hour a week), apostolic labors and social life of the parish. Already we have seen great fruit in the new faith formation program for youth at St Monica, a program that will be implemented next year at St Lucy. Saint Monica has been better attended as we have integrated Mass into the formation sessions. Many more parents are bringing their children to mass. Last week the 9:30am was standing room only. What a blessing to see so many new faces worshipping with us! The first year of the plan’s implementation focuses on preparing the staff and other leaders of our parishes to be effective in carrying out their assigned tasks and becoming better equipped to motivate all of our parishioners to live the Gospel more zealously. Over that time we will be offering trainings and retreats for staff and the leadership team. The Leadership Team and Staff will begin with a retreat day on October 19th lead by Fr. Jim DiPerri from Waltham. We will be working hard to organize our staff with clearly defined roles and up to date job descriptions that will allow us to minister better and make sure nothing falls through the cracks. We will also be sure that we have cutting edge communications abilities in the office, to ensure we get the message out regarding our enhanced and new activities. The staff, answering the Holy Father’s call to live in solidarity with the poor, and to build a cohesive team, will spend two days together working with the poor over the next year. Parishioners will be investigating how best to host a big thanksgiving seasonal dinner for the poor in 2016, expanding our outreach to the poor through an increase and expansion of our sock and blanket drive. We will create a pilot small faith-sharing group that will become the model for many others in the future. In the spring we will begin to host family enrichment Sundays with games for the kids and spiritual workshops for the parents, some specific to parenting well. The building up of our youth groups and inviting more adult volunteers to work with our young people will also begin in this first year. All of this will lead up to a parish-wide call to conversion and faith-filled action that will begin for everyone next fall when we kick in a major push for parish wide hospitality in both parishes and our school. The following years will feature major initiatives to strengthen marriages and vocations to the priesthood and religious life. It will require each of us to become intentional about our Catholicism, to be accountable to one another and to radiate a joy that attract others to join us. Each person should be discerning how they will become more involved. As we enter this new phase of our working together it does not come without some changes that are painful. There will be fewer morning masses midweek, (three in each parish, rather than six) still ensuring an opportunity for mass each morning in the collaborating parishes. This is a shift away from serving very well the same 100 parishioners. We are explicitly calling upon those 100 to sacrifice so that new initiatives can be undertaken. Priests will be able to offer masses in the evening during Lent, offer masses in peoples homes having invited their inactive neighbors to “come and see,” and to ensure the priests have time and energy to reach out to those who are away. As I have said to many of you I want never to say no if Fr. Cassani or I am asked to offer mass/preach at PMA or Central Catholic. Cardinal Sean says we are to be fishers of men not keepers of the aquarium. Jesus leaves the 99 to go after the one and we told there is more joy in heaven when the one comes back than in the 99 who are already in the fold. The cost savings of eliminating two weekday masses said by visiting clergy allows us to have a visiting priest for an additional Sunday mass to help Fr. Cassani and me with the nine Sunday masses we offer each weekend. As two communities working together, sacrificing for each other , to assure the common good, Saint Paul has the perfect words for us that he offers to the Phillipians (2:1-4): If there is any encouragement in Christ, any solace in love, and participation in the Spirit, any compassion and mercy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, with the same love, united in heart, thinking one thing. Do nothing out of selfishness or vainglory, rather humbly regard others as more important than yourselves, each looking out not for his own interests, but everyone for those of others.” Let us set out into the deep for a catch! Fr. Bill October 4, 2015 3 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time Saint Lucy Parish Methuen, Massachusetts BLESSED VIRGIN MARY SODALITY NEWS The next Sodality meeting will be held on Sunday, October 11th, after the 9:30 Mass and the praying of the rosary. If you have been considering joining the Sodality, please join us....and bring a friend. We have a busy and exciting schedule this year. Saturday, October 3, 2015 8:00AM 4:00PM Leo and Mar gar et Beaudoin Sunday, October 4, 2015 Memorial 8:00 AM The Despreo Family 9:30 AM Rocco and Amelia Bonanno and Michael and Carmela Ciaraldi and deceased members of their families Memorial \ October 17th: Trip to Weston Priory. SOLD OUT!!!! November: help fill Thanksgiving Baskets at the Lazarus House Food Pantry. December: Christmas visit to members who are in nursing homes and homebound. Memorial 11:00 AM Community Intentions Mass: Joseph and Concetta Pappalardo Memorial Gavino Ilagan 4th Anniversary Anthony and Tillie DeAngelis Memorial Alice Lukasiak Memorial David P.J. Bedrosian & Angela Battiato Memorial Monday, October 5, 2015 8:00 AM Ar lene Gauthier Tuesday, October 6, 2015 8:00 AM Mar gar et J . Covey Wednesday, October 7, 2015 8:00 AM Carmelina Messina Thursday, October 8, 2015 8:00 AM J ohn Kendr ick Friday, October 9, 2015 8:00AM Saturday, October 10, 2015 8:00AM 4:00PM J ohn Rovinski Sodality Christmas Dinner/Party and Yankee Swap. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ We are a sodality dedicated to the Blessed Mother in service to our parish and our community. Memorial Praise and Worship Night! Come join us on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm in the St. Monica lower rectory for Eucharistic adoration and worship music. We always meet together afterward for fellowship. I hope you'll join us. Our first worship night of the year is on Tuesday, October 13th. All ages are welcome! Please contact Sammie Moore with any questions at [email protected] or (978) 686-1801. Memorial Memorial Memorial Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Novena Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Novena continues at St. Monica Church each Monday beginning at 7:00pm with a Holy Hour. during which the Rosary and Novena Prayers will be said. The Holy Hour will end with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Please join us for this Novena in honor of Our Blessed Mother. Memorial Sunday, October 11, 2015 8:00 AM Parishioners of St. Lucy & St. Monica Parishes 9:30 AM Connie Sasso Memorial 11:00 AM Community Intentions Mass: John Tombarello Memorial Joseph DiZenzo Memorial “It is good and holy to pray for the dead.” Carmela Messina Margaret Marnie John J. Piazza Domenic DiZazzo Please pray for peace in the Holy Land and in the Middle East and especially for our persecuted brothers and sisters. Our Lady, Queen of Peace, pray for us. May their souls and the souls of all our beloved dead rest in peace Amen. October 4, 2015 Note: The Novena will end on Monday, November 9th. 4 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time Saint Lucy Parish Methuen, Massachusetts Middle School Youth Group Calling all 6th, 7th, and 8th graders! You are invited to join our middle school youth group. We meet every Thursday after school until 5:00pm. This is a wonderful place for youth to come together in fellowship, and learn more about our Faith in Jesus Christ. We are all about having fun, and eating food, too! We meet in the lower rectory at Saint Monica parish. Please contact our youth minister, Sammie Moore, if you have any questions. Her email is [email protected], and she can be reached by phone at (978)-686-3311 New Daily Mass Schedule Beginning on Monday October 12th there will be a new Daily Mass schedule in our parishes. This will not affect the Saturday 4pm masses, nor the Sunday schedule which will remain the same. The daily mass schedule will be: Monday- 8am at St. Lucy Tuesday- 8am at St. Lucy Wednesday- 8am at St Lucy Thursday- 7am at St Monica Friday - 7am at St Monica Saturday- 8am at St. Monica The Fifth and final session in a series of gatherings at St. Monica Rectory for Liturgical Ministers will be held this coming Tuesday, Oct. 6th from 6:30pm and last to 8:00pm if people wish to stay (you can enter the rectory by the main door). The fifth gathering will be for Adult Servers and Youth Servers (Both Parents and Grandparents are encouraged to come). (Note: this group will meet in the Youth Room in the Parish Rectory Basement). I hope that many of our Ministers will be able to join us. During Lent there will be an additional two daily masses offered. Tuesdays- 7pm at Saint Monica Thursdays- 7pm at Saint Lucy NOTE: on the days of Saint Monica School masses, usually the first Friday of the month at 8:15am, there will be no 7am mass at St Monica. Everyone is invited to attend the school mass. BAPTIZED THIS PAST WEEK: If you have a Mass that is affected by the above changes, please call or come to the parish office (located at St. Lucy) so that we can re-schedule. Owen Christopher Clemons Avery Diane Crimmin Brett James Haggerty Wedding Banns CONGRATULATIONS! Daniel Bonanno Mazella and Kara Ann Foley I Bible Study...…has begun on Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm in the St. Monica Church chapel. Please consider joining us on any Tuesday night. All are always welcome! RSVP: Bonnie Doherty, [email protected] or 978-270-3366 The young women’s Tea and Treasure will begin on Friday, October 16th, (in the cream colored ranch house directly across the parking lot from St. Monica Church) from 11:30 - 1pm. It consists of a light lunch, a short spiritual reading, and then we pray the Holy Rosary together. If you are interested in attending, or for further information, please call Kathy Garon at 978-683-1193 ext. 119. Please leave your name and phone number. Please be sure to RSVP so we can plan the amount of food needed. Mark Your Calendar HALLOWEEN - October 24th Family Halloween Party October 24th 7pm –10pm Saint Lucy Church Hall Costumes welcome for all Music, games, prizes Tickets will go on sale October 5th $10.00 Adults/$5.00 children 12 and under October 4, 2015 5 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time Saint Lucy Parish Methuen, Massachusetts St. Lucy's Faith Formation (CCD) Program We are still accepting registrations for sacrament preparation and faith formation of youth. Registration forms are available by calling the office at (978) 686-3311 ext 35 or 36. See our website (stlucymethuen.org/parish-life/education) for more information. Program for Adults desiring to receive the Sacraments Sessions will be offered for any adults interested in our Catholic faith and in becoming a member of the Catholic Church through the Sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation, a program commonly known as RCIA. Anyone interested in receiving any or all of these sacraments, which they may have not received in their youth, are encouraged and welcomed to attend. Sessions will begin in October at 11:00am at the St Lucy Parish Schoolhouse. Sessions will last 90 minutes and are held on Sunday mornings. Any questions please contact Kevin Fitzgerald, at 978-686-3311. If any adult would like to prepare to receive these Sacraments but is unable to attend on Sunday mornings, please contact Fr. Bill Lohan at the parish offices. Thank you for your continued generosity. Permanent Diaconate – Information and Inquiry Sessions If you are discerning God’s possible call to serve the Church as a minister of charity, word, and sacrament as an ordained deacon in the Archdiocese of Boston, you and your wife (for those who are married) are invited to take part in the upcoming inquirer sessions. The format consists of four sessions. First session for the (North Region); who is the Deacon and am I one who is called? Will take place on Tuesday October 6, 2015, from 7:00-8:30pm at Sacred Hearts Parish, 165 South Main Street, Haverhill. Additional sessions: How does diaconate ministry fit into marriage and family life? Tuesday October 13, 2015, 7:00-8:30pm (Pastoral Ctr.,Braintree) Application process, Canon Law, Formation from the wives perspective Tuesday October 27, 2015, 7:00-8:30pm (Pastoral Ctr., Braintree) Half-day discernment retreat Saturday November 14, 2015, 10:00AM–2:00PM (with lunch provided). Miramar Retreat Center, Duxbury, MA. Those who are interested in the Diaconate are strongly encouraged to attend all four sessions along with their wives (for those who are married). Please email the Permanent Diaconate Office at [email protected] to sign up or to receive more information. The Diaconate Formation Program is four years in length and is open to single and married men who will be between the ages of 35-65 at the time of ordination. Video and Prayer: All men and women of the collaborative are invited to join together on Wednesday, October 7th, from 9am-10:15am, at the ranch house at St. Monica, where we will be watching a thirty minute video, “Building the Kingdom of God”, by Fr. Richard Ho Lung, followed by a brief time of sharing. We will then pray the Holy Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet together. These sessions will meet of twelve consecutive weeks. To register, please call Kathy Garon at 978-683-1193, Ext. 119. CELEBRATE ITALIAN HERITAGE MONTH! THE LAWRENCE LADIES' LODGE #2026 ORDER SONS OF ITALY IN AMERICA PRESENTS AN AFTERNOON WITH TOM ZAPPALA, AUTHOR OF: BLESS ME SISTER, "A slightly irreverent look back at attending Catholic grammar school" in Lawrence. Women of Grace, a women’s prayer and study group, will resume on Wednesday, October 7th, from 10:40 am - 12 Noon at the ranch house at St. Monica Parish. We will be watching a thirty minute video, “Building the Kingdom of God”, by Fr. Richard Ho Lung, followed by a time of sharing and prayer. To register, please call Kathy Garon at 978-683-1193, Ext. 119. All women in the collaborative are cordially invited to join us. October 4, 2015 Collection for W/E 9/27/15 Offertory: $5,412.00 PLEASE JOIN US TO HEAR TOM DISCUSS HIS NEW BOOK: LAWRENCE HERITAGE PARK ONE JACKSON STREET, LAWRENCE, MASSACHUSETTS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2015, 2PM Light Refreshments Free Admission 5 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time ADvertising sAles ME MB E R - WH IT T IE R H E A LT H NE T WOR K Inpatient Psychiatric Care 76 Summer Street, Haverhill 978-373-8222 • Referrals: 800-215-8003 www.whittierhealth.com PArt time. full time. flexible. GetCatholicTV.com Sell Ads for this Bulletin and more. Call Ken Romano 617-779-3787 ECHOES I WANT YOU A Forum oF CAtholiC thought TO ADVERTISE HERE Dialogue shaped by revelation and reason Classified • Help Wanted • For Sale • For Rent Or One of the Many Available Spaces in this Bulletin We also serve more than 120 parishes and have available space in those bulletins to serve you better. 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Proud Printers of This Bulletin 617-779-3777 Get the Catholic Perspective and be fully info [email protected] www.PilotPrinting.net Subscribe: 617-779 Saint Lucy Parish, Methuen, MA Kenneth H. Pollard Funeral Home, Inc. 233 Lawrence Street, Methuen 978-687-7300 Family Owned & Operated www.pollardfuneralhome.com PAINTERS 978-682-9901 UNLIMITED Monument Sales • Cemetery Lettering C Joel Begin over 15 years experience . Interior & Exterior . Power Washing . Deck Refinishing Painting . Carpentry Colizzi Memorials, Inc. 978-674-7035 217 Merrimack St., Methuen BANKRUPTCY • REAL ESTATE PERSONAL INJURY www.zannipescelaw.com Free Consultation | 978-557-9700 1215 Main Street, Unit 122 Tewksbury, MA 01876 978-686-1872 Piro’s Italian Bakery Fax: 978-686-1878 300 Merrimack St. • Methuen Your Full Service Realtor June D’Urso 978-360-5889 C21 McLennan & Co. St. Lucy Parishioner (978) 851-9103 Space Available JOHN G. 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