November 1, 2015 - St. Monica Parish
November 1, 2015 - St. Monica Parish
Saint Monica Parish Methuen, MA Feast of All Saints November 1, 2015 Saint Monica Parish • Methuen, MA Feast of All Saints November 1, 2015 In March, 2015, the School Board of St. Monica School launched the formation of a Strategic Plan to carry us forward in the next several years. Using the National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools, Board members were formed into subcommittees covering the areas of Mission and Catholic Identity, Governance and Leadership, Academic Excellence, and Operational Vitality. Regina Haney, PhD, from the National Catholic Education Association, agreed to be our Facilitator. Msgr. Fay was very supportive of the planning during the three months he was involved. Father William Lohan has been a very active participant since June. The subcommittees have been meeting in their small groups, as well as with the whole School Board, since March. They have come up with recommendations and strategies in their respective areas. There will be a Town Meeting on November 10, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the St. Monica School Hall to present the Strategic Plan to you and to ask for your input. The Plan is expected to be approved and celebrated in December. So whether you are a teacher or former teacher at SMS, have a family member in the school, are an alum, or are simply interested in Catholic Education, please plan to come to the Town Meeting on November 10. Watch the bulletin for further details. Our mission is to form students spiritually, academically, technologically and socially, equipping them to be leaders and disciples in the twenty-first century. We are proud of our students, our dedicated principal, Sister Suzanne Fondini, mfic, and the highly-qualified Faculty and Staff. We are excited about being part of the bright future of our school! Please keep this important endeavor in your kind prayers. Rachel Voiland, Chair SMS Strategic Planning Committee The 0 5 Grand Annual Appeal My friends the coming week you will receive a letter from me regarding the grand annual collection for this fall. This collection stays in the parish and is an important piece for us to meet our weekly operating expanses. Please watch out for it and prayerfully discern what you are able to contribute. I apologize that the letter is going out a little late. We are doing the mailing in house this year which will yield a savings of $13,000 dollars. Thanks for your generosity. Fr Bill Lohan 2 Saint Monica Parish • Methuen, MA Feast of All Saints Parish Giving W/E 10/25/2015 Offertory: Lector Training All Lectors are invited to come to a practice where we can help each other to improve our proclaiming of Holy Scripture. We will meet at St. Lucy Church at 7pm on Tuesday November 3rd . If you missed the meeting last week please plan on coming to the meeting at Saint Lucy’s on Nov.3rd Please bring a scripture of your choice to read and we will each practice one reading. $11,018.50 Thank You for Your Generosity! . Please Join Us November 1, 2015 ~ On Saturday November 7th, a number of students will be coming from Merrimack College as part of their “Mac Gives Back” service program that honors the veterans who founded the college by sending out their young people to serve. I have invited them to come and work on leaf pick-up at St. Monica Parish from 9:00am to 12:00 noon on that date. Fifteenth Annual Project Warm & Fuzzy Ashley Bolis, a resident of the Merrimack Valley and Corpus Christi parishioner is continuing a project which she started as a student at St. Monica’s Grammar School. The project is called “Warm & Fuzzy. Beginning Saturday, October 10th through November 22nd (the Sunday before Thanksgiving) there will be boxes at the main entrance of the Church where you may drop off new hats, mittens, gloves, scarves and socks (for children and adults). These articles will be distributed to the needy during the winter months. Any help you can give Ashley with her project will be greatly appreciated. Because of the size of the campus at St Monica and the large number of trees, particularly behind the school, they likely will not be able to do it all. I would love for our people to gather at Saint Monica from 12:00 noon to 3pm to do a community leaf pick up and general grounds cleaning. Saint Lucy will have a similar day the following weekend. Please call the parish office and leave your name(s) with Anne Mullin our parish secretary so that we will know who and how many to expect for pizza and drinks which will be provided. This is the perfect event to come as a family and work together with other families. Medjugorje Prayer Group First Saturday Devotion: REMINDER: This coming Friday, November 6th, the School will be holding their First Friday Mass at 8:15am. As noted in the new weekday Mass schedule, because of the school Mass there will be no 7am morning Mass at St. Monica’s on Friday. All are welcome to join us for the 8:15am school Mass. The Medjugorje Prayer Group will be holding it’s First Saturday Devotions at St. Monica’s Church on Saturday, November 7, beginning with Mass at 8:00 and followed with the Rosary, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, other devotions, and prayers. All are welcome! 3 Saint Monica Parish • Methuen, MA Feast of All Saints Mass Intentions for the Week St. Vincent de Paul Society Yes I CAN – one CAN at a Time WE CAN USE…… Saturday, October 31- 4:00pm Vigil (Anticipated) Fernanda Cordeiro 1st Anniversary Sunday, November 1 7:30am Deacon Bob Mulligan 9:30am “Pro Multis Intentionibus” Strawberry Jelly, Pancake Syrup, Canned Pasta and Cereal 10th Anniversary Charlie and Rose Hanafin Norma Ouellette James and Florence Sullivan Fernanda and Manuel Cordeiro Thomas Pappalardo Special Intention Memorial Memorial Memorial 20th Anniversary 11:30am John Bowler 1st Anniversary " The Lord hears the cry of the Poor" November 1-Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time: In the Gospel today, Jesus tells us: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength…and you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Through your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul you can show your love for our Lord and your love of your neighbor who is hungry, hopeless, alone and frightened. 5:30pm Parishioners of St. Monica & St: Lucy Parishes Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday - 8:00am @ St. Lucy Church Thursday, November 5- 7am Christine Ferguson Friday, November 6 - 8:15am (School Mass) Michael and Brian McCafferty Memorial Program for Adults desiring to receive the Sacraments Sessions are just beginning for any adults interested in our Catholic faith and in becoming a member of the Catholic Church through the Sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation, a program commonly known as RCIA. Anyone interested in receiving any or all of these sacraments, which they may have not received in their youth, are encouraged and welcomed to attend. Sessions began on October 25th at 11:00am at the St Lucy Parish Schoolhouse. Sessions will last 90 minutes and are held on Sunday mornings. Any questions please contact Kevin Fitzgerald, at 978-686-3311 or Bonnie Bonanno at 978 -609-7307. If any adult would like to prepare to receive these Sacraments but is unable to attend on Sunday mornings, please contact Fr. Bill Lohan at the parish offices. Special Intention Saturday, November 7 - 8:00am “Pro Multis Intentionibus” Nancy Latulippe White Memorial Norma Ouellette Memorial Guillermo & Vilma de Forero (Tato & Tata) Memorial Saturday, November 7- 4:00pm Vigil (Anticipated) Philip and Johanna Muhilly and Memorial Wendy Gutherie Memorial Sunday, November 8 7:30am Carol McLaughlin 9:30am “Pro Multis Intentionibus” John H. Burns Jr. and Arthur Burns Helen Morris Esther Fitzgerald William J. Gobush 11:30am Peter Gallo 5:30pm Frederick Bradley November 1, 2015 11th Anniversary Anniversary Memorial Memorial Memorial 1st Anniversary MemoriaL Sanctuary Candles for the month of Please pray for those who recently died. Saint Monica Parish Community extends our sympathy to their family and friends. November are given in loving memory of Anthony J. Vittorioso (Donated by his Family) Please remember them in your prayers. 4 Saint Monica Parish • Methuen, MA Feast of All Saints November 1, 2015 St. Lucy/St. Monica Adoration located at St. Monica’s Church Chapel Adoration is held every Friday at St. Monica Parish in the church chapel from 7:30am (after 7am Mass) until 7:30pm with benediction. Children needed…..We are looking for children to bring up the gifts at the 9:30am Mass on Sunday Mornings. If you would like your child to participate in this, please contact Carol Noucher 978-587-5333 and she will arrange a date for this to take place. There is a great need for more committed adorers at various hours. Wednesday, November 4, 2015 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM St. Lucy’ Church Hall Please prayerfully consider and call me! Contact information: Bonnie Doherty, 978-270-3366 or [email protected]. All St. Lucy and St. Monica parishioners are invited to take part in a monthly Ultreya. This Spanish word means “Onward!” “Persevere!” “Hang in There!” Words of encouragement to each other as we travel on life’s journey. Ultreya this month will be begin with a prayer service lead by Sr. Anne Whittaker and Sr. Ann Marie O’Shea, along with music, voluntary sharing in small intimate and confidential groups, fellowship and refreshments that signify Christian hospitality. Our guest speaker, one of our own parishioners or neighbors has been invited to offer a personal witness of what life was like before Cursillo and how it is now after the Cursillo experience. Also see our website, adoration, for information about adoration in other parishes and an updated newsletter. Mass and Healing Service Father Albert MacPherson, O.S.A., of the Augustinian Healing Ministry located at Our Mother of Consolation Friary, Lawrence, MA, will be conducting a Mass and Healing session at Saint Monica Parish on Thursday, November 19th, 2015. Mass will begin at 6:30 PM in the Church on both days, followed by the healing service. All are welcome! All are invited to come and share in this monthly evening of praise and worship. Please feel free to invite a friend to join you! Saint Monica Council 14725 Annual Holiday Craft Fair Methuen Senior Activity Center 77 Lowell St, Methuen, MA Saturday, November 7, 2015 ♦ 9am-3pm Assorted Crafts, Giant Raffle, Hourly Drawings Bakery Sale, Luncheon Snack Bar, Book Sale Jewelry Table and Gift Shop Table Catholic Gentlemen at least 18 years of age please consider joining the world's largest Catholic fraternal service organization dedicated to supporting the clergy and the family. To learn more, please email: [email protected] 5 Saint Monica Parish • Methuen, MA Feast of All Saints November 1, 2015 SAINT MONICA SCHOOL NEWS St. Monica School will be selling tickets for our Taste of Autumn event at some of the Masses during this weekend of October 31/November 1. The event, sponsored by our PTO, is at the Relief’s In on Market St. in Lawrence on Wednesday, November 4 at 6:00 PM. Tickets are $25/pp and all proceeds benefit St. Monica School. Tickets are also available by contacting Sharon Tully in the School Office, 978-686-1801. NEW this year: Donate to our online auction at *********************************************************************** St. Monica School will hold a First Friday Mass on November 6th at 8:15 AM. After the Mass, our second grade class will present their Saints Parade. Everyone is welcome to attend this event. *********************************************************************** At the annual altar servers appreciation mass at the Holy Cross Cathedral in Boston, Cieran Hancock, a seventh grade student at St. Monica School, was one of eight altar servers honored. Cieran was presented with one of the two Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta junior altar servers awards. The award was given in appreciation of her exemplary service to her parish and community through her imitation of Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta and her zeal and dedication in serving others, especially at the altar of God. Cieran was nominated by Father John De La Russo, of her home parish of Saint Mary of the Assumption in Lawrence. Cieran served at the mass as well. We will be sponsoring a Protecting God’s Children class on the following date: BULLETIN SPONSOR OF THE WEEK Thursday, November 12 at 6:30 PM All are in the School Hall and anyone wishing to register should contact Sharon Tulley (978)686-1801 at the school office. The Catholi Ce etery Asso iaio Our i istry i ludes assisi g fa ilies efore a death o urs. Call today for your free pre-pla i g kit i ludi g: our free ooklet, o ey savi g erii ate, i for aio o pay e t pla s a d spe ii i for aio o our Haverhill Catholi e eteries. NOTE: This is a 1 time required class for anyone working or volunteering in the parish! Should ’t your fa ily e prote ted? Please pray for peace in the Holy Land and in the Middle East and especially for our persecuted brothers and sisters. Our Lady, Queen of Peace, pray for us. Call Today . Pro-Te h Law Care 6 9- - Saint Monica Parish • Methuen, MA Feast of All Saints November 1, 2015 ~ A Rose for Life ~ If you would like to honor a loved one and support our activities in support of life at the same time, for a donation of $10, we’ll purchase a rose and place it in the vase before the statue of the Blessed Mother for a week. Please contact Ann Collins at the parish office (978) 683-1193. The Haverhill 40 Days for Life Closing Prayer Service will be held on Sunday, Nov. 1 at 3pm. Please join us as we offer prayers of thanksgiving for a wonderful Fall campaign honoring John Cronin, a pro-life prayer warrior. We have so much to be thankful for: more people came out to pray; 40 people came out for the opening prayer service on a Wednesday morning; Shawn Carney, co-founder of this international prayer movement, made a special stop to pray at the clinic (picture included); 75 people attended the 40 Days Bi-lingual Candlelight Vigil on a Saturday evening at the clinic. God has stirred people's hearts and people have responded. Let us come together and continue to pray for the mothers and children and for the end of abortion Contact Debbie Papalia for more information at 978.490.5302or [email protected]. Roses for Life have been donated: In Loving Memory of Michael Giaruso (Donated by his Mother) In Memory of Florence Welch (Donated by her Loving Family In Memory of John Welch (Donated by his Loving Family) In Memory of Helena Cronin (Donated by her Loving Family) “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. “Please spiritually adopt an unborn baby.” Visit and to see some great photos and videos. The Spring Campaign starts on Ash Wednesday, February 10. Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Novena Every day over 4,000 babies are killed by abortion. They have so little protection only the hand of God can end this massacre. Prayer is the best weapon to help them • the most effective. Say this prayer every day for nine months to save a baby’s life! This Monday beginning at 7:00pm with a Holy Hour. during which the Rosary and Novena Prayers will be said. The Holy Hour will end with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Please join us for this Novena in honor of Our Blessed Mother. “Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life of the unborn baby that I have spiritually adopted who is in danger of abortion.” Note: The Novena ends on next Monday, November 9th. Prayer of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen 7 Saint Monica Parish • Methuen, MA Feast of All Saints 8 November 1, 2015 Saint Monica Parish • Methuen, MA Feast of All Saints November 1, 2015 Saint Monica Parish 212 Lawrence Street • Methuen, MA 01844 Father William P. Lohan Pastor Father John A. Cassani Parochial Vicar Deacon John Pierce Permanent Deacon Mr. Paul Jernberg Music Director School Staff Sister Suzanne Fondini, mfic Sharon Tully School Principal Administrative Assistant Mass Schedule Religious Education Staff Mr. Karl Jackson Samantha Moore Weekday: Monday - Wednesday - St. Lucy Parish 8:00 A.M. Thursday-Friday - St. Monica Parish 7:00 A.M. Saturday - St. Monica Parish 8:00 A.M. Director of Faith Formation Coordinator Youth Ministry/Confirmation Holy Days: 4:00 P.M. (vigil), 7:00 A.M., 7:00 P.M. CONTACT INFORMATION Office: (978) 683-1193 Fax: (978) 794-0383 Lord’s Day: Saturday: 4:00 P.M. Sunday: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30 A.M., & 5:30 P.M. School: (978) 686-1801 Director of Faith Formation: (978) 686-3311 Ext. 35 Note: There is no 5:30 P.M. Mass during the Summer Months of June, July and August. Coordinator Youth Ministry/Confirmation (978) 686-3311 Ext. 36 Confessions Prayer Line: (978) 683-1193 Ext. 41 Friday: 6:30 - 7:30 P.M. Saturday: 3:00 - 3:45 P.M. and any time by appointment Parish Offices: Main Office: [email protected] Director of Faith Formation: [email protected] Coordinator Youth Ministry/Confirmation [email protected] School: Web: Marriage Please call the Parish Office at least six months prior to your wedding. [email protected] Parish Office Hours Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. Baptisms The office is closed Saturday and Sunday. The Office is now located at 254 Merrimack Street, Methuen, MA 01844 (at St. Lucy Parish) Please call the Parish Office to make arrangements. 9
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