Mugshot Pro V 3.1


Mugshot Pro V 3.1
Mugshot Pro V 3.1
Identification Software
General Instruction Manual
About Mugshot Pro
Product Overview
Software Installation
System requirements
Instructions for older operating systems
Mugshot Pro Client Server configuration
Installing the Mugshot Pro Server
Installing the Mugshot Pro Client
Software Setup
Entering general agency information
Selecting EZ Lineup Parameters
Setting the administrative password
Setting up user names and passwords
Using and editing dropdown menus
Connecting Peripheral Hardware
Connecting a digital camera
Connecting a scanner
Connecting a printer
Using the Software
Entering data
Entering digital photographs
Modifying a record
Deleting a record
Searching records
Using EZ Lineup
Printing and using reports
Using the Audit Log
Section 1: About Mugshot Pro
Mugshot Pro
Identification Software
Digital Cop Mugshot Pro Software is a complete arrest record database that is featurerich, yet designed to be efficient and easy to use.
Mugshot Pro Features:
Intuitive interface that is clear and easy to follow.
Compatibility with all Windows-ready digital cameras, scanners, and printers.
Extensive user customization options for field names and operating parameters
Auto Learning drop down menus.
Comprehensive editing of all drop down menus and tables.
User permissions managed by password.
Full audit tracking of all user activity.
Comprehensive search capability covering all words in all fields.
Implementation of Exact Logic or Fuzzy Logic search options.
Thumbnail views of front mugshot in search result grid.
Recognition of prior arrests as new records are entered.
Listing of all prior arrests when an existing record is opened.
Storage of up to 12 photographs per arrest record.
Simplified editing of new photos for consistent image presentation.
Photo Viewer with save option.
EZ Lineup feature for instant lineup creation.
Option to select standard six-pack or single image sequential line up.
Auto randomization of image position in six-pack lineup.
Full identification of all participants in photo lineups.
Customized witness disclaimer statement in all lineup reports..
NCIC compatible arrest reporting with front and side view mugshots.
Wanted, Missing, Bolo poster reports.
Ability to print ID cards, 3x5 arrest cards, and distributable ID photo pairs.
About Gateway Digital:
Recognizing the importance of digital imaging to law enforcement technology, we
created Gateway Digital, Inc. as a digital imaging research and development company
dedicated to the application of digital imaging in law enforcement. Our goal is to produce
image based software that is consistently easy to use, easy to learn, and highly durable to
perform flawlessly under pressure.
Section 3: Software Setup
Software Installation
2.1 System Requirements
For best performance we recommend the following minimum hardware configuration:
Windows 98 SE (or greater), Pentium III or equivalent system, 128 MB RAM, 800x600 24 bit video, 20 GB free storage.
2.2 Instructions for older operating systems
CAUTION: Please read SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS carefully. Mugshot Pro software
is designed to run on a broad range of operating systems but may require utility files to be
added to some older systems. If you are running an operating system older than Windows
98 Second Edition, follow the special instructions below to add Microsoft utility files to
your computer.
Determine your operating system:
1) Go to Start\Settings\Control Panel
2) Double click the System Icon and read the information. Note the operating system and
go to the instruction set below for the operating system you are currently running.
WIN 98 (First Edition Only)
Explore the installation CD and navigate to (drive)\Utilities\WIN98
Double click the file DCOM98.exe.
Follow the prompts. A restart may be required.
Double click the file mdac_typ_25sp2.exe.
Follow the prompts. A restart may be required.
Proceed to the Mugshot Pro server installation.
NT 4.0 (Service Pack 6 is required)
Verify that NT Service Pack 6 has been installed.
Explore the installation CD and navigate to (drive)\Utilities\WinNT40
Double click the file mdac_typ_25sp2.exe
Follow the prompts. A restart may be required.
Proceed to the Mugshot Pro server installation
Section 3: Software Setup
2.3 The Mugshot Pro Client / Server system
Mugshot Pro is a two-part package that consists of a server component and a client
component. Mugshot Pro Server software is installed only once and runs in the
background to manage the database of arrest records from one central location on the
network. Mugshot Pro Client software is installed on each terminal on the network that is
used to access the Mugshot Pro database.
2.4 Installing the Mugshot Pro Server
This component is to be installed only once on the network.
Mugshot Pro Server software is installed only once on the system server. On a standalone setup, the server software is installed first followed by the Mugshot Pro Client
software. The Mugshot Pro Server software component is part of the automatic
installation process and must be set up separately as illustrated the instructions below.
Autorun the CD. Select the Install button for Data Server. Follow the install prompts.
If your computer does not Autorun the CD then
1) Explore the Mugshot Pro CD and open the folder Server Install.
2) Double click the file setup.exe.
3) Follow the installation prompts.
Note the path to the server. This path will be entered when each client is installed.
2.5 Installing the Mugshot Pro Client
Do not install the Mugshot Pro Client until Mugshot Pro Server has been installed.
Autorun the CD. Select the Install button for Client. Follow the install prompts
If your computer does not Autorun the CD then
1) Explore the Mugshot Pro CD and open the folder Client Install.
2) Double click the file setup.exe.
3) Follow the installation prompts.
Use the Browse Button or key in the server path as noted above.
Section 3: Software Setup
Software Setup
3.1 Entering general agency information
When the software is run for the first time you will be prompted to enter some data about
your agency. The information you supply here will be reproduced on reports generated
by the system. On the lower part of the form, select the fields that will be used to
determine prior arrests by placing a check in each relevant field.
After entering your agency information, go to the Required Fields Tab and select those
fields that you want to be required for a record to be entered. The user will be prompted if
a required field is left blank. On this tab you can also rename some fields that appear on
the Biographical Info Tab of the arrest report.
Your agency may also wish to define custom fields. To do this, go to the User Defined
Fields tab and name the fields according to your agency’s special requirements. Note: It
is not advisable to change field names once a database is in use, as data entered before a
change may not be relevant to data entered after a change. Use these fields judiciously.
Section 3: Software Setup
Agency Custom Fields
Required Fields and Custom Fields
When you have completed entering all the information required, you are ready to
establish some general parameters for the software’s Express Lineup feature.
3.2 Selecting Express Lineup Parameters
Select the Express lineup tab. System default values will are set up for you when the
system starts up for the first time. Anyone with administrative access may edit these
values at any time.
A generic lineup witness statement is provided. This statement will print out on the
witness form when a hard copy lineup is generated. You may edit or delete this statement
to fit within your agency’s standards.
Selecting the USE EXPRESS DEFAULTS button will pre-configure the system EZ
Lineup default values and return the witness statement to the system default.
3.3 Setting administrative passwords
Select Admin from the menu bar. Select the Users option. Edit the existing
administrator name and password to your preference. Make a note of this information and
keep it in a secure place. Make your administrative account active by checking the box on
the right side just above the grid.
Section 3: Software Setup
3.4 Setting up user names and passwords
Select Admin from the menu bar. Select the Users option. Check the level of permission
this user is to have when using the database. Check the Active box to make this user
active, remove the check mark to disable this user entirely. Click Save to enter the new
user’s information into the system. Operations for which this user has been denied access
will not be available when this user is logged on.
The user name will appear in the audit log as it is entered here.
3.5 Using and editing dropdown menus
Mugshot Pro uses dropdown menus to aid in consistency of data. Some dropdown menus
supply data from a fixed list e.g. states, eye color, etc. Other menus are self learning, e.g.
Statutes, Charges, Degree. All of these menus can be edited and/or bulk loaded with
information from an outside source.
Select Admin from the menu bar. Select Lookups.
Section 3: Software Setup
The Lookup manager window will open as shown above. Select the look up table or drop
down menu that you want to edit. The contents of the table will be listed in the grid.
Scroll to the value that you want to edit and click the left column. Edit the value that
appears in the text box above the grid.
To add a new value to the table, click New on the menu bar and add the new value to the
table by typing its value in the box. If the table has a fixed length, new values will be
restricted to the same length as existing table values.
Select the Bulk load option to pre-fill a look up table from a list of values. This typically
will come from a text file that is properly configured for common database acquisition,
for example, a long list with each value on its own line.
Section 4: Connecting Peripheral Hardware
Connecting Peripheral Hardware
4.1 Connecting a digital camera
Mugshot Pro software will accept digital images from any camera than can connect to the
Windows operating system.
Follow the instructions for connecting your camera to your computer. Install the camera
software. Test the camera as instructed by the manufacturer.
If your camera is a TWAIN compatible device, then you will have the advantage of
accepting images directly from your camera to the Mugshot Pro database.
4.2 Connecting a scanner
Mugshot Pro software will accept digital images from any scanner that can connect to the
Windows operating system.
Follow the instructions for connecting your scanner to your computer. This may involve
installing an interface card. Install the scanner software and test the scanner as instructed
by the scanner manufacturer.
Determine if your scanner is TWAIN compatible. Most scanners are TWAIN compatible
and will connect directly with the Mugshot Pro interface.
4.3 Connecting a printer
Mugshot Pro will send reports to the current Windows printer.
Follow your printer’s installation instructions. Select the desired printer as the default
Section 5: Using the Software
Using The Software
5.1 Entering data
To enter a new record, either click the new record icon on the tool bar, go to edit/ newrecord, or hit ctrl-n. This will bring up a blank data form. Name and social security
information will be compared to all records in the database and you will see all (if any)
previous entries of this individual listed in a grid directly below the photo.. As you
continue to enter data, the software will automatically populate the current record with
data from the most recent entry of this individual. This facilitates data entry, but we
recommend that you verify the information brought forward and make changes as may be
necessary. Only data are brought forward, new photographs must be taken to complete
the record.
5.2 Entering digital photographs
Go to the Photos tab and click the Add New Picture button. This button will only be
available if you are adding a new record. A dialog box will prompt you for the source
of the photograph that you intend to add to the array. The first image entered must be
a front view mug shot. This is required for consistency in lineup images.
Images for front and side view Mugshot images are automatically sent to a cropping
tool that will allow you to compose the picture you have to a properly formatted front
Section 5: Using the Software
view Mugshot. Use the rotate button to set the subject in a vertical position, then hold
the left button and drag the mouse over the desired area. Click OK to accept the new
image, or click the reset button to redo the cropping process.
NOTE: Though it is not required, it is recommended to use the camera in a vertical
position when capturing Mugshot images. This will minimize cropping when
composing the image for use in identification photos and lineups and will yield the
most efficient use of original pixels captured in the camera.
A total of twelve images may be stored with each arrest report entered. Mugshot Pro
software will display each photograph centered in a display window. To see an enlarged
preview of the photograph, simply click the preview button under the photo.
To print an image from the preview screen, simply click the Print button and your image
will be sent off to your system default printer. The image will print approximately 6.5x5
inches centered on the printer paper.
Section 5: Using the Software
Click the Save button to save an extra copy of a database image. A dialog will open that
will allow you to name the file and browse to its new location. Mugshot Pro will save
files in TIFF, BMP or JPG formats.
Note: Saving an image from the database to a new location will not affect the image file
stored in the Mugshot Pro database.
Quick Zoom Feature
Place the mouse pointer over the front view mugshot and press the right button. The
mugshot will enlarge and remain enlarged until the button is released.
5.3 Modifying a record
To modify records in the database, select Records then select Modify-Record, or click the
modify-record icon on the tool bar. If you have not been given permission to perform
these actions, these options will be grayed out.
In modify mode, you have the ability to overwrite data stored in a record. You may also
add or replace photographs.
Once the modifications re completed, click Records/Save, or click the Save icon on the
5.4 Deleting a record
To delete a record from the Mugshot Pro database, select Records then select Delete, or
click the Delete icon on the toolbar. If you have not been given permission to perform
these actions, these options will be grayed out.
Records that have been deleted will no longer be accessible from the database interface,
but they will not be overwritten. The record number for the deleted document will remain
Section 5: Using the Software
Contact Mugshot Pro technical support at 1-800-207-9233 for instructions to restore
deleted records.
5.5 Searching records
Click the Search option on the menu bar. Select Find. A blank Arrest form will be
presented Enter any and all information you will to find in the database in the appropriate
fields. When all the search conditions have been entered, select either Exact Search or
Fuzzy Search button bar on top of the form.
Exact search will compare the data you have entered to that available on every form in
the database. A list of all records that match exactly the information that you have entered
will be shown. For example: if you enter “Ron” as a first name, only those records that
contain “Ron” will be listed in the results. You will not see Ronald or Ronnie.
Fuzzy search will find all records that contain data that is similar to the information you
have entered in the search form. A fuzzy search on the name “Ron” will yield Ron,
Ronnie, Ronald, and all other names that contain the letters R-O-N in succession.
Mugshot Pro uses AND logic in searching the database, so the more information you
provide in the search conditions, the smaller the results will be.
Search results are presented in tabular form with a thumbnail view of each individual
presented on the left column of the grid. To see the complete record for any individual in
a search, simply double click the thumbnail icon and the complete record form will open.
Double clicking any line in the grid will open up the record for the individual selected.
Mugshot pro will allow you to open up to five windows at once including the search
window. Therefore it is possible to view up to four selections from a search at one time.
NOTE: Keeping several image bearing records opened at the same time can place
considerable demand upon your computer’s resources. If you are running an older
operating system, if you have limited memory, or if you have several processes running
simultaneously, you should be cautious about opening more than two or three windows as
this can cause the mugshot pro system to shut down.
Section 5: Using the Software
The search grid will build “on the fly” as records that match the search conditions are
found. Clicking the Stop Looking button on top of the screen will halt the search at any
5.6 Creating a Lineup
A lineup is a specialized search that sends results to the lineup generator. EZ Lineup
makes finding suspects who bear a similar appearance to your suspect as easy as a simply
mouse click. With your suspect’s record open, click Line-Up on the menu bar on top of
the form. Select Standard to activate the EZ Lineup function. The Mugshot Pro EZ
Lineup software will immediately search the database for all records that match your
suspect and present an on-screen report showing the numbers of coarse, medium and fine
matches that were located. For your convenience, the report lists the parameters that were
used to find matches to your suspect.
Section 5: Using the Software
You may select from any result option given that has yielded more than five matches to
your suspect. If five matches have not been found, then that level will be disabled and
appear grayed out. Once a selection is made, click Display to populate the Lineup
generator with the members of the group you have chosen.
To generate a custom lineup: From the lineup drop down menu, select the Custom option.
Choose from one of the custom lineup option in the existing list, or create a new lineup
based on the conditions available. Your custom lineup can be given a name and saved for
future use.
When you make your selection, the Mugshot Pro Lineup generator will appear. The
suspect will be placed in the left picture box and the remaining boxes are blank. Click
any photo in the array to add it to the lineup. EZ Lineup will prompt you if you add a
duplicate image.
Section 5: Using the Software
The suspect image is locked and cannot be changed. Any other image in the lineup can be
changed at any time by clicking it. Clicking any image below will replace the lineup
Click the Accept button to proceed to print the lineup.
Section 5: Using the Software
The position of the six images will be randomized by the computer and presented on a
form. Use the left mouse button to crop for uniform head size as may be necessary. Place
the pointer in the image and click the right mouse button to undo cropping and return the
image to its original size.
Cropping instructions are shown on the screen.
Select the Print Lineup button for printing options. The system default is a standard sixup lineup form. If your jurisdiction requires single sheets, select the single sheet option
on the form and click the Accept button.
A standard lineup report consists of two forms: The witness form contains the six
randomized images and the witness disclaimer notice you have established in your
system setup. A second page for administrative use contains the same six images, in the
same order, with the name, date of birth, and social security number of each participant.
If you elect a single sheet lineup, a separate sheet will print for each lineup image. The
image printed will be approximately 6.5x5 inches centered on a totally blank page. This
report will also include the standard six-up form with a witness statement and an
administrative page as listed above.
5.7 Printing and using reports
Select Reports on the top menu bar.
Select Arrest Report to send an arrest report directly to the default system printer.
Mugshot Pro prints an NCIC compliant Arrest Report with front and profile images of
the suspect. The standard arrest report is a single page document. If custom fields have
been enabled, the arrest report will also print a second page that contains any data stored
in the custom fields.
Select Wanted Report, BOLO Report, or Missing Report and a form will appear on the
Section 5: Using the Software
Enter any comments appropriate to the report and click the Print button to send the form
to the printer. Click Exit to disregard this poster.
Notes about printers: Mugshot Pro software will print to any printer that can connect to
the Windows OS. Use a direct-to-fax printer driver here to immediately fax your poster to
everyone on your list.
Special sized documents: ID card reports will print to an ID card printer as well as a
common page printer. The 4x6 photo card will print to a 4x6 dye sub printer or to a
common page printer. The 3 1/2x5 arrest card document will print on printers that are
designed to accommodate this page format as well as common page printers.
5.8 Using the Audit Log
The audit log is a comprehensive listing of all activity in the database. Use of this log is
restricted to administrative level users only. Select Admin from the menu bar. Select
Audit Trail.
The audit log opens with the most recent transaction on top and displays a complete
history of all activity. Select View By Single Record to see a history of all activity related
to a particular record. Select Audit Report to save the displayed log to a new file. The file
saved is a generic CSV file that can be opened in Excel, a text editor, or imported into a
Section 5: Using the Software
Section 5: Using the Software
Printed Document Samples
Section 5: Using the Software
Section 5: Using the Software