
Term 1 2016
SJI International School offers a myriad of activities outside of the classroom. These activities
allow students to pursue their talents and passions, while learning invaluable life skills. From
the rhythm of dance and music, to the grit of soccer and rock climbing, students have a
range of choice, with opportunities for competition at both intra- and inter-school level.
All students are expected to take part in at least one Activity (in addition to Service), but
many do more to great benefit for themselves. In addition, all Catholic pupils in Grade 7
must participate in one of The Catholic League Activities: Chapel Ministry, Legion of Mary or
YCS (Young Christian Students) both of which are run under the Catholic Archdiocese Centre.
This is to ensure that the Catholic pupils are inculcated with the correct values in terms of
their Catholic faith and spirituality during their crucial faith formation years.
Activities will start on the week beginning 25th January unless otherwise stated. This
document makes reference to the enrichment programmes at school – CAS (Grades 11 and
12), FCAS (Grade 10), FCAS (Grade 10), NYAA (Grades 9-12) and SMILES (Grades 7-8). Be
mindful of the type of activities you choose and if they meet the requirements of your
enrichment programme, are they physical/activity; creative/aesthetic/skill; or Service.
The booklet is divided into five main sections:
Paid Sports Activities / Free Sports Activities
Paid Musical Activities / Free Musical Activities
Paid General Activities /Free General Activities
Student Led Activities
Student Councils and Committees
Students are advised to familiarise themselves with their planned service commitments
(especially in Grade 8 and Grade 9), where they may need to miss activities for a number of
weeks. This is especially important if the activity requires incremental skill development or
has associated cost implications.
All absence from activities must be accompanied by a parent’s note in the homework diary
and acknowledged by the teacher in-charge as students are expected to have 100%
attendance. Poor attendance or commitment to the activity can jeopardise the place in the
Payment for activities must be made by January 22nd, or the student will not be allowed to
attend. Students will be able to sign-up for Paid-For Activities after the Activity fair on
Thursday 14th January and confirmation of a secured place will only be confirmed with full
payment for the activity.
SJI International Cross-Curricular Activities Programme 2016
CCA/Service Framework (Grades 7-12)
January-December 2016
Activities (CCAs):
Over the course of each term, students are expected to participate in one or more activity
from the categories of: Creative; Skills or Activity. In addition to this, all students will
participate in a specific Service project for the year, as part of our CCA programme.
Students are expected to attend to have a 100% attendance figure for their CCAs. We also
expect all students to communicate with their activity leader(s) if they cannot attend, or
need to attend a meeting or different CCA.
Students are expected to sign-up for one or more activity that will run the full term.
Students in Grades 7-12 will show a dedicated commitment to Service with their respective
Grade projects in a proactive, enthusiastic, and compassionate manner. Students will also
spend time reflecting on their service projects thinking about the character strengths that
they have developed, and what they have learnt.
SJI International Service Projects: Grade 7 – Bintan Week; Grade 8 – Environment &
Community; Grade 9 – Weekly Community Project, Grade 10 – Service Week; Grades 11-12
– CAS Programme.
Students in Grades 7-11 will complete planning and preparation for their respective Grade
trips (Bintan/Tioman/G9 Expeditions and the G11 Challenge Week).
NYAA Silver and Gold students are expected to attend specific training sessions and
meetings (as when instructed), these sessions will allow students to develop skills in: mapreading; navigation; first-aid, and camp-building skills. (Must sign up for NYAA)
After the completion of Grade/Challenge Week/NYAA Expeditions, all students will
complete reflections and documents that need to be submitted to gain
certification/accreditation for SMILES/IB Project/NYAA.
House Events:
Every student should aim to participate in a minimum of 2 House Activities per term. Along
with flagship events at each grade level, specific House focused CCAs, ‘Vertical House’
events and whole school activities will also be promoted and encouraged. Aside from the
House Captains electorate, there will be a number of student leadership opportunities.
Selecting activities to fulfil award and program
The activity program at SJII is designed in part to allow students to complete the various
award schemes that are run at the School. Please read the following section to help you in
the selection of your activities.
Grade 7 and 8 SMILES AWARD
Students are encouraged to try new experiences. Students need to participate in activity
over the course of the year for both term one and term two in Creativity and Activity.
Students can change their activities (space permitting) at the end of term one for another
activity in the same strand. Service we be run in tutor groups.
Students are working on completing their NYAA Bronze award. To full fill the requirements
they should chose activities that develop their Skill for both term one term two and Physical
Recreation for at least one term. Please note their Service component will also need to be
scheduled around their CCA commitments.
Students need to let their activity leaders know they are using their activity for the NYAA
Students completing FCAS should be engaged in Creativity and Activity for the entire year.
Students Service experiences will be delivered through opportunities during Service Week,
Service Expeditions and Service Events.
Students are encouraged to complete their NYAA Silver award in Grade 10. To help them do
so they should chose activities that develop their Skill for both terms and Physical
Recreation for at least one of the terms. Please note Service component will need to be
scheduled around their CCA commitments. Additional Service commitments are required to
complete the award. Please see the NYAA booklet for more details.
Completing NYAA Silver shortens the time to complete some components of the NYAA
Gold award.
Students that are involved in Scouts will find that most of NYAA requirements easier to
achieve through the Scouting experience and because Scouts offers opportunities to
complete most of the NYAA requirements. Please see the Scouting Leaders for details.
Grade 11 IB CAS and NYAA GOLD
Students will be starting their IB Diploma and need to fulfil the CAS (Creativity, Activity and
Service) requirements of the Diploma (CAS is required for graduation from the program).
Students should select activities that offer them opportunities for new experiences and to
push themselves to new levels; these should aid the student in fulfilling CAS Learning
Outcomes (please see the CAS Booklet for details – students will receive this at the start of
Grade 11).
Students are expected to be participating in an activity in each strand of CAS: Creativity,
Activity and Service throughout Grade 11. Learning Outcomes and Personal Goals should be
discussed with activity supervisors prior to starting an activity and feedback sought
throughout the activity to aid in the Reflective CAS process. Simply attending an activity is
not sufficient for CAS.
NYAA GOLD award requires students to commit to each their Skill recreation for the
duration of Grade 11 and 12 – unless they have completed NYAA Silver then they need to
commit for one full year or two terms. Students need to commit to a full year or two terms
of participation in one Physical Recreation to fulfil NYAA Gold requirements. The Residential
component of this award can be completed during Challenge Week.
Grade 12 IB CAS and NYAA GOLD
Students in the IB need to continue with activities for the first Term. They should still be
committed to an activity and ensure they have at least committed to an experience in each
strand for at least one activity period. This first Term activity is their final opportunity to
ensure this. Completing CAS requirements should be the focus of Grade 12 and it is critical
that students choose activities that help them complete the CAS requirements of the IB
Program. The focus of activity choice should be to complete missing strands, achieving
missed Learning Outcomes, pass-on learning/experience to younger grades and being active
to balance the academic stresses of the year.
Students participating in Direct Entry Gold NYAA will also need to continue with their skill
requirements in Grade 12; and Physical Recreation and Service if they did not complete
these last two areas in Grade 11.
Paid Sports Activities
Grades / Gender
Minimum number of students
Maximum number of students
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7 – 12 / boys and girls
Fridays 3.30-4.30pm
3.30 – 4.30pm
$114 training (for 16 sessions) + Start-up fees:
Registration Fee: $38 - Handbook and
Membership Passport
Shinju-kai Annual Membership Fee: $45
Kit - $45 -$90 depending on size
Glass Hall
Mr David Saranam
Activity / Creativity
Physical Recreation
Co-curricular - Physical Activity
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of self-discipline, perseverance and
Aikido is a Japanese modern form of martial arts, translated as "The Way of Harmony with
Ki". Its effectiveness is in the use of smooth, soft, circular movements while maintaining a
firm centre. It is possible to defend oneself from an opponent of superior size and strength.
It is suitable for all ages, including children. The aim of Aikido training is not perfection of a
technique or skill, nor to cause destruction, inflict injury or emerge as the winner. Rather, it
is to harmonise or become one with nature, and it is this aspect that is appealing to many.
Through Aikido practice, one's character is also developed so that one becomes focused
with a strong mind within.
Grades / Gender
Minimum number of students
Maximum number of students
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12) FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7 – 12 / boys and girls
Wednesdays 3.15 – 5.45pm
$354 for 15 sessions
Pungol South Archery Centre
Mr Trevor Hughes
Physical Recreation
Character strengths Developing character strengths of perseverance, self-discipline and
Archery is a sport that is exceptionally easy to learn – but requires discipline and practice!
We travel by bus from school (leaving at 3:15 promptly) to arrive at Pungol South Archery
Centre around 3:45. We shoot arrows until 5:00 when we are bussed back to school for
Lessons are taken by a professional coach and involve a variety of target sizes and
approaches – all students who started Archery in August 2014 were hitting the yellows
consistently by November – although not yet on the smaller targets!
Badminton Training
Number of students
Minimum number of students
Maximum number of students
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grade 11-12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grade 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grade 7 and 8)
Grade 7-12 / boys and girls
Tuesday Jnr Boys team & Snr Girls team
Saturday Snr Boys team Morning
Team 16
There will be a selection process at the start of
the year. Team Training will be by invitation
Indoor Sports Hall
$270 per 15 sessions
Mr Charlie Mc Bride and Ms Shelley Qingmei
and Ms I Goh
Physical Recreation
Co-curricular - Physical Activity
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of determination, commitment and
Badminton Training is conducted by experienced coaches, and focuses on developing
student’s badminton skills and knowledge & understanding. Students will learn the technical
and tactical aspects of this racquet-based sport and will practice their skills learnt in doubles
and singles games during the training sessions.
A trial will be held at the start of term for those students who are interested in playing in the
school team. Students on this team will focus on their fitness and explosive skills in the first
part of their session. Snr teams will compete in the ACSIS leagues and Jnr teams will
compete in both the SSSC and ACSIS leagues.
Grades / Gender
Minimum number of students
Maximum number of students
Member of Staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7 – 12 / boys and girls
Mondays 4.15 – 6.15pm
$165 per 16 sessions (approx.)
Assembly Hall
Mr B Mc Nulty
Physical Recreation
Co-curricular – Physical
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of enthusiasm, co-operation and
The Floorball activity is a fast-paced and quick game of floor hockey, providing students with
a fantastic opportunity to bond while furthering the finer aspects of technique, tactic, and
playing seamlessly as a team. This activity is led by an experienced Floorball coach.
Hip Hop Dance
Grades / Gender
Minimum number of students
Maximum number of students
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7 – 12 / boys and girls
Thursdays – from February 3.15-5.30pm
$176 per 16 sessions
Glass Hall
Ms Elizabeth Oxley
Creativity and Activity
Physical Activity
Co-curricular – Physical Activity
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of creativity, courage and cooperation.
This activity teaches a unique dance form which originated from New York. Students practise
for performances in events such as the Cultural Carnival and Assemblies. Coach Sharina who
is a dance choreographer and specialises in Hip Hop and lyrical Hip Hop leads the Activity. In
her sessions, one will not only learn about the freedom of movements but also selfdiscipline and the discovery of newfound confidence in oneself...all through dance.
Rock Climbing
Grades / Gender
Grades 7 – 12 / boys and girls
Tuesdays (Beginners), 3.15 – 6.30pm
Thursdays (Intermediate) 3.15 – 6.30pm
$496 for Tuesdays per 16 sessions
$720 for Thursdays (off site) per 16 sessions
Minimum number of students
Maximum number of students
Indoor Sports Hall and Climb Asia (Tessensohn
Mr Trevor Latham and Mr Colin Travis
Activity and creativity
Physical Recreation
Co-curricular - Physical Activity
Members of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of courage, perseverance and
The Rock Climbing activity runs the whole gamut of age, interest and ability. From the
recreational climber to the seasoned climber, the activity will let students learn key basics of
the sport such as basic safety skills, belaying and movement techniques with opportunities
to attain higher levels of skill and certification with experience and passion. Coaches from
Climbing Acrobatics teach the students.
Monday’s session is held in school in the Sports Hall and Thursday’s session is at Climb Asia,
and students will be dismissed from here. A member of SJII staff accompanies students at all
Scuba Diving
Grades / Gender
Minimum number of students
Maximum number of students
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7 – 12 / boys and girls
Thursday 3.15 – 4.30pm
Thursday Pool Sessions 4.15 – 6.30pm as required.
Weekends and Holidays for Open Water Dives.
Courses start at $470 and depending on the level can
rise to $800. Dives trips will be additional costs.
Miss Vicky Juett and Mr Duncan Brain
Creativity (Theory) Activity (Diving) Service (DiveMaster internship)
Physical Recreation
Co-curricular - Physical Activity
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of self-discipline, courage and
Scuba Club takes place in school on Thursdays and sometimes on other nights for pool
sessions. Open Water dives are usually conducted during weekends and holidays and often
this will involve overseas trips. Miss Juett is a qualified PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer, Mr
Guy Nicholson is a Dive Master in training and we work in partnership with GS-divers. All
Students will become certified divers on satisfactory completion of theory and practical
skills. There are a range of courses offered from beginners to specialities like wreck diving
and underwater photography, up to Master Scuba and Dive Master rating.
The club aims to develop students’ awareness and involvement in the marine environment,
whilst developing good diving practice and life skills such as first aid and teamwork. You will
need to pay for the courses and trips you enrol on, for which all dive gear is supplied. We
dive both locally and overseas, so join us and become part of a global community of divers.
Students can elect to attend any trip, and students and parents not in the club may also join
trips as long as they are qualified divers.
*Students must be medically fit to dive safely- conditions such as asthma and epilepsy,
recent surgeries and some medications may prevent you taking part, please ask Miss Juett of
you have any concerns or questions.
Table Tennis
Grades / Gender
Minimum number of students
Maximum number of students
Students in Charge
Member of Staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7 – 12 / boys and girls
Tuesdays 3-4.30pm
$72 each for 15 sessions.
Assembly Hall
Ricky Vian, Joshua Kam, Thien Hung, Ruilin Xu
Ms. Daver
Physical Activity
Co-curricular – Physical Activity
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of responsibility, co-operation and
Do you have a passion for playing table tennis? Have you ever wanted to play table tennis,
but none of your friends are willing to? Do you feel like you have no time for playing table
tennis? This is the right club for you! This club can provide you with a profound experience
in playing table tennis. We are not just a common table tennis club that only does sports
every week. But join us as a community of table tennis. We will hold various interesting
events, to ensure you are not to regret joining this club.
Taekwondo-Do (TKD)
Grades / Gender
Minimum number of students
Grades 7 – 12 / boys and girls
Thursdays 4.15 -5.15pm
$480 per 16 sessions
Uniform-$94, $15 grading card.
Maximum number of students
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Mr David Saranam
Physical Recreation
Co-curricular - Physical Activity
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of self-discipline, perseverance and
This Korean martial art focuses on technique and self-defence while teaching students
leadership, confidence, racial and religious harmony. Students will learn invaluable life
lessons, which they can put to use anywhere, and of course, test their physical limits.
Tennis coaching
Grades / Gender
Minimum number of students
Maximum number of students
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7 – 12 / boys and girls
Monday Recreation 3.15-4.45 & 4.45-6.15 pm
Wednesday Team training 3.15-4.45 & 4.456.15 pm
Friday Recreation 3.15-4.45 & 4.45-6.15 pm
$386 per 16 sessions
7 per team
7 per team
High School Tennis courts
Tennis Coach, Ms Niki Berge and Mr B
Physical Recreation
Co-curricular - Physical Activity
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of self-discipline, perseverance and
An external coach takes tennis. The Tennis activity has two programs:
Here students are coached through improving basic ground strokes. This programme will
cover drills on stroke production, court positioning and point play strategies. This course will
give the students confidence to play matches and possibly enter tournaments.
School Team
Trials will be held in the first week for those students who would like to be considered for
the school team. The Coach will select students based on performance and they will train
together on a weekly basis ready for competition in the SSSC league.
Ultimate Frisbee
Grades / Gender
Minimum number of students
Maximum number of students
Students in charge
Supervising member of staff
Grades 8 – 12 / boys and girls, (min 8 participants
to commence)
Tuesday Lunch/ Friday afterschool 4.30 – 6pm
$7 per 16 sessions
Top field
Mitchell Chan de Xuan
Ms P Rana
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS Activity
(Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
Physical Activity
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Co-curricular – Physical Activity
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of confidence, determination and
Ultimate Frisbee is a sport played with a disk known as the Frisbee. During the course of
the term, on Wednesdays we will teach you new throwing and catching skills and on
Fridays we will have friendly matches, as the group will be split into two. It is not
required to attend both days but it is preferred in order to attain both the skills and the
practice. Ultimate Frisbee is a fun and exciting sport that will not only assure a good
workout, but will also stimulate the mind to think outside the box in order to deliver a
successful pass along with the different techniques to suppress your opponent. The
gameplay will be exciting and every goal would provide you a sense of achievement and
fulfilment. Additionally, the small cost of $5 will be used to buy the gear needed for the
Zumba & Bollywood Dance
Grades / Gender
Minimum number of students
Maximum number of students
Member of staff in charge
CAS (grade 11 and 12), FCAS
(Grade 10)
NYAA (grade 9 to 12)
Smiles (grade 7 and 8)
Grades 7 - 12 / boys and girls
Wednesdays 3.15 – 4.30pm
$225 per 16 sessions
Assembly Hall/ Glass Hall
Ms. Nandini Ghosh
Action, creativity
Physical Recreation
Co-curricular – Physical Activity
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of creativity, perseverance and
Bollywood dance today is a form of dance which encompasses various styles of dance forms
such as hip-hop, salsa, cha-cha, classical contemporary, Latin, Indian folk etc, either in fusion
or in pure versions and has its own unique flavour and merit.
These classes will provide the opportunity for students to develop confidence, learn various
dance forms, catch the rhythm and beat of songs and of course have fun at the same time. A
choreographer who specialises in Bollywood and salsa leads the activity. In his sessions, the
benefit is not only that of increased activity and exercise, but making new friends with shared
interests, participation in cultural carnivals and assemblies and also developing creative,
aesthetic and social skills…….. all through dance!
Free Sports Activities
Ancient Chinese Dance Club
Grades / Gender
Member of staff in charge
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7-9 girls. 10 max
Fridays 3.15 – 4.30pm
Sports Hall (Mirror Room)
Ms Cherry Guo
Skill and creativity
Co-curricular - skills
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of creativity and confidence.
This activity is open to any female students (G7-G9) who loves to dance. It is a great
opportunity to learn something interesting and wonderful. It is also a good chance for you to
know more about Chinese culture. No matter you have or have not dancing experience, you
can participate because it is very easy to learn! And it is a group dance, whole team will
dance together, so don’t be shy.
And what’s more? You have chance to perform on the stage to all your classmates in school
ceremonies and celebrations.
Grades / Gender
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7 – 12 / boys and girls
Monday – skills clinic 3.30-4.30 pm
Wednesday Girls training 4.30-6 pm
Thursday – Jnr Boys Gr 7-8 5-6.30pm
Friday – Snr Boys training 4.30-6 pm
Indoor Sports Hall & Basketball Courts
Coach &Mr Chang Chia Hao
Physical Recreation
Co-curricular – Physical Activity
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of responsibility, self-discipline, and
a purposeful role in team play.
Basketball training is an opportunity for all students to work on refining their balls skills and
fitness levels while improving their knowledge and understanding of the game. You will be
put through your paces during sessions by the Coach, and expected to commit fully to the
full term. The teams will be selected from all students who attend the CCA training sessions,
with Snr teams competing in the SSSC leagues and the Jnr teams competing in the ACSIS
Grades / Gender
All Grades Boys
Fridays 3.15 – 4.30pm
Student in charge of activity
Joseph Selwian
Supervising member of staff
Ms P Rana
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
Physical Recreation
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Co-curricular – Physical Activity
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of commitment and enthusiasm.
This activity is for any boys who enjoy the game of cricket and would like to join us for a
game. If you are a good player or someone who fancies giving the game a try, come and get
Fitness Studio
Grades / Gender
Member of Staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 11-12 / boys and girls
Wednesday 3.30 – 5.00pm
Mr James Turner
Physical Recreation
Co-curricular – Physical
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of self-discipline, perseverance and
The Gym activity provides an avenue for senior school students to work out in a supervised
environment. Students who want to utilize the facility must go through an orientation
programme. You will be able to work on key fitness elements in each session.
Grades / Gender
Member of Staff in Charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7 – 12 / boys and girls
Tuesday Girls Training 3.15-4.45 pm
Wednesday Jnr boys 6.50-7.50 am
Thursday Snr Boys rec and team 3.30-5.30pm
School Field
U14 Boys Mr Dan Laslett, Mr Chris Ironside
U16 Boys Mr Oliver Brown
U19 Mr Kenny Hegarty
Girls Ms Amy Lucas, Mrs Ellie Silverwood
Physical Recreation
Co-curricular – Physical Activity
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of commitment and determination,
and a purposeful role in team play.
The Association Football CCA provides an opportunity for students of all abilities to refine
their skills and knowledge and understanding of this global sport in a fun and engaging
environment. Students will have the option to play representatively for the school in one of
our competitive teams within ACSIS or the NS League. Alternatively, students may just
undertake this activity for the recreational purposes of simply keeping fit and meeting
Grades / Gender
Member of staff in Charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7 – 12 / girls
Mondays 3.30-5pm Beginner /Intermediate
Thursday 3.30-5pm Team
Miss Sonia D’Silva
Physical Recreation
Co-curricular – Physical Activity
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of responsibility, self-discipline and
enthusiasm, and a purposeful role in team play.
The Netball CCA is a fun, competitive and friendly group of girls. All levels are
accommodated in these sessions so if you are a novice wanting to learn more about the
game, someone wanting to play for the social side or a seasoned club player ready for a new
challenge, this is the CCA for you.
Physical Fitness
Grades / Gender
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 11 – 12
Fridays 3.15 – 4.30pm
$0, determination and willpower.
Fitness Suite and other venues on site
Mr Alistair Wood
Mr Matthew Zagrodnik
Physical Recreation
Character Strengths – Developing character strengths of perseverance, courage and selfdiscipline.
Physical fitness and wellbeing is a critical part of living a healthy and flourishing life. These
sessions will aim to prepare students to live a healthy lifestyle by engaging in a variety of
exercises that will improve overall physical fitness. The focus here is to embed good physical
habits into everyday living so that it becomes a way of life. Sessions will be hard work but
also enjoyable. There will also be a specific focus on appropriate preparation for National
Rugby/Touch Rugby
Grades / Gender
Members of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7-12 / boys and girls
Weds – 3.30-5pm Boys all ages
Tuesday 3.30-5 pm Girls Touch all ages
Friday 3.15-5 pm Boys Jnrs
Bottom Field
Mr Oliver Brown (Head Coach) Mr Neil
Crossland, Mr Peter Wray & Mr Donald
Humphrey (Touch) and Mr Aidan Carr
Physical Recreation
Co-curricular - Physical Activity
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of responsibility and enthusiasm,
and a purposeful role in team play.
Rugby is a game for everyone and no matter your size, speed or shape there is a role for you
in the SJII Rugby Squad. The game requires courage, determination and commitment, but in
return you will learn new skills, improve your fitness, and hopefully have a great time with
your team mates whilst doing so.
So you think you can’t run?
Grades / Gender
Member of staff in charge
Grades 7-11 / boys and girls (Max 15
3.15 – 4.15pm approx.
Macritchie Reservoir
Ms Jane McGennisken and Yeo Tiong Hui
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of courage, perseverance and
This club is about setting realistic exercise goals and developing your fitness levels in a
gradual way. We’ll start out with a walk from school to Macritchie Reservoir before
beginning our running training. This club is for people who think they can’t run! (Or for
those who know they can, but really prefer not to bother…)
The social running club will cover three key areas.
1. Setting goals –What do you aim to get out of this club? How do you go about
setting realistic goals?
2. Mind matters –How can walking and running contribute to looking after your
mind as much as your body? Why is a growth mindset useful when taking on a
new challenge like this?
3. Physical fitness –How can you improve physical strength and endurance
through commitment and perserverance? Why bother?
This club will get even the most dedicated bookworms and gamers out of their own
heads and into the real world! Make sure you catch up with Ms McGennisken if you have
any questions.
Grades / Gender
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7 – 12 / boys and girls
Monday 7-7.50 am
Wednesday and Thursday 3.15-4.30pm
Swimming Pool
Swim Coach
Mr Gary Crumbie, Ms Danielle Edwards, Ms E
Physical Recreation
Co-curricular - Physical Activity
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of self-discipline, perseverance and
This activity is for students who are good competent swimmers who wish to train to
compete. There will be six lanes to suit speed levels. A training schedule will be provided on
a weekly basis with the overall aim to increase fitness and speed. There will also be a focus
on swim technique each and every week. Resulting from this some students will move on to
represent the school at swim meets.
Grades / Gender
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7 – 12 / boys and girls
Wednesdays 3.15 -4.15pm
Indoor Sports Hall
Ms Eleanor Silverwood
Physical Recreation
Co-curricular – Physical Activity
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of self-discipline, courage and
Students of all ability levels are welcome to join this CCA. You will work on mastering the
basic shapes initially, moving on to linking them together to form routines. As confidence
increases, so will your skill level as you begin to include rotation into your movements. More
advance students have the opportunity to sharpen up your skills and push yourselves further
working on your rollers, turntables, flat backs, somersaults and baranis.
Volleyball - Recreational
Grades / Gender
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7 -12 / boys and girls
Thursdays 3.15 – 5 pm
Indoor Sports Hall
Mr Greg Thorpe / Mr D Humphries
Physical Recreation
Co-curricular – Physical Activity
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of responsibility, self-discipline, and
a purposeful role in team play.
This activity is for students who enjoy team sports and hitting balls. Skills and experience are
varied so the most important thing to bring is a good attitude. This term all students will be
made most welcome as they train to improve their skills ready to sign up for team training in
term 2.
Paid Musical Activities
Guitar Ensemble
Grades / Gender
Minimum number of students
Maximum number of students
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7 – 12 / boys and girls
Mondays 3.15 – 4.30pm
$175 per 16 sessions
Ms Ineke Thorpe
Tutors - Sebastian Ho
Co-curricular – Skills
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of unity , confidence and
This ensemble is for beginner acoustic guitar players. Learning a variety of guitar techniques
and styles, this is another great opportunity to perform as part of a group and develop your
musical skills. From Classical to Jazz and Blues, the Guitar Ensemble group teaches
traditional notation and performance techniques. This ensemble is led by Sebastian Ho (The
Lion King’s solo lead guitarist) and Ernesto Enriquez and is open to anyone.
Samba Drumming
Grades / Gender
Minimum number of students
Maximum number of students
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7 – 12 / boys and girls and staff
Fridays 3.15 -4.15pm
$210 per 16 sessions
Mrs Ineke Thorpe
Tutor - Pablo Calzado
Co-curricular – Skills
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of unity, creativity and commitment.
This exciting musical activity runs every Friday afternoon and is a great way to end your
week. For students who can’t keep still when around good music, always tap their toe to the
beat, or that simply can’t resist breaking out into an inspired rhythm on a drum – this is the
activity for you! Samba Drumming will give students the opportunity to learn and perform
complex rhythms, street drumming and improvisation on a full Samba Drum set. Led by
Cuban Drummer and Percussionist, Pablo Calzado Morales, this is definitely one of the most
groovy and loudest music ensembles in the school. For this activity to run there must be
minimum of 15 students (and a maximum of 30) per semester. Members of the Samba
Drumming Band are expected to be fully committed to rehearsals and to perform at various
concerts and assemblies and major school events.
Come and learn authentic Afro-Cuban and Latino beats with the SJI International Samba
Ukulele Club
Grades / Gender
Minimum number of students
Maximum number of students
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7 – 12 / boys and girls
Monday lunchtime 1.10-1.40pm
$175 per 16 sessions
Mrs Ineke Thorpe
Tutor – Sebastian Ho
Co-curricular – Skills
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of unity, creativity and commitment.
This ensemble is for beginner and advanced ukulele players to come together and jam.
Through a variety of techniques and styles, this is another great opportunity to perform as
part of a group and develop your musical skills. From pop to folk, blues to rock, the Ukelele
Club is a relaxed and fun ensemble, led by a coach called Ernsto Enriquez in the lunch hour.
Each term the Ukelele Club will be working towards a performance piece for the 'Musical
Moments' CCA concert.
Free Musical Activities
Beginner’s Band
Grades / Gender
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7 – 12 / boys and girls
Mondays 3.15 – 4.30pm
Ms Ineke Thorpe
Tutor - Mr Chua
Co-curricular – Skills
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of commitment, perseverance and
The best way to improve your performance level on your instrument is to play with other
people. Led by SJII’s trumpet tutor Mr. Chua, Beginner’s Band is a great opportunity for
those students new to a Jazz band instrument (brass, woodwind, rhythm, guitar, bass) who
would like to challenge themselves by performing in a group. During the year the band will
learn a variety of Jazz and popular music and will perform at various concerts later in the
year. This activity is open to all students and you can join at any time in the semester.
Grades / Gender
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7 – 12 / boys and girls
Thursdays 3.15 – 4.30pm
Mrs Ineke Thorpe / Ms A Tzanetou
Co-curricular – Skills
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of unity, confidence and
This activity is open to any student (G7-G12) who loves to sing. Throughout the year the
choir will learn a wide range of musical styles from popular contemporary songs to sacred
choral music in 3-4 part harmony. Students involved in the choir will be expected to perform
at various music concerts, assemblies and also for special Mass ceremonies in the Chapel.
The SJII Choir has sung at many important events in the school’s short history, but is
essentially a whole lot of fun and a great way to make new friends.
Folk Songs Group
Grades / Gender
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7 – 12 / boys and girls
Mondays Lunchtime 1.10-1.40pm
Mrs Susi Teo
Co-curricular – Skills
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of unity, confidence and
This activity provides the opportunity for students to learn folk songs of various countries in
a fun and enjoyable way. Students of all abilities are welcome.
Grades / Gender
Member of Staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7 – 12 / boys and girls
Mondays 4.30-6pm
The Indonesian Centre
Mrs Susi Teo
Co-curricular – Skills
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of creativity and commitment
This activity provides the opportunity for students to learn and perform on the traditional
Indonesian musical instruments, which have a rich story of tradition, culture and myth
behind them. There will be opportunity to perform during major school events as well as
public performance. The activity is open to all.
Jazz Band
Grades / Gender
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7 – 12 / boys and girls
Thursdays 5-6.30pm
Mr Chua
Co-curricular – Skills
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of self-discipline, patience and
This ensemble group is for Jazz instrumentalists to learn, perform and groove to both old
and new jazz standards. Students need to be reasonably proficient in music. Rhythm
guitarists, percussionists and bass players are welcome to get involved. From Swing to Bee
Bop, the Jazz Band (led by SJII’s trumpet tutor Mr. Chua) is a great opportunity for students
to improve their performance and improvisation skills. So Swing on down to the Music
Department on a Thursday evening and blow some sweet tunes.
Karaoke Club
Grades / Gender
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7 – 12 / boys and girls. Maximum 10
Wednesdays 3.15 – 4.30pm
Music Room 1
Ms Sunanda Rao / Mr Chiahao Chong
Co-curricular – Skills
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of enthusiasm and confidence.
A great opportunity for all those who love to sing! Whether you are an amateur or an
experienced singer, you will have the opportunity to sing along with track recordings, with
the lyrics scrolling right before you!
And in a variety of languages too!
And what’s more, it not only improves your vocal technique but also boosts your
Music Technology Club
Grades / Gender
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7-10/ boys and girls
Thursdays 3.15 – 5pm
Mr. Fantom and Mr L Baker
Co-curricular - Skills
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of creativity and commitment.
Music Technology Club is a new and exciting CCA. Its aim is to explore the concepts of Music
by looking at MIDI sequencing, samples and loops, basic sound recording techniques and
effects and processing in the newly equipped iMac Music Technology suite. This CCA will be
open to G7-10 but priority will be given to IGCSE and IB Music students.
No Strings Attached
Grades / Gender
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7 – 12 / boys and girls
Thursdays 3.15 – 4.30pm
Mr Stephen Fantom
Co-curricular – Skills
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of diligence, perseverance and
No Strings Attached – A brass group for anyone. All you wanted to know about being the
coolest set of musicians ever but were afraid to ask…!
If you fancy learning the Trombone, Trumpet, Euphonium or French Horn come on down to
MR2 on a Thursday and make some music with Mr Fantom. A rudimentary knowledge of
music notation is desirable but a keen, enthusiastic, positive, open-mindedness to music
making is absolutely required! We already have 10-12 instruments available within the
department for students to use.
Grades / Gender
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7 – 12 / boys and girls
Tuesdays 3.15 -4.30pm
Mrs Ineke Thorpe
Co-curricular – Skills
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of unity, commitment and
Students in the Orchestra learn how to weave moving harmonies and melodies while playing
as part of a large ensemble. Students need to play an orchestral instrument to a reasonable
level and pianists may have the opportunity to learn and play percussion. Throughout the
year the Orchestra will learn a variety of music: from film scores to classical favourites.
Members of the Orchestra are expected to be fully committed to rehearsals and to perform
at various concerts and assemblies and major school events.
Paid General Activities
The Botanical Club
Minimum number of students
Maximum number of students
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7-12/ Boys and girls
Wednesday after school
$10 per 16 sessions
Lab 6
Mr Edward Hogg
Service, creativity
Service, creativity
Service, creativity
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of commitment, enthusiasm and
Interested in gardening? Well, here’s an ECA just for you! You will be able to grow a range
of herbs and flowers, right here on our school campus. What’s more, you will get the chance
to sell your harvest, for a good cause. So what else are you waiting for? Hurry up and join
the club!
Cross Stitch Embroidery Club
Grades / Gender
Minimum number of students
Maximum number of students
Member of staff in charge
CAS (grade 11 and 12), FCAS
(Grade 10)
NYAA (grade 9 to 12)
Smiles (grade 7 and 8)
All grades, boys and girls welcome
Wednesday 3.15-5pm
$30 per 16 sessions
Julie Thompson
Co-curricular – Skills
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of creativity, enthusiasm and
Students will learn how to create counted cross stitch embroidery items from small scale
designs that can be used as gift cards and tags to cushions and small framed pictures.
Ultimately, I would like students to create and contribute to a wall hanging that can be used
to raise money for charity by the end of the year. This will all depend on the speed at which
students can work and the enthusiasm that they show to contribute to such a project. The
class is open to anyone, whether a beginner or someone with experience already. It is hoped
that once students have learned the basic skills required of counted cross-stitch, students
will be able to plan and design some of their own small pieces of original work.
Grades / Gender
Minimum number of students
Maximum number of students
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7 - 12 / boys and girls can apply for debate
society. Limited places available – a selection process is
applied. Weekly attendance is a minimum
expectation. Irregular attendance can result your place
in squad being rescinded, without refund.
Wednesday’s 3.15 – 6.30pm. Extra sessions for
competitions and spars.
$200 per 16 sessions.
Entry fee for competitions may apply.
Co-curricular - Skills
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of integrity, responsibility and
Holding firm to the motto “Audacia et Effetus”, the SJII Debate Society has achieved
tremendous success in a short period of time. We were fourth place in the Singapore
Secondary Schools’ Debating Competition 2011; our individual speakers were ranked 1st,
4th and 20th. We were second in the MOE JC competition 2011. This is an increasingly
popular activity in which students learn skills in persuasive techniques, logical thinking and
teamwork; the result of this is evident in their schoolwork. The weekly motions address a
range of topical issues and the debates are organised and chaired by members of the Society
or the debate coach. Places are limited and there is a selection process to join the society as
students are expected to debate in competitions. Access to a highly experienced debate
coach is available for those selected as squad members.
Future Problem Solving Competition 2014
Grades / Gender
All grades / boys and girls
Tuesdays 3.15-4.30pm
$65 for entry into competition for the year
Minimum number of students
Maximum number of students
Lab 7
Member of staff in charge
Mr Lee McFarlane
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS
(Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Co-curricular – Skills
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of creativity and commitment.
Future Problem Solving is an international competition where teams work together to solve
a problem set in a futuristic world. The problems for 2015 are on the topics of “Social
Media”, “Processed Foods”, “Propaganda” and “Enhancing Human Potential”. Teams work
together to come up with futuristic, creative solutions to problems that might occur in a
world 20, 30 or 50 years from now. The solutions your team comes up with are limited only
by your creativity – there are no right or wrong solutions.
The first two rounds of competition are for practice, with the third round being a qualifying
round. Success at the qualifying round means an invite to the national finals here in
Singapore and the opportunity to travel to the United States to compete against teams from
all over the world. Sessions will focus on learning more about the competition topics,
improving the flexibility and creativity of your thinking and mastering the six-step process
required to compete. This Activity is not open to new members in Term 2.
History Club
Grades / Gender
Minimum number of students
Maximum number of students
Member of Staff in charge
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7 – 12 / boys and girls
Tuesday lunch times
$64 for trips and visits
Mrs Beverly Branson
Creativity for students not already taking IB History
Co-curricular – Skills
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of understanding, empathy and
It has been said that "those who don't remember the past are condemned to repeat it" and
this is why History Appreciation Society exists. All students who have a passion to know
more about the past are welcome to attend, whether they study History or not. We learn
about things you don't study in class, watch historical movies, share book reviews, take part
in re-enactments, create working historical models, and explore our own personal histories
amongst other things. What is more we visit an array of sites of historic interest across
Singapore over the course of the year to help us get a real feel for the past. This is the ideal
activity for you if History rocks your socks.
Physics Club
Grades / Gender
Minimum number of students
Maximum number of students
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7 – 12 / boys and girls
Wednesdays 3-5pm
$120 for transport to competition venues,
registration costs, consumables for
Lab 2
Mrs Del Linz
Co-curricular - Skills
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of confidence, creativity and
Possible Physics Club activities (depending on student participation) for 2015:
1. Projects and competitions in Robotics:
National Junior Robotics competition (NJRC) 2015
 First Tech Challenge 2015 Robocup Junior Rescue
 SJII Elementary and High School Robotics integration Competition
 Automotive Projects and competitions:
 F1 in schools competition
Go Kart design and construction
2. Aeronautics:
 Singapore Amazing Flying Machine Competition (SAFMC) 2015
3. Others:
 Programming using Industry standard software such as ‘NILabView’ to program
 Programming using Lego NXT units
 Using Autodesk (CAD software)
 Assissi Hospice Fun Day stall (running a games stall during the fun day – last Sunday
of term 2, using robots and obstacle course from 2014)
 Inter International schools robotics challenge
Grades / Gender
Minimum number of students
Maximum number of students
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grade 11 and 12), FCAS
(Grade 10)
NYAA (Grade 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grade7 and 8)
Grades 7 – 10 / boys and girls
Wednesdays 3.15 –5.30pm (variable)
$240 per 16 sessions plus uniform costs and some additional
costs for activities and camps/trips.
Mr Daniel Brown, Ms Susan McBride, Mr A Carr, Mr Yeo
Tiong Hui and Ms Kellie O’Kane
Creativity, Activity, Service
Scouts is being run in conjunction with NYAA as they are very
similar. They should complete the Bronze Award earlier.
Co-curricular Physical, Skill and Service
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of confidence, co-operation and
Our Scout Troop has grown massively in numbers over the last year. Students with a
love of the outdoors enjoy Scouting. There will be opportunities to experience a wide
range of activities to develop character while having fun. The activities include; an
Amazing Race on the MRT, treks, camp craft, first aid; (with recognised qualification),
rock climbing, sailing and cooking. Scouts gives contributing hours to all sections of the
SMILES, CAS and NYAA Awards. We run two camps each year, one in Singapore and one
overseas. Last year we went trekking and cycling in Cambodia. This year we plan on
going to the Philippines. All abilities welcome, just be prepared to have fun!
Two things matter in life: following your dreams and looking after your friends. This is
what I love about Scouting. 'It’s about doing great things, loving and enjoying the great
adventures and helping others to do the same.' - Bear Grylls, Chief Scout
Students that are involved in Scouts will find that most of NYAA requirements easier
to achieve through the Scouting experience and because Scouts offers opportunities to
complete most of the NYAA requirements. Please see the Scouting Leaders for details.
Venture Scouts
Grades / Gender
Minimum number of students
Maximum number of students
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grade 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grade 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grade 7 and 8)
Grades 11-12 / boys and girls
Wednesdays 3 – 5.30pm (variable)
$240 per 16 sessions plus uniform costs and
some additional costs for activities and
Mr Daniel Brown
Creativity, Activity, Service
Training for Adventurous Journeys
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of confidence, co-operation and
Come and join our brand new Venture Scout group. Weekly meetings will include a
variety of adventurous activities, such as cycling, sailing, cooking and trekking. We plan
to hold two camps during the year, one in Singapore and one overseas. The Venture
Scouts will also be supporting the Activities taking place in the school’s Scout Troop (for
which CAS Service points are available).
World Scholar's Cup
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 8 – 11
Will vary
The Global Round in Bangkok will cost
$1700+ (includes registration fee of $800).
Optional Tournament of Champions round
will cost estimated $3500.
Ms Berge & Mr Punjabi
Co-curricular – Academic
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of confidence, commitment and
The World Scholar's Cup is made up of three rounds: the Regional Round taking place in
Singapore, the Global Round taking place in Bangkok in 2016, and the final round, called the
Tournament of Champions. These rounds comprise of four different events: the Scholar's
Challenge, Collaborative Writing, the Team Debate and the Scholar's Bowl. The Scholar's Cup
Curriculum has six subjects (Literature, the Arts, Sciences, History, Social Studies and a
"Special Area") that relate to a larger theme. This larger theme for 2016 is: An Imperfect
World. Teachers throughout the year will give one-off talks on different areas of this
Curriculum. Students will form groups of 3 and are responsible for organising their own
Yoga for Beginners
Grades / Gender
Minimum number of students
Maximum number of students
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7 – 12 / boys and girls
Tuesday 3.15 – 4.30pm
$170 for 16 sessions
Fitness Centre
Ms Cherry Ji
Physical Recreation
Co-curricular – Physical Activity
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of confidence, determination and
Yoga is one of the few physical activities that promote whole-body wellness, both physically
and psychologically. In almost every yoga class, you sweat, you breathe deeply, your heart
rate rises (increased circulation), and you massage and stimulate the organs of elimination
through twisting and bending postures. Yoga enjoys an indestructible sense of wellbeing
while engaging in any life activity. This is a standard class and ideal for beginners. We have
engaged an experienced external instructor to teach the class.
Free General Activities
Art Club – Technical and Skills Support
Grades / Gender
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 9 – 12 / boys and girls who take IGCSE
or IB Art
Every lunchtime 12.55 – 1.40pm
Art Room La Salle Block
Mrs Samantha Higgins
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of creativity and commitment.
This is a non-sign up group that you can drop into as often as you need. You will be provided
with support and help with skills you with to learn and master, or you may want to learn
something new on a one to one basis with Mrs Higgins.
If this is to support your IGCSE or IB curriculum work, then CAS hours cannot be claimed. If
however you simply want to learn something new, they you can collect CAS hours once Mr
Zagrodnik has given the activity his approval.
SJII Arts Council
Grades / Gender
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7 – 12 / boys and girls, 20 Max
Thursday 12.55 – 1.40pm
Canteen Art Room
Mr James Ingram
Co-curricular – Skills
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of unity, creativity and
In this art club you will be responsible for a range of school related art matters. Designing
the cover for the school year book, Murals for around the school, postcard and thank you
card designs for the school and designing and making set and props for school productions.
You should only sign up for this club if you are willing to commit to one lunchtime per week,
and are a creative thinker.
The Catholic League
Grades / Gender
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7-12, compulsory for Catholic Grade
7 students
Tuesdays 3.15 – 5.30pm
Br. John & Br. Jason
Some aspects can be considered for Creativity
or Service, but need to be justified.
Some aspects can be considered for Creativity
or Service, but need to be justified.
Some aspects can be considered for Creativity
or Service, but need to be justified.
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of unity and spirituality.
The League brings together the Catholic students of SJII and offers them a range of activities
that will help them deepen their understanding and participation in the faith. It also aims to
enliven and make more vibrant the Catholic community in SJII. The League includes the
following groups:
Chapel Ministry
There will be an assortment of roles you can undertake, like being in the Chapel Choir where
you will be trained for lectorship and Altar Service. Chapel Ministry is in addition to the 2
Catholic Clubs and Societies that we currently have, namely: Legion of Mary and YCS. The
role of the Chapel Committee is to give support to the school Chapel in any activities related
to it, working with the Catholic parent volunteers from both High School and the Elementary
School. Thus by serving in this Ministry, you will be contributing to the heartbeat of the
Catholic ethos of the school.
Legion of Mary
The Legion of Mary is an international Catholic society that was started in the early 1900’s.
SJII’s praesidium is known as the Mary Sanctuary of Divine Love. The Legion of Mary holds its
weekly meetings in a structured manner, observing the procedures stated in the Legion of
Mary Handbook. Its activities include an annual indoor and outdoor function, gatherings
(which can include games, outings), service activities, networking with the other presidia
from other Catholic schools and other activities at national level.
Young Christian Students is an international Catholic movement started in the 1920s. It is a
cell-formation group that develops character through its methodology of the SEE-JUDGEACT way of thinking. Its activities include weekly sharing sessions through its SEE-JUDGE-ACT
methodology, games day, service activity, music festival and camps and other activities done
at a national youth level with other schools.
While each student is encouraged to focus on one of the three groups, there will be
common activities for the members of the community. They include common prayer and
meditation, praise and worship, group sharing and talks. Interaction with the Catholic
students of the Elementary school will also be a regular feature in the club's programme.
Regular participation is a prerequisite for inclusion in the activities that will be organised
outside CCA time (e.g., Catholic Camps, networking with other schools, Lasallian Encounter
in Ipoh, etc.) throughout the school year.
Chess Club
Grades / Gender
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7 – 12 / boys and girls
Wednesdays 3-5pm
3F3 / 3F4
Mr Andy Tedstone
Co-curricular – Skills
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of diligence and tact.
The most intense table-top game that combines patience with skill and strategy will provide
students of all skill levels with a chance to hone their skills, and interact with like-minded
chess players in friendlies and competitions.
Chinese Creative Writing
Grades / Gender
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 10 – 12 / boys and girls
Wednesdays 3-4.30pm
Madame Goh Wei Kheng
Co-curricular – Skills
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of creativity and commitment.
The Creative Writing Activity provides students with an opportunity to pursue their passion
in writing and will help develop their style, approach and content. The overall emphasis is to
enable students to improve their writing skills and have the opportunity to write beyond the
curriculum. The works of the students will be published in the on-line magazine “Sky”. We
plan to publish the magazine four times per year, which is in March, June, September and
Computer Programming Club
Grades / Gender
Member of staff in charge
CAS (grade 11 and 12), FCAS
(Grade 10)
NYAA (grade 9 to 12)
Smiles (grade 7 and 8)
Grades 8-12, boys and girls welcome
IT Lab
Mr Lee Baker
Creativity / Skill
Skill and Creativity
Co-curricular – Skills
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of confidence, creativity and
Come and explore some of the technologies that underpin the modern world of
computing and develop skills in programming, web development and IT systems.
Looking at different concepts and techniques each week, there will be opportunities
to investigate your own areas of interest, share knowledge and collaborate with likeminded students.
If the world of IT and Computing is something that interests you, then this is the
place for you. This activity is open to everyone – you don’t need any prior experience
of programming but those who do will find new areas to explore and develop.
Conversational Mandarin Club
Grades / Gender
Grades 8-12, Foreign language boys and girls welcome
(20 max)
Friday 3.15 – 4.30pm (Mr Qian) Grades 7-9
Thursday 3-15 – 4.30pm (Ms Guo) Grades 9-10
Mr Qian and Ms C Guo
Member of staff in charge
CAS (grade 11 and 12), FCAS
(Grade 10)
NYAA (grade 9 to 12)
Smiles (grade 7 and 8)
Co-curricular – Skills
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of confidence and communication.
It is a great opportunity to practise spoken Mandarin. There is a variety of activities, such as
Chinese songs, movies, interview, role play, drama, games and so on.
And what’s more? It not only engages the students in a fun and meaningful way in speaking
Chinese, but also develops their interest in learning Chinese.
EAL: English as an Additional Language
Grades / Gender
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7-12 / boys and girls
Wednesday 3-4pm
Room 4A5-1
Mr Cahill, Mrs Upshall & Mark Dickinson
Co-curricular - Skills
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of perseverance and commitment.
Are you new to Singapore and SJI International? Join the club!
Do you need help with English literacy and literature? Join the EAL Club!
Our weekly EAL club is the place to be if you wish to solve some of your English problems in
an enjoyable atmosphere. You will have a chance to become more fluent in your writing and
this will help you in all your subjects. You will learn, for example, how English deals with the
present, the past and the future. You will see how your writing skills develop from the
simple, personal description of a Science experiment or a poem in Grade 7 to the more
complex, impersonal explanations you need in all subjects in the senior Grades.
So, come and join us every Wednesday and see what progress we can make in our additional
The EAL Club is split into three levels: beginners (Mark Dickinson), intermediate (Kathryn
Upshall), and advanced (John Cahill).
The beginner level focus on four modalities: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The
aim is to help students develop the basic English skills needed to be successful both socially
and in the classroom. The reading materials consist mainly of short, high-interest,
narratives, followed by questions. The emphasis is on more academic language found in all
subject areas. In addition, students read a selection of entertaining fiction mysteries
requiring students to carefully study the passages to find the solutions. By reading aloud, the
students can develop their listening and speaking skills.
The club also focuses on grammar, utilizing various exercises. In addition, students are
encouraged to raise questions about grammar issues causing them trouble in class, so that
the instructor can pay special attention to those problem areas.
Finally, the beginning students spend a lot of time in discussions, both regarding the
literature and teacher-generated topics, to again develop listening and speaking skills.
The Intermediate level of the EAL club will focus on student improvement of a wide variety
of skills such as vocabulary, grammar, writing and speaking/listening. Students will learn to
write different types of academic essays will perfect their grammar and will learn to deliver
effective persuasive and informative presentations.
The emphasis at the advanced level is exploring more sophisticated, difficult literature to
help students deepen their understanding of English and move toward fluency.
Earlier in the year, students focused on the novel, Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel
Garcia Marquez. The aim of the novel was to teach students finer nuances of English, as
well as higher level vocabulary, sentence structure, and idiomatic expressions.
At the advanced level, the students have already acquired foundational skills in English and
learned a variety of vocabulary, so the emphasis in the literature was on textual analysis,
including such topics as magical realism.
We used the literature as a springboard for discussions and writing activities.
The goal at the advanced level is to give students some of the linguistic skills you will need to
be successful with the IB curriculum.
English Mentoring Centre
Grades / Gender
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS
(Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Mentees: Grades 7 – 9 / boys and girls
Mentors: Grades 10-11/ boys and girls
Thursdays 1-1.40pm
Mr Duncan Urquhart
Service (for mentors)
Service (for mentors)
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of confidence, determination and
Do you want to be able to prepare and deliver a speech, which will hold your audience
spellbound? Do you wish you could get the hang of how to structure that essay, improve
that description or just understand what is going on in that novel, play or poem? Well, help
is at hand! The English Mentoring Centre in 1LS5 will give you the opportunity to be guided
by expert English students from Grades 10 and 11. They will discuss that confusing poem
with you and give you pointers for structuring that essay, as well as merely being there
to provide you with that all important motivation to embark on that homework assignment
for English that you have been putting off and putting off because you just don't know
where to start. Come along and benefit from the friendly and enthusiastic assistance of your
very own English Mentor!
If you are a Grade 10 or 11 student who has a passion for English and would love to spread
the joy of language and literature amongst the masses - this is certainly the place for you.
Your job, in consultation with Mrs Newman, will be to coach younger students through the
very exciting, but for some, potentially daunting, world of English: writing speeches; reading
plays; talking about themes, characters, symbols, motifs, layers of meaning; producing
imaginative descriptions; reading and reacting to the media around us... and many more fun
things! So, if you are interested in sharing your talents, as well as developing new
ones, and helping younger students to see that 'it is not in the stars to hold our destiny but
in ourselves' - then come along to 1LS5!
Events Photography and Yearbook Team
Grades / Gender
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 11 and 12 / boys and girls
Wednesday 3.15-4.30pm
Mr Andy Tedstone and Mr C Travis
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of creativity and commitment.
The Yearbook Team will coordinate, design and produce the 2016 SJI International
Yearbook. The team will be responsible for managing a calendar of events and CCAs and
ensuring that all the school activities are photographed, reported and written up for the
yearbook. They will manage the online design process, liaising with the designers and
printers as well as organising the tutor group art and house event pages. This is a year
commitment to produce a yearbook of the highest quality. Yearbook Team will work closely
with Events photography.
Events photography are for keen photographers who would like to help capture and
preserve all the memories from the academic year. The images will be used in school
publications such as One Voice, Yearbook and the school website.
Film Production Club
Grades / Gender
Member of Staff in Charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 10 – 12 / boys and girls
Will vary
Free but students will need to pay for any
additional equipment they want for their
Miss Nicola Berge, Mr Nicholas Mercer and
Mr Lee Baker
Co-curricular - Skills
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of creativity, co-operation and
Film Production Club is an opportunity for students to learn some basic skills that will help
them to produce quality videos and short films. They will first learn about different camera
angles and shots, camera movements, sound effects and soundtracks, as well as how to edit
their footage to produce professional pieces that will showcase their creativity. They will
spend time storyboarding, scripting and planning their films with the help of Media teachers,
who will also set them practice activities that will help them to explore many different
aspects of film making. There will be many opportunities to showcase their work throughout
the year.
Grades / Gender
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7-12 boys and girls
Thursday 3.15 – 4.45pm
Ms S McBride, Ms A Lee and Ms M Hamilton
Co-Curricular – Skills
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of courage, unity and determination.
To promote a "Gender-Equal Society" where the human rights of all men and women are
equally respected, and both genders have equal opportunity.
Geography Mentoring
Grades / Gender
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Mentees: Grades 10 boys and girls
Mentors: Grades 11 boys and girls
Lunch Times – Tues, Wed, Thur.
Mr Connor Walsh
Service (for mentors)
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of confidence, determination and
This is an opportunity for grade 10 students that are preparing for their IGCSE exams to be
mentored by the students that have just completed them. The sessions can be used to go
over areas of subject weakness, exam techniques, skills, vocabulary, case studies and past
papers. The sessions are driven by the needs of the mentees. This is a fantastic opportunity
to work with your peers and build subject confidence. Pick a day that you are free to mentor
or be mentored and we will find you a subject buddy.
The Literary Society - Literature, Life and Thought
Grades / Gender
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 9 – 12 / boys and girls
Wednesdays 3.15 – 4.30pm
Mrs Pauline Bull
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of understanding, empathy, and
Literary Society gives an opportunity for like-minded individuals to engage in the discussion
of a wide range of literary works. These will range from pre-twentieth century works of
fiction, to literature from the modern day. Students will discuss poetry, drama, the novel
and works of non-fiction. Students who become members of the Literary Society will be
expected to introduce suggested works to the group and will take a lead role in that week's
Also, in order to give students a wider cultural understanding, we also aim to discuss
individuals who have had an impact on Literature, Life or Thought. This will involve students
being prepared to do some background research before coming to the session on a
This CCA is suitable for students of Grades 9 and above.
Malay Club
Grades / Gender
Member of Staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7 – 12 / boys and girls
Wednesdays 3.15 -4.30pm
Ms Su’as Binte Ahmad
Co-curricular - Skills
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of confidence, determination and
The Malay Club is established to enable members to learn the Malay language and to
experience the Indonesian culture in a fun and enjoyable way! The club programmes will be
filled with various events and cultural exposures such as batik appreciation, making
traditional food and drinks, handicrafts as well as various other activities. These activities are
design to develop cultural awareness and appreciate similarities and differences between
the culture of Indonesia and their own. This activity is open to all.
Mathematics Tutoring Centre
Grades / Gender
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7 – 12 / boys and girls
Mondays – Fridays 3.15 – 4.45pm
Ms Rayna Lock
Service (for tutors)
Service (for tutors)
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of confidence, determination and
Maths Tutees:
Mathematics Tutoring is targeted at Grade 7 - 10 students who need extra help in
Mathematics – this is your chance to have a tutor, for free, here in school! You will be given
a choice to sign up for small group tutoring (maximum of 4) or individual tutoring.
Structured worksheets will be provided at these sessions so that you get the extra practice
that you need. Suitable tutors who are selected will be working with you to overcome any
and all difficulties you may have. Select a day (or two) that best suits your schedule and a
tutor will be assigned to you.
Maths Tutors:
Mathematics Tutoring is for Grade 10 - 12 students who enjoy mathematics and want to
help those in need. Donate your time as a Maths tutor. You will be paired with an individual
student or be part of a small group (maximum of 4) to help your tutee in Mathematics. Learn
how to help another learn, rather than give them answers! Know and understand the needs
of your tutee, and enjoy the satisfaction of knowing you really made a difference in the
education of another. Tutoring materials will be provided. Select a day (or two) that best
suits your schedule and a tutee will be assigned to you.
MUN (Model United Nations)
Grades / Gender
Member of Staff in Charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7 – 12 / boys and girls
Thursdays 3.15 – 4.45pm
Students who attend conferences will need to
pay the costs for them. Costs vary per
Mr Mike Trigg, Sunandao Rao and Suzanne
Co-curricular - Skills
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of understanding, justice and
The Model United Nations (MUN) is a simulation of the UN conferences. It is an
opportunity for students to come up with solutions to the various problems of the world,
within SJII and with students from other schools and to question issues such as human
rights, protection of the environment, economic development, the problems of youth, issues
of war and peace. Students will also learn how to articulate their views and persuade others.
A range of conferences is available throughout the year but not all students will be able to
attend conferences. The society is organised and chaired by its members. There are
technical skills that need to be learnt for this society as well as research, argument
construction, and public speaking.
Newspaper – One Voice
Grades / Gender
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7 – 12 / boys and girls
Friday lunchtime
Mrs Suzanne Taylor
Co-curricular - Skills
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of creativity, determination and
This activity provides the opportunity for the students to learn the ins and outs of journalism
(professional; tongue in cheek, definitely not tabloid, and most definitely not gossip!)
ranging from planning, designing, reporting and writing for an in-house newspaper to
conducting interviews. As part of this activity students write the student publication, One
Voice, back issues of which can be found on the school website. This activity is open to all
Psychology Club
Grades / Gender
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 11)
Grades 9 – 11 / boys and girls
Tuesdays 3.15-4.30pm
New Canteen Block
Mr Aidan Carr
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of understanding, curiosity and
Psychology is the study of human behaviour. Psychologists often try to organise their
explanations into one of three levels of analysis:
Biological –how does the brain work? What do hormones do? How do chemicals in the
brain control behaviour?
Sociocultural–how do other people influence our behaviour? Do people with different
cultural backgrounds behave differently?
Cognitive –how does the brain work? What do hormones do? How do chemicals in the
brain control behaviour?
In psychology club we will choose a specific aspect of human life and spend the whole
term exploring the theories and research which might help us understand why people
do the things they do. Whenever possible (and within all ethical guidelines!) we will
design and conduct our own research to find out for ourselves how our behaviour could
be explained. For example, if we learn something underwater, will we really have better
recall of that information if we go back underwater rather than on dry land?
Having established a firm platform of knowledge and understanding we will work
together to produce a public service resource highlighting useful applications of our
learning. For example, this could be a video, a pamphlet, a performance in assembly or
a set of resources for use by tutors to highlight the best methods to prepare for exams
based on evidence from research into memory and recall.
Please note that this is only for students who do not do Psychology at IB.
Grades / Gender
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Mentees: Grades 7 and 8
Mentors: Grades 10 and 11 boys and girls
Lunch Times – Tues and some tutor times for Mentors
Lab 10
Mr R Bennett
Service (for mentors)
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of confidence, empathy and
This is an opportunity for Grade 10 and 11 students to support Grade 7 and 8 students with
aspects of their social development by offering them guidance and advice throughout the
lower grades. PSX work closely with the Head of Grade 7 and 8 to organise events and
activities for Grade 7 and 8 students throughout the year. The sessions are driven by the
needs of the mentees. This is a fantastic opportunity to work with your peers and build
subject confidence.
Science Club (Biology/Chemistry/Physics
Grades / Gender
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7 – 12 / boys and girls
Tuesdays 3.15 – 4.30pm
Lab 3 and Lab 8
Mrs Vardy and Mr Banks
Co-curricular - Skills
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of curiosity, determination and love of
The club will cater for the students who want to explore ‘What if” questions in Biology,
Chemistry and Physics. The club is student-led, centred around their questions and areas of
interest. They will be able to hypothesis, experiment and draw conclusions. They will also be
able to complete their own research and participate in think-tanks. It is a great opportunity
to be creative.
SMOT – Singapore Maths Olympiad Training
Grades / Gender
Member of staff in charge
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS
(Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
All grades / boys and girls
Thursday 3.15 – 4.30pm
Nil, SASMO and SMO have entry fees
Mr Tony Scheelbeek
Co-curricular - Skill
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of confidence, determination and
This activity assists students in preparation for Singapore Mathematical Olympiad for
Grades 10 – 12 and for Singapore and ASEAN Schools Maths Olympiads Grades 7 – 9.
Spanish Club (Club de Español)
Grades 7 – 12. You can participate if you
are studying Spanish, or even if you are
studying another language at school and are
a complete beginner to Spanish!
Tuesday 3:15 - 4:30
Member of staff in charge
Señor Punjabi
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Co-curricular – Academic
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of confidence, creativity and
The Spanish Club is open to all students who are interested in learning Spanish, from
complete beginners to Grade 12 Language B students. The idea is that we will get together
once a week after school on Tuesday to play Spanish games (like "Tabú"), pick and read a
book from a variety of Spanish titles, watch films, have some conversations in Spanish, listen
and write our own Spanish songs... whatever you want! ¡Ánimo!
Very important: you CANNOT participate if you are a G7-10 student who would like to do
IB Ab Initio Spanish in G11.
Note: If enough experienced students sign up, they can lead groups or entire sessions and
this can regarded as a Service experience if committed to on a regularly basis. Speak to Mr
Punjabi directly if you are interested in this.
Study Skills
Grades / Gender
Member of staff in charge
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7-12 / boys and girls
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 3.154.15pm
Room 4A5-1
Mr Lim & Mrs Fernandez
Co-curricular - Skills
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of confidence and purposefulness.
If you feel that you might need a little extra help as the demands of school work increase…
If you are confused about anything in your classes or just need some assistance with
homework, projects, or even getting better organized…
Don’t worry! Help is here with the new Study Skills club.
Mr Lim and Mrs Fernandez are running a study skills club three times a week – Tuesday,
Wednesday, and Thursday
Don’t feel lost! Get help at the Study Skills club!
Student led activities
SJII Quiz Bowl
Grades / Gender
Students in Charge
Supervising member of staff
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7 – 12 / boys and girls
Friday 3.15-5.00pm
FREE (payment for overseas trips varies)
Alston Tham – Grade 11
Ms Alice Tully
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of curiosity and enthusiasm.
Do you enjoy playing Jeopardy? Do you love the thrill of quiz shows? If so, join the SJII Quiz
Team, where we answer questions posed by a reader covering many topics ranging from
history to science, as a team! Knowledgeable in a particular topic? Know facts covering many
different topics? Then come join us for our weekly practices where teams will compete with
each other to hone our skills for local and international tournaments throughout the year!
This student-led activity exposes its members to a wide variety of topics and information.
Among its numerous benefits is an abundance of opportunities for participation, and all one
needs to join is interest in knowledge. For ten points, will you apply for the Quiz Team?
(ANS: Yes)
Green Team
Grades / Gender
Supervising member of staff
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 7 – 12 / boys and girls
Monday 1 – 1.40pm
Ms Nina Jaworski
Elements can be considered for creativity,
activity and service
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of enthusiasm, curiosity and
This is a student led organisation for which the supervising teacher asks students to come
forward with ideas to help improve our environment and reduce the impact our school has
upon the environment. Although the debate over the environment appears in the media to
be fixated on the issue of man-made climate change, this is not the sole focus of the team’s
activities. We are also interested in the general issues of environmental sustainability,
particularly recycling and resource use, energy conservation, conservation of biodiversity
and transport. We work on positive environmental actions for the school and local
environment that students propose. These can include awareness raising on environmental
issues, fund raising, expeditions in support of ecological research and conservation, tree
planting activities and many other projects that the team may suggest.
IB Revision Blog
Grades / Gender
Student in charge of activity
Supervising member of staff
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grade 11 & 12 Boys and Girls
Tuesday 1 – 1.40pm
IB Lounge
Mr. Renato Rainone
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of confidence, determination and
Want to find a way to revise for your subjects, interact with other IB students around the
world, and earn CAS points at the same time? Look no further – join this activity to get
involved in the refurbishing and updating of . Take charge of your
own learning and gain satisfaction in helping other people learn – we’re looking for
motivated students who are eager to find creative & new ways to supplement
learning, upload notes, and reach out to IB students from other schools. The power to
change the world through education will be in your hands - and no prior experience of
blogging or Wordpress is required!
Interact Club
Grades / Gender
Supervising member of staff
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 9 – 12 / boys and girls
Mondays 3.15 – 5pm
This is run by Grade 11 & 12 Students with
input from Mr. Crossland and Mr J Kernis
Creativity, Service
Could count as either Residential Project
(Gold Level only) or Service.
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of unity, co-operation and humility.
Although service plays a large part in the Club, Interact club does not only offer service
opportunities for the students, but also encourages them to take on leadership roles and
initiate their own activities unprecedented before, including student-initiated overseas trips.
As part of Singapore Rotary Club of Pandan Valley, Interact members are also exposed to
international issues and able to engage themselves in the international projects undertaken
by the Club. Interact Club is a place where students’ initiatives are valued the most. Join us if
you dare to embrace challenge and realize your ideas!
SJI International Web Development and Coding Studios [WDCS]
Grades / Gender
Student in charge of activity
Supervising member of staff
CAS (Grades 11 and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (Grades 9 to 12)
SMILES (Grades 7 and 8)
Grades 8-12/ Boys and Girls
Thursdays 3.15 – 4.30pm
Computer room
Shu Yang Fan – Grade 11
Mr. Renato Rainone
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of curiosity, enthusiasm and
In today's world, we are reliant on computers and applications that have been developed by
other people. As our dependence on technology increases, it would only make sense to
learn skills such as programming that would help us build solutions and solve problems,
thereby making our lives easier.
SJII Web Development and Coding Studios [WDCS] is the place for students to learn
computer programming and web development. Every week new concepts in computer
programming languages, such as Python, Objective C, HTML, are explored. These concepts
would enable students to apply their newfound knowledge to build real world software such
as Search Engines. If the world of computers/IT is something that interests you, then this is
the place for you. WDCS is open to everyone- you don't have to have prior experience in
programming to join. If you do, then WDCS can take your skills to greater heights.
Student Councils and Committees
Various student run councils act to enrich the student experience at SJII through organizing
events, and running activities. Councils will meet regularly and require a large commitment
in terms of time and effort. Please note all council positions are elected, and so inclusion is
selective and competitive. The teacher in charge will announce the election process for each
activity at the start of the school year.
Character Strengths - Developing character strengths of responsibility, purposefulness and
Music Performance Committee (MPC)
Grades / Gender
Member of staff in charge
CAS (grade 11and 12), FCAS (Grade 10)
NYAA (grade 9 to 12)
Smiles (grade 7 and 8)
Elected Members.
Thursday Lunch Time
Ineke Thorpe
The Music Performance Committee is an elected group of students from various Grades who
independently organise Music events throughout the school year. These include the annual
'Rock Night', 'Unplugged' and Acoustic Night' concerts. As well as the backstage planning
and organisation, the MPC gives technical support (lighting, sound equipment, logistics, MC,
publicity, marketing) at these concerts and also supports the Music Department's lunchtime
and evening concerts. No musical experience is necessary, just a great interest in logistics,
working with technical equipment and enthusiasm for supporting music making in the
Senior School Student Council
Grades / Gender
Member of staff in charge
CAS (grade 11 and 12)
Elected Members of Grade 11
Monday + Friday Lunch Time
$140 Uniform + $350 Retreat
Conference Room
Mr Renato Rainone
Service + Creativity/Activity depending on
The Senior Council are the student leaders. Nominated by their peers and with support of
their teachers, prospective Senior Council members are required to give election speeches
and canvas votes in ways that rival even Presidential Elections. Voting is highly organised,
and the outgoing Senior Council are charged with carefully counting the votes. The newly
elected team then go on retreat to both decide on specific roles for each Council member,
and to set the direction for the year ahead. True Student Leaders, their vision and their
rallying of students truly create the special atmosphere that is the SJI International Senior
Junior Student Council
Grades / Gender
Member of staff in charge
Elected Members of Grade 7-10
Thursday 1– 1.40pm
Conference Room
Mr Neil Crossland and Ms Frances Powell
The Junior Council are our student leaders who are nominated by their peers with the
support of their teachers. The Junior Council lead many formal events throughout the year,
and represent their school as ambassadors at school fun ctions/visits. The Council are a mix
of high energy, creative young minds who have the freedom to innovate!
Service Council
Grades / Gender
Member of staff in charge
Elected Members of Grade 7-10
Thursday Lunchtime
Ms Frances Powell
The Service Committee is a CCA which involves students who are keen on developing and
overseeing service in the school. Students will help lead service events, assess service
proposals and discuss how meaningful service is organised in the school.
Anyone can apply for this Committee which will also have a member of Interact Club, Key
Club, The Green Team and the Service Secretary of the Senior Council involved.
Limit - 12 members
Overview of Activities and Service – Day by Day
After School
Non Sporting
After School
Basketball (Girls team training),
Floorball, Netball, Tennis*.
Beginners Band, Gamelan, Guitar
Ensemble*, Mathematics Tutoring.
Folk Songs Group,
Ukelele Club, Art
Tech, Interact Club.
Art Tech,
Mentoring, Green
Team, History Club.
Badminton* (Grade 1012/Team), Basketball (Girls and
boys team training), Football
(Girls), Rugby (Training/Girls
touch), Swimming, Table
Tennis, Rugby (Boys, Rock
Climbing,* Scuba Diving*.
Orchestra, The Catholic League, Future
Problem Solving Competition*,
Mathematics Tutoring, Study Skills,
Film Production Club, Club De Espanol,
Psychology Club, Chinese Dance, Yoga
Grade 9 Service – Cheshire Homes,
Elementary Maths Tutoring, AWWA,
Minds Napri, Ghim Moh Kindergarten,
Ren Ci Hospital.
Basketball (Social/Girls and
boys training), Football (All
boys), Supervised gym* (Grades
11/12), Rugby (Senior boys),
Swimming Tennis*,
Trampolining, Badminton girls,
Karaoke Club, Chess Club, Chinese
Creative Writing, Cross Stitch
Embroidery Club*, Debating*, EAL
Club, Malay Club, The Literary Society,
Mathematics Tutoring, Physics Club*,
Music technology , Zumba and
Bollywood Dance, Scouts*, Venture
Scouts*, Study Skills, Yearbook Team
and Events Photography, The Botanical
Club*, Conversational Mandarin.
Grade 9 Service – Tan Tock Seng
Hospital, St John’s Home, Metta.
Art Tech,
Mentoring Club,
Mentoring, PSX,
Ultimate Frisbee IB
Revision Blog,
Junior Council.
Badminton* (Team), Football
(Junior boys/girls/senior boys),
Hip Hop Dance*, Rock
Climbing*, Rugby (Junior boys),
Volleyball (Team/Beginners),
Swimming, Tennis*, TaekwonDo*.
Choir, Jazz Band, Music Technology
Club, Mathematics Tutoring, MUN,
Study Skills, Key Club*, SJII Web
Development and Coding Studios, No
Strings Attached, EAL Club, Gender.
Grade 8 Service – Jalan Whampoa
Community Centre and ‘Catch’ at Jalan
Grade 9 Service – Mountbatten
Vocational Centre, Elementary English
Tutoring, Rainbow Centre
Art Tech, SJII Arts
Council, English
Mentoring Club,
Mentoring Club,
Music Performance
Committee, Service
Aikido*, Badminton* (Grades 79/Team), Tennis*, Cricket.
Samba*, SJII Quiz Bowl, Chinese
Dance, physical fitness, Conversational
Mandarin, So you think you can’t run…
Grade 9 Service – Lee Ah Mooi Home
Art Tech, 3D Skills
Workshop, One