September 4, 2016 - St. Pius X of Fairfield
September 4, 2016 - St. Pius X of Fairfield
Page Two September 4, 2016 Requested by: Saturday, September 3 8:30 A.M. +Eileen Cahill B. & R. Sacco 5:15 P.M. +Donald Firmender Dr. & Mrs. Bird Sunday, September 4 7:30 A.M. +Carmen Oliveri Zwahlen Family 9:00 A.M. +Helen Gomula S. & B. Wright 10:30 A.M. Intentions of all Parishioners 12:00 P.M. +Gaetano Avitabile J. & R. Avitabile Monday, September 5 8:30 A.M. +Eileen Cahill A. & S. Wolf Tuesday, September 6 8:30 A.M. +Gina & Pasquale Buoni C. Kochi Wednesday, September 7 8:30 A.M. +Ed O’Connor M. & K. Donohue Thursday, September 8 8:30 A.M. +Eileen Cahill Toner Family Friday, September 9 8:30 A.M. +Patrick Ryan A. & S. Wolf Saturday, September 10 8:30 A.M. +Valerie Kennedy J. Kennedy 5:15 P.M. +Naida & Nick Cognetta M. Pesci Sunday, September 11 7:30 A.M. +Lawrence D. Leclerc K. Schroeder & A. Thornton 9:00 A.M. +Francis Malane 10:30 A.M. Intentions of all Parishioners (Outdoor Mass) 12:00 P.M. +Arlene Zuzzolo C. Duggan ST. PIUS X PRAYER LINE We must never underestimate the power of prayer! Petitions and thanksgivings may be emailed at any time to [email protected], or called in to Ann Cole, 203-362-5178, Mon. through Fri. (anytime). Feel free to leave a message. HOLIDAY CLOSING Please note that the Parish Office will be closed Monday, September 5th in observance of Labor Day. Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, On Wednesday, we said our final earthly farewell to our former pastor, Msgr. Edward J. Scull. Confronted by the stark reality of death, the Church’s liturgy turns our attention to the virtue of hope – we believe, in faith and hope, that death is not the end, but that Christ has promised us the gift of eternal salvation, life, and peace, and that one day our bodies will rise again to be like the glorified body of our Lord. And so our goodbye to Msgr. Scull was filled with that confident hope in God’s goodness! Every funeral is also a moment to remember our beloved deceased. Please permit me to share a few memories of Msgr. Scull. I first met Msgr. Scull shortly after his retirement in 2002. I was a seminarian and had heard of him and his 30-year service to St. Pius X Parish. Over the years I had many occasions to talk with him, and when I was assigned to St. Pius as parochial vicar, he called to congratulate me and tell me I had better behave myself because he had friends in the parish who would tell him if I messed up. In the time that I briefly served as administrator of the parish in 2011, he checked in with me regularly to offer his moral and spiritual support, always with encouraging words. Every meeting with him included laughter and encouragement to be a good priest, advice from an elder brother offered with genuine care. When I was appointed pastor of St. Pius, he shared with me his continued love for the parish and his prayers for all the parishioners as we began this journey together. I will always be grateful for the kindness with which Msgr. Scull treated me, for his good sense of humor, and genuine concern for the good of St. Pius X Parish. In his 65 years of priesthood, he spent nearly half of it serving this community, laying the foundation stones of faith on which we now stand. Msgr. Edward J. Scull Pastor - St. Pius X 1972-2002 Requiescat in pace. Peace, St. Pius X Staff Terri Dawes – Parish Office Administrative Assistant, 203-255-6134 ext. 10; [email protected] Kara Clegg – Director of Religious Education, Grades 1 - 5, 203-259-4800, ext. 200; [email protected] John Donnelly – Business Manager, 203-255-6134, ext. 12, [email protected] Kathleen Donnelly – Pastoral Assistant, 203-255-6134, ext. 13, [email protected] Shari Garcia – Edge Middle School Youth Minister, 203-259-4800, ext. 201; [email protected] Denise Heady – Coordinator Confirmation Preparation, 203-259-4800, ext. 202; [email protected] Michael Lantowski – Music Director, 203-278-1389, [email protected] Amy O’Donnell – Parish Office Assistant, 203-255-6134, [email protected] Paola Peña – Life Teen Coordinator, 203-255-6134 ext 15; [email protected] JP von Uffle – Life Teen Staff Assistant, [email protected] Page Three The Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time The Chapel Altar Flowers this week are In Loving Memory of Valerie Kennedy. - A Gift from John Kennedy. THE SANCTUARY LIGHTS IN THE MAIN CHURCH WILL BURN THIS WEEK In Loving Memory of John and Mildred Makara. THE SANCTUARY LIGHTS IN THE MARY, MOTHER OF GOD CHAPEL WILL BURN THIS WEEK In Loving Memory of Rose Sodaro Mangiameli. CONFESSION: ST. PIUS X IS A CENTER OF MERCY: Thursdays, in the Faith Center Chapel, until Nov.17, 2016, 7:00pm – 8:30pm; Confessions are also heard on Saturdays in the Church from 4:00pm – 4:45pm. CHAPEL ALTAR FLOWERS If you would like to make a memorial offering in the name of a loved one, or a special intention, please contact Terri Dawes at the Parish Office, 203-255-6134. MOMS OF SCHOOL AGED CHILDREN Topic: After Summer, let’s “Fall” back into healthy & mindful eating and make good fitness habits as well as our health a priority. Date: Wed., September 7, 9:30 am – 11:30am Faith Center Community Room. Organizer: Dawn Carpanzano RSVP: [email protected] Guest Speakers: Heather Carey, M.S., Culinary Nutritionist and Jenn O’Hara, Fitness Expert ST. PIUS X SENIORS SEPTEMBER 12: NOON All are invited to us on Monday, September 12 in the Community room at noon. A light lunch and beverages are available for $5. Our main purpose is to relax together in an informal setting. We will be sponsoring more day trips, speakers, etc. For lunch reservation, please call or text Peter Carey, 203-673-2081 … or drop him an email: [email protected] CONGRATULATIONS! We welcome these newly baptized children into our Family of Faith: Finley Shea Tracy, Siena Grace and Scarlett Ann Cianciulli.. III. III. I. I. BANNS OF MARRIAGE Isabel Argüelles-Recondo and Brian Goss Elizabeth Lehmann and Franklin Hill Maggie Hughes and Sean Egan Olivia Peck and Jeffrey Kurtz RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS We are still in need of catechists for the upcoming school year which is only three weeks away!! Please prayerfully consider volunteering your time in this crucial ministry. Becoming a Catechist is a wonderful way to be involved in the growth of our parish. We have opportunities in the afternoons or evenings, and on a weekly or monthly basis - below are our current needs: -2 Catechists on Monday evenings with our 8th graders preparing for Confirmation in the spring (classes meet 7-8:30pm every Monday) -Confirmation Prep group leaders to join our 7th graders monthly on Tuesday or Wednesday evenings (classes meet once a month from 7-8:30pm) - 4-6 Core Team members for our Edge Program (6th and 7th graders) meeting every Tuesday or Wednesday evening (7:00-8:30) -First Grade on Monday or Tuesday afternoons 4:305:30pm weekly -Second Grade Sacramental Preparation Monday or Wednesday 4:30-5:30 pm weekly -Third Grade on Tuesdays 4:30-5:30 pm weekly -Fourth Grade on Tuesdays 4:30-5:30 pm weekly -Fifth Grade on Wednesday 4:30-5:30 pm weekly Please contact the Religious Education Office at 203259-4800 and we will find the spot that works best for you. As we prepare to begin classes on September 18th our office will NOT be processing registrations for any returning students during the month of September. Families new to the parish or with first graders entering the program for the first time may still register. ROSARY FOR PEACE AND AN END TO TERRORISM – 15TH ANNIVERSARY 9/11 All are invited to join us in the chapel, on Friday, September 9th immediately following the 8:30a.m. Mass. We will be praying a Rosary for the dual intention of Peace and An End to Terrorism. We will also remember in our prayers, those who died or were injured and their families, including all first responders. Page Four September 4, 2016 Calendar of Events Sept 3rd No Life Teen (Labor Day Weekend) Sept 11th Parish Picnic – Life Teen will have a DUNK TANK!! See you there! (No evening Life Teen) Sept 18th Life Teen 7-9pm Sept 25th Life Teen 7-9pm Fall Kick-Off THANK YOU! A huge thank you to all the parents and adults who came to volunteer at our Kick-Off. Thank you for joyfully setting up, registering, and cleaning up! Hine Family, Walsh Family, Kim Onofrio, Magrone Family, Anne Cole, Kristine Andres, Sharon Massafra & Meg Capodanno . And to all who donated sheets and blankets – this collection has been the best turnout for the Andres Family! I know the Alpha Community Services greatly appreciates your generosity! Life Teen Family Night Fundraiser This dinner is open to all in the community and will follow the 5:15pm Mass on Sat., November 19th. This evening will illustrate how Life Teen has grown over the past year and our vision of how to inspire the parish for many years to come! You will be able to donate to the youth ministry program in various ways during the night. There will be some games for the kids, a lot of food, and fellowship! Expect a mini-carnival night! Donate to have a teen come and provide service (i.e. babysitting, yard work, snow shoveling, etc.) If you would like to be part of the planning process, please email Paola at [email protected]. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Who can ever know God’s counsel unless God gives wisdom and sends the Holy Spirit from on high? (Wisdom 9:13-18b). Psalm — In every age, O Lord, you have been our refuge (Psalm 90). Second Reading — Paul asks Philemon to accept back his slave Onesimus, not as a slave but as a brother (Philemon 9-10, 12-17). Gospel — To be a disciple of Jesus one must carry one’s own cross and renounce all possessions (Luke 14:25-33). Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun READINGS FOR THE WEEK 1 Cor 5:1-8; Ps 5:5-7, 12; Lk 6:6-11 1 Cor 6:1-11; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 6:12-19 1 Cor 7:25-31; Ps 45:11-12, 14-17; k 6:20-26 Mi 5:1-4a or Rom 8:28-30; Ps 13:6; Mt 1:1-16, 18-23 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22b-27; Ps 84:3-6, 12; Lk 6:39-42 1 Cor 10:14-22; Ps 116:12-13, 17-18; Lk 6:43-49 Ex 32:7-11, 13-14; Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 17, 19; 1 Tm 1:12-17; Lk 15:1-32 [1-10] ST. PIUS X PARISH PICNIC SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER11, 2016 THE PARISH PICNIC IS NEXT SUNDAY! OUTDOOR MASS – 10:30 am Chairs will be available under the tent for the not so young and nimble. Since this will be the regular 10:30 a. m. Sunday Mass, the offertory basket will be passed. FOOD … plenty for hearty, outdoor appetites! Grills will open immediately following Mass. Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Italian Sausage & Peppers, Chicken, Roast Beef, Fresh Corn, beverages, Italian Ices, and baked goods. FUN … for all and a chance to meet & socialize! Tag Sale will open following Mass; Various Children’s Games & Prizes; Amusement Rides; Disc-Jockey; Face-Painting; and Raffles. BAKED GOODS…Please label your baked goods and drop off at the school after 8:00 a.m. on Sunday. September 11. Please refrain from using nuts in recipes for the safety of those who may be allergic. TAKE-a-CHANCE RAFFLE Might you be able to provide a prize for our Take-aChance raffle? Gift cards, professional services, sports or entertainment memorabilia, gift baskets, tickets to events, round of golf, are always popular but any suitable gift will be much appreciated. Items may be dropped at the parish office, 203-255-6134. TAG SALE DONATIONS: REMINDERS - Donations will only be accepted on Fri., Sept. 9 from 9:30am until 2:30pm. Drop-off point - school APR (ramp – side door). We cannot accept donations prior to, or after, Friday. - We appreciate your generous support but we ask that you only donate gently used goods so we don’t have to incur man hours and costs to dump items we cannot sell. We cannot accept the following: stuffed animals, bed linens and pillows, furniture, old computers and printers, space heaters, toasters, broken toys, clothing, cassette tapes and VHS tapes, and any items that are broken or have seen better days! Thank you for your cooperation. WEEKLY PARISH COFFEE HOUR: OPEN INVITATION TO HOST A MASS! Weekly Parish Coffee Hour will begin on September 18 following the 9:00 and 10:30a.m. Masses. Please contact Tom Dolan to sign up to host a Mass (or two!) from September – June. Tom Dolan, 203-8959513 or [email protected]. Page Five September 4, 2016 STEWARDSHIP IS A WAY OF LIFE Jesus tells the crowd that only those who renounce all of their possessions can be His disciples. Is He truly asking us to give up everything? Perhaps instead He is trying to help us see that everything we think we own is really a gift from God. Good stewards know that and strive to use those gifts accountably. of Treasure Last Weekend’s Offering $13,055.00 Last Year’s 2015 Offering $12,360.85 Monthly Offering for Parish Support (Additional) $ 622.00 Parish Mission for Outreach (Additional) $ 77.00 Feast of the Assumption (Additional) $ 172.00 Gift Cards and Cash donations for the flood victims in Louisianna … $8,020.00!! Thank you for your generosity! ST. PIUS X PARISH PICNIC: The Children's Prize Booth is in need of new items for our Parish Family Picnic. Below are just suggestions of prizes that could be donated: ● baby dolls ● barbies ● beach balls ● legos ● puzzles ● outdoor sidewalk chalk ● bubbles ● dinosaurs ● art kits ● board games ● beanie babies ● action heroes ● stuffed animals ● toy cars ● jewelry making kits ● play dough ● toy trucks ● paint sets ● learning toys ● wiffle ball/bat sets ● playground balls ● dress up costumes (princess, fireman, policeman) ● building blocks ● outdoor games Any and all donations would be greatly appreciated, and may be dropped off at the parish office. Thank you very much, Donna DeBartolomeo, Prize Booth Chair, 203-292-6698 SAVE THE DATE: OCTOBER 15-16, 2016 St. Pius X Church will be hosting a parish Retreat Workshop for Married Couples called “Living in Love” on October 1516, 2016. All married couples, whether you have been married 6 months or 60 years are invited to attend this remarkably insightful and energizing experience which will take place right in our own parish Faith Center. The time commitment is 8:00 am to 9:00 pm on Saturday and 8:00 am to 4:00 pm on Sunday. Mark your calendars now and plan to participate! For more information about time schedule, topics, and cost please visit:<>.You may register online or pick up a registration form in the parish office. For local information, please call Bob & Peg Ellwanger, (203) 331-5485, or email [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 All are welcome to enjoy companionship with each other and with crochet hooks and knitting needles. Come join this wonderful ministry on Saturday, September 10, for the purpose of creating prayer shawls for those who are ill, elderly, or in need in any way. We gather in the portable classroom on the 2nd Saturday of each month (September–June) in the Religious Education Center (Portable Classroom) from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Please call Ann Devine at 203366-4369 or email to [email protected] if you or anyone you know of is in need of a beautiful and blessed prayer shawl that brings joy and comfort to each receiver. We also make scarves for the local poor. If you would like to donate knit or crochet scarves, we would gratefully accept them and can be dropped off at the Parish Office. ANNUAL WOMEN’S RETREAT: HOLY FAMILY PASSIONIST RETREAT CENTER September 30-October 2! Our parish women are invited to absorb and reflect “The Light of Simplicity” – the annual themed weekend retreat at Holy Family Passionist Retreat House in West Hartford. For more information, contact the retreat center: 860-521-0440/ [email protected] or Saint Pius X Knights of Columbus Council 16347 Yankee Candle Fundraiser This fall, your Saint Pius X Knights of Columbus Council is sponsoring a Yankee Candle Fundraiser to raise money to support their service projects at the church. Order forms will be available at the Church Picnic on September 11th, and at various church activities. You can also place orders online. Your purchases will be delivered directly to you by clicking on the link on our parish website, or by going to and entering Group Number 990100205 (If you use the link on the parish website, or the link in an email you may receive from the church or from a member of the Knights of Columbus, you do not have to input the Group Number required for the Council to get the credit). Please help us raise money to support our service projects at St. Pius X by purchasing your holiday candles and gifts from our Yankee Candle Fundraising Drive.