to View : Online Volume 1: Issue 4 : May 2015 to July 2015.


to View : Online Volume 1: Issue 4 : May 2015 to July 2015.
Volume 1 Issue 4
News Bulletin
May 2015 – July 2015
Email Id: [email protected]
GSBT News Bulletin
May 2015 – July 2015
Volume – 1 Issue - 4
Dr.A.P.J.ABDUL KALAM (1931-2015)
Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, one of India's most respected leaders, passed
away on 27-07-2015 night after collapsing during a student address at IIM
Shillong. Fondly known as Missile Man for his major role in developing
India's space programme, and People's President for his simplicity during
his tenure from 2002 to 2007, Kalam will best be known for his inspiring
personality. A lot has been said about APJ Abdul Kalam's life and times from his humble beginnings as a student who distributed newspapers to
supplement the family's income to becoming the 11th President of
India. But there was much more to him outside the office— he was perhaps
the best embodiment of the spirit of India. Here are some lesser
known anecdotes about the late Dr Kalam that will make us appreciate him even more.
He was a vegetarian and relished South Indian food
A life-long vegetarian, Kalam enjoyed the simple pleasure in food as well. One of his favourite restaurant in
Chennai was 'Annalakshmi Hotel', which he used to visit frequently before becoming the president. He is said to
have relished the sambar, rasam and bonda there as well as his favourite dish of vatha kuzhambu and appalam.
As a youngster when he was placed in Thiruvananthapuram, he was a regular at the Guruvayurappan hotel. The
owner, Parameshwaran Nair recalls how from 1975 to 1982, he served Kalam simple food. Every morning, he
would take a glass of milk and two appams. For supper, he wanted only two chapattis and a glass of milk, he is
quoted as saying by The Indian Express.
He did not have a TV and preferred to get his news from the radio
As strange as it seems, Kalam did not have a television set at home. Harry Sheridon, his personal secretary for the
past 24 years, was quoted by NDTV as saying that he would listen to news on All India Radio. However, he used
to check his emails on a daily basis. Sheridon also added that Kalam started his day at 6.30-7 am and was awake
untill 2 am.
He once took his junior's kids out because their father was busy at work
While he was a bachelor, the first bachelor President in fact, Kalam loved the company of children. A published
account spoke about how when his subordinate at DRDO couldn’t take his children to an exhibition due to work
pressure, Kalam surprised him and took the children instead. On 18 July, merely a week before his demise, Kalam
had met Rev. Fr Ladislaus Chinnadurai, who taught him Physics and Thermodynamics at St Joseph's College,
Tiruchi, between 1950 and 1954. Kalam and Chinnadurai met for about 15 minutes and the 94-year-old
Chinnadurai said he was happy to see Kalam. He recalled that Kalam was a brilliant student and that he used to
take Physics classes with him for three hours every day. Earlier, 83-year-old Kalam was given a rousing welcome
by the priests at Beschi College. Kalam had even tweeted about this meeting.
He refused to sit on a larger chair while President because he didn't believe in hierarchy
His humility is probably best described in this incident while he was President. Kalam was the Chief Guest at a
convocation of IIT(BHU)Varanasi and saw that of the five chairs in stage, the centre one being designated for him
while the others for University officials. But he refused to sit on it as was larger in size than the others, and
offered it to the Vice Chancellor, who also refused and ultimately a different chair was got for him.
He invited a cobbler and a hotel owner as Presidential Guests
Another incident that highlights Kalam's simplicity is his Presidential Guest list to Kerala’s Raj Bhavan during his
first visit to the state after becoming the President. He invited a road side cobbler and owner of a very small hotel
as he had spent a significant time as a scientist in Trivandrum and was quite close to the two during that time.
GSBT News Bulletin
May 2015 – July 2015
Volume – 1 Issue - 4
The Graduation ceremony 2015 @ Gojan was different. It had it all. A fully charged atmosphere. Excited
Youngsters waiting to receive their degree certificates, proud parents, teachers buzzing around greeting students
and attending to the last minute details, an eminent and accomplished Chief Guest to give away the Degree
Certificates and for a first time Gojan’s change agent, a young technocrat, our Vice – Chairman to declare open
the proceedings and a new Principal to Welcome the gathering and present the report.
267 students from seven disciplines, all robed in yellow, received their Post Graduate and Under Graduate
degree certificates from Dr. DEVRAJ, Vice – Chairman, University Grants Commission with a sense of pride
and achievement. The distinguished Chief Guest spoke about his journey from a small village in Ooty to India’s
capital New Delhi. “If I can do it so can each and every one of you,” he extolled and continued saying that with a
positive attitude, endurance and perseverance anything can be achieved. He also told the students and parents
not to forget their alma mater and the teachers who have made this day possible.
Our charismatic Vice- Chairman Mr.N.Viswanathan gave away Gold Medals and cash prizes to the four Anna
University Rank Holders who through their sheer hard work have made Gojan proud. Ms.Papitha, a student
belonging to the EEE stream bagged the University’s first rank, making it a first for the College! Congratulations
to the HOD Mr.Arunsankar and all the Faculty Members of Electrical and Electronics Engineering department for
making this possible. Ms.Meenakshi (M.E.Applied Electronics), Ms Sheela( MBA) and Ms.Indhubharathi
(M.E.Power Electronics and Drives) were the other three university rank holders.
GSBT News Bulletin
May 2015 – July 2015
Volume – 1 Issue - 4
20TH June 2015 @2 pm. Around 200 of our old students were back on campus.
The occasion - The
Annual Alumni Meet 2015. The Gojan Family get-together.
It was a wonderful opportunity for the students to reconnect and reunite with their classmates and
rediscover their roots.
The campus was reverberating with laughter, chitter – chatter, fun and
memories, happy tears and nostalgia!
The ‘seniors’ got to see the changes in their alma mater. “Gosh, so much has changed. Tennis courts, Pay
canteen, Greenery all around… There is so much of positive energy now that you are here,” exclaimed
Dinesh Ram (a 2010 batch ECE student) to the Vice – Chairman Mr.Viswanathan.
The new office bearers of the Gojan Alumni Association were elected. They not only spoke about the
positive changes that they saw at Gojan but also talked about what they as alumni would do for the
College and for their juniors. The charismatic, young, Vice – Chairman said that he felt very happy to see
the enthusiastic Gojans on campus. He welcomed the suggestions given by the alumni and also
promised the Gojan Alumni Association all support from the management.
The students also got a chance to interact with their teachers, non – teaching staff and their juniors. On
the whole it was a memorable day!
It is always good to have you on campus – Welcome back Gojans!!!
GSBT News Bulletin
May 2015 – July 2015
Volume – 1 Issue - 4
The newly elected members of GAA ( Gojan Alumni Association), the Management, staff and students of Gojan
converged together on the Saturday July 15,2015 at the seminar hall to strategize and draw up the plan of action
for the year. The newly elected President Mr.Shyam Prasad (B.E.ECE 2010 batch) welcomed the gathering. The
Secretary, Mr.Vinod Kumar (MBA 2013 batch) spelled out the agenda of the meeting. He along with the President
and other office bearers unveiled the Logo of GAA. Mr.Ashok Kumar ( B.Tech IT 2012 ) and Mr.Dinesh Ram ( B.E.
ECE 2010) also took oath as Secretary and Executive Member respectively.
This was followed by an exhaustive discussion among the alumni, staff and present students. The outcomes:
The Annual Alumni Meet to be conducted in the month of February.
An Annual get together to be conducted at some venue outside the campus
A newsletter to be started by the alumni
A Gojan Mentorship Program (GMP) to be introduced which will offer every student a unique opportunity
to develop relationships with alumni and allows him or her to explore the information and advice related
to academic and professional development. It would help build a synergy between the present students
and alumni that leads to developing a strong global network of Gojans in the near future.
Industry Institution Interaction is to be strengthened with the alumni lending a helping hand. Guest
Lectures, Industrial Visits, Placement Opportunities and a host of other activities were listed out.
The Alumni decided to address and interact with the fresher’s on their first day of College.
The alumni would take efforts to help in building the brand of the College
Setting up of an alumni room at College
Not only students but also parents of the alumni spoke on the occasion. Mr.Murughakanni, Reporter - Malai
Murasu spoke on how the College ignited the entrepreneurial spirit in his son Mr.Ratna Lokesh ( B.E.Mech 2010
batch). He has not only started his own firm but also employs twenty people. The easily approachable, no airs,
ever smiling and student-centric Vice-Chairman welcomed the alumni back to the College and congratulated the
new office bearers of GAA. He reiterated that the management would extend maximum support to GAA and its
members. The Vice – Chairman said that a room would be allotted for the alumni association within the College
campus so that they had a place of their own on campus!
Then came the grand finale – the cake cutting ceremony to denote ten years of Gojan! The GAA office bearers’
kick- started the celebrations……
GSBT News Bulletin
May 2015 – July 2015
Volume – 1 Issue - 4
Moving away from the conventional fresher’s day celebrations the Vice – Chairman, Mr.N.Viswanathan thought
that Gojan should celebrate Parents! The first year students started their first day of college on July 30, 2015.
They were welcomed into the college by their seniors and super seniors!
The Alumni of the College as planned during the alumni meet addressed the first year B.E and B.Tech students.
Mr.Aravindh ( B.E. IT 2010 batch) took the students back ten years. He differentiated Gojan 2007 from Gojan
2015. Having returned from London, Aravindh is now working as Systems Analyst at Cognizant Technologies. He
narrated stories from the past, remembered the good and the bad and told the students that Gojan was the right
Ms.Pavithra (B.E.CSE 2014 batch), spoke about life at Gojan, how Gojan had shaped her as a person and why she
chose Gojan in the first place. Her presentation was well received by the first year students who were all ears as
she had a lot of interesting anecdotes to tell.
The present II, III, IV year engineering students were in no mood to let their seniors take centre stage. The team
consisting of Akash, Ajay, Thabhasum, Pradeep, Vasudev, Swathi, Akshaya, Pragadeesh, Athivel, Maheshwari,
Gokul, Sathya, Srinath and Hemalatha took their juniors through Gojan’s journey in the past ten years… a journey
which they were part off. A journey which they enjoyed. A journey in which they learned and gained knowledge
and a journey in which they grew, a journey which is yet to continue…
Mrs.J.Shanthi, mother of J.Shyam (ECE 2015 batch) spoke on the occasion. In her address, she told the parents
assembled that discipline was given utmost importance at Gojan. She also told the parents that they need not
worry about their wards as they would be looked after by the Management and Faculty Members. It was a
pleasure to be told that yet another student of ours had been given admission at the Warwick University, London.
GSBT News Bulletin
May 2015 – July 2015
Volume – 1 Issue - 4
Mr.Murughakani, Reporter, Malai Murasu, told the audience that at Gojan encouraged entrepreneurs. He cited
the example of his son who had started an entrepreneurial unit. Gojan had kindled the entrepreneurship spirit in
the minds of its student – Logesh, who now employs over 20 people! Ms.Subhashree, a third year IT student said
that Engineering was not what she initially wanted to pursue but that she was thrust into this course by her
mother. Grumbling, she did join the college. Today she is proud that she is a student of this wonderful institution
which is ‘home’ to her. Being a taekwondo player, she realized that sports was given prime importance when the
Vice – Chairman asked her to go for the National Meet and made sure that all internal tests that were scheduled
on those days were conducted beforehand. This youngster then went on to tell the parents that they did not have
to worry as they had admitted their child in the right place!
‘If I am pursuing my final year engineering, it is because of this management. I had got very high marks in my
plus two examinations, but was unable to pay the fees due to certain circumstances at home. Hearing about me,
our Chairperson, Mrs. Brindha Natarajan found my phone number, called me up and told me to come to College
as she wanted to help me continue my studies. Wonderstruck and with trepidation, I entered Gojan and today I
stand before you as an engineer, confident and ready to face the world. Thank you Gojan for making me ME,” said
Ms.Hemalatha, of Final Year ECE.
The Parents of the fresher’s did not want to be left behind. To our surprise, many of the parents sprang from
their seats and scrambled for the mike. ‘There was nothing bad that I heard about Gojan, that’s why we are here,”
said Harini’s father.
“I was attracted by the clean campus, the lush green environment and especially the aeroplane at the entrance,
that’s why I put my daughter in the Department of Aeronautical Engineering,” said Reshmi’s father.
“The Anna University Ranks produced by this ten year old College. The concept of the Gojan family, the teacher –
student relationship, the teaching methodology, the attention given to the overall development of the student –
be it curricular, extra-curricular and co-curricular activities and mostly the humane, service – minded
Management has brought us to Gojan, thank you for welcoming us into the fold,” summed up Raghavaraj’s father.
Would the teachers be left behind? The young HOD of the S& H Department Mrs.P. Karthika welcomed the
gathering. The parents had waited in anticipation to hear our dynamic Vice – Chairman’s address. They were not
disappointed. He in his simple inimitable style welcomed them into the Gojan Family and promised to take care
of each and every student as his own brother or sister. He said that the management would do everything to
make these four years a learning experience for all those who had entered the Gojan fold. He then said that he is
handing over all his young brothers and sisters into the hands of the Principal. After the principal addressed the
gathering, the Dean, the HODs , the Deputy HODs and other teaching faculty spoke about why they thought the
Parents and Students had made the right choice.
GSBT News Bulletin
May 2015 – July 2015
Volume – 1 Issue - 4
Ms.P.Jecintha,I Year Aeronautical
The words “GOJAN FAMILY” not
only brings a sense of togetherness
but also rings in positive vibrations.
I feel proud to be a part of this family. I did not
want to pursue engineering, but after joining
Gojan, I promised my parents that I will just not
become an engineer but a very successful
S.Hari Priya, I Year ECE
Great Environment! Amazing Teachers!
Good Food! Nice library! Encouragement
for sports and other activities! The
counseling hour, where we can share our problems with
our teachers here is the main highlight! And most of all,
we students are fortunate to have an approachable,
student – friendly , Vice – Chairman!
R.Balaji, I Year Civil
R.Janarthanan, I Year Mechanical
We are blessed with good faculty,
transport facility and good food!
It was very rare to find a college which
And we first year students are
collected fees as per the Anna University
happy that we are not ragged by
Fee Structure. We have a nice campus
our seniors. They all interact with us like our and good facilities for sports too. We also have friendly
friends. I love this college to the core of my life faculty members who put in all efforts to make us feel
and I am really pleased that I joined here. I like comfortable on campus.
my HOD who motivates us all. I also like our
R.Kathurshika, Information Technology
I am so proud to say that I am a Gojan
A.Dinesh Kumar, I Year CSE
student. I scored 1069 / 1200 in my plus
two examinations. I wanted to study
I love the College atmosphere very
engineering But my father, an auto driver
much as the atmosphere is so very could not afford to pay the fees. The management readily
peaceful and it is favorable for agreed to give me a scholarship to help me achieve my
learning. The counseling hour where we can dream. There are no words to express my feelings. I
share the good and the bad with our Faculty In- thank this college for being a ladder, so that I can climb
charge is very helpful.
higher and higher and achieve my dreams…
Rajesh, I Year EEE
Gojan is Fabulous! We not only are
made to study but also are given
opportunities by the College to
develop our interests be it cocurricular or extra -curricular activities. I am
enjoying playing tennis and volleyball every
once again welcome
all our First Year Students
into the Gojan Family!
GSBT News Bulletin
May 2015 – July 2015
Volume – 1 Issue - 4
Aeronautical Engineering
Pradeep Vasudev K.R of III year Aeronautical
Engineering underwent an inplant training on “Android &
EEE” at Uniq Technologies Pvt. Ltd.,Chennai.
Pradeep Vasudev K.R of III year Aeronautical
Engineering designed an UAV eg: demonstrated the
operation of “QUADCOPTER” in our campus.
Civil Engineering
The III year students making canoes National Concrete
Canoe Competition during 2015 organized by IIT Madras.
Computer Science and Engineering
Mr.S.Aravindh, Assist. Professor of CSE presented a
paper titled “Video Stream Transmission In Wireless
Networks Using Cross Layer Design” at Aishwarya
College of Engg. and Technology(ICCTICC15).
Mr.S.Aravindh, Assist. Professor of CSE presented a
paper titled “A Clustering Approach For Collaborative
Filtering Recommendation Using Furride APP” 2nd IEEE
ICIIECS’15 at Karpagam College Of Engineering.
Mr.S.Aravindh, Assist. Professor of CSE presented
apaper titled “Preserving User And Preventing Location
Server Content In Location Based Server” 2nd IEEE
ICIIECS’15 at Karpagam College Of Engineering.
Mr.S.Aravindh, Assist. Professor of CSE presented a
paper titled “Anonymous Routing Protocol With
Neighbor Authentication” in the 2nd ICCAN2015 at CIT.
Mr.S.Aravindh, Assist. Professor of CSE presented a
paper titled “A Key Management For Secured Storage In
The Cloud System” at Park College of Engineering and
Technology 3rd ICIRET 2015.
Mr.S.Aravindh, Assist. Professor of CSE presented a
paper titled “Visual Authentication Protocol To Resist
Keylogging In Online Transaction at Park College Of
Engg. and Technology 3rd ICIRET 2015.
Mr.S.Aravindh, Assist. Professor of CSE presented a
Recommendation On Big Data Application” at Park
College Of Engineering And Technology 3rd ICIRET
Mr.S.Aravindh, Assist. Professor of CSE presented a
paper titled “An Efficient Security Paradigm-Captcha As
Graphical Password” at Park College 3rd ICIRET 2015.
Mr.S.Aravindh, Assist. Professor of CSE presented a
paper titled “Data Hiding Of Video Using Content
Adaptive Variable Length Technique” at Karpagam
College Of Engineering 2nd IEEE ICIIECS’15.
Mr.S.Aravindh, Assist. Professor and Ms.P.Rajeshwari M.E.
Student of CSE presented a paper titled “An Efficient False Data
Filtering Scheme By Using P-Message Authentication In
Wireless Networked System” in IJAER, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol.10
No.71(2015) (Anna University Annexure- II)
R.Kirthana, S.Nishanthi, L.Aruna, M.Mala, S.Ezhilarasi and
K.Anitha, FinalYear students participated in the Paper Presentation
event conducted at RMD Engineering College on 03 July 2015.
S.Rohith, final year student won the Second Prize in Gaming event
conducted at Velammal Engineering College on 08 July 2015
B.Praveen Kumar, a IV year student won the Second Prize in the
Sherlock event conducted at Velammal Engg. on 08 July 2015.
S.Kiran Kumar a final year student, won the First Prize in the
Motocross event conducted at Velammal Engg. on 08 July 2015
R.Karthick of IV Year Computer Science and Engineering won the
Third Prize in the Surprise event conducted at Velammal
Engineering on 08 July 2015.
A. Prem Kumar, a final year student won the Second Prize in the
Paper Presentation event conducted at Velammal Engineering on 08
July 2015.
M.Vijay & V.Kalaivanan, a III year student won the Second Prize
in the Paper Presentation event conducted at VIT on 07 July 2015
D.Sumathy and S.Sumiya Samreen, final year students, won the
Second Prize in the Paper Presentation event conducted at DMI
College of Engineering on 07 July 2015
P.Priya, S.Soundarya and P.Suganya, final year students
participated in the Paper Presentation event conducted at DMI
College of Engineering on 07 July 2015
S.Ezhilarasi, D.Divya and D.Sumathy, final year students
participated in the International Workshop “NETWORK
SECURITY AND CHALLENGES” conducted at Anna University
on 17 July 2015 and 18 July 2015.
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
P.Siva Kumar, final year students participated in the Paper
Presentation “Power Transmission and Distribution” event
conducted at L&T on 16 June 2015 to 25 June 2015.
A.B.Parthiban and S.Prasanth, final year students participated in the
Technical Quiz, Connexions, Gaming, Surprise Events conducted
at Velammal Engineering College on 25 July 2015.
Aravind, a final year student participated in the Technical Quiz
conducted at Loyala Engineering College on 25 July 2015.
R.Baskar, V.Manoj and S.Vaithyanathan, third year students
participated in the Technical Quiz conducted at Loyala Engineering
College on 25 July 2015.
Mr.G.Arunsankar, HOD, Assoc. Professor of EEE Department and
Chithirai Selvan.K, a 2nd year M.E PED, presented a paper titled
“Grid Integration of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems Using
Versatile Matrix Converter And Reduced Components of New
Level Inverter” in the ICCCPT 2015 and ICAIECES 2015
Department of EEE, Velammal Engineering College, Chennai.
Mr.R.Thangadurai, Assistant Professor of EEE Department and
N.Parthiban, a second year student of M.E PED presented a paper
titled “Mppt Based DC To DC Converter With Bidirectional
Inverter for Residential Photovoltaic Applications” at ICTCI, Food,
Health and Energy Security held at CSIR – Central Leather
Research Institute, Indian Society for Education and Environment
CAAS Management Research, on 1st May and 2nd May 2015,
Adyar, Chennai.
GSBT News Bulletin
May 2015 – July 2015
Volume – 1 Issue - 4
Electronics and Communication Engineering
M.Pavithra, a third year student participated in the inplant
Training at Neyveli Lignite Corporation on 27 May 2015
to 03 June 2015.
B.Sandeep Kumar and Saravanan,final year students,
participated in the inplant training at KAASHIV
INFOTECH on 08 June 2015 to 12 June 2015.
Mr.R.Raj Mohan, Associate Professor of ECE department
participated Faculty Development Training Program on
Micro Processor and Micro Controller at MIT Campus,
Anna University on 08 June 2015 to 14 June 2015.
B.Sandeep Kumar and Saravanan, final year students
participated in the Workshop “Ethical Hacking” at
Microsoft Research Community on 12 June 2015.
U.Nishanthi and D.Parthasarathy, final year students won
the Second Prize in the National Conference Paper
Presentation at Sri Venkateswara Institute of Science and
Technology on 22 July 2015.
P.Jayasri and M.Kowshalya, final year students
participated in the Workshop at Learn Educate Empower
College on 25 July 2015.
D.Parthasarathy, V.Prashanth and P.Sai Ganesh, students
of final year participated in the Chess Tournament at
Savitha Engineering College on 25 July 2015 & 26 July
Mechanical Engineering
L.Nafeez Ahmed, Assistant Professor, presented a paper
on Analysis Of Non-Prismatic Beam In Bridge on 2 May
2015 at International Conference Of Technological,
Convergence for Information, Health, Food and Energy
Security, TC-IFES 2015.
P.Vigneshwaran, Final year student, has won the first prize
in CAD modeling and actively participated in other events
in the symposium THEODAMIC 2k‟15 organized by JNN
institute of engineering 3 July 2015
V.Sudharsan, final year student, has won the first prize in
Water Rocketry and participated in other events in the
symposium THEODAMIC 2k‟15 organized by JNN
institute of engineering on 3 July 2015
final year student, participated in the
symposium THEODAMIC 2k‟15 organized by JNN
institute of engineering 3 July 2015
V.R.Gopinath, third year student, underwent inplant
29.06.2015 to 03.07.2015.
E.Vinoth kumar, S.Saranraj, R.Jayakumar, U.Dhanraj,
M.Pradeep kumar, M.Kalidass, S.Praveen, S.Paneer
selvam, R.Ravanth, AN.Natesan and S.Athivel, final year
students, underwent training as non-stipendiary vocational
trainee for a period from 25.06.2015 to 30.06.2015 in
Chennai Port Trust.
H.Vignesh, N.Udhaya kumar, P.V.Sharan kumar and
S.Praveen kumar, third year students, undergone inplant
traning as non-stipendiary vocational trainee from period
26.05.2015 to 30.05.2015 in Ashok Leyland.
N.Udhayakumar, third year student, undergone Training as
non-stipendiary vocational trainee for a period of 5 days in
Auto Tech Industries.
P.Sriram, P.Dhuvarakesh and B.Jayaprakash third year students,
underwent inplant traning as non-stipendiary vocational trainee at
Ashok Leyland, Chennai.
V.Veera tami selvan, a third year student, undergone Inplant
Training as non-stipendiary vocational trainee for a period of 15
days in Madras radiators& pressings limited.
Bilal Ahamed Reza.A, a third year student, has undergone Inplant
Training as non-stipendiary vocational trainee for a period of 7 days
in Integral coach Factory.
P.Manikandan, a second year student has participated in water
rocketry in the symposium organized by Panimalar institute of
D.Saravana perumal, a second year student, has participated in the
symposium organized by RMK engineering college.
Science & Humanities
P.Devendran, Assistant Professor of Physics Department
participated in the National Workshop on „Technology Enhanced
Learning‟ conducted at IITM on April 27,2015.
A.Shalini, Assistant Professor of Chemistry Department presented
a paper in „Recent Advances in Nano Science and Technology(RAINSAT-2015)‟from July8 – 10, 2015.
Master of Business Administration
The II year students attended a workshop in SPSS- Statistical
Package for Social Sciences on April 25, 2015 conducted by Live
Wire, Mylapore, Chennai.
Dr. Murali, CEO, IIKM, Chennai,having 30yrs of industrial
experience and 10 yrs of teaching experience has given a lecture on
“Marketing Concepts” to the students of First year on May13,
Dr. Shanthi, Professor, Department of Commerce, University of m
Madras addressed the students on “Research Methods in Business”
on May 30, 2015.
An Orientation program on “Career Opportunities in the Financial
Sector” was conducted for the second year students by Mrs.
Rathika Mani, Assistant Manager, Cash & Payments, Royal Bank
of Scotland.
The first year students(2014-2016) took up summer internships in
renowned organizations like Uniabex, Kochar Technologies,
Sharekhan, Reliance Retail, India Metal One, Aditya Birla Group,
ITC, Jyothi Industries etc.,
Congratulation to our II year M.B.A. students secured 100% results
in last semester examinations.
1. Mr.K.Dinesh Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department
of CSE.
2. Mr.R.Radhakrishnan, Assistant Professor, Department
of ECE.
3. Mrs.Christy Martina, Assistant Professor, Department
of Management Studies.
GSBT News Bulletin
May 2015 – July 2015
Volume – 1 Issue - 4
Gojan Congratulates our Even Semester Toppers
B.E. Aeronautical Engineering
Ms.R.G.RAMYA (IV Year)
B.E. Civil Engineering
Mr.M.MANO (III Year)
B.E. Computer Science and Engineering
B.E. Electrical and Electronics Engineering
B.E. Electronics and Communication Engineering
B.E. Mechanical Engineering
B. Tech Information Technology
GSBT News Bulletin
May 2015 – July 2015
Volume – 1 Issue - 4
Gojan Congratulates our Even Semester Toppers
M.E. Applied Electronics
M.E. Computer Science & Engineering
Ms.T.AGNESH (I Year)
M.E. Engineering & Design
M.E. Power Electronics & Drives
Master of Business Administration
Ms.M.DURGA (II Year)
We Congratulate the Faculty Members and students of II year M.B.A. for achieving
100% results in the May-June 2015 examinations of Anna University.
GSBT News Bulletin
May 2015 – July 2015
Volume – 1 Issue - 4
Gojan in the Press
Alumni Meet Dina Boomi
on 27 July 2015
Alumni Meet Dinakaran
on 22 July 2015
Alumni Meet Dinamalar
on 22 July 2015
Alumni Meet Maalai Malar
on 22 July 2015
Alumni Meet Sakshi
on 22 July 2015
Alumni Meet Dina Mani
on 20 July 2015
Alumni Meet Dinakaran
on 20 July 2015
Graduation Day Maalai Murasu
on 25 July 2015
Graduation Day Maalai Malar
on 25 July 2015
GSBT News Bulletin
May 2015 – July 2015
Volume – 1 Issue - 4
Go Green Club-Sowing the Thought!!
Plough the heart and sowing the thought “Trees are people, Grow a tree it goes a long way”. Cultivating such
thoughts in young individuals pays back to the future society.
Fruitful Outcomes
Fresh Green and Vegetables from the go green farms shined with the glee of hard work & patience.
Organically seeded, fertilized and harvested Vegetables and greens are used in the College canteen and the
excess were shared among the teaching and non teaching staffs of Gojan.
GSBT News Bulletin
May 2015 – July 2015
Volume – 1 Issue - 4
The Youth Red Cross Club started this year’s activities at the W.M.E. Children’s Home titled ‘Synergy 2015.
Various events like games and talk shows were conducted by the Gojan students for the Inmates to bring out
their innate talents. An educational camp was conducted in the month of July 2015.
GSBT News Bulletin
May 2015 – July 2015
Volume – 1 Issue - 4