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to see the May Newsletter
S a i l i n g Tel l N e w s Ta l es Commodore’s Log by Peter Cipes Prepare Your Boat for Summer Sailing Ahoy fellow RYC Members! I am excited to be preparing to launch our boat, and plan to do so within the next few days. I know quite a few other members who are also planning to launch soon. Prior to launching there are some items that need to be repaired (aren’t there always?). Here is a hopefully humorous accounting of some of those problems and their solutions. Like many—if not all—boat owners, I have a list of things to do. My list is organized by levels of priority: critical items like engine issues or torn sails go to the top of the list. Less critical ones, like latches on cabinet doors go to the perpetual list. In other words, they have been on the list for years, and could be for years into the future. So my cabinets sometimes open on their own when the boat heels a lot. But so what, my engine runs well and my sails are white and crinkly. And a few times a season I need to refold, restack and and re-closet my boat clothes. Oh well. Sometime during the last couple seasons I noticed that every time I ran the engine (an inboard diesel) there was an annoying little trickle of water that ended up on the cabin sole. It would roll around there until wiped up. Upon further investigation I discovered that the raw water pump (which is an integral part of the engine cooling system) had a small drip, drip, drip. “Aha” I thought to myself. I called the experts who told me, and I quote: “Oh yeah, that pump is designed to leak, through a weep hole, when it needs rebuilding.” He continued with, “Don’t worry, it won’t get any worse. But it also won’t get any better.” So that was pretty much at the top of my list. Then, about a month before the end of last season I flipped on one of the cabin lights and heard a pop. And the lights went out. Obviously there was a short, but I couldn’t seem to trace it down. Bummer. That was also right up there, near the top of the list. Because I am not a very good mechanic, at least not with engines or DC electrical stuff, I was resigned to finding and hiring someone else to do the work. That way they could get bloody knuckles and use all the four letter words in their vocabulary instead of me. I had planned to tow the boat up to Portland and let the pros do their thing. That’s a long tow with a wide load. I was not looking forward to it. Then I discovered that there is a guy in Medford who advertises his Mobile Marine business. He has a fully equipped box trailer with a full shop in it. He seemed to be a very competent mePage 1--May, 2016 f o r M a y 2 0 1 6 chanic and appeared to know how to fix both problems. Because the boat was on her trailer, I brought her over to his current shop. It’s huge and also very well equipped. Upon arriving at his place, after backing the boat into the shop, I handed him the water pump rebuild kit and invited him to come aboard to check out what was going on with the cabin lights. I said, “So, when I flip this switch, the circuit breaker will pop”. Then I flipped the switch, and guess what? It didn’t. WTF? Isn’t that just beyond typical? In any case, I am going over to pick up our baby later today and am optimistic that the newly re-built water pump won’t leak, and that the lights will continue to shine when they are switched on. At least now, when my clothes fall out of the closet, they won’t get all wet. RYC 2016 Calendar M a y 4, 11, 18, 25—R A CE—Spri ng D in ghy Se ri e s WHEN: Wednesday 5:15 p. m. WHERE: West end Emigrant Lake 7 Saturday—EDUCATION—Free, Intro. to Sailing Class WHEN: 12:00 No Host Lunch 1:00 p. m. Class Start WHERE; Lost Creek Resort Cafe CONTACT: John Spillman [email protected] 21 Saturday—WORK DAY—Launch Barge, Set Marks WHEN: 12:00 p. m. WHERE: RYC Shed at Howard Prairie Lake WANT TO HELP? Contact: Jay Harland [email protected] (Calendar continued page 4) RYC VOLUNTEERS NEEDED May 7, 2016: Free sail class: we could still use some help here. Especially if you have a boat at Lost Creek which might be used during the on-the-water portion of the class. Please contact John Spillman for more information. [email protected]. May 18-20, 2016: St. Mary’s sailing classes: We need two or three volunteers to teach sailing and/or run the rescue boat during this event at Emigrant Lake. Please contact Dick Barbara to sign up. [email protected]. July 23 & 24, 2016: Our Annual Regatta is ON, and we need volunteers for race committee, registrations and dinner prep. Please contact Jeanne Barbara and let her know you can help out! CLUB TREASURER NEEDED: This is a part-time, unpaid position. Are you good with numbers? Do you enjoy writing checks and sending out welcome letters to new members? If so, this could be just what you’ve been searching for. Come join our lively Board of Directors and help out your club. Please contact Peter Cipes for more information. [email protected] P. O. Box 723, Medford, OR 97501 S a i l i n g E d u c a t i o n Free Sailing Class Offered May 7 Rogue Yacht Club’s Annual Free Sail Class is a unique opportunity for community members interested in getting their first sailing experience to learn some basics and get out on the water. All that is required is some sunscreen, appropriate footwear (sneakers or water-shoes) and a sense of adventure. If you are interested in taking the class send an inquiry to John Spillman, who is heading up the class organization this year. If you are interested in attending please email him at [email protected]. He will contact you with additional information as the date approaches. The plan as of the date of this posting is to hold the event at Lost Creek Lake Cafe (on the deck) with a no host lunch at noon and class beginning at 1:00 p. m. on the water afterward. R a c e r ’ s C o r n e r Spring Dinghy Series Off to Slow Start Due to scheduling conflicts and poor weather conditions the 2016 RYC Spring Series Races were canceled for April. However, the series races scheduled for May and June are still on the schedule. Bring your Laser, Sunfish or other small boat out to Emigrant Lake on Wednesdays at 5:15 from May through the third week in June. There is a google group email that provides updates on race plans for a given week - if you want to subscribe to the email list contact Jay Harland [email protected] or John Spillman [email protected] to be in the know! We typically get in 3-4 races per night and finish with a little socializing post-race. Lasers and other boats with dollies can easily launch from the west shore which is where the race arena is. Larger trailers launch from the county launch ramps. Hope to see you on the water! Marks & Barge Launch May 21, First Time Since 2013 Thanks to plenty of water from a very wet winter, Howard Prairie Lake will have sufficient water this season for Rogue Yacht Club run club races from June Page 2--May, 2016 through August in 2016. Most of the races scheduled will be perpetual trophy races. However, RYC is making plans to bring back the annual Southern Cascades Regatta to be held Saturday and Sunday, July 23—24. According to many the annual RYC regatta is one of the best in the region. RYC work party will meet at the shed at noon 5/21/16. Broadwater Solo Single Hand S c h e d u l e d f o r J u n e 11 The Second Annual Broadwater Solo Single hand Race will be held using a course set up with temporary marks at Lost Creek Lake. Skippers will meet at 2:00 p. .m on the Lost Creek Lake Restaurant deck. All sized sailboats are welcome and multiple boats of the same type will complete as a class. Dinghy's with dollies can easily launch from the "beach shore" southwest of the resort which is adjacent to the racing area. There will be a raft-up social following racing. Located on the swim dock. For those without boats on Lost Creek Lake there will be transport from the marina to the raft-up location. Please bring a dish to share for the pot-luck raft up. Te a m M a d i s o n Ra ces f o r Ko noc ti C up Article provided by Jay Harland Team Madison trailered our Ultimate 20 to Clear Lake for the 32nd Annual Konocti Cup Regatta on April 23rd. Sailing conditions were light from the west northwest at around 5-7 kts. We were fouled at the start but let it go with an acknowledgment from the offending tactician and sailed onward with 26 more miles to go. We practiced our wing and wing technique which gained us several boat lengths and we rounded the Mark 1 in third place behind two Wylie Wabbits (right). We chased them both up the beat to Mark 2 and gained on them most of the way. The wind on the entrance to Mark 2 was tricky and the two Wabbits gained back most of the ground they had given up. Spinnaker work was a little tricky getting out of Mark 2 and P. O. Box 723, Medford, OR 97501 the third Wabbit in the fleet briefly overtook us to windward. We heated up and passed them to weather heading into Mark 3. The course to Mark 4 is a broad reach and the two lead Wabbits found speed we did not have and extended their lead. The course to Mark 5 was a closer reach than usual with winds more westerly than is typical. Jesse took the helm for most of this leg to give me a much needed break. The lead boats pretty much held their positions through this leg and into the downwind legs from 6 to 7. Coming into 7, we again used our wing-n-wing technique to great advantage and gained on the rest of the fleet. Jesse is becoming a master of this technique and it can be an incredible weapon in point-topoint races like the Konocti Cup. We maxed our height with the kite from Mark 7 to the final mark 8 by unfurling the jib. This allowed us to hold the kite the entire leg. We gained on the entire fleet during this leg and had even closed the gap on the two lead Wabbits. As we rounded Mark 8, the wind began to lighten. Dick did a superb job with the binoculars looking for wind. We went left toward the middle of the lake because the lead Wabbits looked to be hitting a very soft patch. The Wabbit that rounded in fifth at Mark 8 worked even further left, gained ground and actually passed us a bit to weather. At this point we sailed into a convergence zone that was very light and fluky. We kept our wits about us but it was not easy and we simply stitched every patch of wind we could get to continue making progress to the finish line. As we were stitching together patches of breeze we made one last tack to the right side to chase a patch of breeze to the right while the Wabbit who had caught up to us chased a patch to the left. This final tack cost us the cup. At this point the wind completely died but we could see a wind line up the lake on the west shore. The two lead Wabbits were becalmed on the east shore. This whole time we were battling the convergence zone there was still wind further down the lake and all the slower boats had continued to sail and gain ground on us. As the new wind built, a patch got to the Wabbit about 200 yards up the course and to port. This patch got him to the new wind and he immediately took off on a nearly direct course to the finish line. Unfortunately, it took about 8 more minutes for the patch to move to us. When it did we took off as well. The rest of the fleet had gained tremendous ground and none of the other boats had to sail through a similar patch of light wind. Two of the B-fleet Capri 25s got good wind early and both of these boats corrected out against us Page 3--May, 2016 with the first Capri 25 capturing the cup. The boat was h e l m e d b y a g o o d f r i e n d a n d e x c e l l e n t s a i l o r, Jim Carlson. Pat Brown was on that Capri 25 as well and it was the slowest boat he had ever raced in the cup and it was his first time winning it after numerous attempts. The second Capri 25 corrected out against us as did the Wabbit that was first to catch the new wind on the final leg. We ended up fourth overall and second in PHRF A. We sailed well throughout. You cannot have good performances without good crew and I believe I have some of the best. Jesse Repp is a phenomenal trimmer. Dick Barbara does all the little things to keep things running smoothly while always thinking about the big picture to keep the team's perspective on our overall race and regatta strategy. A r o u n d t h e D o c k s E n o u g h W a t e r t o F l o a t Yo u r B o a t As of April 30, Howard Prairie Lake is 70% full. at 42,428 acre feet. The surface elevation is 4,516.42 feet above sea level; making the lake surface approximately 15’ - 5” deep at the end or foot of the resort launch ramp. Water level is still rising. The BOR and TID managers are forecasting the lake elevation will peak at 4518 around June 1. RED = AVERAGE, GREEN = LAST YEAR, BLUE = 2016 Water Year. P. O. Box 723, Medford, OR 97501 J u n e (Continued from page 1) 1, 8, 15—RACE—Spring Dinghy Series WHEN: Wednesday at 5:15 p. m. W H E R E : We s t e n d E m i g r a n t L a k e 4 Saturday—RACE—Broadwater Solo WHEN: Skippers meet 2:00 p. m. WHERE: Lost Creek Cafe Deck 4 Saturday—SOCIAL—Post race raft-up WHEN: After race about 5:00 p. m. WHERE: Lost Creek Lake swim dock BRING: An ample side dish to share and BYOB 11 Saturday—EDUCATION—Racing Rules Clinic WHEN: 11:00 a. m. WHERE: RYC shed at Howard Prairie Lake INTERESTED? email Jay Harland at [email protected] 11 Saturday—RACE—Icebreaker Trophy (Portsmouth) WHEN: Skippers meet 12:00 p. m. WHERE: RYC shed at Howard Prairie Lake 2 5 S a t u r d a y — R A C E — J e n s e n Tr o p h y WHEN: Skippers meet 12:00 p. m. WHERE: RYC shed at Howard Prairie Lake 25 Saturday—SOCIAL—Potluck dinner WHEN: 5:00 p. m. WHERE: RYC shed at Howard Prairie Lake BRING: Something to throw on the grill and a generous side to share. BYOB. J u l y 9 Saturday—RACE—Stamm Memorial Trophy WH EN : Skipp ers mee t 1:00 p. m. WHERE: RYC shed at Howard Prairie Lake 2 0 We d n es day?— BU SINE SS—B oard Me et s WHEN: 6:00 p. m. — 8:00 p.m. 23/24 Saturday/Sunday—RACE—Southern Cascades Regatta Information to come A u g u s t 1 3 S a tu r da y—RACE —Commod ore s Cup & Johnston Trophy WH EN : Skipp ers mee t 1:00 p. m. WHERE: RYC shed at Howard Prairie Lake 13 Saturday—SOCIAL—Potluck dinner WHEN: 5:00 p. m. WHERE: RYC shed at Howard Prairie Lake Page 4--May, 2016 C l u b B u s i n e s s RYC Board Meeting: April 12, 2016 Meeting Notes [T h e f o l l o w i n g s u b m i s s i o n o f b o a rd n o t e s h a s n o t , o n d a t e o f p u b l i c a t i o n , b e e n a p p ro v e d b y t h e b o a rd , — e d .] The meeting was called to order at 7:40 pm Meeting was attended by the following board members: Peter Cipes—Commodore, Dick Barbara—Rear Commodore, Karen Cipes—Secretary, Michael Gutman—2nd Trustee, Jay Harland—Vice Commodore Club Members in Attendance: John Spillman—Free Sail Co-Chairman, Derek Budd—Free Sail Co-Chair. Absent Board Members: Cindy Broadwater—Treasurer, Jeanne Barbara - 1st Trustee Reports: • The Minutes from the March meeting were approved. • There was no Treasurer’s Report due to Cindy Broadwater’s absence. Old Business: •Sunfish Registration The OSMB has requested more information. Peter and Dick are following up. • Letters to New Members still need to be sent out. • Tell-Tale Ad Invoices still need to be sent out. • Boat Storage: • Jay Harland will order tarp for Sunfish. • Audit RYC Books Kristy has agreed to audit the RYC books but she cannot get to it until after tax season. Still need to contact her. •Free Sail Class: John Spillman and Derek Budd are teaming up to run the Free Sail Class scheduled for May 7, 2016 at Lost Creek Lake. PSA’s have been sent out already. They will make up flyers and postings. There will be two hours of presentations after which they will go out on the water. They are working on getting volunteer boats to use. It was decided that a rescue boat would be required, if there are small boats on the water. New Business: • St. Mary’s Sailing with Dick Barbara on May 18 - 20, 2016 at Immigrant Lake A waiver/release form is needed for students/parents to sign. Peter will send this to Dick. Student participants will join RYC as student members. Dick still needs two volunteers to help out with the event. The rescue boat will be needed. The students will bring their own life jackets. And they will have their boater’s cards. • Sunfish Work Party We would like volunteers to help with cleaning and outfitting P. O. Box 723, Medford, OR 97501 the Sunfish with all the required safety equipment prior to the beginning of the sailing season on Emigrant Lake. The club will provide 6 PFD’s with whistles, throw-ables and paddles. • Sunfish to Sheriff Dept for inspection After the safety gear is intact, Dick will tow the boats over to Sheriff’s Dept for a required inspection prior to registration. • Sunfish Insurance Estimate Peter found out that insurance for all the sunfish and other small boats will cost about $135.00 per year. • ASA Class Update Randy Williams offered his boat for ASA Classes this season. • Bernie and Helga Binder gave the club several trophies which can be reused for the regatta, etc. Peter to send out a thank you note on behalf of the club. • Club Photos Availability John Spillman will make historic photos of club events available via a link to a private one-drive folder. HOWARD PRAIRIE LAKE - 2016 - FULL POOL POOL © 2016 M. Warwick & P. Cipes RULES: 1) THIS IS A 50/50 POOL WITH 50% OF MONEY AWARDED TO WINNER & 50% OF MONEY DONATED TO RYC. 2) TO PARTICIPATE, PURCHASE ONE OR MORE 1/10 FT. SLOTS; $10 EACH OR THREE SLOTS FOR $25. 3) PURCHASE AS MANY SLOTS AS YOU WISH. AN AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL WILL WRITE YOUR NAME IN. 4) SLOTS PURCHASED BY SINGLE ENTRANT MUST BE SEPARATED FROM EACH OTHER BY AT LEAST TWO OTHER SLOTS. 5) THE WINNING SLOT WILL BE DETERMINED BY THE OFFICIAL USBR FOREBAY READING ON JUNE 1, 2016 AT 0.00 HOUR. 6) IN THE UNLIKELY EVENT OF A TIE THERE WILL BE A BLINDFOLDED DINGHY RACE TO DETERMINE WINNER. 7) ALL INFORMATION & DATA IS APPROXIMATE, PROVISIONAL & SUBJECT TO CHANGE. THIS GAME IS INTENDED FOR ENTERTAINMENT ONLY, NOT FOR INVESTMENT PURPOSES. OVER THE TOP 4527 100% FULL 4526 K. Gurley 4525 K. Gurley K. Gurley 4524 Warwick Spafford 4523 Broadwater Warwick 4522 Broadwater Spafford NEXT MEETING: Thursday, May 12, 2016 at 6pm, at Jay Harland’s Office The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm ENOUGH WATER UNTIL HALLOWEEN Broadwater Cipes Harland 4521 Klein Budd Cipes Warwick 4520 Spillman Harland Spafford Klein 4519 Anderson Harland 4518 Cipes 4517 McClain 4516 ENOUGH WATER UNTIL LABOR DAY! 4515 J. Gurley 4514 4513 J. Gurley 4512 4511 THE SHALLOW END Page 5--May, 2016 P. O. Box 723, Medford, OR 97501 J. Gurley 4510 < P.O. Box 723 Medford, OR 97501 Year ‘Ro und Trout & Bass Fishing WE RENT BOATS! Ericson 23-II for Sale AND MORE Ski Boats • Sea Doos • Pontoon Boats • Sail boats Kayaks • Wakeboards • Aluminum Boats • Bikes • Tubes SUP Paddleboards • Pedal Boats • Boat Slip Rentals Too! MARINA & RESTAURANT OPEN YEAR-ROUND Breakfast served all day Non-Ethanol GAS Beverages Books - Hardware - Accessories - Rigging - Repairs [email protected] Dana & Pat Collins (541) 773-7943 3480 Viewpoint Dr. Medford, OR 97504 Tackle and Bait OPEN DAILY { ICE Jun, July, Aug 8am-8pm Mar, Apr, May, SAT SUN Sep, Oct 8am-4pm CREAM Dec, {Nov, Jan, Feb 8am-4pm (541) 560-3646 In Ashland, Oregon, shoal draft keel & centerboard, 9 bags of sails & spinnaker gear, new VHF radio,, PFDs, rigged for single hand, 7.5 hp Evinrude outboard, dual axel trailer. See Craigslist link for details: http:// 5517899895.html Owner will email photos and more information to interested parties. Price:$3900 OBO Owner: Scott Rogers (541) 482-4292 [email protected] 35211 Hwy 62 Trail, OR 97541 Near Mile Post 33 Page 6--May, 2016 P. O. Box 723, Medford, OR 97501
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