to see the April Newsletter
to see the April Newsletter
S a i l i n g N e w s RYC Tell Tales C o m m o d o re ’s L o g f o r A p r i l 2 0 1 6 The web link is: This page shows all the reservoirs and their fill percentage. You can click on each one to get more detailed information. The second one shows lake elevations (and stream and canal flows): by Peter Cipes Watching the Water Rise On March 14, 2016, at 16:30, Howard Prairie Lake hit an elevation of 4,507.80 feet. For me that is a significant number because that is the exact level at which the lake stood the last time Joyride 2 was pulled from Howard Prairie, on June 15, 2014. It is also a level that has not been reached since - until now. As I watch all the charts and graphs (see below for links) I am less and less nervous about water levels for the upcoming season. In fact as I write this log the lake is now at 4,511.73 (March 27, 2016) and coming up approximately one foot every three days, with lots of water coming in from every source, both metered and unmetered. The general consensus seems to be that the lake will continue to fill until around June 1. If we guess conservatively (and wildly at this point) that the lake will continue to rise at .25 feet per day, then guess what? Howard Prairie will be full! Even if Howard Prairie does not reach 100% I expect it will be a good boating season up there. If it tops out at an elevation of 4,515 feet (less than four feet higher than it is now) we will have a useable launch ramp until Labor Day. Not bad for a lake that has been unusable for nearly two years. So in the next few weeks I will be spending time getting Joy Ride 2 ready for the season, and continuing to watch the graphs and charts, as my level of excitement rises along with the water levels! For those of you who are interested, here are the two main links I use to monitor water levels at Howard Prairie. Both are provided by the B.O.R. The first is called the Rogue Teacup Diagram: The link is: Clicking on any of the blue characters gets you into more detailed info. Try it. It’s fun! For those of you who want to monitor the level at Lost Creek (which will be 100% full!): I hope to see you all on the water soon. And like Captain Ron says, “If anything’s gonna happen, it’s gonna happen out there!” RYC 2016 Calendar Calendar items are subject to change A p r i l 6, 13, 2 0, 27 —RA C E— Spri ng D ing h y S e r ie s WHEN: 5:15 p. m. WHERE: Emigrant Lake M a y 4, 11, 18, 25—R A CE—Spri ng D in ghy Se ri e s WHEN: 5:15 p. m. WHERE: West end Emigrant Lake 7 Saturday—EDUCATION—Free, Intro. to Sailing Class WHEN: 1:00 p. m. WHERE; Lost Creek Resort Cafe J u n e 1, 8, 15—RACE—Spring Dinghy Series WHEN: 5:15 p. m. WHERE: West end Emigrant Lake ( C al end ar c ont inue d o n pag e 3) Page 1--April, 2016 P. O. Box 723, Medford, OR 97501 S a i l i n g E d u c a t i o n R a c e r ’ s C o r n e r Free! Sailing Class May 7, 2016 Spring Dinghy Series Starts April 6, 2016 This year’s free to the public introduction to sailing course will be organized, once again, by John Spillman. Any member who would like to contribute to this year’s class by sharing knowledge or providing a sailboat (especially if it is the 15–22 foot variety) should contact John Spillman at (541) 342-9610 or email at [email protected]. The Free Sailing Class is an historically important annual event that has brought many of our members into the RYC. This year’s class will be held outside on the balcony at the Lost Creek Resort Restaurant beginning at 1:00 p. m. with on the water sailing experience following. Preregistration would be helpful please contact John Spillman if you are interested in taking the class. The Spring Dinghy Series will be held Wednesdays on Emigrant Lake from April 6 through June 15. Skippers meet at 5:15 p. m.. Bring your Laser, Sunfish or other small boat.. There is a google group email that provides updates on race plans for a given week; if you want to subscribe to the email lis contact Jay Harland [email protected] or John Spillman [email protected] to be in the know! We typically get in 3-4 races per night and finish with a little socializing post-race. Lasers and other boats with dollies can easily launch from the west shore which is where the race arena is. Dinghies with trailers bigger than light weight dollies may launch from the county launch ramps. Hope to see you on the water! A r o u n d H . P . t h e L a k e D o c k s F i l l i n g As of March 30 the water level at Howard Prairie Lake has risen 10 feet since the beginning of this month. On Sunday March 27 Bill Horton took these pictures of the marina. St.Mary’s School, Sailing Education to Teens RYC and St. Mary’s School in Medford, OR will once again be combining resources to teach twelve high school students the necessities of sailing. The on the water sailing portion will be May 18-20, 2016. This elective will be chaired by Dick Barbara and will require several members to help teach on the water lessons and provide 15–22 foot boats. RYC will also provide the use of its Sunfish fleet but a variety of boat types will make for a richer three day experience for the students. Page 2--April, 2016 P. O. Box 723, Medford, OR 97501 R Y C C a l e n d a r (continued from page 1) J u n e BRING: Something to throw on the grill and a side to share. BYOB. 17 We dnesday ?—BUSIN ESS—B o ar d Me e t s 4 Saturday—RACE—Broadwater Solo WHEN: Skippers meet 2:00 p. m. WHERE: Lost Creek Cafe Deck 4 Saturday—SOCIAL—Post race raft-up WHEN: After race about 5:00 p. m. WHERE: Lost Creek Lake swim dock BRING: An ample side dish to share and BYOB 11 Saturday—EDUCATION—Racing Rules Clinic WHEN: 11:00 a. m. WHERE: RYC shed at Howard Prairie Lake INTERESTED? email Jay Harland at [email protected] 11 Saturday—RACE—Icebreaker Trophy (Portsmouth) WHEN: Skippers meet 12:00 p. m. WHERE: RYC shed at Howard Prairie Lake 2 5 S a t u r d a y — R A C E — J e n s e n Tr o p h y WHEN: Skippers meet 12:00 p. m. WHERE: RYC shed at Howard Prairie Lake 25 Saturday—SOCIAL—Potluck dinner WHEN: 5:00 p. m. WHERE: RYC shed at Howard Prairie Lake BRING: Something to throw on the grill and a side to share. BYOB. J u l y 9 Saturday—RACE—Stamm Memorial Trophy WH EN : Skipp ers mee t 1:00 p. m. WHERE: RYC shed at Howard Prairie Lake WHEN: 6:00 p. m. — 8:00 p.m. 27 Saturday—SOCIAL—Dog Days of Summer Potluck WHEN: 12:00 p. m. WHERE: T B A C l u b B u s i n e s s RYC Semi-Annual Member Meeting: February 27, 2016 Meeting Notes [ T h e f o l l o w i n g s u b m i s s i o n o f b o a rd n o t e s h a s n o t , o n d a t e o f p u b l i c a t i o n , b e e n a p p ro v e d b y t h e m e m b e r s , — e d . ] The meeting was called to order at 8:06 pm Meeting was attended by the following board members: Peter Cipes—Commodore, Jay Harland—Vice Commodore, Cindy Broadwater—Treasurer, Karen Cipes—Secretary, Michael Gutman—2nd Trustee. Absent: Dick Barbara—Rear Commodore, Jeanne Barbara—1st Trustee Altogether there were 45 people in attendance. Reports The Minutes from Fall meeting were read and approved. The Treasurer’s Report: Last years balance & current Balance reported [Any member in good standing wishing the details of her report or would like to examine the books may contact the treasurer to make an appointment]. Current Memberships Paid 30; Budgeted Memberships = 45 . The report was approved. Old Business: None 20 We d n es d a y ? — B U SIN E SS —B oard Me e t s WHEN: 6:00 p. m. — 8:00 p.m. 23-24 Saturday & Sunday—Southern Cascades Regatta Information to come A u g u s t 13 S atu rd a y — R A C E —C ommod ores C up & Joh n st on Trop hy W H EN : S k ip pers meet 1:00 p . m. WHERE: RYC shed at Howard Prairie Lake 13 Saturday—SOCIAL—Potluck dinner WHEN: 5:00 p. m. WHERE: RYC shed at Howard Prairie Lake Page 3--April, 2016 New Business County Parks—Steve Lambert Resort Operations – Water Levels – Q&A Steve Lambert, from Jackson County Parks, gave everyone an update on the upgrades being made at Howard Prairie Lake Resort and the camp areas surrounding the lake. He also gave us an update on the proposed new marina to be constructed at the Resort. And he discussed water level predictions for the upcoming season, which are very encouraging. He stated that the current prediction is that we will have a useable launch ramp through Labor Day. He is thinking that the docks will be useable for part of the season but it is unknown for exactly how long. Vice Commodore’s Report: Jay Harland reported on this season’s racing and event schedule with emphasis on Spring P. O. Box 723, Medford, OR 97501 Racing, Summer Trophy Races, Summer Series with Volunteers, Sailing Education & Youth Sailing, Boat Maintenance, Race Committee, Training & Sign up. Sign Ups: The sign up sheet was passed around and was mostly filled in for Trophy Races. There are still volunteers needed for Free Sail Class, Regatta, Boy Scout and St Mary’s events. Full Pool Pool: The Full Pool Pool was introduced by Commodore Cipes. Interested members purchased slots based on their best prediction of the level of HP Lake on June 1, 2016 at 00:00. Moorage Raffle: The annual raffle was held. Raffled off were sailing gloves, small boat blocks, jet ski rentals at Lost Creek and ½ Season Moorage at HP which was won by Karen and Patrick McClain. The event ran long, however members were gracious and stayed to help clean up! The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:35 pm. NEXT SEMI-ANNUAL MEETING: September at Angelo's Pizza. RYC Board Meeting: March 16, 2016 Meeting Notes [T h e f o l l o w i n g s u b m i s s i o n o f b o a rd n o t e s h a s n o t , o n d a t e o f p u b l i c a t i o n , b e e n a p p ro v e d b y t h e b o a rd , — e d .] The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm Meeting was attended by the following board members: Peter Cipes — Commodore, Dick Barbara — Rear Commodore, Cindy Broadwater — Treasurer, Karen Cipes — Secretary, Jeanne Barbara — 1st Trustee, Michael Gutman — 2nd Trustee. Absent: Jay Harland — Vice Commodore. Housekeeping Items 1) The board will work on bringing member contact information up to date as several invitations to the Salmon Bake were returned with incorrect addresses. 2) The board decided that we will drop non-renewingmembers from the e-mail and Tell-Tales lists after 5 years of non-payment. We will put an item in the Tell-Tales with regard to this information. Note that this does not include Honorary Members who will remain on the lists. Reports The Minutes from the February meeting were read and approved. The Treasurer’s report was read by Cindy Broadwater and approved. Cindy paid the annual insurance premium for the club .She also went over the amounts spent and received at the Salmon Bake, [The treasurer continued with a detailed explanation of current finances. Any member in good standing wishing the details of her report or would like to examine the books may contact the treasurer to make an appointment]. Page 4--April, 2016 The board approved the following new memberships to the club: Steven Lambert Steven Stark The board discussed that fact that we have not billed our advertisers in the Tell-Tales for some time now. Cindy Broadwater agreed to send out bills to all of our current advertisers. A motion was made and seconded to increase the price of our ads to $35.00 for a business card size ad. The motion passed unanimously. Old Business Sunfish Registration Peter reported that the registration information has been sent to OSBM and he will follow-up to make sure they are on track. Boat Storage Jay Harland will order tarp for Sunfish. Audit RYC Books Cristy has agreed to audit the RYC books but she cannot get to it for another month, after tax season. Free Sail Class We still need a team leader for the Free Sail Class. The board will make a concerted effort to find someone to head a team and recruit help for the event ASAP. New Business Club Insurance Policy Club member Dale Yellin has offered to look at our insurance policy to see if we can save any money. Sunfish Work Party We would like volunteers to help with cleaning and outfitting the Sunfish with all the required safety equipment prior to the beginning of the sailing season on Immigrant Lake. David Markowski would like to be involved in this. St. Mary’s Sailing Event The board discussed the upcoming St. Mary’s sailing day(s) which Dick Barbara will head for RYC. After last year’s very successful event there was a board consensus that RYC should derive some compensation from subsequent events of this sort. However, due to the income limits for 501 C7 organizations it is not possible to charge money (above strict limits) to non-members. Cindy Broadwater made a motion that RYC require all student sailing participants to become Student Members. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 at 7:30 pm at Peter and Karen Cipes’ home. The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm P. O. Box 723, Medford, OR 97501 HOWARD PRAIRIE LAKE - 2016 - FULL POOL POOL © 2016 M. Warwick & P. Cipes RULES: 1) THIS IS A 50/50 POOL WITH 50% OF MONEY AWARDED TO WINNER & 50% OF MONEY DONATED TO RYC. 2) TO PARTICIPATE, PURCHASE ONE OR MORE 1/10 FT. SLOTS; $10 EACH OR THREE SLOTS FOR $25. 3) PURCHASE AS MANY SLOTS AS YOU WISH. AN AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL WILL WRITE YOUR NAME IN. 4) SLOTS PURCHASED BY SINGLE ENTRANT MUST BE SEPARATED FROM EACH OTHER BY AT LEAST TWO OTHER SLOTS. 5) THE WINNING SLOT WILL BE DETERMINED BY THE OFFICIAL USBR FOREBAY READING ON JUNE 1, 2016 AT 0.00 HOUR. 6) IN THE UNLIKELY EVENT OF A TIE THERE WILL BE A BLINDFOLDED DINGHY RACE TO DETERMINE WINNER. 7) ALL INFORMATION & DATA IS APPROXIMATE, PROVISIONAL & SUBJECT TO CHANGE. THIS GAME IS INTENDED FOR ENTERTAINMENT ONLY, NOT FOR INVESTMENT PURPOSES. OVER THE TOP 4527 100% FULL 4526 K. Gurley 4525 K. Gurley K. Gurley 4524 Warwick Spafford 4523 Broadwater Warwick 4522 Broadwater Spafford ENOUGH WATER UNTIL HALLOWEEN Broadwater Cipes Harland 4521 Klein Budd Cipes Warwick 4520 ——————————————————————— Tell Tales the Rogue Yacht Club newsletter is published around the first of each month by the board of directors as an information source for members and other interested parties. Tell Tales is currently edited by past commodore Bill Horton. Submission inquires should be sent via [email protected] Officers of Rogue Yacht Club Spillman Harland Spafford Klein 4519 Anderson Harland 4518 Cipes 4517 McClain 4516 ENOUGH WATER UNTIL LABOR DAY! Peter Cipes, commodore Jay Harland, vice commodore Dick Barbara, past commodore Cindy Broadwater, treasurer Karen Cipes, secretary Jeanne Barbara, 1st trustee (racing) Michael Gutman, 2nd trustee (social) ———————————————————————— 4515 J. Gurley 4514 4513 J. Gurley 4512 < March 31 at 1230H—Elevation 4512.60 feet above sea level 36,498 acre feet—60.2% of a full pool 4511 THE SHALLOW END Page 5--April, 2016 J. Gurley 4510 P. O. Box 723, Medford, OR 97501 P.O. Box 723 Medford, OR 97501 Year ‘Ro und Trout & Bass Fishing S2 7.9 #168 This is a nice S2 7.9. New standing and running rigging. Epoxy bottom. Quantum kevlar main and number one. Sobstad number three. Numerous older sails. Suzuki outboard. Easy Loader trailer. Located Medford, Oregon. $10,000 Call: (541) 326-7056 or email WE RENT BOATS! [email protected] AND MORE Ski Boats • Sea Doos • Pontoon Boats • Sail boats Kayaks • Wakeboards • Aluminum Boats • Bikes • Tubes SUP Paddleboards • Pedal Boats • Boat Slip Rentals Too! MARINA & RESTAURANT OPEN YEAR-ROUND Breakfast served all day Non-Ethanol GAS Beverages Books - Hardware - Accessories - Rigging - Repairs [email protected] Dana & Pat Collins (541) 773-7943 3480 Viewpoint Dr. Medford, OR 97504 Tackle and Bait OPEN DAILY { ICE Jun, July, Aug 8am-8pm Mar, Apr, May, SAT SUN Sep, Oct 8am-4pm CREAM Dec, {Nov, Jan, Feb 8am-4pm (541) 560-3646 35211 Hwy 62 Trail, OR 97541 Near Mile Post 33 Page 6--July, 2015 S2 7.9 For Sale Maverick P. O. Box 723, Medford, OR 97501 Ericson 23-II for Sale In Ashland, Oregon, shoal draft keel & centerboard, 9 bags of sails & spinnaker gear, new VHF radio,, PFDs, rigged for single hand, 7.5 hp Evinrude outboard, dual axel trailer. See Craigslist link for details: 5446755594.html Owner: Scott Rogers (541) 482-4292 [email protected]
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