February 20, 2011 - St. Linus Catholic Church
February 20, 2011 - St. Linus Catholic Church
SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 20, 2011 ST. LINUS CATHOLIC CHURCH St. Linus Catholic Church 13915 Shoemaker Ave. Norwalk, CA 90650 Phone (562) 921-6649 Fax (562) 921-5150 http://www.stlinus.org Office Hours Mon.-Fri.: 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Closed for Lunch: 12-1 p.m. Sat.: 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Sun.: 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m. St. Linus School (562) 921-0336 4 Religious Education Office (562) 921-5179 Father Tony Gomez, Pastor Father Huy Nguyen, Associate Pastor Deacon couple Chuck and Marge Baker Deacon couple John and Sue Cunneen Deacon couple Mario & Nati Mejia Tita Guzman, Diaconate Minister Sister Joseph Ann Kostka, O.L.V.M. Mass Times Saturday: 7:30 a.m., 5:30 p.m./Vigil Mass Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m./Family Mass, 12:15 p.m./en Español, 5:30 p.m./LIFETEEN Mass 7:30 p.m. Weekdays: Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m. Tuesday: 7:00 p.m. with Perpetual Help Novena 1st and 3rd Fridays: 7:00 p.m. Charismatic Mass: once a month (date and time will be posted in the bulletin) Holy Days: Check the Parish Bulletin Maureen Linnebur, Business Manager Anna Betancourt, Dir. of Pastoral Services/Liturgy Sr. Catherine Casey, School Principal Sr. Margaret Dullaghan, Religious Education Dean Diomedes, Youth Ministry/Confirmation Emil Salud, Music Director Gloria Cardenas, Bulletin Editor/Webmaster Eucharistic Adoration: All night adoration from 7:30 p.m., after the 1st and 3rd Friday Masses, Benediction Saturday 7:15 a.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 4:00-5:00 p.m. and 8:00-9:00 p.m. and by appointment For the following Sacraments and Services, please call the Parish Center: Sacrament of Baptism Sacrament of Marriage Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Funeral and Vigil Services Communion to the Sick and Home-bound PAGE TWO SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Ministry in Action... Adoración Nocturna Contacto: Francisco Garcia (714) 521-6773 3rd Fri. 7 pm - Sat, 7:15 A.M.│Iglesia Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Contact: Dorie Sablan Parish Center: (562) 921-6649 1st Fri.│7 P.M.-Sat. 7:15 A.M.│Church Adult Confirmation Parish Center: (562) 921-6649 Altar Servers Contact: Sr. Joseph Ann Kostka OLVM Parish Center: (562) 921-6649 Altar Society Contact: Virginia Lozano (562)863-3657 Anointing of the Sick Parish Center: (562) 921-6649 Baptismal Preparation of Children English & Spanish Parish Center: (562) 921-6649 Because We Care Ministry Contact: Sharon Julien (562) 921-6649 Bible Study-English Contact: Barbara Fries (562) 926-1770 Tues.│8-9 P.M.│Rm. 8 Boy Scouts, Troop 394 Scout Master: Latha Vason Parish Center: (213) 309-0164 Mon.│7-8:30 P.M.│Hall Charismatic Healing Mass Contact: Sion Ferrer (213) 989-3214 (Work) Various Mon.│7 P.M.│Church Church Environment Contact: Parish Office (562) 921-6649 Couples for Christ Contact: Sonny Berberabe (562) 921-6649 Cursillo Ultreya—Spanish Contacto: Miguel y Margarita Ramos (562) 929-4693 “Elohim” Charismatic Prayer Group Contact: Brenda Cadavona (562) 921-1123 Fri.│7:30-10 P.M.│Rm. 11 Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial Jose y Veronica Galindo (310) 365-4594 Filipino Association Contact: Rey Factoran (714) 670-8788 Meets once a month Funerals Parish Center: (562) 921-6649 Golden Age Club Contact: Rachel Witt (562) 698-3105 3rd Sun│1:30-4:30 P.M.│Hall Grupo de Oración Contacto: Rafael Alvarez (562) 774-7379 Wed.│7-9:00 P.M.│Hall Guadalupanas Contacto: Dolores Lopez (562) 921-6649 El dia 12 de cada mes│7 P.M.│Iglesia Jovenes para Cristo Contacto: Olga Cruz (562) 651-1686 Tues.│7:30 P.M.│Hall Knights of Columbus #10623 Grand Knight: Dick Arebalo (562) 278-6048 2nd Tues.│7:30 P.M.│Hall Legion of Mary Contact: Sylvia J. Layao (562) 404-1174 Praesidium Tues.│5-6 P.M.│Rm. 10 Curia 2nd Thur.│7 P.M.│Rm. 10 Liturgy Committee Director: Anna Betancourt Parish Center: (562) 921-6649 Ministerios Hispanos Contacto: Vidal Vargas (562) 440-7022 Ministry to the Sick Contact: Sr. Joseph Ann Kostka OLVM Parish Center: (562) 921-6649 Music Director Contact: Emil Salud (562) 921-6649 Mustard Seed Communities Contact: Leonor Stanley (562) 921-6649 [email protected] Oktoberfest Committee Contact: Mike Betancourt Parish Center: (562) 921-6649 Parish Council Contact: Parish Office (562) 921-6649 [email protected] RCIA Contact: Marge Baker Parish Center: (562) 921-6649 Santo Niño Devotions 1st Fri.│6:30 P.M.│Church Religious Education Contact: Sr. Margaret Dullaghan (562) 921-5179 Office Call for Schedules Religious Goods Store Contact: John A. L. Moran Parish Center: (562) 921-6649 Open after all Weekend Masses Religious Vocations Parish Center: (562) 921-6649 Separated & Divorced Group Contact: Rosa Muro (562) 485-7689 2nd & 4th Thurs. | 7 P.M. | Parish Office St. Linus Fundraisers Contact: Nimfa Castro (562) 865-1167 St. Linus School Principal: Sister Catherine Casey (562) 921-0336 Office www.linuslions.org St. Linus Ushers Contact: Cornell Watson (562) 822-4506 Weddings & Quinceañeras Coordinator: Sue Ellen Rojas (562) 260-7175 Youth Ministry/LIFE TEEN & Confirmation Contact: Dean Diomedes (562) 921-6252 Office Sun.│7:15-8:45 P.M.│LIFE Nights|Hall Other meeting times vary SÉPTIMO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO PAGE THREE We would like to thank all of our parishioners and visitors for being generous with your weekly donations. It is such a help to our parish. Our collection for the week of February 13, 2011 was $10,095.13. May God bless you for your continued support. We welcome you to make your weekly/monthly donations by enrolling in Parish Pay by visiting www.parishpay.com or calling (866) 727-4741 to set up an account. Reunión Para Ministerios Litúrgicos de la Misa de 12:15 (Misa en Español) Con el Padre Tony Gómez y Anna Betancourt Domingo- 27 de Febrero a las 1:30pm (Después de Misa) MONAGUILLOS MINISTROS EXTRAORDINARIOS DE LA SAGRADA COMUNIÓN: MINISTROS DE HOSPITALIDAD / UJIERES: LECTORES Música CORO SACRISTANES – Coordinadores de culto Due to the President’s Day Holiday the Parish Office will only be open from 4-8:00 PM on Monday, February 21, 2011. PARISH REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS 2010 2010 was a busy year for repairs and maintenance at St. Linus Parish. The following projects were completed: Plumbing leak in the rectory which caused extensive water damage. Repairs have been completed. Four major plumbing problems—water and gas leaks. Our lunch benches were sanded, repaired and painted, thanks to an Eagle Scout Project. The walk by the Sacred Heart statue was repaired. Locks in the church were all repaired/replaced. Church carpet was cleaned. Renovation of Room 10 was completed. We now have a nice, much needed, meeting room for adult groups. Three trees were removed from parish and school grounds that were causing plumbing and “neighbor” problems. The parking lot and playground have been resurfaced. A much needed floor was put in the Religious Education Office—paid for with Religious Education funds. Lastly, plans are progressing with our Adoration Chapel and Memorial Garden. There will be no parish operating expenses or parish savings used to finance these two projects, they will be paid for through donations and fundraising efforts. These projects amounted to approximately $70,000.00 of mostly unexpected and unplanned expenses. Any questions or observations, feel free to top by the office and see me. Maureen Linnebur Business Manager PAGE FOUR SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Saturday, March 5, 2011 Free Registration – 9:00 A.M. Walk Starts - 10:00 A.M. Bring the whole family to walk in solidarity As active Catholic Christians Meal/Drink Tickets are $3 each for: Choice of Hamburger or 2 Hotdogs w/chips & drink Travelers to find Mass go to www.masstimes.org or call (734) 794-2100 SÉPTIMO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO PAGE FIVE Did you mark your Calendar? Only 3 weeks left St. Linus Parish Mission With Fr. Dave Tobin, C.Ss.R. Monday- Tuesday- Wednesday March 14, 15 and 16, 2011. 7-9pm There will be a penance service on Wednesday night. Come and bring three friends with you! If you are available to help with various aspects of the mission please contact Anna at the parish office (562) 921-6649. We need help in the following areas: Hospitality- providing refreshments/ushering/greeting Babysitting – Childcare for young children Promotion and Publicity- help get the word out so our church will be full. Transportation – providing a ride for those who don’t drive, or don’t like driving at night. Maybe you can help in a very different way…. Spiritual preparation- Pray for the success of our Mission; all parish groups should begin with prayer for the parish mission, set aside a special day for fasting, schedule a holy hour to come pray at church during the week. TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE THIS MISSION A LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCE. Luck of the Irish Benefit Dinner The Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles and the Auxiliary of Sacred Heart Retreat House invite you to the 13th Annual Luck of the Irish Benefit Dinner on Sunday, March 6, 2011 at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. The event begins with Mass at 3:30 p.m. followed by dinner at the Cathedral Plaza in which the recipients of the Mother Luisita Spirit Award will be recognized. Night includes silent and live auctions. For more information, please call (626) 289-1353 ext. 203. WELCOME TO ST. LINUS PARISH Our warmest welcome to all who celebrate with us. We extend our hearts to all whether long-time residents or newly arrived in the parish. If you have NOT registered or have moved, or have other needs, please fill out this form and place it in the collection basket or mail it to the Parish Office. I would like to become a parishioner by registering. Name__________________________________ I have moved. Here is my new address. Address________________________________ I have a new phone number. City___________________State____Zip_____ I would be willing to be a sponsor for RCIA. Phone__(_____)_________________________ I am going to be in the hospital for surgery. I have a convalescent person in our home requesting Holy Communion. I am baptized but have not received 1st Holy Communion and/or Confirmation. PAGE SIX SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JOVENES PARA CRISTO Y LA IGLESIA CATÓLICA SAN LINO Invitan a nuestro: RETIRO DE INICIACIÓN 2011 “Adultos de todas las edades bienvenidos” 25, 26, Y 27 DE FEBRERO Retiro inicia el viernes 25 a las 6:00 pm Ven a tener un encuentro personal con Jesús Donación: Opcional Lugar: Iglesia Católica San Lino 13915 Shoemaker Ave. Norwalk, CA 90650 Para más información: Olga Cruz (562) 279-4843 Maria Luisa Romero (562) 421-1489 Antonio Echeverría (562) 239-1202 “pero el que beba del agua que yo le daré nunca volverá a tener sed. El agua que yo le daré se convertirá en él en un chorro que salta hasta la vida eterna. -Juan 4:14 :...hable Senor, que tu siervo escucha.” (1 Sam 3, 10) GOLDEN AGE CLUB: The regular monthly meeting which is the third Sunday of the month, will be this Sunday Feb. 20th in Room 10, with sign in at 1:30 p.m. Our trip to Pala Casino was a lot of fun. Planning of future activities and trips will be taking place. Come and join us. See you there. BIENVENIDOS A LA PARROQUIA DE SAN LINO Nuestra más calurosa bienvenida a todos que celebran con nosotros. Extendemos nuestros corazones a todos, sean residentes de mucho tiempo o recien llegados a la parroquia. Si NO se han registrado o se han registrado y mudado, o tienen otras necesidades, por favor llenen este formulario y pónganlo en la canasta de colecta o envíenlo por correo a la oficina de la parroquia. Quisiera registrarme para ser miembro de la parroquia. Nombre________________________________ Aquí está mi nuevo domicilio. Domicilio______________________________ Yo tengo un número nuevo de teléfono. Ciudad__________Estado___Zona Postal_____ Quisiera ser patrocinador de RCIA. Teléfono_(_____)________________________ Voy a estar en el hospital para una operación. Tengo una persona convaleciente en mi casa pidiendo la Santa Comunión. Estoy bautizado/a pero no he recibido la Primera Comunion y/o al Confirmación. SÉPTIMO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO PAGE SEVEN A MASS WITH A HEALING SERVICE PLACE: DATE: TIME: CELEBRANT: ST. LINUS CATHOLIC CHURCH 13915 Shoemaker Avenue, Norwalk, CA 90650 MONDAY, February 21, 2011 7:30 PM MASS Fr. Joshua Lee Fr. Joshua is the Pastor of St. Hilary’s Church in Whittier, CA. He is a charismatic priest and a gifted preacher. He was a nurse by profession when he received the call to enter the priesthood; responding to the Spirit’s call, he became a Benedictine monk at St. Andrews Abbey for several years prior to taking on duties as a pastoral priest with the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Fr. Joshua is a dynamic and well sought speaker at the annual SCRC Charismatic Convention; he is also a spiritual director and a retreat master. Last July 2002, the Lord effected the healing of a cancer patient at St. Irenaeus Church’s healing mass services through the ministration of Fr. Joshua. Come with your family and friends and experience the anointing healing power of the Holy Spirit. MEN’S ANNUAL RETREAT—FIRST CALL This is the first call for sign-up for our Annual Parish Men’s Retreat at MATER DOLOROSA RETREAT CENTER It will take place the weekend beginning April 29 thru May 1, 2011 this year’s theme is: Come to the Well of Living Water… Our Life of Prayer This is a chance for spiritual renewal with your fellow parishioners. For reservation or information, The suggested donation for the weekend is $180.00 (including $50 deposit) for two nights and five meals. No one is turned away because of financial inability to make the recommended donation. Phone Frank Le Duff (562) 864-3482, John Moran (562) 926-1575 or Anthony Zanic (562) 926-5934 KNIGHTS FEED THE POOR "The Knights of Columbus have been serving the less fortunate people for several years in Downtown LA and in Costa Mesa. The last Saturday of each month we will begin volunteering with the Missionary Brothers of Charity funded by Mother Teresa of Calcutta and "Someone Care Soup Kitchen". We will be volunteering from 7:30 - noon. We will be serving breakfast. If you would like to volunteer you MUST contact Raul Mendoza at (562) 882-8075 or Mary Ratanasurakarn at ( 951 ) 500-0787 a week before the last Saturday to make arrangements ". Whittier Life Center’s 15th Annual Walk for Life Saturday, March 12, 2011 Registration starts at 8 a.m. Walk begins at 9 a.m. at St. Bruno Church 15470 Citrustree Rd. Whittier, CA 90603 Many parishioners make this Walk their Lenten penance as a sacrifice for the aborted and unborn babies. Collect at least $30 in donations (which goes towards your $30 registration fee) and get a FREE T-shirt! A LAPTOP COMPUTER will be given away to the highest collector. This is approximately a 10K Walk to WLC and back! $5 Barbeque & Raffle to follow Walk Please make checks payable to Whittier Life Center. Pick up your donation form at the church office, from your Respect Life Chairperson or for more information call (562) 693-8803 PAGE EIGHT SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME BLOOD DRIVE COMING TO ST. LINUS CAN YOU HELP? FEBRUARY 27, 2011 After all morning Masses PLEASE READ THIS STORY TO FIND OUT WHAT OUR UPCOMING BLOOD DRIVE IS ALL ABOUT. M’Lynn Angel Bardwell was born September 24, 1992 at St. Agnes Catholic Hospital in Fresno California to her proud parents, Steve and Angela Bardwell. She was baptized here at St. Linus Church in May of 1993 since this was her parent’s home town and their family and friends were here. She later received her First Communion at St. John’s Cathedral where she participated in youth ministry. She was an active young lady participating in after school sports and other extra curricular activities but at age 13 she was diagnosed with lymphoma (November 2005). She finished treatment in December of 2007 and seemed to be doing fine. 6 months later her check up revealed that the cancer had returned as Leukemia. She began treatment at City of Hope. She received the Sacrament of Confirmation at City of Hope on her death bed and the last food she was able to consume was the Eucharist, the Body of Christ. M’Lynn passed away March 1, 2009 at age 17. Steve and Angela Bardwell have made it their mission to return to Los Angeles and give back to the strangers that helped their daughter with blood donations and with bone marrow registry. 119 Units of blood products were used during her short 56 day fight and only 15% came from family and friends. The rest came from the people of Los Angeles. This is their way of saying “Thank You” for what others did for their daughter. Through the generous help of City of Hope, Steve and Angela will be sponsoring a Blood Drive here at St. Linus on Sunday February 27, 2011 after all morning Masses. Please consider being a donor that day and perhaps save or extend the life of a precious child like M’Lynn. The Bardwell’s would be very grateful. Did You Know? Five Tips for Safeguarding Children The Archdiocese mandates that all people who work with children and youth in our parishes and schools must undergo child abuse prevention training through the VIRTUS program. The training details five steps to prevent child sexual abuse: 1. Know the warning signs of an inappropriate relationship with a child. 2. Control access to children by carefully selecting the adults who work with children and youth. 3. Monitor all programs for the safety of children and youth. 4. Be aware of and sensitive to what is going on in the lives of children. 5. Communicate concerns to the appropriate person in authority. For more information, please call the Archdiocesan Safeguard the Children Office: (213) 637-7227. For particular help, you may call Assistance Ministry at (213) 637-7650. SÉPTIMO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO PAGE NINE A message from the St. Linus School Community… Greetings, Parishioners and St. Linus School Parents! As always, we would to share with all of you, important information, news and events happening at St. Linus School! REGISTER NOW FOR THE 2011-2012 SCHOOL YEAR! Please join us for an Information Night on Thursday, February 24th at 7:00 p.m. in the school library. Refreshments served. Avail of this opportunity to meet with Sr. Catherine, principal and parents of St. Linus students currently enrolled at St. Linus School. Invest in the future. Give your child the Advantage of a Catholic Education! St. Linus School new student applications (grades Pre-K through 8) for the 20112012 school year are available in the school office from 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Prospective students for Pre-K must be 4 by September 1, 2011. Prospective students for Kindergarten must be 5 by September 1, 2011. Please call the school office at (562) 921-0336 for further information. St. Linus Students receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation Please keep the children in your prayers as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of First Reconciliation on Wednesday, February 23rd. SCRIP available in the school office! SCRIP is available for purchase in our school office Monday through Friday from 9am – 3pm. Remember to purchase SCRIP gift cards to use for grocery shopping, gas, restaurants and department stores. Proceeds from your purchases greatly benefit our school. If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact our office at (562) 921-0336. SCRIP order forms are also available in the school office for your convenience. Your Shopping Benefits Our School – Please Save Your Receipts!! Parishioners, our school participates in the ‘School Cents Fundraising Program’ and we’d like to know if you can help! Here’s how it works: The School Cents Program is a partnership program with our three local area malls (Cerritos Mall, Stonewood Center, and Lakewood Center) where our school earns points every time you shop. All you have to do is save your receipts from any purchases made at these shopping centers and our school receives points for each dollar spent at the stores, restaurants (yes, even Starbucks!), kiosks/carts, and movie theaters. Please save your receipts and turn them in to the school office. You may also stop by the Guest Services Desk at any of the three malls, show them your receipt, let them know you are supporting St. Linus School, and they will stamp your receipt and hand it right back to you! It’s fast, simple, and it helps our school tremendously. Prizes are also awarded to the school with the most points! So start saving your receipts today! “A Catholic Education is an Advantage for Life” PAGE TEN SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME This Week at St. Linus... Congratulations to our New Catholics recently Baptized 7:30 AM 5:30 PM SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19 Dorothy Bonderson, (R.I.P.) Marcelina Sotomil, (R.I.P.) SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20 7:30 AM Bill McSeveney, (Third Death Anniversary) 9:00 AM Leonard Escaleras, (R.I.P.) 10:30 AM Leonard Escaleras, (R.I.P./Anniversary) 12:15 PM Amadeo Hidalgo, (R.I.P.) 5:30 PM Rogelio, Catalina & Tita Munoz, (R.I.P.) 7:30 PM Josefa Nicholas, (R.I.P./Death Anniversary) 8:30 AM MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21 Cuc Aldrich, (R.I.P.) 8:30 AM 7:00 PM TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22 Augusto Teodoro, (R.I.P./Birthday) Miguela Deleon, (R.I.P.) 8:30 AM 8:30 AM 8:30 AM WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23 Jose Funtera, (R.I.P.) THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24 Rose Enriquez, Birthday & Thanksgiving) FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25 Adelaida R. Guhit, (R.I.P.) SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26 David Padilla & Augene Perez, (R.I.P.) 5:30 PM Paul De Silva 7:30 AM SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27 7:30 AM Simon Anthony Hall, (R.I.P.) 9:00 AM Guadalupe & Matilde Yañez, (R.I.P.) 10:30 AM Choon Kow Yap, (R.I.P.) 12:15 PM Jose Angel Vallejano, (R.I.P.) 5:30 PM Raul Ramos, (R.I.P.) 7:30 PM Mary Ambrosi, (R.I.P.) Hailey Anne De Jesus Cruz William Albert Fontelera Sese Your prayers are requested for the eternal repose of: LORENZA LIM TERESA “REZI” GOLOBAN MAUREEN WAH Mother of Fr. Joe Wah JESUS RIVERA Prayerful and deepest sympathy go out to their families, relatives and friends. Please pray for the sick of our parish: Althea and Herb Robinson Gloria Jones Ursula Hirezi Lucila Estrella Santos Valdez Emilia Marquez Connie Renteria Connie Lopez Andrew Nuckles Charles Joseph Becky Avila Carreon If you would like to add a name to the list, please contact the parish office. Let us continue to pray for our Armed Forces and their families. We thank God for the sacrifices they make to ensure our freedom. SÉPTIMO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO PAGE ELEVEN Question of the Week Pregunta de la Semana Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A February 20, 2011 First Reading: Leviticus 19:1-2, 17-18 Second Reading: First Corinthians 3:16-23 Gospel: Matthew 5:38-48 Adults: What is one thing I can do this week to remember to respond to hostile situations with love rather than anger or frustration? Children: What is one thing I can do this week to be generous instead of selfish? 7° Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario, Ciclo A 20 de Febrero del 2011 Primera Lectura: Levítico 19, 1-2. 17-18 Segunda Lectura: 1 Corintios 3, 16-23 Evangelio: Mateo 5, 38-48 Adultos: ¿Qué puedo hacer esta semana para recordar que debo responder a una situación difícil con amor en lugar de con enojo y frustración? Niños: ¿Cómo puedo ser generoso esta semana en lugar de solo pensar en mí? READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Sir 1:1-10; Mk 9:14-29 1 Pt 5:1-4; Mt 16:13-19 Sir 4:11-19; Mk 9:38-40 Sir 5:1-8; Mk 9:41-50 Sir 6:5-17; Mk 10:1-12 Sir 17:1-15; Mk 10:13-16 Is 49:14-15; Ps 62; 1 Cor 4:1-5; Mt 6:24-34 LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Domingo: Sir 1:1-10; Mc 9:14-29 1 Pt 5:1-4; Mt 16:13-19 Sir 4:11-19; Mc 9:38-40 Sir 5:1-8; Mc 9:41-50 Sir 6:5-17; Mc 10:1-12 Sir 17:1-15; Mc 10:13-16 Is 49:14-15; Sal 62 (61); 1 Cor 4:1-5; Mt 6:24-34