107 san pedro road colma, ca 94014
107 san pedro road colma, ca 94014
WELCOME TO Holy Angels Church YtÅ|Äç Éy Yt|à{ f{tÜ|Çz g|Åx? gtÄxÇà? tÇw gÜxtáâÜx hÇt YtÅ|Ä|t wx Yx VÉÅÑtÜà|xÇwÉ g|xÅÑÉ? gtÄxÇàÉ ç gxáÉÜÉ 107 SAN PEDRO ROAD COLMA, CA 94014 Devotions Pastoral Staff Rev. Manuel Curso, Pastor Rev. Alberto R. Cuevas, Parochial Vicar Msgr. John R. Pernia, Priest In Residence Rev. Mr. Juan Ruiz, Permanent Deacon Rev. Mr. Lerny Prudenciado, Permanent Deacon Rosary Daily After 7:30AM Mass Our Lady of Perpetual Help (OLPH)Mondays After 5:45 PM Mass Marian Congregation & Rosary Wednesdays 7:00PM (Spanish) Adoration of the First Friday After 7:30AM Mass Blessed Sacrament until the 5:45 PM Mass Sacred Heart/Devotion First Friday After 5:45PM Mass Music Coordinators Margaret Anne Kerns Tito Rangasajo Laura Reyes Rudy Valeros, Sr. Saturday………….3:30-4:15PM (or by appointment with a priest) Telephone Numbers Rectory (Parish Office) ..…………….…..…….…....(650) 755-0478 Confessions/Reconciliation OFFICE HOURS: MON-FRI 8:00AM–12PM, 1:00PM–5PM; Educational Staff Sr. Leonarda Montealto, OP, School Principal School….…………………………………………...…(650) 755-0220 School of Religion (CCD)…………………………... (650) 992-5539 Deacon Lerny Prudenciado …………………….…..(650) 758-3480 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)…………….…..(650) 758-3480 Support Staff Saturday ............................. 7:30AM, 4:30PM (SUNDAY VIGIL) Sunday ............................... 7:00AM, 8:30AM, 10:00AM (Español), 11:30AM, 1:00PM & 4:30PM Weekdays…...7:30AM, 5:45PM Sr. Anita Torres, PBVM, Coordinator, School of Religion (CCD) and Confirmation Lawanda York CCD Computer Support Masses Nymia Tolentino, Bookkeeper Lawanda York, Secretary Lynne Horan, Secretary/Receptionist Magdalena Turcios, Housekeeper Roger Turcios, Maintenance Organizations Parish Council Filipino-American Club (FIL-AM) Italian Catholic Federation (ICF) Knights of Columbus (K of C - Council 10948) Legion of Mary Charismatic Prayer Group St. Vincent de Paul Society Teen/Youth Groups Latin Youth Group Holy Angels Youth Ministry 4th Wednesday 7:00PM 3rd Sunday 12:30PM 2nd & 4th Monday 7:30PM 2nd Sunday 6:00PM & 1st Monday 6:30PM Every Sunday 9:30AM Every Thursday 7:30PM 1st & 3rd Thursday 7:00PM Every Friday Every Saturday 7:00PM 10:30AM First Friday & Holy Days of Obligation………………..7:30AM, 5:45PM Baptism: Pre-Baptismal preparation is necessary. Call the rectory two months in advance to register and to make an interview appointment. Marriage: Arrangements must be made with a Priest or Deacon at least six months prior to the wedding date. Sacraments for the Sick: Call the parish office when you know of a parishioner who is ill. A priest will administer the Anointing of the Sick when necessary; if the parishioner is unable to come to Mass contact the rectory at 650-755-0478. www.holyangelschurchcolma.com Page 2 Our Lord Jesus Christ the King November 25, 2012 Jesus Christ is the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead and ruler of the kings of the earth. — Revelation 1:5 CHRIST, THE KING The selection from the book of Daniel presented in today’s first reading was part of an attempt to weave a vision of ultimate success for the Jews under persecution. Exactly whom the author had in mind when he refers to “one like a Son of Man” is hotly disputed by scholars today. The fact is, we simply do not know if the author meant anyone in particular or if this is a collective, figurative image of Israel’s triumph. What we do know is that the early Christian community seized upon this passage and recognized it as a messianic prophecy, a foretelling of the ultimate triumph of Jesus as the Christ of God. The Lectionary’s juxtaposition of this text with today’s Gospel narrative of Jesus before Pilate is a wonderful example of how the liturgy “layers” passages with new meaning by inserting them in a particular context. The celebration of Christ the King allows us to hear these passages with a new depth of meaning in light of our contemporary understanding of how, in Jesus and his resurrection and ascension, we have seen the fulfillment of Daniel’s vision of ultimate deliverance. The veiled admission of Jesus before Pilate that he did indeed have a kingdom “not here” takes on new meaning against the cosmic vision of Daniel, who allows us to glimpse the “Ancient One” on his heavenly throne. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — One like a Son of man received dominion, glory, and kingship (Daniel 7:13-14). Psalm — The Lord is king; he is robed in majesty (Psalm 93). Second Reading — Jesus Christ is the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead (Revelation 1:5-8).Gospel — For this I came into the world, to testify to the truth (John 18:33b-37). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: READINGS FOR THE WEEK Rv 14:1-3, 4b-5; Lk 21:1-4 Rv 14:14-19; Lk 21:5-11 Rv 15:1-4; Lk 21:12-19 Rv 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9a; Lk 21:20-28 Rom 10:9-18; Mt 4:18-22 Rv 22:1-7; Lk 21:34-36 Jer 33:14-16; Ps 25; 1 Thes 3:12 — 4:2; Lk 21:25-28, 34-36 TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Despite the fact that the feast of Christ the King was established less than a century ago, it has already undergone a shift in focus. When Pope Pius XI established this feast in 1925, nationalism and fascism were on the rise. The pope intended that it be a “vehicle for spiritual teaching,” one that would recognize the ultimate authority of Christ over all political and social scheming. The last Sunday of October was chosen as the date for the feast because of its proximity to the feast of All Saints, those men and women who bore witness to Christ’s reign in so many different ways. The calendar reforms of 1969 moved the feast to the last Sunday of the liturgical year. There, in the context of November’s focus on the end times, Christ’s second coming at the end of all time is highlighted. The threefold cycle of readings also expands our imaginations in regard to this feast. In this year’s Gospel, Christ stands before Pilate, whose own power blinds him to the truth of the Lord’s kingdom. In a world where oppression still holds sway over too many people, this feast is somehow still as timely as when Pope Pius XI first established it. —James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. SATURDAY, DEC. 8 — REMEMBRANCE SERVICE: Holiday Prayer Service, Holy Cross Cemetery, 1500 Old Mission Road, Colma 11a.m. All Saints Mausoleum Chapel Msgr. John Talesfore presides. (650) 756-2060. THANKSGIVING/CHRISTMAS FOOD: It is time for those in need of Thanksgiving and Christmas assistance to apply at the Daly City Community Center (DCCC) through Fri. Nov. 30, Mon-Fri, 1-4 PM. There are flyers near the church bulletin boards. We coordinate our Food Ministry with DCCC. They provide Christmas gifts for children up to 14 years of age. DON’T WAIT. APPLY EARLY. We pray for the Communities Response to Violence and their willingness to play their role within the Restorative Justice Model. John 18: 33b-37 - Solemnity of Christ the King Scripture Reflection: Today we celebrate Jesus as the King of kings, the Alpha and the Omega. And we as members of His body should extend out our hands as a community response to heal victims of violence and restore prisoners and offenders to their God given dignity and respect. CYCLE C—BULLETIN 53 Page 3 Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord . . . Ann Barreto, Santino Camicia, Ramon Dela Cruz . . . and let perpetual light shine upon them. BE AN ANGEL Please remember Holy Angels Church in your will. Your parish is always in need of more finances for various programs, as well as upkeep. COME TO THE HALL TODAY FOR OUR ANNUAL CHRISTMAS BOUTQUE WE WILL BE OPEN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 24TH 11:00am TO 6:30pm AND ON SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 25TH FROM 8:00am TO 6:30pm. DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY FROM OUR MANY VENDORS WHO WILL BE SELLING THEIR HAND-MADE ITEMS. COME BY AND HAVE A DELICIOUS SNACK AT OUR REFRESHMENT BOOTH OR BUY SOME HOLIDAY TREATS FROM OUR VENDORS. ORIGINALITY Remember that God prefers the poverty of our hearts to the most sublime thoughts borrowed from others. —St. Peter Julian Eymard The U.S. bishops, on a voice vote, endorsed the sainthood cause of Dorothy Day, the co-founder of the Catholic Worker movement, who was famously quoted as saying, "Don't call me a saint. I don't want to be dismissed so easily." The endorsement came at the end of a canonically required consultation that took place Nov. 13, the second day of the bishops' annual fall general assembly in Baltimore. In the case of Day, whose Catholic Worker ministry was based in New York City, the bishop promoting her cause is Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan of New York, president of the U.S. bishops' conference. The cause was first undertaken by one of Cardinal Dolan's predecessors in New York, Cardinal John O'Connor. Cardinal Dolan called Day's journey "Augustinian," saying that "she was the first to admit it: sexual immorality, there was a religious search, there was a pregnancy out of wedlock, and an abortion. Like Saul on the way to Damascus, she was radically changed" and has become "a saint for our time." "Of all the people we need to reach out to, all the people that are hard to get at, the street people, the ones who are on drugs, the ones who have had abortions, she was one of them," Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick said of Day. "What a tremendous opportunity to say to them you can not only be brought back into society, you can not only be brought back into the church, you can be a saint!" he added. MASS INTENTIONS Mon., 7:30 5:45 Tues., 7:30 11/26 Orlando, Irene, Angelo & Yolanda Disperati David Pearson 11/27 1. Guadalupe Tauyan death anniversary 2. Eric Nicolas & Thanksgiving/Mila Pagkalinawan 5:45 Dominic Jacob Viloria 1st death anniversary Wed., 11/28 7:30 Thanksgiving/Holy Angels Volunteers 5:45 Souls in Purgatory Thurs., 11/29 7:30 Marie Antoinette death anniversary 5:45 Tony Castaneda 40th day death anniversary Fri., 11/30 7:30 Patrocinio Nagal death anniversary 5:45 1. Julie Eisenbrey 2. Jose Reynold Sonza 2nd death anniversary Sat., 12/1 7:30 Thanksgiving/Joven Corpus 4:30 1. Enrique Manalo 2. Elia & Rosendo Gomez 3. Intentions/Rose Fogliano 4. Marilyn Perez 5. Thanksgiving/Robert Cosiac Sun., 12/2 7:00 Thanksgiving/Bernadette Bermudez 8:30 Helen Reich 10:00 1 . Martin Gomez & Maria Gonzalez 2. Juan Lira 8th death anniversary 11:30 1. George Culbreth 1st death anniversary 2. Patricia Capulong death anniversary 3. Julie Tovar 1:00 Tam Pham 4:30 Souls in Purgatory November 10—November 11 November 17—November 18 The first collection 11/11 amounted to $7,719.88 and the second collection for the Archbishop’s Assessment amounted to $1,761.00. The collection amounts for 11/18 will be in next week’s bulletin due to the publisher’s holiday deadline. Today’s second reading reminds us that the sacrifice of Christ frees us from sin and makes us a royal nation of priests in the service of God. How am I using my gifts to serve God and others? 2012 Assessment: Raised to Date: Percentage of Goal: Pledges to Date: $64,600.00 $58,806.00* 91% 86 *Includes second collections Envelopes are available at the church entrances if you did not receive one in the mail. Page 4 AÑO DE LA FE: NOVIEMBRE DE 2012 Recursos indispensables para el Año de la Fe Meditación El Catecismo de la Iglesia católica es un subsidio precioso e indispensable para proveer a todos un conocimiento sistemático del contenido de la fe. Es uno de los frutos más importantes del Concilio Vaticano II (ver Benedicto XVI, La puerta de la fe, 11). Este Año de la Fe, como el papa lo prevé, es primero una invitación a renovar el entusiasmo gozoso de nuestro encuentro personal con Cristo. Este encuentro personal debe inspirarnos a renovar nuestro compromiso de un amor altruista a nuestro prójimo. En este “camino que dura toda la vida”, como el papa lo describe, la Iglesia provee “compañeros de viaje”, recursos practicos que nos inspiran y nos informan. Pues el “corazón” de la fe, nuestra relación personal con Cristo, también necesita una “mente” bien formada en la verdad que Jesús, el amigo de nuestras almas y el Señor de la Iglesia, nos ha revelado. Misión Comprar una o más de las versiones del Catecismo o encontrar la versión electrónica del Catecismo y/o el Compendio en Internet. —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Oramos por la Respuesta a la Violencia por parte de la Comunidad y su disposición a trabajar dentro del modelo de Justicia Restaurativa. Juan 18: 33-37 - Solemnidad de Cristo Rey Reflexión de las Escrituras: Hoy celebramos a Jesús como el Rey de Reyes, el Alfa y Omega. Y nosotros, como miembros de su cuerpo debemos extender nuestras manos como respuesta de una verdadera comunidad de ayuda a las víctimas de la violencia y restaurar la dignidad y respeto dada por Dios a todos. GRATITUD ¿Qué es la alegría sin la gratitud y dónde está la gratitud sin Dios? —Coventry Patmore COMIDA PARA DIA DE GRACIA Y NAVIDAD: Es tiempo para aguellas personas que necessitan ayuda, que appliquen en Centro Communitario de Daly City hasta Viernes el 30 de Noviembre. Lunes-Viermes, 1-4 PM. Habran pampletos cerca de la tabla de anuncios, por favor leerlos. Nuestros coordinamos nuestro ministerio de comida con el Centro Communitario de Daly City. Ellos tambien daran regalos de Navidad para los niños menores de 14 años. NO ESPERE. APLIQUE TEMPRANO. RECTORIA DE LA PARROQUIA Page 5 Padre Alberto R. Cuevas …………………(650) 755-0478 Preparación Prematrimonial y Bautizos DIRECTIVA PARROQUIA GRUPO LATINO Reunión primer domingo de cada mes después de misa Presidente: Vice-Presidente: Secretaria: Tesorera: Gladys Gomez...………...…….(650) 290-3462 Felix Rumayor.………………...(650) 756-3857 Jessica Cuellar…....…………..(650) 204-0701 Mery Valencia…………………(650) 520-0365 CONGREGACIÓN MARIANA Francisco Hernández………………………………(650) 994-5451 Federico Tobar……………………………………..(650) 756-5537 Miércoles 7:00 p.m. Rezo del Rosario en la Capilla de la Iglesia. 1er. Miércoles de cada mes HORA SANTA GRUPO DE INTERCESIÓN Arcelia Gómez……………………………...………(650) 755-8685 Alejandrina Gomez………………………………...(650) 992-0990 Oración intercediendo por los enfermes, necesidades de la Parroquia y sus miembros……………...Jueves: 7:00 p.m. en la Sala de San Miguel GRUPO DE ORACIÓN ¨CRISTO FUENTE DE LUZ” Sábado 7:00 p.m. en la Capilla de la Iglesia. Oración por enfermos, necesidades, alabanza y acción de Gracias a Dios, con testimonios para crecer en nuestra FE. Arcelia Gómez……………………………...………(650) 755-8685 Oscar Valencia……………………………...……...(415) 724-2413 GRUPO DE JOVENES “CRISTO VIVE CON LA JUVENTUD” Rodolfo Castro…………………………………...…(650) 992-4762 Alejandro Ordoñez………………………………….() Fortalecer la Fe de los jóvenes, Oración y compartir en comunidad………………...Reunión cada Viernes a las 7:00 p.m. CORO JUVENIL HISPANO Olga Cojulun………………………………………...(650) 488-0817 Teresa Morales………………………………….….(650) 583-4502 Ensayos Viernes 6:30 p.m. en salon de niños pequiños ESCUELITA INFANTIL DOMINICAL Corina Trujillo…………………………………...…..(650) 757-0853 Cada 2o. y 4o. Domingo del mes. HERMANDAD “NUESTRO SEÑOR DE ESQUIPULAS” Angel Falla……..……………………………………(415) 574-9296 HERMANDAD “DIVINO SALVADOR DEL MUNDO” Rudy Casrto…………………………………………(650) 992-4762 HERMANDAD “LA PURISIMA” Vilma Alvarez……………………………………….(650) 755-8859 HERMANDAD “GUADALUPANA” David Santellan…………………………………….(650) 784-1646