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the full article here.
3h'.",' n -\ : &-l \*. - \ -t a$nr A 1.- * H.tu *.* ' '1,, .\**F+" * ".,.. ..,...,.'-= Thfs simplebut strategic runningprogram will help 5rou shape up and shed pounds in minimal mileage. BY LTZPLOSSER photographs byWilliams ..;.'.*: & Hirakawa *l lr*f : AtT nrrlilrl - -',;;,**)' I d '**" , iL Jq'. I' ,i:* 1 i .:* .:;; -*,,+, 5.: , -. - , '" -: .- ..a,.: . s? , ;u{.:., ' *lt' -. I lr. :- 'l- i: ' E El BodY UP iank, American APParel leqgings, K-Swiss shoes, -: .,'.',*. :.***l** Adidas watch .l !i n il, tl tl a IfyOUWalkintO controt,becausethat'swhere voudo.*It'sbesttomixand ll Kmeric-a,{ou'll eym;.":fi#ffi'4fi $:-$i?"F{"i;. I l] li li'll I I I | ll t f I t lN | | | || II IN II II I| 1l | | | ll, ll H li lE IE li ff ffi ff ff lj !] li J1, I1 Il, lll See rOWS OIvlromen H I calories H.ffi1,ffi:Tl-"i:i;:l1il" that feels easiest. at an increased rate even during the walking or jogging recovery Quickies Find a flat section of road' or hit periods, says and coach in Mammoth Lakes, Westcott. women California. You'Il sti1l need to 'Thebody-slimmingbenefits thetrackor,treadmill'andspeed ^"iry runthreetofivedaysaweek *"":ir"J,L"fmuchslimmer, (dependingonwhlchof the of intervalsdontendlher. ffi;;,h.;;;ntiesshours two ii.:i;ffi,i::'ffi?i:3i:XiJ' Your metabolism logs serious programs you decide they've spent pounding away ,u.".0r. lon'* walk to recover to follow), but rarely for more OT afteryour run too. In a o.t ihut moving belt. for 60 secorids Repeat six 1mes. than 20 minutes a pop. That's study in Medicine & Science BEGTNNER: Build p to lO intervals Here's why:"Most people in Sporfs & Exercise, women over eighi weeks. operate under the assumption not so bad, right? who ran hard for tvvo minutes sEAsoNED RUNNER: Build up to 12. that the more they run followed by three minutes SruH&K gFf the more weight they'll lose. Short Repeats at a low intensity torched That's true, but only to a point. S*1Bgg #Ftrffi* Find a lat section of road' or hit the 24 hour5 in the more calories probably out, you've If you work Running is an incredibly or treadmill' and speed up track ;+;i;:;"t"fficient form of heard of intervais-short bursts following their sweat session, to a hard but sustainable effort for who did slow #r..* fJ;rning calories. of intense exercise with periods than thoie (you burn about 8]5 calories of recovery in berween. Here's steady mileage. Theyalso lost i"?;tt::.trj:t#r::iij:,t;ffJ:t aminutewhenmovingata whytheywork: Whenyouchug 4percentof theirbodyfatin ,ininn.*, aritO uptolO intervals the weeks that followed, while over eight weeks. comfortable pace.) Problem along at a comfortable pace the continuous-pace group (as your body sEAsoNED RuNNER: Build up io 12. most people do), log, is, the more miles you didn't lose any. That might not gets energy easily from the the more efficient your body Long Repeats sound like a huge number, but o"yg"" yo" mnaie. But once becomes at running and the "it's BEG lN ERr Ru n a quarter of a a noticeable to see enough high gear, your into you switch says fewer calories it brirns, a *avneWestcott,Ph.D.,fitness musclesstartworiin!harder changeinthemirror,"sayslead I:ltq'?] lattooneloopof or rolling terrain at track)'on Broeder' craig studliauthor to process that oz' so they t".i"t.rt Jtt"ttor at Quincy ;;t"g"i;i;;;sachusetts. expend extra energy recruiting Ph.D., an exerciseconsultant in L:iliff ffi:1'ffi':;nfir'[X Napervllle, Illinois. other chemicals in the body In other words, you'Il two mrnutes. Repeat four times, Interwals come in avariety (adenosine-triphosphate and initially drop some pounds, building up to eight. phosphocreatine, in case you're of sizes, and you can count sEAsoNED RUNNER: Change the but your progress will distance to half a mile (two loops interested) to get the job done. on the fat-melting effects no flatline rootr as your body "i of a track) "Your body likes to be on cruise matter how long an interval adiusts to your exercise Stop in asain months later, of ihor" same u f N f regimen. Plus. running long distancesonaregularbasis *ffi. ,*'*3ffi*f*f:i*=* ffi Andrew Kastor, a ffiffi* rrnnittg ill; ut. Andthesequick-but-killer wu'-,,pandcooldownwith continue to incinerate tflf,. Ifl: 11##**:f,*:* :e*T*.i?*i#:i*;; ;*"atittg-ltouton llflil;*jffit*'":fffi' L:nlu*rj:,;,t**r i:tffmT,l:ffiH trea(ilmills. ff: ,ffi*g-' lll fliit*;i,l;;1H:}1i."' L22 waMEN's H =attt' / March 2oll / womensHealthf4as com ffi ffi6p ffi I TI 1 I l YOUR RUN. OFF.THE -WE IGHT ggru.q#tr#Ea T'g€HE€gg.&# This simple eight-week program will send pounds packing! Like many things that are good for you, hiils aren't i r.' particularly appetizing. But the extra effort it takes t<r trudge up them is worth it: z z For each degree of incline, count on at least a 10 percent increase in calories burned. according to Jana Klauer, NI.D.. a nutrition and metabolism expert and research fellori'at St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital ln New York Ciry. So runnins up a 5 percent grade (a gentle hill) will burn 50 percent more calories than running on a totally flat surface for the sartre amount of time. "You work harder n'herr { going uphill beca:se to . r'e moving forward and up at the same time." sar s -\larcus Kilpatrick. Ph.D.. ar djjociar { tJ 1 rll I 20 to 30 minutes of cardio cross ul t! training* + strength zu aZ 6z 20- to 30minute run <f uC! + strength ir:r'ii:-; 'l:::-:ill:, off Hills :;: -: IntervaJ worKout lnterval workout off e physiolog ar rl e L rr,ie',in or )ouln f LoilCa tr'l lJlltpd. Plus, hills recruit more muscles than flats do. The end result is increased calorie btrrn. a leaner body, and a perkrer ,:' ; .,-, -l.d that r unners who did Ctrrdirioni ng Research -.-:: ,,orr to their weekly cardio l-r rr.ens. increased their 1eg .- .. : -.]. :r'. and enhanced their things that '-'..ruce-two .. :r'.lLe ro u eight loss. r-trd l esistance exercise '. . i, ep r ou in juq -Free. i - . , i ie not stuck on the ; - ic:- x-hen vou could be r... hill workout once aweek: C. tl Repeat four to eight times. BEGTNNER: SEASONED RUNNER: Re[]eat 5 x to l0 tirres. ' .:-. Siomechanicsfound :r.:- :errrale runners who ciri .ir n eeks of lower-body e::er-c,ses. like the ones that ioi.olr'. improved their 1eg strerrgtir. particularly in the hips-a conrlron source of parrr arrd injun, for runners. Ii r our scl'redule allows rt, tn'hhinq befbre you run to increase fat burning while you rrrr . Re._-rance training is rio'rlr a tarb-burning activity." explains \\iestcott.'After l0 rnrnutes ofstrength t ' a tr it rg. r ou deplete your gh-cogen stores (carbs) so fat is readih available to burn." -{r'rd even if you don't follow strength training with a run, r-ou still get an after burn. "You elevate your metaboiism by 25 percent for the 60 minutes following resistance exercise," says Westcott. So ifyou burn 200 calories in a 20-minute strength session, count on sizziing an additional abo,rr sEEeffF€*€e€==i Y*Eiffi =€€€F= If they gave best supporting actress awards for rveight loss, strength tlaining would take home the trophl er-en' time. Think abourrr this way: Strength training makes you stronger from head to toe, so you can run harder every time you pound the pavement. A rerieu' of studies inThe loumal of Sn'engtlt 20 to 30 minutes of cardlo cross 4-minute training + strength walk for minutes 20- to 30mtnute run 30- to 60mlnute run, depending on your (optional) strength + easy run/ off l-minute 15 off typical Source Andrew Kdstor -r.c.rr-raring calOrieS On a run. srudv in the journai 6O seconds). l:rjj,: 'Sw mm ng,el pticalmachine,statonaryll ke,cycing --i : e :cr,: Run Ltp the hill at a hard but sustainable effort for l0 seconCs Jog or walk back to where you started, or reset the nc ne tc ze.a until you cornp ete y catch your breath (tt shou d take about 15 Hills l:'i mileage butt. Kastor recornmends doing the following Find a gentle hill or set your treadmill to a 5 percent inciine (optional) o -. ..,1,ce-I raini ng exercises .. : rl lee days a week. in professor of erercise iil PII\N 50 calories after your last rep. This total-body strength workout designed by Kate Moran, a trainer at Equinox gym in Chicago, takes no more than 20 minutes and complements the running plans above. "Working the glutes, hamstrings, and core will help you prevent injury and become stronger so that you get more out ofyour runs," says Moran. Do lhree sets of l2 to l5 .eps (Lnless otherwise roted) twice a week: rest for 30 seconds between sets. All you'll need to corolete t^e .oLt ne is a pair of five- to 1O-pound dumbberrs and a reststance band. Unilateral Lift Grab a dumbbell in each hand, stand on one leg (keep it as strajght as possible), and lift the other leg slightly off the floor. With your raised foot stationary, lean f6'11,6'6 you. arms straight and extended towaro the floor as you bend at the hips (not the knees) and keep your back flat, Return to start without lowenng your raised foot. Lateral-Band Walk Place a resistance band around you" arhres. Stand witn your feer l'ip-width apart. rlen step to tt^e side with one foot, keeping your toes facing forward. Bring your feet back together; repeat. Walk '15 steps in one direction, and then 15 steps back, leadlng with the opposite foot. Tl^at s one set. Repeat three times. Marching Hip Raise Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Raise your hips to create a straight Irne from your knees to your shoulders. Lift one knee to your chest, trying not to drop your hips. Lower, then lift your other knee to your chest. That's one rep. Leg Raise Lie on your back with your arms by vorr s des. pa'ns .rp. Keeprng your legs straight, raise them until they are perperrdicular to the floor. Slowly bring them back to the starting position, keeping your lower back against the f loor. ## g"#er# {Eru &€#ffiffiffiATg{}ru} The good news is that you don't need to iog more than one long run a week to get the max calorie-burning benefi t, and a long run means 30 minutes or more. This sustained effort will improve your endurance by increasing your heart's capacity and strengthening ligaments and tendons, so yr-ru feel stronger during your short runs, says Kastor, who created the "Run OfftheWeight" training plans, above. 'And the more effort you can put into each workout, the more calories you'Il burn." r N4arch 2o1t / wouEN,s Hrnrrn 125