Protocol Security in the Presence of Compromising Adversaries David Basin ETH Zurich Joint work with Cas Cremers Evolution of formal methods for security protocols 1980s Early systems: Interrogator, NRL, Ina Jo Support for simulation and search Protocols as “fruit flies” of formal methods 1990s Lowe's attack on NSPK (1996) Dozens of protocols analyzed, e.g., Clark-Jacob library. Proliferation of methods and verification tools FDR/Casper, Paulson's Inductive Method, Athena, ... 2000-present Maturation of tools: ProVerif, OFMC, AVISPA, Scyther Alice and Bob exchange a key is “solved” … at least for medium sized protocols using basic crypto 14.03.2011 2 Basis: Dolev Yao adversary model Models an active intruder with full network control and perfect recall Idealized black-box cryptography Successful: interesting theory and powerful tools 14.03.2011 3 Going beyond the Dolev Yao adversary Problems and challenges Strong abstraction Terms hash(m) rather than bit-strings 1101 Great progress Possibilistic definitions → cryptographically-faithful abstractions Equations like → Intruder deductions modulo equations Good progress This talk Corruptions: modeling compromise of keys, ... → Adversaries control more than just the network! 14.03.2011 4 Why study corruption? Security is relative to powers of an adversary Real adversaries might... Break into machine and extract disk drive Read out memory Cryptanalyze keys or attack side channels Bribe or bully other agents And all of this could happen at any time! Flip side: rings of protection in hardware/software TPMs, HSMs, smart cards and tokens vs. main memory, etc. Formal foundations? Verification methods and tools? 14.03.2011 5 An example Consider the following protocol Does it make a difference if: K is a symmetric key used for symmetric encryption, or K is a public key from a freshly generated public/private key pair, used for asymmetric encryption? Yes: Perfect Forward Secrecy PFS is the property where an attacker cannot decrypt a protocol session even after compromising the long-term cryptographic secrets of each side. N.B.: for PFS some variant of Diffie-Hellman is typically used in practice. 14.03.2011 6 Overview Formal symbolic model for protocols Modular semantics capturing different adversarial notions Tool support Results and a demo Conclusions and future work This is a talk about models, not logic per se 14.03.2011 7 Terms, roles, and protocols Terms: operators for constructing cryptographic messages Roles: sequences of agent events Example 14.03.2011 8 Threads A thread is a role instance No limit to number of threads Each thread assigned a unique identifier from the set TID. We instantiate names and syntactically bind fresh values and variables to their owning thread, e.g. K#1, y#1 For currently active threads, we store the remaining sequence of steps in a thread pool th : 14.03.2011 9 Core symbolic model State (tr,IK,th,¾) tr: trace of events that have occurred IK: “intruder knowledge” of adversary th: thread pool, mapping thread identifiers to remaining steps ¾: substitution mapping variables to ground terms LTS modeling agents' threads and (outside) adversary 14.03.2011 10 Reasoning about protocol semantics (LTS) General complexity Reachability properties are undecidable, e.g. secrecy (Durgin, Lincoln, Mitchell, Scedrov 1999) NP-hard, even when number of sessions is bounded (Rusinowitch, Turuani, 1999) Scyther tool often successful in protocol analysis Description of security protocol + security properties (reachability) 14.03.2011 Secure Tool Insecure Attack example 11 Demo (NSPK, 1978) Nonces should be shared secrets between authenticated parties. Now let's look at this in Scyther 14.03.2011 12 Why are these protocols so difficult to get right? 14.03.2011 13 Honesty versus corruption Note adversaries use of Charlie's key Corresponds to static corruption or an inside adversary Adversary learns agent's long-term key before session starts Security guarantees only in terms of honest agents If adversary compromises everyone, secrecy (or authentication) cannot be achieved In general, data may be compromised in many ways! 14.03.2011 14 Compromise in cryptographic models (AKE) Security modeled as an adversary playing a game Start a new thread or ask a thread to process a message Compromise queries revealing long-term keys, session keys, thread state, or randomness/ephemeral keys Choose a (test) session to perform the test query Can adversary distinguish the session key from a random key? Adversary wins if his advantage is non-negligible Various side conditions restricting test queries An AKE protocol is secure if no efficient (PPT) adversary has more than a negligible advantage in winning this game See: Bellare Rogaway 93,95; Bellare Pointcheval Rogaway 2000; Shoup; Canetti Krawczyk 2001; Canetti (UC) 2001-... ; LaMacchia et al 2007; … 14.03.2011 15 Co-evolution of adversary models and protocols A B : A , {B , na }pk B B A : {B , H na , nb , K }pk A Signed DH A B : {H nb}K A B : {B , g na }sk A sessionkey : K B A : {A , g nb }sk B BKE nb na sessionkey A: g sessionkey B : g na nb HMQV (simplified) A B : g na B A : g nb sessionkey A: H g nb pk be nad sk a sessionkey B : H g na pk a d nbe sk b These key exchange protocols are all “correct” in symbolic models. Finer distinctions possible using cryptographic models. 14.03.2011 16 Problems with existing cryptographic models Many adversarial notions proposed for AKE Details embedded in monolithic security notions, specialized for AKE No agreement about the details and each model is a bit different But details influence protocol design and correctness! Protocol analysis is complex, tedious, and error prone Our approach Extend symbolic models with modular definitions of adversarial capabilities Extract common elements from cryptographic models Abstract and generalize where possible Provide tool support for analyzing and comparing protocols with respect to entire model family 14.03.2011 17 Cast of characters Alice (actor) We consider some thread executed by Alice in which she tries to communicate with Bob. We refer to this as the test thread. Alice is the actor of this thread. Bob is the peer of Alice and may be executing the (intended) partner thread. Bob Alice and Bob may execute other threads in parallel, e.g., communicating with other agents such as Eve. (peer) Eve How much information can the adversary get without jeopardizing the security of the test thread? 14.03.2011 18 How much information can be compromised? Random numbers (nonces or keys) Local state of a thread Test thread Alice (actor) Bob (peer) Partner Eve 14.03.2011 19 Dimensions of compromise When: before, during, or after test session Whose data: actor, peers, or others Which data: reveal long-term keys, session keys, state (of thread), or randomness First distinction: long-term versus short-term data 14.03.2011 20 Reveal long-term data: whose, when 14.03.2011 21 Partnering Partners (Test thread) computes intended partner threads in trace tr 14.03.2011 22 Reveal short-term data: whose, which 14.03.2011 23 Results in a hierarchy of adversary models Different rule combinations yield 96 distinct adversary models 14.03.2011 24 Recasting existing models … plus dozens of new models 14.03.2011 25 Factoring security properties Split security property into adversary model and pure security property. Recombining parts yield both known and new properties. 14.03.2011 26 Tool demo authentication and key exchange Needham-Schroeder: with and without inside attackers NSL: insiders, long-term key compromise Signed Diffie-Hellman: long-term key compromise 14.03.2011 27 Applications of the tool Many new (⁎) and rediscovered (√) attacks y? Nontrivial analysis Previously by hand: 1 attack = 1 publication Now tool-based: automatic, within seconds Can determine strength of a protocol (WRT 96 different models), establishing/disproving relationships between protocols 14.03.2011 28 Ordering protocols an example Define P1 ≤ P2 iff for all adversary models where there is an attack on P2, there is also an attack on P1 Jeong, Katz, Lee [2004,2008]: Protocols TS1, TS2, and TS3 “We present three provably-secure protocols for two-party authenticated key exchange. Our first, most efficient protocol provides key independence but not forward secrecy. Our second scheme additionally provides forward secrecy but requires some additional computation. […] Our final protocol provides even stronger security guarantees than our second protocol.” So, we conclude TS1 < TS2 < TS3 14.03.2011 29 State-of-the-art in comparing Key Exchange protocols Boyd, Cliff, Nieto, Paterson [2008]: BCNP1, BCNP2. “The PKI versions of our protocols also compare favourably with the existing ones of Jeong et al. [19] and Okamoto [30]. Protocol 2 (BCNP2) provides more security than Jeong's protocol (TS2) and the same as Okamoto's. When instantiated with Kiltz' PKI-based KEM [21] Protocol 2 is slightly less efficient than Okamoto's.” Conclusion: TS2 < BCNP2 (BCNP1) (BCNP2) (TS2) 14.03.2011 30 Security hierarchy TS3 { LKRnotgroup, LKRafter, SKR, SR, RNR } BCNP2 { LKRnotgroup, LKRactor, LKRaftercorrect, SKR, SR } BCNP1 { LKRnotgroup, LKRactor, SKR, SR } TS2 { LKRnotgroup, LKRaftercorrect, SKR, SR } { LKRnotgroup, SKR, SR, RNR } TS1 { LKRnotgroup, SKR, SR, RNR } Automatic analysis shows TS3 incomparable to TS1,TS2 BCNP2 incomparable to TS2 Stronger properties could have been proven of TS3 Shouldn't we decide first what kind of security we want before comparing exponentiations? 14.03.2011 31 Conclusions Modular approach, generalizing existing notions Bridges important gap between crypto and formal models Tool support: first tool systematically supporting a wide range of security notions from the cryptographic literature Analyze individual protocols Compare their relative strength Simple decomposition of security notions, separating security properties from adversary model Paves the way for more detailed analysis of other (trace) properties Next step: computational variants of our models Aim for modular (computational) proofs with respect to capabilities 14.03.2011 32 Questions? 14.03.2011 33 Backup: agent rules 14.03.2011 34 Security as reachability properties Secrecy of a nonce or key k (slightly simplified) Authentication (various forms, e.g., aliveness) If in a reachable state, agent A has finished his role apparently with B, then B was alive (executed events). More complex notions can also be formalized such as agreement. [Lowe 97, Blanchet 02, AVISPA tool] 14.03.2011 35