NOV 0 6 2013 COLLECTIVE BARGAINING INFORMATION SERVICES CO LLE CT IVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN: DIM PFL ME IER BAKERY LIM ITE D (hereinafter referred to as "TH E EMP LOY ER" ) OF THE FIR ST PAR T • - and - BAKERY, CONFECTIONERY, TOBACCO WO RK ER S' & GRAIN MIL LER S INTERNATIONAL UNION LO CA L26 4 (hereinafter refen·ed to as "THE UNION) OF THE SECOND PAR T TER M: APR IL 06, 2011 to APR IL 05, 2016 2 • ARTICLE I- PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT.. ........................... ......................................... 3 ARTICLE 2- SCOPE & RECOGNITION .................................... ...................................... 3 ARTICLE 5 ~NO STRIKES OR LOCK-OUTS ........................... ....................................... 5 ARTICLE 8 -GRI EVA NCE PROCEDURE .................................... ................................... 7 ARTICLE 9- DISCHARGE & SUSPENSION CASES .................. ................................... 8 ARTICLE II -SEN IORI TY ............................................................... ................................. 9 ARTICLE 13- PERSONAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE .................. ..................................... II ARTICLE 14- HEALTH & SAFETY ............................................. .................................. II ARTICLE 16- JOB POSTING ...................................................... .................................... 12 ARTICLE 18- MATERNITY LEAVE ............................................. ................................ 14 PAY ON DAY OF INJURY ............................................................... ................................ l4 ARTICLE 19-B EREA VEM ENTL EAV E .................................... ................................... l4 ARTICLE 22- JURY DUTY ...................................................... ....................................... l5 ARTICLE 23- HOURS OF WOR K- OVERTIME .................. ....................................... 15 ARTICLE 26 UNIFORMS ............................................................... ................................. 19 SAFETY SHOES ................................................................................. ............................... 19 ARTICLE 28 - LEAD HANDS ...................................................... ................................... 19 ARTICLE 29- SEVERANCE PAY ................................. Error ! Bookmark not defined. ARTICLE 30- FRINGE BENEFITS ................................. Error ! Bookmark not defined. __ARTICLE 31- WAGES ..................................................... Error ! Bookmark not defined. ARTICLE 32- TERMS OF AGREEMENT .................................... .................................. 22 3 8J THIS AGRE EMEN T is made and entered into this 6'h day of April 20 II. BETW EEN: DIMPF LMEIE R BAKE RY LTD. (herein after referre d to as "the Employ er") OF THE FIRST PART andBAKE RY, CONFE CTION ERY, TOBA CCO WORK ERS' AND GRAIN MILLE RS INTER NATIO NAL UNION , LOCA L 264 (herein after referred to as "the Union) OF THE SECON D PART It is hereby agreed betwee n the parties hereto as follows: ARTIC LE I -PURP OSE OF AGRE EMEN T • 1:01 The purpos e of this Agreem ent is to provide orderly collecti ve bargain ing relation s betwee n the Employ er and its employ ees covered by this Agreem ent through the Union to secure prompt and fair disposi tion of grievan ces, to secure the efficien t operati on of the Emplo yer's busines s without interrup tion or interfer ence with work, and to provide fair wages, hours and workin g conditi ons for the employ ees. It is recogn ized by this Agreem ent to be the desire of the Employ er, the Union and the employ ees to cooper ate fully, individ ually and collecti vely for the advanc ement of the said conditi ons. ARTIC LE 2- SCOPE & RECOG NITIO N -., ~y 2:0 I This Agreem ent shall apply to all employ ees in the bargain ing unit defined in the Certific ate issued by the Ontario Labour Relatio ns Board on the 3'd day of Octobe r 1985; that is, all employ ees of DIMPF LMEIE R BAKE RY LTD. in Metrop olitan Toront o, save and except foremen, persons above the rank of forema n, office and sales staff, drivers, persons regular ly employ ed for not more than twenty -four hours per week and student s employ ed during the school vacatio n period. 2:02 The Emplo yer recogni zes the Union as the sole collecti ve bargain ing agent for all employ ees of the Employ er in the bargain ing unit defined above. 4 111m:. ~" ARTICLE 3- MANA GEME NT RIGHTS 3:01 The Union recognizes and acknowledges that the management of the plant and its facilities and direction of the working forces are fixed exclusively in the Employer and without limiting the generality of the foregoing the Union acknowledges that it is the exclusive function of the Employer to: a) maintain order, discipline and efficiency and in connection therew ith to make, alter and enforce from time to time rules and regulations, policies and practices to be observed by its employees; discipline or discharge employees for just cause provid ed that a claim by an employee who has acquired seniority that he has been discharged or disciplined without cause may be the subject of a grievance and dealt with as herein after provided; b) select, hire, transfer, assign to shifts, promote, demote, classify, lay-off, recall, retire employees or select employees for positions excluded from the bargai ning unit; c) require medical examinations by an Employer appointed physician whose costs shall be paid for by the Employer; d) determine the location of operations, and their expansion or their curtailment, the direction of the working forces, the subcontracting of work, the schedu les of operations, the number of shifts; determine the methods and processes to be emplo yed, job content, quality and quantity standards, the establishment of work or job classif ications; change, combine or abolish job classifications; determine the qualifications of an emplo yee to perform any particular job; the nature of tools, equipment and machi nery used and to use new or improved methods, machinery, methods or processes; decide on the number . of employees needed by the Employer at any time, the number of hours to be worked, starting and quitting times, when overtime shall be worked, and require employees to work overtime; the determination of fmancial policies, including genera l accounting procedures and custom er relations; • e) have the sole and exclusive jurisdiction over all operations, buildin gs, machinery, equipment and employees. 3:03 The Employer agrees that it will not exercise its functions in a manne r inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement and the express provisions of this Agree ment constitute the only limitations upon the Emplo yer's rights. 3:04 Without limiting the Employer rights to discharge in any other case, it is agreed that theft of prope11y of the Company, its employees and customers shall result in the specific penalty of discharge. 5 ARTI CLE 4- UNIO N SECU RITY • 4:0 I The Union will not nor will any emplo yee engage in Union activities during working hours or hold meetings at any time on the premises of the Emplo yer without the permis sion of the Emplo yer. 4:02 The parties hereto agree that any emplo yee of the Emplo yer covere d by this Agree ment may becom e a memb er of the Union if he wishes to do so and may refrain from becom ing a memb er if he so desires. No emplo yee will be discriminated against or coerced, restrained or influenced on accoun t of memb ership or non-m ember ship in the Union. 4:03 During the term of this Agree ment the Emplo yer agrees to deduct regula r month ly Union dues as certified by the Union to be currently in effect accord ing to the Constitution and By-laws of the Union from the wages of each emplo yee who has completed the probationary period, on the first pay day of each calend ar month and to remit the amoun t so deduc ted to the local Union Secretary-Treasure r, no later than the 21" day of that month. 4:04 The Comp any agrees to deduc t from the pay of future employees who have compl eted the probationary period, the Union initiation fee, which shall be consis tent and be deducted regardless of wheth er the emplo yee becomes a memb er of the Union. 4:05 Delinq uent dues will be deduc ted from employees upon notification to the Comp any and emplo yee from the Union office. 4:06 New emplo yees upon compl etion of probat ion must sign Union dues check off forms to be supplied by the Union. 4:07 The Union will indemnify the Emplo yer and save it harmless from any and all claims or demands which are made to it by any emplo yee as a result of any action taken by the Emplo yer pursuant to the provisions of this Article. ARTIC LE 5- NO STRIK ES OR LOCK -OUT S 5:01 In view of the orderl y proced ure establi shed by this Agree ment for the settling of disputes and the handling of grievances, the Union agrees that, during the lifetime of this Agreement, there will be no strike, picketing, slowd own or stoppa ge of, or interference with, work or production, either compl ete or partial, and the Emplo yer agrees that there will be no lock-out of employees. 6 1/A ¥,? ART ICLE 6- REPRESENTATION 6:01 Stewards, one of whom shall be the Chie f Steward, shall be selected in accordance with the following: Bread Department Days Nights One Steward One Steward Bread Slicing Dept. Days Afternoons One Steward One Steward Cake Department Days One Steward Shipping, Maintenance One Steward The Employer will recognize as Stewards employees who have acquired three {3) months of seniority after completing probation. The Union shall notify the Employer in writing of the names of such Stewards at the time of their appointment and the Employer shall not be required to recognize any Steward until it has been so notified. • 6:02 A Steward may investigate and process grievances in accor dance with the Grievance Procedure set out in this Agreement. 6:03 At any further negotiations for the renewal of this Agreemen t, the bargaining unit will be represented by a maximum of three (3) employees who have at least six (6) months of seniority under this Agreement, and the Unio n's Repre sentatives. The Negotiating Committee shall be paid normal wages for all days of negot iations. 6:04 No Steward shall leave his work to investigate or process any grievance or to negotiate with the Employer without the prior consent of his super visor. No Steward may enter any department other than his own without first obtaining the consent of the supervisor of that depmtment. Consent of the supervisor shall not be unreasonably withheld. It is understood that Stewards will not absent themselves from their regular duties unreasonably. 6:05 The company agrees that permission for the representative of the Union responsible for the membership covered by this Agreement to enter the Company's premises will not be unreasonably withheld on the understanding that here will be no interference with or interruption of production. 7 ARTICLE 7 - NO DISCRIMINATION 7:01 There shall be no discrimination by the Employer or the Union or its members against any employee, because of race, creed, colour, sex, national origin, religion or age, as these terms are defined by the Ontario Human Rights Code . ARTICLE 8- GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 8:01 The purpose of this Article is to establish a procedure for the settlement of grievances. 8:02 An employee who has a complaint relating to the interpretati on, application, administration or alleged violation of this Agreement, may discuss his complaint with his immediate supervisor. Such a complaint shall be broug ht to the attention of the immediate supervisor within three (3) working days of the incident giving rise to the complaint. The immediate supervisor shall state his decis ion verbally within three (3) working days of receiving the complaint. Step 1 • Should the employee be dissatisfied with the immediate supervisor's disposition of the complaint, he may, with the assistance of his steward, refer such matter on a written grievance form supplied by the Union to his immediate supervisor who shall answer the grievance in writing within three (3) working days. The complaint shall constitute a formal grievance at Step I and shall be filed within three (3) working days of receip t of the reply of the immediate supervisor to the complaint. The grievance shall contain a statement of the alleged violation, a brief statement of the facts relied upon, indicate the relief sought and be signed by the employee. Should the employee be dissatisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Step 1, the grievance may be refen ed to the General Manager or his designate within three (3) working days of receipt of the immediate Supervisor's reply at Step I. A meeting with the Employer's representative, the employee and, if the employee requests, his Steward, shall be held within three (3) working days of the refenal. The grievance shall be answered in writing within three (3) working days of the meeting. If no settlement is reached at Step 2, the Chie f Steward and Steward and representatives of management shall meet within three (3) working days of receipt of the reply of the General Manager to discuss the grievance. The Union's Represent ative may be in attendance at this meeting. If the grievance is not settled within three (3) work ing days, it may be referred to arbitration as hereinafter provided. 8 8:03 The Union or the Empl oyer may initiate a grievance begin ning at Step 2 of the Grievance Procedure. Such grievance shall be filed withi n ten (10) working days of the incident giving rise to the complaint and be in the form prescribed in Step I. Any such grievance may be referred to arbitration under Article I 0 by either the Union in the case of a Union grievance or the Employer in the case of an Employer grievance. The Union may not institute a grievance directly affecting an empl oyee or employees which such empl oyee or employees could themselves institute and the regular Grievance Procedure shall not thereby be bypassed. 8:04 Any complaint or grievance which is not comm enced or processed through the next stage of the Griev ance or Arbitration Procedures within the time specified shall be deemed to have been dropped. However, time limits speci fied in the Griev ance Procedure may be extended by mutual agreement in writin g between the Empl oyer and the Union. Section 44 (6) of the Labour Relations Act shall have no application to the time limits provided for in the Grievance and Arbitration Procedures speci fied in this Agreement. 8:05 No grievances may be submitted concerning the terminatio n of employment, lay-o ff or disciplining of a proba tiona ry employee. An empl oyee will have no seniority rights during the probationary period and if his employment is terminated at any time during such probationary period, such termination shall not be subject to the Griev ance Procedure. ART ICLE 9- DISC HAR GE & SUSP ENSI ON CASES ~~I ·~! 9:01 An employee who has acquired seniority and who is disch arged or suspe nded shall be given a reasonable opportunity to interview his steward before leaving the Empl oyer' s premises, unless it is necessary, because of the circumstan ces giving rise to his discharge, to require the immediate expu lsion of the empl oyee from the plant premises. 9:02 An employee who has acquired seniority and who is disch arged may file a griev ance at Step 2 of the Griev ance Procedure within three (3) work ing days after such discharge. An employee who is suspended may file a grievance at Step I of the Griev ance Procedure within three (3) working days after such suspe nsion. 9:03 Where a grievance which is filed under Article 9:02 is not settled and duly come s before an Arbitration Board, the Board may make a ruling , subject to this Article and to A1ticles 10 and 3:04. a) confm ning the Empl oyer' s action; b) reinstating the employee with compensation for regular time lost (exce pt for the amou nt of any remuneration or compensation the empl oyee has recei ved from any other source pending the disposition of his case); or c) disposing of the grievance in any other manner which may be just and equitable. 9 ""j llffJ;, ARTICLE 10- ARBI TRAT ION 10:0 I Where a difference arises between the parties relating to the interpretation, application or administration of this Agreement, including any question as to wheth er a matter is arbitrable, or where an allegation is made that this Agreement has been violated, either party may, after exhausting any Grievance Procedure established by this Agreement, notify the other in writing of its desire to submit the difference or allega tion to arbitration. The notice shall be delivered to the other party within three (3) working days of the reply under Step 3. 10:02 Where a matter is referred to Arbitration, a single Arbitrator shall be selected by the parties. Should the parties fail to agree on the selection of an Arbitrator, the Ministry of Labou r shall be called upon to appoint one. 10:03 Each of the parties hereto will jointly share the expenses of the Arbitrator, if any. 10:04 The Arbitrator shall not be authorized to make any decision incons istent with the provisions of this Agreement, nor to alter, modify or amend any part of this Agreement. ARTICLE II -SEN IORIT Y • II :01 Newly hired employees shall serve a probationary period of fifty (50) days worked within a twelve-month period and shall have no seniority rights during this period. Upon completion of the probationary period, a new employee shall have his seniority dated back fifty (50) working days. During the probationary period an emplo yee shall be considered as being employed on a trial basis and may be discharged at the sole discretion of the Employer. 11:02 Seniority shall mean an emplo yee's length of continuous service with the Employer. An employee shall maintain and accumulate seniority under the following conditions: a) while he is actively at work for the Employer after he has completed his probationary period as set out in Article 11:01 above; b) during any period when he is prevented from performing his work for the Employer by reason of injury arising out of and in the course of his employment for the Employer and for which he is receiving compensation under the provis ions of the Workers' Compensation Act, subject to Article II :04; c) during the first ninety days of any written leave of absence, and in the case of absence due to illness or layoff until seniority has been lost. 11:03 Seniority lists will be supplied to the Union and posted on the bulletin board on January I" and July I'' of each year of this Agreement. 10 II :04 Seniority once established for an employee shall be forfeited and the emplo yee's employment shall be deemed to be terminated under the following condit ions: a) if he voluntarily quits; b) if he retires; c) if he is discharged for any cause and not reinstated through the Grieva nce Procedure; d) if he fails to report for duty after a Jay-off or leave of absence in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement; e) if twelve (12) months have elapsed from the day of lay-off; f) if he is absent from work for more than three (3) consecutive schedu led working days without notifying the Employer; g) if he is absent from work for more than sixteen months due to accide nt or illness. • II :05 Employees promoted to supervisory positions or positions not covered by this Agreement will retain their seniority after promotion and if transferred back into the bargaining unit the time served in such position shall be included in their seniority standing, up to a maxim um of twelve (12) months, unless otherwise mutually agreed. A retum to the bargaining unit after twelve (12) months shall not be accom plished by laying off an employee to create an opening. 11:06 When recalling an employee after lay-off, he shall be notified by registered mail or telegram and allowed five (5) working days from the date of the notice to report for work and, in the meantime, if an employee is recalled and is not immed iately available for work, other employees in seniority standing may be recalled but will be temporarily employed until the senior employee reports within the five (5) workin g days period as outlined. An employee to whom a registered Jetter or telegram is sent in accordance with this Article must contact the Employer within five (5) working days of the notice of retum to work if he wishes the Employer to hold the job open for him for the full five (5) working day period. It shall be the Emplo yee's responsibility to keep the Emplo yer notified as to any change of address or telephone number so that they will be up to date at all times. II ARTIC LE 12 -BUL LETIN BOARD 12:01 The Union shall have the use of a bulletin board in the Emplo yer's premises for the purpose of posting notices relating to the Union's legitimate business as it relates to the Employer. Such notices must be approved by the Employer prior to their being posted and such approval will not be unreasonably withheld. ARTIC LE 13- PERSONAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE 13:01 Leave of absence without pay and without loss of seniority shall be granted by the Comp any to any employee for legitimate personal reasons at least once every three (3) years. (A leave of absence which is granted on compassionate ground s will not be counted.) Such leave shall not exceed thirty-five (35) calendar days plus vacation entitlement. Any application for leave under this clause must be made three (3) weeks in advance of the date the requested leave is to commence, and a reply will be given to the applicant within one (1) week after the application is made. A maxim um of two (2) employees per department shall be allowed a leave of absence at the same time. If more than two (2) employees apply for the same time, then seniority shall govern. • 13:02 Any leave of absence granted by the Employer shall be in writing and shall set out the length of leave of absence granted, the purpose of the leave and the terms, if any, on which it was granted . 13:03 If an employee is sent from work to the Employer's doctor for the purpose of a medical examination requested by the Employer, the employee shall not thereb y suffer a loss of wages for regular hours for time spent traveling to and attending at the doctor 's office. 13:04 Subject to Article 11:04, an employee receiving Workers' Comp ensation benefits shall be considered on leave of absence until he is fit to return to work availab le, and during that time must keep the Employer advised of his current address and remain a resident of Ontario. Employees off on Workers' Compensation benefits must report their status to the Safety Coordinator on a biweekly basis. ARTIC LE 14- HEALTH & SAFETY 14:01 The Employer and the Union agree that they mutually desire to maintain high standards of safety and health in the plant in order to prevent industrial injury and illness. 14:02 There shall be established a Joint Health and Safety Committee composed of a maximum of three (3) employees elected by the employees and three (3) representatives designated by the Employer. The Committee shall meet at least every three months. A Union representative may attend upon advance notice and consent of the Employer which shall not be unreasonably withheld. 12 ARTICLE 15- GEN ERA L 15:01 Words impmting the masculine gender shall include the feminine. ARTICLE 16- JOB POSTING 16:01 When a new job classification is permanen tly created or additional employees are permanently required in an existing job classifica tion, or a pern1anent vacancy arises (except for General Help positions), the Employe r will post a notice of the vacancy for a period of three (3) working days on the plant bulle tin board. The notice will specify the nature of the job, the shift, qualifications required a11d the rate of pay. An employee who wishes to be considered for the position so post ed shall signify his desire by making written application to the person designated on the posting within the three (3) working day posting period aforesaid. 16:02 In filling any posted vacancy under this Article, the Employer will consider the requirements and efficiency of operations and the skill, ability, qualifications and physical fitness of the individual to perform the normal required work m1d, where in the opinion of the employer these are relatively equa l, seniority shall govern. If no acceptable applications are received, the Emp loye r resetves the right to transfer or hire. • 16:03 An employee: a) whose classification wage rate is less than the rate of the posted job; or b) whose classification wage rate is the same as the rate of the posted job but who is in a different classification; may apply for a posted vacancy. 16:04 Should the successful app!ica11t for such vacancy be unsatisfactory, he shall be returned to his former job and the vacancy may be filled without further posting. In filling such a vacancy without a further post ing. the Employer will consider the other original applicants for the vacancy. 16:05 Any employee who has successfully bid unde r this Article shall not be entitled to bid on a posted job for six months from the date of his successful bid, except with the Emp loye r's permission, unless the post ing is for advancement to a higher-rated classification. 16:06 Any job which is vacant because of illness, accid ent, vacation, leave of absence, temporary transfers or temporary promotions, and temporary vacancies and jobs which become vacant while employees are on lay-o ff shall not be deemed to be vacant for the purpose of this Article. 16:07 Seniority in this Article means plant-wide senio rity. 13 .,,.wi 16:08 If any new classifications are created during the life of this Agreement, the applicable rates and conditions shall be negotiated with the Union prior to implementation. ART ICLE 17- LAY OFFS 17:01 If any condition arises which involves a layoff, the follow ing procedures shall apply: a) The Empl oyee shall exercise his departmental senio rity to replace the most junio r empl oyee in the department providing he has the skill, ability, experience and qualifications to perform the required work efficiently. Failing displ acem ent of the most junio r empl oyee in the department, the Empl oyee shall seek to displace employees in the depat tmen t in the reverse order of their seniority. b) If the Empl oyee canno t thus obtain a job in his own department, he shall exercise his plant-wide seniority to replace the most junio r empl oyee in the plant provi ding he has the skill, ability, experience and qualifications to perform the required work efficiently. Failing displacement of the most junio r employee, the Empl oyee shall seek to displace employees in reverse order of their seniority. • c) Where conditions permit a recall, an empl oyee who has been laid off from his department and moved to another department under the forgoing procedure, will be given the oppo rtunit y of being recalled to his departmen t in order of his previous departmental seniority providing the empl oyee has the skill, ability, exper ience and qualifications to perform the required work efficiently, and providing the oppo rtunit y arises within a nine (9) mont h period from his original layoff. If able to return to his original department, he would resume his regular senio rity standing in his previous department and not have seniority standing in the depar tment to which he moved. An empl oyee will not have a recall privilege to his original department if there was no opportunity to return within nine (9) months or if he declin es the oppo rtunit y to be recalled to his original department at any time withi n a nine (9) month period, and in which case his seniority in the new department to which he moved, would comm ence from the time when he moved into that new department. d) For the purposes of this Agreement, the departments are: 1. Bread Department 2. Bread Slicin g Department 3. Cake Department 4. Shipp ing Department 5. Maintenance/Cleaning Department 14 • e) For the purposes of this Atticle, a layoff means a layof f of more than three (3) working days. ARTICLE I 8- MATERNITY LEAVE 18:01 Maternity leave shall be granted in accordance with the provisions of the Employment Standards Act. PAY ON DAY OF INJURY 18:0 I An employee who is injured at work shall be paid for the balance of his regular shift on which the injury occu ned, if as a result of the injury, the employee is required to go home by a representative of the Employer or is required to seek medical treatment that day from a doctor or at a hospital. ARTICLE 19- BEREAVEMENT LEAVE • 19:01 The Employer shall pay an employee up to five (5) days' pay at the empl oyee 's straight time hourly rate for all regular time lost in the event of the death of the empl oyee' s wife, husband or child. Up to three (3) days' pay in the event of the death of the empl oyee' s mother or father, up to two (2) days' pay for mother-in-law and father-inlaw and one day's pay for grandfather and grandmother. In order to qualify the employee must: a) have completed his probationary period; and b) may be required by the Employer to provide satisfactory proof of death. 19:02 Employees shall not be paid pursuant to this Artic le for Saturdays, Sundays, paid holidays, while on vacation or leave of absence or for any other period during which they would not have worked. ARTICLE 20- REPORTING PAY 20:01 Unless employees are notified not to report for work, empl oyees who report for work at their regular starting time and for whom no work is available shall receive not less than four (4) hours of any work that is availa ble at their regular rate of pay regardless of the type of work assigned, or if no work is available shall receive four (4) hours ' pay at their straight-time hourl y rate. 20:02 The provisions of this Article shall not apply in the event of strikes, power failure, or any other conditions beyond the control of the Empl oyer which prevents the Employer from providing work or where the Employer is unable to advise the employee or leave a message not to report for work because the employee has not provided his cune nt address and teleph one number to the Employer or because the employee was absent on the prece ding day. 15 ARTICLE 21- CALL IN PAY 21:0 I If an employee is called in to work after having left the Employer's premises after completion of his regular scheduled shift, he shall receive a minimum of four (4) hours' pay at his straight-time hourly rate. This provision shall not be applicable to overtime hours worked in conjunction with an employee's regularly scheduled shift, hours worked immediately prior to the regular starting time and there shall be no duplication of this premium and any other premium provided for in this Agreement. ARTICLE 22- JURY DUT Y 22:01 An employee who is selected for service as a juro r or is required by subpoena to appear in court as a Crown witness will be compensated for loss of pay from his regularly scheduled shift due to such jury service or appearan ce in court. Such compensation will be based on his regularly scheduled hours at his straight-time hourly rate less the fee received for his services other than mileage allow ance, if any, as a juro r or witness. However, should the employee present himself for selection as a juro r and not be selected or appear as a witness and be released, then he is required to return to his place of employment to complete his remaining norm ally scheduled work day. 22:02 In order for an employee to qualify for paym ent under This Article, he must: • a) inform his supervisor within twenty- four (24) hour s of his selection for service as a juro r or witness; b) if released from service as a juro r or witness and four (4) hours or more remain in the employee's regularly scheduled hours, he must return to work to complete his remaining normally scheduled work day, unle ss traveling distance makes this impractical; c) provide a written schedule to the Employer indic ating the date of his service as a juro r or witness, the time so spent and the fee rece ived for his services as a juro r or witness; d) have completed his probationary period. ARTICLE 23- HOURS OF WO RK- OVERTIM E 23:01 The regular work week shall consist of five (5) days of eight and one-half (8 1/2) hours worked, which includes the one-half ( 1/2) hour paid lunch periods and the break periods. Revisions to work schedules shall be post ed on Thursday in the week before they become effective. The Company reserves the right to make any necessary revisions after the schedule is posted, 23:02 The regular workday shall include a onehalf ( 112) hour paid lunch period to be given not later than after five (5) consecutive hours of work. 16 •· 'li) 23:03 The daily hours, starting and quitting times and lunch periods subject to 23:02 shall be determined by the Empl oyer in accordance with production requir ements. 23:04 This Article is intended to define the normal hours of work and shall not be construed as a guarantee of hours of work for regularly assigned hours, or for any hours per day or per week. 23:05 Overtime shall be paid at a rate of time and one-h alf the regular rate for all hours worked in excess of forty-four (44) hours per week which includ es paid lunch periods. There shall be no pyramiding or duplication of premium paym ents. 23:06 Eight and one-h alf (8 1/2) hours shall be deducted from the forty-four (44) hour requirement for each paid holiday not worked in calculating wheth er weekly ove1time is payable. 23:07 a) Time and one half (I Y,) will be paid for all work performed on Saturday and Sunday which does not form part of the regular work week. b) Employees who are scheduled to work Saturday or Sunda y as part of their regular work week shall be scheduled two (2) consecutive days off during that week, • 23:08 Overtime Break Employees who are expected to work ten ( 10) hours or more, will be entitled to a ten (I 0) minute paid break after eight and a half (8 Y,) hours but prior to ten (I 0) hours, at a time mutually agreed to by the employee and his supervisor. 23:09 Overtime will be distributed as equitably as possible amon g qualified employees in the same classification and department. 23:10 When the Company finds it necessary to send employees home due to lack of work, the following procedure will be followed: I) The Company will keep up-to-date records of all hours emplo yees have been sent home due to lack of work, for each department and classification. 2) Employees with the least amount of accumulated hours in the classification that is affected will be the first to be sent home, provided the Comp any can maintain a qualified workforce. (Subject to A1ticle 20:01) 23:11 Employees who are required to work ove1time beyond 12:00 midnight, and there is no Bus service available, then the Comp any will supply transportatio n home. 17 • 23:12 Employees who are in the same classification will be rotated equally on all jobs of that classification, provided the Company can maintain a quali fied workforce. ARTICLE 24- PAID HOLIDAYS 24:0 I The following shall be recognized as holidays to be paid for on the basis of the employee's straight-time hourly rate multiplied by eight and one-half (8 Y2) hours; New Year's Day, Good Friday, Victoria Day, Dominion Day, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, Family Day. or days celebrated in lieu thereof, regardless of the day on which it falls. 24:02 An employee will be paid for a holiday provided he a) works his last full scheduled shift on the working day which immediately precedes and his first full scheduled shift on the working day which imme diately follows such holiday unless he is excused by the Employer, is on berea vement leave or jury duty. • b) is on the active payroll of the Employer and not on leave of absence, sick leave, workers' compensation or lay-off that took place not more than five (5) working days before the holiday. The Employer in its discretion may still pay holiday pay to an employee who demonstrates that he was unable to attend to work due to sickness on the qualifying days. c) has completed his probationary period as specified in this Agreement. d) Employees absent on the two (2) working days prece ding or the two (2) working days following a holiday, because of a verified and legitimate sickness, shall still be eligible for holiday pay. 24:03 If an employee works on any of the said holidays, he shall be paid for all hours worked on the holiday at one and one-half (1 Y2) times his straight regular hourly rate of pay in addition to his holiday pay as herein provided for. It is recog nized that, in view of the nature of the Empl oyer' s business, work on statutory holid ays may be required by the Employer. 24:04 If any of the above holidays fall or are observed durin g an employee's vacation, he shall be entitled to an extra day's vacation with pay, to be taken at the end of the scheduled vacation; unless otherwise mutually agreed with the empl oyee. 18 • ' • ART ICLE 25- VAC ATIO N ' 25:01 An empl oyee who on his anniversary date each year has: a) less than one (I) year of service shall recei ve vacat ion in accordance with the EMP LOY MEN T STA NDA RD ACT. b) one (I) year or more of continuous service but less than five (5) years of continuous service shall receive two (2) weeks vacation per year with vacation pay equal to four (4) per cent of the empl oyee 's wages in the previous year. c) five (5) years or more of continuous servi ce but less than ten (10) years of continuous servi ce shall receive three (3) weeks vacat ion per year with vaca tion pay equal to six (6) per cent of the empl oyee 's total wage s in the previous year. d) ten (I 0) years or more of continuous servi ce but less than eighteen (18) years of continuous servi ce shall receive four (4) week s vaca tion per year with vaca tion pay equal to eight (8) per ceil! of the empl oyee 's total wages in the previous year. e) eighteen (18) years or more of continuous servi ce with the Emp loyer shall receive five (5) weeks vacation per year with vaca tion pay equal to ten (I 0) per cent of the empl oyee 's total wages in the previous year. f) Payment for the first year of such entit leme nt empl oyee s will receive the percentage paym ent of the year previous up to their anniversar y date; after this anniv ersar y date the new perce ntage shall apply. The term "WA GES " does not include the previous years vacation pay. 25:03 Vacation pay will be paid by separ ate cheq ue twice each year betw een July 01 and June 30. The first cheque will be paid no later than the second pay perio d of January. The seco nd cheque will be paid no later than the second pay perio d of July. 25:04 Employees who quit or are disch arged shall receive pro rata vaca tion pay to the date of tenni natio n. 25:05 Vacation sche dulin g and selection a) The Com pany reserves the right to sche dule vaca tions, but agrees to cons ider individual wishes and seniority of employees and to the exten t practicable, will give prefe rence to employees for their choice of vacation periods on the basis of their seniority. 19 .,., 'I!JF 25:05 b) Employees shall indicate their preference for vacation by April 01, on a notice that will be posted on March 0 I. The vacation schedule will be posted by May 0 I, which may be subject to changes necessary due to production. It may also be changed with the consent of the Company in cases of individual requests which do not interfere with other vacation periods selected by other emplo yees. ARTICLE 26 UNIFORMS 26:01 a) The Employer agrees to continue its practice of providing and cleaning uniforms or work clothes, which remain the property of the Employer b) The Employer agrees to supply and maintain Winter jackets for all Shipping and Sanitation Department employees • SAFETY SHOES 26:02 Following an mmiversary date of employment and in each subsequent year, each employee who chooses to purchase Safety Shoes will be reimb ursed to a maximum of one hundred and thirty-five dollars ($13~.00). Employees may choose to be reimbursed on either their anniversary date of employment or their date of birth. Employees who choose to purchase Safety Shoes will be expected to wear them at work. An employee who has received the Safety Shoe allowm1ce and does not wear Safet y Shoes may be sent home . ARTICLE 27- TEMPORARY TRANSFER 27:01 Temporary vacancies of not more than five (5) working days will be offered to the senior qualified person in the department making less money. Temporary vacancies of more than five (5) working days shall be posted. 27:02 When employees are transferred to a higher paid job classi fication for more than one (1) complete shift, the employee shall receive the higher rate. If transf erred to a lower paid job classification the employee shall continue to receive his regula r rate of pay. ARTICLE 28- LEAD HANDS 28:01 A lead hand shall be defined as a person who performs work and directs the work of others. They shall not have the authority to hire, fire, suspend, or directly discipline other employees and he shall be a member of the bargaining unit. Their status as lead hand shall not, in and of itself, protect them in the event of a layoff . 28:02 The Employer reserves the right to appoint or remove lead hand positions without posting or facing a demotion grievance and will pay a lead hand premium of one dollar and twenty-five cents, ($1.25) per hour for a lead hand # 1, sixty cents, ($0.60) per hour for a lead hand # 2. The Company will post notices announcing the appointment of lead hands, foremen and foreladies. There shall be a minimum of one lead hand # I in each of the following areas: bread slicing, bread mixing, bread baking and cake department. 20 28:03 Lead hand # I shall have the authority to rotate employees, direct the start and stop times and send employees for breaks and lunch at the appropriate times . • • .I 21 ARTICLE 29- SEVERANCE PAY Severance pay will be paid in accordance with the provisions of the Emplo yment Standards Act. ARTICLE 30- FRINGE BENEFITS 30:0 I The Employer shall provide and pay on behalf of each employee who is not absent or on layoff, the following percentages of the premium cost of OHIP. a) Less than one (I) year's servic e- 0%. b) More than one (l) year's continuous servic e- 75%. c) More than two (2) year's continuous servic e- 100%. 30:02 The Employer shall provide a Drug Plan for all Bargaining Unit employees who have attained seniority, and their dependents. The Plan will provide for 100% reimbursement after payment of $5.00 deductible for each eligible prescription with no maximum. The Plan shall not be the National Formula Drug Plan. 30:03 The Employer shall provide a Dental Plan to all employees, (and their dependents),with one (l) year service or more, who volunteer to participate in the Plan. The Employer shall pay on behalf of each employee who is not on lay-off, the following percentage of the premium: a) 1 year service but less than 5 years -50% . b) 5 years service or greate r- 100%. c) The Plan shall be based on a Basic Service Plan, $ l 000,,00 maximum per employee and per dependent. 80% reimbursement of all eligible expenses subject to the $1000.00 annua l maximum per person ARTICLE 31- WAGES 31:01 The wages set out in schedule "A" attached hereto forms part of this Agreement. 22 ARTICLE 32- TERMS OF AGREEMENT 32:02 This Agreement shall commence on the 61h day of April 2011 and end on the 51h day of April 2016 and shall continue from year to year thereafter unless either party gives notice in writing to the other not less than thirty (30) days and not more than ninety (90) days prior to the expiry date hereof of that party's intention to terminate this Agreement or negotiate revisions thereto, and after expiry, the terms and conditions under the Collective Agreement contin ue in accordance with the LABOUR RELATIONS ACT. DIMPFLMEIER BAKERY LIMITED BAKERY, CONFECTIONERY TOBACCO WORKERS AND GRAIN MILLERS INTERNATIONAL UNION LOCA L264 • In witness whereof the parties have signed this Agreement on the July 2011 at Toronto, Ontario. &:, liz· day of .) 23 SCHEDULE "A" Amendments to the Collective Agreement June 25, 2011 CLASSIFICATION Effective Effective June 25, 2011 April 6, 2012 Bread Department General Help 12.75 13.05 Baker's Helper 13.70 14.00 Machine Operator #2 13.70 14.00 Machine Operator #1 14.70 15.00 Baker# 3 14.70 15.00 Baker #2 15.70 16.00 Baker #1 17.70 18.00 10 lbs line shall have a minimum of one (1) machine operato r# 2 • Effective April 6, 2013 13.35 14.30 14.30 15.30 2 lbs & 15 lbs long bread 15.30 16.30 18.30 Bread Slicing Department General Help Machine Operator #2 Machine Operator #1 12.20 13.20 14.20 12.50 13.50 14.50 Cake Department General Help General Help Scheduler Order Sorter Cake Baker #3 12.20 13.20 13.20 13.20 12.50 13.50 13.50 13.50 Cake Baker #2 Cake Baker #I Special Cake Decorator Pastry Chef 14.20 15.20 16.70 19.40 14.50 15.50 17.00 19.70 12.80 13.80 13.80 13.80 limited knowledge of baking and mixing 14.80 15.80 17.30 20.00 Shipping Department Order Smter/Receiver 13.20 13.50 13.80 Maintenance/Cleaning Depmtment General Help/Cleaner 12.20 Maintenance Helper 12.70 Maintenance #2 14.20 Maintenance #I 15.20 12.50 13.00 14.50 15.50 12.80 13.30 14.80 15.80 12.80 13.80 14.80 Employees who are RED-CIRCLED shall continue to be RED-CIRCLED. Probationary rate to be twenty-five cents ($0.25) below rate for all classifications except General Help. The Start rate for the General Help Classification during the first six months of service shall be: Effective June 25, 2011 April6, 2012 April6, 2013 11.40 11.70 12.00 Upon completion of six months service, the classification rate shall apply. e· SCHEDULE "A" Amendments to the Collective Agreement June 25, 2011 ~-') _-·,.- • CLASS IFICAT ION Effective Effective April6, 2014 April 6, 2015 Bread Department General Help Baker's Helper Machine Operator #2 Machin e Operator #I Baker# 3 Baker# 2 Baker #1 10 Ibs line shall have a minimum of 13.75 14.15 14.70 15.10 14.70 15.10 15.70 16.10 2lbs & 15 lbs long 15.70 16.10 bread 16.70 17.10 18.70 19.10 one (l) Machine Operator #2 Bread Slicing Department General Help Machin e Operator #2 Machine Operator #I 13.20 14.20 15.20 13.60 14.60 15.60 Cake Department General Help General Help Scheduler Order Sorter Cake Baker #3 13.20 14.20 14.20 14.20 Cake Baker #2 Cake Baker #I Special Cake Decorator Pastry Chef 15.20 16.20 17.70 20.40 13.60 14.60 14.60 14.60 limited knowledge of baking & mixing 15.60 16.60 18.10 20.80 Shipping Department Order Sorter/Receiver 14.20 14.60 Maintenance/Cleaning Department General Help/Cleaner 13.20 13.60 Maintenance Helper 13.70 14.10 Maintenance #2 15.20 15.60 Maintenance #I 16.20 16.60 Employees who are RED-CIRCLED shall continue to be RED-CIRCLED. Probationary rate to be twenty-five cents ($0.25) below rate for all classifications except General Help. The Start rate for the General Help Classification during the first six months of service shall be: Effective April 6, 2014 April 6, 2015 12.40 12.80 Upon completion of six months service, the classification rate shall apply. 25 A ~io/ Letter of Understanding The Company acknowledges that regular dues deduction under Article 4:03 amounts to a requirement that Union dues deduction is a condition of employment after completion of probation . • 26 Schedule A The Employer agrees to pay all employees on payroll at Date of Ratification: I) • Two hundred and fifty ($ 250.00) dollars net. 27 Letter of Understanding The Employer agrees that every reasonable effort will be made to ensure each employee has one {1) clean uniform every working day. This is not a guarantee. Employees who are not receiving the above shall be provided with a form to be filled out by the employee stating his concerns. Such concerns will be investigated by the Company and upon compl etion of the investigation, a response will be given to the employee. The employer agrees to a Grace period of two (2) minutes duration at the start of an emplo yee's shift . • •