New voices, New growth - The Performance Theatre
New voices, New growth - The Performance Theatre
The Performance Theatre 2012 15–16 June, London i THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | Chapter xx New voices, new growth ii THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | Chapter xx The London coffee house: a philosophy In 1675, King Charles II took up arms against London’s coffee houses, rescinding their licences and denouncing them as “places where the disaffected meet, and spread scandalous reports concerning the conduct of His Majesty and his Ministers”. But the king would have to abandon the offensive: the uproar was too great. The coffee house had become the meeting place of the zeitgeist. Arguably, the monarch had good reason to be apprehensive about the coffee house. Hothouses of vibrant political debate, coffee houses were also remarkably egalitarian given the classconsciousness of the time. For a one-penny entrance fee, all men (though rarely any women, it is true) were welcome. As one historian of the era put it, “Whether a man was dressed in a ragged coat and found himself seated between a belted earl and a gaitered bishop it made no difference.” The coffee house’s role as an alternative place of learning earned it the nickname “penny university”. Some establishments offered lessons in everything from French and poetry to fencing and mathematics. But the coffee house’s signature contribution was to serve as an arena for free conversation, where friends and strangers alike batted around news, gossip, jokes and revelations through smoke, sweat and steam. This caffeine-charged human dialogue fuelled more than the political and social change monarchs feared; it also fertilised the scientific and commercial advances which made Britain a global power. The coffee house nurtured breakthroughs by the Royal Society, one of the world’s oldest and most prolific scientific academies; Isaac Newton once dissected a dolphin on a table at the Grecian Coffee House. Lloyd’s of London has its roots in a coffee house: as London’s importance as a trade hub swelled in the 17th century, Edward Lloyd’s coffee house in Lombard Street became the germ of the country’s nascent marine insurance industry. And the London Stock Exchange can trace its lineage back to Jonathan’s Coffee House in Change Alley, where the first stocks were traded. The coffee house also served as a stage for some of the great literary personalities of the time. Among these men of letters Samuel Johnson surely stands the tallest. An eminently quotable poet, essayist, critic and conversationalist, “Doctor” Johnson (he received an honorary degree from Dublin University in 1765) gave us the first authoritative English dictionary. Published in 1755, A Dictionary of the English Language would remain the seminal lexicon until the creation of the Oxford English Dictionary. Johnson’s dictionary contained more than 40,000 entries, illustrated by 114,000 quotations; all of the definitions – which still vibrate with his humour and flair for social observation – were penned by Johnson himself in a stupendous act of virtually single-handed scholarship. And by codifying the English language, Johnson arguably strengthened the British Empire’s voice; America’s founding fathers even referred to his dictionary as they drafted the Constitution. This may not have been Johnson’s intention, but in making it easier to “export” the words, grammar and syntax of the empire, Johnson shows us just how powerful the relationship between language and action really is. Towards the end of Samuel Johnson’s lifetime, the coffee house – once open to all men with a penny – started to fall into decline. As owners began charging more to attract a higher-paying clientele, the coffee house was superseded by another London institution, the private members’ club. An end to be mourned perhaps, yet the coffee house had served a purpose much greater than the service it provided. As Dr Johnson himself said, the coffee house was “more than a place that sells coffee: a coffee house is also an idea, a way of life […], a philosophy”. Cover image: an unknown artist’s painting of a London coffee house (British Museum) © Super Stock New voices, new growth The Performance Theatre 2012 15–16 June, London Contents 03 © Super Stock Introduction to the programme Prologue | Welcome to the Olympic city Act 1 | The world is talking – are we listening? Act 2 | Inspired Leadership Award Intermezzo | Welcome dinner Act 3 | From lone voices to groundswell Act 4 | London Dialogues Act 5 | Ode to the future Finale | Gala dinner 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Speaker profiles Participant profiles Map of venues Notes 32 45 72 74 THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | Chapter CONTENTSxx Chairman’s welcome 04 About The Performance Theatre 06 Partners of The Performance Theatre 08 TPT Advisory Board 10 04 1 By Lord Browne of Madingley Chairman, The Performance Theatre 2 3 Dear guests, My favourite history of this city is London: The Biography, by Peter Ackroyd. Ackroyd tells the story of a living city, born two thousand years ago, that has seen the whole course of human progress. He explains how the imperial docks served as the hub of global commerce, the riverside factories as the powerhouse of the industrial revolution, the universities and coffee houses as the meeting place of the greatest thinkers, and the lively streets as home to brilliant writers and artists. London has been an indefatigable engine of change in arts and science, in commerce, economics, finance and law, in social norms and political progress. He memorably sums up the city with a single word. London, he says, is “illimitable”. SNAPSHOTS FROM TPT Beijing 4 So far, the city has known no limits, in growth, wealth or ideas. But London, like the rest of the world, now faces a great challenge. Growth has lifted billions out of poverty, vanquished disease and banished ignorance all over the world, but its benefits have been neither wide nor deep enough. Income inequality, child mortality and environmental damage attest to the limits of our prevailing model. That is why we meet here at The Performance Theatre – to search for new ways of growing. Since the millennium we have met in different cities around the world and have discussed how to change our model to deliver long-term value for both shareholders and society as a whole. As we contemplate that transition to a more sustainable economy, I can think of nowhere more suitable than London, a city whose energy and ingenuity have transformed the world so many times before. Looking around, we can see some seeds of change already. I am proud to live in London and delighted that The Performance Theatre will be here this year. I look forward to continuing the conversation with those of you who have been before, and starting new conversations with those of you here for the first time. I welcome you all to the illimitable city of London. 5 1. Paul Polman, CEO, Unilever | 2. Zheng Bijian, President, China Institute for Innovation & Development Strategy | 3. From left to right: Jeremy Bentham, Mary Bentham and Lord Browne of Madingley | 4. Professor Shi Dinghuan, State Councillor, PRC; President, China Consulting Association; and President, China Renewable Energy Society | 5. From left to right: Janeen and Rick Haythornthwaite and Ajay and Ritu Banga at the MasterCard-hosted dinner at TPT 2011 in Beijing THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | SNAPSHOTS FROM TPT BEIJING THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | WELCOME CHAIRMAN’s Welcome 05 06 THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | ABOUT The Performance Theatre About The Performance Theatre Why WE focus on a new kind of growth Thanks to the prevailing growth model, people in country after country have been lifted out of poverty, freed from disease and educated. Yet the growth model that won these gains has not reached far enough: over a billion live on under $1.25 a day; one in four lacks access to electricity; over 950 million don’t get enough to eat. ‘We need new growth, and to create that new growth, we need new voices’ Osvald Bjelland Meanwhile, byproducts of this growth model – most notably carbon dioxide – are destabilising our biosphere, the operating environment on which human progress ultimately depends. The solution lies not in abandoning growth, but rather in finding a new and better way of growing, capable of expanding prosperity without overloading the climate. The Performance Theatre does not believe there is anything inherently contradictory between growth and the environment; nor is the aim to reconcile the two forces unrealistic. In fact we believe that putting them to rights, though unprecedentedly challenging, is both commercially astute and technically possible. We just need stronger leadership, renewed technological innovation, more driven collaboration – in short, better performance. How WE work Since 2000, The Performance Theatre, a non-profit foundation, has brought together a select group of CEOs with world-class thinkers and leaders, drawn from across disciplines, philosophies, demographies and geographies. Participants are assembled in a stimulating setting of global historical weight and challenged to deploy their collective experience, knowledge and values to imagine a new kind of growth – to enlarge their strategies to see beyond quarterly results to deliver long-term value to both shareholders and society as a whole. We draw on the imagery of the theatre to encourage creativity. In keeping with 17th century philosopher Blaise Pascal’s sentiment that “There are truths this side of the Pyreness, which are falsehoods on the other”, we always try to stage each Performance Theatre in a new part of the world. We have met everywhere from Bergen, Budapest and Beijing, to Moscow, New Delhi, Venice, Wolfsburg and St Petersburg. Central to The Performance Theatre’s success is the engagement of its world-class partners: China Consulting Association, DNV, Eni, MasterCard, Royal Dutch Shell, Tata Consultancy Services, Tata Group, Telenor Group and Unilever. The Performance Theatre was founded in 2000 by Dr Osvald Bjelland. Having done the rounds of the traditional conference circuit and suffered “death by PowerPoint”, Osvald saw the need for a vibrant forum where business leaders could meet with change-makers from other fields, together shaking up received wisdom and blazing new trails to growth. Scan to view a short message from The Performance Theatre’s founder, Dr Osvald Bjelland. 08 China Consulting Association The China Consulting Association (CCA) was established in April 2003 and was approved by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China in 2003 as the national first-classification consulting association. CCA is managed by the Ministry of Science & Technology and led by Professor Shi Dinghuan, a State Councillor, who is the President. As a non-profit and self-disciplinary social body, the Association aims to promote the upgrading of its members’ capacities in specialised services. DNV (Det Norske Veritas) DNV is a world-leading provider of services for managing risk. An independent foundation with the objective of safeguarding life, property and the environment, DNV comprises 300 offices in a hundred countries, with more than 10,000 employees. Eni Eni is a leading integrated energy company, operating in oil and gas exploration, production, transportation, transformation and marketing and in electricity generation, petrochemicals, oilfield services construction and engineering. Eni is active in 85 countries with approximately 80,000 employees, and is listed on the Milan and New York Stock Exchanges. MasterCard MasterCard is a global payments and technology company. It operates the world’s fastest payments processing network, connecting consumers, financial institutions, merchants, governments and businesses in more than 210 countries and territories. MasterCard’s products and solutions make everyday commerce activities – such as shopping, traveling, running a business and managing finances – easier, more secure and more efficient for everyone. Royal Dutch Shell Royal Dutch Shell is a global group of energy and petrochemical companies, operating in more than 140 countries and territories, employing over 100,000 people. The group comprises the “upstream” businesses of exploration and production and gas and power, and the “downstream” businesses of oil products and chemicals. There are also interests in other industry segments such as renewables and hydrogen. Tata Consultancy Services Tata Consultancy Services is an IT services, consulting and business solutions organisation that delivers real results to global business, ensuring a level of certainty no other firm can match. TCS offers a consulting-led, integrated portfolio of IT and IT-enabled services delivered through its unique Global Network Delivery Model™, recognised as the benchmark of excellence in software development. Tata Group Tata Group is one of India’s oldest, largest and most respected business conglomerates. The Group’s businesses are spread over seven business sectors. The Group comprises over a hundred operating companies, operates in all six continents and employs over 400,000 people. Telenor Group Telenor Group is an international provider of tele, data and media communication services. Telenor Group has mobile operations in 11 markets in the Nordic region, Central and Eastern Europe and Asia, as well as a voting stake of 39.5% (economic stake 35.7%) in VimpelCom Ltd, operating in 18 markets. Headquartered in Norway, Telenor Group is one of the world’s major mobile operators with 146 million mobile subscriptions in its consolidated operations per Q1 2012, revenues in 2011 of NOK 99 billion, and a workforce of approximately 30,000. Unilever Unilever is one of the world’s biggest consumer product companies. With 400 brands spanning 11 categories of home, personal care and foods products in over 180 countries, no other company touches so many people’s lives in so many different ways – 160 million times a day, someone somewhere chooses a Unilever product. THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | PARTNERS THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | PARTNERS Partners of the Performance Theatre 09 10 The Performance Theatre Advisory Board provides The Performance Theatre Foundation with strategic guidance on the direction and content of the Theatre’s annual programme. International advisory firm Xyntéo works with The Performance Theatre Advisory Board to create and manage the annual Performance Theatre. Chairmen 4 chairman founder and Lord Browne of Madingley, Partner, Riverstone vice chairman 5 Dr Osvald Bjelland, Chairman and CEO, Xyntéo 6 MEMBERS 7 2 8 1 1. N. Chandrasekaran, CEO and Managing Director, Tata Consultancy Services | 2. Geoff Colvin, Senior Editor-at-Large, Fortune Magazine | 3. Ken Costa, Founder and Chairman, Ken Costa Strategic | 4. Merit Janow, Chairman, Nasdaq Exchange LLC and Professor, Columbia University | 5. Jon Fredrik Baksaas, President and CEO, Telenor Group 3 | 6. Ajay Banga, President and CEO, MasterCard Worldwide | 7. Henrik O. Madsen, CEO, Det Norske Veritas | 8. Jeremy Bentham, Vice President, Global Business Environment, Royal Dutch Shell | 9. Marco Alverà, CEO, Eni Trading and Shipping | 10. Paul Polman, CEO, Unilever 9 10 Chapter xx THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | ADVISORY BOARD THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | ADVISORY BOARD TPT advisory board 11 Peter Ackroyd | London: The Biography (2000) © Getty Images THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | Chapter xx ‘London goes beyond any boundary or convention. It contains every wish or word ever spoken, every action or gesture ever made, every harsh or noble statement ever expressed. It is illimitable. It is Infinite London’ 14 THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | INTRODUCTION THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | INTRODUCTION Introduction to the programme 15 Tahrir Square flooded yet again by the people of the Arab Spring; Wall Street flooded with signs shouting “We are the 99%”. Rubble from the earthquake and tsunami in Japan; rubble by riots in the UK. A man in East Africa using his iPad to take a picture of a dead and deflated cow, just one casualty of drought; snaking job lines filled by the “iPod generation”, youthful casualties of the financial crisis. An image of the Greek prime minister’s face, done up like a clown, flapping from a flag against the Athenian sky; a close-up of a blackhaired newborn girl, pronounced to be the planet’s seven billionth inhabitant. These are just a few of the remarkable images of instability and change that have taken our breath away since The Performance Theatre last met. But what do these events mean? Are they random snapshots in an exceptional year? Or is there a broader narrative under construction, a story with lessons we ignore at our collective peril, but also hints to guide us to a happier global future? One reading is that our prevailing growth model has lost its way. Though it has helped to win many pivotal battles against ignorance, poverty, hunger, disease, injustice and bloodshed, it has also in some cases deepened the trench between rich and poor and set humanity against nature. It is time to find a new model which, by building on the market’s strengths and correcting its weaknesses, can deliver the benefits of growth to ever larger numbers of people without destroying our natural environment. This is an enormous undertaking, and our leaders are struggling to rise to the challenge of the change. The Eurozone remains in dire straits, despite a marathon of summits. More trouble could be brewing in the US, as the country potentially zooms towards a post-election “fiscal cliff”. Even countries with better prospects face their own breed of growth dilemma: China, for example, is currently undergoing a tricky political transition as it continues to try to heave the economy away from its dependency on exports and infrastructure. And as governments contend with these problems, the global economy continues to run riot with the environment. According to a recent UN report, we are hurtling towards an unsustainable future despite having agreed over 500 international goals to improve environmental management and human wellbeing. Our leaders must find the will and means to put us on the right path. This means not rejecting growth but rethinking it. George Orwell, one of the many writers associated with London, tells us that new thinking demands new language – a new shared direction calls for a new shared vocabulary and grammar. At this meeting of The Performance Theatre, the programme will, as always, challenge guests to debate what it will take to build a better kind of growth. But this year we will also ask participants to think of words that can move us closer to a future based on sustainable prosperity. The programme will use literature, poetry, music and other “shared languages” to lend inspiration to the exercise. We are thrilled to be meeting here in the Olympic city of London, whose splendor, squalor, buildings, streets and people have helped school some of history’s greatest innovators of language. These poets and playwrights, novelists and essayists, actors and musicians – all have taught us about life not just in their times but in ours too. Let London inspire us as it inspired Shakespeare and Johnson, Eliot and Orwell, Dickens and Forster; let us try to find a new language – a new voice – that can deliver and sustain a new way of growing. The Occupy Wall Street movement which started in autumn 2011 soon spread to other cities, including Philadelphia. In the image to the left, a woman brandishes a sign outside Philadelphia city hall (© iStockphoto). Above is a picture of a smiling young man with the number 25 on his face (© Getty Images). He is in Tahrir Square, on the eve of the first anniversary of Egypt’s uprising against the regime of Hosni Mubarak. Day one: Friday 15 June Day one: Friday 15 June Prologue | Welcome to the Olympic city 16 17 Winston Churchill © Getty Images VENUE: House of Lords A BUILDING WITH A VOICE 1030 – 1200 WALKING TOUR OF WESTMINSTER (OPTIONAL) 1200 – 1330 OPENING OF THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 1330 The tour departs from the Corinthia Hotel at 1030. It concludes at the Palace of Westminster at 1200. After a light lunch at noon in the Cholmondeley Room and the adjoining House of Lords Terrace, Dr Osvald Bjelland, Founder and Vice Chairman of The Performance Theatre, will welcome us to the Olympic city. TRANSFER Buses will depart from the Palace of Westminster to the London Film Museum, home of the city’s government from 1922 to 1986, where Act 1 will take place. The London 2012 Olympic Games hope to be remembered as “Everyone’s Games”. They will also likely be remembered for their remarkable transformation of east London, the heart of the games and one of the most underdeveloped areas of the UK, and for its sustainability effort in making use of many venues that were already in place before the bid. The Houses of Parliament is one of the most iconic government buildings in the world. Its hallmark feature is Clock Tower, which presides over Parliament Square with its statues of some of the world’s most admired (and most eloquent) leaders, from Abraham Lincoln to Sir Winston Churchill. Colloquially called Big Ben after its largest bell, Clock Tower looks set for a name change. A majority of MPs have voiced their support for a campaign to have the landmark renamed “Elizabeth Tower”, in honour of the Queen’s 60 years on the throne. Throughout Queen Elizabeth’s reign and before that too, Parliament has been a place of debate – often very heated debate. During his tenure as House of Commons Clerk between 1871 and 1886, Sir Thomas Erskine May found reason to remind members that “good temper and moderation are the characteristics of Parliamentary language”. This rule remains, but anyone who has watched Prime Minister’s Questions knows that tempers flair from time to time and that the language deployed is occasionally combative and often creative! The building itself has contributed to political language. Its Central Lobby, the lofty octagonal space serving as the crossroads joining the House of Lords, House of Commons and Westminster Hall, became a place for MPs to meet with constituents looking for support for a particular cause. Hence, the term “to lobby”. Chapter xx THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | PROLOGUE THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | PROLOGUE ‘We are masters of the unsaid words, but slaves of those we let slip out’ 18 Day one: Friday 15 June Act 1 | The world is talking – are we listening? Part 3 | Scarcity 19 Big data in the developing world THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | ACT 1 Professor Nathan Eagle, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Harvard School of Public Health and CEO, Jana The stress nexus – food, water and energy Simon Henry, Chief Financial Officer, Royal Dutch Shell plc 1400 – 1730 VENUE: London Film Museum WORDS FROM THE FOUNDER The spiritual deficit Before we start Act 1, we will hear some reflections about The Performance Theatre’s mission and this year’s theme from the Theatre’s founder. Professor Robert “Tenzin” Thurman, Professor of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Studies, Columbia University THE VOICE OF LEADERSHIP Dr Osvald Bjelland, Vice Chairman and Founder, The Performance Theatre Part 4 | Growth START OF ACT 1 In this session, moderated by Geoff Colvin, Senior Editor-at-Large at Fortune Magazine, and Steven Fries, Chief Economist at the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change, experts interpret the global trends that are creating an unstoppable push for a new and better kind of growth. Part 1 addresses a core precondition of growth; part 2 explores how shifting centres of political, economic and social power are affecting our growth prospects; and part 3 looks at different types of scarcity, an obstacle to sustainable prosperity. The fourth part of the session will assess how much progress we have made on the road to a new kind growth. Green shoots? Lord Browne of Madingley, Chairman, The Performance Theatre; Managing Director and Partner, Riverstone; and LSE Growth Commissioner Be not afeard; the isle is full of noises, Sounds, and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not. Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments Will hum about mine ears; and sometime voices, That if I then had waked after long sleep, Will make me sleep again; and then in dreaming, The clouds, methought, would open, and show riches Ready to drop upon me, that when I waked I cried to dream again. Part 1 | Security Stability, the fulcrum of growth Sir John Scarlett, Senior Advisor, Morgan Stanley; Strategic Advisor, Statoil; and Chief, Secret Intelligence Service (2004–2009) The Tempest Act 3, Scene II Part 2 | Power and potential The Western age – is it really over? Dr Adam Posen, Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE) and External Member, Monetary Policy Committee, Bank of England China Dr Victor Zhikai Gao, Director, China National Association of International Studies India © iStockphoto THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | ACT 1 Day one: Friday 15 June N. Chandrasekaran, CEO and Managing Director, Tata Consultancy Services The networked society Hans Vestberg, President and CEO, Ericsson 1545 – 1615 Coffee break Like the magical island in The Tempest, our world holds mixed messages, both hopeful and ominous. And just as Prospero learns sorcery in order to survive and then becomes lord of the otherworldly island, so too must we develop our abilities if we are to master the many challenges to our growth ambitions. We will need to draw on the transformative power of language. Again, The Tempest has an example. One of the central characters, Caliban, is a savage monster. Yet Shakespeare gives him the most sublime lines in the play, transforming him into an instrument of beauty. Day one: Friday 15 June A highlight of each Performance Theatre is the presentation of the Act 2 | Inspired Leadership Award 20 1830 The ILA celebrates global business pioneers who embody the Theatre’s idea of what a leader should be: Geoff Colvin, Senior Editor-at-Large at Fortune Magazine, will introduce this year’s recipient of the Inspired Leadership Award (ILA) who will deliver a keynote speech. Each year the ILA is presented to a global business leader who has transformed the marketplace while enhancing wider society. The recipient is chosen by unanimous vote by an international committee: • Geoff Colvin, Author and Senior Editor-at-Large at Fortune Magazine (Committee Chair) • Jeremy Hillman, Director of External Communications at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation • Sven Mollekleiv, Senior Vice President and Head of Corporate Relations & Corporate Social Responsibility at Det Norske Veritas and President, Norwegian Red Cross • Professor Michael Nobel, Chairman of the Nobel Charitable Trust VENUE: London Film Museum Inspired Leadership Award Chapter xx THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | ACT 2 THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | ACT 2 1745 – 1830 21 VISIONARIES who combine OUTSTANDING BUSINESS PERFORMANCE with values & behaviours that sustain and strengthen the human and natural environments in which their organisations operate TRANSFER Buses will depart from the London Film Museum to our dinner venue at Unilever House, which stands on the former site of Henry VIII’s Bridewell Palace. 2006 Sir Richard Branson Virgin 2007 Lars G. Josefsson Vattenfall 2009 William Weldon Johnson & Johnson Geoff Colvin presenting Haier Group CEO Zhang Ruimin with the Inspired Leadership Award at The Performance Theatre in Beijing in 2011 2008 Ratan Tata Tata Group 2010 Paul Polman Unilever 2011 Zhang Ruimin Haier Group Day one: Friday 15 June 1900 – 2300 The Performance Theatre 2012 Welcome Dinner will take place at Unilever House. Paul Polman, CEO of Unilever, will be our gracious host. The dinner will feature a poetry performance by a group of exceptional young people (see right), a set by electronic string quartet and Britain’s Got Talent Finalist Escala, and remarks by Nick Baird, Chief Executive of UK Trade & Investment, on the intriguing question: “What is London?” From What If? Lemn Sissay VENUE: Unilever House ‘The new form of capitalism should be in sync with humanity and be focused on the long term’ Paul Polman (Unilever) The communicative power of poetry Strangely enough, Poets’ Corner was not originally intended to serve as a literary memorial. Its first tomb was given to Geoffrey Chaucer only because the now lionised 14th century poet was clerk to the Palace of Westminster, not for his rollicking Canterbury Tales. Since he died in 1400, 70 poets, dramatists and writers – many still famous, others now forgotten – have joined him in the Western Transept of London’s Westminster Abbey; 85 have been given memorials. Unilever is one of the world’s biggest consumer product companies. With 400 brands spanning 11 categories of home, personal care and foods products in over 180 countries, few companies touch so many people’s lives in so many different ways – 160 million times a day, someone somewhere chooses a Unilever product. With this kind of reach, Unilever is well-placed to contribute to the revolution in consumption that is needed if we are to make our growth model sustainable. Since Unilever was established in the 1890s, brands with a social mission have been at the core of its business. Under Mr Polman’s leadership, the company in 2010 launched the Unilever Sustainable Living Plan – a set of targets designed to help it grow its business while minimising its impact on the environment. Among them is T.S. Eliot, one of the most important poets of the 20th century. “Genuine poetry,” wrote Eliot, “can communicate before it is understood.” In keeping with this insight, The Performance Theatre 2012 will feature a special poetry performance. Under the guidance of poets Lemn Sissay and Caroline Bird, both patrons of the Letterbox Club, a group of children in care of the British government will share their very own poems with us. The Letterbox Club aims to improve the educational outlook for looked-after children by providing them with books and educational materials. To read more, visit 19th century engraving showing the entrance to Poets’ Corner in Westminster Abbey © Getty Images THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | Chapter xx Intermezzo | welcome Dinner 22 THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | INTERMEZZO Let me get it right. What if we got it wrong? What if we weakened ourselves getting strong? What if our wanting more was making less? And what if all of this wasn’t progress? What if the disappearing rivers of Eritrea, the rising tides and encroaching fear What if the tear inside the protective skin of Earth was trying to tell us something? Day two: Saturday 16 June Act 3 | From lone voices to groundswell 24 VENUE 2: Lancaster House 0800 – 0930 25 ‘My role in society, or any artist’s or poet’s role, is to try and express what we all feel. Not to tell people how to feel. Not as a preacher, not as a leader, but as a reflection of us all.’ BREAKFAST session: OUR VOICES At 0800 we will meet at the Corinthia Hotel in Whitehall Place and then take a short walk over to Queen Elizabeth Hall at the Southbank Centre, an independent arts organisation. At 0830 breakfast will be served on the rooftop garden as we enjoy a performance by Voicelab (see below). 0930 Transfer 1030 – 1230 Start of act 3 John Lennon Buses will take us to Lancaster House. Guests arriving independently must show photo ID in order to be admitted. In act 1, we explored how information technology and social media are usurping traditional centres of power. In this session, hosted by Sir Martin Sorrell, CEO of WPP, we will take this argument a step further and consider how this shift can be used to create a new breed of growth. Todd Benjamin, former Financial Editor at CNN, will be our moderator. The Makings of A Movement Thomas Gensemer, Managing Partner and Co-Founder, Blue State Digital People 2.0: The Art of Social Data Dr Andreas Weigend, Conductor, Social Data Lab Using digital to bring you closer Tony Wang, Head of Europe, Middle East & Africa, Twitter Voicelab – Giving everyone a voice Most of us have a voice – our own unique instrument that we can play for free to express ourselves, feel connected to others and share stories, and simply because it feels good. That’s why Jude Kelly, Artistic Director of Southbank Centre, created Voicelab: to inspire everyone to engage in all kinds of vocal expression. Today Voicelab singers include members from Grounded EcoTherapy, a group of volunteers who built and maintain the Queen Elizabeth Hall Roof Garden. Grounded EcoTherapy is one of London’s most successful horticultural therapy projects for adults who have experienced mental health difficulties, substance abuse and homelessness. Voicelab, a Southbank Centre initiative, is supported by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation. The Beatles on stage at New York City’s Shea Stadium in August 1966 © Getty Images VOX MUNDI From Gregorian chants to Joan Baez folk, from Broadway musicals to Chinese opera, from La Marseillaise to Native American song – the music of the world is as varied as its people. Music absorbs the spirit of the times and reflects back to society its ambitions and tensions, its fears and beliefs. Britain has a record as a major innovator and exporter of music. In 1963, Walter Cronkite ran a story on a musical phenomenon across the Atlantic – “Beatlemania” was taking the UK by storm. Within two months the Beatles had made their famous debut visit on the Ed Sullivan show; some estimates say that 47% of all Americans watched. And so started the record-breaking onslaught of the British Invasion. According to Rolling Stone magazine, The Beatles had an “incalculable” impact on not just music but Western culture. “They were one of the best things to happen in the twentieth century, let alone the sixties.” The group, which refused to perform for segregated audiences, is now closely associated with that decade’s defining change – the American civil rights movement. Chapter xx THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | ACT 3 THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | ACT 3 VENUE 1: Southbank Centre Day two: Saturday 16 June Day two: Saturday 16 June During the London Dialogues we break up into four smaller groups to discuss burning issues in more detail. The first three segments will take a close look at three less recognised drivers of growth: the arts, giving and the media. In the final segment, hosted by Royal Dutch Shell, participants will be invited to try out some of the “lenses” Shell’s scenario team has been developing to bring clarity to the world’s transition to a new sort of economy. The sessions will include a break for lunch. 1. Arts All of history’s great powers, from Ming China to Elizabethan England, were engines of artistic progress. Growth and the arts – whether visual, musical or literary – go hand-in-hand. The arts contribute directly to economies by generating government revenue. Less obvious but equally important is the role of the arts in creating well-rounded societies driven by a wider understanding of value. Can the arts help us make the transition to a new model for growth? a venue for change Upon arriving at Stafford House (now Lancaster House), Queen Victoria is said to have remarked to her host the Duchess of Sutherland, “I have come from my House to your Palace.” The Sutherlands had a deep love of the arts which manifested itself in the fashion-setting décor of their neoclassical mansion. In 1912 the mansion was bought by the Sir William Lever, a Lancastrian soap-maker whose business empire lives on in its present-day owner (and Performance Theatre partner) Unilever. In honour of his home county, Sir William rechristened the building Lancaster House, and bequeathed it to the nation. Since then Lancaster House has played many parts: as a temporary home for the London Museum, as a set for a range of films including recent Oscar winner The King’s Speech, and as an important venue for diplomatic activity, including two G7 summits. 2. Giving In many countries, ageing populations are increasing the pressure on already tired public budgets. Social safety nets are weakening, and disaffection spreading in places from Madrid to Manhattan. Can private individuals and organisations help fill the public services vacuum by sharing their money and time with the disadvantaged? And perhaps philanthropy and volunteering are about more than complementing the state in times of trouble – maybe they are permanent features of a new kind of society at the heart of a new kind of growth? © Getty Images THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | ACT 4 VENUE: Lancaster House 1230 – 1430 27 THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | ACT 4 Act 4 | London Dialogues 26 Day two: Saturday 16 June 3. Media There are over 2 billion people online and 6 billion mobile phone connections; Facebook is the world’s third largest nation. We live in a hyperconnected world, and media is the glue. Thanks to the revolution in new media, being awake means processing – and, increasingly, participating in – a near-continuous stream of information. Can we use this connectivity to move towards a new kind of growth? Is it possible or even right for the media take an active role in fanning the flames of this needed growth? 4. New lenses on transition We find ourselves in a time of unusual paradox. Let’s call this the Prosperity Paradox. Despite economic turbulence, global prosperity continues to increase on average, improving opportunities for many millions of people. However, this process is also generating economic, political, social and environmental stresses that threaten to undermine many of the benefits of prosperity. This paradox is driving an era of volatile transitions. Some transitions will bring gains to some players; others will lose out. Transitions can deliver different results for the same players at different times. All plausible outlooks appear messy. The challenge is to develop “lenses” that improve clarity and enable better choices to be made. British Prime Minister David Cameron and US President Barack Obama hold a joint press conference at Lancaster House during a state visit in 2011 In this London Dialogue, members of the Shell scenario team and their network will share some preliminary thinking about the “lenses” they are finding helpful in their efforts to understand the era of transitions. Participants will be invited to consider the lenses from their own perspective, and confront the uncomfortable possibility that we, ourselves, risk inhibiting constructive change as much as promoting it. Day two: Saturday 16 June Day two: Saturday 16 June Act 5 | Ode to the future 28 VENUE: Lancaster House We’ve now heard how the world is telling us – loud and clear – that humankind needs a new kind of growth. Realising this future will take far-reaching changes to both our physical environment and our mindsets. We need catalytic leadership to ignite action across a range of spheres. In this session, moderated by Todd Benjamin, former Financial Editor at CNN, leading voices from key industries and sectors will sketch out their visions for change. Part 1 | Introduction Adding value Paul Polman, CEO, Unilever Part 2 | Voices on new growth Retail Robert Swannell, Chairman, Marks & Spencer Group Payments Ajay Banga, President and CEO, MasterCard Worldwide Government-business partnerships Leo Yip, Chairman, Singapore Economic Development Board Green development in China Professor Hu Angang, Founding Director of the Institute for Contemporary China Studies, Tsinghua University 1630 – 1700 COFFEE Break 1700 – 1730 Part 3 | An answer 1730 – 1750 1800 There will also be the opportunity to meet on the Lancaster House lawn, followed by a spot of croquet. Have we found that new language – a new voice – that can deliver and sustain a new way of growing? Marco Alverà, Chief Executive Officer, Trading & Shipping, Eni, will share his reflections, followed by plenary dialogue moderated by Geoff Colvin, Senior Editor-atLarge at Fortune Magazine. Closing address Lord Browne of Madingley, Chairman, The Performance Theatre and Partner, Riverstone Transfer Buses will take us back to the Corinthia Hotel. An artist’s interpretation of Orwell’s “doublespeak” © 2009–2012 ~gmadzl THOUGHT AND LANGUAGE In his 1946 essay Politics and the English Language, English writer and journalist George Orwell mourned what he saw as the bad state of English. Just as a man may take to drink because he feels himself a failure then fails all the more because he drinks, Orwell reasoned, the same is true of the English language: “It becomes ugly and inaccurate because our thoughts are foolish, but the slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts.” Orwell believed that social injustice and totalitarianism were connected to the decay of language. The man whose mind is invaded by ready-made phrases is not really seeing an image and is therefore not really thinking; his brain is not involved as it would be if he were choosing his own words and he has “gone some distance toward turning himself into a machine,” Orwell remarked. This is a red thread in Orwell’s massively influential novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, in which the totalitarian regime of the Party attacks free thinking by castigating it as a crime (“crimethink”) and by emasculating language to the point where the articulation of dissent is literally not possible. Through “doublespeak”, the Party even hijacks words to hide the evil of its actions. But this process of break-down is reversible. By letting the meaning choose the word and not the other way around, one can “send some worn-out and useless phrase … into the dustbin where it belongs”. ‘If thought can corrupt language, then language can corrupt thought’ George Orwell Chapter xx THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | ACT 5 THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | ACT 5 1430 – 1730 29 Day two: Saturday 16 June Finale | gala dinner 30 1915 2000 – 2330 31 ‘Everything points to the conclusion that the phrase the “language of art” is more than a metaphor’ Transfer Buses will take us from the Corinthia Hotel to the Saatchi Gallery. Given the centrality of London’s artistic legacy to this year’s programme, it is most fitting that we bid farewell to the city at the Saatchi Gallery. It is equally fitting that world-leading company DNV and its CEO, Dr Henrik O. Madsen, serve as our hosts. Sir Ernst Gombrich We will be treated over dinner to some exquisite music – classical violinist Charlie Siem will play a set for us on his 1735 violin, once owned by the King of Prussia. ‘We are facing … two very different crises at the same time. The financial crisis has a short perspective … The climate change issue, however, has a much longer perspective. Balancing these two perspectives is a huge leadership challenge’ Dr Henrik Madsen (DNV) DNV is a world-leading provider of services for managing risk. An independent foundation with the objective of safeguarding life, property and the environment, DNV comprises 300 offices in a hundred countries, with about 10,000 employees. As the company approaches its 150th anniversary it has much to be proud of, not least its far-sighted recognition of the business implications of climate change, its role in helping the maritime industry become both safer and more sustainable, and its contribution to the healthcare industry’s ability to manage the risk of infection. The language of art Ernst Gombrich, one of Britain’s best-known art historians, gave us The Story of Art – a sweeping but unpretentious history of one of humanity’s most powerful forms of language, starting with the frank, rust-coloured cave paintings of prehistoric Europe and ending around the time of Jackson Pollock’s visual outbursts over ten millennia later. Gombrich, though much-loved, was occasionally criticised for neglecting contemporary art. By contrast the Saatchi Gallery has made the art of the “now” its lifeblood. When the Saatchi Gallery first opened more than 25 years ago, its visitors were mainly niche admirers of contemporary art, hungry for work by new blood. Today, the gallery enjoys a broader audience while remaining true to its role as a springboard for unknown artists. In so doing, it is nurturing the evolution of a language which has both served and shaped human civilisation in all its forms, from cave to court and concrete city. Artist Noémie Goudal has long been drawn to the meeting point of nature and culture, and feels a strong attraction to the theatre. These elements all come together in Cascade, a photograph of a theatrical installation that’s part of the Les Amants (the Lovers) series featured at the Saatchi Gallery. Image courtesy of the Saatchi Gallery, London. © Noémie Goudal, 2009 Chapter xx THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | FINALE THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | FINALE VENUE: Saatchi Gallery Day two: Saturday 16 June 32 MARCO ALVERÀ Chief Executive Officer, Eni Trading & Shipping Marco Alverà joined Eni in 2005 and has been CEO of Eni Trading & Shipping, which manages all commodity trading and shipping activities for Eni, since 2010. He is also Senior Executive Vice President of Eni Trading. In 2008, Mr Alverà was named Executive Vice President for Russia, North Europe and Americas for Eni’s Exploration & Production Division. In 2006, he was appointed Director of Supply & Portfolio Development at Eni’s Gas & Power Division, and also took on the role as CEO of Bluestream and Promgas (two joint ventures between Eni and Gazprom). Before joining Eni, Mr Alverà served as the Head of Group Corporate Strategy at Enel and as CFO of Wind Telecom, where he oversaw the sale of Wind to Orascom. In 2000 he co-founded Netesi, Italy’s first broadband ADSL company. He started his career at Goldman Sachs in London in 1997 in Mergers & Acquisitions and Private Equity. Mr Alverà is currently an Associate Fellow at the Oxford University Centre for Corporate Reputation, where he specialises in developing and teaching case studies on doing business in Africa. He graduated from the London School of Economics in philosophy and economics. PROFESSOR HU ANGANG Founding Director of the Institute for Contemporary China Studies, Tsinghua University Hu Angang is a leading consultant to the Chinese government in economic and social policy planning, and is one of China’s most influential intellectuals. He is the Founding Director of the Institute for Contemporary China Studies at Tsinghua University, and a Professor in the School of Public Policy & Management at Tsinghua. He has recently served as a member of the central government’s Advisory Committee on the National Development Program, as well as on several other ministerial advisory committees involved in developing China’s 12th Five-Year Plan. He has authored or edited more than 60 books and published nearly 300 academic papers in peer-reviewed journals, in both Chinese and English. His most recent book is From Black Cat to Green Cat: Green Development in China, which presents the theory and practice of green development in the world’s most populous country. He has served on the board of Gazprom Neft and is Chairman of the Board of Eni’s Russian subsidiaries. Nick Baird has been Chief Executive of UKTI since September 2011. Before that, he was Director-General for Europe and Globalisation at the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), where he focused on European policy, on strengthening commercial diplomacy in the department and on building relationships with the dominant emerging powers. After joining the FCO in 1983, Mr Baird was posted to Kuwait and later Brussels. From 1993 to 1997, he served in London as Private Secretary to the Minister covering South Asia and the Americas, and then as Head of the Unit covering the EU Intergovernmental Conference. Mr Baird was posted to Muscat as Deputy Head of Mission and Economic Counsellor in 1997 and to the UK Representation to the EU in Brussels as Counsellor leading on Justice and Home Affairs issues a year later. Mr Baird returned to London as Head of the European Union Department (Internal Issues) in 2002 and the following year was seconded to the Immigration and Nationality Directorate at the Home Office as the senior Director leading policy and international work. In 2006, Mr Baird was appointed British Ambassador to Turkey. He studied English literature at Cambridge University. AJAY BANGA President and Chief Executive Officer, MasterCard Worldwide Ajay Banga is President and Chief Executive Officer of MasterCard and a member of its board of directors. Prior to joining MasterCard in 2009, Mr Banga was CEO of Citigroup Asia Pacific. He spent 13 years at Citi, holding a variety of senior positions and spearheading its global microfinance strategy for four years. Before that, he spent 13 years at Nestlé, India, in assignments spanning, sales, marketing and general management and two years at Pepsico, launching the company’s international fast food franchises in India as the country liberalised. Mr Banga chairs the US-India Business Council and is a member of the Business Roundtable, Council on Foreign Relations, the International Advisory Board of the Moscow School of Management (Skolkovo), the Economic Club of New York and the Financial Services Roundtable. He also is a fellow of the Foreign Policy Association. From 2007 to 2012, Mr Banga served on the board of directors of Kraft Foods. He also has served on the boards of trustees of the Asia Society, The New York Hall of Science and the National Urban League, among others. Mr Banga holds a BA in economics from Delhi University and is an alumnus of the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. 33 THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | SPEAKER PROFILES THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | SPEAKER PROFILES Speaker PROFILES NICK BAIRD Chief Executive Officer, UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) 34 Todd Benjamin is well known to television audiences across the globe. For 26 years he worked as an anchor, correspondent and financial editor for CNN. During that time he was based in Washington DC, New York, Tokyo and London. An award-winning journalist, Mr Benjamin has interviewed figures from Mikhail Gorbachev and Bill Clinton to Tony Blair and Alan Greenspan. He has also interviewed several of the world’s leading CEOs, including Lou Gerstner, Jack Welch and Carlos Ghosn in his CNN series, Benjamin’s Boardroom. Today, Mr Benjamin is a senior advisor to Xyntéo. He continues to appear on CNN as an independent analyst to provide live commentary and analysis. A visiting lecturer in leadership for the London Business School Executive Education Programme, Mr Benjamin also moderates conferences and events for businesses and organisations around the world. His wide-ranging international experience and informed opinions, combined with his engaging style, have made Mr Benjamin a sought after moderator and interviewer. DR OSVALD M. BJELLAND Vice Chairman and Founder, The Performance Theatre and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Xyntéo Osvald Bjelland is Vice Chairman and Founder of The Performance Theatre. He is also Chairman and CEO of Xyntéo, an international advisory firm specialising in low-carbon growth solutions. Dr Bjelland has written for and been interviewed by various publications, including Fortune magazine, the Financial Times, the Sloan Management Review and Strategic Leadership. He was also an expert commentator for the Harvard Business Review Green Initiative. Dr Bjelland has a PhD from the University of Leeds; his doctoral thesis focused on the role of leadership in deploying IT to transform information-intensive organisations. He also has an MBA from Brunel University in the UK, and a BA (siviløkonom) from the Norwegian School of Management. He is a former visiting scholar at Stanford University and sits on the board of the Energy Policy Foundation of Norway. LORD BROWNE OF MADINGLEY Chairman, The Performance Theatre and Managing Director and Partner, Riverstone Lord Browne is a Partner and Managing Director of Riverstone Holdings LLC; a Fellow and former President of the Royal Academy of Engineering; a Fellow of the Royal Society; and a foreign member of the US Academy of Arts and Sciences. He joined BP in 1966 and became a board member in 1991. He was appointed Group Chief Executive in 1995 and held that position until 2007. Lord Browne became a Trustee of the Tate Gallery in 2007 and was made Chairman of the Trustees in 2009. He was appointed the UK Government’s Lead Non-Executive Board member in 2010. He is Chairman of the Trustees of the Queen Elizabeth II Prize for Engineering, Chairman of the International Advisory Board of the Blavatnik School of Government at Oxford University and a member of a variety of other trusts and boards. He also chaired the Independent Review of Higher Education Funding and Student Finance (the Browne review) in 2010. Lord Browne was Chairman of the Advisory Board of Apax Partners LLC, a non-executive Director of Goldman Sachs, a non-executive director of Intel Corporation, a trustee of The British Museum, a member of the supervisory board of DaimlerChrysler AG and a nonexecutive director of SmithKline Beecham. Voted “Most Admired CEO” by Management Today from 1999–2002, he was knighted in 1998 and made a life peer in 2001. His memoirs, Beyond Business, were published in February 2010. Lord Browne holds degrees from Cambridge and Stanford Universities. NATARAJAN CHANDRASEKARAN Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Tata Consultancy Services Ltd Natarajan Chandrasekaran (Chandra) joined Tata Consultancy Services in 1987 and is currently its Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director. Responsible for formulating the company’s global strategy, Mr Chandrasekaran has been at the helm of several key strategic transitions at TCS. Under his leadership, the company has pioneered the creation of a global network delivery model across five continents and expanded into new markets including Europe, China and Latin America. Through Mr Chandrasekaran’s guidance and mentorship, TCS has refined its corporate sustainability programme to focus on education, environment and wellness. He represents TCS on several global and local forums and is the Chairman of the National Association of Software & Service Companies (NASSCOM) for 2012–13. Mr Chandrasekaran has received several awards and recognition from the business community, including “Business Leader of the Year” from NDTV in 2011. He was also named the Dataquest IT Person of the Year and “Business Leader of the Year” by the All India Management Association. He was named the country’s “Best CEO” by FinanceAsia magazine for two consecutive years and ranked the “Best CEO” by the Institutional 35 THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | SPEAKER PROFILES THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | SPEAKER PROFILES TODD BENJAMIN Former Financial Editor, CNN 36 He holds a master’s in computer applications from Regional Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, and a BSc in applied science from the Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu. GEOFF COLVIN Senior Editor-at-Large, Fortune Magazine Fortune Senior Editor-at-Large Geoff Colvin is a leading thinker, writer, broadcaster and speaker on today’s most significant trends in business. He is author of the bestselling book, Talent Is Overrated: What Really Separates World-Class Performers From Everybody Else, and more recently wrote The Upside of the Downturn: Ten Management Strategies to Prevail in the Recession and Thrive in the Aftermath, which has been adopted as a guidebook to winning in today’s unprecedented business environment by companies across the US. As a speaker, Mr Colvin has engaged hundreds of audiences across the world, and, as an on-stage interviewer, his subjects have included Bill Gates, Alan Greenspan, Henry Kissinger, Richard Branson, Ted Turner and George H. W. Bush. He is the regular lead moderator of the Fortune Global Forum and he serves as moderator for the International Business Leaders Forum in London. Mr Colvin is heard daily on the CBS Radio Network, where he has made over 10,000 broadcasts and reaches seven million listeners a week. He has appeared on many other US TV and radio programmes and is a former co-anchor of Wall Street Week with Fortune on PBS, which reached the largest audience of any US business television programme. Mr Colvin holds a degree in economics from Harvard and an MBA from New York University. DR NATHAN EAGLE Adjunct Assistant Professor, Harvard School of Public Health and Chief Executive Officer, Jana Nathan Eagle is the Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Jana, a company that incentivises survey completion and purchasing by providing consumers in emerging markets with free mobile phone airtime. As well as his work with Jana, Dr Eagle is an Adjunct Assistant Professor at Harvard University. His MIT PhD on Reality Mining was declared one of the “10 Technologies Most Likely to Change the Way We Live” by the MIT Technology Review and in 2008, Nokia named him as one of the world’s top mobile phone developers. Dr Eagle was elected to the TR35 in 2009, a group of top innovators under 35. Often sought for his expert commentary, he is regularly featured in publications such as the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Businessweek, as well as appearing on the BBC and CNN. DR STEVEN FRIES Chief Economist, UK Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC) Steven Fries is Chief Economist and Director of Analysis at the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change, and a member of the Department’s executive committee. He leads an interdisciplinary team of analysts and is responsible for developing the economic evidence base for the department’s policies and strategies. Before joining the department, he was chief economist for Royal Dutch Shell and held a series of senior positions at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, including Deputy Chief Economist and Director of Research. Dr Fries began his professional career as an economist at the International Monetary Fund, and has published widely on energy and climate change policy, financial reform and development, and the post-communist transition in Eastern Europe. He is member of the board of trustees of the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, as well as the Council of the British Institute of Energy Economics. He also serves on the Advisory Boards of the Electricity Policy Research Group (Cambridge) and Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy (London School of Economics). Dr Fries earned a DPhil in economics from Oxford after receiving his degree in economics and finance from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. DR VICTOR ZHIKAI GAO Director, China National Association of International Studies Victor Zhikai Gao is a Director of the China National Association of International Studies and an Executive Director of Beijing Private Equity Association. He is also Co-Chairman of China, Daiwa Capital Markets Hong Kong Limited. Dr Gao has extensive experience in foreign affairs, law, securities regulation, investment banking, private equity and corporate management. Between 1999 and 2000, he was the China Policy Advisor at the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission and actively participated in building cooperation in the securities sector between mainland China and Hong Kong. He served in the Chinese Foreign Ministry in the 1980s and was an English interpreter for Deng Xiaoping and other Chinese party and government leaders. The companies and institutions Dr Gao has served in the past include the United Nations Secretariat, Morgan Stanley, CICC and CNOOC Limited. For the latter, he held several positions including that of Senior Vice President, General Counsel, Company Secretary, Member of the Investment Committee and Director of CNOOC International. Dr Gao is a licensed attorney-at-law in the State of New York and has appeared regularly in domestic Chinese and international media as a commentator and current affairs analyst. He holds a J.D. from Yale Law School. 37 THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | SPEAKER PROFILES THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | SPEAKER PROFILES Investors. He was also named the “E&Y Entrepreneur of the Year – Manager” for 2011, as well as being awarded the Medal of the City of Amsterdam in recognition for his endeavours to promote trade and economic relations between Amsterdam and India. 38 Thomas Gensemer has led Blue State Digital (BSD) since 2005, when he joined the company’s founders and began applying tactics of online engagement for political campaigns to broader sectors. In 2010, after five years of growth exceeding 40%, Mr Gensemer negotiated the acquisition of BSD by WPP Digital. Before that, Mr Gensemer served as the fundraising director for America Coming Together (ACT), the USD 600 million campaign led by George Soros, where he managed the organisation’s marketing, fundraising and engagement. Prior to ACT, he led online communications for General Wesley Clark’s 2004 presidential campaign. From 1998 to 2004, Mr Gensemer managed The Accelerator Group, an entrepreneurial venture capital fund. He was honoured in Crain’s New York’s “40 Under 40” in 2009 and has been featured in Businessweek, the Guardian, the New York Times, the Washington Post and on the BBC. Mr Gensemer is a frequent speaker and lecturer on digital marketing strategies, political organising and fundraising. SIMON P. HENRY Chief Financial Officer, Royal Dutch Shell plc Simon Henry became Chief Financial Officer and a member of the Board of Royal Dutch Shell plc in 2009, and is responsible not only for all financial activities but also for Strategy, Planning and Information Technology. In addition, he acts as Regional Executive Director for Asia Pacific with specific oversight of new business development in China. Prior to his current role, he was Chief Financial Officer for Exploration and Production, leading global EP finance as well as planning and supply chain functions. In addition, he was chair of the group reserves committee and a member of various senior level teams for strategy, planning and growth in EP. With over 26 years at Shell, Mr Henry has worked in a wide cross-section of the group’s businesses and has experience in several different cultural environments. He also held the position of Head of Group Investor Relations in London. Other roles have included Finance Manager of Marketing in Egypt, Controller of the Upstream business in Egypt, Oil Products shareholder finance adviser for Asia Pacific and Finance Director for the Mekong Cluster. Until the end of 2000, Mr Henry was General Manager Finance for the South East Asian Retail business. Mr Henry is a member of the main committee of the 100 Group of UK FTSE CFOs, Chair of the European Round Table CFO Taskforce and a member of the Advisory Board of the Centre for European Reform, a UK-based think tank. Mr Henry is a Fellow of the CIMA, and graduated in mathematics from Cambridge University. DR HENRIK O. MADSEN Chief Executive Officer, DNV In May 2006, Henrik Madsen became CEO and President of Det Norske Veritas, one of the world’s leading certification and risk management companies. He introduced ambitious strategic goals for DNV to grow and focus its services towards selected industry sectors. Dr Madsen’s attention today is very much focused on environment and climate issues, and how DNV can contribute to a safe and sustainable future. Dr Madsen began his career in DNV in Oslo in 1982 as the Chief Scientist in Structural Reliability Analysis. During the 1980s he led a large industry initiative to introduce structural reliability methods in the standard-setting work of the oil and gas industry. In acknowledgement of this work, Dr Madsen was elected into the US Offshore Energy Center, Technology Hall of Fame as an Offshore Pioneer in 2002. During his time at DNV, Dr Madsen has headed all the major business areas, as well as DNV’s research division. He also served as regional manager in Japan and Denmark. He is a council member of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), and a member of the Focus Area Core team for Energy and Climate. Dr Madsen has a PhD in civil and structural engineering from the Technical University of Denmark, where he also held a position as Professor within Structural Mechanics. He has published several books and more than 80 papers. PAUL POLMAN Chief Executive Officer, Unilever Paul Polman became an Executive Director of Unilever in October 2008 before being appointed Chief Executive Officer in January 2009. He began his career in 1979 at Procter & Gamble, and was the company’s group president Europe until 2006. Mr Polman also serves as President of the Kilimanjaro Blind Trust and Chairman of Perkins International Advisory Board. He is a member of the Executive Committee of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, the International Business Council of the World Economic Forum, and the Swiss American Chamber of Commerce. He is also on the board of the Consumer Goods Forum where he co-chairs the Board Strategy and Sustainability Committees. He is a Trustee of the Leverhulme Trust, a former board member of Alcon and, since February 2010, a non-executive director of The Dow Chemical Company. Mr Polman received the Atlantic Council Distinguished Business Leadership Award and was named by Investor Magazine as Chief Financial Officer of the Year in 2007. He also received the Carl Lidner award from the University of Cincinnati in 2006 and was the WSJ/CNBC European Business Leader of the Year 2003. Mr Polman holds a BBA/BA from the University of Groningen and an MBA/MA in economics and finance from the University of Cincinnati. He has also received honorary degrees from the Universities of Northumbria and Cincinnati. 39 THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | SPEAKER PROFILES THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | SPEAKER PROFILES THOMAS GENSEMER Managing Partner and Co-Founder, Blue State Digital 40 Adam Posen is a member of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of the Bank of England, a position he will hold until August 2012. Since joining the MPC in 2009, he has been a leading global advocate of central bank activism, and has brought small and new business investment to the top of the UK economic policy agenda. His research includes widely influential studies of Japan’s Great Recession, of the euro’s global role, and of central bank independence. Dr Posen has also co-authored, with Ben Bernanke et al, the now-standard text Inflation Targeting: Lessons from the International Experience. From 2013, he will be President of the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington DC, the world’s leading non-partisan think tank on globalisation. SIR JOHN McLEOD SCARLETT Senior Advisor, Morgan Stanley; Chair, Strategic Advisory Council Statoil; and Chief, Secret Intelligence Service 2004–2009 Sir John Scarlett served as Chief of the British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) from 2004 to 2009. He joined SIS in 1971 and served in Nairobi, Paris and Moscow, as well as assignments in London covering the Middle East, Africa, Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. In 2001, he retired from SIS on his appointment as Chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee in the UK Cabinet Office. He rejoined SIS as its Chief in 2004. Since leaving SIS he has become a senior advisor at Morgan Stanley. He is Chairman of the Strategic Advisory Committee at Statoil and a member of the Advisory Boards at Swiss Re and PwC. He is a Director of Times Newspaper Holdings, a Senior Associate Fellow at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), Chairman of the Bletchley Park Trust and Trustee of the Imperial War Museum. Sir John was appointed OBE in 1987, CMG in 2001 and KCMG in 2007, and in 2011 was appointed Officier of the Légion d’Honneur. He was born in 1948 in London and educated at Magdalen College, Oxford, where he was awarded first class honours in modern history. SIR MARTIN SORRELL Chair Executive Officer, WPP Sir Martin Sorrell founded WPP, the world’s largest advertising and marketing services group, in 1985 and has been Chief Executive Officer throughout. WPP companies, which include some of the most prominent agencies in the business, provide clients with advertising, media investment management, consumer insight, public relations and public affairs, branding and identity, healthcare communications, as well as direct, interactive and internet marketing and specialist communications services. Sir Martin actively supports the advancement of international business schools – advising Harvard, IESE, the London Business School and the Indian School of Business. He also contributes to many important organisations and charities. In 2006, he was appointed a non-executive director of Alpha Topco, the Formula 1 company. In 2008, he was appointed by the English Football Association to the Board of the bid to stage the 2018 FIFA World Cup. He is on the Executive Committee of the World Economic Forum International Business Council and is a member of the Business Council in the US. He is a Trustee of the British Museum, a member of the corporate Advisory Group of the Tate Gallery, and serves on the International Advisory Board of The Russian Museum in St. Petersburg. In 2010 he was appointed to the Board of Directors of the Bloomberg Family Foundation. Sir Martin has been publicly recognised with a number of awards including the Harvard Business School Alumni Achievement Award. He received a knighthood in January 2000. ROBERT SWANNELL Chairman, Marks & Spencer Group Robert Swannell was appointed as Non-Executive Director of Marks & Spencer in 2010 before becoming its Chairman in 2011. Prior to joining Marks & Spencer, Mr Swannell spent over 30 years in investment banking with Schroders/Citigroup. He was formerly Vice Chairman of Citi Europe and Chairman of Citi’s European Investment Bank. He was also Senior Independent Director of both The British Land Company plc and of 3i Group plc, and was Chairman of HMV Group plc, as well as a Non-Executive Director. Mr Swannell’s regulatory and government department experience includes the Regulatory Decisions Committee of the UK’s Financial Services Authority, the Takeover Panel Appeal Board and the Industrial Advisory Board of the UK Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. He is Chairman of the governing body of Rugby School and was a director and trustee of the educational charity Career Academies UK from 2003 to 2010. He is a qualified chartered accountant and barrister. PROFESSOR ROBERT “TENZIN” THURMAN Professor of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Studies, Columbia University Robert A.F. “Tenzin” Thurman is the Jey Tsong Khapa Professor of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Studies at Columbia University. Professor Thurman delivers lectures around the world and is the author of more than 20 books; his most recent publication is Why the Dalai Lama Matters: His Act of Truth as the Solution for China, Tibet, and the World. His academic and popular writing explores the relevance of Tibetan mind sciences to the contemporary material sciences. They also aim to address the challenges facing the world in the 21st century by promoting an ethic of enlightened self-interest and realistic altruism. 41 THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | SPEAKER PROFILES THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | SPEAKER PROFILES DR ADAM POSEN Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE) and External Member of Monetary Policy Committee, Bank of England 42 He is also Editor-in-Chief of the Treasury of the Buddhist Sciences, a long-term translation and publication project of the Tibetan Tengyur canon. In addition, he is President of Tibet House US, an educational non-profit organisation dedicated to preserving and promoting the culture of Tibet, as well as President of the American Institute of Buddhist Studies. HANS VESTBERG President and Chief Executive Officer, Ericsson Hans Vestberg began working for Ericsson in 1988 and has held a variety of management roles in the company, serving in North and South America before returning to Sweden. His positions include First Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Head of Group Function Finance, Head of Market Unit Mexico and Head of Finance and Control for the US, Brazil and Chile. Mr Vestberg has also acted as an international advisor to the Governor of Guangdong, China, and is Co-Chairman of the Russian-Swedish Business Council. He is a member of the Broadband Commission for Digital Development, and heads its broadband and climate-change initiatives. He is also on the advisory board of the Digital Health Initiative. Mr Vestberg is Chairman of the Swedish Handball Association. DR ANDREAS WEIGEND Conductor, Social Data Lab, Stanford University Andreas Weigend is an expert in social and mobile technologies, consumer behavior and digital marketing. He teaches at Stanford University and the University of California, Berkeley and directs the Social Data Lab, studying the ongoing revolution in social data and its impact on consumers, companies and society. He was the chief scientist at where he focused on data strategy and the customer-centric culture that has become central to Amazon’s success. Dr Weigend now advises organisations that want to embrace the new model of social/ local/mobile reality, guiding them through the landscape of unprecedented levels of data and changing human behavior. In corporate workshops and brainstorming sessions, he works with his clients to design relevant metrics and experiments, and to invent incentives that inspire people to engage and create data that lead to new products and business opportunities. These clients include Alibaba, China Mobile, Lufthansa, MasterCard, Priceline, Singtel, Sony, Thomson Reuters and the World Economic Forum. He shares his insights on the untapped power of data at company events and conferences around the globe, challenging the minds of his audiences to help them understand what the social data revolution means for them. He recently presented his vision to the General Assembly of the United Nations. Dr Weigend, who lives in San Francisco, Shanghai and on, received his PhD in physics from Stanford University after studying electrical engineering, physics and philosophy in Germany and at the University of Cambridge. Mr Vestberg has a bachelor of business administration and economics from the University of Uppsala. Photo © Stefan Borgius LEO YIP Chairman, Singapore Economic Development Board TONY WANG Head of Europe, the Middle East and Africa, Twitter Inc. Tony Wang is General Manager of Twitter UK. He previously worked at Twitter’s headquarters in San Francisco, where he was involved in its revenue, business development, product and international teams. Mr Wang joined Twitter from Google, where he was Managing Counsel, and supported the company’s international expansion. Before joining Google, Tony’s legal practice included venture capital, Mergers & Acquisitions and capital markets. He attended Harvard Law School and has worked on the legal teams of both Google and Twitter. He is @tonyw on Twitter. Leo Yip joined the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB) as Deputy Chairman in 2008, and was appointed Chairman in 2009. He also chairs the board of directors of EDB Investments. Before joining the EDB, Mr Yip was Permanent Secretary of the Singapore Ministry of Manpower. He joined the Ministry in 2002 as Deputy Secretary in charge of policy and development matters, with responsibilities including workforce policy and planning, labour relations and welfare, corporate planning and organisation development. He led the ministry’s work to establish the Singapore Workforce Development Agency in 2003, and served as the agency’s Chief Executive Officer until 2005. Prior to this, Mr Yip held the position of Principal Private Secretary to the then Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew from 2000. Mr Yip began his career in 1982 with the Singapore Police Force, from which he received an overseas scholarship. During his service with the force, he held a series of policy, 43 THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | SPEAKER PROFILES THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | SPEAKER PROFILES Professor Thurman has been a close personal friend of the Dalai Lama for half a century, and is the first American to have been ordained a Tibetan Buddhist monk. In 1997, Time magazine named him as one of the 25 Most Influential Americans. 44 Participant PROFILES Mr Yip has a degree in economics from Cambridge University, an MBA from Warwick University and a master’s in public administration from the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard. LARS CHRISTIAN BACHER President and Chief Executive Officer, Statoil Canada Lars Christian Bacher has been working for Statoil since 1991, and has been the President of Statoil Canada since 2009. He oversees the company’s oil sands operations in Alberta’s Athabasca region, the Calgary-based Heavy Oil Technology Centre and exploration and development off the coast of Newfoundland. DELLA BANERJI Della Banerji’s career in executive search spanned 18 years. Most recently, she established and ran the Middle East/North Africa business for a major global firm out of Dubai, during which time she was responsible for advising governments, corporations and financial institutions on their senior executive and non-executive hiring needs. Ms Banerji has a master’s from Cambridge University. SHUMEET BANERJI Senior Partner and former Chief Executive Officer, Booz & Company As Senior Partner and former CEO of Booz & Co, Shumeet Banerji has advised public and private sector entities around the world on issues such as corporate strategy, board performance and transformational change. Mr Banerji is a frequent speaker at key economic and business conferences and the co-author of Cut Costs and Grow Stronger. RITU BANGA Co-Founder, Ritu Banga is a Co-Founder of, a start-up job search resource and pro bono career advisory service for college students. She is a trustee of Marymount School, New York, and, from 2007 to 2011, she was on the board of the Asian University for Women Support Foundation. 45 THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | PARTICIPANT PROFILES THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | SPEAKER PROFILES planning and command roles culminating in his appointment as Director (Operations) at police headquarters. 46 Bruce Barlag is the head of Strategy & Market Development for the business consulting division of Alvarez & Marsal. In addition, he counsels senior executives of large global companies on matters of personal direction and brand management, as well as on issues relating to strategy, organisational development, innovation and performance. KATHLEEN M. BARLAG Licensed Clinical Social Worker Kathleen Barlag is a licensed clinical social worker who has held a number of leadership roles in social services organisations. Most recently, as President of the St Vincent De Paul Society, Ms Barlag managed the distribution of funds, food assistance and other vital services for the city of Atlanta’s most needy. KIAN TEIK BEH International Director (Europe), Singapore Economic Development Board Kian Teik Beh is the International Director (Europe) of the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB). He is based in London and oversees investment promotion efforts carried out by the EDB’s five European offices. Mr Beh joined the EDB in February 1998 and has held roles of increasing responsibilities at the organisation, including an overseas assignment for its North American operations. JEREMY BENTHAM Vice President, Global Business Environment, Royal Dutch Shell plc Jeremy Bentham joined Shell in 1980 and has nearly 30 years’ experience in the energy business. He has been responsible for Shell’s Global Business Environment team and Shell scenarios since January 2006. Mr Bentham joined the leadership team of Shell’s global technology company, Shell Global Solutions, in 1999 and later served as Chief Executive of Shell Hydrogen. From 1990-91, he was a Sloan Fellow at MIT. MARY BENTHAM Youth Mentor As an advocate for the development of young people, Mary Bentham is senior youth group leader at the church of St John and St Philip, The Hague. She is currently training as a specialist counsellor. Ms Bentham, a graduate of the Dutch Royal Academy of Art, has a particular interest in stone carving and theatre. MAITREYI BERY After an initial career in the travel industry, Maitreyi Bery has devoted her time to school volunteer work, particularly in school libraries. She has a background in modern European languages and, having recently moved to the Netherlands, her current agenda is to learn to speak Dutch. SUMAN K. BERY Chief Economist, Royal Dutch Shell plc Suman K. Bery has served as a member of the Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister of India and the National Statistical Commission; as Director-General of the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER); and as an advisor to the Governor and Deputy Governors of the Reserve Bank of India. Mr Bery, a respected media commentator, has also enjoyed a distinguished career at the World Bank. ASHISH BHATT Managing Director for Infrastructure, Xyntéo Ashish Bhatt is head of Infrastructure and the GLTE India Infrastructure Partnership at Xyntéo, where he delivers expert analysis and insight into government and business opportunities in India. He has also served as a director of the UK’s United Nations Association as a trustee of WaterAid. Mr Bhatt holds a degree from Oxford University. ALAN BISHOP Chief Executive Officer, Southbank Centre Alan Bishop has been Chief Executive of Southbank Centre since the beginning of 2009. Before joining the Southbank Centre, Mr Bishop was Chief Executive of the Central Office of Information, an agency of the UK Cabinet Office, and Chairman of Saatchi & Saatchi, both in London and New York. 47 THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | PARTICIPANT PROFILES THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | PARTICIPANT PROFILES BRUCE E. H. BARLAG Managing Director, Alvarez & Marsal 48 Before being appointed Chairman in 2004, Allan Block held several management positions within Block Communications and remains the Director/Chairman of various subsidiaries. These companies span the cable, publishing, broadcast and telecom industries. Mr Block serves on the board of directors of the American Cable Association and C-SPAN. SUSAN BLOCK After 20 years in corporate America, Susan Block pursued a career in pastry and culinary arts and has earned professional certificates from the French Culinary Institute, École Grégoire-Ferrandi and École Ritz Escoffier. Ms Block sits on the Board of Trustees for the Toledo Zoo, as well as the YMCA and JCC of Greater Toledo, Ohio. HARRY BREKELMANS Executive Vice President, Russia and Caspian, Royal Dutch Shell plc Harry Brekelmans has been Shell’s Country Chairman for Russia and Executive Vice President for Russia and the Caspian region since 2011. He joined Shell as a graduate and has spent over 20 years in a variety of roles, first in Exploration and Production R&D , followed by assignments in Egypt and the UK in areas including geosciences, subsurface operations, development planning and co-ordination, and organisational change management. SAMIR BRIKHO Chief Executive Officer, AMEC plc Under Samir Brikho’s direction, AMEC has become a leading supplier of consultancy, engineering and project management services to the natural resource, nuclear, clean energy, environment and infrastructure sectors globally. Previously Chairman of ABB Lummus Global, Mr Brikho is now Co-Chair of the UK-UAE CEO Forum, and has been a UK Business Ambassador since 2010. ODD-EVEN BUSTNES Managing Director for Technology and Head of Analysis, Xyntéo Odd-Even Bustnes is Managing Director for Technology and Head of Analysis at Xyntéo. He has worked internationally as an investment and consulting professional with a focus on low-carbon solutions. He began his career at McKinsey & Company’s Washington DC office as an associate consultant, working with the upper and middle management of Fortune 500 companies. STEPHEN CADDEN Managing Director for Mobility, Xyntéo Stephen Cadden, Managing Director of Mobility for Xyntéo, has close to 25 years of experience from international shipping and logistics in the US, the UK, Norway and South Korea, including various management and leadership positions such as Group Vice President of the logistics division of Wilh. Wilhelmsen ASA. He holds an MBA from the University of Baltimore. STEPHAN CARLQUIST Executive Vice President, Xyntéo Stephan Carlquist became a board member of Xyntéo in 2001. Mr Carlquist, who has 25 years of change management experience from multinational companies, has previously served as CEO of Electrolux IT Solutions and has played a central role in establishing ABB Financial Services, representing the company in the Americas. ANSON CHAN Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Bonds Group of Companies Anson Chan is Chairman and CEO of Bonds Group, which owns commercial and residential properties in Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Canada and the US. He is also a seed investor and director of the Evenstar Fund and was previously an associate director in the proprietary investments group of Nomura International and in the private equity management division of AIG Investment Corporation. 49 THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | PARTICIPANT PROFILES THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | PARTICIPANT PROFILES ALLAN BLOCK Chairman of the Board, Block Communications Inc. 50 Colin Coleman is head of Goldman Sachs’ South African office, a role he has held since joining Goldman Sachs in 2000. In 2008, he was named head of the Investment Banking Division for Sub-Saharan Africa. Mr Coleman became Managing Director in 2002 and partner in 2010. ANN CORMACK Managing Director for Energy, Xyntéo Before joining Xyntéo, Ann Cormack was CEO of a joint biofuel venture 50% owned by BP, which grew Jatropha curcas in Indonesia, India and Africa. She has also spent over 20 years with Shell in various executive positions and is a council member, and former chair, of the British Institute of Energy Economics. ANDERS DAHLVIG Member of the board, H&M Anders Dahlvig spent 26 years with IKEA, and was the company’s President and CEO from 1999 to 2009. He now serves as Non-Executive Director on a number of boards including H&M, Kingfisher plc, Axel Johnson AB and Oriflame SA. He is also the author of The Ikea Edge. Dr Francisco Diego Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Physics & Astronomy, University College London Francisco Diego is vice president of the UK Association for Astronomy Education and a fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society. He is a keen populariser of astronomy; has extensive experience as a planetarium producer/presenter, lecturer, author and broadcaster; and has appeared on TV series including Stephen Hawking’s Universe and BBC’s The Planets. KEN COSTA Founder and Chairman, Ken Costa Strategic Ken Costa is Chairman of Ken Costa Strategic and was previously Chairman of Lazard International. Before joining Lazard, he was Chairman of EMEA at UBS Investment Bank. Mr Costa has over 30 years’ experience of mergers and acquisitions in the City of London. He is highly active in a number of charitable and faith-based organisations. LUCA CRISCIOTTI Chief Executive Officer, Business Assurance, DNV Luca Crisciotti joined Det Norske Veritas’s Business Assurance Group in March 2012. He began working for DNV in 2001 as a Sales Manager in Rome before he was made Country Manager in Japan. Later, he became Director of Operations in DNV Business Assurance Asia & Australia, living and working in Shanghai, China. PAUL CUMMINS Investment Director, Bonds Group of Companies Paul Cummins is Investment Director of Pyrrho Investments Ltd, a Hong Kong-based investment fund. While Pyrrho invests across the spectrum, Mr Cummins’ speciality is distressed and activist investment. Prior to joining Pyrrho, Mr Cummins worked for a Japanese investment bank. DR GEORG FRONJA Chief Financial Officer, Oerlikon Textile Before taking on his current position, Georg Fronja had been with Siemens since 1988, when he started as a management trainee. Later he became Head of Controlling of the Corporate Units and CFO for Siemens China, and finally Head of Strategy in Siemens Energy. LYN FRONJA Owner and Managing Director, Yoga Center at Schloß Utzmannsbach Lyn Fronja studied yoga at the Yun Yoga Centre in Beijing and is now a trained yoga instructor. Since 2008 she has been the owner and Managing Director of the Yoga Center at Schloß Utzmannsbach in Germany. Ms Fronja studied fashion and art design at the City College of Beijing. ALISON B. GELLES Executive Director, Renaissance Weekend Alison B. Gelles is Executive Director at Renaissance Weekend, an organisation set up to run non-partisan retreats for leaders drawn from diverse fields: business, finance, 51 THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | PARTICIPANT PROFILES THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | PARTICIPANT PROFILES COLIN COLEMAN Managing Director, Goldman Sachs International, Johannesburg 52 DAVID GELLES US Mergers & Acquisitions Correspondent, Financial Times As the Financial Times US Mergers and Acquisitions Correspondent, David Gelles covers deals and dealmakers across the Americas, tracking the impact of macroeconomic and regulatory conditions on M&A activity in all sectors. Previously, Mr Gelles covered media and technology for the FT, profiling entrepreneurs including Mark Zuckerberg. In 2011 Mr Gelles interviewed Bernie Madoff in prison, leading to an in-depth look at the world’s largest Ponzi scheme. MARIE-CHRISTINE GIORIA Client Executive, Hewlett Packard Marie-Christine Gioria is a Client Executive with Hewlett Packard, focusing on the financial services industry. She has a long career working at the senior management level of several global companies. Two years ago she founded a charity, StepChange Foundation, to help care for children in the Middle East. Malcolm Gooderham Founder, TLG Malcolm Gooderham is the Founder of TLG, a leadership and communications consultancy. He is the former director of both Weber Shandwick and Bell Pottinger, and was also the Press Secretary to former Conservative Party politician and Cabinet Minister Michael Portillo. DR KEVIN R. GORDON Chief Research Officer, Xyntéo Before joining Xyntéo, Kevin Gordon worked as an Executive Director, Research & Strategic Consulting, in a private equity company. Prior to this, he supported four oil companies under one “virtual” management umbrella in a USD 12-million R&D programme at BP. As BP’s R&D Commercial Manager, he led, or participated in, restructuring; IP management; merging tax and legal teams; and accelerating joint ventures. GUSTAVO GUIMARÃES Entrepreneur and Former Vice President, Shell Downstream After working for Shell for 18 years, Gustavo Guimaraes returned to his native Portugal to continue his career as an investor and entrepreneur, while serving on the local leading business school’s strategic advisory board. His last job in Shell was as Vice President and Streamline Accountable Executive for the Shell Downstream-One project. MARIA DA GRAÇA GUIMARÃES Maria Guimaraes worked for 10 years at paediatric hospitals where she was responsible for the rehabilitation and recovery of children, mostly in the areas of neonatology, surgery and neurology. As a full-time mother of four, Ms Guimaraes has continued to pursue her physiotherapy studies while supporting various charitable projects. CATHRINE HAMBRO Partner, Bjerknes Wahl-Larsen Cathrine Hambro is a partner in the law firm Bjerknes Wahl-Larsen, with a particularly strong practice in environmental law and energy law. In addition, she is a board member for several companies in the environmental and energy sectors. PHIL HARRISON MBE Chief Operations Officer, Xyntéo Phil Harrison MBE oversees all Xyntéo projects, has advised major companies from around the world and is responsible for the execution of The Performance Theatre. Mr Harrison previously worked for over 21 years in the financial sector and in consultancy, and is a fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. He was awarded his MBE for his service to scuba diving. JANEEN HAYTHORNTHWAITE Co-Owner, jaggedart Janeen Haythornthwaite is a lecturer and guide for the Tate Gallery. She is also a partner in jaggedart, a contemporary art gallery in central London. Ms Haythornthwaite has an MA in geology from Oxford University and an MA in art history from Southampton University. 53 THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | PARTICIPANT PROFILES THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | PARTICIPANT PROFILES government, media, religion, medicine, science, technology and the arts. Ms Gelles has an MA in international relations from the University of Sydney. 54 Richard (Rick) Haythornthwaite is Chairman of MasterCard Inc., Chairman of the World Wide Web Foundation and Chairman of Network Rail. He began his career as a geologist at BP; during his 17 years with the company he held roles including General Manager of the Magnus Oilfield and President of BP in Venezuela. PER HEGGENES Chief Executive Officer, IKEA Foundation Per Heggenes is the Chief Executive Officer of the IKEA Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Stichting INGKA Foundation, which owns the IKEA Group. Before beginning his career at IKEA, Mr Heggenes was Global Head of Corporate Affairs for the shipping and logistics company Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics. He has also acted as UK President, CEO and Co-CEO Europe for the global public relations firm Burson-Marsteller. CECILIE B. HEUCH Group Chief HR Officer, Det Norske Veritas Cecilie B. Heuch is the Group Chief HR Officer of Det Norske Veritas, a global provider of services for managing risk. She also serves on the board of directors for the offshore rig company Fred Olsen Energy. Ms Heuch graduated from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris and has an MSc from the London School of Economics. ANTHONY HOWARD Founder and Chief Executive Officer, The Confidere Group Anthony Howard is the founder of The Confidere Group, an advisory group of former CEOs who act as confidants to leaders facing complex challenges and create innovative think tanks around emerging issues. Mr Howard conducts an ongoing global leader’s dialogue and brings this perspective to his writing, speaking and advising. SALLY HOWARD Sally Howard is a mother to five children. She is also a registered nurse and specialises in aged care nursing. ROSALIND HUTCHINSON, MBE Historian Rosalind Hutchinson entered tourism as a professional guide in 1986 and was a board director of the London Tourist Board for six years. She conducts study programmes for the Smithsonian Institution and guides in the British Museum and Spencer House in London. She was awarded the MBE for services to tourism in 1997. KATIE JACKSON Senior Vice President, Global Strategy & Business Development, Corporate Mergers & Acquisitions, Statoil A seasoned veteran of the oil and gas industry, Katie Jackson joined Statoil in 2010, having previously been VP at the US E&P company Andarko. Ms Jackson began her career as a drilling engineer at Shell in the Netherlands in 1994. She also spent five years in oil and gas investment banking with UBS. PROFESSOR MERIT E. JANOW Chair, NASDAQ Exchange LLC and Professor of International Economic Law & International Affairs, Columbia University Merit Janow, an expert in international trade and investment and author of three books, is a professor at Columbia University’s School of International & Public Affairs and Columbia Law School and Chair of the NASDAQ Stock Market LLC. Professor Janow was also one of seven judges of the WTO’s Appellate Body – the only North American member and the first female to serve on that body. DR HELEN JIN LUO Vice President, Ansys PharmaSolution Inc. Helen Luo has been in her current position since 2006. She was previously Vice President of the Anyuan Investment Group in China. She has directed many large-scale projects, including the ShenZhen DiWang building, China’s highest in 1998. With roots in Chinese business circles, Dr Luo also has invaluable experience of fostering good government relations. 55 THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | PARTICIPANT PROFILES THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | PARTICIPANT PROFILES RICHARD HAYTHORNTHWAITE Chairman of the Board, MasterCard Worldwide 56 Now based in Perth, Western Australia, Neil Kavanagh is Woodside Energy’s Chief Science and Technology Manager. Mr Kavanagh’s international oil and gas career has covered production and engineering roles in the North Sea, Asia and Middle East. His current focus areas include deepwater gas technology and boosting construction productivity for new LNG capacity in Australia. JUDE KELLY OBE Artistic Director, Southbank Centre Jude Kelly has directed over 100 productions for organisations such as the Royal Shakespeare Company, the National Theatre, Chichester Festival Theatre and the English National Opera, at locations including the Châtelet in Paris and London’s West End. Ms Kelly is a member of the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad Board and was awarded the OBE for her services to the theatre. SHIV VIKRAM KHEMKA Vice Chairman, SUN Group As well as being the Vice Chairman of the SUN Group, Shiv Vikram Khemka is a board member of many organisations, including the Lauder Institute; Wharton EMEA; the School of Oriental and African Studies; the Centre for the Advanced Study of India, UPenn; the President’s Leadership Council, Brown University; and Moscow School of Management, Skolkovo. Cho Khong Chief Political Analyst, Shell International Cho-Oon Khong has led, and participated in, country scenario projects for over 15 years for international organisations, governments, universities, research institutions and companies around the world. He advises on political trends and risks, and leads the external environment assessments for Shell’s country reviews. Mr Khong graduated from the University of Singapore and has a MSc and PhD from the London School of Economics. PROFESSOR SIR DAVID KING Director, Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford Professor Sir David King is the Director of the Smith School of Enterprise and Environment at the University of Oxford, and has also served as Chancellor of the University of Liverpool. He is Senior Scientific Advisor to UBS and Science Advisor to President Kagame of Rwanda. Sir David was the UK Government Chief Scientific Adviser from 2000 to 2007. RT HON. LORD KINNOCK OF BEDWELLTY Former MP and Leader of the Labour Party, House of Lords Neil Kinnock was leader of the UK Labour Party and the Official Opposition from 1983 to 1992. In 1995 he was appointed to the European Commission and held the transport portfolio until 1999, when he was promoted to Vice President. He has been a member of the House of Lords since 2005. BARONESS KINNOCK OF HOLYHEAD Former Minister of State, UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office Glenys Kinnock was elected to the European Parliament in 1994, and elected CoPresident of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly from 2001 to 2009. She was appointed Minister of State at the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office in 2009 and made a member of the House of Lords, where she remains a Labour spokesperson. DR CHARLOTTE KNIGHT Medical Practitioner Charlotte Knight works as a general medical practitioner in the UK, having qualified in medicine at Guys Hospital in London in 1984 and psychology at University College London. Dr Knight is a member of the Royal Colleges of both General Practice and Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 57 THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | PARTICIPANT PROFILES THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | PARTICIPANT PROFILES NEIL KAVANAGH Chief Science & Technology Manager, Woodside Energy Ltd 58 As Executive Vice President, John Knight is currently responsible for Statoil’s global strategy and business development. Since being appointed in January 2011, Mr Knight has overseen several notable deals, including the USD 5 billion acquisition of Brigham Exploration and the signing of a GBP 15 billion agreement with Centrica. A.S. LAKSHMINARAYANAN Vice President and Head of Europe, Tata Consultancy Services Ltd A.S. Lakshminarayanan (Lakshmi) heads up four business units, which together account for over 19% of TCS’s global revenues. Mr Lakshminarayanan was formerly VP and Head of Europe. He is a member of the global leadership team and has served in the company for over 25 years. ALEXANDER LANDIA Senior Independent Director, OAO Siberian Coal Energy Company (SUEK) Alexander Landia has been Director of the Siberian Coal Energy Company (SUEK) since 2006, and was Chairman between 2006 and 2011. Before joining SUEK, Mr Landia worked for Accenture and for Dresdner Bank, where he led major infrastructure projects around the world, including in Canada and Hong Kong. MARINA LANDIA Founder and Managing Director, Landia Art and Economy Stiftung gGmbH Marina Landia’s artistic work and the work of the Landia Foundation focuses on a critical exploration and evaluation of social, economic and political trends, concentrating on the intersection between art and other disciplines. Ms Landia studied at the Berlin University of the Arts, where she is currently a lecturer. JANE LICHTENSTEIN International Development Practitioner Jane Lichtenstein spent many years as a commercial litigator, culminating in ten years as a partner in Eversheds. In 2008 she changed direction and began working as a development practitioner in Africa. Ms Lichtenstein now works directly with local farmers in Rwanda on savings schemes and other community mobilisation activities. VERONICA LIE Head of Communications, Xyntéo Veronica Lie is Head of Communications at Xyntéo, where she is responsible for the development and delivery of the company’s strategic communications strategy. She also leads its work on innovation. Before joining Xyntéo, Ms Lie was Deputy Executive Director and Head of policy and advocacy of the United Nations Association of the UK. ANDREW N. LIVERIS President, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, The Dow Chemical Company (Dow) Andrew Liveris is Co-Chair of President Barack Obama’s Advanced Manufacturing Partnership and the author of Make It In America. He also sits on the board of directors of IBM and the Special Olympics, is Vice-Chairman of the Business Council, Vice-Chair of the Business Roundtable and a member of the President’s Export Council. In 2011 Mr Liveris received the Distinguished Performance Award for Excellence in Public Policy and the International Leadership Award PAULA LIVERIS From 1975 to 1983, Paula Liveris worked in the insurance industry in Sydney and London, England, holding various administrative and marketing positions. From 1984-1999, she and her family resided in Thailand, Midland and Hong Kong. In each locality, she became involved in a wide variety of community activities. Ms Liveris received a graduate degree from North Sydney Technical College. SIMON MAINE Associate, Riverstone Simon Maine is an associate of Riverstone Holdings, a private equity firm specialising in energy sector investments, where he is responsible for economic and political analysis relating to potential deals and for forming communication strategies for portfolio companies. Prior to Riverstone, he worked as a speechwriter for Lord Browne of Madingley. 59 THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | PARTICIPANT PROFILES THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | PARTICIPANT PROFILES JOHN KNIGHT Executive Vice President, Global Strategy and Business Development, Statoil 60 Priyanjali Malik is the author of India’s Nuclear Debate: Exceptionalism and the Bomb. She has worked for the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London, McKinsey and Company in New Delhi and as a journalist for NDTV in New Delhi. She currently acts as a consultant to Gatehouse Advisory Partners. RT HON. DAVID MILIBAND MP Former British Foreign Secretary and Member of Parliament, South Shields David Miliband was UK Foreign Secretary from 2007 to 2010. Previously, as Environment Secretary, he pioneered the world’s first legally binding emissions reduction requirements. He is now MP for South Shields, Senior Global Advisor to Oxford Analytica and Vice Chairman of Sunderland Association Football Club. SVEN MOLLEKLEIV Senior Vice President and Head of Corporate Relations & Corporate Social Responsibility, Det Norske Veritas Sven Mollekleiv joined Det Norske Veritas in 2001 and is now Senior Vice President and head of Corporate Relations & Corporate Social Responsibility. He represents DNV on the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. Mr Mollekleiv served for 10 years as the Secretary General of the Norwegian Red Cross and is now its President. RAMAKRISHNAN MUKUNDAN Managing Director, Tata Chemicals Ltd Ramakrishnan Mukundan joined Tata Chemicals Limited in 2001 and had roles in strategy and business development, corporate quality, corporate planning and manufacturing before taking over as Chief Operating Officer. Prior to becoming MD, he was the Executive Vice President (chemicals) and was responsible for the chemicals and consumer products businesses. ALEXANDER MUNCH-THORE Managing Director PE/FO, Swedbank First Securities After briefly retiring, Alexander Munch-Thore returned to the investment community in 2009 as a Senior Partner in First Securities. After First was sold to Swedbank in 2010, he was made Managing Director PE/FO in Corporate Finance. Mr Munch-Thore has prior experience as Managing Partner of Kistefos Venture Capital, and as Investment Director for Astrup Fearnley. ANNE METTE MUNCH-THORE Sales Manager, Telenor Anne Mette Munch-Thore is a Manager of complex sales and large Nordic accounts at Telenor Norge AS. Ms Munch-Thore is also a board member of Mascot Holding, where she heads the investments and philanthropic side. NASSER MUNJEE Chairman, Development Credit Bank Nasser Munjee is an economist and banker, as well as a renowned expert in matters relating to infrastructure and the development of cities. He is on the board of 15 leading companies in India including Tata Motors and Tata Chemicals. Mr Munjee was previously the President of the Bombay Chamber of Commerce and Industry. SUBUR MUNJEE Subur Munjee’s activities include school improvement programmes in Mumbai, India, and reviewing books on anthropology, Islam, Sufism and Indian social history. Ms Munjee also writes about design and interiors. She has an M.Phil in social anthropology from New College in Oxford, UK. PROFESSOR MICHAEL NOBEL Chairman, Nobel Charitable Trust Michael Nobel is a Chairman or board member of many international companies in medical diagnostics, treatment and information systems, as well as not-for-profit organisations. He has an honorary doctorate from Soka University of Japan and an 61 THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | PARTICIPANT PROFILES THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | PARTICIPANT PROFILES DR PRIYANJALI MALIK Consultant, Gatehouse Advisory Partners 62 PROFESSOR KEVIN NOONE Director, Swedish Secretariat for Environment Earth System Sciences (SSEESS) Kevin Noone is Director of the Swedish Secretariat for Environmental Earth System Sciences (SSEESS) at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. At Stockholm University, he has joint appointments at the Department of Applied Environmental Science and at the Stockholm Resilience Centre. From 2004 to 2008, Professor Noone was the Executive Director of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Program. GEOFF OFFICER Managing Director, The Donington Group Geoff Officer is a pioneer in the career management, career transition and outplacement industry in Australia and New Zealand. His expertise in executive coaching, organisational and leadership development, change management and culture change has positioned him as an acknowledged specialist in major employment change events. MONICA OFFICER Educationalist, Broken Bay Catholic Education Office Monica Officer is an experienced educator and coach and has held leadership and teaching roles in primary education. A specialist in gifted education, she focuses on enabling her students to deal with change and to develop problem-solving skills. JAN OLSSON Chief Executive Officer Nordic Region, Deutsche Bank Group Jan Olsson is CEO, Nordic Region at Deutsche Bank, as well as Chairman of Deutsche Bank’s Nordic Management Committee. He also covers some of the largest Nordic corporate accounts. Mr Olsson joined Deutsche Bank in 1988 and has worked in several areas including mainstream M&A execution, structured finance and, from 1996, corporate finance. NICHOLAS OSBORNE Team leader – Global Ethanol and ETBE Trading, Shell Nicholas Osborne has been an oil industry professional since 1996. He has worked in the UK, the Netherlands and the United States. Mr Osborne currently runs European chemical feedstock trading for Shell. LORD OXBURGH OF LIVERPOOL Former Chairman, Shell and former Chair of the House of Lords Science & Technology Select Committee Ron Oxburgh has been Chief Scientific Adviser to the UK Ministry of Defence, Rector of Imperial College London, Chairman of Shell Transport & Trading, Chairman of the Lords’ Select Committee on Science and Technology and President of the Carbon Capture and Storage Association. Lord Oxburgh, who trained as a geologist/geophysicist, is an adviser to Deutsche Bank, McKinsey, Climate Change Capital and the Government of Singapore CHARLOTTE PETERS Digital Strategist, Social Media Climbing Charlotte Peters is a digital strategist working to maximise online opportunities in consumer markets. She also handles social media management for clients and runs courses on using Twitter and Facebook for business. Ms Peters writes a regular column for the Huffington Post Weddings and a blog. PROFESSOR NICHOLAS S. PETERS Professor of Pharmacology, Columbia University and Professor of Cardiology & Consultant Cardiologist, Imperial College and St Mary’s Hospital Nicholas Peters is a cardiologist and clinical academic, performing and researching minimally invasive and robotic procedures to treat heart rhythm disturbances. He runs an internationally funded research programme, with more than 120 papers and patents in the field. Professor Peters has also founded and serves on boards of commercial, academic and governmental entities in Europe and the United States. 63 THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | PARTICIPANT PROFILES THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | PARTICIPANT PROFILES honorary professorship from the National Institute of Science in Azerbaijan, and currently serves as guest professor at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. 64 Nils-Henrik Pettersson is senior partner in the Norwegian law firm Schjødt, with extensive experience in civil law litigation, in particular with the oil and gas industry. He also has wide experience as a board member and chairman in both listed and private limited companies KIM POLMAN Kim Polman has lived in various European countries while raising her three sons. Her interests include sociology, history and music. She is an amateur cellist, performing in orchestras and chamber groups in London and Geneva. She actively supports the blind and visually impaired. ADARSH SARMA Managing Director, Warburg Pincus Adarsh Sarma joined Warburg Pincus in 2005 to focus on business services, education and financial technology investments. Before joining the firm, he was a principal at ChrysCapital, a $2 billion private equity fund focused on India. Mr Sarma is currently a director of Bridgepoint Education and Alert Global Media. CHARU SARMA Charu Sarma was a senior research epidemiologist with the Stanford Hospital in Palo Alto, where she did extensive research into various medical-based outcomes and performance improvement measures. Previously, she worked in a similar capacity at the University of Chicago Medical Center. She has a master’s in public health from the University of Michigan. DOV SEIDMAN Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, LRN Dov Seidman is the CEO and founder of LRN, and author of the book HOW. Since 1994, LRN has helped over 700 companies to navigate complex legal and regulatory environments, and inspired principled performance in their operations. Mr Seidman has advanced degrees in moral philosophy from UCLA and Oxford University, and graduated from Harvard Law School. CHARLIE SIEM Classical violinist Violinist Charlie Siem has performed on concert stages from The Royal Albert Hall to Carnegie Hall, and has toured with the Moscow Symphony Orchestra and the Czech National Symphony Orchestra. Mr Siem has performed with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, the London Symphony Orchestra, the English Chamber Orchestra and the Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra. He released his third album in 2011. Photo © Bruce Weber KRISTIAN SIEM Chairman, Subsea 7 S.A. Before becoming Chairman of Subsea 7 S.A. in 2011, Kristian Siem spent nine years as the Chairman of Subsea 7 Inc. He has been in the oil and gas industry since 1972, and is the Chairman of Siem Industries and Siem Industrikapital AB. Mr Siem was also a Director of Transocean until December 2008. ELVIRA SIGISMONDI Computer Scientist and Systems Engineer Elvira Sigismondi is a Computer Scientist & Systems Engineer. After pursuing her studies in Latin America, she moved to Europe with her husband to support his career, which spanned several countries. Ms Sigismondi has a master’s in interior design and a Grand Diplôme from Le Cordon Bleu, Paris. PIER LUIGI SIGISMONDI Global Chief Supply Chain Officer, Unilever Pier Luigi Sigismondi is Executive Board Member in charge of Supply Chain for Unilever, reporting directly to the Chief Executive. Pior to this, he worked for Nestlé, A.T. Kearney and Booz Allen Hamilton. Mr Sigismondi is currently an Executive Board Member of GS1 and has a master’s from Georgia Institute of Technology, USA. 65 THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | PARTICIPANT PROFILES THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | PARTICIPANT PROFILES NILS-HENRIK PETTERSSON Partner, Schjødt AS 66 Bright Simons is the Founder of mPedigree Network, an alliance formed to reduce the spread of counterfeit medicines, which, in affected regions, cause the death of 2000 people daily. He also consults on issues of development, entrepreneurship and innovation for international organisations including the World Bank and UN agencies. ANALJIT SINGH Founder and Chairman, Max India Ltd Analjit Singh is one of India’s leading businessmen. He is the Founder and Chairman of Max India Group, a USD 2 billion insurance and healthcare business. He is also the Non-Executive Chairman of Vodafone India and a board member of several leading Indian companies. In 2011 he was awarded the Padma Bhushan, one of India’s highest civilian honours. OLE BJØRN SJULSTAD Senior Vice President Europe, Telenor Group and Head, Telenor Russia Ole Bjørn Sjulstad has been with Telenor since 2000. He served as Managing Director of Telenor Asia from 2002 to 2004 and since 2007 has been responsible for Telenor’s interests in Central and Eastern Europe. Mr Sjulstad is a member of the Supervisory Board of Directors of Vimpelcom Ltd. ANSSI SOILA Vice Chairman of the Board, Normet Group Oy Anssi Soila is an investor and Board Member in Attendo Ab, DNA Oy and Normet Oy, as well as a Senior Advisor of IK Investment Partners and Celerant Consulting. For over 25 years, Mr Soila worked for KONE Corporation, a global leader in the elevator and escalator industry, including as CEO from 1994 to 1999. HARRIET SOILA After graduating, Harriet Soila joined the Helsinki Energy Corporation as Head of the Department of Statistics, and she has since accompanied her husband Anssi Soila on postings for KONE Corporation to Norway, Sweden, Mexico, the United States and Belgium. Ms Soila holds an MSc in economics and political science from Helsinki University. LADY SORRELL Senior Advisor, World Economic Forum Cristiana Falcone is Senior Advisor to the Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum. She has extensive experience in the public and private sector, international organisations, and the media industry through roles at the International Labour Organisation, Shell and RAI. She is also the Principal Advisor at the InterAmerican Development Bank. JENNIFER SOSIN President, KRC Research Jennifer Sosin is President of KRC Research, a unit of the Interpublic Group of Companies. A former political pollster and campaign manager, Ms Sosin specialises in global public opinion research to inform communications strategies (reputation, public affairs and crisis, for example) for corporations, governments and non-profit organisations. ALEX SOZONOFF Chairman, Aalto University Center of Entrepreneurship Alex Sozonoff is Non-Executive Chairman of Global Beach, one of the UK’s leading digital agencies. Prior to this Mr Sozonoff spent 33 years at Hewlett Packard and was appointed as an advisor to the CEO after his retirement in 2000. In addition to serving on several boards, Mr Sozonoff is also Chairman of the Aalto University Center for Entrepreneurship in Helsinki. TORUNN VIGMOSTAD STEINHAUG Director of Arenas, Xyntéo Torunn Vigmostad Steinhaug, who began her career at Hewlett-Packard, has extensive experience in the project development and management of various events, including major conferences and events hosted by the Norwegian government and large international companies. She played a key role in the delivery of the 1994 Winter 67 THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | PARTICIPANT PROFILES THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | PARTICIPANT PROFILES BRIGHT SIMONS Founder and President, mPedigree Network 68 PATRICIA SWANNELL Artist Patricia Swannell’s works are inspired by the beauty of nature and the threats to the natural world. Before studying fine art, she worked for many years in the City of London as an economist and financial analyst. She is currently a Trustee of the Foundation for the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. DR LARS TERENIUS Founding Director of the Center for Molecular Medicine, Karolinska University Hospital A former professor at the Karolinska Institute, Lars Terenius has also served as a long-standing member of the awarding body for the Nobel Prize in medicine and was a Professor of Pharmacology at Uppsala University. He is currently helping develop a centre for molecular medicine in Tianjin, China and is an adjunct professor at the Molecular Integrative Neurosciences Department at The Scripps Research Institute. MONA TERENIUS Gallery Owner Mona Terenius owns and manages Kiva Gallery, which specialises in Native American art, specifically from the south-western US. The gallery features art – paintings, sculptures and other objects – at the crossroads between traditional art forms and the Western concept of contemporary art. Ms Terenius studied art at the University of Uppsala. NENA THURMAN Managing Director, Tibet House US Nena Thurman is the Managing Director of Tibet House US, a non-profit educational organisation dedicated to the preservation and promotion of Tibetan civilisation. Over the last 20 years, Ms Thurman has built Tibet House US up into an internationally recognised institution with events sponsored in 35 different countries. ALIA VARSANO Vice President of Corporate Development, Nourish Capital Prior to joining Nourish, Alia Varsano was a Partnership Advisor to the United Nations Office for Partnerships, where she developed alliances between the private sector, foundations, philanthropists and the UN to advance the UN’s Millennium Development Goals. She was also an attorney at Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP and is a graduate of Columbia University and Columbia Law School. LOUIS A. VEGA Chief of Staff and Global Director of Office of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, The Dow Chemical Company Louis Vega has held various positions at Dow since joining the company in 1998, including the strategic planning and deployment of Dow’s political activities in the United States and managing Dow’s public affairs operations across India, the Middle East and Africa. Mr Vega, who has a degree in government and public relations from the New Mexico State University, has also worked on Capitol Hill and in the Executive Branch. DAVID WALKER Chief Strategy Officer, Det Norske Veritas Group Before taking on his current role as Chief Strategy Officer for the DNV Group, David Walker was head of DNV Energy business development. Previously, he was a company executive with BHP Billiton and Amoco. Mr Walker was formerly involved in oil and gas exploration, field operations and major capital projects in the North Sea and internationally. DR GABRIELLE WALKER Chief Scientist, Xyntéo Xyntéo Chief Scientist Gabrielle Walker is an expert on climate change and the energy industry. She was previously Professor of Energy and Environment at Princeton University and co-authored the bestselling book The Hot Topic. Dr Walker has consulted widely on climate change, and has also worked with several UK government departments and the Asia Development Bank. 69 THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | PARTICIPANT PROFILES THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | PARTICIPANT PROFILES Olympic Games in Lillehammer and later was a partner in her own project and event management company. 70 JANET WALKER THORHILD WIDVEY Member of the board of directors for several companies Thorhild Widvey, first elected to the Norwegian Parliament in 1989 as a member of the Conservative Party, served as State Secretary of the Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs in 2002, before becoming State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and then Norway’s Minister of Petroleum and Energy in 2004. She sits on the boards of several companies, including Aker Philadelphia Shipyard, RXT ASA Reservoir Exploration Technology, Nordic Mining ASA, Hitec AS, ONS AS, NBT AS, and Eni Norge. DR CHUN XUE Chief Executive Officer, Tractus USA LLC Chun Xue is CEO of Tractus USA LLC, a pharma-chemical company. He previously worked for Ansys PharmaSolution Inc., Chase Mackenzie Stein Investment, the University of Virginia and Novartis Pharmaceuticals. Dr Xue is also a member of the American Heart Association, the European Respiratory Society and the American Thoracic Society. ZHAO YINING Chief Reporter, 21st Century Business Herald Zhao Yining is a well-known journalist in China and she is currently the chief reporter for the 21st Century Business Herald, one of China’s leading business newspapers. Previously, Ms Yining worked for the Xinhua News Agency. Levin Zhu joined CICC in 1998 and, under his leadership, the corporation has made notable achievements in business development and expansion. With broad investment banking expertise, Dr Zhu has played a leading role in a large number of landmark transactions, as well as a number of restructuring and M&A deals for major industries. 71 THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | PARTICIPANT PROFILES THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | PARTICIPANT PROFILES Janet Walker is an independent transport consultant closely involved in environmental issues and how they affect transport. She has participated in several visioning projects and has produced work for the UK’s Department for Transport (DfT). Ms Walker was formative in the DfT’s early policies on green issues. DR LEVIN ZHU President and Chief Executive Officer, China International Capital Corporation Ltd (CICC) U do er w ell Ne oug Bor wR oa igh d A2 A3 Brixton Road ad Ro 02 Myatt's Fields Mostyn Garden S T OCKWELL A2 217 m ha ap Cl La rbo King's college Hospital ur Road Co a ldh ne d gh hH ug ro Bo A3 ad Ro Pa rk nn ing ton Kennington Road Ke mb A23 d. r th R 6 03 Hi So u Bri thwa dg rk e len Ca kment Emban d. eR h am king Buc Road stown Quenn St Albert A4 Pal ac Sq . n to Ea ad Ro m ha rk Yo Road dswo en rd ex ss Fu l ad Ro 's ng Ki W an ce Prin 9 20 A4 et re St Ga A3 m G d Ca 03 pha A2 04 ELEPHA CAS Roa Lane A32 A2 ad Rd Cla et Bedford Road rs Ro CLAPHAM re St New Ke Shopping Centre r th o Imperial oad War Museum d sw ad ad Roa d an Ro Borough Ro The Oval Cricket Ground Bus Gar Larkhall Park Train depot r th South Cath lwo 6 Tate Modern Wa 21 Millennium Bridge Blackfriars Road r Blackfriars Bridge a Pa . kA3Rd MO CITY St Paul's Cathedral reet NIME ELMS New Covent Garden Market e rs e ton 73 KENNINGTON ne Ceda ee Elseph Jo hm 7 Facon 5 36 A30der Laven ne La Flower Mkt Gas Works W c Ladt Roa 20 20 s Elm ell ck w . 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V ictor ea Chels e Bridg Brompton Cemetery The Royal Mews imli Wa A3 's ad 21 loo ter W a ridge B om s EARL'S COU R T Br d. ing d 0K Duke of York’s HQ King’s Road London SW3 4RY d Ol nR Royal Courts of Justice Shell Ministry Centre of Defense Waterloo Foreign Station Office Treasury Westminster Bridge St Thomas' Hospital Westminster Abbey St James's Park Buckingham Palace Buckingham 02 Garden Palace A3 tr ld S The Barbican Farringdon St 20 SAATCHI GALLERY o pt A4 C 00 t T ON A4 ee Stable Yard St James’s London SW1A 1BB KENSING e d THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | Chapter xx t Str t. LANCASTER HOUSE u rn . Rd nt dS nH Royal Albert Hall KNIGHTSBRIDGE Royal College of Music . 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Burlington house (Royal Academy) MAYFAIR r Pa Palace of Westminster London SW1A 0PW g QUEEN ELIZABETH HALLKensington Hyde Park Lon HOUSE OF LORDS New Ox Roosevelt Memorial The Venues for day two (16 June) o reet oad Kensington Gardens Venues for day one (15 June) rd St e Road Mount Pleasant r we Go 00 W igm reet re St Ne ater R B a y sw tland lace t tree lace xfo Marble O Arch Pentonvill S T. PANCRAS University College London t Por nd P er S er P ad A402 d Grea Bak cest Whitehall Place London SW1A 2BD Tel: +44 (0) 20 7930 8181 Roa ton A4 d a Portl Roa bone Glou Ro et d e tre oa e ov CORINTHIA HOTEL LONDON gw ar le lt S kR Paddington Station Mar y ho r Pa Official hotel for The Performance Theatre 2012 Gr Ed Marylebone Station 1 A50 ers ce Westway a ad Road ra aid et r Te A5 M Euston Station REGENT'S PARK Queen Mary's Gardens Eus LISSON G R OVE WESTBOURNE GREEN Boating Lake King's Cross Station St. Pancras Station British Library ad Ro ton s Eu Ev ad n le THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | MAP MAp of venues Stre Ro ilto Va Lord's Cricket ad Ground d Ro oo W s ' n oh .J Lis St son Hampste on m ida 72 any gt Ha Ma S T. JOHN'S W OOD MAI D A V ALE The Regent's Park Ruskin Park THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | NOTES THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | NOTES Notes 75 74 THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | Chapter xx THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | NOTES Notes 77 76 78 THE PERFORMANCE THEATRE 2012 | Chapter xx ‘Language is only the instrument of science, and words are but the signs of ideas: I wish, however, that the instrument might be less apt to decay, and that signs might be permanent, like the things they denote.’ Samuel Johnson, A Dictionary of the English Language This programme is printed on Cyclus Offset, 100% recycled paper from Dalum Papir – a Danish papermill that uses biofuels and is one of the lowest-emitting papermills in the world. © The Performance Theatre Foundation