Men`s Ministry Team - Northview Bible Church
Men`s Ministry Team - Northview Bible Church
Men’s Ministry Team NBC Leadership Staff Caleb Erb [email protected] 434-6939 David Hara [email protected] 466-4795 Ted Lowe [email protected] 238-4514 Eldon Manteuffel [email protected] 443-5566 Mark McGuire [email protected] 435-2281 Bill Oswalt [email protected] 466-4795 Bardwell, Shauna .............................. Administrative Assistant Belch, Kathy ...................................................... Office Manger Davis, Sally ........................... Co-Director of Northview School Fievez, Ryan ................................................. Church Treasurer Freshour, Caleb ...................................Student Ministry Intern Frye, Jason ...................................................... Worship Pastor Halpin, Vicki ............................. Co-Director Northview School Hara, David ................................................... Equipping Pastor Higgins, Lori .................................................. Nursery Director Logsdon, Sue .............................. Children’s MinistriesDirector Michaelis, Heidi .................................... Assistant Bookkeeper Mohrlang, Dottie ............................... Women’s Care Minister Schultz, Alton .................................. Student Ministries Pastor Schwab, Norm..................................................... Senior Pastor Elders Shepherding Elders Council Steve Erb David Hara Kent Lupton Gary Nelson Ken Pfaff Steve Schadt [email protected] 435-1904 Pat Wolfe [email protected] 238-5107 Ron Phillips Brian Rochelle Norm Schwab Harold Whitfield Shepherding Elders Bob Anderson Mark Bardwell Jason Baskett Mark Botterbusch Jim Edwards Jason Frye Terry Hiatt John Hook Ray Luse Nathan Mulkey Steve Munter Ron Nelsen Al Robinson Alton Schultz Tim Schwab David Warren Josh Warren Deacons Norm Schwab [email protected] 466-1770, ext. 307 Iron Man Breakfasts Men’s Retreat Bible Studies Activity Interest Groups Man Clinics Accountability Groups Service Ministering Deacons Council Mike Amsbury Dave Brooten Kyle Erb Jeff Hunsaker Ted Lowe Justin Wellman Serving Deacons George Benavidez Kendal Noller Bill Brooks Dick Perry Gary Brooten Keith Reyburn Bob Hertz Jerry Rochelle Dan Houk Ken Smoll Jim Michaelis Mike Stuivenga Dave Miller Mark Tiffany Harold Molony John Underwood Mike Morris Rev. 09/15 13521 N. Mill Rd. Spokane, WA 99208 509.466.1770 [email protected] Men’s Ministry Did you know for every 10 men in your church . . . 9 will have kids who leave the church 8 will not find their jobs satisfying 6 pay monthly minimum on their credit card balances 5 have a major problem with pornography 4 will be divorced affecting 1,000,000 children per year Only 1 has a Biblical world view All 10 will struggle to balance work & family We are in a war and everyone is called to be a participant. Please pick up your spiritual weapon and defend yourself and your family. — Statistics from Pat Morley If you have experienced these statistics, you’re not alone. Join us in our Men’s Ministry activities and find support from other men who have been through similar storms. As you get to know other men, consider joining a discipleship group! “Though one can be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three is not easily broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:12 Resources related to men’s issues can be found in the “Men’s Section” of the Church Library Also check out the Men’s Newsletter in the foyer. Chosen to Serve . . . Life is full of struggles and the enemy is hoping that we will “man up” and work to handle it on our own. This is not God’s plan for us! He designed us as individual parts of His body - fellowshipping, encouraging and supporting each other through good times and bad. Maybe you are ashamed and fearful of letting others get to know you, maybe you are prideful and are convinced that you can do it on your own, maybe you just feel too busy to invest in another relationship. Don’t isolate yourself. Join fellow men in the pursuit of God and serving Him & His flock.! Experience what a blessing it is to have some brothers accept you for who you are, sharing God’s love with one another in His service.. Purpose Develop godly leaders Mission Statement Invite men to faith in Christ & friendship with each other. (II Cor. 5:18) Equip men to become Christ-like & stand firm in their faith (Eph. 4:12; I Cor. 16:13) Shape men to serve their community & world (Acts 1:8) Vision 2014/2015 Proposed Schedule Father/Daughter Campout September 11 & 12 Father/Son Campout October 2 & 3 Couples’ Retreat Octobe9-1110-12 Northview/USFS Kalispell Island Service Project October 2 & 3 Iron Man Breakfast September 19 October 24 January 16 Men’s Retreat March 4-6 Kayak Trip-San Jan Islands May 11-15, 2016 Rafting, Clark Fork, MT July 2016 Hiking/Camping, Big Snowy Mts Aug. 3-7, 2016 Canoe Trip-Upper Missouri River Sept. 2-9, 2016 We would like to see the men of Northview connect and build meaningful relationships. We recognize that this process requires trust that takes time and commitment to build. Along the way, we invite you to join in on Ironman Breakfasts, Man Clinics and the Men’s Retreat for a fun way to meet new brothers and deepen relationships with guys that you already know. As you begin to know and trust some men, consider joining together in an accountability group. Having a group of brothers to pray for you, challenge you and keep you accountable will deepen your relationship with God and give you courage to influence the world around you.
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