tiger imes - Gunter Independent School District
tiger imes - Gunter Independent School District
Inside this Issue: Staff Recognition......... 3 Campus Highlights....... 5 Fine Arts.................... 16 Tigers in Action.......... 21 Board Briefs............... 27 Calendar.................... 29 The iger T June 2015 - Volume 6, Issue 11 Times Congratulations! Class of 2015 Reid Bolin, Valedictorian Megan Bullard, Salutatorian Senior Moments (Below) Each year our area churches host a Baccalaureate Service for our graduating class. This year Gunter First Baptist Church hosted the ceremony to honor our seniors. Many thanks go out to Pastor Brandon Wright who delivered an honest message challenging these young men and women to make fulfilling choices on their journey; to Elizabeth Kulbeth who wrote and arranged a song entitled “The Journey” in which our seniors performed; and to Sandra Cruz and Luis Betancourt who shared an invocation and benediction. It was a beautiful event! (Above) Gunter High School started a new tradition as our Class of 2015 paraded down the halls of Gunter Elementary in their caps and gowns. The elementary students lined the halls sharing high-fives, hugs and cheers with our soon-to-be graduates. What a great way to bring what we do full-circle and to inspire our youngest to keep going after their dreams! Congratulations Class of 2015! Class of 2015 Scholarships Tristen Covington - GCC GIFT $1,000.00 NTCICC $500.00 Derek Hall - UTD GIFT $3,000.00 Ruiz Foods Sch. $1,000.00 Advance Credit Union $3,000.00 GCEC Sch. $500.00 Texas Engineering Foundation $500.00 Home Builders Association Sch. $500.00 Harris Autry UIL Sch. $250.00 UT Dallas AES $24,000.00 Dawn Smith - SOSU SOSU Music Sch. $6,400.00 SOSU Music Housing Sch. $3,000.00 Out of State Tuition Waiver $26,000.00 Reid Bolin - TCU TCU Deans Sch. $72,000.00 Sherman Rotary - Foy Wallace Sch. $1,000.00 GIFT - Landmark Bank Sch. $1,000.00 Riley Bolin - TCU Sherman Rotary Sch. $1,000.00 GCEC Sch. $500.00 Reilley Hicks - CCCC GIFT $1,000.00 Keith Barrik Memorial Sch. $500.00 Kevin Teems - Seminole State Seminole State Golf Sch. $18,000.00 Seminole State VP Sch. $4,000.00 Gunter Chamber of Commerce Sch. $500.00 Gunter Tiger Fan Club $1,000.00 Casen Driskill - MSU MSU Academic Sch. $3,000.00 Parkhaven Dental Sch. $500.00 Gunter Community Club Sch. $1,000.00 GIFT $1,000.00 Ross O’Hanlon - TAMU Gunter FFA Alumni Sch. $1,000.00 GIFT - Hubert & Flossie Westman Sch. $1,000.00 Reagan MacDonald - Weatherford College Weahterford College Baseball Sch. $6,500.00 Sarah Kulbeth - North Arkansas College GIFT - Jack & Charlynn Elliott Sch. $2,000.00 Parkhaven Dental Sch. $500.00 Luke Osburn - The Citadel GIFT $2,500.00 Sherman Rotary Sch. $1,000.00 Gunter FFA Alumni Sch. $1,000.00 Navy/Marine ROTC Sch. $150,000.00 Kayti Husted - MSU MSU Academic Sch. $8,000.00 Class of 1965 Sch. $1,000.00 Ruiz Foods Sch. $1,000.00 GIFT - Chuck & Laura Glass Sch. $1,000.00 Tori Ladrondeguevara - TCU GIFT - Scott Smith Memorial Sch. $2,000.00 Ruiz Foods Sch. $1,000.00 TCU Band Sch. $12,000.00 TCU General Sch. $88,000.00 Jose Betancourt GIFT $1,000.00 Luis Betancourt - CCCC DAR Award $250.00 JD Barrett Sch. $250.00 GIFT $3,000.00 Nathan Yansky - SOSU SOSU Football Sch. $8,000.00 Garrett Hunter SOSU SOSU Football Sch. $12,000.00 Spencer Lashley OBU GIFT - Bill & Dawn Arrington: Good and Faithful Servant $1,000.00 OBU Academic Sch. $32,000.00 OBU Athletic Sch. $8,000.00 Gunter Chamber of Commerce Sch. $500.00 Hadley Johnson - Hardin Simmons Hardin Simmons Deans Sch. $38,000.00 Mackenzie Buckner - TAMU-Commerce TAMU Commerce Music Sch. $19,000.00 Megan Bullard - TAMU TX Student Housing Sch. $2,500.00 GIFT $2,500.00 Dixie Baseball Sch. $2,000.00 Gunter Tiger Fan Club $1,000.00 Gunter FFA Alumni Sch. $1,000.00 Parkhaven Dental Sch. $500.00 Sherman Rotary Sch. $1,000.00 Blake Utter Ford Driving Dreams Sch. $2,000.00 Natalie Cochran GIFT $1,000.00 GCC South Grayson Community Sch. $1,500.00 GCC T-Stem Challenge Sch. $2,500.00 Cristin Connor - Univ of Ozarks GIFT - Frank & Liz Gravley Strive for Excellence $2,000.00 Univ. of the Ozarks Presidential Sch. $64,000.00 Reiliey Hicks GIFT $1,000.00 Mackenzie Mazerolle GIFT - Kristen Streetman Memorial Sch. $2,000.00 DAR Award $500.00 Ruiz Foods Sch. $1,000.00 Matthew Gonzalez Class of 1965 Sch. $1,000.00 GCC South Grayson Community Sch. $1,500.00 Brenda Rico - GCC GCC Fred & Mae Guilloud Sch. $2,700.00 Sandra Cruz Ruiz Foods Sch. $1,000.00 Kyle Johnson United Methodist Women’s Sch. $500.00 Junior Gonzalez - GCC Nation Recognition Products Sch. $300.00 Overall, this class was granted $901,150 in scholarship money! Now that’s amazing! Volume 6, Issue 11 The Tiger Times - Page 2 To all of the GISD faculty who are leaving us... May you always have work for your hands to do. May your pockets hold always a coin or two. May the sun shine bright on your windowpane. May the rainbow be certain to follow each rain. May the hand of a friend always be near you. And may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you. ~ Irish Blessing Courtney Cross Jeanne Curbow Stacie Hunsaker David Kaniatobe Adrian O’Hanlon Amy Porter Yvette Rand ... You will be missed! Faculty Service Pins Congratulations to the staff members who were honored for their 5 year increments of service. Stacy Watson (20) Lonnie Scott (10) (L-R) Tonya Watson (10), Yvette Rand (10), Debbie Locke (10), Lauri Johnson (10), Susanne (Back) Angela Morrison (5), Brackeen (5), Amy Scott (10), Dara Arrington (25) Jeannie Schroeter (15); (Front) Jill Rodarmer (15), Kim Joiner (20) Leslie Hindman (10) Nelma Phillips (15) Teacher of the Year At the conclusion of the year, each campus selects a teacher to be honored for their service and commitment to their campus and students. Congratulations to the following teachers for being selected by their peers for this great honor. Adrian O’Hanlon High School Teacher of the Year Agriculture Science Teacher Gunter High School Volume 6, Issue 11 Angela Morrison Middle School Teacher of the Year Special Education Teacher Gunter Middle School Heather Hale Elementary Teacher of the Year 2nd Grade Teacher Gunter Elementary School The Tiger Times - Page 3 It’s Already Over?!? I know you all are SO excited for summer to be here! And let’s be honest, I think my family was tardy more in the last 8 days than we were all year! Summer is glorious! All of us in GISD wish you and your family a restful few months spent with family and friends! But if I’m truly honest, I’ll also say that there is a BIG part of me that is saying WAIT… Don’t Go… To our students who have accomplished so many incredible things this past year; to our graduates who have left their mark on GISD in so many ways! While it is wonderful to be out for the summer, we are equally excited at the thought of a tremendous 2015-16 school year that awaits us in August. Dr. Jill Siler Gunter ISD Superintendent The students and staff at GISD accomplished so much this past year! In our 2015 State of the Schools report, I shared our academic, extracurricular and financial performance to date and WOW… Gunter ISD is incredible! We recently received our 2015 STAAR scores and I wanted to share those with you as well. We can’t say enough about the fantastic teaching and learning going on in each of our classrooms every day and these scores are just a small reflection of that! A special congratulations to our GHS Graduates who are collectively earning over $900,000 in college scholarship to help them on the next phase of their journey! As I shared in my remarks at graduation, don’t ever lose sight of what it means to be a Gunter Tiger – to be a young man or woman of integrity; whose standard is excellence; and whose purpose is to have a positive impact on this world. Thank you for helping us have an amazing school year! We appreciate all of your support! And we can’t wait to see you back on August 24th! Have a great SUMMER! Volume 6, Issue 11 The Tiger Times - Page 4 Children need nutritious meals to learn, grow and thrive - even when school is out. With the Summer Food Service Program, children and teens ages 18 and younger can continue to eat healthy throughout the summer at no cost. Simply show up at a participating meal site. For more information, visit summerfood.org. ger and Youn Meal Nea r rA Call 2 11 or u: Yo Fo s 18 For Kid No Cost O D TX 7 7 FO Te x t * t o 8 7 7- 8 VISIT SUMMERFOOD.ORG Locations nearest to Gunter include: McKinney North HS | 2550 Wilmeth Rd., McKinney, TX 75070 Starts: June 8 - Ends August 15 - M-F 11am - 1pm Lunch / 3pm - 4pm Snacks Pilot Point Elementary | 829 S Jefferson Street, Pilot Point,, TX 76258 Starts: June 8 - Ends August 15 - M-F 11am - 1pm Lunch Old Settlers Recreation Center | 1201 E. Louisiana St., McKinney, TX 75069 Starts: July 6 - Ends August 15 - M-F 9am - 10am Breakfast / 12pm -1pm Lunch TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE COMMISSIONER SID MILLER Fraud Hotline: 1-866-5-FRAUD-4 or 1-866-537-2834 This product was funded by USDA. This institution is an equal opportunity provider. *You will only be sent information needed to find meal sites. Your personal information will not be shared. Barbara Streisand sings about it, but a selected group of Gunter students lived it; Main Event! That was the site of the Superintendent’s Honor Roll field trip this year. A lucky group of 18 students were chosen by their teachers for this honor during the year. These students were chosen for various reasons, but the main theme was that they not only did their school work, they also were very helpful to their classmates and their teachers. At the end of the year, they are treated to a field trip with the Superintendent. All had a great time! They were supposed to go to a Frisco Roughriders game, but the weather did not cooperate with those plans. Either way, the students were treated to a fun day by Dr. Siler and her office staff! Congratulations to all of you for being chosen this year! Keep up the good work. Swearing In GISD Trustees The month of May held an election for two open seats on our School Board. Thank you for making your way to the polls to vote for this very important position in the community. Congratulations to Jeff Banks and Scott Meyerdirk who were sworn in during the May board meeting as Gunter ISD Trustees. Volume 6, Issue 11 2015-2016 School Board Officers President: Jeff Banks Vice President: Candy Leonard Secretary: Scott Meyerdirk The Tiger Times - Page 5 GESGESGESGESGESGES Elementary The Arts The halls of GES were transformed into something special on May 14th. Gunter Elementary School hosted its annual Art Night and it was INCREDIBLE! This year, GES partnered with local artist and certified art teacher, Keelie Ferguson, to come in and work with each grade level on a specific medium of art. The end results were fantastic! Thank you Keelie for volunteering your time to work with our students and sharing your love for art with them! Kinder Zoo The hallway to the kindergarten classrooms turned into a zoo this month! No, we are not talking about the “end of the year kindergartners,” we are talking about a real zoo, complete with animals! The students each created an area of the zoo by choosing an animal and placing it in its natural environment. The students had to learn what type of habitat the animal would be comfortable in and what the animal would eat. They did a fantastic job! Here’s a small glimpse of what was lining the hallway. Birthday Book Club Celebrating May birthdays with a book from the Birthday Book Club are: Legend Bounds, Carter Miller, Colt Miller, Paige Yosten and Jaxson Jester Volume 6, Issue 11 Celebrating June birthdays with a book from the Birthday Book Club are: Gracie Jester, Chiara Streiff, Hanna Rubis and Tanner Dobbs This year’s Gunter Elementary Birthday Book Club recipients recently celebrated their birthdays with a cupcake party! Celebrating July birthdays with a book from the Birthday Book club are: Trey and Aubrey Waltonl, Colt Elevington and Gwen Andy The Tiger Times - Page 6 W FOR A A L CURE K May 21, 2015 Gunter Elementary participated in a walk for JDRF. This foundation conducts research to try to find a cure for Type 1 Diabetes. Two of our elementary students have Type 1 Diabetes. We walked for them, Elyson Schafer and Sadie Buckalew-Lewellen. Our Gunter Elementary students ROCKED the fundraising by raising $1992.64 so far. We still have some donations coming in. Thank you to Gunter Elementary students and to the Gunter Community for making this a huge success!! The JDRF representatives were blown away! Skyping with an Author Volume 6, Issue 11 Children’s author, Mercer Mayer, came to life for our 1st grade students this month; they were able to Skype with him this month. He spoke to the children as he drew a character from his books. The students were in awe at his talents! Mr. Mayer is the author of the well known “Little Critters” books. The students at GES love them! Special thanks to Mrs. Johnson for making these sessions possible for our students. The Tiger Times - Page 7 1st Grade Musical Directed by: Elizabeth Kulbeth GES students and parents gathered in the cafeteria to watch the 1st graders SQUIRM! Spiders! Snakes! Bats! Worms! EWWW!! AHHH!! The performance was full of wiggles and squiggles as the Itsy Bitsy Spider, Daddy Long Legs, Hook Worm, Snake, and a host of other critters took over the stage. But wait! The audience wasn’t scared at all because they listened to the students songs and learned that the things that make us squirm can be A-OK! The students did an incredible job learning their lines and the songs. Everyone who saw it just loved it! Thanks to Mrs. Kulbeth for working so hard to make the students successful in each and every performance. Volume 6, Issue 11 The Tiger Times - Page 8 Tiger Pride! Summer Reading 2015 How is Gunter Elementary Promoting Summer Reading? Gunter Elementary encourages our students to read during the summer months. Our Tiger Pride Summer Reading Program is designed to assist students with books they can check out and read. Participation is voluntary but we would love for all of students to join us! The Elementary Library will be open on the following Friday’s: June 12th 9:00-10:00 & 6:00 – 7:00 June 26th 9:00-10:00 & 6:00-7:00 July 10th 9:00-10:00 & 6:00-7:00 July 24th 6:00-6:30 On July 24th we will only meet from 6:00-6:30p.m. for the final drawing. Students, accompanied by an adult, are welcome to visit the library and check out books. Students cannot be dropped off and must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Teachers gave students their reading levels prior to summer break. We encourage students to check out books on their reading level with some flexibility. The Sherman Public Library offers free library cards enabling students to not only check out books but also download eBooks. How is the Information being communicated to parents and students? Teachers, along with Mrs. Arrington, have announced and discussed the program with our students. Teachers have suggested book titles, authors and series. What are the grade level requirements? Our Kindergarten-2nd grade students are asked to read as many books as they would like! For every 5 books read, your student will receive a ticket to be put in a drawing for a Kindle at the conclusion of the program. 3rd – 4th students are encouraged to read as many chapter books as they would like to read, too. We ask students to choose their favorite book read and complete a project of their choice such as a painting, drawing, sculpture, diorama, etc. Be creative! The projects will be displayed in the library. Since our 3rd and 4th graders are reading chapter books, they will receive a ticket for every 2 books read which will also be placed in our Kindle drawing, Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd graders are welcome to create a project, too. Project will be due July 24th. What will students receive for participating in the Summer Reading Program? Students who participate are invited to the Gunter Elementary School Library on the dates and times listed above. In keeping with our theme, Tiger Pride; bi-weekly rewards will include a variety of Tiger Paw themed prizes, each participant will receive a shirt on July 24th and one lucky reader will win a Kindle. How will students keep track of what they read? Parents will document the books read on your student’s reading log. Each participant will be required to return their reading log prior to the drawings. Parents must sign the student’s reading log. Extra reading logs can be found on our website www.gunterisd. org. Gunter Community Library The Gunter Community Library, located at the Gunter Town Center; 110 S. Hwy 289, has ordered books requested by our students and teachers and have some fun programs and events planned as well. You can contact Jennifer Woodwell at [email protected] or phone: 903-207-4527. For updated information visit their Facebook page: Gunter Library and Museum Official Page. Summer hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday- 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Tuesday- 10 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. Thursday- 10 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Updates and Reminders If you haven’t done so already, please ‘like’ our Facebook page Gunter Independent School District. Our Facebook page is frequently updated and is a great way to stay informed. Volume 6, Issue 11 The Tiger Times - Page 9 Perfect Conduct Kynlee Chalker, Zaiden Choate, Aydan Falcon, Glory Ferguson, Grace Geisendorff, Blake Hale, Gracie Jester, Elyson Schafer, Caleb Siler, Sarah Smith, Evelin Tavera Elementary School Awards Flag Raisers: Connor Lenderman, Aubrey Walton Recyclers: Trent Carr, Adam Reed, Trey Walton Find pictures from the ceremony on our GISD Facebook page! GES 4th Grade Class - Moving up to GMS Next Year! A Honor Roll - 4th Nine Weeks 1st Grade: Legend Bounds, Ella Brummett, Sadie Buckalew, Tony Castro, Ally Dodd, Cali Dodson, Eli Fischer, Brayden Fortune, Samuel Franklin, Lacie Gray, Emily Hickman, Trace Howard, Nevaeh Keeler, Jackson Kennedy, Levi Koonce, Norah Layman, Tyler Madsen, Emma Marks, Wilson Marks, Libby Martin, Gisselle Mercado, Nathan Merrill, Colt Nelson, Hayden Nelson, Brooklynn Neufeld, Mauricio Porras, Creed Rainer, Agustin Robledo, Hayden Rodges, Benjamin Rodriguez, Kaitlin Stephan, Jasmine Tapia, Raider Taylor, Tatum Underwood; 2nd Grade: Brock Boddie, Kane Bolt, Reid Brackeen, Luke Bullard, Mitch Gage, Reese Gibbs, Brenley Gibson, Garrin Goetz, Avery Hale, Addison Hammer, Tate Howard, Chloe Johnson, Madison Litz, Angel Mercado, Katelynn Merchant, Carter Miller, Cesar Montes, Cadence Peterson, Ella Pindernell, Wendy Salazar, Isabela Thomas, Reid Vest, Sailor Williams, Raiden Windlow; 3rd Grade: Kai Altun, Ryli Bracewell, Jackson Burkholder, Kase Carlile, Tanner Dobbs, Luke Dodd, Cade Dodson, Jonah Ferguson, Lucas Frank, Lexi Gann, Kinley Johnson, Brian Journagan, Zachary Litz, Torie Matiko, Jace Martin, Libby McCarty, Shey Menkhoff, Knox Porter, Sitlaly Rodriguez, Chiara Streiff, Dixie Waligura, Bailey Watson; 4th Grade: Ashley Betancourt, Nick Bullard, Aubrey Duarte, Grace Fortune, Dylan Marsh, Gray McDowell, Jolie Porter, Kamber Puebla, Kearson Scally, Collier Stovall, Elle Whitteker, Park Williams A/B Honor Roll - Fourth Nine Weeks 1st Grade: Lane Brasher, Landrie Brummett, Julian Castorena, Conner Coffman, Luzcero Escalera, Mackenzie Foster, Talia Scroggins, Erik Solis, Waylon Standridge, Olivia Vargas; 2nd Grade: Aaron Balderas, Bryan Balderas, Kalie Beauvoir-Reategui, Christian Escalera, Brock Heist, Zakary Jolly, Leah Jouett, Corbin Keener, Maddox Key, Daniel Lewis, Tara Nemoto, T U Underwood, Cesar Vega, Trevor Wright; 3rd Grade: Avery Diers, Daniel Dominguez, Gavin Dupler, McKena Fady, Grace Fugett, Dominic Gugliotta, Jaxson Jester, Carter Layton, Rylie Lounsbury, Brelee Mauldin, Jose Naricso, Brodee Parker, Caseyn Ploch, Avery Roane, Taylor Self, Collin Vest; 4th Grade: Samantha Aiken, Gwen Andy, Kaylyn Bryant, Ava Cantrell, Trent Carr, Jose Chavez, Sofia Franklin, Finlee Gibson, Raeden Jolly, Abby Marks, Rayanna Mauldin, Brody McDonald, Bianca Mercado, Carley Merchant, Samantha Neufeld, Nancy Prado, Natalia Ramirez, Eli Rocha, Hanna Rubis, Caitlyn Siler, Jonathan Smith, Madison Thigpen, Ashtyn Wade, Landon Waligura, Aubrey Walton, Trey Walton Yearly A/B Honor Roll 1st Grade: Ella Brummett, Landrie Brummett, Sadie Buckalew-Lewellen, Julian Castorena, Tony Castro, Brayden Fortune, Mackenzie Foster, Noah Godwin, Jayden Hernandez, Trace Howard, Talia Scroggins, Erik Solis, Waylon Standridge, Brittany Balderas, Lane Brasher; 2nd Grade: Reid Brackeen, Isaac Deleon, Garrin Goetz, Addison Hammer, Zakary Jolly, Maddox Key, Daniel Lewis, Katelynn Merchant, Wendy Salazar, T U Underwood, Ried Vest, Sailor Williams, Trevor Wright; 3rd Grade: Ryli Bracewell, Avery Diers, Tanner Dobbs, Daniel Dominguez, Gavin Dupler, Luke Frank, Grace Fugett, Brooks Gage, Dominic Gugliotta, Jeremiah Hughes, Carter Layton, Zachary Litz, Jace Martin, Brelee Mauldin, Jose Narciso, Brodee Parker, Casein Ploch, Sitlaly Rodriguez, Andy Salazar, Taylor Self, Collin Vest; 4th Grade: Samantha Aiken, Gwen Andy, Trent Carr, Jose Chavez, Lane Ferguson, Sofia Franklin, Finlee Gibson, Jacob Madsen, Abby Marks, Carley Merchant, Samantha Neufeld, Cassie Pope, Natalia Ramirez, Adam Reed, Hanna Rubis, Kearson Scally, Emilee Shaver, Jonathan Smith, Collier Stovall, Madison Thigpen, Landon Waligura, Aubrey Walton, Trey Walton, Park Williams Yearly A Honor Roll 1st Grade: Sadie Buckalew Lewellen, Julian Castorena, Tony Castro, Emily Hickman, Trace Howard, Nevaeh Keeler, Levi Koonce, Wilson Marks, Lilly Martin, Kaitlin Stephan, Tatum Underwood; 2nd Grade: Bryan Balderas, Reid Brackeen, Cristian Escalera, Garrin Goetz, Addison Hammer, Leah Jouett, Cadence Peterson, Wendy Salazar, Sailor Williams; 3rd Grade: Makena Fady, Lucas Frank, Zachary Litz, Tori Matiko, Jace Martin, Jose Narciso, Caseyn Ploch, Sitlaly Rodriguez, Dixie Waligura, Bailey Watson; 4th Grade: Ashley Betancourt, Aubrey Duarte, Finlee Gibson, Gray McDowell, Collier Stovall, Elle Whitteker, Park Williams Yearly Principal’s Honor Roll 1st Grade: Legend Bounds, Ally Dodd, Cali Dodson, Eli Fischer, Lacie Gray, Jackson Kennedy, Norah Layman, Tyler Madsen, Emma Marks, Gisselle Mercado, Nathan Merrill , Colt Nelson, Hayden Nelson, Brooklynn Neufeld, Mauricio Porras, Creed Rainer, Agustin Robledo, Hayden Rodges, Benjamin Rodriguez, Jasmine Tapia, Raider Taylor; 2nd Grade: Brock Boddie, Kane Bolt, Luke Bullard, Mitchell Gage, Reese Gibbs, Brenley Gibson, Avery Hale, Tate Howard, Chloe Johnson, Madison Litz, Angel Mercado, Carter Miller, Cesar Montes, Ella Pinkernell, Isabela Thomas, Raiden Windlow; 3rd Grade: Kai Altun, Jackson Burkholder, Kase Carlile, Luke Dodd, Cade Dodson, Jonah Ferguson, Lexie Gann, Kinley Johnson, Brian Journagan, Libby McCarty, A J Mead, Shey Menkhoff, Knox Porter, Chiara Streiff; 4th Grade: Nick Bullard, Grace Fortune, Dylan Marsh, Jolie Porter, Kamber Puebla Volume 6, Issue 11 The Tiger Times - Page 10 GMS GMS GMSGMS MIDDLE SCHOOL GMS GMS History comes to life at GMS with a simple touch! The 5th grade students dressed as famous landmarks across the United States and lined up in the cafeteria. Parents and students were able to simply touch the “statue” and “it” came to life and began talking about its history. This is a favorite activity for many parents to come in and browse through. Well, The 5th grade science students went on a dig for bones in their science lab. In studying about owls and their eating habits, the students were able to pick through fumigated owl pellets to find the bones of the animals the birds had eaten. Some of the bones are so fragile, they had to brush away the extra material in the pellet very carefully to find the bones. The pellets are what an owl regurgitates after digesting their prey. The students were amazed to find whole bones inside! They had to identify them from a chart and try to rebuild the bone structure of one of the prey (on a flat surface of course). The pictures to the right with the bones lined up are actual bones our students found during the lesson. Volume 6, Issue 11 “Owl” Be! The Tiger Times - Page 11 Science Rocks 8th Grade Field Trip - Six Flags The GMS 5th grade proved it by making rocks! Field Trips 7th Grade Trip to Austin 6th Grade Field Trip to the Planetarium at UTA Volume 6, Issue 11 The Tiger Times - Page 12 GMS students have been working hard all year in their art class. All of their hard work was on display for one night for the public to come in and view. The pieces were amazing! Thanks to Debbie Murphy and Amy Porter for making art fun for our students this year, and for putting together the GMS Art Show. w o h tS r A S GM Periodic Table of Cupcakes? Yes! As the end of the year approached, our 6th grade science students were still hard at work constructing the Periodic Table in a variety of ways. First, each student created a poster depicting an element, and the posters were placed on the wall in the hallway to create a life-sized Periodic Table. Next, the students created models of the elements and displayed them in the library. Finally, the culmination of the unit was an edible version of the Periodic Table. I’m not sure, but I think their favorite was the table made out of cupcakes! Volume 6, Issue 11 The Tiger Times - Page 13 Middle School Awards Accelerated Reader 5th grade: Kasey McKee 85.3 pts; 6th grade: Mary Smith 283.6 pts; 7th Grade: Zachary Maynard 130.1 pts; 8th Grade: Hailey Baird 416.8 pts STC Awards Adrian Aviles - Jr. Meteoroligist; Bo Hooten Most Cheerful; Lorenzo Rangel - Biggest Helper Asia Taylor - Most Improved Perfect Attendance: Nicole Leach, Brandon Gunter, Chase Harrison, Peyton Lowe, David Martinez, Kyri-Morris-Jackson, Levi Warren, Logan Jones, Emilie Nelsen, Austin Rue Departmental Awards: 5th Grade: Kaden Rigsby -5th Grade Boys P.E. Award, Ansley Baird-5th Grade Choir, Olivia Eft-5th Grade Girls P.E. Award, Laura Caperton-5th Grade Math, Grace King-5th Grade Music Award, Sarah Denton5th Grade Reading, Bennett Fady-5th Grade Science, Lillie Matiko-5th Grade Social Studies, Robert Kirby-Mrs. Morrison’s Reading Award; 6th Grade: Taylor Boddie-6th Grade Art, Bria Savage-6th Grade Band Award, Martin Garcia6th Grade Boys P.E. Award, Nyah Ingram-6th Grade Choir, Bethany Gilbreath-6th Grade Girls P.E. Award, Bethany Martinek-6th Grade Math, Jacob Merrill-6th Grade Reading, Jacee Childers-6th Grade Science, Jazmyn MancillaMrs. Huntsman’s Math Award, Mary Smith6th Grade Technology; 7th Grade: Jacquelyn Galvan-7th Grade Art, Tristan Cochran-7th Grade Band Award, Ashley Bruner-7th Grade Choir, Cassidy Ahlmeyer-7th Grade English, Seth Schroeter-7th Grade History, Tristan Meadors7th Grade Math, Kyle Watson-7th Grade Pre-AP English, Brianna Carr-7th Grade Pre-AP Math, Ryan Morrison-7th Grade Pre-AP Science, Ethan Watson-7th Grade Science, Brei’yon Chappell7th Grade Technology: 8th Grade: Trinity Layman-8th Grade Art, Brian Avendano-8th Grade Band Award, Kade McCarty-8th Grade Choir, Anna Busch-8th Grade English, Kaylee Smith-8th Grade History, Jessica Smith-8th Grade Math, Karissa Pelfrey-8th Grade Pre-AP English, Abigail Gilbreath-8th Grade Pre-AP Science, Karen Mauldin-8th Grade Science, Elizabeth Schroeter-8th Grade Technology, Austin RueAlgebra, Veronica Cruz - Mrs. Huntsman’s Math Award, Madelaine Betancourt-Mrs. Morrison’s Reading Award, Zoey Brooks-Spanish 1 Find pictures from the ceremony on our GISD Facebook page! Volume 6, Issue 11 Class of 2019 Brian Avendano, Hailey Baird, Clay Banks, Madelaine Betancourt, Zoey Brooks, Anna Busch, Christopher Caperton, Ryan Caskey, Carlos Chavez, Braiden Clopton, Alexander Covington, Benjamin Crelia, Veronica Cruz, Katelyn Dean, Emerson Eft, Cooper Enloe, Peyton Fanning, Austin Gaines, Gabriella Garcia, Grant Gilbert, Abigail Gilbreath, Tori Gittens, Burl Godwin, Evan Gonzalez, Mariah Hall, Taylor Howard, Dylan Jantz, Logan Jones, Kanon Keeler, Karsyn Kemp, Trinity Layman, Ryle Leach, Michael Lewis, Emily Loftis, Melanie Loftis, Kennon Magers, Taryn Mancilla, Karen Mauldin, Kade McCarty, Grant McClure, Steven Menkhoff, Ana Mercado, Cecilia Mercado, Emilie Nelsen, Lauren Nobles, Karissa Pelfrey, Savanah Roane, Jose Rocha, John Dalton Rowe, Austin Rue, Elizabeth Schroeter, Jessica Smith, Kaylee Smith, Mason Snow, Mya St Clair, Alessandra Strange, James Thomas, Albert Torres, Madison Varns, Marcus Vulpitta, Chandler Wade, Chloe Walton, Madison Willeford, Powell Zuniga A/B HONOR ROLL 5th Grade: Mckayla Baker, Mario Cuevas, Gabriella Geisendorf, Robert Kirby, Cinthia Rico, Saul Rodriguez, Haley Rosas, Mitsy Solis, Erik Tapia-Alvarez, Breanna Taylor, Gabriel Turner, Cooper Wade; 6th Grade: Parker Davis, Veronica Fraire, Parker Johnson, Jacob Merill, Stephanie Pelley, Claudio Ramirez, Savanna Taylor, Elijah Rolison; 7th Grade: Ryan Buysse, Brei’yon Chappell, Miguel Silva Diaz, Diego Escalera, Brandon Gunter, Harlie Martin, Christain Martinez, David Martinez, Grant Mcafee, Angelica Pelley, Ty Trevino, Levi Warren; 8th Grade: Christopher Caperton, Ryan Caseky, Veronica Cruz, Katelyn Dean, Cooper Enloe, Peyton Fanning, Gabirella Garcia, Logan Jones, Alex Lewis, Taryn Mancilla, Savanah Roane, Jose Rocha, Mason Snow, Steve Torres, Marcus Vulpitta, Chandler Wade, Powell Zuniga A HONOR ROLL 5th Grade: , Tyler Bigler, Victoria Beauvoir-Reategui, Adelie Brackeen, Kenneth Burkholder, Olivia Eft, Bennett Fady, Elijah Godwin, Skylar Jones, Grace King, Helena Martin, Micah Nevil, Trey Oblas, Sarah Perdue, Joseph Scally, Jackson Showalter, Sofia Siciliano, Natalie Stephan , Nicholas Stephan, Reese Vest, Cloe Skipworth, Eryn McHone, , 6th Grade: , Mitchell Brewer, Juan Bernal, Samuel Cole, Phoebe Fanning, Martin Garcia, Peyton Graves, Gunnar Griggs-Bell, Kinzee Hamilton, Caleb Jack, Connor Jackson, Hannah Keeler, Jack Locke, Emily Lopez, Tony Lopez, Ella Lotspiech, Jazmyn Mancilla, Aidan McDowell, Tyler Merchant, Cindy Montes, Neelie Parker, Jacob Seiberling, Penn Seiberling, Henry Velazquez, Benjamin Wilcocks, , 7th grade: , Cassidy Ahlmeyer, Ahsley Bruner, Macie Buckner, Peyton Buckner, Zoe Carlile, Cade Carruthers, Nancy Castorena, Channing Clement, Jonah Cruz, Mitchell Fugett, Anthony Garcia, Chase Harrison, Skye Hawk, Natalee Hayes, Alyssa Hinkley, Kolton Hinton, Elizabeth Lodico, Ryan Lounsbury, Peyton Lowe, Kyri Morris-Jackson, Ryan Morrison, Bleize Parker, Trey Phillips, Clayton Reed, Bryson Rigsby, Erin Robertson, Joshua Rogers, Abigail Rosas, Caden Sansone, Seth Schroeter, Skylar Self, Siena Siciliano, Braden Sloan, Reagan Spencer, Keaton Stephens, Logan Trevino, Monique Villanueva, Ethan watson, Aubrey wendt, Mack Whittekker, Sydney Wright, , , 8th Grade: , Clay Banks, Madelaine Betancourt, Zoey Brooks, Anna Busch, Carlos Chavez, Braiden Clopton, Benjamin Crelia, Emerson Eft , Grant Gilbert, Tori Gittens, Evan Gonzalez, Taylor Howard, Dylan Jantz, Kanon Keeler, Karsyn Kemp, Trinity Layman, Ryle Leach, Emily Loftis, Melanie Loftis, Karen Mauldin, Kade McCarty, Ana Mercado, Cecilia Mercado, John Dalton Rowe, Jessica Smith, Alessandra Strange, Madison Varns PRINCIPAL’S HONOR ROLL 5th Grade: , Ansley Baird, Laura Caperton, Sarah Denton, Nicole Leach, Lillie Matiko, Sean mcclure, Kasey Mckee, Kiley Meadors, Sophia Mendoza, Dalton Payne, Landon Pelfrey, Kaden Rigsby, Jake Schafer, Erin Seiberling, Greyson Toney, Rhiana Vincent, , 6th Grade: , Matthew Avendano, Taylor Boddie, Jacee Childers, Sam Erwin, Bethany Gilbreath, Nyah Ingram, Makenna Kincheole, Cobi Koonce, Bethany Martinek, Andrea Montes, Marilynn Rawls, Bria Savage, Mary Smith, Slade Parker, Renatta Vincent, Brandon Wilcocks, , 7th grade: , Brianna Carr, Tristan Cochran, David Denton, Jaquelyn Galvan, Schuyler Marshall, William Marshall, Joshua Magers, Tristan Meadors, Colton Mercer, Laurel Mulkey, Ainslee Stovall, Zander Turner, Kyle Watson, Gabriel Wells, , 8th Grade: , Brian Avendano, Hailey Baird, Abigail Gilbreath, Mariah Hall, Kennon Magers, Grant Mcclure, Steven Menkhoff, Emilie Nelsen , Lauren Nobles, Karissa Pelfrey, Austin Rue, Elizabeth Schroeter, Kaylee Smith, Chloe Walton, , The Tiger Times - Page 14 GHS GHS GHSGHS HIGH SCHOOL Summer Reading Assignment - Mrs. Dodd It may be summertime, but some of you still have work to do! Mrs. Dodd has posted her summer reading assignments. Find them here: http://www.gunterisd.org/ Page/1860 Senior CPR GHS GHS Spanish Dancers The students who take Spanish in Gunter don’t just learn the language, they also learn about the culture. One activity that the classes do each year is the dancing unit. The students learn traditional dances from the Spanish culture and perform them for their peers and the community. Some students chose to sing instead of dance, and Coach Castorena even joined in for the last few words! We enjoyed watching the dancers and the singers! They did an awesome job! In the spring, many seniors find themselves with a condition called “senioritis”. This condition causes students to become very lethargic in the classroom. The remedy? Put them in a room full of dummies, and they come back to life. Thanks to our nurses, Stacie Hunsaker and Casey Layman, every senior will be trained in CPR before they graduate. Math teacher, Mr. Breedlove and his classes were caught red handed (or red nosed) having fun on May 21st. They were celebrating Red Nose Day to bring awareness for children and young people living in poverty. The campaign asks people to wear a red nose, have fun and make people laugh. The hope for the class was to just bring awareness to the problem, but some students felt the need to donate to the cause. They raised $100 to send as a donation. That is a true TIGER spirit, thank you! Volume 6, Issue 11 The Tiger Times - Page 15 Trip of a Lifetime Mandy Turner, Addison’s mom, has always known that Addison’s bucket-list destination is Guatemala. When Todd came home and announced he wanted a travel partner to his next Central American trip, the ladies of the house knew who was going to get to pack her bags. Todd works for Insight for Living Ministries and travels to their various international offices and attends their conferences and tours around the globe. Both Addison and Zander have been on tours to Israel when they turned 12. This April, Todd and a few members of the IFL team were researching coffee plantations to source a special blend for their new coffeehouse in “The Bookshoppe” being built in Frisco in 2015. And the team wanted to visit their Guatemala office and visit a local seminary, SETECA. Addison was able to attend every event, meeting, tour, and meal. She visited volcanoes, small villages, plantations, convents, and monasteries. One of the highlights of the trip was a day long coffee plantation tour and coffee tasting. Addison spent the day learning hundreds of facts about how coffee is planted, grown, picked, dried, roasted, and packaged. She even got to vote on the special blend picked by the IFL team. She already made arrangements to travel back within the next year to help build a house for a needy family and to take “live-in” Spanish classes for 2 weeks. It was a trip of a lifetime. Anatomy and Physiology Students Travel to Perot Museum As an end of the year field trip, the A&P students were able to visit the Perot Museum where there are several exhibits showing the workings of the human body. GHS student, Hunter Simco was selected as the Texas Shorthorn Lassie Princess to rein in 20152017. She was also selected to be a Senior Director for The Texas Junior Shorthorn Association for 2015/2016. Hunter placed 2nd and 4th with her Shorthorn heifers. The video, animation, engineering students have all been working on end of course capstone projects. Video students wrote their own script and made a small video. Animation students wrote their own script and developed a small animation. Engineering Design and Presentation students had to design a product whereby they either improved an already existing product or are designing an all new product. This group had to create an engineering notebook, research, build prototypes, and present it. All of these projects are lessons that will help the students in their future with problem solving and confidence. Volume 6, Issue 11 The Tiger Times - Page 16 Choir sings National Anthem at Frisco RoughRiders Game The GHS choir had the honor to sing the National Anthem before a Frisco Roughrider game. Several fans from Gunter traveled to support the choir and to enjoy the game. The Gunter fans also showed off their talents in the taco eating contest! The picture taken from the jumbo-tron shows Kati and Natalie feeding Casen and Kevin tacos. Natalie and Kevin won. Way to go guys! Congratulations to the choir members who traveled to the State competition. We had 4 soloists and 2 ensembles make a 1 at the State level. That’s awesome! Soloists pictured individually include: * Zachary Magers * Mackenzie Buckner * Cade Meyerdirk * Jonathan Avendano Ensemble: Rylie Hestand, Bella Zuniga, Katyi Husted, Sarah Kulbeth, Luis Betancourt, Jonathan Avendano, Tasha Crutchfield, Eden Morrison, Taylor Prosser, Rylie Lashley Ensemble: Taylor Cheers, Jared Taylor, Lauren Baird, Austen Gittens, Emily Price, Zachary Magers, Abigail Bon, Jacob Reed, Addison Mercer, Mackenzie Buckner State Choir Trip Spring Choir Concert Great performances were enjoyed by all choir levels from GMS to GHS. Volume 6, Issue 11 The Tiger Times - Page 17 Spring Band Concert The band concert combined all levels for one night of spectacular music. The GMS Band performed first, followed by the GHS band. Mr. Wallis does an amazing job working with these students; he even performed in some of the ensembles during the evening! State This just in! The Region level of the Outstanding Performance Series contest results are in, and we are excited! All 3 of our recordings are advancing to the Area round! We had a clean sweep also! The march finished in 1st place and the two concert selections finished 1st and 2nd respectively! Middle School Band The Middle School Band traveled to Canton High School on Friday, May 8th to compete in the Sounds of Spring Band Festival. The performance went very well, and the band came out with the highest rating of Division 1 from every judge. They were very impressed with the maturity of the band and loved the music they played. After the contest the band was rewarded with a trip to Splash Kingdom waterpark as well as a side trip to the Stonebriar Mall. It was a great day and a great way to end the contest season! Volume 6, Issue 11 The Gunter Tiger band sent 27 of it’s 41 members to the State Solo and Ensemble Contest two weeks ago. They competed at Hendrickson High School in Pflugerville, just north of Austin. The results were outstanding! These students received a medal for a division 1 performance of a solo or ensemble: Clarinet Solo – Will Martin Euphonium Solo – Alex Leach Clarinet Quartet – Jonathan Avendano, Sandra Cruz, Kalani Holloway, and Alyssa Smith Tuba/Euphonium Quartet – Edgar Fuentes, Alex Leach, Chris Jackson and Kenneth Shipper. These students received a medal for a division 2 on a solo: Trumpet Solo – Dawn Smith Euphonium Solo – Edgar Fuentes Tuba Solo – Chris Jackson These students received a division 2 on an ensemble: Clarinet Quartet – Brian Avendano, Will Martin, Matthew McAllister and Alyssa Smith. Brass Sexted – Tyler Buysse, Benjamin Crelia, Tori Guevara, Hannah Husted, James Riddle, and Dawn Smith. The saxophone quartet and a brass quintet received a division 3. Overall it was an excellent day with 14 medals awarded and we had a great time! The Tiger Times - Page 18 2015 Academic Banquet The Academic Banquet was truly amazing. Not only were we able to recognize the 25 top scholars this year, we were able to listen to the seniors honor a teacher who touched their lives. Teachers honored this year included Leslie Hindman, Jeanne Curbow, Cynthia Foster, Elaine Schatz, Sarah Long, Sharesa Driskill, Jill Dodd, and Khristy Nichols. Thank you to County Commissioner, Phyllis James, for taking the students down the road less traveled on a journey to their future. The road will not be without bumps and stop signs, but hopefully with your words of wisdom, they will choose the perfect passengers to help them along their journey. Gunter High School’s Top Scholars Thank you to Q Layman for inspiring the audience with your magical musical talent. Thank you to Sarah Kulbeth for catering the event. The food was amazing! Congratulations to all of the students who were honored. “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson Volume 6, Issue 11 The Tiger Times - Page 19 GHS Awards Ceremony Congratulations to Zach Magers for being the first student at GHS to become MOS certified in all four Microsoft to Luis Certifications: Word, Excel, Congratulations Betancourt for being chosen PowerPoint and Access. as the recipient of the J.D. Barrett Scholarship. These seniors were collectively granted $901,150. That is amazing! Special thanks to all of the organizations and businesses who made the scholarships possible, and for coming to the Awards Assembly to present the award to the students. Principal Honor Roll Eliza Allen, Kenna Carruthers, Sarah Franze, Paige Garner, Camryn MacDonald, Addison Mercer, Jonathan Avendano, Trey Carr, Zachary Magers, Taylor Prosser, Abigail Bon, Katey Campbell, Sydney Morrison, Jake Whitteker, Reid Bolin, Megan Bullard, Tasha Crutchfield, Kiana Nemoto A Honor Roll Ryan Tolbert, Tyler Buysse, Rylie Lashley, Taylor Smith, Edgar Fuentes, Sharayah Mullins, Emily Price, Mikayla Watson, Amanda Banks A/B Honor Roll Ethan Backschies, Sonia Betancourt, Daylan Bower, Alex Chick, Gage Davis, Alexis Ferguson, LeAnn Fox, Kole Gillespie, Rylee Hestand, Brooke Hogan, Matthew Hunter, Tyler Jolly, Lexie Lenderman, Heidi Locke, Zachery Lowe, Remi Morris-Jackson, Logan Nelson, Makenzie Perry, Tyler Phillips, Jacob Reed, Ryan Reed, William Roane, Zachery Rogers, Tyler Scott, Hunter Simco, Samantha White, Luke Willard, Madeline Williams, Kaitlyn Windlow, Dwayne Alford, Lauren Baird, Austin Baker, Hannah Eldredge, Nicholas Gonzalez, Bryson Jolly, Mason Mazerolle, Baylee McEwen, Kourtney Miller, Brandon Perdue, Avery Reed, James Riddle, Kamee Roberson, Carlos Rodriguez, Aubrey Rolison, Kenneth Shipper, Alyssa Smith, Cameryn Warren, Larly Yang, Destiny Caperton, Taylor Cheers, Adam Chick, Connor Clement, Taylor Crelia, John Earwood, Francisco Figueroa, Briscoe Fletcher, Austin Gittens, Kaycie Hamilton, Jessie Hancock, Samantha Hawk, Cameron Hearn, Blakely Hogan, Hannah Husted, Christopher Jackson, John Massey, Sheldon Parkman, Joshua Potapov, Raul Rico, Palama Rodriguez, Tina Stevens, Rosalba Tapia, Alexandria Varns, Izabella Zuniga, Breanna Adkins, Rebekah Arrington, Luis Betancourt, Riley Bolin, Troy Carrigan, Natalie Cochran, Cristin Connor, Tristen Covington, Sandra Cruz, Casen Driskill, Sean Fuller, Hunter Goodson, Derek Hall, Kalani Holloway, Kathryn Husted, Hadley Johnson, Sarah Kulbeth, Victoria Ladrondeguevara, Spencer Lashley, Reagan MacDonald, Mackenzie Mazerolle, Grayson McKinney, Eden Morrison, Ross O’Hanlon, Luke Osburn, Madison Richmond, Brenda Rico, Kevin Teems, Anthony Vulpitta Perfect Attendance Amanda Banks, Kenna Carruthers, Sandra Cruz, Alexis Ferguson, Francisco Figueroa, Samantha Hawk, Rylee Hestand, Hannah Husted, Christopher Jackson, Haegan Jones, Keithan Jones, Victoria Ladrondeguevara, Rylie Lashley, Alex Leach, Zachery Lowe, Addison Mercer, Cade Meyerdirk, Robert Michaels, Nathaniel Michaels, Sydney Morrison, Avery Reed, Madison Richmond, Palama Rodriguez, Hunter Sansone, Brock Savage, Dawn Smith, Jake Whitteker, Kaitlyn Windlow, Larly Yang, Izabella Zuniga Departmental Awards Leann Fox- AFNR, Hunter Simco-AFNR, Zuleyma Betancourt-Professional Communications, Justin Mauldin-Agricultural Mechanics, John Massey- Livestock Production, Raul Rico-Agricultural Power, Mikayla Watson-Equine Science, Russell Kaker-Wildlife, Russell Reed-Algebra I, Thomas Winkles- Algebra I, Avery Reed-Geometry, Carlos Rodriguez-Geometry, Sarah Franze-Adv. Biology, Tyler Phillips-Biology, Kiana Nemoto-Env. Science, Ross O’hanlon-Env. Science, Aidan Fairchild - U.S. History, Efren Fuentes - Government, Sarah Kulbeth - Economics, Alex Chick - Engineering Design And Presentation, Taylor Smith-Robotics, John Earwood-Animation, Samantha Hawk-Yearbook, Andrew Mikulastik-Graphics & Animation, Kyle Johnson-Audio/Video Production, Eliza Allen-Spanish 2, Tommy Vest-Spanish 1, Kenna Carruthers-Freshman Choir Student, Luis Betancourt-Senior Choir Student, Mackenzie BucknerOverall Choir Student, Jessie Hancock-Sociology, Joshua Potapov-Psychology, Paige Garner-Pre-Ap Geometry, Camryn Macdonald-Pre-Ap Geometry, Jonathan Avendano - Pre-Ap Alg 2, Taylor Prosser - Pre-Ap Alg 2, Tasha Crutchfield - Alg 3, Kalani Holloway - Alg 3, Hannah Eldredge - Pre-Ap English Ii, Alyssa Smith-English Ii, Cameryn Warren-English Ii, Taylor Cheers-Ap Lit & Comp, Sydney Morrison-Ap Lit & Comp, Wesley Driskill-Ap Lang & Comp, Alexis Ferguson-Bim, Christopher Jackson-Money Matters, Kevin Teems-Principles Of Business, Hannah Potapov-Band, Tyler Buysse-Band, Hannah Husted -Band, Sandra Cruz-Band, Abigail Bon-Pre-Ap Pre-Calculus, Galen Brummett-Math Models, Edgar Fuentes-Algebra II, Blakely Hogan-Algebra Ii, Karli Smith -Math Models, James Bolin-Ap Calculus, Larly Yang-World History, Kaitlyn Windlow-Interpersonal Studies , Rylie Lashley-Human Growth & Dev/, Leslie Mercado-Lifetime Nutrition & Wellness, Addison Mercer-Pre-Ap English I, Zachary Rogers-Pre-Ap English I, Ryan Tolbert-English I, Lucero Gonzalez- English Iv, Brent Watson-English Iv, Baylee Mcewen-Health, Brenda Wilson-Eng Iii, Katey Campbell-Spanish 3, Megan Bullard-A/P, Austin Baker -Chemistry, Zachary Magers-Pre-Ap Chemistry Volume 6, Issue 11 The Tiger Times - Page 20 Spring Athletic Banquet May 4th Coaches, athletes and parents gathered together in the commons to honor the participants of the spring sports. Each coach spoke about the highlights of their sport, and recognized their athletes for various successes. At the end of the evening, two scholarships were given to two very deserving athletes. Kevin Teems and Megan Bullard each received a $1000 scholarship from the GTFC. The Gunter Tiger Fan Club did an amazing job with this event, as always! College Signings Congratulations to all of you! Cristin Connor signed with The University of the Ozarks to play soccer. Volume 6, Issue 11 Hadley Johnson signed with Hardin Simmons to play football. Spencer Lashley signed with Oklahoma Baptist to pole vault. The Tiger Times - Page 21 Tigers Tigers TigersTigers SPORTS E T A K ST AC TR Tigers Tigers Tigers supporting tigers! Bre Adkins and Garrett Hunter were sent off to run in the State Track Meet by their peers. The students gathered in the commons to cheer them on as they walked through the “Good Luck” banner. State Track Results: Bre finished 9th in the 300H (48.86), and Garrett finished 6th in the 400 (50.81) WE ARE PROUD OF YOU! Tiger Baseball DISTRICT CHAMPS! | BI-DISTRICT CHAMPS! | AREA CHAMPS! | REGIONAL QUARTER FINAL CHAMPS! District Playoffs vs Howe 12-2 Win Bi-District Playoffs vs Paradise Game 1...4-2 Win Game 2...9-4 Win Area Playoffs vs Brock Game 1...11-3 Win Game 2...6-1 Win Regional Quarter Finals Playoffs vs Palmer Game 1...2-0 Win Game 2...1-2 Loss Game 3...5-2 Win Regional Semi-Finals Playoffs vs Edgewood Game 1...5-1 Win Game 2...0-3 Loss Game 3...5-6 Loss One AMAZING season! Congratulations! Volume 6, Issue 11 The Tiger Times - Page 22 Tiger Send-Offs Younger students join in on the fun of sending the baseball team off to their playoff games. Elementary (above) had the boys walk through their hall of fame. Middle school (left) lined Tiger Lane to cheer as the boys drove by. We love the support from all levels! Shout Ouldtw!as na MacDo the StateReagan to play in as selected me by the Tex nly O Ga All-Star es Association. h c 4A a HS Co m 2A, 3A, and is o r f r th 40 kids lected fo e s e r a d combine y to go Reagan! a W team. Volume 6, Issue 11 The Tiger Times - Page 23 2015-16 Football Player Information Parents: This letter is written to inform you of what equipment you will need to purchase and what equipment will be provided by Gunter ISD for the upcoming football season. We are asking that all high school players pay a $25 fee to play football this next season. This fee will purchase your athlete’s athletic shorts and shirt. This fee is due May 21st. Checks should be made out to Gunter Athletics and turned in to Linda Mazerolle in Office B at the High School. Please reference our specifications sheet for details on items that we will provide and any upgrades that you may wish to purchase for your athlete. All football cleats must be BLUE, BLACK, WHITE or a combination of these colors. If they are not these colors then they will not be allowed for game use. Please purchase football cleats: Not soccer or any other type of playing cleat. All medical equipment will be provided by Gunter ISD. You may purchase additional items if you feel they are necessary. Please contact me if you have any questions about equipment for the upcoming football season. Sincerely, Coach Fieszel, Gunter ISD Head Football Coach 2015 Gunter Football Key Dates April 29th – Physicals 5:30 pm @ HS Commons (All incoming 7th, 9th & 11th grade athletes) April 30th – Athletic paperwork due May 21st – $25 Football Fee is due (HS athletes only) May 28th & 29th – Issue helmet and shoulder pads before school June 4th – Last day of school June 8th – Strength and Conditioning Camp begins June 29th – July 3rd – All athletic facilities closed July 16th – Last day of Strength and Conditioning Camp July 19th – 22nd – Coaches @ Coaching School July 23rd & July 24th – Coaches work days July 27th – July 31st – Coaches work days July 27th – July 30th – Youth Football Camp (6:45 pm – 8 pm) July 30th – Mandatory Football Parent Meeting - HS Commons 7pm Aug. 2nd – Team Meeting (All HS FB players) @ Field House 6pm Aug. 3rd – First day of Practice. Practice begins at 7 am. Players report by 6:15 first day. Aug. 7th – First day of Full pads Aug. 8th – Intrasquad scrimmage & Meet the Tiger Night (6 pm) Aug. 14th – Scrimmage vs VA (6 pm) Aug. 15th – Picture Day (10:30 am) Aug. 20th – Scrimmage vs Muenster (6 pm) Aug. 19th – Junior High Football PARENT MEETING in the HS Commons (7:00 pm) Aug. 21st – Money due for TEAM/me and travel polo ($25 – Varsity only) Aug. 28th – BEAT BOYD GUNTER FOOTBALL EQUIPMENT What you must purchase: We provide: Gunter Football shorts and shirt - $25 *Make checks payable to Gunter Athletics - Due May 21st Cleats - Must be blue, black, white or combination Middle School T-shirt Shorts Athletic Supporter 1 pair of socks helmet shoulder pads thigh pads knee pads hip tail pads belt practice pants practice jersey game pants game jersey mouthpiece chinstrap Misc. Hardware High School T-shirt & shorts w/ purchase - $25 athletic supporter practice socks game socks helmet shoulder pads thigh pads knee pads hip tail pads belt practice pants practice jersey game pants game jersey mouthpiece chin strap Misc. Hardware Strength and Conditioning Camp Monday – Thursday 7:30 am – 9:00 am *ALL HS FOOTBALL PLAYERS ARE HIGHLY ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND* Week 1 June 8 – 11 Week 2 June 15 – 18 Week 3 June 22 – 26 **June 29 – July 3 – OFF Week 4 July 6 – 9 Week 5 July 13 – 16 **Helmets are Riddell. Most high school players will be fitted with a Riddell Revolution **We will have 5 pad girdles for sale. Cost is $20. Make checks out to GUNTER FOOTBALL Additional Items you may want to purchase: Gloves Blue black or white Additional socks White, mid calf Additional T-shirt Blue black or white Additional Shorts Blue black or white Cold weather gear Blue black or white Wrist bands Blue black or white Compression gear Blue black or white Visor Not recommended - must be CLEAR Skull cap Not recommended -Blue black or white 7 ON 7 Schedule *All games in Pottsboro at the football stadium *Games will be played Monday nights in June (6/1, 6/8, 6/15, 6/22, 6/29) *First game will start at 6 pm and second game will start at 6:45 *Two games per night *All athletes should be at Pottsboro by 5:40 pm to warm up TPWTPW TPW Volume 6, Issue 11 The Tiger Times - Page 24 On May 2nd, the Gunter Parks Foundation hosted the Jane Robinson Memorial Concert in the Park. We had an excellent turn out, great music, food, and bounce houses. The American Red Cross set up a blood drive and we had 30 blood donors. $3,783 was raised at this event and will be applied to Mrs. Robinson’s memorial in the future community-built playground. Over the past few months we’ve had many people sponsor pieces of playground equipment. If there is one in particular you’ve had your eye on, now is the time to purchase it! You can visit our website http://gunterparksfoundation.com for a detailed list of which components are still available for sponsorship. Concert in the Park The Gunter Parks Foundation will be hosting a Concert in the Park Fundraiser and BBQ Cook-off on June 13th from 6pm-9pm. It is $5 per person to enter and children 4 and under are free. There will be BBQ meals from the competition for sale for $5. Musical performances will be by Justin Pecina and Dixie Rex. Children will enjoy the bounce houses, face painting, a water balloon tournament, and a handful of other activities. Come join us for a wonderful family evening in the park and help us raise money for the future playground. If you are interested in entering the BBQ Cook-off, please visit our website http://gunterparksfoundation. com/bbq/ for your entry form. It is $25 to enter into the competition. A $150 Grand Champion will be awarded and $50 first prizes in each category (brisket, ribs, and pulled pork). The deadline for entry and payments is June 7th, so don’t miss out! Have you seen our new billboard? Volume 6, Issue 11 The Tiger Times - Page 25 Summer To Do’s Camps at CrossFit Solus (Sherman, Texas) are 2 hours per day, 5 days a week, for 2 week periods. Camps must have a minimum attendance of 8 athletes, but will cap out at 20. Cost: $200/camp – 20% off for additional siblings and SOLUS members Our Camps consist of four different elements: – Proper Lifting techniques including Power lifting and Olympic Weightlifting – Speed and Explosive training – Gymnastics and Body awareness – Mobility and Recovery. Visit: http://www.guntertexas.com/crossfit-kidssummer-camp-2015/ Summer Athletic Camps at GISD All athletic camp information may be found on our website at http://www.gunterisd.org/Page/414 $150 per session Includes donuts for breakfast daily. Space is limited. Register early! $120 for siblings after 1st is enrolled at regular price. Grades 3-8 are welcome to attend. Please call/text to register and mail this short form with payment to reserve your space. 580-399-0606 or [email protected] Important! The baseball summer camp form in the May issue of the Tiger Times had the wrong dates. Please find the corrected form at the end of this newsletter or on the website listed above. Nonrefundable deposit of $75 is required to hold your spot, full payment is due 1 week before the camp session starts. Registration form can be found in the addendum section of this newsletter. Registration Form Volume 6, Issue 11 NAME: _____________________________________________________ GRADE: __________ ADDRESS: ____________________________________ CITY: _____________ ___________ The TigerZIP: Times - Page 26 In Memory of James F latt The staff at Gunter ISD had to say a sad farewell to our co-worker, James Flatt. James didn’t simply come to work every day. He had a sense of service to administrators, staff, teachers, and most important the children of our district. His job was important to him, and he strived to do everything right. But work wasn’t “all work and no play” with James; he had a great sense of humor that he often shared with other staff members. He made us laugh, even if sometimes we were on the receiving end of a practical joke. Several staff members shared some of their favorite memories they had with James, or simply just described the man they knew. Here are a few: Too often in a school district the focus is on the administrative staff or classroom instructors. But the truth is the success of our district begins and ends with the support staff that lay the foundation for all “instruction” to take place. In my short time with James I must have heard: “hey, come look at this” a thousand times. He knew I really didn’t want to see what was probably disgusting, gross, even a bit scary – but he insisted. His second favorite line to me after saying “look at this” was “hold this” – and usually it involved something he was fishing out of a clogged drain or toilet – while I was wearing nice khakis or dress pants. This was a weekly occurrence. ~ Chris Dodd James was highlighted two years ago as a “champion” by district staff members. Each and every submission for James had comments about his dedication to his job and how he was willing to go the extra mile to help the staff. The one thing that comes to mind about James is his servant heart. He loved taking care of all of us and going the extra mile to get the job done. ~ Elizabeth Kulbeth Wherever you work, take the time to notice all of those around you that faithfully demonstrate a sense of service in order to help you and others fulfill the mission of your work. James Flatt left his mark on this district – he is one shining example of countless people that make Gunter ISD the greatest school district in the Lone Star State. James, you will be missed! James always had a smile and a laugh no matter how he felt or what was going on in his life. He was always helping others. ~ Jessica Hogan Friendly, dedicated, responsible, and considerate... ~ Nelma Phillips James was always ready to help anytime. This summer I was hanging signs on the FFA Project Center when he just showed up to help me hold them so they would be straight. He was always willing to help me take care of repairs at the Ag. Shop and Project Center. (I jokingly told him many times that he was working too hard and he needed an extra biscuit for breakfast! ~Adrian O’Hanlon They truly broke the mold with James. Pictured above: James receiving his Champion Award during the 2012 - 2013 school year. He was one of the first staff members nominated when this tradition began. Much of this article was taken from the memories shared by Chis Dodd during the funeral services for James. The memorial was full of so many touching stories, we wanted to share some of the content with those who were unable to attend. Volume 6, Issue 11 ~ Coach Fieszel James truly hated technology, but he always came to my rescue when I needed something hung up, taken down, or painted. I know James is happy there aren’t any computers in heaven! ~ Shelli Neely The Tiger Times - Page 27 Gunter Independent School District Board Briefs “Board Briefs” Monday, September Tuesday, May17,19,2012 2015 GISD Regular Meeting 6:00pm – The Regular Meeting was called to order by Mr. Steve Smith, Board President. A quorum was established. Invocation and Pledge were conducted by Mr. L.D. Byrd, Board Member. ATTENDANCE Board Members included: Jeff Banks, Ron Box, L.D. Byrd, Dr. Gary Harris, John Jonas, Candy Leonard and Steve Smith; District attendance included: Dr. Jill Siler and Ann Tolbert. Other staff and community members present. SUPERINTENDENT REPORT Student Recognition State Track Qualifiers Breanna Adkins & Garrett Hunter were honored for placing 9th and 6th respectively in the State Track Tournament. Enrollment Update o Elementary School o Middle School o High School o TOTAL 312 234 253 799 A full Financial Report was given including account updates from Landmark Bank, Lone Star Investments, a General Operating Report, I&S Report, Grayson County Coop Report and a report from Workers Comp Bond Projects Update: The bonds will be funded on June 16th. A full update will be given at the June Budget Board Workshop. Communications: Dr. Siler shared the following upcoming dates with the Board: o May 27th, HS Awards Ceremony, 8:30am o May 31st, Baccalaureate o June 2nd, Elem & MS Awards Ceremony, 8:30am o June 5th, Graduation, 7:30pm o June 9th, Regular Board Meeting, 6:00pm o June 11th, Budget Workshop, 5:45 Dinner, 6:00 meeting BOARD MEMBER REPORT – June 11th Finance Conference at Region 10 (Scott Meyerdirk & Candy Leonard will be attending with Dr. Siler and Ann Tolbert) Volume 6, Issue 11 The Tiger Times - Page 28 CONSENT AGENDA/ROUTINE BUSINESS: Minutes were approved for April 20th, April 28th, May 7th & May 14th Bills and Amendments for the month of April were approved REGULAR BUSINESS The Board Canvased the Votes from the May 9, 2015 School Board Election. The Oath of Office was administered to Mr. Jeff Banks and Mr. Scott Meyerdirk. The Board approved Jeff Banks as Board President, Candy Leonard as Board Vice President and Scott Meyerdirk as Board Secretary for the 2015-2016 School Year. The Board approved the Resolution to Extend the Depository Contract with Landmark Bank to August 31, 2017. The Board approved the Letter of Intent Regarding the Texas Educator Appraisal Project for 2015-2016 School Year. All teachers and principals will shift to the T-TESS and T-PESS systems for evaluations beginning in 2015-16. The Board approved a minor revision to FDA (LOCAL) Inter-District Transfer. The Board approved that the proposed change for Open Enrollment S.T.E.M. Charter School is expected to impact the School District. The Board approved serving as the Fiscal Agent for the Grayson County Special Education SSA. The Board approved joining the Grayson County Special Education SSA and the Region 10 Education Service Center Cooperatives for the 2015-2016 School year. CLOSED SESSION in accordance with Texas Open Meetings Act, Section 551.001. 6:40pm Board went in to Closed Session Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074 to discuss personnel. 7:26pm reconvened from closed session. The Board approved to hire Al Breedlove as a full-time High School Teacher for the 20152016 school year. The Board approved the creation of an Assistant Superintendent position to oversee maintenance, facilities, operations, transportation, food services, and provide assistance to campus principals. Board Adjourned 7:28pm Volume 6, Issue 11 The Tiger Times - Page 29 Sunday June 2015 Monday Tuesday 1 7 Strength & Conditioning begins 8 Wednesday Thursday 2 3 9 10 6p School Board Mtg 6p School Board Budget Mtg. Friday Saturday 4 5 11 12 6 4:30p Meet Mr. Schnitker 13 6p Concert in the Park 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 24 25 26 27 Volleyball Camp Basketball Camp 21 22 23 28 29 30 Athletic Facilities Closed Sunday July 2015 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 2 Saturday 3 4 9 10 11 16 17 18 23 24 25 30 31 Athletic Facilities Closed 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 20 21 22 27 28 29 19 6p School Board Mtg. 26 Football Camp Basketball Camp Volume 6, Issue 11 Strength & Conditioning ends 7p Mandatory GHS FB Parent Mtg. FB Camp The Tiger Times - Page 30 Find Us! Gunter ISD 213 N. 8th Street P.O. Box 109 Gunter, Texas 75058 903.433.4750 Gunter High School 1102 N. 8th Street Gunter, Texas 75058 903.433.1542 Gunter Middle School 410 Tiger Lane Gunter, Texas 75058 903.433.1545 Gunter Elementary School 200 West Elm Gunter, Texas 75058 903.433.5315 ** Special thanks to all of you who helped to provide pictures for this edition of The Tiger Times. Marion Cole, Lee Franze, Cynthia Foster, Elizabeth Kulbeth, Allie Varns, Kip Garner, Sharon Bon, Al Breedlove, Tanya McNeil, Stacie Hunsaker, Missy Crutchfield, and Jill Siler. The newsletter wouldn’t be possible without your help. Have a great summer! We will see you back in the fall! www.gunterisd.org www.facebook.com/gunterisdschools facebook.com/gunterhighschool Thanks to the following sites for providing free graphics: http://www.freepik.com/ http://www.designerclipart.com http://clipartist.net/ http://www.azmind.com/ http://clipartupdate2.blogspot.com/ Volume 6, Issue 11 The Tiger Times - Page 31 $150 per session Includes donuts for breakfast daily. Space is limited. Register early! $120 for siblings after 1st is enrolled at regular price. Grades 3-8 are welcome to attend. Please call/text to register and mail this short form with payment to reserve your space. 580-399-0606 or [email protected] Nonrefundable deposit of $75 is required to hold your spot, full payment is due 1 week before the camp session starts. Registration Form NAME: _____________________________________________________ GRADE: __________ ADDRESS: ____________________________________ CITY: _____________ ZIP: ___________ PHONE: _______________________ EMAIL:_________________________________________ Carla Wade 425 Paddock Ln Celina Ts 75009 Please register my child for (circle): Session 1: two-dimensional art July 6-9 & 13-16 Session 2: three-dimensional art July 20-23 & 27-30 DEPOSITS/ PAYMENTS DUE BY 6-19-2015 AMOUNT ENCLOSED: ___________________________ AMOUNT DUE :____________________ Gunter Tiger Baseball Camp June 15th – 17th 2015 Session I - 9:00 – 11:00 A.M. ( K – 4th grade ) Session II - 11:30 - 1:30 P.M. ( 5th – Incoming 9th grade ) $ 45.00 per camper / $ 40.00 per camper with 2 or more from the same family Instructed by the Gunter High School Coaching Staff Kerry Clement ( 903 ) 436-7727 Instruction includes : fielding, hitting, bunting, throwing, base running and pitching. Campers will be grouped according to age and or skill level. Each camper will receive a camp t-shirt. Camper’s Name ______________________Grade ______T-Shirt size ________ Address ______________________ City ________________ State _____ Home Phone ________________ Cell # _________________Work #_______ Parent / Guardian ____________________Emergency Contact_______________________ List any medical conditions _____________________________________ My child has permission to attend the Gunter Baseball Camp. In the event of an illness or injury, I give the staff members permission to act for me according to their best judgment, in case of an emergency. I also release the Gunter ISD, its employees and the camp instructors from all liability. Parent / Guardian Signature ____________________________ Date _______________ Send completed forms and camp fee to: Kerry Clement | 209 W. Mesquite | Gunter, TX. 75058 2015 Gunter Lady Tiger Basketball Camp July 27th - 30th Individual Instruction Daily Drills Team Play Contests & Awards! Shooting Dribbling Fundamentals SESSION I: SESSION II: 9:00-11:00 l Incoming Pre-K – 6th Grade 12:00-2:00 l Incoming 7th -9th Grade COST: $40 ($45 after July 15th) Includes Camp T-Shirt MAIL FORMS: Tim Hardy 508 E 5th St Prosper, TX 75078 *You may also bring forms by the high school office before July 15th. Name: ____________________ Grade Level Next Year: ______ Address: _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________ T-Shirt Size: Youth S M L Adult S M L I hereby give my permission for my child to participate in the Gunter Basketball Camp. This authorization shall waive, release and absolve Gunter ISD and the camp staff from liability for injury or illness incurred at camp. I give the staff permission to act accordingly to its best judgment in case of emergency. __________________________ __________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date Please make all checks payable to Tim Hardy.
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