september 2011 - The Six Saints Circa Holt
september 2011 - The Six Saints Circa Holt
GREAT EASTON g{x jxww|Çz [|Üx VÉ POST OFFICE AND STORES “Here to serve you” Tel: 01536 770309 Specialist wedding suit and tuxedo hire Individual attention Professional advice Comprehensive collection for men and boys Email: [email protected] B&B accommodation available: contact details as above 8 The Parade Oadby LE2 5BF 0116 271 2010 Eyebrook Wild Bird Feeds Quality mixes and straights at farm gate prices, mixed on our farm near the Eyebrook Reservoir Visit our website: Rectory Farm, right of Church, Great Easton Tel: 01536 770771 Open Friday & Saturday 9am - 5pm Sunday 9am – 12 noon You are welcome to collect at any other time, but please telephone first PJH & SONS PHILIP J. HAMMOND & SONS SOLICITORS Commissioners for Oaths 47 FRIAR LANE, LEICESTER, LE1 5QX TELEPHONE: (0116) 251 7171 FAX NO: (0116) 253 7370 e-mail [email protected] Website Contact Richard Hammond Free Quotes - No VAT 3 Broadgate Great Easton Market Harborough 01536 770982 07734 328217 LE16 8SH EM DORMAN Home visits possible CAR PARK AVAILABLE WHILST VISITING THE OFFICE Salsborough Kennels FUNERAL DIRECTOR And Cattery A family concern, giving 24-hour personal service to all areas. A home from home for your beloved pets Small and Medium dog grooming now re-instated. Golden Charter pre-paid plans available (help and advice without obligation) PRIVATE CHAPEL OF REST Tel: 01572 823976 A member of Society of Allied and Independent Funeral directors HEFFORDS M J A Solicitors Incorporating Hefford Johnson & Co Tel: 01858 410040 Fax: 01858 432772 Oaktree Lodge, Horninghold Road, Stockerston Tel: 01572 822270 49a High Street Market Harborough Leics. LE16 7AF Specialising in all private client matters Home visits for the elderly or infirm. Please contact: JANICE HEFFORD or SARAH HEFFORD ARCHITECTS Martyn Jones & Associates The Reading Room, 33 Main Street Medbourne, Leicestershire LE16 8DT Tel: 01858 565567 The Parish of the Six Saints circa Holt The Reverend Stephen Bishop The Rectory, Rectory Lane, Medbourne, LE16 8DZ Tel: 01858 565933 Mobile: 07590 829902 email [email protected] Secretary Ann Baile Treasurer The Paddocks, High Street Great Easton LE16 8ST 01536 770095 Darryl Brunt 2 Mulberry Court Drayton LE16 8SD 01858 565300 BRINGHURST CUM GREAT EASTON & DRAYTON Wardens BRINGHURST Michael Mallock Manor Lodge, Main Street Bringhurst LE16 8RJ 01536 772044 DRAYTON Tim Fletcher 1 The Green Drayton LE16 8RQ 01858 565895 GREAT EASTON Tom Theakston 4 Banbury Lane Great Easton LE16 8SF 01536 770929 Bringhurst etc Medbourne Stockerston Blaston Secretaries Bringhurst etc Medbourne etc Stockerston Blaston David Gibley Rachel Glover Mary Patston Lindsay Blaaberg Ann Baile Jenny Sandars Wendy Bromwich Della Stones Great Easton Builders and Contractors Established nearly 100 years Stonework-Groundwork-Roofing-Decorating Listed Buildings a Speciality Tel: 01536 770257 or 07594 935958 Foot Health Practitioner Mary Henniker-Major Linden House Great Easton LE16 8SJ 01536 770320 01536 772159 01858 565876 01572 823396 01858 01536 770095 01858 565245 01572 823110 01858 555688 We are always pleased to welcome new residents to our parish so please do make yourself known to one of the above-named. Graham Clark SAC(dip), CFHP (pract) 01536 772118 JOSEPH WARBURTON Carpentry & Building Services Vicarage Cottage Main Street, Loddington Leicestershire LE7 9XE Home Tel: 01572 717302 Mobile Tel: 0774 04 2 6889 Book-keeping Accounts VAT returns Sage User Lynn Bradley Book Keeping Services Telephone: 01858 434850 Mobile: 0779 064 5449 Medbourne Playgroup Held at Medbourne Village Hall Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 9.15am to 12 15pm For ages 2½ - 5 Contact: Celia Pocock: 01536 770421 or Sara Robbins: 01536 771368 J.S.Oakley Agricultural Contractor GREAT EASTON AND LYDDINGTON Tel: Uppingham (01572) 823810 Supported by Great Easton and Medbourne Parish Councils, Bringhurst & Drayton Parish Meeting, the village of Stockerston and other local groups and organisations. Printed by Clipperprint, East Goscote, LE7 3XA CONSTRUCTION: RENOVATION: MAINTENANCE: Specialist Foot Care Treatment in the comfort of your own home For an appointment call MEDBOURNE CUM HOLT, STOCKERSTON & BLASTON Wardens MEDBOURNE CUM HOLT David Tyler Margaret Tuffs 8 Springbank Brookfield House, 41 Main Street Medbourne LE16 8EB Medbourne LE16 8DT 01858 565242 01858 565911 STOCKERSTON Mary Patston Apple Cottage, Medbourne Road Stockerston LE15 9JF 01572 823396 BLASTON Wilfred Coon Robin Murray-Philipson Hallcroft, Medbourne Road Garden House Hallaton LE16 8UH Blaston LE16 8DE 01858 555630 01858 555233 Treasurers H.Snow & Son STEPHEN SANDERSON LTD UK & EUROPEAN TRANSPORT Riverside Industrial Estate Market Harborough Leics LE16 7PT Telephone: c01858 410117/466499 Fax: 01858 465121 E-mail: [email protected] GARRY HYDE INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING AND DECORATING GLAZING TEL: 01858 565215 MOB: 07795 096109 Parish of the Six Saints circa Holt 4 September 8am 9am 10.30am Eleventh Sunday after Trinity Eucharist at Great Easton 1662 Eucharist at Drayton Eucharist at Medbourne 11 September Twelfth Sunday after Trinity Kept as Holy Cross Day 1662 Eucharist at Blaston Eucharist at Great Easton 9am 10.30am 18 September 9am 10.30am 6pm 25 September 8am 9am 10.30am Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity Kept as Matthew 1662 Eucharist at Bringhurst Family Service at Medbourne Evening Prayer at Great Easton Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity Back to Church Sunday 1662 Eucharist at Medbourne 1662 Eucharist at Stockerston Children’s service at Great Easton Rector’s Letter-September 2011 We all have moments when we wish that we had an answer to a difficult question or situation and instead all that we are faced with is the wrong answer. Writing from prison, the Chinese Christian Chun-Ming Kao, observes: ‘I asked the Lord for a bunch of fresh flowers but instead he gave me an ugly cactus with many thorns. I asked the Lord for some beautiful butterflies but instead he gave me many ugly and dreadful worms.’ We may also all have faced moments when, in place of even the wrong answer to a difficult question or situation, all we have is silence. Where will I find the strength to face this? What should I do now? The 70s singer-songwriter Nick Drake coined the wonderfully poignant phrase ‘time of no reply’ which crystallizes those moments when there are no easy answers, and instead we live with questions. Drake’s phrase echoes Rilke’s poignant poetry: Have patience with everything unresolved in your heart And try to love the questions themselves… Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live with them. And the point is, to live everything. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even notice it, live your way into the future. Live the questions now. Living without resolution to difficult questions, or with wrong answers may be a dreadful burden to bear. But we may perhaps take at least some comfort from the knowledge that we are not the first to walk this kind of path, and greater comfort still from the knowledge that some profound and lasting truth about that which we may dare to call the Divine may be found even in the questions themselves. Chun-Ming Kao’s poem continues: ‘I was threatened, I was disappointed, I mourned. But after many days, suddenly, I saw the cactus bloom with many beautiful flowers, and those worms became beautiful butterflies flying in the spring wind.’ A prayer by George Appleton Grant, O Lord, to all those who are bearing pain Your spirit of healing, Your spirit of peace and hope Of courage and endurance, Cast out from them the spirit of anxiety and fear; Grant them perfect confidence and trust in thee, That in your light they may see light; Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Weekly Events Prayer Group Prayer Group will be meeting at 8.00pm as follows: Monday Medbourne Tiddlywinks Parent, baby and toddler group Medbourne Village Hall 10am - 12noon Line Dancing Great Easton Village Hall 1.30 - 3pm Art Club Great Easton Village Hall 10am - 12.30pm Bell Ringing Practice St Andrew’s Great Easton 7.30 - 9pm Tues, Wed & Thurs Medbourne Playgroup Medbourne Village Hall 9.15am - 12.15pm Wednesday Tai Chi Great Easton Village Hall Thursday Great Easton Mum, Baby and Toddler Group Great Easton Village Hall 10am - 12noon 5th September at 1 The Green, Drayton 17th October at Swan House, Lyddington 21st November at Brookside Bungalow, Great Easton Tuesday St Andrew’s Great Easton Wednesday Eucharist On most Wednesdays throughout the year there is a Eucharist service in Great Easton at 10.30am. All are welcome so please join us. Junior Tennis Club at Medbourne May to August 4.30pm Beginners 5.15pm Intermediate 6pm More advanced (those who can rally) Classes free to Tennis Club members ST. ANDREW’S CHURCH – ROTA OF SIDESPEOPLE Sundays: 11th September 10.30 a.m Anne Wallis & Jill Irons th 10.30 a.m David & Irene Gibley 25 September Mon/Thurs If any of these dates are inconvenient, please arrange to swap with someone, or if you have a problem contact Tom Theakston on 01536 770929. The next visit from the Good News library van team will be on Wednesday 28th September 2011 from 11am to 12 noon at the home of Mr & Mrs Wright, 8 Church Bank, Great Easton. A good selection of Christian books and other material will be available to freely borrow. Tea, coffee and a warm welcome await you! All welcome. 9.30-10.30am Youth Group 11-18 years Meets every Thursday in the Village Hall Alternating weekly between Medbourne and Great Easton EVERYONE IS WELCOME For further information please contact: Cathy Moran 01536 771175 Parish Magazine Policy At a meeting of the magazine sub-committee on 6 November 2006, the following policy was agreed for all articles to be printed in the magazine: • Articles should be no longer than one side of A5 paper (one magazine page), allowing space for the artwork. • The deadline for submission of articles is the 5th of the preceding month. • Wherever possible articles should be submitted by email to [email protected] OAKLEIGH BEAUTY of Medbourne Helen Collins “Beauty treatments to relax and rejuvenate” RJM Plasterers ALL ASPECTS OF PLASTERING UNDERTAKEN Home: 01858 565458/Mobile: 0791 989 0918 Contract & Private Bespoke Joinery Timber windows, doors and conservatories, Made to order and fitted. Contact: Kevin Thompson Tel: 01858 565398 Mobile: 07944 529956 Over 30 years experience For your free estimate from your local plasterer call Harvest Festivals 2011 2 October 11am 9 October 11am 9 October 16 October 6pm 3pm Medbourne Harvest Festival followed by Harvest Lunch Great Easton Harvest Festival Eucharist followed by Harvest Lunch Harvest Evensong at Blaston Stockerston Harvest Festival Archdeacon to preach 01536 205005 07712 335 963 25 September Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity Back to Church Sunday 10.30am Children’s service at Great Easton All welcome Rutland Plumbing Services PLUMBING & HEATING Tel: 01572 813067 Mob: 07710 605092 C Davies Digger Hire Hear first-hand contrasting stories of war-time childhoods :: interspersed with songs from the time :: in ‘BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!’ Drives - Ditching - Footings Fencing - Landscaping Cliff Davies Broadview, Stockerston Road, Great Easton, LE16 8DG Tel: 01858 555253 Mob: 07860 242658 in St GILES’ CHURCH, MEDBOURNE on FRIDAY 9 SEPTEMBER 2011 at 6.00pm until about 7.30pm followed by drinks Doors open at 5.30pm Rural Leicestershire Lad: Major General Sir Michael Carleton-Smith, CBE DL (Retired Soldier & former Director-General of Marie Curie Cancer Care) German Jewish Refugee from Nazi Germany: Dr Edgar Feuchtwanger (Author, Retired Academic, Historian) British Evacuee in the USA: Mrs Nini Murray-Philipson (Author, Lecturer in Art History) British Émigré born in Occupied France: Gerard de Lisle, Esq DL FSA (Author, Antiquarian & Leicestershire Landowner) Accompanied by war-time songs from: Penny “Vera-Marlene-Edith!” Francis (ex-TV Producer & ‘jobbing’ Singer) IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ATTEND PLEASE REGISTER BY EMAIL: [email protected] or [email protected] or leave a message at Plough Cottage, Drayton or on 01858 565 269 Admission £5 at the door – children FREE – Donations Welcomed All proceeds to HELP for HEROES ABC’s Tidy Gardens Offering a full range of services for garden maintenance and landscaping. A large team of male & female workers to tackle everything in the garden, but more importantly NOT to let you down. We are regularly in your area. For a winter makeover, tree work, hedges, fencing (all types), clearance etc, call Alister on 07815 889992 TIDDLIWINKS PARENT AND TODDLER GROUP MONDAYS 10-12PM MEDBOURNE VILLAGE HALL Matthew Castle Woodworking TOYS, GAMES, IN/OUTDOOR FUN COFFEE, TEA & CHAT FOR ADULTS DRINKS & SNACK FOR CHILDREN Come and join the fun! All welcome! Specialist Traditional Rural Carpenter, Architectural Joiner, Designer & Cabinet Maker Call us today for a friendly, informal chat Workshop Tel: 01536 772123 Mobile: 07730 286 085 For more information, photographs and testimonials Please feel free to browse our website Great Easton Village Hall To Hire contact: 01536 770350 Wayside Garden Services Mowing. Weeding. Spraying. Digging. Turfing. Planting. Hedge cutting. Pruning. Fencing. Stonework All aspects of garden maintenance and improvements Call Peter Nix 01858 565646 - 07875 717785 Gardener’s Corner Great Easton Village Hall Caretaker AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2011 Judith Lloyd, who has been our caretaker for the last five years, will be retiring on 31st October. We are enormously grateful for all the hard work she has done in always keeping the hall spotless and in the way she has been unfailingly helpful to those who use it. We are looking for someone to take over the caretaker’s duties as from 1st November. These include cleaning the hall, taking bookings, liaising with the groups that use the hall and, when possible attending committee meetings. These take place every six weeks. Payment is £120 per month. With late summer here and harvest well on the way, we can only hope that we see an Indian Summer, it is such a special time of year that brings that special smell of autumn. This is the time of year that dahlias are at their best (these have always been a favourite of mine), there are many shades of reds, oranges yellows, purples, crimsons, white and even two tone colours. These are good vibrant colours, which can be accentuated by the autumn colours just arriving. These tuberous rooted perennials will, by continual dead heading, continue to flower right up to the first frost and are great for flower arranging. They are wonderful plants. You can get many different types of dahlias, from large decorative types to small bedding varieties so if you haven’t much room, think about next years planting. You can include some pots with bedding varieties in the planting scheme. Remember to include single headed varieties for the insects and that the tubers need to be over wintered in a frost free environment. The tender pot plants have enjoyed their holiday outside but you will soon need to return them back indoors. The late flowering, potted up chrysanthemums also need to be brought in. Should we get a warm September, remember to give the greenhouse some ventilation as they soon heat up. There are many colours of Buxus including green, golden and variegated suitable for hedges, topiary and planting in open or shady shrubberies. If you are lucky to have Box Hedge or Topiary and you trimmed them in June, they will have made more growth and now is the time to give them another trim. This will give them a tight finish for the winter, producing great structure for the winter period, especially in the frost and fog with the winter sun throwing new light on them. Anyone interested should please write to Nick Meyer, 2 Ford Bank, Great Easton, Market Harborough, LE16 8SL Wednesday 26th October – 7.30 in the village hall THE LYDDINGTON PROJECT Dr. Rosemary Cannadine Dr. Cannadine, the archivist of Burleigh House, will be telling us about the exciting project to discover the history and archaeology of this historically very important old village. Gardener’s Tip: Spring is only five months away, that must mean the garden centres and nurseries are now selling BULBS. Get down as soon as possible to ensure your favourites and sound strong bulbs. All welcome – non members £1 Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 21st September 7.30 pm in the Village Hall. Barnsdale’s Nick Hamilton ‘Vegetables All Year Round’ Competition - Rose New members and visitors always welcome. This should be a great start to our meetings in the Village Hall as we resume after the Summer break. With the cost of vegetables escalating rapidly, now is the time to get growing! The June visit to two gardens in South Kilworth was a most enjoyable evening and the weather was kind to us. Both gardens had many interesting and colourful plantings. The first visited was of a modern style whilst the second garden had a more traditional setting hence the evening held something to suit all individual tastes. Our thanks to Ivor and Frances for arranging the outing. Leicestershire County Council has agreed to take over the organisation of Community Forums within Harborough District. This agreement follows the decision of the District Council not to organise Forums from April 1st 2011 onwards due the need to make budget savings. The County Council will continue to provide a service to enable Councillors from all 3 tiers of local government, and local residents, to discuss issues, aspirations and services for local areas. Leicestershire County Council currently leads the organisation of Community Forums in five out of the seven districts in Leicestershire and will follow the same format in Harborough. Although there are some similarities, these forums are organised on a different basis to the forums you may have experience of in Harborough and the key elements are as follows; -Community Forums are community-led and deal with issues that are of relevance to local communities. -They are about sharing and addressing issues in the local area and about joint working to find and implement solutions. -Community Forums are result-driven. -Leicestershire County Council and its partners see Community Forums as a key platform to discuss and consult with local communities and their representatives about: ◊Service priorities and provision in the local area. ◊Service changes and their local impact. ◊New developments and opportunities that may impact on the local area. ◊Priorities for improvements to local services and facilities. -Community Forums are not decision-making bodies, but they can make recommendations. We treat these recommendations very seriously and will respond formally to indicate how we will take recommended actions forward. -Queries raised at Community Forums will be responded to within 21 days of the meeting. The speaker this month is Mr Peter Lang who will tell us about “The Dream that Came True” which sounds rather intriguing. Curious? Come along and find out what it is about. The next sets of dates for the forthcoming Community forums are: • 14th September at Market Harborough Methodist Church, HARBOROUGH CENTRAL • 21st September: Venue Tbc for RURAL WEST • 27th September: Venue Tbc for RURAL EAST Members are reminded that the £10 coach fare, for the outing to Downtown in October, will be collected at the September meeting. Please note the final boundaries have not yet been confirmed. You can find out more on our website, which displays an initial draft of the boundaries of the different forum areas - If you want to find out more about the forums, you can also call us on 0116 305 7565 or 0116 305 7581 IRELAND & LONGHILL Chartered Accountants 10 Station Street, Kibworth Beauchamp, LE8 0LN Tel: 0116 2793704 for a local personal service specialising in the needs of private individuals and small businesses Established in 1983 Visit our website at or contact: James Ireland or Sarah Longhill Harborough Blinds and Curtains Fast local established service Plantation Shutters Roman Vertical Venetian inc wooden Roller Velux Pleated Blinds Conservatory Roof Blinds Specialist FREE FITTING FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION 12 month guarantee on everything 15 years experience Registered to carry on audit work by the institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales OUT & ABOUT Dog Walking & Animal Care • Watercolour Art Classes Great Bowden • Dog walking Home & pet si4ng Small pet visi6ng and feeding • Horse & pony care • sheep, goats, poultry • Public liability insured & police checked Reliable, competent and trustworthy Call Helen on 07736 522449 Email [email protected] All abilities Beginners welcome Contact Kay Carpenter 01858 464216 Large range of patio awnings FREE CALLOUT FREE ESTIMATES John Ford ELECTRICIAN Domestic and Industrial Rewires Extra Sockets Showers Tel: 01536 771952 GREAT EASTON AND VILLAGES WELCOMES Call Paul Mottley today on 01858 456419/07917 260428 [email protected] WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP TRAINED HAIR STYLIST AND BEAUTY THERAPIST Philippa-Lee GRAHAM PARKER PAINTER & DECORATOR BUILDER Stonework Brickwork Re-pointing Experienced with lime mortar Internal & External Decorating (Including specialist paint finishes) Rotten wood window/door repairs using a resin based Window Repair System Wall & Floor Tiling Sympathetic to older buildings Extensions repair or complete renovation. References available For a free estimate, please give me a call on 01536 770179 [email protected] 01858 880631 or 07749 061 938 2 Main Street, Bringhurst, Leicestershire Cut and Styling from £28 Colouring/foils from £65 includes cut and styling Perming/Straightening from £65 includes cut and styling Styling tips and Hair Care advice complimentary. Luxury Manicure/Pedicure including massage £28 Express Manicure/Pedicure £25 Eyebrow/Facial and Body Waxing from £24 Make-up/Lessons £30/40 Full Bridal Packages also available POA In the privacy of your home!!! For a full list of services and to book your appointment Telephone Pip on 01536 772107/0773 119 4763 Our July walk led by Brian and Margaret was from Sudborough, enjoying good weather conditions, we travelled in an Easterly direction through Titchmarsh wood towards Aldwinkle before turning South and then West to the pretty village of Lowick then returning to the start. This was a very pleasant and varied walk in an area we haven't walked before. Our next walk will be the Wednesday 21st.September. Meet at Great Easton village Hall 9.30 all welcome but participants must be responsible for their own safety. Sorry no dogs please. Members enjoyed a tour round Leicester University Botanic Gardens last month, and enjoyed viewing the exhibition of sculptures which were displayed around the gardens. The sculptures caused many comments among the members, some critical about their titles and even more about their cost. The sculptures were on view for a limited time, and many felt they detracted from the beauty of the gardens. Coming from the south east of the county, many members were unaware of these gardens and were surprised at the wide variety of the beautiful trees and shrubs which were grown there. The August meeting held in a member's garden was a great success. Luckily it was a warm evening and members enjoyed walking around the well laid out garden. This was followed by a ploughman's supper, a sweet and a glass or two of Pimms, all arranged by the committee. There were a couple of quizzes arranged but most were quite content to sit and talk. Pam Armstrong thanked Frances Luscombe and her husband Ivor for their kind hospitality. Our next meeting on September 7th is a talk by Judy Theobald on 'Life and other problems' Visitors are most welcome. Patrick Fisher Carpenter & Joiner All your woodworking needs New and renovation work For reliable and friendly service Tel: 01858 565117 Mob: 07805 495958 Jack Burrows Property Maintenance • Carpentry and Joinery • Property Renovation and Refurbishment • Laminate Floors and Kitchens • Interior and Exterior Painting • Bespoke Furniture Tel: 07545 043165 Need to advertise? Do it here for £40 per year Phone 01858 565933 Tues/Thurs 9.30-1 GREAT EASTON PARISH COUNCIL THE QUEEN’S DIAMOND JUBILEE. PUBLIC MEETING IN THE VILLAGE HALL 7.30 – WEDNESDAY 14TH SEPTEMBER As we reported here previously, the diamond jubilee of HM The Queen, is to be nationally celebrated during the weekend of 2nd and 3rd of June next year, with bank holidays on the following Monday and Tuesday. The Parish Council is holding a public meeting on Wednesday Sept 14th of representatives from all village groups, clubs and societies, plus anyone else who may be interested, to discuss what, if anything, the village community will do to join in this celebration, and to set up the organisation of whatever may be decided. The Parish Council believe there to be the following clubs and associations in the village:Art Club, Bell Ringers, Bringhurst School, Church Flower Arranging Group, Garden Society, Good Companions, History Society, Ladies’ Choir, Line Dancing, Mothers and Toddlers, Parish Church, Recreation Ground Committee, Tai Chi, Tapestry Group, Village Hall Committee, Whist Club, Women’s Institute, Youth Group. We shall be grateful if all groups wishing to be involved will give this some thought before the meeting and be ready to send briefed delegates to the meeting on September 14th. We apologise to any groups we may have overlooked in the busy life of this village. Anyone else interested in taking part in the initial discussion will, of course, be very welcome. Feel good, be part of Macmillan Cancer Support’s World’s biggest fundraising event! Friday 7th October 10am to 7pm Why not pop in after work? College Farm, Main Street, Drayton, LE16 8SD Not sure where to find us? Look for the banner! TEA, COFFEE, CAKES AND TOMBOLA JOULES SECONDS CHOCOLATES FOR CHOCAHOLICS CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS JEWELLERY PHOENIX CARDS CLOSED CHAIR MASSAGES For information call Elisabeth on 01858 565102 or 07710 603803 Or Lesley on 01858 565656 or 07813 982665 ALL WELCOME, bring your friends and family and together we can raise money for people affected by cancer. SPORTS CLUB EXTENSION FUND: LATEST NEWS *************************************** th The ball on the 18 June was a massive success as everyone who aCended will aCest to. We raised approximately £2500 for the fund . The fund raising never ends un6l we reach our target! We all are very aware of the many dangers that children have to face in society these daysfar more than when we were that age! - and the spor6ng facili6es the club provides keeps them safe and away from tempta6on. ALL the money raised at these events goes towards improving those facili6es and as a commiCee we are extremely grateful for any help that is received. I know that it seems a never ending ask, but we WILL reach our target and then the club house facili6es will match the excellent playing surfaces we enjoy throughout the year. Buy A Brick ********* This is an open ended campaign and anyone who wishes to take part can contact Chris White on 565814. Julia Thompson Herbal Medicine & Reflexology Natural Health Care Medbourne: 01858 565398 Mobile: 07969 393427 Member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists LONGFIELD Tree & Hedge Care Tom Bale N.C.Arb & N.D.Ag 0116 2403721 0771 0451375 Neil Gilson Painting & Decorating 38a Ash Close, Uppingham All aspects of tree & hedge care undertaken Tel: 01572 823492 Mob: 07885 790141 Perfect Effect. We offer: Quality home cleaning, a first class service with attention to Thank you very much in advance for your help. detail; tailor made to your needs. Frequency to suit your needs and budget. Furniture waxed, silver and brass polished. All domestic cleaning at a competitive price with no VAT Any chore we won’t ignore. Hire a car from Medbourne Do you ever need to hire a car for an hour, a day or a week? Now you can pick up a hire car from Medbourne for £25 per day. Previously, hiring a car meant travelling to Market Harborough. Now, the local community can hire a Volkswagen Golf from a private owner in Medbourne from £25/day. Thanks to a new website run by Whipcar, members of the community can visit to book the use of a Volkswagen Golf. The car can be collected from Medbourne a time of your convenience and Whipcar arranges all insurance and other logistics. According to DVLA figures the UK currently has 29m registered cars on the road, and New Scientist says in a report that many are used for less than an hour a day. The RAC claims that the average cost of ownership of a car is £5,523 a year. Rather than buying a car that sits idle for days at a time, drivers can now hire a car locally. The car has a valid MOT and road tax, existing insurance, and is clean and in good condition. It is free to register with the site. Visit our web site at Or give us a call for your free no obligation quote on. 01536 406344 07912747319 Quality Value Service Ambassador Oil Heating Services Ltd Boiler installations Servicing Breakdown repair Tank installations Aga/Rayburn servicing and repair Power flushing General plumbing 01858 881118 East Norton Debi Varley (BHSAI) 01858 555795 07904 287742 Liveries Lessons Hacks Pony Days Clinics Riding Holidays Bed and Breakfast COOPERS The Beauty Carpets & Lighting Centre Be inspired Our aim is to give you, our customers, service and quality at affordable prices. Manor Manor House, High Street Market Harborough LE16 7NL Tel: 0844 999 4365 The beauty shop above Browns Hairdressing Opening times: Mon: 9am - 6pm Tues - Fri: 9am - 9pm Sat: 9am - 6pm Treatments: New treatments: Guinot face and body treatments Manicure/pedicure Massage Waxing Electrolysis Self tanning Make-up Specialising in threading md Formulations Facials Declear Face & Body Large showroom over two floors. Rugs, Flooring and Karndean. Lighting/Furnishings Mirrors/Accessories Rebalance your body to relieve pain and discomfort with McTimoney Chiropractic and Craniosacral Therapy. Free Pre Treatment Assessment Open 6 days a week For more details call 01572 820515 or visit 109 - 111 ROCKINGHAM ROAD, CORBY Tel: 01536 266364 and Agricultural Engineer The Old Forge Yard, Rockingham *Horticultural Repairs/Supplies, *Fabrication, *Hydraulic Hoses *Oil Supplies etc Tel: 01536 770966 Fax: 01536 771696 Post Office and Village Stores Open Monday to Friday 8am to 5.30pm Saturday 8am to 4pm Sunday 8am to 1pm POST OFFICE, FRESH BREAD & PASTRIES, DRY CLEANING, NEWSPAPERS, GROCERIES, FRESH FRUIT & VEGETABLES, DELICATESSEN, COTTAGE DELIGHT PRODUCTS, SANDWICHES, CHILLED DRINKS, GREETINGS CARDS. Springbank. MEDBOURNE, Leicestershire, LE16 8EB Telephone: 01858 565928 Waterloo Cottage Farm Free range Pork & Lamb from family run farm. Truly free range for great tasting meat. Butcher’s shop open: Tues-Fri: 10am– 6pm / Sat: 8am – 4pm/Sun:10am-1pm 34 Harborough Road, Great Oxendon, LE16 8NA Tel: 01858 467158 ● ALL TYPES OF BUILDING WORK UNDERTAKEN ● EXTENSIONS & ALTERATIONS ● HOME IMPROVEMENTS ● KITCHENS SUPPLIED & FITTED ● WINDOWS,DOORS,OAK FLOORING ● LANDSCAPING & FENCING ● MINI DIGGER HIRE WITH DRIVER ● FOR A FREE ESTIMATE PLEASE CALL:01858545332 Proud sponsors of Medbourne Cricket Club too posh to polish TOO POSH TO POLISH ARE A FRIENDLY, FAMILY RUN BUSINESS WHO TAKE THE UTMOST CARE IN CLEANING YOUR HOME. WE ALSO CARE ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENT, USING ONLY ECO FRIENDLY PRODUCTS, SO NO NASTY BLEACHES OR CHEMICALS, ONLY GOOD OLD-FASHIONED ELBOW GREASE. TO FIND OUT MORE SIMPLY CALL DONNA ON 0116 2715150 MINIMUM 2 HRS-CRB CHECKED FULLY INSURED COMPANY WWW.TOOPOSHTOPOLISH.COM NEWS FROM BRINGHURST Two reports for the price of one, July had us going back to "Life on the home front" with Felicity Austin. A good evening with us being shown demonstrations on how to utilise the meagre rations to the best of their ability. We were impressed by Felicity’s attention to detail, even with the clothes she wore for the occasion. We all ended up having a good old sing-song. By complete contrast and bringing us right up to date, this month saw PCSO Tim Harwood talking to us about community policing. I don't think he had much time to introduce himself before the questions began and they continued until refreshments arrived. Many thanks to Tim for the time taken to speak to us especially considering the events that have been taking place over the last week. We need to give a vote of special thanks to all of the essential services personnel at the moment for everything they are doing under very difficult and dangerous circumstances. Our next meeting will take place on September 14th, Bob Martin will be giving us a Glass Workshop with the competition being "a piece of glass". As always, new members and visitors would be most welcome. In future you will be able to get details of our outings and meetings on the website. Date for your Diary! Medbourne Diamond Jubilee Party At The Village Hall Saturday 2 June 2012 3pm Children’s Tea Party & Games 7.30pm Family Hog Roast & Barn Dance More details to follow. If you would like to contribute time or expertise to planning the day, please contact: Gill Pemberton 565214 Elaine Hall 565305 A most successful Archaeology and Local History weekend was held on the 16-17 July in St Nicholas Church. The exhibition covered a period from pre-Roman to the 20th century and included finds discovered during the recent church restoration. Exhibits included Roman and mediaeval pottery, coins, clay pipes, a step by step explanation of the Church’s development, genealogy tables, census details, extracts of old wills, sketches, photographs and maps, providing a fascinating insight into the past life of Bringhurst and Drayton villages. Very sincere thanks to Nick Hill for organising the event and giving a most interesting talk on the church’s evolution and village history and for re-writing the church history leaflet. Most grateful thanks also to Ann Wallis and Ena Meacher for their work in producing excellent and memorable displays, Thanks also to Jean Donaldson for making road signs and creating the wonderful arrangements of flowers (all gathered from Bringhurst), to Ian Donaldson for editing, preparing and arranging for the printing of the new church history leaflets, to Margaret Stamp for producing an evocative set of cards of the church and village (now on sale in the church), to Judith Lloyd for support in numerous ways and for manning the Sales table during the exhibition and to Phil Johnson for providing transport for the tables and display stands both before and after the exhibition. Very many thanks also to all those who so generously provided cakes and biscuits for the teas, which raised a splendid sum of £361 towards the further restoration of the church. Last, but not least, thanks to so many villagers who helped setting up, serving teas, parking cars and with numerous other jobs that went to make this event such a success. Mike Mallock. Medbourne Village Web Site Having recently completed the Parish web site ( I have taken on the role of Site Administrator for the Medbourne web site on For those not familiar with LeicestershireVillages it’s a framework provided by Leicestershire County Council that provides a web site for every village in the county. It is then up to the villages themselves to add local content, photos, news, etc. This information is supplemented by information from the Parish, District and County Councils, also the emergency services, notably the Police. Anyone in the county can register on the site and add content. This content is then filtered through Site and District Administrators, so that it is checked for legality and conformance to the local design. Why use rather a dedicated Village Web Site? Whilst designing a site from scratch for the village has its attractions, these are far outweighed by the advantages of using LeicestershireVillages: • If you Google “Medbourne” then LeicestershireVillages comes up in the first 3 results. • The village web site is part of a database for the whole County, so you can search for, say, a business not available in your local village and the site will find your nearest instance. All the villages are linked in a very useful way. • Allowing several people from the village to contribute is important and hard to provide with a dedicated site. • The site had 13,500 hits in 12 months, even though the information is currently minimal. • And there are many more reasons. What will we put on the site? Some villages have used LeicestershireVillages extensively but, at the same time, the information is not well structured; so I am very keen to maintain some order in our information. The site comes with a fledgling “History” page and I have added outline pages for: “Businesses”, “St. Giles’ Church” and the “Village Hall”. These will be filled out further; then there is scope for much more under the following suggested headings: ♦ Sport ♦ Community & Social ♦ Public Transport ♦ Walk, Ride & Cycle ♦ Bottle Kicking I am open to suggestions for additional headings, but I am most interested in hearing your ideas for what we should include under the headings above. There can be many web pages per heading. What can you do? Firstly, login to . Familiarise yourself with the site and bookmark it. If you would like to contribute (e.g. start with some photos), register on the site and upload your files. You can have your own page or contribute news items, local events, freeuse items, notices and to online discussion forums. Alternatively, contact me. I am interested in getting in touch with: ∗ Local businesses ∗ Sports clubs ∗ Other social groups and societies ∗ Those who can help with village history, e.g. old photographs and documents. ∗ Those who can help document Bottle Kicking – traditions, history, photographs, etc. ∗ Anyone else who wants to contribute Even if you already have a web site please let me know so that the village web site can link to yours. Contact details: David Tuffs [email protected] 01858 565911 Brookfield House, 41 Main St,. Medbourne, LE16 8DT For those who don’t live in Medbourne All the villages in the Parish have a web site on LeicestershireVillages. Of these, Great Easton is maintained and well worth a visit. All the others, including Nevill Holt, have a vacancy for a Site Administrator. Why not volunteer? Maintaining a site is not technically demanding for those with a basic knowledge of PCs and the internet. Also, the County provides training and get-togethers for Site Administrators to share their experiences. You will find information on the role of Site Administrator and how to volunteer on your village’s home page: Medbourne Church Fete Thank you to everyone who helped and supported our fete on 2nd July 2011. We were lucky to have good weather and that, combined with your generosity, enabled us to raise over £2,000. Church Wardens and Fete Commi(ee
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