From: Mark Beaton [mailto:[email protected]] Subject
From: Mark Beaton [mailto:[email protected]] Subject
Julie Subject: From: Quality) - Beaton Family Submission. Mark Beaton [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: To: Allen Thursday, 3 May 2012 9:03 a.m. Sarah Valk FW: Proposed Plan Change 6A (Water Sent: To: Wednesday, 2 May 2012 4:47 p.m. Info Subject: Name Proposed Plan Change 6A (Water Quality) - Beaton Family Submission. of representative: Organisational Address: Mark name: Beaton 1388 Berwick Telephone: Beaton. Family. Road, 1 OUTRAM 9073 03 486 1308 Date 2 May 2012. l would like to present Our submission Our farm Lake Waipori Flood adjacent on the eastern the property. Waipori. in person please. is: is located through my submission Some to Waipori Lake on its north boundary of the farm of our freehold and the Meggat land is in the delta This land is low lying and is part of the Taieri Control fresh/flood Scheme should be operative and east shores along Plains with with the upper Waipori River flowing into Burn also flows of the upper ponding preferential area. flooding Waipori River as it flows It is reasonable that into the Taieri Lake Plains areas to take the excess water during events. It is reasonable that the Otago Regional Council should be looking at water quality BUT we have issues with the proposed pump the Proposed that Schedule water Plan Change off. Will 6A (Water the Otago Regional Quality). Council The main provide issue is that addition our property protection floods by allowing and we have to higher stopbanks? nitrate-nitrite nitrogen, 15, 16 and maps. The tables are not all in the same e Waipori 0.006 units. (presumed mg/L The issue we have here river) dissolved and Taieri reactive is that: have proposed phosphorus, limits and 0.1mg/L of 0.075 mg/L ammoniacal nitrogen - Group 2 receiving waters. e Group 1 receiving reactive total The lower phosphorus, Lake Waihola, • Taieri waters set at 0.444 and 0.1 mg/Lammoniacal as a Group phosphorus, have limits 3 receiving water, and 0.1mg/Lammoniacal Plains have a farming intensity compatible mg/L nitrate-nitrite nitrogen, 0.026 mg/L dissolved nitrogen. has limits set at 0.725 mg/L total nitrogen, 0.043 mg/L nitrogen. with areas of the Lower Clutha but have a different type of classification. The flat areas around Benhar are also designated different from the areas across the river. Shouldn't areas of similar farming use have the same standards proposed? Which of these standards must we comply with? Flood water The West Taieri Drainage area and us have very similar farming and hydrology except that the West Taieri system draws its normal water level much lower. A flood may take a long time to drain. Once the first creating and power normal days, fermenting at the pump shortages within Taieri don't twelve waters can become allow with the pumping waters fresh water of flood within over Channel through "Flood" events waters land to dilute the West can occur with rain -certainly a good a restricted Will natural Taieri How is a flood urban wind- event don't take hours. need with pumping Certainly It might than twelve they perhaps start defined. concept! more waters, we can even an odour, if high water the water a couple levels is not back to of weeks Lakes Waipori for the and Waihola to have a fresh/flood event. The load at all times. become time? oils into the flood days before and concrete with sediment a specified to work. clear after sediment to release be several is an asphalt reasonably muddy It might the pumps That River has a considerable flood grass is going outlets. hours. River to become Waipori Will few a foam this time waters Drainage within Area sustained or prohibited wet activity? be achievable a flood-banked before weather Do we have to be able to pump in practice? pumping Will area before back into - the water it become pumping necessary i.e. diverting off to divert the Contour Lake Waipori. does not need to have overtopped the floodbanks. Capillary action pumped low. in the fine soils of our property become an automatic Additional rain can produce revenue source can hold surface a high water flooding. for the Otago Would Regional level in the paddocks this be a flood Council. event An additional even when in local terms expense, of dealing with the climatic event. It is likely that this water would contain grass fermenting Water of ducks and swans go directly from farm land to the lakes. They feed Taieri Plains at night and return to Lakes Waipori and Waihola during the day -big year. What fowl -instead effect does this have? of bludging I think Fish and Game on the farmers with to put up with permanent/semi-permanent It is extremely do minimal difficult damage side. This part The 10 hour limit Yours sincerely, Mark are it to the expense products. fowl Large numbers either a fine, the drains or does Beaton. to have livestock to a rougher of Rule to do a quick should a haw haw! be made I don't to account see any reason on the pasture lands of the flights of them at times of the for the effects why of game the community water should have mai mai's. Why should our visual amenity values be so polluted? in an area without area i.e. wetland; seems fix adjacent very or within then them they exposing are going soil on tracks. to walk on tracks prohibiting. a waterway is a bit tight. Rule 13.5.1 If the livestock and graze within is going reach to on SUBMISSION tago it & FORM (Print clearly on both sides) a Regional Council Proposed Plan Change 6A (Water Form 5, Clause 6 of the First Schedule, Quality) Resource to the Regional Management Act Plan: Water for OTAGO REGIONALCOUNCIL l RECENED DUNEDIN Otago 1991. I Rt.E No. „„„„ DIR TO Name of submitter: Office use only 02 MAY 2012 l wish / de-net-wish I ! (circle preference) to be heard in support of my submission. Organisation If others (if applicable): make a similar presenting Postal jointly with submission;J-w-,il.Uwill them at a hearing not consider (circle preference). address: ~O Signature: 5 (of submitter, making Date:OXI~O~/~::;il or person authorised to sign on behalf of person submission). Postcode: Trade competitor's I could gain through Telephone: my submission declaration (if applicable) trade competition is limited to addressing from a submission, environmental but effects directly impacting my business Fax: Email: Signature: Note that all submissions SUBMISSIONS WEDNESDAY are made available for public MUST BE RECEIVED BY S.00 PM, 2 MAY 2012. inspection. Send Free @ to: Freepost ORC 1722 Otago Regional Council Private Bag 1954 Dunedin 9054 Pleasetum over State what submission if you want your 2 relates support, to and oppose Staterulewhat decision E.g. 'y' should Otago Regional you Council want the to make 3 Give reasons for the decision you E.g. I want rule 'y' changed want made BEECEE) -t - or it amended E.g. amend rule 'y' E.g. I want rule 'y' changed because.. Please add pages as required ! • ~!i~ ~• •••-~ i¸¸~!• ~!: •!•i:ii •~ i!¸ii¸•~II:~•I:! ••! i ••• ~• •• • Otago Regional Council Private Bag 1954 Dunedin 9054 Submission Form: Form Name: Plan Change 6A (Water Quality) Application Application Applicant Application ID: ORCNDFCH2/66 Date: May 2, 2012 Name: Status: Tony Pearse, Producer Manager, Deer Industry New Zealand New ORCNDFCH2 Submission Form: Plan Change 6A (Water Quality) to the Regional Plan: Water for Otago Form 5, Clause 6 of the First Schedule, Resource Management SUBMITTER DETAILS 1A details: Contact Act 1991. * Name: Tony Pearse, Producer Address: Level 5 Wellington City: Phone: Wellington Email: [email protected] Manager, Chambers Deer Industry New Zealand 154 Featherston Street, Wellington 6143 6143 04 471 6118 021 719038 1B 1C Organisation name (if applicable) : (Deer Industry Association ) Postcode : (6143) Fax no: (04 472 5549) I wish to be heard in support New Zealand and New Zealand Deer Farrners of my submission:* Yes 1D If others made a similar hearing: * submission, I will consider presenting a joint case with them at a No Please note that all submissions Trade competitor's (if applicable) 1E NO (not checked) ORCNDFCH2 are made available for public inspection. declaration I could gain through trade competition from a submission, but my submission is limited to addressing adverse environmental effects directly impacting my business. Form: 2A Plan Change 6A (Water Quality) The parts of the proposed plan change that my submission relates to are: (Give clear references if possible e.g. reference number, policy x, rule y) 7b Policies general 1 2B I seek the following decision from the local authority: (Give precise details of the changes you would like made e.g. retain rule 'y') 2C My submission is: (Give reasons for the changes you would like made, and include whether you support, Please wish to upload have amended any documents the parts inidentified support above of youre.g. submission: I support rule 'y' because 2D For DINZ and NZDFA ORCWater Quality Click on Finish to send your submission 2E Office use only Submission redirected 6A.doc to the Council. to: Developed by Ubiquity Software oppose or New Zealand of Deer Industry Deer Farmers' New Zealand and Association jointly the Otago Branch of the DEER JINDUSTRY NZDFA NEW ZEALAND NewZealandDeerFarmers'Association SUBMISSION OTAGO REGIONAL IN RELATION COUNCIL PLAN Producer CHANGE Manager, TO 6A Name: A J Pearse, Location: Wellington Address: Level 5, Wellington Chambers 154 Featherston Street, WELLINGTON WATER QUALITY DINZ 6143 Attention: Tony Pearse [email protected] (04) 471 6118 Email: Phone: (021) l wish to be heard 719 038 on behalf of these organisations two deer farmer/industry in support of this representative submission: Background: 1) The Deer Industry recognises the intent and reality of improvement of water quality requirements as now intended under the Proposed Plan Change 6A (Water Quality) to give effect to the water quality provisions of the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management purpose of the Resource Management 2) The Deer industry also acknowledges 2011, and promote Act 1991 (RMA). the role and responsibility the of Regional Councils in developing regulations and rules to constructively direct mitigation and remedial activity related to land, nutrient management to achieve these objectives. 3) The Deer industry and have instilled Quality Assurance Deer Industry itself recognises their own responsibilities under the RMA these responsibilities within the long established Industry's programme that developed as part of the Cervena® farm New Zealand, Level 5, Wellington Chambers, 154 Featherston PO Box 10702 Wellington 6143: Ph 04 473 4500 Street venison programme that now underpins the individual venison processing and exporting company's own in house QA programmes that are a part of farmer supply arrangements. Meeting environmental minimum standards related to nutrient budgeting water quality and minimizing nutrient runoff, soil loss and erosion is important to both international customer expectations and to company and industry expectations of modern deer farming. 4) The deer industry is also investigating, through request of the DINZ board opportunity to re introduce approach to Environmental requirements underpinned deer) and further aspects credibility 5) To that end the industry May 2012 present farming Landcare an Industry Agreed Standards ( IAS) common sustainability management, deer welfare by the legal status of Quality assurance has produced of the 2007 Code of Welfare supporting exported product a Landcare Manual (2004) ( and will in to industry and its farmers a revised and updated manual that, through the example of Case studies Deer of significant deer farms throughout NZ demonstrates the Land and Environmental Planning Principles (LEP Risk Management Planning Courtesy of Beef and Lamb NZ. It is intended that through focus farms, environmental awards examples and fielddays that the newer approach to preserving environmental values and encouraging practice change as shown in the industry manual becomes an increasing part of day to day management, and encourage a positive approach to Regional council regulations and the principles as demanded through such regulation as this current proposal Water plan change 6A 6) Under that initiative the responsibilities for deer farmers under the Resource Management Act ( 1991) (RMA or The Act) have been understood as: "Under the Act, sustainable management means: Managing resources the use, development, in a way, or at a rate, provide for their social, safety while ° • ° Sustaining minerals) generations; economic, and protection which of natural enables and cultural people and physical and well being communities to and for their health the potential of natural and physical resources to meet the reasonably foreseeable needs and Safeguarding the ecosystems; and A voiding, remedying life-supporting or mitigating capacity any adverse of air, effects water, and (excluding of future soil, of activities and on the en vironment. 7) Under authority Councils the RMA, Regional Councils have the responsibility and statutory to implement the objectives of the Act though various roles of Regional including soil conservation, the maintenance and enhancement of water Deer Industry New Zealand, Level 5, Wellington Chambers, 154 Featherston PO Box 10702 Wellington 6143: www.deernz.orq Ph 04 473 4500 Street 2 the control control of weeds The policies of contaminant and pests on and regulations discharges private to land, air or water, and the land. set by both Regional and District Councils in compliance with the Act are documented in Regional and District Plans, and include air quality, water quality and land management plans. The Deer industry believes that a key intention of the act is that every person has a duty to avoid, remedy, activity or mitigate carried any adverse on by or behalf The RMA has implications natural resources. themselves, on the environment for any activity It focuses but does effect arising from an of that person. on the not provide that uses effects ways or impacts of activities of actually rather in some than measuring way on the activities or assessing sustainability. Submission: Introduction: Deer farmers face some challenging environmental management through their natural behaviour which includes the habit (common ages and seasonal ~98% of all farmed • They have stream banks wallowing swales, or on is almost behaviour, springs, pastures and impossible of welfare as leaking not in flowing troughs fencelines in wet to prevent, required under water weather and is preserved the but in and occasionally Welfare Code near That natural as one of the for Deer 2007. However the majority deer farmers have become skilled at minimising the soil loss, nitrate movements and sediment and faecal contamination from this behaviour and also including detrimental impacts of soil movement down slope from fence line pacing created through overstocking or on the rare occasion deer are under management stress in time of challenging weather • a natural edges, behaviour • changes in behaviour of Red deer, Elk and their crossbreds deer). Deer exhibit this behaviour on all classes on land. swamp 5 freedoms issues for deer to all sexes events It is this prevention, remedial and mitigating activity as required under the Act, that forms the basis of the Deer industry Landcare management standards and along with Regional council rules and regulations. • For water quality there is a heavy emphasis on remedial action mitigation of any adverse sedimentation loading or nutrient loss before the water leaves the property if other management impacts at the point source of risk is not possible or entirely effective. • It is the DFA's concern that the principles outlined in the water change plan 6A places a huge emphasis of quality at the point sources of especially contaminationin theand increasingly risk, that indominant many common extensivedeerlowfarming stock natural situations farming environments of Otago hill and high country is almost impossible to effectively manage at that point source, but can be remedied effectively downstream Deer Industry New Zealand, Level 5, Wellington Chambers, 154 Featherston PO Box 10702 Wellington 6143: www.deernz.orq Ph 04 473 4500 Street 3 in principle: Policy A) 7.B Policies Support Oppose 7.B.1 general in part in part Ensure water is of good quality by the target dates described Schedule 15, to support natural and human use values, Submission: Support but believe that the definition by: of good be more objective as there is considerable in catchments around the region and quite in proposed interpretations quality and variation different quality should standards of use (a) Avoiding discharges of contaminants natural and human use values; and with noticeable effects on (b) Allowing discharges of contaminants that cumulatively have minor effects, or are short-term; and (c) Minimising disturbance of the beds of rivers and lakes. 7. B.2 [Moved from 7.7.1] To promote discharges of contaminants preference in to land in to water, Support in part but believe the term where appropriate needs reinstatement to give greater scope to all available options for mitigation remedial action. It stills gives clear direction for preference of discharge but allows the possibility for existing mitigation and post point source treatment of or contaminants 7. B.3 [Moved from 7.7.2] When considering the discharge of any contaminant to land, to have regard to: (a) The ability of the land to assimilate the discharge contaminant; (b) Any potential for soil contamination; and (c) Any potential for land instability Actual or potential effects on water bodies, 7. B.4 Encourage discharge Support: This principle adaptive management and impact is an inherent and innovation of contaminants part on water of the deer to reduce the quality. industry's philosophy quality and commitments under the ACT and is a basic tenant of encouragement for innovation in the industry's Landcare Manual and QA re water approach systems 7. B.5 Recognise Catchment the values of Iwi when water is discharged from one to another. Deer Industry New Zealand, Level 5, Wellington Chambers, 154 Featherston PO Box 10702 Wellington 6143: www.deernz.orq Ph 04 473 4500 Street 4 believe that policy rules contained within Section 7 are too broad in description and the policy should reflect greater diversity in values and use to accommodate the wider descriptions and intentions under the ACT and the recently released 2011 National Water Management Policy B) SECTION 12C "The Rule discharge (i) After of sediment the cessation to water of rainfall is a permitted activity, providing: on the site, the discharge does not cause sedimentation. (ii) From (a) 31 March 2017: More than one hour after rain ceases on the site the discharge shall not exceed water clarity of 40 nephelometric turbidity units, where the discharge (b) is about to enter water. More than twelve hours after rains ceases on the site the discharge shall not exceed water clarity of 5 nephelometric turbidity units, where Part Support Part the discharges is about to enter water." Oppose This rule seem overly complex understanding and consistency exists from location to location in relation to definition and clarity of across the catchments given the variability that and how accurately the point source of run off can be determined and attributed to that rainfall. The ability of farmers to monitor to this level of precision and timing is questionable where properties are of scale. The DFA submits that a management system that also operates to trap sedimentation and climatic challenge that water system provide well engineered remedial actions in the event of prior to the water leaving the property of on large farms rather than at an entry point for the discharge is more within appropriate. Decision Sought: Rule be standard applying remedial action amended so it is easy after discharge or mitigation to determine with provision prior to the water made leaving compliance and for reasonable the property the mixing and or local catchment. Deer Industry New Zealand, Level 5, Wellington Chambers, 154 Featherston PO Box 10702 Wellington 6143: www.deernz.orq Ph 04 473 4500 Street 5 Rule "The disturbance Wetland, of the bed of any lake or river, by livestock is a permitted (a) Cause or induce (b) Expose soil; or (c) Involve feeding (d) Increase (e) Damage fauna, or New Zealand Significant Wetland. ". Support slumping, activity, pugging or any Regionally providing it does or erosion; Significant not: or out; or the colour or reduce the visual native clarity flora, of water; or in or on any Regionally In part The NZDFA acknowledges this rule as a strong principle but suggests that compliance in the extensive farming of deer in the hill and high country will be challenging at some periods in the seasonal calendar of deer farming. The practicalities of fencing to protect rivers and Significant Wetlands are impossible to be cost for deer at $12-14/m minimum.> we recognise that the Water plan regulations does not require that directly asa means of restricting access but making the effort is a major part of Risk Management planning and good deer farming. There will be times when compliance to this rule is severely tested outside the scope of usual farm management. It is this area that the ability to apply remedial measures and repairs is important and should be tolerated as a wider part of water quality management via innovation and employing new management techniques., Rule "The disturbance Wetland, does Deer by livestock not cause NZDFA way of the bed of any lake or river, due to seasonal or induce supports slumping, muster, is a permitted pugging In part but has some or Regionally or erosion. difficulty Significant activity, providing with the term seasonal muster of definition. are Breeding often moved season Deer Industry from parts requirements of the farm and biology to others to accommodate of reproduction, 4500 the for management New Zealand, Level 5, Wellington Chambers, 154 Featherston PO Box 10702 Wellington 6143: www.deernz.orq Ph 04 473 it " Street by adverse Better Rule (Tb testing) for production events without often definition (Year a seasonal of Seasonal round venison) or in response to qualifier muster required 13.5A.0 "Prohibited 13.5A activities: No 0.1 The entering Regionally fivestock resource consent onto or passing Significant from one across Wetland location will be granted the bed of any lake or river, by livestock, for the purpose or any of moving to another: the use of any authorised structure over water and the (a) Excluding bed of any lake or river, or any Regionally Significant Wetland; and (b) Excluding seasonal Is a prohibited muster, activity." Submission NZDFA Opposes: concerned particularly The Chairman of the Otago for his members ability and cites the following Branch NZDFA to farm deer effectively rationale: is greatly in the high country The prohibited activity status removes all ability for a resource consent to be granted and a scope for a case by case assessment to be completed. This would allow the effects of a discharge to be considered and weighed against other relevant factors. The Rule has the effect of prohibiting any crossing during a seasonal muster). There does not appear environmental Council must making a rule. actual basis for consider or potential such the actual Prohibited effects a broad activity on the prohibition. and potential status of stock (other to be any Under effects is not justified section than 68 the of an activity before by any analysis The rule does not provide for emergencies, exceptional circumstances constraints and management differences in working with deer 5. There Decision is some ambiguity around of environment. what a 'seasonal muster' or is. Soug ht Deer Industry New Zealand, Level 5, Wellington Chambers, 154 Featherston PO Box 10702 Wellington 6143: www.deernz.orq Ph 04 473 4500 Street 7 Rule to allow stock movement where it does not have adverse effects on water quality, provide for crossing in emergencies or exceptional circumstances and change activity status to discretionary to allow consent to be applied for, considered on a case by case basis. The Otago branch NZDFA will meet with Nicola McGrouther ORC on May 3rd at their AGM on 3rd May to further gain understanding of the Plane changes 6A and receive further views and commentary from their membership that may aid better definition of these Rules proposals of concern or any others and respectfully requests that these views can be incorporated commentary in any subsequent hearings For AJ DINZ and as supplementary submissions or NZDFA Pearse Producer Deer manager Industry New Zealand DINZ (2004)( formerly the Authority body representing NZ Game Industry Board the interests of all sectors is a formal Statutory of the deer industry and charged with the responsibility of orderly industry development and industry good activity including all aspects of deer farming. statutory The of levy NZ all and marketing It is funded by Deer deer Farmers farmers voluntary subscription. and 23 regional based Association (estimated represents at 2800 the farmers practical and nationally) political funded interests through It is represented through a national Executive committee branches and breed societies. The Otago Branch is the 3rd largest region for deer farming in NZ representing -380 active farmers and 15%of the deer. The Otago region is known as a founding area for modem deer farming and is considered environmentally and climatically and in farming diversification one of the most divers and contrasting areas in NZ. The industry has prided itself on being pro active in its Landcare and water quality responsibility with the branch in association Farming Fund being the first Deer industry with The ORC and MAF Sustainable Focus Farm. Many of the principals and water management techniques alluded to in this submission were suggested and tested during the tenure of that project and have subsequently been incorporated into industry best practice and standards. DINZ provides executive and administrative services to the NZDFA national body and local regional branches. Deer Industry New Zealand, Level 5, Wellington Chambers, 154 Featherston PO Box 10702 Wellington 6143: www.deernz.orq Ph 04 473 4500 Street 8 17: 47 034313703 MIKE SMITH PAGE 02 17: 47 034313703 MIKE SMITH PAGE NL ~,N'~.Olv) ,0N. c+ng 01 t,t 64-3-4862140 17: 26 IJ CF BATHGATE PAGE OTAGo REGIoNE COUNCIL RECEIVEDDUN,ED,N | 0 2 MAY 2012 l ISION ON OTAGO REGIO |AL WATERPLAN- PROPOSED |~LAN To: CHANGE R ;gional Otago 6A Council Submitter: Name: C \ - --t" Address: 4 \.9. Tel: t, Q Mob: Email: ol Date: la. l wish th submisti be heard in support on then I will consider of my submission presenting a joint nd if others ubmission present with them a similar 01 64-3-4862140 ramming phase 17: 34 IJ How CF BATHGATE of development. PAGE !- Introdtietion My narne is Submi a tion: sions a for on the whole reason rns ven en with i where, farms ed thi d that ss or or outcom best this intent zones Not lead are knowing whe whether little how fail change, or with of lead will will tirr1 e there ~hould softw ~re compll t, are situations on their suspicion E~specially in Overseer there requirements "ear and a modification practices the I consic1 er this in Otago, no kt I believe to I ,neet environment such current is the' will of farming familiar their farmers plan viability with submission to an of the to know f armers rme all my practice and orr even ev for will n the future effects sensiti the zon farming change Submission erns and My con plan and have far in those not the reaching areas is no time in the to modify occur. and thus have no way of I ~ how the ORC can propose will Iw°nde im )how ctor ct on a whole prospe sector a change with which wit pout knowing we rely €~n for continued econornic t y. y. s< Iss sought Decisi I fullyask that councilrevisitthe proposed| Iwater l respeully that wt1iwe ewe continue water tut~t the thaplan who our how the change live in Otago O in 15 and i schedu to achieve change will not result and that council 16 and ensure ilar my In particlar r concerns in part Rule Ioppoinp the icant are the economic the Ie ad in times standard,, in realistic state impacts of our on all for the adoption and of achievable. rule changes: are around the following l proposed The discharge of fe' rtiiiser onto production land, in ances where it may enter circurne nce (d) it m'ai=ats ts tt subrnission forthe provisions of Rule water is a pem 'itted ,owledge activity Version providing. 6.0 is still in for Overse is not r r is used the ramr prc in signi increase that imj brovement to ensure iion ion Submis Reaso continued plan changes by all farmers and to my kr ill farmers who aren't familiar 01 17:34 64-3-4862140 with 0i rseer they nek know i to do whether to become ablunt tr strument andwohing IJ they It would se ;m with farmers acl lieve would will they enforcement and that a long er lead change collaboratively PAGE and how are compliant compliant? to effect CF BATHGATE know what of this in time a better with rule is education result. i sought Decisi~i I would| |ike and record.€ water to see q Submi~ a longer more work lead done in time on the ;quirements for the npacts expected 12. s for both in C.0,4 Any measure of sec iment discharge has been taken to from avoid disturbed land to sediment runoff, is a submission Reasoh y oppose this I stron~ hasthp potential rule change to affect >se mitigation andw~q every attempts the timing especially farmer in Otagt fail to comply who with ORC's ien a mea~ure i result farmer~ to avoid feed s~ortages sediment runoff which coul situations of prolonged are uarantees that some heavy ately with imme~i loss rhil tigation but with like a longer for winter longer in a winter crop a fence then expectations. the crop nt calls and on what in will a financial e, en if a buffer rainfall, sediment runoff will m Sought Decisl~ I would put as it constitute loss and of the crop is left u leaten. if a proportion in sorb 1~ C.0.5 of its introduction has where there is no buffer strip betw< Insitu'ions will be forced to make their own judgeme for thi region, 3!on water,pthere no ed activity. prohibg! For to the overseer ality and economic. & Rule I oppo~ nd to keep to lead crops. see the in time I support lead in times propose to work not zone is left, there occur. d rule change through the per mitted not appropriate activity take effect sedirnent rule that provides 02 17:34 64-3-4862140 IJ CF BATHGATE PAGE 03 I I \ \ t 17:34 64-3-4862140 L I 4 I I t IJ CF BATHGATE PAGE 04 Regional SUBMISSION FORM (Print clearly onboth sides) i~OTAGO Rñggä(E~ Council Form Proposed 5,Clause Plan 6of Change theFirst Schedule, 6A(Water Resource Quality) Management totheRegional Act1991. Plan: Water forOtag~ ! ~ 2 MAYNE q:F /! Officeuseonly iRLE No ----- ---". Name of submitter: I wish-F~ (circle preference) to be heard in support of my submission. Organisation (if applicable): / If others make a similar submission, I will4will-net consider presenting jointly with them at a hearing (circle preference). Signature: ?~ ~ Date:L~ [Z~' Postal address: (ZZj (of submitter, or person authorised to sign on behalf of person making submission). Postcode: Te,ephone: e ~/~) Trade competitor's dedaration (if applicable) I could gain through trade competition from a submission, but my submission is limited to addressing environmental effects directly impacting my business Fax: Email: Signature: Note that all submissions are made available for public inspection. Send to: Freepost ORC 1722 Otago Regional Council SUBMISSIONS WEDNESDAY MUST BE RECEIVED 2 MAY 2012. BY 5.00 PM, Private Bag 1954 Dunedin 9054 Pleaseturn over IN RESPECT OF OTAGO REGIONAL COUNCIL PLAN interests within CHANGE 6A Introduction 1. The submitter impacted has farming on financially by proposed on competition these through General 2. 2.1 Provision and other Plan interests, business Change the this submission. 6A. While the submitter could All farmers would the Otago proposed not gain changes an be subject Region that will advantage are impact in trade to the same controls. Submission - Plan Change as a whole. Submission Oppose Reasons The submitter managed agrees that water carefully. However, quality is important the Otago Regional to the community Council hand to this issue. Time and time again dairy farmers supposed types infractions have exceeding dairy been of the ignored. their waste water farmers ORC water The same are relatively plan while ("ORC") consents. compliant with be an even have been singled out by the ORC for similar infractions can be said regarding discharge and that it should has not applied local from other authorities And this has occurred despite the existing water quality a Plan Change that appears to place water farming repeatedly the fact that controls (See ORC media release Friday, 27 April 2012). Now farmers are faced with above all else. There appears required to address under the Act, in particular and communities. Act. Management The narrow inconsistent focus of Plan Changes policy present with other a significant No allowance has been are the Policy They to know made for in the plan have been removed. based on their effects establish a framework reasonable Overall there by the fact that the are uncertain under whether mixing of the Freshwater (RPS). Many of them at any given time one is of people the purpose Statement: compounded challenge. objectives matters and social wellbeing National suite is further compliance provisions. for farmers assess discharges rules with quality the wider the Pan Change does not achieve inconsistent impossible contained the economic 2011 (NPS) and the Otago Regional Policy Station rules proposed not. As a consequence It is also considered virtually to be very little scope for considering they and the which it will be are compliant or qualifiers currently does not appear to be any ability on the environment. As a result, and many to of these unlawful. Hence the Plan Change as a whole 32 report Submission has failed to: on Plan Change 6A does not comply with Section 32 of the Act. The section (a) Adequately way (b) evaluate to achieve Establish the whether each objective purpose and consider of the whether it is the most appropriate Act; the Policies and Rules are the most efficient and effective way to achieve the Objectives. Decision Sought That the Plan Change in its entirety sought on the following 3. Objectives 3.1 Provision specific is withdrawn provisions and the status quo remains OR the relief is provided. and Policies - Objectives Submission Oppose in part Reasons The objectives are too narrowly be considered under must be considered water' quality account Decision Amend when addressing to present water quality and do not provide and human water difficulties for the other use values quality matters are not the only values issues. Furthermore in assessing that must the phrase applications. that 'good It fails to take into that exists in the region now. Sought the existing and give effect objectives or add further objectives to the NPS and RPS. In particular, some discharges 3.2 the Act. Natural is likely the variable focused to water Provision support that achieve the purpose the objectives the community's must social and economic of the Act acknowledge that wellbeing. - Policy 7.B.1 Submission Oppose Reasons Again this policy does not enable the appropriate management values. Act. of water The The "avoidance" Act does uncertainty. As noticeable positive the purpose Submission it of the not stands, effect quality. of It places 'natural "noticeable refer to effects" "noticeable a noticeable on Plan Change 6A of other and human does effects" adverse must be avoided. Act. balancing effect not and that use values' reflect its values and uses in the use is less the above all other requirements here than creates minor This does not assist the community of the significant or even in achieving a Decision Sought Amend Policy reference to wording 7.B.1 so that remediation it takes and into account mitigation the methods; full and spectrum uses of values; terms consistent include with the of the Act, the NPS and the RPS. 3.3 Provision - Policy 7.D.1 Submission Oppose. Reasons This policy is confusing a consequence establishing as it appears it implies a reasonable Decision Sought 3.4 Delete Policy Provision to apply before that the usual approach the discharge has actually (and one that is anticipated occurred. As by the Act) of mixing zone will no longer occur. - Policy 7.D.2 Submission Oppose. Reasons This policy appears resource consents This to fails to suggest will recognise not complying that on its merits under II. human March Decision after may take into it is not or what the 'limited the scientific identified that be circumstances the benefits. account clear period' for discharges well 16 outweigh and Furthermore use values that be obtainable there with Schedule application Part longer how where Council the full range the limits in Schedule may breach the costs is required of factors in Schedule basis for differentiating that or may 16. effects to consider 16 relate between 16 no Schedule of each be relevant to natural or pre and post 31 2012 discharges. Sought (a) Amend Policy 7.D.2 to enable the consenting practices or infrastructure practicable discharge (b) Identify human Submission option to achieve is consistent the and minimise relationship use values. on Plan Change 6A the Schedule with the purpose between the of discharges effects of the where discharge; 16 is being utilised; where land management where the best the granting the of the Act. limits in Schedule 16 (if retained) and the 3.5 Provision - Policy 7.D.3 Submission Support in part. Reasons Technological developments consents to be sought. 16 limits should Decision Sought not and innovations However be limited the ability to these should to grant resource Submission Provision 4.1 consents resource that exceed schedule of discharges that exceed Schedule 16 to of this policy. See 3.4 above. RULES AND 4. by allowing circumstances. Ensure policy suite does not limit the consenting the circumstances be encouraged SCHEDULES - Rule Oppose. Reasons Prohibited ability activity status is considered to apply for resource such an approach. consent. totally inappropriate No justification Section 32 Report does not adequately need for it. It is simply not justified as it completely is found by any analysis removes in the Objectives assess this approach of actual or potential the and Policies or establish effects a on the environment. The rule no longer objectionable rule no provision is therefore A further problem circumstances, with with the that It also applies the with rule is that discharges provisions the Act, prior the it does of section no longer to the mixing not the provide associated 107 of the point within NPS and or discharges has to be offensive, of discharge the receiving and as a environment. RPS. for emergencies, with maintenance exceptional work. This Act. Sought Delete the Rule or amend it to discretionary the and level a discharge is made for reasonable inconsistent temporary is inconsistent Decision the qualifier or conspicuous. consequence The contains of contamination 4.2 Provision Submission Submission - Rule on Plan Change 6A which provides activity for status that includes reasonable mixing. the qualifiers as to Oppose Reasons Prohibited ability activity status is considered to apply for resource such an approach. activity No justification not justified The degree is still prohibited The rule no longer inappropriate of conflict by any analysis with criteria as it completely is found Section 32 Report does not adequately need for it. It is simply environment. consent. totally removes in the Objectives assess this approach of actual or potential (i) to (iv) may potentially the and Policies or establish a effects on the be minor but the by this rule. contains the qualifier objectionable or conspicuous. the receiving environment. that a discharge no longer Nor does it make any allowance The rule is therefore inconsistent has to be offensive, for reasonable mixing within with the Act, the NPS and the RPS. A further problem circumstances, the temporary is inconsistent Decision with with the rule is that discharges provisions it does not or discharges of section provide for associated 107 of the emergencies, with exceptional maintenance work. This Act. Sought Delete the Rule or amend it to discretionary the and level of contamination 4.3 Submission Provision which activity provides for status that includes reasonable the qualifiers as to mixing. - Rule Oppose Reasons Prohibited ability activity status is considered to apply for resource such an approach. consent. totally inappropriate No justification is found Section 32 Report does not adequately need for it. It is simply not justified as it completely by any analysis removes in the Objectives assess this approach of actual or potential the and Policies or establish effects a on the environment. A further problem circumstances, Delete the temporary is inconsistent Decision with with the rule is that discharges provisions it does or discharges of section not provide associated 107 of the for emergencies, with maintenance Act. Sought Rule or amend to discretionary exceptional circumstances, maintenance as permitted Submission temporary activities. on Plan Change 6A activity status and provide discharges or discharges for emergencies, associated with exceptional work. This 4.4 Submission Provision - Rule Oppose Reasons Prohibited ability activity status is considered to apply for resource such an approach. consent. totally inappropriate No justification is found Section 32 Report does not adequately need for it. It is simply not justified as it completely by any analysis removes in the Objectives assess this approach of actual or potential the and Policies or establish effects a on the environment. Irrespective of this issue, the rule is completely discharges that circumstances. is also are There uncertain Decision temporary are what or numerous steps need result impractical. from situations where to be taken Again there maintenance sediment to 'avoid' is no provision works runoff and cannot for exceptional be avoided. It sedimentation. Sought 4.5 Submission Delete Provision Rule - Rule Oppose. Reasons Prohibited ability activity status is considered to apply for resource such an approach. consent. totally inappropriate No justification is found Section 32 Report does not adequately need for it. It is simply not justified as it completely by any analysis removes in the Objectives assess this approach of actual or potential the and Policies or establish effects a on the environment. Irrespective of this issue, the rule is completely discharges that circumstances. in respect There are How to minor are also inconsistency is the traces a results Uncertainties revolve to 'water' absolute from of the result nature impractical. from of the Again there maintenance rule entering going water inconsistencies and fact is provision that there to from is no provision works be monitored and for exceptional and enforced land? uncertainties in for some the rule. The discharges main that are 16. How does this rule relate to that schedule? around the definition in different context of the surface area need to be before Submission or of contaminants number subject to Schedule references temporary environmental on Plan Change 6A contexts. effects being of 'ponding', These must addressed. it can be determined 'conduit be to water' defined For example, that there and how is ponding? and the various explained large in the does the How long must water sit before contain water? Decision That it becomes a pond? Is there a discharge to water if the conduit does not Sought this around rule the be amended various terms exceptional circumstances, maintenance work. 4.6 Submission Provision - Rule Oppose to used discretionary within it. activity Provision status must discharges, temporary with also be clarification/definition made for associated discharges or emergencies, with in part. Reasons This rule is completely when the rainfall point source or not that before Decision measurement farm complies The farmer first need this to determine measure (i.e. again no reasonable be in nephelometric turbidity a non- mixing units. zone). How or time to carry out such work to determine many whether rule? Sought for reasonable 4.7 Submission Provision Oppose the water must ability with Delete this rule or amend made it enters will have the technical their and unworkable. has ceased (not is clear as it may seem) and then discharge Furthermore, farmers impractical event it so that that the standard mixing and that compliance applies after discharge is easy with provision to determine. - Rule in part. Reasons Again this rule does not make provision discharge How is to be measured. does Clarification this relate to for reasonable Clarification the is also required is required characteristics around the of rules any mixing and it is not clear where for the 12 hour timeframe given relationship catchment with other or rainfall rules that the selected. event prohibit discharges. Decision Amend Sought rule to provide address variability Submission for reasonable between catchments on Plan Change 6A mixing and revisit and events. science behind the timeframe to 4.8 Submission Provision - Rule Oppose. Reasons This approach individual does not provide properties. catchment basis. perspective This Nitrogen would while ensuring required should the with by this approach be tested Councils Decision Amend the Rule. loading either at a catchment levels should allow individuals adverse effects We also have some concerns compliance any flexibility based level or within be determined to better manage are avoided, their remedied and managed land from or mitigated. over the use of OVERSEER as the mechanism It is likely that most farmers will and no guidance is provided within on the ground rather than modelled. on a an economic for determining not be familiar the Rule itself. with what is Compliance This may have legal implication for approach. Sought rule so that a more legally correct 4.9 Submission Provision it addresses compliance the issue from catchment perspective and provides test. - Rule Support. Reasons The proposed This needs Decision rule is supported but parts of other activity. Sought Clarify what rules apply to this activity 4.10 Provision Submission Oppose rules may make this a prohibited clarified. and the status of the activity. - Rule in part. Reasons It is not Decision clear how the limits chosen Sought Submission on Plan Change 6A in Schedule 16 are related to environmental effects. Provide sound scientific 4.11 Submission Provision Oppose reasoning for limits in Schedule 16. - Rule in part. Reasons It is not clear Decision how the limits chosen in Schedule 16 are related to environmental effects. Sought Provide sound scientific 4.12 Submission Provision Oppose reasoning for limits in Schedule 16. - Rule in part. Reasons There is an assumption that the Schedule 16 limits are appropriate can be met in all cases. This is not necessarily the Act such as social and economic considered when Decision rule by deleting assessing 4.13 wellbeing with the and the efficient limits in all cases and that they other relevant factors use of resources under must be is assessed. Sought Amend when non-compliance so and therefore Provision (b) and adding an application, - Rule a wider in particular social range of factors and economic that Council can consider factors. 13.SA Submission Oppose. Reasons Prohibited ability activity status is considered to apply for resource such an approach. consent. totally inappropriate No justification Section 32 Report does not adequately need for it. It is simply not justified as it completely is found by any analysis removes in the Objectives assess this approach of actual or potential the and Policies or establish effects a on the environment. Furthermore the Act the rule is completely includes restriction Submission on this. an intermittently Hence any on Plan Change 6A flow impractical flowing channels and unworkable. body of fresh of a small stream The definition water of river and that of river contains may carry in no size water 10- under heavy rain fall events crossing such land environmental Decision (or perhaps is totally even Thalwegs) impractical and does relate as a river. To stop stock to any significant adverse effect. Sought That this rule be amended to discretionary and from small 4.14 are defined not streams Provision excluded - Schedule the activity status with ephemeral beds, thalwegs rule. 15 Submission Oppose. Reasons These water that would reflect quality targets be found across scientific Furthermore for catchment. 'state of and do not reflect As a consequence the environment' were selected the this natural approach monitoring of on why the limits variation does this not nature. and target dates or why they are even required. Sought Delete schedule 4.15 a river practice restrictive the policy suite does not give any guidance for compliance Decision are overly Provision or identify - Schedule more practical and justifiable limits. 16 Submission Oppose Reasons Again, the discharge limits there is no policy noted in this submission, discharge' not that mixing consider approach. uncertain with. It would while steps of allowing are other are appear limits restrictive are applied. to apply mixing 'prior and As previously to the as a mitigation point of method. for in the Act (and in the both NPS and RPS). We necessary. No justification as to what the to reach effects or impacts on Plan Change 6A and how they for the that the discharge. to be unnecessarily for reasonable taken Sought Submission provided we complied where provide the provision or Furthermore circumstances rules the limits appropriate consents Decision the is specifically this 16 are considered supports and have removed Reasonable do suite in Schedule proposed the the has process regime standards. might outweigh been is if the only There provided for this Schedules are not provides is no for temporary recognition the actual or potential of effects 11 - Delete schedule Submission or identify more practical on Plan Change 6A and justifiable limits. COUNCIL1 SUBMISSION FORM REGIONAL RECEIVEDDUNEDIN (Print clearly on both sides) Regional Proposed Plan Change 6A (Water Quality) Council to the Regional Form 5, Clause 6 of the First Schedule, Resource Management Name of submitter: Plan: Water for Otago Act 1991. IOTAGO 0 2 MAY 2012 |! Officeuseonly FILENo. „„„. l wish AfDTrottish (circle preference) to be heard in support of my submission. tf others make a similar submission, I will4withtoTconsider Organisation presenting jointly with them at a hearing (circle preference). ~/~II Date: Postal address: Signature: Date: (of submitter, or person authorised to sign on behalf of person making submission). Trade competitor's Telephone: declaration (if appficable) Icould gain through trade competiti~om asubmission, but y )~,\ my submission is limited to addr y Iing environmental effects directly impacting my busine Email: Fax: £i{[ (jég Note that all submissions are made available for public inspection. Signature: y Send to: Freepost Otago SUBMISSIONS WEDNESDAY MUST BE RECEIVED 2 MAY 2012. BY 5.00 PM, ORC 1722 Regional Council Private Bag 1954 Dunedin 9054 Pleaseturn over IN RESPECT OF OTAGO REGIONAL COUNCIL PLAN CHANGE 6A Introduction 1. The submitter impacted has farming on financially on competition these through General 2. 2.1 Provision and other by proposed Plan interests, business Change the this submission. interests 6A. While within the submitter could All farmers would the Otago proposed not gain an be subject Region that changes will advantage are impact in trade to the same controls. Submission - Plan Change as a whole. Submission Oppose Reasons The submitter managed agrees that water carefully. However, quality is important the Otago Regional to the community Council hand to this issue. Time and time again dairy farmers supposed types infractions have exceeding dairy been their farmers of the ORC water ignored. The same waste water discharge are relatively plan while consents. with has not applied be an even have been singled out by the ORC for similar can be said compliant ("ORC") and that it should infractions regarding local from other authorities And this has occurred despite the existing water quality a Plan Change that appears to place water farming repeatedly the fact that controls (See ORC media release Friday, 27 April 2012). Now farmers are faced with above all else. There appears required to address and communities. Act. It is also Management The narrow virtually not. considered present with No allowance are with other a significant policy for farmers has been They to know made based on their suite compliance provisions. for in the plan have been removed. assess discharges rules the economic the wider the effects National Policy Policy Station is further reasonable Freshwater by the fact that Many of them are uncertain under whether mixing Overall there of the (RPS). a framework at any given time one is of people the purpose Statement: compounded challenge. establish objectives matters and social wellbeing the Pan Change does not achieve inconsistent focus of Plan Changes impossible contained under the Act, in particular As a consequence 2011 (NPS) and the Otago Regional rules proposed inconsistent to be very little scope for considering quality and be they are compliant or qualifiers currently does not appear to be any ability on the environment. and it will the which the As a result, to many of these unlawful. Hence the Plan Change as a whole 32 report Submission has failed to: on Plan Change 6A does not comply with Section 32 of the Act. The section Adequately (a) way Establish (b) evaluate to achieve the whether each objective purpose the of the Policies and consider whether it is the most appropriate Act; and Rules are the most efficient and effective way to achieve the Objectives. Decision Sought That the Plan Change in its entirety sought on the following 3. Objectives 3.1 Provision specific is withdrawn provisions and the status quo remains OR the relief is provided. and Policies - Objectives Submission Oppose in part Reasons The objectives are too narrowly be considered under must be considered water' quality account Decision Amend addressing to present water quality and do not provide and human water difficulties for the other use values quality matters are not the only values that issues. Furthermore in assessing that exists in the region that must the phrase applications. 'good It fails to take into now. Sought the existing and give effect objectives to the some discharges 3.2 the Act. Natural when is likely the variable focused to water Provision or add further NPS and RPS. support objectives In particular, that achieve the purpose the objectives the community's must social and economic of the Act acknowledge that wellbeing. - Policy 7.B.1 Submission Oppose Reasons Again this policy does not enable the appropriate management values. Act. of water The The "avoidance" Act does not uncertainty. As it stands, noticeable positive effect the purpose Submission of the quality. of It places 'natural "noticeable refer to effects" "noticeable a noticeable Act. on Plan Change 6A of other and human does effects" adverse must be avoided. balancing effect not and that use values' reflect its values use is less the and uses in the above all other requirements here than creates minor This does not assist the community of the significant or even in achieving a Decision Sought Amend Policy reference to wording 7.B.1 so that remediation it takes and into account mitigation the methods; full spectrum of values; and uses terms consistent include with the of the Act, the NPS and the RPS. 3.3 Provision - Policy 7.D.1 Submission Oppose. Reasons This policy is confusing a consequence establishing Decision as it appears it implies to apply before that the usual approach a reasonable the discharge has actually (and one that is anticipated occurred. As by the Act) of mixing zone will no longer occur. Sought 3.4 Delete Policy Provision - Policy 7.D.2 Submission Oppose. Reasons This policy appears resource consents This to fails to suggest will recognise not complying with on its merits under II. human March Decision and may take into it is not or what the 'limited well for discharges the benefits. account clear the scientific period' identified that be circumstances 16 outweigh Furthermore use values after be obtainable there Schedule application Part longer that that how the full the limits may breach where Council range in Schedule the costs is required of factors in Schedule basis for differentiating that Schedule or may 16. effects to consider 16 relate between 16 no of each be relevant to natural or pre and post 31 2012 discharges. Sought (a) Amend Policy 7.D.2 to enable the consenting practices or infrastructure practicable discharge (b) Identify human Submission option is consistent the and minimise to achieve relationship use values. on Plan Change 6A the Schedule with the purpose between the of discharges effects of the where discharge; 16 is being utilised; where land management the best the granting where the of the Act. limits in Schedule 16 (if retained) and the 3.5 Provision - Policy 7.D.3 Submission Support in part. Reasons Technological developments consents to be sought. 16 limits should Decision Sought not Ensure policy However be limited the ability to these should RULES to grant resource by allowing consents resource that exceed schedule of discharges that exceed Schedule 16 to of this policy. See 3.4 above. AND Submission Provision 4.1 be encouraged circumstances. suite does not limit the consenting the circumstances 4. and innovations SCHEDULES - Rule Oppose. Reasons Prohibited ability activity status is considered to apply for resource such an approach. consent. totally inappropriate No justification Section 32 Report does not adequately need for it. It is simply not justified as it completely is found by any analysis removes in the Objectives assess this approach of actual or potential the and Policies or establish effects a on the environment. The rule no longer objectionable rule no provision is therefore A further problem circumstances, with with the that a discharge It also applies prior is made for reasonable inconsistent the temporary is inconsistent Decision the qualifier or conspicuous. consequence The contains with rule is that discharges provisions the Act, the it does of section to the mixing not the provide associated 107 of the point within NPS and or discharges no longer has to be offensive, of discharge the receiving and as a environment. RPS. for emergencies, with maintenance exceptional work. This Act. Sought Delete the Rule or amend it to discretionary the level of contamination and which 4.2 Submission Provision Submission - Rule on Plan Change 6A provides activity status that includes for reasonable mixing. the qualifiers as to Oppose Reasons Prohibited ability activity status to apply for resource such an approach. environment. activity consent. The degree of conflict objectionable is found by any analysis with criteria as it completely removes in the Objectives assess this approach of actual or potential (i) to (iv) may potentially the and Policies or establish a effects on the be minor but the by this rule. contains the qualifier or conspicuous. receiving inappropriate No justification not justified is still prohibited The rule no longer totally Section 32 Report does not adequately need for it. It is simply the is considered environment. that a discharge no longer Nor does it make any allowance The rule is therefore inconsistent has to be offensive, for reasonable with the Act, mixing within the NPS and the RPS. A further problem circumstances, the temporary is inconsistent Decision with with the rule is that discharges provisions it does not or discharges of section provide for associated 107 of the emergencies, with exceptional maintenance work. This Act. Sought Delete the Rule or amend it to discretionary the and level of contamination 4.3 Submission Provision which activity provides for status that reasonable includes the qualifiers as to mixing. - Rule Oppose Reasons Prohibited ability activity status is considered to apply for resource such an approach. consent. totally inappropriate No justification is found Section 32 Report does not adequately need for it. It is simply not justified as it completely by any analysis removes in the Objectives assess this approach of actual or potential the and Policies or establish effects a on the environment. A further problem circumstances, the temporary is inconsistent Decision with with the rule is that discharges provisions it does or discharges of section not provide associated 107 of the for emergencies, with maintenance Act. Sought Delete Rule or amend to discretionary activity exceptional circumstances, discharges maintenance as permitted Submission temporary activities. on Plan Change 6A status and provide or discharges for emergencies, associated with exceptional work. This 4.4 Submission Provision - Rule Oppose Reasons Prohibited ability activity status is considered to apply for resource such an approach. consent. totally inappropriate No justification Section 32 Report does not adequately need for it. It is simply not justified as it completely is found by any analysis removes in the Objectives assess this approach of actual or potential the and Policies or establish effects a on the environment. Irrespective of this issue, the rule is completely discharges that circumstances. is also are There uncertain Decision temporary are what or numerous steps need result impractical. from situations maintenance where to be taken Again there works sediment to 'avoid' is no provision runoff and cannot for exceptional be avoided. It sedimentation. Sought 4.5 Submission Delete Provision Rule - Rule Oppose. Reasons Prohibited ability activity status is considered to apply for resource such an approach. consent. totally inappropriate No justification is found Section 32 Report does not adequately need for it. It is simply not justified as it completely by any analysis removes in the Objectives assess this approach of actual or potential the and Policies or establish effects a on the environment. Irrespective of this issue, the rule is completely discharges that circumstances. are How temporary is the or absolute result nature in respect to minor traces of contaminants There are also inconsistency subject a number results to Schedule Uncertainties references revolve to 'water' from of from of the that and there Again there maintenance rule entering inconsistencies the fact going works to water from and be monitored for exceptional and enforced land? uncertainties is provision is no provision in for some the rule. The discharges main that are 16. How does this rule relate to that schedule? around the definition in different context of the surface area need to be before Submission impractical. environmental on Plan Change 6A contexts. effects being of 'ponding', These must addressed. it can be determined 'conduit be to water' defined For example, that there and how is ponding? and the various explained large in the does the How long must water sit before contain water? it becomes a pond? Is there a discharge to water if the conduit does not Decision Soug ht That this around rule the be amended various terms exceptional circumstances, maintenance work. 4.6 Submission Provision - Rule Oppose to used discretionary within it. activity Provision temporary status must discharges, with also or clarification/definition be made for discharges emergencies, associated with in part. Reasons This rule is completely when the rainfall point source or not event that before Decision farm complies The farmer first need with the water must ability this to determine measure (i.e. again no reasonable be in nephelometric turbidity a non- mixing units. zone). How or time to carry out such work to determine many whether rule? Sought Delete this rule or amend made for reasonable 4.7 Provision Submission Oppose it enters measurement will have the technical their and unworkable. has ceased (not is clear as it may seem) and then discharge Furthermore, farmers impractical it so that that the standard mixing and that compliance applies after discharge with provision is easy to determine. - Rule in part. Reasons Again this rule discharge How does not make is to be measured. does Clarification this relate to provision for Clarification the is also required reasonable is required characteristics around the of rules any mixing and it is not clear where for the 12 hour timeframe given relationship catchment with other or rainfall rules that the selected. event prohibit discharges. Decision Amend Sought rule to provide address variability Submission for reasonable between catchments on Plan Change 6A mixing and revisit and events. science behind the timeframe to 4.8 Submission Provision - Rule Oppose. Reasons This approach individual does not provide properties. catchment basis. perspective This Nitrogen would while ensuring required should the with be tested Councils Decision Amend the Rule. by this approach loading either at a catchment levels should allow individuals adverse effects We also have some concerns compliance any flexibility to better are avoided, based level or within be determined manage their remedied and managed land from It is likely that most farmers will is provided within on the ground rather than modelled. an economic or mitigated. over the use of OVERSEER as the mechanism and no guidance on a for determining not be familiar the Rule itself. with what is Compliance This may have legal implication for approach. Sought rule so that a more legally correct 4.9 Submission Provision it addresses compliance the issue from catchment perspective and provides test. - Rule Support. Reasons The proposed This needs Decision rule is supported but parts of other rules may make this a prohibited activity. clarified. Sought Clarify what rules apply to this activity 4.10 Provision Submission and the status of the activity. - Rule Oppose in part. Reasons It is not Decision clear how the limits chosen Sought Submission on Plan Change 6A in Schedule 16 are related to environmental effects. Provide sound scientific 4.11 Submission Provision Oppose reasoning for limits in Schedule 16. - Rule in part. Reasons It is not clear Decision how the limits chosen in Schedule 16 are related to environmental effects. Sought Provide sound scientific 4.12 Provision Submission Oppose reasoning for limits in Schedule 16. - Rule in part. Reasons There is an assumption that the Schedule 16 limits are appropriate can be met in all cases. This is not necessarily the Act such as social and economic considered when Decision non-compliance wellbeing with the and the efficient limits in all cases and that they other relevant factors use of resources under must be is assessed. Sought Amend rule by deleting (b) and adding when assessing an application, 4.13 so and therefore Provision - Rule a wider in particular range of factors social and economic that Council can consider factors. 13.5A Submission Oppose. Reasons Prohibited ability activity status is considered to apply for resource such an approach. consent. totally inappropriate No justification is found Section 32 Report does not adequately need for it. It is simply not justified as it completely by any analysis removes in the Objectives assess this approach of actual or potential the and Policies or establish effects a on the environment. Furthermore the Act the rule is completely includes restriction Submission on this. an intermittently Hence any on Plan Change 6A flow impractical flowing channels and unworkable. body of of a small fresh stream The definition water of river and that of river contains may carry in no size water 10 - under heavy rain fall events (or perhaps crossing such land environmental Decision is totally even Thalwegs) impractical and does relate as a river. To stop stock to any significant adverse effect. Soug ht That this rule be amended to discretionary and from small 4.14 are defined not streams Provision excluded - Schedule the activity status with ephemeral beds, thalwegs rule. 15 Submission Oppose. Reasons These water that would reflect quality targets be found across scientific Furthermore practice for were selected catchment. 'state of and do not reflect As a consequence the environment' the this natural approach monitoring of variation does this not nature. on why the limits and target dates or why they are even required. Sought Delete schedule 4.15 a river restrictive the policy suite does not give any guidance for compliance Decision are overly Provision or identify - Schedule more practical and justifiable limits. 16 Submission Oppose Reasons Again, the discharge there is no policy noted in this discharge' limits suite submission, mixing do not consider approach. the we with. It would consents while steps of allowing where are other are provide provided for reasonable to apply mixing No justification as to what the taken to reach effects or impacts on Plan Change 6A limits are applied. 'prior restrictive and As previously to the as a mitigation point of method. for in the Act (and in the both NPS and RPS). We that the discharge. to be unnecessarily and how they for the or necessary. uncertain appear Sought Submission the limits the provision this appropriate complied circumstances rules is specifically Furthermore 16 are considered supports and have removed Reasonable Decision in Schedule that proposed the the has been provided process regime standards. might outweigh is if the only There Schedules provides is no for this are not for temporary recognition the actual or potential of effects schedule Submission or identify more practical on Plan Change 6A and justifiable limits. SUBMISSION FORM (Print clearly on both sides) kOTAGO REGIONALCOUNCIL Regional Proposed Council Plan Change 6A (Water Quality) to the Regional Plan: Water for Otago li Form5, Clause 6 of theFirstSchedule, Resource Management Act 1991. Name of submitter: ~(~ 8 ') NE l wish4&rnot<sh aqq E ÉÛ Office useonly (circle preference) to be heard in support of my submission. Organisation (ifapplicable): If others make a similar submission, I will /wi¬ consider presenting jointly with them at a hearing (circle preference). Postal address: Signature: (of submitter, or person authorised to sign on behalf of person making submission). Postcode: Trade competitor's declaration ~if'applicable) Telephone: i couldgainthroughtrad~;ompetitionfroma submission, but my submission is lim/ t ~ to addressing environmental effects directly impactinJdny business Fax: Ernail: Siggature: // Note that all submissions are made available for public inspection. Send to: Freepost Otago SUBMISSIONS WEDNESDAY MUST BE RECEIVED 2 MAY 2012. BY 5.00 PM, ORC 1722 Regional Council Private Bag 1954 Dunedin 9054 Pleaseturn over IN RESPECT OF OTAGO REGIONAL COUNCIL PLAN interests within CHANGE 6A Introduction 1. The submitter has farming impacted by proposed on financially on competition these through General 2. 2.1 Provision and other Plan interests, business Change the this submission. 6A. While the submitter could All farmers would the Otago proposed not gain changes an be subject Region that will advantage are impact in trade to the same controls. Submission - Plan Change as a whole. Submission Oppose Reasons The submitter managed agrees that water carefully. However, quality is important the Otago Regional to the community Council hand to this issue. Time and time again dairy farmers supposed types infractions have exceeding dairy been their farmers of the ORC water ignored. The same waste water discharge are relatively plan while ("ORC") consents. with has not applied have been singled similar infractions can be said regarding compliant and that it should local water an even out by the ORC for from other authorities And this has occurred the existing be despite quality farming repeatedly the fact that controls (See ORC media release Friday, 27 April 2012). Now farmers are faced with a Plan Change that above all else. There appears required Act. Management The narrow virtually present with No allowance are with other a significant policy the for farmers has been They Policy to know made for based on their effects reasonable of the Freshwater by the fact that and are uncertain under whether mixing of people the purpose Many of them at any given time one is (RPS). a framework Overall there matters Statement: compounded challenge. establish objectives and social wellbeing National suite is further compliance provisions. in the plan have been removed. assess discharges rules inconsistent focus of Plan Changes impossible contained the economic quality the wider the Pan Change does not achieve 2011 (NPS) and the Otago Regional Policy Station rules proposed inconsistent not. As a consequence It is also considered to place water to be very little scope for considering to address under the Act, in particular and communities. appears they the which be are compliant or qualifiers As a result, and it will currently does not appear to be any ability on the environment. the many to of these unlawful. Hence the Plan Change as a whole 32 report Submission has failed to: on Plan Change 6A does not comply with Section 32 of the Act. The section (a) Adequately way Establish (b) evaluate to achieve the whether each objective purpose the and consider of the Policies whether it is the most appropriate Act; and Rules are the most efficient and effective way to achieve the Objectives. Decision Sought That the Plan Change in its entirety sought on the following 3. Objectives 3.1 Provision specific is withdrawn provisions and the status quo remains OR the relief is provided. and Policies - Objectives Submission Oppose in part Reasons The objectives are too narrowly be considered under must be considered water' quality account Decision Amend addressing to present water quality and do not provide and human water difficulties for the other use values quality matters issues. Furthermore in assessing that must are not the only values the phrase applications. that 'good It fails to take into that exists in the region now. Sought the existing and give effect objectives or add further objectives to the NPS and RPS. In particular, some discharges 3.2 when is likely the variable focused the Act. Natural to water Provision support that achieve the objectives the community's the purpose must social and economic of the Act acknowledge that wellbeing. - Policy 7.B.1 Submission Oppose Reasons Again this policy does not enable the appropriate management values. Act. The uncertainty. noticeable the of water The purpose Submission quality. "avoidance" Act does not of refer As it stands, positive of the effect It places 'natural "noticeable to effects" "noticeable a noticeable Act. on Plan Change 6A of other and human does effects" adverse must be avoided. balancing effect not and that use values' reflect its values and uses in the use the above requirements here is less than creates minor This does not assist the community all other of the significant or even in achieving a Decision Sought Amend Policy reference to wording 7.B.1 so that remediation it takes and into account mitigation the methods; full and spectrum of values; uses terms consistent include with the of the Act, the NPS and the RPS. 3.3 Provision - Policy 7.D.1 Submission Oppose. Reasons This policy is confusing a consequence establishing Decision as it appears it implies to apply before that the usual approach a reasonable the discharge has actually (and one that is anticipated occurred. As by the Act) of mixing zone will no longer occur. Sought 3.4 Delete Policy Provision - Policy 7.D.2 Submission Oppose. Reasons This policy appears resource consents This to fails to suggest will recognise not complying that on its merits under II. human March Decision that after may take Furthermore into it is not the scientific identified that be circumstances the benefits. account clear period' for discharges well 16 outweigh and use values or what the 'limited be obtainable there with Schedule application Part longer how where Council the full range the limits in Schedule may breach the costs is required of factors in Schedule basis for differentiating that or may 16. effects to consider 16 relate between 16 no Schedule of each be relevant to natural or pre and post 31 2012 discharges. Sought (a) Amend Policy 7.D.2 to enable the consenting practices or infrastructure practicable discharge (b) Identify human Submission option to achieve is consistent the and minimise relationship use values. on Plan Change 6A the Schedule with the purpose between the of discharges effects of the where discharge; 16 is being utilised; where land management where the best the granting the of the Act. limits in Schedule 16 (if retained) and the 3.5 Provision - Policy 7.D.3 Submission Support in part. Reasons Technological developments consents to be sought. 16 limits should Decision Sought not and innovations However be limited the ability to these should to grant resource SubmissionProvision 4.1 consents resource that exceed schedule of discharges that exceed Schedule 16 to of this policy. See 3.4 above. RULES AND 4. by allowing circumstances. Ensure policy suite does not limit the consenting the circumstances be encouraged SCHEDULES - Rule Oppose. Reasons Prohibited ability activity status is considered to apply for resource such an approach. consent. totally inappropriate No justification Section 32 Report does not adequately need for it. It is simply not justified as it completely is found by any analysis removes in the Objectives assess this approach of actual or potential the and Policies or establish effects a on the environment. The rule no longer objectionable rule no provision is therefore A further problem circumstances, inconsistent with the with the that a discharge It also applies is made temporary is inconsistent Decision the qualifier or conspicuous. consequence The contains for with rule provisions the is that discharges prior reasonable Act, the it does of section to the mixing not the the RPS. provide associated 107 of the point within NPS and or discharges no longer for has to be offensive, of discharge receiving emergencies, with maintenance and as a environment. exceptional work. This Act. Sought Delete the Rule or amend it to discretionary the level of contamination and which 4.2 Provision Submission Submission - Rule on Plan Change 6A provides activity status that includes for reasonable mixing. the qualifiers as to Oppose Reasons Prohibited ability activity status to apply for resource such an approach. environment. activity consent. is still prohibited objectionable is found by any analysis with criteria as it completely removes in the Objectives assess this approach of actual or potential (i) to (iv) may potentially the and Policies or establish a effects on the be minor but the by this rule. contains the qualifier or conspicuous. receiving inappropriate No justification not justified The degree of conflict The rule no longer totally Section 32 Report does not adequately need for it. It is simply the is considered environment. that a discharge no longer Nor does it make any allowance The rule is therefore inconsistent has to be offensive, for reasonable with the Act, mixing the within NPS and the RPS. A further problem circumstances, the temporary is inconsistent Decision with with the rule is that discharges provisions it does not or discharges of section provide for associated 107 of the emergencies, with exceptional maintenance work. This Act. Sought Delete the Rule or amend it to discretionary the level of contamination and which 4.3 Submission Provision activity provides status that for reasonable includes the qualifiers as to mixing. - Rule Oppose Reasons Prohibited ability activity status is considered to apply for resource such an approach. consent. totally inappropriate No justification is found Section 32 Report does not adequately need for it. It is simply not justified as it completely by any analysis removes in the Objectives assess this approach of actual or potential the and Policies or establish effects a on the environment. A further problem circumstances, Delete the temporary is inconsistent Decision with with the rule is that discharges provisions it does or discharges of section not provide associated 107 of the for emergencies, with maintenance Act. Sought Rule or amend to discretionary exceptional circumstances, maintenance as permitted Submission temporary activities. on Plan Change 6A activity status and provide discharges or discharges for emergencies, associated with exceptional work. This 4.4 Submission Provision - Rule Oppose Reasons Prohibited ability activity status is considered to apply for resource such an approach. consent. totally inappropriate No justification is found Section 32 Report does not adequately need for it. It is simply not justified as it completely by any analysis removes in the Objectives assess this approach of actual or potential the and Policies or establish effects a on the environment. Irrespective of this issue, the rule is completely discharges that circumstances. is also are There uncertain Decision temporary are what or numerous steps need result impractical. from situations where to be taken Again there maintenance sediment to 'avoid' is no provision works runoff and cannot for exceptional be avoided. It sedimentation. Sought 4.5 Submission Delete Provision Rule - Rule Oppose. Reasons Prohibited ability activity status is considered to apply for resource such an approach. consent. totally inappropriate No justification is found Section 32 Report does not adequately need for it. It is simply not justified as it completely by any analysis removes in the Objectives assess this approach of actual or potential the and Policies or establish effects a on the environment. Irrespective of this issue, the rule is completely discharges that circumstances. are How temporary is the or absolute result nature in respect to minor traces of contaminants There are also inconsistency subject a number results to Schedule Uncertainties references revolve to 'water' from of of the that rule and there Again there maintenance entering inconsistencies the fact going water to from and be monitored for exceptional and enforced land? uncertainties is provision is no provision works in for some the rule. The discharges main that are 16. How does this rule relate to that schedule? around the definition in different context of the environmental surface area need to be before Submission impractical. from on Plan Change 6A contexts. effects being of 'ponding', These must addressed. it can be determined 'conduit be to water' defined For example, that there and how is ponding? and the various explained large in the does the How long must water sit before contain it becomes a pond? Is there a discharge to water if the conduit does not water? Decision Sought That this around rule the be amended various terms exceptional circumstances, maintenance work. 4.6 Submission Provision - Rule Oppose to used discretionary within it. activity Provision temporary status must discharges, with also or be clarification/definition made for discharges emergencies, associated with in part. Reasons This rule is completely when the rainfall point source that before it enters measurement will have the technical or not their farm and unworkable. The farmer first need has ceased (not is clear as it may seem) and then discharge Furthermore, farmers impractical event complies must ability with the water this to determine measure (i.e. again no reasonable be in nephelometric turbidity a non- mixing units. zone). How or time to carry out such work to determine many whether rule? Decision Sought Delete this rule or amend made for reasonable 4.7 Provision Submission Oppose it so that that the standard mixing and that compliance provision for applies after discharge is easy with provision to determine. - Rule in part. Reasons Again this rule discharge How does not make is to be measured. does Clarification this relate to is also required Clarification the reasonable is required characteristics around the of rules any mixing and it is not clear where for the 12 hour timeframe given relationship catchment with other or rainfall rules that the selected. event prohibit discharges. Decision Amend Sought rule to provide address variability Submission for reasonable between catchments on Plan Change 6A mixing and revisit and events. science behind the timeframe to 4.8 Provision Submission - Rule Oppose. Reasons This approach individual does not provide properties. catchment basis. perspective This Nitrogen would while ensuring required should the with be tested Councils Decision Amend either at a catchment levels should individuals adverse effects the Rule. by this approach loading allow We also have some concerns compliance any flexibility to better are avoided, based level or within be determined manage their remedied and managed land from or mitigated. over the use of OVERSEER as the mechanism It is likely that most farmers will and no guidance is provided within on the ground rather than modelled. on a an economic for determining not be familiar with the Rule itself. what is Compliance This may have legal implication for approach. Sought rule so that a more legally correct 4.9 Submission Provision it addresses compliance the issue from catchment perspective rules may this and provides test. - Rule Support. Reasons The proposed This needs Decision rule but parts of other make a prohibited activity. Sought Clarify what rules apply to this activity 4.10 Provision Submission Oppose is supported clarified. and the status of the activity. - Rule in part. Reasons It is not Decision clear how the limits chosen Sought Submission on Plan Change 6A in Schedule 16 are related to environmental effects. Provide sound scientific 4.11 Submission Provision Oppose reasoning for limits in Schedule 16. - Rule in part. Reasons It is not clear how the limits chosen in Schedule 16 are related to environmental effects. Decision Sought Provide sound scientific 4.12 Submission Provision Oppose reasoning for limits in Schedule 16. - Rule in part. Reasons There is an assumption that the Schedule 16 limits are appropriate can be met in all cases. This is not necessarily the Act such as social and economic considered when Decision non-compliance wellbeing with the other and the efficient limits relevant factors use of resources under must be is assessed. Sought Amend rule by deleting (b) and adding when assessing an application, 4.13 so and therefore in all cases and that they Provision - Rule a wider in particular range of factors social and economic that Council can consider factors. 13.5A Submission Oppose. Reasons Prohibited ability activity status is considered to apply for resource such an approach. consent. totally inappropriate No justification Section 32 Report does not adequately need for it. It is simply not justified as it completely is found by any analysis removes in the Objectives assess this approach of actual or potential the and Policies or establish effects a on the environment. Furthermore the Act the rule is completely includes restriction Submission on this. an intermittently Hence any on Plan Change 6A flow impractical flowing channels and unworkable. body of fresh of a small stream The definition water of river and that of river contains may carry in no size water 10 - under heavy rain fall events crossing such land environmental Decision (or perhaps is totally even Thalwegs) impractical and does relate as a river. To stop stock to any significant adverse effect. Sought That this rule be amended to discretionary and from small 4.14 are defined not streams Provision excluded - Schedule the activity status with ephemeral beds, thalwegs rule. 15 Submission Oppose. Reasons These water that would reflect quality targets be found across scientific Furthermore for catchment. 'state of and do not reflect As a consequence the environment' were selected the this natural approach monitoring of on why the limits variation does this not nature. and target dates or why they are even required. Sought Delete schedule 4.15 a river practice restrictive the policy suite does not give any guidance for compliance Decision are overly Provision or identify - Schedule more practical and justifiable limits. 16 Submission Oppose Reasons Again, the discharge limits there is no policy noted in this submission, discharge' not mixing consider approach. this the or with. It would steps are other are appear for the necessary. to apply mixing No justification as to what the to reach effects or impacts on Plan Change 6A limits restrictive are applied. 'prior and As previously to the as a mitigation point of method. for in the Act (and in the both NPS and RPS). We that the discharge. to be unnecessarily and how they for reasonable taken Sought Submission provided uncertain while where provide the provision we complied of allowing rules the limits appropriate Furthermore circumstances 16 are considered supports is specifically consents Decision in Schedule that and have removed Reasonable do suite proposed the the has process regime standards. might outweigh been is if the only There provided for this Schedules are not provides is no for temporary recognition the actual or potential of effects schedule Submission or identify more practical on Plan Change 6A and justifiable limits. 6) w SUBMISSION Otago O. FORM (Printdearly on both sides} Proposed Plan Change 6A (Water Quality) to the Regional Plan: Water for Otago Council I Form 5, Clause 6 of the First Schedule, Resource Management Act 199 f Name of submitter: wish do noott wish (circle preference) to be heard in support of my submission. Organisation If others make a similar submission, (if applicable): will / 'll not consider presenting jointly with them at a hearin) (arcle preference). I-I--I u1 W v 1-1 Postal address: (of Signature: submitter, ~or personauthotised --~~__ to signon _ behalf Date: of-' ~_--/I~--@--~I"person making submission). Postcode: Trade competítor's (if applicable} I could gain through trade competition Telephone: from a submission, but my submission is limited to addressing environmental CO 03 e-4 dedaration effects directly impacting my business Fax: _gZ f3 ve 7 ~r O Signature: co Co Note that all submissions are made available for public inspection. C~ e-i Q N LD Send to: Freepost ORC 1722 Otago Regional Council SUBMISSIONS WEDNESDAY MUST BE RECEIVED 2 MAY 2012. BY 5.00 PM, Private Bag 1954 Dunedin 9054 Phasetum aver i l 2 State what your <I [L submission relates to arid if you support, oppose want it amended E.g. amend rule y _ State what decision you.want the amendrufe 'y' to Otago 3 Give reasons for the decision you want made Regional Council to make or E.g. I want wfe 'y' amendedbecause„. / _lrroene( Rstpq:eseet ~.~ wse6ah .n. M »6« U1meM9 w?h ?«>~ zgech.AMot ]Sa4 ~ oe~h ~ e AlothetgymcA ~cemditdam<a o~~ ~.~_. ~,:. : : ANfcockh3 whek.~eså "-i-i w m 6) .._omí Àh angmeload eeetalLiya sfamepyd.mank W ID **na ~J--h 4&n r~e,,~s somm /~ ~om>L ,L-=~,,~,c~ !heé-M zgod/ / 6 M 377 N r-i N LO Q N Q 3q-¢