June 2016 - Edgmond Parish Council
June 2016 - Edgmond Parish Council
THE PARISH MAGAZINE OF ST PETER’S, EDGMOND WITH ST CHAD’S, KYNNERSLEY AND ST LAWRENCE PRESTON WEALD MOORS including VILLAGE NEWS JUNE 2016 Visit us at www.stpeterschurchedgmond.org and www.edgmondparishcouncil.co.uk 1 RECTOR (usual day off: Monday) The Revd Prebendary Edward Ward, Edgmond Rectory 820217 RESIDENT MINISTER (part time; usual day off: Saturday) The Revd David Stokes-Harrison, Tibberton Rectory 551117 LICENSED READER Paul Benton 603071 CHURCHWARDENS John Ingram, Lovatt Cottage, 5 Turners Lane, Edgmond Chris Taylor, Provost’s House, High Street, Edgmond 810337 810880 PCC SECRETARY Jane Gill 811201 TREASURER AND STEWARDSHIP RECORDER Rodney Bunyan 810957 ORGANIST AND CHOIRMASTER Dr Colin Brown 550164 TOWER CAPTAIN and RINGING MASTER Edric Broom 825851 TOWER SECRETARY Paul Lewis 820135 PUBLICITY c/o Penny Westgate 812920 MOTHERS’ UNION Margaret Matthews 825976 MAGAZINE EDITOR Sara Taylor, Provost’s House, Edgmond, TF10 8JY Email: [email protected] 810880 MAGAZINE ADVERTISING Chris Taylor, Provost’s House, Edgmond, TF10 8JY Email: [email protected] 810880 MAGAZINE DISTRIBUTION Penny Hughes 07964 030621 2 Dear Friends, When I was a curate my vicar attended a course for Training Incumbents at St George’s, Windsor. When he returned I remember him telling us that the then Dean of Windsor informed them he felt completely drained after spending a weekend with the Queen and Prince Philip, because they had read all the latest theological works and wanted his opinion on the authors. And they wanted his opinion on who was an up-and-coming clergyman, and what he thought of so-and-so. The Dean said that he often felt the need of a holiday to recover from these weekends! We do not somehow imagine the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh reading theological books, but according to the Dean of Windsor they do because she takes her duties as Supreme Governor of the Church of England very seriously, and her faith is important to her. When she is at Sandringham she attends the church, not because she has to, but because she wants to. And she arrives just before the service begins, enters by a side door and sits in a side pew, (not in the royal pew in the front) because she doesn’t want to disturb the service. She is there as a parishioner and worshipper. The Queen has looked in two directions for almost the whole of her life: upwards towards God and outwards towards her people. At her Coronation every part of the service emphasised that she was committing herself to serving her people as a servant of God. Whilst surrounded by a priceless array of jewels, she was presented with an object described as “the most valuable thing that this world affords” - which was the Holy Bible. This book shows us what God is really like. It reveals his love to us in what his son Jesus accomplished for us, and it teaches us how we should live our lives and show his love to others in a life of service. The most sacred moment of the Coronation is not the actual crowning, but is when the Archbishop anoints the monarch with holy oil showing that the Queen or King is being set apart, not to be served, but to serve and love all their people. And I believe that it was this moment which convinced her both of her vocation and of God’s power to help her live it. There is much more to Queen Elizabeth than her faith in Jesus, but we cannot understand her without understanding her devotion to him, for it shapes everything she does or says. As Jeremy Paxton has said, her religious beliefs are “quietly held and are authentic and wellknown”. In a broadcast before her Coronation she asked the people to “Pray that God may give me wisdom and strength to carry out the solemn promises I shall be making, and that I may faithfully serve him and you, all the days of my life”. As we celebrate her 90th birthday this year it is clear that God has answered those prayers. And for that we give thanks both to God and to Her Majesty. May God bless you. Your Priest and Friend, Edward Ward 3 DATE Thursday 2nd SUNDAY 5th Trinity 2 Thursday 9th SUNDAY 12th Trinity 3 Thursday 16th SUNDAY 19th Trinity 4 Thursday 23rd Friday 24th St John the Baptist SUNDAY 26th Trinity 5 Wednesday 29th St Peter Thursday 30th EDGMOND 9.30 am Holy Communion 7.45 am Holy Communion 10.30 am Family Communion 9.30 am Holy Communion 7.45 am Holy Communion 10.30 am Sung Eucharist 6.30 pm Healing Service 9.30 am Holy Communion 8.30 pm Compline 7.45 am Holy Communion 10.30 am Family Communion 3.30 pm Holy Communion 9.30 am Holy Communion 9.30 am Holy Communion PATRONAL FESTIVAL 7.45 am Holy Communion 10.30 am Sung Eucharist 3.30 pm The Clypping 9.30 am Holy Communion 9.30 am Holy Communion KYNNERSLEY SERVICES IN THE JUNE PRESTON 9.00 am Holy Communion 10.30 am Holy Communion 10.15 am Family Service 9.00 am Holy Communion 10.30 am Family Service 4 9.00 am Holy Communion SIX PARISHES 2016 DATE Thursday 2nd SUNDAY 5th Trinity 2 TIBBERTON GREAT BOLAS WATERS UPTON 10.30 am Family Service 10.30 am Morning Prayer 9.15 am Holy Communion 9.00 am Holy Communion 10.30 am Holy Communion 9.15 am Said Communion 6.30 pm Evening Prayer 10.30 am Holy Communion 9.15 am Holy Communion 9.00 am Holy Communion PATRONAL FESTIVAL 10.30 am Holy Communion 9.15 am Holy Communion Thursday 9th SUNDAY 12th Trinity 3 Thursday 16th SUNDAY 19th Trinity 4 Thursday 23rd Friday 24th St John the Baptist SUNDAY 26th Trinity 5 Wednesday 29th St Peter Thursday 30th 5 FROM THE REGISTERS HOLY BAPTISM 10th April at St Peter’s, Edgmond – Lily Jayne, daughter of Chrystal Stanley and Michael Stevens. 1st May at St Peter’s, Edgmond – Evelyn Laurie, daughter of Rebecca Passey and Nathan Mahn. FUNERALS 9th April at St Michael’s, Waters Upton – George Mullard, of Moorbank Farm. The service was followed by interment in the churchyard. 13th April at St Michael’s, Waters Upton – Martin McClusker of Styche Lane. The service was followed by interment in the churchyard. 21st April at St Michael & All Angels, Tettenhall, Wolverhampton – Norman Griffin. The service was followed by cremation at Bushbury. 3rd May at St Peter’s, Edgmond – Gordon Murray. The service was followed by interment in the churchyard. CREMATIONS 4th April at Emstrey Crematorium – Beryl Roberts, of Hatton Court Nursing Home. 12th April at Emstrey Crematorium – Joyce Wilton, late of Tibberton. 3rd May at Emstrey Crematorium – Marion Adam. BURIAL OF ASHES 29th April at All Saints, Tibberton – Graham Evans. CHURCHWARDENS All the Easter Vestry Meetings have been held and the following have been elected Churchwardens. EDGMOND: Mr Christopher Taylor and Mr John Ingram. PRESTON: Mr David Brown and Dr Tim Goode. KYNNERSLEY: No one put their names forward to be elected. We would like to thank all those Churchwardens and members of the Church Councils who have decided to retire, for all their hard work often done behind the scenes, and for their support and faithfulness. 6 FROM THE EDITOR On our cover this month are photos of last year’s Clypping Service at St Peter’s, Edgmond. This ancient tradition takes place every year on our Patronal Festival – St Peter’s Day or an adjacent Sunday – and it is the high point of a weekend of festivities for the church and the village. All residents of Edgmond, together with their friends and relatives, are invited to come along to St Peter’s to “clyp” (clasp, encircle) the church building and invoke blessings upon the village for the coming year. A good turnout is needed to ensure that with everyone standing hand in hand around the church, the clypping is completed successfully and the tradition is kept alive, so do come on Sunday 26th June at 3.30 pm. See you there! The next edition of the Parish Magazine and Village News will cover the month of July 2016 and the deadline for contributions is Sunday, 5th June. I would be very grateful if you can deliver your contributions in good time to me at the address on the inside front cover – or you can email them to me at [email protected]. And I’m always delighted to receive your photos (preferably by email) not just for the front cover, but also to illustrate your articles and contributions inside. Don’t forget that you can also read this magazine online on both the village and church websites (addresses on the front cover). ADVANCE NOTICE - THE CLYPPING SERVICE Please note that this year the Clypping Service – the service unique to Edgmond - will take place on Sunday June 26 th at 3 pm, the Sunday before our Patronal Day (June 29th). As you all probably know, the Clypping should take place either on the Patronal Festival day or else on the Sunday within the octave of the Patronal. However this year the Rector will be away on July 3rd attending a family event, so we will be holding the Clypping on June 26th. This special and unique service is for the whole community, not just the church congregation. On this occasion St Peter’s is acting as caretaker of the village’s ancient traditions. We hope that we will be able to complete the circle round the church as has been done for the past 1000 years, if not more. 7 MUSIC SHARE - TUESDAY JUNE 21st Our three Church Schools (St Peter’s, St Lawrence’s, and All Saints) are all involved with Music Share this month. This is a music event organised by the Cathedral when members of the Cathedral Choir go out to schools and hold a music day in a group of church schools, teaching them various styles of singing etc. It is part of the Cathedral’s outreach to the Diocese. Members of the Cathedral Choir will sing Evensong, and then the children will put on a concert in which they will perform what they have been practising. Parents, Governors, and members of the congregations are warmly invited to attend the concert in St Peter’s Church, Edgmond, which should commence at approximately 5.30 pm and finish at 6.30 pm. We are very grateful to Cathy Lamb and her team for agreeing to come and arrange all this for our three schools. THE QUEEN’S 90TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS On Sunday June 12th there will be a shortened 10.30 am service at St Peter’s, Edgmond to celebrate the Queen’s 90th Birthday, followed by a Bring–and-Share Lunch which will follow the service as soon as possible. Bellringers throughout the country will ring bells to mark the Queen’s Birthday on Sunday afternoon, so as soon as they can after the lunch, our Edgmond Bellringers will ring St Peter’s church bells. Everyone is warmly invited to come to the church service at 10.30 am and also to the Bring-and Share lunch in the church. If you would like to attend and to provide some refreshment, please write your name against the item of food you are providing on the list in the church. COFFEE AND CHAT The next Thursday Coffee Morning at St Peter’s Church, Edgmond will be on Thursday, June 16th following the 9.30 am Holy Communion Service. You don’t have to attend the service to be able to have a cup of coffee. Just turn up at the church at about 10.00 am or thereabouts, and join us for coffee (or tea) and a chat. We shall look forward to seeing you. 8 RECTOR’S 25TH ANNIVERSARY We’ve discovered, thanks to the Archdeacon, that this year will be the 25 th anniversary of the Rector’s Induction as our Rector. It was on November 6th 1991 at St Peter’s that Edward was inducted as Rector of Edgmond, Kynnersley and Preston upon the Wealdmoors. It is rather rare these days to find a Parish Priest who has stayed so long in one parish or group of parishes, so let’s organise a celebration. HEALING SERVICE Just to remind you all that the next monthly Healing Service at St Peter’s, Edgmond will be held on 12th June at 6.30 pm. VILLAGE CUSTOMS Two more ancient customs of Edgmond were able to take place this year. On Rogation Sunday (Fifth Sunday of Easter) the Rogation procession took place as part of the 10.30 am service and, following the centuries-old tradition, both prayers and God’s blessing were pronounced upon the recently sown seeds, the growing plants, all animals, and the land and community. On Ascension Day a small group climbed the church tower after the early morning service to sing hymns at the top of the tower in honour of the ascension of Jesus. St Peter’s is one of the few churches to continue this tradition. The next meeting will be on Thursday 9th June at 2.15 pm in St Peter’s Church, Edgmond, when we will celebrate the Queen’s 90th Birthday with tea and cake. Everyone is welcome. For further information and/or help with transport please contact Margaret Matthews on 825976. 9 ST PETER’S CHURCH, EDGMOND SUNDAY SERVICES 7.45 am Holy Communion 10.30 am Morning Service (as announced) 6.30 pm Healing Service (2nd Sundays) 10.30 am SUNDAY SERVICES AND BIBLE READINGS JUNE 2016 June 5th Trinity 2 June 12th Trinity 3 June 19th Trinity 4 June 26th PATRONAL FESTIVAL Family Communion Gospel: Sung Eucharist O T Lesson: Epistle: Gospel: Family Communion Gospel: Sung Eucharist N T Lesson: Epistle: Gospel: Luke 7: 11-17 1 Kings 21: 1-10, 15-21a Galatians 2: 15-21 Luke 7:36 – 8:3 Luke 8: 26-39 Acts 12: 1-11 1 Peter 2: 19-end Matthew 16: 13-19 THE FRIENDS OF ST PETER’S CHURCH EDGMOND The Friends of St Peter’s committee would like to thank Anne Furniss for her generosity in opening her woods for snowdrop walks and bluebell walks with tea/coffee and cake and donations to the Friends. It has been lovely for people to enjoy a spring walk and enjoy the hospitality in the Stables kitchen. The committee would also like to thank the Flower Guild for their very generous donation of £400 to the Friends. Past event We welcomed 34 children and their parents to the Children’s Workshop which took place on Good Friday 25th March. There was a variety of activities to engage the children including making cards, a banner and an Easter garden. We also made friendship bands, face masks, egg baskets, goggles and biscuits. We are grateful to all of the volunteers who helped with the registration, activities and refreshments; we would not be able to run this without you. 10 Friends of St Peter’s Church Annual General Meeting The Friends of St Peter’s Church Annual General Meeting will take place on Tuesday 21st June 2016 at 7.30 pm in the church – everyone is welcome to attend this meeting. Future events St Peter’s weekend - We will be running a “Come and Sing” on Saturday 25th June at St Peter’s Church from 11 am-1 pm; everyone is welcome. There will be a box in church through May and June to put your suggestions for hymns and anthems that you would like to sing. We will try to incorporate as many as possible. This will be followed by a light lunch. In the afternoon the church tower will be open from 2 pm4 pm for guided tours. The Clypping service will take place on Sunday 26 th June, and this will be followed by afternoon tea. Everyone is welcome to join us for any/all of these activities over St Peter’s weekend. Concerts – A number of concerts have been arranged for 2016 including the Beaumaris singers on the 12th November at 7 pm who will be singing music with a remembrance theme. The New College Chorale will return on the 27th November at 3 pm and will be singing Advent music. The Abraham Darby Academy clarinet choir and Saxophone ensemble are planning to give a concert for us and the date is to be confirmed. If you would like more information about the Friends of St Peter’s Church, or any of our events, please do not hesitate to contact us. Dr Julia Brown (Chair) 01952 550164 [email protected] Stephanie Egleston (Secretary) 01952 820457 [email protected] BELLRINGING FOR THE 90TH BIRTHDAY OF HM QUEEN ELIZABETH II The Peal arranged to celebrate the actual 90 th birthday of HM the Queen was successfully completed on Saturday 23rd April. The peal, of a method named ‘90th Birthday Surprise Major’, took 2 hours and 45 minutes to complete by the following local ringers – Kathryn Greaves, Chloe Darby, Gail Lawrence, Maurice Ingram, William Deason, Matthew Lawrence, Mark Adams, and Christopher Wulkau (Conductor). We also rang a Quarter Peal on the actual birthday, 21st April, with the following ringers – Bob Bradley, Paul Lewis, Biff Patterson, Kathryn Greaves, Edric Broom (Conductor) and Maurice Ingram. 11 As previously indicated in the April edition of Parish News, the official celebrations for the Queen’s birthday are on the weekend of 10-12 June and we intend to ring another peal in celebration. This will take place on the afternoon of Sunday 12 th June, starting at about 3 pm. This will follow on from the special service and ‘Bring and Share’ lunch which will take place in the church earlier in the day. Edric Broom Tower Captain St Peter’s Church, Edgmond Bellringing PEAL ATTEMPT Sunday 12 June 2016 From approx. 3 pm to approx. 6 pm On Sunday 12 June a band of local ringers plan to attempt a full peal of over 5000 changes. We plan to start at about 3 pm and if successful finish about 6 pm. The peal will be rung to mark the official 90th birthday celebrations of HM Queen Elizabeth. In order to avoid disturbance of the ringers’ concentration the church door will be locked during this attempt. We apologise for any inconvenience. Thank you. Edric Broom - Tel 825851 12 PARISH WARDEN’S REPORT From the village perspective, nothing of any major significance was reported to the Police during April. On 16th April a drunk male was reported as in the road by The Lamb – at 11.02 am! On 27th April a road sign from Ford was found outside The Lamb, and another sign found some 200 yards nearer to Newport, were recovered and returned to the Highways Department. Above information courtesy of “our” PCSO Andy Protheroe. John Keeping (813125) U3A NEWPORT (SHROPSHIRE) BRANCH The speaker for the April meeting of the Newport U3A was John Butterworth who gave a fascinating account of the history of the Lion Hotel, Shrewsbury. We heard some of the many famous people who had stayed at the hotel, including a local legend, “Mad Jack” Mytton who paid electors £10 each to vote for him. The exercise cost him over £10,000, at 1819 values but he only spent 30 minutes in the House of Commons and he ended up in debtors’ prison, dying at the age of 38. A more conventional Shrewsbury MP, Benjamin Disraeli, who used the hotel as his political base later went on to become Prime Minister. When In 1817 the Lion was up for sale it was recognised as one of the top hotels in the country and a significant and popular stop over on the stage coach network. The hotel benefitted from improvements in stage coach travel at this time; in 1730 the journey from London took 12 days compared with 16 hours in 1820. In the 1840s the stage coach was superseded by the railway, the last coaches were sold off and the hotel’s fortunes suffered something of a decline. Over the years the hotel has continued to attract a wide range of celebrities from all areas of public life and the entertainment industry. Charles Darwin started off on his world voyage from the Lion, Paganini performed in the hotel and Charles Dickens stayed on a number of occasions. Later guests included The Beatles, Morecambe & Wise and Cliff Richard and the hotel continues to attract performers visiting the town. Apparently the hotel also has at least five ghosts who put in appearances from time to time! – A visit will never seem quite the same! Tuesday 21 June 2016 - David Bartley returns with "An afternoon of Black Country poetry and banter". The venue for all meetings is the Royal British Legion Club, Audley Road, Newport. The meetings commence at 2 pm. Admission £1. With the exception of the AGM, visitors are always welcome. 13 NEWS FROM EDGMOND PARISH COUNCIL I expect that by now you will have heard that Gladman Developments is proposing a new residential development of approximately 85 homes on Land off Shrewsbury Road. If a formal planning application is made the Parish Council will again listen to all views on this proposal and make representations to the Local Authority on your behalf. The AGM was held on 9th May. The format of this meeting is the same each year: all Members read and signed their formal ‘Acceptance of Office’, the Chairman and Deputy Chairman were elected, membership of Committees was agreed, Standing Orders and Financial Regulations were agreed, bankers and auditors were agreed and a meeting schedule for 2016/2017 was also agreed. All this information is available on the website. Work progresses to get the new website up and running. The new transparency requirements mean that there are more documents to prepare and publish. The new Rights of Way partnership between Edgmond, Tibberton and Waters Upton Parishes means that we can plan work to maintain and improve our rights of way more effectively. Over time we hope that you will notice an improvement in the clearance of vegetation and the provision of replacement signs. The partnership will also include landowners and we thank them, in advance, for their support in this initiative. As usual at this time of year - we ask that you look at your boundary hedges, trees and shrubs and make sure that they are not overhanging the highway or our pavements and causing an obstruction. Finally - we are still concerned about the thoughtless few who do not clear up after their dogs. We know that most people are considerate and we thank everyone who does ‘pick up’ and bin their poo bags. PLEASE remember - not picking up and disposing of your dog’s poo is anti-social; it’s a health hazard and is just downright nasty. Edgmond Parish Council will, in the future, be participating in a special scheme to try to put a stop to this activity. PLEASE PICK UP AND DISPOSE OF YOUR DOG’S POO. Katrina Baker MBE The Oaklands, Waters Upton TELFORD, Shropshire, TF6 6NP 01952 541939 (home) 07813 788094 [email protected] 14 EDGMOND DEFIBRILLATOR - UPDATE Change of management At the first year review meeting John and Marion Keeping said that they wished to hand over the management of the defibrillator to a new committee. Suna Gibbs, Malcolm Lawrence and Richard Basley agreed to take over. Thank you very much to John and Marion for securing a vital amenity for the village and for their hard work and commitment during the first year of operation. The Defibrillator Sited at the village hall, the defibrillator is accessed via a 999 emergency call, and overseen by the West Midlands Ambulance Service. They instigate an automated call service to our volunteers when they are needed. Volunteers Thank you to all of the volunteers, especially those who have been called out, some on several occasions. We are very keen to hear from anyone who would be interested in volunteering to be trained or who would like further information. Suna Gibbs - Chair: [email protected] Malcolm Lawrence - Secretary: [email protected] Richard Basley - Volunteer Liaison: [email protected] EDGMOND VILLAGE HALL We hope building work on the new village hall extension will have started by the time you read this article and ground clearance and the digging of trenches should be underway. The construction of the building itself should start towards the end of the month and is scheduled for completion by the end of October. We would like to remind all village hall users that the area around the village hall is now a building site. Every effort will be made to make the site as safe as possible but we would ask that everyone take extra care when using the hall, car park and field at this time. 15 The Village Hall AGM will take place on Tuesday 14 th June at 7.30 pm. Please do come along if you would like to hear what we have been doing over the year or if you are interested in getting involved over the coming year. 200 Club The winning numbers from the April draw are: No 192 ………Won £10 No 66………….Won £10 No 196………..Won £5 No 81………….Won£5 No 23………….Won £5 No 43………….Won £5 Anyone wishing to join the 200 club please contact Denise Bishop on 01952 812850 ([email protected]) or Amanda Hill on 07879 476062. We have a few numbers left so please support us. The cost of joining is £10 per year paid on 1st January or £5 paid on 1st July and 1st January. For anyone paying their subscription by cash please note your second instalment of £5 is due by the 1st July. Forthcoming events Afternoon Teas are now running again every Thursday from 2.30 - 4.30 pm. Everyone is welcome to join us for tea, homemade cake and a good chat. If you would like to help on a Thursday afternoon, either in the kitchen, baking cakes or setting out tables please contact Anne Green on 01952 814312 or [email protected]. A Quiz Night will be held on Saturday 11th June. Please see posters for further details. There will be a Farmers Market selling locally sourced and handmade produce and crafts at the Village Hall on Sunday 3rd July starting at 11 am. Tables are £15.00 and booking forms are available from Anne Green or Denise Bishop. Entry is free. On Sunday 4th September we will be holding our Summer Fair and Fun Day starting at 11 am. Tables are available at £15 each. Please contact Anne or Denise for a booking form. We will be holding our Pamper night on 4th October and our Christmas Fair on 27 th November. Tables for both events are available from Anne or Denise. If you are interested in volunteering at any of these events, please do get in touch – any help is always very gratefully received. Likewise, if you would like to see an event we have not considered, please let us know. Further details of all events are available at www.edgmondvillagehall.org. 16 EDGMOND METHODIST CHAPEL Edgmond Methodist Chapel closed for worship, as you are most probably aware, on 8th May and it is now administered by Telford Methodist Circuit. The Circuit Leadership Team is considering, among other options, the possibility of the chapel building continuing to have a role within the Edgmond community. With this in mind, the Team plans to hold a meeting with interested residents at a later date. In the meantime, they would like to hear from anyone who would be willing to help in driving forward ideas for its use. The Rev’d James Whately can be contacted by email on [email protected] or by telephone on 01952 813959. ST CHAD’S CHURCH, KYNNERSLEY PCC Secretary: Mrs Georgina Edge 01952 670153 At our recent AGM it was decided to move to two services a month on the second and fourth Sundays. The second Sunday will be Holy Communion at 10.30 am and the fourth Sunday will be our Family Service, again at 10.30 am. We hope that as many people as possible will come along to these services and support our beautiful church. SERVICES in JUNE 2016 Sunday June 12 Epistle Trinity 3/Proper 6 (Green) Gospel 10.30 am – Holy Communion Sunday June 26th – Trinity 5/Proper 8 10.30 am – Family Service th Galatians 2: 15-end Luke 7:36 – 8:3 Maria Simpson Chris Blagden Judith McPherson Catherine Gregory Forthcoming events: Sunday 17th July, 2.30 – 5 pm – Queen’s Birthday Tea Party at Sydney House Farm. Fun and games for all the family. Sunday 25th September, 10.30 am – Harvest Festival. Saturday 1st October, 7 pm – Harvest Supper at the Village Hall. Saturday 26th November, 2.30 – 4.30 pm – Christmas Messy Church. Saturday 17th December – Carol singing around the village, meeting at the church at 4.30 pm. Sunday 18th December, 6 pm – Carols by candlelight. 17 KYNNERSLEY WI We had a wonderful evening in April with Lalage Bown, who kept us enthralled with her experience of working in Africa for over thirty years, and we enjoyed trying on clothes which she once wore. On 14th June we will welcome Kate Cadman, who will be demonstrating the making of porcelain flowers. You will be made very welcome if you wish to come along. New members are welcome. Visitors £4 – pay at the door. We meet in Kynnersley Village Hall on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7.30 pm. For further information, contact Pat on 603612 or Carole on 603291. KYNNERSLEY VILLAGE HALL POP UP CAFÉ The Kynnersley Pop Café opens its doors on the following dates: 5th June 3rd July 7th August Tea, coffee, soft drinks, cakes and bacon butties galore. KYNNERSLEY WINE WALK - Saturday, 2nd July 2016 This is a great event, combining exercise and wines from around the world – what more could you want? Visit local properties and experience wine and cuisine from 4 different countries. Tickets limited so book early (£12/ticket to include glass of wine at each venue and nibbles). Support your local Village Hall. Anybody wishing to host please contact Ruth Evans on 07867 526267 or [email protected]. 18 ST LAWRENCE’S CHURCH, PRESTON Churchwardens: Mr D Brown, The Conifers Dr T Goode, 32a Moorhead PCC Secretary: Mrs P Jones, The Rockery, Wheat Leasowes 676671 670242 603612 SERVICES IN JUNE 2016 Epistle Sunday June 5 Trinity 2 (Proper 5) Gospel Sidesman 9.00 am – Holy Communion Sunday June 12th – Trinity 3 (Proper 6) 10.15 am – Family Service Epistle Sunday June 19th Trinity 4 (Proper 7) Gospel Sidesman 9.00 am – Holy Communion Epistle Sunday June 26th Trinity 5 (Proper 8) Gospel Sidesman 9.00 am – Holy Communion th Galatians 1: 11-end Luke 7: 11-17 Dr T Goode Mrs A Smith Mrs B Vickers Galatians 3: 23-end Luke 8: 26-39 Mrs P Jones Dr D Nurse Mrs J Walters Mrs B Vickers Mr D Brown Dr D Nurse Galatians 5: 1, 13-25 Luke 9: 51-end CELEBRATION OF THE QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY We (the Church, the School and the Village) are holding a Celebration of the Queen’s Birthday on Sunday, 12th June 2016 from 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm at St Lawrence School. There will be tea and cakes; the children’s work will be on display; there will be various musical events. The afternoon will conclude with prayers from the Rector. If you would like to join us will you please tell Mrs Gaskell, Marcia or Pat as this will help with the catering. 19 DRESS A GIRL AROUND THE WORLD Imagine a world where every child owned at least one new, special garment to call their own’ it really does make you stop and think doesn’t it, because there are many places in the world today where children don’t. Sadly, many of those who do need clothes are overlooked and potentially open to abuse. Dress a Girl Around the World UK is a Christian organisation which helps people to make simple, but exceptionally well-constructed clothes for children living in poverty in the developing world. During this short time volunteers across the UK have made over 25,000 dresses and shorts for children around the world. The most important thing about the Dress a Girl project is that these children, irrespective of gender, have beautiful, sturdily made clothes that must withstand the rigours of having to be worn every day, with the knowledge that their recipients will probably have no access to washing machines, detergents or ironing facilities. Therefore, the standards of assembly are especially high, and they are made with quality fabrics, as it important to make sure that the fabric is not see-through to maintain the dignity of the children. The clothes distributed to these children raise their self-esteem and help them to understand that others really do care about them. Most importantly, village elders have told Dress a Girl that a new dress or pair of shorts gives them an appearance of being cared for and may discourage would-be predators. All of the dresses have pockets in, which are especially appreciated to put a special little treasure in - sometimes that might even be just a pretty pebble, as many of these children do not have anything that they can call their own. The Sewing Lab is hosting a sewing event on Sunday 24th June in Telford – do please contact us if you would like to come along. We now have some very beautiful fabrics or you can bring along your own. Volunteers don’t need to know how to sew, but just need to have an enthusiasm to learn to sew and help those in poverty. Alternatively, we can provide sewers with the patterns and sewing instructions for those that would like to sew dresses and shorts at home, or knit teddy bears. More recently, we have also been making washable, reusable sanitary products for older girls because no girl should have to miss school because she has entered puberty. However, according to UNICEF, one in ten schoolgirls in Africa miss classes or drop out of school completely due to menstruation. You may think that because sanitary products are readily available where you live that it is the same everywhere else, this is most certainly not the case in all countries. The Sewing Lab has the Zorb fabric for making sanitary ware and will be happy to share this and the instructions for construction, please contact them if you would like a piece of this to use. 20 Dr Hitch, whose company The Sewing Lab is hosting the Telford event, has recently been appointed editor of the Dress a Girl UK newsletter. Dress a Girl UK is a wholly independent not-for-profit organisation, affiliated to Dress a Girl Around the World in the United States and is a stem of the Hope4Women charity. Their aim is to encourage and enable volunteers to join together to have a fun time to chat, and share skills and experiences whilst making dresses, shorts and toys which are distributed throughout the world to children in poverty and areas of need. They provide newly made garments as a ‘very best gift’ to children in need, so do not accept second hand garments. Jane Hitch, email: [email protected] ADVERTISEMENTS S.P. PROPERTY MAINTENANCE LOCAL AND RELIABLE HANDYMAN SERVICE Any work considered No job too small CALL STEVE ON 0781 685 3920 or 01952 810441 LILYHURST PLANTS HARDY PLANTS TREES SHRUBS AND FRUIT PROPAGATED AND GROWN LOCALLY WHOLESALE PRICES ADVICE GIVEN BY PROFESSIONAL GROWER LILYHURST ROAD BETWEEN LILLESHALL AND SHERIFFHALES TF 11 8RL TEL 01952 606546 21 22 Malcolm Winstanley Home & garden maintenance Complete handyman service painting decorating gardening landscaping tiling and more no job too small for a reliable/professional service call Malc on: 01952 812624 or 07961 461026 23 Practising in the counties of Shropshire & Staffordshire for over 200 years, specialising in SALES and LETTINGS of all forms of town and country property, rental management, valuations for insurance, probate, furniture, etc. Contact us for FREE professional advice WITHOUT OBLIGATION 45/47 High Street, Newport Tel: 01952 811003 Market Place, Shifnal Tel: 01952 460523 Website: www.davieswhiteperry.co.uk Phil’s Travel Fully insured & licensed Executive Airport Transfers Graham Rogers 01952 810625 / 07773 55023 All Seaports and Long Distance Travel Fully Licensed Private Hire Tel: 01952 550750 / 07891 975688 Fully insured & licensed www.philstravel.co.uk Email: [email protected] Graham Rogers 01952 810625 / 07773 550230 Find us on Facebook CONSIDER KYNNERSLEY VILLAGE HALL FOR YOUR CLUB FUNCTIONS, PARTIES ETC. *Very competitive rates* *Accommodates up to 100* *Excellent dance floor* *Space for marquee adjoining* *Tables, chairs, crockery, kitchen facilities* Contact Khadine on 07790396237 or email [email protected] 24 Rural Home & Garden Services Garden Maintenance Lawns, Edges & Hedges, Fencing, Patios Interior & Exterior Painting & Decorating Call Richard Sayce Tel 01952 541534 Mob 07970 354703 GRANDFATHER CLOCK RESTORATION Movements cleaned and overhauled. Cases repaired and re-polished. Dials repainted or re-silvered. All other antique clocks restored. Collection, delivery and setting up service. Tel: David Mason 01952 730592 A Member of The British Watch and Clockmakers Guild EDGMOND METHODIST HALL R L EDWARDS PLUMBING & GAS SERVICES LTD (FORMERLY BRYAN EDWARDS & SONS) REPLACEMENT BOILERS, SYSTEM UPGRADES, ALL GAS WORKS Children’s Parties Small Functions Tables, Chairs, Crockery Kitchen Facilities LPG LISTED INSTALLER. ALL PLUMBING WORK UNDERTAKEN GAS SAFE REGISTERED TELEPHONE: 01952 814016 Bookings: 01952 811561 MOBILE: 07976203629 25 26 Peaceful Chapel of Rest in Central Newport Symon Tranter Dip.FD. Dip FSM. MBIE. 130 - 130A, HIGH STREET NEWPORT SHROPSHIRE TF10 7BH TELEPHONE: 01952 820292 GOLDEN CHARTER Pre-Paid Funeral Plans D MATTHEWS & SONS BUILDING SERVICES General Builder Property Maintenance 24/7 - Prompt Reply Roofing, Plumbing, Heating, Blocked Drains No call out charge Contact 0780 956 2403 or 01952 814568 Bishop Hendry & Edwards Veterinary Surgeons www.newportvets.co.uk We’ve always been here for your pets and always will be Please ring for an appointment 01952 820165 27 CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING DOMESTIC OVEN CLEANING TTH CLEANING SERVICES in business for 29 years Local, Friendly, Reliable and Professional Service Window Cleaning Guttering Cleaning/Repairs Complete UPVC Cleaning Conservatory Roofs Cleaned Drives/Patios Decking Washed For a Free No-Obligation Quote, Please Contact Steve Bate Newport 810578 Mobile 07811105123 Contact Steve – 07967 102045 KATES ACCOUNTANCY SERVICES APEX BUILDING PLANS Chartered Accountants Self-employed/Company accounts Tax and VAT returns Payroll Bookkeeping Architectural Drawings New Build or Extension DAVE WOODMAN 07977 448231 For friendly and personal service at reasonable rates Call Kate on 01952 813123 or 07764 892888 Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants [email protected] ACCESS ALARM & CAMERA SYSTEMS LTD For people who take their security seriously Home Office approved for the design, installation & maintenance of electronic security systems - see us at www.nsi.org.uk Call 01952 840766 or 07813 369001 www.aa-cs.co.uk 28 TROTFIELD WINDOWS Professional, reliable, family-run business. Dry carpet cleaning and wet extraction carpet cleaning Upholstery Cleaning Celebrating 33 Years in Business www.trotfieldwindows.co.uk Local friendly service across Shropshire Styles to suit your home Rehau unique doors and windows Bespoke conservatory service 15 year guarantee (assurance backed) No deposit –payment on completion No Sales Pressure Recommendations available ------------------ www.telfordandshropshirecarpetcleaning.co.uk Tel: 01952 246980 / 07971 189579 Email: [email protected] Do tell our Advertisers New salesroom now open 1 Madeley Road Ironbridge Telford TF8 7PP Contact Number 01952 433 1459 that you saw their advert here! FENSA Reg. No. 10733 Kipper Garden Care EDGMOND OWLS A Reliable Service Provided PRE-SCHOOL AND OUT OF SCHOOL CARE FOR CHILDREN AGED 2- 11 YEARS FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 01952 811692 OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE Lawns and Edges Border Maintenance Planting Hedge Trimming Competitive Hourly Rates and Discounts for OAPs Free Quotes for Larger Jobs Call Ian – 01952 813924 / 07855 857611 www.edgmondowls.co.uk Julie Highfield Interior Painting and Decorating Emulsion Woodwork Playrooms Murals Children’s bedrooms Special Finishes Feature walls Curtains * Blinds * Alterations Contact 01952 670275 [email protected] 29 30 Sarah Irvine Edgmond Village Stores and Post Office M.S.S.Ch., M.B.Ch.A. for your everyday needs CHIROPODIST Shop opening hours Mon to Sat 7am to 8pm Sunday 8am to 1pm HPC Registered Home visits Evenings & weekends possible Post Office opening hours Mon to Fri 9am to 5.30pm Saturday 9am to 12.30pm Tel: 01785 823151 Mobile: 07966549709 Telephone 01952 811951 Fax 01952 811428 See us on uk villages.co.uk 31 The Shropshire Sweep Chimney Sweep and Vacuum Service Sean Caldwell 01902 727999 Mobile: 07971 729608 J.R. Williams Funeral Director Ltd Incorporating GRAHAM TALBOT & SON of Newport Complete 24 hour service Private Chapel of Rest The personalised funeral our loved one deserves Why not advertise in this space for a modest fee? All types of funeral arranged Prepaid funeral plans available Please contact John Williams 01952 811140 (24 hours) Tel: 01952 810880 Member of the National Association of Funeral Directors 32