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v, .{&=* & 4J o & on € ttt EI ul lll tn a I Windowpane z. Windowpaning is the process of transferring key elements, points, or steps in a lesson into visual images that are hand sketched into the squares or "panes" of a matrix. Let your mind think in pictures and sketch the essential concepts printed in each of the following windowpanes. Don't be concerned with your artistic ability. Use lines and stick figures to depict the concepts requested for the various conditions of the nail. i I ! t { i dE='! z, t tr, tJt rr vt trt tJl co I att o v I rn fr VI Nail Disorders, lrregularities, and Diseases Label each of the following pictures or illustrations using the terms below. Use your standard textbook and other references in the school's library to assist you. Eggshell nail Beau's lines Hangnail Leukonychia spots Melanonychia Onychophagy Onychorrhexis Plicatured nail Onychocryptosis Onycholysis Onychomadesis Nail psoriasis Paronychia Pyogenic granuloma Tinea pedis Onychomycosis l t I t'l c, lll a d, o tet : € '$.T= (n LrI v1 ul v1 a z, conti n ued 4ts 2. E tt It > 1,,f, fi vt. Col It it Matching Exercise-Technical Terms versus common Terms Match the foilowing essentiar terms with their respective common term or identifying phrase. Bruised nail Melanonychia Leukonychia Nail psoriasis 1. Bitten nails. 2. Living skin splits around nail. 3. Surface of nail plate appears rough and pitted. Onychomycosis 4. Blood clot under nail plate. Pterygium 5. White spots. Onychophagy Onychorrhexis Hangnail Eggshell Onychosis Tinea pedis Paronychia Onychia Onychocryptosis Pyogenic granuloma 6. Fungal infection. 7. Darkening of fingernails or toenails. 8. Noticeably thin, white nail plates; more flexible than normal nails. 9. Any deformity or disease of the nails. 10. lnflammation of surrounding tissues. 77. Fungal infections of the feet. 72. lngrown nails. 13. Severe inflammation of the nail in which a lump of red tissue grows up from nail bed to nail plate. 74. Skin is stretched by the nail plate. 75. Split or brittle nails. 76. lnflammation of matrix with formation of pus and shedding of the nail. o a FN vvl trt t6 c, lrl d&€4 6 &, o 'n -f € v, lrl tn lft Itt a j J z Word Search After identifying the appropriate word from the clues listed below, locate the word in the following word search puzzle. Word Glue Fungal infection of the feet. Dark purplish spots due to injury. Folded nail. Run verlically down the length of natural nail. Thin, white nail plate and more flexible than normal nails. May cause infections of the feet and hands. White spots in the nail. Split or brittle nails. Darkening of the fingernails or toenails. Visible depressions across the width of the nail plate. Bitten nails. AGET LRLN GXEF CYUO TDKI PZOZ AJNC ILYY HICG CAHA YNIH NDAP OETO NSNH AICC LUTY ERTN MBVO I I I I l I t.""_..""-*. INEAPEDISJPCFU PHIYZHVVHKZENI ILYDMNIKNSBGJS XLIGJZIBCLBZEN FLSCYKRHQEHGEX RATUANBTACDGMZ XFQSATUMDIGKPX OACHYEUZRSZQHI( CTJXYWBRHVUHXW FYABGHEEESUUAU AVJMRDLCFDRHIU N V T H D L QW K U N R J JDHSNUZFBJNAYR BCPADBEFPOZGIP KKIOPZGBWOBHIL I<LPRXNUUDTUADV SXJUJEJVSYI(I(KZ CSIXEHRROHCYNO R ...-.-------*;l t 4.'t5 Word Search After identifying the appropriate word from the clues listed below, locate the word in the following word search puzzle. Word Clue Separation or falling off of a nail plate. , Deformity or disease of the nail. i Lifting of the nail plate. :' Severe inflammation of the nail. lnflammation of the nail matrix. lngrown nails. Bacterial inflammation of surrounding tissue of the nail. Tiny pits or severe roughness. A fungal infection of the nail plate. OOOLD INNOM EWYYK PFTCC SSYOH rBKHa SONHH OMDKU CRXQH YNEQD M Z WWV OEJIK HILCG CWSKG YLJOO NWYCA OPRLF NAILP L S Y H o I E P D L H E W H U L YAIHCYNORAPA CGCMDYZBPWMH XBLMWLDUJOAV BGXHOWDULJPJ IRSLUYMUCAJF IGTGZ YNRVSQS CAQRQAMSCUVI RRLKRHPGQTSS PVYGPLSDQOIE ZNCPKMKJJSSD UIQGTVBXTIYA NKDPOOJJISLM XVIACFSCDOOO MBWJAFXIKHHH KZSBZCYRSCCC WALFWZDUWYYY ZDBCIUNZMNNN ORIASISXOOOO ; tt) E ET 4.1ffi o e, c) a J OU atl t! tn lr| vt o z, Technical Term Mnemonics Mnemonics are aids that can be used to assist your memory. They can be words or phrase associations, songs, or any other method that willtrigger in your memory key terms or information contained in a lesson. For example, if you were trying to remember the three primary areas of haircutting, blunt, graduated, and layered, you might make up a sentence using the first letter of each type of haircutting. ln this case, the mnemonic might be Brenda Got Lost. Using this learning tool, try to develop a mnemonic for each of the following technical terms in the study of the nail' For example: Onychoptosis is the periodic shedding or falling off of the nail. within the technicalterm is the word "chop." you might relate the word ,,chop,'to the chopping off or falling of the nail and remember the meaning of onychoptosis. Give it a try with the other terms. Don't limit yourself to words. You can draw pictures or visualize circumstances that will cause you to remember the technical term. I I i f I' I 1. Beau's line 6. Plicatured nail 11. Onycholysis 2. Leukonychia spots 7. Pterygium 12. Onychomadesis 3. Melanonychia 8. Onychosis 13. Psoriasis 4. Onychophagy 9. Onychia 14. Paronychia 5. Onychorrhexis 10. Onychocryptosis 15. Onychomycosis .tl42 z (t vrl. vl ilr rtt eo ct .tl o 7 (5 Complete the following review of Chapter 24: Nail Diseases and Disorders, by circling the correct answer to each question. 1. A healthy a) c) nail appears slightly yellow blue b) d) pink purple are caused by uneven growth of the nails. 2. a) c) b) d) furrows ridges depressions pterygium on the nails are known as leukonychia. 3. a) c) 4. in color. b) d) white spots white stripes blue spots vertical ridges Bitten nails, a result of an acquired nervous habit, are known as a) c) b) d) onychauxis onychophagy onychatrophia pterygium 5. An abnormal condition that occurs when skin is stretched a) c) 6. onychauxis onychophagy b) d) onychatrophia pterygium b) d) filing straight across firm use of metal pusher Hangnails are treated by a) c) hot oil manicures avoiding polish use 7. A parasite, which under some circumstances may cause infections of the feet and hands, is a) flagella c) mold 8. by the nail plate. b) d) fungi fungus Darkening of the fingernails or toenails is technically known as a) c) melanonychia onychatrophia b) leukonychia d) onychauxis vltFT conti n ued 9. Onychocryptosis is the technical term for b) bitten nails a) split nails d) ingrown nails bruised nails c) 10. A fungal infection of the nail plate is a) c) onychauxis onychophagy b) d) onychatrophia onychomycosis 11. An infectious and inflammatory condition of the tissues surrounding the nails is known as a) onychia c) paronychia b) d) 12. The technical term for loosening of the a) c) onycholysis onychomycosis 13. A growth of horny epithelium a) c) onycholysis onychophyma hangnail eggshell nail nail without shedding or falling off is b) d) onychogryposis onychophosis in the nail bed is known as onychogryposis onychophosis b) d) 74. Acondition in which a blood clot forms a) c) onychomycosis onychocryPtosis under the nail plate is known as b) d) bruised nail plicatured nail 75. A condition which affects the surface of the natural nail plate, causing it to appear rough and pitted, is known as b) plicatured nail a) nail pterygium d) pincer nails c) nail psoriasis