SPEC 4.6 ZAG 2.1 for mac


SPEC 4.6 ZAG 2.1 for mac
Hi! Welcome to the installation instructions for the first SPEC 4.6 ZAG 2.1 for the Mac.
This version only works on Intel Macs with Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6.5), and Plogue Bidule .9708 or
Below is the folder you opened this file from (older versions shown in screen shot):
To install SPEC, you need to drag the different files into the appropriate files on your Mac. This
assumes you have Plogue Bidule installed already.
1) Open a finder window with the Plogue Bidule Folder in it:
2) Drag the two .bidule files into the layouts folder.
3) Drag "Spec 4.6.bundle", "ZAG 2.1.bundle", and “Printf 1.0.bundle” into the plugins folder (if you don't
have a plugins folder make one first).
4) Now open a finder window showing your system hard disk and open your username folder, under
5) Now drag "track-time7.pl" and "TrackTime7" to your username folder. It should look like this:
Note that "TrackTime7" can actually go wherever you want, later you will be dragging cue files onto it
(in a finder window), but "track-time7.pl" MUST go you your username top directory.
6) That's it for installation! You should now be able to open the "SPEC 4.6 ZAG 2.1-Release.bidule" in
Plogue and it should look like this (no red boxes):
8) Now let's test your TrackTime7 installation. With "TrackTime7" and a cue file both showing in finder
windows, drag and drop the cue file on top of "TrackTime7". You should see the terminal application
open in your doc. Click on the terminal in your doc to open it:
9) enter "44100" as the number of samples per second and you will get a list of track lengths in
10) Highlight the column of numbers, be sure to include the whole list:
Then select "Copy" from the terminal app.
11) Now go back to Plogue, and double click on the "ZAG 2.0" bidule:
12) erase anything in the top textbook ("Track Lengths in Samples") and paste in the values from the
terminal window:
13) Now you can quit the terminal application.
You have successfully installed SPEC for Mac. Usage instructions will be posted on
surroundbyus.com. Most features are the same as the windows version but there are some
differences, those will be covered on the website.
Have Fun Converting!