How To Set Network Sharing for Amiko SHD‐8900 Alien
How To Set Network Sharing for Amiko SHD‐8900 Alien
How To Set Network Sharing for Amiko SHD‐8900 Alien Netw work Mountiing on Amiko o SHD‐8900 Alien e Windows P PC omputer and d browse to tthe desired ffolder to be sshared ck on the deesired folder,, and select PProperties (o or press Alt+Enter) erties, go to SSharing, and click on Advvanced Sharing nced Sharingg, enable the e „Share this folder” optio on, and set a a Share Nam me for the sha ared folder. can be different tthan the folder’s name, however for easier installaation please do not use any speciaal character, such h as ’á’ or ’ä’, or sspaces. www emissions de Premissio ons, add a use er that can aaccess the Sh hared folder. er the user haas been adde ed, select thee user, and ccheck to Full Control – A llow ur Alien Main Menu > Settings > Net Settings >> Network Haard Disk o 6 different network shaares on Your Alien, by sw witching betw ween Networrk Drives (U: / V: set up up to : / Y: / Z:) the Service TType to CIFS ut: Your Shaare Name (whhich has been set o n Your Windows PCC) o o The IP address of yo our Windowss PC o The Username (which hhas been set to havve Premissions for thhe Shared folder) o The Passsword for the Windows U Username (this is optional) www 3. Select Sttatus, and seet it to Active e 4. If all setttings were co orrect, you sshould see A ctive in the SStatus: Now Yo ou’re able too view the ne etwork drive, in the File LList: sible problem ms: ‐ Yourr firewall is b blocking the ccommunicattions betweeen Your PC an nd the Amikoo SHD‐8900 A Alien ‐ Yourr Windows crredentials (U Username) arre containing g special cha aracters (suchh as ’á’, ’ä’, ’’~’, etc…) ‐ The selected useer does not have premissiions to accesss the desired d folder www