Vetteletter Feb16_web
Vetteletter Feb16_web
Queensland Corvette Club Inc. February - 2016 Magazine Contents Merchandise P3 Monty’s Adventures P4 Club Notice Board P5 Presidents Report P6 Ormiston Car Show P8 Treasurers report P11 Coming Event—Dyno Day 2016 P12 Friday Dinner “Al Sahara” P13 Mikes Tech Tips P15 January Meeting Minutes P16 Membership Sunday Brekkie Run P18 Renewals $80 Due 1st July For pro rata fee contact Club secretary Elaine Lamont Classifieds P22 NCRS P23 Darlington Park Observation Run P24 CLUB MEETINGS Are Held The First Wednesday Of Each Month Commencing At 7.30pm Unless Otherwise Noted In The Club Calendar At ***The Moss Street International 26 Monte Street Slacks Creek *** Correspondence To: Queensland Corvette Club PO Box 1094 Sunnybank Hills Qld.4109 Emails see Club Committee page 2 EFT Payments :- Suncorp Metway Bank Bank Details:- BSB- 484 799 A/C 001670655 Please Include Your Name & Payment Details And Advise The Treasurer By Phone /Email To Ensure Correct Receipt Of Your Payment. Annual Business Advertising All Advertisements are now colour -Full Page $500.00 Half Page $300.00 Quarter Page $200.00 Business Card $75.00 Member Classifieds Ads submitted will run in magazine and on web for minimum of three months. After three months ad may run on web only. All advertising material is accepted on the understanding that it does not contravene the Trade Practices Act. No responsibility is accepted by the Queensland Corvette Club Inc. for statements made or the failure of any product or service to give satisfaction. Inclusion of any advertisement shall not be construed as an endorsement by the Queensland Corvette Club Inc. Main Cover Photo *Materials and articles in this publication are general comments, not advice .The information is believed to be accurate and reliable but no responsibility is taken for any opinions expressed or errors and omissions. Does anyone actually read this and will notice me not changing it this month? 1 Queensland Corvette Club Inc. February - 2016 2015-2016 Management Committee Delegates Website Co-Ordinator. Jaimes Pool 0423 644 683 [email protected] Safety & Equipment Officer Club President Club Vice President Glenn Miller 0403 261 300 [email protected] Events Co-Ordinator Craig Lamont 0419 653 535 [email protected] Craig Lamont 0419 653 535 [email protected] Assistant Editor & Technical Officer [email protected] Merchandise Officer. Anita Gill 0418150553 [email protected] Club secretary The Treasurer Elaine Lamont O439 356 627 ima78@bigpond,com Bob Mihill 0412 759 468 [email protected] Fundraising Co- Coordinator Jim Beliveau 0411 867 213 Technical Officer C3 Chris Carson [email protected] 07 3821 3351 Technical Officer C4 John Bondok 0419 999 350 Technical Officer Importing and compliance Club Editor Aaron O’Reilly 0425 613 522 [email protected] Graeme Haggar 0428 727 999 Queensland Corvette Club 2015 Sponsored Charity Camp Quality Did you know? The new for 2014 C7’s top speed in reverse was 53MPH? 2 Queensland Corvette Club Inc. February - 2016 Club Merchandise $35 Ladies Club Shirts $60 Ladies Fleecy Vest $7 ea. $35 3 for $20 For Club Merchandise Contact Anita Gill on 0418150553 $5 Window Stickers $15 Coolers $35 3 Queensland Corvette Club Inc. February - 2016 Monty’s Adventures Club Events Other Auto Happenings March March 2nd Club Meeting @ The Moss Street International, Monte St Slacks Creek. Meeting starts at 7.30pm. 26th - 27th Power station Power Cruise @ Nanango for details ph Don 4163 3131 6th PCYC Car Show Meet at Hungry Jacks/Hyperdome 7.00am leave 7.15 am. Show at Jacaranda Ave, Woodridge. Show starts at 9.00am finish 2.00pm. Bob Mihill is Trip leader. Ph 0412 759 468 11th Friday night Dinner. Meet at Hyperdome @ 6.30pm for 6.45pm Departure to Christopher's Fine Food Bar, Daisy Hill. Special Menu Deal is Available. Parking in front of Venue. Trip leader Don Campbell 0412731865. 20th Sunday Lunch Run @ Redland Bay Hotel. Meet at Hyperdome at 11am to leave at 11.15am to arrive 12pm for lunch. Trip leader Bill Dixon. Ph: 38206928 25th to 28th National Corvette Convention @ Bendigo, Vic. April 6th Club Meeting @ The Moss Street International, Monte St Slacks Creek. Meeting starts at 7.30pm. Common meeting points 15th Friday night Dinner @ Boss Hog's Steakhouse. Unit 5, 148 Mica St Carole Park. Meet at the Hyperdome 6.15pm to leave at 6.30pm to sit down at 7pm. Trip leader Craig Lamont. Ph: 0419 653 535 For runs mentioning meeting at the “Hyperdome” or “behind the old Clive Peeters” it actually means the carpark pictured below north of Hungry Jacks roughly where the arrow is pointing on the map. May 1st Dyno Day Details on p12 but need numbers to make it viable. Contact Craig Lamont to confirm/secure your spot. Details on events can also be found on the club website Concessional registration information for members Cars that are already registered, or able to be transported, can now make an appointment for a free inspection at either – Southside Peter Turner Ph 0409 003 300 or Sunshine Coast Kevin Silk ph0418 722 987. Contact the Secretary if a visit to the car is required. For any advice on concessional registration you may contact Graeme Haggar 0428 727 999 Don’t forget to keep your membership paid up, if you are not financial your club rego is null and void as may be your insurance. 4 Queensland Corvette Club Inc. February - 2016 Club Notice Board Total Membership - 150 March Birthdays Newest members Joel Babb-Brown 1974 Coupe Winners from the February Meeting 3 Mary-Ann Smith 3 Tom Vanderreyden 6 Neville Solomon 10 Zachary Clarke 11 13 Cassandra Turner Gemma Cathrine Evans Linda Churton Lisa Mary MiallHunt Ronald Embrey 14 Andrew Cross 14 Noeleen Bowen 15 Sally Beggs 19 Tracey Kendall 20 Toula Yiannou 20 Valerie Horgan 24 Lisa Joanne Kirby 26 Pauline Coomber 27 Heidi Fitzgerald 27 Karen Rowley 29 Carol Kowell 11 12 12 1st Prize—Craig O’Toole 2nd Prize– Mark Hall Ladies Prize—Val Ellis Guest Editor—March Magazine For the March magazine Craig Lamont is reprising his former role and acting as Guest Editor. Articles/photos/classifieds can be provided to him using his details on page 2. Cutoff for getting stuff into the March magazine is around Friday 25th March. 5 The observant amongst you may have noticed that the above pictures are not actually the pictures of the winners taken at the last meeting. Sadly the photos suffered from the iFailure of my work iPhone—Aaron Queensland Corvette Club Inc. February - 2016 President’s Report It’s been a hectic last couple of months with Crissy holidays and so, now back to the grind. Everything seems to be running smoothly with the club the runs and events are getting good numbers which proves to me we are heading in the right direction. We have our local concourse [Car Show] down at Southport being organised at the mo. This will be held on the fourth Sunday in September. We are hosting the Big Concourse for the entire country in 2019 and are looking to form a committee for this event as there is a lot of planning that has to go into it . You don’t have to be on the main committee to be a part of this just let one of us know if you’re interested. My twins are turning that age where they can get their learners permit. That means 200 hours of nail bitting dread for me @100 hours each of learning . They can drive a V8 while on their permit but not once they have got their licence until they are on open licence. My son Jordan can’t wait to take the Vette for a spin. I just bought a new work ute and offered my son the old one, he said jamb that piece of s@#t it needs to much work and would be an embarrassment to drive . Fancy turning down a free car, I don’t understand kids of today. Money can’t buy happiness but it can buy a Corvette and that’s pretty darn close. See you on the road, Glenn 6 Queensland Corvette Club Inc. February - 2016 7 Queensland Corvette Club Inc. February - 2016 Ormiston Car Show—Australia Day 8 Queensland Corvette Club Inc. February - 2016 9 Queensland Corvette Club Inc. February - 2016 10 Queensland Corvette Club Inc. February - 2016 Treasurers Report—January 2016 QUEENSLAND CORVETTE CLUB INC. Opening Balance 01/01/16 – Suncorp Cheque Account (0.01 % p.a.) $14,423.69 Suncorp Sub Account (5.00% Interest) $ 1,371.03 Suncorp Term Deposit (24 months @ 5.15%-Renew 16/08/2016) $10,000.00 Petty Cash Float $ 100.00 Merchandise Cash Float $ 100.00 Total: $ 25,994.72 Expenditure: Bank Charges $ 4.50 Xmas Bons Bons/Sweets $ 41.00 New Club Rubber Stamp $ 206.00 Stationery – Envelopes/Ink $ 158.98 Internet Rego – Hot Spot Hosting $ 55.00 Club Magazine Printing – Nov & Dec $ 999.90 $ 1,465.38 Club Raffle - Meeting $ 167.00 Cash Club Membership $ Bank Fees Reversed $ Magazine Advertising $ 250.00 $ 461.50 ... Income: … Balance as at 31/01/2016: ... 40.00 4.50 entry Gen acc: $ 13,419.81 (APS) Sub acc: $ 1,373.54 (APS) Term Dep: $ 10,000.00 TOTAL: $ 24,793.35 + floats ********************************************************** All expenditure must be approved by the Committee and an invoice or receipt produced before any reimbursement can be compensated. NO EXCEPTIONS PERMITTED. Please Note: If you wish to EFT into our account please include your name & what your payment is for. And you MUST advise the Treasurer by phone, fax or email your bank confirmation so we can ensure the correct receipt of your payment. (Suncorp / BSB: 484 799 / Acc No: 001670655) 11 Queensland Corvette Club Inc. February - 2016 Coming Event—Dyno Day 1st May 2016 Due to popular demand, we are running the Dyno Day again this year. We will be having a morning as well as an afternoon session, with the club providing lunch, tea & coffee as well as cold drinks. We need thirty cars for this to happen, so could you please let me know if you are interested so we can organise the Dyno hire. Cost will be $50.00 per car, this will include your lunch and you car on the Dyno. If you choose just to come and watch but would like lunch it will be a cost of $10.00. Contact Craig Lamont to book your spot. 12 Queensland Corvette Club Inc. February - 2016 Friday night Dinner at “Al Sahara” Hosted by Ernie and Sally Whittle Eighteen of the regular “Friday night Diners” gathered for this dinner with a Middle Eastern flavour at Slacks Creek. Some of the crowd met us there and a lovely trio of dips and home made flat bread was the delicious entrée awaiting on our tables. The lovely Tina was our hostess for the evening and had prepared a buffet of about 6 different dishes and salads for us to taste for our dinner. There was enough for about 30 people and we all filled our plates with a large helping of spicy fragrant food – YUM! To complete the meal we had beautiful little glass teapots with black cardamom tea in them and dainty little glass cups to sip from. The tea was kept warm over a candle and the whole process was quaint and lovely. The prices were reasonable and after Tina let us take home the remainder of the buffet at the end of the night, a real bargain!! This is a newly established family business, with Tina’s brother being a waiter and her Mum cooking all the desserts, so it was lovely to help them get established with our patronage. Tina’s Dad adored the Corvettes parked in his driveway and took many photos that were on the Al Sahara facebook page in the blink of an eye! A fun night and hope you can recommend it to your friends and family too. P.S. Next time we need to be braver and try the Camel!!! 13 Queensland Corvette Club Inc. February - 2016 14 Queensland Corvette Club Inc. February - 2016 Mike’s Tech tips and Trivia 1978 was the first year that a Corvette was invited to be an INDY PACE CAR. Did you know that the factory did not apply the decals-- these were put inside the vehicle for the dealers to apply IF the customer wanted stickers all over his Corvette. Therefore , there may be a lot of Pace Cars out there without the stickers. The special VIN number is always a sure way of identifying the correct Corvette Effective HAND brakes in a C2 or C3 are rare. This is because the design is poor and most owners just put up with the mediocrity of the system. After many years of putting up with an in- effective hand brake I decided to examine the brakes. Before jacking up the rear of your Vette, undo all 4 TTop levers--- or risk cracked TTops. After removing the rear wheels, check to see if there are rivets holding the disc rotors on to the axle. If there are rivets holding your disc rotor on to axle, then you know that the brake shoes have NEVER been checked or replaced. I made my own spring remover-- see photo. I used a spare screw driver and a thin cutting wheel to cut a groove into the end of the screw driver. this makes removing and replacing brake shoe springs much easier. All the Corvette parts suppliers have kits for the E brake parts replacements. I checked the calipers whilst they were off--- I found each caliper had one sticking piston, so these have to be taken to a specialist for replacement. No point just to replace the two--- do all 8---there is NO compromise for safety !! I will let you know how my hand brake system works in next month's Vetteletter. The inside windscreen of my Commodore was always smeary-- I could never get it clean. I tried metho and water, several brands of glass cleaner, but to no avail. I happened to mention this problem to a car dealer mate. He said: use a water bottle squirter and newspaper in a circular motion. Rubber gloves will prevent getting the newspaper ink all over your hands. I tried this and it worked perfectly --- a lot cheaper than buying glass cleaning products! 15 Queensland Corvette Club Inc. February - 2016 January Minutes QUEENSLAND CORVETTE CLUB INC. record of all mail received and sent for the month of January 2016. Moved by: Don Campbell. Seconded by: Graeme Haggar. Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on Wednesday 3rd February 2016 Membership Services: 150 current financial members. Held at the Moss St International, Slacks Creek. New Members: Meeting Opened: Joel Babb. 7:33 pm Present: Craig & Elaine Lamont, Brad & Sandy Stumer, Ray Newell, Anne-Marie Colthorpe, Bill Dixon, Aaron O’Reilly, Graeme Haggar, Jim Sharkey, Jim & Ann Beliveau, Tony & Carol Golles, Don, Marina & Brett Campbell, Greg Kempton, John & Sue Weitenberg, Bob Mihill, Craig O’Toole, Ethan Barry, Mike Gocs, Allen Wood, Lixia Fu, Lee Eaton, Steve & Val Ellis, Uwe Buechi, Anthony & Callum Britton, Ken & Pauline Coomber, Mike Burgess, Graham Clark, Mark Hall, Doc Hilber, Chris Carson, Keith & Greg Harper. Treasurers Report: Apologies: Ernie & Sally Whittle, Paul Emerson, Tom & Cheryl Vanderreyden, Frank Rigo, Lorna Mihill, Vicki Hewitt, Glenys Gocs, Tony Gill. Past Events: Monthly incoming and out goings read as per report in Minutes. Incoming: $461.50. Outgoing: $999.90. Closing Balance: $24’793.35 + Floats. Moved as true and correct record by: Aaron O’Reilly. by: Jayne Miller. Events Coordinator: 22nd January: Friday night dinner at Al-Sahara Middle Eastern. Hosted by Ernie & Sally Whittle. Steve Ellis told us it was a great night & would go back again. Visitors: Duncan Felton. Secretary’s Report: 26th January: Australia Day Ormiston Car Rally. Trip Leader Mike Reptic. 25 Corvettes came, we had the most cars at the rally for one make. After rally Mike invited everyone wishing to come back to his place for a BBQ lunch and a ZR6 was put on the hoist for inspection. There were on & off showers but did not ruin the day. The meeting minutes from the 13th January 2016 were taken and read and confirmed as a correct record. Moved by: Mike Gocs. Doc Hilber. Seconded Seconded by: 31st January: Brekky run to Main Beach SLSC Club. Trip Leader Craig & Elaine Lamont. 9 Corvettes on the day, big turn-out of members was a really enjoyable morning. Correspondence: Received from January 2016. Incoming Mail: Email from David Hack Classic being held on 1st May 2016 at Toowoomba Airfield. Coming Events: Email from Qld Hot Rod show 2016. 14th February: Observation Run. Hosted by Glenn & Jayne Miller. Heading to Darlington Park for a Picnic provided by Glenn & Jayne Miller. Meeting at Hyperdome at 9.45am for 10.00am departure. Email from Concourse Moulding Repairs & Polishing in Sydney. All new customers will receive 10% off. Email from Phil Harrip for invitation to, Fly-In/Drive-In day at Archer Falls Air-field, Mt Archer, just north of Woodford on 20th21st February 2016. 26th February: Friday night dinner at Munchies. Hosted by Jim & Ann Beliveau. Have to arrive very early to be able to get parking spaces. Bring table & chairs and it is Hamburger style food. Meeting at Hyperdome at 4.45pm for 5.00pm departure. 2 emails from Skid Control. 2 Shannon updates. 27th February: Drive-In night. Hosted by Jim & Ann Beliveau. Meeting at Hyperdome at 5.15pm to depart at 5.30pm. Choice of movies to be discussed. Email from Fox & Hounds with up & coming events. Email from Logan PCYC Car Show on 6th March asking us if we would like to attend. 1 Newsletter from National Motor Racing Museum, Bathurst. 11th March: Friday Night Dinner at Christopher’s at Daisy Hill. Hosted by Don & Marina Campbell. Don is trying to arrange a set menu to keep costs down. Meet at Hyperdome at 6.30pm for 6.45pm departure. 1 Flyer for 21st National Humber Racing Rally & Rootes Roundup at Stanthorpe from 18th-21st March 2016. 20th March: Sunday lunch run to Redland Bay. Trip leader Bill Dixon. Meeting at Hyperdome at 11.00am for 11.15am departure. 2 All Australian Journey books. 25th-28th March: National Corvette Convention at Bendigo Vic. Best to ring at night for accommodation bookings. Outgoing Mail: 1st May: Dyno Day. We need at least 30 cars for this event to go ahead. See Craig for more details and if you are coming. 2 Car Club magazines. 1 Australia Post letter advising changes to our PO Box. 1 New Membership Welcome letters. Editor: Aaron informed us he will be on Holiday so Craig Lamont will do March magazine. Letter to Bunnings regarding holding a fund raising sausage sizzle. Merchandise: Items sold: $90.00 2 Introductory letters. Webmaster: Jaimes was away. Safety Officer: Nothing to report, all is well. Moved that the above mail list represents a true and accurate 16 Queensland Corvette Club Inc. February - 2016 Equipment Officer: All is up to date with the Trailer and Equipment The ‘On the Tow Award’ was presented to Jim Beliveau. Tech: Mike Gocs has retired so if you have any information you wish to send to him please email this as he no longer has his phone. Email is on page 2 in Vetteletter. Remember if you have original spare tyre in your C3 it will be too old to use, so replace it with a new tyre. Check your tyre dates, especially in the older cars. Chris Carson had nothing to report. Graeme Haggar spoke to us about Club Runs Etiquette. All clubs have run guide lines. The trip leader is the main person responsible for the run. He/She will let you know the route, where you are going and all necessary phone numbers are available. It is wise to carry an up to date magazine with you as committee members phone numbers are in there. Raffle: 1st Prize: Framed Photo of a 1968 C3 Corvette donated by Tony & Carol Golles. [Won by Craig O’Toole] If a large run is organised the trip leader should take into consideration a re-group to allow for slower cars to catch up. 2nd Prize: Corvette All American Sports Car book donated by John Webro. [Won by Mark Hall] Nobody passes the trip leader unless the trip leader has given permission to do so. Ladies Prize: Ladies Corvette Watch donated by Graeme Haggar. [Won By Val Ellis] Any incidents that may occur, the trip leader and trailing Charlie need to keep in contact either by phone call or text. Common sense must prevail. Safety of participants is paramount. General Business: Trip leader must obey all road rules and drive to road conditions. Sue let us know that Cheryl has had her operation on her back and is home from hospital and is doing well. Tom is having to do the domestic duties. Cheryl & Tom are looking forward to going to the Convention. The trip leader must nominate a trailing Charlie, who must know who is participating on the run, and is responsible for all incidents that may occur. Thank-you to Carol Golles for arranging club shirts to get names embroidered on them in time for the convention. Participants have a responsibility as well. Please take note of the designated route and who the trailing Charlie is for this run. It is your responsibility to let them know if you need assistance. Take phone numbers with you. The club has given Sue Weitenberg some of our club merchandise to give to the convention. Please thank trip leaders and trailing Charlie’s as this is a common courtesy that is being left out. Mike Burgess informed us that he is now spraying Corvettes with Tempcoat, advanced ceramic insulation. This helps with the floor temperature of our Corvettes. When all is set up he will arrange a day for those of us who would like it done and a cost. Mike Reptik is going to America later on in the year and we have kindly donated some club merchandise for him to give to other clubs in America. Nominated dates for the next Meeting Logan House Fires clothing drive is going well but more decent clothing is much appreciated. Clothing drive will finish at the March meeting and Glenn & Ray will give the clothing to Louie and will arrange for him to come to another club meeting. Next General Meeting will be on Wednesday March 2nd 2016 at the Moss St International, Slacks Creek at 7.30pm. There being no further business Glenn thanked everyone for attending and declared the meeting closed. Meeting closed at 8:42pm. 17 Queensland Corvette Club Inc. February - 2016 Sunday Brekky Run Trip Report by Elaine Lamont As Craig was having his 50th birthday on Sunday, I decided to have a surprise 50th Birthday dinner for him on the Saturday night. It was a very merry affair that wound up in the early hours of the morning. Finally I crawled into bed a little after 1.00am and asked Craig what time should I set the alarm for? He told me 5.30am where he promptly went to sleep and snored all night which he has a case of doing when he has indulged in one drink too many. After a lack of sleep I got up, roused Craig out of bed, blearily made morning cuppas and was informed by Craig why had we got up so early when we did not need to be at the Hyperdome until 7.30am. #*#* We decided to take the top off our Vette as it was such a lovely day and it’s so nice to have the wind in your face while enjoying a drive in the Vette. All met at the Hyperdome with a couple meeting us at the side of the road to join in and a couple down at the Surf Club. Of course we had to have someone break down because what is a trip without a break down. I never knew the “On the Tow’ award would prove to be so popular. Jim decided he didn’t want to give it up so Jim & Ann limped off the Highway at Beenleigh with Glenn & Jayne following nearly taking out a truck with them. ‘I think they wanted to go to Sydney with the truck.’ The Ambulance station kindly allowed Jim to park his Vette in their carpark for safe keeping as it was found out that Jim’s Vette had overheated and would be okay to drive home when cooled down. Finally With Jim & Ann in the back-seat of Glenn & Jayne’s car, all made it down safely to the venue, where we all were waiting. Parking became an issue as the Nippers were having a carnival and parking was all taken up. We decided to ask the Caravan Park across the road if we could park our Vettes there and they graciously agreed. Finally we sat down to a very scrummy breakfast with an amazing view of the ocean and caught up with friends, and all that had been going on over the past few months. It was great to see a larger number of newbies as well as our faith-full older members. We had 9 Corvettes and 27 members come and have a good time. As it was Craig’s birthday I made him a surprise birthday cake which Glenn & Jayne kindly bought down, but the heat being so hot it succumbed to the heat and the icing had started to melt and it didn’t look as great as it should have but there was many a laugh and Happy Birthday was sung with Jim on the guitar. The cake tasted great and was washed down with Coffee. We all said our farewells and went our separate ways. Reg and ourselves being the last to leave, we left and stopped at the red lights to go around the corner to get onto the main road. The lights turned green and off we drove only to see Reg slamming on his brakes, and right before us swerving to avoid both of us as well as 2 Motor-bike was a 4WD BMW going through a red light at warp speed. If it wasn’t for Reg’s quick braking I would have hated to think of the damage that would have happened to both of us and the bikes. All in all it was a great day and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Cheers Craig & Elaine. 18 Queensland Corvette Club Inc. February - 2016 19 Queensland Corvette Club Inc. February - 2016 20 Queensland Corvette Club Inc. February - 2016 Carson Automotive Phone Chris @ 07 38213351 Corvette Rebuilding and maintenance Email- [email protected] The Moss Street International 26 Monte street Slacks Creek The Queensland Corvette Club Wednesday 7:30pm meeting venue, Bar, Grill and Pokies. So why not turn up early and order and eat in before the meeting. Great Tasty meals that are well priced; the Moss street International is open for lunch and dinner everyday except Monday nights. Phone the helpful staff for Bookings on 07 3290 6033 21 Queensland Corvette Club Inc. February - 2016 Classifieds Corvettes Parts and Miscellaneous Saginaw gearbox (rebuilt) $400. Chevy Banner $15 housing $50 each Door Hinges (4) $40 Rear alloy frame extension $300 Fan belts $25 C6 Direct fit Aluminium radiator New in Box $750 Aluminium tail shaft $100 Brand new Exedy 6135 HD press plate 11inch $120 1969 corvette factory 427 ci 4 speed with matching numbers, it has been repainted in the original Le mans blue, it also has new interior, new Bf Goodrich tyres, new brakes, motor is untouched as it runs perfectly, just a cosmetic face lift.. Generally a very clean very good to drive car with no hesitation to put on show and nothing to spend just drive and enjoy. Fully registered. My asking price is $59.000 which is a considerable amount less than what it owes me. Located just north of Brisbane. For further information contact Ron on 0738868935 mob. 0410758543. 1990 ZR1 Black on black, 125,000 Kms, 4.2 diff ratio, Rippie chip, Glass and solid roofs. $38,000 ONO PHONE: Col 0419 746-924 Wanted Ph. Mike 0733442647 Contact Craig 0419653535 Qld Personalised Plates: FATVET C5Z06 Ph Tom 07 3829 9111 1 pair of Borla Mufflers, Stainless Steel used but good condition to suit C4.$400.00 for the pair. 4x Firestone F70 x 15 Redline tyres as originally optioned to 69 -70’s Stingray. Used. Good for Car Display and event day’s. $600.00 for the Four. 1966 Parts Assembly manual with hard cover $45.00 Genuine expansion tank $80.00 Windscreen hardware (moulding clips $30.00 Muncie 4 speed shifter and linkage kit (new) $300.00 Brake callipers - need rebuild $360.00 Convertible windscreen door rubbers Post and hinge pillar weather strip $30.00 pr 1963 -1967 Windscreen rubber $35.00 Books (in new condition) Corvette Stingray 1963 - 1967 Step by step restoration $25.00 Corvette by Barry Coleman Hard Cover $15.00 Corvette 50th Anniversary Hard Cover $50.00 Qld Personal Plates 66VTE $300.00 1966 Genuine Corvette Rocker Covers $250.00 Die Cast Model Cars assorted POA Contact Kevin Silk 0418 722987 4x Firestone F70x15 “wide Oval” raised white lettering tyres. Near new condition. As optioned to 69-70’s Stingray.$1200.00 set of four. Looking for unbroken 1968 1 year only A/C and Wiper switch dash bezel. Ph Aaron 0425613522 Windscreen , seatbelts and one hubcap to suit 1979 Barbie CORVETTE convertible. Ph. Mike 0733442647 4x 17Inch factory rims to suit C4 Corvette, 91-95 , 8-1/2” & 9-1/2” mixed sizes, with caps and wheel nuts . Good Condition. $1200 / set of four. Contact Trevor 07 32696569. 1986 C4 Corvette Parts For Sale Right hand front fender side panel $50 Complete standard exhaust system (- cats) $100 Standard exhaust manifold $100 Left & Right hand door mirror Please note that classifieds older than 6 months may be removed from the magazine. You are welcome to contact the editor to resubmit your ad for the following magazine, but if your item hasn’t sold in over 6 months to the Corvette enthusiasts you are targeting and who are the most likely buyers, then perhaps you might want to think about dropping the price to encourage a bit more interest? 22 Queensland Corvette Club Inc. February - 2016 23 Queensland Corvette Club Inc. February - 2016 Darlington Park Observation Run Run report by Glenn Miller After much planning and research, the day had arrived .Sending Craig and Elaine to the Hyperdome as the trip leaders packed with all the information. Jayne, myself and Mikayla, my daughter headed to the park to set up. Waiting for the people to arrive was nerve racking, as there was no phone reception and we could not communicate with the outer world. Finally we saw the Vettes coming over the hill then over the bridge to the destination. We checked off our questions with much banter and fun. Ken and Paul manned the bbq for lunch and everybody enjoyed the day. We gave out our prizes after lunch with the winners being Nikki & Paul, Uwe & friend, Don & Colleen, coming last was Lee & Lixia. We had desserts [Thanks Anne Marie] and Jim played happy birthday on the guitar to everybody singing. Thanks to all that participated and help me celebrate my birthday, hope you all had as good a day as me. Special thanks to Craig & Elaine for all their help and the cake. 24