June 19, 2016 - Epiphany of the Lord Catholic Community
June 19, 2016 - Epiphany of the Lord Catholic Community
Epiphany of the Lord Catholic Community Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston 1530 Norwalk Drive • Katy, Texas 77450 Telephone: 281.578.0707 • Fax: 281.578.9161 www.epiphanycatholic.org Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Masses: Monday – Friday: 9:00 a.m. Saturday (Vigil): 5:30 p.m.* Sunday: 8:00 a.m., 9:45 a.m.*, 11:30 a.m.*, 5:30 p.m. *Nursery available Reconciliation: Saturday 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.; or appointment with a priest Eucharistic Adoration: Tuesday after 9:00 a.m. Mass until 7:30 p.m. St. Vincent de Paul Society: 281.578.3845 June 19, 2016 • 12thSunday in Ordinary Time • Readings on p.1127 1 PARISH CLERGY Rev. Tom Lam Administrator Rev. Thomas Joseph Parochial Vicar Deacon John Evanoff Pastoral Associate Deacon Don Kish PARISH STAFF Business Manager Craig Shemon Gerry Broussard, Verna Goertz, Dan Stamps, Mary Tran Religious Education LouAnn Svoboda, Director Charlotte Fulton, Maria Laiseca Youth Ministry Dave Clark, Director Joey Harvey Music Ministry Christian Mondragon, Director Liturgy Ministry Dominick Aquila, Director Outreach Ministry Schottsie Hill, Director Lisa Gilkeson Facilities Manager Kirk Harris Young Kim COMMUNITY LIFE Nursery Coordinator: Anne Salazar Bingo: Friday at 7:30 p.m. 281-578-3905 Welcome Newcomers If you would like more information on our Parish Community, please visit www.epiphanycatholic.org News about our Parochial Vicars A s Fr. Thomas announced during the Masses last weekend, he has been given a new assignment in the Archdiocese. Beginning July 1st, Fr. Thomas Joseph will serve as the parochial vicar at St. Edward Catholic Church in Spring. The Archdiocese gives us a few weeks to spread the news of this announcement and so we can have some time to express our gratitude to Fr. Thomas for his dedication and ministry to our community. Next Sunday, June 26th, our parish will have a farewell reception following the morning Masses so that we have an opportunity to offer our best wishes and assurances of prayers to our parochial vicar. As you know, this is the rhythm of the life of the parish. Throughout the Archdiocese this past weekend, parishes were hearing the news of new priest assignments since the summer months are the regular time of transition for our clergy. Parochial Vicars usually serve 2-3 years at a parish in order to grant the priest diverse opportunities at ministry in different parishes. On behalf of the Epiphany of the Lord Community, I offer my deep gratitude and blessings in support of Fr. Thomas’ priesthood and service to the Church. O ur new parochial vicar here at Epiphany will arrive on July 1st. Fr. Martins Emeh comes to us from the Diocese of Rockford, Illinois. He has been granted permission from his bishop to transfer to the Archdiocese of Galveston -Houston, and Cardinal DiNardo has assigned him to Epiphany of the Lord. Fr. Martins was ordained in 2002, having studied at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg, Maryland. As a priest for the Diocese of Rockford, he has served Rev. Martins Emeh, J.C.L. as Vice-Chancellor of his diocese and earned a graduate degree in canon law at Catholic University in Washington DC. He currently serves as a Judge in the (Catholic) Court of Appeals for the Providence of Chicago and for the past seven years, has been the Pastor at St. Peter Catholic Church in Geneva, Illinois. He is originally from Nigeria. Fr. Martins has visited our Archdiocese almost on an annual basis since his mother and family members live in Pearland. I have spoken with Fr. Martins, and he is excited to meet the parishioners of Epiphany and begin ministry here with us. These summer months will be a time of transition for many of the parishes in the Archdiocese. Thank you for your kind support and prayerful remembrance of our parish clergy. ~ Fr. Tom Lam 2 Events & Meetings This Week SUNDAY, JUNE 19 Baby Bottle Collection 9:45 & 11:30 AM, Nursery: 0-5 years: MONDAY, JUNE 20 9:00 AM, Vacation Bible School: Family Center 1:00 PM, Rummikub: Outreach Center 1:00 PM, ELC Book Club: Room 304 7:00 PM, Job Networking: Rec Room TUESDAY, JUNE 21 9:00 AM, Vacation Bible School: Family Center 9:30 AM – 7:00 PM, Adoration: Chapel 9:30 AM, Quilters: Room 411 10:00 AM, Holy Hour Rosary for Respect Life: Chapel 4:00 PM, Holy Hour Rosary for Vocations: Chapel 7:00 PM, Rosary: Chapel 7:30 PM, Evening Prayer: Chapel WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22 9:00 AM, Vacation Bible School: Family Center THURSDAY, JUNE 23 9:00 AM, Vacation Bible School: Family Center 6:00 PM, Wedding Rehearsal: Church 7:00 PM, Line Dancing: Family Center FRIDAY, JUNE 24 9:00 AM, Vacation Bible School: Family Center 3:00 PM, Wedding: Church 7:30 PM, Bingo: Family Center SATURDAY, JUNE 25 9:00 AM, Job Search Seminar: Rec Room 5:30 PM, Nursery: 0-5 years SUNDAY, JUNE 26 9:45 & 11:30 AM, Nursery: 0-5 years: 1:30 PM, Baptisms: Narthex TheHospitalityMinistryforCoffeeand Donutswillbetakingasummerbreak forJune,JulyandAugust. CoffeeandDonutswillresumeSunday,September4. Baptisms Please contact parish office for preparation classes. Baptism Session for Parents 2nd Saturday of February, May, August, November 10:00 AM – Noon To register call LouAnn Svoboda (281-578-8271) Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) For information call LouAnn Svoboda (281-578-8271) Sacrament of Marriage Must be a registered, active member of the parish at least six months. Contact parish office eight months before wedding to begin preparation. Finance Council Chair Denny Dellinger Pastoral Council Chair Tom McGeehan Knights of Columbus Steve Zoeller, Grand Knight http://www.kofc9759.org/ St. Vincent de Paul Society Cynthia Viator Ladies Club Joan McManamy Forever Young Barbara Hajjar, Clare Snow Bulletin Deadline The deadline for article submission is Thursday at noon (ten days before publication). Your article can be sent to [email protected]. Check our website for Liturgical & Faith Formation Schedules. [email protected] Child’s Play Learning Center, Alyce Gabrysch, Director, 281-578-9332; 281-578-0507 Fax; childsplaykaty.com 3 Liturgy & Prayer PRAYER LIST FOR THE SICK LITURGICAL CELEBRATIONS THIS WEEK SPECIAL REMEMBRANCES Saturday, June 18 5:30 PM Sunday, June 19 8:00 AM 9:45 AM 11:30 AM 5:30 PM Monday, June 20 9:00 AM Tuesday, June 21 9:00 AM Wednesday, June 22 9:00 AM Thursday, June 23 9:00 AM Friday, June 24 9:00 AM Saturday, June 25 5:30 PM Sunday, June 26 8:00 AM 9:45 AM 11:30 AM 5:30 PM Vigil-Twelfth Sunday in O.T. †Irene Richard Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time †Clarence Neugebauer For the people †Richard Garza †Daniel Kristek, Sr. Weekday †Narimantas R. Reventas Saint Aloysius Gonzaga †Lorena Hill Weekday †Bernadette Bieltz Weekday †Mary Jane Beaumire Please keep the following people in your thoughts and prayers this week as we wish them a return to good health: Jason Sides, Michael “Matt” Patrick Ryan, Theresa McCluskey, Janet Cuccia, Hailey Williams, Emedes Contreras, Caroline Montello, Rhonda Janak, Randy Grossman, Joan Rushing, Minda Emata, Betty Long, Maria Mercedes Enriquez, Robert Davidson, Mabel Arrazola, Brianna McRee, Kristi Rowbatham, Richard Hoffman. The Nativity of St. John the Baptist Former ACTS Retreatants We Need You! †Dean Steck Vigil-Thirteenth Sunday in O.T. †Patti Paetow 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time †Dr. Giang L. Tran For the people †Rafael & Shirley Vides †Raymond & Anita Beard If you have previously been on an ACTS retreat (Adoration, Community, Theology and Service) and are interested in helping to bring ACTS retreats to Epiphany of the Lord, then we ask you to contact one of the Formation Team leaders below, or contact Deacon John Evanoff. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18; Ps 60:3-5, 12-13; Mt 7:1-5 Tuesday: 2 Kgs 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36; Ps 48:2-4, 10-11; Mt 7:6, 12-14 Wednesday: 2 Kgs 22:8-13; 23:1-3; Ps 119:33-37, 40; Mt 7:15-20 Thursday: 2 Kgs 24:8-17; Ps 106:1b-5; Mt 7:21-29 Friday: Vigil: Jer 1:4-10; Ps 71:1-6, 15, 17; 1 Pt 1:8-12; Lk 1:5-17 Day: Is 49:1-6; Ps 139:1-3, 13-15; Acts 13:22-26; Lk 1:57-66, 80 Saturday: Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19; Ps 74:1b-7, 20-21; Mt 8:15-17 Sunday: 1 Kgs 19:16b, 19-21; Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11; Gal 5:1, 13-18; Lk 9:51-62 Please pray for our military men and women. John Bannon (Men’s ACTS) [email protected] Terri Bray (Women’s ACTS) [email protected] Vocations Corner Life Awareness Week-end- July 22-24, 2016 (Friday evening through Sunday brunch) Come to this program open to single Catholics ages 18-45 to help in discerning about a religious vocation. No fee to attend. Sponsored by the Serra Club and held at the Holy Name Retreat Center in Houston. Contact Henry Majoue (832) 606-1372 All are invited to Pray a rosary for Vocations every Tuesday at 4:00 pm in the Chapel. 4 News in the Parish Our Stewardship We welcome into our community: Glenn & Elaine Austria, Gustavo & Cecil De la Pena, Vincent & Yvette Garcia, Catherine Guedry, Brent & Rebecca Hillyer, Jose & Mary Ramos, Abel & Julie Salas. Stewardship – June 11/12 Second Collection Next Weekend Peter’s Pence (Holy Father’s Charities) Annual Black Bag Collection—In the Gospel today, Jesus tells us that “whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.” Together, let us follow Jesus’ example by bringing hope and mercy to the poor through our mission of charity. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul’s Annual Black collection will be held on July 9/10. Sunday Offering St. Vincent de Paul Registered Households $65,675.71 $5,458.00 6,611 “If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” LUKE 9:23 We are not very good at “denying ourselves” in our society. Our current economic situation is evidence of what happens when people think they can have everything they want. Jesus calls us to set our own personal “wants” aside so that we have the resources to follow Him instead. Respect Life Bulletin Board Father’s Day Saint Pope John Paul wrote of the importance of Fatherhood: “A man is called upon to ensure the harmonious and united development of all the members of the family…by exercising generous responsibility for the life conceived under the heart of the mother, by a more solicitous commitment to educa on, a task he shares with his wife, by work which is never a cause of division in the family but promotes it’s unity and stability , and by means of the witness he gives of an adult Chris an life which effec vely introduces the children into the living experience of Christ and the Church.” When a baby is growing in the womb, the first vital organ that develops is the heart, which starts bea ng by about 21 days. What does this say about the human person? It is almost as if God honors the capacity to love by giving the heart supremacy even in the physical development of the human being. While not physically connected to newly developing life in the same way as the mother, the father need not be excluded from this beau ful mystery. During the month of June, may all hearts look to the Sacred Heart as a source of inspira on, and may all husbands and fathers be renewed in their calling to build up the culture of life, star ng in their own families. Fatherhood and the Sacredness of Human Life By Kimberly Baker, Life Issues Forum May 25, 2012 5 A Father’s Day Prayer Help me Lord, to cultivate a sense of family Campaign Update – Epiphany crosses $5 million mark! (as of June 10) Epiphany of the Lord Catholic Community has received $5,016,235 in pledges from 844 families for the Faith in our Future –Investing in Catholic Education campaign to build our Catholic elementary and middle school. Families continue to contribute to our new school and give families the choice of providing their children a Catholic education. For more information about the campaign go to epiphanycatholic.school. The website can also be found on the parish website at epiphanycatholic.org. within myself and the hearts and minds of my children. Give me the pa- tience and wisdom to see your work even amid our very human antics. Help me Lord to serve my children more than I expect from them. Help me to be a godly parent that I may raise up my children in your likeness. It’s Not Too Late to Make a Pledge You can still make a pledge to the school campaign. Here are three easy ways to make a pledge: ♦ Return the pledge card and envelope mailed to your home. ♦ Pick up a pledge card at the tables in the church narthex, at one of the church entrances or in the parish office. ♦ Call the campaign director, Michael Henkenius at 402-613-8254 or email him at [email protected] and he’ll mail a pledge card to your home. Three Ways to Make Campaign Gifts or Payments on Your Pledge Now you can contribute to Epiphany of the Lord’s Capital Campaign for a new Catholic School on Faith Direct! Faith Direct is our parish’s on-line e-giving program. It’s easy and convenient. If you are already registered with Faith Direct just go to the top of the contribution page and schedule your regular payments. If you’d like to register on Faith Direct for the first time just log onto faithdirect.net and sign up. Or you can find Faith Direct on our parish website Epiphanycatholic.org. Also, don’t forget Epiphany while you are away during the summer. You can use Faith Direct for convenient automatic payments from your checking account or credit card. When you sign up remember Epiphany’s parish code is: TX613. ♦ The parish monthly envelope packet mailed home to parishioners contains a special colored campaign envelope. Use the campaign envelope each month for gifts or payments on your pledge. ♦ Faith Direct, the online parish giving system, now has a specific campaign button that allows you to make a one-time gift or set up reoccurring payments on your pledge. Go to the parish website at epiphanycatholic.org to use Faith Direct. Faith Direct also has a mobile app. It is available on the Apple App Store and Google Play for Android users. The Faith Direct App allows Epiphany parishioners to access their account anytime, anywhere. ♦ Call the campaign director, Michael Henkenius at 402-613-8254 or email him at [email protected] and he’ll mail a campaign envelope to your home. By using Faith Direct you will help Epiphany plan for liturgies and ministries throughout the year. Sign up for Faith Direct today! 6 Around the Archdiocese Wedding Anniversary Jubilee Registrations are currently open for couples celebrating their 25th and 50th years of Marriage in the Catholic Church. Couples willing to participate can register on line by visiting Family Life Ministry Website (www.familylifeminsitryhouston.org). COUPLES CELEBRATING THEIR 50th ANNIVERSARY His Eminence Daniel Cardinal DiNardo will celebrate the golden wedding anniversary mass for those who are commemorating their 50th Anniversary of married life. This year's mass will be held on Sunday, September 25th, 2016 , 3:00 pm, at the CoCathedral of the Sacred Heart located at 1111 St. Joseph Parkway in Houston. COUPLES CELEBRATING THEIR 25th ANNIVERSARY His Eminence Daniel Cardinal DiNardo will celebrate the silver wedding anniversary mass for those who are commemorating their 25th Anniversary of married life. The Celebration for the couples that are celebrating their 25th year of sacramental marriage will take place on Sunday, August 14, 2016 at 3:00 pm, at the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart located at 1111 St. Joseph Parkway in Houston. We are proud to announce that these Epiphany of the Lord Parishioners are award winning students at St. John XXIII College Preparatory for the 2015-2016 School Year. We look forward to many more award winning students from Epiphany of the Lord Parish! Epiphany of the Lord Parish Ambassador for St. John XXIII College Preparatory – Tom Pierce. Natalie Lane Dana Alexander Griffin Alexander Christina Germana Benjamin Rehfled Lillianne Usher Audrey Morabito 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 President's Award of Distinguished Achievement in Theology President's Award of Distinguished Achievement in Theology President's Award of Distinguished Achievement in Mathematics President's Award of Distinguished Achievement in Mathematics, Theology & Science President's Award of Excellence in Mathematics CARDINAL DINARDO FAITH AND CHARACTER AWARD; Student Body President Scholar Athlete Award 7 Outreach Ministry 281-578-0707 Outreach Events in June: “BABY BOTTLE BLESSING” Standing Meetings: Mon.—Epiphany Job Net- Bottle Return TODAY! working at 7 p.m. in the PAC; Tues.—Respect Life Rosary at 10 a.m. in the Chapel. 18/19th: BBB Drop Off 19th: Happy Father’s Day 25th: Career Search 28th: Second Family Meeting 28th: Respect life THANK YOU to all who brought back their filled ‘Baby Bottle’ this weekend. You have helped to “change” someone’s LIFE! See www.epiphanycatholic.org for details. STARTING IN THE FALL Just Faith: JustFaith offers an intensive study of the Christian’s call to address the needs of the world. The 24-week program starts in September on Thursday mornings and includes weekly meetings, regular reading and immersion experiences. For more information look at justfaith.org or call John at 281-395-6167 or at [email protected]. Walking through Grief: Whether your loss is recent or in the past we will walk the grief journey with you. Nine week support ministry with topics that are DVD lead and independent of each other. Please join us on Tuesday evenings starting September 6th. JOB FAIR If you forgot to bring yours today, please drop it off at the parish office during the week. Career Job Search Seminar Saturday, June 25th from 9am to 1pm This career building workshop will help you brush up your resume. Interview skills will be reviewed and practice. Get help jumpstarting your new job placement. July 28th, 2016 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR EMPLOYEES? The Job Fair is welcoming companies that have salaried positions open. Please contact Outreach, 832-772-0306 if you’re interested. For this workshop you must pre-register by 6/22/16 via email to: [email protected] NEED PRAYERS Email [email protected] 8 Adult Faith Formation Faith Formation Registration For the 2016-2017 school year Registration for Faith Formation (FF) classes began on June 1 ♦ If your child was enrolled in FF during the 2015-16 school year, a preprinted registration form was mailed to your home. ♦ If you are a new parishioner, or if your child is just beginning FF this year, contact our office to request a FF registration form: 281-578-8271 or [email protected]. Class placement is dependent upon the number of confirmed, VIRTUS trained adults who volunteer as catechists to teach the children. Call 281-578-8271 if you feel that God is calling you to become a catechist. FATHERHOOD A father carries pictures where his money used to be. —Anonymous A Journey of Faith Awaits You “I married a Catholic and promised to raise my children Catholic. Now that my children are preparing to receive their First Holy Communion they are asking me why I don’t receive the Sacrament with them. I guess now is a good time for me to ask myself this question and find out how I can strengthen my own relationship with God.” This is just one of many reasons adults consider becoming Catholic. Invite someone you know to contact LouAnn at 281-578-8271, ext. 283 or [email protected] for more information on the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). 9 Treasures from our Tradition It’s almost midsummer day! One of the great hidden treasures of our liturgical calendar occurs this week. There are only three “nativity” feasts on our calendar: for the Lord, the Blessed Mother (September 8), and the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist on June 24. Friday’s date is anchored by the Annunciation (March 25), when Mary learns not only of her own child’s advent, but of Elizabeth’s child. We are exactly half a year away from Christmas Eve. There are strong traditions around this feast. Just as the winter solstice provides a rich vocabulary for Christmas, so does the abundance of light at midsummer inform this celebration. Just as at Christmas, a religious festival spills over into culture. As summer light reaches its peak, the sun-drenched zones of northern Europe see people staying up all night, kindling “St. John’s Fires” in the long summer twilight. Bonfires seem to be the unifying force in all these celebrations, kindled along the shores of the St. Lawrence in Quebec and Montreal, with harbor illuminations in France. You may be most interested in the custom in San Juan, Puerto Rico, the Baptist’s own city. People there will leap into the sea between midnight and dawn to honor John. Why not find your way to a pool, a lake, or a sandy beach this week and plunge in to recall your baptism? It’s a tradition! —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Epiphany of the Lord would like to let you know that JS Paluch is currently working on our Church Bulletin. If you would like to advertise your business in the Church Bulletin please contact: Donnie Taylor, Advertising Sales Executive, for JS Paluch Company at 281-744-8062 or email [email protected] Epiphany Youth Ministry AYC is July 29-31 at the Hilton of Americas! Calling High School Students!! Join EYM for a weekend conference with 2,000+ teens from all over the Galveston-Houston Archdiocese. Registra on is $175 and open unl June 27th. Please register online using our access code 7723EOTL at epiphanycatholic.org/ayc! We are going to the Houston June 29th. We will depart via bus from Epiphany after 9:00 a.m. Mass. Reserve your tickets by calling the youth office– 281-578-0770. July 6th: prepare for the Patriot Games! 10
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