November 1, 2015 - Epiphany of the Lord Catholic Community


November 1, 2015 - Epiphany of the Lord Catholic Community
Epiphany of the Lord
Catholic Community
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
1530 Norwalk Drive • Katy, Texas 77450
Telephone: 281.578.0707 • Fax: 281.578.9161
Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Masses: Monday – Friday: 9:00 a.m.
Saturday (Vigil): 5:30 p.m.
Sunday: 8:00 a.m., 9:45 a.m.*, 11:30 a.m.*, 5:30 p.m. *Nursery available
Reconciliation: Saturday 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.; or appointment with a priest
Eucharistic Adoration: Tuesday after 9:00 a.m. Mass until 7:30 p.m.
St. Vincent de Paul Society: 281.578.3845
November 1, 2015 • All Saints Day • Readings on p. 1209
Rev. Tom Lam
Rev. Thomas Joseph
Parochial Vicar
Deacon John Evanoff
Pastoral Associate
Deacon Don Kish
Business Manager
Craig Shemon
Gerry Broussard, Verna Goertz,
Dan Stamps, Mary Tran
Religious Education
LouAnn Svoboda, Director
Beth Harvey, Charlotte Fulton,
Maria Laiseca
Youth Ministry
Dave Clark, Director
Joey Harvey
Music Ministry
Spencer Schuyler, Director
Merle Vahlkamp
Liturgy Ministry
Dominick Aquila, Director
Outreach Ministry
Schottsie Hill, Director
Lisa Gilkeson
Facilities Manager
Kirk Harris
Young Kim, Karim Valdez
Nursery Coordinator:
Anne Salazar
Bingo: Friday at 7:30 p.m.
More information about our
parish can be found at:
A Reflection by Pope Francis
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The first two days of November are for all of us an intense moment of faith, prayer
and reflection on the “last things” of life. In fact, in celebrating all the saints and commemorating all the faithful departed, in the Liturgy the pilgrim Church on earth lives
and expresses the spiritual bond which unites her to the Church in heaven. Today we
praise God for the countless host of holy men and women of all ages: simple men and
women, who sometimes were the “last” for the world, but “first” for God. At the
same time we already remember our departed loved ones by visiting cemeteries: It is a
source of great consolation to think that they are in the company of the Virgin Mary,
the apostles, the martyrs and all the saints of Heaven!
Today’s Solemnity thus helps us to consider a fundamental truth of the Christian faith
that we profess in the Creed: the communion of saints. It is the communion that
comes from faith and unites all those who belong to Christ by Baptism. It is a spiritual
union that is not broken by death, but continues in the next life. In fact there is an unbreakable bond between us living in this world and those who have crossed the threshold of death. We here on earth, along with those who have entered into eternity, form
one great family.
This beautiful communion between heaven
and earth takes place in the highest and most
intense way in the Liturgy, and especially in
the celebration of the Eucharist, which expresses and fulfills the deepest union between the members of the Church. In the
Eucharist, we encounter the living Jesus and
His strength, and through Him we enter into
communion with our brothers and sisters in
the faith, those who live with us here on earth and those who have gone before us into
the next life, life without end. This reality of communion fills us with joy: it is nice to
have so many brothers and sisters in the faith who walk alongside us, supporting us
with their help and together we travel the same road toward heaven. And it is comforting to know that we have other brothers and sisters who have already reached heaven
ahead of us and who pray for us, so that together in eternity we can contemplate the
glorious and merciful face of the Father.
In the great assembly of the saints, God wanted to reserve the first place for the Mother of Jesus. Mary is at the center of the communion of saints, as a unique custodian of
the bond between the universal Church and Christ. For those who want to follow Jesus on the path of the Gospel, she is a safe guide because she is the first disciple, an
attentive and caring Mother, to whom we can entrust every desire and difficulty.
Let us pray together the Queen of All Saints, that she may help us to respond with
generosity and faithfulness to God, who calls us to be holy as He is holy (cf. Lev 19.2;
Mt 5:48).
For more reflections by Pope Francis, visit the new section of our parish webpage dedicated to
Pope Francis’ Press Release:
November 1, 2015 ~ All Saints Day
Events & Meetings This Week
Coffee & Donuts: Family Center
9:45 & 11:30 AM, Nursery: 0-5 years:
Room 214
3:30 PM, Children’s Faith Formation
3:30 PM, Jr. High Faith Formation
7:00 PM, HS Faith Formation
and Confirmation: PAC
9:00 AM, ESL 3: Room 308
9:30 AM, Called to be Mom: Rec
10:00 AM, Matthew: The King and His
Kingdom: Den
4:45 PM, Children’s Faith Formation
6:30 PM, Children’s Faith Formation
6:30 PM, Junior High Faith Formation
6:30 PM, HS Faith Formation
& Confirmation
9:00 AM, ESL 4 Conversation: Rm. 301 7:00 PM, Adult Choir Practice:
Music Room
10:00 AM, Catechist Modules: Den
7:00 PM, The Loft: Upper Room
12:30 PM, Rummikub: Room 507
7:00 PM, Acts: The Spread of the
Kingdom: Epiphany Room
9:30 AM, ESL 1: Room 303
7:00 PM, HS Bible Study: Upper Room
9:30 AM, ESL 4 Conversation:
7:00 PM, Scout Troop 1146: Rooms
Room 304
10:00 AM, Spiritual Book Study: Den
7:00 PM, Bereavement Meeting:
12:30PM, Knitting Group: Room 304
Room 303
6:30 PM, Spanish Bible Study:
7:00 PM, KOC Business Meeting:
Rec Room
KC Room
7:00 PM, Line Dancing: Family Center
7:00 PM, Job Networking: Rec Room
7:00 PM, Catechist Modules: Den
9:00 AM, ESL 1: Room 303
7:00 PM, B.R.I.N.K. Black Light Party
9:30 AM, Quilters: Room 411
Great Room
9:30 AM, ESL 4 Conversation: Rm 304
7:30 PM, Bingo: Family Center
9:30 AM – 7:00 PM, Adoration:
10:00 AM, Scripture Study: Den
10:00 AM, Holy Hour Rosary for
9:00 AM, Father Son Program:
Respect Life: Chapel
Family Center
1:00 PM, ESL 2: Room 301
9:00 AM, Career Search Seminar:
4:00 PM, Holy Hour Rosary for
Rec Room
Vocations: Chapel
10:00AM, Hartt Convalidation: Chapel
4:45 PM, Children’s Faith Formation
1:30 PM, Mother Daughter Program:
4:45 PM, Junior High Faith Formation
Family Center
7:00 PM, Rosary: Chapel
7:00 PM, RCIA: Epiphany Room
7:00 PM, Scout Troop 1288:
Rec Room, 301/303
Food Drive
7:00 PM, Walking through Grief: Den
Veterans Day Breakfast: After 11:30am
7:30 PM, Evening Prayer: Chapel
Please contact parish office
for preparation classes.
Baptism Session for Parents
2nd Saturday of February,
May, August, November
10:00 AM – Noon
To register call
LouAnn Svoboda
Rite of Christian Initiation of
Adults (RCIA)
For information call
LouAnn Svoboda
Sacrament of Marriage
Must be a registered, active
member of the parish at least
six months. Contact parish
office eight months before
wedding to begin preparation.
Finance Council Chair
Denny Dellinger
Pastoral Council Chair
Tom McGeehan
Knights of Columbus
Steve Zoeller, Grand Knight
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Cynthia Viator
Ladies Club
Joan McManamy
Forever Young
Barbara Hajjar, Clare Snow
9:45 & 11:30 AM, NURSERY: 0-5 YEARS:
9:00 AM, ESL 4: Room 307
9:00 AM, ESL 3 Conversation Rm 301
Room 214
9:45 & 11:30 AM, Children’s Liturgy of
the Word: Grade 2
3:30 PM, Children’s Faith Formation
3:30 PM, Jr. High Faith Formation
7:00 PM, HS Faith Formation
and Confirmation: PAC
Coffee & Donuts today after all masses
Bulletin Deadline
The deadline for article
submission is Thursday at noon
(ten days before publication).
Your article can be sent to
[email protected].
Liturgical, Youth Usher & Faith
Formation Schedules.
[email protected]
Child’s Play Learning Center, Alyce Gabrysch, Director, 281-578-9332; 281-578-0507 Fax;
Epiphany of the Lord Catholic Community
Liturgy & Prayer
Saturday, October 31
5:30 PM
Sunday, November 1
8:00 AM
9:45 AM
11:30 AM
5:30 PM
Monday, November 2
9:00 AM
Tuesday, November 3
9:00 AM
Wednesday, November 4
9:00 AM
Thursday, November 5
9:00 AM
Friday, November 6
9:00 AM
Saturday, November 7
5:30 PM
Sunday, November 8
8:00 AM
9:45 AM
11:30 AM
5:30 PM
Vigil-All Saints
†Luciano Danjoy
All Saints Day
Consuelo Esponda
For the People
†Ancestors of Nguyen Family
†Summer Edwards
All Souls’ Day
†Gersain Magana
†Summer Edwards
St. Charles Borromeo
Steeve Dos
†Raul Correa
†Zita Briksnis
Vigil-32nd Ordinary Sunday
†Adrian Gamo
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Luis “Sangsoo” Park
For the People
†Hans A. Wagner
†Lawrence Gochioco
Wis 3:1-9; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:5-11 or 6:3-9;
Jn 6:37-40, or any readings from no. 668 or
from the Masses for the Dead, nos. 1011-1016
Rom 12:5-16b; Ps 131:1bcde-3; Lk 14:15-24
Wednesday: Rom 13:8-10; Ps 112:1b-2, 4-5, 9;
Lk 14:25-33
Rom 14:7-12; Ps 27:1bcde, 4, 13-14;
Lk 15:1-10
Rom 15:14-21; Ps 98:1-4; Lk 16:1-8
Rom 16:3-9, 16, 22-27; Ps 145:2-5, 10-11;
Lk 16:9-15
1 Kgs 17:10-16; Ps 146:7-10; Heb 9:24-28;
Mk 12:38-44 [41-44]
ELDERLY: The Sacrament of
Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated on Thursday, November 5 and
every First Thursday of the month
during the 9:00 AM Mass. The Sacrament of
Anointing is for the strengthening of those who
are ill, or aging. We celebrate the sacrament best
in a community setting so that we can support you
with prayer.
Please keep the following people in
your thoughts and prayers this week as
we wish them a return to good health:
Jason Sides, Andrew Bencivengo, Janet Cuccia,
Patricia Givens, Jackie Alfonso, Hailey Williams,
Karen Hurbrough, Madison Schenk, Bill Wilson,
Janice Remmele, James Mumz, Joetta Bowie,
Bessie Polasek, Judy Coble, Jakob Olague,
Stanton Parrish, Michael “Matt” Patrick Ryan,
Christelle Ateba, Sandrine Baroung, Laure NgoNlend, Solange Ngo-Nlend, Igid Houndegla, Valerie Nlend, Mary Jagielski, Joan Rushing.
To make a request for someone to be on our prayer
list, please call the parish office at 281-5780707. Your loved one’s name will appear on our
prayer list for six consecutive Sundays. If a longer
period of time is needed, please call the parish
office to renew your request.
Please Remember In Prayer
Our Deceased
Iris O’Lenick, wife of Paul O’Lenick
Father of Candice O’Lenick
& Carry Dennis
November 1, 2015 ~ All Saints Day
The Commemoration of All the
Faithfully Departed
All Souls’ Day-November 2
Mass Times:
9:00 am, 5:00 pm, & 7:00 pm
News in the Parish
Stations of the Cross
Beautification Fund
This beautiful set of
Stations of the Cross
is a way to continue
to add to the spiritual
environment of our
worship space.
Please pick up a flyer
to learn how you can
contribute to this
Epiphany Feast Day
1st Annual Feast Day Celebration
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Epiphany of the Lord is
sponsoring a celebration of our
parish’s cultural diversity
through music, food and
cultural display.
MARRIED COUPLES: Would you like to spend a
weekend alone with your spouse before the holidays just the two of you? Away from everything: the kids,
job, phone, bills and house? Plan a getaway to:
Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend
Christian Renewal Center
1515 Hughes Road in Dickinson, Texas
November 6-8, 2015
Contact Brian & Tina Little at 281-7734014 to make a reservation and for more
information, or go online to
To make this event a success,
we are asking for your support in sharing your
culture, traditions and culinary skills.
So far, we have representatives from the US,
Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Mexico, and
We are seeking volunteers to represent European
countries and other countries.
Our next planning meeting will be in November. If
you are interested and would like to be part of this
exciting event, please contact Donna Gross at 713
-248 6485 or email [email protected]
If you would like to bring Holy Communion during the week to Catholic patients in the
Methodist St. Catherine Hospital at Fry Road and Kingsland Blvd. on a regular basis, we
would like to hear from you. There will be an informational meeting at 7:00pm on
November 11 about this ministry in the main conference room of the parish office.
Specific requirements for this ministry include:
•Must already be a commissioned EMHC
•Must attend the Methodist Hospital System Orientation
•Must submit to background check and TB test by hospital (no cost)
To register, please contact Deacon John Evanoff at 832-772-0267 or [email protected]
Epiphany's Annual Frostyfest Craft Show
December 5 from 9:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m.
There are still spaces available for this show; ALL CRAFTS MUST BE HAND MADE BY THE VENDOR.
For information & an application go to or contact Brenda Cason at
Epiphany of the Lord Catholic Community
Our Stewardship
Stewardship – October 24/25
Sunday Offering
St. Vincent de Paul
Registered Households
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (MATTHEW 5:3)
“Poor in spirit” is confusing for many of us. It simply means to place your trust in God, putting His will
first and being strong in faith. As we celebrate the
lives of the saints on All Saints Day, remember, we,
too are called to be saints. Dialing down our own
pride and ego and turning up the humility will help
us on our path to sainthood.
During the first nine months of
2015, thanks to your generosity, we
have been able to assist 615 families!
You have provided $90K for housing,
$63K for utilities, $16K for food, and
$1K for other expenses. Our Friends in Need thank
you! God bless you for your generosity!
Gifts of Securities
theArchdiocesecanofferevenmoretaxbene itsthan
morethanoneyeartoaquali iedcharitableorganizationsuchasourparishortheArchdiocese,youenjoy
twomajortaxbene its:
• Youwillbeexemptfrompayingcapitalgainstaxes
Learn More
SimplycontactMichael SchillacifromtheArchdiocesanDevelopmentDepartmentat713-652-4418or
[email protected].
eGiving with Faith Direct
Do you scramble for your checkbook on your way out the door to Mass? Do you hunt for your church envelopes under a pile of bills? Simplify your life! Consider making your generous weekly contributions to the
parish through Faith Direct.
Faith Direct is the electronic giving program used by Epiphany of the Lord and hundreds of Catholic parishes
around the country and the archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. Visit their website today at: and learn how to enroll online. It’s secure and easy.
Please note our parish code is: TX613.
Faith Direct allows you the flexibility to give weekly or monthly. It also allows you to give directly to the
parish, St. Vincent de Paul, second collections, holy days, and special mission appeals. Faith Direct also allows you to make donations for holiday plants and flowers to decorate the church. You can also donate directly to Epiphany’s beautification fund which will pay for our new Stations of the Cross coming in 2016!
Since April of 2014, several hundred families from Epiphany have signed up with Faith Direct and so can
After prayerful thought, consider signing up for electronic giving through Faith Direct. Contributions happen
automatically from your checking account or credit card. Payments occur throughout the year even if you are
traveling on business or on vacation. Faith Direct helps your home parish. It’s cost-effective, environmentally friendly and it’s simple!
Epiphany of the Lord would like to thank each and every one of your for your generous support and stewardship. We hope Faith Direct makes it more convenient for you to continue to offer your gifts to Epiphany of
the Lord.
November 1, 2015 ~ All Saints Day
Vocations Corner
“Listen to my voice; then I will be
your God and you shall be my people.” (Jer. 7:23)
Our monthly Vocations meeting will
be Thursday, November 12, at 7:00
pm in the Main Conference room.
We have many sub-committees that
are working to promote vocations.
Come and see!
National Vocations Awareness week is
November 1-7! Our students in Faith For-
mation will be learning more about vocations.
All are invited to pray a Vocations Rosary before the Blessed Sacrament every Tuesday, at
4:00 pm in the Chapel. Let us continue to pray
for vocations in our families. Please come!
Sponsored by the Vocations Committee.
Seminarian Care Package Project
Epiphany Vocation’s Committee, Youth
Ministry and Elementary Faith Formation
will celebrate Vocation’s Week.
Part of the program includes creating Christmas Care Packages for
the seminarians (50) who
attend St. Mary’s Seminary in Houston. We are
collecting gift cards
(Target, Office Depot,
Starbucks, Walgreens, Staples, etc.), printer paper, stationary and mail stamps, post-it notes,
legal pads, staples, dividers, tea bags, coffees,
good movies, Christian CD’s, etc. Join us in our
efforts by making a donation today! Care Packages will be delivered the First week of December by a Confirmation Class.
Donations accepted through Friday, November
20, 2015. Please bring items to the Faith Formation Office or to your catechist in one of our
CFF sessions.
Community Life
Let your creative side shine! Come
join the Epiphany Ladies Club on
November 13 at 9:30 AM to create your own
Christmas decoration. It’s never too late to become a member so come meet some new friends.
Any questions, please contact
[email protected]. “Like” us on
Facebook to keep up with all the activities.
Knights of Columbus
Brisket & Sausage Sale
Pre-Sales can be picked up in the
Family Center after all masses.
In addition, we will also have the following for
purchase on a first come, first serve basis:
Brisket chopped
Sausage Link
$4.00 each
$20.00 each
(1lb chopped brisket & 2 sausages)
Epiphany of the Lord Catholic Community
Outreach Ministry 281-578-0707
Outreach Events in November:
 Standing
Meetings: Mon.—Epiphany
Job Networking at 7 p.m. in the PAC;
Tues.—Respect Life Rosary at 10 a.m. in
the Chapel.
 2nd: Bereavement meeting
 3rd: Walking Through Grief
 7th: Career Search Seminar
 8th: Food Drive
 12th: Gathering Place
 12th: Caregiver’s Support Group
 See for details.
Monday, November 2nd at 7:00 pm
Parish Activity Center-Room 303
Grief is a normal human reaction to loss and
change. A healthy expression of grief is one that
acknowledges the pain that accompanies loss and
allows it to happen. Avoiding the “bad” feelings –
anger, sadness, guilt, etc. – does not make them go
away, even over time. Support of others with similar
experiences can help us to be more understanding
and patient with ourselves as we go through our
time of grief. Please join us for our next gathering
on If you cannot attend but want information, contact Michelle Taunton at Epiphanychurch-
[email protected].
And other foods for our monthly
Food Drive scheduled for next
weekend, November 8.
We appreciate all of your help in
keeping our food pantry
well stocked.
There are 40 parishioners identified as struggling
financially and we want to bless them with Thanksgiving food baskets. We are looking for families or
groups to help with this endeavor.
If you are interested please call the Lisa at
832-772-0305 or email her at
[email protected]. She can give you a
few more details on those receiving the basket.
Baskets or boxes can be decorated and notes enclosed. Be sure to sign first names only. Items to
include in the baskets/boxes are food for their festive
meal, gift card to Walmart/grocery store (for them to
purchase perishable food including meat and milk),
personal care products, etc. to make Thanksgiving
Deliver the baskets to the Outreach Center by
Friday, November 20th.
Are you looking for a new career? Want to improve
your resume writing, networking, interviewing and
other successful career search skills?
We are providing coats or jackets
(new or used), new blankets and books
to those in need on Thanksgiving day.
Please leave the donations in the
collection bins in the loggia outside of the family center.
Canned vegetables and canned chili
are needed in the Food Closet
Pre-register by 11/04/15 via email to
[email protected]
If you have any question please call Lisa in Outreach
Ride needed to Church
A Gentleman at the Solana at Cinco Ranch needs a
ride to Church on Sunday. He normally attends
9:45am service, but is unable to drive himself now.
Call Lisa in Outreach at 832-772-0306 if you can
November 1, 2015 ~ All Saints Day
Adult Faith Formation – 281-578-8271
The session for parents and godparents to prepare for the baptism of their infants will be held
Saturday, November 14 from 10:00am to
12:00pm in the Family Center. This preparation
session is required before parents can schedule
the Sacrament of Baptism for their infants. Parents and godparents are encouraged to attend
this session before the birth of the child. Call 281
-578-8271 to register for this session. Childcare
during this class is available by emailing [email protected] with parent’s name,
ages of children needing nursery and name/
date of event. The next opportunity to attend a
baptism class will be on Saturday, February 13,
Ask yourself:
∗ Am I moving toward God? (Or, away from
∗ How does Scripture parallel my own life’s experiences?
∗ How can I pray better?
∗ How can Scripture help me make decisions?
Several trained Spiritual Directors (male or female) are available to meet with you at Epiphany of the Lord. We are committed to spend time
listening and praying with you. There is no fee for
spiritual direction.
Contact [email protected] or call
281-578-8271, ext. 283 for more information.
On November 4, join us for our service project
and fall craft project. We will be making Fall
wreaths.! We meet in the Rec Room (PAC) from
9:30-11:30 am each
Contact LouAnn at 281-578
-8271, ext. 283 or email
[email protected]
for more information.
Catechist modules are two hour sessions designed by the
Archdiocese to assist catechists (teachers of faith formation) in being comfortable in the classroom. These
modules may be used toward catechist certification.
Epiphany offers free Catechist modules on Monday’s
from 10:00 a.m. until Noon with a repeat session offered
on Thursday evenings from 7:00 until 9:00 p.m. Please
see the Catechist Module schedule at:
Keeping the Promise Alive
(Virtus Refresher)
Thursday, November 12
7:00—8:30 pm
Parish Activity Center-Epiphany Room
A valid ID must be presented at check-in. No
Walk-ins! Preregistration is required at Contact
[email protected] for username,
password and registration instructions or call
LouAnn at 281-578-8271, ext. 283. No late
KPA is required for all volunteers who attended the originalVIRTUS: Protecting God’s Children in 2010 or before.
Epiphany of the Lord Catholic Community
Children’s Faith Formation
Epiphany Youth Ministry
Safe Environment Lessons for 3rd, 4th, and 5th
grades will be offered Sunday, November 8, Tuesday, November 10, and Wednesday, November 11
during regular Faith Formation times.
Home Based children are encouraged to attend
with their parent(s). Call the Faith Formation Office at 281-578-8271 if you plan to attend with
your child.
We are seeking devoted
adults and teens to work
individually with children
with disabilities. If you
would like to find out more how you can help in
an adaptive classroom setting please call the
Faith Formation Office at 281-578-8271.
Registration continues for our HS FALL Retreat!
$125 and form are due by November 2. Late Registration of $150 ends on November 10. We are
looking for high school juniors and seniors to be on
retreat team.
Please email [email protected] for
more information!
Junior High Retreat RESCEDULED !!!
December 11-13, 2015.
Registration is opened to those who would like to
attend until November 23rd. Cost $140
Substitute Catechists are a wonderful asset for
any program. If you have taught in the past few
years and would like to return on “call as needed” basis call the Faith Formation Office to get
on our Substitute List! 281-578-8271.
Let us join our students this week to learn more about
Religious Vocations. We are participating in creating
Christmas packages for our seminarians who attend St.
Mary’s Seminary for our Archdiocese. For more information look in your child’s take home folders or call the
CFF office (281-578-8271).
All New Friday Night
November 6th from 7-9 pm
Parish Activity Center-Great Room.
Learn to let Christ’s light shine through as we host a
glow party for all 6, 7, & 8 graders! Pizza will be
served and friends are invited!
Cost: $10 registration.
November 1, 2015 ~ All Saints Day
515137: Epiphany of the Lord Catholic Community
1530 Norwalk Dr., Katy, TX 77450
Gerry Broussard #1 email: [email protected]
#2 email: [email protected]
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Adobe Acrobat XI Pro
Windows 7 SP1
HP LJ300-400 Color M353-M451 PCL6
1 through 11
November 1, 2015
Tuesday, 12 PM

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