isa camper - Family Campers and RVers
isa camper - Family Campers and RVers
ISA CA M P ER ILLINOIS STATE ASSOCIATION NOVEMBER 2014 VOLUME 31 #4 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT INSIDE THIS ISSUE: MEETING MINUTES 2 NATIONAL NEWS 3 C.A.M.P 4 DASAT 5 ISA ELECTIONS CONDOLENCES AROUND ILLINOIS 6 CHAPTER NEWS 7 ILLINOIS RETIREES 8 UPCOMING RV SHOWS 9 ISA OFFICERS & CHAIRPERSONS 10 ISA SUBSCRIPTION 11 SPONSORS 11 Well, camping season for most of us is once again coming to a close for 2014. Unless you want to experience the Kentucky Colonels campout from November 23-28 at Lake Cumberland State Park near Jamestown, KY. I’ve talked about this before that all are welcome, so I won’t repeat myself on this. If you need information about it contact me at: dentec957@ Our final State campout for 2014 was held at Geneseo Campground in Geneseo. It was a great ‘weather wise’ weekend attended by only seven units, one each representing seven different clubs. Sounds like a lot of people, but not really. Could have had a better representation, and only two (2) officers were there. Nevertheless, we all had an enjoyable weekend. The Saturday evening meal—a chili dump—was great and sure tasted good, so thanks to all who dumped in their own recipes for a tasty meal. Our after the meal dessert or ‘later hospitality’—a delicious carrot cake was provided by Geneseo Campground after which Craig led us all in a ‘Turtle Race’ game that was lots of fun for everyone. Thanks to Craig and Shari of Geneseo for the weekend. Officially—we did not have enough for a quorum to hold a meeting—but we had one anyway. If we have to wait for an official quorum we’d never have a meeting. Donna Powell, Chair of the Nominations Committee presented the slate of officer candidates for the 2015-2017 term. This report will be printed elsewhere in this issue. My Thanks to Donna for heading this up as it’s always a frustrating job. The election process will be ballots mailed in about mid-February 2015 to all FCRV/ISA members and the ballots to be returned to Donna by April 1st, 2015. The ballots will be tabulated at the April State campout which will be at the Perry County Fairgrounds in Pinckneyville, IL hosted again by the A-Wa-We-Go club of DuQuion on the 3rd weekend of April 17-19, 2015. They have always been great hosts. The registration form will be in the February 2015 issue. NOTICE!!!! A REMINDER!! It was voted in June to leave the preregistration fee at $5.00 for the time being, but the NON-PRE REGISTERED (or at the gate) arrivals will be $10.00. So, if you want to save $5—be sure to PRE-register by the deadlines as this also helps the hosting club in preparing. All pre-registration fees are non-refundable! To put on a campout, the lower the attendance the more costly it becomes, example: let’s say with 5 units it gives $25.00 in fees to plan something for 10 adult persons not counting potential youth or teens, sometimes not an easy task. The solution: PLEASE attend and pre-register. In conclusion, have a great and Blessed holiday season, DATES TO REMEMBER Nov 23-28, 2014—Kentucky Colonels Thanksgiving Campout March 24-29 2015—National Retiree Rally—North Fl Fairgrounds, Tallahassee, FL Apr 17-19 2015—ISA State Campout— Perry County Fairgrounds, Pinkneyville June 7-11—Illinois Retiree Campout— Marshall-Putnam Fairground, Henry, IL June 12-14 2015—ISA State Campout—Arrowhead Acres, Clinton IL July 6-10—National Campvention, Gillette, WY July 30-Aug 2—Great Lakes Regional— Diamond Lakes, Owensboro, KY Sept 11-13—ISA State Campground— Marshall-Putnam Fairground, Henry, IL Sept 13-17—Illinois Retiree Campground—Marshall-Putnam Fairground, Henry, IL HAPPY THANKSGIVING MERRY CHRISTMAS HAPPY NEW YEAR See you camping next year, Duane & Ruth FROM THE STATE DIRECTORS Hello, Well it’s time for the Holidays again. We just can’t believe it. Where has the camping season gone? We did not get near as much camping in as we would have liked to between both of us working so many hours this past summer. We would like to wish all of you a great and safe holiday season with family and friends. Doug & I will be going to Florida this year to spend Christmas and New Years with my sister and her family. Our niece is expecting her first child and due while we are there. Some of you may remember April. She and her parents camped a lot with Illinois at Campventions and was Miss Florida at Campvention in Georgia. ISA & FCRV Dates to Remember for 2015 March 24th-29th Retiree Rally: North Florida Fairgrounds, Tallahassee, FL April 17th-19th Illinois State Campout: Perry County Fairgrounds, Pinkneyville, IL June 12th-14th Illinois State Campout: Arrowhead Acres Campground, Clinton, IL July 6th -10th National Campvention: Gillette, WY July 30th – Aug. 2nd Great Lakes Regional: Diamond Lakes Campground, Ownensboro, KY September 11th -13th Illinois State Campout: Putnam County Fairgrounds, Henry, IL Continued on page 2 ISA CAMPER Page 2 MEETING MINUTES SEPT GENERAL MEETING—SEPT 21, 2014 Donna Powell led us in Payer and we all recited the Ple4dge of Allegience. Officers present;: Pres. Duane & Ruth Keegan, Rec. Secy. Martha Cooley. Field Directors: Martha Cooley, Matt & Marla Mantia and Dist. Director Donna Powell. Chapters: Pheasant Runners, Kankakee Valley Wanderers, Soy City, Parkampers, Squirrely Turtles, and Alf. only if the Queen goes to the National Campvention. When you send in your $5. for ISA subscriptions, it should go to the Treasurer. For some reason George isn't receiving those monies. Starting in 2015, pre-registrations will be $5. and those not pre-registering will be $10. at the gate. This will give the campout hosts some idea what they will have to work with. Retirees: see their report in another article. Campvention: as reported by Duane & Ruth: a good turnout for Illinois participatants; the Alf Chapter won first place in the Scrapbook contest; CAMP-310 miles for the Alfs and 52 individual miles by Pete Luensmann; Wildlife Photo- Beth O'Neal for 14-19 age group; Ladies Single Washer TossDonna Powell; Ladies Doubles in Horseshoes-Donna Powell & Rhonda O'Neal; Rhonda wan a Special Award-Order of the Broken Shoe (what strength she has!); Beth was on the Softball team that took 1st place and she was also on the Volleyball team that won 1st place; Jill Serbousek coached the 1st place winner in on of two Relay teams; Brenda Felters dog took 2nd in a 4-tie for the Cutest Dog. and 1st place as Best Dressed Dog; 2d in Best of Show; the Alf Chapter was the winner of the Chapter of The Year. Wildlife: an application for a grant for 2015 should be in by April 1st. Congrats to all of the winners! Chaplain: Donna Powell conducted our church service and monies collected were donated to a local food pantry. Beth O'Neal was in the 2013 Teen Queen Court as Miss Congeniality. Minutes of the June meeting were read and accepted as printed in the ISA CAMPER. Treas. : balance on hand as of 9-19-04 in checking $2283.53 and $6003.67 in two CD's in the U.S.Bank. Adult activities: Craig Weber had us playing a "Turtle Race" game. What fun! The winner was Marla Mantia and she won her choice of a t-shirt from the Weber's Campground office. Nominations for the next 2 years are: Pres. Duane & Ruth Keegan; 1sr V.P. Matt & Marla Mantia and Pete & Micky Luensmann; Rec. Secy. Jill Serbouseck; Treas. George & Betty Helmich; Corres. Secy. Rhonda & Mike O'Neal. This committee was chaired by Donna Powell; the ballot will be in the Feb. issue of the ISA CAMPER and to be returned by April 1st. Scholarship Treas.: balance of $2007. as reported by Duane Keegan. $2.00 was collected from each family present and names were drawn for the winners. Campout report: 7 families represented. The Keegans were in charge of our campout and served "Dump Chili" (where each made chili and dumped it all together). the Webers donated a cake for our desert. Donuts and coffee were on hand for Sunday breakfast. Thank You, Ruth and Duane. 2015 Campouts: April 17-19 @ Pinckneyville; June 12-14 @ Arrowhead; June Retirees 7-11 @ Henry; Sept. 11-13 @ Henry followed by the Retirees Sept. 13-17; Regional Campout in Owensboro, Ky. July 30-31 and August 12. Put these dates on your calendar! It was suggested for Chapters to schedule a campout to coincide with the State Campouts for better participation. It might be fun. Guests: we had two--Emily & Alaina Powell, Donna's Granddaughters. Get Well wishes go out to Betty Helmich and Doris Lutz. Old Business: A check from ISA for $600 will be mailed to Larry Hearn for his tent the GL. Regional borrowed last July. A wind storm blew it over and it was damaged. Hopefully, this has worked out for the advantage of all concerned. Tabled for now, are rules and regulations plus a signature for the use of said tent. Respectfully submitted, The Teen Queen contest needs some new guidelines, concerning the size of the trophy and crown. ISA will donate $100. toward expenses I want to thank the reporter that took notes and had them put in the ISA CAMPER in my absence. Martha Cooley, Rec. Secy. Don't forget to vote in the Nov. election--I will be an election judge, again. Try it if you have never done it before. You will learn a lot, I did. STATE DIRECTOR MESSAGE CONTINUED Future Campventions are: 2015; Gillett Wyoming, July 6th-10th 2016; Shawnee Oklahoma, July 18th-22nd Don’t forget to hand out the Cadet Memberships to people who would get a benefit out of them and become members of Family Campers & RV’ers. Your Camping Friends, Doug & Connie Black ISA CAMPER Page 3 NATIONAL NEWS FCRV Elections in 2015—Looking for Nominees FCRV General Membership Survey The Nominating Committee is hard at work finding candidates for the election next year. The positions open are Vice President of Operations, Vice President of Planning and Development, and Comptroller. If you are interested in one of these positions, or know someone who is, please contact one of the Trustees or your State Director and they can pass your information along to the Nominating Committee. The elections of course will be held next spring. Resumes for candidates will be published in Camping Today at the beginning of the new year. Did you know that the VP of Planning & Development and his trusted Strategic Planner have put together a general membership survey to find out how make FCRV better for its members? We want all members to fill out the survey and let the trustees and executive board know how to make FCRV better. Some results are already in, with 20% of the membership responding so far. The Great Lakes Region has provided 88 responses at last count, but I know with some help from Illinois that number can go up. You can take the survey by going to the FCRV web site (, then click the Members’ Area menu followed by Member Surveys from the drop down. If you attended Campvention, there is also a survey about that so we can make the 2015 Campvention even better. To see the results so far of the membership survey, read th e online October issue of the Camping Today. Results will also be published in the November printed issue. Grandchildren—FCRV’s Future By Dave Ludwig How many of you have grandchildren and enjoy bringing them to Family Campers and RVers’ rallies and activities? I am sure many of you do. Current policies, however, prevent those grandchildren from participating in the youth and teen activities at those rallies. The Trustees are listening to your concerns and are reviewing these policies. The issue is not an easy one to resolve, and there are several possible options to providing a safe and equitable solution. We need to establish a policy that will allow grandchildren of members to participate in the teen and youth activities for the organization. But we need it to be done in an equitable manner. Allowing a grandchild to just participate without a membership process for them would be unfair to the rest of the teens and youth of the organization whose parents have paid their annual dues and thereby contributed to the funds that are required to conduct those activities. Scholarships, the Teen Royalty Pageant, teen sports, and other activities are all funded through the National organization or private contributions. To provide equal access to these activities requires us to develop a membership process with appropriate fees for all participants. This is an issue that we are not going to be able to solve today or tomorrow. We need to understand the breadth of the organization’s needs for the inclusion of grandchildren, and then we need to develop a workable process. I invite you to express your thoughts on this to the Trustees, or to write a Letter to the Editor of Camping Today to allow your opinions and ideas to be known. We would like to start formulating our policy soon after the first of the year, so please provide any input that you would like to by the end of the year. Email - [email protected]. To see the rest of this article and some of the options the trustees are considering, be sure to check out the October issue of the Camping Today. GREAT LAKES REGIONAL IN REVIEW BY JILL SERBOUSEK The Great Lakes Regional campout was held at the beginning of August in Indiana. Several members from Illinois attended, including yours truly. It was a fun time for all. I personally enjoy regional campouts more than national because in a smaller setting it is easier to get to know new people. The theme of the regional was Old Time Country Fair. We had plenty of entertainment from the teens who attended. National Teen King Fletcher Shaneyfelt is from Indiana and the National Teen Queen Rebecca and her mom Beth made the trip from Florida. We also had national runner up King Shawn Crookedacre from Michigan and our very own Beth O’Neal from Illinois. They did some fun dancing to a montage of music on Friday night to get the crowd going. Saturday morning we had a “tractor pull”, hosted by Michigan. It was pretty much a race between 2 people through an obstacle course. Doug and Connie raced each other, Rhonda and I raced each other and several others raced. It was all in good fun and provided lots of laughs. The obstacle course included changing your socks (tire change), drinking a small cup of water (refuel), stacking a bunch of boxes that were strewn about (???) and finally dressing Dave or Linda Henne as a scarecrow (??). Later that afternoon we had fair games and food. Scott Serbousek helped the teens with frying up bacon bombs and fried bread dough, we had ping pong toss, corn on the cobb, home made lemonade, and a cherry dessert contest. That evening there was a hoe-down with singing and line dancing lessons. On Sunday morning it was time for all of us to pack up and head home. After all we had a four hour drive through Indiana which has been known to eat a few camper tires… You can see photos posted on the Illinois web site at or view Marilyn Rausch’s photos at https:// ISA CAMPER Page 4 CAMPERS ACTIVELY MOVING PROGRAM (CAMP) ALF Campers issue an ambitious challenge that is well worth the effort. ALF Campers are challenging ISA chapters to walk/hike/bike 100 miles over the course of the year. Or, if you think you can take on a bigger challenge, match their miles for the year. ALF’s will spot you 300 miles. The Kankakee Valley Wanderers have already accepted the challenge. Illinois submitted 310 miles in 2014 to be the third highest state with miles in FCRV. 310 of those miles were from the ALF Chapter. Colorado came in first with 526 miles. Illinois can exceed that number if more chapters get involved. By walking at campouts, festivals, on weekends or charity events and by tackling a few chunks of state trails, you can really make the miles add up over time. Consider the enormous health and fitness benefits of such a sustained challenge. Regular movement has been proven to help decrease the risk of all kinds of nasty stuff, like coronary heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and colon and breast cancers. You’ll lose weight, and reduce stress and anxiety levels. And you might just establish a new exercise pattern for years to come. You can also track your progress with notes, photos, and even a GPS to create a treasured record of the achievement. Example: Walk around the campground after breakfast. If everyone attending the campout walks one mile around the campground it adds up fast. Do the same thing after dinner. Total: 2 hikes x 2 miles x 5 members x 5 campouts = 100 miles. See easy! Make it fun! Play games while you are walking. I spy! This classic game is so much easier to play when you’re walking. Everyone can join in, and it’s a great way to encourage people to look at their surroundings, as well as be active. Match the cards! The facilitator chooses a number of well-known phrases, and writes half of each phrase on a piece of paper or card. For example, they write ‘Happy’ on one piece of paper and ‘Birthday’ on another, or ‘Peanut Butter’ on one piece and ‘Jelly’ on the other. (The number of pieces of paper should match the number of participants in the group.) One piece is then taped on to the back of each group member. While walking your route, each participant tries to first figure out what is on their back by asking other members questions along the walk and then find the member of the group with the matching half of the phrase. Group statues! As the group walks have them relax and swing their arms. After a short while, shout out a word. The group must form themselves into statues that describe the word. For example, the facilitator shouts “peace”. All the participants have to instantly adopt, without talking, poses that show what ‘peace’ means to them. Repeat the exercise several times. Poker Walk Equipment Needed: • Deck of playing cards • Prizes Measure out your 1 mile walk. Figure out five stops (or more) along the route. At each stop each participant is given a playing card. The player with the highest poker hand wins a prize. Walk for a Cause: If your chapter signs up for a charitable walk such as Komen Walk, Heart Walk, Memory Walk, etc. not only are you helping the charity, you are helping yourself as well. Total: 1 walk x 2 miles x 5 members = 10 miles. Add that to the 100 miles you have at campouts and your chapter is already up to 110 miles. See easy! RULES For the activity to count there must be at least two persons participating and the activity must take place at a Chapter event or District, State/Provincial, Regional, or National Campout. You can obtain Family Campers and RVers Campers Actively Moving Program report form (available on the FCRV website at and maintain a record of the participants. Fill out the CAMP report and be sure it is complete and correct. Send the finished report to your State/Provincial Campers Actively Moving Program Director (Micki Luensmann [email protected] or send to your State/Provincial Director. They will approve and send the report to the National Campers Actively Moving Program Director. THINGS TO KNOW Keep in mind that some physical activity is better than none at all! Walking is cheap, it’s simple, and almost anybody can do it. Remember that everyone’s fitness level is different-it depends on the shape you are in, what you are comfortable doing and your health condition. Research has shown exercise is good for the mind. Raising your activity level, even just a small amount, could lower your blood pressure 4 to 9 mm Hg. That’s the same reduction in blood pressure that some prescription antihypertensive medications provide. For every hour of exercise you do, you could live two hours longer, even if you don’t start working out until you are middle aged! To burn the most fat, target your large muscle groups like those in the rear end, thigh and chest regions. Your whole body will benefit. If you are 25 pounds overweight, you have nearly 5,000 extra miles of blood vessels through which your heart must pump blood. If you are not a regular exerciser, by the time you are 65 you may experience as much as an 80% decrease in muscle strength Walking triggers endorphins, promotes relaxation and prevents anxiety and depression. Cont. on page 7 ISA CAMPER Page 5 DASAT—2014 WEST AFRICA EBOLA OUTBREAK The 2014 Ebola epidemic is the largest in history, affecting multiple countries in West Africa. Two imported cases, including one death, and two locally acquired cases in healthcare workers have been reported in the United States. CDC and partners are taking precautions to prevent the further spread of Ebola within the United States. Transmission When an infection does occur in humans, the virus can be spread in several ways to others. Ebola is spread through direct contact (through broken skin or mucous membranes in, for example, the eyes, nose, or mouth) with blood or body fluids (including but not limited to urine, saliva, sweat, feces, vomit, breast milk, and semen) of a person who is sick with Ebola objects (like needles and syringes) that have been contaminated with the virus infected fruit bats or primates (apes and monkeys) Ebola is NOT spread through the air or by water, or in general, by food. There is no evidence that mosquitos or other insects can transmit Ebola virus. Only a few species of mammals (for example, humans, bats, monkeys, and apes) have shown the ability to become infected with and spread Ebola virus. Risk of Exposure Healthcare providers caring for Ebola patients and the family and friends in close contact with Ebola patients are at the highest risk of getting sick because they may come in contact with infected blood or body fluids of sick patients. During outbreaks of Ebola, the disease can spread quickly within healthcare settings (such as a clinic or hospital). Exposure to Ebola can occur in healthcare settings where hospital staff are not wearing appropriate protective equipment, including masks, gowns, and gloves and eye protection. Dedicated medical equipment (preferable disposable, when possible) should be used by healthcare personnel providing patient care. Proper cleaning and disposal of instruments, such as needles and syringes, is also important. If instruments are not disposable, they must be sterilized before being used again. Without adequate sterilization of the instruments, virus transmission can continue and amplify an outbreak. Once someone recovers from Ebola, they can no longer spread the virus. However, Ebola virus has been found in semen for up to 3 months. Abstinence from sex (including oral sex) is recommended for at least 3 months. If abstinence is not possible, condoms may help prevent the spread of disease. Signs and Symptoms Symptoms of Ebola include Fever, Severe headache, Muscle pain, Weakness, Diarrhea, Vomiting, Abdominal (stomach) pain, Unexplained hemorrhage (bleeding or bruising). Symptoms may appear anywhere from 2 to 21 days after exposure to Ebola, but the average is 8 to 10 days. Recovery from Ebola depends on good supportive clinical care and the patient’s immune response. People who recover from Ebola infection develop antibodies that last for at least 10 years. Prevention There is no FDA-approved vaccine available for Ebola. If you travel to or are in an area affected by an Ebola outbreak, make sure to do the following: Practice careful hygiene. For example, wash your hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer and avoid contact with blood and body fluids. Do not handle items that may have come in contact with an infected person’s blood or body fluids (such as clothes, bedding, needles, and medical equipment). Avoid funeral or burial rituals that require handling the body of someone who has died from Ebola. Avoid contact with bats and nonhuman primates or blood, fluids, and raw meat prepared from these animals. Avoid hospitals in West Africa where Ebola patients are being treated. The U.S. embassy or consulate is often able to provide advice on facilities. After you return, monitor your health for 21 days and seek medical care immediately if you develop symptoms of Ebola. Healthcare workers who may be exposed to people with Ebola should follow these steps: Wear appropriate PPE. Practice proper infection control and sterilization measures. For more information, see Ebola Information for Non-U.S. Healthcare Settings. Isolate patients with Ebola from other patients. Avoid direct contact with the bodies of people who have died from Ebola. Notify health officials if you have had direct contact with the blood or body fluids, such as but not limited to, feces, saliva, urine, vomit, and semen of a person who is sick with Ebola. The virus can enter the body through broken skin or unprotected mucous membranes in, for example, the eyes, nose, or mouth I hope this information about the Ebola virus will help make you more knowledgeable about the disease and help ease your fears about the virus in the United States. The virus is spread only by direct contact between body fluids or needles, similar to HIV. It is NOT spread through the air like the flu or the measles. For more information visit ISA CAMPER Page 6 CAMP CONTINUED—CHAPTER CHALLENGE Physical Activity Guidelines for Older Americans Regular physical activity is essential for healthy aging. Activity does not need to be strenuous to achieve your goals. If you have a chronic condition, set physical goals that meet your abilities. Warm up and cool down before each walk. Choose proper foot gear to keep you moving with healthy legs and feet. Walk on soft ground to prevent injury. If you have diabetes, use precaution when participating in physical activity and check your feet often. Be as physically active as your abilities and conditions allow. Reduction in falls is seen for participants in programs that include balance, muscle strengthening activities, and walking. Health providers can help you attain and maintain regular physical activity by providing advice on types of activities and ways to progress at a safe, steady pace. Plan activities that include opportunities for older adults to be physically active There you have it, 150 miles of walking in a year. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” advised the Chinese philosopher Lao-tzu some 2,500 years ago. OK, then – let the games begin!!! ISA ELECTIONS At the September State Campout, I presented our nomination of officers for ISA for 2015. The slate of officers will be sent in a ballot to all FCRV/ISA members in February,2015. The nominations are as follows: PRESIDENT: DUANE & RUTH KEEGAN VICE-PRESIDENT: MATT & MARLA MANTIA, PETE & MICKI LUENSMANN RECORDING SECRETARY: JILL & SCOTT SERBOUSEK TREASURER: GEORGE & BETTY HELMICH CORRESPONDING SECRETARY: RHONDA & MIKE O'NEAL If you want a ballot sent to you, all members of ISA must also be members of FCRV. Once each family receives your ballot, it must be post marked no later than April 1, 2015; return to Donna Powell, P.O. Box 433, Cerro Gordo, IL 61818-0433. The unopened ballots will be opened and counted at the April State Campout in Pinckneyville; Results will be tallied and read at Sunday general meeting. Donna Powell, ISA Nominating Chairperson CONDOLENCES—MELODY "DE" L. PETERSON Melody “De” Peterson, age 65 of Bolingbrook, IL, passed away Monday October 13, 2014. Beloved wife of Erik Peterson; loving mother of John and Kelly Peterson; dear grandmother of Alicia Tobian; fond sister of William, Scott (Robin) and Barry Adair and Robin (Kurt) Cubke. CONDOLENCES—CLARENCE K. KNORR Clarence K. Knorr, age 94 of Westmont passed away peacefully into the loving arms of his heavenly father on Monday Sept. 1,2014. WWII veteran, US Army 1941-1945. He will be remembered as a devoted son, loving husband to Florence (deceased) and beloved father to his son, Thomas, (deceased) and daughter, Barbara Baker of Roseburg, Oregon. On behalf of the ILLINOIS STATE ASSOCIATION of FCRV, we extend our sincere sympathy on the passing of Clarence. He and Florence were dedicated volunteers in this camping organization and they loved their camping. They served as Field Directors many years and hosted their own campout called "Knorr's Knuckleheads". Clarence also was Treasurer of the Scholarship Program for many years. In addition, they were both Kentucky Colonels and devoted many years to this chapter as well. Clarence will be missed for the wide range of stories he had to tell to anyone he would engage in conversation. You have lived a long and productive life Clarence, rest in peace and join Florence in that campground in the sky! AROUND ILLINOIS... Experience the remarkable spaces designed by America’s most influential architect. Chicago is where the legendary architect Frank Lloyd Wright spent the first 20 years of his career. There are many tour options available through the Frank Lloyd Wright Trust. The historic sites include his Home and Studio, Unity Temple, The Rookery, Frederick C. Robie House, and Emil Bach House. So the next time you take a trip to Chicago, why not take in the beautiful architecture and art of Frank Lloyd Wright? You won’t regret it! For more information on Frank Lloyd Wright and his Chicago sites visit ISA CAMPER Page 7 CHAPTER NEWS DUPAGE DRIFTERS/KANKAKEE VALLEY WANDERERS Two Illinois Chapters spend two weekends together for camping this summer. This past summer the Dupage Drifters and the Kankakee Valley Wanderers came together for 2 weekends of activities and fun. Both Chapters became friends after meeting at the Retirees Campouts in Henry IL. where everyone has a great time . The Illinois Retirees chapter gets together every June and September at the Marshal - Putamen fairgrounds in Henry IL. There are also others chapters at the event, all retires are invited to come out for the fun. We have met some wonderful people and are looking forward to meeting more. The two chapters talked about getting together and camp some place. Well in the spring of 2014 the Kankakee Valley Wanderers did go and camp with the Dupage Drifters and had a great time. Both Chapters said we have to do this again! Well , in August the Dupage Drifters came and camped with the Kankakee Valley Wanderers. At that time,we had 12 units and a total of 26 campers. On Friday afternoon we had a meet and greet, to talk about the weekend. That night we went out to eat at place called Ms. Carols, in Watseka IL for dinner. Their were 18 people that went out to eat. Ms Carols did a great job with the service and the food was great. Everyone in the restaurant joined in with our groups laughing and joking. One man came up to our table and told us, everyone at his table lives in Watseka but they did not know any of us, so who were we? We explained to them who we were and how we got together. He said it was nice to see a group of people get together just for fun. That is Ms. Carol standing on the right side, she was our servicer and made sure all meals were OK ! On Saturday morning we had a group breakfast. You can’t beat a great breakfast in the great outdoors with great friends. Later we loaded up in 5 cars and went down to Rockome Gardens in Arcola IL. We walked around and enjoyed looking at the Gardens and all the shops. Before leaving Rockome Gardens we had lunch at their buffet, where there was a great selection of foods and desserts. And yes, someone had a little room for ice cream. Way to go Lester! On Saturday night at the camp-out, some sat back to enjoy the out door movie, others sat by the campfire and enjoyed the talking and laughing, while others got together for some games. On Sunday, we sat back and talked about all the fun we had and expressed how glad everyone was that we had met at the Retirees camp-out. Why, there may even be a romance going on between one of the Dupage Drifters and the Kankakee Valley Wanderers . We will have to check Decon and Lilly out next time they meet! At the end of the camp-out everyone said the same thing , it was a great time, good laughs and yes plenty to eat. One of the Drifters said he just wanted to stay right here until next year! (has anyone seen him) We all talked about doing this again next year, and we hope to see more chapters join us for a great time. So if you like having fun and enjoy camping fun, then come on out in June at the 2015 Summer Retires camp out in Henry IL and say hello. And yes ,Ms. Carols said that she and a number of her customers that were in the restaurant that Friday night, can’t waiting for us to come back and visit with them again. ISA CAMPER Page 8 CHAPTER NEWS ILLINOIS WANDERERS #1 RETIREE’S This writer missed the June Campout due to having Rotor Cuff surgery, but I'm all well and able to drive! I arrived late on Mon. morning, as I discovered the inside right dual tire was flat on my Minihome. Since I wasn't about to miss this outing, I loaded the car and was on my way to Henry. I spent two nights sleeping in the car. Now, that's dedication! Everyone offered me a bed in their units but I was well prepared as I had done this before. Thanks to all who offered. Left after the General meeting, and arrived home in time to make a few calls to get a couple new tires. That was accomplished on Thurs. morning. Reloaded the Mini and headed for a State Campout. Our first order of business was to install our new President, Matt Mantia, as Bob Vodicka gave up the position. The Vodickas have sold their home and will be moving into new quarters. Good Luck to them. Officers attending were, Pres. Matt Mantia, Treas. Duane Keegan, Rec. Secy. Terry Fritz, Advisor Martha Cooley, and Board Mems. Tony & Eleanor Ruffino, Our V.P. George Helmich, was home seeing to the needs of his wife, Betty, as she is recovering from pneumonia. Now our Business: Betty Sue, our caterer, passed away last June and we have so far not found a replacement. We may order in Pizza, instead. Our big box of pictures of past outings will be taken to the June 2015 campout and members may go thru them and take what they want. Treas. showed a balance of $825.07 after expenses, the largest of which was $500. for the Lawn Bowling game purchased from Bob VanHise. Leon Fritz and Matt Mantia will take care of its storage. Martha Cooley returned the clubs PA System that was in her possession, from the time she as President and it was not used during that time. Get Well Cards were signed and sent to Betty Helmich and Doris Lutz (knee replacement) and a Sympathy Card to the daughter of Clarence Knorr on his passing Sept. l. He was a member of ISA and a Field Director for the Retirees for many years. Our game ribbons are running low and it was discussed that we give special certificates in their place. Ribbons are expensive and many thought that Certificates would be welcome. A copy of our game schedule will be placed on one of the refrigerators in the small building. Martha announced that the State Campout will be in Geneseo this upcoming weekend. "Thank You" went to the DuPage Drifters for making the coffee and cold drinks and to the Kankakee Valley Wanderers for the Pancake breakfast; they consented to do it again, next year. Matt has a line of a list of three trips to Branson, Mo. , next year. fifty people are needed to get a good price rate. You will probably read more about the details in an upcoming ISA CAMPER. Two group pictures were taken so the Pic-taker will be in at least one of them. 50/50 drawing was won by Martha Cooley--a first for me. GAME WINNERS Chicken Scratch-1st Ruth Keegan, 2nd Rose Schreck Women's Games: 1 Hole Washer Toss-1st Bonnie Scherer & Ruth Keegan; 2nd Marla Mantia & Martha Cooley, 3 Hole Washer Toss -1st Terry Fritz & Martha Cooley; 2nd Carol Fritz & OPhyllis Harmon Lawn Dice-1st Marla Mantia & Connie Scherer; 2nd Carol Fritza & Rose Schreck Lawn Bowling-1st Ruth Keegan & Martha Cooley; 2nd Rose Schreck & Marla Mantia Men's Games: 1 Hole Washer Toss-1st Gene Friend & Matt Mantia; 2nd Leon Fritz & Duane Keegan 3 Hole Washer Toss -1st Don Scherer & Gene Friend; 2nd Tony Ruffino & Matt Mantia Lawn Dice-1st Gene Friend & Duane4 Keegan; 2nd Bob Harmon & Matt Mantia Lawn Bowling-1st Joe Fritz & Dale Schreck; 2nd Bob Harmon & Matt Mantia You may be getting your card-reminders by e-mail and their will be more room to add info. Lawn Bowling Champs: Those that don't have access to e-mail will get theirs by snail mail Good going Gals--two out of three and a total of 150 for each game!!! Officers for the 2015/16 season are: Pres. Matt Mantia, V> George Helmich, Treas. Duane Keegan, Rec. Secy. Terry Fritz, Board Members Tony and Eleanor Ruffino and Advisor Martha Cooley. I would like to thank the writer that put out the June report in my absence. If you would like a new Retiree shirt, Matt has a place that will do them up for us. 1st Ruth Keegan & Martha Cooley; 2nd Joe Frtiz & Dale Scherer DON'T FORGET TO VOTE IN THE NOVEMBER ELE3CTION!!! Retiree Field Director, Martha Cooley ISA CAMPER Page 9 CHAPTER NEWS RV SHOWS ALF CAMPERS ST. LOUIS RV SHOW The Alf Campers have continued camping through the fall and look forward to our winter activities such as the Christmas Party and New Year’s Eve party. We can’t believe it’s almost the end of 2014! We hope you all enjoyed a great summer of camping and look forward to seeing more people from other chapters at the state, regional and national campouts next year. In September we traveled to Trail of Tears State Park in Jackson, Missouri. The park is on a location where 1 of the 5 tribes that was kicked out of their home in Cherokee Nation had to cross the Mississippi. Many of them died here as it was one of the harshest winters on record. The visitor’s center has a very informative (and depressing) film about the Trail of Tears and the Indian Removal Act passed by Andrew Jackson. The St. Louis RV Show, held at the America’s Center in downtown St. Louis is January 29-February 1, 2015. The Alf Campers will work with the Missouri State Directors to have the Illinois side of the river represented at the FCRV booth and hope to recruit new members for FCRV and Illinois. In October we had our annual meeting and campout at Boulder Campground on Lake Carlyle. It was a great fall camping weekend as we sat around the campfire each night listening to the St. Louis Cardinals on the radio (for you Cub’s fans, that’s what you do in the baseball post-season). We were also able to enjoy a Saturday night outdoor movie (We’re the Millers). **Movie Review** The movie is pretty funny, but it is rated R and has quite a bit of bad language, so make sure this is an adult-only movie if you do watch it. BELLEVILLE RV SHOW The Alfs are also once again looking into having an FCRV booth at the Belleville, IL RV Show in 2014. We had a booth in 2012 and we recruited 4 families to join. Of the four that joined, 2 have remained FCRV members and one of them even brought us a new cadet family this year. We hope we can improve on those numbers this year. The show is being held February 27th, 28th & March 1st 2015 at the Belle Clair Fairgrounds. If you are interested in helping work the booth please contact Jill Serbousek at [email protected] or 314-435-7303. COOK’S POT—HEALTHY CHRISTMAS PARTY APPETIZER MINI MUSHROOM-&-SAUSAGE QUICHES These crustless mini quiches are like portable omelets. Turkey sausage and sauteed mushrooms keep them light and savory. Small and satisfying, they're also a good finger food for your next cocktail party . Makes: 1 dozen mini quiches, Active Time: 30 minutes, Total time: 1 hour Click the picture to view this recipe on the internet Page 10 ISA CAMPER ILLINOIS STATE ASSOCIATION OFFICERS President ......................................Duane & Ruth Keegan, 957 Lois Ave, Addison, IL. 60101 Vice President ..............................Walt & Mary Ehrhard, 5901 Minnesota Ave, St. Louis, MO 63111 Recording Secretary ....................Martha Cooley, 148 W. 4th St. Coal Valley, IL 61240 Corresponding Secretary .............Jill Serbousek, 1027 Winter Lake Dr, Fenton, MO 63026 Treasurer ......................................George & Betty Helmich, 2507 Lippizan Ln. Grayslake, IL 60030 FCRV State Director .....................Doug & Connie Black, 13250 Cornthwaite Rd, Moweaqua,IL 62550 FCRV COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Conservation .................................Jill Serbousek, [email protected] D.A.S.A.T. ......................................Jill Serbousek, 1027 Winter Lake Dr. Fenton, MO 63026 Historian ........................................Jill Serbousek, [email protected] Membership .................................. Micki Luensmann, [email protected] Retirees ........................................Martha Cooley, 148 W. 4th St. Coal Valley, IL 61240 CAMP ............................................Micki Luensmann, [email protected] Teen Advisor .................................Donna Powell, PO Box 433 Cerro Gordo, IL 61818 Wild Life ....................................... Michael & Deanna Boyd, 654 W. Main, DuQuoin, IL. 62832 ISA COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Advertising .................................... Scott Serbousek, [email protected] Chaplain ...................................... Donna Powell, PO Box 433 Cerro Gordo, IL 61818 ISA Editor ...................................... Jill Serbousek, [email protected] Scholarship .................................. Pat Taylor, 1206 N. Jackson St., Bushnell, IL 61422 Scholarship-Treasurer ................ Duane & Ruth Keegan, 957 Lois, Addison, IL. 60101 Voice of the Illinois State Association Of FCRV Official Publication of the Illinois State Association of Family Campers and RVers ISSN PUBLICATION No. 01645986 EDITOR: Jill Serbousek 1027 Winter Lake Dr, Fenton, MO 63026 [email protected] Send all chapter news, items, columns, special news, and pictures to the Editors. Deadline is printed in the ISA Camper. Deadline may be extended so State Recording Secretary’s report can be published following State Campout. The ISA Camper is published 4 times a year (Feb/ March, May, August, Nov/Dec). Enclose stamped, self-addressed envelope for return of photos. ADVERTISING Tom Robey, 104 E Wood Apt. 405, Bloomington, IL. 61701 Minimum ad is $30 per year. Contact Advertising Chairman for additional rates, deadlines, format, contracts. etc., for advertising in ISA Camper. Advertisers receive one copy monthly. Special rates for chapter projects. Distribution: Entire State of Illinois. PRINTED BY: Connie Black13250 Cornthwaite Rd. Moweaqua, IL 62550 [email protected] PERMISSION TO REPRINT: Granted, provided credit is given to ISA Camper. ISA CAMPER CONTENT CONTRIBUTIONS: Welcomed and accepted; send to Editor or to columnists. ISA CAMPER is now available on the FCRV web site. Starting with June 2008 everybody will have an option. Those who wish to get their issue thru the mail, can still get it with their $5.00 subscription (unless cost of mailing and/or cost of ink significantly goes up), but ISA CAMPER will be free on line to everybody. Opinions, observations and conclusions expressed herein are those of the various authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the organization. We are encouraging everybody to get their copy from the web, but mailing option still will be available for those who wish to get it that way. Advertising in this publication does not constitute an endorsement by the Illinois State Association of FCRV of the product or service advertised. Note: In the future, the online version will contain “extras” that the printed version does not have. Check the online version for recipes, fun activities, stories and more. All clubs and members at large are still asked to send a full Chapter membership list stating which each member desires to the Corresponding Secretary. In the list please provide email address of each member if available. If email address is available ISA Editor will inform you by email when the new copy of ISA CAMPER is available on the web. Please make check made out to ISA and send it to. Jill Serbousek 1027 Winter Lake Dr Fenton, MO 63026 ISA Camper Article Deadlines Club reporters and anyone else who are sending articles to be printed in the ISA Camper. Please email them to: [email protected] Here is a list of dates when information for each ISA Camper needs to be provided to us. Month of ISA Camper Info needed by Feb/Mar/Apr January 23 May/June/July April 18 Aug/Sept/Oct July 18 Nov/Dec/Jan Oct 18 The ISA CAMPER can be found at, Go to Newsletters, then letter I, then under Illinois go to “Get your copy of ISA CAMPER”. You will then be able to view the last 5 newsletters in PDF format. Note you will need Adobe Reader to view the files. Members of the Illinois State Association are affiliated with the Family Campers and RVers. 4804 Transit Rd.. Bldg. 2. DePew, NY 14043. Membership in FCRV includes a subscription to “Camping Today” magazine. Dues are $30 for one year, $58 for two years and $84 for three years. Any FCRV member in good standing, who is a member-at-large in Illinois or a member of a chapter in Illinois may become member of the Illinois State Association. ISA CAMPER subscription is $5 per year. Fiscal year of ISA is June 1st - May 31st. Members who join between June 1 and December 31 pay $5; between January 1-May31, pay only $3. Make check payable to Illinois State Association and send with. the completed form, at the right, circling “At-large Member.” SEND TO ADDRESS SHOWN ON THE FORM. Attach a label from ISA CAMPER for address and name changes, if possible. Allow 30 days or more to take effect. Send subscription fee (see above) with new member’s name. Send Chapter officers and ISA delegate’s names to address at the right. ISA CAMPER Page 11 NEW ISA CAMPER SUBSCRIPTION OR UPDATE Send Payment to ISA Treasurer : George & Betty Helmich, 2507 Lippizan Ln. Grayslake, IL 60030 Send requested changes to ISA Corresponding Secretary: Jill Serbousek, 1027 Winter Lake Dr, Fenton, MO 63026 or [email protected] Circle one: Change of Address Name Change New Chapter Member New At-Large Member Renewal At-Large Member Dropped Member Send It via Email to:_________________________________________________________(free) Mail it to: ($5) PREVIOUS NEW Name: ____________________________________________________ Name: ___________________________________________________ Address:___________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________________________ City: _____________________________________________________ State: __________ Zip: ______________-___________ State: _________ Zip: _________________-_____________ Thank you To our Sponsors KAMPER KOMANION RV PARK 18388 E. Frontage Rd Litchfield, IL 62056 (217) 324-4747 [email protected] Free Wi-Fi Exit 60 on I-55 E-Z off E-Z on WELCOME A NEW ISA SPONSOR—KAMPER KOMPANION ISA would like to thank Kamper Kompanion for hosting a very nice Illinois State Campout in April and also becoming our newest advertising sponsor! Here is more on Kamper Kompanion: Kamper Kompanion RV Park offers a peaceful and quiet escape from the stresses of everyday life to its guests. The park is located just 6 miles north of Litchfield, Illinois and is within commuting distance to both St Louis, Missouri and Springfield, Illinois. The park rests on 10+ acres of property and offers pull-thru and back-in sites that will accommodate all RV sizes and styles. Our park caters to families of all ages as well as the adult crowd. We are a kid-friendly park and welcome the family pet. Although we are located just off Interstate 55 (exit 60), our location offers a quiet and tranquil setting without the annoying noise of busy highways. Our focus at Kamper Kompanion is on our customers which ensures a pleasant and relaxing stay. Whether you stop for an overnight stay, spend a weekend or longer with us, your comfort is our primary goal. So the next time you are in our area, stop by and try our park - you will be glad you did.
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