September Circuit Rider - Lebanon First Congregational Church


September Circuit Rider - Lebanon First Congregational Church
September Circuit Rider
First Congregational Church of Lebanon, UCC
588 Exeter Road ~ P. O. Box 125
Lebanon, CT 06249
Rev. Dr. Sharon Ledbetter, Pastor
Pastor’s Office Phone: 860-642-2557
Cell Phone: 860-608-2701
Email: [email protected]
Nancy Magnuson, Secretary
Phone: 860-642-6179
Email: [email protected]
Derek Waldron ~ Organist
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 860-593-6836
Judi Larsen, Mission Coordinator
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 1-860-508-7047
Rev. Mary Horan, Director of Christian Education
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 860-642-4330
Web Site:
Church Kitchen Phone: 860-642-7000
Jim McCaw, Moderator
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 860-642-7449
Jennifer Blevins, Chair of Board of Deacons
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 860-642-6105
Jim Gillespie, Chair of Board of Trustees
Phone: 860-642-7545
Lynn Manning, Chair of Board of Outreach
Phone: 860-642-6444
Audra Holmes, Co-Chair Board of CE
Phone: 860-642-7570
Nancy Magnuson, Co-Chair Board of CE
Phone: 860-423-4852
Joyce Cady, Chair of Music Comm.
Phone: 860-642-7228
Ellen Bauwens, Chair of Stewardship Comm.
Phone: 860-642-4437
Our Prayer List
George Markow
Shirley Madley
John Kendall
Barbara Rodman
Luke Gardner
Dave Foley
Barbara Pitcher
Bill Jahoda
Indeed, the body does not consist of one member, but of many.
1 Corinthians 12:14
Pastor’s Letter
Dear Friends,
I am hoping you have had a great summer! Jim and I have spent time
with our grandchildren taking them to New York City for an overnight
and the two of us also spent a week at Rehoboth Beach in Delaware. But
now it is time for our regular activities to resume at church and I am
very excited about the fall.
I think of us as a church family seeking to deepen our spiritual
relationship with God and each other. Church is not about an impersonal
hour spent on Sunday morning in worship, but rather a journey that we
are taking together hoping to feel and be touched by a spiritual
presence…God. A journey where we are hoping to satisfy a deep
yearning for the true meaning of life and the joy that comes from living
and loving God and each other.
I am so grateful for my staff who have been planning for the fall. We are
praying that as your leaders, we might help to facilitate this journey.
Rev. Mary Horan will be leading our Christian Education program,
Derek Waldron, our music program, Judi Larsen our mission
coordinator and of course Nancy Magnuson who holds us all together.
We have both traditional and contemporary worship planned; a very
active Sunday school program emphasizing the importance of parent
involvement and a creative approach to music involving youth and
adults. As a staff, we are very open to your suggestions because I truly
believe that our church family life together is about community…about
our listening and helping one another to get closer to God.
September 9th is Rally Sunday, a time for us to gather in worship,
connect with each other in conversation, register for Sunday school and
other activities and learn about boards and committees. I look forward
to seeing you soon!
Love and joy,
Pastor Sharon
“A government is for the benefit of all the people.”
William Howard Taft ~ Born September 15, 1857
I am writing this as the 2012 Summer Olympics are taking place. I am spellbound by the
television’s reporting of the special events that have always intrigued me: swimming,
gymnastics, volleyball, cycling, basketball, and equestrian, to name a few. I feel exhausted as I
watch the competition grow more difficult towards the end.
I sit in my comfortable chair and wonder what makes young people to become such a driving
force to “get the gold”? It seems that sometime during their training, they set their sight on
that long-sought goal of the gold, silver or bronze medal to become the “best-in-the-world”.
And, they push harder; the little girls who leap, spin, contort their small bodies to fly-in-theair, to the greatest swimmer ever, as he stretches his long body through the water of the pool.
Their dream is really attainable, so it seems.
The human body is a miraculous thing created to achieve many things and endure many
things. Most of the time, we take it for granted, until it fails us and we fall short. But the
athlete in us says, “Get up, try again.”
I have had the privilege of watching my grandchildren grow up; every one of their
achievements loudly applauded by me; (from potty-training to college graduations, and then
We are unique, given special personalities and talents to enhance our lives.
Live is challenging, and at this point, I like to think of myself as an “Olympian” – jumping
over hurdles, swimming through the troubled waters, keeping a sure-footing and balance on
the beam.
It’s called life, living – and my medals are joy and love.
Just a note,
Jean Souter
Preliminary Budget Hearing
Sunday, October 28th
Following the worship service.
2012-2013 Church Directory
The new phone directory will be
available Rally Sunday.
Perhaps more than ever we are ready to welcome the cooler days of September. As families
return from their summer jaunts and fall into the patterns of school and other regular
routines, our Sunday school classrooms and teachers are preparing for the new year as
well. At our church, our Christian Education folks have spent some of our summer days
planning an exciting program where learning about God is fun!
Our curriculum is designed to engage all of us children and parents alike with learning how
to weave faith into our daily lives. We set out to experience God’s story in fresh, fun and
meaningful ways. Each week, students are held accountable for the way they’ve lived out
their faith during the previous weeks. Through discussions and personal challenges our
Christian Education program takes learners past head knowledge of the Bible and into
heart and life change. Friendships are formed, gifts are celebrated, and a journey with God
is sparked.
Beginning September 16th and running through June 9th of 2013, we will meet each
Sunday morning from 10:15 -11:15. Families begin the worship service together at 10 am.
Following the children’s message, teachers and children move into their classrooms to
continue their lessons. New this year will be our monthly Pick-me-up Sunday where parents
have an opportunity to visit the classroom as children present their faith growth work.
Coffee and fellowship follow giving parents a chance to meet other parents and children in
the program.
We feel that education leads to awareness. Awareness fosters understanding.
Understanding leads to inspiration and inspired people take action. At least twice in the
coming school year we will bring the classroom outside. Working with our mission
coordinator, we have designed trips to learn about responding to the hunger that exists in
our world. Field trips will engage our youth around topics of sustainable solutions to
hunger and poverty.
To kick off the year we will hold Rally Sunday on September 9, 2012 with our Ice Cream
Social the following Sunday, September 16th. And do consider our annual Date Night in
December when parents get to go out for the evening while children have fun and games at
the church. A complete schedule of events and programs is available on our website
Growing faith is how we make meaning in our lives. Whether it is in a classroom or visiting
Heifer International Farm, dressing up for our annual Christmas pageant or collecting dry
goods for our local food pantry, our mission at The First Congregational Church of Lebanon
is to foster a love for God and each other. Our Christian Education program endeavors to
give each child of every generation a faith that is her/his own, in honesty of thought,
expression and in purity of heart before God. We hope you can join us. Remember, the door
is always open.
Rev. Mary C. Horan
Christian Education Director
September 9, 2012 – 4:00PM
Last August, our organist, Derek Waldron, gave us a dynamic recital with music from
blues, broadway shows, such as “Music of the Night” from The Phantom of the Opera,
traditional music from Ireland; music that Derek has composed and spirituals such as
“Amazing Grace.” Our sanctuary was filled almost to capacity as we listened to this very
talented musician.
His talents have intrigued so many as he has played background music for some of Pastor Sharon’s
sermons; he, along with Jeanna Prink – working with the children’s choir and revitalizing our bell choir. He
has a degree in classical music and classical voice and so comes well qualified to do this work.
He, along with Molly Lathrop from First Baptist Church of Lebanon directed our first Sacred Music
Concert last December with five choirs joining us.
During the Christmas season, he brought his “Victorian Era Christmas Program” to Lebanon as many
enjoyed this holiday music.
Derek will again, perform a dynamic recital on September 9th at 4:00pm in our sanctuary. The music
for this recital will tell a story as he uses his unique talents to give us an unforgettable concert.
So mark your calendars and join us for this very exciting concert!
The Sunbeam Stampers Group will start up again on Wednesday, September 5th at 1:30PM. (There
will be a night class if anyone is interested.) We will be doing regular stamping along with new
techniques using the "Cricuit Cutting Machine" with many, many cartridges. This is a fun way of making
We will also be doing "Stampin Up's" technique with layering card stock.
The remaining cards that are left from before will be on sale for ten for a dollar!
We hope that we will have some folks that will be interested in this time of crafting and fellowship.
Doing God’s Work
What does it mean to be doing God’s work? We hear it so often and in so many different situations that one
finds it difficult to draw a line of similarity. Perhaps it is due to the uniqueness of the talents, perceptions
and experiences every human being carries with he or she. Maybe it’s simply a personal deep down feeling
of serenity that comes from knowing we are doing the right thing.
Our church has chosen to do God’s work in many ways; from Christian youth education, to various mission
projects, to spiritual growth for its members. Although we might not be called to participate in all of our
church‘s activities, we appreciate that they are all precious gifts from God.
Our church family, like any other, understands the importance of supporting each other morally, as well as
financially in our quest to do God’s work. We are joyful that these missions were found and that the passion
of love makes them a reality.
Our Stewardship Campaign will begin in November. For the next few months, we ask that you think about
how you can do God’s work. Some may say that they are too busy in their daily lives to even consider it.
May we suggest that the more hectic your life is with pursuing physical needs, the more important it is to
turn to God. We are all triads consisting of mind, body and spirit, with all parts needing equal attention.
Consider partnering with our church and church family to feed your spirituality, as well as ours. Let’s all
work together to do God’s work.
Your Stewardship Committee
Ellen Bauwens, David Fields, Chris Jordan, Al Manning, Marjorie Page, and Jack Pelto
Notes from Round Robin
Our thanks to Don Spafford for his generous donation of fabric, patterns, threads, and what-not. We are
grateful and I must add that it was a lot of fun going through the boxes and bags.
An invitation is extended to come down to our room for a visit. We have a stack of crib-size quilts as well as
some lap quilts. There are several table runners which would add a bit of color to your table. We are working
on patchwork Christmas stockings that would look festive hanging from your mantel awaiting a visit from Santa
Claus. A fleece throw over a comfy chair looks homey. How about a lap quilt spread over the sofa inviting
someone to cuddle up? We will have many hand-crafted items to offer you and our prices are extremely
affordable with all monies earned going to our Church. Give us an opportunity to help you with your
Christmas shopping. Look for our tables at the bazaar.
For Round Robin - Sandy Rose
The flower committee invites anyone who would like to share flowers from their yard for our
church’s communion table on any Sunday to please do so. It never has to be for a specific
occasion or event. If you feel inspired, and we hope that you will, just let Linda Wallace, Tracy
Kelley, or Stan Fuller know by Saturday each week or sign up on the calendar in the foyer.
Thank you.
Bread feeds the body indeed, but flowers feed also the soul. - The Koran
Sunshine and Shadow Quilt
The Thursday night Quilting Group has been busy all summer sewing a Queen-size quilt to be raffled off at the
2012 Holiday Harvest Bazaar. In the beginning, we were each given the task of choosing three blue fabrics – a
dark, medium and light shade of blue. When we brought our choices together, we were amazed at the beauty of
the blues together. The result is a simply beautiful quilt. The raffle tickets are available either as an individual
ticket or a book.
The Sunshine and Shadow Quilt Pattern is a favorite of the Amish. Some say it portrays the balance of human
nature. The darks and the lights represent good and bad, joy and sorrow, as well as the spiritual and actual body
form. It’s not a choice between the two – it becomes the balance of human existence. I am reminded of the
wedding vows “for better or worse, in sickness and health, richer or poorer.” I am also referred to Eccles. 3:2-8
which I will read again and again. The challenge of life is to bring the two opposites together in perfect balance.
Our quilt is hung proudly in the Fellowship Hall. ~For the Quilting Group - Sandy Rose
Holiday Harvest Bazaar
November 16th & 17th, 2012
With the new plan for our Church’s Holiday Harvest Bazaar 2012 in full swing, there is a new excitement
buzzing about our Church. Our entire congregation is involved with either setting-up or tearing-down tables
and chairs, putting together small to medium themed baskets or planning to donate baked goods.
We have several new vendors coming; the Country Store and Round Robin booths will have a new look. If
you are searching for a gift for someone special take a look at all the small to medium themed baskets. There
will be plenty of fun for the children.
So come to the Fair with your Christmas list in hand, enjoy the luncheon and make plans for dinner, stay for
the Quilt drawing and the Silent Auction.
See you at the Fair
Sandy Rose & Stan Fuller
We take this opportunity to invite you to our sanctuary on Sunday afternoon, November 4, 2012 at
4:00pm for a Sacred Music Concert. This year the concert will have a theme, “For God and Country”.
We are so fortunate to have Mrs. Bertie Hawkins help us in putting this concert together. Bertie has
worked with each choir to help them learn the combined numbers. Bertie will direct one of the pieces
and Derek Waldron and Molly Lathrop will also direct. A very special THANKS to the American
Legion Post No. 0180 Honor Guard as we salute our Veterans in performing “Heal Our Land”. Your
ticket to the concert is a non-perishable food item for "Neighbors Helping Neighbors."
Bible Study
Bible Study will begin on Wednesday, September 19th, 9:30 a.m. in the Memorial Room.
Please bring your Bible and join us.
Strawberry Festival Update
Wednesday Emails
The Strawberry Festival Committee is extremely
grateful for all the helpers, big and small, in every
capacity for the Strawberry Festival event. The
evening was hectic but controlled and a huge success.
This success is always the result of all the participants.
Thank you again. So far we have realized a profit of
about $3200.
~Dawn Drum
Summer is almost over and Sunday school will be
starting soon. In September Mary will begin to send
her Wednesday emails to the Sunday school families
and those in the congregation who are interested in
receiving it. The emails include the schedule and the
scripture for the upcoming week. If you would like to
receive this email, please contact either Mary or the
church office.
A note from Inspired by South Africa
I spent most of my growing-up years by a lake, because of this I have always been drawn to Dragonflies. To watch
them flit and skim across the water brought me peace and joy. To realize that a Dragonfly’s life is only for a few weeks
brought me to the realization that our lives are also very short by comparison. We must live and inspire others around
us to live with peace and joy as well. Remember the Dragonflies flitting and skimming across the water with peace and
Inspired by South Africa will introduce a collection of necklaces with Dragonfly pendants. Some will be combined
with opal beads from South Africa. Remember us when making up your Christmas list; we will be at the Bazaar 2012.
Sandy Rose ~ for Inspired by South Africa
Rally Sunday is September 9th
We will again have a church-wide expo. You will be able to:
Sign up for Sunday School
Learn about all of the programs for the upcoming year
Find out about all of the church Boards and Committees
Learn more about how our church functions.
Vendors wanted for
Holiday Harvest Fair ~ 2012
Lebanon Farmer's Market Artisan Day
September 8, 2012 ~ 9 am to 12 noon
If you would like a craft table or
know of someone who would,
please contact Stan Fuller at
Come and join Inspired by South Africa to celebrate the creative work of
several artisans. We are anxious to show you our new creations and tell
you all about our mission.
Help us to support the Bridgman
Development Centre in Soweto, South Africa. See you at the Farmer's
Words About our 2012 Holiday Harvest Fair
First Congregational Church of Lebanon
Lebanon, Connecticut
Tasks & Jobs:
Outside Vendors:
Round Robin:
This event, held on the Friday evening (4:00 – 8:00pm and Saturday 9:00 – 3:00pm) before
Thanksgiving is one of our Church’s successful fundraisers. We as Co-Chairs for the event
would like to have more members of the church involved.
We are asking that all Boards and Committees be assigned a specific task and be
responsible for its completion. At the June Council Meeting, folks drew tasks that each
Board/Committee will be responsible for.
We believe that having assigned tasks will be a more efficient way to handle all of the tasks
of running the Holiday Fair. This will be a better way to involve the entire church
congregation, our Youth Groups and Sunday school. We would urge each member of the
newly-formed Holiday Fair Committee to contact not only the members of their individual
Board or Committee but canvas the entire church membership.
Set up and tear down tables and chairs. Morning pastries, coffee and tea; to assist Debbie
Boisvert with the luncheon; to assist Dawn Drum with the Country Store; baked goods –
contact folks for home-baked goods; Kid’s Corner – face painting, projects and games;
Advertising: in local publications and newspapers, signs, TV and Radio; Silent Auction: to
assist Stan Fuller in contacting local businesses as well as individuals for donations and
small/medium “themed” baskets (select a theme and create a basket.)
Again, this year, we will be contacting “outside vendors”. (They bring variety, enthusiasm
and interest to the Holiday Fair.)
We have not abandoned the idea of “craft workshops”. We will be using our creativity –
watch and listen for details.
We work the entire year creating items such as aprons, bags, ornaments and quilts. Soon
we will be announcing an invitation to all who can help us tie an antique quilt. We also
have a donation of three more modern quilts to tie. The formal invitation will appear in
the Church Bulletin as well as the Circuit Rider, the “Quilting Group”, which meets every
Thursday evening are making a queen size quilt to raffle off at the Holiday Harvest Fair.
We will take responsibility for filing the paperwork with the State. It is hoped that the quilt
will be completely finished to display at the Lebanon Country Fair in August and tickets will
be available for purchase at that time. We are grateful to our church for the use of the
Craft Room and allowing the time and use of the heat and lights. To reach more members
of our Church Family, we will offer quilting kits to complete at home. We plan to have
them available at church very soon.
Our monetary goal is $8,000. We think this amount is achievable. Our more important
goal is “total congregation” participation to make this Holiday Fair a huge success.
We are challenging each and every member of our congregation to submit one item (craft,
hand-sewn item, baked goods or donation to the silent auction) to this Holiday Fair. WILL
Sandy Rose, Co-Chair
Stan Fuller, Co-Chair