4 range cookers. 12 stunning colours . Endless possibilities.
4 range cookers. 12 stunning colours . Endless possibilities.
4 r a n g e c o o k e r s . 12 s t u n n i n g c o l o u r s . E n d l e s s p o s s i b i l i t i e s . BROUGHT TO YOU BY WELCOME TO COLOUR BOUTIQUE I f you’re someone who just can’t help but express yourself in the k itchen, flaunting your flair for food for the whole wor ld to see, then you’re going to love the Colour B outique. No longer is causing a stir confined to your stroganoff, or creating a frenz y just for your fajitas. Now you can make a real splash in the kitchen with a custom coloured r a n g e c o o k e r, m a d e t o o r d e r, f r o m B e l l i n g . S i m p l y c h o o s e o n e o f t h e g o r g e o u s d e s i g n s from our Belling Richmond range and then personalise it with one of our eye-popping colours. There are four delicious colour schemes – Fresh Spring, Summer Splash, Autumn Chic and Urban Winter – each with three delectable colours to choose from. For more information about Colour Boutique, please visit w w w.belling.com.au or w w w.rangecentre.com.au. Boutique 900 Boutique 1100 Boutique 1100 BELLING DO COLOUR BOUTIQUE. T H E P I N N A C L E O F C O O K I N G . T H E H E I G H T O F S O P H I S T I C AT I O N . . . Colour is a very personal thing and when it comes to range cookers t h e r e a r e n o t m a n y o p p o r t u n i t i e s t o e x p r e s s o n e ’s p e r s o n a l i t y . U p t o now, consumers could only choose from traditional colours. This is however all due to change with the new arrival of the Colour Boutique. Available in 12 different shades, plus the standard Black and Cream f i n i s h e s , t h e r e ’s a m o d e l t o s u i t y o u r n e e d s . C a t e g o r i z e d i n t o f o u r “seasons” - Fresh Spring, Summer Splash, Autumn Chic and Urban Winter - with three appropriate shades in each, there are many colours to choose from. If you are ready to wow your family and friends, this is the ideal place to start..! B o u t i que 9 0 0 - D u al Fue l B o ut i que 1 1 0 0 - D ual Fue l B o ut i que 1 1 0 0 - D ual Fue l M a i n mult i f unc t i o n e l e c t r i c ove n M ai n m ult i f unc t i o n e le c t r i c ove n M ai n m ult i f unc t i o n e le c t r i c ove n Ta l l fa n n e d e le c t r i c ove n Fanne d e le c t r i c ove n Fanne d e le c t r i c ove n S e p a rate d ual c i rc u i t e le c t r i c gr i ll & co nve nt i o nal e l e c t r i c ove n S e p arate d ual c i rc ui t e le c t r i c gr i ll & co nve nt i o nal e le c t r i c ove n S e p arate d ual c i rc ui t e le c t r i c gr i ll & co nve nt i o nal e le c t r i c ove n 1 p i e ce gas ho b wi t h 5 b u r n e r s i nc lud i ng a wo k b ur ne r S low co o k ove n S low co o k ove n 1 p i e ce gas ho b wi t h 7 b ur ne r s i nc lud i ng a wo k b ur ne r 1 p i e ce gas ho b wi t h 7 b ur ne r s i nc lud i ng a wo k b ur ne r INDUCTION FROM BELLING An induction hob technology available fast up heat provides with times, the its added most energy helpful, safety efficient intuitive and hob technology, increased energy efficienc y. Cook ing with I nduc tion means you can achieve per fec t results every time. The induction system provides great heat up and cool down times plus fast and precise power control. As induction only heats up the pan there is no lost heat from the cooking process, which in turn, limits the heat generated in the kitchen. The touch controls for the induction hob have been designed to provide finger touch control of the hob, providing accurate and repeatable power settings for cooking and an easy clean surface that can be easily w i p e d o v e r. BENEFITS OF INDUCTION SMARTER - Intuitive technology that helps you achieve perfect results. • Pause function • Recall function • Automatic switch off • Minute minder • Slide control • Keep warm • Digital display FA S T E R - R e a c h e s t h e r e q u i r e d t e m p e r a t u r e f a s t e r . • Nearly twice as fast as a gas hob and 30% faster than ceramic • Auto heat-up function • Power boost SAFER - Added peace of mind. B o u t i que 9 0 0 - I n d uc t i o n B o ut i que 1 1 0 0 - I nd uc t i o n B o ut i que 1 1 0 0 - I nd uc t i o n M a i n mult i f unc t i o n e l e c t r i c ove n M ai n m ult i f unc t i o n e le c t r i c ove n M ai n m ult i f unc t i o n e le c t r i c ove n Ta l l fa n n e d e le c t r i c ove n Fanne d e le c t r i c ove n Fanne d e le c t r i c ove n S e p a rate d ual c i rc u i t e le c t r i c gr i ll & co nve nt i o nal e l e c t r i c ove n S e p arate d ual c i rc ui t e le c t r i c gr i ll & co nve nt i o nal e le c t r i c ove n S e p arate d ual c i rc ui t e le c t r i c gr i ll & co nve nt i o nal e le c t r i c ove n • Safety shutdown function • Child lock • Pan overheat sensor • Pan detection function GREENER - The most energy efficient way to cook. • Induction technology • Ceramic easy to clean finish • 30% more efficient than a gas hob and 25% more efficient than ceramic 5 zo n e i n d uc t i o n ho b Fig.1: Standard ceramic h o b s u s e m o r e e n e r g y. Fig.2: I nduc tion technology only heats the pan. Fi g . 3 : I n d u c t i o n h o b s boil faster than ceramic and gas hobs. S low co o k ove n S low co o k ove n 5 zo ne i nd uc t i o n ho b 5 zo ne i nd uc t i o n ho b FRESH SPRING Bring all the glory of spring inside and marvel at Dramatic Dawn, wander around Rolling Countryside and savour the memories of First Bloom. FIRST BLOOM ROLLING COUNTRYSIDE D R A M AT I C D AW N SUMMER SPLASH Bask in the glorious glow of summer and indulge in mouth-watering Peach Blush, raise the temperature with Hot Jalapeño and follow the scent of Floral Burst. PEACH BLUSH HOT JALAPEÑO FLORAL BURST AUTUMN CHIC Add the warmth of autumn and discover t h e d e l i g h t o f D a y ’s Break, delve into Midnight Gaze and refresh the senses with Wild Berr y. D AY ’ S B R E A K MIDNIGHT GAZE WILD BERRY URBAN WINTER Immerse yourself in the magic of winter and enjoy the calm of Icy Brook, embrace the darkness with December Dreams and ponder over Silver Sky ICY BROOK DECEMBER DREAMS S I LV E R S KY SEASON CLASSICS Enjoy the gleam of Cream all year round or go back to Black with a season classic. C R E A M ( S TA N D A R D F I N I S H ) B L A C K ( S TA N D A R D F I N I S H ) Summary Boutique 900 Boutique 1100 Hobs Gas Hob / Electric Hob Cavity 1 Electric Oven / Grill Features: Main multifunction electric oven Main multifunction electric oven Ta l l f a n n e d e l e c t r i c o v e n Fa n n e d e l e c t r i c ove n Separate dual circuit electric grill & conventional electric oven Separate dual circuit electric grill & conventional electric oven Dual Fuel option 1 piece gas hob with 5 burners including a wok burner Electric option 5 zone induction hob Cavity Features Cavity 2 Electric Oven / Grill Slow cook oven Dual fuel option 1 piece gas hob with 7 burners including a wok Electric option - 5 zone induction hob Dramatic Dawn Dual fuel: BR900DFDDNG/LP Induction: BR900iDD Dual fuel: BR1100DFDDNG/LP Induction: BR1100iDD Rolling Co u nt ys id e Dual fuel: BR900DFRCNG/LP Induction: BR900iRC Dual fuel: BR1100DFRCNG/LP Induction: BR1100iRC Cavity Features Cavity 3 Electric Oven / Grill Cavity Features First Bloom Dual fuel: BR900DFFBNG/LP Induction: BR900iFB Dual fuel: BR1100DFFBNG/LP Induction: BR1100iFB Peach Blush Dual fuel: BR900DFPBNG/LP Induction: BR900iPB Dual fuel: BR1100DFPBNG/LP Induction: BR1100iPB Hot Jalapeño Dual fuel: BR900DFHJNG/LP Induction: BR900iHJ Dual fuel: BR1100DFHJNG/LP Induction: BR1100iHJ Floral Burst Dual fuel: BR900DFFBUNG/LP Induction: BR900iFBU Dual fuel: BR1100DFFBUNG/LP Induction: BR1100iFBU D a y ’s Break Dual fuel: BR900DFDBNG/LP Induction: BR900iDB Dual fuel: BR1100DFDBNG/LP Induction: BR1100iDB Midnight Gaze Dual fuel: BR900DFMGNG/LP Induction: BR900iMG Dual fuel: BR1100DFMGNG/LP Induction: BR1100iMG Wild Berry Dual fuel: BR900DFWBNG/LP Induction: BR900iWB Dual fuel: BR1100DFWBNG/LP Induction: BR1100iWB Icy Brook Dual fuel: BR900DFIBNG/LP Induction: BR900iIB Dual fuel: BR1100DFIBNG/LP Induction: BR1100iIB December Dreams Dual fuel: BR900DFDDRNG/LP Induction: BR900iDDR Dual fuel: BR1100DFDDRNG/LP Induction: BR1100iDDR Silver Sky Dual fuel: BR900DFSILSNG/LP Induction: BR900iSILS Dual fuel: BR1100DFSILSNG/LP Induction: BR900iSILS Black Dual fuel: BR900DFCNG/LP Induction: BR900iB Dual fuel: BR1100DFCNG/LP Induction: BR1100iB Cream Dual fuel: BR900DFCRNG/LP Induction: BR900iCR Dual fuel: BR1100DFCRNG/LP Induction: BR1100iCR Cavity 4 Cavity Features Timer Accessories (included) Installation Dimensions - product (H x W x D) No of burners / elements Burner / element 1 Burner / element 2 Burner / element 3 Burner / element 4 Burner / element 5 Burner / element 6 Burner / element 7 Total heat output Cast-iron pan support Automatic ignition Position Function Variable rate dual circuit electric grill Conventional electric oven Actual capacity (litres) Usable capacity (litres) Power (kW) Number of shelves Number of shelf positions Telescopic shelves Position Function Variable rate dual circuit electric grill Conventional electric oven Fanned electric oven Defrost Intensive bake (top, bottom & fan) Top heat only Base heat only Base heat with fan Grill with fan Actual capacity (litres) Usable capacity (litres) Power (kW) Number of shelves Number of shelf positions Telescopic shelves Position Function Fanned electric oven Defrost Actual capacity (litres) Usable capacity (litres) Power (kW) Number of shelves Number of shelf positions Telescopic shelves Number of oven lights Position Function Fuel Actual capacity (litres) Power (kW) LED clock/programmer Removable cast iron griddle plate Grill pan / handle / trivet LPG conversion kit available Gas type Gas inlet type Gas inlet position Power supply LPG conversion Fuse size (A) Dimensions (H x W x D) Weight (kg) Boutique 900DF Boutique 900i Boutique 1100DF Boutique 1100i 5 7.2 Mj - Medium 3.6 Mj - Small 12.6 Mj - Wok 10.8 Mj - Large 7.2 Mj - Medium 41.4 Mj Yes Yes Top-left Conventional oven and grill Yes Yes 35 28 Oven (1.3) Grill (2.7) 1 2 Yes Bottom-left Multifunction oven Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 62 47 2 2 5 Yes Right-tall Fan forced oven Yes Yes 91 76 2.5 4 25 1 (side) Yes Yes Yes Yes NG 1/2” BSP Female Rear right 240V Single Phase Yes 32 900-930 x 896 x 600 88 5 1.6kW - 3kW Boost 1.4kW - 3kW Boost 2.3kW - 3.7kW Boost 1.15kW - 2.2kW Boost 1.6kW - 3kW Boost Top-left Conventional oven and grill Yes Yes 35 28 Oven (1.3) Grill (2.7) 1 2 Yes Bottom-left Multifunction oven Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 62 47 2 2 5 Yes Right-tall Fan forced oven Yes Yes 91 76 2.5 4 25 1 (side) Yes Yes Yes 240V Single Phase 45 900-930 x 896 x 600 88 7 3.6 Mj - Small 7.2 Mj - Medium 7.2 Mj - Medium 3.6 Mj - Small 12.6 Mj - Wok 10.8 Mj - Large 7.2 Mj - Medium 52.2 Mj Yes Yes Top-left Conventional oven and grill Yes Yes 39 35 Oven (1.3) Grill (2.7) 1 2 Yes Bottom-left Multifunction oven Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 69 54 2 2 5 Yes Top-right Fan forced oven Yes Yes 69 59 2.0 2 5 Yes 1 (side) Bottom-right Slow cook Electric 39 0.16 Yes Yes Yes Yes NG 1/2” BSP Female Rear right 240V Single Phase Yes 32 900-930 x 1096 x 595 115 5 1.6kW - 3kW Boost 1.4kW - 3kW Boost 2.3kW - 3.7kW Boost 1.15kW - 2.2kW Boost 1.6kW - 3kW Boost Top-left Conventional oven and grill Yes Yes 39 35 Oven (1.3) Grill (2.7) 1 2 Yes Bottom-left Multifunction oven Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 69 54 2 2 5 Yes Top-right Fan forced oven Yes Yes 69 59 2.0 2 5 Yes 1 (side) Bottom-right Slow cook Electric 39 0.16 Yes Yes Yes 240V Single Phase 45 900-930 x 1096 x 595 115 WA R R A N T Y E v e r y B e l l i n g o v e n a n d c o o k t o p i s u n d e r w a r r a n t y f o r 2 y e a r s c o v e r i n g a l l p a r t s a n d l a b o u r. I nstallation war ning: I ncor rec t installation of any produc t will void all war rant y. Note: All colours, dimensions and illustrations are intended as a guide only. Colours shown are indicative and not an exact representation of the actual product. Complete instructions are enclosed with the appliance or can be obtained by contacting Glen Dimplex on 1300 556 816. (standard finish) (standard finish) Belling appliances are constantly seeking ways to improve the specifications and design of its products. Whilst every effort is made to produce up-to-date literature, this brochure should not be regarded as an infallible guide. Actual product only should be used to derive cutout sizes. Product Support and Service: In addition to quality products, an Australian wide network is available. Contact Glen Dimplex on 1300 556 816 for details. For more infor mation, please visit w w w.belling.com.au or w w w.rangecentre.com.au. BROUGHT TO YOU BY For more information about Colour Boutique, please visit w w w.belling.com.au or w w w.rangecentre.com.au