The Arl(ansas Family Historian - Arkansas Genealogical Society
The Arl(ansas Family Historian - Arkansas Genealogical Society
The Arl(ansas Family Historian Volume 20, No.2, June 1982 THE ARKANSAS FAMILY HISTORIAN VOL U M E 2 O N U M B E R2 . JUNE ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Inc. 4200-"- _ . . I.IIIIe bell. ArIr.Iftaa 7UOII 1982 ARKANSAS GBNEALOGICAL SOCIETY. INC. Mrs. Larry P. ClarK. President 1111 Biscayne Drive. Little Rock, AR 722Vl Ms. Margaret Hubbard, Vice President Rt. 6 Box 238, Hot Springs, AR 71901 Mrs. Gerald B. Mclane, Treasurer 112 Leach St., Hot Springs, AR 11901 Mrs. W. E. Fullenwider, Corresponding' Sec~~ 523 E. Union, MagnoI!_, Aft 71753 Miss Virginia Wright, Recording Sec. P.O. Box 726, Camden. AR 71701 Mrs. B. Mrs~ Harold Alspaugh, 1016 Highland, Magnolia hm Rue_ell P. Baker. 6525 Magnolia St. Mabelvale, AR 1210J Mrs; Kathleen Strickland Bell. 1250 Chestnut St., Forrest City, AR 72335 Mrs. Pat L. Bennett. I,ll Dyson. North Little Rock. AR 72116 Nt'! •. Beth Brandenburs. 2207 Taft St., Van BUl."en~ AR ''12956 Mia. Jeani. Mo9re Burns, P. O. Box 353. Alma, AR n921 Suffrldge, Jr., 4026 1120 N. Detroit Ave., Russellville, Glenmere. North Little Rock, AR 72116 - Historian MS.' Mario B. Cia (Elaine Weir Cia) Editor Mrs. wanda Aao. Herald - 1421 N. 4200 "AU St., '-Little Rock, Arkansas 72205 University Ave .• Apt. 5-326, Little Mf~ S. Craig. M.D., 300 Beckwood, Little Rock. AR 72207 ,~It, AR 72205 ' James Logan Morgan, Parl~ntarlan R. '$;ifDhonau, 4410 Lee Ave., Little 'Rock, Ai. J~ 314 Vine ~tq Newport. All 7211'2 1.2 Mra~ OS Hayle P. Hollis, 628 Banner, Cemden. Ai AR 71701 NOTICE I NOTICE I I NO'l'I(!£I! NOTICE I I AIUWISAS HISTORY C9M!!ISSION OFFICE: PR2S.!!lIT'4lJIlR2SS. One Capitol Mall (Large Building directly back of the present Arkansas State Capitol Building. (2nd Floor, Open 8-4 every day except Sunday and Holidays). CENSUS, OLD NEWSPAPERS, ~ FILE, BOOKS, ETC. (Please make a note •• tbey have moved I ! t Th.ey were at the Old State capi,tol BuildingJ ALL THE BOOKS. EXCHANGE QUARTERLIES, CIFT BOOKS, ETC. in the Collection belonging to our ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. ere housed in the Little Rock Public Library, 800 Louisana (one block west of Main Street) Little Rock, Arkansas. Hours 9 to 4 except Sunday, Honday, and holidays ••• 2nd F1oor ••• Ilight. at the end of the hallt , EDITOR Mrs. Hario B. C1a (Elaine Weir Cia) 4200 "1\" Street, Little Rock, Arkansas 72205 CONTENTS PAGE FROM YOUR EDITOR ............................................ : ................. ; ... 69 BRISCO OF CROFTON HALL,CUKRERLAND' COUNTl ENGLAND •••••••••••••••••••••• , ••••• ' ••.••• 71 BRISCO FAMILIES OF WASHINGTON ANI> CA$ROLL COUNTIES, ARKANSAS .•••••••••• ; •••••••••• 7J ARKANSANS LISTED IN GEORGEW. LASHIER'S MINiSTERIAL DIRECTORY OF RAPTIST CHURCHES! 1899 ••••••••• ~ ~. ~ • ~ ••. "' •••••••.••••••• ~ ••••• ~ ..................... ~ ..... 75 BIRTHS & DEATHS - THE AIUWISAS HONE ............................................... 92 DWINELL BIBLE RECORDS ............................................................. 98 AUD1GIER BlBLE R2CORDS ............................................................ 98 HOME GUARD OF MINUTE MEN of Pope County, Arkan ••• 1861 ••.••••••••••.••••••.•••••. 100 YORK CEMETERY - Lewisville, laFayette County, Ark •• ~~.; .•••••••••••••• ~ •.••••••.• 104 OLD OAK GROVE (or PATTERSON) Cemetery, laFayette Co •• Ark ••••••••.•.••••••••••••• 104 LANDMARK CEMETERY. Co •• AR ............................................... 105 NEWlON rAMlT.Y ................................. ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••• 115 Marla, (Wilson) England Ancestor Chart •••.••.••.• H.;U ............................ 127 OUR LEWIS FAMILY. by Jennie Stone .................................. : ............. U8 UlNSTITUTION of the GtRMAN FAR)!l';R F1R!HIELIEF-COHPANY of Johnson and Pope Counties in Ark4nsas •••.•••••..•••••.•••••••••.••••.••••••..•••••.•• 133 BOOK REVIEWS, by R. W. Dhon.u ......................................... , ........... 138 MOVING! lU.'IiJlMBERIII .............................................................. 140 QUERIES ....................................................................... 74-125 O' • • • • • • • • • • Neither the Editor, nor the ArkanSAS Genealogical Society, Inc. assume any responsibility for information or material sharEt.d by the c'ontributors. Correspondence ;:;:oncernlng any article should be addressed to the author (address is listed either at the beginning or end of their a:rt1c.le). Corrections w111 be made t as 900n 89 possible, if our office is notified, and proper correction is given)~ Mrs. Mario B. Cta (Elaine Weir Cia) Editor. EDITOR I S NOTE: Just~-learned of a new GENEALOGICAL SHOP (will try to keep some charts. books, 'etc. as they become available: Mrs. Beth Brandenburg, 2207 Taft St., Van Buren. Arkansas '129'56 DEAR MEMBERS AND READERS OF OUR ARKANSAS FAMILY HISTORIAN: (FROM YOUR EDITOR) Time for the June Quarterly to go to press!!! Time sure flies by!t! No time for anything, except •• ~se~d information letters to those inquiring about our SocietYt and where they might purchssE ••• most anythlng ••• already 1n print about GENEALOGY •• ~and many other questions (and not enough time to mention all that). REMEMBER in ~he DECEMBER 1981 iesue the notice to pay your memberah'ip before JanuaryIl THAT IS FOR A GOOD MANY REASONS ••• First of all, how can anyone guess how many members we may have in 19S"2? The newspapers, TV etc all tell us how many people are out of work, and with paper, and other. supplies so high and ·continuing to go higher, the smart thing to do is to watch our expenses snd not prin~ so many extra anything as there is no storage space! '!'here are no DEPARTMEN,TS_ a't 4200 H A" Street .. ~ the corners. have 10rt$,4go been taken, even the middle of the floor is only a path {Afid if you make it from one room to an'other, anyone is luckyl}~ And then al~st eve~'day~ a pink sl~p (from the Decemher Quarterly 1981) arrives with "THOUGHT I SENT MY MEMBERSHIP FOR 1982, but discovered I had ndt. Sorry ,I was late~ could you go on & send my &rch 1982 issue'll! The date is now May 19. 198,2! f I Well. 1200 were printed and 1200 are gone, and the year is still 1 months yeti But now it is time to print the June 'issue,' make last mi1;lute plates for them to be addreased, JlOt to mention the ones that "need to be changed {some more moved!!!} 'noes seem to your EDITOi. if you only have one check'to write. in order to receive your 4 issues for the year, you could be on t:ime,t and try to eliminate some of the prO'blems. There has been NO TIME to send reminders and besides that costs un-necessary money and time, your EDITOR surely does not have! Many of the ANCESTOR CHART VOLUMES as well as the FAMILY GROUP SHEET VOLUMES have been sent (and we have run ou.t of some of those, so if you order and dO' not .receive all. •• try to be patient. and if things ever slow a little, w~ will try to reprint)'. Famiiy histories are encouraged. We will not print. you entire family records in our ARKANSAS .FAMILY HISTORIAN, but the beat way you can rece.ive additionaJ .uifO'nn.a.tion, is to compile'up to (for instance'lO or so pages) of your information~ ~ to stay with one family and mention other allied famili~s~ Type it as you would like to see it in print, with a. good clear type on reg~lar size paper (or 14 inch paper if you like) so it might 'be photo-copied (and not retyped. At the end you mi'ght mention the part you would like to' locate more information about. Good documenteq (where you received your information. page and book number, the source, whether from a personal interview, newspaper, tombstone inscription, bible record, etc~) is very good. BIBLE RECORDS and CEMETERY RECORDS are being received very nicely •. ~and many of the County Extension Homemaker Council Chapters are working very hard to. get their cemetery r'ecords indexed and ready to' publish. If you are interested in any of these county records do not wait even a few days to order (after 'you find they have been published). HOBt are not publishing over 200 (some not that m4nY) to much money is involved, and they just know they will never sell over 10~ We will mention ,a few counties that have already published: Pope· Co. , J. B. Lemley, 1120 N. Detroit, Rus.ellville, AR 72801 $28. Ouachita CO.: Ouachita Co. Ext. HomE:m4kers Council, Mrs~ Benny Steelman, Rt. 5, 999 Lakewood, Camden, AR 71701 - $28. Independence Co.: James L. Morgan, 314 Vine, Newport. AR 72112 - $30. St. Francis Co.: (Stevens Funeral Home RecO'rds) Hrs. Kathleen S. Bell, 1250 Chestnut. City, AA 72335 -$io. Yell Co.: Mrs. Mary V. Humphrey, POBox 356, Rus ••11ville,·AA 72801 (Write for Inf.) Dellas Co., Mr •• IlDbert Bull, 311 College, Fordyce. AR 71742 - $25. Woodruff Co.! Mrs. John B. Kittreli, Sr., POBox 41), Aug~stat AR ?2006 -$28. Cleveland Co~: Extension Home~kers CounCil, Mrs. Luther W. Brown. Rural Route 2 aox 276 Rison, AR 71665 As others are brought to O'ur attention. we will pass the word along. as many are: being made ready for publication at this time. If 'yO'U are in doubt, write: AGS, 4200 t'A" St.,L1ttle Rock$ AR 122Q5 and we will try to fin4 out and pass the information along. NOTICE! ! I ! !! BOOK OF INTEREST I MEDICAL EDUCATION. IN ARKANSAS, 1879-1978 by W. David Baird - To mark tho centennial year of the University of Arkansas College of Medicine, the: history of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences was published in April 1979. The book contains lists of the gradoates of the institution and it,'s faculty from 1879-1978. It is more than the history of an institution. being rather an account from 1819 of the.political, social, economic and forces whicn resulted in the establishment of ,a proprietary school in 1879 and i t I s subsequent development. If you wish to purchase a copy, send a check in the aruount of: $20.75 -payable to the History of Medicine .A$soc~tes., Send', t;:o: History of Medicine Associates. UAMS Library" Slot 586, 4301 West Markham,' ,Little Rock~ AR 72105 ORIGINAL COPY FOR SALE.: Bobby Brown, P.O. Box 282, McCr'ory, AR 72101 has an original HGoodspeed History" of the Northwest part of Arkansas t dated 1889 (only t~e back cover is missing) all the pages are in good condition. For additional information you ruight call at the B~,nk of McCrory~ 501-131-2521 Benton, Washington)· Carroll. Madison, Crawford, Franklin, and Sebastain Counties are recorded in this large book of ,1382 pages. Con't on next page EDITOR'S NOTES CO:N'T page '2 Many ohltuarLes are being sent from d:lfferenl: jMtt6> of the: Unit.·,! SL.:tles. by g(iOK' of our members, and it has been decided to make an addttional volume of the~e when enout,h [lye gathered. This will consiat of people who were born in Arkansas and have moved to i;loather state~ live# for some time and died out of Arkansas. If you happe.n to notice somo of (hese and would. like to share this information, be sure to note the date, the. ne.wspaper, and the column would help, aeud them iu to our office and we will try to give credit along with the obituaries. This will be of great interest when many are gathered. New Ge.nealogical Society: Frontier Researchers Genealogical ;)ocietYt 501 North 11th Street, ft. Smith,. Arkansas 72901 - No publication as yet, but they do meet each month if you need help in the Ft. Smith area you might contaCt this group. ATTENTION CALIFORNIA - ARKANSAS WORKSHOP! Russell P. Baker, Senior Archivist for the Arkansas History Commission and Arkansas Genealogical Society bOBrd member, will conduct a workshop on IlRESEARCllING ARKfu"lSAS CEN!ALOGYand FAMILY iiI STORY" - June 26, 1982 at the Riverside Public Library, 7th and Orange Street5~ Riverside, Californ1a~ The Session will begin at 1:00 p.m. Topics (0 be discussed will be (1) using the census, (2) getting the most out of county records~ (3) Arkansas newspaper files~ (4). researching your Clvil War Ancestor in Arkansas t (5.1) use of church records by the family historian, (6) Records of the Five Civilized Tribes (Indians) and more. For information contact: Ann Minter, 3329 Stoddard Ave •• San Bernardina, CA 92405 (714) 882-0242. This is an opportunity for all of the friends of family history in California to become better acquainted with researching in Arkansas. *********** You might like to join either a Historical or Genealogical Society in the County where your ancestors Qett1ed~ Not all Counties in Arkansas have a Society~ but if you would like to know the name and address of those in Arkansas ••• you might drop a request to our office. We cannot send tl:>e names of all the Societies' in Arkansas, but will give the name & address, if you will mention the name of the town (and be aure to send S.A.S.E.) Or if you have the December issue for 1981, a complete list of the known Societies in Arkansas are 1iBted. At present our A~~SAS GENEALOGICAL .SOCIETY, INC. exchanges with 110 Societies all over the U.S.A. and Canada. This mearts we send our four quarterlies to 110 different Societies t and they in turn aend their publications to us. When all for the year have arrived, they are then bound and placed with 'our other large collection of Gift Books~ books our Society has purchased, the Little Rock Public Library, 8th and Louiaano (one block west of Main Street in downtown Little Rock) hours 9 to ~ each day except Sunday and Mortday. This is on the 2nd floor. (Closed on Holidays) The·Arkansas Hiatory Commission Office, is located directly back of our pre~ent day Capitol Building (Number one Capitol Mall) 2nd floor. Hours are 8:30 to 4:00 each day except Sunday and Holidays. 1bis is where the newspapers,. census, manuscripts, etc are located~ The Library at University o~ Arkansas Medical Sciences has a beautiful new building and a large collection of material about many medical subjects, confortable surroundings, small study rooms, you will really need to see all. the building to appreciate what our Arkansas ~dica1 Center looks like today, OUR ANCESTORS WOULD NEVER BELIEVE THISt!! the Library at The University of Arkansas at Little Rock is also a great place to research, 33rd and Univeraity Avenue, Little Rock, Arkansas. If you cannot do you awn research, you might request a list of people who research for a fee. Please enclose S~A~S.E. You make your own contact. Many new books are being added to our SOURCE MATERIAL of INTEREST to those interested in Arkansas. Census, marriage records. family histories, etc. Published by both Arkansas people and those intereated io Arkansas People and History. Xf you happen to know about a' good book on any of these subject,. that is not on our present list. please let us kno1i'~ Be sure to let us know the place or person to order from, and the price. if possible. These lists are send on request to se~narSt workshops and others on request & S.A.S.E. If you have information you would like to display at our ARKANSAS GENEALUGleAL ~OCIETY BOUTH at the Arkansas Fair and L1ves~ock Show in October) send it to our office before the 10th of Septe.mber~ If you would like to help in the Booth (and we do have much fun there) let U8 know the day and hours, you would like to help. The dates will be shown in our September iS8Ue. Our mail is stacked pretty high. at this time, but September issue is already under \/Jay (typing just never stops; as one typewritter is always re.ady with paper and a good ribbon. mostly working on Queries, so do not g1ve up, yettt) All foe this time........... Sincerely a Cia. Editor P,S. Remember to send S.A.S~E. with all '" . I I ~ : _ 1" , Genealogical Requests •.• when you hope ~ ~ for an answer! Also do not say you "read your Historian in one day!" ~ -Jl- BRISCO OF CROFTON HALL CllMllERLAND COUNTY ENGLAND The fou~der of this family came into England. with William the Conqueror, bringing with him a body of free lances from Brisqua in Suabia, from which principality the family derives its name. *The Briscoes of Crofton Hall, Cumberland, are a junior branch. of this ancient family all of whom spring from Brisco of Suabia. This younger line descends from Isold Briscoe, the younger son of Robert the fourth in descent from the first Lord Robert. (1) Rober,t had a son (2) Alan, who had a son (3) Gordon, who had a son (4) Robert, who married Matilda, who released her dowry of feiffment to John, her oldest son in 1313. Issue 1 J'ohn •. 2 Isold. (5) Isold of the Manor of Crofton married Margaret Crofton, by this marriage acquired the manors of Crofton, Whinhow'snd Dundraw. Margaret Crofton was daughter and heir of Sir John Crofton who married Margaret Whinhow~ daughter and heir of Sir Gilbert Whinhow. (6) Christopher of Crofton, Ie pt 14 soldiers at Brisco. Thormipon-Eske. He was taken prisoner at the burning of Wigton and had to mortage his lands. (7) Robert married Isabel Dykes, daughter of Willia~ Dykes of Warthole. Issuel~ Thomas, became, a priest. 2. Robert, succeeded his father. 3. Isold, who fought against the Saracens. died a hermit. 4. Edward. from whom descended the families of Westward, Aldenham. ahd Hertfordshire. 5. Alexander, from whom descended the Brlecoes of Yarwell. Northhanptionshir~. 6. Syth. who became the wife of Richard Brown. 7. Susan, who married Robert Ellis of Bethill. (8) Robert. married Catherine Skelton, daughter of Clement Skelton of Petrel-Wray. (9) John, married Janette, daughter of Thomas Salkeld of Cerby. (10) Richard of Crofton, married Elizabeth Leigh, daughter of John Leigh of Frisengton, a descendant of Irye Leigh of lsell and Lor,d of the sa1lle". 1. Robert, slain at the Battle of Saltoun (Selway) Mess 1542, in reward for whose services King Henry VIII remitted the Wardship pf his infant son for the benefit of the w~dow and aai~ infant son John who .married and had issue 2. Leonard, beca~e ancestor of the American fa1lli1y. (11) Leonsrd t married and had is.ueL Robert 2. William 3* John, (who c~me to Maryland) 4~ Leonard *The surname was in England, originally de Birkskough The latter was the name of the family seat near Riggin, Cumberland Swabia or Sualia in Alsace Lorraine part of Germany (12) Dr. John Briscoe, born 1590 ca&e to Maryland on the personal invitation of .... Lord Baltimore. The letter still in" possession of the Briscoe family is dated "Oldham, Sept. 1, 1633 and addressed to Dr. John Briscoe, Brikaheaugh, New Biggin, Cumberland County, England H • • • uDr. John Briscoe, Greeting: Dear Sir-As the Privy Council have decided that I shall not be disturbed or dispossessed of ,the Charter granted by liis Majesty, the "Ark" and pinnance !lOove" will sail from Gravesend about the first of October t and if you are of the same mind as when I conversed with you, I would be glad to have you join the Colony. With high esteem, Your most obIt servant , Cecilius Baltimore." Dr. John Briscoe mentioned as one of the Ittwenty sentlement of very good fashion "who came to Maryland with Leonard Calvert settled in St. Mary's County w1th the other adventures. He married in England, Elizabeth DuBois of the Huguenot family of the Count duRussey, Marquise du Bois whose descendents fled to England for protection. Dr. John Briscoe and his wife both died in St Mary's County, Maryland. Issue 1. Dr. John 2. George 3. Phillip BRISCO OF CROFTON HALL (Con't page 2) (13) Colonel I!h111p B-riacoe of St Mary's, Charles Co. Maryland. burn 16/,8. d. 1724. WILL d~ted 25 April 1724; vas Burgess for Charles co.~ 1699-1700j Justice for Charles Co. ,Court 1649-1701~ Married Susanna Swann l who d1ed 1740. daughter of Edward Swann. issue (14) 1. Philip, 2. Edward 3. John 4. James 5. Sarah 6. Susanna 7. Judith 8. Ann 9. George. ·(Col~ Philip Briscoe was also vestry man for King and Queen Parish. 1696 and Col. of Militia. (15) Edwa~d Briscoe, died 1125. 2. Robert ,3. Edward Married Susanna 4. John 5. George Cerard Slye. ISBUe- 1. Philip 6. Lydia 7. Priscilla 8. James (References: McKenziets Colonial Families. Maryland Historical Magazine, March 1927 "some Descendants of CoL Philip Briscoe" Maryland Society of Colonial Dames Register Maryland Calendar of WILLS Reeords of Society of the Ark and Dove of Maryland~ compiled by John Briscoe (--much morel) Box 785 Athens, Texas 75951 1978 - Dolph Briscoe, Gov. of Texas, in the line. Edward's descendents went south to ARKANSAS, KENTUCKY. OKLAHOMA, TEXAS, MISSOURI, MISSISSIPPI, etc. Close neighbors and friends of 3 Brisco families in Arkansas John High was born in Germany in 1771 and C~ to America at age 19. He first went to Mound Township Warren County. Indiana and in 1838 came to Rogers ARK as a blacksmith. His family was large and consiated of 8 boys and 4 girls. He built a grist mill on Prairie Creek close to White River and Lorenzo Dow High, one of the oldest sons moved to 5 miles 'north of Berryv.ille before the Civil War and started a small store, the place was named High, Ark. Before Dow High came to Carroll County. Ark~. he married to a 4th cousin Elizabeth Crabaugh. Some of the Crabaughs (also originally from Germany) star-ed the settlement of War Eagle 8 miles east of logers, Arkansas and later came to Carroll County. During the Gold Rush in California. Dow and his brother bought a large herd of over 500 cattle to drive to California. Spencer BlalOCK, Isaac Standlee~ John Rates. Tom Yeary. George Cardenah1re, Frank Layman and J. M. Hanby were some of the men who went with them. They sold the cattle after the long drive and were paid in 20 dollar gold pieces. The men rode a boat back to New Orleans snd same then went up to St. Louis. MO, bought 2 horses and carried the gold back to High. Arkansas~ Some of the men stayed in Cali~ ornia and struck i~ rich, and a few came back to Arkansas with their gold. Dow buried his gold in a secret place and when the guerillas and bush whackers got bad in the Civil War he sent his family to Missouri, near Springfield. Bushwhackers had hear4 about the buried gold and some of them shot Dow High and he died on the spot. After his wife came back from Missouri, they sought her out and blistered her legs badly with" firebrands trying to get the secret of buried gold from her. Family traditiun has it that the gold was never dug up! Elizabeth the daughter married Edgar Cole later. their daughter Polly married another Cole. The Crabaughs grew up with the Brisco families. Later when Glen's parents moved to California they were to move near the Martin Briscoe family in the Chino?-Pamona area! Leonard Brisco now of Berryville lived in this area for aWhile as a child but the family moved 'back to Arkansas. BRISCO FAMILY REVIEW Joseph B~18co and his Wife Jane (Ford) came from Alabama in the late 1800's and one of the 7 ~ons, Martin T~ Brisco was born in Farmington (Washington Co •• Arkansas) several of Martin s children, 10 in all. were born in Berryville, Carroll County, Arkansas. James Orley Brisco, 1-7-1916 was one. Lulu t Lester, Razel & Daisy (twins) Nettie, Henry. James and Willis in order of birth Martin farmed and his wandering took him to White River, Missouri where Henry was bor~ and to Golden, MO., where Willis was born~ Later the family moved to McAlester Oklahoma City~ and Indianola. Oklahoma and also Little Rock, Arkansas. In later years h~ moved his family to Pomona, Calif. for the tWin's health as the family doctor suggested . of the o.ther 6 sons I Solomon married Cora McDonald and settled down on a farm 7' il north of BerrYVille, Arkansas. m es Leoanrd and Lena(twins) born around 1910 ....~r. still in the area. "ne married Ethel Smith an d she married Joe Stacy. ., -73- BRISCO FAMILY REVIEW (Con!t page 3) A brother, Joe lives in Sanger, California Josephine (Long) a sister died Dec 1979 in Casv111e. HO. Sol, George, Henry and Martinis families grew up together in Carroll County. Glenn Crabaugh t 6788, Ballinger Ave.; San Diego§ CA 92119 has the Brisco listed 1n the Arkansas state Cen~ua of 1830 and 1840 and will answer queatione for an S.A.S.E. enclosure. Newton County, Arkansaa Marriages we have: J. M. Brisco age 20, {m} May 3 1900 Mattie Moss, 15~ Jasper) AR . 25~ Willcookaon. Ark? Edward Brisco, age ,28, Nov 5, 1883, M. A. Adams, age 25, Jasper J. P. Brisco, age 21, Nov. 18, 1889. M. T. Pillar, M. t. Brisco. age 22t Sept. 9, i867, America Wright, age 20, Newton Co. Mrs. Eileen Harvey of 502 McKennon St.~ Berryville, AR 72616 is a great granddavghter of M. T. and America who had Mary Frances~ her son James Blaine Chafen and his daughter, Alice Kilgore, all of Arkansas. M. T. and family lived at Clarksville, Johnson County, Arkansa for awhile. A great man~ families of Brisco have lived in Arkan$as and neathy Missouri. We hope this will be of help in searching the Brisco surname, as until just recently there was no Brisco surname in the Salt Lake City Archives. My husband. James OTleY says his grandfather was a trader and Wilderness guide taking men bear hunting. Family tradition has it that JO$eph found a mine of lead but died ~ithout telling anyone about it! Held go away several days in Newton Co. and come back with newly made lead bullets for his gunsl FaDM ARKANSAS stATE CENSUS 1830 • 1840 The follOWing information was furnished by: Glenn E. Crabaugh~ 6788 Ballinger Ave. San Diego, California & Richard C. Bentley, 6451 Jaffe Court, San Diego, California THE BRISCOE FAMILIES OF WASHINGTON AND CARROL COUNTIES. ARKANSAS William Henry Bris'coe came to Arkansas. from Alabama and he had four brothers who went to Carroll County, Arkansas, They were, James Winfield, Solomon Crover. Matthew Richard? Jacob Franklin. The old Census is hard to read. I think James Winfield wes the father of George and Sol Briscoe. of Carroll CountYJ Arkansas. William Henry Briscoe, lived in West Fork. Washington Co., AR#» and he and his 1st wife had six children: Ruth, Hazel, Picey. Leonard. Newton, Richard i After his 1st Wile died he married 2nd Sarah Crannell, and they had; Allen, Buster. Lena, Joaephine, and Grover Cleveland (Shorty). GrOVer uwrried Elizabeth Make and they had five children: Bessie, William; Elmer, Ruth. and James S. BRISCOE FAMILIES OF CARROLL COUNTY, ARKANSAS George Washington Btiscoe uwrried Ada1ine Erw1n t and they had seven children: Chester married, Annie F1llbeek Charlie married Mary Williams May married Allen Smith Pearl Arthur Luther Howard 1 have no record of who they married. Perhaps later. The last addresa I have on them is: Arthur Briscoe, Palmdale, CA. Howard Briscoe, Mojave. Cal. Solamon Eriscoe, married Addie Wyrick. She was Addie Duncan, the wido~ of John Wyrick, and they had 5 children: Josephine married Leo Youngblood. Lottie married Carl Smith Lene married John Stacy and lived near Berryville, Carroll Co., AR Not tOo long ago~ Leonard married Lucy Smith, and lived on the old Sol Briscoe Farm, seven miles no'rth of Berryville. Ark. Joseph "Joe" lived in Sanger. California~ but I have no record of loI'ho he married. The step-children of "Sol Briscoe were: Janie~ Benjamin. Ottle, and Crace WyriCK. Janie married my Uncle Lee Ross» who was a Preacher. The following was furnished by Ruth Dye Briscoe. Spokane. Washington: the Martin Briscoe family of carroll Hartin Briscoe married Olive Jones 8 children; County~ in Arkansas. Arkansas and California. and later came to California. They had -i4- BRISCOE FAMILY (Con't page4) Lulll Briscoe married Afton Botner in Arkansas Lcst~r Briscoe who went to Texas Henry Briscoe who went to Portland~ Oregon Hazel married Ted Allen Daisy married Verl Wolfinbarger James Orley Briscoe married Ruth Dye Nettie married Lynley Snider Willie Briscoe married Helen THE MARSHALL BRISCOE FAMILY OF G&L'~IEW, Carrol Co. AR Marshall Briscoe married Lucy Thompson and they had 4 children: Bessie married to Tom Rogers of near Berryville Josie not married 1925 McKinley HMack" !tot married 1925 WillIam Henry .Briscoe not marrie"d 1925 I have nothing on nMac'~ McKinley Briscoe. as he lived in Missouri, but 1 t,hlnk he was brother to George and Sol Briscoe il *111******111** EDITOR'S NOTE: Our many thanks to Mrs. Ruth Dye Briscoe, West 2115 First Ave.~ Spokane, WA 99204 For sharing all this Briscoe information with the members and readers of our ARKANSAS FAMILY HISTORIAN. If you can add or correct any of this information. please contact Mrs~ Briscoe, if she does not know about your BRISCOE Family, she may know of others you could contact. Do not forget to enclose S.A.S.B. (Self addressed. stamped envelope). *********** SFC & Mrs Alan M. Houston. 268th SiS Co., 72nd Sig BN., APO NY 09164 - I have run into a problem (nave written to several offices in Arkansas &: I keQP getting negative responses, as they say they have no records propr to 1914!) My problem is with my grandfather, Henry Earnest KENNELLEY. According to his death certificate~ he was born 6 June 1876, AR. The family kept records say, his birth place ~as No. Little Rock, PulaSki Co., AR. But the family records were based on hearsay. If it would be of any help ..• his parents were, Henry Geist KENNELLEY & Theodocia Ellen FARMER. His mother's name may be listed aa Dacia (or Dasha). Also on their marriage record the KENNELLEY was spelled KENNERLEY. I will appreciate any suggestion as to where I might locate or receive any help. KEt<NELLEY KENNERLLllY BRIDGES Mrs. Hayle P. Hollis, 628 Banner St., Camden, AR 71701 - Can anyone pleasQ help locate !lBLE record of marriage of John BRIDGES, b. ca 1199 in North Carolina~ to Mary (?), born ca,1802 in Kentucky? Who were her parents? The names are so common that a BIBLE Record is probably the only sou~ce. They married about 1820. Please check your Bible marriage records and see if you have 'a Mary who married John BRIDGES in this time frame. The married possibly in Tennessee~ Who were the parents 'of John BRIDGES? They were in Tennessee by. 18£.2 and later moved to Tippah CO' l Mississippi. Does anyone have 8 copy of a WILL, naming John BRIDGES "of Arkansas"? . GRIFFIN Mrs. Tracel Miller, 622 Edwin, Oildale~ CA 93308 - John Henry GRIGGIN came to Arkansas about 1900 from Redwood, Mississippi, married and was the father of three children t before disappea~ing. ae and his wife were divorced about 1907. Was in Portland (Ashley Co., AR) about 1955. Wife was Indiana (Annie JEFFERS) daughter of Osburn J~FF~RS. Can anyone please help with any information about this John Henry GkIFFIN1 Jimmie Wofford, 1401 Alpine, Greenville~ TX 75401 - My family, John W. BANDY lived in Carroll Co. ~ AR {near Eureka Springs, during the l800a. I think my great-grandmother, Mary BANDY, is buried there. Has anyone catalogued the cemeteries in that County? If so, how may I check to see if Mary BANDY 1s there. Please help! BANDY J. J. Scheffe11n~ 2/22 Hazel, Tekarkana, TX 7550~ - Hoping to locate any living descendants of Reuben and Elizabeth MITCHELL kAY. Reuben died in AR in 1844 1 leaving wife and 3 children. Family #168. Pulaski Co., AR., 1350 possibly fits this family: John, age l3. head of house, Elizabeth, 39. Elizabeth Jane~ 10, & Nancy C., age 1. Reuben was aon of Frederick kAY, Revolutionary War Soldier_ Can anyone please help? NOTE! Heard Miller County J~xtension Home Makers Council is considering publishing their Cemetery Inventory? Anything to this information? EDlTOR1S NOTE: The Committe has met~ and advice was given •.• but it takes much time to get ready to publish! If those interested in this being published, might contact the Extension Home ~Akers Council? 1n Texarkana, AR 75501 (this just might help build their confidence. Everyone seems to worry about the possiblity of Cemetery Records being sold RAY MrrCHELL after they are publlshed!!! -75- ARKANSANS LISTED 1M GEORGE W. LASHIER'S MINISTERIAL OIRECTORY OF BAPTIST CHURCHES; 1899 EDITORtS NOTE: This book was indexed by D. L Young. and is available at the Arkansas History Commission on microfilm. ~ - (A researcher will be needed ••• unleas you do your own research). (Staff 1s not large enough to do research). BIRTHPLACE RESIDENCE ~ @.. Abernathay, S.W. Doniphan, Abernathy, Larkin Samuel 110. Moark. AR. 16 Summerville, AI<. Arkadelphia. AR. 16 Adams, James Talladega Co., Ala. Slate. AR. 17 Adams, Matt-hew Cravens, Ga. Ozark, AR. 18 Adams, Thomas W. Murfreesboro, Tenn. FayetteVille, I.\R. 18 Allen, Daniel A. Walker Co .. Gil. Jamestown, AR. 23 Allen, David Cl eburne Co., AR. Heber, AR. 23 Allen, Hogen Anson, N.C .• 1.20·1829 Portland, AR. 23 Allen, John L. Norlonville. !(,y. Coal Hill, Ar. 24 Allen, WilHam Shreweport, ,La. Welcome, AR. 25 Anderson, S.B. Haywood Co., Tenn. El Paso. AR. 29 Andrews, William D. Navarro Co., Texas Procter, Texas 30 Henry Co •• Tenn. Briggsville. AR. 32 Arrington, J.T. Chei'Okee Co •• Ala. Woodville, LT. 34 Autry, Allen Hill Denton, T"x., 3·16·65 Springdale, AR. 36 Armstrong, Alexander H. Burs, Fred D. Lawrence Co .. S.C; Hamburg, Germany Zuber, AR. Arkadelphia, AR. 38 Bailey, William A. Washington Co .• AR. Fordland, MO. 41 Bain, Robert P. Reeo's Hynne, AR. 40 Baker, Littleberry Edgefield Co •• S.C, Calhoun, AR. 43 Ball, James Tilmon Izard Co., AR. Andrews. !(,y. 45 Ballard. Thomas Jefferson Henderson Co •• N.C. Eureka Springs, AR. 46 Bandy. G.C. Colunlbia, Tenn. Mashville, AR. 46 Banks. William Ezra Benton Co.. AR. Yeldell.I.T. 47 Barnes, William Henry Ohio St. Louis, MO. 50 Barnett. J. D. Madison, AR. Forrest City. AR. 51 Barnett. J. W. Lalllir Co., Texas Snyder, Texas 51 Barnett, Silas B. White Plains. Ala. Clinton. AR. 51 Lexington, Tenn. 53 Avery, John W. Bartles. Benjamin Franklin Towns Cree~. Co., GA. AR. 37 -16- Sarton, Arthur James Craighead Co., AR. Bates. J. D. Polk Bates. Richard Perry Altus. AR. Co •• AR. Bearden, WilHam Jefferson Oak Bluff, AR. Richmond. Va.. 54 Egger, AR. 56 Etowah. O. T. 56 Paragould. AR. 59 Beauchamp. Harvey Crawfordsville. Ind. Lamar, MO. 60 Been. Hugh l. Miss. Greenwood. AR. 62 Beloate, Henry A. Little Rock. AR. Cedar Glades, AR. 64 Bennett, James Henry Mt. Moriah. AR. Rockwall. Texas 65 Bennett. Thomas J. Nevada Co .• AR. Arkadelphia, AR. 66 Best, Rober.t Marion Wall Hill, Miss. Judsonia, AR. 69 Betts. Charles Wesley Elmore Co., Ala.• Hiram, AR. 70 Bird. Joseph Vadkin Co:, N.C., lB2l Johnson City, Tex. 72 Bird. Robert B. Whitley Co •• KY. Sparta. MO. 72 Bishop, Jasper K. Old Gallatin, Miss. Junction City. AR. 73 Black, J.W. Indiana Co .• Pa. Mulhall,O.T. 7S Black. John F. Washington Co., .AR. Ladonia. Texas 74 Blanchard. Robert Jackson Co •• Fla., 1833 Paris. Texas Bogard, Ben Elizabethtown, M. KY. 77 Searcy. AR. BO Bald Knob, AR. 82 Boone. Ladson Lawrence s.c. Borders, H.B. Petersburg. Ind •• 1826 Farmington, AR. 8J Bowers, Milton D. ClarkSVille, Tenn. Pocahontas, AR. 86 Bowers, R.G. Princeton, AR. Malvern. AR. 86 Bowling, J.L. Franklin. AR. Union, AR. B6 Salem. AR. 86 Morrilton. AR. 87 Bozeman·. Francis Garrett Brownsville. Tenn. Fayetteville. AR. 88 Bradley. Nathan Fidilley Madison Co •• N.C. Murray, AR. 89 Brand.way, James K. Wayne Co... Tenn. Center Ridge, AR. 90 Brasher. Thomas J. Marion Co .• La. Ware, AR. 91 8rattin. James Tillman Fayetteville, AR. CassvllIe • MO. 91 Brewer, James Franklin Sneedsville, Tenn. PottSVille. AR. 93 Brice, John Francis Cashville. S.C. Chickalah. AR. 93 Bridges. William F. Greensburg, N.C. Walnut Ridge. AR. 94 Britt, Henry T. Georgia COrnie, AR. 96 Brown. Abel Lewis Pontotock Co .• Miss. ,1851 Sabastian Sta .• AR. Bowling. William Henry Box. William Thomas Fulton Co •• AR. Dade Co •• MO. . 100 • Brown, James Lafayette Elm Store, AR. Charlotte, AR. 102 Brown. John Hanuel Little Merimac, MO. Richwoods, MO. 103 Browning, John V. Clark Co., AR. Hebron. AR. 105 Bruton, William Madison Co •• Tenn. Union City. Tenn. 107 H. Bufford. James Christopher Marshall Co., kYo Hanover, AR. 109 Burge, Marion M. Marshall Co .•. Miss. Sandtown, AR. 112 Burgess. David Monroe Apuilla, GA. Cedar Bluff, AR. 112 Burk. Thomas Boughter Hartford Co., Md. Amity. AR. 113 Burnham. Leonidas Cories Murray Co ••. Tenn. Egger, AR. 114 Bums, Cornel.lus Lumpkin Co., GA. Poteau. AR. 114 Burn •• George Washington Madisonville. Tenn. Arkadelphia, AR. 114 Burns. John W. Arkansas Mountain Grove, MO. 115 Burt, Daniel H. fort Deposit, Ala. Mora, Texas 117 Byrd, John Lawrence Hot Spring Co., AR. Malvern, AR. 121 Cagle, Adam G. Clay Co., AR. Hornersville, MO. 122 Cagle, Lemuel Taylor Clay Co., AR. Holcomb. MO. 122 Calaway. Martin P. Harion Co., GA. Hutt, AR. 123 Calhoun, William Henry Baitesville, AR. Cedar Valley, Texas 123 Calvert. J.H. Mt. Air, lao Belleview, MO. 125 Campbell, James McMinn Co .• Tenn. neetwood, I.1. 126 Campbell, Samuel H. Atlanta, GA. Arkadelphia, AR. 127 Campbell. William Tinsley Searcy Co., AR. Kansas City, MO. 127 Cannon. Benjamin G. Chattanooga, Tenn. Gillham, AR. 127 Cantrell, John Oliver Wliitefie1d Co., GA. Greenbrier, AR. 127 Cargill. John E. Graves Co., kY Viola, AR. 128 Carlin. Abraham Harrison Co., W. Va. Aurora, MO. 128 Carnett, RedmOn Boyd Wild Cherry, AR. Lebanon, MO. 130 Carnett. William Wallace Smithfield. AR. Clarksburg, MO. 130 Carroll. James Milton Monticello, AR. Waco, Texas 132 Carro 11. John Orange C~., N.C.,lB22 Attoyac, Texas Carter.·:Benjamin John Cash, William H. lauderdale Co., Miss. Panter. ~exas Elbert Co., GA. Toledo, AR. 133 Guertie, I. 1. 136 Greenbrier, AR. 137 Union, AR. 139 Van Buren, AR. 139 castrell, James William London, KY. SearcY Co., AR., le70 Catton. Samuel Wesley Chadwick. Matthew Asbury Blunt Co., Tenn., 1830 Chambless, Daniel W. 132 Marion Co., Ala. 136 -78- Chappell. Edward Perry Co., Ill. Mana, MO. 142 Chastain, Jesse louis Siloam Springs, AR. Springtown. AR. 143 Cheek, Charles Henry Memphis, Tenn. Preston. AR. 143 Chote, Sanders Ellis Revilee, AR. Vandervoort, AR. 145 Church, A. B. Wilkes Co., N.C. Florence, Wash. 147 Clark, John Franklin Powhatan, AR., 1857 Herndon. AR. 149 Clark, William Allen Rossville. Ind. little Rack. AR. 150 Clem, J.M. Hot Springs, AR. Malvern. AR. 152 Ingalls. AR. 152 Cl~ents, William Thomas Green Co., GA., 1828 Clinton. Harmon B. Crawford Co •• AR. Union, AR. 154 Cloer, J.C. \;ashington Co., AR. Alvin. Texas 154 Coburn, Benjamin FranklinNew York, N.Y. Stuttgart, AR. 156 Colbert, Charles Philip Newman, GA. Newport, Ind. 159 Cole, A.D. Switzerland Co .• Ind. Eureka Springs, AR. 160 Cole, Robert lee Sharon. Tenn. Argenta, AR. 160 Coleman. Benjamin Oney Clay Co .• Ky •• 1-17-1838 Dutton, AR. Coleman. loW. Princeton.AR. Springtown. Texas 161 Collins. John H. Miffl in. Tenn. Arkadelphia, AR. 163 Call ins. W.B. Bradl~ Shaver. AR. 163 Compton. Pettis Milton Orange. GA. Falcon. AR. 164 Connell, lucian B. Princeton, AR. Arkadelphia. AR. 166 Conner, Arthur Richmond. VA. Palatka. AR. 166 Conner, John W. Carlinville. Ill. Briceville, Texas 167 Cook, Jefferson Davis Pushmataha. Ala. Clinton, Ala. 168 Cooper, E.n. Green Co., AR. Paragourd. AR. 171 Cooper, John R. Izard Co., AR. Viola, AR. 172 Cope. John B. Ashflat, AR. Milo, Texas 173 Copeland, James M. Howard Co.. AR. NaShville, AR. 173 Cordell, Henry Howard Marianna. AR. Fox. I.T. 173 Cotton, Calvin T. Searcy Co., AR. leSlie, AR. 175 Cowell. William Henry Co., M .• 1856 Camel"On, LT. 164 Cox. Benjamin Wel1ingboro. England Little Rock, AR. J76 Cox, John E. Chattanooga Co., GA. lonelm, AR. 177 Crabtree, John Daniel Dent Co •• MO. Sulphur Rock. AR. 178 Crain, Henry Mortimer 8aton Rouge, lao Dayton. Washington 179 Co., Tenn. 161 -79- Davis·town. Ala. Three Creeks, AR. 131 Crawford. Janson Phelps Greenville. Ala. Paradise, Texas 181 Crawford, John Moses Lawrence Co., AR. Cedar Glades, AR. 182 Crawford. Johnson Washington Co., AR. Sulphur City, AR. 181 Texarkana. Texas 182 Crawford. James David Crawford, Samuel Houston Adairsville. Ga. Crudup. Josiah Cade Wake Co., N.C. Ozark. AR. 187 Cunningam, t.H. Lincoln Co., Tenn-. Graham. Texas 190 Cunningham, Oscar H.L Dyer Station. Tenn. Maynard. AR. 190 aale. William Lile Chester. S.C. Little Rock, AR. 193 Daniel, Charles William Monticello. AR. Pine Bluff, AR. 194 Daughe~t:y:, .Gibson-S,- Lee Co., Va. Monticello, AR. 195 Davant, Robert Page Greene:Co,. 'GA. Edna, Texas 196 Oavis. Charles Nauflet Brownsville, Tenn. Blossom, Texas 196 Davis, Frank P. Tippah Co •• Niss. Redfield. AR. 199 Davis. Isaac Vadkin Co •• N.C. Harrison, AR. 199 DaviS, Thomas Jefferson Arkansas Nannan, O.T. 201 Davis, William Uriah Alexander Co., N.C. Okolona, AR. 202 Dean, Calamay P. Buttry, AR. Buttry, AR. 204 Dean, F.N. Bradley Co., Tenn. Blands, AR. 204 Dearing. Emery Sherman Barren Co., !(,y. Cerrogordo, AR. 205 Declaybrook, William Edward New Zealand Denver, Colo. 206 Delaughter, Benjamin S.C. Sparkman, AR. 207 Denny, James Arkansas Archey, AR. 20B DenSOn. Nicholas C. Rankin Co., Miss. lIarren, M. 208 Derrick. Samuel R. McMinn Co., Tenn. Bakersfield, MO. 209 Devine. Robert Bradford Etowah Co., Ala. Buena Vista, AR. 210 011 day, John Henry Dade Co •• MO. BelleVille, AR. 216 Dodd, William N. MeNinn Co., Tenn. Cardanell. AR. 216 Dodgen, J.C. Clark Co., AR. Round Mountain. Tex. 216 Dodson, lIillie W. Lafayette, GA. Pryor Creek, I.T. 217 Donham, John Henry Coffeeville, Miss. Slate, AR. 217 Dorris. William Franklin Bolivar, Tenn. Camden, AR. 218 Downing, Stephen Pike Cade Co., MO. Oakland. AR. 221 Downs. James T. Hempstead Co.,.AR. Springhill, AR. 221 Doyle. J.G. Paducah. KY. Argenta, AR. 221 Driskill. Willie Brock Talladega Co., Ala. !lamascus. AR. 222 Dulaney. Thomas ,Fayette Co .• Ala. Ben Lomond. AR. 224 !lunnahoo, I. N. Coweta Co., GA. Benton, AR. 226 Zion, AR. little Rock, AR. 227 Eagle, James P. Izard Co., AR. Maury Co., Tenn. 228 Earle, Legran N.C. Balloon, AR. 229 Eaton, Zachary Taylor Athens. E. Tenn. South Greenfield. MO, 230 Echols, W.G. or W.C. Jefferson Co., Ala. Dallas. AR. 231 Edmondson, James Newton Eureka Springs, AR. Murphysboro, tIl. 232 Edrington, William L ? Pocahontas, AR. 233 College Hill, AR. 235 Duren, W.M. Edwards, Stripple Hill C. Oglethorpe Co., GA. Eidson, John William Green Co., GA., 2-8-1832 Martin. La. 236 Elkins, Daniel Walker Osceola, MO. 238 Ellis. Joseph Zrer Co., Ind •• 2-6-1833 Davenport. AR. 239 Erwin, John William Madison Co., Ala. Mt. Moriah, AR. 243 fvans, William Skelton Searcy Co •• AR. Bunyan, Texas 246 fancher, W.H.H. Noxubee Co., Miss. French Camp, Miss. 248 Farier. H.W. Washington Co. ·AR. Warsaw, MO. 248 farthing, R.T. Saline Co., Ill. Wild Cherry. AR. 251 Faulkner, Edward Curtis Cerulean Springs, Monticello, AR. 251 Faulkner, J.D.J. Sardis, Miss. Paragould. AA. 251 Fawcett, Atlas Jones Madison Co •• Tenn. Hot Springs. AA. 252 Felts, John james logan Co .. ~. liberty, MO. 252 Finley, John M. Fredonia, Ala. Arcadia. lao 257 Finney, lewis E. Antiquity, Ohio Colt, AR. 257 Fish. J.W. Hiss. Palmyra, AR. 257 Fisher, Hathlas H. Randolph Co., AR. Kingston, AP.. 258 Fletcher. John Oavidson Neshoba Co., Hiss. lonoke, AR. 260 Fletcher, John W. Wilson 'Co'"' Tenn. Little Rock, AR. 260 Floyd, William Flynn, J.B. S.C. Center POint, AR. Surl. AR. 261 Charleston. AR. 261 H. lockesburg. AR. ~. Foard, George Leonard Jackson Co., Ala., 5-31-1844 210n, AR. 261 Forbes. William Alexander Sartia, Miss. Gum Springs, AR. 262 ford, George Washington Henry Co., GA. Wooster, AR. 263 Ford. Riley HeMaster Winnsboro, S.C. Harrisburg, AR. 263 Ford, Thomas Cellers Henry Co., GA., 1838 Bee Branch, AR. 264 -81- ., .'- Foster, 1.H. Blount Co •• Ala •• 1833 St. James, AR. Z66 Fowler, C.A. Randolph Co •• AR. Supply. AR. 267 Frazier, Josiah Andtrson Randolph .Co., N.C: Simcoe, MD. 269 Frltzell, M.II. Oade Co •• GA. Poughkeepsie. AR. 271 try. Jay D. CleVeland, Tenn. Manl stee. MI eh • 272 Fulbright, Thomas L. Madison Co., Tenn. Farmersville. Tex. 272 Gambrell, D.E. Ripley. Miss. Allen, Texas 276 Rudy, AR. 282 Gentry. William Christopher HaMilton Co., Tenn. Giddens, lIilliam H. Point Coophee, La. Helena. AR. 283 . Gill, D.H. Senton, AR. Holly Springs, AR. 2S4 Glover, Henry P. Dalton, GA. GI.I)', AR. Whitfield Co., GA. 6ree!lbrl er, AR. 288 . Grayes Co. ,kY. Bradford ,AR. 288 Quitman. AR. 290 290 Glover. Goad. ~reston Jame~ Hampton Jasper GoOdllliln, George Na.Shlngton Yalobusha Co., Miss. , ·288 GoodWin. Henry A. Tlppeh Co ••. Miss. Archer Cit,. Tex. Gorden, George W. Effingham Co'.' 111. Siloam Springs. AR. 29D . Gosnell. Sanford II. White Co •• AR. Talmage. Texas 292 Graham. E. R. Seyler Co •• E. Tenn. Green Forest, AR. 294 Graham. Selron S. Taney Co •• MD •. Spring Valley. AR. 295 Granner. Geoi'98 Albert canton. Mhs. Jackson, TeM. 305 Granberry, Reuben Harvey Russell Co., Ala. Lecont, AR. Grayes, Th0111ilS Henry Nelson Co., Va. Siloam Springs. AR. 296 Gray, Elijah H. Smith Co., Tenn. Corley, AR. 297 Gra,y. John AcIaII$ Evening Shade. AR. Stella. AR. 297 Green. Benjamin C. Hillsboro. AR., 4·24·1847 Dll010, AR. 298 Green, .:I.R. Floyd Co., GA. Cresson, Texas 298 Green, JesSie M. Cherokee Co •• Ala. Ardmore, t.T. 298 Grl ffl th.· 'Thctnas S. Wales Pi ttsburgh. PA. 304 Grlswood; John Caperton carroll Co •• MiSS. plumerville, AR. 30Q Grogan, Will1am P. Dawson Co., GA. Tanks. Texas 306 Guest, William Desha Co., Ali. Happy. AR. 307 Gunter, M.A. LolngtOn Co •• S.C. Jefferson. TdXas 308 Hackl~, carroll Co •• MD. Perla, AR. 310 Haden. Ji11118S Samuel Henn,yson. !(y. Boydsville. AR. 310 Hafley, Orren Lllico Fayette Co •• Tenn •. Fort SmIth, AR. :m E.F. 295 -82- Halbert, Joshua Kemper Co., Miss. Prattsville. AR. 31? Hale, William Chamberlain Arkansas Morristown. Tenn. 313 Hall, Dwight H. New York, N.Y. Dwight, AR. 314 Hall, William Penn Magazine, AR. Mansfield, AR. 316 Haman, Philip Augustus Learned, Miss. Learned, Miss. 316 Hamilton, John Sanders s.c. Gum Springs. AR. 317 Hamlin. Green Lura Chambers Co., Ala. Curtis. AR. 318 Hammock, James G. Calhoun Co., Miss. Pearson, AR. 318 Hammock, Robert A. Grainger Co., Tenn. Agnes, AR. 318 HammQCk, William Maryland Calhoun Co., Miss. Honey Grove, Tex.. 318 Hanks. Green P. Hardin, Dexter Columbus Johnson. AR. 319 Pleasanton, Tex. 321 Hardy. J.R. Boonsboro. AR. Spartanburg, S.C. Tippah Co .• Miss. Hargrove, Marquise D. Lafayette Eastfork, AR. .' Pi ke City, AIL 321 Traskwood, AR. 322 Harland, Thomas J. Belleville. Ill. Harley. Newton H. Gipson Co •• W. Tenn. Hot Springs, AR. 323 Harmon, Benjamin W. Burlingtcn, Ind. Spencer, Ind. 323 Harness, T.W. Van Buren Co., AR. Lexington, AR. 324 Harper, Newton D. Madison Co., AR. Huntsville, AR. 324 Harris. A.M. Pleasant Site, Ala. Marmaduke. AR. 325 Harris, George Crittendon Trigg Co., Mountain Home, AR. 326 Harris, Henry Edward Walton Co., Carthage, Tex. 326 Harris. Thomas A. Marlon, Portland. Dregon 327 HarriS, William Franklin Gilmer Co., Ga. Cuba, Tex. 327 Hart, Jepe Marion Chambers Co.; .Ala. Weatherford. Tex. 329 Hartley, Joseph Nicholas Knox Co., Tenn. Paragould, AR. 330 Harvey, John Wesley Scott Co., MD. Dundee, Tex. 330 Hawkins, Cicero Starling Forsyth Co., GA. Heardville, GA. Hawkins, William Milton B!'umley, MD. F~rmersville, Haycraft, James A. Shipman, Ill. Colorado Springs, Col. 335 Hayne, J.J. VI11aries, GA. Arkadelphia, AR. 336 Hendon, Thomas Owen Hancock Co., Miss. Coila, Miss. 341 Henry, James Patrick Dixon, Miss. ~ew Henry, Matthew Pleasant Medon, Tenn •. Southern Howe. AR. 343 Hewitt, Darius Elgin, Ill.· Congo. AR. 346 Hewlett, Reuben Greenwood Brownsboro, Ala. Burgess, Miss. 346 Hicks, Jasper CenterVille, GA. Atlanta, GA. 348 KY. GA. KY. Western Saratoga, Ill. 3?3 '. Tex. Lewisville, AR. 334 335 342 .> -83- Hicks, W.H. W. V•• Hiett, James W. Caldwell Co., Hinson, John F. Hulberry Stat10n, AR. 348 Jonesboro, AR. 348 Sumpter Co., Ala. Richardson, Tex. 352 Hitt, Larkin H. Shuqualah, M1ss. Prescott, AR. 353 Hobbs, James V. Carroli Co., AR. Polo, AR. 354 Hogan. Christopher Cornelius Herd Co., GA. Corley. AR. 356 Hogg, L.,}. Tuscaloosa, Ala. Holly Springs, AR. 355 Holcomb, J.R. Green Co., AR • Polland, AR. 356 Holland, Joshua Jackson Anderson Co., S.C. 8lgfork, AR. 357 Holland, Lewis Searcy Co., AR. Whitewright, Tex. 357 Ho 11 away, Stephen Lee Dallas Co., AR. 8rinkley. AR. 358 Hopper, Duncan Carroll Co., Tenn. Lexington, Tenn. 362 Horn. W.M. 'Maxville, AR. Cottondale, Tex. 363 Horne, Hugh James Perry Edgefield. S.C. Arkadelphia, AR. 362 House, 8enjamin Frankl1n Sulphur Springs. Ala. Barrettsville, AR. 364 Houston, Samuel D. DeKalb, Ale. Pecangap. Tex. 365 Howard. Cyrus Green Obion Co., Tenn. Cato. AR. 365 Obion Co., Tenn. Cato. AR. 365 Green Forest, ,AR. 366 Ho~ard. George,Green K¥. K¥. Howard, John C. Caldwell Co •• Huddleston, John M1chael McNairy Co.;'Tenn. Paragould, AR. 369 Huddleston. P.M. Hardiman Co., Tenn. Harr1sburg, AR. 369 Hudson, J.W. Union Co., AR. Cornie, AR. 369 Hughs, John Jasper Newman, GA. Rock Creek. AR. 371 Hunt. Daniel E11jah Davidson Co., N.C. Powhatan, AR. 374 Ingle. W.A. Green Co., Tenn. Winthrop, AR. 380 Jackson, Thomas M1tchell Hernando. Miss; Russellville. Ky. 384 James. Edward S. DeKalb Co •• Tenn. Potter. AR. James, George W. Independence Co., AR. Mabley. AR. Jasper, Thomas Edw1n Tay'lorsville, Jenkins, John Thomas Hayfield. Jennings. Silvanus H. K¥. K¥. OwenSboro, 385 385 K¥. 387 Yockum, Tex. 388 Rochester, N.Y. Durant, AR. 389 Johns, Samuel DaVis Madison Co., Tenn. Deview, AR. 390 Johnson, Hamilton Grissom Cherokee, Ala. Greenwood, AR. 392 Johnson. John Andrew Johnson, John Marlon Spartanburg Co., S.C. OConee, I.T. 393 Johnson, Will Ie L. Crawford Co., AR. Breathitt Co.; Ky., 1854 Surry, AR. 393 Walnut Shade, MO. 395 -84- Jones, David Gardner Calhoun Co., AR. Woodberry, AR. 39~ Jones, George Emerson Hot Spring Co., AR. Santa Ana, Cal. 399 Jones, Julia. Carmi Iredell Co., N,C. Cedar ton , La. 401 Jones, Seaborn Alexander Wool Pike Co., GA. Vernon, lao 402 Keeling, Elijah Anderson Co •• Tenn. Tomahawk, AR. 405 Houston Co., GA. Boughton. AR. 408 Kelso. II.C. Giles Co., Tenn. Greenbrier. AR. 408 Kennard. George Shelby Batesvllle. AR. Luray, VA. Gavlesville. Tex. lovelady, Tex. 410 Kersey. Early Baker Co .. , GA. Velma. LT. 412 Kilpatrick, Perry Co., Tenn. Quitman, AR. 414 Kimbe11, John Lauderdale Co.', Ala. Marsha 11, AR. 414 Kimbro, lIilliam Charles Orange Co., N.C. Tyro, AR. 415 Kimbrough. Isaac Z. Jefferson Co •• E.Tenn. Paris, AR. 414 Kincaid, Andrew Jackson Garrard Co., Denison City, Tex. 415 King. Joseph Stough Monroe. N.C. ~lly. John Ciero ~nnedy, John Euclid ~.T. ~. Boughton. AR. .410 416 King, Wilson Alexander Chapel Hill, N.C. Arkadelphia, AR. 417 Kirkland, Mulkey S. MarShall, Ala. Argenta, AR. 419 Kirkland. II. J. Marshall Co., Ala. Argenta. AR. 419 Kirkpatrick. Hiram CHnton Reed's Creek,M., 3-16-1847 Myrtle, MO. 419 Kirtley, James Samuel Saline Co., MO. Kansas City, MO. 419 Kittrell, Daniel R. Sutler Co., MO. Bee Branch, AR. 421 Knight. Lafayette S. Arkansas, 12-28-1842 Alvarado, Tex. 421 Lacy, George H. EI Dorado, AR. Gonza I es. Tex. 425 lafferty, Robert G. Van Buren Co., AR. Waco, Tex. 425 Landreth, Thomas Franklin McNary CD., Tenn. Toltec, AR. 427 Langley, Isom P. Arkadelphia. AR. Springfield, MO. 428 Lasater, G.W.C. St. Geneva Co., MO. Mulberry Station. AR. 430 Laster, William Joseph Jackson Co.., AR. Uvalde, Tex. 430 lawing, James William Gilmer Co., GA. Cobbs, N.C. 431 Lawless. John Nathaniel Hillsboro, AR. Arkadelphia. AR. 431 Lawrence. James Monroe Arkansas COI11Ilerce, Tex. 432 Lay. : Wll Ham M. Whitley Co., Tomahawk. AR. 433 Legett, Thomas Riley ~ntjcello, Port Lavaca. Tex. 537 lester, Calvin J. Floyd Co .• VA. Fayetteville, AR. 439 Lincoln, Elijah Thomas Lewisburg, Tenn. Maynard. AR. 442 ~. AR. -85- Linder. Jefferson Pinkney Spartanburg. S.C. Beebe. AR. 442 L1 ndsey. Edll1Und Hosea JackSon Co .• Ala. Bearden, AR. 443 Lipsey. John W. Harr;" Co •• GA. Memphis, Tenn. 443 Lively. Garland Monroe City. AR. Rector. AR. 444 Looney. Isham J. Randolph Co •• AR. Myrtle, MO. 448 Lovelace. John Price Pelham, Tenn. 451 452 453 lowrey. Robert Wesley Hempsted Co .• AR. Sage, AR. Sati110, Tex. Lucas. Oscar Madison Perryville. Ala. Abbeville. lao lumbley. William Turner Mechanicsburg. Miss., 1853 West Africa 453 Lusk, William Arthur Rockport. Ind. Osceola. AR. 454 McCain, James Grandison York Co •• S.C. Champagnolle. AR. 475 McCallister. James M. Coila. Miss. Hanover, AR. 476 McCann, James M. Calhoun Co., AR. Gravelridge. AR. 476 McCarrell. Harvey L. Meigs Co., Tenn. Lebanon. AR. 476 McCarty, George M. Louisville. !\V. little Rock, AR. 476 McClung. William Israel Searcy Co •• AR. Ferrls"Teo. 477 McComb. William Andrew McDonaid's Hill, Miss. Plano. Tex. 478 McConnell. Franz Marshall 'Buffalo. MO. Weatherford. Tex. 478 McDonald, Joel Ward Ashland. Miss. Hot Springs; AR. 480 McEntire. Madison B. Carters, GA. Murillo, AR. 481 McGovern. James E. Sangamon Co., Ill. Moab, AR. 483 McIlroy. Oregon Dallas Independent Hill. AR. Abilene. Tex. 484 McKinney. Edmund Jones Hokes Bluff. Ala. Cherry Valley, AR. 486 ":1""a.#\«-s A,..G-l', bc.-IJ. McManaway. Alexander Gilmen Chamblissburg. VA. Arkadelphia. AR. 487 Mannahan. D. Robert Christian Co., !\V. Ben Franklin. Tex. 462 Marchant. Silas Aaron Izard Co •• AR. Calico Rock, AR. 463 Marcum. Robert L. Putman Co., Tenn. Long, lane. MO. 463 Marshall. William R. Roseburg. Ind. Walnut Ridge. AR; 466 Martin. Andrew Lincoln Co •• Tenn. Quito. Tenn. 466 Martin, James M. Pike Co •• Missouri' Rock House. AR. 467 Martin. John Andrew Lafayette Co •• AR. Colmesneil, Tex. 467 Marttn, John ham Wilkes Co., N.C. Cord, AR. 467 Martin, Josiah S.C. Moorefield, AR. 468 Martindale, L.O. Crawford Co., AR. Enterprise, I.T. 469 Mattingly, John T. Batesvil1e. AR. Cairo, Ill. 472 Maxwell, Andrew Jackson Marion Co., Tenn. Lowell, AR. 473 -86- , Mayall, Joseph lankshire, England Cook Co .• Tex. 473 Mayes, J.L. GA. Baird. Tex. 473 Mays, Preston Cooper wythe Co., VA. Vesta, AR. 474 Meadors, Harrison Campbell Co., Tenn. Cisco. Tex. 491 Medaris, Robert Cummings Clinton, Tenn. Hoody. Tex. 491 MeGee. J.H. Baxter Co .• AR. Damascus, AR. 492 Meridith, Cornelius Arthur Hannaduke, AR. Paragould. AR. 494 Merrn 1, Elijah lincoln Co., Tenn. Center POint. AR. 495 Hiers, lawrence O. Talledega Co., GA. Nutt, AR. 497 f411am, Benja.mln Franklin Rocky Ford. Hiss. Junction City, AR. 497 Hilam. Samuel Edward Carroll Co., AR. Fiskvill •• Texas 497 Hilburn, John H. Hilburn, Fui ton, 498 Miles. Oscar P. Selma. AR. Judsonia, AR. 498 Miller, Albinus C. Plantersville. Ala. Florence, AR. 499 Hiller. Edmund B. Greenville. S.C. West Point, Hiss. 499 Hilh. JOseph F. Dyersburg. Tenn. Birch Tree. MO. 502 Minton, Edward Priestly Cherokee Co., Ala. Jonesboro. AR. 503 Mitchell, James Chester Co., S.C., 1844 Halls, Tenn. 504 Mitchell, Robert H. S.C. Brisbane, AR. 505 Mood... Thoma 5 Franklin Co., Ala. Solgohachia. AR. 508 Moody, William,Govner Texas Co •• HO. Prim, AR. 509 Moore. David l. lawrence Co.. AI a • Witcherville, AR. 511 Moore, George G. Hane'svllle, lao Milo, AR. 510 Moore, James Anderson Moore, Robert H. St.rkesvflle. Miss. Clarksvllle, Tex. 510 Alexa~der Ky. Ky. lawrence Co. , AR. Russell, AR. 511 Moran, H. Rbodes Somerville. Tenn. llevada, Tex. 513 Morgan, Richard Marion Tippecanoe Co., Ind. Cassville. MO. 514 Marshall. AR. Russellville. AR. 514 Morrill, Abner LimeriCk, Maine Wolcott, 515 Morris, Lycurqus R. Oakman. Ala. Jasper, Ala. 516 Morris, Thomas Erwin Pike Co., Miss. Good Hope, Miss. 517 Morrison. Henry Columbus Conway Co., AR. Waco. Tex. 517 Moss. Ebenezer Texas Wedinqton. AR. 519 Moss, J.G. Cass Co., GA. logan, MO. 519 Mull ins. Dudley N. Miss. Buena Vista, AR. 521 . Mor9an, Wayne C. N.Y. -87- Munger. Marshall Marvin R~nolds Murphy, John Asbury ~rick. .' Charles Moses Co .• MO. Eureka Springs, AR. 521 Brighton. MO. Eureka Springs. AR. 522 Belmont. Miss. Kingsland. AR. 525 Neel, Benjamin Rufus Tuscaloosa Co .• Ala. Haynesvll1e. La. 527 Neely. Frank C. Newton Co •• MO. Thayer, MO. 527 Neighbors. Nilltam Andy Garland Co •• AR. Hot Springs. AR. 527 Nelson. Archibald Hall CO •• GA. Hickory Station. AR. 528 Newell, Uriah Jackson Randolph Co •• AR. Bue k Range. AR. 530 Newt~n. Charles Richard Calhoun. AR. Taylor. AR. 531 Nobles. J.H. S~annOh Auburn. AR. 534 Nutt. Shelby Co •• Tenn. Cleveland. AR. 538 O'Kelly. Charles William Gwinnette Co., GA. Rudy, .tIR. 541 O'Neal. John Franklin Fairfield Co •• S.C. Etna. Alt. 543 T~ompson Co .• MO. Obenchain. Lockhard Kenly Botetourt Co •• VA. Macon. MO. 539 Oliver. Sanford M. Osborne. Samuel Gamble Lincoln Co. ~ Tenn. Salem • .tIR. Lawrence Co .• Ala •• 1829 Emmet. Tex. Osburne, William H. 8atesvi lle. Alt. Tampa. Fla. S44 Outlaw. JosephW. Haywood Co •• Tenn. 011 Trough. AR. 546 Owen. Charles O. Cottage Grove. Tenn. Whitney, Tex. 546 Owen.WilliamH. Fayette Co., Tenn. Bald !(nob. AR. 547 Ownbey. John E. Sevier Co., Tenn. Green Forest. AR. 548 Oxford. Lorenzo Adolphus Baldwin Co .• GA. Buckner. AR. 548 Pace. Julian !(night Fluvanna Co •• VA. Hazlehurst. Miss. 548 Parlow, Benjamin F. Madison Co., Tenn. Parsons, Tenn. 555 Laurens Co .• S.C. Forrest City, AR. 557 PaSl~. William Henry . Winfield, AR. 542 544 Patterson. Lyndsey F. Walker Co., GA. Patterson. W.J. Walker Co •• : GA. Hartshorne. I. T. 559 Peay. James Hale Ohio Co., 1Ii', Paragould. AR. 562 Peep.les. Wllliam Benton McNarry Station. renn, Conway. AR. 562 Penrod, William Kenneth Penrod. 1Ii'. Paducah. !\Y. 564 Peters. Jacob Sinclair washington Co .• AR. Anna, AR. 567 Peters, James Anderson Noutainburg, AR. Mountainburg, AR. 567 Peters. John Remy Washington Co •• AR. Anna,. AR. 567 Phelps, T.B. Graves Co., !\Y. Rocky. AR. 570 "hlllips. Isaac M. Hawkins Co .• Tenn. Springdale, AR. 570 Pigman, Jonathan H. Madison Springdale. AR. 574 Pillars. Matthew Allen Rockwood. Ill. Alma. AR. 574 Co •• AR. 558 .-.' -88- Pine. Sylvester Lee Frazeyburg, O. Haynes, AR. 574 Pirtle. Thomas Ira Tenn. Alvord, Tex. 575 Plumner, William H. Posey Co., rnd. Wyandott, I. T. 577 Redford, MO. Memphis, Tenn. 577 Pogue, William A. Potts, Thomas Semmes Bedford Co., Tenn. Clarksville, Tex. Powell. Thomas J. Lineville. Ala; Bristol, Tex. 583 Power, James M. Magnet Cove, AR. Magnet. AR. 583 Pressley, David A. Smith Co., Tenn. Hamil, AR. 584 Price, Anderson Jasper Nevada Co., AR. Okolona, AR. 585 Prouse, Josiah Jordan Van Quren Co., AR. Davenport. O. T•. 588 Provence, SamUel Moore Jefferson Co., Tenn. Tallahassee, Fla. 588 Pugh, Henry Clay Bowling Green. VA. Ruston~ La. 589 Puree lly. James Illinois Salade, AR. 590 Quinn. Lofton Shelby Co., Ala. Charleston, AR. 592 Richardson, John Washington Atlanta, GA. Rover, AR. 612 Ridling, Henry C. Jackson Co., GA. Dallas, AR. 614 Ridling, Moses lemuel GA. Hartley, AR. 614 Robertson, Joseph Monroe Cherokee Co., Ala. Dallas, Tex. 620 Robinson, Joseph Clayton Co., Iowa Wedlngton, .Alt. 622 Robinson, Thomas Jefferson Wilkes Co., N.C. Walnut Ridge, AR. 622 Robinson, Wille M. leonardsville, N.Y. Sedan, K.a nsas 623 Robinson. William James Bedford Co., Tenn. Forest City, AR. 623 Roddy. James Marion New Salem, Tex. Eureka Springs, AR. 624 Rogers. James Sterling Mayfield, Paragould, AR. 626 Rogers. John D. Carroll Co., Tenn. llashville, AR. 62~ Rogers. W.E. Anderson. S.C. Summerville, AR. 626 Rooch. J.l. Benton Co., AR. . Blue Grove, Tex. 627 Rorex, John Franklin Fackler Station, Ala. Duncan, I. T• 628 Rosamond, H.C. Gadsden. Tenn. Helena, AR. 628 Ross, Reubon D. Routh, Robert Franklin Lauderdale to., AI •• Whitfield Co •• GA. Ky. .581 Deleon, Tex. Hazen, AR. 630 Clarksville, Ok. 630 629 Rowell. James Robert Herd Co., GA. Roy, J.G. Macon Co .• Ala., 1839 Sims, AR. 631 Russell. Anderson Hadox lebanon, Tenn. Napa, CA. 633 Russell,O.A. Fearns Springs, Miss. DeQueen, AR. Russell, H. H. S.C. St. James, AR. 633 634 -89- Russell, James franklin Arkansas Kossuth, Hiss. 634 Russell, John Spencer, Tenn. Goshen, AR. 634 Sanders, Hiram Cherokee Co., Ala. Enela; AR. 639 Sanling, Richard Caswell Clark Co •• AR. Clinton, N.C. 640 Savage, William Bowline Jackson Co., MO. Shennan. Tex. 643 Sawyer, J.J. Camden Co •• N.C. Austin, AR. 643 Sawyer, Stephen Decatur HOlmes Co., Miss. Brinkley. AR. 644 Scair!e. Charner Terry Broad River. S. C. Woodruff, S.C. 644 Scott, Robert M. Cherokee Co •• Ala. Cato, AR. 646 Yadkfn, AR. 649 Cherry Valley, AR. 652 Sconce. John Hammond Calhoun MYrtle. MO. Seitlemolr. Gabriel Marion Tippah Co., Miss. Seymour, WilHam Henderson Co ••. Tenn. Hawes, AR. 653 Sharp, David H. McMinn Co •• Tenn. Pitman. AR. 655 Scott Co., AR. Story, AR. 658 Shook, John Noah Jackson Co., 111. Alicia. AR. 661 Sievers. John H. Gennany Piney, AR. 662 Simmons. William Belton Anderson Co., S.C. BloOmburg, Tex. 665 Sil11l15, Baptist Wreathelsey N. Culpepper Co., VA. Keytesville; MO. 664 Sims, Samuel Sanders Mulberry, AR. 666 . Shepherd, John William .' Singleton. James M. Greenville, GA. Slater, Andrew W. Arkansas. Davidson Co., SlaU9hter, Madison Pine Bluff, AR. Chico, CA. 668 Slaughter, OWen D. R1chmond Co •• Fayetteville, AR. 668 Slaughter, Samuel Houston Austin, Tex. Alstyne, Tex. 668 Slinker, William G. Barron Co.. Slover, James Anderson East Tenn. Ashland, Smart, James Nevada Co., AR. Okolona. AR. 670 Smith. Charles Edward Conway, Mass. Ogbomoshaw, \I. Afr1ca 672 Smith. Edgar Elijah Pon~toc Center POint, AR. 673 Smith, Elijah Rhea Co •• Tenn. Beirne, AR. 673 Smith. GeorgI! lewis Union Co., Ind. Winslow. AR. 674 Smith, J.A. Anderson Creek, Ala. McDaniel, AR. Smith. John lee. Arkansas, 1862 Gorman, Tex. 677 Smith. Marshall Madison Whitley Co., Harrison, AR. 678 Southall, James Turner Haywood Fordyce, AR. 685 Soward, William W. Batesv111e, AR. Squyres, David A. catahoula PariSh, lao Uniontown, AR. H. N.C. N.C.' Coke, Tex. Fair Grove, Van 1\)'. Co., Miss. 1\)'. to., Tenn. 666 HO. Mound Va II ey. Ada, Kan, are. I.T~ 668 668 669 675 685 690 -90Sta~ke, JUdson Broadus Hanover co., VA.- Dover, MO. 693 Pike Co., Ill. Ilaco, Tex. 694 Craighead Co., AR. Runge. Tex. 702 Stone, J.W. Virginia Conrnerce. Tex, 703 Story, William Robert Opelakan, AI •• Shover .Springs. AR. 704 Street, Henry Haynes Lunenburg Co., VA. Dardanelle, AR. 706 Strickland, Charles Watkins Lawrenceville, GA. Nashvll Ie, AR. 706 Swanner, John Bradford Dyer Co., Tenn. Searcy. AR. 710 Sutton, Richard Alabama 712 Smith Co .• Tenn. Conway. AR. Brown, AR. 714 Morgan Co., GA. Thornton, AR. 715 Tardy, William Thomas Collins, AR .• 1674 Greenville, Tex. 716 Tate. Jacob P. Jefferson Co., Ala. Auvergne, AR. 714 Tatum, L.J. Ash Co., N.C. Hermitage, MO. 716 Taylor, Francis William Locust,~. Henderson, ~. 718 Taylor, Henry Bell Hardiman Co., Tenn. White Dak, AR. 718 Marion Co., AR. Windsor, MO. 719 Taylor, S•. D. Russellville, AR. Salisaw, LT. 720 Teague, Elijah J. Knox Co., Ind. Gainesville, AR. 721 Teague, F.E. Lawrence Co., S.C. Hollywood, AR. 721 Montrose, Pa. 725 Staton, James Woodson Stodda~d. John Curtis E. Sykes, James Levander Talbot, Gre~n B. . Taylor, James Leonard Thomas, Eugenio Kincaid Pittston, Pa. Thomas, John S. Blount Co., Tenn. Thomason, David Grainger Co., Tenn. Galena, Kansas. 728 Thompson, Thomas L. Wayne Co., Tenn. Ella, AR. 730 Thorn, John Harberd Scott Co., AR. Rusk, Tex. 731 Thorne, David .Edgecomb Co •• N.C., 1828 Mountain Grove, MO. 731 Thornton, Judge T. Halifax Co., VA. Bristol, Pa. 732 Thornton, M. Kinbrough Burena Vista, Miss. Harlin, Tex. 732 Los Angeles, CA. 734 Harrisburg, Ill. 744 ·Tinker, WilHam Wharton New Orleans. lao Turner, Franklin Pierce Stilesborough, GA. .Searcy, AR. 727 Turner. Vines Lunenberg Co., MO. Greenbrier, AR. 745 Tyler, J.T. Indiana Rector, AR. 747 A. Caldwell Parish. La. DeQueen, AR. 749 Valentine, Talbert A. Caldwell Parish, La. DeQueen. AR. 749 Vest, William Henley Wade, Oscar Jefferson Walker Co .. Ala. Parkadale, AR. Settlement, AR. Magnolia, AR. 754 Valentine, Folbert Walker. Charles T. Prairie Co., AR. Dallas, AR. 757 759 -91Walker, Cornelius Marion Alexander, AR. Elon, AR. 759 Walker, Daniel H. Carroll Co., AR. Berryville, AR. 759 Walker, John 'Daniel Fredonia, Ala. Ware, AR. 762 Waller, Samuel Benjamin Columbia Co" Leesburg, Tex. 762 Walraven, Enoch Cobb Co., GA. Dee, AR. 762 Wardlaw, Columbus Anderson, S.C. Locksburg, AR. 764 , AR. , Warnock, Columbus C. Blount Co., Ala. Bland, AR. 764 Watson, Allen Richie Hot Springs, AR. Sonora, Tex. 767 Watson, Rufus A. BearOOuse, All. . Arkadelphia, AA. 768 Weaver, George F. Laurens Co., GA. Pearly, GA. 769 Weaver, Russell H. Laurel Co., ~. Comanche, Tex. 770 Webb, Luther M. Meigs CO., Tenn. ' Barlcer, AR. 771 Webb, Miles T. Portsmouth,' O. Beebe, AA. 771 Welch. Isaac Franklin Bolivar, Tenn. Boughton. AR. 773 Wells, David Greer Ilcibyvi1le, AR. Gurdon, AR. 774 West, David Manuel Albion, AR. Brownwood, Tex. 776 Wharton. Adoniram Judson Br,d1ey Co •• AR. Bremond, Tex. 777. Wharton. John U.H. ,Toledo, AR. Arcadia, La. 77.8 lihUe, frank Pickens Co., Ala. Lonoke. AR. 781 White. Oren W. Conway, N.H. Alma, AR.' 782 White. Raleigh K. Jackson Co., MO. Waco, Tex. 782 Whitlow, B.W. S. California Malvern, AR. 785 Whittington. Carley CataOOula Parish, La. Ft. Smith, AR. 7B7 Williams, S.II. N.C. Camden, AR. 793 795 Williams, Matthew Claburn Lawrence Co •• Ala., 1850 West Memphis, AR. Williams, NathanieLG. Pickens Co., Ala. Williams. Shode W. N.C. Williams, William Bartley Coffee Co., Ala. Alpine, AA. 796 Williamson, Henry H. Tenn. Budville, AR. 797 Willis, Alonzo Franklin Milo, AR., 5-6-1866 Simpson, AR. 797 Willson, C. T. Drew Co., AR. MtNell, AR. 798 Wilson, Archibald Harvey Pope Co., AR. Plummerville, AR. 798 Wilson, Henry Hudson Como, Miss. Augusta, AR. 799 Winsted, Hamilton C. Hawkins Co., Tenn. Prairie Grove, AR. 803 Wise, Joseph liyron Gordon, lao Marianna, AR. 804 Witherington, Westen Isaac Pitt Cato, AA. 804 Deluce. AR. ,Arkansas City, AR. to •• N.C. 795 796 -92- 005 1wfford. Benj.min Frankllo Mossy.Creek. GA. Rudy. AR. Wood. Washington lafayette Jefferson Co., AI •. Ft. Worth. Woolfolk. Samuel L. Houston Co .• GA. Geth.emane. AR. 811 Jay. AR. 813 Wright. George H. Washington? ? ? ? ? Texas 808 Wright, Henry F. St. Clair Co .• MO. Nettleton. AR. 813 Wright. Thoma. la 110w, La Grange. AR. 814 Young. W.G.J. Sl!arcy. AR. Ava. AR. 819 Mi S5. ***.**~******.* BIR'fHS lie DEATHS • THE ARKANSAS HOME 'rhe following birth and deatn notices were abstracted from available issues of THE ARKANSAS HOME, published in Lonoke, Lonoke County, Arkansas. Issues date from October 18S1 through December 1882 and are available on microfilm at the Arkansas History Commission. Many of the deatn notices per· tain to .countiesother tnan Lonoke County. Submitted by Pat L. Bennett, 1211 Dyson, N. Little Rock, Arkansas 72116 BIRT!lS HALLUM - bouncing baby boy born at the residence of Mr. John W. Hallum. May 9, 1882. Page ~. Col. 1 !lARRISON - baby girl born to H.A. Harrison and lady on Sunday May 21, 1882. May 2), 1882, Pags 4, Col. 1 !lICKS - baby boy born last Friday, father Joe Hicks. August 8, 1882, Page 1, Col. 2 HICKS - daughter born to Mrs. J.E. !licks last Wednesday night. November 5. 1881. Page 4, Col. 1 MARTIN - baby girl born to Mrs. A. Martin a few days ago. Deoember 5, 1882, Page 4, Col. 1 SESSUMS - a girl arrived at the home of Dr. J.t.H. Sessums to take up permanent residence. october 24, 1882, Page 1, Col. 4 . SMITrl • Tart Smith married last fall, baby boy born at his residence. July 4, 1882, Page 1, Col. 5. SWAIM - baby girl born last Wednesday, father is Mr. Felix Swaim. September 19, 1882, Page 1, Col. ) DEATHS ALLEN (child) - of Mr. Jim Allen died on Folsom farm Saturday. September 19, 1882, Page 1, Col. J APPLE, Mr. Salah - died at Beebe on March 24, 1882, brother Sam departed two weeks before. March 28. 1882, Page 1, Col. 2 APPLE,Sam R. - died at Beebe last week. March 14, 1882, Page 1, Col. 5 BARTLETT. Austin - an old merChant of Jacksonville died on the 24tn. February 28, 1882, Page 1, Col. ) BEAM. Lafayette - aged 17, died November 18, 1881 of typhomalaria. December J, 1881, Page 1, Col. 6 BENTON, Mrs. Emily - died Saturday evening December 2. 1882, aged mother of Capt. P.H. Benton, remains interred at Lonoke cemetery. December 5, 1882, Page 4, Col. 2 BISHOP, Charles Lee - brother of Mrs. James Furr of Lonoke died in Chicago April 4, 1882. May 2, 1882, Page ~, Col. 2 BOSB! llAUM, Isabella - was drowned last week. fell overboard during a moonlight excursion on·Arkansas River. May 9, 1882, Page 1, Col. J. BOTTS, asa - shot and killed in depot at Okean by George James. February 18, 1882, Page 1, Col. 5 .( -93- BRIZZILL, Mr. E.L. - died Sat~rday at the home of brother Capt. D.W. Brizzell of near A~stin. December 17. 1881, Page If.. Col. 1 BRONAUGH. Mrs. Maggie - aged about 40 years, died Monday at Lonoke, widow of the late Maj. W.J. Bronaugh. '. November 19. t88t, Pli6e 1. Col. If. BROWN, school teacher stabbed to death by Bostick who was assisted by a aon, at $1 Paso in White County. August 29. t882, Page If., Col. 2 BROWN. Dr. - died at Ft. Smith Saturday. November 12, 188t, Page 1, Col. 5 BUFFALOE. Dalia May.- aged 3 years, 10 months, daughter of Henry H. and Edna Buffaloe died in Hamilton Township. December 10, 1881, Page 1, Col. 5 . . BUMPASS, Mrs. Dr. - died last Tuesday near Austin, mother of . GlIs Bumpass. Decetiber 10, t881 j Page If., Col. 1 BURRUS. _ _ - will be hanged at Dover. Pope County, 22 January,.t882. January llf., 1882, Page 1. Col. 6 BURTON, (baby) - died Monday, parents are Mr. and Mre. Burton. November 12, 1882, pags 1, Col. If. BUTLER, - street oar driver died near Jaoksonville last Saturday ~vening of wounds inflicted by Hynes. September 5, 1882, Page If., Col. 2 . BUTLER, (brothers) - shot by Mr. Chas. Hervey near Lost Prairie. , November 21, 1882, Page If.. Col. 2 . CHAPLlNE, OWen Pettus -died at thirty minutes. past one o'clock in the morning MlU'!"h 23, 1882 at home of parent". aged 6 months, 11 days. Mareh 28, 1882, Page If., Col. 2 CHRISMAN. Miss Mattie - died Friday at Little Rook, accidental pOisoning. November 28, 1882, Page If., Col. 1 CLEMENTS, Mrs. Ollie - wife of James F. Clemants died on last Saturday morning. Her mother Mrs. Kennedy of Rockwood, Tenn. was called home to attend the funeral of her husband, father of Mrs. Clement., survived by young husband and three little boys, the youngest of whiCh is only about eight or nine months old. May 16, 1882, Page 4. Col. 2 CLEMENTS. Mrs. Susan ~ wife of A.J. Clements died Tuesday morning March 7,1882 of consumption, aged about 26. March.llf., 1882, Page 1. Col. 5 . CLOST, Mrs. Anna - of Little Rock died recently. November 12, 1881. Page 2, Col. 5 COLE. Mrs. J.J. - aged 35. died November 23. t881 at residence oh Gum Ridge, burried (sic) at Hester Church, she was born in Appomattox Co., Va. and was a Methodist. November 26, 1881, Page 1, Col. 2 COOK. Mrs. Peter - one of the oldest residsnts of the vicinity died Thursday last. September 19. 1882, Page 1, Col. 3 DAVIE, Mrs. Dr. - died January 1, 1882 at her home near Beebe. January 21, 1882, Page 1, Col. 2 DEAL, (child) - of Mr, Jacob Deal and wife died last Friday evening of Scarlet fever, at Pigeon Roost. May 30, 1882, Page 1, Col. If. DEESE, Mary E. - consort of C.W. Deese died at her home in Pigeon Roost (Lonoke County) on April 9, 1882 of typha malarial fever, age 38 •. April 11, 1881. Page If., Col. 2· DELANEY. _____ - died Wednesday at Penitentiary (sic). Page 1, Col. 5 EAGLE •.Mrs. W.H. - died at 1,30 o'clOCk to-day daughter of William R. Oberson, was a native of MississipPi. February 28, 1882, Page 1, Col. 4 . . . EARL. Jeff - hanged by mob near Buttlerville. June 13. 1882, Page 1, Col. .5 EDMI1NDS, Howard - he.nged yesterday at Warren, Bradley Co. December la, 1881, Page 1, Col. 6. December 17, 1881, Page 2, Col. 2 . EMRICH, Mr. John - of Mc:Creanor township died Saturday. September 26, 1882, Page 1, Col. 4 FAIRDON. PatriCk - murdered at Argenta by Henry Brandon. NOVember 28, 1882, Page If. , .Col. 1 . ·FEARS. Andy - died at Little Rock last S.unday night. November 12. 1881, Page If.. Col. 1 . FIELDS, Aleck -·killed last October b~ ThOmaS W. Mayberry of Prairie Co. February 11. 1882, Page 1, Col. If. -94- FIELDS, Alex - or Indian Bayou killed Tuesday by George Mayberry. october 18. 1881, Page 4, Col. 2 FIELDS, Maj. Ben. J. - died in Little Rock last Sunday night. December 24. 1881. Page 1, Col. 6 .. FILES, Ed W. - of Union Co., was killed last week, son of representative Files. December 24, 1881, Page 1. Col. 6 FINLAY, Miss - died Wednesday at Little Rock. November 19. 1881, Page 1, Col. J FORD, Mrs. - sister of Walter Williams died at Little Rock, June 5, 1882. June 6. 1882, Page 1, Col. 5 FREEMAN, John - died in Union Co. of lightning bolt, November 12, 1881, Page 1, Col. 5 GATE;'IIOOD, Phil - editor of Arkansas City Journal died a. few daya ago. December 24. 1881, Page 1 j Col. 6. GLBNN, Irene - died on Dorch Place, Aahley Township, Pulaski Ga., last week. November 12, 1881, Page 1, Col. 5 GOAD, __ - killed by Pugh on Robinson farm in Riohwoods. August 1, 1882, Page 1, Col. 4 GRANT, Wm. - died suddenly last Wednesday from taking two large doses of morphine, mistaken for quinine. July 25. 1882, Page 1. Col. 4 GREEN L '(rs. M. - died at her home at Beebe last week. June 27, 18HZ, Page 1, Col. 2 GROSS, (child) - of Mr. G):,oss died and was buried in the cemetery on Tuesday. February 11, 1882, Page 1. Col. 1 GUINN. Mr. John - died 2nd inet. at residence of Mrs. Helms, of consumption. November 14, 1882, Page 4, Col. 2 HALL, Frank - hanged December 9, 1881 at Little RoOk for murder of Paul Saunders. December 17, 1881. Page 2, Col. 2 HARRISON. (infant) - of Mr, and Mre. Henl:'j' Harrieon died on Saturday. It Was l.n.t!!red. at the oemetery on Sunday, May 30, 1882, Page~~-Col. 1 HARROD, L. B. - son of John Harrod died at Conway March 9, 1882. March 14, 1882. Page 1, Col. 5 HARROD, Len B. - died of coneumption at Conway last Thursday. March 14. 1882, Page 1, Col. J HELM, Parson W.S. - of Totten Township died on May 6, 1882 at 11 a.m. after 14 month illness. May 16. 1882, Page 1, Col. 4 HERNDON, Milton - son of Mr. T.H. and Mrs. S.J. Herdon died Friday September 8. 1882, aged 2 years, 4 months, and 11 days. September 26. 1882, Page 1; Col. 4 HILL, John - fatally stabbed in Little Reek by Mollie Leggins last Sunday. January 28, 188Z, Page 1. Col. 6 . HILL, Hon. Jno. F. - member of the last lefislature died recently at his home in Clarksville. February 18; 1882, Page 1, Col. 5 HINDMAN. Miss Sue -.daughter of Gen. Tom Hindman died at Helena. November 19. 1881, Page 1, Col. 5 HOBSON. Dr. A.W. - editor of the Hope Eagle died at his home laet week. February 18, 1882, Page 1, Col. 5 HODGES. Mrs. Asa - wife of ex-eongresslDan Hodges and sister of Mre. W. Chapline died in Memphis last week. July 25, 1882, Page 4, Col. 2 HOGUE, Dr. - of Little Rook, died at his home last week. November 28, 1882, Page 1, Col. 4 HOUSTON. (baby) - child of Mr. F. W. Houston died Thursday morning. December 24,1881, Page 1. Col. J HOWARD, Mrs. Anna - died october 8,1882 in LonOke. Wife of . Mr. E.R. Howard. Ootober 10, 1882, Page 1, Col. 5 HOWARD, Mr. Edward - aged 74 died at residence of son-in-law Mr. Levi McLeod of Lonoke, November 21, 1881. November 26, 1881, Page 1. Col. 6 HUMPHRY, Earl - Of Jackson, Tenn., hanged by mob at Buttlerville. June 13, 1882. Page 1, Gal. 5 HUTCHINSON, Shelt - of Polk County murdered between October 10th and October 21st. November 5, 1881, Page 1. Col. 5 150M, EdWard - murdered last Friday night. May 30, 1882, Page 4, Col. 2 JACKSON, Boge - of.Hamburg was hanged November 18, 1881. November 26, 1881, Page 2, Col. J JENNING, Capt. Ernest - member of the Little Reek. bar died. May 2, 1882, Page i, Col. J • -Y5- JENNINGS, Judge Orvil - The remains of Judge Orvil Jennings. buried in tills city in 1866, by James Cook the undertaker, were taken up under the supervision of Dr. Jennings and deposited by the side of hie eon. the late Capt. Ern!st Jennings. The body was not decomposed and the was perfectly preserved. The features of the deceased were at once recognized, and hiS eyes and hair had retained their life-like color. May 9. 1882, Page 1, Col. ) JOHNSON, Col Tice - died at Little Rock. November 12, 1881. Page 1. Col. 5 JONES Charles - colored man hanged by a mob at Spedra. Johnso~ County. November 12. 1881, Page 2. Col. 2 KANADY. Col. J.R. - died at Ft. Smith last week. May 2, 1882. Page 1. Col. J . KIMBERLAlID. JaJiI8S - of near El Paso shot and fatally wounded by Robert Quinn. September 26. 1882, Page 4, Col. 1 . LEE. Mrs. John M. - fomer resident of Lonoke died at her home in Little Rock, Saturday JulY 1, 1882. July 4. 1882. Page 4, Col. :2 LEMING. Mrs·. - died in this place Sunday evening after ill. ness of several weeks. August 15, 1882. Pags 1, Col. 4 LORD. Mrs. - of near /lit. Ida accidently killed by her husband last week. May 9, 1882, Page 1. Col. J LOWERY. Han. J.H. - of Hope News, the state press sustains loss of one of it's brightest lights. November 28, 1882, page 4, Col. 1 1\1:: AL!"EE, Mr. - of Jefferson County slain one day last week by hie wife. February 28,1682, Page 1. Col. 5 NO KINN$Y, Blder - died at Austin. October 29. 1661, Page 4. Col. 1 . Me INTOSH, Uncle Johnnie - an old citizen of this county. died at his home near Austin last Sl1nda.y week. September 12, 1862. Page 1, Col. ) . M: KINNEY. Mrs. - died last Monday at her home in Glover neighboiihood, Bagle TOwnship. November 26, 1881, Page 1. Col. 2 ,. MANKINS ,Peter - oldest man in Arkansas died. lut week in Washington Cocinty. aged 112. January 14,1662, Page 1.• Col. 6 IllATHE\I'S. Chas - ed ito.r of Hot Springs Hornet was shot and killed Friday, September 26. 1862, Page 4. Col. 2 IllATHBWS, Randy - hanged in Memphis on the 2nd. June 6. 1682. Page 1 • Col. 2 MITCHEL. (child) - of Mr. James Mitchell of Beard in Prairie 'l'ownship killed by falling .dead tree, J year old daughter. December J, 1861. Page 1, Col. 4 MONK, Frank-_ brother of Re¥ •. Alonzo MonJe died last week of catarrhal fever at Austin. February 18. 1882, Page 1. Col. 5 MONTGOMBRY,T,L. ~ proprietor of the Rose City Baking Powder Factory died in Little RoOk last Monday. February 16, 1882. Page 1. Col. 5 NEIGHBORS, . John - age 22 died ThLlrsday at residenoe of Mr. Blackford, was a resident of Walters Chapel neighborhood. December 17, 188t, Page 1, Col. 2 NEWTON, J. J. - of Richwoods died at his home last Thursday . night •. February 18, 1662, Page 1, Col. 2 OVERALL, Hassel - infant daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Overall died at Little Rock of small pox; telegraph received on Friday. Maroh 14. 1662. Page 1. Col. 4 OVERALL, Orrie - died at Lonoke November 14, 1681, daughter of . J.W. and Fredonia OYerall. bUried at Dyer Station. Tenn. November 4. 1661, pags 4. Col. J PAGE • Stephen -Of Morrilton Was stabbed by Peter Greenlaw on 18th inst. July 25, 1882, Page 1, Col. 2 PAYNE. T. H. - depot agent for Fort Smith Railroad died Monday. Janl1ary 21, 1862, Pags 1, Col, 2 PERCIFIELD, Millie - died the other day, she was 94:. years old. !'e)lruary 11, 1882, Page 4, Col. 2 .. PEYTON. Nellie - died Monday n!ght at Little Rock. ·November 12.1681, Page 1, Col. 5 POOL, Mr. James - one of the oldest citizens of Magness Town- -96- ship died Sunday. P~ICE. July 4, 1882, Page 4, Col. 2 Mr. Thomas - of Beebe found dead after leaving for a hunting trip last Tuesday. November 16, 1881, Page 1, Col. ,5 RAWLINGS. Mrs. - wife of Dr. J .B.Rawlings died on 12th inst. at 6 p.m., leaving an infant only a few hours old. June 27. 1882, Page 1, Col. 5 REED,(children) - of Mr. and Mrs. E. Reed died, ages six and eight. September 19, 1882, Page 4. Col. 2 RILEY, Ed - murdered a year ago by Essex Chambers at Wild Cat, Chambere arrested at Little Rock. August 8, 1882, Page 4, Col. 1 ROBERTSON; Ethel Lynn - one year Old baby girl of Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Robertson. died at Morrilton on last Thursday of con~ gestion. It was buried at the Lonoke cemetery Saturday. May 16, 1882. Page 4, Col. 2 ROBINSON, (baby girl) - of Mr. W. Jasper Robinson died on the 8th. September 26. 1882, Page 1, Col. 4 , ROBINSON, W. D. - of Cornersville, Lincoln Co .. killed last week by lightning. November 19. 1881. Page 1, Col. 4 ROSS, Wm. - the funeral Was preaohed last Sunday. July 11, 1882, Pllii>e 1, Col. 5 . , RUDASILL, tbaby girl) - of Mr. W. K. Rudasill of north of Brownsville died Thursday. October 10, 1882, Page 1, Col. 4 SADLER, G. - shot,and killed by Mr. George Murphy on Thursday at Hot Springs. November 5, 1881, Page 1, Col. 5 S~'DERS, Paul - allegedly murdered in fall of 1874-74. November 12, 1881, Page 1, Col. 4 SANDERS, Mr. S.S. - brother-in-law of Cul Deea died on Sunday night at his home ·of typho-malarial fever. March 21, 1882, Page 4, Col. 1 . SEATON, . - aged about 20 years, son of W.B. Seaton, died of consumption, Richwoods. July 11, 1882, Page 4, Col. 2 SEATON, Samuel S. - diedreoently at Water Valley Miss., father of W.~. and E.D. Seaton Of Lonoke. November 26, 1881, Page 1, Col. 2 SEHELL.· - of Roseville, stabbed and throat slsshed in Sewelros-store. August 1, 1882, Page 1, Col. 2 SMITH. Mrs. Floyd - formerly of Searcy, committed suicide at De Witt one day last week. MarCh 14, 1882, Page 1, Col. 5 SMITH, (w.ife) - of Gen. Nat. G. Smith died recently at residence in Tulip" Dallas Co. January 28, 1882, Page 1, Col. 6 SMOOTS. Mrs. Geo. P. - of Prescott died Wednesday night. April 25, 1882, Page 1, Col. 4 STONE, (infant) - Of Mr. and Mrs. J. Stone died last Saturday, buried Sunday morning, GUlIIWoods. May 2;, 1882, Page 1, Col. 4 SUMNER, Mrs. Eupemy - died December 29, 1881 at her home near Austin, of pneumonia. age 45. October', 1882, Page 1, Col. 5 SWAIM, Mr. David - died at his home near the Hill school last Wednesday, son of Uncle Mode Swaim, one of the pioneer settlers. September 2.6, 1882, Page 1, Col. 4 THOMASON, Col. P.A. - died on Saturday night at residence of N.S. Williamson at Little Roo~. June 20, 1882, Page 4, Col. 2 'rHOMPSON, Mrs. Phoebe - died on Sunday at the old Hicks residence three miles east Of LOnoke. Her remains were interon Monday at the Brownsville cemetery. June 20, 1882, Page 4, Col. 2 VENSON, Mrs. - wife of J.A, Venson of Moore's Cross Roads died Thursday evening. November 26, 1881, Page 1, Col. 6 WALKER. J. and two sons - of Aberdeen, Mlssiaaipppi were murdered while on their way of Goodwin, St. FranCis County. Deoember J. 1881, Page 1, Col. 6 WALKER, Prentice Knight - infant son of J.T. and Mrs. Nettle Walker died July 4. at 7 o'Clock a.m. at HuntSVille. July 25, 1882, Page 4, Col. ; WASHINGTON, Taylor - hanged by a mob at Buttlerville. June 1). ,1882. Page 1. COl. 5 WATTS, (baby) -of Mr. Watts, One of the new English citizens, died Thursday. Was born at Walnut Ridge only a few weeks ago. February 18, 1882, Page 1, Col. 3 -97- WATTS, Mrs. Geo. - died at her home in the Watta colony Saturday, Sunday her funeral was preached at the Baptist Church by Eld. M.D. Early. and the remains interred at the Lonoke cemetery. September 5. 188Z. ~age 1. Col. 3 WEARES. - son of M.A. Weares died on Prairie Longue Sun~ day. -ruguat Z9. 188Z, Page 1. Col. ) WEBB, Jake - son of Mr. J .K. Webb died on last Tuesday at 2 o'clock p.m. september 19. 1882. Page 4-, Col. 2 WEED. Mrs. Caldonia - daughter of Jonathan Wright of near Hazen, Prairie Co •• died December 8, 1881. December 10, 1881. Page 1, Col. 2 WESTBROOKS. John - died Wednesday at hi!! home near Beebe. age 32. Dec.ember). 1881. Page 1. Col. 6 WHEELER. M.A.W. - of Rogers. Benton Co •• died of a red baCk spider bite last week. September 10, 188Z. Page 4-, Col. 1 WHITTON, - shot and killed by his brother-tn-law McPhearson at~m. yesterday on the steps of Turrentine Hotel in Carlisle. May 2), 188Z. Page 4-, Col. Z WILLIAMS, Albert - stabbed and killed by Will1aJ1l Robinson on December 19. 1881 in Faulkner Co. December Z4-. 1881, Page 1, Col. 6 . WITHERSPOON, Major S. - died April Z4, 188Z at Lonoke. April Z5. 1882, Page 4. Col. ) WOOTEN, Thomas - of Beebe died at Pinnacle Springs April 22, 1882. May 2, 188Z. Page 1. Col. ) . WRIGHT, (infant) - two week old infant of Mr. and Mrs. John Wright died Thursday. September 26. 1882. Page 1, Col. 3 WRIGHT. Jonathan - age 73 of near Hazen, Prairie Co., died November 30, 1881, resident of the state since 1823. December 10, 1881, Page 1, Col. 2 WRIGHT, LUm - died at his home on the Dempsey place some days ago. January 28. 1881, Page • Col. 1 YELL. A.C, - diedOctober 24, 188t at l'aye1;1;evil1e, November 5. 1881, Page 1,· Col. 5 Compiled during February 1982 Emma W Alexander, 2828 Payne Rd~$ Norcross. Georgia 30071 - r am trying to locate a copy of my great grandfather's death record. Hopefully. I will be able to establish the names of his parents. Joseph WIGLEY, b. 18 Feb. 1846 married 1863 to Elizabeth H. FRASER, had one son Henry Hamilton WIGLEY, b. 31 July 1868. All these people were born 1n Hall Co~~ GA. J09~ph fought in the Civil War on the Union WIGLEY FRASER side and was considered a traitor here, so h.e moved his family to Arkansas. I have a death record of genry Hamilton WIGLEY that states that he and his parents were born in Arkansas. I have proof that Joseph & Elizabeth were born in GA., but Henry H. WIGLEY could have been born 1n Arkan8aB~ I have not been able to locate a birth certificate for him however. Joseph WIGLEY was killed by a tornado' uprooting A tree which fell on him 8 March 1877. He was burled the same day. He lived in Crawfordsville, Crittenden Co., Ai.) and was buried there. I have two affidavits that were stgned by Joseph Nance & Solmon Mann, dated 19 Apr. l891 t stating that they were neighbors and helped bury Joseph WIGLlr on H MArch 1877. Both men were N.P. and the official signature WAS signed by W.E: iaulston. NP. ~lizaheth wIGLEY and son Henry Eamilton WIGLEY were found ln the 1880 Soundex of Georgia, Hall County. Mrs. Ruth H. S~lth, 3215 Donalee St., Ft. Worth, TX 76119 - Seeking info on Hiram BLAIR. my great grandfath~r, born in Illinois in '1811. married Sarah HEWITT (born 1812 Arkansa.) ca 1832 in Arkansas. Hiram BLAIR listed as H/H Washington Co., AR 1840 us Census. Children b~ in Arkansas: Sarah A., b. 1833; Elizabeth, b. 1834; John H., h. 1838; William J., h. 1839; Green Washington. b. 1842; Lora, b. 1843; & James. b. 1845. Family moved to Grayson COO) TX ca 1846. Inf. will be appreciated. Would also like to find connection (if any) between Hiram BLAIR and Silas C. BLAIR. Silas C. BLAIR listed in 1950 Grayson Co., TX US Census, born North Carolina} age 47, with J.C.W. BLAIR, 12 male born in Arkansas also in his household. In same census Hiram BLAIR's family is listed asn one 90n is J.G~W'J age 9. male born ln Arkansas. This J.G.W. BLAIR could be my grandfather, Jasper Green Washington BLAIR, who might have been ~isted twice. Silas BLAIR in 1840 USC Ark from Pike Co. AR and 1830 US Census, Clark Co. J AR (name spelled BUIRE 1840 census. Will gladly exchange daca. ' BLAIR HEWITT -~8- DWINELL BIBLE RECORDS The following bible records were obtained from a family bible belonging. to Roger Dwinell of Hot Springs, Arkansas. The bible was printed in 1895. This Certifies Tha t The Hi tP. of Holy· Matrimony Was Celebrated Between of Humboldt, Kas. of Humboldt, Kas. Oris L. Dwinell and Laura on by S~ Jamison March 19, 1876 Rev. Joel R. Chambers Witness) ) at the bride's parents _ Jamison Oscar H. Lash Births Oris L. Dwinell, born March 23, 1854 Laura S. Jamison born Oct. 13, 1859 Myrtle Dwinell born Dec. 17, 1877 Lura (Laura) Dwinell, born Sept. 7, 1880 Ned E. Dwinell, born Dec. 9, 1881 Amy B. Dwinell, born Dec. 3, 1883 Roy Dwinell, born Feb. 20, 1885 Ora L. Dwinell, born Jan. 16, 1888 Nellie M. Dwinell, born Jan. 28, 1890 Emma Fern Dwinell,born Oct. 17, 1895 Deaths Levi Dwinell, died Feb. 22, 1872 Lura Dwinell. died July 20, 1881 Infant daughter Romand, died Dec. 2, 1886 Oscar A. Dwinell, died Apr. 9, 1888 Myrtle E •. Dwinell, died Feb. 9, 1905 Laura S. Dwinell, died Feb. 11, 1905 Oris L. Dwinell, ~ied Oct. 23, lR23 The following is family data from the bible of the wife of Roger Dwinell of Hot Springs, Ark. AUDIGIER BIBLE RECORDS 1853 Edition Batesville, Ark. Presented to Julia Audigier by her beloved son Emile on the 28th of November, 1855 --- This book is all that's left me now, Tears will unbidden start-With faltering and throbbing brow I press it to my heart. For some generations past There is my family tree: My mother's hands this Bible clasped She, dying, gave it me. Thou truest friend man ever knew Thy constancy lIve tried; Where all were false I found thee true, My counsellor and guide The mines of earth no treasure give That could this colume buy; In teaching me the way to live, It taught me how to die. May 9th, 1859 E,. Audigier -99FAMILY RECORD < Mary Eliza Napier married to H. P. Rey, July 14th, 185B Mary Ann Seluda Heard married to Emile Audigier, Nov. 16, 1858 Julia Caroline Rey married to L. A. Audigier, 1835 Mary Ann Seluda Audigier married to K. O. Bearstecher, Sept. 20, 1822 Emelius Edgar Audigier married to Sue Love, Nov. 4, 1884 Louis Bailey Audigier married to Ella Dean Swan, December 1887 Julia Luthi Audigier married to William L. Thompson, Oct. 1888 Love Elizabeth AUdigier married to Morris Lancaster Williams, August 14th, 1909 Grace Audigier married Lorenzo James Gihen (7), Geb. 7,1923 Emile E. Audigier married to Ida Pearson Rollow Nov. 9, 1929 Louis Bailey Audigier married to Corra Mae Green, June 7, 1933. Grace Audigier Gibson married to Chas. Harry Richter, Aug. 12 1937 . Births Julia Caroline Rey, 28 October 1816 Henri Pierre Louis Rey, 25 December 1791 Franciose Virginia Espouse de K. P. L. Rey, 28 Jan.? 1798 Caroline Amelie Rey, 8 April 1826 H. P. Rey, 8 October 1831 Henri Emile Audigier, 4 OCtober 1836 Mary Eliza Napier, wife of H. P. Rey, born May 3, lB42 Mary Ann Seluda Heard, born the 28th of December, 1841, wife of E. H. Audigier Louis Bailey Audigier, son of Mary A. Seluda Audigier and Emilius Henry Audigier, born the 4th of September, 1859 Emilius Edgar Audigier, son of Seluda Audigier and Emilius Audigier, born the 30th of July, 1861 Henry Louis Rey, son of Mary Eliza and Henry L. Rey, born the 16 of February 1860 Julia Lutie Audigier, daughter of Seluda and Emile AUdigier, born the 4th day of December, 1865. Julias Oscar Berstecher, Son of , Berstecher and ________ Marchand, born Sept. 10, 183-8---.Alise Ona Berstecher, daughter of Seluda and Oscar Berstecher, born the 2nd day of August, 1874 . Julian Oscar Berstecher, son of Seluda and Oscar Berstecher, born on the 5th day of April 1879 Love Elizabeth and Louie Elder Audigier, twin daughters of Emilius Edgar Audigier and Sue Love Audigier, born Sept. 28, 1885 John Emile Audigier; son of Emilius Edgar Audigier and Sue Love Audigier, born December 13th, 1-87 Grace Audigier, daughter of Emilius Edgar Audigier and Sue Love Audigier, born September 24th, 1890 Edgar ,Rey Audigier, son of Emilius Edgar Audigier and Sue Love Audigier, born December 23rd, 1895 or 1896 Deaths Caroline Ameila Rey, 13 April 1853 Henry Pierre Louis Rey, 28 Decemb. 1853 Julia Caroline Audigier, 11 October 1857 Henry Louis Rey, deceased the 20th of June 1861 Emilius Henry Audigier, deceased the 21st of March 1870 Edgar Rey Audigier, son of Emilius Edgar Audigier and Sue Love Audigier, deceased the 9th of March, 1899 Sue Love Audigier, deceased Mar .. 29, 1927 Saluda ,Audiqier Berstecher deceased Oc,t~ 15" 1929 Lorenzo James Givson, deceased Feb. 2, 1936; aged 53 years, husband of Grace Audigier -100- Louis Elder Audigier, deceased May 9, 1937 Louis Bailey Audigier, deceased Sept. 17, 1943 Emilius Edgar Audigier, deceased June 1943 Ida ,Rollow Audigier deceased June 23. 1948 Julian Oscar Berstecher deceased Sept. 2, 1948 John Emile Audigier deceased June 30, 1951 Charles Harry Richter deceased Aug. 26, 1960 Edward Beerstechter Ho1~s, son of Alex Berstecher Holmes and Doctor Perry Smith Holmes deceased Dec. 19, 1965 These bible records copied by Margaret Hubbard in June, 1980, and submitted for any interest or assistance to members of Arkansas Genealogioal Society. ' HOME GUARD OF MINUTE MEN OF POPE CouNTY, ARKANSAS 1861 Edited by James Logan Morgan After Arkansas seceded from the Union, the secession convention continued to meet to provide a sound legal structure for the state. An ordinance passed by the convention on May 30. 1861. authorized the county courts in each county to apPOint "a home guard of minute men" for terms of service of three months. with at least ten men ,in service in each township. The duties of the home guards were "to see that: all slaves are disarmed. to prevent: the assemblage of slaves in unus,ual keep t:he slave populat:ion in ~roper subjection. and to see that peace and order are observed. On July 28. 1861. the county court of Pope County. Arkansas. appointed companies of "Home Guards or Minute Men" to serve for three months in each of the townships. The members of each company were ordered to meet in the regular polling place of their township on August 3. 1861. to organize and elect officers. Reports on the elections were made at a special meeting of the county court on August 5. 1861. ROSTERS A. J. -------.-- General Commander Allen TownShip John A. Stewart Captain John McElroy -------------- 1st Lieutenant John S. ManSker ----------- 2nd Lieutenant David Allen Wm. Macomb R. D. Sellers R. Brashears A. J. Roberts W. H. Dean David Roy ----r------------- Clark Township Albert Sinclair ------------------ Captain George S. Adams ----------- 1st Lieutenant Travis C. Smith ----------- 2nd Lieutenant Absalom Adams Pleasant Love C. D. Tobin Martin Epps Wm. Porter Jesse Turner Lit. C. Shinn G. P. Williamson ,james W. Jones , -101- Doyer Township A. J. Brigance ------------------ Captain John K. Harkey ----------- 1st Lieutenant E. M. Roach -------------- 2nd Lieutenant Jas. L. Adarns* G. W. Jamieson' A. H. Scott Jessie Bringle W. E. Jamieson* R. H. Smart Athan Cannon E. A. McAlister* James Smith O. D. He=in Monroe McCoy Wm., Stout G. W. Holledger* C. C. Nailor J. G. Wheeler Dudley James Jasper N. Rankin1: Galley Rock TOWQship D. F. Armstrong ----------------- Captain M. L. Bost ------------~-- 1st Lieutenant James Quinri -------------- 2nd Lieutenant Wilson Bernard T. J. Horton V. M. Stephenson John Blackburn S. D. Lewis A. B. Taylor F. Clovinger Wm. Oats John Watkins Wm. B. Dickey Arthur Reed Woodford Webb' W. ,P. Scarlett Daniel Gi;l.more Thos. Gooch George Sleiker Grjffin Tgwpsblp T. B. Whitesides ---------------- Captain Wm. Griffin -------------- 1st Lieutenant John Poe ----------------- 2nd Lieutenant J. H. Burnett A. Rankin A. Vick J. B. Griffin Morandy Tackett John Hill John Trigg <inm Log Township John S. Bowden ------------------ Captain R. D. Ashmore ---------~-- 1st Lieutenant John J. Morphis ---------- 2nd Lieutenant George W. Davis 'Stephen Mathews Major Webb John W. Gullet George W. Reed J. J. Kyle W. W. Strickland Illipois TgWnship Haynes A.'Howell ---------------- Captain' W. J. Harkey ------------- 1st Lieutenant James W. Miller ---------- 2nd Lieutenant J. W. Bernard* Peter Huffman* John Randal J. H. Brooks E. H. Langford Hugh Taylor Wm. M.Galloway E. A. Luker Charles E. Tobey Jesse S. Hayden Thos. Oats Stephen Tobey* James M. Henry K. B. Potts James Veazy Martin Howard J. W. Pruitt Asy Wade Robt. D. Howell Robert Quinn Rush Williamson *Name marked out • Independenoe Tgwnship Henry L. Ruff ------------------- Captain Allen Womble ------------- 1st Lieutenant Solomon Crouch ----------- 2nd Lieutenant 'Washington Barnes James Holmes William Tripp Thos. Curtis Samuel Morris Wm. Curtis Joseph Richardson Liberty Township W. L. Nichols ------------------ Captain A. Bewly ----------------- 1st Lieutenant J. L. Goats -------------- 2nd Lieutenant C. R. Campbell Joel Johnson R. B. Russell N. Grinder T. O. Linton Martin V?flsandt H. B. Gunter J. D. Ross Andrew W1.l1 iams -102- Martin Township John W. Rye --------------------- Captain R. C. Mason -------------- 1st Lieutenant James Linzey ------------- 2nd Lieutenant James Hickey J. Wilson F. Bernard K. Jones C. D. Wilson J. BroWn B. Rushing A. W. Hayes Morel and Towship . North Fork IgwnshiD . Wi1 son TowQship . James P. Boone ------------------ Capta~n A. J. Hartin ------------- 1st Lieutenan~ Christian Freeman -------- 2nd Lieutenant A. Chronister Reuben Mathews Y. L. Thompson J. J. Devall C. M. Owen , John K. Hillis Richard Reynolds W. J. Bullock ------------------- Capta~n w. S. Satterfield -------- 1st Lieutenant George F. Bonds _______ c __ 2nd Lieutenant C. D. Edwards W. H. Wells E1 i Branch James Hess Joseph Brown A. Wallis Martin Bruch Wm. W. Stepp -------------------- Capta~n M. T. Beason ------------- 1st Lieutenant Wm. J. Johnson ----------- 2nd Lieutenant W. M. Ross J •. M. Wilson James C. Copeland Wm. Spruce Jas. L. Wll.son A. Hill J. F. Stout S. W. Wilson W. F. Lewis Qr;dinances Jl!. Jj]& ~ Convention \ib,j,.gIl Conyened in Little ~, HaY~. ~; Little Rock, Arkansas~ J?hnsOn and Yerkes. State Printers. 1861. Ordinance establlsh~ng home guards is found on page 67. . Pope County. Arkansas. County Court Record. 1857-1862. Orders "ppointing home guards are found on pages 389-93. . Orders for commissions of officers are found on pages 397-402. William E. Taylor. 2303 Clapboard Hill 'Rd .• Little Roc~. AR 72207 - Would like to correspond with artyone with knowledge about the family of Daniel FERCUSON. died ca 1831 in Monroe Co~, Arkansas, Need the maiden name of his MURPHREE wife, Sally, who also died in Monroe Co., Ai ca 1842. Known children: 180m FERGUSON, d. ca 1839; Polly married Caleb KNAPP and died by l837(leaving 2 children) Eli~abeth married Everet HANEY; Sally Ann mQrried Michael GLENN; Caroline married Lorenzo 5. MORELAND; Andrew Jackson FERGUSON, b. ca 1822. Indiana & died ca 1852/3. Monroe Co.~ Ai., married Louisa (maiden name 1) b. ca 1831 KY, died after 1880 (prob. in Independence Co., AR The children of Andrew JaCKaon FERGUSON and Louise FERGUSON were: Sarah F., born ca 1841; Henry D. G. t born ca 1848; Ann Eliza, b. Mar. 1853 & died ca 1906, White Co •• AR., married George Marvel MURPHREE ca 1869. Louisa FERGUSON married 2nd to FredriCK 8, LYNCH, 4 May 1854, Monroe Co., AR., & they moved to Izard Co., AR by 1860. Their children were: James; Emily J.; Nathan R.; Fredrick Julia H.; &Mary E. Will gladly share data and answer all cor-respondence. STEWARt Can anyone please help me locate Mrs. Doris D. Stewart (last known address 1310 W. Springfield Ave., Champagin. Ill. 61820. Her Querie was published in the Dec"",ber 1972 Issue of our ARlWISAS FAMILY HISTORIAN (page 145) "Would li~e to correspond with FERCUSONS whose ance,tora went to Arkansas from Indiana and or Ohio 1835-1841. William FERGUSON married Hannah GUARD and died in Arkansas sometime during the above dates. 1I This ia my fam1lYJ but I have just found this Querie!llf Please help! FERGUSON LYNCH D., TEDFORD James D. John8~n, Rt 1 Box 121, New Boston. TX 75570 - Can anyone please help me find any ~1story about my grandaother Spicy Julity TEDFORD? Melba Ford. Rt 1 Box 12, Hartford, ~ 729--Can anyone please help ~e find proof of birth and death on David Newton TERRY, h. 1877 Waldron. Scott Co., AI., died 1959, married 1917, Scott Co., AR., died Monroe Co., Okla. His wife was Bessie Alto WALL, h. 18977 Scott Co., died 1967, Pau1sralig. OK. TERRY • -)0)- SMITH HOWE Marla Wilson England, 4416 Adams. Kansas C1ty~ Kansas 66]03 - l;c~d info on Tbeoph11us Case SMITH, married Martha HOWE. Their son was George Washington Case SMITH. They died 1n Johnson Co. J MO.. Theoph1~us Cas SMITH lived 1n AR. during the Civil War. GRANDSTAFF Also need 1nf. on f.ther of John F. HOWE, b. 14 Sept. 1818 KY, d. 29 Aug. 1904 MO. Harried Rachel GRANDSTAFF, b. 16 Nov. 1821 KY, ·d. 28 Feb. 1903 MO. Also need info on William Riley HIZE, married Hannah EVANS, 20 Dec. 1823_ MIZE Pulaski Co •• KY. Also.their son, Logan MIZE married Eliza Ann PING, 28 Dec. EVANS 1857. Who were William and Hannah's parents? PING Also need 1nf. on William PING, married Mary (Polly) BULLOCK, 28 June 1797 BULLOCK Lincoln Co., kYo Their son Stephan PING married Nancy SEWELL, 21 Feb. 1831. SEWELL Her parents were Dareon SEWELL and Mary RUNNELLS. RUNNELS Also need lnf~ on Archelous WILSON, b. 6 Aug. 1806 and his parents. Had WILSON brothers. Samuel, b. 1805, Eli, h. 1801, Hsrdy, b. 1802. All were born in BURGESS North carolina according to sensus records. Archelous married Satah Ninerva BURGESS. Archelous, and brother Samuel moved their families from Bedford Co •• TNt in the fall of 1840, and went to Benton Co.) Arkansas, where the settled in the BURGESS neighborhood. We don't know when parents left North carolina, and went to Tennessee. Please help! Charles R~ C4rez. 1160 Volz Drive, Sacramento. CA 95822 - I am interested 1n historical & genealogical records of Andrew Lafe SMITH, Joseph HINDS and the DAVIS DAVIS' of Arkansas. The town of Hindsville t Madison Co.~ AA was named after the HINDS~ I Would like to purchase material of' Northwest Arkansas in connection with the above fa~lies~ SMITH HINDS NICHOLS Helen Lindley, POBox 84, Dolpj, AN 72528 - Wants info on the family of Ransom NICHOLS listed in the 1850 census of Izard Co., AR. He was living with his wife, Phebe and children: Joseph. Ransom, Jesse, Edmund, Abner~ Elijah. Ameziah~ and Levi. In the same census an Alfred NICHOLS was listed ,with his wife. Mary and children: Jane. Richard l Ransom, Susan. and Rebecca+ It is thought that Alfred ~y have been a child of Ransom, by a 1st marriage. The 1st Ransom NICHOLS wss 60 years of age in the 1850 census and Aifred NICHOLS was 34. Please helpl GARTMAN LITES ROSS; etc. Offie Lites, 333 Western Ave •• Conway, AR 72032 - I would like to contact descendants of the follOWing peopl~: (Grant Co., AR) GARTMAN, LITES, ROSS, SIIARP, HlTCHl!t.L and Pl!UNELL. In Nevada Co., AN.: FREYBURGER. COFFMAN Viva C. McClain, 504 N. Fir, Beebe. AR 72012 - I am searching for 1nf. On [he parents snd any brothers or sisters of four COFFMAN brothers. who came to Pope Co,. AR from Alabama in the late l8008~ They were, Jesse C~. b9 1844; Elisha. 1850; Bill, 1852; and Daniel J. 1854. Elisha was my grandfather. !heri father was William, and I do not know the mother's name, or any other brothers, or sisters. but Daniel said he was the seventh Bon of a seventh Bon, according to ,family info so there were others. I found a Holly COFFMAN in the 1880 census in Limestone county, Alabama', who was living ~1th til sister, Maude, who was married to Frank CAMPBELL. Could'these be sisters of my grandfather? Any tiny clue will be appreciated, and I will gladly exchange inf~' McCLAIN Also need info on brothers, sisters, and other relatives of William Crundy SMITH McCLAIN, born in Georgia~ l850 t let wife, Mary Martha SMITH. 2nd Mahalia (1) Game- to Arkansas about 1896. His parents. Joseph and Elizabeth McCLAIN. Believed to have had brothers na~df Lucien. Jack, John, and Mark, but I have no proof. One brother lived near Pine Bluff, Jefferson Co., AR in early 1900s, another went to Oklahoma .. BUTTERWORTH Also t need info on Benjamin J. BUTTERWORTH t b. TN 1845. Parentsl William P. BULL and Martha A. BUTTERWORTH. wife, Caroline BULL. She had a brother named Cheatham BULL. Lived in Woodruff Co., AR near Gregory. Benjamin died at Clarksville, Johnson Co., AR at the home of a daughter, Edna CLARK. Would like to correspond with anyone with knowledge of any of these fam1l1ea. Please help! I will appreciate sny help. and would love t'o hear from any descendant. Pamela Barnes, 912 Lincoln Dr., Great Falls, MT 59405 - can anyone please help me obtain proof of birth for Lawrence Turner ROSELLE, b. 22 Feb. 1900 Hie father's name wss William A. ROSELLE and his mother was Orlena F. WARD~ Arkansas records were hot recorded pr,ior to 1914. Some not at all t) ROSELLE WARD Sally Ballard Staley, 587 Millpond Dr., San Jose~ CA 95125 - Can anyone please help me with inf. on William M. BALLARD, who died in the Indian Terr. around 1879-1881. A tiny clue will be appreciated I BALLARD CWOJ R. A. F9rrey, NRMC Box 58, FPO Seattle, WA 98778 - I would like to obtain any info on my grandmother, Rosa Lee McHENRY who was born in Newar~, Independence Co., AN 3 Dec. 1887. Can anyone please help? McHENRY y 0 R K C Ii: MEl' E -104it y .. l,e'wlnville,'ayettEl County, Ark. '['hese few inscriptions Were found on stones in an old abandoned cemetery near Lewisville, county seat of w'ayette County. The area. is ra.pidly reverting to ..he natural state and within a few years, unless some precautions are taken, it will be completely lost. The timber has been cut. at least once, by the money-grubbers, and timber brush, briars, vines. and saplings obscure the site unless a knowledgeable person points the way. At One tiJQe it was fenced with wire, but the fence is down and rusting away. One grave is fenced but fence a.nd gravestone are cov~red with vines and buehes~ " The site is found by taking Highway 29 North from Lewisville Courthouse, traveling about 3/4 mile and turning right onto the Sanita.ry La.ndfi11 sign. The ce"etery is on len hand side of road just before reaching landfill. Re.idents in axea will be glad to point out loca.tion. Carrie. wife of J. L. Wilson died April 10, 1897 Ha.:rleston (name on baSe of stone~ no other atone found). A. B. York Feb. 8. 1848 Nov. 30, 1911 (on double .tone with A. B. York i.) M. M. York born Jan. 28, 1854. (No death date entered). Fannie, wife of J. C. Doug1"" born April IS, 18)2 died Ny 30. 1893. F. M. Stroud April 3. 1870 Oct. 11, 1895. James, Bon of A.B. & M.M. York, born Aug. 19. 1878 died Nov. 25. 1907. Sidney, son of A~ B. and M. II. York born Aub. 2,1892 died Aug. 16. 1893. William Wingfield Nov. 7. 1864 Nov. 2, 1895. (This is the enclosed one.) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX OLll OAK GROVE (or PA'ITEHSON) This old cemetery is located near Oak Grove Church building, several miles below Stamps, LaFayette County .. You must travel south from the crossroa.ds a.t the Church bUilding a.bout :2 miles and then go thru a wooded area. to reach the site. At one time (about 10 years ago) it was possible to drive part way down a small lane almost to the cemetery. Th""" may be still another direction - i f you aek local residants. It haa been many yean since a: burial in this celllBtery, but it i$ still in fair condition. There must be local people Mho care. '!bere are large oak trees nearby from which it undoubtedly received it. name. The site i. not indicated on the LaFa.yette County highway map, but will be well-known by those who live in the area.. July 24, 1856. died ~ov. 24. 1918. "Father" Udd1e. daughter of W. B. & L.J .D..ugherty Aug. 25. 1904 Sept. IS. 1906 Eugenejl: SOn of W. H. & Zoona verett. Aug. 9, 191J June 10, 1914 Nancy Ambrose July 29,< 1857 Feb. 2, 1938 "Mother" Baby Daugherty Born-Died Aug. 1893 Baby. son of John and May Everett April 8, 1910 May 10, 1910 O. fl. AlIlbrose. born DeW'ey Ambrose Sept. 27, 1897 Sept. 14. 1898 ".Baby" &0 Hannah, wife of <J. 11. Covington July 4, 1806 May 28, 1875 Eliza.beth Ann Daugherty. June 111 18,32 Feb. 7, 1892 Leon E. Everett, son of John & May Everett May 4, 1918 Oct. 4, 1919 Frank fl. Everett Oct. Jl, 18se Feb. 14, 1913 Mary E. Jarvis 2" Maggie. wife of L. N. Alto" March J, 1880 Jan. 11. 1900 John, Son of M~ N. Na.ncy Carter. Dec. J. 1875 Jan. 7. 1885 Gladice. daughter of W.B. & L.J. Daugherty Feb. 1902 Oct. 8, 1906 John Daugherty June S. 1822 May 5. 18.50 Henrietta .Everett Feb. 12, 1854 July 14, 1924 B. L. Everett Nov. I, 1877 Aug. 3, 1894 BenjaAin L. Everett son of 11; H. & Henrietta Jan. 18, 1887 Oct. 7. 1895 W. H. Jarvie 18 51 - 1906 18se - 1892 Wi11l.a.m T. Son of J. H. J. T. Jarvis Aug. 17. 1889 Feb. 8, 1892 &0 J."el. daughter of J .5. and M. O. Jordan July 22, 1894 Feb. 8. 19()\. Albert H. Oakman lIov. 10, 1881 Aug. I), 1865 -105OLD OAK GROVE (or PATTERSON) Cemetery, Cont'd J. E. Nix Infant, born to 1857 - 194J N. A. and W. L. Roton Born &: Died June 19. 1892 F&nnie lIix Aug. 20, 1861 July 19. 1904 J. £'. Roton Oot. 10. 1825 Feb. 25. 1901 Olive Roton. wife of J. F. May .3, 1835 Jan. 3. 1913 ~ ... Martha Roton, DaUghter of J. F. May 13. 1866 Ma.roh 2, 1875 Isie.h Roton, Son of J. F. Aug. 13. 1875 Sept. 10, 1875 Infant. born to N. A. and \/. L. Roton Born &: Died July 16. 189J. Debbie, wife of J. R. Roton Oot. 5. 1890 Jan. 12. 1919 Lena Edna Riggins Feb. 8, 1895 Ma.rch 2:?, 1896 H. G. Rowland May 21, 1848 Oct. 25. 1901 Letitie. Ann Rowland June 1. 1845 Dec. 2, 1920 There are a number of unm.:rked gra.ves in t.hie cemetery; some have fieldstone markers ox metal (und""iIilerable) funeraJ. home markers. R. C. Paxk Aug. 5, lB20 Aug. 4. 189J Carrie A. Park, wife of A. L. Park Oct. 27. 1890 Dec. 5, 1911 Georgia Ann Yates Wife of J. B. Yates April IJ. 1872 Oct. I). 1904 Annie Ya.tes· Da",. of J. B. &: Annie Dec. 12. 1892 Aug. 26, 190Y Nora Yates Dau. of J. B. &: Annie Nay. 12. 1897 Aug. 25, 1903 Lizzie Yates. Wife ·of J. R. Feb. 12. 1897 May 30,1920 R. C. Park, ahown above, ia the great-grandfather of the sublaitter. and hie wife is buried in the Mars Hill Cemetery, ..bout six miles west. They were in the area. of LaFayette County by 1860. having moved there from Georgia. lle.nnI<r. Street, Caeden, Arkan...... 71701 -Roberta Hollie. 628 Thie cenetery is located in Pulaski County. Areh Street· Pike. near the Pulaski ~saline County Line. lly the side of I.ancbru:k Baptist Clwrcll. Copied an'l sul:Initted lly ~ IJ:Mry, 8302 Olive Hill Dr" Ma:belvale. l\R 72103, who states, ... "'ltle Short rowe that between rowe 22 an'l 23 !lUst be the original plot of g:t'OI.lIXi an'l it has been enlarged. My father-in-law, who is 92 years old. says that as a young boy he r .....1ilers that &Jr1 Appling was the first peram to be blried there. There is. amther sOOrt ro.J on the rorth end of ro.J thirty one ••.••• _ I am facing _ . left hard corner (south) l\uq. 26. 1934, an'l ~ R. JCG!S. Sept. 23,1934,m. 1/2/54 Clifton _ . b . N:>IT. 7. 1904, d. !!I\Y 23, 1974. an'l Elizabeth WEBB, b. July 19. 1908, m. N:>IT. 22, 1924 . R. D. ~. b. Dec. 16. 1905, d. Apr. 22. 1966. an'l Nettie ~, b. July 2, 1907. m. Apr. 21. 1928 l'pla T. 1lIlNNETl', b. Sept. 16, 1912. an'l Clarence E. BIlNNEl'T, b. Jan. 1, 1909. d. May 3, 1913, m. Dec. 25, 1~29 Delphia A. 00ACIll!R. 1904-1963, an'l William E. OOACIll!R, 1904 Carl CARPENTER, b. l\uq. 10, 1926. an'l Leola C. CARPENIER, b. Mar. 11. 1926, d. l\uq. 7, 1969. m. Dec. 13. 1947 Reverend llobert L. Taylor, b. l\uq. 16, 1925, d. Mar. 3. 1968 Infant Spier. b. an'l d. Aug. 28. 1958 Tharas Franklin SU'l'.t'IJ!S, b. Feb. 5. 1902. d. oot. 8. 1946 Arthur BARRErT,Junior, b. June 23, 1916, d. June 30. 1958 Arthur BARRErT, Senior, b. Dec. 14, 1882, d. oot. 11. 1963, and Lina C. BARRErT, b. Dec. 8, 1890 1. Franklin L. JrnES, 2. 3. 4. Gary Wayne WMPA'>. b. Apr. 16. 1958. d. Apr. 17. 1958 Havis A. I.I:Hri. b. l\ug. a, 1926. d. ",",y 8, 1955 Wbnda Hazel BURNETT. b. Dec. 26. 1962, d. Oct. 11. 1964 Fobert M. 1lmNEl'T, b. Feb. 1, 1882. d. June 13. 1954. and Millie W. 1JJ!lNEIT, b. JUly 31, 1887, d. June 20, 1945 -10;;5. 6. Ollie S. CHAPMAN, b. Jan. 21, IS88, d. ~y 22, 1~72 FJmer E. WALLACE, b. March 8, 1912, d. Apr. 30, 1972 Eathe1 F. GRll'FITH, b. Mar. 6, 1~03, and Clauda M. GRIFFITH, b. June 29, 19DO, d. Jan. 17, 1956 CUllen I. I».'Ill'I, b. l\ug. 13, 1900, d. Aug. 23, 1969, and Willie Jane L!\I\lHa'I, b. Mar. 1, 1906, m. Sept. 1, 1922 CUllen I. ~, Junior, b. Aug. 7, 1924, d. July 11, 1952 Willie M. BEALL, b. Jan. 6, 1898, d. Mar. 28, 1972, and Jam>s C. IlElll':., b. Sept. 30. 1895, m~ Sept. 15, 1919 l.amJol G. RICO, b. Oct. 28, 1878,d. Feb. 1, 1957, and Buena smith .!UOO, b. Apr. 16, 1886, d. July 18, 1~52 Antoinette RICO, b. oct. 5, 1~07, d. Feb. 5, 1968 =i9 C. Rl\OCl!, d. May 1B, 1975, I\ge 78 years, 8 tronths, 27 days. Frank G. GRIFFITH. b. Q::t. 2. 1868, d. Ilec. 25, 1955, and Willie R. G:RIFFITH, b. Aug. 9. 1882. d. Nov. 17, 1955 a...m R. lll\RRISCtI, b. May 13, 1891, d. Jan. 29, 1966 Anna L. HARRISON, b. Aug. 22, 1885, d. May 25, 1963 Alvis carter LYlOI, b. May 15, 1882, d. Sept. 12, 1947 l\lma E. Cl1I\i4FOR!), b. Sept. 23. 1906, d. Ilec. 30, 1974, and Archie F. CRAM.'ORO, b. Q::t. 2, 1909 Mary E. CRlIWFORD, b. May 16, 1887, d. Aug. 8, 1961, and l\m:ls Cl1I\i4FOR!), b. lIl.ig.15, 1886, d. July 16, 1945. (Ma"",,) Berdie P. WRIGHT, 1894-1961, and Charlie C. WRIGHT, 1890-1950 Julion L. WRIGHT, b. Apr. 27, 1916, d. Mar. 7, 1960 Lola I. WRIGHT, Ilec. 9, 1924 lb< 7. Janes l\aJ:On PJ\Il.IER, b. Sept. 28, 1951, d. May 7, 1955 Lillian K. PJ\Il.IER, b. l\ugUSt 9, 1908, and Qner C. PAI.!IER,b. l'lll9. 19, 1903, d. Feb. 19, 1971 Umarked Sharon Lynn ~, b. Sept. 22, 1951, d. Sept. 26, 1951 Vernal S. SCIUn'l (Father), b. Mar. 8, 1897, d. Jan. 7, 1958, and Bertha M. SCBIJQ:;S (!obther), b. Mar.27, 1900, d. Jan. 3, 1963 Sister Betty Jean (in Scruggs plot), b. May 2, 1930, d. Mar. 12, 1950 8. ·10. 11. Ella SHELL, b. Sept. 20, 1886, d. Sept. 28, 1952 Claude E •. IN.:lLE, 1908-1958, and Alma R. IN.:lLE, 1910 . S.Sgt. Bob L. JOHNSON, (Son), b. Mar. 22, 1940, d. Sept. 2, 1967, ~ C. JaINSCN, (!rusband), b. Jan. 11, 1916, and !:brothy M. JaINSCN, (Wife), b. Sept. 16, 1913 (triple stone) 5anmie E. BmNEIT, d. Mar. 2B, 1975, l\ge56 years, 9 months, 20 days. Elsie S. BIILL, b. oct. 21, 1906, and William Hazvey BIILL, b. Jan. 28, 1907, d. Dec. 6, 1971 Cp1. El:'lward F. 1lIimlER, U.S.M.C.R., F. CO .. 2nd Btn., 5th Marines, 1st Div., . b. July 10, 1932, killed in action Sept. 17, 1951 (KOrea) GEorge IIero:y 1lIimlER, b. oct. 18, 1937, d. Auq. 9, 1931! El:'lward lIeru:y IlIimlER d. May 5, 1975, I\ge 64 years, 5 nonths, 26 days. Esther B. CARTER, b. Nov. 20, 1891, d. Jan. 18, 1952, and J. Franklin CARTER, b. Q::t. 3, 1886, d. May 19, 1944 Father: Lee WRIGHT, b. Jan. 14, 1854, d. Feb. 17, 1941, and Hazvey L. WI!I(l1fr, b. Dec. 12, 1895, d. Jan. 10, 1961, and Sister, Alberta W. l«XlRE, b. Nov. 4, 1890, d. June 23, 1966 Hamer L. WRIGHT, b. Sept. 29, 1887, d. Q::t. 23, 1967 William Ray m:MLES, b. May 24, 1890, d. July 5, 1972 F. E. LOWRY, Senior, b. Sept. 29, 1903, d. Jan. 1, 1959, and sarah Mahoney LOWRY, d. Sept. 11, 1960 Elizabeth linn CI1OOI<, b. Jan. 9, 1913, d. July 26, 1965 Charles Gien CI1OOI<, b. June 7, 1952, d. May 13, 1969, and G. El:'lward CI1OOI<, b. Q::t. 20, 1941, d. Aug. 30, 1973 Daughter, Mary E. Mancus, b. Sept. 12, 1901, d. oct. 6, 1956 Father: JoSElfh S. RYAN, b. Mar. 11, 1865, d. Jan. 8, 1950, and M:Ither, Willie B. RYAN, b. Jan. 25, 1867, d. NOv. 2B, 1948 Salruel T. RYAN, Ark. Sgt. US l\nr(f,w:>rld war I,b. Feb. 6, 189B,d. l\ug. 7, 1972 George E. RYAN, b. Oct. 15, 1869, d. Apr. 24, 194B E.lner CI1OOI<, b. Mar. 28, 1904, d. Jan. 2, 1967, and Ib::ie cro:JI(, b. oct. 20,1906 Floyd J. E'I'I:>LISH, b. Apr. 23, 1881, d. l'lll9. 8, 1955, and Lula Iva ElG.ISH, b. Q::t. 3, IB90, d. oct. 15, 1973 G. W. NIX, 1862-1936, and Mary E. NIX, 1871 - 1970 carl PAI.!IER, b. NOv. 26, 1883, d. NOv. 18, 1958 Dilla jbrre.nce _ , b. Dec. 10, 1900. d. Sept. 11, 1974, I\ge 73 years, 9 !!OI1ths, 11 days '. -107- Alexarder Benjamin W!IITE, Junior, h. N:N. 14, 1945, d. Jan. 31, 1946 Vivian OOrclelia 'II:lIlRl'N:E, h. May 16. 1903. d. N:N. 19, 1957 Minnie !?earl 'II:lIlRl'N:E, h. (Ct, 1, 1880. d. Mar. 29, 1935 and Gusts""" Jackson 'II:lIlRl'N:E, b. Jan. 24, 19n. d. May 3, 1951 (Footstone, IDther and Father) Dewey L. ~. 1902 - 1936 John B. WI\LII:ER, b. June 23. 1903. d. Feb. 12, ·1956 Beverly Ann ~. h. Apr. IS, 1934, d. June 11, 1936 C\3an K. BRl\DFOKl Bertie BRADFOIlD Dixie M. DICK, (Mrs. DWe M. Stuckey Dick). d. lbIT. 1, 1964. aged 80 years, 10 l!O!lths. 4. days 12. Mary F. SHIRLEY. 1867-1940. and Alexarder H. SHIRLEY, 1861-1929 BrOWn leaves will cluster o'er their beads, Snoo.llrifts up:>n their feet, &.It whO sllall say that they are dead. _ lives ,,,,re so _to Clyde E. S~, 1901-1954 . lbrace S~, 1887-1953, and Sarah E. ~, 1900-1948 Charles R. S~, h. Mar. 20. 1920, d. N:N. 27, 1920 Martha E. S~, wife of J. H. Singleton, h. Feb. I, 1869, d. Aug. 10. 1924 J. H. S~, h. Sept. 4, 1854. d. Mar. 29, 1916 (Iiuon) I\nner Bolerah, Wife of A. E. S~, b. Peb. 22, 1890, d. Feb. 22.1917 Alvin E. SOO!ElnI, 1885-1941 Clifford J. SlN>LElttl, h. July 29, 1892, d. Apr. 2, 1970 !?earl, wife of C. J. s~, h. Aug. 25, 1893. d. Dec. 9, 1918 Q,rdon J. SlN>LElttl, h. Sept. 7, 1916, d. lbIT. 9. 1933 Frank SlN>LElttl. Arkansas I Sqt. u. S.Arn!f. li::>rld war I. h. Sept. 4, 1890, d. July 16, 1958 Broken stone JaIIBS Harley BmNE1'l', h. July 20, 1914, d. Mar. 2, 1947 I.ou1s D. IQO(, b. Oot. 8, 1881, d. Feb. 29, 1956 Leanna M. IQO(, h. Oot. 11, 1874. d. Sept. 1, 1974 Ve:m:m S. IQO(, h. Feb. 2, 1900, d. Mar. 2, 1954 13. Verna 'Ib""""""" h. June 6, 1916, d. (Ct. 14, 1964 Jamos lJ.1ther llI\LIJ\llI), Ark. Pvt. 1\016 Inf. 32 Div., April 5. 1920 IJJdie F. CR:XlK, h. Jan. 3, 1899, and Jacob E. CR:XlK, b. Feb. 19. 1887, d. N:N. 12, 1962, m. Mar. 19, 1916 Bowling CR:XlK, b. Mar. 9, 1923. d. (Ct. 16, 1923 Erma CR:XlK, b. July 9. 1921, d. Sept. 23,1921 Al!Xla !lee ~. b. Dec. 16, 1923, d. Mar. 11, 1924 Lilli KECK, b. Jan. 1, 1917, d. Jan. 18. 1917 \1rmu'ked Noah Samuel, son of C. S. and M. J. CR:XlK, b. May 31, 1998, d. Feb. 19. 1920 Ivory Jewell, daughter of C.S. and M. J. CR:XlK, b. Feb. 4. 1900, d. Feb. 2, 1918 Ferman Ellgene (Bill), son of C. S. and M. J. CR:XlK, b. N:>v. 14, 1921, d. July 21, 1942 Miranda Jane, b. Feb. 19, 1877. d. Jan. 20, 1956 Charles S., b. Sept. 10, 1875, d. Sept. 19, 1958 14. J _ J. WELLS, h. Sept. 16, 1866, d. June 24, 1941, and A:t:minda M. WELLS, h. N:>v. 29, 1869, d. May 3, 1948 Claudie W. BmNE1'l', Jr •• h. Oot. 15. 1941, d. May 21, 1947 Doll Johnson cRcoK, h. Mar. 4, 1896, d. July 6, 1934 Brother, Loren A. CR:XlK. h. Jan. 8, 1939, d. Aug. 2, 1961 \1rmu'ked Urm8rked SUsan E.' Vl\N NESS, 1898, and Charles E. Vl\N NESS, 1895-1954 Doria M. Vl\N NESS, 1917-1935 Lois E. Vl\N NESS, 1918 - 1919 =. llnkn:Jwn llnkn:Jwn ~ KINDY, Apr. 23, 1915, d. Apr. 23, 1915 Sophia Marie KINDY, Darling Daughter, h. Aug. 3, 1920, d. N:N. 11, 1920 John W. KINDY, h. July 30, 1931, d. Jan.14, 1951 William H. KINDY, b. June 15, 1890, d. Oct. 28, 1970, and Pearl L. KINDY, b. June 28, 1898, m. july 4, 1914 (Father and 1Dt:her) William H. '!'RF.I\tmAY, 1872 - 1942, and Nar.::y Jane TREAllWAY, 1873 - 1964 nB" Qlr Precious ~, Wanda R. S'.lUCKEY, b. Jan. 13, 1931, d. Mar. 3, 1932 Doctor R. F. BURroN, b. July 19, 1874, d. May 4, 1919 Mattie wells BUJm:J:oI, b. Feb. 15, 1882, d •. Apr. 6, 1961 "8" Mamie B. SMI'lli, 1911 - , and Wrighty W. . ~, 1896 - 1961. m. Dec. 23, 1934 -IO~- IbW 15. 16. William K. WRIGllT, h. July 8, 1941, d. May 16, 1957 Infant daughter of I. R. TroIa WRIGHT, Aug. 5~ 1936 Be1uah, wife of I. R. WRIGHT, b. Oct. 11, 1900, d. Aug. S, 1930 BrnNETT, J. Marion, 1883 - 1947 ~ BrnNETT, b. Feb. 21, 1921, d, Mar. 1921 Kenneth Richard SPANN, h. Aug, 22, 1938, d. Jan. 4, 1939 Robert Dean KINDY, b. Aug. 18, 1934, d. Sept. 12, 1935 Erma Iou SPANN, h. Dec. 19, 1931, d. July 10, 1934 Raynvnd David SPANN, h. Apr. 14, 1928, d. June 29, 1929 /obrris S. S/\NDERS, 1905 - 1914 James Isam S/\NDERS, h. Oct. 13, 1868, d. Dec. 27, 1916 Rose Ella S/\NDERS, h. Apr. 16, 1873, d. Aug. 3, 1965 Flora V. I<lQiLES, b. Apr. 29, 1901, and Frank E. ~, b. Oct. 31, 1886, d. July 15, 1969 (M:tn and ~) Jimmy KNCWLES, b. Dec. 22, 1924, d. Mar. 22, 1936, and Gilbert KNOWLEs, b. Dec. 22, 1924, d. July 5, 1926 (twins?) M. ai9'tt 1XlNRl\M, h. 1\Ug. 28, 1880, d. Mar. 24, 1916, and Janie E. 1XlNRl\M, h. Oct. 25, 1884, d. Mar. 24, 1968 Infant daughter of &.l<jene and Jean Donham, Apr. 19, 1955 lOrothy M. lOnne~")' GREEN, h. Oct. 12, 1912,d. Oct. 8, 1944 Odis carrell GREEN, b. Jan. 15, 1915, d. Nov. 2, 1971, and Juanita Bettis GREEN, h. Mar. 'I, 1923 Jackson A. CROOK, 1862 - 1937, and Laura M. Kilmer CROOK, 1873 - 1955 Fred J. CROOK, h. nee. 1, 1908, d. Jah.22, 1947 (Mason) Robert A. TYllA, h. Dec. 20, 1875, d. Feb. 20, 1962 ~ TYllA Lulatta TYllA, Itlther, m dates rJnk.ocMn Frances POTTER, v. Nov. 25, 1847, d. Apr. 15, 1924 1855 - 1935 Janes POTTER, h. May 3, 1879, d. Aug. 23, 1926 Mildredge BrnNETT, b. Aug. 5, 1911, d: Dec. 11, 1913 Rosie BrnNETT, b. June 19, 1892, married T. W. £\1NiIIilE', Dec. 5, 1910, d. Oct. 25, 1918 Betty Crigla. roE, h. July 30, 1851, d. Jan. 16, 1928 Eva, daughter of A. E. and L. J. CRIGlD'I, b. July 30, 1912, d. Sept. 13, 1915 Lula wright CRIGlD'I, b. Sept. 16, 1885, d. June 4, 1942, and Alhert E. c:RIGIl:l<i, h. Mar. 23. 1879, d. Apr. 30, 1973 Laura Crigla. R:IBEFn'S. h. Apr. 6. 1877. d. Dec'. 1, 1957 (I-bther) George POTTER, UrIknc>;.m UrIknc>;.m 17. Walsh. X.X.. age 84 Father: Bob SIIE:LLlN:;, b. Feb. 25, 1872, d. Dec. 18, 1951, and /obther: Fronia SllELLII(;, b. Oct. 16, 1875, d. Feb. 17, 1966 Marlene OlSHm:;, born and died Aug. 13, 1936 Itlther, Mabel lOnham A'JWXl), h. May 7, 1912, d. June 10, 1951 Father of Paul J;\:>nald and Ga.ty Ibnald bJried at Pinecrest Babyland Alice TYllA, died J\me 15, 1921, aged 62 years rJnk.ocMn Georganna TYllA, died Mar. 29, 1916, age 63 years UI'II<l'x:<.In (concrete block) Oliver BENNETT, b. Nov. 23, 1902, d. Dec. 20, 1922 Lawson BENNETT, b. Mar. 27, 1916, d. Dec. 28, 1916 Luther BENNETT. b. Feb. 20, 1909, d. Jan. 6, 1911 Oliver P. BENNETT, b. Nov. 12, 1876, d. Nov. 6, 1931, and Maggie E. BENNETT, b. Jan. 29, 1876, d. 1\Ug. 19, 1963 MilbJrn MlZE, b. sept. 19, 1911, d. Feb •. 26, 1915 llath'i MlZE, b. July 10, 1953, d. Mar. 9. 1963 ilenry B. MlZE, b. Aug. 22, 1888, d. Oct. 11, 1958, and Annie H. MlZE, b. Aug. IS, 1887, d. Nov. 18, 1972 Jerry MlZE,b. June 19, 1940, d. Mar. 17, 1941 Lena BLEVINS, h. Nov. 5, 1897, d. Dec. II, 1928 Robert E. OlSHm:;, b. Apr. 18, 1875, d. Sept. 11, 1949, and Alice OlSHm:;. b. Sept. 28, 1875, d. Nov. 24, 1949 Mary Pearl RAUCH, b. Sept. 23, 1895, d. June 3, 1949 18. Unmarked stone Lige W. WlLLIAMS, 1885 - 1949, and Hattie L. WlLLIAMS, 1889 - 1962 lleby ~, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John S. I»IIIlN, Sept. 15, 1926 'Shorty', Vernon B. LI\ sen of Mr. and Mrs. JOhn B. IIlIII:lN, b. AuQ. 20, 1918, d. July 16, 1948 ~l09- John B. lAWHON, b. Apr. 2, 1893, d. Dec. 27, 1973, and Annie Wells LAWHON, b. Feb. 15, 1892, m. Oct. 19, 1915 John Buell ~, d. Dec. 27, 1973, aged 80 yars, 8 months, 25 days Binlie l\lice, dau. of Elder J. A. ~ and M. A. ~, b. AI:Jg. 2, 1888, d. Apr. 18, 1935 Elder J. A. IJIWIDN, 1860 ~ 1957, and M•. l\lice J:.I\Io1!I:'.tl, 1867 - 1924 Coy Benjimen, son of Rev. J. A. and M. A. ~, b. Jan. 9, 1911, d. Oct. 30 (year unreadable) Ella IJ\WIDN, 1883 - 1898 I. C. WRIGHT, 1838 - 1911, and Low WRIGHT, 1838 - 1911 Laura Mae BEALL, b. Jan. 11, 1912, d. June 13, 1913 Unknown 19. Baby Ll\Wlm, dau. of Mr. and Mrs. l3ennie J. tI\WIm, May 20, 1947 Leonard 1lAIE, b. AI:Jg. 8, 1904, d. Jan. 24, 1970 E. B. "BI.x\" 1lAIE, b. SE!pt. 11, 1869,"and Ora l\lice 1lAIE, b. Nov. 19, 1880, d. Mar, 4, 1964 {Father and Mother} *B.B.Hale d. Oct. 27. 1942 James Otis, Junior, a:m of J. O. and hldie M. 1lAIE, b. Oct. 27, 1927, d. June 7. 1930 l\ddie Mae 1lAIE, b. AI:Jg. 7, 1903, and JatOOS Otis 1lAIE. b, Oct. 24, 1900, d. SE!pt. 30, 1970 Father, 'lIrthur S. 'lYRA, 1878 - 1964 James D. ~, b. AI:Jg. 26, 1873, d. Oct. 9, 1947 Walter WlVi, b. Sept. 15, 1884, d. SE!pt. 6, 1965, and _aM. WlVi, b. Nov. 5, 1888, d. Aug. 2, 1966 (Father and Mother) Toby.JONES (T.J.) Josephine Jones PRIM (J,J,P) Baby PRIM son of J. B. and C. EVlINS, d. Jan. 31, 1961 Nesma M. EVlINS, 1872 - 1951 Dan H., Unknown Willie Jewel. dau. of JOhn and l\ddie JIMllRSON, b. Nov. 13. 1905, d.SE!pt. 29, 1910 Ida Almarene, dau. of John and llddie Jimersa1,b. June I, 1908, d. SE!pt. 1, 1920 Mrs. Sarah A. (~) J:tMERSCN, d. Jan. 29, 1975, age 95 yrs.,4 rros.,O days 20. Bertie liODS !!alie 1ITiUD, 1888 - 1942 Baby A'lWX() Elbert CULLINS. O::>rieCULLINS O. P. MERIlIM, Jan. 6, 1905. Unknown Unkrown Unkrown Unknown W. A. T!I:MAS, 1886, and Eli:r.abeth 'I!II::WIS, 1901-1969 Mother: lOuise TIO!!IS, d. 1894 Isaac LIINSt1I\LIiJ, b. JUne 30, 1822, jo:ined the Ilaptist Church 1844 Unknown 21. J. Bryan Hl'lLE,b. June 17,1897, andl\lpl1a Rita 1lAIE, b. Mar. 9. 1902, d. Aug. 27, 1972, m. Oct. 31, 1930 W. P. CLEMENT, b. Nov. II, 184a, d. Dec. 21, 1917 Mary, wife of W. P. CLEMENr, b. Oct. 30, la45, d. June 19, 1910 Charles P. IONRY, b. July I, 1a89, d. July 28, 196a, and Bessie A. UJifflY, b. AI:Jg. a, la95, d. Aug. 3U, 1970 Iewis E. B = , b. AI:Jg. 13, 1859, d. Apr. 27, 1949 Tilda JONES, d. June 27, 1915, age 27 years Henry C., son of AN and M.A. GREm, b. May 24, 1889, d. June 16, 1912, foot marker of brick O::>ffeyville V.B. and T. Co. !.lnrnar:ked 22. Want grave covered by tree, unabl'e to read stone Marked, rut unreadable unknown Sarah Hl'lLE, b. Aug. 10, 1857, d. July S, 1929, 71 years, 10 lIDnths, 28 days BtJPFALO - Papa (Mason) and Iva v., 1908 tEastern Star) JatOOS J. ADAMS, 1875 ~ 1966 (Masan), an'! Sarah l\lice, 1877 - 1950 (Eastern Star) Gladys F. ~, Sept. 4, 1915 Lydia ~, b. Feb. 26, 1908, d, Jan. 13, 1959, Sister Coy 'l'RE'A1MAY, 1913 - 1941, Son Lewis ~, b. July 14, 1877, d. Apr. 10, 1955 Louella ~, b. Dec., 1877, d. July, 1924 Charlie ~, b. Feb. 4, 1908, d. Feb. 8, .1908 Ethel so::mINS, b. Feb. 6, 1912, d. N:N .. 1912 John F. romINS, b. Apr. 3, 1867, d. May 3, 1953, and mra C. =ms, b. Jan. 2, 1883, d. Jan. 3, 1913 Unknown . Unknown - tlO- Celia Alw:xD, 1907 - 1910 Malcom AlWOOD, 1912 - 1914 IIshley B. ATWOOD, b. tbv. 3, 1885, d. Jan., 16, 1969, Father nllLe M. ATWOOD, 1882 - 1951 Dixie wright ATWOOD, b. Sept, 29, 1888, d. Dec. 25, 1940,/obther Bilby Dean, dan. of M. and D. SJ:NGt.E'roN 'U~ Unl<r"own Sally Il\IiI--? Mary WRIGHT, wife of S. R. Wright, N. E. W. (netal marker) U~. small stone by large cedar tree Infant of J. J. and A. M. WELts, b. Jan. 5, ,1909, d. Jan. 27, 1909 Cement rect:a.t>;Jle Stephen A. (Gls) CROOK. b. Apr. 17. 1900, d. Apr. 22, 1967. and Ora May CRXlK, b. Nov. 5. 1901. d. Nov. 14, 1963 (Slv:>rt roo begins here between row 22 and row 23) au:l Franklin lIl'LlN>, b. July 6, 1890, d. Jan., 1892 Addie C. BENNETT. 1883 - 1902 Edith w., dau. of C. C. and E. J. BENNETT, b. DEc. 13, 1912, d. lwI;i. 5, 1913 Troy M•• infant son of C. C. and E. J. BENNETT, b. Jan. 1, 191a, d. Oct. 4, ,1918 Urvnarked Eliza J. BENNETT, '1885 - 1943 23. 24. tJnl<oown Martha Mae lDLT. and ~ian Earl lDLT, b. Apr. 2, 1889, d. Feb. 21, 1959 (Beginning at the left hand side of the caretery again).. , Josephine COLE, b. DEc. 9, 1885, d. Mar. 7, 1974, andVu:g11 El1COLE, b. Dec. 24, 1870, d. Oct. 13, 1949 tJnl<oown Alice M. CEOSS. b. 1890, d. 1962 UnlcrDwn TelUa WILLIAMS, d. Nov. 20, 1914. age 73 years William D. I.D'I/R'{. b. l\u9. 2. 1862. d. June 3, 1933, and Mary M. I.D'I/R'{, b. July 2, 1873. d. Feb. 17, 1911 'i\..o unknown graves with red bricks around them William BENNETT, b. Aug. 31. 1872. d. Mar. 29, 1899 Martha s. BENNETT, b. DEc. 8, 1850, d. May 11, 1904, and JaIIBS W. BENNE'J.'I', h. Apr. a, 1847, d. Nov. IS, 1930 Earnest E. BENNETT. b. Nov. 20, 1880, d. Aug. 29, 1961 Mattie M. DmlER. 1875 - 194a, and Will H. DREHER, 1873 (1Ib<:Xtten of the I'brld) Gladys S. JCHNSCJ!I, b. Oct. 25, 1906. and Ernest Milton ~. b. Mar. 2. 1904, d. June II, 1936 Unl<r"own Baby: E. M. JOHNSON, b. Nov. 12, 1927, d. Mar. 1, 1928 Clyde Henry INGLE. b. July 20, 1913, d. Oct. 31, 1969, and Dorothy Kerr INGLE, b. Jan. 25, 1916, m. Nov. 19, 1933 UnlcrDwn by cedar tree 'lbney JCHNSCJ!I, b. Jan. 2a, 1906. d. l\pr. 15, 1960 Laura JCHNSCJ!I, b.Mar. 15, 1875," d. Jan. 7, 1940. It:>ther $ChuylerG. JCilNS(J!I. b. l\u9. 4, 1870. d. Aug. 26, 1951, Father O. S. SULUIIAN. 1861 - 1932, Father Lewis CUNNIN:iHi\M (shells an grave) UnlcrDwn (iron piece at errl, ooncrete at top) Unknown Unl<r<:IwTI Stuart LaiR'l, b. Apr. 12. 1891, d. Mar. 18, 1937 Baby IDoIRY . Sadie A. SCROGGINS, 1904 - 1928 Ivy Lae LaiRY, b. Oct. 1920, d. Mar. 27.,1922 Pair lee, wife of F. L. LOWRY, d. Aug. 28, 1924, aged 78 years. • She was the sun- shine of our·h:::m::!. J..OWR'{. b. Feb. I, 1848, d. l\u9. 3D, 1919. m. June 2, 1869 - (This date is incorrect, it should be June 6, 1869. Book 24, page 124. Tippah County. Ripley. MS. Information by RUth:u:..:ry. F. L. :u:..:ry my husband's grandfather.) He was beloved by God and Man Hazel A., dau. of E. M. and N. L. i:1:MERY, b. o::t. 8, 1910, d. Sept. 14, 1911 Fran ~bthers AIms to the AIms of Jesus J. L. L. T. UnlcrDwn (narker) Unknown (lrarker) UnlcrDwn (IMrl<er) Mary (I:<JI.rry) VANNESS. b. Sept. 28, 1875. d. May 17, 1914. and Ernest Vl\IH:SS, b. Nov. 2. 1872. d. Mar. 26, 1944 -111- Baby I3IJIOl Baby I3IJIOl Baby I3IJIOl 25. Charles A. 13IJIOl, b. 9ct. 2, 1880, d. July 24, 1940 No narre (marked with granite rocks) George ~ ~, b. Au9. 17, 1895, d. Dec. 29, 1939 Granite stone even with ground. No nane laura Tl\R\llN, flat stone, .etal letters nailed into cm>ent. llrlknclwrl . llnkrDwn T. W. OOIN, b. Au9. 16, 1848, d. Noll. 20. 1924 (stone broken) Ihlghey 'l'revy OOIN, b. Jan. 8, 181i0. d. Mar. 26. 1901 Nellie L. IniRE'i, 1886 - 1924, l<bther ~ W. IniRE'i, Mar. 5, 1923 llrlknclwrl Reths WILI<EIlSCN, b. O:t. 1906, d. Jan. 4, 1960 l1nlm:!wn tJnkncwn Horace <Dllm:X:K, 1902 - 1964 <Dllm:X:K, In Memory of Father, F. N., 1880 - 1960 In Memory of M::>tber and Sister, Daisy, 1882 - 1962 Baby <Dllm:X:K ( 26. He:rl:>ert N. <Dllm:X:K, 1900 -1952 llnkrDwn D<!!""'.f Allen 13IJIOl, b •. Juna 18, 1924. d. Mar. 14, 1970 Jeff D. PERRIGEN, b. June 5, 1889, d. June 27, 1968 Melvin G:lrdon, son of J. D. and Mattie PERRIGEN, b. Mar. 14, 1920, d. Nov. 2, 1927 IDla Pearl ~, b. Noll. 21, 1914, d. Apr. 11, 1930 Urll<rooin _ie L. C!!EM'!Il\M, b. Juna 15, 1904, d. Apr. 26, 1969, m. Sept. 21, 1918 William T. C!!EM'!Il\M, b. Mar. 9, 1899, d. N::N. 29, 1968 Ruby L. BUCK, 1916, and oewitt BUCK, 1909-1967 Ella BUCK, 1888 - 1956, M::>ther FloraM. FULLE:R, Mar. 20, 1901, and W. !lale FllLLER, b. May 23, 1898, d. Aug.1S,1965 Florence L. FULLE:R, 1860 - 1932 l1nlm:!wn (Footlrarker "F") llrlknclwrl l1nlm:!wn Rectanqle marked off with red brick - /ol::Qlire Family: Frances I. ~IRE, b. Au9. 12, 1867, d. Jan. 23, 1951, and b. O:t. 3, 1863, d. Au9. 5, 1931 . walter, 7-5-02, 1-9-13 Ji!IIIeS T. ~IRE, Infant 27. Infant (l'l1d ~e family) llnkrDwn (pineapple ~ lMrker) Urll<rooin Sallie K. 13IJIOl, b. Au9. 2, 1895. d. Mar. 25, 1973 Tlx:rras 1. 13IJIOl, b. Jan. 31. 1892. d. Dec. 9, 1943 paul Ellison, son of T. I. and Kate lDOI. b. Feb. 2. 1921. d. May 31, 1928 Urll<rooin (marker) Rachel E. _ , b. O:t. 1, lS81, d. Jan. 15, 1962 Clifford E. _ , b. Feb. 28, 1919, d.July 4, 1936 Baby.~ Everett Q:lell ~ . 1931 - 1935 Mnie !C!JMI'E Josh H. DRAPER, b. Feb. 28, 1888, d. Apr. 23, 1934 James lCIlI!l'E Patsy Mn KYLE, b. Q::t. 11, 1937, d. Oct. 28. 1972, 35 years, 0 mmtils, 17 days John C. ~, b. June 17, 1890, d. Sept. 16, 1929 aoby r.k:GJIRE, b. Sept,l, 1912, d. July ,1915 Stel~a McGUIRE, b. Nov. 9, 1909, d. Dec. 29, 1913 r.k:GJIRE, S. H., 1855 -1932 Mary McGUIRE, 1869 - 1957 Ella BRIIX>ES, died 1931 28. Elbert Leo IiNf!'D1l:i, b. Au9. 14, 1909. d. Jan. 26, 1970 Ira IiNf!'D1l:i, b • .!\pr. 23, 1872, Feb. 3, 1951 Marths I.cJ\JEn!\Y, b • .!\pr. 14, 1866, d. Feb. 18, 1943 -.12Orval ~, d. Feb. 1938, age 39 years, 11 m:lflths, 7 days Joe S. McCALL, 1874 - 1947, Father Hattie J. McGALL, 1878 - 1936 Unkroom Claudie Bell ~, b. July 29, 1920, d. O:;:t. 19, 1938 . George Frank _ , b . J\pr. 1, 1875, d. Dec. 27, 1937, and Ia:::y Katilenne - , b. Jan. 10, Jll76, d, July 17, ·1956 Leaner C. BIWlOEll, b. Feb. 3, 1903 and Wiley D. _Ell, b; Feb. 17, 1893, d. Dec. 18, 1969, m. lIUq.9, 1924 Ellla Hay _EN, b. Dec. 3, 1933, d. Dec. 3, 1933 Unkroom Ada 29. 30. 31. s. . CROOK, b. 0:;:1:. 26, IS88, d. Sept. 29, 1972, and William Edward CACOK, b. May 5, 1882, d. Dec. 26, 1936 C. M. (Maclc) CROOK, b. Jan. 2, 1909, d. J\pr. 26, 1927 Lois Criglbw!W!!INE, b. Dec. 8, 1916, and Walter Brown!W!I!NE, b. June 19, 1902, d. May 28, 1966, m. Feb. 3, 1939 JOhn H. BENNETT, b. lIUq. 10, 1870, d. 0:;:1:. 23, 1935 Lonnie Ray WILSON, b. Sept. IS, 1946, d. Sept. 24, 1946 carl E. amLEE, b. Jan. 23, 1922, d. Mar. 20, 1973 EII<i>lyn C. EIIl\NS, b. Sept. 15, 1908, d. Sept. 2, 1952 William B. amLEEi b. 0:;:1:. 23, 1916, d. Apr. 26, 1955 Il»IRY, l..eruel A., b. Feb. 2, 1895, d. Mu'. 23, 1953 Sadie E. Il»IRY, b. May 19, 1896, d. _ . 29, 1962 I,yman F. Il»IRY, b. lIUq. 13, 1920, d. Apr. 12, 1936 Infant""" of L. A. and Sadie Iam¥, b. July S, 1930, d. July 11, 1930 Isaiah Iam¥, b. May 3, 1873, d. Mu'. 21, 1945 Martha M., wife of I. A. Iam¥, .b. 0:;:1:. 10, 1870, d. July 28, 1943 tlrlkrown stone . M:>ther, Elizabeth TER\1Y, b. Feb. 29, 1874, d. June 27, 1939 Dan CURLEE, b. Jan. 7, 1911, d. Sept. 6, 1973 Lucile C. 1<E'IOlER, b. 0:;:1:. 30, 1912, d. Jan. 3, 1960 Jack CURLEE, b. Feb. 22, 1904,d. May 3, 1932 laura linn C\lRLEE, b. lIUq. 8, 1878, d. 0:;:1:. 8, 1962, Mother, and Jasper N. ctlRU:E, b. lIUq. 14, 1877, d. _ . 8, 1940, Father Jones M. CIlRLEE, b. Apr. 19, 1966', d. lIUq. 21, 1951 Florence C. ~, June 30, 1906 Infant son of W. G. and ~1 BEARDen, _ . 16, 1930 Infant son of W. G. and ~ BEARDEN, lIUq. 29, 1945 Unkrown (marked) tlrlkrown (narksd) tlrlkrown (marked Lena BEARDEN, b. Sept. 13, 1884, d. Mu'. 7, 1970, Mother, and Frank S. BEARDEN, b. Jan. 16, 1882, d. Feb. 15, 1958, Father tlrlkrown marker !lfFLE, Edward A., 1910 - 1967, and Lois tlrlkrown marker Unkrown marker Jaclc C. HANCE, b. Mu'. 22, 1894, d. Feb. 9. 1971 Joseph E. liIIJNIDS, 1901 - 1964, and Florence LllUNIUS, 1906 Iron stake Th::Jnas L. CASH, b. May 10, 1888, d. Joll' 17, 1970, aged 82 years, 2 ..... , 7 days Katie F. CASH, b. lIUq. 12, 1890, d. Jan. 5, 1972-, aged 80 years, 4 lIDS., 23 days _ !t:.'CI\LL, b. June 1, 1890, d. Sept. 5, 1958 Ile1en II. CASH, b. Jan. 30, 1938 Unkrown, unkoown Unkoown sandy C. FRAZIER, b. Sept. 19, 1912, d. sept. 19, 1961, and Vera A. FRAZIER, b. OCt. 14, 1908, m. Jan. 2, 1932 I'd:>ert F. N3EE, Ark. Pvt. 7 Bn.Inf.RepI. T.N.G.Cen., l\br1d war I, b. sept. 15, 1896, d. lIUq. 5, 1965 Unkrown tlrlkrown M>ry Louise S'IDI'l'S, .b. Mar. 13, 1945, d. Mar. 31. 1959 \"kilter F. RlJSSEI:.L, b. lIUq. 1, 1866, d. Jan. 16, 1947,and Annie L. IVSSEtL, b. June 18, 1874, d. Aug. 17, 1952 UtlknoWn May F. fIllR!lIN, b. Nov. 24, 1893, d. Mar. 24, 1958 ~ Mae JOHNS, b. July 14, 1919, d. Feb. 21, 1943 -113!lOSS McAIIEE FOlIO PAlIll!R SINGLETON GIBSON SUTHEBLAIID McQUEARY HOLEI!AN Bernice L. Ross. 112 ~lghtower. ElDorado Springs. Me 64744 - I am interested in several people who settled in Arkansas around 1850. Most located in the Benton, Madison, & Washington Co., AR area. I need info on Robert Thrasher ROSS, h. ca 1847. Sallt McAbee. his wife. Also George Michael FORD~ son of John FORD and his wife Elizabeth PALMER~ George FORD married Alice Lucille SINGLETON, deu. of David SINGLETON and hi. Cherokee wife, Lucy GIBSON. Another family I need 1nf4 on is: Saniel SUTHERLAND. b. 1753. He Bnd died at his daughter's home 1n 1843. He had two daughters in Arkansas at that time, Lucy, wife of Andrew McQUEARY. both born Ne and Frances, wife of Thomas or Daniel HOLEMAN. be was born in He and she was born n or NC. Any 1nf. will be appreciated. VICK ; GraCie Vick Douglas, RT 2 Box 559, Fairfield. TX 75840 - I am trying to locate any inf~ on my people. My father w4s Henry Ellis VICK, 1903-1973. his father was George Manuel VIeR. He had one brother, Lonnie or Lemuel and a half-brother, Martin Bnd some othere (unknown at this tl~e). Grandad came from Texas when he wae very young. Uncle Martin ~lCk had a daughter named Angelle. GRACY Also any lnf. on John Douglas GRACY and his let wife Ophelia, 2nd wife wae Ada. Ria 3 sona were: Thomas Jefferson, Jessie waiter. and John william (~ grandfather}. There wae a g1rl Sa111e that died very young. My mother is Sinie Weston (GRACEY) VICk •• Ple .. e help I 1982 TAYLOR-WATTS REUNION Fram: Mra Joel T. Hicks; 22 Sacony Circle, Little Rock. Ai 72209 ·nntE l'Oth Annual Reunion of the Taylor and Watta Family" will be held in Clarkaville at the Johnson County Fa1 Building. Time 10:30 (for those who want "to visit) 12:00 Noon, Lunch. Date Sunday, 18 April 1982. Last. yea; several people brought pictures of their Ancestor. to display. If you have a picture of any of Malachi's children. plesse bring it with you!" Also, bring your version of the Family History to ahare with the rest. Contact. Faye Castleberry, at. 1 Box 175, Lamar, AR 72846 or Jodie Hicks (addresa above)~ ••••••••••• James E. Bartlett~ Box 21 Rt 1, Trenton. TX 75490 - Our family records BLACk indicate ~ grandfather lived in Cleburne Co~. AR •• his name wae Robert Lee BARTLETT and he"married Dee BLACK. Can anyone please help with birth or death dates for the"se people? Also about his brothers Torn, and Jamee Edward? Plesse help! BARTLETT PENN Roger W. Avrit. Rt 3 Box LE-l, Dubach. LA 11235 - Need info on family of John PENN, b. 23 Sept 1822. N. Carolina and Roea REEVES. b. 13 March 1825 Indiana. SIIACKLEFOIlD Early .ettler. in Newton Co., AR and long tima residents of Boone Co. J AR. Family BiogrDphy published in Olark aem.mbrances iri late 1800'6. Ten ~hil~ ren liated. Rosa Reevest daughter of Eli~8beth REEVES who died 1889 in Harrison, Boone Co., AR. Also need iot. on SilACKLEFORD Family listed in Boone Co. J AR in 1880 Census, father wad either deceased or away from home, six children living with mother and grandmother. REEVES Jan w Sallaz~ 1803 Clemmeos N.W •• Warren, Ohio 44485 - For nearly 2 years I have been fruatrated in attemps to trace my ancestors from Gilham and Horatio TAYLOR Sevier Co •• AR. No records in either townl I am in need of Help! J. R. MADDUX, b. 12-1-1878. Gillham. AR (need help on J. R.ts father, grandfather etc+ Nona MILLS. b. 12-20-1887, Horatio. Jim KILLS was ber father and Dor~ TAYLOR (later became Dora TAYLOR MILLS), wife of Jim and mother of Nona. Pleaae help mel MADDUX MILLS CARRUTH Hugh B. Carruth. 509 W. Heynecker Ave., De Queen, AR 71832 - Can anyone please help det6~ne the names of the parente of Adam CARRUTH who owned an Armory on the Reedy River south of Greenville. South Carolina. He died. there in the "Winter of 1821", EDWARDS CARLTON Dolin C. Edwards. POBox 1956, Grass Valley, CA 95945 - I am having problems .in tryins to research my father's family in, Newton CO., Ai (since 1870s). MY UIOther's side {CARLTON}, has been in Newton Co~ I AR since at least the 1850s. I would like to know of any books that would cover this period in Newton Co., AR., (cemetery, land ownership, or census records, etc.) Can anyone please help me? SlIITHSON PUCKETT Deborah Cook. P 0 Bo¥ 37, Big Oak Flat. CA ,95305 - I am seeking any info on Thomas Benton SMITHSON, 1850-1930 and Margaret Agnes (PUCKETT) SMITHSON 1867-1917, both of Little Rock. Pulaski Co., Arkansas. Can anyone please help :me? BRICKEY R. L. Brickey, )641 Windins Way Rd. S.W., Roanoke, Virginia 24015 - I have just discovered a Village, west of West Memphis, Arkansas by the name of BRICKEYS, and have learrted from the Postmistress of this village, it was organized by a Peter BRICKEY and his brother (1st name unknown). Also these two BRICKEY brothera. established a railroad from West Memphis westward to the town of Brickeys in 1912. They later sold the railroad and moved to destinations unknown. Can anyone help ~e with sny additional information about thl. village? (Brickey. ~ County, Arkansas) -114- CARMICHAEL James E. Lockert, 5668 Heard St., Jackson, MS 39206 - JOHNSON Alonzo MOSS, Drew Co. tAR; Alonzo JOHNSON, Ashley Co" N~ed connectj~n~: AR; L('{:lLLS of Perry Co., At., OuachIta AR, Ashley AR-to-MOSS of Drew and Ashley. and LOWEI ,""SS HARVILL of Perry At and Ashley and Dallas AR. (around 1830 on). Need parents~ place of birth: Alexander Nance MOSS, b_ May 1852, South Carolina? LEFILLS married Jan. 1881. Ashley, AR divorced May 1892_ Aahlcy: Emma Henry LOWE, daughter of Henry Dan LOWE (1829-1863) and Emeline T. CARMICHAEL (1842-1910). Need parents LCWE and place of ,birth for Emeline. Ashley Co., Arkansas. (She gave At and AR). She married 2nd to Alonzo JOHNSON, Any help will be appreciated. Mrs. Alma Nutt, 19A Hiland Place. Benton t AR 72015 - Would like any lnf. on: Merit All~n MARTIN to Elizabeth STUBBS; 1843 in Campbellville, Kentucky (I have a marriage bond of my great grandfather. aut need the name of my g. g~ graQ.dfather.. Merit Allen MARTIN. was born 1n Virginia (but would like to know where?) Also need the parentta names of Merit and Elizabeth? A listing has been found in 1850 censua of Greene County: Maryette MARTIN t age 30 maie farmer, b. Virginia (value of real Estate, $10.000), Elizabeth MARTIN, age 27, b. KY; John MARTIN, age. 6, m. bi KYi Joseph MARTIN~ age 4. b. KY.; Wm. MARTIN, age 2 b. KY.. Merit and Elizabeth were not listed on ,the IB60 census. James STUBBS who signed 'the bond for Merit and .Elizabeth's marriage may have been her father or her brother. No deeds or WILLS were mentioned for him. Please helpl MARTIN STUBBS WOODWARD Karen Page, 19000 Parthenia #22 Northridge, CA 91323 (213-885-0252 or 213995-5790) - 1 will appreciate any iqf. such ~s the locating the records of my &randmother's birth, Oma Belle WOODWARD July.25, 1897. and the names and dates of her parents, etc. (Oma was born someplace near the border of Missouri). Please help! j Mrs. Mary Ann Mansker Wilson. 7335 W. 89th St 1 Los Angeles, CA 90045 - My maternal grandparents were born in Magnolia, Columbia Co.) AR~, and are both buried in Rondo Cemetery in or near Texarkana, Miller Co., AR. Grandfather BEENE Wm. Albert McWILLIAMS, b. 7 April 1869, d. 25 Dec,' 1932, he was son of: GILES MANSKER Wm. Albert McWILLIAMS~ Sr., and Louisianna KEENER. Grandmother Louisa.BEENE, b. 15 Sept. 1876. d. Mayor June 1932, daughter of Mattie GILES and Jessie NICKLE BEENE. Mary and Wm. Jr., married l7"Jan. 1985. Myfatherts father is buried in the Rondo Cem., as is my great grandfather MANS~R~ Grandfather. James Lyman MANSKER, b. 1876, died 1940 (bu,ried Rendo Cem.) his father. Wm~ Thous MANSKER, b. 30 Jan. 1845 died winter 1928, and h1s mother was Virginia NICKLE. G. Grandfather. Wm. Thomas MANSKER f fou~ht in the Civil War, as his Pension paperG are on file in DeQueen, Sevier Co •• AR~ His Co. was Co. K, 2nd Tennessee Regiment Volunteers (April 1861) Buckners' Division,' Hardee's Corps. He was severely wounded in Murfreesboro, tN., 30,Dec. 1962 and was 'taken prisoner. (This info concerning his military service comes from his granddaughter. another source told me that although he was from Tennessee, he fought with Patrick Glebournes' Famous Arkansas Brigade. I will appreciate any additional info on any of these people and will gladly share with others working on these lines. Grandfather James MANSKER f married Nancy Ann ERWIN my grandmother (possibly in Arkansas) my father was born in Miller Co., AR., 25 March 1909, perhaps there is a marriage license on ,file there. McWILLIAMS . KEENER WOOD Margaret Griffin, 309 Top Hill. Tyler. TX 15703 - Archie William WOOD, b. in Shawmut. Pike Co., AR in 1902. Can anyone please help with any info about him or any of hi~ family? Also , I am interested in any publications t~at include Pike or Clark Co. I AR. FEUDS IN N.W. ARKANSAS 111 Mrs. James P. Duke (Norma)" 418 N.E. 11th St q Grants Pass. OR 97526 - I am interested in any books written on FEUDS Northwest Arkansas. Can anyone please help? TILLEY Larry G. Tilley, 289 Cortes, D.C.a~E, Granbury, TX 76048 - Seeking any info abOUt James TIL~EY and wife Polly who appear in 1850 Census of Richwood TownshiP. Izard Co., AR (no others are shown, in household). I have not located any record of these TILLEYS~ I am particulary ~nterested in any children they may have had. I ~ill gladly exchange info especially on"TILLEYS from Wayne Co •• TN to Arkansas in lB50s. Charles O. Richardson, Jr~_ P.O. Box 422, Mineola, TX 75773 - Seeking any information on" Cophas CR.AIG~ Cophaa was married to my late aunt f Matilda Bethel RUSSELL in 1917 and were both from Pulaski County, Arkansas area. Copha~ was a Sergeant in the U. S. Army during World War I. and saw action in France. Bethel was killed, 1919 in an auto/pedestrain accident in North Little Rock, just a feW days before Cophas was to arrive back home. His whereabouts after her tragic death is unknown. Any information about him would be greatly "appreciated. CRAIG RUSSELL cox Stan Hudson~ 9999 Imperial Hwy #144, Downey, CA 90242 - Richard Manuel COX.Sr was born 11-4~lB41 somewhere in Arkansas. May have had brother, Samuel C. COX~ h. 1849. Richa.rd died 9-5-1891 in Limestone Co., TX where he had moved to in late 18609. Parents may have come from Tenn., and mother may have been named Matilda, and his father may have been Aaron? Need proof of families, siblings (if any other) etc. Other info will be appreciated. -115E::arl F • ..-\rnett 4)6) Olentangy Blvd. Columbus, Ohio 4)214 April 15, 1982 Mrs. Mario B. cia, Sr. 4200 A Street Little Rock, Arkansas 72205 Dear Mrs. Cia. I am the feliow who called you when I was in Little Rock on April 6 wishing to placo a query in the next issue of the publication of the ARAANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. It concerne one NAOMI NE:WTON and LARKIN NE:WTON who appear in the 18)0 census for Washington Co., Ark. Larkin Newton was the brother of my great great grandfather, JOM Newton. I believe that Naomi Newton was the mother of John and Larkin Newton, both of whom were born in South Carolina. I cannot prove that Naomi is this mother. but a great deal of circumstantial evidence says that this relationship is so. Hence, I seek additional information in the interest of this case. The essential information is as follows, 1. The above JOHN NEWTON was born in 1790 in S.C.I his brother. LARKIN. was born in 1794 in S.C. There waa a third brother. BASIL, who some say was born in Tennessee about 1800, but I believe was born about 1798 in S.C •• 2. JOHN NEWTON married Jane Blair in 181) in Rutherford Co., Tn. One son, Elbert C., was bor~ in 1814 in Tn •• Four other children. Telitha, Betsy, Charles & ABa Richardson - Were born in Arkansas. Asa Richardson Newton is my great grandfather, he was born in 1822 in Pulaski Co., Ark. ). JOHN AND JANE NEWTON moved ·from Tn. to Arllansas in 1815. Thls move was in the company of JANE ( BLAIR) NEWTON's parents, THOMAS and SARAH (CARNAHAN) BLAIR. The move was by river boat and is recorded in a letter written by son BLBERT C. NE'l'WON in 1884 while visiting in Dover, Arkansas, from his memoirs. This chronicle was used by Myra Mc Almont Vaughn in an unpubliShed history, a copy of which can be found in tho files of the ARKANSAS GAZETTE, Margaret Ross, historian. An abstract of this record is attached for you. 4. JOHN AND JANE (BLAIR) NEWTON both died within days of one another late in 1822, probably ot some epidemic, leaving a will (copy attached) and four Sllll\l1 orphans. One son, Charles, had died as an infant before 1822. JOHN NEWTON's brothers, LARKIN and BASIL, were to take cars of these children. S. LARKIN NEWTON and the chlldrsn of JOHN and JANE NE:I'ITQN moved first to Crawford Co.. then to Washington Co •• Here he IIII\rried ~IARY ANN WILSON, daughter of JOHN WILSON in 1829. LARKIN NEWTON was first county clerk or Washington Co. and first postllll\ster or Payetteville, he also held other offices and ran a grist mill. H was here in 1830 that NAOMI (sP. "NAOMA") NEWTON joins LARKIN NEWTON on the census list, apparently living next door. In the household of Larkin Newton the oldest child, Elbert C., of deceased brother JOHN, lives. The three other orphan children. Telitha. Betsy and Ass R. are in the household of NAOMI NE:WTON. 6 •. JOHN NEWTON's other brother, BASIL, remained in CraWford Co., married a sister of one JAMES EDMONDSON I raised a family of four children I and apparently died there about 1845. 7. LARKIN NEWTON. NAOMI NEWTON and the childtten of JOHN and JANE (Blair) NEWTON, as well as THOMAS and SARAl! (CARNAHAN) BLAIR all moved up ihto Newton Co., Mo. in 1833 or 1834. So, they were not in Washington Co •• Ark. very long. Newton Co., Mo. is named for one Sgt. JOHN NEWTON, a Revolutionary.War soldier who fought in the Battle of Charleston. S.C. in 1780 II.nd maybe also in 1776. LARKIN NEWTON became a county j~4ge og Newton Co •• Mo. in 18)9. NAOMI NEWTON died some time after 1840 in Newton Co., Mo •• and berore 1847 when my NEWTONS moved once again, this time to Ellis CO .. t Texas. -116- 8. Back in South Carolina in Newberry Co. and lidgefield Go. chere lived this Sgt. John Newton from about 1772 until his death in 1799. He was married twice, (1) to MARY MITC~~ and (2) to NAOMI 1111 (maybe also Mitchell). He marrled his second wife about 1789. When he died in 1799 ,his second wife. Nl!0MI. WaS the administrix of his estatel he died without any wlll. Wife NAOMI NEWTON settles the estate by 1801 and then seems to disappear from records in S.C. No record is found of her in Tennessee although there are records of the service in the War of 1812 f~r both JOHN NEWTON (d. 1822 in Ark.) and LARKIN NEWTON (d lA58 in Texas). Then there is the move in 1815 from Tennessee to'ArkanSas, but in the account there is no mention of NAOMI tlliWTON, i th the above background i t is my belief that NAOMI NE'~TON, :l"cvnd wife of Sgt. JOHN NEWTON of S.C., is the same as the NAOMI reNTON who appears ih the 18)0 census of Washington ,Co. , Ark •• Hence, ahe would be the mother of my gre'l t graa t grandf'a,ther. JOHN NE'''TON who died in 1822 in Pulaski Co., Ark •• NAOMI (711) NEWTON of s.C,. was born about 1755, NAOMI NEWTON of Washington Co •• Ark. in 18)0 was between 70 and 80 years old. Hence. on the basis of age these two could be one and the same. 'il Now as to a query. I want to know a,,¥ information about my Newtons that may exiet in Arkansas sources. . NANTJ:.D, Information about NAOMI NEWTON or LAHKIN NEv/TON who were in Washington. Co., Ark. in lR)O. Larkin Newton was brothet' of JOHN NEWTON who died in Pulaski Co •• Ark. in 1822. John ,Newton and Larkin Newton Were bOrn in ~outh Ue,ollna about 1790 - 1794. Nead proof that NAOMI NEWTON above is related to ~RKIN and JOHN NEWTON. Further background in Arkansas. Tennessee or South Carolina is sought. These Newtons are not to be confUsed wIth Thomas "llloughby Newton of Arkansas ar~ Vlrginia of the same period. Please contact ~arl F. Arnettl eee addrese above. File I NEilTON Reference. Extract fro. an unpubliahe~ .anuBcript by MyraIeAI.ont Vagshn, Source (1980)1 Heiskell Library of the Arkanaas Gazette, Mrs, Marcar.t 808e. In this .anuscript, Mr•• Yau&hn was writ11'!/!: tro. several or~inal 'ouree. and, in part, quot1ne tro. a letter by Elbert C. Newton to John Robert Ho..x' Scott written at DOVer, ArkaneaB 1n 1884. He was apparently vi.1til'!/!: there at the ti ... By that tI •• Elbtrt C. waH aarriad to tile widow of Fini. E. Kine and. I liuppos •• the botll of tile. were vi.i til'!/!: old triend. in Arka_s. In tha tollow1!\! I llava extracted. only tllo.. portiolUl of the YaUftIln Ipt that rel" te to tile letter 01' Elbert C. Hewton. ~ireot quote. are underlined. "J. R. pyeatt 01' O&~ H1ll, Rev. J. Blair of california he wrota to tor inforaation, ~ l .. tter Ile loat hi8 .e8Or"nd.. and w... uncartai • .. boutdatt*. ~ Bllt Mr. Bl.. ir tbiakB 1814 ..nd Mr. Newton thinke 181). J ........ nd J"cob Pya.. tt. JOhli ..nd J&.e. Billil'!/!:.le1 and fa.ilie., all4 Rev. Jolin Carnahan ... C. Pre.byterian preacller and 111111.&. Bl.. ir (brother of the Rev, J. Bl"ir of C.. 1 iforni.. ), left Al.. baaa, whare they wllre livil'!/!:, ... tile plaoe w... required tor the I1I41allll. and;ra'tlld to Ark&nea8, .toppins "t the Po.t ~ than ...attled pl.. ce, and re .. ined tllere one year. aakins .. crop. It wa... very .ickl7 .ea80n "nd they .ovedllp tile river the lUI,xt Thll pyeatt. stopped on tile north 8ide of tha river, 12 alle. above Little Rook, tha Billins_leya went -117- Up to Cadron where 'there wa. a s .. ll aettle .. nt, Ja .. a Blllin«aley waa, he thinka, the firet .. aber ot the Lesialature froa Crawtord County, wae'one of the early settlers of WaahinstonCo. and later aoved to Texas, where he died in Johnson Co. about 1860, about 80 " years of ate. He was the tather of'John Billlnssley, the atate aenator troa Waahinston Co. and yet livins (1884), about 81 'years old. In 11l1S. ' Blair with hi. wife and taally of 6 aona and 2 aona-in-law of whoa John Newton, tather of the writer one, eai&rated troa ArJr:anaas. Tiley can in a boat, .ade and launched 'aUes above Na,Rm.t",. The ' eai&rants - beins related to and'acquaintances of the ones who ha~ sone to cadron, went there to the Billln!sley. and ataid till 1816; but havins such sioknes. all went to Mulberry (Little. B~) ~here Jes.e Bean and others were livins. In 1818, he thinks it wa., the .ettlers on the north side of the .lrJr:aneas Were required to reaova for the Cherokee. to whoa the land had been ceded. Major Bradford, co-.ander at Ft. Saith, &ave the people perai •• ion to .ettle on the south side and eoae did .0, others soved down the river. Mr. Newton and the Blair connectiona'went down the river and,atopped on 'the McHenry tara above ,Crystal HU1, but beins very siok and 80" 2 or l deaths, ,his tather soved out troa the riv.r and .ettled on the road tro. Little Rock, up the river on the north side. Hie hOUBe wa. 8 aile. troa Little Roek and up to the ti.. hi. death was boue. on the road above town. 1828 he pya he walli at old Crawford Court HOlose soclet:ywas different what he had eeen-' He aaw when the'Washlnston Co. c~untry was opened, more tnan nalf the south side Bettlere left their hOaea and sold and went north in queet of health, and were not disappointed in tnat respect. He thinke Fay-' ettevUle waa iocated in 1829. He lived with his uncle, Larkin Newton. l or 4 years, first clerk of Fayetteville. Then he aaw for the tirat time prisoners in custody for hi&h crimes. and there were pistols and knives and in-fishtlng. Closes his letter thus. S~ned 'Written at Dover, a P S his uncle J. Blair'waB 10 year. old when they lett He says 1n 181< .and old en~"b to rems.ber .o~t nsa. ot the con'fennesae. 1n . • events . nected with the ;Je~ratlon and~settlesont i n A'raa • End ot transcription tor Hewton tile. , -Jl9- /'et;I,fhf;;,c . Ae/!? ,fIiRK AN /i~5 A CT to .elnOve the Adminlst.atioIlt>r the estate of John Newton, i1ecenseil, from tho County of Pulllsitl to the (Jounty of Crawford. . !. SEC •• ~c it cntlded b.y the General Assembly of lite '1 emtorll of Arkansas. That llazilla Newlon, and Larkin Newton, who ure Administrators with lhe will annexed, of the estate of .John New: ton, i1eccased, be, nnd arc hereby, authorized to move said administration to the county of CrawRelnl'....alof ford. Admillistrlltioll. SEC. 2. .I1nd be it further cllacted, Thal it shall I~c the duty of said adminislrators, to procure a cerP':"':l'r of Atl- hfied (Opy of aU the proceedings touching said adffillllStrator. mjl)~strati~n, from the proper ~lerk of the county of 1 ulaskl, and file the same With the c1crk of the . pr~per c0.u~t of Crawford counl.y; and when so filed, . saId administrators shall proceed to settle said adSI'~I:"melltofminislratioll! in the, s:lme ~anner thal they would estale. have done, jf ndmmlstrabon had been taken out in said county of Crawford; and that all settlements so made shall be good nnd valid in law and equityj IS that thil act shall take effect, and be in force liorra and after ita plIJIIage. ' JOHN WILSON, 8p.4kw " qf tke HDtUe qf RqwelfiffklliflU. CHARLES CALDWELL, Preli.cknl of tke LegidaiiNf! Cov'ltcil. Approved: October "19,1835. WM. S. FULTON. EDITOR'S NOTE: Our many many thanks to Ear'! F. Arnett, 4363 Olen tangy Blvd, Columbus, Ohio 43214 for this information. Pe~haps this will help some of our ARKANSAS FAMILY HISTORIAN members and readers, alsol will be ap,prec1ated. If you 7sri help :!>fr. Arri,~tt with any additional information it *********** MORRISON CRAWFORD Mrs., Dolores Gettman, 5364 Easterly Dr.North, Fresno, CA 93127 - I am researching the George W111ism MORRISON (my grandfather) who lived in Hartforc Sebsstain Co., ~., from about 1900 to about 1965. He died in Fresno ca 2 Jan. 1968 and ~HS buried at Hartford~ AR. His father, John Thomas MORRISON died 15 ~r. 1941 also Hartford, Ai. George Wm. MORRISON'S 1st wife was Myrtle Moselle CRAWFORD (my grandmother) who died 7 Jan. 1923. Her parents were Charles Madison CRAWFO'RD and Julie Caroline PUTMAN CRAWPORD. Can anyone pleaae help me with any' inf. on any of these people? CHRIST1AN Wanda Ruth Andr~ck, 2800 Burr Oak Cr.~ Rryan. TX 77801 - I have recently learned that my g. g~ grandfather. Wm. Atlas CHRISTIAN, died in Union Co., AR on 31 1670. Can anyone please help me locate where in Union County h~ i5 buried? Perhaps also a record of a WILL, etc. Also I have discovered that my g~ g. grandmother. Margaret Jane BEARD, died 27 July 1890 and was buried in the Bearden Cem .• Woodruff Co., AR. I would like to locate this cemetery irt Woodruff Co •• andftlso any info about a WILL, death certificate etc. Can anyone plaase help me? BF.AJU) Joan Rose. POBoX 666, Centralia, Ill. 62801 - Seeking any help on following: Sharp Co., AR 1880 residents: John RO f h. c 1868. ARj Joseph W.~ born c 1870; & Robert H. SHANKS, born c. 1872; Jqhn H. C. born c. 1849, TN; Da~iel E. born ~. 1874. AR; & Samuel C. born c 1863. AR WILKES or related large family! FOSHEE Thomas MAB!RRY~ b. c 1859 TN. WID. FORSHEE, b. c 1875 TN. Also seek help on FRANCIS Lewis FRANCIS, b. 1813 VA, with wife Susan. b~ ,c 1826 TN, and son John, b. McELROY c 1859' ILL (in Sharp Co. 1870)~ Probably lived Johnson Co.~ Il1~ or earlier! (possib1~ McELROY connection). Anything'on ~o8eph ROSE, b. c 1840. Wayne Co, TN., wife Nancy C. BATTLES and'sons s John E. born c 1869 TN, Burley, b. c 1870. and William Allen, b. c 1871. Civil War participation? In Isard Co., 18eO~ Supposed1y~ Joseph went to Calvin, OK area to homestead mid 1880s and not heard from again. Any help welcome especially from any descendantsl!t . SILINKS WI!.KES MABERRY ROBERTS Georgia West Lehar. 1109 Carter Dr., Oklahoma CitYt OK 73129 - Inf. needed on Francis Marion ROBERTS, b. ca lB35~ Indiana. son of Noah and Nancy ROBERTS. Family lived in Crawford ~o., An in 1850 census: brothers. Eligah, Joel V.• and Adidsmiah; sisters! Mary E•• and Lucinda. Noah and Francis ~ere farmers and ministers. Noah married couples in Hot Spring County, Arkansa8~ WEST Also need any information on Mitchell WEST) Methodist Minister in Randolph Co. Arkansas, born ca 1835. place unknown (possibly Kansas). Wife #1. was Mary~ children: Dora E, and George T. Wife 12, Rosella COOPER~ ~rried 5 July 1900, children: Charles Wheeler, Della. and Samuel Emory. George T. WEST married to Cora V. CHERRY of Walnut Ridge, Lawrence Co., AR. Gilmore W. WEST married to Stella VANHOOSER. 1913 in Walnut Ridge, lawrence Co., AR. The family lived around Richwooda and Bristow communities in Randolph Counties. Any help will be appreciated (on any of these people) and I will gladly exchange data. SURE WISH some one would help me!! Jimmie L~ Graham. 3975 E. Lake Head #303, Las Vegas, NV 89115 - July 1866 Greene Co.~ Missouri, Eli F. GRAHAM married to Narcissus WADLEY, daughter of F. H. WADLEY of Boone Co. Eli F. GRAHAM was the son of James H. GRAHAM of Greene Co •• MO. James H. was born in Kentucky 1804 (but WHAT COUNt1???) Eli F. served in the Confederate Army. Died in Boone Co •• AR 191-. 1870 he and f~ily were in Panola Co~, TX with brother~ John Howard GRAHAM. John GRAHAM wa. my great grandfather and I ne~d any info anyone might have. I will share what I have. Please help, We are planning a Family Reunion for May .• -.all STAFFORDS, ASHBROOKS~ KENNEDYS, and CALLAWAYS - anyone interested in this Reunion at Glenwood. the 1st Saturday in May 19821) you might contact Jimmie for aoother yearl GIWIAM WADLEY I!J.)BINSON Martha Kirk, 608 N Beech, Battle Ground~ WA. 98604 - I would like to find any info on my grandfather, Albert ROBINSON married· Winnie TELL,(b. 1888) S July 1905, Stroud, OK. Div in Gandy, Logan, Neb. in May 1906. 2 children: Edith died an infant, and my father. Charles Albert ROBINSON, b. 9 Jan 1908 in Neb. WOODCOCK Also looking for any ancestors of H. B. WOODCOCK. 1st wife Josephine, 2nd Anna WISER. Children of 2nd marriage: Jennie W. HAMILTON & Martha WOODCOCK. Josephine died 1902 or 3. Anna married Sept. 1903. Rogers Benton Co., AR. Please help! f WARREN Mabel Warren Wolfe, 3015 Pines Road~ Shreveport, LA 71119 I am a native of Emerson, Columbia Co., AR~, and my ancestors came from Georgia. Alabama, and DAVIS M1ssi5~1ppi to Columbia in' the early 1850s. I am doing research on the WARREN GJ;tEEN CALDWELL. DAVI~, and GREEN Families. I was very interested in the JanuaryFebruary-March 1976 publication of the AFR. as it had the Emerson. Columbia County, Cemetery listed - that ia where 50 ~ny of'my family me~bers are buried. P CALI)IJELL Doria c. Beaver, 530 Stewart Ave •• Rive~ Ridge, LA 70123 - My grandfather, Frea G. cREEKMORE was born in Crawford Co •• AR on April 21t 1886 in either Graffic or Mountainburg. Can anyone please help with any information on him or his family? CREEKMORE Doria Mitchell, Rt 20 Box 2331-A, Springf~el-. MO 65803 - I found one of my ancestors, Melvina BURGESS, received a Confederate Civil War Pension of $50~ she was the widow of Wm. BURCESS~ who fought at the Battle of· Pea Ridge. This information was from the follOloling source;' "Benton Co. Pioneer 100th Aniveraary issue" - Battle of Pea. Ridge. Vol. No. 7 No. 3 March 1962, Published by the Benton Co. Historical Society. Can any one ple~se help with any additional information? I will gladly exchange with others working on thIs line I BURGESS -121SMITH MORRIS Mrs. Alta Cul1um~ 3050 E. Belleview, Phoenix. AZ 85008 - Robert Franklin SMITH. born '28 Jan. 1866 in Auatia, Lonoke Co q AR •• sOn of JL r. 5rHTH (;;, doctor) who fought in the Civil War (possibly entering from Arkansas) he died before my grandfather's birth in 1865. Would like to know where the father waS born? His mother va.: Alice Virginia MORRIS (said to have been born in TN). (birth dates ca 1839/40 6 marriage dates circa 1864/63. My grandfather was the only child of that union. His mother remarried about 1872 to a Mr. GRAVELY. and there were 2 daughters of that union: Emma & Lillian (po.slbly births and marriages too place- in Ai •• for my grandfather supposedly lived there until until he was 12 yrs oid t and then went to Texas about 1878. A short time later his mother'left Mr. GRAVELY and alao moved to Te~as. She died in May of 1917, and is supposedly buried in Paoli, OK. Grandfather R.P. SMITH died 22 Aug. 1954 in Amarillo, TX. He was married to Violet Manerva CHIPMAN, 31 Dee. 1889 in Graham,. Young Co., TX., and 8 children were born of that union including my mother, who was the youngest. Can anyone please help? ROGERS DEAN Mrs. Elizabeth R. Lyle, 207 East 11th St., Hopkinsville, Ky 42240 - I am seeking info about my g. g. grandfather; George W. ROGERS. Finally traced him to Hot Spring Co ... Alt. Marriage recotds show that he 1narried Lucinda DEAN on Sept. 1826. Could this be found in M41vern. AR? Would her full nama and that of het parents be on that certificate? When he r~orge w. died in Cape ~irardeau~ Mo. in l8l9~ in tbe settlement his wife is mentioned as Mary. I wonder if that was psrt of her name J or'if she waa a 2nd Wife? If so, did he marry again in Arkansas? (and where?). He had ~our children: Martha, probably born 1830, Armestead, 1832, Pe1ix Grundy, 1836. and luCinda, b. 1837/8. Any info vi11 be appreciated and 1 will gladly exchange with others working on these lines. WILSON LEWIS Mrs~ Kay Halls 1025 E. Foothill Blvd., Glendora, CA 91740 - Need info on Elere WILSON, 1iated on the 1860 Washington Co., AI Federsl Census with wife Rachel. Believe her to be daughter of Bracken LEWIS and Matilda PRESTON L~IS (as per Goodspeed's History 1889) but was E1ere, the aame peraon as Eldridge H. WILSON,' son of Wm. WILSON,. who died in Waahington Co •• AI in 18761 Also need info on Milly WILSON, b. ca 1851/52 in Arkansas (probably Washington Co.) married SHORES Alfred W. SHORES, 13 Sept. 1868 in Franklin Co •• AR. Was· she the daughter of RlotoWILSON and Rachel (LllWtS?). Milly died ca 1872 at Whito Rock, Fr.nklin Co •• AR & is buried SHORES Cemetery. ' Also need info on Nancy WILSON of Washington Co •• AR. Was she a widow when she married William D. SHORES of Franklin CO~I AR (formerly of Washington Co.) She ia not buried at SHORES (Lake) Cemetery with William and his 1st wife. Elizabeth HUTCHINS, Nancy was born ca 1806 in Virgini-a. She and William ware married 25 Oct. 1860 in Washington HUTCHENS Co. I All. Paul Smith. 300 ~ W. Belnap. Jacksboro. Texas 76056 - Needing inf~ on Guilford SKI'I'H Fam1ly. He was believed. to have been born in 1193, TN~ J was in Lawrence Co •• All in 1830 where it i$ believed that Jermiah Myra (lUre) SMITH, b. 1811. Benjamin SMITH hi 1826. Gilford SMITH, b. 1830 and 4 daughters also born in'Arkansas. Have no names or any inf. on thft~ One other son, Charles H. SMl'l1l was born in 1816 in TN. Need all info I can pO •• ibly get on any of these people. SMITH SALINE CO. ARK-Raymond L •.White,. 17115 - 156th Ave:, S.E., Renton~ Washington 98055 - Need to contact someone who can help me with information on 8enton, Saline Co., AR Haakell Townahip. Mount Harmony Cemetery, Raake1l, Saline Co., AR.. The following families in Saline Co •• Al: WHITE, DOBBS, WESTaROOK, SHEPARD. CATE. COLLETT, OSBORN, C1WIDLElI.. Please help I BURGESS Robert L. Jolley, 120 N. Seneca Road, oak Ridge, TN 31830 - I am currently researching my anceators from aome notes left me. by my father. Ivirson Carter BURGESS and hei family. He was the brother of my great grand~ther Henrietta Esther BURGESS. I would also like any i~formation concerning' their father and mother~ Henry BURGESS and Adra BARDIN BURGESS (my sreat great grandfather and mother). Can anyone please help? WALI;IS !ire. Peggy Wilson, 1411 E. Mc:Leod J Sapulpa, OK 74066 - De.sire info on the aneestery of John Irby'WALLtS, b~ 1196 in North Carolina. On 1850 'census. he was in Johnson CO.t,A! with wife Mary. and children: John I~ b. l824~ NC, and George Washington WALLIS, b. 1835 t AR. Civil War records for George Washington WALLIS states he was born in Harshall Co., TN. WALLACE IIClearing Housel! for all WALLACE - WALLIS material. Anyone sending family WALLIS Group Sheets of their Arkansas WALLACE Families and S.A.S.~. to jean Dice Wallace. 2724 Ellison Dr"tve. Springfield, MO 65807, will recieve anything from her extensive WALLACE - WALLI,S FUes that might pertain to their Families". Peggy Harvey, 5123 LaPosita t San AntoniQ, TX 78233 - Will exchange info on the following families who lived around Cabot. AR in both Pulaski Co., and Lonoke Co. AI GINGLES. FOWLER, BOttS, FEWELL 6 HAYS. Am looking for info on a Joseph FOIILER A. BOYD who resided in 1860 in Smithville, Lawrence Co •• AR. Wife. Mary A. BOTTS 'FEWELL died shortly after 1860 C;ensuS was taken; Their children: Susannah E (mar. Luke TATUM); William R.: & John Jeremiah, b. 4-7-1859. Joseph A. BOYD became a preacher for the Church of Christ & resided in Grayson Co •• Texas in 1880. I believe his 2nd wife waa named Sallie, & they had two boys~ Please help will info on any of theSe HAYS GINGLES peop1e~ -122- IIIIl1'E OOBBS WESTBROOK SUEPARD CA'CE COLLETT asSOllli Raymond L. White, 17115 - 156th Ave. S'!'l Renton, WA 98055 - My r~scarch is on these families Who lived in and around the Benton! Haskell area of Saline Co.~ AR and are buried in Mount Harmony Cemetery. Wm. Thomas·WHITE~ b. 1822, GA nnd marrIed Elizabeth (probably in AR). The were the parents of eight children. Nancy WHITE DODD, b. 1847; Thomas Coleman WHITE (my great grandfather) b. 1848; Mary C. 9 b. 1852; John A. WHITE. b-. 1854; Margaret WHITE COLLETT) b_ 1857; Louisa WHITE STURMAN, b. 1859; Ceorge WHITE, b~ & d. 1860; Thursda, b. & d. 1860. Also would like help on the following families: Thomas Coleman WHITE married to Amanda OOBBS_ John J. WESTBROOK married to Sara Jane SHEPARD, John CAT£: married to Mary COLLET'l\ Wm. Albert OSBORN married t~ Tuna Lodasky CHANDLER. These marriages probably took place between 1875-1895 with the families living in Saline Co. and probably around Haskell or Benton. I would like to correspond and exchange info with those who might have info on these families. Mount Harmony Cemetery or History of the Benton area. REAVES TYLER COx BANEY Neva. N. Bryant. 2706 Chet'okee Dr~* Independence, MO 6/1057 - William REAVES, born 1844 Harion Co., AR. Enumerated with Jacob TYLER. Fulton_Co .• AR 1850 , & with James COX, Wright Co., MO in 1860. HSrried to Sarah BANEY. Who were William REAVES· parente? SMITH Thelma L~ Smith (Mrs. R. N.) POBox 5483, Shreveport, LA 11105 - I would lik~ to correspond with someone with knowledge of John SMITH 1 b. TN (was 29 yrs. of age in 1850 AR census) wife Eliza. Who was his father and where was he born? What was wife, Eliza f s mother's & father's naae~ John SMITH was my husbandts g. gt'andfatber. More from 1850 AR Censua (Washington Co.): Eliza, 34, b_ VAt Calvin, 9 b. TN. Richard, 7 b. TN, Mary, 4 b. AR, aiso living in their home. John Housebright, 29 b. VA (tould this have been a brother to Eliza?) COpy OF FAKILY RECORD - FROM FAMILY BIBLE This is to certify the Holy Bonds of Hatrimony and J. C. SMITH ~ Anna P. (or R) ROBERTSON were united by me in Holy Matrimony at her Mother's Johnson County Home on the 8th day of October 1874 in presence of Betty SWIFt and R.? A. POUND Signed by William Jacobs Father, John Smith - ~ Cherokee Indian (brother to R.P. SMith) R. P. SMITH ~aB born Oct. 26th 1852 (Richard P.) J. C. Smith was born 25th Oct. 1854 (John Calvin) Anna R. Smith was born 9th Harch 18-53 (Anna Rebecca) M.H.W.? Smith was born 31 July 1875 (Cheldreyt) J. ,L. Smith was born 22 July 1877 (John Lemuel) J. W. Smith was born 1 Hay 1879 (James William) K. E. Smith was born 16 April 1881 (Kenne Esthes) W. E. Smith was born 5 March 1884 (Wallace Edward) A. R. Smith was born 4 Dec. 1885 (Anna Rebecca) E. C. Smith was born 10 Aug. 1888 (Elmer Calvin) O. M. L. Smith was born 10 jan 1890 (Otes Mackel Lafayette) B. M. Smith was born 30th Pee. 1893 (BeSSie Hay) Th~t John Smith, Soldier in the Mexican Armie Calvary of Graye batalidy commanded by Colonel lamia in general wooda DivisiOn, C4ptain P B Collin (my Grand Father) Bessie Smith Wilton *.... ******** Marion Kagel, POBox 194, Fordland, MO 65652 - Jesae Wm. MITCHUM waa shot & killed by bushwackers around the end of the Civ1 War & his Wife was shot in the leg. Her name was Eliza BRICKY and her fathet' was a Judge at Batesville, Independence Co.~ AR. Can anyone please suggest a book-or newapaper 1 where this might have been published? Could have been in Marion Co., (or at least nesr Harrison, Boone Co., AR). PleAse he1pl MlTCl!1JM BRICI{Y Jenny Shea Oldham, 1606 N 22nd St., Killeen, TX 76541 - The ARKANSAS Family names I am searching a~e: BROWNING; James BRUMMITT; Elizabetb CHANDLER; Matilda Elizabeth FORRESTER; Paralee StEWART; John Howard REED; Polly GOODWIN SIMPSON; OLDHAM; Selman GREENLEE; Haire WINKLER; William THOMAS; John Patton HALL; and BROWNING ETC.!! II HENDERSON. EDITOR'S NOTE~ This Querie would have had great value. had some dates, and children, spouse, area, etc been included. She did however include her name and address. and zip •.. it has been known to not be inc1udedl'!!! and not just one time either! EC Ruth Buchanan Baird, 22 ThoJDas Sumter~ Beaufort, S.C. 29902 - I am a descenDANT of John Wesley BUCHANAN. b. 1790 in NOrth Carolina and d. August 1854 in Spring River Township, Lawrenc.e Co., AR. I saw his WILL at the old Pawhatan Huseum Court house last- summer~ They were unable to copy it because they had no equipment. Does anyone know of a Historical or Genealogical Society in the area that might have a copy of this WILL? Would it be possible to-obtain'a copy? I will be happy to pay for a copy and any other necessary charge~ Please help! . BUCHANAN -123- HOLT Deborah C. Smith. Rt ;2 Sox 63. F1.tzserald. GA 31750 - Seeking ","y tnt. on the SPE}JlS/ SPIE!!S ancestors: William. HOLT, b. c 1808. SC., died 12 ·Jan 1861, Ashley Co •• AR. Migrated across southern states with let wife, Eli2sbeth (1), b. c 1809. d. 1852, Ashley Co., AR. Issue: Hardy, b. clB32, GA., married e1aS7 Ashley Co., Arkansas ,to Salida A.; Jonathon, b. c1835, Ala •• died c.1862; Frances Marion, b. c1838. Ala.; Pennella "Milly"1 b. c1843, Ala.; Amanda Melissa, b. c1849, Ashley Co., AR., d. 1878, Ashley Co •• married 12 Nov. 186~, Ashley Co.~ to Albert SPEARS/SPIERS. William married 2nd 23 Nov 1866, Ashley Co., to Elizabeth Ann COLLINS. Issue: Wm. Mot b. c1856, married 29 Dec.. 1879, OVERSTREET Ashley Co., to Anna WARD; James K., b., claS8; Infant, b. clB60. A deed .in Ashley Co" courthouse shows William ovned and sold land in the Beach Creek Township. Also any info on Amanda's husband, Albert SPEARS/ SPIERS, b. c1844 in France. He died 21 March l8il, Morehouse Pariah, LA. Civil suit records in Morehouse Parish shows he ~orked for John TUlNER on the Arkansa$-Louisan~ line west of MCGinty Settlement when he died, his estate in controverliW. Earliest record 'of Albert is his marriage in 1866. No known family in the area. When did he come to Ameriea? To that area? Where from? AlBO~ doss anyone know anything about the grave at the Poly Ridge Cemetery. about four and one .. half miles east of Berlin~ Ashley Co. f ArkanSas with the in$cription "OVERSTREET. John T., 1869 - 1901. at Rest"? , Any h~lp will De appreeiated and I will gladly exchange data with others work1ng on any of these lines. HENRY William C. Henry) :Box 131, Nixa., MO 65714 - William HENRY. b. 1863 wss my great grandfather, During the Civil War while he was at the cabin door with an amload of wood~ a sroup of Union Calvery soldiers rode up, and asked for food, one of the men ahot him in the back. then, the rest turned on him an killed him. In this group was a man named Pleasant MAPLES J a Baptist miniater. He told that.he felt so sorry for my grand father, who was only a small infant. so he took him in and raised him. Grandfather also had a brothar and two sister.. All th1s happened in Arkansas. My greatgrandmother was a sick woman. and she passed away shortly after the family moved to Boaz. MO (near Nixa). I know who raised my grandfather, and his brother J Alfred E. HENRY, but I can find no record of the aisters. Later after my grandfather grew uP. he received a letter from the Stste of Arkansas. that he was the hair of a nice ferm in Arkansas. but he had only a limited time to claim it, which he d1dn ' t l ,Can anyone help me try to find any record which would help me find the of my great grandparents. (Dae.ds~ census, etc~) Perhaps a record of murders back in those years. Grandfather alao said he vas part Indian. Alford was born 1861. Please help I Mecca C. Burkhalter, Harwood Dr., Box 215, Ridgetop~ ro 37152 - I would Uke locate the' burial place of a James Edwin BUCHANAN. who died in Little Rock. Pulaaki Co •• Ai about 1849-52. We believe he would have been buried there in the city. He wu born in 1812. Could anyone please help me? BUCH.ANAN FINLEY Johnnie Horton, Rt 1, Powderly, IX 75473 - Can anyone please help me with any information on any of the following people? _ George Washington FINLEY. b. 15 SPENCER Feb. 1852. ARo t died 9 Jan~ 1942~ Fannin Co., TX.~ eon of Norris and Mtu:garet Peggy (HALL) FINLEY. Hsd"s bro., William Thomas; and sister, Malinda FINLEY. G.W. FINLEY married Virginia Ann "Jennie II SPENCER. Their c.hildren: G.W. Jr. Arthur; Kate; Lide; Tom Lem;, Flora~ Sallie Joe. I would like to iocate proof of b1rth & death (~ny recorda priorcto 1900). I am g. g. granddaulhter~ Will gladly exchanae data with otheTs wotking on these lines. HALL SWOPE WILDEN COCIIlW' Sue Cochran Patten. 1162 Scotts Valley Rd •• Lakeport. CA 95453 - Seeking any vital informat1on on my S~ grandfather: George M1tcbell SWOPE, elected Justice of the Peace for South -Ford, Fulton, Co., AR., 15 Oct. 1866. Marriec HIGH Lydia WILDEN, 1~32. Son, John W•• and dau •• Susan, who marr1ed to Henry IWJOMB COCHllAN 1854. Suaan buried Camp, Fulton Co. t AR., 1914~ Henry) buried near COX Poca~on~as 18il. G. grandparents, Elisha and Lorinds HIGB, who lived in carrol,1 Co;.'!:ta buried, at High Cern •• _ and g~ grandparents, Andrew and MarY Hargaret (COX) MACOMB. both buried near Little Rock, Pulaski Co., AR 1893. Will gladly share and inlormation I have on any of these people or t~ir descendants. Joan Harie Rose, 1912 Esther Dr., Centralia, IL 62BOl - Desire info about Company Al 5th Arkansas Infantry (Confederate) any pictures? Date in military or pension papers on a V. B. ROSE (Vaehel Boone ROSE) Who was 1n the Company 1861-18621 Who else served in this Company? Where did it serve? COMPANY A 5th }Jl Inf. WILLIAMS DELA!JGllTI!R Ed Sanders. fox 616, Station A-BU. SearcYJ AR 12143 - Mary DELAUGHTER. b. 29 Dec. 1840. Edgefield Co q South Carolina, migrat"ed with her father and TRAItoR mother. Solomon DELAUGHTtTt and Susanna 'tRAILOR I to Clark Co. t AlL She married a Mr. WILLIAMS, bore a daughter, Willie WILLIAMS. 3 Aug 1869 in Clark Co •• AR. While Wil11e was quite small Mr. -WILLIAMS was decapitated with sn ax in his bed, by a black man While the mother and child fled to a neighbor's. What was Mr. WILLIAMS' first name? When were he and Mary married? When was he killed? Where i8 he buried? (con't on n~xt page) -124- WILtIAlfS - DELAUCfiTER - TRAlLOR (con' t from last page) Willie WILLIAMS married Frank MORRIS and became the writer's great great grandmother. Would like to correspond with anyone with knowledge of these people, especially descendants. Helen Thomasson Wilson, 3241 Green Te"rrace~ Shreveport, LA 71118 - Can anyone please help with any info on: Charles Browning THOMASSON, b. about 1880, Murfreesboro, Pike Co., AR., Bon of Horace J. THOMAsSON and Alice Browning THOHASSON~ (he THOMASSON died about 1951). Bessie Arnold THOMASSON, b. about 1890 in Sear~y! White Co.; AR., dau. of Oscar Monroe ARNOLD and Mary TALKINGTON ARNOLD. (she died about 1979.) L11lian Stevenson McGowen, 1504 N. Mosby, ElDorado. AR 71730 - Thomas STEVENSON, b. 1818/20 Orangeburgh Dlstrict J South Carolina. died 27 Feb. 1891 Hempstead Co., AR. Married July 1838. Butler Co. * Alsbama. This marriage date was taken from the Pension Paper, as he was in Indian War~ 1836. He stated he had lived since leaving service, 2 years in South Carolina, over 30 years in Butler Co,) Ala, & 15 years in Arkansas. He applied for pension. 20th day April 1893 from Hempstead Co., AR. Married Margaret WYROSDICK (born 1824. Sc and died 1904, Arkanaas). Would like to know any inf. about this couple. (Butler Co •• Alabama (Greenville, County seat) (Parent Counties was Conecuh and MOntgomery & was tormed i8l9). Courthouse burned 1853, but perhaps a Church record or?? Please helpl STEVENSON IiYROSDICK Faye Harvey Tucker, Rt 1 Box 822, Sp~rry, OK 74073 - I have only had one small bit of information in the last year and as everyone knows. when it gets to that point, you get desperate! I always thought UARVEY was a common name but it seems as if we have no readers by that name 1 So please help! My grandfather's name was William Adam »ARVEl and I believ~ my grandmother's name was Nancy JOHNSON, both of Lawrence Co •• AR. Her mother's name was Milinda, and brothers were: LeVit There was a Matthew JOHNSON living with my father in 1900. was David, Thomas and Matthew~ this the same person? I enjoy 'the ARKANSAS FAMILY HISTORIAN so much and look forward to the coming issues. Also Lenord Gene T'rimpther HARVEY (who's mother's ruu:ae was Helen and Father's name WH,a Lenard .•.. if you are still living ••• I am your a9nt. and would like for you to please get in touch with HARVEY JOHllS0N .... Mrs. E. E. McPherson (Jossie) POBox 1203, Pampa, TX 79065 - There were 2 hrothers in Scotland. One of them started to the USA seeking wealth and pleasure, and his brother. Levi STARkEY never heard of this brother again. Later Levi came to America b searched in vain. Levi landed at New Jersey. and while there he met a ROBERTS girl from England, later they married and moved to Yellow Creek, Ohio (when Ohio had only four counties). Levi reared four sons. Samuel, son of Levi STARKEY moved from Ohio to what is now known as Ruffalo·Creek, near Fairmount Weat Virginia. There he met Rebecca EDCEL. after they married they moved to Yellow Creek, Ohio, and in later years removed to Virginia (now West Virginia) and settled on Tenmile fork (at the mouth of Stout Run, and on Big Fishing Creek) near Smithfield, W. VA. There they reared 12 children. Samuel STARKEY, Jr. (aon of Samuel and Rebecca (ENGEL) STARKEY, was b. 3 Aug. 1833 and d. 3 Jan 1917. ,SamUel married Perthenia CAIN (b. 13 May 1838, MOnongalia Co) on 13 Nov. 1853. They settled on Ten Mile Fork on Big Fishing Creek. Samuel fought in the Civil War (beil,)S on the Union side). He was heme on furlough when his son Samson was born~ Samuel STARKEY was a Methodist Minister (he marri~d over 300 hundred couples, and in 1910 at the time of the death of his ~on Thomas (who lived in PhoeniX, Al) a notorized paped listed his brothers and Sisters, for aettlement. ,The papera were witnessed by Minnie STARKEY and Notorized by W 6 Snodgrass, on 22 Mar. 1922. Samson I son of Samuel and Perthenia CAIN STARKEY. was born 3 May 1862~ d. 4 June 1940. Samson and Minnie DAVIS married 2 April 1887, and they settled at the bottom of the hill On Wetzel Co. side., from MArion Co. line. They lived in a log house, which was later torn down and a new one was built about on the same spot in 1900. Samson taught school 12 terms. The First being the talkington School (his salary being $1900 and one $100. was for Janitor work). His First two years were taught on a Number One Certificate. The next Eight was a Number 2 Certificate. They had 5 daughters. Bessie STARKEY, b. 1 June 1888 married Lott MUsCrave. Perthenia STARKEY, b. 3 May 1890 married Jacob ASHCRAFT, Florence STARKEY) b. 14 Feb. 1892 married Ross ASHCRAFTw Bertha STARKEY t b. 5 Feb. 1899 married Eric CLARK. Cora STA}U(EY f b. 26 April 1901 married Franch YEATER. NOTE: this brief history was ,started and compiled by John S. Lasure. RFD U3~ Box 19 t Bellaire, Ohio. Can you add to the STARKEY FAMILY RECORDS by compiling you own £amilyls history? This was dsted 31 July 1955. NOTE: If you can add to this information please contact Mrs. E. E. McPherson, POBox l203 J Pampa, TX 79065 STARKEY RAINWATER Clara Rainwater Butts, 6972 Canterbury Dr., Huntington Beach, CA 92647 - Can anyone please help me with any info on Robert Allen RAINWATER (or A.R.) Especially proof of, his birth, 24 July 1861 (since no birth certificates were issued at that time!) place of bi"rth. (with Little Rock or Ft. Smith, AR.) He was the son of Robert and Martha HOOKER RAINWATER. His 1st wife I s name was: catherine HYATT (married ca 1884. but where?? • -125OUR ARKANSAS FAMILY HISTORIAN ENJO~S Jay Dee T1ngl~r, 4203 Blaine Road~ Shawnee, OK 74801 - 1 wish to tell how very much I enjoy receiving and reading cover to cover our Arkansas Family Historian •. Mrs. Cia and her "elves" can be very proud of a very good publicationf I have been dOing very well 1n my research of my father's lines in Arkansas and IIbeyond ll - also with my mother's people in Kansas and Indiana and now New York. It is with the help of good "reference materials provided by dedicated people like you that makes it possible. My work in Arkansas is prtmarily 1n Crawford Co. , with a possible connection in Washington County. I have recently been in touch with Mrs. Cole in Alma and have received much help. I hope to be doing further research in Van Buren and Mountainburg as well as in Little Rock sometime this summer. My lines include: RENFRO~ KILLINGSWORTH, GILLILAND, and BURNS or BURNSIDE. Mrs. David V. Bostian, Box 723) Yellville~ AR 72687 - Would like to exchange data with persons interested 1n these surnames: John 6 Frances GAstON I GASKIN MASON. both b. 1790 - 180Q, North Carolina. lived in Lincoln and GASKIN SIIl!WI!W! Gaston Counties. N~C. Their son, Samuel Selathiel MASON, b. 1828. went to Conway County, Arkansas, married Elizabeth SHEWMAKE, h. 1830 TN., daughter of SI!UMAICB James and Nancy (BAlBD) SREWMAKE?SHUHAKE. BAIBD Burwell (Burrell) 'ATICINSON and wife, Mary npollie lt FARM?, both b. ca. 1793 ATKINSON BOSTIAN N~C. were in Camden. Hall and Chattooga Counties) GA., 1830-58, and went to CROWDER Conway Co~, AR before 1860. Solomon BOSTIAN (BOSTIN/SOSTON) b. 1811 NC, migrated to Ripley, Tippah Co., Lst wife was Margaret? and 2nd was Mary Ann M1Ba~J before 1845, then to Conway Co~f Ai. MASON GASTON CULVERSON. Frances E. CROWDER, b. 1860, Mi8S~. was daughter of Eli King CROWDER t b. 1826 KY, and M1ssouri C. TAYLOR, b~ 1833, South carolina. They settled near Morrilton. Conway, Co., AR ca 1861. I will appreciate or suggestions as to where to research these fa~i11es. HEFFINGTON Mrs. Elaine J. Perkins, 15800 Hamilton Pool Rd., Austin, TX 78736 - In my 'research of the HEFFINGTON familYt t found them listed in Conway Co,! Benton townehip in 1850. Last summer I made a trip to Conway Co., and found no mention in any courthouse records of any HEFFINGTON or a Benton township. Can anyone please help me? William O. Wade. 1203 W. Tucker. Arlington. TX 76013 - I am seeking info on my grandmother. Virginia? MEYNARD/ MLYNARD, b. 21 Feb. 1861 in Washington. Hempstead Co.; AR. She married my grandfather, Jesee Newton CYPERT in CYPERT Batesville, Independence Co., Ai, 19 Sept l8S3. She died 1n Little Rock 23 March 1948 and ie buried in the family plot at Oak1awn Cem., Batesviale. Indpendence Co. AR. J on 25 March 1'948. Her parente were George A. MEYNARD E. Eli~a.beth? (WOMACK) MEYNARD. Will appreciate any info and will gladly exchange the data t hAve. MLYNARD MEYNARD Richard Eash, Route 5, Box 388, San Antonio, TX 18211 - Can anyone please tell me the name of the parents or background of Jesse Witt SCOTT. b 14 Feb. 1833, Miss, died 1901, AR~ Who were his siblinga? For whom did he name his daughter, Matilda? Did he have brother, Daniel SCOTT,. b. ca 1820 N. Carolina. died ca 1858, AR. This Daniel SCOTT also had daughter named Matilda. Hia survivors settled in the Drew/Ashley Co. area of Arkansas. Found in 1850 census of Holmes Co., Mias. Any help will be appreciated and I will be happy to share inf. plus check all of my SCOTT marriages for 11158i58i55L NOTE: Recently I found listed in some Bible records, ARKANSAS FAMILY· HISTORIAN, Vol. 5-6 . people who t b~li~ve to be relatives of my great-grandfather for who~ I have aearched so long. These records were copied by Jennie Belle Lyle and were from the SCOTT Family Sible of Jease Levi SCOTT. It 'listed as his father, Jesse Witt scon, h. 14' Feb. l833, Miss. SCOTT Mrs~ PAGE Marla Wilson England, 4416 Adams, Kansas City, Kansas 66103 - I have been a AGS member for 2 years and really enjoy it very much! Have also encouraged othere in our family who are elso working on our f~ily records to join AGS. I .feel very fortunate to have most all of my anceetors 'on my father t s side of the family being from AR. I look forward to tke weather clearing each year so we can start making our trips to: Benton, Washington, and Madison Count'ies in Arks.n8aa~ I am enclosing a letter that was written by my g.g.g. grandmother during the eiyi1 War and she ~a.s living in Kings River, AR at the time ahe wrote it. Thie letter is my pride and joy even it it is just a copy. One of the relatives in Northern Ca11fornia'~s the original and it is said to be in very bad condition now. I thought it would be interesting to some of our AFH members & readers, since it covers a lot of the Civil War history, and also mentions many people in that area. Some might even be descendants~ COIll! The following is a letter written by Jam, Page to her son, John P~~e. Jrhn Paee and his wife, Frances, together with their children, lett Xiniariver, Arkansas, (near Kingston) and made their way by wagon train to California in 1857. they eventually settled on aome land near Salmon Falls, Callfornia - a little foothill town now submerged under Folsom Lake (a few miles East o~ the town o~ Folsom; PAGE LETTER (Gon'. page 2) Kingsrlver, Madison County A.D. Nov. Ih, 1366 Dear Son and d::tu~htert I embrace tJ\e pres,lOt. opportunity of writlng ,you a lett..1r to let you know tha~, t am stlll 1n the land of the liVing and enjoyin~ very j!ood 1".&:111..11 imd ! do hope these fev 11nes may reach you and find you all en,joying the s~ f;reat. Blem.. inr" .. I have a heap to write to you, more I fear than I shall think of. t have sorro'Wrul news to communicate. Your father fell a victim in time of the greiLt war. He was knl~d by the r'aderal forces on the uth day of l'brch, 186, .. He wa! at Samts house on the JIlounta:ln {where he livp.d 'When YOll left} when the Federals charged up it, frl(~h.tened the old man and ha tried to make his escape by running. They char'ged after him and shot him fran thP. b;'l~k 01' the neck down to tho 'Waist. He had nine or ten balls passed tJ)rough his body.. So scarej and disturbad vas evel":fbocbr that I ha.d to stay with hlni in the wood:,; .nll day by mysolf vail my apron spread 9ver the face. ';Ie got a Ii tt.ll'l help to bury him. We b:a'ied him in the oac}; eround of Saln*s orchard. We had t.o h~ry hili Without any coffin but this is not all. ?osey 1.5 [tone. He di&d a na.tura.l death. He died in Federal forces a.t Little Rock. HQ lay s~ck tor a lone but at last God released him f'rotI his pain and then he went away. Clone to try the realities ,of an unknown 'WOrld to us. . I will now' tell you all I ca.n a.bout the children that is livin!:;. I vill begin -with Ja..ll .. He :ts living near Fayetteville, Ark. He moved South during the war or rather at the close of it. Ho lost two of his chlldren whi,le he was Soutil.. Dave is livinG near Kin,:"tnn, Irk" H;f; ha,3 ha.d a Ilood deal of' sicknese in his family this .fall and lost nne of his chH:l:ren .. l10sea is li.ving n-:=3r whore you lived when you lived on dry creek. He is married and has a famlly. Cook Cobb is living here in the Se~tlement. He and family are all well. ~~a~K i$ 1I'.arried and is living where your fathor used to live and r lUI\ Itving with him~ John DaUy i8 living atill hir,her, up the creek than where we live. Milt 'is 1.n Tex:~s.. I got is lett.e:, frO!T. him a feW'dt,lys s,inc€* He is doing very well .. James is Itvtng near Boggy dr:l,ot in the nr.tien. He is -also doing very well. I believe I have told you all about your brotr.l?;i'S ~nd sl.sters t.hat 'Will interest you. follows~ Tn ti,e ~'!;ar of '61 they be;.~an calling for volunteers here.. They made up a comoany of Confederate Soldiers qere in this sp.ttlement.· They went out and served awnile in the war :md tl':en I'etlJrn~d home.. They "Wf?re enGaged in the oak Hill battle wnere t.bey proved vi..ctoriou::., {)l"OVC U·,e Ya.nkeos off the field, The Southern Soldier:!! then moved out of ~isSuuri and left it tv the Yankees* Shortly after they ca..'ll8 do"W1\ in large numbers again.. General MCC'llloch .:tlld ~C~ rtet and enC()llntereti them at Elk Horn in Benton County, Ark. in dreadful. con:!1.i.r.t .. 'rhe l''ecteral$ proved victorious and Gen., J.lcCulloch was killed. Price went to the east lOith Old Ben - fell our country's destruct.ion.. The Federals then mustered all their forces and Emcount(;red Genera Hindman and his array oJ: conscripts at Prairie Grove near Fayetteville and whiped him.. Drove him acroBS the Arkansan River. Shortly after this battle !:;he ·tankces Game to Kingsriver and commenced their drcadtul. slaughter or men and horse stealing. 'l'hen t.heir was raised in our settlement independants:. COJ'tlp&niEls of laKleEU.I bands who wcnt ai'out. over tho: country stealing and robbinl~ everybody without distinction and then after ·tlley eot. everytbing in our country they turned in and ~urnt our houses turned out widows and orr2f1nns ollt in tt.c cold ,lnnters snOW. They entirely robed me out, never left me narry a .sinrtle hor~;c nor nothlng that was worth anything. They never left narry a house in the beautiful littlo town of Kin(~liiton_ They nearly burned up Huntsville: too.. It would have been destroyed if 1.. t had not been Headquarters .for the theivea that Madison County turned out.. They neve!' 10ft but three or four houses tram John Combs down to the Halls, a distance of' ei~ht or nine miles .. This is a description of the Great 1'la.%'" in our Country·.. 'Too rest,c:r'e the constitution and put down the rebellion but have they restored the ¢o~stit~tion. You may say j I will not. I no'l-l attempt to tell you something about the war in our count.ry I as I will nOli tr.'t t.o tell you o.f all t.he deaths in your acquaintence. I will begin on Buffl!:l.lo. Thoy killod Branden f:dgmon and three of his sons. Samuel. Abner and Squl,re.. They killed .John Grimes and 010 Mr .. Meronells that lived near Huntaville.. They killed Tony TJQlian ona of the old man LoRans SOns. They killed John A Hawkins and a great marJY others that y("m do not know. All Busham t he was killed at home by the Yankees, Oh I cannot thi:;}; of tr.em all to save my life~ The war ha.s entirely ruined our country.. But T thi.nk it will build up aHa1.n lr.: ,the course of time. The people .seeps to be 1.n good spirits a.nd are tr"1.nv to rabuild_ If y~u want to come back to this country to live, you can buy land vf!ry ~he~p here now.. It l~ very low in consequence of the scarcity of money everything Js very SC;'i.rc~ here and times lS hard, hard very hard.. For the want of room, I mUS t quit, YOll mUS t 'Write t? me. aa s~'on as you get.. letter.. W:ri te without fail, Give me all the nl?W of every k:Lnd 1n your country. So flO more at this time but remains your affectionate mother l! death .. To John Page and family. Jane Pag_ I would love to hear from anyone who. might know about any of these p(1ople menti (;ned in this letter. MARLA (liIlliON) !l<GLAND. 4!J16 Adams, Kanaa8 City, Kansas 6610) Compiler Marla (Wilson) England Street 4y16 ANCESTOR CHART. " _ Adams City Kansas City, Kansas, 66103 16~~~~LWoi~J~sQwnL-~~~ 6 Allg 1006 (Father of 8pa~~~~~~~~? 8) (Father of 4) 11 July 1889 7 Mar. 1852 17 Sarah Minerva Burgess 4,t-'l.....l,;I.l!lL!l,;I..Ji.lll:~~:.2lI.-.;-:::~PB Healing Springs, Ark. B25 Sept 1811!Mother of 8) (Father of 2)' M 24 Dec. 1874 028 Aug 1889 13 April 1887 0 31 Oct. 1913 18'=-""Lo~g~an~Mi~·~z~e-:::,.....,.,,--_:-::.,.SHealing Springs, Ark. PO Healing Springs, Ark. ~Sabt. 1836 (Father of 9) 4 Jan. 1916 9 !'Iarv Ellen Mize _ 28 Dec. 1857 16 Feb. 1947 (Mother of 4) abt. 1926 or 1927 o Kansas City, Kansas 11 Nov. 1858 19 Liza Ann Ping Pulaski Co., Kentucky B4 May (Mother of ?) 2 S!!I!\uel Holland Wilsop 10 June 1935 0 ? (Father of 1) D Sprillg Hill, Kansas , 29 July 1917 20 8!!1!\uel Pafle BHeding Springs, Ark. ~'=.l::;o~J""a"'n""1~8~21::1~(F=-a-:t-::h-e-r-o-:f:--::1=0"-) 24 June 1943 10 Rgbert E. LEle P a g e , _ 1 Jan 1850 (Father of 5) 22 Nov 1887 o 25 Mar, 1869 21 Eliza Jane Hamblet White River, Ark. B7 Sept 1830(Mother of 10) 5 Hettie Alice Pa e 29 Sept. 1897 D 4 April 1909 (Mother of 2) 24 Sept. 1905 2 Joh A drew D bb 2 July 1898 Elm Springs" Ark. 22 Feb 1847 (Father: of 11) S Springdale, Ark. 11 Willie Bell Dobbs Dec 1872 11 June 1931 (Mother of 5) 16 Feb 1917 o Spring Hill, Kansas 2 Mar. 1879 23 Harriet Elmira Honevcutt ,B Elm Springs. Ark., 8 25 Feb 1851Hother of 11) arIa Elizabeth W' son 25 Sept. 190~ D 3 Feb 1882 , Springs, Ark. ' ' 12 Nov. 1949 8 Kansas City, Missouri 24 Jonathan \vssley Grable 6 Jun 1828 (Father of 12) 1 Aug~ 1970 12 Christo 11 May ,1848 (Father of 6) 18 Oc:t 1917 21 Dec. 1857 25 Elizabeth "Betsy" Neese 6't'&lJWlll.ldQ..J'Iml~~!fi~~~-r. Putnam Co., Ind. II 3 Apr 1826 (Mother of 12) (Father of 11 Sept. 1879 D 9 Apr 1920 25 Aug. 1882 11 Aug. 1936 26 John Miller, Sr. B Milan, Miasouri Eva, Oklahoma 8 Aug 1832 (Father of 13) 13 El zabeth "Jane" MillsI' 26 Dec 1850 .21 Jun. 1939 ~ (Mother of 6) 18 Oct 1896 DEn, Oklahoma 4 Nov. 1856 2 Louisia Harris II OWen Co., Ind. 8 8 Ju1 1826 (Mother of 13) 3 Mildred Elizabeth Grable' 29 Sept. 1883 o:\,O Jan 1879 (Mother of II D Putnam Co., Ind. 2)Mary Eliz. Anderson II 28 Oct. 1915 28 Eli,iah ilLidge" Jones PB Poland, Indiana ? (Father of 14) o 14 Albert Jones ?, D (Father of 7), :3 Aug 1896 21 May lBn 2 Christina Shappell 7 Ceo R J B S 30 Oct 1848(Mother of 14) (Mother of 3) 031 Aug 1872 2 )Jane Burnell 5 Jun. 1897 7 Dec, 1947 30Josenh Shappell II Qunot, Indiana 0 Qnnot, Ind. 26 Feb154lfather of 15) 27 Dec. 1927 15 Jemina E en Sho ell 27 July 1865 o Eva, Oklahoma ~ (Mother of 7) 5 Nov 1918 15 Feb, 1879 3 Elizabeth Hoffa Spouse of 11; 826 Oct :lI34J'Hother of 15) Larry Eugene England 12 Nov. 1914 D 9 Feb 1882 B 1~ Jan. 1948 D 'lunot, Ind. PII Marshall, Mo. PO B t ti ~ ~ 1aG1 -J23OUR LelliS FAllILY :&y Jennie Stone '!'he following arc excerpts taken from "Cenea1ogy pf the Lcw1 s }'-amil y 1n AmcricCl" by William Terrell Lewis copywrite 1892. This book cput;lim, many hundreds of Lewis' but i am only including those that are it direct line to my family. I \Jag fortunate to obtain a copy of this book and thought perhaps i t might help others working on th:l,s line. Ther~ is a tradition in the Le.,.;ia family that the name originated 1n France, and that i t was orginally spelled IlLouia" meaning strong or brave. After ,the family settled in it was changed to '''LewisH • W~le8t the name being Anglie1zed. About the middle of the seventeenth centruy four brothers of the family left Wales. viz.: AI. A2. A3~ *A4. Le:\ori~ Samuel, went to Portugal; nothing more is kno~ of him.' William, died in Ireland. General Robert died in Gloucester ,county, VA; and John, died in Hanover county, Va. JOHN LEWIS OF HANOVER COUNTY! VA. AI. John Lewis, Sr., one of the original b~others that emigrated from Wales to America was born about 1640. He resided awhile with the MOstyn family in Denbyshire previous to his emigration to America. It is not known whom he married. He died in Hanover county, VA •• in 1726. The records on Hanover county, Va., werewar by the Federal army. burne~ during the Confederate His will mentions the names of six of his children, they are: Bl. B2. 83. 64. *D5. B6~ Mrs. Rebecca Lyndsay~ born about 1677 Ab,raham. born about 1679 Sarah, born about 1681 Mrs. Angelica Ful1elove, born about 1683 Oavid~ born about 1685 and John, Jr., born about 1687. The author did not attempt to trace any of the children of John Lewis. Sr. except those of David his fifth child from whom this branch of the family is lineally descended. ~here is some information on John, Jr, and also General Robert in the book. David Lewis, .Sr.) fifth child of John Lewis. Sr_. was born in aboot the year 1685. About the year 1717, he ruarried Idf> first wife., Miss Terr~ll. daughter~ it is said of Joel ']'(n'fcl1, by whnm he r~eight children; she dying in 17).4. he mar~Ied his second wife t by whom he haa no issue and her name is not known. 85* U:lIlover~ \'a.~ (Some irlformation on the Terrell Family available) About the! year 1750 David moved from Hanover county and settled in Albemarie county, Va. Albemarie was then a new county having heL'n curveu nut of C.oochland in 1744,' In 1753 after he moved to Albemarie county hi' married his third wife~ the widow of Dr. Hart of Philadelphia~ Pa .• whm.t.! maiden name was Mary McCarth. by whom ,he raised tbree children. After the death of this third wife he was engaged to be ;!1arrlcd the fourth tithe but died very suddenly before the consummation l,f the nuptials. -129- After David Lewis, Sr., moved and settled near where Charlottesville now stands, 1n Albemaria county he waS offered five hundred acres of the best quality of land 1n Virginia. lying some forty or fifty miles west of the then settlements, for. a pair of buckskins which he could have killed almost any day and dressed the nexts' but he thought at that time 'the back county would not be settled in an 8$e arid that the land would be of no value to him., In his old age he sometimes taught school gratuitously for the benefit of the poor. He never inflicted corporal punishment upon his pupils but if any of them violated his rules during the week he would on Friday evening tie a bundle of lods to their ba'cks and send them home~ He was Ii very ~ll man with ilght hair and blue eyes of strict integrity, benevolent characfe:r; and an exemplary member of the Presbyterian church. David Lewis, Sr., died in A1b~rie county. Va., in 1779 from flux, brought on b~ over-exertion and drinking too much cold water on a hot summer day in August after cutting down a tree in which there waB a hawk's nest. His will was probated at the September term of the Albemarie county court in 1779. Stephen WilliS, Anna Willis, MOrning Clarkson, Robert Lewis, and Wm. Jo~nson were SUbscribing witnesses to said will; and Joel Lewis, John }Ita'rtin', James Lewis, and Taliaferro Lewis were his executors. He gave a certain'amount of property of James Lewis t Elizabeth Martin, M1riam Lewis. Hannah Hickman, Susannah Mackey, Sarah Musick. and Anna WilliS, to make them equal with his other children. The balance of his property he divided equally between his eleven chi1dren~ (He had earlier given property to SO~ of his BOns). In 1750 a deed of gift from David Lewis, 5r~t to WilliaM Terrell Lewis, David Lewis, Jr. t John Lewis. and Joel Lewis of lands lying on the branches of }bore's creek was recorde.d. His eight children by Miss ________Terrell, his first wife are: Cl. C2. C3. C4. C5. *C6. c1. C8, William Terrell, born 1718; married Sallie Martin Susannah, born 1720; married Alexander Mackey. Hannah J born 1722; married James Hickman Sarah. born 1724: married Abraham Musick Davia, Jr., born 1726 married Rebecca Stovall 'and Elizabeth Lockhart. John. born 1728 married Sarah'Taliaferro and Susan Clarkson Joel, born 1730; married Mary Tureman. MTs. Gordon. and Lucy Daniels. Anna, born 1733; married Joel Terrel and Stephen Willis His three children by Mary HcGarth. his third wife are: ' C9. Elizabeth, 'born 1754; married John Martin ClO. Q)lonel James, born 1756; married Lucy Thous and Mary Marks Cll. Miriam, born 1759, married Colonel Gabriel Madison. JOHN LEWIS, OF ALBEMARlE COUNTY, VA C6. John Lewis, son of bavid and his Wife Miss Ann (1) Terrell, was born in Hanover county, Virginia about the year 1728 where he was -raised. As a citizen he was much esteemed by all who knew him. As a husband, father, and brother. he was kind and affectionate, and was a favorite a'mong his; hence. most of them named a son after him. He was twice married; first to Sa'rah Taliaferro. in 1750, by whom he raised nine children. His 'first wife having died in l769 t h~ married as hiS second wife Susan Clarkson by whom he had three children. but only raised one. -uoIt L'4 HOt knowl\ ",h..J,t year he le,ft HanoV('r county, bllt it nrrwnr", lhnt 11('; wag living ii, Anw·lt:l cuUfH.:y in 1759 as som<! of hi:;.: chl1dn·tl ""t.'n' horn in [hat t:.fHintN. He aft"'rw~'rd~ aettlad 1n Albem.')riL~ t'OUlltv \J4~n~ hI", f'Jtllt!r. hrot·IH..·~l'J; and :dsten; h.. d pn~viously HClth'd. Ht.· r~'l1IDln~d in AJberrt..1.riL' ('punty until JUAt bef()fc the HA....volutionary Wd,r, wlwn Ill! (.'migr<lted to and .wttled In Rutherford county, Nt'trth C.'lt'olina. I)avhl. iliA [.:tther, having died in :L779 and .liter hls estate waft Betth, .lollll returned to Albemarie county to attend to' the division of sairl estate and died there in 1784. The children 6£ John Lewis and Sarah Taliaferro are: Dl. Robert, born in 1752; died single in Kentucky in 1799. il2. D3. Taliaferro, born in 1755; died, single in Virginia in 1810. Joh. born in 1757; married Ann Berry Earle and died in Georgia. Mildred McCoy. born in 1759; married Thomas Rowland and died in South Carol ina. ' Charles ~t'awford. 'born in 1761; married Elizabeth llussell and died in North C~TOllna. Jesse Pitman, born in 1763; ril.arried Nancy Clarkson and. died, in Virginia. Richard. horn in 1765. 04. *05. 06., 07. DB. D9. Henry Graves, born in 1767; married Mourning Mills and di€"d in North Carolina F'rances.Rhodes; born in 1767. married William Twitty and dted 1n North Carolina 'The children 01 John Lewis and Susan Cla~k8on are: 010. Susan, horn tn 1772~ died in childhood OIl. Julius born in 1774; died in childhqod 012. David Jackson, born in 1774, married Martha Baker and died in Kentucky. The 8th and 9th y 11th and 12th were ,twins. CHARI.ES C. LEWIS os. 'rhe Han. Ch.arles Crawford Lewis. was born in Alhemarie county J Virginia in 1761. He was a hatter by trade. He emigrated to Rutherford county~ North Carolina with his father hefore the Revolutionary wa.r and settled on Mountain Creek, four miles west of Rutherfordton. At the time of their settlement in North Carolina the county wag infested with Indi~ns. bears~ wolves, etc ... \oIhich proved a great source of annoyance to the early settlers. When the Revolutionary war commenced he was only fourtheen years of ilg{;~ but after he arrived at a p'f'Oper ,age 'waS in the servic.e. It is not known how long he served in the, army as he never applied for a pension. After his the following certiUcate (no\o'l fUed in the archives of the War Depa.rtment at Washington City) wal:) found among his pap~rs which 1 together with other living evidence, enabled his wi.dow to f>rovt.~ hts serviceH and to draw a pension: This iR to certify that Charles Lewis. Se,rgeant, has faithfully served out his tour of three l'IIQoths in G€'oeral LiJ 11n~ton' s brigade. to the southward. Robert Gilkey~ Captain Andrew Hampton, Cnlonel. Charlt.'Rton. S.C. M.,~rch 24, 1780. • -131He acted as a magistrate for some years in Rutherford county. North Carolina, after which he was elected in 1798 as a memberin the House of Commons of the State Legislature and only served one term. It was the only time that he ever aspired to that office. He was afterward elected, during life or good .behaviour, t'o the office of register of the county. which office he held upward of thirty years, until about the time of his death, which occurred 1n 1833. In 1786 he married Elizabeth Russell, daughter of George Russell from Ireland whose wife was the widow of John Whiteside and whose maiden name was Holly Underwood. Elizabeth Russell was born 1n Rutherford county, 'North Carolina iIi 1770. • She was about five feet three inches in height, weighting about one hundred and fifth pounds with black hair and eyes, and, dark skin. In 1848 she made a profession of religion and attached herself to the Baptist church at MOuntain Creek Meeting-house in Rutherford county, North Carolina, and died in 1851 • She was a descendant of Molly Brown, the widow of John Brown, who emigrated from Ireland to Virginia. John Brown died shortly after his arrival in Virginia leaving only one son Richard. His widow afterwards married in Virginia Joseph Underwood by whom she had four more children,; 1, Elizabeth; 2, Letty, 3, Joseph, and 4, Molly*. (4) Molly Underwood, 'was born in 1734, and died in Rutherford county, North Carolina, in 1828. She first married John Whiteside, Sr., by whom she had three children, 1, Thomasi 2', Mary, and 3, John, Jr. After the death of John WhiteSide, Sr., she 'married George Russell, Sr., an Irishman, who was killed by the INdians while on a bear hunt soon after the close of the Revolutionary war. Molly Underwood and her second husband George Russell had two children; I, George, Jr., and 2, E1izabeth*. Charles C. Lewis and Elizabeth Russell were married in Rutherford county, North Carolina in the year 1786. They had thirteen c~i1dren but raised, only twelve, they are: El. E2. E3. E4. E5. E6. E7. *E8. E9. ElO. Ell. E12. George ,Russell, born 1788, died. single in Winston, MiSSissippi, 1867 Pitman, born 1789, married Iantha Dalton; died in Rutherform county, North Carolina, 1858. Mary, born 1791; married Moses Simmons; died in Rutherford county, North Carolina, 1877. Sarah, born 1793; married Joshua Simmons; died in Marshall county, Mississippi, 1891 John, born 1795;' died a bachelor in Rutherford oounty. North, Carolina 1883. Mildred, born 1799; married Colonel Ed. Patterson; died 1856; buried in South Carolina. Elizabeth, born 1800; married Aaron W. Whiteside; died in North Carolina, 1862. Charles C., Jr., born 1802; married Jane Flack; died in Texas, 1846. Nancy, born 1804; married Jon. Whiteside and John Dickey. Preston, born 1806; married Ma.rtha Blanton; died in Rutherford. NC Jesse T .• born 1808; married Susan Cowart, Rutherford, NC Wm. Terrell, born 1811; married Eliza J. Steele and Mary Ann B Norton, Winston county, Mississippi (This is the author) Charlas Lewis, Sr., and his wife, Elizabeth. both died in Rutherford, NC on the same farm upon which he settled before the Revolutionary war. He died in 1833 and she in 1851. -132- I~tL Charl~s c. Lewis, Jr •• son of Charles c.~, Sr. was born in 1802~ Tn 1825 11e married .lAne Flack~ daughter of ("",~orge Flack of ~utherford county North Carolin.:t~ George Flack r.:liaed but three children, 1 • .Ichn, 2y J<1ne*. and 3 Andrew. CnarTus Crawford Lewis, Jr., was about five feet six inches in height~ weighting about one hundred and thirty five pound A with light hair and blue eyes. He died 1n Montgomery county Texas in 1846 while on 3 visit to that county. Arkansas. .Fl. F2. F3. His widow and children were in Yell county He had three children; George Washington, born in Rutherfo~ county, North Carolina, 1n 1826 Elizabeth Louiaa. born 1n Rutherford county, North Carolina, Emily Warner. born in Rutherford county North Carolina in 1834 Jane Flack, h:ls wife died in Yell GEOR£~ WASHINGTON county~ Arkansas in 1885. LEW~~ Fl. George W. was born in 1826. In 1847 he married Margaret Ann DeBerry, in Yell county Arkansas by whom he bad six children: Gl. G2. G3 f G4. G5. *G6. Cordelia Melissa. born in 1848; married Franklin Waters Jonathan Winfield. born in 1850. married Amanda Waters Gerard Chesterfield, born in 1853; married Mary Pruitt Sterling Menafield~ born in 1855, and died in 1864 Genela Belona, born in 1851; married William Putna~ Andrew Terrell, born in 1859; married. Susan Amanda Herr1ng~ They have children. Hl t . Minter Terrell; H2 *William Oscar; H3 Susan; H4,. Nettie Dorcas, and HS, Lenty May. The wife of George W. Lewis died in 1862. and he married as bis second wife, Gillie McCutchen. by whom he had two'children, G1~ GS. John Crier t Minter Flack George Washington Lewis was in the Confederate Army and waa killed through a mistake by a Kr, ______Foster. within five miles of his own home. Miscelluneous informatipn not taken from the uGenealogy of the Lewis FamilyU book. Sir Ed~ard Le~iSt born in 1557 in Brecon. Wales, married Lady Anne the daughter of the Earl of Dorset. Had one child known" Robert Le~is* *Robcrt Le~is, born in i579 in 8recon. Wales. wife unknown, had four boys, Samuel~ William, General Robe·rt. and *John Lewis. Sr. NOTE: In trying to edit this so that it could be used I have left out much much information found in the book. The book itself is over 900 pages long. The * beside a name means it is a direct line to me. The book ends with my grandfather William Oscar Lewis. I have not tried to prove or disprove any of the information of the book but feel most of the information is aa accurate 4S possible. Jennie Lee Stone &11 Frisco Ashdown, AR 71822 , -133- EDITOR' 5 NOTE: The following paper was found in the Augsburg (Pope County, Arkansas) area, and a copy was made and given at the BAUMANN FAMILY REUNION in 1981. One of the descendants, was lucky enough to obtain a copy, and she took it back to her home in Washington, Missouri and someone there helped to translate it from German to English and is now sharing it with the readers of our ARKANSAS FAMILY HISTORIAN! Thanks Bernice Mittler, this makes all this much more interesting now! -l>or- - 1>0' - '"jIIi 'ilte IIDll lim. .silt,""" tIO:a !J"~OIl unb lOUQt\t* So 3tbu, bn UlUgiMb n~n'oo't tbill, ~i fi4 aft ctnt1l N! fSloald hn ~4~ l907 OtJribtbck tlcutr4t GkQtrlftltttt ' q:m P'tWf$ ",. .bat 1)f~!Utlo!)lItmQnn .u ftl(l'Ibca. bit ll"u.u,."U'U"Il'·Qkidlf""'fl flal P<fI Uin 10100'" 1Il4', '~ltm i!I!~ G& ..~rig. 2:"fI'liD. 1......1. 10 2:0.... TQgl.p~ Q.fthtlti "JIb bkrdkn o. .O'ImIlta: hD~ i't bom 1ft AttttdJlil litreit, .p.! bO~iI.tI; ,QUint .1. 'Itltt !!.mt· bn OJdeaf~ft foa ftin: ..t:ltutf4t_ fit IIbu bllt~ Um1tinbt lIo'UU'I t1Ct\in'!:ln! IWtbea. fa ~Q'b:tn tit fiouftCt tyc.n'tl"ta1'U1lu1I:QI ....'dll.,.... UJlIt· kt s-at tI bem '(har*nlcll t" mIllen, btt baRP: tift onbctd VUlglitb diU htt Ikforpll.Q btl ~flI4UG1t IU 'bulufttGtIC" \It!, 2. Uft' bti: ~tltmrmt1lbt1\ tycvuIDirluf\c. 'II UlUtt" !,iiifn vnb iV ~lfm, va'b ,\'OCt fa, bot em bGf:ct tirtah fI, ~it ~Idlr.(j IXr1i""d tDldivfft nUl Cit'biillbt ll(4ltf. pdJ ben lIOn i~m. Dn~ricn . . . .t.. Ii. I. til. IIA~ filt bW t)ou« \IOn f-nt :la~ri, bod! bihfm d."tu tcft.,·.k cl."n "" Bta:lllitll ~t. tileUfiat hif ,,'41 ""'r ctl f6OO.00 lalla! IIlth IICtficllcd iUuhm. ,t•• ~bt. Mfa," .bt" S. ~r lDifluitg.fttii Me .fdlf~fl fon in !J!;I~itO'A uab ~ 'QUaM ill '1,lonfol rrm. ~ tilttJa 1i4j -1UfJ oomi:;\tn otlbcm lounttt' tlitm I"'en noftl ~lqtnft 1)f. flrUi allf41u,"" e. ~ic 4X(tttf.fl ,nttJtffld)ltt fidj, bl:d' IOtitdfa !ll\tdJ bd 'Dctf*tltn G:iQ1nhlml im tJotte tbM' 8~.1 IU bti4~le1\. 111\b i104t 00 'J:oac ~m IMt trai bo!;N)# in Itinntnil IItft'l. Wt ollboan mU _ 6c" t~d~t ble ••fiAi' IU bn,~mn. unb fit ~m R)orm4ftft 2)ijlriftl mUil/ttlltn ~t, n.w:td)tl fll: bONi in hJil~ -8cjld QUf bit t_m kflmiSgtldrltt Sdft brn IBtkbtfn belOllal IU ftbc rbtIl 4", ~ lH.r~ Gtliutoe.IM •• vm tJcllU" I: f 6; t mil' 15 Iu~ ."n Qkbli.IU1f. ftltm mtfnnl !lubt.. 0 f flI ¥O m iii ff t,. i 11 :3tbn bv,,~ lDtitrt. Nt &:.I\~lv.jl be, !lcihagl 1>0li hn' G ~ 0- t . JI ( inc m vn b t n. l>o:. 'hl*n in vllb ouhct ~ftUf*fl lInb ltllm tJodrlfln bufcf'Ocn ltva ultb I'IIirb 114:. §!div.n (.~~vl Q"oer~!o1f(n). lomit 6t1 Gluq' na6;l)cr n.1~ I'Pkbtt all llRUllfvD IlIlfacno"mcn. . Tdtebtnt unh bttil~n. I, Dttbttnt, '"!:clllo bd kldJiftdiV •. Iltt mlrtu~,Ifn'l bet Qkft1~J4lcft m:ltb in Dtt- ~rnQtt'I Np 8i.b~ i. be" ~ltr~ obtt btt li\kkulfl \>bll fdfitbtnt S)CfU\th o6adclll, all fto. 1. lRo. 2 u. i. \'0" .OOOll fcl;llcrlPa,tm .eatuMII, ~lxl 1nitgUtb 1ft "OttPffllflltl, hit: jdler tmltilt dnta Dttanl••dn,*,n t)orml1nn tm!O~lt bn .nwren au umafptn, a~ ftint" llatltiann lU blf:d~lc •• ill frtllan 'liifirlft ~tiiQl,* %4,~liollm iii btfottu'I. hal ',..1' tl blt(tI IBlirb rtmalmlt, pbu 1m !"pllt tIOll !1I:ika4ltunjl ~·ifttiftlbud.t 6u ~Kn. em:.ntmG• •;tn iV lI'Io~n, tier.. btdtt 1l,!1'I\4~1\V1l9 balfdbt li«i homb tiR"" ~o'mif1l o.nJu. be: •• !oCettlmn unb ftratUQt bit Qkftllf40n btlttffmbc tv. Itit,tn. bT 8ta.mli ~I In tlmrm IJ4Ut Otm Imittfitbt llttr: r¢liUt I. btfK9'll l,at. • 4?ilttJfc bOll $5.«1 IlVbVCTtcqflt. ",-ber mClINlllb fa.n n.w:gcn IJn~4*~lql ftind,~ gcrllfJtfi4 bt14Wi&t ~dlogt n.w:tlwn; 'bedi r~tai.t ~ 3. 'v' Dt't~IU.n. lO. tUk fiRr 3tt~n fiROtt'tiar .i)o,ultl· pbtr litl'l(fah :l.tqojioJl (tAli, ok #CHI .d-m iiijidlt,.a)lu!MRn in flinED! a:Mstd lIa.Ilaopn JOtrD. 1* 2:clAioun ~btll 'D01\ jdlem. ~n.~ bm 'J)c'lItlrt toelt J:)trfiif)tricn Q:iqcllium 2t) htl untl U.OO ~!tUtl9t1b IV n~bt1\. vnb bem ~it;rc:1\mmn ,fti~ fti1\t 'ptitt 'u ilekil,' :OOlO:Uf ! flummu, i:rifttiU'unb Den /:Ie, lXt1i4rttcJt atttntumi u:'d c1rt (lnllt.flt~n ~~h, .3n b4t <tknmIf.'hptioe I;<tl eill Jzbn !Dctmonn in fruwm t:llftriU titan !"41flm.o1'ln 1U nntn,tun, 'on 4ulfl Q!n.b btt ~f"Sf~ft ift. t>il:ft IMiW1\ ~btn bft %aloticm iV DIID. ,1.-, 11. ,~br in btl 0tftuol.'1.iI(afiGn Q'YJg:flldUt ~~litt 1Oonn,o.nn tint' IJbnt 1)ilhUtl ~I cJJ IXlilal- f411IJI mU btm baroufflltafl\btn 1. ~il1Ulat, mHillQ' 12 'lflll, rllOtU~l ~m.tu jn.ntrr.olb 20 %ail,a M4: r&rt~! bOlT\- an vnb ~i:irl ~~n [pOUt 1\1 bon angtQt&tntn 3dJ lDitbtt Gdtdfit ~it fGlligen Qltlbct In [tilttm r&r,ld ,. (Dtuftittta 'Hlf; tbenfo ~uft it~ M~taitnlflllulgtlftOit ~'Iict mil '.:oft \:1\11, faU. bet ~tQo:b in frintm l8£,itf borQrfo:lltn. )it mm aNn bt~i:mmltn., ill btl Q.'tnncj'~lQtiol't ang,IQebl:ntn 3dl t~m rD !Dltdiitdtn Clkibtt, lluf 9fnrvtiful19 btl '1,Q~bmtt;t. aul. Rdnt \lolitr '~j Ii.lliUig.!tH, bil fit ~1491l ift \ugtn n .. iUun. !)com nom 8Nilbt &tlr#ff«a(n JU~uflfCcn. ~ ~l !,9(ll;r,i('bn: jintl ~,~Utn, aUf htr ~~rtlt)(!' ilhigen t)i!1tilU.llulmG:nnn ~bc:", 01« ~riho.lI( ,brm $f.. I fommhlftil t. nfcbt!nln, bit <1nt nflfn !JJlDnloli im!1 hdlh rina\i~nbi9crt, lin 1\1: ban.n oUf tcn'lOrif1l1'\,g ~om I.Jld.' Jfbtn !\It'l;t.I, M4?mUi4\1j urn 2 Uqr 'b(.ginncno, fiOttfinbtl, flbr:",ttn btJl'I !)O1'll .IOrQn~ iBtttoff!ft.l1't okr btm bdttntll~ It'ibliQcafo;UJ Itt 50 G:tatl Eilrll.!l lln 1~'1'l1l t)i~rUt"!ODI' tnildJtn. lfal. 7. ' t)rt 'DiitrUtI.llofmttllll 111 l.I'btrQtbta ~t ,llaGonn ,ill 40"I(n ¥Ibm bUltrflclb 30 %QQtll; fDUtnt bdnffcn,)£ -134- l\iHtbtt birfrm llKt,t nadrtnmmtll, ~l1nt'l t,abfn lif llUr bn ; !8ud,tr, !OlI,!Utft U. f. '11:1. iU btftniftll, bec ilarilbn in bn n~djfifn !Ja"Qrdbtrfalflmlung dJU:n '9;)OlIllf dU enhkflltn. unb tWdJ~tn ja.~n'lnffcmmhlng JI:*lIng 4bjulttlflt ~Q,L ' ita aailt ~t bonn. ft~k1\ un!) fttn.t gcnigtn'bc: ,(lnlrd)ulbiQung 20, tint 18tambn tvuNn lun fill bit ornt i4ntn btl' tinfrnbcn; ron tidI ttJtigul ftillln l)oDor ill jo~tn. o~t gc. IUtnbdf 3tH «j4-,1I, bit 11t:i btt :Jc~tI"(ffommlling gt· ui,igtrtbf: !lnlfdtull>tsung. bet !~tit8t filii fttllfr oul, u1QU(1\ rtf untl 'JHnbtfjii~rl9t ftnb in bitftm IPalugtap~ «\llg," l'Iommm, 9tirmGnb !ann 'Ilglt~ bti un. IInb 4nbfttn guft." "... tfdl1dtofit1t bdfdt-t tligt'fttllm I)(rfi~mt, tl iti butn mit llliUft" \lnb !IDUIr" bet !6to.mlctl, un},. bef tlufQur "ber !BettrL btln !ln~d)(dtm (!igtnlum r,tn i£lx ! mil bn tiitft[lf~Bh auf, bon bntt lJt"gr 0". bG bit bo.~n.iidtnbtn ~lopim aulll"flfnt ftnO. qnllWniii~igr (if"n 11n}) o.Ulgf/'IClIImtn; bn lDotmvnb obt't ilhuirD1an ~t in bhftl!l jJo(1t <:lIt ~bu~ttn all OM' GH:rC'DJ~t au tntri~en, ~nlltt. .1ni~.~~ri~~ ~!I>oo, !n~ (jig."!... ~ }~'," !lUll'. bi6 £ltt llo'unu'llb obit GllorifIHl'lI," klren. ~qr11l €5o!ItC' bet rf'llllltfik tioTl'n"Ifftb obr:r tButn:bi4rt d bUfiiumen ~;~t: fid? ~t£fln, d t 4khilQtttt lUt bit' &'taf~ft au tnt· tid!!rn, .0 !>tb:l ~~ bit mtl't>-tnbUd;ftil imtf~ !JHtlllitb uti)) (\i(ftnr~fl 1:11: bCffdtltlS @ihtnbc; auf. 13. bo., u. i)u QkrcD:f.fl b(t~rt Q1cbCubt. ~it 'Hrrtntd fi:nb' unO l'Ofrbcn. b~ lI1iiftd fof4c Qk6iiube in 9ukm !blunbc n~Um blllbtn. HI. !)tbrtt tl/~m e!cJI:bc ISthoffent ~t fel_ o'll.f iln jalJe'ftkn tptOj£nk mUlut!tllJfl\.. 16. fcf!tr teat ea... 6ptlld!e ilfrii~t. Vlb 8rr~ulUtt" tDnbtlt,l1t kut. • loilJtnf,l:l'~ onjugtbrn flown. jli 1I'0ti ~aQtl PH ~O:4· 21. t)il Da~1 btt lkomit1t bn QkldIfdpfj fillbct QDc .llDfl !)Q1J~~ aUf bn j4~njonjam.mlllnQ ~oH. lin'" in bft it'. ttn Ja~tdl)nf(l;mmlun\J 001 bn Qltntrllt~:XQ'llH01!. l'Ditb ~, tfT !ilt.tlIf~oft ilbcda"ul., Db ~t cinm fad).. unb fodjDrrft4n, bigtn 'iRanll, 'ou mit bem SDifttitU.110tmcnlt bir \1kntll(ll. :tcqati"~ ill tll>lltrrtltlJfn Qat, mQ"ltlt Jtlll. liflt'fti" n;litb I:ItI'ft ~t Qltffardio.fl inig£fomf rin bet tib« bg,1 Oklnje lU moditn Ul'lb Qn 1~Id!ea ant tt"dilmm.niftt IU kti..,_" flnb, btt Qudi aRe S~'!• •ltilldf~Rttn iU untctfdirti~,,:. oortommcnb( ill>, ttl:qtn blIlur .~ bUI. t;bnmnltog IU fr\m unb ;1\ tinfommIllnWtI\ 'v In'Ifibiutll: !)at; 22. ~ti:ifibt'ftl n~9It. . i""l~!~ :inti !:lli'·~~i:!ft~:t!tr., !>o:! hi fll6meftft~tl! . . Il!t ;""""111'1 wade. lIll Il.hi~ilmkn '"ta, Uftb bfth;". • . 24. unb tirI.m Glhdii:, brt iVQuiIJ ba' tlhni tind ~'mdlltrl .u btrjit". bit libtt Q& tlli«lIlt unb .btm'l bCt1I~ f.!iQC1ltull'l tin lNdJ .. fil....m. btt lIl(:;!told. tin_ au!tOgtl!:. bit ~oUttn mil au lfftte~llm f,ct. tiitft Qklbu foam &t Qvim foltt>tll 8o.nhn iKpolllttt Qltrb«n. unOI abn 8crfutc MTtOll'ltlUn. (b. ~ bur. J&nfm). bn QJcftOfd':ufl bitJ fHien Ullgft roB. 2fi. !)tiKt i)i(trift fll~m me,It fiit fllfl rlnfll mOt. 17. tiit StAmt«. t;obl!!l h. ~tt IAftrllun bl!i liOt. t,mmtntJtn !8riltbcn tllk' eCJIGli III vnb btm 'hi. mUD. S)ie IlimNift1'ltr lDC'(ben but" Gttll'lllQditl nQli~n. flrf;lHl btl 3!IlUf, ,"JUt mDeft4 euf bit: 5plu )'11. fomltlrn, Z6. fBtkbi!, ~it hmn~ldb ilIr GitaW9Uflit OO~lltn, ~rtb !tcdj: i8nid;( bel 11"",lInnl 1,:It Nt t:!.~ilmt (hl\lf~ tit. ronntft'fmu:!~n tIri. IInllltt1W;ln:a; fie miftc'R n~t mit i~m fllhutQ mit tlnMttll: Ika:mtm) bill 9It4t. In JlDC'tftl1;aflta· -ljorito"fI<v!, 60 l!u6 .... iIiI4!IJnt _~.., ... I>i< :sa~'.1Iil ~'!. ""~ ~"'''''' (da. 1J<r.vt..... IV h"",t don SdI _ ..,& :Jl) 11" fommt:ng &u btrf~n. @iH~'_.fJctt fI1tf4dllll Qft',,60vl "'itb, fo bit 'Doli" uqllUiQ. ' ,i",. I, "" c.n", 18. !llbtt . fjorlftllnn lI"b 8ccu::d:m ttl ~rU4l:tI. bl!1 ftinnn 91r.ttioulhit! ~l ii:Qfnh.lm bn. GkftDf.fl 4ti felMn \>{mtlnadffotQu 4bJvecbttt lutb a~\tltlfuJt unb tt 6cfjiiU bal \'fnit fof.mgt. bij al\btU utoi'4tt unO il'lfioOltrl ~nb. {UrnfD jilib oer~tidj::td. !lU, btr !l1l'ulbttfo:mm(uftQ ,II nrdJtintn llllv !&ridil ab,ufiaUtft, btt tlnn !IDa:{ftUftg 1)j)ft funf 2)01. 1.1';-$, t~ rei bfnn, fu Qln'bcnlntfdlufhlet. '!fl, If.. I.n.n lBlljrll)al><n. I...k ~"'n ",..<II 'min.b @;hlt~ ifl bi« C!kfef1T.fl1;I'tQnuoilftli~ Gdjc,. bell Uftttl' $10.00 :oltb nitf?l au'."U. 2S. \'!I'uf btrftd;f:ttrl tljgtntum in IInfmr ISc{tOf.ft, 2Uh tinloOdtutkn: ~dbu lin., bC'm 6th<lot cifto Olltf Ab,iuQ.btn, um bit IQufm~n 1{l.ljQabtn fut 29. 1&1 aOti! b:odol":l;fItnbt:n 8rlin."n muffu: J,l'Drl ~O:i.tlhnf:. Jugfiltn rrin. rlt 19, ~!I~nl'oigtl1 EDITOR'S NOTE, U"., l!rdj 'mil eintt ~~~~f &tlGilrl itt. ,p, fol!o.'., eint ~~I!>tt bOf 4kti~t t"fe-('10100 Qlbb, tlU~ bit 'olicC' ungilH\g, The following 1s the German to English translation! , -135CONSTITUTIOIl of the GERMAN FAllMER FIRE-RELIEF-COMPANY OF Johnson and Pope Counties in Arkansas Pope The German mutual fire relief company founded in 1907 by the citizens of Johnson and ~ount1e8 has agreed and espo~sed the following paragraphs: L The name of the company shall be uTIle German Fanner Fire-Rel1ef-Company t II and the purpose, 2~ To support and help ourselves at occurring losses by fire. and indeed in such a way, that each sharer is aided according to pr6m1ums on insured buildings etc, as calculated by the officers. 3. No one can be legally accused or' sued on account of lion-payment of his con'tribution; however J everyone ends his connection with the company through refusal of payment and all benefits of the company and will not thereafter be taken 1n as a member~ 4,. The company's sphere of sctivity will be separated into several districts. as No.1. No.2 'etc., each of which elects a responsible foreman, who in his district has to take care of valuations. keep the district record book. make notifications. collect moneys and otherwise care for company related business~ 5. The area of the compnay's act'ivity shall be in Johnson and Pope counties in Arkansas 6; The company has obligated itself to pay three-fourths of the appraised worth of the property in case of a fire, and to do it 30 days after the president gains knowledge of the fire. The president is' to compute the assessment with the secretary and communicate it to the foreman of each district, who then. in what is to him the best possible way. make it known to the members in his'district. 7. The foreman o'f each district haSt as responsible official. 20 days after the report of the secretary to collect the money due in his district, and, in case the fire happened in his district, deliver the money collected to the one struck by fire. as instructed by the president, and get a receipt. The other district foremen are to hand in the premiums to the secretary. who then. upon instruction by the president, is to deliver them to the fire affected one or the respective foreman. 8. Everyone, who wishes to become a member. has to go to the foreman living near to him. The obligations sre, all subsequent appraisement inside of ten days, after that is known to eXecute the matter. However. should circumstances cause it not to be done, it should be reported to the president", who then is to empower another member to take care of the appraisement. 9. The company insures provisionally only buildings for the duration of five years, moreover single buildings may not be appraised and insured for more than $'500.00. Members are to take all possible precaution to prevent danger of fire •. Stove..:pipes must go into chimneys. Smoking in and outside the buildings (dwelling excepted), as well as at strawstacks and the like, is forebidden. also the frivolous carrying ,of matches 1n the pocket or the ~ge of defective lanterns~ Every member is obliged to warn the others, also to report to his foreman that a member waa'warned, or in the case of disregard of this warning to point it out sometime to an officer. The officer, in this case is to impose a fine of $5~OO on the member. lO~ Every five years a main or general appraissl takes place, which a district foreman will execute in his area. The appraisers have to raise 25 cents from every hundred dollars Worth of insured property, plus $1.00 entrance fee, and to immediately give to the proprietor his policy, on which names number, district and worth of the insured property are given in detail. In the general appraisal every foreman has to nam.e a specialist in his disi"riCt, who ia also a member of the company. Both of these have to execute the appraisal. 11. Every general appraisal policy drawn up begins with the following January I at noon and ceases five years later at the same time; just as every supplementa1 policy runs out at the above assigned time. . No policy has validity until it is paid. 12. The members are obligated to appear at the annual ,meeting. which takes place on the first Monday of August of every year. beginning about 2o'oclock in the afternoon~ Failing this they have to pay 50 cents fine to their district foreman within 30 days. Should respective members not comply, then they have to pay a dollar at the next annual meeting, a, and whoever refuses to pay his dollar, without satisfactory excuse, disqualifies himself. Women and minors are excepted. 13. No one can be at the same time insured by our company and other good companies, with the knowledge and will of the officers~ and the sale or inher:!tanc~ of insured property breaks off every connection with our company from the day the transferring papers are drawn up. Minor heirs are excepted; the trustee or guardian has in this case all dues to the society to pay. Furthermore, minor heirs, whose property is insured, remain insured until a trustee or guardian is appointed. Should the named trustee or guardian neglect or refuse to pay all duea to the company, then the connection between the member and the ~ompany breaks off at the same time. (Qon't on next page) -136CONSTITUTION - Gc:rman Fire-Relief Company (Can't page 2) 14. The company insures buildings which are rented and will be rented, however, such buildings must be maintatned in good condidtion. 15. Everyone struck with a fire ha~ to contribute the portion of the tax falling on him 16. All books and transactions will be kept in "the German language. 17. At fires the officers of the distrtct are to carefully 1n8pt~ct and discuvt.~r the orJgin ()f the fires, 1f possible from the rem.aln/j~ and after rep(Irt of thL' torCtllCll'\. tht:! president bas (after consultation with the other officers) the right, in suspicious ('ases postpone payment until the next annual meeting. Majority decides. t(..' 18. Every foreman and officer is obligated, on his leaving office to hand over and consign the property of the company to his successor in office and he holds the office until another is elected and installed. They are also _obligated to ~ppear and report to the annual meeting, on a fine of five dollars. ·unless they are excused. 19. All collected monies are handed-over or delivered to the secretary, to defray the running expenses for booke t policies etc~. which the secretary has to account for st the next annual meeting. 20. All officers are only paid for the time employed, which they conscientiously give an account ot at the annual meeting, at the rate of two dollara a day. 21. The election of the officera takes place every two years at the annual meeting, and in the laat annual. meeting before the general-taxation the company will decide whether it shall elect a specialiat and expert, who with the'district foreman, 1s to complete the general-taxation Or assessment. 22. Likewise the society in a body will elect a president, who is to watch over the whole and report all events, who also is to sign all checks. fill vacancies until election by nomination snd to preside in meetings. 23. Likewise a vice-president_ who in absence or sickness of the president takes his place and acts in his stead. 24. And a secretary, who at the sante time is to discharge the duties of a treasurer. is to keep a book of ali members and their properties insured¥ take minutes and underwrite the policies. 25. Every district, on the other hand, elects a foremen for itself. The foremen are to be elected by ballot. 26. Members who live inside town limits may be insured by us; they must, however, have their residence 50 feet from the nearest resident. Furthermore. if sometime something is built within 50 feet. then the policy 1s invalid. 27. For damages ~y lightning, as well as damages by wind and storm, the company is liable. Damages under $10 will not be paid. 28. Insured property in our company, property loaded with a mortgage, is~ as soon as a mrirtgage .is ofre-c10~ed in open court, inva1id~ 29. At all occurring fires two appraisors mUst be present. EDITOR'S NOTE: *********** The following is a translated copy ·of M. William Baumann's Policy. GERMAN FARMER FIRE-RELIEF-COMPANY *********** District No~ 2 of Johnson and Pope Counties in Arkansas Lon~on Mr. William Baumann 1n Bayliss Township Pope County~ Ark., ia interested in the above company to the Foremen's post-office address London R.R. 1 For a dwelling For a summer-kitchen For a harn For a smoke-house IFor a horse stable For. a farm-machine shed For a cow stable For ./l grainary For a wood and wash house For a corn-crib For a chicken-house For furniture (house utensils) For home-organ~ piano For corn, hay and corn-fodder For'patato-house For graSs-mewing-machine For self-hinder For ploW's Fa r farm .... agon For a spring·wagon For buggy Total C. H. 1\1;1; ...,;> il1l1:::C h~ Pr.esident $400 the 18th Jan. 1917 follwoin~ amounts: For horses, mules For cattle $100 For faB machinery $100 For hog barn For dwelling No. 2 For bales of cotton $200 S800 Chas. Miller. Secretary F, Boxnick. Foreman l5 feat from the house, Stovepipes must ;,e in chimneys. ~ -137-. II., bon lolptlbn ~b 'OPt~:~kanra•. _'~C''--7'',- \ ~'.'";. ." ···,,.··,;·,!;;t~""m~~,d~. _IJItL,J..,,.,..:J~<''',', .... ,1.'1 !lL~~ 11::1(. ...... ,. ... ~nf~il>, ... ...... . " tv ____ ",.,. ....... ,. ..... • it ri.., .a.ted .. ,... :........ .,......... " ............. ft"" .... _ .. '" ,.' ..... "" .. , 8'lh;. • _.,"' ... .. , ........... ".,,', IItIt _ . , .............. """ .. IItIt ..... On< ......._ 8•• _~ .. ,., ........ ,.11·..£·1(.4q, ..... n.1... ~iJ;:~.,,,;c,., .. ,... ",,.~ ...... ,.......... I.... "'" 8il:r •• 11•• fV -- Itfi:lec~ 'P'"'''''''''''''''' .... , ........... ,. .... :' !It -~,-,;,-··· ..··.. , .. ··· .. - ..• .. ,· ....:··, .. ,~;l ..;.. ·!~~f.;~~t'~"':;· .' ... lOr tfJlftI ..... .. ,' .. ........ ",ha • ' ' ",'.... . • .... '!'• . ' .. ........ """., ··1....... ,.. ,..1...... · •.• :,~.';;' .......... , ".;~ ...........,........ I........ ,,,, lt~~~""" 1iH.............""" ....... , . . -138BOOK REVBW~ by B. W. Dhonau "THE .Ii'AI".ILY or~ tH";"" t b,Y Ann Wall Allgooi Mid J' lic'. Huff, l>. U. BtJ)C ;!;\t¢!"l>z. Miss., "9120. Price $30.00, hardb\ck. 1901. l;;!xll inch(\8;. Of. tu:.wy £,,10;'l::;Y j).'1PCL', ('12 pages with full-nnme 1,np.ex. ';'Un ill th,1 f;onen.lom' of d&oeelllil:o.nta R1ch{\ni. N"w. h"~ir.r"\.l\t. 1.0 Vl r .. or. ;'\tll,l \l'J 1G17 • ."ith ",pacific el!l.tJhasiG qn Coucil Br.)'Unt N~W~~"Sl', or Ut\1I.Jn (~f)\mty~ AZ'kanr;i\a., uri h16 denCfllfidantB thru 1961. . ,'".i; ',>' Thn fafttl1y bj);tory 18 well or~nlz«l unoi,doculllt'llted wUh ar. .. !.l:r"tr:UVl' mit!! of f;!mily plnturi'\s. T'ne maps and copieR of lund reco.tds r,'.,' tr,(/ r.htory more r::raphlc~ The many families U,sted by gflnorattons f;tVt'- and even flow:1!1t, 11):Qr,l'cr.sion t;TU the yMrE), MI;~ny allied family nUI'Ii8B "It'() Dell., Bishop, Hrashsl.", Cross, Davis, DaIden, Foster, Hdmm. Hrxlges, Joneb, LfH~, Llpr.c(ll','tb. Mason. Mcr'!TarY. M11l~r •. Rackley. Smith, Thompson. ~';('ll:' ;,nd Word. Thank :Iou, Ann wall Aligoed, for thie dona.tion to our LHlrt~l:Y • .. ......... _ "PRAIRIE COOlITY. ARKANSAS, 1nol\ld1ng LONOKE COUNTY (before IH?J), W60 C.n"u" ha~5 been jJublished am 111 now &WJ.llable for purehae.e, Maps of rr)th count .. i~~'i .tn'; slioJIn on the soft cover to give the territ.ory this cemms covers, 'I" are 127' P'l!)f~S incluHng a. sUrname lt1ie,;, at,;ll inches. You may aIder this, publi('A-1.Uon of r.eneai<micai tiource material for $15.00 po.::",tp< from ii. W. Dhonau, the compiler. at 4410 Lee Ave, Little aock, Ark., 7::;:05. '!'hft book lnclude~ il br1.(l:f mp.ntion of h1st.ory of this' area as well an Gcr.aest ... 10ns for help to researchen. It was copied from microfilm of tu.' or1giw.l.l· and ln the saMe order. Thi6 ar.rangeIl.8r:t shows whl;lt f~mni.}s warc noichbQr~ to t.he familtes for W'hom you search. This book has been donhted by thf:! cor.rpiler to the Arka.nsas Genealogical Society L101'4ry. which h. rucrGNl Iotith thf,-t of the 1.,.1 ttle rlock hblle Librtiry in the Cenealogy D'9pt. t 2nd FlOC'lL' • .... ,U ••• -:*. "POPE C01JNTl' HISTORICAL ARTICLES, Book No. 1 10 , compiled by J _ B. LemleYt ll~O Detrnit, ltn~sellv111e, Ark •• '72801. stul inchee. Goft cover. ;£!lb pes~ in ... cllXllng full-",-, •• 1r¥iex. $20.00 pp As mo~t Arkansas geneaJ.op;lsts a.m hl!ltorlans bow J ~ B. Lem1t'!Y h<l.£ re,l'H'tnrche(> and ;>ubl1shed various books about RusncllvEle and Pope COWlty for several yo.>rs. The Ct tY.aiJi Collnty ...... 1nd.ed rlcner by tho ber:ef! t of his ;Hlbl:1 eat1onft. This voll,1lf1Q coots.1ns nat-..u:al, everyda.y history tt.1"t)ught t.he urticlus t e h11.S collected aTd laltten. Some of the ermptere are "Enrly Prc::..cht}.l's of 1lope COHnty" f uPeraona settltng in Pope CQunty beffn'e 1850" J "ROUMary 1.ifif~11 of 'Townships 1n Pope County defined JanlJ.ll.r'Y 1870". "List of .Pol)e County oft'icialB." "BUSinesses Ir Houses of .Russellville btlllt around tho turn of the ce.t'ltuxy". There are fIlc1.ny /\tore "fact::. a.nd atatl.stic& and all are reliable ....rid vf.i.l\l:'tb1e 1nforn:.:.tion. ThB.nke to J. ,II., one of our Directors, fOJ:.' lJubl1.Bhinti ouolt .and also f'or donating one to our SoCiety Library • ........ *........ "S'TINNE.'1'T, O\.JEST &: ALLIEl) Lltw.S It .. coMplIed ard published. by Mrs" Allce S .. Wat:Jon. 11? so" AVe. "0", Portales. New Mexico, 88130. 1981, Hard Cover .. S-}x11 1nch~a, 105 pages plus 16 pages full naMe lrdex. Six g(l'ncrkl.ttonE:; of Stinnette ate mentioned in the History (.If Calvert COU:1tYf K'll.'yland. The flrst was Wil11am Stinnett who came thar, on Oct. 12. 1661. Other et-\rly Stinnette aN found in V1tg1nta TI).)("rnyer~\ 17f::217:5'7. Lor-1m~1 connections betwMl"I: these persons are m.ade to org<d.ll.1'l.e ;). f:1;:): ly rp.cord. 1'he btalK for the modern Stinnett family was tJ'le marTlaee of Samuel :hml'Y :~tirJ\ctt of I1itrkley, Texas, Mary Jane Guest Woodburn of 3tl""<:twn, 1'ex2.~' on 17 ~iept. 1896. This h15tol."Y 1s well documentP.d with Bible re ... ::o:-d .. , Coudhou$f! recorde, U, S. Ce13sU$J Books of a. reliable t.ource,. r;'''l'lqtf~t''y Rf;\'co~:::_ \</ills, Lettera and Family inte:rvlewfi" Bcslden !3t1nnet.t. &: GU!"Nt the faml1y names appearing most, 'BArton. Bl1.oorry. Coffin, Wtnl1;'~" Harrison, J.:\ckson, Lor£lna, 'Mc::!artRr. Wat::.on &: Woodbu·~y. Tt:rmkr.; to ~1rn. Watson for donating this splendid g€ttlealogiO{\l book t.o our L1br;~~. **.........*.... "RECCFillS OF' GliAw'FOHD cotJNTY. ARKANSAS - MARRIAGE BOOK "In 1911-l~'l16" by Ol"u Cule and Lucille Pound" 122 pages with surname lnriex J ~·xll. Goft .cuver; $8.00 pp T::esl'! It-l1l1cs continue to do a vallJ<l.b!e serv1ce fvr the world of re'" ~ehrchersf by lssuing,a.nother volume of courthouse Reooma, The rn...rriar(e.,> r~r~~ lh,ted as entered in the" It shows the name of groc)ms hrhies. ~bt.e of c~remony and name of person off'ic1.tlttng and his title: l'h", ::;urIVinC&, a~ in all capital letters, m~lk1ng them bold ilnd eazy rea.d. , ;:'his ir. an .:.ttrHct1ve volume for Which Wf; thank you Oma ,Cole. Rt. :. 13 ...'); 1, nl;nH. <,_rE.• , ?~'12l and Lucl1lp. Pound, 1402t! Mard1s ,Ro;u1, f"'til.bcl", T"ll.l"" , A!:'k •• 7~~1\)J" ......* .....*** and '* • -139- "RECOllDS OF C!!AWFOllD COON'l'l', ARKANSAS - MARRIAGE BOOK "H"- 1906-1911" by Oms. O'ole and Lucille Pound. 122 pages lnclw.ln.g a surnaJfl.e index, x 11 inches, soft cover. $8.00 pp These fllarrlages copied in the order they were recomeci 1n the re- at co~ book. Last names of both Groom and bride are capitalized for quick recogn1tion. Besides the names and ages. the date of the ceremony 1s given" well a.s the l1a.lI'\e and title of the officiant. The nu:m.ber of the page on which the record 1s not given, This volume is neat a.nd easy to read, The book ....y be ordered from either of the complIers at the address shown in the ~vlous review. Thanks compilers for this gift book to our Librar,y JIll . . . . . . ....... "1860 CIIIStllI, IlADlSOII COON'l"!, AljKANSAS" cOpied by Ruby Wiedeman, 98 pages with Burname index, 8fxll inche~, $10.00 ...y be ordered from !Irs. Leis- Ark., ter E. Prealey, 1708 lIest Oenter. Searcy, 7214:); Thie copy wa. j>1lrcha.&ed b)' the Arkansas Genealogical Sooiety for our Library on the 2nd floor Gene&l.ogy Dept, of the Little Rock Public Library. • ......... ... of VolURe 1", Logan County Historical Societ~, Box Parie, Arkansas, 72855, edited by Iilli....beth Titsworth. 8}i<ll", soft cover, 48 pages, $2.00 per copy plus $1 "",Hiog charge •• This index cove';" the six i.sues in 1981. It also gives" br1ef outline of the kind of informat10n 1ncluded in the entire voluem and "WAGON WHEELS • Index "r, u.r gives an easy acOess to the n.a.mes in the six issues. The quarterly gives an authentic but h,-" look at history. '!'he ar:r:e.ngemont is very attraotive and interlace. the alphabetical list of names with p1C~ureB. boxed tables of contents of the six issues, stories. original documents or letters ~ illustrational Anyone who looka th1s index over would be 1nterested in reading all s1x quarterlie", '!'hank you Iilt1tor .for giving this publication to our library collection. f . . . . . .. . . . . "GRAVES COUNTY, Kl!lNTUCKY, CltIIETERIES" compiled by Graves County Genealogical Society, POBox 245. Mo.yfield, Kentucky. 62066. Pub. 1981, 8fxll", soft cover, , This is the firat "l"",e of more to be publi&hed. Eighty-six cemeter1es are listed in the index. '!'here are 267 pages plus 2) pages in the Surname index. The location of each cemetery with directions for reaching it are given before the grsve lietings. lIame. of people bu:tied axe given with dates of birth and death and. notations of relationsh1ps. The surnames are given in all capital letters. The listings are n...t e.n:l easy, to read. It 16 hoped other subsequent volumes are forthcoming until all the 'oemeteries of the county are included. To Janice B. Ed- dleman, thanks for g1ving thIs volume to our library. "TIlE PROPSTS OF PENDLETON COUNTY, ************ VIRGlllIA(West·Va.)". Following the line of Christopher Lewis Propst. Oomplled by Elv1n E. PrOpst .It !lab.l A.A. Manz. Pub. 1080, Sixl~, i'nches, soft cover, 48 ;pagea plus ful.l index. .' Michael Propst, born 1n 1679. and his wife llarbare, landed in Philadelphia from the ship "sa.~ue1H on Aug. 17, 17:)3. A son, Michaew, Jr. was . ths pioneer in Virginia in 17/18. They set tied in no .. Pendleton County and had nine Children. The First Church in west Virginia was ore&nized by Michael Propilt, Jr, in 1'769 and ..... known u "Propst Church". This book is about. the descendants of that f ....ily. Documentation is good and varied. Evan a copy of the Signatures of imm.igrants on the sh1p "Suue! >1 is given. Pictures and family charts are well used. Natnes moat fraquently tOuM. are. Andenon, Conrad. Dahmer, Eye, Harlan, Knudsen, Lynn, ~, Ostrahder,' Rexrode, Shiplett and WilliaM, Thanks for thiS ..ell written f .... ily history donated by lira. Carl H. IIMz, 902 Kirschner Place, Austin, Texas, 18758. • ••••• M. . . . . "1800 CENSUS OF'ROCKlIALL COUNTY, TEXAS, \11TH NOTES", 1982, by Holl1ngs"orth ~ &: sa.!ldl:a Haney Tedfo:rd (no address given). 109 pages with a surname index, aixll inches, soft cover. This gene&l.ogical sourcebook was published as a companion book to the tiCemetery Inscriptions of Rockwall County, Texas". It i9 doubly inportand as this MaS the first census for the new co~ty which was formed in 1873 from Kaubo.n County. . . Instead of townships, the census is listed. by numbered enumerdtion districts. The arrangement is in the order in.whlch the census was taken The listed information 1. complete. . Besides the census the Mortality Schedule 1s also given and an Index to Confederate Pension a.pplication... The price is $12.50 and stat~ tax is 63t!. OrtIer from seareh~lI.Print, .P.O.Box 777. ramersville, 'l'el!as,7.5031. Thai'lk you for this. gift book. _ ........ . -140- tlB~:N,:KiN", MAGAltNY.~· liF it:'~S~~nCH. Volu!flA II, 140. I, !tiY 19U1. cOllip'i1:-d by Chl"\,-,t\m~ Kni):( Woo!, Certlflnd Gt!nealegLst, 2410.. ....Il7th 3t.,L\lbr,,:,·::k. 'ft!;';.:';, ?')41? Th15 rJ!t<li~cl.z.ltu!:'l 1s published. each M.LY Ci.nd Novell'loor. Subs~d,tt.ull !:.,t,'~ IU;'; $'1 f10r yeAr in 1931 ,·~nd will he $10 pP.t' year in 196;;. The M.·~1J.21ne has ;·m attruct.lve 'picture on. the (lOVl3'r of a Nttw Mexi4.:CI ';4edd', ng. It conta,1:UJ many tY.:,>&8 0£' r,ent'!.alor;leal lnform;.:..t1on ;'·l.:,,::h as W1l1~·' &: AQP!lnlr.trlltlons of ACCom.:lck County, Virginia', 166)""H100j: w:ll] Dock A.. l. Kl1l{\ Geol'ir,e County, Vlrr;lnll;i., 17il... 1752" Siltn-t blor:.mphles of Who'~ Who in Bencon Family, Warrants for Lltnd~ 1n Sollth c.~'oHna .. 1672-1711, Ccn~u.s ih.t-ln.p;e of Bensons' from V"u.r!ous St4toR, tombntl,)j'1O: Ih,tlnp;nt S<Hlthwcst collecUon at TeXB.S Tach Unlver::io1ty. '",Uiuics & Book R'~vi~WSt Thls v()lu~ Of' lntenstlng bits of info~t.ton 1:-, 't"€COm,"1f;:ciea for a.ll !'~::;e.'i\t'dH1rs interested ·1n Bensoh Families, Th<.i.nkt> to the COillpiler for dnil':jt1n~t this book. Order fI'nrn pers.on ltsted above • ...........**** "Cl];Mt'rE:3Y n~SC:nnlvN~ OF CARn:R COUNTY, CK~OMA. Vol. 1"' 1I}B/~ by :;::'!.ndr... Harwy Tplifntd.· and Allene B&IDtS H!.inoy. Sfxllll. aott cover. 217 pa{~n pl'JO SUt'lk-"l,1!IP loop-x, $14.75 p1\Ui -,4¢ state tax. Ol" from 5euI'ch-t!-Pr1nt, P.O. Box 777, Farmersville, Texas, 75031. Due to the f4ct that Okl.a.honta was Indian Terrltory until 1907. in man~' cU.scs the only recom of a famUy waS by tombstones. The cenSUi$ fur Ill:diLU', 4<ndn Wilt; onll every 10 years. This voltlrne givos mc:mtly small cenmterit1~, '33 l.n"nUlllber. of which Eiome are unnamed <J.nd li;~te<l by Hanes and Township numOOl'S. All available'lnformatfon is 1ncluded. Loc.:<.tions, and how to ,('each cemeteries are given. The, information is e;i.Gy to read. We appreciate thA donation of this 'book to our 11br.l.l."Y • • • • • • • • • • 11 . .' Mr. R1J6s~ll Baker, Archlvlst a.t the Arka.nsas H1story Commission &; AI'chives tEllls us that the Ci-;.t;J,log for orclerin6 mlcrof11m of the 1910 cenEiUS b.~s been publh;h{>"d and may be ordered fronu National Archives Trust Fund Bo<:lrd, wa..shlnp:ton, D. a. , 20408~ There 1s no charp;l' for the c.o..ta.log. You IrAY look at t.he copy in the rFlsearch room at the History Commission but do r.ot re:':HJve thelr copy from that rooia. It 1s there for the USe of alI, 8C leave it there. The price of a. roll 1s $15.00. The microfilm for a.ll of Arl, has been ord(l!;ed but is not anticipated to arr1ve beforH January 1983 beea.'J,se of the la_q:e number of o."!"ders from allover the country, We mi~t be lucky. Mr. Baker has elll'ned another "pat on the" from all of un by putting top;ether k r;ral:l.t deal ill informat.1on a.bout 'the Utol(nsh1ps'" 1,n each county of Al::'il.n,>us. It is in a. notebook a~ 16 available at the "call desk" ;J t the RG:~e~roh Room of' the H1story .~ollllll1Hlon •. It ff!:1<?ht be called a H1stO:IA; of t.he Tuwnships Olit it .1s a gre."lt deal of lnfot'fl'lRtion and he has worked a TOnG while for our benefit. It's not enough tor me to thank hiM you should do it also .. MOVING! REMEMBER! -0 I..P. YOUR EDITOR NEEDS TO KNOW WHEREm PLEASE NOTIFY, A.G.S. 4200 "AU Street Little Rock, Arkansas 72205