Suplemmentary Information
Suplemmentary Information
Suplemmentary Information Third Quarter 2013 Contents 1 – Corporate Information Corporate Organization Chart Functional Chart Main Ratings Main Rankings Market Segmentation Bradesco Corporate Bradesco Empresas (Middle Market) Bradesco Private Bank Bradesco Prime Bradesco Varejo (Retail) Bradesco Correspondent Banks Customer Service Network Bradesco Dia & Noite Digital Channels Checking Account Holders Savings Accounts Assets under Management Risk Management Cards International Area Cash Management Solutions Qualified Services for Capital Markets Business Management and Relations with Government Authorities Corporate Processes Acknowledgements 2 – Social-Environmental Responsibility Sustainability Human Resources Corporate Education Fundação Bradesco Bradesco Sports and Education Program Social and Cultural Events Social Report - September 2013 and 2012 3 – Operating Companies Bradesco Consórcios Banco Bradesco Financiamentos Bradesco S.A. Corretora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários Banco Bradesco BBI Bradesco Arrendamento Mercantil - Leasing Independent Auditors’ Report 3 4 6 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 11 13 15 20 20 21 22 23 25 30 33 36 37 40 41 42 47 58 64 69 70 71 72 73 81 83 86 91 93 1 – Corporate Information 3 Report on Supplementary Information - September 2013 Corporate Organization Chart Main Shareholders BBD PART. S.A. (MANAGEMENT/ EMPLOYEES) NOVA CIDADE DE DEUS FUNDAÇÃO BRADESCO (1) 46.30% ON 100.00% ON 73.93% TOTAL 53.70% ON 26.07% TOTAL 44.91% ON 44.91% TOTAL AGUIAR FAMILY CIDADE DE DEUS 33.20% ON 33.20% TOTAL 21.89% ON 21.89% TOTAL 48.67% ON 0.08% PN 24.39% TOTAL BANK OF TOKIO MITSUBISHI – UFJ (MUFG) MARKET 23.56% ON 97.73% PN 60.62% TOTAL 25.13% ON 100.00% PN 60.41% TOTAL 74.72% ON 39.51% TOTAL NCF 8.21% ON 2.19% PN 5.20% TOTAL 2.50% ON 1.25% TOTAL BANCO BRADESCO 17.06% ON 8.54% TOTAL (1) The Presiding Board of Fundação Bradesco, maximum deliberative body of this Entity, comprises Bradesco’s Management (Board of Executive Officers and Board of Directors). TN: ON corresponds to common shares; PN corresponds to preferred shares. Reference Date: September 30, 2013 0.15% ON 0.08% TOTAL Corporate Organization Chart BANCO BRADESCO 99.99% ON 99.99% TO 100.00% BANCO BRADESCO ARGENTINA BANCO BRADESCO EUROPA BRADESCO SECURITIES 100.00% ON 100.00% TO 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% ON 100.00% TO BRADESCO LEASING S.A. ARRENDAMENTO MERCANTIL BRADPORT – SGPS SOCIEDADE UNIPESSOAL LDA. BANCO BOA VISTA 67.44% ON 67.44% TO 100.00% ON 100.00% TO TEMPO SERVIÇOS LTDA. BANCO BRADESCO FINANCIAMENTOS S.A. 32.56% ON 32.56% TO BANCO BANKPAR S.A. GRAND CAYMAN II BRANCH BRADESCO CONSÓRCIOS 82.92% ON 82.92% TO 100.00% ON 100.00% TO BANCO BRADESCO CARTÕES 100.00% 99.99% QUOTAS 92.73% ON 92.73% TO BANCO BERJ S.A. 99.99% QUOTAS NEW YORK BRANCH 100.00% BANCO BRADESCARD S.A. 100.00% CIA SECURIT. DE CRÉDITOS FINANCEIROS RUBI 99.99% ON 99.99% TO 7.27% ON 7.27% TO 17.08% ON 17.08% TO 100.00% ON 100.00% TO 99.99% 100% ON 100% TO BRADESCARD ELO PARTICIPAÇÕES 28.65% ON 28.65% TO 98.35% ON 98.35% TO CIELO 99.99% QUOTAS SCOPUS TECNOLOGIA 99.99% ON 33.33% PN 66.66% TO 100.00% BANCO BRADESCO BBI S.A. 8.49% BRADESPLAN QUOTAS PARTICIPAÇÕES LTDA BRADESCARD MEXICO ELO PARTICIP. S.A. 100.00% ON 100.00% TO 91.51% QUOTAS COLUMBUS HOLDINGS 50.01% ON 50.01% TO ALVORADA CARTÕES, CRÉD. E FINANC. INVEST. S.A. BANCO ALVORADA S.A. ELO SERVIÇOS. S.A. CIA. BRAS. DE SOLUÇÕES E SERV. - CBSS 100.00% 100.00% ON 100.00% TO BANCO CORRETORA T.V.M. 100.00% ON 100.00% TO 100.00% ON 100.00% TO BRAM BRADESCO ASSET MANAGEMENT S.A. D.T.V.M. IBI PROMOTORA DE VENDAS 100.00% GRAND CAYMAN BRANCH ÁGORA CORRETORA DE TÍTULOS E VALORES 100.00% ON 100.00% TO 100.00% BRADSEG PARTICIPAÇÕES BRADESCO SERVICES CO. 82.69% ON 82.69% TO CPM HOLDINGS 100.00% ON 100.00% TO 11.52% TO BRADESCO SEGUROS CPM BRAXIS 100.00% ON 100.00% TO BRADESCO CAPITALIZAÇÃO 67.49% ON 67.49% TO 100.00% ON 100.00% TO BRADESCO VIDA E PREVIDÊNCIA 16.60% ON 16.60% TO BSP EMPREEND. IMOBILIÁRIOS S.A. 99.99% QUOTAS 8.02% ON 8.02% TO 59.86% ON 59.86% TO 0.77% ON 0.77% TO 6.71% ON 6.71% TO BRADESCO SEGPREV INVESTIMENTOS LTDA. 40.14% ON 40.14% TO BRADESCO AUTO/RE CIA. DE SEGUROS 0.41% ON 0.41% TO BRADESCO ARGENTINA DE SEGUROS 100.00% ON 100.00% TO BRADESCO SAÚDE 43.50% ON 43.50% TO ODONTOPREV TN: ON corresponds to common shares; TO corresponds to total. Reference date: September 30, 2013 99.92% ON 99.92% TO 4.06% TO 100.00% ON 100.00% TO ATLÂNTICA CIA. DE SEGUROS 99.99% QUOTAS UNIÃO PARTICIPAÇÕES LTDA. Functional Chart Shareholders’ Meeting Audit Committee Fiscal Council Board of Directors Lázaro de Mello Brandão - Chairman Antônio Bornia - Vice-Chairman Mário da Silveira Teixeira Júnior João Aguiar Alvarez Denise Aguiar Alvarez Luiz Carlos Trabuco Cappi Carlos Alberto Rodrigues Guilherme Milton Matsumoto Internal Controls and Compliance Committee Integrated Risk Management and Capital Allocation Committee Ethical Conduct Committee Compensation Committee Internal Audit Chief Executive Officer Luiz Carlos Trabuco Cappi Treasury and Economic Research and Studies Alfredo A. Lima de Menezes Managing Director - Economic Research and Studies - Treasury HR, Training and O&M André Rodrigues Cano Managing Director - Organization and Methods - PMO - Human Resources - Fees on Services (Support) - Training Market Relations Luiz Carlos Angelotti Managing Director - Market Relations · Investor Relations Market Relations Moacir Nachbar Junior Deputy Director - Market Relations · Investor Relations Operational Support Nilton Pelegrino Nogueira Managing Director HR, Corporate Management, Risks, Controllership and Operational Support Julio de Siqueira Carvalho de Araujo Vice-President - Institutional Representative - Purchases - Operational Control - Corporate Customers – Corporate and Middle Market - Property - Security, Transport and Cash Internal Controls, Risks and Corporate Management Alexandre da Silva Glüher Managing Director - Shares and Custody - Integrated Risk Control - Internal Controls and Compliance - Legal Department - Ombudsman - General Secretariat - Corporate Security Controllership and Market Relations Luiz Carlos Angelotti Managing Director Customer Service Network, Financing, Promotoras, Cards, Marketing and Government Authorities Domingos Figueiredo de Abreu Vice-President - Marketing - Customer Relations (POBJ - Manager) Cards, Fnancing and Promotoras Marcelo de Araújo Noronha Managing Director - Banco Bradescard - Bradesco Cartões - Bradesco Financiamentos - Bradesco Promotora de Vendas - Cielo, Elo, CBSS and Elopar Customer Service Network and Government Authorities Josué Augusto Pancini Managing Director Controllership and Market Relations Moacir Nachbar Junior Deputy Director - Tax Audit - General Accounting Department - Planning, Budget and Control - Market Relations · Social and Environmental Responsibility Customer Service Network Altair Antônio de Souza Deputy Director - Bradesco Varejo - Bradesco Prime - Regional Officers - Expresso, Service Branches – PAs and ATMs in Companies – PAEs - Government Authorities Credit, Loans, Investments, Products and Services, Consortia and Loan Recovery José Alcides Munhoz Vice-President IT - Technology Aurélio Conrado Boni Vice-President - IT Governance - Data Processing and Communication Investment Bank, Wholesale and Private Sérgio Alexandre Figueiredo Clemente Vice-President - Branches and Subsidiaries Abroad - BBI - Domestic Brokerage Firms and Bradesco Securities - International Area and Foreign Exchange Insurance, Pension Plan and Capitalization Bond Marco Antonio Rossi Vice-President - Bradesco Seguros, Auto/RE and Health - Bradesco Vida e Previdência - Bradseg Holdings, BSP - Affinity and BSP Emp. Imob. - Capitalização and Mediservice - Fleury, Europ Assistance, Odontoprev and Orizon Reference Date: September 30, 2013 Digital Channels Maurício Machado de Minas Managing Director - Bradesco Dia&Noite (Internet for corporate and individual customers, ATMs, Fone Fácil and Bradesco Celular) Technology and Scopus Maurício Machado de Minas Managing Director - System Architecture - System Development - Fidelity - Technologic Research and Innovation - Scopus Serviços and Scopus Soluções - Centralized Services - Business Technology Credit and Loan Recovery Luiz Fernando Peres Deputy Director - Credit - Loan Recovery Investments, Products and Services, Loans and Consortia Octávio de Lazari Júnior Deputy Director - Sale of Products and Services - Consortia - Loans and Financing - Leasing - Investments - Fees on Services (Manager) Corporate and Middle Market André Marcelo da Silva Prado Deputy Director - Corporate - Middle Market BRAM, Private and Private Equity Denise Pauli Pavarina Deputy Director - BRAM - Private Banking - Private Equity Main Ratings Fe as ibility Support a- 2 Fitch Ratings Inte rnational Scale Dom e s tic Curre ncy Long Term Short Term A F1 Dom e s tic Scale Dom e s tic Long Term Short Term AAA (bra) F1 + (bra) Fore ign Curre ncy Long Term Short Term BBB + F2 * Moody´s Inve s tors Se rvice Financial Stre ngth / Individual Cre dit Ris k Profile Inte rnational Scale Fore ign Curre ncy Se nior De bt Long Term Baa1 C - / baa1 Dom e s tic Curre ncy De pos it Long Term Short Term Baa1 P- 2 Standard & Poor's Inte rnational Scale - Is s ue r's Cre dit Rating Fore ign Curre ncy Long Term BBB Short Term A -2 R&I Inc. Short Term A -2 Long Term Baa2 Dom e s tic Scale Dom e s tic Curre ncy Long Term BBB Fore ign Curre ncy De pos it Is s ue r's Cre dit Rating Long Term brAAA Short Term P-2 Short Term brA - 1 International Scale Standard & Poor's Dom estic Scale International Rating of Financial Strength of Insurance Com pany (1) Latin Am erica Financial Capacity Rating (1) Dom estic Scale Dom estic Rating of Financial Strength of Insurance Com pany (1) (2) (3) (1) Inte rnational Scale Dom e s tic Curre ncy Is s ue r Rating Long Term Short Term BR - 1 brAA+ brAAA brA -1 Capitalization Bonds Standard & Poor's Dom estic Scale Latin Am erica Issuer Rating (1) AAA(bra) AbrAAA brAAA Plus (+) and minus (-) signs are used to identify a better or worse position within the same rating scale; Numeric modifiers 1, 2 and 3 are added to each generic rating from Aa to Caa, meaning lower or higher risk in the same category; and This is the first corporate governance rating granted in Latin America. The assessment acknowledges that Bradesco adopts excellent corporate governance practices and a relationship policy characterized by a high level or quality, transparency and ethics. 7 Report on Supplementary Information - September 2013 BBB Aus tin Rating Dom e s tic Scale Corporate Gove rnance Long Te rm Short Te rm Insurance Fitch Ratings Dom e s tic Scale Corporate Information Main Rankings Source Criterion Forbes’ The World’s Leading Companies Survey Regional Banks/Forbes 2000* Forbes’ The World’s Leading Companies Survey Regional Banks/Forbes 2000* Forbes’ The World’s Leading Companies Survey Overall/Forbes 2000* Forbes’ The World’s Leading Companies Survey Overall/Forbes 2000* Position Disclosure Date st May/2013 rd May/2013 rd May/2013 1 (Brazil) 3 (World) 3 (Brazil) th 45 (World) May/2013 (*) Forbes 2000: companies are ranked on The World’s Leading Companies list according to criteria that include revenues, income, assets and market value. Segmentation Strategy Bradesco’s segmentation strategy focuses on relationships, dividing customer groups into segments in accordance with market tendencies, thereby enabling personalized customer service, increased productivity and agility. This process provides the Bank with a more flexible and competitive business, while also increasing the depth of its operations; increasing quality and the Bank’s ability to specialize, while simultaneously meeting the demands of several customer profiles, including individual and corporate clients. Bradesco Corporate The Corporate Banking segment serves companies within its target market with an individual approach based on long-term relations, centralized management and, in addition to traditional products, structured tailor-made and Investment Banking solutions through managers who have a clear vision of risk, market and economic industries. Mission and Values Bradesco Corporate’s mission is to seek excellence in customer management, foresee solutions and establish lasting relationships, thereby ensuring wealth generation for its shareholders, employees and the community. The values that guide Bradesco Corporate’s daily activities are: • • • • • • • qualified team; long-term relation; customer satisfaction; all-inclusive and specialized Bank; excellence in Investment Banking services; tailor-made solutions; quick operationalization/quality of delivery. Assets under Management Managed funds include assets (loans, bonds and guarantees) and liabilities (deposits, funds and portfolios) which totaled R$310.529 billion in August 2013. Target Market Bradesco Corporate’s target market is made up of 1,358 economic groups—mainly comprising large corporations that post sales of over R$250 million per year—located in the states of São Paulo, both in the capital city and inland towns, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Goiás, Pernambuco, Ceará and Bahia. Bradesco 8 Bradesco Empresas (Middle Market) The Bradesco Empresas (Middle Market) segment offers services to companies with sales between R$30 million and R$250 million per year, in 71 business units strategically distributed throughout Brazil in several capital cities, in the Southeast (42), South (17), Midwest (4), Northeast (6) and North (2). The segment offers the best in business management through several products, such as loans, financing, investments, foreign trade activities, hedge operations, cash management and structured operations in the capital markets, seeking customer satisfaction and results for the Organization. Bradesco Empresas manages funds amounting to approximately R$109.83 billion, including loans, deposits, funds and collections. Expansion The strategy to expand services in several localities in the country involves the implementation of Espaços Empresas (Empresas Rooms), specially structured places to serve economic groups that fit the segment’s profile. Currently, in addition to the 71 business units, we have 59 Empresas Rooms Bradesco Private Bank Bradesco Private Bank began its activities in 2000, with the exclusive aim of advising individuals, family holdings and holding companies. The segment seeks the most appropriate financial solutions using the tailormade concept and the open architecture format, providing advisory services regarding financial assets allocation, as well as guidance on tax and succession, and advisory services regarding structured operations and non-financial assets, while valuing privacy in all business transactions. Currently, Bradesco Private Bank has 14 offices located in the cities of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Blumenau, Brasília, Campinas, Curitiba, Fortaleza, Goiânia, Manaus, Porto Alegre, Recife, Riberão Preto and Salvador, which ensures a countrywide presence and coverage, in addition to the support provided by foreign units in Cayman Islands, New York and Luxemburg. Bradesco Private Bank is certified by NBR ISO 9001:2008, in the scope “Management of High Net Wealth Individual Customers Relations and Management of Integrated Solutions – São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro Offices”, and the GoodPriv@cy Label (Data Protection Label - 2007 Edition, granted by IQNet International Quality Network), in the scope “Management of Privacy of Data Used in High Net Wealth Customer Relations – São Paulo Unit.” Bradesco Prime Created in May 2003, Bradesco Prime operates in the high income customer segment, targeting individuals with minimum monthly income of R$9,000 or investments equal to or greater than R$100,000. specialized teams, in order to add value to shareholders and employees, according to the Organization’s professional and ethical standards. The value proposal for the Bradesco Prime segment is based on the following: The segment’s mission is to be the first option as bank of their customers, focusing on the quality of customer relations and the offering of solutions that meet the customers’ needs, through • Personalized assistance provided by relationship managers – The relationship manager is a skilled and experienced professional who provides a complete range of financial 9 Report on Supplementary Information - September 2013 Corporate Information consulting services. Certified by Anbima (Brazilian Association of Financial and Capital Markets), these managers are responsible for a small customer portfolio; • Unique ambience – Bradesco Prime customers have access to an exclusive branch network that provides comfort and privacy when carrying out business. They are also provided with the “Bradesco Prime Room,” a private and unique place inside the Retail segment branches, which maintains its value proposal. In addition, the customers have the extensive Bradesco branch network throughout Brazil, including ATMs (Bradesco Dia & Noite and Banco24Horas); • Exclusive products and services – Bradesco Prime has the most complete range of exclusive and special financial products and services, including Internet Banking (, call center (Fone Fácil Bradesco Prime), on-line consultants and investment funds. Bradesco Prime also provides special credit lines at competitive rates, wide portfolio of insurance products, pension plans and credit cards, among other advantages; • Bradesco Prime loyalty program – This is a program that recognizes and values relationship between customers and the Bank. By acquiring products and services, customers accumulate points that can be exchanged for benefits, such as: 12 days without interest rate charges on overdraft facilities or up to 40% reduction in overdraft facilities fee; or up to 100% reduction in service baskets. Present in all Brazilian capital cities, Bradesco Prime has invested throughout its history in technology, improvement of relationships with its customers and the qualification of its professionals. This has led it to achieve an outstanding position in the Brazilian high-income market and consolidate its position as the largest player in terms of customer service network, with strategically located 304 branches and 381 “Bradesco Prime Rooms” to assist the segment’s customers. Since 2005, the Bradesco Prime department has a certificate awarded by Fundação Carlos Alberto Vanzolini in NBR ISO 9001:2008, under the scope of “Management of Bradesco Prime Segment,” strengthening Bradesco’s commitment to continuously improving methods and pursuing customer satisfaction. Bradesco Varejo (Retail) Present in all Brazilian cities, Bradesco Varejo network consists of 4,281 Branches, 3,750 Service Branches (PA), 1,421 Electronic Service Branches (PAE) and 45,614 Bradesco Expresso Correspondent Banking Units, in addition to thousands of ATMs, ensuring comfort and convenience for customers. Bradesco Varejo targets individual customers with income of up to R$8,999.99 and corporate customers with revenues up to R$30 million per year, comprising more than 25.5 million checking account holders. To Exclusive segment individual customers with income between R$4,000.00 and R$8,999.99, Bradesco Varejo offers tailor-made services, provided by professionals who present financial solutions according to the needs and expectations identified in each customer profile. Through this wide service network, which provides products and services in distant and far-flung locations, we are able to carry out an important work towards financial inclusion. The services also reach to low income communities, such as Rocinha, Cidade de Deus, Rio das Pedras, Complexo do Alemão, Gardênia Azul, Santo Cristo, Cantagalo, Turano, Santa Marta, Mangueira and Chapéu Mangueira in Rio de Janeiro, and Heliópolis and Paraisópolis in São Paulo. To surpass customers' expectations, the Bank significantly invests in the training of its employees. Besides offering several different onsite courses, the Bank also provided 364 distance-learning courses, which registered 325,252 participations of this segment in the third quarter of 2013. Bradesco Varejo also invests in the creation and improvement of several financial products and services aimed at creating a close and lasting relationship with its customers, valuing service excellence. Bradesco 10 Bradesco Expresso Correspondent Bank Bradesco is continuously increasing its presence in the life of Brazilian citizens, wherever they are, whether in large city centers or distant cities previously excluded from the financial system. Through Bradesco Expresso, the Bank has contributed to the social and economic development of all municipalities in a unified manner. Bradesco Expresso has enabled the Bank to expand its share in the correspondent banking segment through partnerships with supermarkets, drugstores, department stores and other retail chains, making sure the Bank is present in all Brazilian cities. For its customers and the community in general, Bradesco Expresso provides the convenience of banking services closer to their homes or workplaces, in establishments that customers identify themselves with and where they already have a relationship. Moreover, customer service hours are greater than those of traditional bank branches. In addition to direct gains from the remuneration received, there are also indirect gains for storeowners, including increased sales as a result of a greater flow of potential consumers of products sold at the establishment and the promotion of customer loyalty. For the Bank, this is the best way to reach lowincome customers, especially the population deprived of banking services, once several units are being established in areas without traditional bank branches. In addition to providing benefits to storeowners and the local population, Bradesco Expresso also offers support to Bank’s customers, enabling them to perform any bank transaction in any Brazilian city. Available services: • Receipt and submission of account applications; • Receipt and submission of loans, financing and credit card applications; • Withdrawals from checking accounts and savings accounts; • Social Security National Service (INSS) benefit payments; 11 Report on Supplementary Information - September 2013 • Checking and savings account deposits; • Checking accounts, savings accounts and INSS balance statements; • Receipt of consumption bills, bank charges and taxes; • Prepaid mobile top-up. On September 30, 2013 the Bradesco Expresso network totaled 45,614 units. Corporate Information Number of Bradesco Expresso Units 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 March 5,038 June 5,748 September 7,039 December 8,113 March 9,084 June 9,699 September 10,657 December 11,539 March 12,381 June 13,413 September 14,562 December 16,061 March 16,710 June 17,699 September 18,722 December 20,200 March 21,501 June 23,190 September 24,887 December 26,104 March 27,649 June 29,263 September 31,372 December 34,839 March 38,065 June 40,476 September 41,713 December 43,053 March 43,598 June 44,819 September 45,614 Bradesco 12 Customer Service Network 2013 2012 Bradesco Service Points – Ow n June Septem ber June Septem ber Branches 4,650 4,665 4,692 4,697 - Bradesco 4,626 4,641 4,668 4,672 - Banco BBI 1 1 1 1 - Banco Bradesco Financiamentos 19 19 19 19 - Banco Bankpar 2 2 2 2 - Banco Alvorada 1 1 1 1 - Bradesco Cartões 1 1 1 1 - Bradesco BERJ 1 PAs (1) 3,243 3,774 3,795 3,760 PAEs (1) 1,476 1,456 1,454 1,421 External Bradesco ATMS(2) 3,992 3,954 3,498 3,298 Total Service Points - Ow n 13,361 13,849 13,429 13,176 Service Points – Third Parties Banco24Horas ATMs (2) 10,459 10,464 11,154 11,229 Bradesco Promotora (Correspondent Banks) 1,061 1,186 1,404 1,692 Bradesco Expresso (Correspondent Banks) 40,476 41,713 44,819 45,614 Total Service Points – Third Parties 51,996 53,363 57,377 58,535 Total Service Points in Brazil (Ow n + Third Parties) 65,357 67,212 70,806 71,711 Branches Abroad 3 3 3 3 Subsidiaries Abroad 6 6 6 6 Overall Total of Service Points (Brazil + Abroad) 65,366 67,221 70,815 71,720 ATMs Ow n 35,226 35,128 34,322 33,933 Banco24Horas 12258 12414 13650 14,036 Total ATMs 47,484 47,542 47,972 47,969 1 - PA – Fixed or mobile service branch subordinated to the branch or institution’s headquarters which provides customers with one or more of its activities; PAE - in-company ATMs; 2 - Include overlapping ATMs within the Bank’s own network and the Banco24Horas network: 2,059 in June 2012; 2,050 in March 2012; 2,019 in December 2011; 2,040 in September 2011; 2,045 in June 2011; and 2,024 in March 2011; 1,999 in December 2010; and 1,670 in September 2010. Customer Service Network – Number of Branches 2004 3,004 2005 2,921 2006 3,008 2007 3,160 13 Report on Supplementary Information - September 2013 Decem ber 2008 3,359 2009 3,454 2010 3,628 2011 4,634 2012 4,686 Septem ber 2013 4,697 Corporate Information Bradesco Branches – Market Share Septem ber 2012 Region/State Bradesco Total Branches Septem ber 2013 Market Share (%) Bradesco Total Branches Market Share (%) North Acre 10 58 17.2 10 61 16.4 Amazonas 71 196 36.2 72 212 34.0 Amapá 10 44 22.7 10 47 21.2 117 437 26.7 117 458 25.5 Rondônia 39 142 27.4 39 152 25.6 Roraima 7 32 21.8 7 38 18.4 25 119 21.0 25 124 20.1 279 1,028 27.1 280 1,092 25.6 44 299 139 118 42 112 31 34 25 844 187 1001 462 327 234 570 160 196 197 3,334 23.5 29.8 30.0 36.0 17.9 19.6 19.3 17.3 12.6 25.3 44 299 139 119 42 117 31 34 25 850 196 1,079 493 342 247 594 172 209 205 3,537 22.4 27.7 28.1 34.8 17.0 19.7 18.0 16.2 12.2 24.0 44 154 73 75 346 370 682 312 277 1,641 11.9 22.5 23.4 27.0 21.0 44 154 73 75 346 405 721 329 297 1,752 10.8 21.3 22.1 25.2 19.7 60 455 424 1,478 2,417 427 2,153 1,975 6,765 11,320 14.0 21.1 21.4 21.8 21.3 61 458 427 1,487 2,433 445 2,206 2,044 6,989 11,684 13.7 20.7 20.9 21.2 20.8 330 248 201 779 4,665 1,514 1,675 941 4,130 21,453 21.8 14.8 21.3 18.8 21.7 336 249 203 788 4,697 1,565 1,756 973 4,294 22,359 21.4 14.1 20.8 18.3 21.0 Pará Tocantins Total Northeast Alagoas Bahia Ceará Maranhão Paraíba Pernambuco Piauí Rio Grande do Norte Sergipe Total Midw est Federal District Goiás Mato Grosso Mato Grosso do Sul Total Southeast Espírito Santo Minas Gerais Rio de Janeiro São Paulo Total South Paraná Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Total Overall Total Customer Service Network – Branches – Market Share Region Septem ber % 2012 2013 North 27.1 25.6 Northeast 25.3 24.0 Midw est 21.0 19.7 Southeast 21.3 20.8 South 18.8 18.3 Total 21.7 21.0 Bradesco 14 Bradesco Dia & Noite Digital Channels Bradesco Dia & Noite Digital Channels—with better and more user-friendly interfaces—are essential in the relationship with our customers in order to fully meet their needs and offer them mobility and independence to expand their business with the Bank. Creating a faster, safer and even more convenient banking experience is the challenge to attract new customers and increase loyalty. Mobile devices have become a tool that is part of people’s everyday lives. For that reason, offering products and services anytime and anywhere through them is essential. Besides the already consolidated and traditional service channels, such as ATMs, telephone service centers and Internet Banking, customers and users also have wide access to the Bank through Bradesco Celular. Bradesco Celular boasts a wide range of products and services for various technologies and serves customers who own from the simplest to the most sophisticated mobile phones. The Bank has a strong presence on social networks by monitoring its brand, products and services, also providing customer service and customer relationship. Bradesco was the first Brazilian bank to develop an application to access Facebook, which allows customers to check account information, make money transfers, payments and mobile credit recharge, and request personal credit limit while accessing the social network. Bradesco Next Bradesco is always recognized as an innovative bank. Fast-paced technological innovations can multiply the ways of approaching, communicating and interacting. In the banking segment, Bradesco is a precursor to most solutions that allow customers the convenience of accessing their accounts and manage their financial resources even when away from their bank branch. Bradesco innovated once more with the implementation of Bradesco Next. With a fully digital, interactive and multitouch space, it provides customers with the bank of the future, located at the JK Iguatemi shopping mall in São Paulo. Bradesco Next was created to test new uses, formats, layouts and designs, in addition to coming up with digital innovations, to implement what is analytically and technically feasible to branches across the country. The space provides customers with understanding about the technological possibilities for banking transactions. The idea is to encourage customers 15 Report on Supplementary Information - September 2013 to use digital channels. For this purpose, mobile platforms are available to enable access to Bradesco services through Smartphones, iPads, iPhones, Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry, PC and more. Bradesco Next also offers a Multi Function Panel, an interactive multitouch wall, which reacts to the heat produced by body movement. Virtual attendants show on the screen how to use the different applications to perform banking transactions and the customer accesses the information by gestures. The screen will also be used to display videos of Bradesco innovations. Bradesco Next ATMs offer interactive navigation touchscreens. The transaction evidence is sent by email, eliminating the use of paper. Transactions can be carried out by approximating contactless cards, and the menu can be accessed in Portuguese, English and Spanish, in addition to conducting transactions by just using biometric data where no card is necessary. An interactive touchscreen table provides customers with financial advice. After the customers define their projects and report their financial situation, the Bank points out the best options for them to achieve their goals. Corporate Information The One-to-One Room Service is located on the mezzanine floor, in which customer is assisted by a consultant protected by an automatically-dim glass wall during the service performance. The innovation is on providing all information in a state-of-the-art digital desk. A videoconference with an investment expert is also available on the spot. On August 30, 2013, Bradesco Next celebrated one year of existence since its official launch. Bradesco Celular Thinking of pioneering and innovation, Bradesco was the first bank to operate via mobile phone, offering mobility services that provide more ease and convenience to its customers. Using Bradesco Celular, customers can consult balances and statements, pay bills, recharge prepaid mobile phones, make transfers, take out loans, quotations and follow up put and call options, among others. The website provides detailed information on products and services. In addition to these services Bradesco Celular also offers: Recarga Direta Bradesco (Bradesco Direct Credit Recharge): a service that allows recharging prepaid phone through connection using the hand-held device, even if it does not have credits to make phone calls. This service is currently available to Vivo, Claro and Tim mobile phones. Payment via SMS service: previously registered customers can receive messages through these services to schedule or pay bank slips registered at the DDA or consumption bills, simply authorizing payment via text message. InfoCelular: it allows registered customers to quickly and securely receive text messages of banking transactions on their mobile phones in accordance with the period and amount chosen by the customer. Bradesco Net Empresa Celular (Bradesco Net Mobile Company): this service is available to corporate customers who use mobile phone to consult balances and authorize transactions, streamlining their business wherever they are. Conta Bônus Celular Bradesco (Bradesco Mobile Bonus Account): in addition to access to several financial services, the service package value is transformed into bonus for mobile phones. Mobile-integrated Security Key (Token): this market innovative and pioneering service is one more convenient option for customers to authenticate their transactions through mobile and other digital channels. Bradesco Celular via SMS service (SMS Banking): it allows customers to check balances, the last three launches of the account statement and also recharge prepaid mobile phones through SMS service. 3Q13 Highlights • Launch of the new version of applications for iPhone; • Launch of the new Mobile version of Click Conta Bradesco’s website; • Inclusion of the operator Tim in the Recarga Direta Bradesco service. Bradesco 16 Internet In 2011, Bradesco implemented the new version of the Internet Banking service, in order to improve customer use experience, bringing over 50 new innovative changes, with resources such as mouseover, the A Button - Fast Access, the Smart Payment, which automatically recognizes the kind of payment through the barcode, and the Search Tool, available on every website’s page. conducted) and institutional sites (containing information on Bradesco Organization, safety guidance, disclosure of social and environmental initiatives, specific publications to investors, among others). The institutional websites have a new structure, with reorganized information and products/services, simplified content and language adapted to digital means. A precursor of Internet Banking operations, the website has become a benchmark for the provision of financial services over the worldwide web. Bradesco corporate customers can rely on the Bradesco Net Empresa. Companies can use it to simply and safely check balances, operate transactions and transfer files over the Internet. Bradesco Portal comprises a set of transactional websites (through which bank transactions can be 3Q13 Highlights • Launch of new websites of Bradesco Universitários, Click Conta and Nikkei; • Launch of the new Bradesco Net Empresa; • Launch of the new Integrador Bradesco Application for iPad. ATM Network Bradesco ATM Network has 33,933 machines strategically distributed throughout Brazil, providing fast and convenient access to the Bank’s products and services. In addition to Bradesco ATMs, our customers can use the 14,036 Banco24Horas ATMs, which allow them to make withdrawals, obtain statements, check balances, solicit loans, pay bills and make transfers between Bradesco accounts, as well as transfers to other banks (Doc/Ted). Biometrics - Bradesco Security in the Palm of your Hand: Bradesco is Brazil’s pioneer in the use of the biometric scanning system, which identifies and authenticates customer transactions at ATMs through an invisible light sensor that captures the image of the vascular patterns of an individual's palm. This technology allows customers to use only the palm reading and the 17 Report on Supplementary Information - September 2013 card to perform their transactions. For more convenience, the customer can also withdraw and check account balance without the card, using only biometrics and the six-digit password, which makes the service faster and easier, besides being one of the world's most advanced security technologies. Through the agreement with the Brazilian Social Security System, this secure and agile process allows retirees and pensioner customers to provide their "Proof of Life" automatically using biometric data, requiring neither bank counter presence nor documentation, for a more agile service. On September 30, 2013, the technology was available at 33,557 Bradesco Network ATMs and 5,862 Banco24Horas Network ATMs. Corporate Information ATM Network Distribution 3,066 ATMs 8,820 ATMs 3,416 ATMs 27,706 ATMs 4,961 ATMs Fone Fácil Fone Fácil Bradesco is the customer’s phone banking for business and financial operations. As a sophisticated system of personalized financial guidance and electronic service, Fone Fácil is one of Brazil’s most efficient service channels and most awarded banking relationship centers, available to customers 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Through this channel our customers can buy products, get information on their account, credit card, pension plan, capitalization bond operations and perform several transactions such as: checking balances, obtaining statements, making transfers, payments, loan operations and investments, as well as registering Bradesco Security Key (Token) through mobile phone, registering and unlocking the four-digit password, cancelling and reissuing cards, among other services. In addition to the personalized and electronic service, customers can use specific numbers to access several telephone banking centers, the main of which are Internet Banking, Net Empresa, Consortium Management, Pension Plan, Bradesco Financiamentos and Alô Bradesco. 3Q13 Highlights • Inclusion of service to unblock check book through Fone Fácil electronic service; • Campaign to update the previous version of Bradesco Celular iPhone Application to the version iOS 7, through Fone Fácil electronic service. • Nacional Telesserviços Award Financial category with the case Como, quando e onde ser atendido? Convergência de Canais de Relacionamento no Fone Fácil Bradesco (How, when and where to be assisted? Relationship Channels convergence through Fone Fácil Bradesco). Bradesco 18 Accessibility Bradesco, with one more innovative initiative, offers several free solutions in banking products and services that contribute to the autonomy and independence of its hearing, physically and visually impaired customers. Bradesco Dia & Noite Digital Channels were designed to provide impaired people with the best accessibility experiences, such as: • Access for the visually or physically impaired customers in the ATM Network. • • Visual Mouse for those with motor impairments. • Personalized assistance for the visually, hearing and speaking impaired in Fone Fácil. • Request for statement and template to fill in Braille or enlarged font checks through Fone Fácil channel. • Bradesco Celular for the visually impaired. • Bradesco Electronic Security Key for the visually impaired. • Loan solutions through CDC Hearing Impaired Phone and CDC Accessibility. Internet banking for the visually impaired. • Libras (Brazilian signal language) solutions found in Open your Account item on Internet Banking and the Bank’s page on Facebook; 19 Report on Supplementary Information - September 2013 Corporate Information Checking Accounts At the end of the third quarter of 2013, we recorded 26.3 million account holders. The offer of products and services that fulfill several customer needs and profiles has brought considerable gains. An example is the new Bradesco Universitário brand positioning, which values the Bank’s solutions targeting young people who attend a university and proposes partnership with them, consolidating a productive and loyal relationship in the medium term. Number of Checking Account Holder Individual Custom ers Corporate Custom ers Total (Individual and Corporate Customers) March 2008 18,165,395 981,840 June 2008 18,744,167 1,015,140 19,147,235 19,759,307 September 2008 18,916,545 1,085,441 20,001,986 December 2008 19,006,560 1,074,283 20,080,843 March 2009 19,144,466 1,090,971 20,235,437 June 2009 19,304,475 1,108,178 20,412,653 September 2009 19,509,294 1,166,001 20,675,295 December 2009 19,727,897 1,182,088 20,909,985 March 2010 20,056,459 1,177,337 21,233,796 June 2010 20,670,715 1,205,311 21,876,026 September 2010 21,217,556 1,236,573 22,454,129 December 2010 21,866,977 1,261,893 23,128,870 March 2011 22,269,764 1,274,604 23,544,368 June 2011 22,673,431 1,301,912 23,975,343 September 2011 23,334,283 1,346,876 24,681,159 December 2011 23,726,570 1,383,800 25,110,370 March 2012 23,951,293 1,409,981 25,361,274 June 2012 24,118,232 1,437,652 25,555,884 September 2012 24,129,784 1,495,026 25,624,810 December 2012 24,225,713 1,467,134 25,692,847 March 2013 24,348,733 1,471,190 25,819,923 June 2013 24,760,254 1,489,563 26,249,817 September 2013 24,879,188 1,504,422 26,383,610 Savings Accounts At the end of the third quarter of 2013, the balance of Bradesco Organization’s savings accounts amounted to R$76.5 billion, up 5.32% on the previous quarter, representing 17.24% of the Brazilian Savings and Loan System (SBPE). Savings Account Deposits – R$ billion 3rd Quarter Decem ber 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 24.8 26.2 27.6 32.8 38.9 45.1 54.1 59.7 69 76.5 Bradesco 20 The profitability of savings accounts up to the third quarter of 2013 was 4.62% and 4.07%, considering former and new criteria, respectively. Bradesco’s portfolio grew by 10.8% over December 2012. It is worth highlighting the new remuneration rules of the savings accounts, as follows: I – Nothing changed in remuneration of savings account balances until May 3, 2012 (TR + 0.5% p.m.); and II – For deposits made after May 4, 2012 the new rules are: a) If the Selic rate is higher than 8.5% p.a., the remuneration of TR + 0.5% p.m. will be maintained; and b) When the Selic rate is equal to or lower than 8.5% p.a., the remuneration will be 70% of the Selic rate + TR. Despite the probable increase in interest rate, savings accounts are still more attractive especially to the small saver, in addition to being safer for the investor and a large funding source for the housing loan segment. We believe that savings accounts will continue to grow, fueled by the increase in income distribution. Share in SBPE – % 3rd Quarter Decem ber 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 19.5 19.3 18.3 17.4 18 17.7 18 17.9 17.7 17.2 Number of Savings Accounts – thousands 3rd Quarter Decem ber 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 34,668 35,144 35,175 34,623 35,796 37,694 41,101 43,418 48,596 48,264 Assets under Management Innovation BRAM has innovated by launching Brazil’s first Infrastructure Debenture fund, which offers tax benefit set forth by Law 12431. The fund will also support the financing of highway concessions and other projects in logistic and energy sectors, among others, through the capital market. BRAM BDR-Level 1 fund, which invests in NorthAmerican companies’ shares, was the pioneer in this class, emerging as one of Brazil’s most profitable equity fund, with a significant equity growth in the year. Awards granted to BRAM BRAM was considered the Best Retail Fund Manager by Exame’s Personal Investment Guide, prepared by the Getúlio Vargas Foundation - FGV and disclosed in September. Additionally, 16 funds under BRAM’s management were granted the maximum five-star score by the same publication. 21 Report on Supplementary Information - September 2013 In accordance with Top Asset ranking, disclosed by the Investidor Institucional magazine in August, BRAM is the largest allocator in third-party funds, the largest pension plan fund manager, largest manager for allocation in receivables and manager with the highest growth in middle-market funds. Corporate Information BRAM International After obtaining the Investment Advisor register with the Securities and Exchange Commission - SEC, BRAM, through its subsidiary BRAM US LLC, is in the process to launch two funds in the United States addressed to North-American investors. Risk Management Risk management is a highly strategic activity due to the growing complexity of services and products offered and the globalization of the Organization's business. It is for this very reason that the Bank is always working to improve its risk management processes. processes, criteria and methods used to control risks through a statutory body, the Integrated Risk Management and Capital Allocation Committee, which is sponsored by specific management committees and policies approved by the Board of Directors. The Organization’s decisions are based on factors that combine previously identified, measured and evaluated return over risk, thereby ensuring conditions essential to achieving strategic goals, all in order to strengthen the Organization. The Organization approaches risk management in an integrated manner, unifying policies, Detailed information on the risk management process, reference shareholders’ equity and required reference shareholders’ equity, in addition to the Organization’s risk exposures can be found in the Risk Management Report at the Investor Relations site by accessing Internal Controls and Compliance The efficiency of the Organization's internal controls is based on people, processes and technology. Accordingly, we rely on a skilled staff, implemented and defined processes and proper technology that meet the needs of our businesses. The Internal Controls and Compliance Policy and the Internal Control System Standard are in line with the main controls frameworks, such as COSO – Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission and COBIT – Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology, which include the Business and Technology aspects, respectively, complying the requirements of the National Monetary Council (CMN) Resolutions 2554/98, 3056/02 and 3380/06, the Brazilian Central Bank Official Letters 3078/02 and 3467/09 and the requirements of Section 404 of Sarbanes-Oxley Act. The existence, effectiveness and execution of the controls that assure acceptable risk levels in the Organization’s processes are certified by the Internal Control and Compliance Department, and results are reported to the Audit Committee and the Internal Control and Compliance Committee, as well as to the Board of Directors, in order to provide reasonable assurance regarding the appropriate way of conducting businesses and to meet the objectives established, pursuant to external laws and regulations, policies, standards and internal procedures, codes of conduct and self-regulation in effect. Action and Fight against Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Bradesco has specific policies, standards, procedures and systems to prevent and/or detect the use of its structure, products and services for money laundering and terrorism financing purposes. At the same time, Bradesco also invests in the training of its employees through programs in several formats, such as instructional leaflets, videos, distance-learning and on-site courses and on-site lectures, specially developed for the areas’ activities. If unusual or suspicious cases are identified, they are forwarded to the Suspicious Transaction Analysis Commission, made up of several areas that resolve whether the information is relevant Bradesco 22 enough to be reported to proper Regulatory Agencies. The Program for Action and Fight against Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing is supported by the Executive Committee for the Action against Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing, which evaluates the works and the need to align the program with regulations set forth by Regulatory Agencies and to the best domestic and international practices. Independent Authentication of Models The Independent Authentication Models Area provides a supported and independent opinion on whether the internal models work towards the established goals and whether the results are adequate for the purposes thereof, reporting activities and results to managers, the Internal Audit and the Integrated Risk Management and Capital Allocation Committee – COGIRAC. Internal Models for business support allow planning to solve critical issues, creation and improvement of processes, standardization and quick decision-making according to their respective contexts, besides being an important knowledge source. According to the New Capital Adequacy Ratio (Basel II) and pursuant to the Brazilian Central Bank requirements, the Internal Models used for Risk or Capital Management are subject to a continuous process of critical analysis, which guarantees the quality and adequacy of solutions to fulfill the respective goals, which is called “Independent Validation Process.” Cards 2012 1st Qtr. 2nd Qtr. Revenue(*) - R$ million 23,591 25,042 Number of Transactions (*) – in thousands 289,072 299,509 (*) Including prepaid cards, Private Label, Bradescard and Bradescard Mexico. 2013 Septem ber YTD 1st Qtr. 2nd Qtr. Septem ber YTD 74,569 899,323 27,186 316,170 29,258 334,367 86,513 992,977 Credit Cards By providing its customers with the most complete line of credit cards in Brazil, Bradesco also consolidates its position as a universal bank in this business line. The product and service mix 23 Report on Supplementary Information - September 2013 includes American Express, Elo, Visa, MasterCard and Private Label credit cards that stand out for the range of benefits and convenience for associates. Corporate Information Credit Card Revenue – R$ million 25,042 25,936 2nd Qtr. 2012 3rd Qtr. 2012 29,258 30,068 2nd Qtr. 2013 3rd Qtr. 2013 Revenue - R$ million Meal and Food Cards In a partnership with other issuers, we issued Meal and Food Cards through Alelo, of which Bradesco holds 50.01% of shares. In addition to reducing operating costs, the business’s value proposal is to increase the efficiency of payment means, with 100% of transactions carried out electronically, offering safer and better payment conditions for companies and employees. Card Revenue In the third quarter of 2013, card service revenues reached R$1,808 million. Credit Card Assets In the third quarter of 2013, credit card assets, which include bearer’s financing fees, advances to merchants and credit for purchases made in cash or installments, increased by 7.7% over the same period in the previous year, closing the quarter at R$35.4 billion. Credit Card Assets - R$ million 34,748 32,879 32,835 Jun/2012 Sept/2012 Jun/2013 35,375 Sept/2013 Bradesco 24 Social and Environmental Responsibility Since 1993, Bradesco Cartões has promoted social, environmental and humanitarian actions, transferring a portion of annual card fees income to philanthropic entities. We highlight the issuance of SOS Mata Atlântica, AACD, APAE, Casas André Luiz and Amazonas Sustentável cards. International Area At the end of September 2013, the International and Exchange Area was structured according to the following framework: 9 Units Abroad (Branches and Subsidiaries): Branches New York Grand Cayman - Bradesco - Bradesco (2) Subsidiaries Buenos Aires United States Luxembourg Tokyo Grand Cayman Hong Kong - Banco Bradesco Argentina S.A. - Bradesco North America LLC - Banco Bradesco Europa S.A. - Bradesco Services Co., Ltd. - Cidade Capital Markets Ltd. - Bradesco Trade Service Ltd. 29 Business Units in Brazil Bradesco's International Area and Exchange Units are located in the ABC Region (Greater São Paulo), Belém, Belo Horizonte, Blumenau, Campinas, Cascavel, Caxias do Sul, Chapecó, Cuiabá, Curitiba, Fortaleza, Goiânia, Guarulhos, Joinville, Londrina, Manuas, Marília, Novo Hamburgo, Piracicaba, Porto Alegre, Recife, Ribeirão Preto, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Santos, São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, Sorocaba and Vitória. In other locations of the country, aiming at prospecting new businesses and opportunities presented by the local market, the Area is represented by the Platforms of the Corporate and Middle Market segments, as well as the Branch Network of Retail and the Prime segments. The business performance during the three first quarters of the year showed and important evolution, despite the difficulties concerning the 25 Report on Supplementary Information - September 2013 world economy recovery, especially the slow recovery of the Euro-Zone and the American economies and the estimation of lower growth of Asia, mainly China, great importance markets for the Brazilian foreign trade. The Area was able to continue to provide funds with attractive terms and conditions to customers and potential customers. It is also worth noting the Area’s proactive initiative towards market opportunities, despite the aforementioned economic scenario in the last nine months. Despite the difficulties of the world economic scenario throughout the past years, it is worth highlighting the importance given by the Bradesco Organization to supporting the growth, strengthening, expansion and consolidation of the country’s foreign trade. Below the data that prove this statement: Corporate Information Export Market The market share was 18.1% in the period, with the highlight for the July figure, which came to 21.6%. The Area recorded the total of US$33.1 billion in export contracts from January to September, 8.8% lower than the US$36.3 billion in same period of 2012, which is above the 2.0% decrease recorded by the market. Financing for Brazilian Exports amount also includes financing granted through BNDES-EXIM onlending operations, which amounted to US$726.7 million in the period, compared to the US$392.5 million in 2012. Despite the lower demand for financing for trade finance operations in general, throughout the past quarters, especially the Advances on Exchange Contracts, total financing granted to Brazilian exporters by Bradesco in the nine months of 2013 came to US$9.7 billion, remaining stable when compared to the same period in 2012. This Export Credit Notes in the nine months of 2013 were up 141.7% year over year, from US$1.2 billion to US$2.9 billion. Import Market Accordingly, the three-month period of 2013 recorded market share of 15.8%. It is worth mentioning the improved performance of imports in July, reaching 18.5%. Importing exchange agreements in the first three quarters of the year totaled US$26.1 billion. Year over year, there was a 3.7% drop, while the market increased by 3.7%. Financing for Brazilian Imports January to September 2013 totaled US$3.2 billion, equal to the figure recorded in the same period of last year. Similar to financing for exports, the demand for financing for imports decreased over period. Despite demand reduction, the performance from Volume of Exchange Closing – US$ billion 39.2 2007 42.9 2008 37.9 2009 45.6 2010 53.1 45.2 33.1 2011 2012 September Export Bradesco 26 34.7 36.2 35.2 26.1 24.7 22.4 17.3 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 September 2013 Import Export Market 20.40% 22.10% 25.20% 24.80% 20.40% 19.20% 18.10% 79.60% 77.90% 74.80% 75.20% 79.60% 80.80% 81.90% 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 September 2013 Export Market 27 Report on Supplementary Information - September 2013 Bradesco Corporate Information Import Market 16.10% 16.00% 18.40% 19.50% 17.60% 83.90% 84.00% 81.60% 80.50% 82.40% 83.60% 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Import Market At the end of September, the International and Exchange Area recorded a total of US$24.1 billion in its asset portfolio, remaining stable on the US$24.2 billion posted in September 2012, made up of outstanding balances of financing for exports and imports operations, international guarantees granted, including export letters of credit, loans/financing to Brazilian companies abroad and foreign-based banks, as well as revolving credit facility operations. 15.80% 16.40% 84.20% September 2013 Bradesco The following chart presents an analysis of the outstanding balances of products comprising the Area's assets on the reference dates of September 30, 2012 and 2013: Import Market Septem ber 2012 Foreign Trade Portfolio Septem ber 2013 US$ R$ US$ R$ m illion m illion m illion m illion Export Financing Advance on Foreign Exchange Contracts - Undelivered Bills 3,768 7,648 3,211 290 589 288 641 Export Prepayments 5,130 10,417 4,248 9,472 Onlending on Funds f rom BNDES - EXIM 1,872 3,790 1,402 3,125 Export Credit Notes (NCE) / Export Credit Certif icates (CCE) 2,730 5,544 4,173 9,304 556 1,129 21 47 14,346 29,117 13,343 29,747 Advance on Foreign Exchange Contracts - Delivered Bills Proex Equalization Total Export Financing 7,158 Im port Financing 2,171 4,408 2,273 5,069 Imports Draf t Discounted 821 1,667 716 1,597 Open Import Credit 766 1,556 310 691 3,758 7,631 3,299 7,357 International Guarantees 573 1,164 491 1,094 Total International Guarantees 573 1,164 491 1,094 18,677 37,912 17,133 38,198 4,357 8,848 5,376 11,988 Foreign Currency Financing Total Import Financing Collateral Total Foreign Trade Portfolio Loan via Branches Headquartered Abroad Financing f or Banks Headquartered Abroad Revolving Credit Facility 1,180 2,396 41 92 1,504 3,353 Overall Total 24,214 49,156 24,054 53,631 (*) For translation into Reais, Bradesco used the September 30, 2013 PTAX BACEN rate of R$2.2294 for purchase assets in the country and R$2.2300 for sale of assets registered abroad. The same criteria adopted in September 30, 2012, with PTAX rates of R$2.0300 and R$2.0306 for purchase and sale, respectively. Bradesco 28 The funding needed to support the demand from the International and Exchange Area customers is obtained from the international financial community through credit lines granted by correspondent banks abroad. At the close of September 2013, a total of 70 foreign banks granted commercial credit lines to Bradesco, especially North American, Asian and European banks. It is important to point out that, in addition to this traditional source of funds from correspondent banks, completely allocated to the financing of Brazilian foreign trade, Bradesco raised a total of US$10.4 billion through the issue of securities on international capital markets from January to September 2013. At the end of September 2013, the outstanding balance of funding on international capital markets totaled US$13.1 billion, 17.6% lower than the US$15.9 billion recorded at the end of September 2012. The following table shows the main funding on September 30, 2013: Foreign Issues – Highlights – Reference Date: September 2013 Outstanding Issuances Currency Balance (in m illions) 500.0 Issuance 10.24.2003 Maturity Subordinated Debt US$ 10.24.2013 Subordinated Debt (equivalent at the issuing date to US$275.9 million) Euro 225.0 4.15.2004 4.15.2014 Floating Rate Notes US$ 850.0 5.16.2011 5.16.2014 Floating Rate Notes US$ 125.0 12.11.2004 12.11.2014 Securitization Series MT 100 – 2007– 4 – Floating Rate (*) US$ 50.0 12.20.2007 11.20.2014 Securitization Series MT100 – 2008 – 1 – Floating Rate (*) (1) US$ 375.0 3.6.2008 5.20.2017 Securitization Series MT100 – 2008 – 2 – Floating Rate (*) (1) US$ 500.0 12.19.2008 2.20.2019 Securitization Series MT100 – 2009 – 3 – Fixed Rate (*) US$ 55.3 12.17.2009 2.20.2017 Subordinated Debt US$ 750.0 9.29.2009 9.29.2019 Fixed Rate Notes US$ 750.0 3.23.2010 3.23.2015 Securitization Series MT100 – 2010 – 1 – Floating Rate (*) US$ 140.0 8.20.2010 8.21.2017 Securitization Series MT100 – 2010 – 2 – Floating Rate (*) US$ 80.0 9.29.2010 8.21.2017 Subordinated Debt (2) US$ 1,600.0 8.16.2010 1.16.2021 Floating Rate Notes US$ 100.0 8.8.2005 8.4.2015 Fixed Rate Notes US$ 500.0 5.16.2011 5.16.2016 Securitization Series MT100 – 2011 – 2 – Floating (*) (1) US$ 50.0 11.16.2011 11.20.2018 Securitization Series MT100 – 2011 – 1 – Fixed (*) US$ 75.0 11.16.2011 11.22.2021 Fixed Rate Notes US$ 800.0 1.12.2012 1.12.2017 Subordinated Debt US$ 1,100.0 3.1.2012 3.1.2022 (*) International Diversified Payment Rights Company. (1) Subject to annual revision of the grace period. (2) Reopening of original operation in the amount of US$1,100.0 million in January 2011, with funding of US$500.0 million. The main purpose of branches and subsidiaries abroad is to support Brazilian customers, individuals or corporations, and meet their needs on the foreign market, in addition to carrying out funding in the foreign financial community and exchange for onlending to customers, mainly using foreign trade financing operations.The following chart shows the book balances of assets and shareholders’ equity of the units abroad on the reference dates of September 30, 2012 and 2013: 29 Report on Supplementary Information - September 2013 Corporate Information US$ m illion Septem ber 2013 Septem ber 2012 Branches and Subsidiaries Headquartered Abroad Total Assets Shareholders' Equity Total Assets Shareholders' Equity Bradesco Nova York 18,218 328 19,790 377 Bradesco Grand Cayman 31,737 2,503 29,727 2,766 7,406 7,153 7,471 7,264 39 39 40 40 1 1 1 1 73 69 78 62 Banco Bradesco Europa S.A. 2,048 363 2,306 394 Bradesco North America LLC 4 4 3 3 59,526 10,460 59,416 10,907 Bradesco Grand Cayman 2 Cidade Capital Markets Ltd. – Grand Cayman Bradesco Services Co., Ltd. – Tokyo Banco Bradesco Argentina S.A. Total Cash Management Solutions Among the key product and service solutions provided by Bradesco, we point out the following: Receivables Solutions Bradesco Collection Bradesco Registered Collection is a leader, standing out for the comprehensiveness of its customer service network and services offered, meeting companies’ needs, regardless of their size. Solutions provide convenience, practicality and safety, in addition to reducing costs and maximizing customer returns. Collection offers revenue from fees and floating, as well as creating other business opportunities for the Bank. With DDA – Authorized Direct Debit, Bradesco Registered Collection has become even more attractive. Currently, the assignor is enabled to skip the processes of printing and sending bank payment slips for customers registered within the system, who will receive slips from Bradesco electronically. In addition to receiving and sending slips, Bradesco customers may consult, schedule and make payments through a number of service channels, including any Bank’s overdue payment slips. Another important point is the scheduling or payment of banking slips via text messages. Customers receive text messages about slips registered with DDA on their mobile phone and may authorize the scheduling or payment by merely answering the text message with the corresponding authorization code. Tax Collection Developed based on high standards of efficiency and quality, tax collection serves a dual purpose. On one hand, it seeks to ensure customer satisfaction through innovative solutions for the payment of utility bills, fees and taxes, while effectively interacting with governmental departments on federal, state and local levels and working with utility concessionaires. Tax collection services stand out on the market for their speed and security in processing information and amounts collected, as well as for the reach of service points and electronic payment means available to account holders. Bradesco 30 Payment Solutions Pag-For Bradesco (Payment to Suppliers), Bradesco Net Empresa, Automatic Debit and Electronic Payment of Taxes In accordance with our commitment to efficiency, Bradesco’s payment solutions, offered by Pag-For Bradesco, Bradesco Net Empresa, Automatic Debit and Electronic Payment of Taxes products, enable payment to suppliers, payment of salaries to employees, utility bills and tax settlements and e-transfers via the Internet or the transmission of files with agility and security, thereby meeting all our customers’ needs. Cash Management Solutions Efficient cash management is essential to the daily activities of companies. Therefore, Bradesco provides solutions that meet the different needs of its customers, giving them total control over accounts receivable, accounts payable and other services that impact cash. Bradesco Plus, through which companies may control their checking accounts, conduct banking reconciliation and produce graphs and management reports, among other activities. It is also possible to manage receivables and payments to suppliers, taxes and salaries. Among these solutions, two of the most important are Bradesco Net Empresa and Office Banking Global Cash Management Global Cash Management aims at structuring solutions for foreign companies that operate on the Brazilian market and domestic companies with businesses in overseas markets. Through tailormade solutions, partnerships with foreign banks and access to the SWIFT network, we offer products and services for the cash management. We point out the following products and services: • Partnerships: bilateral agreements with 37 foreign banks; • Customer Reference: suggestions on which customers should open accounts and cash management services; 31 Report on Supplementary Information - September 2013 • Payments and Transfers: payment and transfer instructions through MT101 messages; • Treasury Management: remittance and receipt of MT940 statements for banking reconciliation; and • Request for Proposal (RFP): structuring RFPs to centralize cash of companies through services structured according to each company’s characteristics. Corporate Information Product Chain Solutions Operating with strategic customers (known as “key sector customers”) enables the Bank to identify opportunities for financing and service provision to all participants in the productive flow. The identification process consists of structured commercial actions in synergy with managing departments, commercial segments and affiliated companies. Its focus on meeting the specific needs of each sector creates a competitive and sustainable position resulting from the differentiated structure of customized solutions. Bradesco’s performance in the Product Chain Area aims at providing customized solutions, while also paying special attention to the characteristics of each sector and economic activity in order to facilitate the relationship and connection between all participants of Product Chains – key companies, its customers, suppliers, vendors, service providers, employees, among others – thereby expanding the customer base and increasing business volume and improve the loyalty to the Bank through structured and tailormade actions. Bradesco Franchise & Business opportunities and services rendering to all the franchisees and their employees. The process of structuring agreements with the franchises network is possible through a structured commercial action conducted in synergy with the management departments, commercial segments and affiliated companies. The focus on the peculiarities of this sector creates a competitive and sustainable position due to the structuring of tailor-made solutions and, mainly, the differentiated and specialized assistance strategy. The purpose of the Franchise Area is pursuing tailor-made solutions, observing the characteristics and needs of Brazilian franchising (franchisors and franchisees). The aim of this effort is to centralize the assistance to all the network franchisees which have agreements with the Bank, increasing the amount of customers and the volume of businesses related to this important sector of the national economy. Due to the relationship with franchisors, such solutions allow the identification of financing Competitive advantages: agreement in synergy with the franchisor, focused on meeting the specific needs of each chain, considering the industry in which it operates. • Allows franchisors and their franchisees to access tailor-made solutions, created in accordance with specific characteristics and needs, facilitating relationships and interrelation among all parties involved in the process. Currently, the Bank has 244 agreements signed with franchisors, generating several opportunities of opening new checking accounts and leverage of businesses with respective franchisors. • Offers access to credit facilities and product and service packages through a structured Statistical Data – Number of Documents Processed – In millions 2011 3rd Qtr. 4th Qtr. 2012 Year 3rd Qtr. 4th Qtr. 2013 3rd Qtr. Year Receipt Solutions 205.2 203.0 789.7 217.5 223.3 857.4 Paym ent Solutions 118.1 123.4 451.2 142.1 149.8 545.4 166.6 Public Sector (*) 130.8 126.3 509.0 132.7 135.7 527.9 145.2 Taxes 32.3 30.1 126.5 32.4 30.5 130.9 38.0 Water, Electricity, Telephone and Gas 77.9 75.1 301.1 78.1 80.7 306.7 83.1 Social Security (1) Total 228.0 20.7 21.1 81.4 22.3 24.5 90.4 24.1 454.1 452.7 1,749.9 492.3 508.7 1930.7 539.8 (1) Total number of beneficiaries: over 7.815 million retirees and pensioners (corresponding to 25.36% of population benefitting from INSS). (*) Includes public and privatized utility service concessionaires. Bradesco 32 Qualified Services for the Capital Markets Bradesco is one of the main providers of qualified services for capital markets and, through its Share and Custody Department, is considered the national leader in qualified custody according to Anbima’s Asset Custody – Domestic Market ranking. Through a specialized team, services meet all customer requirements and guidelines of regulating and self-regulating bodies, the main pillars of which are long-term relationships and partnership. Bradesco’s Custody Department received 10 certifications related to Quality Management System ISO 9001:2008 and three certifications related to GoodPriv@cy data protection that expand control structures and reinforce the efficiency of processes. The main services provided are: bookkeeping of assets (shares, Brazilian Depositary Receipts BDRs, investment fund quotas, Certificates of Real Estate Receivables - CRIs and debentures); qualified custody of securities; custody of shares for coverage of Depositary Receipts (DRs); controllership of investment funds (CVM Rule 409 funds and Structured Funds) and managed portfolios; trustee for investment funds; offshore funds; custody and representation for foreign investors; agent bank and qualified depositary and compensation agent. 1 – Assets Bookkeeping 1.1 – Shares A pioneer of this segment in Brazil, Bradesco offers services that gather all procedures related to the bookkeeping of shares and serves over 4.5 million active shareholders. The Bradesco System of Book-Entry Shares was developed to serve publicly or privately-held companies in all their needs related to the registration and updating of shares issued, whether book-entry or registered shares. At the website 33 Report on Supplementary Information - September 2013, companies may access in real time positions of their shareholders, registration and banking data and share transfers, and may also consult their investors’ dividends resolved, paid and/or to be paid. Bradesco provides customized assistance to investors from customer companies via the branch network located throughout Brazil. Corporate Information 1.2 – BDRs – Brazilian Depositary Receipts A pioneer responsible for the development of the depositary service of BDRs traded on the stock exchange, Bradesco offers registration of the program with the CVM and Bacen, control of issuances and cancellations of BDRs and the management of all events through the bookkeeping of BDRs, in addition to customized assistance to investors through the branch network. 1.3 – Investment Fund Quotas Bradesco’s System of Book-Entry Quotas was developed to meet the needs of its customers regarding the bookkeeping of quotas from funds under management. The system brings together technical-operating resources focused on the control of quotaholders’ data, registration of transactions and payment of proceeds, as well as the issuance of managerial reports. 1.4 – Debentures Bradesco offers services such as the recording of issuances, control of transactions, processing of payments of rights granted to investors and control of respective balances, in addition to providing issuing companies with different managerial reports. 1.5 – Main indicators of the third quarter of 2013 Book-Entry Shares 254 companies, with market capitalization of R$1.173 trillion, comprising over 4.5 million shareholders. Book-Entry Debentures 283 companies with 388 issues, totaling a restated amount of R$252.614 billion. Book-Entry Quotas 337 closed funds, with restated amount of R$64.327 billion. Brazilian Depositary Receipts - BDR 25 programs, with an R$1.312 billion market value. 2 – Custody, Controllership and Investment Fund Management and Portfolios under Management Targeted at fund managers, pension funds, insurance companies, banks and pension plan entities, qualified services have posted continuous growth based on partnerships and relationships with our customers, investment in technology and processes and a wide range of innovating solutions suitable to the different particularities of this business. 2.1 – Qualified Custody of Securities Bradesco relies on a complete infrastructure for physical and financial settlement of securities, management and information on payments, reconciliation of asset inventory with the different Central Securities Depositories, online cash management and daily equity updating, among other services. 2.2 – Controllership of Investment Funds and Portfolios under Management The following activities are conducted by this segment: cash control, control of risks, legal framing and investment policy; banking reconciliation of fixed income assets traded at Selic or Cetip, and variable income assets, traded at the BM&FBOVESPA S.A. – Securities, Commodities and Futures Exchange; registration of purchase and sale operations of assets making up the portfolio of Funds/Portfolios; and accounting of assets, provisions and movement of quotaholders. Additionally, trial balance sheets and periodic reports for the statement of income and disclosure of results are also prepared. Bradesco 34 2.3 – Special Custody and Controllership Services for Structured Funds Funds - FIDC; Private Equity Investment Funds FIP; Investment Mutual Funds in Emerging Companies - FMIEE; and Real Estate Investment Funds - FII; among others. Services of this type offered by Bradesco have posted expressive growth, especially for the Bank’s technical capacity and modern infrastructure to operate the different categories of funds, such as: Receivables-Backed Investment 2.4 – Clearance Agent Clearance agent is a service provided to brokerage firms, insurance companies and investment funds, in which Bradesco is responsible, before the CBLC, for the physical and financial settlement of operations registered on the BM&FBOVESPA, respecting the daily operational limits established through guarantees tendered by respective customers for volume and type of operation carried out on the stock exchange. 2.5 – Services to the Foreign Market – Non-Resident Investors (INR) and Offshore Funds Regarding the regulation guideline, which increases the number of alternatives for Brazilian funds to invest abroad, Bradesco was a pioneer by offering services for domestic funds to invest in the global market and was granted a full license to manage Offshore Funds. These facts provide customers with the complete service infrastructure necessary to execute their international strategies. Bradesco’s experience and qualification is also aimed at meeting increasing demand for specialized services for the international market. Foreign investors on the Brazilian market are provided with Custody and Representation services, including tax guidance, corporate action services and proxy voting, among others. 2.6 – Custody of Shares for Coverage of DRs funds abroad. Additionally, together with the depositary bank, Bradesco carries out the exchange of information related to resolutions made at the meetings of the DR’s issuing companies. Bradesco launched the first Brazilian DR program, a service which consists of the registration of the program with CVM and Bacen, control of issuances and cancellations, receipt of rights on shares and remittance of 2.7 – Main indicators of the third quarter of 2013 Custody R$959.499 billion in assets under custody (funds, portfolios, DRs and receivable funds). Controllership R$1.247 trillion distributed across 12,238 investment funds and portfolios under management. Depositary Receipt – DR R$95.346 billion in 27 programs. Growth of Assets under Custody– R$ billion 2009 Assets under Custody 2010 Mar Jun Sept Dec Mar Jun 415.1 454 532.3 562.9 589.5 595.7 35 Report on Supplementary Information - September 2013 2011 Sept Dec 674 Mar Jun Sept Dec 2012 Mar 2013 Jun Sept Dec Mar 729 758.2 762.1 761.0 795.8 856.9 856.7 890 973.2 957.6 941.8 959.5 Jun Sept Corporate Information 3 – Investment Fund Trustee Management – BEM DTVM Through the subsidiary BEM DTVM Ltda., Bradesco offers Fund Trustee services to Third Party Investment Funds, which include the preparation of rules and prospectus, call and instatement of meetings, maintenance of legal documents and follow-up of normative amendments, as well as interaction with bodies responsible for the flow of information and documents. 4 – Agent Bank (Debentures/Promissory Notes) As an agent bank, Bradesco is responsible for the financial confirmation of all payments and transactions carried out by the issuer at Cetip S.A. – OTC Clearing House, by means of SND and/or BM&FBOVESPA S.A. – Securities, Commodities and Futures Exchange through the Bovespa FIX system. 5 – Depositary (Escrow Account) Depositary is a service provided by Banco Bradesco, which, as an independent entity, agrees to receive, keep under custody, meet and settle operations in favor of contracting parties, in accordance with conditions established in Depositary contract, for greater comfort of financial obligations guaranteed or assumed, maintaining the control and the supervision by means of an escrow account. 6,314 contracts with a financial volume of R$7.419 billion. Management of Business and Relations with Government Authorities Bradesco, through its exclusive platforms located nationwide and aimed at assisting the Government Sector, with their specialized Business Managers, offers in a safe manner its products, services and solutions of quality to entities and bodies of the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary Branches at the federal, state and municipal levels, in addition to independent government agencies, public foundations, stateowned and mixed companies, the Armed Forces (Army, Navy, and Air Force), Reserve Forces (Federal, Military and Civil Police), notary officers and registers. The website provides corporate payment, receipt, Human Resources and treasury solutions, with an exclusive area for civil servants and members of the armed forces, through which these customers have access to all products and services. The Progredir Portal’s operations (program for financing to Petrobras’ supplier chain) for advances of receivables from suppliers of the Unified Health System - SUS and other suppliers of entities and public bodies were centralized within Bradesco Government Authority Department. In the third quarter of 2013, the Bank continued to evaluate and take part in biddings promoted by Government Authorities, especially for payrolls. A total of 7.7 million retirees and pensioners receive their monthly benefits through Bradesco, which is the largest payer among all banks in Brazil. Bradesco 36 Corporate Processes Ombudsman Alô Bradesco, the financial market’s first channel of communication with the public, was created in 1985, five years prior to the launch of the Consumer Defense Code, in order to register and follow up on complaints and suggestions from customers. The Ombudsman Department reinforces the values that guided the creation of Alô Bradesco, and has an Ombudsman Officer, enabling it to provide an open and direct dialogue with customers and users. Actions taken by the Bank regarding the manifestations received reaffirm Bradesco’s commitment to customer satisfaction and capture its trends and demands. It is also part of the Ombudsman’s mission to identify opportunities for improvement in the processes and the products and services provided to customer and users, through the analysis of the main complaints and their recurrence registered at the Conglomerate. The Ombudsman acts together with the managers of products and services object of complaints, so that actions are taken to correct, once and for all, issues brought up in complaints, which are presented as improvement proposals to the Board of Directors. On a half-year basis, a report prepared by the Ombudsman Officer, which includes a track-record of complaints at the appellate court, is sent to the Brazilian Central Bank, as set forth in Circular Letter 3503 and Resolution 3849, which replaced Circular Letter 3370 and Resolution 3477. The Ombudsman also takes part in the Product and Service Departmental Commission and in the Business and Relationship Actions Departmental Commission, in which it has veto powers. Integrated Management System - ERP In the pursuit of better results and expansion of its capacity to manage the Organization's resources, Bradesco adopted one of the most modern concepts for integrating organizational processes: the Integrated Management System - ERP. The adoption of the Integrated Management System allowed the areas to renew processes and review organizational structures, in addition to training all of the Organization’s employees via on-site and e-learning training. The system integrated processes in Human Resources, Training, Material and Service Purchases, Accounts Payable, Physical and Tax Collection, Fixed Assets, Bank Accounting, Availability Control, Management of Civil Works, Maintenance, Properties and Audit. The Integrated Management System at Bradesco allowed for standardization of processes, agile decision-making and secure operations, as well as decreased operating costs and increased productivity. Certifications The Management System is an interrelation of the parties, elements or units that allows the operation and management of an organized structure, contributing to reach the operation excellence and expected results. The Bradesco Organization’s Management System has the following certifications: SA800 – Social Responsibility - In line with the sustainability concept in its business strategy, Bradesco’s Social Responsibility Management System, based on International Rule SA 8000®:2008, sets requirements in compliance with 37 Report on Supplementary Information - September 2013 the Organization’s Human Resources Management Policy, whose purpose is to improve continuously relations and conditions in the work environment, extending its commitment to Human Rights, Children’s Rights and Labor Rights to its suppliers. In the first half of 2007, Bradesco was The America’s first financial institution to be certified, yet under a delimited scope. Certifications were granted as follows: Corporate Information — In December 2009, the administrative headquarters of Cidade de Deus was certified; — In 2010, call center areas located in the states of São Paulo and Minas Gerais, administrative centers in Alphaville (state of São Paulo) and the Nova Central building (state of São Paulo) were certified; and — In 2011 and 2012, the certification of 14 administrative buildings of DSC centers nationwide, an administrative building in Campinas (state of São Paulo), the insurance group at Av. Paulista and branches in the city of Osasco/Boarder was recommended. In the first half of 2013, the certification covered other administrative buildings and units of Branch Network in the state of São Paulo. OHSAS 18001 – Occupational Health and Safety - This internationally accepted certification for occupational health and safety management systems comprises the Information Technology Center at Cidade de Deus, in Osasco (state of São Paulo) and buildings at Av. Paulista and Rua Itapeva, in São Paulo (state of São Paulo). The OHSAS 18001 was developed in compatibility with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. The Occupational Health and Safety Management System effectively helps in the identification of dangers and risks, monitoring of work environments, and compliance with the law in effect, providing a safe and sound environment to employees. ISO 14001 – Environment Management - This certification is granted to Management Systems that help reaching environmental goals, pointing out works to reduce the generation of solid waste in civil works and the consumption of raw materials. Bradesco was the first financial institution in Brazil to receive this certification, comprising the Avenida Paulista building, in the city and state of São Paulo, and the Cidade de Deus IT Center building, in the city of Osasco, state of São Paulo. ISO 14064 – Quantification and Report on Greenhouse Gases - This certification was granted the Bradesco Organization as a whole, including direct emissions, indirect emissions due to the importing of electricity and other indirect emissions from companies operationally controlled by Banco Bradesco S.A. GoodPriv@cy – Data Protection and Privacy Seal - We have four certifications for Organization’s significant products and services, adopting an international standard that includes requirements for data protection and privacy. ISO 9001 – Quality Management - The Organization has 162 certificated scopes. This management system aims at continuously improving processes and business and increasing customer satisfaction, taking into consideration the needs of all stakeholders. ISO 27001 – Information Security Management - The Organization has three certifications in the following scopes: "Information Security Management System covering logical security to ensure access passwords to applications and the Bank’s internal technological infrastructure, managed by the Data Processing and Communication Department (DPCD), from Contingency and Security Management area,” “Information Security Management System, applied to DPCD’s Information Technology Infrastructure, Storage and Operation processes – Information Technology Center (CTI) of Banco Bradesco located at Cidade de Deus, in Osasco” and “Bradesco Seguros e Previdência Logical Security sector related Management, Project, Operating Process, Monitoring and Quality,” the latter granted to Bradesco Seguros. ISO 20000 – IT Service Management – The Organization has one certification in the scope of “IT Service Delivery Management by Banco Bradesco – Data Processing and Communication Department located at the company headquarters (Cidade de Deus – Osasco) and Núcleo Alphaville (Barueri), comprising the following services: Batch Processing and Transactional Services, File Transfer, Print of Reports and Documents for Clients, Data Communication, Software Installation and Support on equipment at the user`s facilities”. Bradesco 38 211 209 185 216 208 196 194 162 106 81 28 2 6 7 11 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 49 39 2001 56 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Certifications Methodology for Process Mapping and Documentation This corporate methodology for process mapping and documentation seeks to enable the Bank’s premises to map and document the product and service processes they manage in a systematized and standardized manner. The documentation’s results are stored in a specific corporate database, from which the documentation requested is provided concomitantly, in order to comply with: − Activity-Based Costing (ABC); − Bradesco Quality Management System – NBR ISO 9001:2008; − Internal Controls and Compliance; − Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act; and − Ongoing Improvement of Processes. The methodology establishes a standardized document structure adopted by the premises, which allows an overview of processes from the following products and services: − Organizational Chart; − Product and Service Tree; − Context Diagram; − Process Macro Vision; − Process Flow; and − Activity Detailing. The structure defined for the methodology, combined with information on products and services, effectively enables analysis and diagnosis aimed at improving processes and complying with the requirements of management systems. Activity-Based Costing Program Designed to support the Bank in its actions to improve processes and optimize productive resources, the organization has adopted the ABC – Activity-Based Costing program to reduce costs by measuring the cost and performance of costing activities, resources and objects. Thus, the knowledge of the Bank's activities, as well as the accurate measurement of resources consumed by these activities, allows for a more precise analysis of the cost/benefit ratio of each of 39 Report on Supplementary Information - September 2013 the Organization's production processes and results centers. As a result of the application of Activity-Based Costing, the Bank has already met the following targets: improvements in the allocation of costs to products, channels and customers; support for qualification studies and negotiation of fees; subsidies for product, unit and customer profitability systems; support for studies concerning outsourcing, merger and equipment sharing; and support for cost rationalization studies. Corporate Information Activity-Based Management Seeking to explore potential applications of the Activity-Based Costing database, we are gradually implementing a cost management model by means of Activity-Based Management (ABM), which we expect will rapidly lead to the reduction of costs and a proactive approach regarding the identification of opportunities. Concurrently, as processes are improved, operating performance can be seamlessly integrated with Bradesco's strategic goals to create and/or support Bradesco's competitive advantages and add value for both customers and shareholders. Thus, the future mission of Activity-Based Management is to provide permanent support for the planning and control of the Bank's business processes, ensuring that tactical and operational issues are continually improved, as well as support their strategic guidance. Acknowledgment For the second consecutive time, Bradesco was elected the Best Bank of Brazil, according to a survey conducted by Euromoney magazine. Bradesco was ranked first among the Best Banks in Customer Satisfaction, a list disclosed on the website of Época Negócios magazine. It is the best ranked Brazilian private financial institution by the American magazine Fortune, which lists the world’s 500 largest companies. It is the Most Innovative Company in Providing Customer Services in Brazil, according to a study conducted by DOM Strategy Partners and published in the Consumidor Moderno magazine. It is the most valuable bank brand of Latin America according to a survey conducted by the consulting firm BandAnalytics/Millward Brown published in the magazine Financial Times. It is also Brazil’s most valuable brand, according to the 2013 ranking of the consulting firm Brand Finance. Bradesco is the most profitable private bank of Latin America and the United States, according to a study conducted by the consulting firm Economática. It was ranked first among the 200 largest private groups of Brazil, according to Exame magazine’s 2013 Best and Largest Companies year book. It is the Brazilian bank with the best service of the country, according to a survey conducted by Exame magazine in a partnership with the Brazilian Institute of Customer Relations – IBRC. Bradesco was considered the best bank to work for in Brazil, according to Guia 2013 Você S/A – The Best Companies to Work for. It is also in the Best Companies to Work for in Brazil list, according to a study conducted by Época magazine, assessed by the Great Place to Work Institute. It is the most admired and present private financial institution in Brazilian university students’ career plans, according to a study conducted by the consulting firm Universum, published by The Bank is also ranked among the 150 Best Companies in People Management Practices of the 2013 PGPS Award, conducted by Gestão RH magazine. Bradesco and Bradesco Seguros are among the ten companies which were awarded the 2013 Brazil Ombudsman Prize. The Bank was also awarded the Sports’ Friend Entrepreneur Prize in several categories. Bradesco 40 Social and Environmental Responsibility 2 – Social and Environmental Responsibility Bradesco 41 Sustainability Supply Chain Leadership Collaboration Since 2008, Bradesco has supported the Supply Chain Leadership Collaboration initiatives and, throughout these years, it has been working with the companies composing its supply chain so as to foster management, inventory and disclosure of their Greenhouse Gases (GHG) emissions, which directly impact scope-3 emissions and climate changes. In addition to raising awareness to the importance of adopting measures for emission reduction or offset, the focus is also on involving suppliers from critical segments—transportation, furniture, cards and graphic materials—towards environmental matters. Annually, in the month of April, Bradesco invites these companies to answer the CDP Supply Chain questionnaire. In August, the answering process was concluded and, once more, there had been great adhesion of the suppliers: 63 companies answered the questionnaire. The analysis of answers will be disclosed in mid November. Participation in the 4th Leaders Summit – Architects of a Better Future In partnership with the Global Compact Local Network in Brazil, Bradesco attended the 4th Leaders Summit – Architects of a Better Future, chaired by Ban Ki-moon, United Nations Secretary-General. The meeting gathered corporate executives and representatives with leaders from civil society, governments and the United States to work out a new global architecture for corporate sustainability. More than 1,000 people were present in the event. Participation in the Carbon Disclosure Project For one more year, Bradesco is among the companies which reported their emissions and climate change policies to the Carbon Disclosure Project – CDP. The CDP consists of a single global system which collects information on the companies’ behavior in relation to climate changes, in order to disclose such information mainly to shareholders and investors. Bradesco is part of this initiative since 2006. A total of 4,100 companies answers to CDP around the world, corresponding to 81% of Ranking Global 500’s largest companies. Currently, CDP gathers 722 investors, who jointly manage U$87 trillion in assets. Reduced Resource Consumption In order to reduce electricity and water consumption, Bradesco maintains an area dedicated to managing these strategic resources, with duties that include managing electricity demand agreements with concessionaires and constantly researching more efficient and intelligent new technologies for its equipment, in accordance with the environmental conservation policy. 42 Report on Supplementary Information – September 2013 In its constant concerned with this issue, Bradesco invests in the awareness of its branch network, indicating consumption targets for each branch—based on size, amount of equipment installed, the number of employees and monitoring of results. Furthermore, the Bank discloses information on the use of electricity and water through circular letters, internal newsletters and the intranet, among other channels. Social and Environmental Responsibility a. Electricity Timers were installed to automatically turn off lights at branches, allowing for easy utilization during scheduled hours. Turning off lights in unused areas and using natural light is also encouraged. Similar care is taken in the acquisition and installation of air-conditioning systems, such as thermo-accumulation devices, which reduce energy consumption at peak hours. Employees are encouraged to optimize the use of elevators, air conditioning and other energy-consuming equipment. Approximately 250 mercury vapor bulbs installed in the lampposts of Cidade de Deus were replaced by sodium vapor bulbs, while nearly 60 thousand 40-watt bulbs have been replaced by 32-watt bulbs, substantially reducing energy consumption without losing light efficiency. Electronic ballasts, which consume less energy than normal equipment, were also installed, as well as circuit breakers and adjustments to general electric equipment, allowing disconnection by area. Since 2008, incandescent bulbs have been replaced by compact fluorescent light bulbs in corridors, bathrooms and halls on the premises of Cidade de Deus, providing increased light efficiency and low consumption. Since 2008 to date, approximately 5,000 bulbs were replaced. b. Water Bradesco exercises similar caution with regards to the use of water. Premises are periodically oriented to monitor consumption and maintenance on a monthly basis, in an effort to prevent possible leakage of valves, toilets and faucets. Technical measures to reduce water consumption have been adopted, such as replacing manual faucets for automatic ones for use at the Bank’s headquarters, administrative buildings and branches during remodeling and maintenance. Since 2008, the Organization has been building tanks to collect and store rainwater at Cidade de Deus and Avenida Paulista, which will be used to water gardens and wash sidewalks. Six tanks are currently in use, having collected approximately 6,000 m³ of rain water for use since installation. drainage. Permeable material has been used in the restoration of sidewalks, for better ground absorption of rainwater. Studies on water usage optimization were carried out, concluding that water flow out of a faucet without an aerator is around 800 ml per use; with an aerator, between 250 ml and 300 ml water flows out of a faucet. After assessments, 4,400 aerators were installed at Cidade de Deus, administrative buildings and centers, aiming at reducing water consumption at 3.3 liters/day/employee, or 73 liters/month. With this measure, each employee will save approximately 880 liters/year. Such amount would supply 165 homes from government housing program. A reduction of 30,000 m3 of water/year is expected after this measure is adopted. Also, a water and sewage treatment plant is under construction at Cidade de Deus. A total of 4,000 m3/month of water are expected to be treated, which will be used in toilet bowls and air conditioning cooling towers. Bradesco is studying the possibility to expand the number of branches with aerators to 612 in 2013. Better rainwater absorption is considered when the parking lots of Cidade de Deus are improved, including the removal of low walls to improve In line with this matter, the GEA – Gestão de Energia e Água, a tool for Buildings’ electricity and water consumption analysis, is under implementation. This system provides users with graphs on monthly expenses and target per location, aiming at lower costs and consumption. Bradesco 43 Solid Waste Disposal a. Paper and Cardboard In 2009, Bradesco implemented recycling programs at major administrative centers and is now considering the possibility of implementing this type of program in other regions. Furthermore, the Bank is considering using methods to assess the quantity of paper consumed in office paper and forms in order to reduce the consumption of these materials. From the implementation of this program to date, approximately 8,314 metric tons of paper and cardboard have been recycled. When requesting printed material and forms through the Suprimentos On-line website, a monthly average for requests by users is established according to the amount used in the previous year. With this information, requests that surpass the average are analyzed and the solicitor will be contacted, with the purpose of reducing the quantities requested. Given that expenses are tracked and facilities encouraged to reduce costs, consumption is consequently reduced as well. With this in mind, in 2008 Bradesco implemented a tool to control printing materials and office supply expenses on the Suprimentos On-line website. This allows branches and regional offices to view requests and balances in the form of statements of the monthly average of expenses and to prevent unnecessary costs. Dispensers and respective consumables (toilet paper, paper towels and hand soap) used in the bathrooms of Cidade de Deus, administrative buildings and Great São Paulo’s branches were also standardized. Assessments concluded that, even with the need to install more equipment and the “population” increase (employees and service providers) at Cidade de Deus, there was a decrease in consumption. In addition to the economic aspects and quality improvement, this measure contributed to conscious consumption, with new toilet paper and paper towel liberation systems that inhibit waste and reduces consumption. In continuing this process, our facilities began to use Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified paper products (toilet paper and paper towel) in the fourth quarter of 2010, guaranteeing that raw materials are from a controlled source. b. Metal, Glass and Plastics Since 2007, Bradesco has run metal, glass and plastic recycling programs at Cidade de Deus and some administrative buildings, in addition to recycling maintenance materials. This practice has been encouraged and improved through inhouse campaigns and actions and should be expanded to other administrative centers, as well as increasing the quantity of recycled products, improving the measurement methodology to obtain data. Since the implementation to date, 184 metric tons of this material was sent for recycling. The process to centralize management of 50 administrative buildings at Cidade de Deus is in progress and should allow for better monitoring of waste material and the ecologically-correct disposal of this material. Additionally, there was an increase in the number of maintenance and service agreements with specific clauses focused on sustainability, which highlight co-responsibility 44 Report on Supplementary Information – September 2013 for the appropriate disposal thereof. To date, 39 buildings have been centralized. Biodegradable plastic bags are used on all Bradesco’s premises. This material decomposes completely within a short period of time, minimizing the environmental impact at Cidade de Deus and administrative buildings. Color-coded plastic bags corresponding with waste collected are also used to facilitate the recycling of these materials. Disposable plastic cups: In 2012, with the purpose of preserving the environment and improving our eco-efficiency actions, the size of plastic cups was changed from 200 to 180 ml, through the Suprimentos On-Line website, which will reduce the consumption of raw material and the volume of plastic waste. Social and Environmental Responsibility Taking into account that every year Bradesco uses approximately 35 million plastic cups, corresponding to 77 metric tons of plastic, this reduction avoided the disposal of 10% this volume in the environment, which is equivalent to approximately eight metric tons. Sealing: In 2012, the sealing used in ATMs was replaced by a smaller one, which represents a reduction of approximately 16 metric tons/year of raw material used in the production of this material. c. Lighting Since 2007, light bulbs have been ecologically disposed of at Cidade de Deus and other administrative buildings. Since the implementation to date, 156,709 light bulbs were sent for recycling. d. Technological Waste In 2008, the Organization started to manage technological waste resulting from the maintenance and replacement of electric and electronic equipment, in order to promote recycling and proper disposal. Since the implementation of the program, 2,151 metric tons of this type of material have been recycled. e. Other Waste At Cidade de Deus, approximately 115,000 m² of green area is maintained and around 4,300 trees are cataloged under the replacement and planting program. In maintaining these areas, swept up dried leaves and branches are crushed. The crushed material (nearly 2.5 metric tons/month) is used as fertilizer and in gardening, contributing to the natural enrichment of the soil and avoiding disposal in landfills. Grass clippings are also used as compost. In continuing with the project, our Alphaville Unit, with nearly 115,000 m2 of green area, 3,000 cataloged trees and a replanting program, began to grind material collected on its premises (approximately 1.4 metric tons/month) for reuse as compost. Use of Sustainable Products a. Recycled Paper Usage Program This program, based on the certainty that Bradesco can contribute to the dissemination of environmental responsibility, has been gradually implemented throughout the Organization. The decision to use recycled paper was made after prolonged negotiations with suppliers, and even if it does not optimize costs, the most important consideration is its environmental advantages. Recycled paper has been intensely used, including in the production of internal and external communication material, such as posters, magazines, circular letters, business cards, statements distributed to clients and check books. Nearly 90% of material consumed by the Organization is now reused. Even so, in the continuous pursuit of better practices, a detailed study on different paper options available on the market was carried out. With this study, it was possible to perceive the advantages offered by the white, acid-free paper with the FSC seal, of one the most renowned certifications in the world. Bradesco 45 b. Remanufactured Cartridges For several years Bradesco has used remanufactured cartridges in printers, aiming to reduce environmental pollution while reducing costs. This material is provided by the Suprimentos On-line Website. c. Certified Wood Our premises are currently equipped with furniture made by companies with FSC certifications, or those that guarantee that wood used in construction comes from reforested areas. Premises are also supplied with pencils manufactured with certified wood. The raw material used contributes to the fight against the exploitation of illegal wood of predatory origin, in addition to minimizing environmental degradation. d. Biodegradable Cleaning Products In Cidade de Deus, biodegradable products are used in cleaning and maintenance services. Contracted companies are encouraged to use these products, which will later become a requirement for consideration in further agreement renewals. This measure is part of an improvement program seeking to standardize biodegradable products, appropriate dilution according to manufacturer’s recommendations and the obligation to present information about chemical products used on the Organization’s premises. e. Window shades and carpets Since 2009, branches and administrative buildings have used products made from recycled materials. Window shades, for instance, are made with fibers from PET bottles and aluminum scrap, such as: soda cans, truck beds and plates, among other materials. To date, approximately 8,300 m² of window shades have been produced. A total of 8,035 m² of carpet made from recycled carpets and other materials were already installed. Sustainable Building A branch in the Perdizes neighborhood, in São Paulo, was built in compliance with the best sustainability norms in civil construction. All of the project’s stages—planning, construction and branch operation—were based on concepts that minimize social and environmental impact, such as pollution prevention, water reuse, energetic efficiency, recycling and alternative transportation. The building will apply for certifications that attest to sustainability criteria, such as LEED Leadership in Energy Environmental Design and the USGBC - United States Green Building Council. 46 Report on Supplementary Information – September 2013 Bradesco built the Bradesco Sports and Education Development Center in the Jardim Cipava neighborhood in the city of Osasco, São Paulo, which received the LEED certification in October 2010. With this initiative in mind, several concepts for projects and sustainable materials are being used in new branches and remodeling. Social and Environmental Responsibility Human Resources The Bradesco Organization’s business is founded on the principle of acknowledging the value of its staff’s performance and their potential for achievement. Our Human Resources management model is guided by excellence, respect and transparency in all relations, continued investment in development and shared knowledge and appreciation of human beings, without discrimination of any type. We believe in our capacity to promote sustainable growth, for our people and by our people. We offer our employees opportunities for ongoing professional development in a healthy, safe and ethical environment with transparent commitments and goals. We encourage our employees to overcome their limits and seek creative solutions in a quest for self-realization, customer satisfaction and business expansion. Bradesco is a Career Bank in which employees are admitted to entry positions and, through opportunities for professional growth, are able to plan their careers and may reach all hierarchical levels. This is an important motivator for staff that stimulates the endless quest for knowledge and renewal thereof. Moreover, our operations are continuously expanding throughout the country, providing new employment opportunities in all of the Bank’s segments. Therefore, the professional growth of each employee is closely tied to their effort and dedication. We believe that highly skilled teams with career opportunities are able to surpass goals and present excellent results, contributing decisively to the solidity of the Bradesco brand and the achievement of its market strategies. A bank that takes into account the stratification of Brazilian social structure seen among its customers and partners has a major commitment to respecting Brazil's cultural and ethnic diversity. This is a fundamental part of Bradesco's strategic vision that ensures significant organizational performance. Certification under International Standards Bradesco is certified under OHSAS 18001:2007, which establishes a set of procedures used to measure occupational safety and health management systems. Initially, the only certified unit was the Avenida Paulista building, number 1,450, in the city and state of São Paulo, in May 2006. In December 2007, the certification was extended to Itapeva building (São Paulo) and, in 2009, to the CTI – Information Technology Center, located in Osasco. The certification currently covers over 1.2 thousand employees. The Occupational Safety and Health Management System – SGSST, used in the premises certified by OHSAS 18001:2007, is being implemented in the same premises certified by SA 8000. We also invest in actions to avoid problems such as repetitive stress injuries (work related musculoskeletal disorders), stress, chemical dependency (alcohol/drugs/tobacco), obesity, heart disease and sexually transmitted diseases, including aids, in addition to promoting special vaccination campaigns. In 2006 and in line with the concept of sustainability, an integral part of Bradesco’s business strategy, the Bank implemented the Bradesco Social Responsibility Management System, based on International Rule SA 8000®. This Rule sets requirements for compliance with the Bradesco Organization’s Human Resources Management Policy and seeks to promote the ongoing improvement of relationships and the work environment, extending to the commitment to respect human, children’s rights and fundamental labor rights among its suppliers. Bradesco 47 Social Responsibility Requirements – SA 8000®:2008 Standard 1. Child Labor 5. Discrimination 2. Forced and Compulsory Labor 6. Disciplinary Practices 3. Occupational Health and Safety 7. Working Hours 4. Freedom of Association Bargaining Rights and Collective In the first half of 2007, Banco Bradesco received the SA 8000®:2001 certification, becoming the first financial institution in the Americas to receive the certification within specific scopes. Between 2007 and 2010, Bradesco was certified in the management of human resources that operate in business areas and related companies in the building located at Avenida Paulista, 1,450, in the city and state of São Paulo, our administrative headquarters in Cidade de Deus, in the city of Osasco in the State of São Paulo (which is currently the location of offices for more than 15 buildings), call center areas located in the states of São Paulo and Minas Gerais, the Administrative Centers in Alphaville, São Paulo, and the Nova Central building located in São Paulo, comprising a total of nearly 22.5 thousand employees and 3.5 thousand service providers. 8. Compensation 9. Management System In 2011, 14 administrative buildings of DSC distributed nationwide, the Campinas (state of São Paulo) administrative building, the Insurance Group at Avenida Paulista (state of São Paulo), 1,415 and branches in the city of Osasco and near cities, in the State of São Paulo, covering approximately 4,000 employees, were certified. In 2012, our Brasília Administrative Center (Federal District), Grupo Segurador Barão de Itapagipe (state of Rio de Janeiro), Bradesco Financiamentos Alameda Santos (state of São Paulo), Scopus Mutinga and Domingos S. Anjos (state of São Paulo) and 307 branches in São Paulo and Greater São Paulo were recommended to SA8000 certification in May 2013, covering nearly 11,700 more employees. Currently, we have 38,000 employees and 9,000 service providers covered by SA8000 certification. The Best Place to Work We share with all of the Organization’s employees, our satisfaction and commitment to being included in indexes based on the quality of relations and quality of the labor environment. In 2013, nearly 6,700 employees at all company levels, within all company sectors and departments, volunteered their time to contribute to workplace satisfaction research by responding to surveys and participating in interviews. They assessed items such as the work environment, benefits, compensation, professional development, ethics, civic values and corporate social responsibility. Transparency, respect and trust ensure a motivating and challenging work environment. In recent years, our positive ranking in various indexes has served as proof of our commitment to these ideals. 48 Report on Supplementary Information – September 2013 In 2013, the Company was listed for the fifth year in Guia Você S/A - As Melhores Empresas para Você Trabalhar (Você S/A Guide – The Best Companies to Work for), the best ranked bank in the list, for excellence in people management, based on valuing staff and creating opportunities for professional growth. In addition to being a part of this select group, we have been recognized for four years as one of the 50 Best Companies for Women to Work For. Guia Você S/A is considered the best and most comprehensive study on organizational environments in Brazil and, since 2006, has presented an index of workplace happiness in which Bradesco is frequently highlighted for providing its employees with a positive corporate environment and promoting the well-being of its staff. In 2013 Bradesco was once again chosen as one of 100 Best Companies to Work for in Brazil (a Social and Environmental Responsibility survey published in Época magazine and prepared by the GTPW - Great Place To Work Institute), ranking 16th among Large Companies. Bradesco also won the “The Largest among the Best Companies to Work for in Brazil,” award, an exclusive publication by the O Estado de S. Paulo newspaper based on the annual survey by GTPW. Bradesco was listed for three time as one of the 20 Best Companies in Human Resources Practices by Melhor magazine, and for four consecutive times as a part of the Best Companies for Executives to Work For ranking from Época Negócios magazine, which presents companies in which the executive group reports feeling the most satisfaction at work. For the ninth consecutive year, we stood out at the Top Companies in Terms of People Management survey, conducted by the Valor Econômico newspaper, as the first bank to be included on the list and, in 2012, we were the only bank in the ranking. In 2013, Bradesco was listed for the third consecutive year in the survey “As Melhores Empresas para Começar a Carreira” (“The Best Companies to Begin a Career”) of Você S/A Guide - Exame magazine. The survey was conducted among people from 18 to 26 years of age, for the third time worldwide. We were recognized as one of the “Best Companies to Work for in Latin America – 2013,” in the Companies with more than 500 Employees category, according to survey conducted by GPTW, including companies from 20 countries. Bradesco was the only Brazilian bank in the ranking. the category Full, granted by the government of the State of São Paulo. We were elected as one of the “Most Admired Companies by HRs in 2013" in surveys conducted by Gestão RH magazine, and for the seventh consecutive year, we were part of the 100 Best Companies in the Organizational Human Development Index (IDHO) and stood out for Corporate Governance. We also featured the survey ranking of the “50 Best Companies in Corporate Citizenship.” We were recognized, for the third consecutive year, as one of the 150 Best Companies in Personnel Management Practices and we featured the ranking of Psychologically Healthy Work Places, standing out in the Employee Commitment and Communication categories, promoted by Gestão RH magazine. This public recognition honors organizations that develop programs, projects and actions to promote the value of diversity in their work environments and areas of operation. These results are an acknowledgement of our commitment, not only to our clients, but also to our employees. By enhancing talent through professional training, encouraging continued education and maintaining a fair and dynamic workplace structure, we seek to offer conditions so that each worker may grow and build a solid career based on our policy of workplace interaction guided by respect and appreciation. For three consecutive years, the Bank was recognized with the São Paulo Diversity Seal in Human Resources Management Policy of Bradesco Organization Bradesco reaffirms its commitment to employees by formalizing guidelines for the management and development of human resources, doing so through the Bradesco Organization’s Human Resources Management Policy, the basic tenants of which are: 1. To comply with all demands, regulatory rules and legal conventions for work environments and labor relations applicable to our activities; 2. To assume a public commitment to defending and protecting human rights, the rights of children and adolescents and fundamental Bradesco 49 labor rights, in accordance with national and international principles, standards and treaties; 3. To respect human diversity and the dignity of human beings, preserving their individuality and privacy and not accepting discriminatory practices of any nature, whether in the workplace or in any other relations with the internal or external public; 4. To ensure good relationships among the Organization’s professionals, maintaining a safe and healthy working environment and promoting the conditions necessary for elevated levels of performance and productivity; 5. To contribute to the improvement of employees' quality of life, offering conditions to balance work, health and family; 6. To encourage our employees to push their limits and stimulate their creativity so that they actively seek solutions, aiming for selfaccomplishment, client satisfaction and business expansion; 7. To promote the constant development and improvement of our employees’ technical and behavioral potential and provide them with mechanisms that allow them to manage their personal and professional development plan, in order to ensure the continuous enhancement of management processes; 8. To make opportunities for professional growth a priority, by permanently developing and investing in internal skills through appreciation and respect for knowledge and professional skills developed throughout employees’ careers. In-house Communication We invest heavily in our in-house communication, so that employees may effectively participate in the Organization’s strategy. Simultaneously and from any location in the country, Bradesco’s employees receive vital information via notices, rules, CEO blog, e-mails from marketing department, the Sempre em Dia newsletter, Interação magazine, clip mail, digital panel, corporate intranet, Bradesco TV and meetings with the Board of Executive Officers. We use several types of communication means to inform, align, share and celebrate Organization’s achievements, so that employees can be proud to serve the company. The institutional policies, guidelines and procedures are made available through a normative system. Produced in accordance with the highest standards of quality, the video editions of Bradesco TV provide institutional messages and technical guidance. Created in 1990, TV Bradesco is one of the country’s oldest corporate television projects. Annual goals and organizational strategies are disclosed at meetings with the CEO, in which the Organization's officers, regional, branch and department managers all participate and later pass information on to their respective teams. 50 Report on Supplementary Information – September 2013 In order to ensure speed and transparency in communication between the Company, staff, suppliers and other stakeholders, the Bank created Alô RH, a communication channel to clarify any doubts about the rules, legislation, policies, benefits and practices of the Human Resources department, in addition to receiving suggestions, complaints and claims, with an option of non-identification, guaranteeing strict anonymity. Between January and September 2013, Alô RH recorded 85.3 thousand calls. The facilities certified with the SA8000 standard also possess suggestion boxes and employee representatives for the same purpose. On a weekly basis, an internal HR committee gathers to discuss concerns and suggestions in order to decide on measures to be taken. Each quarter, a consolidated report of cases related to ethical issues is prepared and presented to the Ethical Conduct Committee, which evaluates embezzlement cases and measures taken. Additionally, the performance of Bradesco’s Social Responsibility Management System (SGRS) is periodically reported to the Executive Sustainability Committees. The Human Resources Department manages a Union Relations area as a part of its functional structure, seeking to maintain a permanent Social and Environmental Responsibility channel for interaction and dialog with union representatives nationwide, receiving complaints, clarifying doubts, and promoting a relationship based on accessibility, speed and proactive responses between the parties involved. Personnel Management We rely on a personnel management team with the goal of mapping the Company’s human capital. This process is based on detailed analysis through specific methods, knowledge of skills and identification of room for improvement, which is accomplished through individual or team qualification and specific training. talents and obtaining improved short, medium and long-term results. Based on this knowledge, leaders and employees share actions focused on improving their individual and team performance, providing feedback, in addition to definition of actions that lead to professional improvement, retaining Since 2003, 130,300 processes with employees have been mapped and have received feedback. The Company plans to cover all employees by 2014. Skill management aids in maintaining constant follow-up, preparation and execution of individual development plans that motivate and guide new challenges. Respect for Diversity – Social Inclusion The guarantee of a diverse work environment accelerates the personal and professional growth of employees and increases their capacity to better understand and serve their customers. Bradesco respects the diversity and dignity of human beings by preserving their individuality and privacy, not admitting discriminatory practices of any kind, whether in the workplace or in any of the Company’s relationships with its internal and external public. The appreciation of diversity is incorporated into the Organization’s Human Resources Management Policy, which guides employee relations in accordance with the principles of the Global Compact, in addition to a number of other international human rights regulations. Bradesco’s success is based on teamwork, in which each employee contributes so that the Organization can constantly innovate and modernize through embracing all possibilities. This is an ever present value in its daily operations, achieved by amplifying its client base, geographic reach and staff in the most diverse locations. Bradesco has gone far beyond merely selling products and services. The Bank seeks to become more familiar with many different social groups, providing services that meet their needs and work for the sustainable development of the country. To effectively contribute to improving the Company’s relations with its diverse public, as well as maintaining balanced internal demographics - both in admission and retention of talent - Bradesco created the Diversity Appreciation Work Group, composed of representatives of different areas that discussed actions needed to achieve these results. In 2012, we launched Treinet with the topic Diversity, available to all Organization’s employees. Believing in people, understanding and welcoming differences are pioneering values present throughout Bradesco's history, making it a bank that constantly works towards becoming an agent for development. This issue is also broadly supported by the Code of Ethics and the Corporate Sustainability Policy. Bradesco 51 Ethnic Groups We ended the third quarter of 2013 with 24,144 employees of African descent, 11,834 of whom held leadership positions. Since 2005, the Bank has been a partner of Universidade da Cidadania Zumbi dos Palmares (Unipalmares) through a professional qualification program for hiring interns to work in important business areas within the Bank. Unipalmares' mission is to promote the inclusion of citizens of African descent in higher education in Brazil, doing so through the NGO Afrobrás. The two-year program is divided into various modules and relies on a partnership with renowned institutions such as FGV, USP, FIPE, Fipecafi and FIA. Students work in technical and business areas of the Bank and are trained to improve themselves as citizens and qualified professionals ready for the labor market. The program, which began with 30 interns, has been expanded and currently employs 45 students. It is important to emphasize that after the training program ends, and if opportunities arise, the Organization rewards interns who showed interest and received positive feedback by asking them to join the Bradesco Organization as employees. Inclusion Policy for Disabled Bradesco was one of the banks to sponsor the Profession Qualification Program of the Brazilian Bank Federation (Febraban) in 2003 and 2004, which trained professionals with disabilities to hold positions in the labor market. Aiming to hire and retain people with disabilities, Bradesco has established partnerships with specialized entities focused on the inclusion of these professionals, providing training and creating job opportunities within the Organization. Since 2007, through a partnership with a specialized consulting firm, we have been developing and implementing the Bradesco Inclusion Program for the Disabled, the primary objective of which is to contribute to the solidification of an inclusive organizational culture. The Organization’s call center has a specific area composed of visual impaired employees, who operate in active service and provide full performance of activities. Currently, Bradesco employs 2,160 people with disabilities. On Bradesco’s website, under the “Career Opportunities" link, the company offers an exclusive channel to receive résumés from the disabled. 52 Report on Supplementary Information – September 2013 Due to the importance of the issue, Bradesco created a permanent work group focused on issues involving accessibility. One of the actions implemented by the group was the preparation of a video training module on the subject for the Company's entire staff. To improve relations with the disabled, the Bank distributed the “Social Inclusion – Bradesco and the Inclusion of the Disabled” brochure to all members of its staff in 2008 (for more information on this brochure, please visit our Social and Environmental Responsibility website In February 2009, Bradesco - in a partnership with Febraban – hired over 130 people with disabilities through the Program for Professional Qualification and Inclusion of the Disabled in the Banking Sector. This is the first job opportunity for many employees, who will also be offered access to educational and professional development. Of the total number of employees hired, 89 will attend School Upgrading (for those who finished high school) for three months, and all others will attend High School Equivalence courses (for those who never completed their high school education) for twelve months. In March 2010, all employees received banking segment qualification, which was concluded by June 2010. In 2012, we concluded the program’s second Social and Environmental Responsibility group, which was peculiar for hiring people with intellectual disabilities. In May 2013, the program was expanded to Belo Horizonte, in the state of Minas Gerais, for the hiring of ten people with disabilities. At the end of 2010, we also established the Bradesco Training Program for the Disabled in a partnership with Fundação Bradesco in order to offer education and open up the labor market for the disabled. A total of 54 people with disabilities participated in the Program and, currently, 40 are in training. The advantage of studying at Fundação Bradesco is that the participants receive an Administration Technician diploma upon conclusion of the 12-month course. Opportunities for Women In September 2013, Bradesco’s staff included 50,155 women, equivalent to over 49% of all employees. Out of this number, 27,575 hold leadership positions, including positions on the Board of Directors and the Board of Executive Officers. In the Prime segment, 74% of all staff members are female. Internship Program In order to provide professional development opportunities, Bradesco offers an internship program in all operational and business areas, allowing students to further their academic education through practical application, preparing them to work within the Organization or on the job market. Currently, the program benefits 955 students, several of whom were hired by the Organization. Trainee Programs Fundação Bradesco’s information technology students have the opportunity to begin their professional careers as employees in the Organization’s Systems Development Department. To do so, students are placed in a structured program addressing technical and behavioral approaches, aided by theoretical experience in the classroom and practical experience within the department. All students approved during the selection process are subsequently hired. Apprentice Program The Apprentice Program was implemented by the Bradesco Organization in 2004 and is conducted in partnership with Fundação Bradesco and other qualified entities, encompassing administrative centers and branches throughout the country. The program seeks to hire adolescents and young adults from the ages of 16 to 21 and eleven months to provide them with personal and professional development. We ended the third quarter of 2013 with 1,646 apprentices, totaling 7,137 youngsters participating in the program. Bradesco 53 Occupational Health and Safety Bradesco is a Company that develops programs in health, disease prevention and safety to optimize workplace conditions. Occupational health and safety are addressed in two sections of the Organization’s Human Resources Management Policy: − − To ensure good relations among all the Organization’s professionals, maintaining a safe and healthy working environment and promoting conditions necessary for optimum levels of performance and productivity; and To contribute to the improvement of the quality of life among our employees, promoting a balance between work, health and family. We offer our employees a more than adequate work environment with conditions for complete physical, mental and emotional well-being. The Company invests in programs and methods that allow for the mapping and identification of the causes of work-related symptoms and diseases, seeking to promote health and disease prevention on a wide scale. Issues addressed include repetitive stress injuries, chemical dependency (alcohol, drugs, and tobacco), obesity, cardiovascular diseases and sexually transmitted diseases, including aids, among others. Campaigns are conducted monthly through Interação Magazine and during Internal Occupational Accident Prevention Week (Semana Interna de Prevenção de Acidentes do Trabalho Sipat). From the very moment they are hired, Bradesco employees receive information and orientation on behavior and conduct necessary to stay healthy and improve quality of life. Bradesco is an active member of the National Corporate Council for the Prevention of HIV/aids (CEN), which strives to prevent AIDS and assists in the fight against the epidemic within the workplace, disseminating information about safe methods to prevent infection by the HIV virus to a considerable portion of workers, their family members and the community as a whole. Another important issue is the quest for balance between the employee’s personal and professional lives. The Company is always concerned with its employees' work hours, not allowing them to surpass their contracted hours and ensuring that they are able to fulfill their personal commitments and have time for leisure activities. In order to offer an appropriate environment and extra emotional support to employees, the Bank created a relaxation room in its call center in the Santa Cecília building in the city of São Paulo. The infrastructure of the room is completely different from that of the other environments in the Organization, where employees find comfort and materials that help them relax and soften the impact of day-to-day activities, both inside and outside of the call center. The room is available to everyone who may possibly go through psychologically or emotionally taxing situations. The Bradesco Occupational Safety and Health Management System reiterates its commitment to the safety and health of employees, by adopting programs for ergonomic management and awareness of the importance of both in the workplace. Benefits Our management model is grounded in our belief in people. We recognize people’s performance and their potential for accomplishment as the foundation of Bradesco Organization's business. We know that in order to perform better, people need to have prospects and confidence in the future, their basic needs must be met and their families' well-being guaranteed. For this reason, we have put together a benefit package which, 54 Report on Supplementary Information – September 2013 going well beyond legal requirements, provides for our employees’ and their families’ safety and comfort by fulfilling their basic needs and offering professional development and special loan conditions for acquiring goods and property. This management strategy contributes to a healthier, more productive work environment driven by employee participation, resulting in excellent performance and better results. Social and Environmental Responsibility The special benefits we provide to our employees are a part of the Organization’s talent attraction and retention factors and contribute to Banco Bradesco’s recognition as one of the best companies to work for in Brazil. Health and Dental Insurance Our employees and their dependents have access to health and dental care plans with premiums fully paid by the Bank. Health insurance includes non-traditional treatments, such as dialysis, organ transplants, acupuncture, homeopathy, myopia correction, GPR, heart valve replacement, physiotherapy and aids treatment (with reimbursement of expenses for prescription aids drugs). The dental plan includes preventive and surgical treatment, oral rehabilitation, pediatric dentistry, endodontics, periodontology and prosthodontics. Implants are offered at lower-than-market costs through agreements. Between January and September 2013, there were 3,761,016 medical and hospital visits and 312,721 dental appointments. Pension Plan Bradesco provides all of its employees with a pension plan, in which the Organization contributes 50% of all monthly installments, including the Christmas bonus. The plan guarantees coverage to the retiree, the retiree’s widow or widower and their children under the age of 21, or up to the age of 24 if the children are in college. Group Life, Personal Accident Insurance and Funeral Assistance All Bradesco employees have access to group life and personal accident insurance and funeral assistance with subsidized costs. Employees retired within INSS who were laid off without justification are offered the option to remain on the policy, with subsidized costs. Social Services and Psychological Assistance Bradesco employees and their dependents are provided with social services and psychological assistance in situations of need and emergency. events and emotional disorders. The initiative shows Bradesco’s concern with its employees’ well-being when facing personal problems. Services are offered in the most diverse of situations: medical treatments, accidents, death in the family, release of special loans, traumatic Up to September 2013, nearly 12,400 people were provided with social and psychological assistance. 0800 Viva Bem In 2010, in order to aid in providing social and psychological support to employees and their dependents, Bradesco opened up a new service channel. Through an independent company made up of specialized professionals, 0800 Viva Bem (1-800-Live-Well) offers assistance in private, professional, family and emotional issues, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, through free, totally confidential calls. We ended the third quarter of 2013 with a total of 1,855 instances of service in 589 localities. Bradesco 55 Snack Supply Bradesco employees receive snacks, free of charge, every business day. Between January and September 2013, R$42.2 million were invested to provide 26.5 million snacks. Medicine In the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul, Bradesco Saúde maintains agreements with large drugstore chains for the purchase of medicine at lower prices. Influenza Vaccination Bradesco conducts an annual influenza vaccination campaign, offering the vaccination free of charge to all its employees and at subsidized prices to their dependents. During the 2013 campaign, employees were provided with vaccinations against the flu and the H1N1 virus, and a total of 58,647 vaccines were administered, at the cost of R$2.1 million. Leisure Activities In Cidade de Deus, in the city of Osasco, Bradesco has an area with swimming pools, a track, soccer field, basketball, volleyball, soccer, tennis and squash courts for employees and their dependents to take part in leisure and recreation activities. Up to September 2013, the facilities were accessed 62,700 times. Social Loan Bradesco offers financial assistance to its employees, granting loans with subsidized fees for emergencies, educational expenses, the acquisition of orthopedic apparati, glasses, funerals, psychologists, psychiatrists and speech therapists, among others. Lines of Credit Bradesco offers loans to its employees with special fees for the acquisition of: • Overdraft Facilities; • Personal loans - online, performing loan, with guarantee of vehicles and properties; • Real Estate Loans; • CDC – vehicles, motorcycles, MBA/Post graduate degrees, or other goods and services; • Leasing of vehicles and other goods; • Advances on income tax returns; and 56 Report on Supplementary Information – September 2013 • Christmas Bonus advance. It is important to stress that first kin relatives (parents and children) of the Organization’s employees can take advantage of the same benefits when the following operations are contracted: • • • Real Estate Loans; CDC – vehicles; Leasing – vehicles. Social-Environmental Responsibility Online Shopping Channel product or service suppliers. Bradesco also has partnerships with certain companies to offer employees special prices and payment options. The ShopFácil Funcionário is an exclusive online shopping channel that offers benefits to Bradesco Organization employees. It is a special shopping channel, with exclusive discounts through direct agreements with several Other Benefits Other benefits provided for by Law and the Collective Bargaining Agreements by Bank Employees: Transportation voucher − Meal voucher Food voucher Maternity/paternity/wedding/grievance leave Funeral assistance Day care/baby sitter assistance − − − − − Human Resources – September 2013 On September 30, 2013, Bradesco, including its subsidiaries, had 101,410 employees. The following table presents the number of employees in the following periods: Decem ber 2005 2006 2007 2008 Septem ber 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Banco Bradesco 61,347 63,163 65,050 69,411 68,962 75,375 86,263 85,777 Subsidiaries 12,534 13,577 17,054 17,211 16,110 19,873 18,149 17,608 84,429 16,981 Subtotal Bradesco 73,881 76,740 82,104 86,622 85,072 95,248 104,412 103,385 101,410 Am ex Brasil - 442 - - - - - - Subsidiaries - 2,124 - - - - - - Subtotal Amex - 2,566 - - - - - - Banco BMC - - 669 - - - - 73,881 79,306 82,773 86,622 85,072 95,248 104,412 Total 103,385 101,410 Note: In 2012, Banco BERJ and IBI México were merged into the Organization. Below, we highlight some of Bradesco’s human capital indicators in September 2013: Gender Age Younger than 30 Length of Service in the Group Educational Background 55% Less than 5 years 50% High School Type of Position 9% Male 51% From 31 to 40 years 21% From 6 to 10 years 15% University 77% Non-commissioned 43% Female 49% From 41 to 50 years 18% From 11 to 20 years 14% Post-graduation 14% Commissioned 57% Older than 50 6% Over 20 years 21% X X Bradesco 57 Personnel Expenses In the first nine months of 2013, personnel expenses totaled R$9,577 million, including expenses with salaries, charges, benefits, training, employee profit sharing and other items. The following tables present the percentage of each item described above in Bradesco’s overall personnel expenses and the percentage of these expenses by business segment in the nine months of 2013 and 2012: Year - % Personnel Expenses Breakdow n 2012 Salaries Benefits Charges Employee Profit Sharing Training Provision for Labor Claims Total Personnel Expenses by Business Segm ent Financial Insurance Other Total 2013 46.7 20.3 17.7 8.7 1.1 5.5 100 46.5 20.8 17.6 8.3 0.8 6.0 100.0 Year - % 2012 2013 86.1 8.4 5.5 100.0 86.4 8.3 5.3 100.0 Corporate Education Corporate Education at the Bradesco Organization, offered to all employees from several operating areas and segments, is based on corporate strategies towards efficiency, growth and sustainable results. Accordingly, following the market trends, technological evolution and learning methodology improvements, we have developed over the past two years a project to turn the Organization’s training structure into Bradesco Corporate University (UNIBRAD), which was officially instituted on May 13, 2013. It is a competence-based qualification system, which will stimulate and develop employees’ critical competences for the feasibility of business strategies, providing an active learning process linked to the Organization’s goals, targets and values. UNIBRAD comprises nine schools focused on the corporate strategies linked to the following competences: Citizenship and Sustainability, Operational Excellence, People, Organizational Identity, Business Intelligence, Leadership, Business, Customer Relationship and Operational Security and Solution. 58 Report on Supplementary Information – September 2013 The focus on skill development enables the improvement of professional aspects and individual potentialities, through an integrated approach. The application of the concept of supporting performance seeks to provide employees with information as efficiently as possible to be aligned with their realities and needs. We prioritize information which effectively supports teams in the execution of business strategies, highlighting the quality of services rendered and relationships with customers. Thanks to its economic growth, Brazil has been standing out in the global market by fostering social mobility and increasing consumption and credit. As a result, professionals must be well prepared to meet customers’ demands and needs in terms of stimulation to production, financial inclusion and responsible credit. The Corporate Education programs follow the market and economy growth, aiming to ensure that Bradesco always supports Brazilian people reaffirms every day its commitment to the community and country’s development. Social-Environmental Responsibility Given Bradesco’s position as a career bank, continuous and progressive investment in education is essential to broaden knowledge and improve professional skills, enabling employees to develop as professionals and face new challenges. Our training programs offer a multidisciplinary approach, integrating technical, technological and operational knowledge, skills and abilities, according to market innovations and demands. Educational solutions are developed either by an internal specialized team or in partnership with renowned consultancies and educational institutions. Also, employees participate in courses, seminars and academic programs. Knowledge management also includes the dissemination of corporate values, the increase of behavioral competencies and the promotion of a favorable work environment for the development of employee potential. Many of our programs promote the development of leadership skills and reinforce the values of ethical, social and environmental responsibility. By aligning training strategies with personnel management processes, the Organization is able to focus on priorities regarding employees’ skills and needs. UNIBRAD constantly improves educational practices, means and resources, advancing hand-in-hand with technological innovations and access to digital media. In addition to in-house courses, distance education through television programs and case studies, we use the elearning courses, video training and leaflets to promote complementary programs, in addition to stimulating collaborative knowledge building. The Development and Management of the Training of Human Capital at the Bradesco Organization is part of the Quality Management System and is certified under NBR ISO 9001:2008. Continuous certification renovation through external audits by Fundação Vanzolini confirms the quality of the Organization’s educational corporate programs. In 2013, we expect to invest in training and development around R$127 million. From January to September 2013, investments totaled R$66.6 million. Significant investments are made in qualification, clearly proving Bradesco’s commitment to the development and qualification of its employees. The main actions conducted from January to September 2013 are highlighted below: In-house courses We provided branch network’s employees with training programs that combine know-how and competencies associated with the management and administrative functions, including: “Training of Assistant Managers for Individual and Corporate Customers,” which focuses on the technical knowledge for the formalization and start-up of processes; “Business Preparation – Managers for Individual and Corporate Customer;” “Credit in Retail Segment for Corporate Account Managers,” whose content was developed in partnership with SEBRAE – the Brazilian Service of Support for Micro and Small Enterprises, focused on SMEs; “Business in Individual and Corporate Credit;” “Stock Market aimed to Branch Managers;” “Business for PAB (Banking Service Points);” and “Training of PA (Service Points) Managers and PA Investment and Credit Business,” covering technical, behavioral and commercial aspects that can improve the management of customer portfolios, with better relations and results. It is worth pointing out the following programs to branch network’s employees: Credit Formalization and Development of Leadership and Operational Capacities, focusing on human relations, administration, and risk and process management, Leadership and Technical Refreshing Training for First-time Managers and Strategic Planning, which aim to improve commercial and strategic knowledge, as well as their coaching skills, Guide to Results, developed to the fourth-time Branch Managers, aims at improving follow-up results strategies and processes, Stock Market, Exchange and Foreign Trade, and the MBA in Banking Business. Bradesco 59 In partnership with the Industrial Marketing School - EMI, Bradesco continued with the EVOLUIR program, which is aimed to Corporate Account Holders’ Managers, so that they can deepen the relationship with corporate customers, providing the support necessary for them to succeed in their markets. For the Prime segment, we point out the following programs: Leadership and Technical Refreshing Training for First-time Managers, and MBA in Banking Business. Also, the following courses are available: Managerial Development; Credit Products; Shares and Capital Markets; Agribusiness–Technical and Commercial Analysis; Financial and Business Advisory; and Investment Business, all targeting Relationship Managers, covering technical, commercial and operational aspects, in addition to strengthening the segment’s overview. Still in the Prime segment, we provided training for Assistant Managers. A total of 5,641 participations were recorded in distance education courses through television programs from January to September 2013, with highlight to the training “Preparation for Business - Individual and Corporate Customers" and CPA 10 course (Certification in Investment Products). All training programs for the branch network, as a rule of thumb, highlight aspects that reinforce the importance of ethics and service quality. For the Corporate and Middle Market segments, we have also continued the training program for Assistant Managers. For the Senior Managers, we invested in technical and behavior skills related to Trading, in addition to MBA – Executive in Corporate/Business Transactions. We also continued with the two Credit Analysis modules aimed to the employees of these segments. In partnership with HSM Educação, we maintained to these segments the Advanced Strategic Negotiation program, addressed to Regional Managers and Superintendents, focused on negotiation strategies. We also developed tailor-made programs to meet the Affiliates Department’s specific needs, such as the following: 60 Report on Supplementary Information – September 2013 In order to align operating strategies and streamline resources, we continued a number of training and development programs, involving several Organization areas. An example is the 12-month duration Applied Mathematics and Statistics Training Program, with focus on deep study of statistical analysis applied to banking management and risk models, concluded in July 2013. This training was provided to the following areas: Telebanco, Cards, Internal Controls and Compliance, Integrated Risk Control, Consortia, Loan, Operational Control, Bradesco Asset Management and Human Resources. The 12-month duration Leader Development Program was created for Bradesco Cartões Tempo Serviços and Bradescard professionals, in order to develop skills towards entrepreneurship, leadership and planning in line with corporate objectives, considering Cards’ operation area important aspects: cost reduction, operating efficiency and increase in value delivered to customer. Considering the particularities and mission of the Bradesco Dia & Noite Department, many employees – after working in customer service (Telebanco) – find a number of opportunities for professional growth in other areas within the Bradesco Organization, especially in the branch network. These opportunities reinforce Bradesco’s career plan and propagate the importance of quality at our service points. These employees participate in preparatory courses before being transferred, so that they can take the Certification in Investment Products examination and start working at the branches with CPA 10 certification. Also, for Bradesco Dia & Noite Department, we continued the MBA in Banking Business, whose aim is to prepare and develop more efficient Supervisors and Managers to their teams. In addition to these initiatives, we continued the Supervisor Qualification Program, whose objective is to prepare these professionals to develop their teams and improve customer perception about the service provided. For the employees of the International and Exchange Department, we offered the workshop Prevention of Money Laundering in Exchange Transactions, in which employees working at the Social-Environmental Responsibility Prime and Retail Segments’ Branches were also present. throughout Brazil, to strengthen the role of the professionals involved in the business. At Bradesco Financiamentos, we continued the Leader Development Program, enabling the improvement of behavioral skills, such as entrepreneurship, leadership and strategic planning, aligned with the Company’s strategic objectives. In addition to the integration meeting, the Scopus Generation Program is currently in progress, with the purpose of establishing a culture to exchange best practices in the area, raising employees’ awareness on operation gains in an informationexchange model and providing productivity gain in the development of new solutions. For Bradesco Seguros e Previdência, we continued the training conducted by UniverSeg (the Insurance Knowledge Universe), with highlight to the following programs: Leader Development; - In-Company MBA – Business Management focused on Insurance; Customer Relation Center Leader Development: Trading, Customer Relation Center Management and Leadership Targeting Results Modules; National Meeting of Business Branch Managers/ABS; Product Manager Qualification and Bradesco Expresso – PA Supervisor Qualification. For Scopus Tecnologia, we conducted a meeting to integrate regional units and services UNIBRAD has qualified professionals involved in the System Architecture, an extensive project that aims to gradually implement integrated technology elements (such as infrastructure, data communication network and application systems), which will provide more flexibility and safety in business transactions. Accordingly, it implemented the System Architecture – Collection Negotiation program, which is expected to train approximately 9,000 employees. Between January and September 2013, over 139,000 people participated in several in-house training events offered to the Organization’s employees. Certification in Investment Products Preparatory courses for ANBIMA Certification are specifically designed for employees who need to obtain the certification. The development of a program begins with a self-study period, in which leaflets and mock exams are made available, which is concluded after an in-house activity. From January to September professionals were certified. 2013, 4,146 Since the process began in 2002, over 50,000 professionals from the branch network and premises have been certified. E-Learning – TreiNet TreiNet is the name given by Bradesco to its distance-learning courses, which have gained a growing number of participants because they are able to reach any employee interested in taking a course, covering all the country’s regions. Furthermore, this media provides students’ with autonomy, easy content upgrade, self-study material and assessments. Since its debut in 2000, TreiNet has trained over 9 million students. These figures are proof of Bradesco's effort to foster a distance-learning culture within the Organization, in particular by informing employees about new courses and providing easy-to-enroll tools. We currently have 230 active courses. These characteristics ensure that all Bradesco employees have an opportunity for continued improvement, increasing their chances of career development. Between January and September 2013, about 635,349 employees attended e-learning courses. Bradesco 61 Social-Environmental Responsibility Leaflets and Video Training In addition to e-learning tools, UNIBRAD also utilizes two other distance-training methods: leaflets and video training. The media used is determined by the target-public in question, the content to be developed, coverage and the need for portability. Between January and September 2013, 133,650 people participated in training through leaflets and 105,798 through video training. Partnerships with Universities and Colleges To further the training of its employees, Bradesco operates through a number of partnerships with educational institutions such as FIA, FIPE, LARC/USP Fipecafi, FGV, FDC, IESE, Insper, etc. Bradesco’s employees have obtained MBAs, specializations, post-graduate and master degrees, which are important to maintaining the quality of information provided and for staff qualification to be in line with the most modern management practices. Customized MBAs Bradesco has also invested in customized MBA courses, in partnership with institutions such as FGV (MBA in Banking Business), FIAP (MBA in Information Security Management), FIPECAFI (MBA in Internal Controls and Compliance and MBA Controller), FIA (MBA in Business and IT Management) and Insper (Executive MBA in Business and Executive MBA in Finance). Executive Coaching Program The Executive Coaching Program seeks goals and competencies that will be the focus of improvement for the Executives. This is an interactive and individual process that allows professionals to reach a high level of performance, overcoming challenges and transforming adversities into opportunities. The program contributes to the process of change, channels potential and maximizes performance. Advanced Development Program (PDA) The program focuses on personalized professional training, proof of the importance given to the qualification of the team as the differential that will help the Organization achieve strategic market movements, brand solidity and continued success. The program works to strengthen aspects related to Strategic Management by allowing students to 62 Report on Supplementary Information – September 2013 participate in Executive Education programs, both in Brazil and overseas, in major Business Schools in the United States, including: Harvard, Wharton, Chicago Booth, Columbia, Kellog, MIT and Michigan. Participants also study in CLL - Center for Creative Leadership’s programs, one of the best leadership excellence centers in the world. Social and Environmental Responsibility Executive Education Program Since February 2012, we offer the Executive Education Program, developed in partnership with ISE Business School, which aims at preparing Bradesco Organization’s Executive Superintendents to be better managers and leaders. partnership with the ISE Business School. It is aimed to the Bank’s Departmental and Executive Boards to encourage reflection on the role of companies’ management leaders and the positive corporate governance and business sustainability practices, in addition to raising discussion on business and risk related key topics. The Advanced Management Program - AMP, which began in June 2013, was also developed in Languages We maintain our partnership with a company that provides on-line English courses, from the most basic to the most advanced of levels for 2,000 employees. Also, many professionals take part in in-house language classes that seek to meet the specific needs of the Organization's business and management areas. Social and Corporate Responsibility Online courses are available on Bradesco’s website free of charge for customers and noncustomers. We currently run 25 courses on the most varied of topics, such as Computing, Written Communication, Corporate Planning and Budget, Mathematical Finance, Personnel Finance, Energy Economy and Introduction to Digital Photography. Between January and September 2013, 748,296 hits on our online courses were registered. Since its debut in May 2010, more than 2,668,000 hits have been registered. We continued carrying out the “Bradesco – Unipalmares (Universidade da Cidadania Zumbi do Palmares)” Program, which benefits youth beginning their careers by providing them with qualification, social inclusion and personal and professional development. Bradesco is investing in programs on Financial Education for the general public. Between January and September 2013, over 3,100 people attended the lectures for the Organization’s employees and other publics (partner companies, fairs and communities). At all these events, leaflets about the topic were distributed. Since the beginning of the project, in 2010, over 13,200 participations were recorded. By promoting these events, Bradesco seeks to contribute to creating a more rational money management and responsible loan culture, instructing the population about the importance of controlling expenses, family budget, loans and investments comparison rates, as well as tips for overcoming financial difficulties. We believe that by sharing our knowledge in our field of expertise we are able to meet our social responsibility and financial sustainability commitments, as well as to expand the relationship with our associates and customers. Bradesco has also developed preparatory training in Libras, for employees providing direct services to customers, in order to guarantee that our branches are accessible to all customers. Bradesco 63 Social-Environmental Responsibility Fundação Bradesco Background Founded in 1956, Fundação Bradesco is a nonprofit organization that aims at providing equal opportunities through education. Headquartered in Cidade de Deus, Osasco, state of São Paulo, Fundação Bradesco maintains 40 schools located in underprivileged regions throughout the country, in all Brazilian states and the Federal District. Fundação Bradesco’s primary mission is to promote the social inclusion of underprivileged Brazilians through education, while acting as a multiplier of the best pedagogical and educational practices. With 56 years of experience, Fundação Bradesco is one of the largest private networks offering quality formal education free of charge in Brazil. In 2013, Fundação Bradesco expects to benefit 106,843 students at its own Basic Education (from Kindergarten to High School and Vocational Training - High School), Youth and Adult Education and Initial and Continued Education focused on generating employment and income. In addition to a formal, free and quality education, the nearly 47,000 Basic Education students are provided with uniforms, school material, food and health and dental assistance. A total of 350,000 students should also be benefited from Distance Learning (EaD), via a number of courses offered through its e-learning portal Escola Virtual (Virtual School), in addition to another 68,323 students who will benefit from projects and actions in partnerships with Digital Inclusion Centers (CIDs), the Educa+Ação Program and Technology courses (Educar e Aprender - Educate and Learn). Areas and Methods of Action Basic Education Basic Education is a very important period in a person’s life; it is when the first discoveries of the world are made. Of the total 2013 budget, Fundação Bradesco will allocate 72% of funds to the Basic Education. The school was conceived as a privileged environment for exercising citizenship values, and students are regarded as original, creative human beings and producers of culture who learn through experiences in both school and society. Therefore, their potential and need to interact and reflect on the diversity of knowledge are approached in the classroom. Fundação Bradesco’s multi-disciplinary curriculum seeks to provide students with access to theoretical and practical content and is based on the principle that learning is both dialectical and heuristic. Kindergarten Kindergarten represents an important transactional period in which, through several stimuli, children take the first steps towards life in society. At five years of age, children begin to socialize with others and, most importantly, begin to undergo a solidification of values and behaviors that will guide them for the rest of their lives. It is during this phase that the children begin to feel respect for themselves, others, differences and 64 Report on Supplementary Information – September 2013 the environment. In kindergarten, children’s world expands from the home and parents to include new locations, dimensions and people. Children also begin to receive other physical, emotional, social and intellectual stimuli. It is for these reasons that teachers place so much emphasis on kindergarten within Fundação Bradesco. In 2013, a total of 2,332 children should take part in kindergarten at Fundação Bradesco. Basic Education In the nine grades of Basic Education, students develop writing, reading and calculation skills. Students also have their first experience with other subjects, such as Science, History, Geography, Arts and Physical Education. resources, such as different forms of media. In the second stage (6th to 9th grades), when they become teenagers, Fundação Bradesco students improve their knowledge through projects and participation in exhibits. In the first stage of Basic Education (1st to 5th grade), for instance, teachers motivate students to formulate hypothesis and use several new In 2013, a total of 30,150 students should benefit from Basic Education at Fundação Bradesco. High School In High School, an important cycle of school life ends: it is the first step in the beginning of adulthood. This is the moment to make choices, the most important of which is what profession to follow. Fundação Bradesco seeks to qualify professionals and citizens that are aware of their different roles in society. Knowledge is just as important as learning how to use it in an active, useful and innovative way. For 2013, Fundação should serve a total of 11,557 students. Vocational Training - High School Level To face the challenge of qualifying genuinely autonomous professionals, the objective of the technical courses is to provide full qualification so that students can enter the labor market to meet the society’s demand for professionals capable of producing, articulating, mobilizing and putting into practice the knowledge of values necessary to the professional and social life. The syllabi of the courses cover technical aspects and value citizenship in labor relations and the specific demands for skilled professionals in regions where the schools are located. The courses are offered in different technological areas, such as Information and Communication; Control and Industrial Processes; Management and Business; and Natural Resources. For 2013, we expect to serve 2,407 students. Professional Qualification Preliminary and Continuing Qualification The Preliminary and Continuing Qualification courses have important social inclusion role as they qualify students and individuals from communities served by Fundação Bradesco. Additionally, they encourage entrepreneurship and expand students’ possibility to be placed in the labor market. These courses categories: are organized into three - Professional Qualification: offers professional qualification in terms of high school level qualification to include individuals in the labor market. - Complementation to the Full Qualification: offers students the opportunity to expand their knowledge through courses that contribute to the development of skills necessary to full qualification in the social, interpersonal, personal and professional dimensions. Bradesco 65 Social-Environmental Responsibility - Productive Groups: offer technical qualification courses that provide guidance on entrepreneurism and administrative, commercial and environmental aspects, among others, by analyzing the local productive context, which is extremely relevant to the domestic productive scenario. For 2013, we should benefit a total of 45,969 students. National Young Technical Apprentice Program In order to facilitate the insertion of High School students into the labor market, Fundação Bradesco offers the National Young Technical Apprentice Program, also supported by the Bradesco Organization. Employees become educational agents and tutors in these students’ development process. Since 2009, the program has offered the Technical Qualification Education in High School level – Management course, providing students with professional qualification and the skills necessary to improve as professionals. Education for Youth and Adults Fundação Bradesco conducts an Adult Literacy Program at its school units, which focuses on serving parents of students and other members of the community that, for whatever reason, did not have the opportunity to go to school or did not complete the first grades of basic education studies. In 2013, the program should assist 987 students from the 1st to 5th grades. Moreover, courses of the 2nd stage of Basic Education (6th to 9th grades) and High School are offered via distance learning. In 2013, 6,199 students in Basic Education and another 7,242 in High School should be assisted, for a total of 14,428 students. Other Modalities Distance Learning – Virtual School The Virtual School represents a decisive step in Fundação Bradesco’s project towards providing universal access to educational opportunities and bringing its programs to people in low-income communities. teachers and employees, in addition to community individuals who wish to obtain a new specialization or refreshing qualification to be replaced in the labor market by attending distance learning courses. The e-learning portal offers distance learning courses via the internet. It is available to students and former students, and Fundação Bradesco’s In 2013, a total of 350,000 users should be served. Partnership Projects and Actions Digital Inclusion Fundação Bradesco promotes digital inclusion for the inhabitants of communities surrounding its schools through Digital Inclusion Centers (CIDs), some of which are also installed in indigenous communities. These centers also act as centers for learning and professional training. They are 66 Report on Supplementary Information – September 2013 also information technology laboratories created for underprivileged communities in an effort to promote digital inclusion, stimulate social responsibility and entrepreneurship, while strengthening engagement and citizenship. In 2013, 35,000 people should be benefited. Social-Environmental Responsibility Material Facts Fundação Bradesco took part in the Bradesco APIMEC 2013 Meetings in the city and state of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, through musical presentations performed by its students at the events’ opening ceremonies. Main Recognitions The Regional Economics Council – 2nd Region – São Paulo granted the Minister Celso Furtado Medal to Fundação Bradesco, represented by the President Lázaro de Mello Brandão, for relevant educational and cultural services provided. In the contests promoted by the National Drug Policy Department (SENAD), students of Fundação Bradesco’s Conceição do Araguaia School Unit, in the state of Pará, took 1st and 3rd places in the Videos and Banners categories, respectively. With the theme “The Role of Education in Drug Use Prevention,” the contests aim at encouraging a reflection on drug use prevention through different languages. School Locations Most school units are located in underprivileged neighborhoods and rural areas, where there is often a marked lack of educational and assistance programs. Schools offer opportunities for education to people in all Brazilian regions. Schools Aparecida de Goiânia-GO Bagé-RS Boa Vista-RR Bodoquena-MS Cacoal-RO Students 2,292 2,237 2,755 857 2,491 Schools Gravataí-RS Irecê-BA Itajubá-MG Jaboatão-PE Jardim Conceição-Osasco-SP Students 3,748 2,481 2,041 2,644 2,567 Schools Rio de Janeiro-RJ Rosário do Sul-RS Salvador-BA São João Del Rei-MG São Luis-MA Students 4,324 1,034 2,482 2,043 3,093 Campinas-SP Canuanã-TO Caucaia-CE Ceilândia-DF Cidade de Deus – OsascoSP · Unit I · Unit II 3,309 884 2,445 3,303 João Pessoa-PB Laguna-SC Macapá-AP Maceió-AL 3,452 2,204 2,149 2,338 Teresina-PI Vila Velha-ES 2,599 2,298 Manaus-AM 2,626 Conceição do Araguaia-PA Cuiabá-MT Feira de Santana-BA Garanhuns-PE 2,178 2,936 718 777 Marília-SP Natal-RN Paragominas-PA Paranavaí-PR Pinheiro-MA Propriá-SE Registro-SP Rio Branco-AC 3,012 2,382 2,563 1,896 2,295 2,214 2,492 2,920 Total(*) 106.843* (*) Expected for 2013 13,162 2,602 Social-Environmental Responsibility Fundação Bradesco – An Educational Project as Large as Brazil Source of Funds Funds to finance Fundação Bradesco’s activities come exclusively from its own assets. – Funds invested in the last 10 years(*) – Funds invested in 2012 – Estimated funds for 2013 R$2.240 billion R$374.213 million R$460.961 million (*) In nominal values, equivalent to R$3.732 billion, restated by CDI/Selic rate until December 2012. Courses – Grades Estim ated for 2013 Num ber of Students Basic Education 46,446 Youth and Adult Education 14,428 Preliminary and Continuing Qualification 45,969 Total Students in Schools 106,843 Virtual School 350,000 Projects and actions in partnerships w ith CIDS, the Educa+Ação Program and technology courses (Educar e Aprender ) 68,323 68 Report on Supplementary Information – September 2013 Social and Environmental Responsibility Student Profile – Reference: 2012 - Bradesco Organization's Employees and their Children - Community Students - Total 8.18% 91.82% 100.00% Student Profile – Reference: 2012 Bradesco Sports and Education Program Founded more than twenty-six years ago, Bradesco Sports and Education Program promotes the development of children and teenagers between the ages of 8 and 20, through girls’ volleyball and basketball at its Sport Development Center, at the Metal Clube, in municipal sports centers and private schools, in Osasco, São Paulo. Currently, around 2,000 girls are assisted in the specialist centers. All girls at the training centers have guaranteed access to quality sports education, regardless of their physical characteristics, such as weight, height or athletic abilities. To motivate formal education, enrollment and constant attendance to regular school are requirements to take part in the Program. The athletes that go to the specialist centers receive sports education and medical, psychological, physiotherapeutic and nutritional follow-up. They also receive information and instruction on personal care, stress, adolescence, drug use, sexually-transmitted diseases and teen pregnancy prevention, reinforcing the commitment of turning the sport into an educative practice which builds full and acting citizens. The program also offers uniform and material to all the athletes and students. The program also offers to the athletes composing the specialist centers a support structure according to categories, including benefits as life insurance, health care, monthly stipend and transportation and food vouchers. In addition to contributing to a healthier life style, practicing sports leads them to further their careers as athletes and possibly join professional teams. The girls could even come to represent their country by taking part in Brazilian teams, which has already happened to several athletes that were part of the Program. Bradesco Sports and Education was Brazil’s first sport and social program to receive funds from the Tax Incentive Law, guaranteed by the Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (Statute of Children and Adolescents) through the agreement executed between the National Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (CONANDA) and the Ministry of Sports. Therefore, the Program is a successful model in private-public partnerships and promotes the development of the country by combining sports, education, health and citizenship. The Sports Development Center, which headquarters the Bradesco Sports and Education Program, has one of the most modern infrastructures and technical resources to begin the athletic training and development of young athletes in volley and basketball. The Sports Center also stands out in the social and environmental area. Designed, built and equipped within the most modern eco-efficiency and natural resource preservation concepts, its construction was based on the best international practices. It was the first project in Brazil’s sports area to receive the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Certification (LEED ® NC GOLD). Known as Green Seal, this award is granted by the NGO U.S. Green Building Council to civil constructions that comply with the requirements to the benefit of sustainability. The highlights of the third quarter of 2013 are the following: - Through one more social action, the Bradesco Sports and Education Program delivered lectures about themes such as “Valuing self-esteem and self-care” and “Instructions on body and sexuality related matters” to 159 athletes and students between the ages of 8 and 16. Bradesco 69 Social-Environmental Responsibility - Volleyball athlete Sonaly Cidrão, playing in the under 21 category, was called up to the under 23 Brazilian Team for the World Championship in Mexico, which will take place from October 5 to 12, 2013. Social and Cultural Events 3rd Quarter of 2013 In the third quarter of 2013, Bradesco, hand in hand with Brazil and the Brazilians, supported and sponsored a series of cultural events. The Bank was also present in social and sport events and business fairs in several places of the country. In the cultural area, Bradesco sponsored the International Winter Festival of Campos do Jordão, in the state of São Paulo; the ART RIO 2013, in the city and state of Rio de Janeiro, one of the world’s largest art fairs; the Japan Festival, in the city and state of São Paulo; the VI Japanese Week, in Lins, state of São Paulo; the Culture and Gastronomic Festival, in the city of Tiradentes, state of Minas Gerais; the Feast of San Gennaro , in the city and state of São Paulo; the 17th Fenatib – Blumenau National Children’s Theatre Festival, in the state of Santa Catarina; the 2013 Ciranda Manacapuru Festival, in Amazonas; and the 2013 Farroupilha Week, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Bradesco also supported the following concerts: Bibi Ferreira Canta Piaf - 30 Anos de Sucesso, in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo; Pedro Mariano and the Jazz Philharmonic Orchestra, in the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco; 2013 MIMO – International Music Exhibit in the cities of Paraty (state of Rio de Janeiro), Ouro Preto (state of Minas Gerais) and Olinda (state of Pernambuco); and the musical Enlace – A Loja do Ourives (The Goldsmith’s Shop), written by Karol Wojtyla, in Rio de Janeiro. It also inaugurated the Bradesco Theatre in Rio de Janeiro. In the social area, Bradesco supported several initiatives, such as the charity ball O Glamour dos Anos Dourados, promoted by the Human Reproduction Research and Assistance Center; the charity dinner Por uma Boa Causa, in the city 70 Report on Supplementary Information – September 2013 of Santos, state of São Paulo; the XXII Noite de Confraternização Obra do Berço, in São Paulo; the 35th Festa do Verde Kibô-no-Lê, beneficent event for the Kibô-no-Lê (entity supporting intellectually impaired people) in Belo Horizonte, state of Minas Gerais; the Rugby for All Project, with social and education initiatives promoted through rugby, benefitting 300 socially vulnerable children and adolescents, students and residents of the Paraisópolis community, located in the city and state of São Paulo; and the Feast of San Gennaro, in São Paulo. In the sports area, Bradesco sponsored and supported several events, such as the Rolex Ilhabela Sailing Week, the most important South American Sailing event, in Ilhabela, state of São Paulo; the A Razão do Futebol Amador Cup in Santa Maria, state of Rio Grande do Sul; the XXIX Belo Horizonte Junior Soccer Cup; the Basketball Tournament in the cities of São Carlos and São Paulo (state of São Paulo) and Anápolis (state of Goiás); the 2013 Corporate Run, in the city and state of São Paulo; the Golf & Gym Tournament, in Itú, state of São Paulo; the Open Tennis Tournament, in Mairiporã, state of São Paulo; and the World Judo Championship, in the city and state of Rio de Janeiro. In the trade shows and fairs area, the Bank was present at the Labace – 10th Annual Latin American Aviation Fair in the city and state of São Paulo; the 2013 FENEARTE - National Handicraft Business Fair, in the city of Olinda, state of Pernambuco; the Expointer – agricultural product and machinery fair, in Esteio, Rio Grande do Sul; the Rio Franchising Business, in Rio de Janeiro; and the II Porsche Exhibit at the Fazenda Boa Vista, in Porto Feliz, state of São Paulo; among others. Social and Environmental Responsibility Social Report - September 2013 and 2012 Net Revenue (NR) (1) Operating Income (OI) Gross Payroll (GP) 2 - In-house Social Indicators Meals Compulsory social charges Pension plan Health Occupational health and safety Education Culture Professional qualification and development Day care facilities and assistance Profit sharing Other Total - in-house social indicators 3 - External Social Indicators Septem ber 2012 - R$ thousand Septem ber 2013 - R$ thousand 1 - Calculation Base (2) Education Culture Health and sanitation Sports Fight against hunger and food safety Other Total contributions to the com m unity Taxes (excluding social charges) Total - External social indicators 4 - Environm ental indicators Investments related to company production/operation Investments in external programs and/or projects Total investm ents in environm ent R$ thousand 848,635 1,686,692 458,229 489,060 72,259 52,015 797,443 142,798 4,547,131 R$ thousand % of GP 8.8 17.6 4.8 5.1 0.8 0.5 8.3 1.5 47.4 % of OI 23,322,403 12,410,400 9,596,066 % of NR R$ thousand 3.6 800,748 7.2 1,600,244 2.0 409,748 2.1 442,460 0.3 100,219 0.2 46,946 3.4 786,258 0.7 139,650 19.5 4,326,273 % of NR R$ thousand 8,301 65,651 5,147 40,253 16,259 135,611 9,369,846 9,505,457 R$ thousand 0.1 0.5 0.3 0.2 1.1 75.5 76.6 % of OI 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.6 40.2 40.8 % of NR 11,539 11,539 0.1 0.1 - Regarding establishment of annual goals to minimize w astes and general ( x) does not have goals ( ) has met 51 to 75% consumption in production/operation, as w ell as increase efficiency in ( ) has met 0 to 50% ( ) has met 76 to 100% the use of natural resources, the company: 5 - Indicators of Adm inistrative Body No. of employees at the end of the period No. of admissions during the period No. of outsourced employees No. of interns No. of employees over 45 years of age No. of w omen w ho w ork in the company % of leadership position held by w omen No. of African descendent employees % of leadership position held by African descendants No. of physically disabled or people w ith special needs 6 - Relevant Inform ation Regarding the Exercise of Corporate Citizenship Ratio betw een higher and low er compensation in the company 0.1 0.1 Septem ber 2013 - R$ thousand Goals - 2014 17.25 N/A Awareness of staff to avoid occupational accidents ( ) officers ( x ) officers and ( ) all employees managers ( ) officers ( x ) officers and managers ( ) all employees ( ) officers ( ) all employees ( x ) employees and officers + Cipa ( ) officers ( ) all employees ( x ) employees and officers + Cipa ( ) follows the ILO ( ) encourages and rules follows ILO ( x ) is not involved ( ) follows the ILO rules ( ) encourages and follows ILO ( x ) all employees ( ) officers ( ) officers ( x ) are required ( ) are not considered ( ) officers and managers ( ) officers and managers ( ) are suggested ( x ) all employees ( x ) all employees ( x ) organizes and encourages ( ) is not involved ( ) supports ( x ) organizes and encourages ( ) officers and managers ( ) officers and managers ( ) are suggested Profit sharing includes: ( ) are not In the selection of suppliers, the same ethical and social and considered environmental responsibility standards adopted by the company: ( ) supports Regarding the participation of employees in volunteer w ork programs, the ( ) is not involved company: Total number of complaints and critics of consumers: at the Company and Procon: 177,435 at the Company and Procon: 100% in court: 183,384 in court: 80.0% September 2013 - R$ thousand 25,479,153 29.4% Federal Government 35.3% Shareholders (1) Net Revenue (NR) is the Gross Income from Financial Intermediation 0.2 0.2 29,247 29,247 104,100 6,311 11,678 1,085 15,886 51,423 47.6 24,329 20.1 2,022 ( ) officers Distribution of Value Added (Statement of Value Added): 7 - Other Inform ation 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.5 34.5 35.0 % of NR Septem ber 2012 - R$ thousand ( ) officers Total value added to distribute (R$ thousand): 0.5 0.5 0.2 1.2 73.2 74.4 % of OI 101,410 6,148 11,699 1,000 14,836 50,155 47.8 24,144 20.5 2,160 ( x ) is not involved % of complaints and critics solved: 3.2 6.3 1.6 1.7 0.4 0.2 3.1 0.5 17.0 % of NR ( x) does not have goals ( ) has met 51 to 75% ( ) has met 0 to 50% ( ) has met 76 to 100% 761 Pension plan includes: 8.9 17.7 4.5 4.9 1.1 0.5 8.7 1.5 47.8 % of OI Septem ber 2013 - R$ thousand Total number of occupational accidents Social and environmental projects developed by the company w ere defined by: Safety standards and healthiness in the w ork environment w ere defined by: Regarding trade union freedom, right to collective negotiation and internal representation of employees, the company: 2,677 48,385 12,712 54,321 110 18,917 137,122 8,760,982 8,898,104 R$ thousand % of GP 25,420,247 11,961,327 9,044,412 % of NR ( x ) all employees ( x ) are required Prepare and make our employees aware and, as a result, reduce number of complaints at the Company: at Procon: in court: 100% 100% 100% September 2012 - R$ thousand 24,329,181 32.9% Employees 2.4% Withheld 30.3% Federal Government 35.1% Shareholders 32.3% Employees 2.3% Withheld N/A - Not Applicable (2) Not including funds invested by Fundação Bradesco (one of the Bank's Controlling Shareholders). Bradesco 71 Operating Companies 3 – Operating Companies Bradesco 72 Operating Companies Bradesco Consórcios Managing Company Statement of Financial Position - R$ million Statem ent of Financial Position – R$ Million 2012 Septem ber Assets Current and Long-Term Assets Securities Other Assets Perm anent Assets Total Liabilities Current and Long-Term Liabilities Amounts Refundable from Former Groups Now Closed Other Liabilities Shareholders' Equity Total 2013 Septem ber Decem ber 1,403 1,374 29 33 1,436 1,525 1,488 37 33 1,558 1,847 1,814 33 40 1,887 188 79 109 1,248 1,436 213 75 138 1,345 1,558 199 68 131 1,688 1,887 Income Statement – R$ million Incom e Statem ent – R$ Million Fee and Commission Income Taxes Payable Financial Income Administrative Expenses (including Personnel) Selling Expenses Other Operating Income/Expenses Income before Taxes and Contributions Taxes and Contributions on Income Net Income 2012 3rd Qtr. 2013 3rd Qtr. Year 159 (19) 23 (18) (12) 16 149 (49) 100 613 (74) 97 (66) (46) 60 584 (196) 388 182 (22) 36 (18) (11) 15 182 (60) 122 Statement of Financial Position - Groups – R$ billion Statem ent of Financial Position – R$ Billion Assets Current and Long-Term Assets Amount Offset Total Liabilities Current and Long-Term Liabilties Amount Offset Total 73 Report on Supplementary Information – September 2013 2012 Septem ber 2013 Septem ber Decem ber 8 28 36 8 29 37 9 32 41 8 28 36 8 29 37 9 32 41 Operating Companies Operating Context The Bradesco Organization’s strategy to the consortium market in January 2003 was aimed at offering the most complete portfolio of products and services to its customers, both account holders and non-account holders. In keeping with this goal, the Organization provides consortium plans accessible to all social classes, meeting demands of the market. To sell consortium plans, Bradesco relies on more than 25,000 managers working for our customers and also partnerships with Bradesco Vida e Previdência, Bradesco Seguros and Bradesco Promotora. Market The consortium system relating to automotive vehicle, real estate property and service segments has improved between January and August 2013. (ABAC) In August, total participants amounted to 5.55 million, 10.1% more than the 5.09 million in the same month of 2012, and the sales of new quotas remained stable in 1.66 million between January and August 2013. Studies carried out by the economic advisory of the Brazilian Association of Consortium Managers (ABAC) indicated that the number of consortium members in light vehicles, trucks and real estate properties segments during the first half of 2013 had a relevant share on sales in several Brazilian states and regionally. Consortium is very attractive to Brazilians as a way to save money, and also to the production sector, industry and commerce, as planning for corporate activities. In this case, Bradesco Consórcios remains a market leader in number of active quotas in the real estate and auto segments since 2004, and leader in the trucks/tractors/machinery and equipment segment since 2008, as shown in the tables below: Market Share – Real Estate Consortium – Reference Date: July 2012 vs. July 2013 Managing Com panies Jul/12 Jul/13 Bradesco 29.7% 30.4% Caixa Federal 13.8% 11.9% Porto Seguro 11.0% 11.5% Embracon 4.5% 5.1% Itaú 3.7% 4.8% Rodobens 4.2% 4.1% HSBC 2.7% 3.0% Banco do Brasil 2.3% 2.3% Ademilar 2.0% 2.2% Herval 1.9% 2.1% Other 24.2% 22.6% Total 100.0% 100.0% Source: Brazilian Central Bank Bradesco 74 Operating Companies 30.4% 22.6% 11.9% 11.5% 5.1% 4.8% 4.1% 3.0% 2.3% 2.2% 2.1% Jul/13 Bradesco Caixa Porto Seguro Embracon Itaú Rodobens HSBC Banco do Brasil Ademilar Herval Market Share - Auto Consortium – Reference Date: July 2012 vs. July 2013 Managing Companies Jul/12 Jul/13 Bradesco 25.6% 26.8% Banco do Brasil 19.6% 18.0% Volkswagen 9.2% 10.7% Itaú 5.3% 6.6% Disal 6.5% 6.4% Fiat 5.8% 4.4% GMAC 3.1% 4.1% Embracon 1.4% 1.7% Porto Seguro 1.4% 1.4% Rodobens Other Total Source: Brazilian Central Bank 75 Report on Supplementary Information – September 2013 1.4% 1.4% 21.0% 18.5% 100.0% 100.0% Other Operating Companies 26.8% 18.5% 18.0% 10.7% 6.6% 6.4% 4.4% 4.1% 1.7% 1.4% 1.4% Jul/13 Bradesco Banco do Brasil Volkswagem Itaú Disal Fiat GMAC Embracon Porto Seguro Rodobens Other Market Share – Trucks/Tractors/Machinery and Equipment Consortium – Reference Date: July 2012 vs. July 2013 Managing Com panies Bradesco Randon Scania Conseg Massey Ferguson Gaplan Sicredi Valtra Portobens Volvo Other Total Jul/12 Jul/13 18.0% 11.0% 10.5% 7.3% 7.3% 7.8% 4.1% 4.1% 4.3% 3.0% 18.9% 13.2% 9.8% 7.4% 7.2% 7.0% 4.8% 4.2% 3.9% 3.0% 20.6% 100.0% 22.6% 100.0% Source: Brazilian Central Bank. Bradesco 76 Operating Companies 20.6% 18.9% 13.2% 9.8% 7.4% 7.2% 7.0% 4.8% 4.2% 3.9% 3.0% Jul/13 Bradesco Randon Scania Conseg Massey Ferguson Gaplan Sicredi Valtra Portobens Volvo Other Leadership The consolidation of Bradesco Consórcios’ leadership in the three segments arises from planning and synergies with the branch network, combined with the brand’s solidity and security. With ten years of operations celebrated in January 2013, Bradesco Consórcios launched an exclusive automobile consortium for women, as a manner to confirm its presence and leadership in the Brazilian market. The benefits offered by the Consórcio Epecial Mulher (Woman Special Consortium) are pegged to the payment protection insurance when contracted, and include baby sitter services, tutoring classes and second medical opinion, which can be used in cases of serious diseases. The mission of Bradesco Consórcios is to “manage groups of customers, whether Bradesco account holders or not, with transparent and excellent services guided by the Bradesco Organization’s principles.” Segmentation In order to meet customers’ needs, Bradesco Consórcios offers its products to the Retail, Prime, Middle Market and Corporate segments, according to the potential of these customers. Attracting customers is just the first phase of the business. After that, the great challenge comes, especially in a more and more competitive society: to win their loyalty. To do so, Bradesco Consórcios offers important competitive advantages, such as the 24-hour assistance through the website, which provides customers with services such as issue of fund statements, online bid offers and verification of meeting’s 77 Report on Supplementary Information – September 2013 resolutions. The consortium members can also rely on a practical and convenient Service Center. The funds raised by the Manager and Consortium Groups is managed by BRAM (Bradesco Asset Management), a third-party fund manager, part of Bradesco Organization, which adds even more credibility and trust to the products. The sales force of the branch network posted growth of 43.4% in the number of quotas sold in the third quarter of 2013, when compared to the previous year. Operating Companies accrued sales of more than R$34.7 billion and net income of R$122.1 million in the third quarter of 2013, up 19.6% on the same period of the previous year. In the third quarter of 2013, Bradesco Consórcios inaugurated 120 groups and sold 95,300 quotas, for a total of 3,138 groups in progress and 876,097 active quotas. These results led to Number of Consortium Quotas Sold 2012 Segments 2013 3rd Qtr. 2nd Qtr. 3rd Qtr. 2nd Qtr. Auto 50,130 54,295 61,516 83,007 Real Estate 16,939 9,594 7,535 9,677 3,491 2,563 2,018 2,582 70,560 66,452 71,069 95,266 Trucks and Tractors Total Quotas 2,582 9,677 3,491 2,563 16,939 9,594 2,018 7,535 83,007 61,516 50,130 54,295 2Q12 1Q13 2Q13 Real Estate Trucks and Tractors Auto 3Q13 Number of Active Consortium Quotas 2013 2012 Segments June Septem ber June Septem ber Auto 455,252 476,650 581,886 636,925 Real Estate 186,634 193,908 199,557 199,038 34,201 36,194 39,563 40,134 676,087 706,752 821,006 876,097 Trucks and Tractors Total Quotas Bradesco 78 Operating Companies 40,134 39,563 36,194 34,201 199,038 199,557 193,908 186,634 636,925 581,886 455,252 476,650 Jun/2012 Sept/2012 Auto Jun/2013 Sept/2013 Real Estate Trucks Number of Active Quotaholders Comprising the Ten Largest Real Estate Consortium Management Companies – Reference Date: July 2013 Managing Com panies Jul/12 Bradesco Caixa Federal Porto Seguro Embracon Itaú Rodobens HSBC Banco do Brasil Ademilar Herval Source: Brazilian Central Bank Ju/13 198,367 77,985 74,825 33,641 31,653 26,786 19,387 14,765 14,317 13,957 192,216 89,487 71,210 29,054 24,206 27,304 17,360 14,963 12,904 12,500 198,367 77,985 74,825 33,641 31,653 26,786 19,387 14,765 14,317 13,957 Jul/2013 Bradesco Caixa Federal Porto Seguro 79 Report on Supplementary Information – September 2013 Embracon Itaú Rodobens HSBC BB Ademilar Herval Operating Companies Number of Active Quotaholders Comprising the Ten Largest Automobile Consortium Management Companies – Reference Date: July 2013 Managing Com panies Jul/12 Jul/13 Bradesco 460,748 593,820 Banco do Brasil 352,513 397,546 Volksw agen 164,954 237,184 95,288 146,702 Disal 116,506 142,018 Fiat Itaú 104,177 98,361 GMAC 55,363 90,967 Embracon 25,202 36,943 Porto Seguro 24,347 31,757 Rodobens Source: Brazilian Central Bank 25,842 30,407 593,820 397,546 237,184 146,702 142,018 98,361 90,967 36,943 30,407 31,757 Jul/2013 Bradesco BB Volkswagen Itaú Disal Fiat GMAC Embracon Porto Seguro Rodobens Number of Active Quotaholders Comprising the Ten Largest Trucks/Tractors/Machinery and Equipment Consortium Management Companies – Reference Date: July 2013 Managing Com panies Jul/12 Jul/13 Bradesco 35,280 39,569 Randon 21,498 27,711 Scania 20,487 20,609 Conseg 14,279 15,599 Massey Ferguson 14,329 15,030 Gaplan 15,330 14,696 Sicredi 8,033 9,992 Valtra 8,083 8,696 Portobens 8,381 8,174 Volvo Source: Brazilian Central Bank 5,966 6,240 Bradesco 80 Operating Companies 39,569 27,711 20,609 15,599 15,030 14,696 9,992 8,696 8,174 6,240 Jul/2013 Bradesco Randon Scania Conseg Massey Ferguson Gaplan Sicredi Valtra Portobens Volvo Banco Bradesco Financiamentos The consolidated financial statements of Banco Bradesco Financiamentos S.A. include the accounting information of its subsidiaries: BMC Asset Management DTVM Ltda., BF Promotora de Vendas Ltda., Everest Leasing S.A. Arrendamento Mercantil, Promosec Cia. Securitizadora de Crédito and Tibre DTVM Ltda. Statement of Financial Position - R$ million Consolidated Financial Position – R$ Million Assets Current and Long-Term Assets Interbank Deposits Securities and Derivative Financial Instruments Interbank Accounts Loan and Leasing Operations Allow ance for Loan Losses Other Receivables and Other Assets Perm anent Assets Total Liabilities Current and Long-Term Liabilities Interbank Deposits Interbank Accounts Other Liabilities Deferred Incom e Shareholders' Equity Total 81 Report on Supplementary Information – September 2013 2012 September December 70,743 70,882 26,547 27,347 750 750 39 31 38,332 38,154 (2.084) (2.170) 7,159 6,770 73 78 70,816 70,960 2013 September 75,007 28,812 665 495 38,762 (1.716) 7,989 80 75,087 September 44,065 39,004 6 5,055 149 26,602 70,816 September 47,158 42,096 2 5,060 164 27,765 75,087 December 44,068 39,229 4,839 132 26,760 70,960 Operating Companies Income Statement - R$ million Incom e Statem ent – R$ Million Income from Financial Intermediation Expenses from Financial Intermediation 2012 3rd Qtr. 2013 3rd Qtr. Year 2,715 11,921 2,833 (1.070) (1.081) (5.497) Financial Margin 1,634 6,424 Expenses w ith Allow ance for Loan Losses (454) (1.803) Gross Incom e from Financial Interm ediation 1,180 4,621 Other Operating Income/Expenses 1,763 (211) 1,552 (647) (2.531) Operating Incom e 533 2,090 Non-Operating Income (53) (182) (73) Incom e before Taxes and Contributions 480 1,908 765 (205) (809) (318) 275 1,099 447 Taxes and Contributions on Income Net Incom e (714) 838 Profile Banco Bradesco Financiamentos offers consumer financing lines for the acquisition of passenger or cargo vehicles, other goods and services and leasing operations, as well as payroll-deductible loans, and thereby operates as Bradesco’s financing company. The auto segment is traded by BF Promotora de Vendas and payrolldeductible loans are sold by Bradesco Promotora. Auto Segment Bradesco Financiamentos specializes in offering vehicle financing and leasing lines with CDC and leasing solutions to Bradesco customers and the population at large, using its own or onlending funds. Services are offered through its extensive associated network made up of dealers and concessionaires of motorcycles and light and transportation vehicles, totaling about 14,768 nationwide active commercial partners. Payroll-Deductible Loans Segment Bradesco Promotora specializes in payroll-deductible loans for INSS retirees and pensioners, as well as public sector employees (federal, state and municipal). It operates in every Brazilian state through 1,692 correspondent banks. Operating Performance In auto segment, the Bank maintains its strategy of maintaining concession criteria that enable medium and long-term sustainable growth, focusing on down-payment operations. The payroll-deductible loan segment posted an increase of 79.9% in the third quarter of 2013, over the same period of 2012, which led to a 39.6% growth in the portfolio. This is the result of the strategy and structure of a team dedicated especially to serve covenants with the INSS and public agencies, resulting in the increase of loan assignment in this modality. Bradesco 82 Operating Companies Income Equity Result for the third quarter of 2013 was R$447 million, up 62.5% from the third quarter of 2012, whereas Shareholders’ Equity was R$27.765 billion. Bradesco S.A. Corretora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários Balance Sheet – R$ million 2012 Septem ber 2013 Decem ber Septem ber Assets Current and Long-term Assets 1,020 1,103 1,624 11 1 1 Interbank Investments 195 328 584 Securities 503 513 612 Other Receivables and Other Assets 311 261 427 40 41 27 1,060 1,144 1,651 Current and Long-term Liabilities 545 613 981 Other Liabilities 545 613 981 Funds Available Perm anent Assets Total Liabilities Shareholders' Equity Total 515 531 670 1,060 1,144 1,651 Income Statement – R$ million Incom e Statem ent – R$ Million 2013 2012 rd 3 Qtr. 3rd Qtr. Year Income from Financial Intermediation 15 63 22 Gross Incom e from Financial Interm ediation 15 63 22 Other Operating Income/Expenses 9 40 12 Incom e before Taxes and Contributions 24 103 34 Taxes and Contributions on Income (9) (38) (13) Net Incom e 15 65 21 In the third quarter of 2013, Bradesco Corretora placed 12th position in the BM&FBOVESPA’s equity market ranking of 88 participating brokerage firms. In the same period, Bradesco Corretora served 19,307 investors and executed 1,690,840 call and put orders, for a total financial volume of R$26,068 million. We have noticed that new investors are increasingly interested in learning about the stock market and internet is the main, most practical and least expensive channel for accessing this market. 83 Report on Supplementary Information – September 2013 Bradesco Home Broker, which allows the customer to purchase and sell shares through the internet, saw a traded volume of R$2,546 million on the demand market of the BM&FBOVESPA, amounting to 969,128 received orders in the third quarter of 2013, of which 251,574 were executed, placing Bradesco in 17th in the ranking of home brokers on BM&FBOVESPA's markets. Bradesco Corretora traded 6,250,300 contracts on BM&FBOVESPA’s futures markets, with a financial volume of R$552,072 million, reaching 9th in the ranking among the 53 participating brokerage firms. Operating Companies With more than 40 years of tradition and efficiency in capital markets, Bradesco Corretora was also the first brokerage firm in the market to provide its customers with Direct Market Access. DMA is an innovative computer routing service that allows investors to carry out asset purchase and sale operations directly on BM&FBOVESPA’s markets, with complete convenience and safety, without leaving the comfort of their home or office. By means of DMA, Bradesco Corretora also began to provide: • Greater autonomy when investing, since customers controls the execution of orders, without the need for intermediaries and in complete confidentiality; • Speed and agility, by sending an automatic confirmation of executed orders; and • On-line market follow-up, enabling prompt identification and improved use of good business opportunities. Bradesco Corretora offers exclusive benefits to undergraduate students to invest in shares, with the initial investment of R$$200.00 and reduced custody and brokerage rates. All customers have several options to invest in shares, public offerings, share rental, gold, futures market, debentures, options, Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) and the Direct Treasury Program, which allows individual investors to acquire federal government securities over the internet. To be part of the program, the customer is only required to register at the website. Moreover, Bradesco Corretora offers the small and medium investors the option to invest their funds in Real Estate Investment Funds (FIIs), such as corporate buildings, shopping malls, hotels and hospitals. Investments in FIIs may be conducted through the internet, directly through Home Broker or using the assistance of our professionals at the trading desk and shares rooms. Bradesco Corretora also manages the Investment Club, gathering investors with common interests and advising in the composition of group investment portfolios. Bradesco Corretora works to always make itself available to customers, offering a number of channels through which they may find content and information on the stock market. We are present on social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, offering daily chats with analysts, guides and educational videos, in addition to delivering daily interactive analysis programs for our customers on the TV Home Broker with high definition broadcast, which is an online television channel at the Bradesco Corretora website. In the TV Home Broker videos, Bradesco Corretora’s analysts elaborate a market overview and emphasize the day’s highlights according to prospects from macroeconomic, fundamentalist and graphic analysis. The retail area of Bradesco Corretora continued the qualification of customer services for Individuals interested in equity products, promoting personnel training and investments in systems that support its activities. Bradesco Corretora has 15 Share Rooms spread throughout Brazil. These rooms were created to provide guidance to customers interested in purchasing and selling shares. Bradesco Corretora has intensified efforts aimed at providing better service conditions and technical preparation among all professionals of the Organization’s branch network and segments. These efforts include the following initiatives: • Permanent provision of information to the branch network, by means of reports prepared by Bradesco Corretora’s skilled team of analysts; • Events were carried out at several operating branches, such as Prime and Retail segments, with the participation of investment analysts and economists of Bradesco Corretora, in addition to some IR officers from invited companies. • In partnership with BM&FBOVESPA, managers were trained using the Stock Exchange environment and sales professionals, monitored by Bradesco Corretora, in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro; and • Support to managers of all segments, with the presence of our professionals in customer visits, providing great assertiveness in the raising of new funds and investor loyalty. Bradesco 84 Operating Companies International activities, carried out through the New York and London trading desks, saw a significant increase in the number of active institutional customers, also indicating an increase in Bradesco's market share among global investors. Bradesco has developed an intense road show schedule with analysts and publiclyheld companies, scheduling meetings with institutional investors in major financial centers in the U.S. and Europe, including New York, Boston, Washington D.C., Chicago, Los Angeles, London, Edinburg, Frankfurt and Paris. Bradesco Corretora offers its customers complete investment analysis services, with coverage of the main sectors and companies on the Brazilian market. Our team of analysts is made up of thirty- one sector specialists (senior analysts and assistants) who disclose their opinion to clients in an equitable way, through follow-up reports and guidance on actions taken based on a wide range of projections and comparison multiples. Bradesco Corretora also has its own economic team dedicated to the specific demands of its customers, focused on the stock market. More than 700 monthly reports both in Portuguese and English are sent to important investors domiciled in Brazil, in the USA, Europe and Asia. Net income for the third quarter of 2013 totaled R$21 million. Shareholders’ equity reached R$670 million in September 2013, equivalent to 40.6% of total assets, which added up to R$1,651 million. Trading at BM&FBovespa Trading on BM&FBovespa Markets – BM&F 2012 2013 2013 1st Half of 2012 Year 1st Half of 2013 3rd Quarter of 2013 14th 9th 9th 9th 8,527 27,412 20,601 6,250 798,018 2,595,061 1,922,647 552,072 17th 15th 12th 12th 34,522 46,769 32,159 19,307 Number of Orders Executed 1,423,597 3,626,482 2,589,771 1,690,840 Financial Volume (R$ million) 38,028 85,972 53,372 26,068 15th 15th 14th 17th Number of Registered Customers 247,442 253,509 260,524 263,700 Number of Orders Executed 471,319 925,196 501,950 251,574 Financial Volume (R$ million) 5,323 10,555 5,518 2,546 Ranking Contracts traded (thousands) Financial Volume (R$ million) Markets – Bovespa Ranking Number of Investors Markets Bovespa – Hom e Broker Ranking 85 Report on Supplementary Information – September 2013 Operating Companies Banco Bradesco BBI Balance Sheet - R$ million 2012 Assets - R$ m illion Septem ber 2013 Decem ber Septem ber Current and Long-term Assets 6,258 6,435 6,777 Interbank Investments 5,453 5,657 5,537 Securities and Derivative Financial Instruments 575 520 959 Other Receivables and Other Assets 230 258 281 Perm anent Assets 1,423 1,423 1,544 Total 7,681 7,858 8,321 2012 Liabilities - R$ m illion Septem ber Current and Long-term Liabilities 2013 Decem ber Septem ber 243 332 43 42 32 200 290 252 Shareholders' Equity 7,438 7,526 8,037 Total 7,681 7,858 8,321 Derivative Financial Instruments Other Liabilities 284 Income Statement – R$ million 2012 Incom e Statem ent – R$ m illion 3rd Qtr. 2013 3rd Qtr. Year Income from Financial Intermediation 110 452 273 Gross Incom e from Financial Interm ediation 110 452 273 53 228 37 Operating Incom e 163 680 310 Taxes and Contributions on Incom e (56) (232) Total 107 448 Other Income/Expenses Banco Bradesco BBI S.A., Bradesco Organization's Investment Bank, advises customers in the issue of shares, merger and acquisition operations, structuring and distribution of debt instruments, including debentures, (110) 200 promissory notes, CRIs, real state funds, FIDCs and bonds in Brazil and abroad, structured financing for companies and Project Finance projects. Equity Up to the end of the third quarter of 2013, Bradesco BBI made its presence felt in IPOs and Follow-ons that went to the market. Considering public offerings registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) in the period, Bradesco BBI participated as Coordinator and Joint Bookrunner of ten offerings, amounting to R$17.3 billion. We highlight the following operations in the period: • CPFL, in the amount of R$914 million; • Follow-on of Estácio Participações, in the amount of R$768.7 million; • Follow-on of Multiplan Empreendimentos Imobiliários, in the amount of R$626.4 million; • IPO of Biosev, R$$709.4 million; in the amount of • Follow-on of BHG S.A., in the amount of R$355.5 million; • IPO of BB Seguridade, in the amount of R$$11,475 million; • IPO of Smiles, R$$1,132.2 million; in the amount of • Follow-on of Abril Educação, in the amount of R$521.9 million; • Follow-on of Iguatemi, in the amount of R$425.4 million; and • Aliansce Shopping Centers, in the amount of R$447.6 million. Bradesco 86 Operating Companies Fixed Income With a number of important transactions, Bradesco BBI’s Fixed Income segment stands out in the end of the third quarter of 2013. That year, transactions amounted to more than R$14.9 billion, which corresponds to 85 transactions, including the following: • Debentures of Santos Energia Participações, in the amount of R$37 million; • Debentures of Renovias, in the amount of R$95 million; • Debentures of Embratel, in the amount of R$1,900 million; • Debentures of Usiminas, in the amount of R$1,000 million; • Promissory Notes of REB Empreendimentos, in the amount of R$30 million; • Debentures of WTorre, in the amount of R$800 million; • Debentures of UTC Participações, in the amount of R$400 million; • Debentures of Iguatemi, in the amount of R$450 million; • Debentures of Bradespar, in the amount of R$1,000 million; • Debentures of BCLV Comércio de Veículos, in the amount of R$50 million; • Debentures of Armazém Mateus, in the amount of R$125 million; • Debentures of Fleury, in the amount of R$500 million; • Debentures of Duke Energia, in the amount of R$1,000 million; • Debentures of Triângulo do Sol, in the amount of R$691 million; • Debentures of Clínica Delfim Gonzalez Miranda, in the amount of R$50 million; • Promissory Notes of Comgás, in the amount of R$400 million; • Debentures of Odebrecht Ambiental, in the amount of R$100 million; • Debentures of Lojas Renner, in the amount of R$400 million; • Promissory Notes of Carvalho Hosken Engenharia, in the amount of R$90 million; • Promissory Notes of TAM Linhas Aéreas, in the amount of R$100 million; • Promissory Notes of Oi, in the amount of R$800 million; • Debentures of RB Capital, in the amount of R$92 million; • Promissory Notes of Unicsul, in the amount of R$50 million; • Debentures of Sabesp, in the amount of R$1,000 million; • Promissory Notes of AES Tietê, in the amount of R$498 million; • Debentures of Gás Verde, in the amount of R$150 million; • Debentures of CPFL Geração, in the amount of R$1,092 million; • Promissory Notes of Nova Dutra, in the amount of R$130 million; • Debentures of JCPM, in the amount of R$100 million; • Debentures of Rio Mais, in the amount of R$315 million; • Debentures of BK Brasil, in the amount of R$150 million; • Debentures of Randon, in the amount of R$300 million; • Debentures of Restoque, in the amount of R$150 million; • Promissory Notes of Rodobens Locação de Imóveis, in the amount of R$150 million; • Promissory Notes of Cálamo Distribuidora de Produtos de Beleza, in the amount of R$250 million; 87 Report on Supplementary Information – September 2013 • Promissory Notes of CCR Barcas, in the amount of R$146 million; • Debentures of Direcional Engenharia, in the amount of R$200 million; Operating Companies • Debentures of BR Malls, in the amount of R$400 million; • Promissory Notes of NET, in the amount of R$680 million; • Debentures of Fertilizantes Heringer, in the amount of R$260 million; • Debentures of Ecovias, in the amount of R$881 million; • Debentures of AES Tietê, in the amount of R$498 million; • Debentures of Log Commercial Properties, in the amount of R$100 million; and • Debentures of Rodovia das Colinas, in the amount of R$950 million; • Debentures of Tuper, in the amount of R$150 million. • Debentures of Dobrevê Energia, in the amount of R$35 million; In addition to the domestic market, Bradesco BBI also has an outstanding position in the international capital markets, originating debt operations (bonds) for placement with foreign investors. Bradesco BBI operated as the Joint Bookrunner of 15 issues of bonds until the third quarter of 2013, surpassing US$8.8 billion, among which were: • Ford Motor Credit Company, in the amount of US$1,000 million; • Caixa, in the amount of US$1,250 million; • Marfrig, in the amount of US$400 million; • Banco do Brasil, in the amount of €700 million; • BTG Pactual, in the amount of US$1,000 million; • Gol, in the amount of US$200 million; • Three transactions of Cosan, in the amount of US$500 million and R$850 million; • Banco ABC, in the amount of R$250 million; • BTG Investments, in the amount of US$700 million; • Marfrig, in the amount of US$600 million; • OAS, in the amount of US$500 million; and • JBS, in the amount of US$500 million; • The two transactions of BRF, in the amount of US$500 million each. Structured Operations Bradesco BBI develops financing structures and solutions for customers using several funding instruments, including securitization. Moreover, the Company has an outstanding position in the acquisition finance segment. In the third quarter of 2013, announced transactions included the following: • Promissory Notes of Rodobens Locação de Imóveis, in the amount of R$150 million; • CRI of CR2 Empreendimentos, in the amount of R$50 million; • Debentures of Vigor, in the amount of R$350 million; • Lead coordinator of FIDC Gávea Crédito Estruturado, in the amount of R$850 million; • Lead coordinator of issue of Promissory Notes of Cálamo Distribuidora de Produtos de Beleza S.A., in the amount of R$250 million; • Structuring of FIP of TRX, in the amount of R$60 million; • Lead coordinator of CRI backed by receivables originated by Peralta Investimentos e Participações Ltda., in the amount of R$59.8 million; • Lead coordinator of FIDC Chemical VII, in the amount of R$490 million; Bradesco 88 Operating Companies • Lead coordinator of CRI backed by receivables originated by Matertrade Indústria e Comércio Ltda. (“Teruskin”), in the amount of R$31.9 million; • Lead coordinator of issue of Debentures of CAEP, in the amount of R$280 million; • Lead coordinator of issue of Promissory Notes of Vigor Alimentos, in the amount of R$350 million; • Lead coordinator of issue of Debentures of Cálamo Distribuidora de Produtos de Beleza S.A., in the amount of R$500 million; • Lead coordinator of FIDC Sirius Crédito, in the amount of R$600 million; and • Lead coordinator of issue of Promissory Notes of Unipar Participações S.A., in the amount of R$550 million. Mergers and Acquisitions Bradesco BBI advises important customers on mergers, acquisitions, sales of companies and assets, private placement, joint ventures, and financial and corporate restructuring and privatizations, standing out among the main investment banks in Brazil. In the first nine months of 2013, Bradesco BBI was among the main banks that advise the most M&A operations in Brazil. In the period, Bradesco BBI had fifteen announced operations, amounting to approximately R$16,740 million, as follows: • JBS vs. Marfrig, R$5,850 million; • Advisory services for Redentor Energia in the public offering for going private process, in the amount of R$24.9 million; • Atkore International, R$99 million; in in the the amount of amount of • MMX/Trafigura and Mubadala, in the amount of R$2,648 million; • Advisory services to LLX in the sale of the Company control to EIG, in the amount of R$1,300 million; • Advisory services for CMAA on the sale of IndoAgri, in the amount of R$500 million; • Advisory services for CCPR in the association and sale of 50% to Vigor, in the amount of R$410 million; • Advisory services for COMGAS in the public offering for change of control, in the amount of R$143.5 million; • Brennand Cimentos, in the amount of R$210 million; • Haztec, in the amount of R$60 million; • Log Commercial Properties, in the amount of R$128 million; and • Anhanguera vs. Kroton, in the amount of R$3,041 million. • Advisory services for FIP Multisetorial in the acquisition of Grupo BR Towers, in the amount of R$100 million; Project Financing Bradesco BBI has a solid track record playing the role of financial advisor and structure maker for several projects in the project and corporate finance categories, always seeking the best financial solution for projects in several sectors of the economy. In addition to solutions through credit and capital market, it also has an excellent relationship with several different promotion agencies, such as BNDES, BID and IFC. 89 Report on Supplementary Information – September 2013 Bradesco BBI is currently involved in around 60 financial advisory and structuring projects, amounting to approximately R$$150 billion in investments. By the end of the third quarter of 2013, Bradesco BBI concluded transactions in electrical generation, oil & gas, mining, logistics, port and airport industries and urban mobility, including: • Advisory services and structuring of R$420million long-term financing for the Santo Antonio hydroelectric power plant (hydroelectric power complex of Andrade Gutierrez / Cemig / Furnas / Odebrecht); Drilling, Arpoador Drilling and Guarapari Drilling (drilling rigs of Sete Brasil); • Structuring of a R$248-million short-term financing for Arpoador Drilling (drilling rig of Sete Brasil); • Structuring of a US$253-million short-term financing for BW Guirapá (wind farm of the Santander Group); • • Structuring of a US$1,192-million short-term financing for Viracopos (airport of Triunfo / UTC / Egis / Infraero); Structuring of a US$306-million short-term financing for Urca Drilling (drilling rig of Sete Brasil); • Structuring of a US$30-million short-term financing for Bracuhy Drilling (drilling rig of Sete Brasil); • Structuring of a R$192-million short-term financing for REB (wind farm of the Santander Group); • Structuring of a R$375-million short-term financing for Logum (logistics for the storage and transportation of ethanol of Camargo Corrêa / Copersucar / Odebrecht / Petrobras / Raízen / Uniduto); • Structuring of a R$115-million short-term financing for Baixa do Feijão (wind farms of the EDP Renováveis Group); • Structuring of a R$268-million long-term financing collateral for Baixa Verde / Moxotó / Pedra do Reino / Sobradinho (wind farms of the Gestamp Group); • Advisory services and structuring of a R$1,990-million long-term financing for the hydroelectric power plant Santo Antônio (hydroelectric complex of Andrade Gutierrez / Cemig / Furnas / Odebrecht); and • Structuring of a US$1,250-million short-term financing for Sete Brasil. • Pre-auction advisory services in the bidding process for Rio de Janeiro’s Light Rail Transit (LRT), with estimated investments of R$1,200 million (urban mobility of CCR / Invepar / OTP / RioPar); • Structuring of a US$155-million short-term financing for Santos Energia (wind farm of the Santander Group); • Advisory services and structuring of a R$934-million long-term financing for MMX Superporto Sudeste (port terminal dedicated to iron ore of the listed company MMX); • Advisory services and structuring of a R$468-million short-term financing for LLX Açu (port complex of the listed company LLX); • Structuring of a US$40-million short-term financing for Frade Drilling (drilling rig of Sete Brasil); • Structuring of a US$30-million short-term financing for Arpoador Drilling (drilling rig of Sete Brasil); • Structuring of a US$100-million short-term financing for Cassino Drilling, Curumim Bradesco 90 Bradesco Arrendamento Mercantil - Leasing On September 30, 2013, Bradesco Organization controlled the following leasing companies: Bradesco Leasing S.A. Arrendamento Mercantil and Everest Leasing S.A. Arrendamento Mercantil, as well as the leasing portfolios of Banco Bradesco S.A., Banco Bradesco Financiamentos S.A. and Banco Alvorada S.A., which are directly shown in their financial statements. Consolidated Statement of Financial Position – R$ million 2012 Statem ent of Financial Position – R$ m illion Assets Septem ber 2013 Decem ber Septem ber Current and Long-Term Assets 74,294 74,027 72,250 Funds Available Interbank Investments Securities and Derivative Financial Instruments 40,614 26,794 39,933 27,347 17 39,011 27,241 Leasing Operations 6.448 6.288 5.405 Allow ance for Loan Losses (514) (499) (412) 952 958 988 46 51 52 74.340 74.078 72.302 64,146 69,332 67,723 62,557 67,675 66,171 Other Receivables and Other Assets Perm anent Assets Total Liabilities Current and Long-Term Liabilities Federal Funds Purchased and Securities Sold under Agreements to Repurchase and Funds from the Issue of Securities Borrow ing and Onlending Other Liabilities 280 269 210 1,309 1,388 1,342 Shareholders' Equity 10,194 4,746 4,579 Total 74,340 74,078 72,302 Consolidated Income Statement – R$ million 2012 3rd Qtr. Income from Financial Intermediation Expenses from Financial Intermediation Financial Margin Reversals/(Recording) of Allow ance for Loan Losses Gross Incom e from Financial Interm ediation 2,215 9,312 2,302 (1.909) (8.118) (2.129) 306 (5) 301 Other Operating Income/Expenses (25) Operating Incom e 276 Non-Operating Income (19) Incom e before Taxes and Contributions 257 Taxes and Contributions on Income Net Incom e 91 Report on Supplementary Information – September 2013 2013 3rd Qtr. Year 1,194 (11) 1,183 (100) 1,083 (48) 1,035 173 35 208 (21) 187 (10) 177 (111) (434) (81) 146 601 96 Operating Companies Performance of Leasing Operations – Bradesco Consolidated On September 30, 2013 consolidated leasing operations brought to present value totaled R$6.077 billion(*). Banco Bradesco S.A.’s and Banco Bradesco Financiamentos S.A.’s leasing portfolios mainly include operations with vehicles for individuals. leasing companies are among sector leaders, with a 19.81% market share (reference date: July 2013). This excellent performance is the result of the integrated operations of the Bradesco branch network and the maintenance of its diversified business strategies in various market segments, in particular, operating agreements entered into with major manufacturers, mainly in the transportation vehicles and machinery and equipment industries. According to the Brazilian Leasing Companies Association - ABEL, Bradesco Organization's (*) Includes Banco Bradesco Financiamentos, Banco Bradesco and Banco Alvorada leasing operations. Leasing Operations are carried out by Bradesco Leasing S.A. Arrendamento Mercantil and Banco Bradesco Financiamentos S.A. Portfolio by Type of Asset 2012 Asset Septem ber 2013 Decem ber Septem ber Vehicles 69.5% 66.8% 62.4% Machinery/Equipment 26.3% 28.0% 32.2% Electronic Equipment 3.0% 3.1% 3.1% Other 1.2% 2.1% 2.3% Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Bradesco 92 4 – Independent Auditors’ Report on the Limited Review of Supplementary Accounting Information Presented in the Report on Economic and Financial Analysis 93 Report on Supplementary Information – September 2013 Limited assurance report from independent auditor on the supplementary accounting information To The Directors of Banco Bradesco S.A. Osasco - SP Introduction We were engaged to apply limited assurance procedures for the supplementary accounting information included in the Supplementary Information Report of Banco Bradesco S.A. ("Bradesco") as of September 30, 2013 and for the three and nine month periods then ended. Bradesco´s Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of this supplementary accounting information. Our responsibility is to issue a Limited Assurance Report on such supplementary accounting information. Scope, procedures applied and limitations The limited assurance procedures were performed in accordance with standard NBC TO 3000 – Assurance Engagements Other than Audit and Review, issued by the Brazilian Federal Accounting Council (CFC – Conselho Federal de Contabilidade) and the ISAE 3000 International Standard on Assurance Engagements issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board - IASB, both for assurance engagements other than audits or reviews of historical financial information. The limited assurance procedures comprised: (a) the planning of the work, considering the relevance of the supplementary financial information and the internal controls systems that served as a basis for the preparation of the Supplementary Information Report of Bradesco, (b) the understanding of the calculation methodology and the consolidation of indicators through interviews with the management responsible for the preparation of the supplementary accounting information, and (c) the comparison of the financial and accounting indicators with the interim information disclosed at this date and/or accounting records. The procedures that were applied do not constitute an audit or review in accordance with Brazilian and international auditing and review standards, as well as these procedures and the obtained evidence are more limited than for reasonable assurance procedures. Additionally, our report does not offer limited assurance on the scope of future information (such as goals, expectations and future plans) and descriptive information that is subject to subjective assessment. Criteria for preparation of the supplementary accounting information The additional supplementary accounting information disclosed in the Supplementary Information Report as of September 30, 2013 and for the three and nine month periods then ended. were prepared by Bradesco´s Management, based on the consolidated financial information contained in the interim financial information and on the criteria described in the Supplementary Information Report , in order to provide additional analysis, but without being part of the interim financial information available in this date. Conclusion Based on our review, we are not aware of any facts that would lead us to believe that the supplementary accounting information included in the Supplementary Information Report as of September 30, 2013 and for the three and nine month periods then ended are inconsistent, in all material respects, with regard to interim accounting information referred to in the paragraph of criteria for the preparation of supplementary accounting information. Osasco, October 18, 2013 Original report in Portuguese signed by KPMG Auditores Independentes CRC 2SP014428/O-6 Cláudio Rogélio Sertório Contador CRC 1SP212059/O-0
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