
P o w e r, s t y l e a n d u n c o m p r o m i s e d l u x u r y ; t h e X K
e p i t o m i s e s J a g u a r ’s l e g e n d a r y t a l e n t f o r c r e a t i n g
b e a u t i f u l h i g h p e r f o r m a n c e v e h i c l e s . A g ra n d t o u r e r
w i t h t h e h e a r t a n d s o u l o f a s p o r t s c a r, t h e X K b u i l d s
o n J a g u a r ’s r e p u t a t i o n f o r s t u n n i n g d e s i g n w i t h i t s
contemporary fusion of dramatic sweeping curves
and a low-riding profile.
T h e r a n g e c o m p r i s e s f o u r m o d e l s – X K , X K Po r t f o l i o ,
X K R a n d X K R- S . E a c h i s f o r m e d f ro m a l u m i n i u m , f o r a
u n i q u e c o m b i n at i o n o f l i g h t n e s s , s t re n g t h a n d a g i l i t y,
a n d p r o p e l l e d b y J a g u a r ’s h i g h l y a c c l a i m e d 5 . 0 L i t r e
V 8 o r 5 . 0 L i t r e V 8 S u p e rc h a r g e d e n g i n e . To g e t h e r t h e y
o f f e r a u n i q u e c o m b i n a t i o n o f s p o r t i n g l u x u r y, a n d
the promise of an exhilarating driving experience
t h a t ’s d e s i g n e d t o b e e x c e p t i o n a l .
d E Si g N
T h e X K p o s s e s s e s a l l o f J a g u a r ’s c l a s s i c d e s i g n
m otifs – sed uc tion, p ower, elega nce – conceived
with a modern contemporary edge. Its sleek
styling and sculpted athletic lines embody the
spirit of per formance, per fectly matching the
c a r ’s s p o r t i n g p rowe s s . T h e X K ’s e x te r i o r d e t a i l s
are built to reflect its dynamic capabilities,
f ro m i t s m u s c u l a r re a r h a u n c h e s a n d d i s t i n c t i ve
h o r i z o n t a l c h r o m e s i d e ve n t s t o t h e d r a m a t i c
f r o n t s u b - w i n g a i r i n t a k e s . N e w, s l i m m e r,
bi-function HID Xenon headlamps are lined
w i t h L E D d ay t i m e r u n n i n g l i g h t s a n d c r e a t e a
s t r i k i n g a n d d i s t i n c t i ve v i s u a l s i g n at u re . T h e X K
is eye-catching, head turning, breathtaking.
XK Convertible models combine the thrill of open top driving
w ith uncom p rom ised ha nd ling a nd com for t. O p ening a nd stowing
in just eighteen seconds, the roof folds itself neatly beneath
a striking aluminium tonneau fitting seamlessly flush within
the body – reducing buffeting at speed and compact enough
to re t a i n t h e X K ’s i co n i c s h a p e . T h e t r i p l e l aye r ro o f, l a m i n ate d
to provide a taut and waterproof outer coat, incorporates
innovative ultra - thin insulation m ater ia l to d eliver outsta nd ing
p r o t e c t i o n f r o m w e a t h e r, w i n d a n d r o a d n o i s e .
T h e X K ’s a l l - a l u m i n i u m b o d y c o n s t r u c t i o n i s f u n d a m e n t a l t o t h e way t h e c a r p e r f o r m s . U s i n g t e c h n o l o g y d e r i ve d
f ro m t h e a e ro s p a ce i n d u s t r y, i t d e l i ve r s a co m b i n at i o n o f l i g h t n e s s , s t re n g t h a n d r i g i d i t y – t h e key to g re at s p o r t s
c a r h a n d l i n g , s u p e r b p e r f o r m a n c e a n d i m p r e s s i v e e f f i c i e n c y. H i g h t o r s i o n a l r i g i d i t y d e l i v e r s e x c e p t i o n a l a g i l i t y,
reduced body roll and pin-sharp cornering; less weight results in faster acceleration, shor ter braking distances,
i m p ro v e d f u e l e c o n o m y a n d l o w e r e m i s s i o n s w h e n c o m p a r e d t o a n e q u i va l e n t s t e e l - b o d i e d c a r.
J a g u a r ’s 5 . 0 L i t re A J -V 8 G E N I I I e n g i n e d e l i ve r s h e a r t - ra c i n g a cce l e rat i o n a n d e f fo r t l e s s p owe r. I t e m p l oys s t at e - o f - t h e - a r t
e n g i n e e r i n g t e c h n o l o g i e s t o m a x i m i s e i t s p e r f o r m a n c e a n d r e f i n e m e n t . S p r ay - g u i d e d d i r e c t i n j e c t i o n o p t i m i s e s a i r t o
f u e l r a t i o s , w h i l e C a m P ro f i l e S w i t c h i n g a d a p t s c a m p e r i o d s , d e p e n d i n g o n p ow e r r e q u i r e m e n t s , g i v i n g u p t o 1 0 p e r c e n t
m o r e m i d - r a n g e t o r q u e . D u a l I n d e p e n d e n t Va r i a b l e C a m T i m i n g r e c y c l e s r e s i d u a l w a s t e g a s e s l o w e r i n g e m i s s i o n s a n d
i m p r ov i n g f u e l e c o n o m y.
5 l i t R e
5.0 v8 petROl
pOweR – 385PS (283kW) @ 6,500rpm
0-100km/h seCOnds – 5.8
tOp speed – 250km/h limited
COMBined l /100km – 11.2
CARBOn diOXide eMissiOns g/km – 264
The XKR re-defines the sporting capabilities of the XK ,
re-engineered and recalibrated, uprated and enhanced –
making a great car even greater and taking XK dynamic
per formance to another level. At the hear t of the XKR is
J a g u a r ’s a c c l a i m e d 5 . 0 A J -V 8 G E N I I I S u p e r c h a r g e d e n g i n e .
This all-aluminium quad-cam powerplant produces 510PS
and delivers exhilarating performance. It is the most
responsive engine Jaguar has ever built, with seamless
p o w e r d e l i v e r y a n d t r e m e n d o u s t o r q u e – u p t o 62 5 N m .
XKR symb o l ises t h e intens if y ing o f t h e spo r t i n g e x pe r i e n ce ,
d e l i v e r i n g t h e s u b l i m e l u x u r y o f a g ra n d t o u r e r w i t h t h e
p a s s i o n a n d m u s c l e o f a t h o ro u g h b re d c h a m p i o n .
5 l i t R e
s U p e R C h A R G e d
5.0 litRe v8 sUpeRChARGed
p Ow e R – 5 1 0 P S ( 37 5 k W ) @ 6 ,0 0 0 - 6 , 5 0 0 r p m
0-100km/h seCOnds – 4.8
tOp speed – 250km/h limited
COMBined l/100km – 12.3
CARB O n d i OXi d e eM i ssi O n s g / k m – 2 9 2
scan to view the
XKR brand film
A t e ve r y t u r n t h e X K r e wa r d s t h e d r i ve r w i t h i n vo l v i n g ,
outstanding driving dynamics. With its aluminium
monocoque bodyshell providing exceptional torsional
stiffness, it offer s p rec ise ha nd ling a nd fine b od y control.
A l l m o d e l s e m p l o y a n a r r ay o f i n t e l l i g e n t a d a p t i v e
technologies designed to assist but never overwhelm.
The Servotronic 2 steering system provides support
to improve manoeuvring at low speeds but reduces
assistance at higher speeds. The ZF 6HP28 6-speed
automatic transmission reads individual driving styles
and the road environment to constantly adapt its gear
shift pattern. It is designed to optimise fuel efficiency
while anticipating and preparing to provide the instant
p o w e r t h a t h i g h s p e e d m a n o e u v r i n g o r o v e r t a k i n g m ay
require. It works in conjunction with Dynamic Stability
Co n t ro l w h i c h i n te r ve n e s i n d e m a n d i n g d r i v i n g s i t u at i o n s
by a p p l y i n g b ra k i n g to i n d i v i d u a l w h e e l s w h e re n e ce s s a r y,
re d u c i n g e n g i n e to rq u e a n d h e l p i n g to m a i n t a i n s t a b i l i t y
i n c h a l l e n g i n g d r i v i n g co n d i t i o n s .
J a g u a r D r i ve C o n t r o l T M o f f e r s t h e d r i ve r t h e o p p o r t u n i t y
to s e l e c t d i f fe re n t m o d e s to s u i t t h e i r d r i v i n g p re fe re n ce
o r t h e p reva i l i n g co n d i t i o n s . D y n a m i c m o d e d e l i ve r s eve n
more responsive acceleration for a thrilling sporting
experience. Winter mode dampens the accelerator pedal
response to help reduce the risk of spin and maintain
progressive wheel control in slippery conditions.
It s b es p o ke s h i f t s e t t i n g s d e l ay a n d s o f t e n g e a r s h i f t s
for bet ter control with low grip.
XK features a range of innovative and advanced driving
t e c h n o l o g i e s d e s i g n e d to co m p l e m e n t t h e d r i ve r a n d e n h a n ce
t h e d r i ve . A d a p t i ve D y n a m i c s co n t i n u o u s l y m o n i to r s t h e c a r ’s
s p e e d , s t e e r i n g a n d b o d y m ove m e n t s , a n a l ys i n g t h e s u s p e n s i o n
response and varying the damping to suit the conditions,
w h e t h e r co r n e r i n g , n av i g at i n g u n eve n s u r fa ce s o r a cce l e rat i n g
on an open road. The system calculates the appropriate
s u s p e n s i o n r e s p o n s e 5 0 0 t i m e s e ve r y s e c o n d k e e p i n g t h e
ve h i c l e f l a t , s t a b l e a n d s e c u r e a l l o w i n g c o n f i d e n t , p r e c i s e
handling without any loss of ride comfort.
With its higher performance capabilities the XKR demands
eve n g re ate r a g i l i t y a n d co n t ro l . T h e A c t i ve D i f fe re n t i a l wo r k s
t o g e t h e r w i t h t h e X K R’s t r a c t i o n , A B S a n d D y n a m i c S t a b i l i t y
C o n t ro l to a n a l ys e t h e f i r m n e s s o f t h e ro a d s u r fa ce . I t a d j u s t s
the differential of each wheel to optimise traction on loose
s u r f a c e s , a n d s h a r p e n t h e c a r ’s a g i l i t y t h r o u g h b e n d s .
Th e X K R’s r id e a nd ha nd ling c a p a b ilities c a n b e fur ther up rated
with the optional Dynamic Pack. This includes extensive
revisions to the suspension, including a stiffer front knuckle
f o r i m p r o ve d s t e e r i n g p r e c i s i o n , b e s p o k e s p r i n g a n d d a m p e r
settings, revised Adaptive Dynamics and a 10mm reduction
in ride height.
scan to view the
X K R te chn i c a l f i l m
d E TA i L
J a g u a r s e l e c t s t h e f i n e s t m ate r i a l s to c re ate i n te r i o r s
that are finished to the most luxurious standards.
Classic textures are combined with modern styling,
f l aw l e s s c r a f t s m a n s h i p a n d s i g n a t u r e p h o s p h o r b l u e
mood lig htin g in a cab in t h at is el eg ant , co ntem p o ra r y
a n d d r i v e r - f o c u s e d . L e a t h e r f e a t u r e s e x t e n s i v e l y,
along with hand-crafted wood, piano black or
techn ical fin ish veneers and s m o o t h ch ro m e. T h e w i de
s e l e c t i o n o f c o l o u r s , m at e r i a l s a n d v e n e e r s o f f e r t h e
o p p o r t u n i t y f o r p e r s o n a l i s a t i o n a n d i n d i v i d u a l i t y,
w h i l s t u n i q u e c h o i c e s s u c h a s Po l t ro n a F ra u ® l e at h e r
headlin in g – optio nal o n Co up é m o d el s – can p rov i de
the perfect finishing touch.
T h re e s e at s t y l e s a re ava i l a b l e , e a c h w i t h d e t a i l e d f i n i s h i n g
a n d a co m p re h e n s i ve ra n ge o f co l o u r c h o i ce s . S p o r t s s e at s
upholstered in Bond grain leather are standard in the XK
a n d X K R . T h e y f e a t u r e h e a t i n g , 1 0 - way p o w e r a d j u s t m e n t
a n d m e m o r y f u n c t i o n . Fo r e ve n g r e a t e r c o m f o r t t h e 1 6 - way
adjustable Luxury seats, standard in XK Por t folio models,
are upholstered in twin-stitched soft grain leather and are
heated and cooled.
P e r f o r m a n c e s e a t s a r e av a i l a b l e a s a n o p t i o n o n t h e X K
Po r t f o l i o a n d X K R . T h e y p r o v i d e a s u p r e m e c o m b i n a t i o n o f
co m fo r t a n d l ate ra l s u p p o r t , w i t h i n te g rate d h e a d re s t ra i n t s
a n d s t ro n g l y s c u l p te d s i d e b o l s te r s fo r e xce p t i o n a l s u p p o r t
during hard cornering. They are upholstered in luxurious
s o f t g r a i n l e a t h e r a n d f e a t u r e 1 6 - way e l e c t r i c p o s i t i o n i n g
with heating and memory functions.
Intuitive technology empowers but never overpowers the
driving experience.
P re s s t h e p u l s i n g re d STA RT b u t t o n a n d t h e p r e c i s i o n - m a d e
J a g u a r D r i v e S e l e c t o r T M t h at c o n t r o l s t h e a u t o m a t i c t r a n s m i s s i o n
r i s e s i n t o t h e p a l m o f t h e d r i v e r ’s h a n d . “ D r i ve” i s e n g a g e d w i t h
a s i m p l e t w i s t . Fo r m a x i m u m d r i ve r i n vo l ve m e n t g e a r s c a n a l s o
be selected manually using paddle shifters mounted behind the
s t e e r i n g w h e e l . T h e w h e e l i t s e l f f e a t u r e s a h o s t o f i n t e r a c t i ve
controls while the centre console 7 inch Touch-screen encapsulates
J a g u a r ’s d e s i g n p h i l o s o p h y – s i m p l e a n d i n t u i t i ve ; y o u a r e n e ve r
m o re t h a n a f e w t a p s f ro m a n y c o n t r o l . A m a s t e r p i e c e o f c l a r i t y
a n d s m a r t f u n c t i o n a l i t y, i t i s u s e d t o o p e rat e t h e c l i m at e co n t ro l ,
s a t e l l i t e n av i g at i o n , B l u e t o o t h® t e l e p h o n e s y s t e m a n d i n - c a r
a u d i o . T h e F ro n t M e d i a I n t e r f a c e p r ov i d e s f u l l - f u n c t i o n c o n t r o l
o f a n i Po d ® o r o t h e r M P 3 p l ay e r w h i l e U S B s t o r a g e d e v i c e s c a n
a l s o b e a c c e s s e d . O t h e r p l ay e r s c a n b e c o n n e c t e d t o t h e c a r
t h ro u g h a s t a n d a rd 3 . 5 m m s t e re o a u x i l i a r y i n p u t p o r t .
XK models can also be specified with a host of technologically
innovative options that offer even greater convenience and
d r i v i n g p l e a s u re . T h e A d a p t i v e F r o n t L i g h t i n g s y s t e m f e a t u r e s
dynamic pivoting headlamps with integrated cornering lights
t h a t r e a c t t o t h e c a r ’s s p e e d a n d t h e d r i v e r ’s s t e e r i n g . I t c a n
d e f l e c t t h e h e a d l i g h t b e a m s by u p t o 1 5 d e g r e e s , t o c a s t l i g h t
deeper into corners. Adaptive Cruise Control is designed to
s e n s e i f t h e v e h i c l e i n f ro n t i s m ov i n g a t a s l ow e r s p e e d a n d
use the throttle and brakes to help maintain a constant time
g a p . T h e s y s t e m a u t o m at i c a l l y re t u r n s t h e c a r t o i t s s e t s p e e d
o n c e t h e ro a d a h e a d h a s c l e a re d . Fo r a s s i s t a n c e w h e n p a r k i n g ,
J a g u a r ’s n e w R e v e r s e P a r k C a m e r a w i t h G u i d a n c e p r o v i d e s a
v i d e o d i s p l ay o n t h e To u c h - s c re e n , a l o n g w i t h a va r i a b l e a u d i o
wa r n i n g t o a l e r t t h e d r i v e r t o t h e p r ox i m i t y o f o b j e c t s b o t h i n
f r o n t o f a n d b e h i n d t h e c a r.
The XK range features three superb audio systems,
d e p e n d i n g o n t h e m o d e l c h o s e n . A l l h ave A M / F M ra d i o s
w i t h t h e o p t i o n o f DA B , a n d a r e c o m p a t i b l e w i t h W M A
a n d M P 3 p l ay e r s . T h e J a g u a r 1 2 5 W s o u n d s y s t e m h a s s i x
s p e a ke r s , f e a t u r i n g a w o o f e r a n d t w e e t e r u n i t i n e a c h
door optimally placed to achieve vivid audio with
e n h a n c e d b a s s r e p r o d u c t i o n . J a g u a r ’s 5 2 5 W p r e m i u m
ei gh t s p ea ker so und sys tem h a s a p ower ful DS P a m p lif ie r
w i t h f o u r d o o r - m o u n t e d s p e a ke r s a n d f o u r o t h e r
s p e a ke r s i n t h e c a b i n .
T h e XK ’s h ig h e s t f ide l it y au dio opt ion is t h e as ton is h in g ,
precision crafted, Bowers & Wilkins surround sound
system. Acoustically designed exclusively for the
u n i q u e s o u n d s c a p e o f t h e X K ’s c a b i n , i t d e l i ve r s 52 5 W
o f p u re s o u n d t h ro u g h e i g h t s t rat e g i c a l l y p o s i t i o n e d
s p e a ke r s u t i l i s i n g Kev l a r ® co n e s i n t h e l a rg e r s p e a ke r s
and aluminium domes on the tweeters. It offers
exceptionally clear reproduction using Dolby®
P ro - L o g i c ® I I S u r ro u n d S o u n d f o r e x t ra o rd i n a r y
s o u n d q u a l i t y t h ro u g h o u t t h e c a b i n .
A N D E XC E P T I O N A L R I G I D I T y.
B y
d e s i G n
T h e X K ’s c o m p r e h e n s i v e r a n g e o f a d v a n c e d s a f e t y
systems is designed to assist the driver in dealing with
t h e u n e x p e c t e d , a n d h e l p p ro t e c t o c c u p a n t s a n d o t h e r
road users.
J a g u a r ’s u n i q u e a n d h i g h l y a d va n c e d A d a p t i ve R e s t r a i n t
Te c h n o l o g y S y s t e m ( A RT S T M ) h e l p s t o p ro t e c t d r i ve r a n d
passenger in the event of a collision. Within a fraction
o f a s e c o n d , A RT S T M c a n a s s e s s t h e w e i g h t a n d p o s i t i o n
o f t h e o cc u p a n t s , t h e s eve r i t y o f a n y i m p a c t , a n d d e p l oy
t h e X K ’s f o u r d u a l - s t a g e a i r b a g s .
T h e X K Co n ve r t i b l e h a s i t s ow n a r ray o f s a fe t y fe at u re s ,
i n c l u d i n g a h i g h l y a d va n ce d ro l l - ove r p ro te c t i o n sys t e m .
I f t h e c a r ’s o n - b o a r d s e n s o r s d e t e c t a n i m p e n d i n g
r o l l - ov e r, t w o m a s s i v e l y s t ro n g h o o p s – h i d d e n u n d e r
t h e r e a r t o n n e a u – a re d e s i g n e d t o d e p l o y w i t h i n 6 5
m i l l i s e c o n d s . T h e X K e v e n h e l p s p ro t e c t t h o s e a r o u n d
t h e c a r. T h e i n d u s t r y - l e a d i n g P e d e s t r i a n C o n t a c t
Sen sin g System T M is d es ig ned to raise t h e b o n n e t s l i gh t l y
if it detects a collision with a pedestrian in order to
h e l p p r e v e n t t h e m f ro m c o n t a c t i n g h a rd p o i n t s u n d e r
the bonnet.
I n m a n u f a c t u r i n g t h e X K , J a g u a r re m a i n s at t h e f o r e f r o n t
o f e n v i r o n m e n t a l l y c o n s c i o u s p ro d u c t i o n . A l u m i n i u m i s
n o t o n l y c o m p l e t e l y re c y c l a b l e b u t u p t o 5 0 p e r c e n t o f
t h e X K ’s b o d y s t r u c t u re i s m a d e f ro m re c yc l e d a l u m i n i u m .
I n a d d i t i o n , m a n y o f t h e t h e X K ’s ce n t ra l co m p o n e n t s h ave
been constructed out of recycled materials, such as the
insulation, bat tery and filter housings, air distribution
channels and engine compartment plastic constituents.
T h e n e w X K R- S t a k e s t h e J a g u a r s p o r t s c a r e x p e r i e n c e t o s o a r i n g n e w h e i g h t s . Po w e r e d by a
u n i q u e ve r s i o n o f J a g u a r ’s 5 . 0 L i t re V 8 S u p e rc h a rge d e n g i n e – c a l i b rate d to a c h i eve 5 5 0 P S a n d
p e a k t o r q u e o f 6 8 0 N m – t h e m o s t p o w e r f u l p r o d u c t i o n s p o r t s c a r J a g u a r h a s e ve r p r o d u c e d
is capable of 0-100km/h in just 4.4 seconds and a top speed of 300km/h.
scan to view the
X K R- s b r a n d f i l m
B e s p o ke c h a n g e s t o t h e A d a p t i ve D y n a m i c s to ge t h e r
w i t h a 1 0 m m r e d u c t i o n i n r i d e h e i g h t a n d e x t e n s i ve
revi s i o n s to t h e s u sp ension com p onents a nd geom etr y
de l i ve r pi n - s h a r p h and ling, m a x im ise gr ip a nd op tim ise
control. The unique 20 Vulcan lightweight forged
a l l oy w h e e l s fe at u re i n c re a s e d t y re w i d t h s , w h i l e t h e
p e r f o r m a n c e a c t i ve e x h a u s t g i ve s t h e X K R- S i t s o w n
d i s t i n c t i ve s o u n d s i g n a t u r e . D r a m a t i c , b o l d e x t e r i o r
s t y l i n g c h a n g e s h av e b e e n d e s i g n e d t o i m p r o v e
aerodynamics, maintain stability and reduce lift at
h i g h s p e e d s . T h ey i n c l u d e a c a r b o n f i b re s p l i t te r a n d
l ow e r s p o i l e r, e x t e n d e d s i l l s a n d a u n i q u e r e a r w i n g
a p r o n a n d d i f f u s e r.
scan to view the
XKR-s t e c h n i c a l f i l m
U n i Q U e ly
X K R- S
I n s i d e a ra n ge o f s p o r t i n g t h e m e s a re ava i l a b l e , i n c l u d i n g
exclusive carbon leather with Reims Blue micro-piping
a n d s t i tc h i n g . A Po l t ro n a F ra u ® J e t l e at h e r h e a d l i n i n g a n d
D a r k L i n e a r A l u m i n i u m v e n e e r a r e s t a n d a r d . N e w 1 6 - way
a d j u s t a b l e Pe r fo r m a n ce seat s h ave s t ro n g l y sc u l p te d
side bolsters for exceptional lateral support during
h a r d c o r n e r i n g . A t r u e d r i v e r ’s c a r – t h e e x p e r i e n c e i s
re wa rd i n g a n d u n s u r p a s s e d f o r e x c i t e m e n t .
XK 42
XKR 50
XKR-S 54
PeRFORmance OPTIOnS 58
acceSSORIeS 76
m a I n F e aT U R e S
5. 0 V 8 385 P S P et ro l CoN Verti ble
torQUe Nm – 515
toP SPeeD km/h – 250
0 - 100 km/h SeCoNDS – 5.6
CarboN DioXiDe emiSSioNS g/km – 264
UrbaN l/100km – 17.1
eXtra UrbaN l/100km – 8.0
CombiNeD l/100km – 11.2
6-speed electronic automatic transmission with Jaguar sequential shifttm
Jaguardrive selectortm
adaptive dynamics
Bond grain leather
Bi-function hid Xenon headlamps with led daytime running lights
and automatic levelling
Jaguar smart Key systemtm with Keyless start
18D venus wheels
sport seats (10/10 way)
7 inch colour touch-screen display
navigation system with dvd mapping
cruise control with automatic speed limiter (asl)
front media interface with auX socket usB and ipod connectivity
Bluetooth® telephone connectivity
power folding exterior mirrors
front and rear parking aid with touch-screen visual indicator
5. 0 V 8 385 P S P et ro l CoU P É
torQUe Nm – 515
toP SPeeD km/h – 250
0 - 100 km/h SeCoNDS – 5.5
CarboN DioXiDe emiSSioNS g/km – 264
UrbaN l/100km – 17.1
eXtra UrbaN l/100km – 8.0
CombiNeD l/100km – 11.2
18D venus
19D and 20D alloy wheels
Jaguar smart Key systemtm with Keyless start and Keyless entry
adaptive front lighting with dynamic pivoting headlamps and
integrated cornering lights
poltrona frau® Jet leather headlining
heated windscreen with timer
Jaguar 525w premium sound system
auto dimming exterior mirrors
sport steering wheel trimmed in Jet suedecloth
reverse park camera with guidance
Bright stainless steel pedals
XK Black pack
19D caravela
19D artura
20D Kalimnos
20D orona*
*available early 2012
no cost options
dark grey
dark green
dark Brown
satin elm
satin rosewood
rich oak
piano Black
satin american walnut
Bright Knurled aluminium Burr walnut
InTeRIOR envIROnmenT
S e aT T R I m
a n d L e aT H e R
sport seats in warm charcoal
with warm charcoal upper facia,
satin american walnut veneer
and canvas headlining
sport seats in warm charcoal with warm charcoal upper facia
and canvas headlining
sport seats in caramel with caramel upper facia
and canvas headlining
*optional poltrona frau® Jet leather headlining available where warm charcoal upper facia selected.
sport seats in ivory with warm charcoal upper facia
and canvas headlining
5. 0 V 8 385 P S P et ro l CoU P É
torQUe Nm – 515
toP SPeeD km/h – 250
0 - 100 km/h SeCoNDS – 5.5
CarboN DioXiDe emiSSioNS g/km – 264
UrbaN l/100km – 17.1
eXtra UrbaN l/100km – 8.0
CombiNeD l/100km – 11.2
5. 0 V 8 385 P S P et ro l CoN Verti ble
torQUe Nm – 515
toP SPeeD km/h – 250
0 - 100 km/h SeCoNDS – 5.6
CarboN DioXiDe emiSSioNS g/km – 264
UrbaN l/100km – 17.1
eXtra UrbaN l/100km – 8.0
CombiNeD l/100km – 11.2
m a I n F e aT U R e S
i n a d d i ti o n to X K
soft grain leather interior with twin needle contrast stitch
luxury seats (16/16 way)
19D caravela wheels
Bowers & wilkins 525w surround sound system
suedecloth premium headlining (excludes convertible hood)
Jaguar smart Key systemtm with Keyless start and Keyless entry
auto dimming exterior mirrors
extended choice of veneer and interior combinations
heated and cooled front seats
heated leather steering wheel
heated windscreen with timer
performance seats (16/16 way)
19D and 20D alloy wheels
poltrona frau® Jet leather headlining
heated sport steering wheel trimmed in Jet suedecloth
heated windscreen with timer
adaptive front lighting with dynamic pivoting headlamps and
integrated cornering lights
reverse park camera with guidance
Bright stainless steel pedals
6 disc in-facia cd
XK Black pack
19D caravela
19D artura
19D tamana
20D Kalimnos
20D orona*
20D selena
20D takoba
*available early 2012
image shown: XK portfolio with optional performance seats
no cost options
dark grey
dark green
dark Brown
no cost options
figured ebony
Bright Knurled aluminium Burr walnut
satin elm
satin rosewood
rich oak
piano Black
InTeRIOR envIROnmenT
no cost options
S e aT T R I m
a n d L e aT H e R
luxury seats in ivory with
warm charcoal upper facia,
ivory contrast stitch, figured
ebony veneer and canvas
suedecloth premium headlining
warm charcoal
with warm charcoal
upper facia and
london tan
contrast stitch (l)
warm charcoal and
london tan duo-tone
with warm charcoal
upper facia and london
tan contrast stitch (l,p)
warm charcoal
with warm
charcoal upper
facia and ivory
contrast stitch (l,p)
caramel with warm
charcoal upper
facia and caramel
contrast stitch (l,p)
caramel with
caramel upper facia
and warm charcoal
contrast stitch (l)
ivory with warm
charcoal upper
facia and ivory
contrast stitch (l,p)
l luxury seats p performance seats option
*canvas suedecloth premium headlining as standard. optional Jet suedecloth and optional poltrona frau® Jet leather headlining available.
ivory with oyster
upper facia and ivory
contrast stitch (l)
ivory with slate Blue
upper facia and ivory
contrast stitch (l)
5. 0 V 8 SUP erCHarG eD 5 1 0P S P etrol CoU P É
torQUe Nm – 625
toP SPeeD km/h – 250
0 - 100 km/h SeCoNDS – 4.8
CarboN DioXiDe emiSSioNS g/km – 292
UrbaN l/100km – 18.9
eXtra UrbaN l/100km – 8.6
CombiNeD l/100km – 12.3
5. 0 V 8 SUP erCHarG eD 5 1 0P S P etrol CoN Verti bl e
torQUe Nm – 625
toP SPeeD km/h – 250
0 - 100 km/h SeCoNDS – 4.8
CarboN DioXiDe emiSSioNS g/km – 292
UrbaN l/100km – 18.9
eXtra UrbaN l/100km – 8.6
CombiNeD l/100km – 12.3
m a I n F e aT U R e S
i n a d d i ti o n to X K
active differential
19D tamana wheels
Bonnet louvres with supercharged script
Jaguar high performance Braking system
sports active exhaust with quad tailpipes
gunmetal brake calipers
Jaguar 525w premium sound system
suedecloth premium headlining
Jaguar smart Key systemtm with Keyless start and Keyless entry
heated front seats
power folding exterior mirrors
luxury seats (16/16 way)
performance seats (16/16 way)
Bowers & wilkins 525w surround sound system
6 disc in-facia cd
reverse park camera with guidance
poltrona frau® Jet leather headlining
heated sport steering wheel trimmed in Jet suedecloth
heated windscreen with timer
Bright stainless steel pedals
adaptive front lighting with dynamic pivoting headlamps and
integrated cornering lights
performance active exhaust with quad tailpipes
red brake calipers
XKr aerodynamic pack
XKr Black pack
XKr speed pack
XKr speed with Black pack
XKr dynamic pack
XKr dynamic with Black pack
19D tamana
20D Kalimnos
20D nevis
20D takoba
20D orona*
*available early 2012
no cost options
dark grey
dark green
dark Brown
no cost option
dark mesh aluminium
dark oak
Burr walnut
satin elm
satin rosewood
rich oak
piano Black
warm charcoal with
warm charcoal upper
facia and london tan
contrast stitch (l)
warm charcoal with
warm charcoal upper
facia and red contrast
stitch (l,p)
ivory with warm
charcoal upper facia
and ivory contrast
stitch (l,p)
warm charcoal and
london tan duo-tone
with warm charcoal
upper facia and london
tan contrast stitch (p)
warm charcoal and red
duo-tone with warm
charcoal upper facia and
red contrast stitch (p)
InTeRIOR envIROnmenT
sport seats in warm
charcoal with warm
charcoal upper facia (l,p)
warm charcoal with
warm charcoal upper
facia and ivory contrast
stitch (l,p)
S e aT T R I m
a n d L e aT H e R
luxury seats in warm charcoal
with warm charcoal upper
facia, red contrast stitch, dark
mesh aluminium veneer and Jet
suedecloth premium headlining
l luxury seats p performance seats option
*Jet suedecloth premium headlining as standard. optional canvas suedecloth and optional poltrona frau® Jet leather headlining available.
X K r- S
5. 0 V 8 SUP erCHarG eD 5 5 0P S P etrol CoU P É
torQUe Nm – 680
toP SPeeD km/h – 300
0 - 100 km/h SeCoNDS – 4.4
CarboN DioXiDe emiSSioNS g/km – 292
UrbaN l/100km – 18.9
eXtra UrbaN l/100km – 8.6
CombiNeD l/100km – 12.3
m a I n F e aT U R e S
i n a d d i ti o n to X K r
Jaguar high performance Braking system with red calipers
20D vulcan alloy wheels, forged and lightweight, dark technical finish
revised springs, revised dampers and forged and fully machined
front knuckle
uprated active differential
uprated adaptive dynamics
10mm ride height reduction
performance active exhaust with quad tailpipes
unique front bumper with twin nacelles, broad vertical side intakes
and carbon fibre splitter
extended side sills
rear apron featuring carbon fibre diffuser
unique rear wing with carbon fibre inlay
performance seats with carbon and soft grain leather (16/16 way)
Bright stainless steel pedals
XKr-s tread plates
poltrona frau® Jet leather headlining
Bowers & wilkins 525w surround sound system
unique dark linear aluminium veneer
6 disc in-facia cd
20D vulcan
dark technical finish
20D vulcan
gloss Black finish
20D vulcan alloy wheels with gloss Black finish
carbon fibre engine cover
adaptive front lighting with dynamic pivoting headlamps
heated sport steering wheel trimmed in Jet suedecloth
heated windscreen with timer
digital audio Broadcasting (daB) radio receiver
reverse park camera with guidance
tyre pressure monitoring system (tpms)
gunmetal brake calipers
XKr-s Bright pack
no cost option
dark linear aluminium
piano Black
InTeRIOR envIROnmenT
no cost options
S e aT T R I m
a n d L e aT H e R
performance seats in warm charcoal
and carbon with warm charcoal
upper facia and reims Blue contrast
micro-piping and stitch, dark linear
aluminium veneer and poltrona frau®
Jet leather headlining
performance seats in warm charcoal
and carbon with warm charcoal
upper facia and reims Blue contrast
micro-piping and stitch
*poltrona frau® Jet leather headlining.
performance seats in warm charcoal
and carbon with warm charcoal
upper facia and ivory contrast
micro-piping and stitch
performance seats in warm charcoal
and carbon with warm charcoal
upper facia and red contrast
micro-piping and stitch
performance seats in warm charcoal
and london tan duo-tone with
warm charcoal upper facia and
london tan contrast stitch
performance seats in warm charcoal
and red duo-tone with warm
charcoal upper facia and red
contrast stitch
PeRFORmance and TecHnIcaL OPTIOnS
a da P T I v e F RO n T L I g H T I n g W I T H dy n a m I c
P I v O T I n g H e a d L a m P S a n d I n T e g R aT e d
this optional system features dynamic pivoting headlights
that react to the car’s speed as well as the driver’s steering and
can deflect the headlight beams by up to 15 degrees, casting
light deeper into corners to improve visibility while cornering.
cornering lights illuminate areas to the side of the car at low
speeds when the indicators are in use, or at larger steering
angles, for example when parking.
(optional on all XK models)
R e v e R S e Pa R K c a m e R a W I T H g U I da n c e
this new optional feature provides added convenience
and safety when reversing. discreetly located in the rear
boot lid finisher and operated via the touch-screen, it
integrates with the standard front and rear parking aids.
(optional on all XK models)
B R I g H T S Ta I n L e S S S T e e L P e d a L S
made from stainless steel and rubber, the pedals fit
securely over existing pedals for a contemporary,
sporting appearance.
(standard on XKr-s, optional on all other XK models)
PeRFORmance acTIve eXHaUST
W I T H q U a d Ta I L P I P e S
unique performance tuning gives a distinctive, deeply
satisfying aural signature while quad tailpipes, two either
side of the car’s rear diffuser, add the finishing touch.
(standard on XKr-s, optional on XKr)
H e aT e d S P O RT ST e e R I n g W H e e L
TRImmed In JeT SUedecLOTH*
this new option offers improved grip for the performance
driver. heated, with a non contrast stitch. designer choice
recommendation is with warm charcoal interiors.
(optional on all XK models)
P O LT RO n a F R a U ®
J e T L e aT H e R H e a d L I n I n g
produced by renowned furnishings house poltrona frau®,
which draws upon its extensive experience in creating
premium interiors for the motor industry.
(standard on XKr-s, optional on all other XK models)
*image shown is XKr steering wheel
P e r f o r m a N C e S e at
the new performance seat is standard on the XKr-s and available as an option on the XKr and XK portfolio.
designed to provide the optimum combination of lateral support and superb comfort, performance seats
feature integrated head restraints and strongly sculpted side bolsters for exceptional support during hard
cornering. they are 16-way electrically adjustable and include heat and memory functionality.
InTeRIOR envIROnmenT
XK portfolio and XKr
seats in warm
charcoal with
warm charcoal
upper facia
and ivory
contrast stitch
performance seats
in warm charcoal
and london tan
duo-tone with
warm charcoal
upper facia and
london tan
contrast stitch
XKr only
performance seats
in ivory with warm
charcoal upper
facia and ivory
contrast stitch
seats in warm
charcoal with
warm charcoal
upper facia
seats in warm
charcoal with
warm charcoal
upper facia
and red
contrast stitch
seats in warm
charcoal and
red duo-tone
with warm
charcoal upper
facia and red
contrast stitch
the XKr speed pack, available as an option exclusively on XKr models,
increases maximum speed from 250km/h (155mph) to an awe-inspiring
280km/h (174mph).
XKr speed pack includes:
• increased top speed to 280km/h
• Body coloured aerodynamic pack (front splitter and larger rear spoiler),
side sill extensions and rear diffuser
• 20D Kasuga alloy wheels
• select paint palette
the XKr dynamic pack*† takes the XKr experience to another level,
further extending its dynamic capabilities.
XKr dynamic pack includes:
• increased top speed to 280km/h
• Body coloured aerodynamic pack, side sill extensions and rear diffuser
• revised springs, revised dampers and forged and fully machined
front knuckle
• uprated adaptive dynamics
• 10mm ride height reduction
• 20D vulcan alloy wheels, forged and lightweight, in a polished finish
• red brake calipers
• select paint palette
*available later in 2011.
**not available with Black pack.
†coupé only.
image shown: XKr coupé in stratus grey with optional XKr speed pack.
bl aCK PaCK
available on XKr, the Black pack brings even greater visual assertiveness.
XKr Black pack includes:
• Body coloured aerodynamic pack (front splitter and larger rear spoiler)
• gloss black finish to upper and lower mesh grilles, side intakes, side power vents and boot lid finisher
• gloss black finish to window surrounds (convertible chrome window surrounds)
• 20D Kalimnos alloy wheels with gloss black finish
SPeeD WitH bl aCK PaCK
XKr speed with Black pack includes:
• increased top speed to 280km/h
• Body coloured aerodynamic pack, side sill extensions and rear diffuser
• gloss black finish to upper and lower mesh grilles, side intakes, side power vents and boot lid finisher
• gloss black finish to window surrounds (convertible chrome window surrounds)
• 20D Kalimnos alloy wheels with gloss black finish
• select paint palette
DYNamiC WitH bl aCK PaCK
XKr dynamic with Black pack** includes:
• increased top speed to 280km/h
• Body coloured aerodynamic pack, side sill extensions and rear diffuser
• 20D vulcan alloy wheels with gloss black finish
• 10mm ride height reduction
• red brake calipers
• revised springs and dampers
• revised front suspension, including forged and fully machined front knuckle,
with revised rear geometry
• uprated adaptive dynamics
• gloss black finish to upper and lower mesh grilles, side intakes, side power vents and boot lid finisher
• gloss black finish to window surrounds (convertible chrome window surrounds)
• select paint palette
**available later in 2011. coupé only.
image shown: XKr coupé in polaris white with optional XKr speed with Black pack, optional red calipers and XKr body
side graphic (dealer fit accessory).
u n i Q u e
X K r - s
o Pt io N S
XKR-S decaLS
to add even greater distinction and individuality and to leave no doubt
that this is the XKr-s, unique decals are available as a dealer fit accessory.
these two-part decals sit one on top of the front wing and over the opposite
rear haunch of the car*.
caRBOn FIBRe engIne cOveR
the optional carbon fibre engine cover with r-s logos is guaranteed to grab
attention the moment the bonnet is lifted.
*please consult your Jaguar dealer for final confirmation of decal design.
STa n da R d
polaris white
ultimate Black†
stratus grey†
rs, sd, B
rs, sd, B
rs, sd, B
Jaguar’s new colour palette has been developed
to reflect the vitality and elegance of the vehicle.
the standard colours express a unique style and
subtle sophistication. Jaguar also offers a further
range of premium finishes, as well as the exclusive
special selection colours. racing inspired finishes
evoke Jaguar’s formidable sporting heritage.
rs XKr-s colours
sd speed pack and dynamic pack
speed with Black pack and dynamic with Black pack
*metallic paint
†Xirallic paint
for availability please consult your local Jaguar dealer.
lunar grey*
rhodium silver*
sd, B
not available on XKr
crystal Blue*
not available on XKr
Black amethyst†
Race InSPIRed
Kyanite Blue†
British racing green†
italian racing red†
french racing Blue
rs, sd, B
rs, sd, B
rs (XKr-s only)
STa n da R d F e aT U R e S
aLL mOdeLS
POWeRTRaIn and dRIvIng dynamIcS
6-speed electronic automatic transmission with Jaguar sequential shifttm
Jaguardrive selectortm
Jaguardrive controltm with winter mode and dynamic mode
adaptive dynamics
cruise control with automatic speed limiter (asl)
electronic Brake-force distribution (eBd)
electric parking Brake (epB) – drive-away release
dynamic stability control (with trac dsc mode)
e X T e R I O R F e aT U R e S
Bi-function hid Xenon headlamps with led daytime running lights and automatic levelling
led tail lamps
automatic headlamps
automatic headlamp washers
rain sensing windscreen wipers
heated exterior mirrors with electric adjustment, power-folding with auto-powerfold on locking vehicle
and memory function with integrated led side repeaters and approach lamps
front and rear parking aid with touch-screen visual indicator
rear spoiler
electronically operated convertible hood with integrated tonneau cover (convertible only)
I n T e R I O R F e aT U R e S
automatic climate control
auto-dimming interior rear view mirror
auxiliary power socket (centre console)
twin cup holders
front electric windows with one touch open/close and anti-trap
trip computer with message centre
Jaguar smart Key systemtm with Keyless start
front ashtray and lighter
phosphor blue halo illumination and interior mood lighting
clock in touch-screen
memory function with 2 settings for driver’s seat, exterior mirrors and steering column
please consult your local Jaguar dealer for details and availability.
please refer to the glossary for a more detailed description of features.
SaFeTy and SecURITy
remote control central locking with dead locking and drive-away locking
engine immobiliser
valet mode
anti-lock Braking system (aBs)
emergency Brake assist (eBa)
roll-over protection system (convertible only)
airbags front and side (driver and front passenger)
adaptive restraint technology system (artstm)
front and rear seat belt pre-tensioners
front seat whiplash reduction system
Belt minder system (front seats only)
pedestrian contact sensingtm – automatically deployable bonnet system
m U LT I m e d I a
front media interface with auX socket, usB and ipod connectivity
windows media audio (wma) and mp3 compatibility
Bluetooth® telephone connectivity
navigation system with dvd mapping
7 inch colour touch-screen display
T e c H n I c a L S P e c I F I c aT I O n S
5.0 v8
aJ-v8 gen III
5.0 v8
aJ-v8 gen III
5.0 v8
SUPeRcHaRged 510PS
aJ-v8 gen III R
5.0 v8
SUPeRcHaRged 510PS
aJ-v8 gen III R
5.0 v8
SUPeRcHaRged 550PS
aJ-v8 gen III R
385 (283)
515 (380)
6-speed automatic
385 (283)
515 (380)
6-speed automatic
510 (375)
625 (461)
6-speed automatic
510 (375)
625 (461)
6-speed automatic
550 (405)
680 (502)
6-speed automatic
250 (155) limited
250 (155) limited
250 (155) limited
280 (174) limited*
280 (174) limited*
250 (155) limited
280 (174) limited*
F U e L c O n S U m P T I O n (1)
l/100km (mpg)
extra urban
l/100km (mpg)
l/100km (mpg)
carbon dioxide emissions
tank capacity
ltr (gals) approx.
17.1 (16.5)
8.0 (35.3)
11.2 (25.2)
70.6 (15.5)
17.1 (16.5)
8.0 (35.3)
11.2 (25.2)
70.6 (15.5)
18.9 (14.9)
8.6 (33.0)
12.3 (23.0)
70.6 (15.5)
18.9 (14.9)
8.6 (33.0)
12.3 (23.0)
70.6 (15.5)
18.9 (14.9)
8.6 (33.0)
12.3 (23.0)
70.6 (15.5)
W e I g H T (2) / d I m e n S I O n S
kg (lbs)
gross vehicle weight
kg (lbs)
ground clearance
turning circle diameter
m (
Boot volume with roof up
litres - vda (cu.ft.)
Boot volume with roof down litres - vda (cu.ft.)
1,660 (3,651)
2,075 (4,575)
10.9 (35.8)
330 (11.7)
1,696 (3,739)
2,120 (4,674)
10.9 (35.8)
313 (11.1)
200 (7.1)
1,753 (3,865)
2,145 (4,729)
10.9 (35.8)
330 (11.7)
1,800 (3,968)
2,185 (4,817)
10.9 (35.8)
313 (11.1)
200 (7.1)
1,753 (3,865)
2,145 (4,729)
10.9 (35.8)
330 (11.1)
cylinders/valves per cylinder
maximum power
maximum torque
0-100 km/h
0-60 mph
top speed
top speed with XKr speed pack
top speed with XKr dynamic pack
eec-ps (kw)
eec-nm (lb.ft.)
km/h (mph)
km/h (mph)
km/h (mph)
300 (186) limited
the fuel consumption figures were obtained in tests carried out in line with the passenger car fuel consumption and co2 emissions information regulations 2001 (reflecting eu directive 80/1268/eec as amended by 2004/3/ec). these figures are correct at time of going to press.
please consult your local Jaguar dealer for details of charges associated with option fitment. weights reflect vehicles to standard specifications. optional extras increase weight.
*maximum speed of 280km/h (174mph) when XKr with speed pack or dynamic pack is selected.
note: the dimension details refer to a nominal car but may vary marginally from car to car due to design and production tolerances. the nominal condition has been used wherever possible. please consult your local Jaguar dealer for details of changes associated with option fitment.
I n T e R I O R F e aT U R e S
garage door opener with overhead console remote control
Jaguar smart Key systemtm with Keyless start and Keyless entry
automatic air recirculation with 5 settings
e X T e R I O R F e aT U R e S
o option
nco no cost option
– not available
please consult your local Jaguar dealer or visit
please refer to the glossary for a more detailed description of features.
SaFeTy and SecURITy
tyre pressure monitoring system (tpms)*
heated windscreen with timer
adaptive front lighting with dynamic pivoting headlamps and integrated cornering lights
XK front bumper with chrome finish upper and lower mesh grilles
XK rear bumper with black lower valance
XKr front bumper with gloss black finish upper and lower mesh grilles
XKr rear bumper with body colour lower valance
XKr-s unique front design with twin nacelles, broad vertical side intakes
and carbon fibre splitter
XKr-s unique rear apron featuring carbon fibre rear diffuser
2 standard
e X T e R I O R F e aT U R e S cOnTInUed
XKr-s unique rear wing with carbon fibre inlay
XKr-s unique extended side sills highlighting XKr-s reduced ride height of 10mm
Bonnet louvres with supercharged script
chrome finish to exterior trim
gloss black finish to exterior trim
premium convertible hood colours
XKr aerodynamic pack
XKr branding to front and rear
XKr-s branding to front and rear
auto dimming exterior mirrors
reverse park camera with guidance
POWeRTRaIn and dRIvIng dynamIcS
5.0 v8 385ps
5.0 v8 supercharged 510ps
5.0 v8 supercharged 550ps
active differential
adaptive cruise control (acc) with forward alert
sports exhaust with twin tailpipes
sports active exhaust with quad tailpipes
performance active exhaust with quad tailpipes
Jaguar performance Braking system
Jaguar high performance Braking system with red calipers
Jaguar high performance Braking system with gunmetal calipers
carbon fibre engine cover
O P T I O n a L F e aT U R e S
alloy space saver spare wheel
m U LT I m e d I a
Jaguar 125w sound system
Jaguar 525w premium sound system
Bowers & wilkins 525w surround sound system
digital audio Broadcasting (daB) radio receiver
6 disc in-facia cd
XK Black pack
XKr Black pack
XKr speed pack
XKr aerodynamic pack
XKr dynamic pack
XKr speed with Back pack
XKr dynamic with Black pack
XKr-s Bright pack
sport seats in Bond grain leather (10/10 way)
luxury seats in soft grain leather with selected contrast stitch colourways (16/16 way)
performance seats in carbon soft grain leather (16/16 way)
performance seats in soft grain leather (16/16 way)
active, ventilated front seats - heated and cooled
leather steering wheel with warm charcoal stitch
heated leather steering wheel with contrast stitch(1)
heated leather steering wheel with warm charcoal stitch
heated sport steering wheel trimmed in Jet suedecloth(2)
XKr-s heated leather steering wheel with contrast stitch
Bright stainless steel pedals
carpet mat set
premium carpet mat set
suedecloth premium headlining
poltrona frau® Jet leather headlining
ivory leather trim colour
*tyre pressure monitoring system (tpms) is not available with 18D alloy wheels.
non-contrast stitch on steering wheel when warm charcoal non-contrast stitch interior environment selected.
standard and optional features availability differ from market to market. for full details please consult your price list, local Jaguar dealer or visit
heated sport steering wheel trimmed in Jet suedecloth is not available with adaptive cruise control (acc) with forward alert.
18D venus
19D caravela
19D tamana
19D artura
20D Kalimnos
20D orona*
5.0 v8 385ps petrol coupé
5.0 v8 385ps petrol convertible
5.0 v8 385ps petrol coupé
5.0 v8 385ps petrol convertible
5.0 v8 supercharged 510ps petrol coupé
5.0 v8 supercharged 510ps petrol convertible
5.0 v8 supercharged 550ps petrol coupé
2 standard
o optional
*available early 2012.
**as part of option pack.
– not available
20D selena
20D takoba
20D nevis
20D vulcan
dark technical finish
20D Kasuga**
20D Kalimnos
gloss Black finish**
20D vulcan
polished finish**
20D vulcan
gloss Black finish**
Black pack
Black pack
Black pack
Black pack
speed pack
dynamic pack
dynamic with
Black pack
speed pack
Bright pack
Black pack
speed with Black pack
Black pack
speed with Black pack
BLacK and cHROme gRILLe SeTS
replacement upper and lower front grilles available in 2
distinct finishes with matching or contrast upper grille
surrounds. available on all XK models excepts XKr-s.
chrome grilles - c2p18324 & c2p18024
Black grilles - c2p18325 & c2p18025
upper grille surround - chrome - c2Z17648
upper grille surround - black - c2p21934
X K R a e RO dy n a m I c Pac K
the aerodynamic pack is available exclusively for XKr models
and consists of a front splitter and larger rear spoiler.
aero kit rear spoiler - c2p22061XXX
front splitter - c2p22272XXX, c2p22274XXX & c2p22276XXX
XKR decaL
vehicle decal designed to enhance the sporty lines and appearance
of the XKr coupé and convertible.
c2p22312 & c2p22313
2 0 D g L O S S B L a c K Ta KO B a a L L Oy W H e e L S
front - c2p21003
rear - c2p21004
ST y L e d va Lv e c a P S
complete the look of your XK’s wheels with custom valve caps.
available featuring 4 iconic designs.
valve caps with Black Jack - c2d19598
valve caps with union Jack - c2d19599
valve caps with Jaguar logo - c2d19596
valve caps with ‘r’ logo - c2d19597
cenTRe WHeeL Badge - WHeeL nUTS
a distinctive red wheel centre badge featuring the Jaguar logo
that fits all available wheels. enhance the look of your XK’s
wheels with Jaguar branded black or chrome wheel nuts.
wheel centre badge - red - c2d12326
wheel nut kit - chrome with Jaguar logo - c2d20072
wheel nut kit - black with Jaguar logo - c2d20073
a L LOy W H e e L S
the following wheels are also available as accessories. see alloy wheel options page 74-75.
18D venUS
front - c2p1010
rear - c2p12612
1 9 D c a R av e L a
front - c2p12613
rear - c2p12614
1 9 D a RT U R a
front - c2p14209
rear - c2p12617
1 9 D Ta m a n a
front - c2p12619
rear - c2p12620
20D KaLImnOS
front - c2p12615
rear - c2p12616
20D nevIS
front - c2Z4429
rear - c2p15688
chrome mirror covers accentuate the stylish design of the
XK’s exterior mirrors and add further individuality to the car’s
unique lines and sporting character.
c2d5489 & c2d5488
stunning body coloured louvres with black mesh
and styled chrome inserts add further emphasis to
one of the XKrs most distinctive styling features.
available on XKr and XKr-s only.
Ta I L P I P e F I n I S H e R S ( Pa I R )
stainless steel exhaust finishers add further style,
sportiness and refinement to the XK.
not available for XKr.
WInd deFLecTOR
add comfort during open top driving and reduce driver and passenger
wind buffeting with the pop-up, removable wind deflector in brushed
aluminium finish. also available in black finish.
Bright finish - c2p17566
Black finish - c2p2440
L U g g a g e c O m Pa RT m e n T P R e m I U m c a R P e T m aT
luxurious soft luggage mat in Jet black with the Jaguar logo.
deep premium 2050g/m2 pile with nubuck edging and dove contrast stitch.
coupé - c2p22021
convertible - c2p22022
P R e m I U m c a R P e T m aT S e T
luxurious, tailored 780g/m2 pile front carpet mat set with
embossed Jaguar logo and nubuck edge binding. the premium
mats provide a well appointed finishing touch to the interior.
available in the following colours:
flint with warm charcoal edge - c2p21740yKm
caramel with caramel edge - c2p21740yhQ
flint with ivory edge (not shown) - c2p21740yld
L e aT H e R T O P P e d g e a R S e L e c T O R
a specially designed gear selector with premium dark leather finished top and
rubber bezel with soft touch grip.
c2d21919pvJ & c2d21956
made from stainless steel and rubber, the pedal kit fits securely
over existing pedals for a contemporary, sporting appearance.
L U g g ag e S Pac e e X T e n S I O n K I T c a R P e T I n S e RT
this kit replaces the spare wheel in the XK luggage compartment with a trimmed
liner to offer additional space. includes an emergency tyre puncture repair system.
c2p20314, c2p17107, c2Z10213, c2p20105 & c2p17247
L U g g ag e c O m Pa RT m e n T F I n I S H e R
this Jaguar branded finisher enhances the XK boot area. the finisher is made from
stainless steel, has a brushed finish with bright highlights and adds aesthetic appeal
as well as scuff protection.
L U g g ag e c O m Pa RT m e n T L I n e R
fitted semi-rigid rubber liner to protect the floor of the luggage compartment.
caR caRe, TRacTIOn aIdS & maInTenance
a L L - W e aT H e R c a R c O v e R
all-weather tailored cover for the XK with
the Jaguar logo. protect your XK from the
elements, including showers, frost and
dust. Quick and easy to fit.
a U T O g Ly m L I F e S H I n e
please consult your Jaguar dealer.
WHeeL cLeaneR
alloy wheel cleaner developed by
autoglym specifically for Jaguar wheels.
cHILd SaFeTy
group 0+ (birth - 13kg) - infant carrier - rear facing with
adjustable fit 5 point harness system, and secured using
safety belt or isofiX base. deep side wings offer improved
side impact protection. sun/wind canopy included.*
isofiX base - c2c32923
group i (9kg - 18kg) - forward facing with adjustable
fit 5 point harness system. secured using safety belt or
integrated isofiX.*
an innovative lightweight textile snow and ice traction aid for use
on roads in winter conditions. easy and quick to attach, packs down
for easy stowage. please consult your Jaguar dealer for the correct
size to suit your wheels and tyres. recommend fit to all four wheels.
snow sock pack 695 - c2d20229
snow sock pack 697 - c2d20230
snow sock pack 69J - c2d20228
TRacTIOn aId
high grip snow chain traction
system for driving in snowy,
muddy or icy conditions.
fits the rear wheels only.
traction aid - Xr836517
Wa R n I n g T R I a n g L e
group i-ii (15kg - 36kg) - height adjustable two-part
seat. designed to offer improved impact protection,
and secured using safety belt with features to ensure
seat belt is positioned correctly.*
*please consult your Jaguar dealer for secure fitting instructions.
POWeRTRaIn and dRIvIng dynamIcS
J a g U a R S e q U e n T I a L S H I F T Tm
provides the choice of drive, sport automatic or manual gearshift modes, with one touch paddles mounted
behind the steering wheel to control gear changes manually.
adaPTIve dynamIcS
designed to provide the optimum balance between low speed ride comfort and high speed handling precision,
analysing body movement, steering and road wheel inputs up to 500 times a second and continuously adjusting
the suspension settings through electronically controlled dampers.
acTIve dIFFeRenTIaL
an electronically controlled, active differential with handling functionality that limits the slip between
the rear wheels to improve traction and stability in different driving conditions, working in harmony with
the traction, aBs and dsc systems.
dy n a m I c STa B I L I T y cO n T RO L ( W I T H T R ac d S c m O d e )
intervenes in demanding driving situations by applying braking to individual wheels and reducing engine torque.
J a g U a R d R I v e c O n T R O LTm
interacts with the dsc (dynamic stability control) engine and transmission management systems to change
the characteristics of engine mapping, transmission shifts and brake interventions. it offers different modes
selectable by a button and is designed to optimise the vehicle response depending on driving conditions
and style.
WInTeR mOde
softens the responsiveness of the engine and modifies the gear change strategy to improve traction in icy
or slippery conditions. the vehicle performs in a more gentle and controlled manner, allowing more confident
progress. when active, winter mode selects 2nd gear for pulling away on level ground (no incline).
dynamIc mOde
designed to optimise vehicle systems to deliver a more involving driving experience. when dynamic mode
is selected, trac dsc is automatically engaged, and engine torque delivery characteristics and gear shift
points are modified to further improve responsiveness. when selected while the transmission is in full
manual mode, transmission up-shifts are fully controlled by the driver, with no automatic up-shift when
the rev limit is reached.
e X T e R I O R F e aT U R e S
adaPTIve FROnT LIgHTIng WITH dynamIc PIvOTIng HeadLamPS
a n d I n T e g R aT e d cO R n e R I n g L I g H T S
sensors react to the car’s speed and steering input, and the system can deflect the headlight beams
by up to 15 degrees casting light deeper into corners, and giving added confidence at night.
XKR aeROdynamIc PacK
Body coloured front splitter and body coloured larger rear spoiler.
XK BL acK PacK
20D Kalimnos alloy wheels with gloss black finish. gloss black finish to upper and lower mesh grilles,
side intakes, side power vents, boot lid finisher and window surrounds (convertible chrome window surrounds).
20D Kalimnos alloy wheels with gloss black finish. gloss black finish to upper and lower mesh grilles,
side intakes, side power vents, boot lid finisher and window surrounds (convertible chrome window surrounds).
XKR SPeed PacK
maximum speed increase from 250km/h to 280km/h, body coloured side sill extensions, rear diffuser
and XKr aerodynamic pack (consisting of front splitter and larger rear spoiler).
maximum speed increase from 250km/h to 280km/h, 20D Kalimnos alloy wheels with gloss black finish, body
coloured side sill extensions, rear diffuser and XKr aerodynamic pack (consisting of front splitter and larger
rear spoiler). gloss black finish to upper and lower mesh grilles, side intakes, side power vents, boot lid finisher
and window surrounds (convertible chrome window surrounds).
XKR dynamIc PacK
maximum speed increase from 250km/h to 280km/h, 20D vulcan alloy wheels, forged and lightweight in
polished finish; red brake calipers. 10mm reduction in ride height, forged and fully machined front knuckle
with unique spring and damper settings and uprated adaptive dynamics. Body coloured side sill extensions,
rear diffuser and XKr aerodynamic pack (consisting of front splitter and larger rear spoiler). coupé only.
XKR dynamIc WITH BL acK PacK
maximum speed increase from 250km/h to 280km/h, 20D vulcan alloy wheels, forged and lightweight in
gloss black finish; red brake calipers. 10mm reduction in ride height, forged and fully machined front knuckle
with unique spring and damper settings and uprated adaptive dynamics. Body coloured side sill extensions,
rear diffuser and XKr aerodynamic pack (consisting of front splitter and larger rear spoiler). gloss black finish to
upper and lower mesh grilles, side intakes, side power vents, boot lid finisher and window surrounds. coupé only.
20D vulcan alloy wheels with polished finish. chrome finish to upper mesh grille surround, side power vents,
boot lid finisher and window surrounds.
I n T e R I O R F e aT U R e S
a U TO m aT I c a I R- R e c I Rc U L aT I O n W I T H 5 S e T T I n g S
automatic cabin recirculation triggered by external odour sensor with 5 sensitivity settings.
J a g U a R S m a R T K e y S y S T e m Tm
with the Jaguar smart Key in your pocket or bag, the car automatically unlocks as you pull the door handle.
simply push the ignition button to start the engine. upon leaving, simply press a button on the door handle
to lock the car or use the Jaguar smart Key.
vaLeT mOde
when valet mode is enabled, the vehicle can be parked by a parking attendant who can lock the vehicle,
but cannot open the luggage or glove compartments. valet mode can be enabled and disabled through
a secure function in the touch-screen.
SaFeTy and SecURITy
two automatically deployable hoops which are designed to activate in a roll-over event (convertible only).
m U LT I m e d I a
n a v I g aT I O n S y S T e m (1)(2)
7 inch touch-screen display with dvd mapping, postcode entry, destination entry on the move
and tmc (traffic messaging channel).
JagUaR 125W SOUnd SySTem
with am/fm radio featuring eon, rds, pty, ta and 6 disc in-facia cd with automatic volume control,
100w power amplifier, wma, mp3 compatibility, and 6 speakers.
JagUaR 525W PRemIUm SOUnd SySTem
as Jaguar sound system with 120w per channel (525w total power output) low-distortion
dolby® pro logic® ii surround sound, 3 channel stereo, power amplifier and 8 speakers.
featuring a unique multichannel amplifier with dolby® pro logic® ii surround sound, 3 channel stereo,
and specially-designed Bowers & wilkins loudspeaker components, including high-output, low-distortion
Kevlar® speakers and extended high-frequency aluminium dome tweeters.
W I n d OW S m e d I a a U d I O ( W m a ) a n d m P 3 cO m PaT I B I L I T y
enables the cd player to play cds which contain wma and mp3 files.
TRaFFIc meSSage cHanneL (Tmc)
a specific application of the fm radio data system (rds) used for broadcasting real-time traffic and weather
information. data messages are received silently and decoded by a tmc-equipped car radio or navigation
system, and delivered to the driver in a variety of ways. the most common of these is a tmc-enabled navigation
system that can offer dynamic route guidance, alerting the driver of a problem on the planned route and
calculating an alternative route to avoid the incident.
sport seats with Bond grain leather facings, 10/10 way driver’s and passenger’s electric adjustment including
fore/aft, recline, height, 2-way lumbar support and memory function. variable heated. cloth headlining.
carpet mats.
sport seats with Bond grain leather facings, 10/10 way driver’s and passenger’s electric adjustment including
fore/aft, recline, height, 2-way lumbar support and memory function. variable heated. Jet suedecloth premium
headlining. carpet mats. heated leather steering wheel.
luxury seats in soft grain leather with contrast stitch, 16/16 way driver’s and passenger’s electric adjustment,
variable manual headrest, includes 4-way power lumbar, driver and passenger memory, front cushion length
adjust, variable bolster and perforated (front and rear). variable heated and cooled. soft grain contrast stitch
leather to steering wheel, doors, rear side panels, instrument panel and centre console with twin stitch detail.
(no contrast stitch to ivory seats). canvas suedecloth premium headlining. nubuck edged premium carpet mat
set with Jaguar script and logo. heated leather steering wheel. Bowers & wilkins 525w surround sound system.
luxury seats in soft grain leather with contrast stitch, 16/16 way driver’s and passenger’s electric adjustment,
variable manual headrest with r logo, includes 4-way power lumbar, driver and passenger memory,
front cushion length adjust, variable bolster and perforated (front and rear). variable heated and cooled.
soft grain contrast stitch leather to steering wheel, doors, rear side panels, instrument panel and centre console
with twin stitch detail. (no contrast stitch to ivory seats). Jet suedecloth premium headlining. nubuck edged
premium carpet mat set with Jaguar script and logo. heated leather steering wheel. Bowers & wilkins
525w surround sound system.
performance seats in carbon and soft grain leather with contrast micro-piping and stitch, 16/16 way driver’s
and passenger’s electric adjustment, variable manual headrest with r-s logo, includes 4-way power lumbar,
driver and passenger memory, front cushion length adjust, variable bolster. variable heated. carbon and
soft grain leather to door inserts and rear side panels. soft grain contrast stitch leather to steering wheel,
doors, rear side panels, instrument panel and centre console with twin stitch detail. poltrona frau® Jet leather
headlining. nubuck edged premium carpet mat set with Jaguar script and logo. heated leather steering wheel.
Bowers & wilkins 525w surround sound system.
W H e e L S P e c I F I c aT I O n S
venus alloy wheels
caravela alloy wheels
artura alloy wheels
tamana alloy wheels
Kalimnos alloy wheels
nevis alloy wheels
selena alloy wheels
takoba alloy wheels
Kasuga alloy wheels
orona alloy wheels
vulcan alloy wheels
8.5J x 18D
8.5J x 19D
8.5J x 19D
8.5J x 19D
8.5J x 20D
8.5J x 20D
8.5J x 20D
8.5J x 20D
9.0J x 20D
9.0J x 20D
9.0J x 20D
245/45 r18
245/40 r19
245/40 r19
245/40 r19
255/35 r20
255/35 r20
255/35 r20
255/35 r20
255/35 r20
255/35 r20
255/35 r20
9.5J x 18D
9.5J x 19D
9.5J x 19D
9.5J x 19D
9.5J x 20D
9.5J x 20D
9.5J x 20D
9.5J x 20D
10.0J x 20D
10.0J x 20D
10.5J x 20D
275/40 r18
275/35 r19
275/35 r19
275/35 r19
285/30 r20
285/30 r20
285/30 r20
285/30 r20
285/30 r20
285/30 r20
295/30 r20
different dvds exist in different regions. please consult your local Jaguar dealer for details of which countries are covered by the dvd supplied
with your vehicle.
the navigation system must always be used in conditions that will not affect the driver’s ability to drive safely or affect the safety of other road users.
S e Rv I c e , a S S U R a n c e , a n d P e ac e O F m I n d a R e a L L Pa RT O F T H e P R I d e O F OW n I n g yO U R X K .
THe JagUaR acceSSORy Range†
enabling you to personalise your car, to create a driving experience that is
even more individually rewarding. all Jaguar accessories are tested rigorously
for safety and durability in the most arduous of climates and conditions.
a comprehensive range of styling options, interior and exterior accessories,
enable you to tailor your XK to suit your personal style. the full range
of Jaguar accessories is available to view on-line, please visit
for further information.
any genuine Jaguar accessories (excluding gift items and luggage from Jaguar
collection) supplied and fitted by a Jaguar dealer within one month or 1,000
miles/1,500 km (whichever occurs first) of a new vehicle being put into service
will benefit from the same warranty terms and duration as the vehicle warranty.
accessories purchased outside of this period will be subject to 12 month
unlimited mileage warranty.
B e c a U S e O n Ly T H e B e ST W I L L d O
an official Jaguar dealer or approved service centre can ensure that Jaguar
trained, specialist technicians, with access to the full range of Jaguar approved
parts and tools, will always be on hand to guarantee that every fitting,
or repair, is carried out exactly the way Jaguar intended. your Jaguar dealer
or approved service centre can also supply and fit Jaguar approved accessories
to personalise and add to the practicality and style of your XK model.
3 year warranty together with a 3 year paint surface warranty and a 6 year
corrosion (perforation) warranty.
JagUaR magaZIne
Jaguar magazine is the official magazine of Jaguar cars. it features the new
Jaguar XJ, XK and Xf, and the worlds of luxury, style, design and travel.
the fully interactive Jaguar magazine ipad app takes the very best of the
print edition of the magazine and adds extra images, and exclusive information,
allowing you to explore Jaguar’s world in a whole new way.
Jaguar’s official interactive website contains the latest information on Jaguar
models and pricing. it also features helpful tools such as a dealer locator and
a new model configurator allowing you to see the car tailored to your
specification and colour.
JagUaR FInancIaL SeRvIceS*
whether your requirements are business or personal please contact your
local Jaguar dealer to discuss a range of finance and insurance products that
can be tailored to meet your needs.
SeRvIce and aSSURance*
complete peace of mind including competitively priced servicing, seasonal
health checks and total tyre care to ensure that your Jaguar XK retains its
premium condition, delivering optimal performance.
*terms and conditions apply. please contact your local Jaguar dealer for more information.
†all Jaguar approved accessories are rigourously tested to the same exacting standards as those applied to our vehicles. performance in extreme
hot and cold temperatures, corrosion resistance, impact and airbag deployment highlight some of the exhaustive product testing carried out so
that accessories are both durable and importantly, continue to comply with current legalisation.
i M p O RtA n t n O t i C e
Jaguar Cars limited is constantly seeking ways to improve the specification, design and production of its vehicles and
alterations take place continually. whilst every effort is made to produce up-to-date literature, this brochure should not
be regarded as an infallible guide to current specifications, nor does it constitute an offer for the sale of any particular
vehicle. distributors and dealers are not agents of Jaguar Cars limited and have absolutely no authority to bind Jaguar Cars
limited by any express or implied undertaking or representation. illustrations in this brochure may include optional extras.
Comparisons are based on manufacturer’s own data and testing.
e n v i R O n M e n tA l i n n O vAt i O n At J A G U A R
Jaguar is proud to continue the company’s tradition with its approach to environmental innovation. from the choice
of lightweight materials and lean production methods to the efficiency of its engines and designs, Jaguar is committed
to operating as a more sustainable business and reducing its overall environmental impact.
Jaguar’s flagship XJ model was the first in the company to achieve isO 14040, the international standard for vehicle ‘whole
life cycle’ assessment. this certification measures the environmental impact of XJ from component material sourcing and
manufacturing process, through its driven life time, to final disposal. But that’s not all. every new Jaguar vehicle is designed
to be 85% recyclable and reusable, in addition 95% recoverable and reusable with 10% for energy generation.
the XJ and XK’s innovative use of lightweight aluminium, which incorporates up to 50% recycled material in the body
structures, provides considerable performance benefits. this includes improved fuel consumption, and less CO2 emissions
as well as the dynamic performance inherent in its weight saving design.
Jaguar is committed to reducing dependency on fossil fuels, using fewer resources and creating less waste. Already the
manufacturing assembly CO2 emissions of each Jaguar built in the UK since 2009 is offset. for every tonne of CO2 emitted
in the assembly process, Jaguar invests in carbon reduction projects that reduce an equivalent tonne of CO2 elsewhere.
Offsetting allows Jaguar to take action now, to reduce its impact on the environment, as part of an integrated carbon
management plan. this company plan includes targets to reduce operating CO2 emissions and waste to landfill by 25%
by 2012, water consumption by 10% by 2012 and fleet average tailpipe CO2 emissions by 25% by 2015, based on 2007 levels.
But it doesn’t stop there. world class manufacturing facilities certified to isO 14001 since 1998, transport miles have been cut
from delivery routes and new ways are being introduced to produce energy from food waste at our headquarters in the UK.
that’s environmental innovation at Jaguar.
Bowers & wilkins is a registered trademark of B&w Group limited.
dolby and pro logic are registered trademarks of dolby laboratories.
the Bluetooth® word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth siG, inc. and any use of such marks by Jaguar Cars limited
is under license.
ipod, ipod touch and ipad are trademarks of Apple inc, registered in the Us and other countries.
Kevlar® is a registered trademark of dupont.
poltrona frau® is a registered trademark of poltrona frau Group.
Jaguar Cars limited,
Registered Office: Abbey Road, whitley,
Coventry, Cv3 4lf, United Kingdom
Registered in england number: 1672070