srainhict soocer rystich restkini onadln sroceo


srainhict soocer rystich restkini onadln sroceo
Write an adjective to describe
that begins with the letters below.
Unscramble the letters below to
create the names of
The First Family
Pastor Cooper’s famous saying is _____________________________________________________.
His favorite color is ________________________________________________________________.
His favorite translation of the Bible is __________________________________________________.
His Alma Mater is _________________________________________________________________.
His most recent fad is ______________________________________________________________.
The names of his siblings are ________________________________________________________.
The name of his first church is _______________________________________________________.
The name of the church where Pastor Cooper was ordained is ______________________________.
Pastor Cooper’s favorite food is ______________________________________________________.
His favorite sport is ________________________________________________________________.
Dr. Roscoe D. Cooper, III
Mary Kemp
Ruth Andrews
Sally Collins
Blanche Faulk
Ola Luck
Sheila Price
Daphne Hill
Remember your leaders, who spoke the
Word of God to you… HEBREWS 13:7
Then the LORD answered me and said:
Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that
he may run who reads it…
because it will surely come… HABAKKUK 2:2
When Nehemiah we first meet
He is sad, oh so sad,
For with God’s people in Jerusalem
All is bad, so very bad.
For days Nehemiah grieved and mourned
He fasted and he prayed
Lord God of heaven, you’re great and fearsome
Forgive your people, tho they strayed.
Fervently he prayed to God above
Before he bowed before the king
The king gave ear; he heard his plea
He gave him everything!
Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem
And set about his task
The high priests and the people as well
Did everything Nehemiah asked.
Said Sanballat, the governor who ruled
Where do they get the gall?
He became angry, insulted God’s people
Still they worked, and stayed on the wall.
As we walk this Christian journey
No matter what our call
Remember Nehemiah’s sterling example
Stay, stay on the wall!
When trials come and they surely will
And you think you just might fall
Say a prayer, fast a day
And always stay on the wall.
Remember detractors are always there
Even when you give your all
Great is He who is in you
Keep praying; stay on the wall.
Composed by Sally Collins
About the same time that we marched to our new sanctuary and Pastor Cooper took his text from
Nehemiah 6:15 our church school lesson focused on Nehemiah and his re-building the wall around
Jerusalem. Even though it took Nehemiah and all those working with him 52 days to complete the
wall, it becomes a metaphor for what we must do - stay faithful, stay focused, stay on the wall! The
above poem was written, not only to summarize the lesson but to focus on its symbolism for all of us
as we walk the journey, continuing to follow the vision that God has given our Pastor.
An Open Letter to Our Pastor
Jeremiah 3:15 reads: I will give you shepherds after my own heart,
who will lead you with knowledge and understanding.
We, the Zion family, are forever grateful to God for His wisdom in gifting us with such a pastor/
shepherd like you – a pastor after His own heart. God knew that in order for His people to grow, we had
to be spiritually fed with knowledge, understanding and have faith in Jesus Christ. Since day one of our
spiritual relationship and in spite of our various levels of spirituality, you nurture our spirits with the
powerfully preached and taught Word of God with clarity and understanding; encourage us to seek Him
and walk in His ways, lead by example, remind us to rejoice, trust and give thanks for all things, and seek
to bring about unity in spirit between Pastor and People.
There’s no doubt in our minds that you are highly favored with God’s wisdom, anointing and
counseling that you so readily pass on to us and all people to whom you minister. Your model
exemplifies the importance of self-discipline and a clearer understanding that God gives each of us
different talents and spiritual gifts to be used for His glory. We know that it is only when we serve with
that purpose, do we honor God. Thank you for reminding us that we should never lose focus by
becoming preoccupied on material things because it is far better to be rich in God than to be rich in
The unique gift God has given you is filling a need for our church family. For us, your congregants,
you are so many things – the first introduction to Christ for some, the difference in a person’s life when
you utter a word of encouragement or congratulations, a source of comfort to grieving families, and an
expression of strength and hope in your prayers for the sick, weary and weak. We know that it has not
always been easy to shepherd this flock whose needs are numerous and multi-faceted. Often times you
have neglected your rest, exhausted your energy, worked tireless hours just to show your love for us,
your commitment to your position and your obedience to God’s Call. We thank you for your willingness
to give of yourself and be used where God has purposely placed you. As an humble servant of God, you
have taught us to let God’s Word fill our mind and soul, rule our heart and guide our words. You have
blessed so many lives in planting the seed of the gospel, producing continuous fertile spiritual growth,
and being fruitful in bringing souls to Christ. We thank you!
Truly the pastor’s work is great and many times is beyond our understanding. But God tells us in His
Word to honor those who work hard for Him, giving spiritual guidance to His people. Today, Pastor
Cooper, and prayerfully for many years to come, we acknowledge, appreciate, respect, honor and love
you as Pastor & People continue to build God’s Kingdom here on earth!
May God’s love, grace, mercy, and peace be multiplied unto you and our beloved First Family
at Christmastime and always!!!
We Love You
Your Rising Mount Zion Baptist Church Family
By Sally Collins
Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work
of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.
I Corinthians 15:58
Pastor Cooper, we, the Rising Mount Zion Baptist Church Family are so grateful to God for placing you in
our lives. You have proven yourself to be an anointed servant of God, humble visionary and a positive
leader who has a purpose-driven attitude, deep faith, genuine compassion and sincere love for people.
Under your pastorate and leadership, God has not yet revealed our unforeseen destiny. Your refusal to fall
for foolishness, petty distractions, or be diverted from seeking excellence and achievement has guided us
to this point in just ten years! We love and appreciate you and acknowledge the following
accomplishments accredited to you during your first decade as our beloved Pastor:
 Your approach has breathed more unity and love among the church family.
 New ministries such as the Sheepfold, Multi-Media, Fine Arts, and Security have been birthed!
 The Boy and Girl Scouting Programs have been re-established.
 In addition to the 11:15 a.m. Sunday morning worship service, an 8:15 a.m. service has been
successfully implemented.
 The church membership has increased more than three-fold, from 300 to more than 1200, coming by
Christian experience, as baptismal candidates and/or to be reinstated.
 You were named Minister of the Year for four consecutive years (2004, 2005, 2006, 2007) by the
Ushers Union of Richmond and Vicinity, were invited by Congressman Bobby Scott to serve as a
community representative to the Congressional Black Caucus Discussion (2005) in Washington, D.C.,
became a member of the Directors of the Capital Area Health Network and were later elected
chairman, was one of the keynote speakers at the National Baptist Congress of Christian Education of
the National Baptist Convention USA, Inc., Louisville, Kentucky (2008), awarded the Religion Award
by the NAACP (2010), elected the youngest President of the Baptist Ministers Conference of
Richmond & Vicinity, serving in this position for three years (2010-2013), instructor and preacher of
the Evangelism classes at the Sunday School Publishing Board, Nashville, TN., and, member of the
Religious Advisory Committee of Virginia headed by Senator Mark Warner.
 The Prayer & Praise Services developed into Worship on Wednesday (WOW) services for
children and adults are truly a blessing with constant growth in attendance.
 Members and visitors may purchase a continental or full breakfast each Sunday morning in the church
fellowship hall.
 Two more beautiful and healthy children have been born into our First Family, making it a family of
Interior and exterior improvements have been made to the existing building, including painting, a new
heating and air-conditioning system, exterior doors, renovated restrooms and new carpet and tile
So the wall was finished…Nehemiah 6:15
Approximately eight years ago, the members of the Rising Mt. Zion Baptist Church assembled in the
sanctuary, prayerfully and eagerly awaiting the announcement of Pastor Cooper’s God-given vision for
the future of this hallowed and historic house of prayer. Pastor Cooper appeared in that assembly
standing firmly on the rungs of the ladder of change. Behold I will do a new thing; now it shall spring
forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert - Isaiah
43:19 (NKJV). Change is not easy, but with all of the challenges entailed in the process, it is a vital part
of moving on to complete the task that God has set before us.
Pastor Cooper rose to his feet and approached the congregation, acknowledging that the membership
had fallen and the building funds were meager. At the same time, nevertheless, he recognized that God
is in the business of working through His people to grasp that which seems unattainable. He reminded
us that we stand on the powerful, spiritual shoulders of those who have preceded us, that the foundation
is solid, but there is much more to accomplish on this journey of kingdom building.
Poised at the dawning of a new era, imbued with the power of God and holding fast to the vision of
expansion and construction, he challenged us to look to God and embrace the future. In the name of
Jesus and by His authority Pastor Cooper declared: WE WILL BUILD! Challenging us further to focus
in faith, rejoice in hope and pray unceasingly, he passed the offering plate and launched what has
become known to us over these years as “THE MAKE IT HAPPEN CAMPAIGN (MIH)”. Many
responded that very night with joy as they brought forth their treasure and placed it in the basket. God’s
blessing in this situation calls to mind Nehemiah 2:17-18 -Then I said to them, ‘You see the trouble that
we are in. Jerusalem lies in ruins…Come let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem… I also told them about
the gracious hand of my God upon me…and by their actions they replied, Let us start rebuilding.
Let us fast forward to August 29, 2010--Groundbreaking for our new sanctuary! Not unlike the many
detractors that Nehemiah encountered, the period between the launch of MIH and the glorious
groundbreaking ceremony was fraught with obstacles, frustrations and setbacks. Just like Nehemiah
Pastor Cooper prayed and the people of God followed the vision set forth by God’s mighty hand.
Covered by a massive tent, the throng a thousand strong gathered to hear Pastor Cooper take his text
from Nehemiah 6:15 entitling his sermon “Finishing What We Started”. He reminded us to take
courage, be faithful, fight for the future, and always, always call upon the Lord. What a glorious time of
thanksgiving and praise. What had seemed to many a mere dream was soon to become a reality!
Every step of this great journey was to prepare us for the 9th day of December, 2012. The day was
chilly, overcast and misty, but our hearts were filled with warmth and joy and light as we filed from the
old sanctuary to the largest building project completed in the history of the church. Singing as we
marched, “We’re Marching to Zion,” our beloved Pastor Cooper was about to cut the ribbon on the door
of our brand new sanctuary!! The cross, visible from every angle of approach to this majestic edifice,
reminded us of the real reason for this march, this celebration, this praise. It is a call to prayer, worship
and discipleship.
In his Sunday message on this grand opening day Pastor Cooper reminded us that in order to finish the
“wall” of RMZ it had been necessary to stay focused and stay faithful. Again with praise and humility
he cited Nehemiah 6:15, building his message on the first five words, “SO THE WALL WAS
Dr. Lance D. Watson
The Worship Leader – Rev. Kevin Sykes, St. James Baptist Church
The Scripture – Rev. Marvin Jefferson, Christian Deliverance Fellowship Ministries
The Invocation & Chant – Dr. Rodney Waller, First African Baptist Church
The Pastor Appreciation Litany – Rev. Justin D. House, Evergreen Baptist Church
The Introduction of Speaker – Dr. Roscoe D. Cooper III
Musical Selections – St. Paul’s Baptist Church Choir
On Sunday afternoon, October 6, the Zion family, friends and guests congregated in the Zion sanctuary for the
Anniversary Worship Service that concluded the celebratory events of the 10th Anniversary of Pastor and
People. A month of Wednesday night revivals, a selected week of surprise treats for the First Family, the
Pastoral Anniversary First Family Luncheon, and the anniversary Sunday worship services were a flawless
formula to create a sweet, sweet spirit and a halo of excitement that just engulfed the ambiance of the Rising
Mount Zion Baptist Church. It was the sea of smiling ageless faces in the sanctuary that exhibited a joyful
spirit of love, appreciation, approval and attitudes of gratitude toward God and our Zion First Family. In our
midst, God placed providentially and purposely our beloved and anointed Pastor, Dr. Roscoe D. Cooper III,
and gave each believer reason to rejoice in His goodness and faithfulness. What a blessed and joyful time!
Our special guest was the powerful and prolific Senior Pastor of St. Paul’s Baptist Church, Richmond,
Virginia, Dr. Lance D. Watson, who was accompanied by musicians and a church choir. Dr. Watson chose to
develop his sermon, “You Will Get It Done”, utilizing the biblical text, Zechariah 4:6-10 as the foundation for
his message. Right away, Dr. Watson warned the congregants that God builds and strengthens one’s stamina
through his experiences, trials and tribulations. He encouraged everyone to remain faithful and trust God in all
situations. Only God can empower and give us a praise, joy and excitement in our spirit at times when we feel
no joy, have no hallelujah moment, and the forces around us oppose us; interruptions in our progress try to
stop us; and frustration enters our spirit. There will be glitches. Nevertheless, we must labor to demonstrate
our confidence and remember that God keeps His promises, sends a prophet, encourages hope and eliminates
fear. We are under God’s surveillance 24/7 and can expect problems. However, since God didn’t stop them,
we were covered by His grace and mercy because He didn’t allow them to stop us either! Additionally, Dr.
Watson gave us some declaratives to remember:
Put personal trust in God!
Use your heartbreaks as a highway to higher grounds!
Don’t drift through life with no purpose!
Praise God before you reach your goal!
Don’t go back to the way it used to be!
Start with small things and grow!
Remember that worship is spiritual training!
Remember that your “next” is connected to your “now!”
Leave the battles to God!
Know that God can and will do great things!
Be mindful that it is not by power or might, but by God’s spirit!
Dr. Watson summarized his meaningful and teachable message stating demonstratively that God is
unstoppable! He will give us whatever we need to complete our purpose. We should always be compassionate
and realize that just because something comes in our mind, doesn’t mean it should come out of our mouth!
God has, can and will do great things! SO, Rising Mount Zion, GET IT DONE and remember that prayer
moves heaven; money moves earth! It is indeed a joyous time in the life of Rising Mount Zion Baptist
Giving all honor, praise and thanks to God, the members of the Anniversary Committee also sincerely
thank everyone who helped in any way to make the 10th Anniversary of Pastor and People a most endearing
and complete success!
More than five years later as our pastoral leader, you ordained a minister, Rev. Edna Holmes; licensed
four ministers: Doris Batts, Blanche A. Faulk, Richard Hatcher III, and Mary W. Holmes; ordained three
new and later sanctified two former deacons: Jaron Dandridge, Mary Kemp and John Ross, Jr., Lorenzo
Doswell and Joseph Hatch; consecrated five deaconesses: Delores Carter, Helen Day, Sarah Sparks, Carol
Stovall-Johnson and Tammy Waddy, Mary Walker; installed ten new trustees: Jerry Branch, Jerry
Eberhardt, Roderick Frazier, Cheryl Jordan-Sayles, Pearl Langhorne, Duane Lynch, Corey Mickleberry,
and Winfield Price, Jeffrey Tarpley and Franklin Thurston, Sr.
You witnessed one of your sons in ministry, Rev. Duane E. Hardy, become an installed pastor of
another flock.
Monies have been contributed and financed for the completed construction of our new multi-million
dollar sanctuary and administration wing, Phase One of our Building Project.
The systematized RMZ Daycare Center and Sunday children nursery continue to grow and thrive!
At its Thirty-second Annual Commencement Program, the Richmond Virginia Seminary bestowed upon
you an Doctor of Divinity Degree, honoris causa, in recognition of your stellar denominational leadership,
pastoral and ministry service in our church, communities, state and country.
The local, state and national request for you as an evangelistic speaker, a revivalist, an educational and
inspirational orator, and a spiritual teacher has earned you numerous awards, afforded your church family
the opportunity to learn and travel, and the church to be nationally known.
Pastor Cooper, your Rising Mount Zion church family celebrates the first ten years of your pastorate as our
Pastor not just for what you have accomplished but for the person you are! We have certainly witnessed you
place your faith in the hands of our Savior and challenged us to do the same. Thank you for letting your light
shine, whether it is being seen by few, many or none because all is done to glorify God! To us, you are a true
example of the scriptural reading, Matthew 5:16 – Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your
good works and glorify your Father in heaven.
By Deacon Mary Kemp
The Rising Mount Zion Baptist Church family vividly remembers where we were ten years ago and find it
mind-boggling to realize where we are today under the leadership of our shepherd, Dr. Roscoe D. Cooper III!
Thus, we thank, praise and glorify God who has blessed us to be able to celebrate His goodness and the 10th
Anniversary of Pastor and People.
Worship Leader ~ Deacon Jaron Dandridge
Scriptural Reading ~ Bro. Anthony White
Opening Prayer Rev. John Miller
Introduction of Speaker ~ Sister Teresa Lewis
Dr. Sheridan D. Nelson
Offertory ~ Deacon Lorenzo Doswell, Bro. Rocky Lewis
Kicking off the first celebratory activity was met with an unexpected challenge because it happened to fall on
the twelfth anniversary of the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers in New York and the Pentagon outside the
nation capital, Washington, D.C. You see, it was the first of four Wednesday night revivals and our first
revivalist was DR. SHERIDAN D. NELSON, Senior Pastor of Abyssinia Baptist Church in Norfolk, Virginia.
For several hours this heavily populated militia area was threatened by a report of bombs being transported
into the area. Therefore, security measures were immediately implemented to secure the safety of all citizens
demanding the closing of several tunnels on the Interstate Highways and bringing traffic to a total stand-still in
every direction from the morning through mid afternoon. Even after the threat was lifted, the time of day and
volume of motor vehicles waiting on the highways made it literally impossible for the traffic to flow at its
normal velocity for several hours. The closing of the tunnels and the volume of traffic forced Dr. Nelson to
travel on secondary highways instead of the interstate, causing a delay in his arrival. Being knowledgeable of
and concerned about the situation, naturally Pastor Cooper was tense and eager to communicate with his
friend, Dr. Nelson, and definitely relieved to learn in spite of the situation, he and the residents of the area
were safe and he was in route to our church.
Meanwhile, the Zion sanctuary was rapidly filling up and the 7 p.m. worship hour swiftly approaching.
However, at 6:45, the first Wednesday scheduled “Praise Through the Arts” period began promptly during
which Brother Jahi Watson, Zion’s gifted pianist and organist, presented a musical medley of familiar and
popular gospel songs and hymns. What a spirit-filled rendition that certainly created an ambiance for worship!
Afterwards, since Dr. Nelson had not yet arrived, Deacon Dandridge briefly explained the unpredictable
situation and wisely utilized the time offering a period of prayer, testimony and song.
When Dr. Nelson was in close proximity of the church, the worship service proceeded, taking care of the
preliminary worship matters and giving him time to arrive and relax for a moment before greeting the patiently
awaiting crowd. Let me tell you, the wait was well worth it! Following personal and congratulatory
comments, Dr. Nelson chose to utilize the scriptural reading, Judges 15:9-20 as the foundation for his
powerful, captivating sermon entitled, “Life’s Defining Moments.” The worshippers were mesmerized by the
collected and focused spirit of Dr. Nelson as he immediately seized the absolute attention of everyone. He
stated emphatically that defining moments are often the result of drama, difficulty, failure, inaccuracy and/or
flaws in our lives. The restrictions, challenges and/or enemy of these moments are often self, your own people
and lack of knowledge. Dr. Nelson cautioned the congregants not to perceive their leader as their enemy or
make the monumental mistake of using petty, negative, and hearsay stuff to bind/tie up the leader God has sent
to lead His people! The leadership can and should always reflect God especially in crucial moments.
Everyone seemed to recall such moments in his life and reacted with verbal and physical thanks and praises to
God! The victory of defining moments comes when believers seek the help from a Power greater than we are.
GOD – our present Help, our ultimate HEALER, our on-time DELIVERER! Vengeance is the LORD’s
Bishop Keith Wayne Reed, Sr.
Worship Leaders – Rev. Belinda Cosby & Rev. Patsy Witcher
Call to Worship – Rev. Doris Batts & Rev. Georgianna Faulk
Invocation – Rev. Rosemary Morris & Rev. Blanche Faulk
Introduction of Speaker – Dr. Roscoe D. Cooper III
Musical Selections – RMZ Mass Choir
Benediction – Dr. Harold Sayles & Rev. Mary Holmes
For both morning worship services on Sunday, October 6, the Rising Mount Zion church family was blessed to
have as its evangelist, Bishop Keith Wayne Reed, Sr., Senior Pastor of Sharon Baptist Church, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. Because Bishop Reed is well renowned, loved and a spiritual giant of the Word, parishioners began
showing up at Zion as early as 7 a.m. for the 8:15 worship hour.
At the appropriate hour, Bishop Reed stood and humbly claimed his space behind the sacred dais. He chose to
employ the scriptural text, I Peter 5:1-5, and entitled his sermon, “A Portrait of a Pastor”. Bishop Reed
acknowledged that everyone has mentally painted a portrait or description of how a pastor should be and look like.
Therefore, it is impossible to please everyone. There are three things, title, task and trophy that will help you to
better paint a portrait. He stated that a pastor has titles such as Elder, Shepherd and Overseer, and applied certain
characteristics to differentiate his titles. An Elder is a matured person in his walk with God. In this case, maturity
is not necessarily linked with one’s age. He is vertically straight/upright with God and has a horizontal relationship
with people. He must be a part of and an extension of God’s love. Love God and love his fellow man. A Shepherd
of a congregation ministers to a flock, rather than a herd. God refers to people in the church as a flock, instead of a
herd, referencing sheep in a field/pasture. The difference is that a herd has to be driven and a flock must be lead. A
shepherd focuses on his people/sheep, does not minister by driving his sheep, but ministers from a leadership
perspective. He should always focus on feeding and leading his flock first, no matter how many other flocks to
which he may minister. An Overseer is equivalent to a bishop, superintendent, administrator who manages his
church flock. He has discernment to put people in place to help him minister over ministries in the church, working
together and making sure all is done in a Christ-like manner. A pastor’s tasks intertwine with his titles.
Regardless to the title used, he/she must realize that sheep are restless and quick to react to the least movement or
change, thinking it is a sign of danger. Four major things that keep sheep on their feet are:
Friction – Friction takes place among the flock. Every flock has rams that cause friction by what they say and do
when they think the shepherd is not around. That’s why the Pastor should show up unexpectedly in meetings,
rehearsals, etc to keep the friction at a minimal in the church, preventing it from getting out of hand!
Predators – Things that devour or destroy sheep. The shepherd protects his flock and should be forever mindful
that there are predators waiting to leap. Thus, the pastor should set example with his personal life and the use of
the rod (Bible) to guide, comfort, shield and protect his sheep from being overcome by gossip, jealousy and
Parasites – Worms or vermin that thrive on the inside, causing problems and pain. Check sheep externally. If there
are no visible scars, you know the problem is internal. Parasites come from bad doctrine and false teaching. The
shepherd is to give proper provision.
Hunger – A pastor must feed his flock! Therefore, fresh, nutritious pastures must be prepared for the sheep. Most
importantly, stand on the Word of God in all the teaching and preaching! When things come into the sheep’s life
that make him weak, he will not fall prey to his weaknesses, but will be able to stand firmly on the teaching and
preaching of the Word
Speaking purposely to the Zion family, Bishop Reed stated that the pastor’s title speaks of one office,
three titles and one person. His tasks are to focus on his sheep, minister from a leadership perspective, teach and
preach the gospel, stand on the Word, and believe in the promises. When the trumpet sounds, a trophy (a crown)
shall be received. It was evident that Bishop Reed painted a portrait of a pastor, exhibiting expectation, clarity and
understanding! What a blessing in his message!
Rev. Dr. Derik Jones
Master of Ceremonies ~ Rev. Duane Hardy
Scriptural Reading ~ Rev. John Miller • Opening Prayer ~ Rev. Doris Batts
Welcome & Statement of Purpose ~ Ms. Teresa Lewis
Musical Selections ~ Ms. Amber Hughes, accompanied by Mr. Jahi Watson
Blessing of the Food ~ Little Miss Ryan Bates
Introduction of Speaker ~ Rev. Harold Sayles
The Tenth Anniversary Pastoral Luncheon in honor of Zion’s First Family was held Saturday, October 5th at
noon in the Fifth Baptist Church Family Life Center. It was such a joyous occasion filled with laughter,
chatter and excitement. As the guests entered, they were greeted with the soothing sound of soft jazz and
directed and/or escorted to a table by a delightful greeter. Each table was simply elegant and beautifully
decorated with a white tablecloth, a tall water-filled vase with floating purple flowers and a lit candle centered
over a round mirrored tile sprinkled with purple and lavender rose petals designed by Tawnya Ford-Williams.
Soon after the First Family was seated, Rev. Hardy, Pastor of Seven Pines Baptist Church in Sandston,
Virginia and a ministerial son of Zion called the large crowd to order, implemented the order of the program,
and read messages at interval times of the program from members of the Zion family to the Pastor. Following
the preliminary tasks, the attractive, plentiful and delectable buffet lunch was received and thoroughly enjoyed
by all guests. Rev. Dr. Derik Jones, Pastor of the historic First Baptist Church of South Richmond, Virginia
serving with his father Senior Pastor, Dr. Dwight C. Jones, was the luncheon speaker. He utilized the
scriptural text, Acts 16:16, entitled his message, “Lessons I Learned at Unexpected Occasions.” He spoke with
clarity as he emphasized the following poignant points:
► As a parent, Dr. Jones, like many of us has learned from unforeseen things, places and people such as
cartoons, church/community functions, and individuals. In the text, Paul learned from a slave girl.
► However, you can’t listen to everyone because it would literally drive you crazy.
► When a person is blessed, everyone is not happy for you. There are always haters. People who say they
are with you may not be in your crowd.
► Everyone who sees a need doesn’t have the courage to seize a need.
► Sometimes you have to step outside your comfort zone, go alone, and not worry about losing friends,
supporters etc.
► One cannot be afraid or fret if his convictions lead him to a place, cross or decision in which he appears to
be alone.
► Take a stand in Jesus’ name! Trust in the LORD and see doesn’t He lead us to victorious places and even,
lonely, challenging places. Stand on His promises for He will deliver!
► Give God the glory and stop trying to be a crowd pleaser.
► Pray for God to increase His presence in your being and know that He will stick by you through thick and
► If God doesn’t take you out of something, ask Him to help you through it.
► Learn to sing your own song; pray your own prayer. Learn to shout and praise God in the dark.
Sometimes you have to preach in the dark. But, through it all, “Trust God.”
Dr. Jones concluded by reminding us that our endurance encourages others and that God gives us a praise
that’s not just for us, but rather, to bless someone else. We must learn to pray for and lift others up! T h e n,
WATCH GOD CHANGE THINGS! It was an afternoon during which the First Family and People expressed
and demonstrated a mutual sense of joy, love and appreciation for one another and a desire to be together and
grow for many, many years to come! Etched in everyone’s memory is a most beautiful relationship with God,
Pastor and Family and the People and friends of Zion.
We give Glory to God who directs our path!
and through His spirit, we are victorious! God shows up at the right time, sends the resources we need through
His divine intervention. Even when God provides the resource, He expects us to work it. No matter how great
your victory, always give God the glory and be dependant of Him! A church family should never let its leader
fight alone; and, at least once a year show him/her love and appreciation! Finally, Dr. Nelson warned the saints
to call and depend on God especially when we are tired, depleted, and there’s wickedness and weakness in our
lives. God will restore, revive, may not remove, but He will make a way!
Our sincere gratitude is extended to Dr. Sheridan D. Nelson for a most thought-provoking, powerful, memorable and meaningful sermon and a great celebratory beginning for our 10th Anniversary of Pastor and People!
Dr. Rodney D. Waller
Worship Leader ~ Deacon Willie Andrews
Scriptural Reading ~ Sis. Johnelle Torbert
Opening Prayer ~ Sis. Tess Short
Introduction of Speaker ~ Sister Monique Davis
Offertory ~ Deacons Joseph Hatch & Mary Kemp
Again the doors of Rising Mount Zion Baptist Church swung wide open, inviting the worshippers in for another fantastic evening of worship and praise and to be greatly blessed on the second Wednesday night of revival celebrating Pastor and People! Promptly at 6:45, the Zion Praise Dance Ministry members took center
stage performing two dances during the “Praise Through the Arts” period. The praise dancers wooed the enthusiastic crowd as they waved flags and streamers, moved and danced gloriously in rhythm to the tune,
“Glory” by Marvin Sapp. Then Jacqueline Manning, a member of the Zion Drama Ministry, dramatically
read a scripted narrative that gracefully enhanced the performance of the dancers who danced reverently to
Juanita Bynum’s song, “You Deserve the Glory.” What a powerful rendition of praise through dance!
The revivalist for the evening was DR. RODNEY D. WALLER, Senior Pastor of the third oldest African American church in the United States, First African Baptist in Richmond, Virginia. Dr. Waller was accompanied by
his deacons, ushers, musicians, a choir and parishioners. Showing evidence of preparation and readiness, Dr.
Waller charmed the congregants with humorous accolades to his friend, Pastor Cooper, readily chose the scriptural reading, Joshua 3:1-9; 13-17, and entitled his sermon, “The Other Side of Obstacles.” He compellingly
proclaimed the Word of God, clearly dissected his chosen text and stated several pivotal points. Everyone has
to deal with obstacles in his life. However, the real challenge is how does one overcome an obstacle and turn
it into a spiritual victory? Dr. Waller responded boldly, “Know that you must:
(1) Seek, trust God who specializes in the deliverance of His children.
(2) Make a mind-adjustment.
(3) Follow the drumbeat of God.
(4) Know that God is able to make a way out of no way.
(5) Take God at His Word.
(6) Expect a miraculous moment with God.
(7) Be willing to take a risk.
(8) Remember His teachings.
(9) Know that God will keep His promise.
(10) Thank and give the praise to God.”
He stated that just as God parted the Jordan River at flood stage and allowed Joshua and the Israelites to safely
cross on dry ground to the other side, He fixed it then for them, and He’ll fix it now for us! God exalted
Joshua in the eyes of all the Israelites just as today He exalts His “Called” leaders in the eyes of the believers.
Obstacles have a tendency to make people lose focus on what God has promised! God is a Promise Keeper
and a Miracle Maker! He purposely had Joshua choose twelve men from the tribes of Israel, one from each
tribe, and instructed them to each take a stone to the other side, stack them so that the descendants can see how
God made a way back then. The stack of stones remains today and serves as a memorial to the people of Israel
forever. In spite of any situation, GOD is the same yesterday, today and forevermore! With a sense of spiritual directness Dr. Rodney D. Waller truly carried the torch and ran the second lap of the anniversary revival
services, offering a hallelujah night of the comprehensibly preached Word!!!
Push forward. Dare to be a beacon for others to see, deflecting not from God’s work until the job is done.
When men/women of faith decide to go forward, remember if you take one step, God will take two!
“But GOD” moments are available to us today as they were for the men with leprosy then.
It is the Hand of God that shows up, delivers us, and makes a way out of no way! Never doubt what
God can do! There are no limits so long as we keep our hands in God’s Hand and allow Him to order our
steps! The Zion family praises and thanks God for another blessed and gratifying night of worship!
Dr. A. Lincoln James
Worship Leader ~ Sister Deborah Andrews
Scriptural Reading ~ Young Master Caleb Faulk,
Opening Prayer ~ Young Master Linwood Faulk III
Introduction of Speaker ~ Young Miss Eriel Waddy
Offertory ~ Trustee Phillip Downey & Sis. Tara Holmes
This Wednesday night revival was as smooth as a rushing stream flowing in its natural boundaries. The
parishioners hurriedly entered into the sanctuary expecting another night of powerful preaching and boundless
praise. Believe me, no one was disappointed! The “Praise Through the Arts” period took a new twist with a
newscast-like setting in which the Drama Ministry members dealt with a series of problems such as health,
finance, family and relationships that people face today. The information offered was valuable, interesting, and
centered on the importance of believing, trusting and depending on God to lead in every situation. God’s
providence is certain when you plug into the right Source!
Introducing the worship service were the strong-in-number, melodious voices of the Trinity Baptist Church
Choir that accompanied their Pastor, Dr. A. Lincoln James, and our third Wednesday night revivalist. In
addition to the convoy of choir members, leaders, ushers and congregants came to support their Pastor and
worship with fellow believers at Zion. After expressing a sincere and honorable tribute to Pastor Cooper, Dr.
James chose his biblical text, II Kings 7:1-4, and entitled his sermon, “Rising Mount Zion – At the Gate.” Dr.
James’ message was candid, truthful, and serious as he shared the following poignant facts with the large
attentive crowd, specifically the Zion family:
 Complimenting the Zion family for its unprecedented ten-year growth under Pastor Cooper’s pastorate, Dr.
James reminded the Zion family that we did not achieve anything on our own, but rather, it was by God’s
grace and favor to us.
 He cautioned us not to stick out our chests in a boastful manner because God is dissatisfied with such
 Zion was compared to the four men with leprosy at the entrance of the city gate engaged in conversation,
trying to make a decision whether to go back, stay or go forward. Just like the men with leprosy, Rising
Mount Zion has a decision to make! Where do we go from here?
 Our decision determines our destiny – Do we stay, get up, man up, stand up, go forward and leave a legacy
for our descendants?
 No doubt, there are some Zion “church” folk who wanted to say to Dr. Cooper, “Chill. You already have
enough. You are moving too fast. We’ve always done it this way. Slow down. We don’t need to do that.
Be satisfied!”
 There are others in the audience right now who want to go back to the so called “good ole days”. What are
the “good ole days?”
 Dr. James asked the inquisitive question, “REALLY?” How far back? The truth of the matter is that
there’s no such thing as the “good ole days.” YOUR BEST DAYS ARE AHEAD OF YOU!
 Rising Mount Zion, work with, appreciate and support the anointed and capable leader that God has given
you. Continue to rise to higher heights, refusing to allow those who are content existing where they are or
below their capabilities to pull you down.
Dr. Anthony M. Chandler
Worship Leader ~ Rev. Blanche A. Faulk
Scriptural Reading ~ Bro. Randy Faulk
Opening Prayer ~ Sis. Patricia Doswell
Introduction of Speaker ~ Young Brother William Mack IV
Offertory ~ Deacon Richard Hatcher, Jr.
and Bro. Bryant & Sis. Sonya Mallory
Tonight, there is a sense of enthusiasm as well as a certain cloudiness of gloom in the atmosphere because it is
the finale of the Wednesday night revival services that have been so spiritually uplifting that the Zion family
hates to see them come to an end. For the past three Wednesday nights, the Zion family has actively
participated in the glorious worship of our Creator while celebrating the 10th anniversary of Pastor and People.
Promptly at 6:45 p.m., the Zion Musical Small Ensemble is “small” only in number and composed of five
ladies who have powerful and explosive voices that sounds more like fifty voices instead of only five! These
talented, strong voices of five rendered several heartwarming and spiritually comforting songs that were
definitely a welcomed blessing and the prelude to the worship service. The eager parishioners entered into the
sanctuary singing along with the ensemble, praising God and readying themselves for another delivery of the
blessed Word.
Our guest evangelist was DR. ANTHONY M. CHANDLER, the Shepherd of the Cedar Street Baptist Church of
God, Richmond, Virginia. He was accompanied by a swarm of deacons, ushers, choir members and
congregants. Following his friendly accolades and a presentation of a monetary gift, Dr. Chandler chose to
utilize Acts 5:17-19 for the basis of his message and entitled his sermon, “Thank God for Angels”.
Challenging the audience, Dr. Chandler asked, “Do you feel that sometimes you are fighting a losing battle?
Why are the results the same? Are you seeking the right Person for your answers? Or, do you find yourself
responding, “But oops, I did it again”? If we insist on going to people for answers, will there ever be an end
to losing battles? When twenty percent of people don’t care, and the other eighty percent may be glad it
happened, what do you do? In church, people may pretend all is well, get on your nerves, and say/do things
that are insensitive and disingenuous. Perhaps, church may be where you can be free from your prison. It
consists of people representing the “wheat and weeds”. Weeds can and will destroy if you allow them to grow
and multiply. Therefore, you must eliminate the weeds and increase the wheat so that your personal and
spiritual life is positively enriched. After all, there’s strength in number! So much is said or done that will
make you call on God who always sends an angel to protect and direct. Thank God for your haters who
unknowingly are actually strengthening and pushing you toward your destiny! Always depend on God, your
“Big Daddy,” who will protect you, open doors for you, make a way and deliver you. Know that God is on the
job no matter what is happening! Another refreshing and noteworthy message from on high!
The Wednesday night revival services have truly been a blessing to the Zion family and all our guests. We are
forever grateful to the numerous Anniversary Committee members who worked diligently and were committed
to the success of this wonderful Tenth Anniversary, Celebration of Pastor and People! ALL GLORY TO