PDQ 2006a Price List
PDQ 2006a Price List
TABLE OF CONTENTS XGT GT GP SA SE MR PL SV SW CL SR KT KM KV KR XGT GRADE 1 SPIRIT SERIES SPECIFICATIONS ..............................................................................................................................Page 5 XGT GRADE 1 SPIRIT SERIES LOCKSETS ....................................................................................................................................Page 6-10 GT GRADE 1 SPIRIT SERIES SPECIFICATIONS ..............................................................................................................................Page 11 GT GRADE 1 SPIRIT SERIES LOCKSETS ....................................................................................................................................Page 12-16 GP GRADE 2 SPIRIT SERIES SPECIFICATIONS ..............................................................................................................................Page 17 GP GRADE 2 SPIRIT SERIES LOCKSETS ....................................................................................................................................Page 18-22 SA GRADE 2 SPIRIT SERIES SPECIFICATIONS................................................................................................................................Page 23 SA GRADE 2 SPIRIT SERIES LOCKSETS ....................................................................................................................................Page 24-28 SE GRADE 2 SERIES SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................................................Page 29 SE GRADE 2 SERIES LOCKSETS..................................................................................................................................................Page 30-33 MR GRADE 1 & 2 REVOLUTION SERIES SPECIFICATIONS ......................................................................................................Page 34-35 MR GRADE 1 & 2 REVOLUTION SERIES MORTISE LOCKS ......................................................................................................Page 36-42 PL SERIES PADLOCKS ..................................................................................................................................................................Page 43-44 SV GRADE 2 SERIES SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................................................Page 45 SV GRADE 2 SERIES CYLINDRICAL LOCKSETS ........................................................................................................................Page 46-48 SW GRADE 2 SERIES SPECIFICATIONS ..........................................................................................................................................Page 49 SW GRADE 2 SERIES LEVER LOCKS ..........................................................................................................................................Page 50-52 CL GRADE 2 SERIES SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................................................Page 53 CL GRADE 2 SERIES INTER-CONNECTED LOCKS ....................................................................................................................Page 54-56 SR GRADE 3 SERIES SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................................................Page 57 SR GRADE 3 SERIES CYLINDRICAL LOCKS................................................................................................................................Page 58-60 KT SERIES SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................................................................Page 61 KT SERIES DEADBOLTS ................................................................................................................................................................Page 62-64 KM SERIES SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................................................................Page 65 KM SERIES DEADBOLTS................................................................................................................................................................Page 66-68 KV SERIES SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................................................................Page 69 KV SERIES DEADBOLTS ................................................................................................................................................................Page 70-72 KR GRADE 3 SERIES SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................................................Page 73 KR GRADE 3 SERIES DEADBOLTS ..............................................................................................................................................Page 74-76 MISCELLANEOUS PARTS ..............................................................................................................................................................................Page 77-79 FINISHES ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................Page 80 TERMS & CONDITIONS ........................................................................................................................................................................................Page 81 ORDER FORM ......................................................................................................................................................................................................Page 82 XGT GRADE 1 LIST PRICE MADE IN U.S.A. SERIES Effective September 15, 2006 EXTREMELY HEAVY DUTY LEVER LOCK XGT SERIES SPIRIT BOSTON (BSN) LEVER XGT SERIES SPIRIT PHILADELPHIA (PHL) LEVER XGT SERIES SPIRIT MIAMI (MIA) LEVER Straight Lever No Return SPECIFICATIONS FOR DOORS: 1-3/4" to 2-1/4" thick / Preset for 1-3/4" door APPLICATION: Through door thru-bolting / Fits standard 161 Door prep BACKSET: 2-3/4" Guarded CHASSIS: Heavy duty zinc diecast hubs, chromated cold rolled steel, stainless steel and Acuzinc® mechanism, billet steel spindles High strength stainless steel investment cast locking tip FRONT: 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" / Beveled 1/8" on 2" / Stainless Steel or Wrought Brass STRIKE: ASA standard / T-Strike or Full Lip Strike optional / Stainless Steel or Wrought Brass TORQUE RESISTANCE: Exceeds 3000 in. lbs. LATCHBOLT: 9/16" Throw HAND: Non-handed TRIM: Solid Zinc diecast PHL, BSN or MIA Levers / Wrought Brass Roses Concealed Screws / 41° Lever Rotation High strength stainless steel investment cast spindle Heavy guage steel mounting plates KEYS: Two (2) per Cylinder KEYWAYS: SCC standard / Also available in keyways of other manufacturers INTERCHANGEABLE CORE: Available for all keyed functions / 6 or 7-pin / Compatible with Best, Falcon and Arrow CYLINDER: 6-pin Brass Insert Cylinder keyed to 5-pins KEYING: Options: MK, CMK or GMK / Zero Bitted (KO), Keyed Different (KD) or Keyed Alike (KA) Can be keyed into existing master key systems FINISHES: US3 (605), US4 (606), US10 (612), US10B (613), US17A (621), US26 (625), US26D (626) *Other finishes available via special order CERTIFICATIONS: U.L., U.L.C. listed for “A” label (3 hour) single swing doors (4' x 8') Certified to ANSI/BHMA A156.2-2003, Series 4000, Grade 1 Windstorm Resistant Product Listed - ANSI A250.13-2003, ASTM E1886-02, ASTM E330-02. Outswing: 350 ft-lbs., Inswing: N/R, Design Load Rating: 1485 lbf. Meets all applicable accessibility requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) WARRANTY: Ten (10) year Limited Warranty 5 XGT SERIES LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 TRIM LOCKSETS ANSI NO. PDQ NO. FUNCTIONS 626 605/606/612 613/621/625 F86 F81 F84 F82 F92 F90 115 116 148 182 155 165 120 SINGLE CYLINDER Store Room Entrance Classroom Office / Entry Service Station Dormitory / Corridor Security $385.00 $385.00 $385.00 $385.00 $385.00 $387.00 $399.00 $392.00 $392.00 $392.00 $392.00 $392.00 $394.00 $411.00 F87 F88 F91 F80 128 135 137 141 DOUBLE CYLINDER Institution Classroom / Security General Entry Communicating $446.00 $446.00 $446.00 $446.00 $453.00 $453.00 $453.00 $453.00 OPTIONS PHILADELPHIA (PHL) LEVER BOSTON (BSN) LEVER ADD Handicap Abrasive Coating - Inside & Outside Handicap Abrasive Coating - Inside only Handicap Abrasive Coating - Outside only Split Finishes Lead-Lined Rose Dust Box (specified with Lock) $66.00 $34.00 $34.00 Higher Finish Price $86.00 $2.00 HOW TO ORDER MIAMI (MIA) LEVER NOTES: n Prices do not include keying charges n Other finishes consult Customer Service n Locks will be furnished with ASA Strike & SCC Keyway unless otherwise stated n Lock discount applies to Options n US17A availble after June 06 Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION TRIM FINISH BACKSET STRIKE KEYWAY KEYING 6 XGT 116 PHL 626 234 ASA SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 6 / Case weight is 32 lbs. Keyed Functions / Case weight is 31 lbs. Non-Keyed Functions / For split finishes, designate O/S trim first, then I/S 6 XGT SERIES LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 CYLINDERS & KEYING SYSTEMS PDQ KEYWAY COMPATIBLE WITH LIST PRICE SUBSTITUTION PRICE ARA CO6 / CO59A1 CL4 RUD SCE SCC SCC-K SAL RA-RC YA8 GA FAL KW TA NON Arrow / AR1 Corbin / 60/59A1 Corbin / L4 Russwin / D1 Schlage / E Schlage / SCC Schlage / C-K Sargent / LA Sargent / RA-RC Yale / E1R Yale / GA Falcon / E-R Kwikset PDQ / TA (Restricted) Less Cylinder $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $36.00 - N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C Deduct $6/Cylinder KEYING SYSTEMS/CONVENTIONAL CYLINDERS NOTES: n Parts discounts applies n Designate finish for cylinders ordered separately: 606 or 626 n Kwikset cylinder available in 5 pin only LIST PRICE 0-Bitted with 2 blank keys Keyed Alike / 4 or less Cylinders (KA4) Keyed Alike / 5 or more Cylinders (KA) Master Keying with Bitting List (MK) (GMK) Construction Keying (CK) (in addition to other keying charges) Keyed to existing numbers Extra Cut Change Keys Master, Construction and Control Cut Keys Extra Cut Large Bow Keys - SCC / SCE Extra Cut Large Bow Keys - SCC / SCE when furnished with lock N/C N/C $5.00 $9.00 $9.00 $5.00 $3.60 $3.60 $6.00 $6.00 VISUAL KEY CONTROL LIST PRICE Cylinder Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Cylinder) Key Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Key) Key Marking other than Keyset (Per Key) $3.60 $3.60 $3.60 HOW TO ORDER Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION TRIM FINISH BACKSET STRIKE KEYWAY KEYING 6 XGT 116 PHL 626 234 ASA SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 6 / Case weight is 32 lbs. Keyed Functions / Case weight is 31 lbs. Non-Keyed Functions / For split finishes, designate O/S trim first, then I/S 7 XGT SERIES INTERCHANGEABLE CORE LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 TRIM LOCKSETS ANSI NO. PDQ NO. FUNCTIONS F86 F81 F84 F82 F92 115 116 148 182 155 165 120 F87 128 135 137 141 F91 F80 626 605/606/612 613/621/625 SINGLE CYLINDER Store Room Entrance Classroom Office / Entry Service Station Dormitory / Corridor Security $385.00 $385.00 $385.00 $385.00 $385.00 $387.00 $399.00 $392.00 $392.00 $392.00 $392.00 $392.00 $394.00 $411.00 DOUBLE CYLINDER Institution Classroom / Security Store Door Communicating $446.00 $446.00 $446.00 $446.00 $453.00 $453.00 $453.00 $453.00 OPTIONS PHILADELPHIA (PHL IC) LEVER BOSTON (BSN IC) LEVER ADD Handicap Abrasive Coating - Inside & Outside Handicap Abrasive Coating - Inside only Handicap Abrasive Coating - Outside only Lead-Lined Rose Split Finish Dust Box (specified with Lock) $66.00 $34.00 $34.00 $86.00 Higher Finish Price $2.00 HOW TO ORDER MIAMI (MIA IC) LEVER NOTES: n Prices do not include IC Core n Other finishes consult Customer Service n Locks will be furnished with ASA Strike unless otherwise stated n Lock discount applies to Options n US17A availble after June 06 Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION TRIM FINISH BACKSET STRIKE KEYWAY KEYING 6 XGT 116 PHL IC 626 234 ASA PDQ 1 KD NOTE: Case quantity is 6 / Case weight is 32 lbs. Keyed Functions / Case weight is 31 lbs. Non-Keyed Functions / For split finishes, designate O/S trim first, then I/S 8 XGT SERIES INTERCHANGEABLE CORE LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 CORES DESCRIPTION PDQ NO. LIST PRICE WITH LOCK SEPARATE UNCOMBINATED CORES 6 Pin Cores I5206 + KEYWAY 7 Pin Cores I5207 + KEYWAY $35.00 $35.00 $37.00 $37.00 COMBINATED CORES 6 Pin Cores I5206-1 + KEYWAY 7 Pin Cores I5207-1 + KEYWAY $35.00 $35.00 $37.00 $37.00 $22.00 $ 4.00 $ 4.00 NOTES: n IC Cores are available Combinated or Uncombinated n Uncombinated cores do not include springs & pins n Combinated cores includes masterkeying n Designate finish for IC Cores ordered separately: 606 or 626 n Parts discounts applies n Cores are small format AVAILABLE KEYWAYS: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, Q, PDQ1, PDQ2, PDQ3 (Restricted) CONSTRUCTION CORES Construction Core 6-pin only Dummy Construction Core Plastic Construction cores are invoiced at shipment and credited upon return. Subject to 50% discount. VISUAL KEY CONTROL Cylinder Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Cylinder) Key Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Key) Key Marking other than Keyset (Per Key) LIST PRICE $3.60 $3.60 $3.60 9 XGT SERIES PARTS LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 STRIKES DESCRIPTION ASA Strike (any finish) 1-1/4" x 4-7/8" T-Strike (any finish) 1-1/8" x 2-3/4" Full Lip Strike (any finish) 1-5/8" x 2-1/4" PDQ NO. LIST PRICE SUBSTITUTION PRICE V91905- $19.00 N/C V919050- $8.50 N/C V919051- $8.00 N/C NOTES: n Parts discounts applies n Designate desired finish for Strikes & Latchbolts if ordered separately: 605, 606, 612, 613, 621, 625 or 626 LATCHBOLTS DESCRIPTION PDQ NO. LIST PRICE SUBSTITUTION PRICE 2-3/4" Guarded 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" V91904-711 $44.00 N/C HOW TO ORDER QUANTITY 6 Please see Order Form, Page 82 SERIES FUNCTION TRIM FINISH BACKSET STRIKE KEYWAY KEYING XGT 116 PHL 626 234 ASA SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 6 / Case weight is 32 lbs. Keyed Functions / Case weight is 31 lbs. Non-Keyed Functions / For split finishes, designate O/S trim first, then I/S 10 GT GRADE 1 LIST PRICE MADE IN U.S.A. SERIES Effective September 15, 2006 EXTRA HEAVY DUTY GT SERIES SPIRIT BOSTON (BSN) LEVER GT SERIES SPIRIT PHILADELPHIA (PHL) LEVER LEVER LOCK GT SERIES SPIRIT MIAMI (MIA) LEVER Straight Lever No Return SPECIFICATIONS FOR DOORS: 1-3/4" to 2-1/4" thick / Preset for 1-3/4" door APPLICATION: Through door thru-bolting / Fits standard 161 Door prep BACKSET: 2-3/4" Guarded CHASSIS: Heavy duty zinc diecast, investment cast, chromated cold rolled steel, stainless steel and Acuzinc® mechanism. Billet Steel spindles for locking functions FRONT: 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" / Beveled 1/8" on 2" / Stainless Steel or Wrought Brass STRIKE: ASA standard / T-Strike or Full Lip Strike optional / Stainless Steel or Wrought Brass TORQUE RESISTANCE: Exceeds 2100 in. lbs. LATCHBOLT: 9/16" Throw HAND: Non-handed TRIM: Solid Zinc diecast PHL, BSN or MIA Levers / Wrought Brass Roses Concealed Screws / 41° Lever Rotation KEYS: Two (2) per Cylinder KEYWAYS: SCC standard / Also available in keyways of other manufacturers INTERCHANGEABLE CORE: Available for all keyed functions / 6 or 7-pin / Compatible with Best, Falcon and Arrow CYLINDER: 6-pin Brass Insert Cylinder keyed to 5-pins KEYING: Options: MK, CMK or GMK / Zero Bitted (KO), Keyed Different (KD) or Keyed Alike (KA) Can be keyed into existing master key systems FINISHES: US3 (605), US4 (606), US10 (612), US10B (613), US17A (621), US26 (625), US26D (626) *Other finishes available via special order CERTIFICATIONS: U.L., U.L.C. listed for “A” label (3 hour) single swing doors (4' x 8') Certified to ANSI/BHMA A156.2-2003, Series 4000, Grade 1 Windstorm Resistant Product Listed - ANSI A250.13-2003, ASTM E1886-02, ASTM E330-02. Outswing: 350 ft-lbs., Inswing: N/R, Design Load Rating: 1485 lbf. Meets all applicable accessibility requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) WARRANTY: Eight (8) year Limited Warranty 11 GT SERIES LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 LOCKSETS TRIM ANSI NO. PDQ NO. FUNCTIONS F86 F81 115 116 129 148 150 182 155 165 120 F87 F88 F91 F80 F89 F84 F82 F92 F90 F75 F76 F77 626 605/606/612 613/621/625 SINGLE CYLINDER Store Room Entrance Exit / Twin Communicating Classroom Exit / Twin Communicating Office / Entry Service Station Dormitory / Corridor Security $354.00 $354.00 $354.00 $354.00 $354.00 $354.00 $357.00 $357.00 $359.00 $361.00 $361.00 $361.00 $361.00 $361.00 $361.00 $364.00 $364.00 $368.00 128 135 137 141 DOUBLE CYLINDER Institution Classroom / Security General Entry Communicating $399.00 $399.00 $399.00 $399.00 $407.00 $407.00 $407.00 $407.00 124 125 126 175 176 177 205 211 NON-CYLINDER Exit Communicating Passage Hospital / Privacy Privacy Patio / Privacy Double Dummy Single Dummy $260.00 $260.00 $260.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $193.00 $112.00 $267.00 $267.00 $267.00 $307.00 $307.00 $307.00 $197.00 $116.00 199 Electrified* $615.00 $623.00 OPTIONS PHILADELPHIA (PHL) LEVER BOSTON (BSN) LEVER MIAMI (MIA) LEVER ADD Handicap Abrasive Coating - Inside & Outside Handicap Abrasive Coating - Inside only Handicap Abrasive Coating - Outside only Split Finishes Lead-Lined Rose Dust Box (specified with Lock) *Request to Exit - for function 199 only $66.00 $34.00 $34.00 Higher Finish Price $86.00 $2.00 $250.00 HOW TO ORDER NOTES: n Prices do not include keying charges n Other finishes consult Customer Service n Locks will be furnished with ASA Strike & SCC Keyway unless otherwise stated n Lock discount applies to Options n *Fail Safe or Fail Secure 12V or 24V n US17A availble after June 06 Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION TRIM FINISH BACKSET STRIKE KEYWAY KEYING 6 GT 116 PHL 626 234 ASA SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 6 / Case weight is 32 lbs. Keyed Functions / Case weight is 31 lbs. Non-Keyed Functions / For split finishes, designate O/S trim first, then I/S 12 GT SERIES LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 CYLINDERS & KEYING SYSTEMS PDQ KEYWAY COMPATIBLE WITH LIST PRICE SUBSTITUTION PRICE ARA CO6 / CO59A1 CL4 RUD SCE SCC SCC-K SAL RA-RC YA8 GA FAL KW TA NON Arrow / AR1 Corbin / 60/59A1 Corbin / L4 Russwin / D1 Schlage / E Schlage / SCC Schlage / C-K Sargent / LA Sargent / RA-RC Yale / E1R Yale / GA Falcon / E-R Kwikset PDQ / TA (Restricted) Less Cylinder $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $36.00 - N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C Deduct $6/Cylinder KEYING SYSTEMS/CONVENTIONAL CYLINDERS NOTES: n Parts discounts applies n Designate finish for cylinders ordered separately: 606 or 626 n Kwikset cylinder available in 5 pin only LIST PRICE 0-Bitted with 2 blank keys Keyed Alike / 4 or less Cylinders (KA4) Keyed Alike / 5 or more Cylinders (KA) Master Keying with Bitting List (MK) (GMK) Construction Keying (CK) (in addition to other keying charges) Keyed to existing numbers Extra Cut Change Keys Master, Construction and Control Cut Keys Extra Cut Large Bow Keys - SCC / SCE Extra Cut Large Bow Keys - SCC / SCE when furnished with lock N/C N/C $5.00 $9.00 $9.00 $5.00 $3.60 $3.60 $6.00 $6.00 VISUAL KEY CONTROL LIST PRICE Cylinder Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Cylinder) Key Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Key) Key Marking other than Keyset (Per Key) $3.60 $3.60 $3.60 HOW TO ORDER Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION TRIM FINISH BACKSET STRIKE KEYWAY KEYING 6 GT 116 PHL 626 234 ASA SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 6 / Case weight is 32 lbs. Keyed Functions / Case weight is 31 lbs. Non-Keyed Functions / For split finishes, designate O/S trim first, then I/S 13 GT SERIES INTERCHANGEABLE CORE LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 LOCKSETS TRIM ANSI NO. PDQ NO. FUNCTIONS F86 F81 115 116 129 148 150 182 155 165 120 SINGLE CYLINDER Store Room Entrance Exit / Twin Communicating Classroom Exit / Twin Communicating Office / Entry Service Station Dormitory / Corridor Security 128 135 137 141 DOUBLE CYLINDER Institution Classroom / Security Store Door Communicating $399.00 $399.00 $399.00 $399.00 $407.00 $407.00 $407.00 $407.00 199 Electrified* $615.00 $623.00 F84 F82 F92 F87 F91 F80 626 605/606/612 613/621/625 $354.00 $354.00 $354.00 $354.00 $354.00 $354.00 $357.00 $357.00 $359.00 $361.00 $361.00 $361.00 $361.00 $361.00 $361.00 $364.00 $364.00 $368.00 PHILADELPHIA (PHL IC) LEVER BOSTON (BSN IC) LEVER OPTIONS MIAMI (MIA IC) LEVER ADD Handicap Abrasive Coating - Inside & Outside Handicap Abrasive Coating - Inside only Handicap Abrasive Coating - Outside only Lead-Lined Rose Split Finish Dust Box (specified with Lock) *Request to Exit - for function 199 only $66.00 $34.00 $34.00 $86.00 Higher Finish Price $2.00 $250.00 HOW TO ORDER NOTES: n Prices do not include IC Core n Other finishes consult Customer Service n Locks will be furnished with ASA Strike unless otherwise stated n Lock discount applies to Options n *Fail Safe or Fail Secure 12V or 24V n US17A availble after June 06 Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION TRIM FINISH BACKSET STRIKE KEYWAY KEYING 6 GT 116 PHL IC 626 234 ASA PDQ 1 KD NOTE: Case quantity is 6 / Case weight is 32 lbs. Keyed Functions / Case weight is 31 lbs. Non-Keyed Functions / For split finishes, designate O/S trim first, then I/S 14 GT SERIES INTERCHANGEABLE CORE LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 CORES DESCRIPTION PDQ NO. LIST PRICE WITH LOCK SEPARATE UNCOMBINATED CORES 6 Pin Cores I5206 + KEYWAY 7 Pin Cores I5207 + KEYWAY $35.00 $35.00 $37.00 $37.00 COMBINATED CORES 6 Pin Cores I5206-1 + KEYWAY 7 Pin Cores I5207-1 + KEYWAY $35.00 $35.00 $37.00 $37.00 $22.00 $ 4.00 $ 4.00 NOTES: n IC Cores are available Combinated or Uncombinated n Uncombinated cores do not include springs & pins n Combinated cores includes masterkeying n Designate finish for IC Cores ordered separately: 606 or 626 n Parts discounts applies n Cores are small format AVAILABLE KEYWAYS: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, Q, PDQ1, PDQ2, PDQ3 (Restricted) CONSTRUCTION CORES Construction Core 6-pin only Dummy Construction Core Plastic Construction cores are invoiced at shipment and credited upon return. Subject to 50% discount. VISUAL KEY CONTROL Cylinder Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Cylinder) Key Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Key) Key Marking other than Keyset (Per Key) LIST PRICE $3.60 $3.60 $3.60 15 GT SERIES PARTS LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 STRIKES DESCRIPTION ASA Strike (any finish) 1-1/4" x 4-7/8" T-Strike (any finish) 1-1/8" x 2-3/4" Full Lip Strike (any finish) 1-5/8" x 2-1/4" PDQ NO. LIST PRICE SUBSTITUTION PRICE V91905- $19.00 N/C V919050- $8.50 N/C V919051- $8.00 N/C PDQ NO. LIST PRICE SUBSTITUTION PRICE V91904-711 $44.00 N/C NOTES: n Parts discounts applies n Designate desired finish for Strikes & Latchbolts if ordered separately: 605, 606, 612, 613, 621, 625 or 626 LATCHBOLTS DESCRIPTION 2-3/4" Guarded 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" (any finish) HOW TO ORDER QUANTITY 6 Please see Order Form, Page 82 SERIES FUNCTION TRIM FINISH BACKSET STRIKE KEYWAY KEYING GT 116 PHL 626 234 ASA SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 6 / Case weight is 32 lbs. Keyed Functions / Case weight is 31 lbs. Non-Keyed Functions / For split finishes, designate O/S trim first, then I/S 16 GP LIST PRICE GRADE 2 MADE IN U.S.A. SERIES Effective September 15, 2006 HEAVY DUTY LEVER LOCK GP SERIES SPIRIT PHILADELPHIA (PHL) LEVER GP SERIES SPIRIT BOSTON (BSN) LEVER GP SERIES SPIRIT MIAMI (MIA) LEVER Straight Lever No Return SPECIFICATIONS FOR DOORS: 1-3/8" to 1-3/4" thick / Preset for 1-3/4" door APPLICATION: Through door thru-bolting / Fits standard 161 Door prep BACKSET: 2-3/4" standard / 2-3/8", 5" optional CHASSIS: Heavy duty zinc diecast, investment cast, stainless steel and Acuzinc® mechanism FRONT: 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" or 2-1/4” x 1” / Beveled 1/8" on 2" / Stainless Steel or Wrought Brass STRIKE: ASA standard / T-Strike or Full Lip Strike optional / Stainless Steel or Wrought Brass TORQUE RESISTANCE: Exceeds 1600 in. lbs. LATCHBOLT: 1/2" Throw HAND: Non-handed TRIM: Solid Zinc diecast PHL, BSN or MIA Levers / Wrought Brass Roses Concealed Screws / 65° Lever Rotation KEYS: Two (2) per Cylinder KEYWAYS: SCC standard / Also available in keyways of other manufacturers INTERCHANGEABLE CORE: Available for all keyed functions / 6 or 7-pin / Compatible with Best, Falcon & Arrow CYLINDER: 6-pin Brass Insert Cylinder keyed to 5-pins KEYING: Options: MK, CMK or GMK / Zero Bitted (KO), Keyed Different (KD) or Keyed Alike (KA) Can be keyed into existing master key systems FINISHES: US3 (605), US4 (606), US10 (612), US10B (613), US17A (621), US26 (625), US26D (626) *Other finishes available via special order CERTIFICATIONS: U.L., U.L.C. listed for “A” label (3 hour) single swing doors (4' x 8') Certified to ANSI/BHMA A156.2-2003, Series 4000, Grade 2 Windstorm Resistant Product Listed - ANSI A250.13-2003, ASTM E1886-02, ASTM E330-02 . Outswing: 350 ft-lbs., Inswing: N/R, Design Load Rating: 685 lbf. Meets all applicable accessibility requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) WARRANTY: Five (5) year Limited Warranty 17 GP SERIES LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 LOCKSETS TRIM ANSI NO. PDQ NO. FUNCTIONS F86 F81 F84 F82 115 116 148 150 182 F91 F75 F76 626 605/606/612 613/621/625 SINGLE CYLINDER Store Room Entrance Classroom Exit / Twin Communicating Office / Entry $226.00 $226.00 $226.00 $226.00 $226.00 $234.00 $234.00 $234.00 $234.00 $234.00 137 DOUBLE CYLINDER Store Door $266.00 $274.00 125 126 176 205 211 NON-CYLINDER Communicating Passage Privacy Double Dummy Single Dummy $160.00 $160.00 $177.00 $150.00 $80.00 $168.00 $168.00 $185.00 $158.00 $84.00 OPTIONS PHILADELPHIA (PHL) LEVER BOSTON (BSN) LEVER MIAMI (MIA) LEVER ADD Handicap Abrasive Coating - Inside & Outside Handicap Abrasive Coating - Inside only Handicap Abrasive Coating - Outside only Lead-Lined Rose Split Finish Dust Box (specified with Lock) $66.00 $34.00 $34.00 $86.00 Higher Finish Price $2.00 HOW TO ORDER NOTES: n Prices do not include keying charges n Other finishes consult Customer Service n Locks will be furnished with 2-3/4" Latchbolt, ASA Strike & SCC Keyway unless otherwise stated n 2-3/4" Latchbolt will be furnished with 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" faceplate unless otherwise stated n 2-3/8" Latchbolt will be furnished with 2-1/4" x 1" faceplate unless otherwise stated n Lock discount applies to Options n US17A availble after June 06 Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION TRIM FINISH BACKSET STRIKE KEYWAY KEYING 6 GP 116 PHL 626 234 ASA SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 6 / Case weight is 32 lbs. Keyed Functions / Case weight is 31 lbs. Non-Keyed Functions / For split finishes, designate O/S trim first, then I/S 18 GP SERIES LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 CYLINDERS & KEYING SYSTEMS PDQ KEYWAY COMPATIBLE WITH LIST PRICE SUBSTITUTION PRICE ARA CO6 / CO59A1 CL4 RUD SCE SCC SCC-K SAL RA-RC YA8 GA FAL KW TA NON Arrow / AR1 Corbin / 60/59A1 Corbin / L4 Russwin / D1 Schlage / E Schlage / SCC Schlage / C-K Sargent / LA Sargent / RA-RC Yale / E1R Yale / GA Falcon / E-R Kwikset PDQ / TA (Restricted) Less Cylinder $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $36.00 - N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C Deduct $6/Cylinder KEYING SYSTEMS/CONVENTIONAL CYLINDERS NOTES: n Parts discounts applies n Designate finish for cylinders ordered separately: 606 or 626 n Kwikset cylinder available in 5 pin only LIST PRICE 0-Bitted with 2 blank keys Keyed Alike / 4 or less Cylinders (KA4) Keyed Alike / 5 or more Cylinders (KA) Master Keying with Bitting List (MK) (GMK) Construction Keying (CK) (in addition to other keying charges) Keyed to existing numbers Extra Cut Change Keys Master, Construction and Control Cut Keys Extra Cut Large Bow Keys - SCC / SCE Extra Cut Large Bow Keys - SCC / SCE when furnished with lock N/C N/C $5.00 $9.00 $9.00 $5.00 $3.60 $3.60 $6.00 $6.00 VISUAL KEY CONTROL LIST PRICE Cylinder Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Cylinder) Key Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Key) Key Marking other than Keyset (Per Key) $3.60 $3.60 $3.60 HOW TO ORDER Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION TRIM FINISH BACKSET STRIKE KEYWAY KEYING 6 GP 116 PHL 626 234 ASA SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 6 / Case weight is 32 lbs. Keyed Functions / Case weight is 31 lbs. Non-Keyed Functions / For split finishes, designate O/S trim first, then I/S 19 GP SERIES INTERCHANGEABLE CORE LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 TRIM LOCKSETS ANSI NO. PDQ NO. FUNCTIONS 626 605/606/612 613/621/625 F86 F81 F84 F82 115 116 148 150 182 SINGLE CYLINDER Store Room Entrance Classroom Exit / Twin Communicating Office / Entry $226.00 $226.00 $226.00 $226.00 $226.00 $234.00 $234.00 $234.00 $234.00 $234.00 F91 137 DOUBLE CYLINDER Store Door $266.00 $274.00 PHILADELPHIA (PHL IC) LEVER BOSTON (BSN IC) LEVER OPTIONS ADD Handicap Abrasive Coating - Inside & Outside Handicap Abrasive Coating - Inside only Handicap Abrasive Coating - Outside only Split finishes Lead-Lined Rose Dust Box (specified with Lock) $66.00 $34.00 $34.00 Higher Finish Price $86.00 $2.00 MIAMI (MIA IC) LEVER NOTES: n Prices do not include IC Core n Other finishes consult Customer Service n Locks will be furnished with 2-3/4" Latchbolt, ASA Strike & SCC Keyway unless otherwise stated n 2-3/4" Latchbolt will be furnished with 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" faceplate unless otherwise stated n 2-3/8" Latchbolt will be furnished with 2-1/4" x 1" faceplate unless otherwise stated n Lock discount applies to Options n US17A availble after June 06 HOW TO ORDER Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION TRIM FINISH BACKSET STRIKE KEYWAY KEYING 6 GP 116 PHL IC 626 234 ASA PDQ 1 KD NOTE: Case quantity is 6 / Case weight is 32 lbs. Keyed Functions / Case weight is 31 lbs. Non-Keyed Functions / For split finishes, designate O/S trim first, then I/S 20 GP SERIES INTERCHANGEABLE CORE LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 CORES DESCRIPTION PDQ NO. LIST PRICE WITH LOCK SEPARATE UNCOMBINATED CORES 6 Pin Cores I5206 + KEYWAY 7 Pin Cores I5207 + KEYWAY $35.00 $35.00 $37.00 $37.00 COMBINATED CORES 6 Pin Cores I5206-1 + KEYWAY 7 Pin Cores I5207-1 + KEYWAY $35.00 $35.00 $37.00 $37.00 $22.00 $ 4.00 $ 4.00 NOTES: n IC Cores are available Combinated or Uncombinated n Uncombinated cores do not include springs & pins n Combinated cores includes masterkeying n Designate finish for IC Cores ordered separately: 606 or 626 n Parts discounts applies n Cores are small format AVAILABLE KEYWAYS: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, Q, PDQ1, PDQ2, PDQ3 (Restricted) CONSTRUCTION CORES Construction Core 6-pin only Dummy Construction Core Plastic Construction cores are invoiced at shipment and credited upon return. Subject to 50% discount. VISUAL KEY CONTROL Cylinder Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Cylinder) Key Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Key) Key Marking other than Keyset (Per Key) LIST PRICE $3.60 $3.60 $3.60 21 GP SERIES PARTS LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 STRIKES DESCRIPTION ASA Strike (any finish) 1-1/4" x 4-7/8" T-Strike (any finish) 1-1/8" x 2-3/4" Full Lip Strike (any finish) 1-5/8" x 2-1/4" PDQ NO. LIST PRICE SUBSTITUTION PRICE V91900- $18.00 N/C V91901- $8.50 N/C V919010- $7.50 N/C NOTES: n Parts discounts applies n Designate desired finish for Strikes & Latchbolts if ordered separately: 605, 606, 612, 613, 621, 625 or 626 LATCHBOLTS DESCRIPTION PDQ NO. LIST PRICE SUBSTITUTION PRICE 2-3/4" SPRINGLATCH 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" 2-1/4" x 1" 2-1/4" x 1” x 1/4" Radius V21900-712 V21900-714 V21900-714R $25.00 $25.00 $26.00 N/C N/C Add $1.00 2-3/4" DEADLATCH 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" 2-1/4" x 1" 2-1/4" x 1" x 1/4" Radius V21900-711 V21900-713 V21900-713R $25.00 $25.00 $26.00 N/C N/C Add $1.00 2-3/8" SPRINGLATCH 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" 2-1/4" x 1" 2-1/4" x 1" x 1/4" Radius V21900-724 V21900-722 V21900-722R $25.00 $25.00 $26.00 N/C N/C Add $1.00 2-3/8" DEADLATCH 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" 2-1/4" x 1" 2-1/4" x 1" x 1/4" Radius V21900-723 V21900-721 V21900-721R $25.00 $25.00 $26.00 N/C N/C Add $1.00 5" Extension for 2 3/4" V21902 $20.00 - 1 1/8" Latch Front Filler Plate (Minimum of 100 pieces) I099-100 $ .50 - HOW TO ORDER Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION TRIM FINISH BACKSET STRIKE KEYWAY KEYING 6 GP 116 PHL 626 234 ASA SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 6 / Case weight is 32 lbs. Keyed Functions / Case weight is 31 lbs. Non-Keyed Functions / For split finishes, designate O/S trim first, then I/S 22 SA LIST PRICE GRADE 2 MADE IN U.S.A. Effective September 15, 2006 SERIES COMMERCIAL LEVER LOCK SA SERIES SPIRIT PHILADELPHIA (PHL) LEVER SPECIFICATIONS FOR DOORS: 1-3/8" to 1-3/4" thick / Preset for 1-3/4" door APPLICATION: Through door thru-bolting / Fits standard 161 Door prep BACKSET: 2-3/4" standard / 2-3/8",5" optional CHASSIS: Heavy-gauge cold rolled steel mechanism / Dichromated for corrosion resistance FRONT: 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" or 2-1/4" x 1" / Beveled 1/8" on 2" / Stainless Steel or Wrought Brass STRIKE: ASA standard / T-Strike or Full Lip Strike optional / Stainless Steel or Wrought Brass LATCHBOLT: 1/2" Throw HAND: Non-handed TRIM: Solid Zinc diecast PHL Levers with plastic insert / Wrought Brass Roses / Concealed Screws KEYS: Two (2) per Cylinder KEYWAYS: SCC standard / Also available in keyways of other manufacturers INTERCHANGEABLE CORE: Available for all keyed functions / 6 or 7-pin / Compatible with Best, Falcon & Arrow CYLINDER: 6-pin Brass Insert Cylinder keyed to 5-pins KEYING: Options: MK, CMK or GMK / Zero Bitted (KO), Keyed Different (KD) or Keyed Alike (KA) Can be keyed into existing master key systems FINISHES: US3(605), US4(606), US10B(613), US26D (626) CERTIFICATIONS: U.L., U.L.C. listed for “A” label (3 hour) single swing doors (4' x 8') Certified to ANSI/BHMA A156.2-2003, Series 4000, Grade 2 Meets all applicable accessibility requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) WARRANTY: Two (2) year Limited Warranty 23 SA SERIES LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 LOCKSETS Additional Finishes Available ANSI NO. PDQ NO. FUNCTIONS 626 605 606/613 F81 F86 F84 F82 116 115 148 182 SINGLE CYLINDER Entrance Store Room Classroom Office / Entry $171.00 $171.00 $171.00 $171.00 $181.00 $181.00 $181.00 $181.00 F75 F76 125 126 176 211 NON-CYLINDER Communicating Passage Privacy Single Dummy $143.00 $143.00 $155.00 $78.00 $153.00 $153.00 $165.00 $82.00 OPTIONS PHILADELPHIA (PHL) LEVER ADD Handicap Abrasive Coating - Inside & Outside Handicap Abrasive Coating - Inside only Handicap Abrasive Coating - Outside only Split finishes Dust Box (specified with Lock) TRIM $66.00 $34.00 $34.00 Higher Finish Price $2.00 HOW TO ORDER NOTES: n Prices do not include keying charges n Locks will be furnished with 2-3/4" Latchbolt, ASA Strike & SCC Cylinder unless otherwise stated n 2-3/4" Latchbolt will be furnished with 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" faceplate unless otherwise stated n 2-3/8" Latchbolt will be furnished with 2-1/4" x 1" faceplate unless otherwise stated Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION TRIM FINISH BACKSET STRIKE KEYWAY KEYING 6 SA 116 PHL 626 234 ASA SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 6 / Case weight is 29 lbs. Keyed Functions / Case weight is 28 lbs. Non-Keyed Functions / For split finishes, designate O/S trim first, then I/S 24 SA SERIES LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 CYLINDERS & KEYING SYSTEMS PDQ KEYWAY COMPATIBLE WITH LIST PRICE SUBSTITUTION PRICE ARA CO6 / CO59A1 CL4 RUD SCE SCC SCC-K SAL RA-RC YA8 GA FAL KW NON Arrow / AR1 Corbin / 60/59A1 Corbin / L4 Russwin / D1 Schlage / E Schlage / SCC Schlage / C-K Sargent / LA Sargent / RA-RC Yale / E1R Yale / GA Falcon / E-R Kwikset Less Cylinder $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 - $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 N/C $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 Deduct $6/Cylinder KEYING SYSTEMS/CONVENTIONAL CYLINDERS NOTES: n Parts discounts applies n Designate finish for cylinders ordered separately: 606 or 626 n Kwikset cylinder available in 5 pin only LIST PRICE 0-Bitted with 2 blank keys Keyed Alike / 4 or less Cylinders (KA4) Keyed Alike / 5 or more Cylinders (KA) Master Keying with Bitting List (MK) (GMK) Construction Keying (in addition to other keying charges) Keyed to existing numbers Extra Cut Change Keys Master, Construction and Control Cut Keys Extra Cut Large Bow Keys - SCC / SCE Extra Cut Large Bow Keys - SCC / SCE when furnished with lock N/C N/C $5.00 $9.00 $9.00 $5.00 $3.60 $3.60 $6.00 $6.00 VISUAL KEY CONTROL LIST PRICE Cylinder Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Cylinder) Key Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Key) Key Marking other than Keyset (Per Key) $3.60 $3.60 $3.60 HOW TO ORDER Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION TRIM FINISH BACKSET STRIKE KEYWAY KEYING 6 SA 116 PHL 626 234 ASA SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 6 / Case weight is 29 lbs. Keyed Functions / Case weight is 28 lbs. Non-Keyed Functions / For split finishes, designate O/S trim first, then I/S 25 SA SERIES INTERCHANGEABLE CORE LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 LOCKSETS TRIM ANSI NO. PDQ NO. FUNCTIONS F86 F81 F84 F82 115 116 148 182 SINGLE CYLINDER Store Room Entrance Classroom Office / Entry 626 605 606/613 $171.00 $171.00 $171.00 $171.00 $181.00 $181.00 $181.00 $181.00 OPTIONS PHILADELPHIA (PHL IC) LEVER ADD Handicap Abrasive Coating - Inside & Outside Handicap Abrasive Coating - Inside only Handicap Abrasive Coating - Outside only Split finishes Dust Box (specified with Lock) $66.00 $34.00 $34.00 Higher Finish Price $2.00 HOW TO ORDER NOTES: n Prices do not include IC Core n Locks will be furnished with 2-3/4" Latchbolt, ASA Strike & SCC Keyway unless otherwise stated n 2-3/4" Latchbolt will be furnished with 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" faceplate unless otherwise stated n 2-3/8” Latchbolt will be furnished with 2-1/4" x 1" faceplate unless otherwise stated Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION TRIM FINISH BACKSET STRIKE KEYWAY KEYING 6 SA 116 PHL IC 626 234 ASA PDQ 1 KD NOTE: Case quantity is 6 / Case weight is 32 lbs. Keyed Functions / Case weight is 31 lbs. Non-Keyed Functions / For split finishes, designate O/S trim first, then I/S 26 SA SERIES INTERCHANGEABLE CORE LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 CORES DESCRIPTION PDQ NO. LIST PRICE WITH LOCK SEPARATE UNCOMBINATED CORES 6 Pin Cores I5206 + KEYWAY 7 Pin Cores I5207 + KEYWAY $35.00 $35.00 $37.00 $37.00 COMBINATED CORES 6 Pin Cores I5206-1 + KEYWAY 7 Pin Cores I5207-1 + KEYWAY $35.00 $35.00 $37.00 $37.00 $22.00 $ 4.00 $ 4.00 NOTES: n IC Cores are available Combinated or Uncombinated n Uncombinated cores do not include springs & pins n Combinated cores includes masterkeying n Designate finish for IC Cores ordered separately: 606 or 626 n Parts discounts applies n Cores are small format AVAILABLE KEYWAYS: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, Q, PDQ1, PDQ2, PDQ3 (Restricted) CONSTRUCTION CORES Construction Core 6-pin only Dummy Construction Core Plastic Construction cores are invoiced at shipment and credited upon return. Subject to 50% discount. VISUAL KEY CONTROL Cylinder Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Cylinder) Key Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Key) Key Marking other than Keyset (Per Key) LIST PRICE $3.60 $3.60 $3.60 27 SA SERIES PARTS LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 STRIKES DESCRIPTION ASA Strike (any finish) 1-1/4" x 4-7/8" T-Strike (any finish) 1-1/8" x 2-3/4" Full Lip Strike (any finish) 1-5/8" x 2-1/4" PDQ NO. LIST PRICE SUBSTITUTION PRICE V91900- $18.00 N/C V91901- $8.50 N/C V919010- $7.50 N/C NOTES: n Parts discounts applies n Designate desired finish for Strikes & Latchbolts if ordered separately: 605, 606, 613 or 626 LATCHBOLTS DESCRIPTION PDQ NO. LIST PRICE SUBSTITUTION PRICE 2-3/4" SPRINGLATCH 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" 2-1/4" x 1" 2-1/4" x 1” x 1/4" Radius V21900-712 V21900-714 V21900-714R $25.00 $25.00 $26.00 N/C N/C Add $1.00 2-3/4" DEADLATCH 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" 2-1/4" x 1" 2-1/4" x 1” x 1/4" Radius V21900-711 V21900-713 V21900-713R $25.00 $25.00 $26.00 N/C N/C Add $1.00 2-3/8" SPRINGLATCH 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" 2-1/4" x 1" 2-1/4" x 1” x 1/4" Radius V21900-724 V21900-722 V21900-722R $25.00 $25.00 $26.00 N/C N/C Add $1.00 2-3/8" DEADLATCH 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" 2-1/4" x 1" 2-1/4" x 1" x 1/4" Radius V21900-723 V21900-721 V21900-721R $25.00 $25.00 $26.00 N/C N/C Add $1.00 5" Extension for 2 3/4" V21902 $20.00 - HOW TO ORDER Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION TRIM FINISH BACKSET STRIKE KEYWAY KEYING 6 SA 116 PHL 626 234 ASA SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 6 / Case weight is 29 lbs. Keyed Functions / Case weight is 28 lbs. Non-Keyed Functions / For split finishes, designate O/S trim first, then I/S 28 SE GRADE 2 LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 SERIES COMMERCIAL SE SERIES PHILADELPHIA (PHL) LEVER TUBULAR LOCK WASHINGTON (WSH) LEVER SPECIFICATIONS FOR DOORS: 1-3/8" to 1-3/4" thick BACKSET: 2-3/4" - 2-3/8" Adjustable FRONT: 2-1/4" x 1" or 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" with filler provided / Stainless Steel or Wrought Brass STRIKE: ASA standard / T-Strike or Full Lip Strike optional / Stainless Steel or Wrought Brass LATCHBOLT: 1/2" Throw HAND: PHL Non-handed / WSH Handed TRIM: Zinc diecast Levers / Stainless Steel or Wrought Brass Rose KEYS: Two (2) per Cylinder KEYWAYS: SCC Standard / Also available in keyways of other manufacturers INTERCHANGEABLE CORE: Available for all keyed functions / 6 or 7-pin / Compatible with Best, Falcon & Arrow CYLINDER: 6-pin Brass Insert Cylinder keyed to 5-pins KEYING: Options: MK, CMK or GMK / Zero Bitted (KO), Keyed Different (KD) or Keyed Alike (KA) Can be keyed into existing master key systems FINISHES: US3 (605), US4 (606), US26D (626), US10B (613) - WSH available in US3 (605) only CERTIFICATIONS: U.L., U.L.C. listed for “A” label (3 hour) single swing doors (4' x 8') PHL Levers meet all applicable accessibility requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) WARRANTY: One (1) year Limited Warranty 29 SE SERIES LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 PHL TRIM TRIM ANSI NO. PDQ NO. FUNCTIONS F86 F81 F84 F82 115 116 148 182 SINGLE CYLINDER Store Room Entrance Classroom Office/Entry $142.00 $142.00 $142.00 $145.00 $145.00 $145.00 $145.00 $149.00 $147.00 $147.00 $147.00 $151.00 125 126 176 205 211 NON-CYLINDER Communicating Passage Privacy Double Dummy Single Dummy $117.00 $117.00 $126.00 $105.00 $61.00 $120.00 $120.00 $130.00 $107.00 $62.00 $123.00 $123.00 $132.00 $109.00 $63.00 F75 F76 626 605/606 613 OPTIONS ADD Handicap Abrasive Coating - Inside & Outside Handicap Abrasive Coating - Inside only Handicap Abrasive Coating - Outside only Dust Box (specified with Lock) $66.00 $34.00 $34.00 $2.00 WSH TRIM ANSI NO. PDQ NO. FUNCTIONS F86 F81 F84 F82 115 116 148 182 SINGLE CYLINDER Store Room Entrance Classroom Office/Entry 125 126 176 205 211 NON-CYLINDER Communicating Passage Privacy Double Dummy Single Dummy F75 F76 PHILADELPHIA (PHL) LEVER 605 $145.00 $145.00 $145.00 $149.00 WASHINGTON (WSH) LEVER $120.00 $120.00 $130.00 $107.00 $62.00 NOTES: n Prices do not include keying charges n Locks will be furnished with ASA Strike unless otherwise stated n Handing must be specified for WSH Lever n WSH Levers available in 605 only HOW TO ORDER Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION TRIM FINISH BACKSET STRIKE KEYWAY KEYING 10 SE 116 PHL 626 ADJ ASA SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 10 / Case weight varies 30 SE SERIES LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 CYLINDERS & KEYING SYSTEMS PDQ KEYWAY COMPATIBLE WITH LIST PRICE SUBSTITUTION PRICE ARA CO6 / CO59A1 CL4 RUD SCE SCC SCC-K SAL RA-RC YA8 GA FAL KW TA NON Arrow / AR1 Corbin / 60/59A1 Corbin / L4 Russwin / D1 Schlage / E Schlage / SCC Schlage / C-K Sargent / LA Sargent / RA-RC Yale / E1R Yale / GA Falcon / E-R Kwikset PDQ / TA (Restricted) Less Cylinder $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $36.00 - $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 N/C $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 Deduct $6/Cylinder KEYING SYSTEMS/CONVENTIONAL CYLINDERS NOTES: n Parts discounts applies n Designate finish for cylinders ordered separately: 606 or 626 n Kwikset cylinder available in 5 pin only LIST PRICE 0-Bitted with 2 blank keys Keyed Alike / 4 or less Cylinders (KA4) Keyed Alike / 5 or more Cylinders (KA) Master Keying with Bitting List (MK) (GMK) Construction Keying (in addition to other keying charges) Keyed to existing numbers Extra Cut Change Keys Master, Construction and Control Cut Keys Extra Cut Large Bow Keys - SCC / SCE Extra Cut Large Bow Keys - SCC / SCE when furnished with lock N/C N/C $5.00 $9.00 $9.00 $5.00 $3.60 $3.60 $6.00 $6.00 VISUAL KEY CONTROL LIST PRICE Cylinder Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Cylinder) Key Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Key) Key Marking other than Keyset (Per Key) $3.60 $3.60 $3.60 HOW TO ORDER Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION TRIM FINISH BACKSET STRIKE KEYWAY KEYING 10 SE 116 PHL 626 ADJ ASA SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 10 / Case weight is 32 lbs. Keyed Functions / Case weight is 31 lbs. Non-Keyed Functions / For split finishes, designate O/S trim first, then I/S 31 SE SERIES INTERCHANGEABLE CORE LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 LOCKSETS TRIM ANSI NO. PDQ NO. FUNCTIONS F86 F81 F84 F82 115 116 148 182 SINGLE CYLINDER Store Room Entrance Classroom Office / Entry 626 605/606 613 $142.00 $142.00 $142.00 $145.00 $145.00 $145.00 $145.00 $149.00 $147.00 $147.00 $147.00 $151.00 OPTIONS ADD Handicap Abrasive Coating - Inside & Outside Handicap Abrasive Coating - Inside only Handicap Abrasive Coating - Outside only Dust Box (specified with Lock) $66.00 $34.00 $34.00 $2.00 PHILADELPHIA (PHL IC) LEVER NOTES: n Prices do not include IC Core n Locks will be furnished with 2-3/4" Latchbolt, ASA Strike & SCC Keyway unless otherwise stated n 2-3/4" Latchbolt will be furnished with 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" faceplate unless otherwise stated n 2-3/8" Latchbolt will be furnished with 2-1/4" x 1" faceplate unless otherwise stated CORES PDQ NO. DESCRIPTION LIST PRICE WITH LOCK SEPARATE UNCOMBINATED CORES 6 Pin Cores I5206 + KEYWAY 7 Pin Cores I5207 + KEYWAY COMBINATED CORES 6 Pin Cores I5206-1 + KEYWAY 7 Pin Cores I5207-1 + KEYWAY AVAILABLE KEYWAYS: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, Q, PDQ1, PDQ2, PDQ3 (Restricted) CONSTRUCTION CORES Construction Core 6-pin only Dummy Construction Core Plastic $35.00 $35.00 $37.00 $37.00 $35.00 $35.00 $37.00 $37.00 $22.00 $ 4.00 $ 4.00 NOTES: n IC Cores are available Combinated or Uncombinated n Uncombinated cores do not include springs & pins n Combinated cores includes masterkeying n Designate finish for IC Cores ordered separately: 606 or 626 n Parts discounts applies n Cores are small format Construction cores are invoiced at shipment and credited upon return. Subject to 50% discount. VISUAL KEY CONTROL LIST PRICE Cylinder Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Cylinder) Key Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Key) Key Marking other than Keyset (Per Key) $3.60 $3.60 $3.60 HOW TO ORDER Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION TRIM FINISH BACKSET STRIKE KEYWAY KEYING 6 SE 116 PHL IC 626 234 ASA PDQ 1 KD NOTE: Case quantity is 6 / Case weight is 32 lbs. Keyed Functions / Case weight is 31 lbs. Non-Keyed Functions / For split finishes, designate O/S trim first, then I/S 32 SE SERIES PARTS LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 STRIKES PDQ NO. LIST PRICE SUBSTITUTION PRICE V91900- $18.00 N/C V91901- $8.50 N/C V919010- $7.50 N/C LIST PRICE SUBSTITUTION PRICE SPRINGLATCH 2-3/4" X 2-3/8" ADJUSTABLE 2-1/4" x 1" I04332 $22.00 N/C DEADLATCH 2-3/4" X 2-3/8" ADJUSTABLE 2-1/4" x 1" I04331 $22.00 N/C $ .50 - DESCRIPTION ASA Strike (any finish) 1-1/4" x 4-7/8" T-Strike (any finish) 1-1/8" x 2-3/4" Full Lip Strike (any finish) 1-5/8" x 2-1/4" NOTES: n Parts discounts applies n Designate desired finish for Strikes & Latchbolts if ordered separately: 605, 606, 613 or 626 LATCHBOLTS PDQ NO. DESCRIPTION 1-1/8" Latch Front Filler Plate (Minimum of 100 pieces) I099-100 HOW TO ORDER Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION TRIM FINISH BACKSET STRIKE KEYWAY KEYING 10 SE 116 PHL 626 ADJ ASA SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 10 / Case weight is 29 lbs. Keyed Functions / Case weight is 28 lbs. Non-Keyed Functions / For split finishes, designate O/S trim first, then I/S 33 MR LIST PRICE GRADE 1 MADE IN AMERICA SERIES Effective September 15, 2006 EXTRA HEAVY DUTY MORTISE LOCK MR SERIES PHILADELPHIA (PFSF) TRIM MR SERIES BOSTON (BFEF) TRIM SPECIFICATIONS 34 MR SERIES MIAMI (MFSF) TRIM FOR DOORS: 1-3/4" to 2" standard (2-1/4" special order - not available in all functions) BACKSET: 2-3/4" CASE: 13-gauge cold rolled steel mechanism / Dichromated for corrosion resistance FRONT: Beveled 1/8" on 2" / Stainless Steel or Wrought Brass STRIKE: Curved Lip Strike / Stainless Steel or Wrought Brass LATCHBOLT: 3/4" Throw / Stainless Steel / Antifriction Standard DEADBOLT: 1" Throw / Stainless Steel HAND: Field Reversible - Designate Hand for Strike TRIM: Solid Forged Brass Levers, Escutcheons and Turns / Concealed Screws on Sectional Trim KEYS: Two (2) per Cylinder KEYWAYS: SCC standard / Also available in keyways of other manufacturers INTERCHANGEABLE CORE: 6 or 7-pin / Compatible with Best, Falcon & Arrow CYLINDER: 6 or 7-pin Brass Mortise Cylinder KEYING: Options: MK, CMK or GMK / Zero Bitted (KO), Keyed Different (KD) or Keyed Alike (KA) Can be keyed into existing master key systems FINISHES: US3 (605), US4 (606), US10 (612), US10B (613), US26 (625), US26D (626) CERTIFICATIONS: U.L., U.L.C. listed for “A” label (3 hour) single swing doors (4' x 8') Certified to ANSI/BHMA 156.13-2002, Series 1000, Operational Gr1 Windstorm Resistant Product Listed - ANSI A250.13-2003, ASTM E1886-02, ASTM E330-02, Outswing: 350 ft-lbs., Inswing: N/R, Design Load Rating: 2453 lbf. (Functions with deadbolts only) PHL / BSN Levers meet all applicable accessibility requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) WARRANTY: Ten (10) year Limited Warranty MR LIST PRICE MADE IN AMERICA Effective September 15, 2006 SERIES EXTRA HEAVY DUTY MORTISE LOCK MR SERIES DALLAS (DWSW) TRIM MR SERIES DALLAS (DWEW) TRIM SPECIFICATIONS FOR DOORS: 1-3/4" to 2" standard (2-1/4" special order - not available in all functions) BACKSET: 2-3/4" CASE: 13-gauge cold rolled steel mechanism / Dichromated for corrosion resistance FRONT: Beveled 1/8" on 2" / Stainless Steel or Wrought Brass STRIKE: Curved Lip Strike / Stainless Steel or Wrought Brass LATCHBOLT: 3/4" Throw / Stainless Steel / Antifriction Standard DEADBOLT: 1" Throw / Stainless Steel HAND: Field Reversible - Designate Hand for Strike TRIM: Solid Stainless Steel Trim (630) / Forged Stainless Steel Escutcheons / Concealed Screws on Sectional Trim KEYS: Two (2) per Cylinder KEYWAYS: SCC standard / Also available in keyways of other manufacturers INTERCHANGEABLE CORE: 6 or 7-pin / Compatible with Best, Falcon & Arrow CYLINDER: 6-pin (Keyed to 5-pins) or 7-pin Brass Mortise Cylinder KEYING: Options: MK, CMK or GMK / Zero Bitted (KO), Keyed Different (KD) or Keyed Alike (KA) Can be keyed into existing master key systems FINISHES: US32D (630) CERTIFICATIONS: U.L., U.L.C. listed for “A” label (3 hour) single swing doors (4' x 8') Certified to ANSI/BHMA 156.13-2002, Series 1000, Operational Gr1 Windstorm Resistant Product Listed - ANSI A250.13-2003, ASTM E1886-02, ASTM E330-02, Outswing: 350 ft-lbs., Inswing: N/R, Design Load Rating: 2453 lbf. (Functions with deadbolts only) Levers meet all applicable accessibility requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) WARRANTY: Ten (10) year Limited Warranty 35 MR SERIES/MR SERIES IC LIST PRICE MORTISE LOCKSETS Effective September 15, 2006 SECTIONAL PFSF, BFSF, MFSF ANSI NO. PDQ NO. ESCUTCHEON PFEF, BFEF, MFEF 605/606 612/613/625 626 605/606 612/613/625 $493.00 $493.00 $493.00 $493.00 $501.00 $501.00 $501.00 $501.00 $504.00 $504.00 $504.00 $504.00 $512.00 $512.00 $512.00 $512.00 $508.00 $528.00 $516.00 $536.00 $519.00 $539.00 $527.00 $547.00 $411.00 $442.00 $442.00 $267.00 $398.00 $398.00 $146.00 $377.00 $419.00 $450.00 $450.00 $275.00 $406.00 $406.00 $150.00 $385.00 $422.00 $453.00 $453.00 $278.00 $409.00 $409.00 $151.00 $381.00 $430.00 $461.00 $461.00 $286.00 $417.00 $417.00 $154.00 $396.00 $513.00 $513.00 $513.00 $513.00 $513.00 $513.00 $513.00 $513.00 $513.00 $513.00 $522.00 $513.00 $521.00 $521.00 $521.00 $521.00 $521.00 $521.00 $521.00 $521.00 $521.00 $521.00 $530.00 $521.00 $524.00 $524.00 $524.00 $524.00 $524.00 $524.00 $524.00 $524.00 $524.00 $524.00 $533.00 $524.00 $534.00 $534.00 $534.00 $534.00 $534.00 $534.00 $534.00 $534.00 $534.00 $534.00 $543.00 $534.00 $535.00 $535.00 $535.00 $535.00 $543.00 $543.00 $543.00 $543.00 $546.00 $546.00 $546.00 $546.00 $552.00 $552.00 $552.00 $552.00 $493.00 $493.00 $501.00 $501.00 $504.00 $504.00 $515.00 $515.00 $280.00 $270.00 $268.00 $266.00 $501.00 $539.00 $287.00 $277.00 $275.00 $273.00 $508.00 $547.00 - - Electrified** see notes opposite page $860.00 Additional ANSI Functions Consult Factory $870.00 $886.00 $899.00 FUNCTIONS 626 NON-DEADBOLT F07 F04 F05 F09 F01 F22 115 116 148 181 138 186 126 174 176 205 206 207 211 212 SINGLE CYLINDER Store Room Entrance / Office Classroom Office with Simultaneous Retraction DOUBLE CYLINDER Asylum Apartment Entrance NON-CYLINDER Passage Privacy with Thumbturn Both Sides Privacy Double Dummy Double Dummy with Chassis Double Dummy with Active Trim Single Dummy Single Dummy with Chassis DEADBOLT F08 F21 F13 F10 F34 F33 F12 117 135 136 139 141 149 154 157 159 162 213 215 F14 F11 128 137 158 214 F02 F19 178 179 F16 F17 F18 F06 134 133 132 131 113 114 SINGLE CYLINDER Front Door Entrance, Storeroom Dormitory, Entrance Storeroom Closet Storeroom Deadbolt Assisted Living Entrance, Apartment Corridor Classroom Security Classroom Deadbolt Dwelling Entrance, Dormitory Deadbolt Dummy (Cyl/Turn) Deadbolt Dummy (Single Cyl) DOUBLE CYLINDER Institution Deadbolt Store Door Dormitory Deadbolt Dummy (Double Cyl) NON-CYLINDER Privacy, Bedroom, Bath Privacy, Bedroom, Bath NO TRIM / *PULL TRIM Dead Lock (Cyl/Classroom Turn) Dead Lock (Double Cyl) Dead Lock (Cyl/Turn) Dead Lock (Single Cyl) *Classroom Holdback (Single Cyl) *Classroom Holdback (Double Cyl) ELECTRIFIED 199 36 MR SERIES/MR SERIES IC LIST PRICE MORTISE LOCKSET OPTIONS Effective September 15, 2006 OPTIONS ADD Handicap Abrasive Coating - Inside & Outside Handicap Abrasive Coating - Inside only Handicap Abrasive Coating - Outside only Security Head Screws Lead-wrapped Case Split Finishes *Request to Exit - for function 199 only Sectional Single Sided Mounting Assembly $70.00 $40.00 $40.00 $4.00 $70.00 Higher Finish Price $280.00 $32.00 NOTES: n Prices do not include IC Core n Prices include IC Housing n Prices do not include keying charges for non-IC n Other finishes consult Customer Service n Handing must be specified n Lock discount applies to options n **Fail Safe or Fail Secure 12V or 24V Reversible SECTIONAL TRIM PFSF BFSF MFSF BFEF MFEF ESCUTCHEON TRIM PFEF HOW TO ORDER Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION TRIM FINISH HANDING STRIKE KEYWAY KEYING 6 MR 116 PFSF 626 RH Curve Lip SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 6 / Case weight varies / For split finishes, designate O/S trim first, then I/S 37 MR SERIES/MR SERIES IC LIST PRICE MORTISE LOCKSETS ANSI NO. PDQ NO. FUNCTIONS Effective September 15, 2006 SECTIONAL DWSW ESCUTCHEON DWEW 630 630 NON-DEADBOLT F07 F04 F05 F09 F01 F22 115 116 148 181 138 186 126 174 176 205 206 207 211 212 SINGLE CYLINDER Store Room Entrance / Office Classroom Office with Simultaneous Retraction DOUBLE CYLINDER Asylum Apartment Entrance NON-CYLINDER Passage Privacy with Thumbturn Both Sides Privacy Double Dummy Double Dummy with Chassis Double Dummy with Active Trim Single Dummy Single Dummy with Chassis $407.00 $407.00 $407.00 $407.00 $435.00 $435.00 $435.00 $435.00 $407.00 $417.00 $435.00 $445.00 $342.00 $384.00 $384.00 $255.00 $342.00 $342.00 $130.00 $321.00 $368.00 $411.00 $411.00 $280.00 $368.00 $368.00 $150.00 $347.00 $445.00 $445.00 $445.00 $445.00 $445.00 $445.00 $445.00 $445.00 $445.00 $445.00 $407.00 $407.00 $472.00 $472.00 $472.00 $472.00 $472.00 $472.00 $472.00 $472.00 $472.00 $472.00 $435.00 $435.00 $477.00 $477.00 $473.00 $407.00 $503.00 $503.00 $500.00 $435.00 $407.00 $407.00 $435.00 $435.00 - - $860.00 $886.00 DEADBOLT F14 F11 128 137 158 214 F02 F19 178 179 SINGLE CYLINDER Front Door Entrance, Storeroom Dormitory, Entrance Storeroom Closet Storeroom Deadbolt Assisted Living Entrance, Apartment Corridor Classroom Security Classroom Deadbolt Dwelling Entrance, Dormitory Deadbolt Dummy (Cyl/Turn) Deadbolt Dummy (Single Cyl) DOUBLE CYLINDER Institution Deadbolt Store Door Dormitory Deadbolt Dummy (Double Cyl) NON-CYLINDER Privacy, Bedroom, Bath Privacy, Bedroom, Bath F16 F17 F18 F06 134 133 132 131 113 114 Dead Lock (Key/Classroom Turn) Dead Lock (Key/Key) Dead Lock (Key/Turn) Dead Lock (Key/ - ) *Classroom Holdback (Single Cyl) *Classroom Holdback (Double Cyl) F08 F21 F13 F10 F34 F33 F12 117 135 136 139 141 149 154 157 159 162 213 215 NO TRIM / *PULL TRIM ELECTRIFIED 199 38 Electrified** see notes opposite page Additional ANSI Functions Consult Factory MR SERIES/MR SERIES IC LIST PRICE MORTISE LOCKSET OPTIONS Effective September 15, 2006 OPTIONS ADD Handicap Abrasive Coating - Inside & Outside Handicap Abrasive Coating - Inside only Handicap Abrasive Coating - Outside only Security Head Screws Lead-wrapped Case Split Finishes *Request to Exit - for function 199 only Sectional Single Sided Mounting Assembly $66.00 $34.00 $34.00 $4.00 $70.00 Higher Finish Price $280.00 $32.00 NOTES: n Prices do not include IC Core n Prices include IC Housing n Prices do not include keying charges for non-IC n Other finishes consult Customer Service n Handing must be specified n Lock discount applies to options n **Fail Safe or Fail Secure 12V or 24V Reversible SECTIONAL TRIM DWSW ESCUTCHEON TRIM DWEW HOW TO ORDER Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION TRIM FINISH HANDING STRIKE KEYWAY KEYING 6 MR 116 DWSW 630 RH Curve Lip SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 6 / Case weight varies / For split finishes, designate O/S trim first, then I/S 39 MR SERIES LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 MORTISE CYLINDERS & KEYING SYSTEMS PDQ KEYWAY COMPATIBLE WITH LIST PRICE ARA CO6 / CO59A1 CL4 RUD SCE SCC SCC-K SAL RA-RC YA8 GA FAL TA Dummy T-Turn NON Arrow / AR1 Corbin / 60/59A1 Corbin / L4 Russwin Schlage / E Schlage / SCC Schlage / C-K Sargent / LA Sargent / RA-RC Yale / E1R Yale / GA Falcon / E-R PDQ / TA (Restricted) Less Cylinder 1-1/8", 1-1/4" 1-1/2" SUBSTITUTION PRICE $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $44.00 $26.00 $32.00 - N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $70.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A - N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C Deduct $8/Cylinder KEYING SYSTEMS NOTES: n Parts discounts applies n Designate desired finish for Mortise Cylinders ordered separately: 605, 606, 612, 613, 625 or 626 n Other finishes consult Customer Service n For Mortise Cylinder lengths over 1-1/2" consult Customer Service for availability n Dummy mortise cylinder available in 15/16" only n T-Turn mortise cylinder available in 15/16" only LIST PRICE 0-Bitted with 2 blank keys Keyed Alike / 4 or less Cylinders (KA4) Keyed Alike / 5 or more Cylinders (KA) Master Keying with Bitting List (MK) (GMK) Construction Keying (CK) (in addition to other keying charges) Keyed to existing numbers Extra Cut Change Keys Master, Construction and Control Cut Keys Extra Cut Large Bow Keys - SCC / SCE Extra Cut Large Bow Keys - SCC / SCE when furnished with lock N/C N/C $5.00 $9.00 $9.00 $5.00 $3.60 $3.60 $6.00 $6.00 VISUAL KEY CONTROL LIST PRICE Cylinder Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Cylinder) Key Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Key) Key Marking other than Keyset (Per Key) $3.60 $3.60 $3.60 HOW TO ORDER Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION TRIM FINISH HANDING STRIKE KEYWAY KEYING 6 MR 116 DWSW 630 RH Curve Lip SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 6 / Case weight varies / For split finishes, designate O/S trim first, then I/S 40 MR SERIES INTERCHANGEABLE CORE LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 CORES DESCRIPTION PDQ NO. LIST PRICE WITH LOCK SEPARATE UNCOMBINATED CORES 6 Pin Cores I5206 + KEYWAY (I5206-A) 7 Pin Cores I5207 + KEYWAY (I5207-B) $35.00 $35.00 $37.00 $37.00 COMBINATED CORES 6 Pin Cores I5206-1 + KEYWAY (I5206-1A) 7 Pin Cores I5207-1 + KEYWAY (I5207-1B) $35.00 $35.00 $37.00 $37.00 $22.00 $ 4.00 $ 4.00 NOTES: n IC Cores are available Combinated or Uncombinated n Uncombinated cores do not include springs & pins n Combinated cores includes masterkeying n Designate finish for IC Cores ordered separately: 606 or 626 n Parts discounts applies n Cores are small format AVAILABLE KEYWAYS: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, Q, PDQ1, PDQ2, PDQ3 (Restricted) CONSTRUCTION CORES Construction Core 6-pin only Dummy Construction Core Plastic Construction cores are invoiced at shipment and credited upon return. Subject to 50% discount. VISUAL KEY CONTROL Cylinder Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Cylinder) Key Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Key) Key Marking other than Keyset (Per Key) LIST PRICE $3.60 $3.60 $3.60 41 MR SERIES PARTS LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 STRIKES LIP LENGTH DESCRIPTION 1-1/4" x 4-7/8" ANSI Curved Lip (LH/RHR) 1-1/4" x 4-7/8" ANSI Curved Lip (RH/LHR) 1-1/4" x 4-7/8" ANSI Straight Lip Extended Straight Lip 1-3/16" 1-3/16" 1-1/16" 1-3/8", 1-5/8", 1-7/8" PDQ NO. LIST PRICE SUBSTIT. PRICE W51003W51026W51024W51018- $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $24.00 N/C N/C N/C $12.00 NOTES: n Parts discounts applies n Designate desired finish for Strikes & Miscellaneous parts if ordered separately: 605, 606, 612, 613, 625 or 626 MISCELLANEOUS PARTS DESCRIPTION PDQ NO. PDQ Cam PDQ IC Cam Collar IC Collar Stepped 1/4" Collar Spring Spacer Ring 5/32" One-piece Latchbolt Anti-Friction Latchbolt W50003 W50099 W51050 I5501 W51049 I034 W50096 W91904 LIST PRICE SUBSTITUTION PRICE $3.00 $3.00 $4.00 $4.00 $.50 $1.10 $5.50 $6.50 N/C N/C HOW TO ORDER Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION TRIM FINISH HANDING STRIKE KEYWAY KEYING 6 MR 116 DW EW 630 RH Curve Lip SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 6 / Case weight varies / For split finishes, designate O/S trim first, then I/S 42 PL LIST PRICE MADE IN U.S.A. Effective September 15, 2006 SERIES HEAVY DUTY PADLOCKS PL-1 IC PADLOCK PL-2 IC PADLOCK PL-3 IC PADLOCK LOCKSETS DESCRIPTION FUNCTION PL-1 IC Padlock PL-2 IC Padlock PL-3 IC Padlock 1 2 3 PDQ NO. SHACKLE LIST PRICE I8512-7 I8522-7 I8532-7 1-3/4" x 1-1/8" 1-3/4" x 2" 1-3/4" x 3" OPTIONS NOTES: n Prices do not include IC Core $28.50 $31.50 $34.50 LIST PRICE Chain & Clevis - I8512 - $8.00 HOW TO ORDER Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION KEYWAY KEYING 10 PL 1 PDQ1 KD NOTE: Case quantity is 10 / Case weight varies 43 PL SERIES INTERCHANGEABLE CORE LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 CORES DESCRIPTION PDQ NO. LIST PRICE WITH LOCK SEPARATE UNCOMBINATED CORES 6 Pin Cores I5206 + KEYWAY (I5206-A) 7 Pin Cores I5207 + KEYWAY (I5207-B) $35.00 $35.00 $37.00 $37.00 COMBINATED CORES 6 Pin Cores I5206-1 + KEYWAY (I5206-1A) 7 Pin Cores I5207-1 + KEYWAY (I5207-1B) $35.00 $35.00 $37.00 $37.00 $22.00 $ 4.00 $ 4.00 AVAILABLE KEYWAYS: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, Q, PDQ1, PDQ2, PDQ3 (Restricted) CONSTRUCTION CORES Construction Core 6-pin only Dummy Construction Core Plastic Construction cores are invoiced at shipment and credited upon return. Subject to 50% discount. VISUAL KEY CONTROL Cylinder Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Cylinder) Key Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Key) Key Marking other than Keyset (Per Key) 44 LIST PRICE $3.60 $3.60 $3.60 NOTES: n IC Cores are available Combinated or Uncombinated n Uncombinated cores do not include springs & pins n Combinated cores includes masterkeying n Designate finish for IC Cores ordered separately: 606 or 626 n Parts discounts applies SV GRADE 2 LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 SERIES COMMERCIAL CYLINDRICAL LOCK SV SERIES (CQ) BALL KNOB SPECIFICATIONS FOR DOORS: 1-3/8" to 1-3/4" thick BACKSET: 2-3/4" standard / 2-3/8", 5" optional FRONT: 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" or 2-1/4" x 1" / Stainless Steel or Wrought Brass STRIKE: ASA standard / T-Strike or Full Lip Strike Optional LATCHBOLT: 1/2" Throw HAND: Non-handed TRIM: Stainless Steel or Wrought Brass Knobs and Roses KEYS: Two (2) per Cylinder KEYWAYS: SCC standard / Also available in keyways of other manufacturers CYLINDER: 6-pin Brass Insert Cylinder keyed to 5-pins KEYING: Options: MK, CMK or GMK / Zero Bitted (KO), Keyed Different (KD) or Keyed Alike (KA) Can be keyed into existing master key systems FINISHES: US3 (605), US10 (612), US10B (613), US32 (629), US32D (630) CERTIFICATIONS: U.L., U.L.C. Listed for “A” label (3 hour) single swing doors (4' x 8') WARRANTY: One (1) year Limited Warranty 45 SV SERIES LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 LOCKSETS ANSI NO. TRIM PDQ NO. FUNCTIONS 116 115 148 150 161 SINGLE CYLINDER Entrance Storeroom Classroom Exit / Twin Communicating Hotel $108.00 $108.00 $108.00 $108.00 $135.00 $112.00 $112.00 $112.00 $112.00 F91 137 DOUBLE CYLINDER Store Door $150.00 $154.00 F75 126 125 176 176 177 211 NON-CYLINDER Passage Communicating Privacy Privacy (605/630) Patio Single Dummy $67.00 $67.00 $75.00 $75.00 $42.00 $73.00 $73.00 $82.00 $82.00 $82.00 $44.00 F81 F86 F84 F76 F76 F77 605 612/613/629 630 OPTIONS (CQ) BALL KNOB NOTES: n Prices do not include keying charges n Locks will be furnished with 2-3/4" Latchbolt, ASA Strike & SCC Keyway unless otherwise stated n 2-3/4" Latchbolt will be furnished with 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" faceplate unless otherwise stated n 2-3/8" Latchbolt will be furnished with 2-1/4" x 1" faceplate unless otherwise stated n Lock discount applies to options ADD Handicap Abrasive Coating - Inside & Outside Handicap Abrasive Coating - Inside only Handicap Abrasive Coating - Outside only Dust Box (specified with Lock) $66.00 $34.00 $34.00 $2.00 HOW TO ORDER Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION TRIM FINISH BACKSET STRIKE KEYWAY KEYING 20 SV 116 CQ 630 234 ASA SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 20 / Case weight is 46 lbs. Keyed Functions / Case weight is 40 lbs. Non-Keyed Functions / For split finishes, designate O/S trim first, then I/S 46 SV SERIES LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 CYLINDERS & KEYING SYSTEMS PDQ KEYWAY COMPATIBLE WITH LIST PRICE SUBSTITUTION PRICE ARA CO6 / CO59A1 CL4 RUD SCE SCC SCC-K SAL RA-RC YA8 GA FAL KW TA NON Arrow / AR1 Corbin / 60/59A1 Corbin / L4 Russwin / D1 Schlage / E Schlage / SCC Schlage / C-K Sargent / LA Sargent / RA-RC Yale / E1R Yale / GA Falcon / E-R Kwikset PDQ / TA (Restricted) Less Cylinder $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $36.00 - $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 N/C $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 Deduct $6/Cylinder KEYING SYSTEMS/CONVENTIONAL CYLINDERS NOTES: n Parts discounts applies n Designate finish for cylinders ordered separately: 606 or 626 n Kwikset cylinder available in 5 pin only LIST PRICE 0-Bitted with 2 blank keys Keyed Alike / 4 or less Cylinders (KA4) Keyed Alike / 5 or more Cylinders (KA) Master Keying with Bitting List (MK) (GMK) Construction Keying (in addition to other keying charges) Keyed to existing numbers Extra Cut Change Keys Master, Construction and Control Cut Keys Extra Cut Large Bow Keys - SCC / SCE Extra Cut Large Bow Keys - SCC / SCE when furnished with lock N/C N/C $5.00 $9.00 $9.00 $5.00 $3.60 $3.60 $6.00 $6.00 VISUAL KEY CONTROL LIST PRICE Cylinder Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Cylinder) Key Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Key) Key Marking other than Keyset (Per Key) $3.60 $3.60 $3.60 HOW TO ORDER Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION TRIM FINISH BACKSET STRIKE KEYWAY KEYING 20 SV 116 CQ 630 234 ASA SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 20 / Case weight is 46 lbs. Keyed Functions / Case weight is 40 lbs. Non-Keyed Functions / For split finishes, designate O/S trim first, then I/S 47 SV SERIES PARTS LIST PRICE STRIKES Effective September 15, 2006 DESCRIPTION ASA Strike (any finish) 1-1/4" x 4-7/8" T-Strike (any finish) 1-1/8" x 2-3/4" Full Lip Strike (any finish) 1-5/8" x 2-1/4" PDQ NO. LIST PRICE SUBSTITUTION PRICE V91900- $18.00 N/C V91901- $8.50 N/C V919010- $7.50 N/C PDQ NO. LIST PRICE SUBSTITUTION PRICE I04002-1L I04002-1KL I04002-11L I04002-11KL I04002-11LR I04002-11KLR $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $26.00 $26.00 N/C N/C N/C N/C Add $1.00 Add $1.00 I04001-1L I04001-11L I04001-11LR $25.00 $25.00 $26.00 N/C N/C Add $1.00 I04102-11L I04102-11KL I04102-1L I04102-1KL I04102-1LR I04102-1KLR $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $26.00 $26.00 N/C N/C N/C N/C Add $1.00 Add $1.00 I04101-11L I04101-1L I04101-1LR $25.00 $25.00 $26.00 N/C N/C Add $1.00 I04407-5D I04408-5D $20.00 $20.00 N/C N/C I04406-5D V21902 I099-100 $20.00 $20.00 $ .50 N/C - NOTES: n Parts discounts applies n Designate desired finish for Strikes & Latchbolts if ordered separately: 605, 612, 613, 629 or 630 n Adjustable Latchbolts are not U.L. Listed LATCHBOLTS DESCRIPTION 2-3/4" SPRINGLATCH 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" 2-1/4" x 1-1/8"Privacy 2-1/4" x 1" 2-1/4" x 1"Privacy 2-1/4" x 1” x 1/4"Radius 2-1/4" x 1" x 1/4"RadiusPrivacy 2-3/4" DEADLATCH 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" 2-1/4" x 1" 2-1/4" x 1" x 1/4"Radius 2-3/8" SPRINGLATCH 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" 2-1/4" x 1-1/8"Privacy 2-1/4" x 1" 2-1/4" x 1"Privacy 2-1/4" x 1" x 1/4"Radius 2-1/4" x 1" x 1/4"RadiusPrivacy 2-3/8" DEADLATCH 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" 2-1/4" x 1" 2-1/4" x 1" x 1/4"Radius 2-3/4" - 2-3/8" ADJUSTABLE SPRINGLATCH Drive-in (Non-UL) Drive-in Privacy (Non-UL) DEADLATCH Drive-in (Non-UL) 5" Extension for 2 3/4" 1 1/8” Latch Front Filler Plate (Minimum of 100 pieces) HOW TO ORDER Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION TRIM FINISH BACKSET STRIKE KEYWAY KEYING 20 SV 116 CQ 630 234 ASA SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 20 / Case weight is 46 lbs. Keyed Functions / Case weight is 40 lbs. Non-Keyed Functions / For split finishes, designate O/S trim first, then I/S 48 SW GRADE 2 LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 SERIES LIGHT COMMERCIAL LEVER LOCK SW SERIES PATRIOT (PAT) LEVER SPECIFICATIONS FOR DOORS: 1-3/8" to 1-3/4" thick BACKSET: 2-3/4" standard / 2-3/8", 5" optional FRONT: 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" or 2-1/4" x 1" / Stainless Steel or Wrought Brass STRIKE: ASA standard / T-Strike or Full Lip Strike optional LATCHBOLT: 1/2" Throw HAND: Non-handed TRIM: Zinc diecast levers / Stainless Steel or Wrought Brass Rose KEYS: Two (2) per Cylinder KEYWAYS: SCC standard / Also available in keyways of other manufacturers CYLINDER: 6-pin Brass Insert Cylinder keyed to 5-pins KEYING: Options: MK, CMK or GMK / Zero Bitted (KO), Keyed Different (KD) or Keyed Alike (KA) Can be keyed into existing master key systems FINISHES: US3 (605), US10B (613), U26D (626) CERTIFICATIONS: U.L., U.L.C. Listed for “A” label (3 hour) single swing doors (4' x 8') Meets all applicable accessibility requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) WARRANTY: One (1) year Limited Warranty 49 SW SERIES LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 LOCKSETS Additional finishes other than US26D available after June 06 ANSI NO. PDQ NO. FUNCTIONS 626 605 613 F86 F82 115 182 SINGLE CYLINDER Store Room Office / Entry $136.00 $136.00 $143.00 $143.00 F75 F76 125 126 176 211 NON-CYLINDER Communicating Passage Privacy Single Dummy $104.00 $109.00 $112.00 $65.00 $111.00 $111.00 $124.00 $69.00 OPTIONS ADD Handicap Abrasive Coating - Inside & Outside Handicap Abrasive Coating - Inside only Handicap Abrasive Coating - Outside only Dust Box (specified with Lock) $66.00 $34.00 $34.00 $2.00 TRIM PATRIOT (PAT) LEVER NOTES: n Prices do not include keying charges n Locks will be furnished with 2-3/4" Latchbolt, ASA Strike & SCC Keyway unless otherwise stated n 2-3/4" Latchbolt will be furnished with 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" faceplate unless otherwise stated n 2-3/8" Latchbolt will be furnished with 2-1/4" x 1" faceplate unless otherwise stated HOW TO ORDER Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION TRIM FINISH BACKSET STRIKE KEYWAY KEYING 10 SW 182 PAT 626 234 ASA SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 10 / Case weight is 28 lbs. Keyed Functions / Case weight is 26 lbs. Non-Keyed Functions 50 SW SERIES LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 CYLINDERS & KEYING SYSTEMS PDQ KEYWAY COMPATIBLE WITH LIST PRICE SUBSTITUTION PRICE ARA CO6 / CO59A1 CL4 RUD SCE SCC SCC-K SAL RA-RC YA8 GA FAL KW NON Arrow / AR1 Corbin / 60/59A1 Corbin / L4 Russwin / D1 Schlage / E Schlage / SCC Schlage / C-K Sargent / LA Sargent / RA-RC Yale / E1R Yale / GA Falcon / E-R Kwikset Less Cylinder $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 - $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 N/C $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 Deduct $6/Cylinder KEYING SYSTEMS/CONVENTIONAL CYLINDERS NOTES: n Parts discounts applies n Designate finish for cylinders ordered separately: 606 or 626 n Kwikset cylinder available in 5 pin only LIST PRICE 0-Bitted with 2 blank keys Keyed Alike / 4 or less Cylinders (KA4) Keyed Alike / 5 or more Cylinders (KA) Master Keying with Bitting List (MK) (GMK) Construction Keying (in addition to other keying charges) Keyed to existing numbers Extra Cut Change Keys Master, Construction and Control Cut Keys Extra Cut Large Bow Keys - SCC / SCE Extra Cut Large Bow Keys - SCC / SCE when furnished with lock N/C N/C $5.00 $9.00 $9.00 $5.00 $3.60 $3.60 $6.00 $6.00 VISUAL KEY CONTROL LIST PRICE Cylinder Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Cylinder) Key Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Key) Key Marking other than Keyset (Per Key) $3.60 $3.60 $3.60 HOW TO ORDER Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION TRIM FINISH BACKSET STRIKE KEYWAY KEYING 10 SW 182 PAT 626 234 ASA SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 10 / Case weight is 28 lbs. Keyed Functions / Case weight is 26 lbs. Non-Keyed Functions 51 SW SERIES LIST PRICE STRIKES Effective September 15, 2006 DESCRIPTION ASA Strike (any finish) 1-1/4” x 4-7/8” T-Strike (any finish) 1-1/8” x 2-3/4” Full Lip Strike (any finish) 1-5/8” x 2-1/4” PDQ NO. LIST PRICE SUBSTITUTION PRICE V91900- $18.00 N/C V91901- $8.50 N/C V919010- $7.50 N/C NOTES: n Parts discounts applies n Designate desired finish for Strikes & Latchbolts if ordered separately: 605, 606, 613 or 626 n Adjustable Latchbolts are not U.L. Listed LATCHBOLTS DESCRIPTION 2-3/4" SPRINGLATCH 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" 2-1/4" x 1-1/8"Privacy 2-1/4" x 1" 2-1/4" x 1"Privacy 2-1/4" x 1" x 1/4"Radius 2-1/4" x 1" x 1/4"RadiusPrivacy 2-3/4" DEADLATCH 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" 2-1/4" x 1" 2-1/4" x 1" x 1/4"Radius 2-3/8" SPRINGLATCH 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" 2-1/4" x 1-1/8"Privacy 2-1/4" x 1" 2-1/4" x 1"Privacy 2-1/4" x 1" x 1/4"Radius 2-1/4" x 1" x 1/4"RadiusPrivacy 2-3/8" DEADLATCH 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" 2-1/4" x 1" 2-1/4" x 1" x 1/4"Radius 2-3/4" - 2-3/8" ADJUSTABLE SPRINGLATCH Drive-in (Non-UL) Drive-in Privacy (Non-UL) DEADLATCH Drive-in (Non-UL) 5" Extension for 2 3/4" 1 1/8" Latch Front Filler Plate (Minimum of 100 pieces) HOW TO ORDER PDQ NO. LIST PRICE SUBSTITUTION PRICE I04002-1L I04002-1KL I04002-11L I04002-11KL I04002-11LR I04002-11KLR $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $26.00 $26.00 N/C N/C N/C N/C Add $1.00 Add $1.00 I04001-1L I04001-11L I04001-11LR $25.00 $25.00 $26.00 N/C N/C Add $1.00 I04102-11L I04102-11KL I04102-1L I04102-1KL I04102-1LR I04102-1KLR $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $26.00 $26.00 N/C N/C N/C N/C Add $1.00 Add $1.00 I04101-11L I04101-1L I04101-1LR $25.00 $25.00 $26.00 N/C N/C Add $1.00 I04407-5D I04408-5D $20.00 $20.00 N/C N/C I04406-5D V21902 I099-100 $20.00 $20.00 $ .50 N/C Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION TRIM FINISH BACKSET STRIKE KEYWAY KEYING 10 SW 182 PAT 626 234 ASA SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 10 / Case weight is 28 lbs. Keyed Functions / Case weight is 26 lbs. Non-Keyed Functions 52 CL GRADE 2 LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 SERIES LIGHT COMMERCIAL INTER-CONNECTED LOCK CL SERIES (CQ) BALL KNOB CL SERIES PHILADELPHIA (PHL) LEVER SPECIFICATIONS FOR DOORS: 1-3/8" to 1-3/4" thick PREPARATION: 4" centers BACKSET: Latchbolt 2-3/4" standard / 2-3/8" optional Deadbolt 2-3/4" standard (UL) / 2-3/4" - 2-3/8" Adjustable (not U.L. Listed) CHASSIS: Cold-rolled steel mechanism / Dichromated for corrosion resistance FRONT: 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" or 2-1/4" x 1" / Beveled 1/8" on 2" / Stainless Steel or Wrought Brass STRIKE: T-Strike standard / ASA or Full-Lip optional / Stainless Steel or Wrought Brass LATCHBOLT: 1/2" Throw DEADBOLT: 1" Throw / Brass Bolt containing one concealed 1/4" case-hardened Steel Roll Pin HAND: Non-handed - IC Handed TRIM: Zinc diecast PHL Levers / Stainless Steel or Wrought Brass Knobs, Escutcheons and Roses KEYS: Two (2) per cylinder KEYWAYS: SCC INTERCHANGEABLE CORE: 6-pin or 7-pin / Compatible with Best, Falcon and Arrow CYLINDER: 6-pin Brass Insert Cylinder keyed to 5-pins KEYING: Options: MK, CMK or GMK / Zero Bitted (KO), Keyed Different (KD) or Keyed Alike (KA) Can be keyed into existing master key systems FINISHES: US3 (605) / PHL - US26D (626) / CQ - US32D (630) CERTIFICATIONS: U.L., U.L.C. Listed for “A” Label (3 hour) single swing doors (4' x 8') PHL meets all applicable accessibility requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) WARRANTY: One (1) year Limited Warranty 53 CL SERIES LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 BALL KNOB TRIM ANSI NO. PDQ NO. FUNCTIONS 630/605 F96 116 DOUBLE CYLINDER Entrance $212.00 126 126 IC* SINGLE CYLINDER Entrance Entrance (Handed) $195.00 $230.00 F95 F95 (CQ) BALL KNOB OPTIONS ADD Handicap Abrasive Coating - Inside & Outside Handicap Abrasive Coating - Inside only Handicap Abrasive Coating - Outside only Dust Box (specified with Lock) $66.00 $34.00 $34.00 $2.00 LEVER ANSI NO. PDQ NO. F96 116 F95 F95 126 126 IC* FUNCTIONS 626/605 DOUBLE CYLINDER Entrance SINGLE CYLINDER Entrance Entrance (Handed) $291.00 PHILADELPHIA (PHL) LEVER $265.00 $285.00 OPTIONS ADD Handicap Abrasive Coating - Inside & Outside Handicap Abrasive Coating - Inside only Handicap Abrasive Coating - Outside only Dust Box (specified with Lock) $66.00 $34.00 $34.00 $2.00 NOTES: n Prices do not include IC Cores n *For CL 126 IC please refer to page 9 for IC Core information n Locks will be furnished with 2-3/4" Backset, T-Strike & SCC Keyway unless otherwise stated n 2-3/4" Latchbolt will be furnished with 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" faceplate unless otherwise stated n 2-3/8" Latchbolt will be furnished with 2-1/4" x 1" faceplate unless otherwise stated HOW TO ORDER Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION TRIM FINISH BACKSET STRIKE KEYWAY KEYING 10 CL 116 PHL 626 234 T SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 10 / Case weight is 53 lbs. Keyed Functions / Case weight is 50 lbs. Non-Keyed Functions 54 CL SERIES LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 CYLINDERS & KEYING SYSTEMS PDQ KEYWAY COMPATIBLE WITH LIST PRICE SUBSTITUTION PRICE SCC NON Schlage / SCC Less Cylinder $34.00 - N/C Deduct $6/Cylinder KEYING SYSTEMS/CONVENTIONAL CYLINDERS LIST PRICE 0-Bitted with 2 blank keys Keyed Alike / 4 or less Cylinders (KA4) Keyed Alike / 5 or more Cylinders (KA) Master Keying with Bitting List (MK) (GMK) Construction Keying (in addition to other keying charges) Keyed to existing numbers Extra Cut Change Keys Master, Construction and Control Cut Keys Extra Cut Large Bow Keys - SCC Extra Cut Large Bow Keys - SCC furnished with locks N/C N/C $5.00 $9.00 $9.00 $5.00 $3.60 $3.60 $6.00 $6.00 VISUAL KEY CONTROL NOTES: n Parts discounts applies n Designate finish for cylinders ordered separately: 606 or 626 n Designate desired Bolt finish if ordered separately: 605 or 626 LIST PRICE Cylinder Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Cylinder) Key Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Key) Key Marking other than Keyset (Per Key) $3.60 $3.60 $3.60 BOLTS DESCRIPTION PDQ NO. LIST PRICE SUBSTITUTION PRICE 2-3/4" BACKSET (U.L.) 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" x 1/4" Radius I04501 I04501R $21.00 $22.00 N/C Add $1.00 $21.00 $22.00 $21.00 N/C Add $1.00 N/C $0.50 - 2-3/4" - 2-3/8" ADJUSTABLE 2-1/4" x 1" I04507 2-1/4" x 1" x 1/4" Radius I04507R Drive-in I04507-5D 1-1/8" Latch Front Filler Plate (Minimum of 100 pieces) I099-100 HOW TO ORDER Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION TRIM FINISH BACKSET STRIKE KEYWAY KEYING 10 CL 116 PHL 626 234 T SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 10 / Case weight is 53 lbs. Keyed Functions / Case weight is 50 lbs. Non-Keyed Functions 55 CL SERIES LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 STRIKES DESCRIPTION ASA Strike (any finish) 1-1/4" x 4-7/8" T-Strike (any finish) 1-1/8" x 2-3/4" Full Lip Strike (any finish) 1-5/8" x 2-1/4" Deadbolt Strike (any finish) 2-3/4" x 1-1/8" PDQ NO. LIST PRICE SUBSTITUTION PRICE V91900- $18.00 N/C V91901- $8.50 N/C V919010- $7.50 N/C I4702- $7.50 N/C PDQ NO. LIST PRICE SUBSTITUTION PRICE I04002-1L I04002-11L I04002-11LR $25.00 $25.00 $26.00 N/C N/C Add $1.00 I04001-1L I04001-11L I04001-11LR $25.00 $25.00 $26.00 N/C N/C Add $1.00 I04102-11L I04102-1L I04102-1LR $25.00 $25.00 $26.00 N/C N/C Add $1.00 I04101-11L I04101-1L I04101-1LR $25.00 $25.00 $26.00 N/C N/C Add $1.00 I04407-5D I04408-5D $20.00 $20.00 N/C N/C I04406-5D I099-100 $20.00 $ .50 N/C NOTES: n Parts discounts applies n Designate desired Strike & Latchbolt finish if ordered separately: 605 or 626 n Adjustable Latchbolts are not U.L. Listed LATCHBOLTS DESCRIPTION 2-3/4" SPRINGLATCH 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" 2-1/4" x 1" 2-1/4" x 1" x 1/4"Radius 2-3/4" DEADLATCH 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" 2-1/4" x 1" 2-1/4" x 1" x 1/4"Radius 2-3/8" SPRINGLATCH 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" 2-1/4" x 1" 2-1/4" x 1" x 1/4"Radius 2-3/8" DEADLATCH 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" 2-1/4" x 1" 2-1/4" x 1" x 1/4"Radius 2-3/4" - 2-3/8" ADJUSTABLE SPRINGLATCH Drive-in (Non-UL) Drive-in Privacy (Non-UL) DEADLATCH Drive-in (Non-UL) 1 1/8" Latch front filler plate (Minimum of 100 pieces) HOW TO ORDER Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION TRIM FINISH BACKSET STRIKE KEYWAY KEYING 10 CL 116 PHL 626 234 T SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 10 / Case weight is 53 lbs. Keyed Functions / Case weight is 50 lbs. Non-Keyed Functions 56 SR GRADE 3 LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 ULTRA-LIGHT COMMERCIAL SERIES CYLINDRICAL LOCK SR SERIES (CQ) BALL KNOB SR SERIES (LV) LEVER SPECIFICATIONS FOR DOORS: 1-3/8" to 1-3/4" thick BACKSET: 2-3/4" - 2-3/8" Adjustable FRONT: 2-1/4" x 1" / Stainless Steel or Wrought Brass STRIKE: Full Lip standard / ASA and T-Strike available LATCHBOLT: 1/2" Throw HAND: Non-handed TRIM: Diecast LV lever / Stainless Steel or Wrought Brass Knobs and Roses KEYS: Two (2) per Cylinder KEYWAYS: SCC CYLINDER: 5-pin Brass Insert Cylinder KEYING: Options: MK, CMK or GMK / Zero Bitted (KO), Keyed Different (KD) or Keyed Alike (KA) Can be keyed into existing master key systems FINISHES: US3 (605) / LV - US26D (626) / CQ - US32D (630) CERTIFICATIONS: Complies with ANSI/BHMA A156.2, Series 4000, Grade 3 LV meets all applicable accessibility requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) WARRANTY: One (1) year Limited Warranty 57 SR SERIES LIST PRICE BALL KNOB BALLPDQKNOB ANSI Effective September 15, 2006 NO. NO. FUNCTIONS F81 116 SINGLE CYLINDER Entrance $51.00 F75 F76 F76 126 176 176 211 NON-CYLINDER Passage Privacy Privacy (605/630) Single Dummy $38.00 $41.00 $26.00 ANSI NO. PDQ NO. FUNCTIONS F81 116 SINGLE CYLINDER Entrance $51.00 F75 F76 126 176 211 NON-CYLINDER Passage Privacy Single Dummy $38.00 $41.00 $26.00 ANSI NO. PDQ NO. FUNCTIONS F75 F76 F76 126 176 176 211 NON-CYLINDER Passage Privacy Privacy (605/626) Single Dummy ANSI NO. PDQ NO. FUNCTIONS F81 116 SINGLE CYLINDER Entrance FLAT KNOB TRIM 630/605 (CQ) BALL KNOB 605 (VR) FLAT KNOB LEVER 626/605 $59.00 $63.00 $32.00 BALL KNOB/LEVER (LV) LEVER NOTES: n Prices do not include keying charges n Locks will be furnished with FL Strike unless otherwise stated 626/605 $66.00 HOW TO ORDER Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION TRIM FINISH BACKSET STRIKE KEYWAY KEYING 20 SR 116 CQ 630 ADJ FL SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity: 20 for CQ Trim, 10 for LV Trim / Case weight varies / For split finishes, designate O/S trim first, then I/S 58 SR SERIES LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 CYLINDERS & KEYING SYSTEMS PDQ KEYWAY COMPATIBLE WITH LIST PRICE SUBSTITUTION PRICE SCC Schlage / SCC $14.00 N/C KEYING SYSTEMS/CONVENTIONAL CYLINDERS NOTES: n Parts discounts applies n Designate finish for cylinders ordered separately: 606 or 626 LIST PRICE 0-Bitted with 2 blank keys Keyed Alike / 4 or less Cylinders (KA4) Keyed Alike / 5 or more Cylinders (KA) Master Keying (MK) 2 Levels only Construction Keying (CK) Keyed to existing numbers Extra Cut Change Keys Master, Construction and Control Cut Keys N/C N/C $5.00 $7.00 $7.00 $4.50 $3.60 $3.60 VISUAL KEY CONTROL LIST PRICE Cylinder Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Cylinder) Key Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Key) Key Marking other than Keyset (Per Key) $3.60 $3.60 $3.60 HOW TO ORDER Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION TRIM FINISH BACKSET STRIKE KEYWAY KEYING 20 SR 116 CQ 630 ADJ FL SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity: 20 for CQ Trim, 10 for LV Trim / Case weight varies / For split finishes, designate O/S trim first, then I/S 59 SR SERIES PARTS LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 STRIKES DESCRIPTION ASA Strike (any finish) 1-1/4" x 4-7/8" T-Strike (any finish) 1-1/8" x 2-3/4" Full Lip Strike (any finish) 1-5/8" x 2-1/4" PDQ NO. LIST PRICE SUBSTITUTION PRICE V91900- $18.00 $8.00 V91901- $8.50 N/C V919010- $7.50 N/C NOTES: n Parts discounts applies n Designate desired Strike & Latchbolt finish if ordered separately: 605 or 630 n For U.L. Listed latchbolts see page 46 LATCHBOLTS DESCRIPTION PDQ NO. LIST PRICE SUBSTITUTION PRICE SPRINGLATCH 2-3/4" - 2-3/8" ADJUSTABLE 2-1/4" x 1" 2-1/4” x 1"Privacy 2-1/4" x 1" x 1/4"Radius 2-1/4" x 1" x 1/4"RadiusPrivacy Drive-in Drive-in Privacy I04407 I04407K I04407R I04407KR I04407-5D I04408-5D $20.00 $20.00 $21.00 $21.00 $20.00 $20.00 N/C N/C Add $1.00 Add $1.00 N/C N/C DEADLATCH 2-3/4" - 2-3/8" ADJUSTABLE 2-1/4" x 1" I04406 2-1/4" x 1" x 1/4" Radius I04406R Drive-in I04406-5D $20.00 $21.00 $20.00 N/C Add $1.00 N/C $0.50 - 1-1/8" Latch Front Filler Plate (Minimum of 100 pieces) I099-100 HOW TO ORDER Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION TRIM FINISH BACKSET STRIKE KEYWAY KEYING 20 SR 116 CQ 630 ADJ FL SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity: 20 for CQ Trim, 10 for LV Trim / Case weight varies / For split finishes, designate O/S trim first, then I/S 60 KT LIST PRICE MADE IN U.S.A. Effective September 15, 2006 SERIES EXTRA HEAVY DUTY DEADBOLT KT SERIES KT SERIES IC SPECIFICATIONS FOR DOORS: 1-3/8" to 1-3/4" thick BACKSET: 2-3/4" standard / 2-3/8" available FRONT: 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" or 2-1/4" x 1" / Stainless Steel or Wrought Brass STRIKE: 2-3/4" x 1-1/8" / Stainless Steel or Wrought Brass DEADBOLT: 1" Throw / Brass Bolt containing two concealed 1/4" case-hardened Steel Roll Pins HAND: Non-handed TRIM: Wrought Brass Scalp / Reinforced Zinc Diecast Rose KEYS: Two (2) per Cylinder KEYWAYS: SCC standard / Also available in keyways of other manufacturers INTERCHANGEABLE CORE: 6 or 7-pin / Compatible with Best, Falcon and Arrow CYLINDER: 6-pin Brass Mortise Cylinder keyed to 5-pins KEYING: Options: MK, CMK or GMK / Zero Bitted (KO), Keyed Different (KD) or Keyed Alike (KA) Can be keyed into existing master key systems FINISHES: US3 (605), US4 (606), US10 (612), US10B (613), US26 (625) or US26D (626) WARRANTY: One (1) year Limited Warranty 61 KT SERIES/KT SERIES IC LIST PRICE DEADBOLTS Effective September 15, 2006 ANSI NO. PDQ NO. 626 605/606/612 613/625 FUNCTIONS E1151 E0151 E0161 E0161 E1171 E0171 116 116 IC 121 121 IC 148 148 IC SINGLE CYLINDER Entrance Entrance Entrance Entrance Classroom Classroom $122.00 $143.00 $122.00 $143.00 $126.00 $143.00 $125.00 $146.00 $125.00 $146.00 $129.00 $146.00 E1141 E0141 137 137 IC DOUBLE CYLINDER Store Door Store Door (6 Pin only) $149.00 $168.00 $152.00 $171.00 125 NON-CYLINDER Communicating $140.00 $143.00 NOTES: n Prices do not include IC Core n Consult Customer Service for availability of Split Finish n IC available for 1-3/4" thick Door only n 2-3/4" Latchbolt will be furnished with 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" faceplate unless otherwise stated n 2-3/8" Latchbolt will be furnished with 2-1/4" x 1" faceplate unless otherwise stated n ADA thumbturn available special order CORES DESCRIPTION PDQ NO. LIST PRICE WITH LOCK SEPARATE UNCOMBINATED CORES 6 Pin Cores I5206 + KEYWAY 7 Pin Cores I5207 + KEYWAY COMBINATED CORES 6 Pin Cores I5206-1 + KEYWAY 7 Pin Cores I5207-1 + KEYWAY AVAILABLE KEYWAYS: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, Q, PDQ1, PDQ2, PDQ3 (Restricted) CONSTRUCTION CORES Construction Core 6-pin only Dummy Construction Core Plastic $35.00 $35.00 $37.00 $37.00 $35.00 $35.00 $37.00 $37.00 $22.00 $ 4.00 $ 4.00 NOTES: n IC Cores are available Combinated or Uncombinated n Uncombinated cores do not include springs & pins n Combinated cores includes masterkeying n Designate finish for IC Cores ordered separately: 606 or 626 n Parts discounts applies n Cores are small format Construction cores are invoiced at shipment and credited upon return. Subject to 50% discount. VISUAL KEY CONTROL LIST PRICE Cylinder Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Cylinder) Key Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Key) Key Marking other than Keyset (Per Key) $3.60 $3.60 $3.60 HOW TO ORDER Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION FINISH BACKSET KEYWAY KEYING 10 KT 116 626 234 SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 10 / Case weight is 19 lbs. Single Cylinder / Case weight is 22 lbs. Double Cylinder / For split finishes, designate O/S trim first, then I/S 62 KT SERIES KEYING LIST PRICE MORTISE CYLINDERS PDQ KEYWAY COMPATIBLE WITH ARA CO6 / CO59A1 CL4 RUD SCE SCC SCC-K SAL RA-RC YA8 GA FAL TA NON Arrow / AR1 Corbin / 60/59A1 Corbin / L4 Russwin / D1 Schlage / E Schlage / SCC Schlage / C-K Sargent / LA Sargent / RA-RC Yale / E1R Yale / GA Falcon / E-R PDQ / TA (Restricted) Less Cylinder Effective September 15, 2006 LIST PRICE 1-1/8" SUBSTITUTION PRICE $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $44.00 - N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C Deduct $8/Cylinder KEYING SYSTEMS NOTES: n Parts discounts applies n Designate desired finish for Mortise Cylinders if ordered separately: 605, 606, 612, 613, 625 or 626 LIST PRICE 0-Bitted with 2 blank keys Keyed Alike / 4 or less Cylinders (KA4) Keyed Alike / 5 or more Cylinders (KA) Master Keying with Bitting List (MK) (GMK) Construction Keying (in addition to other keying charges) Keyed to existing numbers Extra Cut Change Keys Master, Construction and Control Cut Keys Extra Cut Large Bow Keys - SCC / SCE Extra Cut Large Bow Keys - SCC / SCE when furnished with deadbolt N/C N/C $5.00 $9.00 $9.00 $5.00 $3.60 $3.60 $6.00 $6.00 VISUAL KEY CONTROL LIST PRICE Cylinder Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Cylinder) Key Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Key) Key Marking other than Keyset (Per Key) $3.60 $3.60 $3.60 HOW TO ORDER Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION FINISH BACKSET KEYWAY KEYING 10 KT 116 626 234 SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 10 / Case weight is 19 lbs. Single Cylinder / Case weight is 22 lbs. Double Cylinder / For split finishes, designate O/S trim first, then I/S 63 KT SERIES PARTS LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 STRIKES PDQ NO. LIST PRICE SUBSTITUTION PRICE I4602- $7.50 N/C DESCRIPTION PDQ NO. LIST PRICE SUBSTITUTION PRICE 2-3/4" BACKSET 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" x 1/4" Radius Drive-in I4301 I4301R I4201-5 $22.00 $23.00 $22.00 N/C Add $1.00 N/C 2-3/8" BACKSET 2-1/4" x 1" 2-1/4" x 1" x 1/4" Radius Drive-in I4302 I4302R I4202-5 $22.00 $23.00 $22.00 N/C Add $1.00 N/C DESCRIPTION Deadbolt Strike (any finish) 2-3/4" x 1-1/8" NOTES: n Parts discounts applies n Designate desired Strike & Bolt finish if ordered separately: 605, 606, 612, 613, 625 or 629 BOLTS HOW TO ORDER Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION FINISH BACKSET KEYWAY KEYING 10 KT 116 626 234 SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 10 / Case weight is 19 lbs. Single Cylinder / Case weight is 22 lbs. Double Cylinder / For split finishes, designate O/S trim first, then I/S 64 KM LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 SERIES HEAVY DUTY DEADBOLT KM SERIES KM SERIES IC SPECIFICATIONS FOR DOORS: 1-3/8" to 1-3/4" thick BACKSET: 2-3/4" standard (UL) optional 2-3/4" - 2-3/8" adjustable with 2-1/4" x 1" faceplate available (Not U.L. Listed) FRONT: 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" / Stainless Steel or Wrought Brass STRIKE: 2-3/4" x 1-1/8" / Stainless Steel or Wrought Brass DEADBOLT: 1" Throw / Brass Bolt containing one concealed 1/4" case-hardened Steel Roll Pin HAND: Non-handed / IC Handed TRIM: Stainless Steel or Wrought Brass Scalp / Reinforced Zinc Diecast Rose KEYS: Two (2) per Cylinder KEYWAYS: SCC standard / Also available in keyways of other manufacturers INTERCHANGEABLE CORE: 6 or 7-pin / Compatible with Best, Falcon and Arrow CYLINDER: 6-pin Brass Insert Cylinder keyed to 5-pins KEYING: Options: MK, CMK or GMK / Zero Bitted (KO), Keyed Different (KD) or Keyed Alike (KA) Can be keyed into existing master key systems FINISHES: US3 (605), US4 (606), US10B (613), US26D (626) or US32D (630) CERTIFICATIONS: U.L., U.L.C. Listed WARRANTY: One (1) year Limited Warranty 65 KM SERIES/KM SERIES IC LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 DEADBOLTS ANSI NO. PDQ NO. FUNCTIONS E1151 E0151 116 116 IC SINGLE CYLINDER Entrance Entrance $84.00 $108.00 E1141 137 DOUBLE CYLINDER Store Door $115.00 NOTES: n Prices do not include IC Core n IC Handed LH or RH n ADA thumbturn available special order 605/606 613/626/630 CORES DESCRIPTION PDQ NO. LIST PRICE WITH LOCK SEPARATE UNCOMBINATED CORES 6 Pin Cores I5206 + KEYWAY 7 Pin Cores I5207 + KEYWAY COMBINATED CORES 6 Pin Cores I5206-1 + KEYWAY 7 Pin Cores I5207-1 + KEYWAY AVAILABLE KEYWAYS: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, Q, PDQ1, PDQ2, PDQ3 (Restricted) CONSTRUCTION CORES Construction Core 6-pin only Dummy Construction Core Plastic $35.00 $35.00 $37.00 $37.00 $35.00 $35.00 $37.00 $37.00 $22.00 $ 4.00 $ 4.00 NOTES: n IC Cores are available Combinated or Uncombinated n Uncombinated cores do not include springs & pins n Combinated cores includes masterkeying n Designate finish for IC Cores ordered separately: 606 or 626 n Parts discounts applies n Cores are small format Construction cores are invoiced at shipment and credited upon return. Subject to 50% discount. VISUAL KEY CONTROL LIST PRICE Cylinder Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Cylinder) Key Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Key) Key Marking other than Keyset (Per Key) $3.60 $3.60 $3.60 HOW TO ORDER QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION FINISH BACKSET KEYWAY KEYING 20 KM 116 630 234 SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 20 / Case weight varies 66 Please see Order Form, Page 82 KM SERIES KEYING LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 DEADBOLT CYLINDERS & KEYING SYSTEMS PDQ KEYWAY COMPATIBLE WITH LIST PRICE SUBSTITUTION PRICE ARA CO6 / CO59A1 CL4 RUD SCE SCC SCC-K SAL RA-RC YA8 GA FAL KW TA NON Arrow / AR1 Corbin / 60/59A1 Corbin / L4 Russwin / D1 Schlage / E Schlage / SCC Schlage / C-K Sargent / LA Sargent / RA-RC Yale / E1R Yale / GA Falcon / E-R Kwikset PDQ / TA (Restricted) Less Cylinder $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $36.00 - $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 N/C $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 Deduct $6/Cylinder KEYING SYSTEMS/CONVENTIONAL CYLINDERS NOTES: n Parts discounts applies n Designate finish for cylinders ordered separately: 606 or 626 n Kwikset cylinder available in 5 pin only LIST PRICE 0-Bitted with 2 blank keys Keyed Alike / 4 or less Cylinders (KA4) Keyed Alike / 5 or more Cylinders (KA) Master Keying with Bitting List (MK) (GMK) Construction Keying (in addition to other keying charges) Keyed to existing numbers Extra Cut Change Keys Master, Construction and Control Cut Keys Extra Cut Large Bow Keys - SCC / SCE Extra Cut Large Bow Keys - SCC / SCE when furnished with deadbolt N/C N/C $5.00 $9.00 $9.00 $5.00 $3.60 $3.60 $6.00 $6.00 VISUAL KEY CONTROL LIST PRICE Cylinder Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Cylinder) Key Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Key) Key Marking other than Keyset (Per Key) $3.60 $3.60 $3.60 HOW TO ORDER Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION FINISH BACKSET KEYWAY KEYING 20 KM 116 630 234 SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 20 / Case weight varies 67 KM SERIES PARTS LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 STRIKES PDQ NO. LIST PRICE SUBSTITUTION PRICE I4702- $7.50 N/C DESCRIPTION PDQ NO. LIST PRICE SUBSTITUTION PRICE 2-3/4" BACKSET (U.L.) 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" x 1/4" Radius I04501 I04501R $21.00 $22.00 N/C Add $1.00 $21.00 $22.00 $21.00 N/C Add $1.00 N/C $0.50 - DESCRIPTION Deadbolt Strike (any finish) 2-3/4" x 1-1/8" NOTES: n Parts discounts applies n Designate desired Strike & Bolt finish if ordered separately: 605, 606, 613 or 630 BOLTS 2-3/4" - 2-3/8" ADJUSTABLE 2-1/4" x 1" I04507 2-1/4" x 1" x 1/4" Radius I04507R Drive-in I04507-5D 1-1/8" Latch Front Filler Plate (Minimum of 100 pieces) I099-100 HOW TO ORDER QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION FINISH BACKSET KEYWAY KEYING 20 KM 116 630 234 SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 20 / Case weight varies 68 Please see Order Form, Page 82 KV LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 SERIES COMMERCIAL DEADBOLT KV SERIES KV SERIES IC SPECIFICATIONS FOR DOORS: 1-3/8" to 1-3/4" thick BACKSET: 2-3/4" - 2-3/8" Adjustable FRONT: 2-1/4" x 1" / Stainless Steel or Wrought Brass STRIKE: 2-3/4" x 1-1/8" / Stainless Steel or Wrought Brass DEADBOLT: 1" Throw / Brass Bolt containing one concealed 1/4" case-hardened Steel Roll Pin HAND: Non-handed / IC Handed TRIM: Stainless Steel or Wrought Brass Scalp KEYS: Two (2) per Cylinder KEYWAYS: SCC standard / Also available in keyways of other manufacturers INTERCHANGEABLE CORE: 6 or 7-pin / Compatible with Best, Falcon and Arrow CYLINDER: 6-pin Brass Insert Cylinder keyed to 5-pins KEYING: Options: MK, CMK or GMK / Zero Bitted (KO), Keyed Different (KD) or Keyed Alike (KA) Can be keyed into existing master key systems FINISHES: US3 (605), US4 (606), US10B (613), US26D (626) or US32D (630) CERTIFICATIONS: U.L., U.L.C. Listed WARRANTY: One (1) year Limited Warranty 69 KV SERIES/KV SERIES IC LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 DEADBOLTS ANSI NO. PDQ NO. FUNCTIONS E2152 E0152 116 116 IC SINGLE CYLINDER - Cylinder Outside / Thumbturn Inside Entrance $70.00 $75.00 Entrance $92.00 $97.00 E2142 137 DOUBLE CYLINDER Store Door E2142 E2142 125 125BK NON-CYLINDER - Blank Plate Outside / Thumbturn Inside Communicating $39.00 $41.00 Communicating $41.00 $43.00 626/630 $87.00 NOTES: n Prices do not include IC Core n IC Handed LH or RH n 125 different prep n 125BK different prep 605/606/613 $92.00 CORES DESCRIPTION PDQ NO. LIST PRICE WITH LOCK SEPARATE UNCOMBINATED CORES 6 Pin Cores I5206 + KEYWAY 7 Pin Cores I5207 + KEYWAY COMBINATED CORES 6 Pin Cores I5206-1 + KEYWAY 7 Pin Cores I5207-1 + KEYWAY AVAILABLE KEYWAYS: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, Q, PDQ1, PDQ2, PDQ3 (Restricted) CONSTRUCTION CORES Construction Core 6-pin only Dummy Construction Core Plastic $35.00 $35.00 $37.00 $37.00 $35.00 $35.00 $37.00 $37.00 $22.00 $ 4.00 $ 4.00 NOTES: n IC Cores are available Combinated or Uncombinated n Uncombinated cores do not include springs & pins n Combinated cores includes masterkeying n Designate finish for IC Cores ordered separately: 606 or 626 n Parts discounts applies n Cores are small format Construction cores are invoiced at shipment and credited upon return. Subject to 50% discount. VISUAL KEY CONTROL LIST PRICE Cylinder Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Cylinder) Key Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Key) Key Marking other than Keyset (Per Key) $3.60 $3.60 $3.60 HOW TO ORDER Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION FINISH BACKSET KEYWAY KEYING 20 KV 116 630 ADJ SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 20 / Case weight is 26 lbs. Single Cylinder / Case weight is 28 lbs. Double Cylinder 70 KV SERIES LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 DEADBOLT CYLINDERS & KEYING SYSTEMS PDQ KEYWAY COMPATIBLE WITH LIST PRICE SUBSTITUTION PRICE ARA CO6 / CO59A1 CL4 RUD SCE SCC SCC-K SAL RA-RC YA8 GA FAL KW TA NON Arrow / AR1 Corbin / 60/59A1 Corbin / L4 Russwin / D1 Schlage / E Schlage / SCC Schlage / C-K Sargent / LA Sargent / RA-RC Yale / E1R Yale / GA Falcon / E-R Kwikset PDQ / TA (Restricted) Less Cylinder $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $36.00 - $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 N/C $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 Deduct $6/Cylinder KEYING SYSTEMS/CONVENTIONAL CYLINDERS NOTES: n Parts discounts applies n Designate finish for cylinders ordered separately: 606 or 626 n Kwikset cylinder available in 5 pin only LIST PRICE 0-Bitted with 2 blank keys Keyed Alike / 4 or less Cylinders (KA4) Keyed Alike / 5 or more Cylinders (KA) Master Keying with Bitting List (MK) (GMK) Construction Keying (in addition to other keying charges) Keyed to existing numbers Extra Cut Change Keys Master, Construction and Control Cut Keys Extra Cut Large Bow Keys - SCC / SCE Extra Cut Large Bow Keys - SCC / SCE when furnished with deadbolt N/C N/C $5.00 $9.00 $9.00 $5.00 $3.60 $3.60 $6.00 $6.00 VISUAL KEY CONTROL LIST PRICE Cylinder Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Cylinder) Key Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Key) Key Marking other than Keyset (Per Key) $3.60 $3.60 $3.60 HOW TO ORDER Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION FINISH BACKSET KEYWAY KEYING 20 KV 116 630 ADJ SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 20 / Case weight is 26 lbs. Single Cylinder / Case weight is 28 lbs. Double Cylinder 71 KV SERIES PARTS LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 STRIKES DESCRIPTION Deadbolt Strike (any finish) 2-3/4" x 1-1/8" PDQ NO. LIST PRICE SUBSTITUTION PRICE I4702- $7.50 N/C PDQ NO. LIST PRICE SUBSTITUTION PRICE $21.00 $22.00 $21.00 N/C Add $1.00 N/C $0.50 - NOTES: n Parts discounts applies n Designate desired finish for Strikes & Bolts if ordered separately: 605, 606, 613 or 630 BOLTS DESCRIPTION 2-3/4" - 2-3/8" ADJUSTABLE 2-1/4" x 1" I04507 2-1/4" x 1" x 1/4" Radius I04507R Drive-in I04507-5D 1-1/8" Latch Front Filler Plate (Minimum of 100 pieces) I099-100 HOW TO ORDER Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION FINISH BACKSET KEYWAY KEYING 20 KV 116 630 ADJ SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 20 / Case weight is 26 lbs. Single Cylinder / Case weight is 28 lbs. Double Cylinder 72 KR GRADE 3 LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 ULTRA-LIGHT COMMERCIAL SERIES DEADBOLT KR SERIES SPECIFICATIONS FOR DOORS: 1-3/8" to 1-3/4" thick BACKSET: 2-3/4" - 2-3/8" Adjustable FRONT: 2-1/4" x 1" / Stainless Steel or Wrought Brass STRIKE: 2-3/4" x 1-1/8" / Stainless Steel or Wrought Brass DEADBOLT: 1" Throw / Brass Bolt containing one concealed 1/4" case-hardened Steel Roll Pin HAND: Non-handed TRIM: Stainless Steel or Wrought Brass Scalp KEYS: Two (2) per Cylinder KEYWAYS: SCC CYLINDER: 5-pin Brass Rim Cylinder KEYING: Options: MK, CMK or GMK / Zero Bitted (KO), Keyed Different (KD) or Keyed Alike (KA) Can be keyed into existing master key systems FINISHES: US3 (605) or US32D (630) CERTIFICATIONS: ANSI/BHMA A156.5, Grade 3 Deadbolt WARRANTY: One (1) year Limited Warranty 73 KR SERIES LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 DEADBOLTS ANSI NO. PDQ NO. FUNCTIONS E1151 116 SINGLE CYLINDER Entrance $45.00 E1141 137 DOUBLE CYLINDER Store Door $51.00 605/630 HOW TO ORDER Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION FINISH BACKSET KEYWAY KEYING 20 KR 116 630 ADJ SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 20 / Case weight is 26 lbs. Single Cylinder / Case weight is 28 lbs. Double Cylinder 74 KR SERIES LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 CYLINDERS & KEYING SYSTEMS PDQ KEYWAY COMPATIBLE WITH LIST PRICE SCC Schlage / SCC $20.00 KEYING SYSTEMS/CONVENTIONAL CYLINDERS NOTES: n Parts discounts applies n Designate finish for cylinders ordered separately: 606 or 626 LIST PRICE 0-Bitted with 2 blank keys Keyed Alike / 4 or less Cylinders (KA4) Keyed Alike / 5 or more Cylinders (KA) Master Keying (MK) 2 Levels only Construction Keying (CK) Keyed to existing numbers Extra Cut Change Keys Master, Construction and Control Cut Keys N/C N/C $5.00 $7.00 $7.00 $4.50 $3.60 $3.60 VISUAL KEY CONTROL LIST PRICE Cylinder Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Cylinder) Key Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Key) Key Marking other than Keyset (Per Key) $3.60 $3.60 $3.60 HOW TO ORDER Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION FINISH BACKSET KEYWAY KEYING 20 KR 116 630 ADJ SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 20 / Case weight is 26 lbs. Single Cylinder / Case weight is 28 lbs. Double Cylinder 75 KR SERIES PARTS LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 STRIKES DESCRIPTION Deadbolt Strike (any finish) 2-3/4" x 1-1/8" PDQ NO. LIST PRICE SUBSTITUTION PRICE I4702- $7.50 N/C NOTES: n Parts discounts applies n Designate desired Strike & Bolt finish if ordered separately: 605 or 630 BOLTS PDQ NO. DESCRIPTION 2-3/4" - 2-3/8" ADJUSTABLE 2-1/4" x 1" I04507 2-1/4" x 1" x 1/4" Radius I04507R Drive-in I04507-5D 1-1/8" Latch Front Filler Plate (Minimum of 100 pieces) I099-100 LIST PRICE SUBSTITUTION PRICE $21.00 $22.00 $21.00 N/C Add $1.00 N/C $0.50 - HOW TO ORDER Please see Order Form, Page 82 QUANTITY SERIES FUNCTION FINISH BACKSET KEYWAY KEYING 20 KR 116 630 ADJ SCC KD NOTE: Case quantity is 20 / Case weight is 26 lbs. Single Cylinder / Case weight is 28 lbs. Double Cylinder 76 CYLINDERS & KEYING SYSTEMS LIST PRICE 16-SERIES MORTISE CYLINDERS PDQ KEYWAY COMPATIBLE WITH ARA CO6 / CO59A1 CL4 RUD SCE SCC SCC-K SAL RA-RC YA8 GA FAL TA Dummy T-Turn Arrow / AR1 Corbin / 60/59A1 Corbin / L4 Russwin / D1 Schlage / E Schlage / SCC Schlage / C-K Sargent / LA Sargent / RA-RC Yale / E1R Yale/ GA Falcon / E-R PDQ / TA (Restricted) - LIST PRICE 15/16", 1-1/8", 1-1/4" 1-1/2", 1-3/4" 17-SERIES RIM CYLINDERS PDQ KEYWAY COMPATIBLE WITH ARA CO6 / CO59A1 CL4 RUD SCE SCC SCC-K SAL SAS RA-RC YA8 GA FAL TA Dummy Arrow / AR1 Corbin / 60/59A1 Corbin / L4 Russwin / D1 Schlage / E Schlage / SCC Schlage / C-K Sargent / LA Sargent / SAS Sargent / RA-RC Yale / E1R Yale / GA Falcon / E-R PDQ / TA (Restricted) - $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $44.00 $26.00 $32.00 KEYING SYSTEMS KEYING SYSTEMS/CONVENTIONAL CYLINDERS - COMMERCIAL 0-Bitted with 2 blank keys Keyed Alike / 4 or less Cylinders (KA4) Keyed Alike / 5 or more Cylinders (KA) Master Keying with Bitting List (MK) (GMK) Construction Keying (in addition to other keying charges) Keyed to existing numbers Extra Cut Change Keys Master, Construction and Control Cut Keys Extra Cut Large Bow Keys - SCC / SCE Extra Cut Large Bow Keys - SCC / SCE when furnished with deadbolt VISUAL KEY CONTROL Cylinder Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Cylinder) Key Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Key) Key Marking other than Keyset (Per Key) Effective September 15, 2006 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $70.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A - NOTES: n Parts discounts applies n Designate finish when ordering cylinders n For Mortise Cylinder lengths over 1-1/2" consult Customer Service for availability n Dummy Mortise Cylinder available in 15/16" only n T-Turn Mortise Cylinder available in 15/16" only LIST PRICE $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $44.00 $26.00 LIST PRICE N/C N/C $5.00 $9.00 $9.00 $5.00 $3.60 $3.60 $6.00 $6.00 LIST PRICE $3.60 $3.60 $3.60 77 CYLINDER HOUSING INTERCHANGEABLE CORE LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 IC MORTISE & RIM CYLINDER HOUSINGS - LESS CORES DESCRIPTION PDQ NO. IC Mortise Cylinder Housing 6-pin 1-1/4" IC Mortise Cylinder Housing 7-pin 1-3/8" IC Mortise Cylinder Tapered 6-pin 1/2" IC Mortise Cylinder Tapered 7-pin 1/2" IC Rim Cylinder Housing (for both 6-pin/7-pin cores) I5306I5307I53013-067 I53013-077 I5308- LIST PRICE $40.00 $42.00 $40.00 $42.00 $42.00 CORES DESCRIPTION PDQ NO. LIST PRICE WITH LOCK SEPARATE UNCOMBINATED CORES 6 Pin Cores I5206 + KEYWAY 7 Pin Cores I5207 + KEYWAY $35.00 $35.00 $37.00 $37.00 COMBINATED CORES 6 Pin Cores I5206-1 + KEYWAY 7 Pin Cores I5207-1 + KEYWAY $35.00 $35.00 $37.00 $37.00 $22.00 $ 4.00 $ 4.00 AVAILABLE KEYWAYS: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, Q, PDQ1, PDQ2, PDQ3 (Restricted) CONSTRUCTION CORES Construction Core 6-pin only Dummy Construction Core Plastic Construction cores are invoiced at shipment and credited upon return. Subject to 50% discount. VISUAL KEY CONTROL Cylinder Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Cylinder) Key Marking AA1, AA2, Etc. (Per Key) Key Marking other than Keyset (Per Key) 78 LIST PRICE $3.60 $3.60 $3.60 NOTES: n Prices for IC Mortise & Rim Cylinder Housings do not include IC Core n IC Cores are available Combinated or Uncombinated n Uncombinated cores do not include springs & pins n Combinated cores includes masterkeying n Designate finish when ordering IC Housing & Cores n Parts discounts applies n Cores are small format MISCELLANEOUS PARTS LIST PRICE KEY BLANKS (50 PIECE MINIMUM ORDER) Effective September 15, 2006 PDQ KEYWAY COMPATIBLE WITH 5-pin PRICE EACH 6-pin ARA CO6 / CO59A1 CL4 RUD SCC SCE SAL SAS RA-RC YA8 GA FAL KW Segal TA Large Bow Key Large Bow Key Arrow / AR1 Corbin / 60/59A1 Corbin / L4 Russwin / D1 Schlage / SCC Schlage / E Sargent / LA Sargent / SAS Sargent / RA-RC Yale / E11 Yale / GA Falcon / E-R Kwikset / KW Segal PDQ / TA (Restricted) SCC SCE $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.60 $2.80 $2.80 $1.10 $1.10 $1.10 $1.10 $1.10 $1.10 $1.10 $1.10 $1.10 $1.10 $1.10 $1.10 $1.10 $1.70 $2.80 $2.80 INTERCHANGEABLE CORE KEY BLANKS PRICE EACH A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, Q PDQ1, PDQ2 PDQ3 (Restricted) $1.20 $1.20 $1.40 COLLARS & CAMS PDQ NO. LIST PRICE I127-4205 I127-4202 I127-4206 W50003 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 I5401 I5402 I5403 I5404 I5405 I5407 W50200 I4230 I034 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $4.00 $1.10 DESCRIPTION PDQ NO. LIST PRICE 1-1/4'' x 4-7/8'' ANSI Dust Box (Specified with Lock) 1-1/4'' x 4-7/8'' ANSI Dust Box T-Strike Dust Box (Specified with Lock) T-Strike Dust Box FL-Strike Dust Box (Specified with Lock) FL-Strike Dust Box 1-1/8'' x 2-3/4'' Deadbolt Dust Box IC Tailpiece IC Tailpiece Spacer GP Screwpack (any finish) / GT Screwpack (any finish) 1-1/8'' Latch Front Filler Plate (Minimum of 100 pieces) Y025-SBX Y025-SBX I0251 I0251 I0251R I0251R I4701 V32381 V32387 V91910 / VA10030 I099-100 DESCRIPTION MORTISE CYLINDER CAMS AR Cam YL Cam EM Cam PDQ Cam IC CAMS AR IC Cam Clover IC Cam Yale IC Cam Sargent IC Cam Schlage IC Cam Lockwood IC Cam PDQ IC Cam Mortise Cylinder Collar Adj Spacer Ring - 5/32'' MISCELLANEOUS PARTS NOTES: n Parts discounts applies n Designate finish when ordering miscellaneous parts n Kwikset cylinder available in 5 pin only N/C $5.50 N/C $3.50 N/C $3.50 $3.50 $13.00 $1.35 $2.40 $.50 79 FINISHES LIST PRICE Effective September 15, 2006 PDQ MANUFACTURING FINISHES PDQ Manufacturing finishes are durable, top-quality finishes obtained by the processing of solid brass, bronze, stainless steel or other materials. It is important that usage, climate and other conditions be taken into consideration when selecting finishes. This is especially true in areas subjected to corrosive vapors, humid climate or sea air, which in short time may have a damaging effect on finishes. To preserve appearance, cleaning and care may be required. Non-clear coated finishes should not be cleaned with soap or solvents; organically coated surfaces should be cleaned periodically with mild, non-abrasive soap and buffed lightly with a clean cloth. Contact PDQ technical service for recommendations on the care of finished hardware. BHMA symbols and U.S. Code Designations (noted below in parentheses) are used in some cases to indicate the similarity of finish appearance, regardless of the base material. REFER TO EACH LOCK SERIES SECTION FOR STANDARD FINISH AVAILABILITY. SYMBOL DESCRIPTION 605 (3) 606 (4) 609 (5) 611 (9) 612 (10) 613 (10B) 621 (17A) 625 (26) 626 (26D) 629 (32) 630 (32D) Bright Brass, Clear Coated Satin Brass, Clear Coated Antique Brass, Satin Brass, Blackened, Satin Relieved, Clear Coated Bright Bronze, Clear Coated Satin Bronze, Clear Coated Oil Rubbed Bronze, Oxidized Satin Bronze, Oil Rubbed, No Coating Nickel plated, blackened, relieved clear coated Bright Chromium Plated, No Coating Satin Chromium Plated, No Coating Bright Stainless Steel, No Coating Satin Stainless Steel, No Coating PDQ Manufacturing reserves the right to refuse any order for non-standard finishes without incurring any obligation. PDQ Manufacturing cannot guarantee finishes and will not replace or repair finishes as a result of any of the above conditions under the terms of the Limited Warranty. CONFIDENTIAL TRADE DISCOUNTS 80 PDQ LOCKS AND DEADBOLTS DISCOUNT OFF LIST 1 to 39 locks 50% 40 to 100 locks 50/5% 101 to 260 locks 50/10% 261 to 360 locks 50/15% Over 360 locks 50/20% Parts & Keying 50% TERMS & CONDITIONS PRICES All prices are subject to change without prior notice and are not guaranteed. All prices are per unit (each) unless otherwise specified and do not include sales or local taxes. CREDIT TERMS The standard credit terms of PDQ Manufacturing are 1% 10 days net 30. Net 30 days means the check is received at PDQ on or before 30 days from the date of the invoice. Interest will be charged at the rate of 1-1/2% per month on past due accounts. ACCEPTANCE OF ORDERS / QUOTATIONS Possession of prices from PDQ Manufacturing does not commit PDQ to accept any order. PDQ Industries reserves the right to refuse any order and will not be bound to fill any order until it has been accepted by a representative of PDQ and confirmed by a written acknowledgement. Quotations are valid for ninety (90) days following the date of the quotation. Orders must be submitted in writing. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS An acknowledgement is an exact copy of a customer’s order as entered by PDQ and should be verified by the customer. If the acknowledgement does not agree with customer’s understanding, PDQ should be advised within three (3) days or the order will be billed as acknowledged. PDQ Manufacturings’ sales terms shall apply irrespective of any special stipulation appearing in customer orders, unless specifically acknowledged and accepted by PDQ Manufacturing, Inc. Estimates of delivery are made by PDQ Manufacturing in good faith and are not guaranteed. PDQ Manufacturing does not assume responsibility for delay in deliveries. RETURNS Customer must advise PDQ Customer Service of merchandise to be returned and an RGA will be issued. Goods returned without an RGA will not be accepted by PDQ. Full credit against future purchases or replacements will be made at the option of PDQ if its investigation reveals goods were shipped in error or are defective in workmanship or material. Otherwise, a restocking fee of not less than fifty (50%) percent or $100.00 Net (whichever is greater) will be charged. All merchandise must be PREPAID AND PROPERLY PACKED. COD deliveries will be refused by PDQ. Returned goods must be packed in original boxes. If product has been installed, it cannot be returned. No credit will be given for product not in original form unless, upon PDQ inspection, product is found to be “defective.” If product is returned as defective and found to be operational, product will be returned freight collect and no credit will be issued. MINIMUM CHARGE No order will be invoiced for less than $50.00 Net plus shipping charges, except for extra master keys or accessory parts for existing orders. CHANGES OR CANCELLATIONS When a special order is entered, no change can be made and the order is non-cancelable. Changes to master key jobs made less than eight (8) days prior to shipment will be treated on a job-by-job basis. Cancellation of items already packed for shipment will be removed if possible with a twenty-five (25%) percent restock charge. CLAIMS Every possible care is taken in the final examination and packing of goods, and no complaints can be entertained unless made promptly on receipt of goods. No claim will be allowed for work done by others, consequential damages, or other expenditure, and PDQ’s undertaking to repair or replace defective goods is its only liability. No claim for damage, shortage or loss in transit will be considered unless notice in writing is given to the carrier and to PDQ Industries within ten (10) days of receipt of goods. BACK CHARGES PDQ is not responsible for, does not authorize, and will not accept any charges for the cost of labor or material incurred by anyone other than PDQ Manufacturing for any installation, repair, service or replacement unless incurred with PDQ’s prior written consent and agreement. FREIGHT CHARGES FOB point is Leola, Pennsylvania or Brea, California. Ship location at factory discretion. Freight charges are prepaid and added to invoice. C.O.D. freight charges are paid by consignee. If invoice exceeds $3,500 Net, full surface freight (UPS or truck) within continental U.S.A. is deductible, provided invoice is paid within terms. Air freight and other special shipments are not deductible. DISCONTINUANCE PDQ Manufacturing, Inc. reserves the right to discontinue or change any price, product, design, function and finish without prior notice. FINISHES Although PDQ applies the finest protective coatings to the surface of its products, these protective coatings have their limitations, and in time may deteriorate from extremes of climate, frequency of use, perspiration or other factors. PDQ does not consider excessive wear or tarnishing of these finishes as a result of any of the above conditions as a defect, but rather a normal process which cannot be avoided. Thus, PDQ cannot guarantee product finishes and will not repair or replace finishes with this Warranty. LIMITED WARRANTY PDQ Manufacturing, Inc. warrants that its products are free from defects in workmanship and material under normal use and service. Since PDQ does not control product usage, PDQ makes no representation as to the degree of security conveyed by the use of any product. This Warranty does not cover defects or damage which occur from improper maintenance, improper storage, improper installation, shipping and handling, ordinary wear and tear, scratches or abrasions, misuse, abuse, accident, unauthorized service, work done by others, consequential damages or use of locks from PDQ with unauthorized, non-PDQ parts. PDQ will not pay for the cost of repair performed other than in accordance with this Warranty. PDQ’s only liability, in tort or contract, whether under this Warranty or otherwise, is limited to providing repair or replacement of any product or component part which is proven defective as covered by this Warranty, within one (1) year (ten years for the XGT Spirit and MR Series)(eight years for the GT Spirit Series)(five years for the GP Spirit Series)(two years for the SA Spirit Series) after delivery from PDQ to the original purchaser. Written notice of a product or component part believed to be defective as covered by this Warranty should be sent to PDQ Manufacturing, INC., P O BOX 507, LEOLA, PA 17540, and should include claimant’s name and address, identification of the product, invoice number and date, and a brief description of the defect. Upon receipt of such notice, a PDQ representative will contact claimant as to where to ship such product or component part, shipping charges prepaid, for examination and, in the event such examination reveals a defect covered by this Warranty, the product will be repaired or replaced. This Warranty is in lieu of all other express warranties. To the extent permitted by law, all implied warranties are limited to the duration of this Warranty. PDQ shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitations of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. This Warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may have other rights which vary from state to state. This Limited Warranty does not apply to ANSI A156.2 Grade 2 Key-In-Lever product installed on Educational Facilites. This Price List supersedes and cancels all previous price lists. Prices shown are subject to change without notice. EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 15, 2006 81 ORDER FORM ORDER FAST FAX: 717.656.6892 ORDER PLACED BY: ______________________________ P.O. NO.: ____________ ADDRESS: ____________________________________ PHONE NO.: ____________ ____________________________________ SALES REP.: ____________ XGT, GT, GP, SA, SE (P. 5-32) NET LIST QTY. SERIES SV, SW, CL, SR (P. 45-60) FUNCT. TRIM FINISH BKSET STRIKE KEYWAY KEYING FUNCT. TRIM FINISH HANDG STRIKE KEYWAY KEYING FUNCT. FINISH BKSET KEYWAY KEYING FINISH BKSET KEYWAY KEYING MR (P. 34-42) NET LIST QTY. SERIES PL (P. 43-44) NET LIST QTY. SERIES KT, KM, KV, KR (P. 61-76) NET ________ 82 LIST ________ QTY. TOTAL SERIES FUNCT.
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