Polizza Yacht Baiman


Polizza Yacht Baiman
BMY 01-P10-13
BMY 01-10-13 Italian
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Polizza Yacht Baiman
Ove i seguenti termini compaiano in grassetto avranno i significati indicati di seguito.
Perdita totale
Quando il costo del recupero e/o la riparazione del Scafo superi il Valore
Scoperto/ Franchigia:
Assicurato a fronte della liquidazione di ogni sinistro,
come indicato nella Scheda di copertura.
Avvenimento esterno:
Un incidente causato dall'intervento imprevedibile di qualsiasi forza esterna, o di
qualsiasi persona diversa dalAssicurato o dell'equipaggio, o qualsiasi persona che
Scafo Imbarcazione con l'espressa autorizzazione delAssicurato.
Macchinari e Impianti:
Questo include alberi, boma, pennone, picco, manovre fisse e correnti, vele, strumenti
di navigazione (sia sia portabili che fissi, compresi i computer, se precedentemente
concordato con e specificato nella Scheda di copertura).
Televisori, sistemi di intrattenimento e apparecchiature simili se fissata in modo
permanente allo Scafo.
Il proprietario/i dellImbarcazione e/o la persona/e denominata/e nella Scheda di
copertura a condizione che abbia un interesse assicurabile nellImbarcazione.
Valore Assicurato:
Il valore dellImbarcazione assicurata, come concordato tra lAssicuratore
lAssicurato, e come indicato nella Scheda di copertura.
L'assicuratore/i come indicato nella Scheda di copertura.
Vizio occulto:
Un difetto di progettazione, fabbricazione o di materiale che non risulta da
un'ispezione di rutine, e che non è il risultato di usura o mancanza di manutenzione.
Apparati motori comprendenti i sistemi di alimentazione, scatole del cambio e
comandi della scatola di cambio, giunti, assi e assi di supporto, astucci ed eliche, sistemi
di scarico, motori ausiliari, generatori, dissalatori, pompe e macchinari da ponte. Anche
sistemi elettrici e elettroidraulici compresi avvolgifiocco e verricello, pannelli di
controllo e cavi, pannelli di comando, cavi elettrici, stabilizzatori, sistemi di tubazioni,
serbatoi e relative attrezzature.
Mancanza di adeguata attenzione tale che si verifichino perdite o danni che sarebbero
stati ragionevolmente prevedibili.
Effetti personali:
Gli oggetti di natura personale che non sarebbero normalmente venduti con
lImbarcazione, compresi attrezzature da pesca, sestanti, libri nautici, macchine
fotografiche, binocoli, biciclette, articoli sportivi, abbigliamento, impermeabili, cerate,
stivali da pesca, apparecchiature elettroniche portatili.
Questo documento insieme alla Scheda di copertura, incluse le appendici rilasciate
di volta in volta dagli Assicuratori ed allegate alla presente Polizza per costituirne
parte integrante.
Periodo di copertura:
Il periodo indicato nella Scheda di copertura.
Scheda di copertura:
La Scheda di copertura allegata alla presente Polizza, incluse le relative appendici.
Una barca di piccole dimensioni usata in concomitanza allImbarcazione.
Perdita totale:
Quando lImbarcazione è irreparabile, completamente distrutto o danneggiato al
punto da non avere più le caratteristiche tali di uno yacht.
LImbarcazione come indicato nella Scheda di copertura, compreso scafo,
Macchinari, motore/i e imbarcazione fuoribordo, e attrezzature e dotazioni di bordo,
quali sarebbero normalmente venduti con essa in caso di trasferimento di proprietà.
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Questa Polizza costituisce un contratto di assicurazione tra Assicurato e Assicuratori. La Polizza precisa limiti e modalità
della copertura fornita dagli Assicuratori, soggetta in ogni caso al pagamento del relativo premio.
La Polizza deve essere letta unitamente alla Scheda di copertura e le eventuali appendici. Questa Polizza non è
valida se non riporta in allegato una scheda di copertura validamente sottoscritta. Il titolo delle clausole è posto ai soli
fini identificativi delle stesse.
Assicurato presente Polizza, che costituisce la base della stessa, gli Assicuratori concordano di fornire la seguente copertura:
Sezione A Danni allo Scafo ed ai Beni
Rischi assicurati
Nel rispetto delle eccezioni contenute nel presente documento, questa Polizza copre, per la durata del Periodo di
1.1 perdita o danni Imbarcazione assicurata, causati da:
1.1.1 rischi legati alla navigazione in mare, fiumi, laghi o comunque in acque navigabili
1.1.2 incendio;
1.1.3 gettito/scarico;
1.1.4 pirateria;
1.1.5 Urto contro attrezzature o impianti portuali o di bacino, mezzi di trasporto terrestre, aeromobili o simili o
caduta di oggetti trasportati dagli stessi.
1.1.6 terremoto, eruzione vulcanica o fulmini.
1.2 e fermo restando che le relative perdite o danni non risultino dalla mancanza delle dovute diligenze da parte
Assicurato, dei proprietari o degli amministratori/gestori, questa assicurazione copre:
1.2.1 perdita o danni Imbarcazione assicurata causati da: incidenti occorsi nel carico, scarico o spostamento di provviste, Attrezzature ed
Equipaggiamenti, Macchinari o carburante; esplosioni; atti dolosi; o furto dell'intera Imbarcazione o del connesso tender o motore/i fuoribordo purché
saldamente fissati allimbarcazione con un appropriato sistema antifurto in aggiunta ai normali
mezzi di aggancio, oppure officina, furto di Macchinari incluso il motore/i fuoribordo o Attrezzature ed
1.2.2 perdita o danni allImbarcazione assicurata, eccetto i motori e i collegamenti (esclusi asse montante o
eliche, apparecchiature elettriche e batterie e collegamenti), causati da: difetti non visibili dello scafo o rottura di assi o scoppio di caldaie (escluso il costo e le spese
per la sostituzione danneggiato o della caldaia
esplosa); o Negligenza di un qualunque individuo, ma con esclusione delle spese sostenute per
eliminazione di qualsiasi difetto che possa risultare sia dalla Negligenza sia
a per
Assicurato e/o del proprietario oppure in relazione alla manutenzione della
imbarcazione; e
1.3 la presente polizza assicura le spese di ispezione della carena a seguito di arenamento, purché esse siano
state ragionevolmente sostenute a questo scopo anche qualora non venga riscontrato alcun danno.
Oltre alla copertura fornita in precedenza, questa Polizza fornirà come di seguito:
Costi derivanti da Autorità Governative/Statali
Gli Assicuratori accettano di pagare il cos la carena dopo ,
sebbene nessun danno sia rilevato, senza applicare alcuna Franchigia.
Assicuratore Assicurato è responsabile derivanti da attività condotte da
Autorità Governative o Autorità Statali al fine di salvare lImbarcazione.
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Rimorchio di Emergenza e Assistenza
Gli Assicuratori Assicurato per i costi ragionevoli, entro il massimale indicato nella Scheda di
copertura, in casi di emergenza in cui Assicurato e Imbarcazione non siano in pericolo imminente, qualora non sia
4.1 traino/rimorchio verso il luogo più vicino dove potranno essere effettuate le riparazioni necessarie.
4.2 Fornitura di gas, olio, componenti o prestito di batteria (escluso il costo degli elementi appena menzionati) o
emergenza, mentre si è lontani da un porto sicuro.
Questa copertura verrà fornita senza applicazione di Franchigia.
Effetti Personali
5.1 Gli Assicuratori si impegnano a coprire (senza applicare alcun Scoperto e Franchigia in riferimento alla Clausola 27.1)
tutti i rischi di perdita o danno a Effetti Personali che risultano essere di proprietà personale dell'Assicurato e/o
della propria famiglia, ospiti e noleggiatori, e ad indumenti dell'equipaggio forniti dal proprietario, mentre si
trovino a bordo oppure in uso in relazione all'impiego dell'Imbarcazione assicurata, incluso il loro trasporto dalla
località di residenza dell'Assicurato all'Imbarcazione, e sino al loro ritorno in suddetta località, per tutti i rischi di
perdita o danni a, ma esclusi i danni derivanti da:
5.1.1 logoramento/usura, graduale deterioramento, umidità, muffa, ruggine, verminazione, tarme o guasto di
natura meccanica;
5.1.2 rottura di oggetti di natura fragile, salvo che tale danno sia conseguenza diretta di naufragio,
affondamento, incaglio, incendio, collisione oppure a seguito di sollecitazioni dovute
alle condizioni meteorologiche, a ladri o scassinatori;
5.1.3 perdite di denaro, valute, banconote o travellers cheques; o
5.1.4 perdita di sci d'acqua o attrezzature subacquee, a meno che questo non risulti a seguito di incendio o
furto dopo/per/causato da effrazione o di Totale Perdita dell.
5.2 Il valore recuperabile è limitato agli importi indicati nella Scheda di copertura per un in riferimento a ogni singolo
evento od ogni singolo articolo. Articoli/Oggetti stimati in eccesso rispetto al limite saranno coperti solo se
specificamente elencati e valutati. In caso di Perdita Totale o Perdita Totale Virtuale il valore di questi elementi
può essere versato in aggiunta al Valore Assicurato se indicati come valori aggiuntivi nella Scheda di copertura.
Violaz !"quipaggio
#Assicuratore si impegna a coprire la perdita o guasto $%&&'()*+,-+./02% qualora essi siano derivanti da violazioni di
garanzie contenute nella Polizza perpetrate da equipaggio o comandante 3
costituiscano violazione delle norme di legge in vigore nel paese Imbarcazione assicurata
nel momento in cui si è verificata la violazione. Tale violazione deve essere, inoltre, commessa senza il consenso,
Motore fuoribordo
Questa polizza fornisce copertura in caso di perdita o guasto del motore fuoribordo nel momento in cui questo dovesse
sganciarsi Imbarcazione o in caso di caduta fuoribordo.
Danno causato a seguito di ghiaccio
Questa polizza prevede la copertura per tutti i danni o le perdite causate dal gh Imbarcazione, e/o al
Tender/Gommone, e o ad Attrezzature ed Equipaggiamenti e/o ai Macchinari 3
5ssicurato abbia
adottato tutte le dovute precauzioni per evitare suddette perdite o danni.
Eccezioni Applicabili alla Sezione A
Non verrà ammesso ad indennizzo alcun reclamo per perdita o danni a cose relativi a:
Tender non munito di segno permanente che Imbarcazione principale;
vele e cappe di protezione strappate dal vento o asportate mentre erano fissate a bordo, a meno che questa non
sia la diretta conseguenza di rottura dei pennoni a cui le vele erano fissate oppure accorsi a seguito di naufragio
Imbarcazione, collisione o urto contro qualsiasi corpo esterno (ghiaccio incluso) che non sia acqua;
9.3 vele, alberi, pennoni, o manovre fisse e correnti, quando il sinistro avvenga in occasione di regate veliche, a meno che
la perdita o il danno non avvengano a causa 67 6677
contro qualsiasi corpo esterno (ghiaccio incluso) che non sia acqua;
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9.4 provviste. o ;
9.5 rivestimento metallico della carena o riparazione dello stesso, salvo che la perdita o il danno siano stati causati
Imbarcazione da incaglio, naufragio, incendio, collisione o urto contro qualsiasi corpo esterno (ghiaccio incluso) che
non sia acqua; o
9.6 perdite o spese sostenute allo scopo di rimediare a errori di progettazione o costruzione o qualsiasi costo o spesa
miglioramenti migliorie o modifiche del progetto o della
Condizioni Particolari e Applicazione di Garanzie alla Sezione A
Danni non riparati
10.1 Imbarcazione alla scadenza della presente
Polizza che si sarebbe sostenuto per le riparazioni.
10.2 In nessun caso gli Assicuratori saranno tenuti a indennizzare un danno non riparato qualora successivamente si
verifichi una Perdita Totale (sia o non sia essa assicurata con la presente Polizza) occorsa durante il Periodo di
Validità della presente Polizza o qualsiasi proroga della stessa.
10.3 Gli Assicuratori non sono tenuti a pagare, relativamente a danni non riparati, un importo superiore al Valore
Assicurato, come stabilito nella Scheda di copertura, al momento della scadenza della Polizza.
Perdita Totale Costruttiva
11.1 Imbarcazione debba essere considerata una Perdita Totale Costruttiva, il valore assicurato
sar Imbarcazione riparata, non tenendo assolutamente conto del valore in stato di
danno o di quello di demolizione .
11.2 Nessun reclamo per Perdita Totale Costruttiva basato sul costo di recupero e/o riparazione
Imbarcazione sarà risarcibile agli effetti della presente, salvo che tale costo non sia maggiore del valore assicurato,
come sopra. Nella determinazione di tale presupposto dovrà essere preso in considerazione esclusivamente il costo
relativo ad un singolo avvenimento o serie di danni derivanti da un unico evento.
L'Assicurato impegna a non assicurare alcun importo nella forma «policy proof of interest» oppure «full interest
admitted», per proprio conto o di quello di Creditori mortgagisti o proprietari su sborsi, provvigioni, profitti ed altri
interessi o franchigie o aumenti di valore su scafo e Macchinari comunque descritti, salvo che il Valore Assicurato
deImbarcazione non sia supe 50.000 o di valore equivalente in qualsiasi altra valuta; in tal caso la somma
assicurabile a parte non potrà essere maggiore del 10% del Imbarcazione come
indicato in Scheda di copertura.
Assicuratori qualora il
reclamo sia presentato dal Creditore mortgagista che abbia accettato la presente Polizza non conoscendo la violazione
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Sezione "B" - Responsabilità civile
La presente Sezione si intenderà operante solo nel caso in cui venga specificata nella Scheda di copertura la somma
assicurata per questa garanzia.
Responsabilità Civili
13.1 Gli Assicuratori Assicurato Franchigia, per qualsiasi
Assicurato sia tenuto a pagare e pagherà quale legalmente responsabile, in relazione al proprio
Imbarcazione assicurata e derivante da avvenimenti occorsi durante il Periodo di validità della
presente Assicurazione, relativi a:
13.1.1 perdita o danno causato a qualsiasi altra imbarcazione o proprietà qualunque essa sia;
13.1.2 perdita di vite umane, lesioni personali o infermità, incluse le spese sostenute per il salvataggio di
persone a bordo dell'Imbarcazione assicurata o di quello di terzi o relativo a imbarcazioni nelle
rispettive vicinanze; o
13.1.3 qualsiasi tentato o effettivo sollevamento, rimozione o distruzione Imbarcazione
assicurata o del suo carico o l'eventuale negligenza od omissione nell'obbligo di sollevare, rimuovere o
distruggere lo stesso.
13.2 Spese legali
Gli Assicuratori provvederanno inoltre al pagamento, purché ne sia stato ottenuto il loro preventivo consenso scritto,
13.2.1 spese legali, sostenute dall'Assicurato o che l'Assicurato potrebbe essere chiamato a pagare nel
respingere la propria responsabilità o nel sottostare a un'azione legale per limitare la propria
responsabilità; e
13.2.2 spese addebitate a seguito di inchiesta giudiziaria o inchiesta su incidenti mortali.
13.3 Imbarcazione appartenente allo stesso Armatore
one assicurata con la presente Polizza entri in collisione o riceva assistenza per il suo salvataggio da
un'altra imbarcazione appartenente completamente o in parte agli stessi Armatori o sotto lo stesso controllo,
l'Assicurato conserverà gli stessi diritti derivanti da questa Polizza come se l'altra imbarcazione non fosse di proprietà
Imbarcazione assicurata con la presente polizza; resta tuttavia inteso che in questo caso,
ogni questione di responsabilità per collisione o per spese sostenute per i servizi resi sarà lasciata alla decisione di un
unico arbitro da nominarsi di comune accordo tra Assicuratori e Assicurato.
13.4 Imbarcazione Affidata a Terzi
Le condizioni previste dalla presente Clausola 13.4 si intenderanno applicabili a favore di qualsiasi persona che navighi o a
Imbarcazione assicurata con l'autorizzazione dell'Assicurato indicato in Scheda di copertura (fatta
eccezione per il personale dipendente o impiegato da operatori di cantiere, marine, officine di riparazione, scalo di
alaggio, club nautici, agenzie di vendita od organizzazioni similari), la quale in seguito ad un avvenimento coperto dalla
presente Clausola 13.4 mentre si trovi in navigazione o Imbarcazione assicurata, venga ritenuta
responsabile e tenuta a pagare ed effettivamente paghi qualsiasi somma o somme a persona o persone, fatta eccezione
per l'Assicurato indicato nella Scheda di copertura; tuttavia l'indennizzo dovuto a fronte di questa Clausola 13.4 sarà
effettuato a vantaggio dell'Assicurato e solo per la persona che navighi o a cui sia stata affidata l'Imbarcazione, come
precedentemente indicato, solo su richiesta scritta e per intervento dell'Assicurato. Tuttavia gli obblighi degli
Assicuratori non potranno essere maggiori di quelli previsti dalla successiva clausola 13.7 e inoltre la presente estensione
sarà soggetta ad ogni altra condizione e limitazione della presente Assicurazione.
13.5 Rimozione del Relitto - Estensione
La garanzia si intende estesa a risarcire quelle spese, al netto di quanto ricavato dal salvato, sostenute per la rimozione
del relitto dell'Imbarcazione assicurata, da qualsiasi luogo di proprietà, noleggiato od occupato dall'Assicurato.
13.6 Responsabilità de !!"#$#%&' (% )"%*+
Questa Polizza coprirà qualsiasi responsabilità nei confronti, o attribuita, a qualsiasi persona impegnata nell'esercizio di
sport o attività, inclusi lo sci d'acqua, o l'acquaplano, dal momento della preparazione, o durante, il traino da parte
Imbarcazione e sino al termine dell'esercizio con il ritorno della persona a bordo o a terra senza incidenti.
Questa copertura include responsabilità a e/o di proprietari di natanti e simili, fermo restando i limiti in relazione a
ciascun incidente specificato nella Scheda di copertura relativa a questa Sezione.
13.7 Limite di responsabilità
Il limite di responsabilità garantito dagli Assicuratori agli effetti di quanto previsto dalla presente Clausola 13, a seguito
di qualsiasi avvenimento o serie di avvenimenti generati da un unico evento, non potrà in alcun caso essere superiore alla
somma prevista a questo scopo nella Scheda di copertura; tuttavia nel caso in cui la responsabilità dell'Assicurato
venga contestata con il consenso scritto degli Assicuratori, questi ultimi provvederanno inoltre al pagamento
proporzionale delle spese sostenute dell'Assicurato o che potrebbe essere tenuto a pagare per la propria difesa.
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Eccezioni applicabili alla Sezione B
13.8 In deroga alle disposizioni della presente sezione, questa Polizza non contempla alcuna responsabilità, costo o spesa
derivante da:
13.8.1 qualsiasi pagamento diretto o indiretto effettuato dall'Assicurato in relazione a quanto previsto dal
«Workmen's Compensation or Employer Liability Act» (infortuni sul lavoro) od ogni altro statuto o
disposizione di legge riguardante infortuni o malattie professionali di dipendenti o di qualsiasi altra persona
impiegata a qualsiasi titolo dall'Assicurato o da qualsiasi altra persona che possa godere dei benefici della
presente Polizza in virtù di quanto disposto dalla precedente Clausola 13.4, mentre si trovi a bordo
dell'Imbarcazione assicurata, oppure che della stessa, del suo carico, dei suoi materiali o delle riparazioni
operi in relazione;
13.8.2 Imbarcazione che abbia una velocità massima di progetto
superiore ai 17 nodi, salvo che lo stesso non sia stato specificatamente assicurato in polizza nel qual caso sarà
soggetto alle condizioni previste dalla successiva Clausola 32 Speed Boat , oppure che detto battello si trovi a
bordo dell'Imbarcazione principale o in giacenza a terra; o
13.8.3 danni punitivi o esemplari, comunque siano essi descritti.
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Sezione Garanzie Supplementari
Diportisti non Assicurati
14.1 Gli Assicuratori pagheranno un risarcimento danni cui, a causa di lesioni personali ricevute mentre si era a bordo
Imbarcazione assicurata, Assicurato ha legalmente diritto da parte de
operatore non assicurato.
Per non assicurato Armatore o operatore non assicurato si intende da quella contenuta nella Scheda di copertura, legalmente responsabile per
va o non identificato (come incidente al seguito del quale il
conducente si dilegua).
Gli Assicuratori non pagheranno 14.2.1 sinistri risolti senza il consenso scritto degli Assicuratori;
14.2.2 n non assicurata appartenga a una unità o agenzia governativa;
14.2.3 per imbarcazioni non assicurate possedut Assicurato, e utilizzati da o di
membri della famiglia, o di qualunque persona assicurata da questa Polizza;
14.2.4 per un Assicurato utilizzante senza autorizzazione
14.2.5 nominata nella Scheda di copertura è noleggiata; o
14.2.6 assicurato o
Questa copertura non verrà applicata direttamente o indirettamente a vantaggio di qualunque assicuratore, sotto effetto
! "#$ %
Pagamenti versati per questa copertura o per uno degli assicurati ridurrà la somma che quella persona è destinata a
recuperare secondo come descritto nella sezione B & Responsabilità Civile di questa Polizza.
Il Scheda di copertura indica il limite
Massimo che gli Assicuratori si impegneranno a pagare a prescindere dal numero di persone assicurate, sinistri
verificatisi, o imbarcazioni coinvolte in un incidente o in una serie di incidenti derivanti dallo stesso evento.
La presente Polizza fornisce copertura in caso di perdita di, o in caso di danno a, equipaggiamento e apparecchiatura
' Assicurato, ma predi Assicurato si assume
responsabilità contrattuale, che sia questo equipaggiamento o apparecchiatura per scopi di supporto alla navigazione o
comunicazione o per altri scopi. Tale danno a condizione deve essere causato da un rischio assicurato, come previsto
dalla Clausola 1 della presente Polizza, soggetta in ogni caso ai termini, condizioni ed eccezioni della presente. La
responsabilità degli Assicuratori non deve in nessun caso superare il valore minimo stabilito della responsabilità
Assicurato per perdita o danno a tale equipaggiamento o apparecchiatura, o il suo rispettivo valore di
sostituzione. Codesto equipaggiamento o apparecchiatura dovrà essere incluso nel Valore Assicurato
Spese mediche
Gli Assicuratori rimborseranno le spese derivanti da interventi medici o chirurgici, nei limiti del numero di incidenti o
avvenimenti indicati nella Scheda di copertura. Tali Assicurato o per la sua famiglia, nel
momento in cui questi siano stati soggetti a lesioni personali causate da mezzi visibili, violenti, accidentali ed esterni, e
derivanti da Imbarcazione, o da sua collisione con altre unità di diporto o con oggetti esterni che
non siano acqua.
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Eccezioni Applicabili a tutte le Sezioni
Le clausole che seguono non terranno conto di quanto previsto nella presente Polizza, che sia in contrasto con le
Questa Polizza non coprirà in nessun caso:
16. Rischi Guerra
Dalla presente assicurazione si intendono in ogni caso esclusi perdite, danni, responsabilità o spese causati da:
16.1 guerra, guerra civile, rivoluzione, ribellione, insurrezione, o sommossa civile originata dai casi appena citati, o
qualsiasi atto ostile da o contro una potenza belligerante;
16.2 cattura, sequestro, arresto, fermo, restrizione o detenzione (fatta eccezione per baratteria e pirateria) e le
rispettive conseguenze o qualsiasi tentata minaccia; o
16.3 mine inesplose, torpedini, bombe, o altri ordigni di guerra comunque non segnalati.
17. Scioperi e Atti con movente Politico
Dalla presente assicurazione si intendono in ogni caso esclusi perdite, danni, responsabilità o spese causati da:
17.1 scioperanti, lavoratori colpiti da serrata o persone che prendono parte ad atti contro l'esercizio del lavoro, tumulti
o disordini civili; o
17.2 terroristi o comunque qualsiasi persona che agisca per movente politico.
18. Rischi Nucleari
Dalla presente assicurazione si intendono in ogni caso esclusi perdite, danni, responsabilità o spese derivanti da:
18.1 qualsiasi ordigno di guerra che faccia uso di fissione e/o fusione atomica o nucleare o altra reazione similare, o di
natura o forza radioattiva;
18.2 contaminazione radioattiva o radiazione ionica derivante da qualsiasi combustibile nucleare o residuo nucleare di
combustione; o
18.3 elementi radioattivi, tossici, esplosivi o comunque pericolosi che facciano parte di qualsiasi apparecchiatura
esplosiva nucleare o componente nucleare dello stesso.
19. Rischio Contaminazione Radioattiva e Armi Chimiche, Biologiche, Biochimiche ed
Dalla presente assicurazione si intendono in ogni caso esclusi perdite, danni, responsabilità o spese derivanti da:
19.1 Radiazioni ionica, contaminazione per radioattività causata da scorie o carburante radioattivo o combustione di
carburante nucleare;
19.2 proprietà contaminanti, radioattive, esplosive o dannose di qualsivoglia installazione nucleare, struttura nucleare o
componente nucleare;
19.3 qualsiasi ordigno di guerra che faccia uso di fissione e/o fusione atomica o nucleare od altra reazione similare o
materia o forza radioattiva;
19.4 elementi radioattivi, tossici, esplosivi o comunque pericolosi che facciano parte di qualsiasi apparecchiatura
esplosiva nucleare o componente nucleare dello stesso. Questa sottoclausola non si applica agli isotopi radioattivi,
tranne i carburanti nucleare, mentre questi stessi sono preparati, spostati, stoccati o generalmente utilizzati per scopi
pacifici quali agricoltura, commercio, medicina e studi scientifici;
19.5 qualsivoglia arma chimica, biologica, biochimica o elettromagnetica.
Esclusione da Sanzioni
Gli Assicuratori non sono tenuti a coprire e/o risarcire alcun sinistro o fornire benefici di cui sotto, nel caso in cui le
azioni pocanzi menzionate dovessero esporre gli Assicuratori a sanzioni, divieti o restrizioni in quanto in contrasto con
risoluzioni emanate dalle Nazioni Unite o con leggi, sanzioni e regolamentazioni commerciali emanate da Unione
Europea, Regno unito, Irlanda del Nord o Stati Uniti dmerica.
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Condizioni e Garanzie Aggiuntive
Armamento e Disarmo
previste da questa Polizza.
21.1.1 quando si trovi armata in mare o in acque interne, oppure in porti, bacini di carenaggio, marine, scali,
alaggi, pontoni, oppure in spiaggia o sul bagnasciuga, oppure in locali di deposito a terra, incluso sollevamento
oppure alaggio e varo, in possesso dei requisiti per salpare o navigare con o senza piloti, per effettuare viaggi di
prova e per prestare assistenza ed effettuare il rimorchio ad altre imbarcazioni o natanti bisognosi di soccorso,
Imbarcazione non venga
rimorchiata, salvo che si tratti di rimorchio conforme a soccorso, né presti servizi di rimorchio o di soccorso in forza di contratto preventivamente stipulato dai suoi
proprietari, comandanti, amministratori o noleggiatori
21.1.2 quando si trovi giacente in disarmo fuori servizio, secondo quanto previsto dalla successiva Clausola 23,
male manutenzione o quando venga sottoposta ad ispezione
in altra maniera, da o per il
proprio luogo di ormeggio, purché tutto quanto sopra avvenga nei limiti del porto o del luogo in cui
Imbarcazione si trovi in disarmo). Sono esclusi dalla copertura assicurativa, salvo che ne sia stato dato
preventivo avviso agli Assicuratori e venga pagato il soprapremio dagli stessi richiesto, i periodi in cui
Imbarcazione sia adibita a casa galleggiante , oppure sia sottoposta a grandi riparazioni od a trasformazioni
che ne alterino la struttura.
A parziale deroga di quanto previsto dalla precedente Clausola 21.1.1 le Attrezzature e gli
Equipaggiamenti di bordo, inclusi i motori fuoribordo, si intendono assicurati secondo le condizioni previste dalla
presente Polizza, anche quando si trovano in luoghi di deposito o in riparazione a terra.
Garanzia di Navigazione
La garanzia assicurativa fornita dalla presente Polizza è operante a condizione che la navigazione venga effettuata entro i
limiti navigabili previsti nella Scheda di copertura, fatta eccezione nel caso in cui ne sia stato dato preventivo avviso
agli Assicuratori per la navigazione oltre i limiti previsti a termini e
condizioni da convenirsi tra Assicurato e Assicuratori.
Garanzia di Disarmo
Durante il periodo previsto Imbarcazione dovrà restare in disarmo secondo i termini
stabiliti nella Scheda di copertura zioni da convenirsi tra
Assicurato e Assicuratori, purché sia dato avviso preventivo del riarmo agli Assicuratori.
Prosecuzione della Copertura
Imbarcazione, allo scadere del periodo assicurato con la presente Polizza, si trovi in navigazione in alto
mare, oppure in pericolo o in porto o in località di rifugio, purché ne sia data immediata comunicazione agli
Assicuratori, la presente assicurazione proseguirà a premio da convenirsi tra Assicuratori e Assicurato, fino a
a ancorata od ormeggiata in condizioni di sicurezza nel più vicino porto di scalo.
Nessuna cessione dei diritti o interessi relativi a questa Polizza o di qualsiasi somma di denaro che potrebbe essere o
divenire pagabile a seguito di avvenimenti assicurati, sarà opponibile agli Assicuratori o da essi dovrà essere riconosciuta,
salvo che la notifica di detta cessione con data certa di diritti od interessi, sottoscritta dall'Assicurato e dal cessionario
in caso di successiva cessione, non venga annotata sulla Polizza; la Polizza stessa con la relativa appendice di cessione
dovrà essere esibita agli Assicuratori prima del pagamento di qualsiasi danno o rimborso di premio come qui di seguito
Doppia Assicurazione
La presente Polizza operante in relazione a eventuali perdite, danni o responsabilità che al momento
dell'avvenimento, se non fosse per l'esistenza della presente Polizza, sarebbero stati garantiti da altre coperture
assicurative, fatta eccezione per qualsiasi franchigia prevista da tali altre coperture assicurative qualora la presente
Polizza non fosse stata operante
Passaggio di proprietà
La presente Clausola 27 prevale sempre e comunque su qualsiasi altra clausola di contenuto contrario, sia essa scritta,
dattiloscritta oppure a stampa, contenuta in questa Polizza.
27.1 Imbarcazione venga venduta o trasferita a un nuovo armatore, oppure, quando risulti di proprietà di una Società e si verifichi un passaggio nel controllo societario della stessa, salvo consenso scritto
da parte degli Assicuratori per la continuazione della copertura, la presente Po dalla data della
vendita o del trasferimento di proprietà e gli assicuratori procederanno al rimborso del pro rata giornaliero del premio,
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calcolato sul premio netto corrisposto per i periodi di armamento e/o di disarmo rispettivamente non goduti.
27.2 Tuttavia, qualora abbia lasciato gli ormeggi o si trovi in mare al momento della vendita o del
trasferimento,la località di destino.
Franchigia e Scoperto
28.1 Ogni reclamo derivante da un rischio assicurato sarà NON indennizzabile a termini della presente Polizza a
incidente o avvenimento (inclusi i danni
di cui alle Clausole 13, 30 e 31) sia superiore alla somma prevista dalla Scheda di copertura come Franchigia o
Scoperto Nel caso in cui venga applicata più di una Franchigia da quanto stabilito nella Sezione A, entrerà in atto soltanto la
Franchigia maggiore.
La presente Clausola 28.1 non si intenderà applicabile nei casi di danno relativi a Perdita Totale o Perdita Totale
Costruttiva Imbarcazione oppure al verificarsi di tale avvenimento, per qualsiasi reclamo associato previsto dalla
Clausola 31, derivante dal medesimo evento o avvenimento.
28.2 28.1 e congiuntamente alla stessa, potrà essere applicato, a
discrezione degli Assicuratori, uno scoperto nuovo per vecchio non superiore a un terzo, relativamente a perdite o
danni a:
28.2.1 cappe di protezione, vele e manovre correnti; o
28.2.2 motori fuoribordo, siano essi assicurati o meno con valutazione separata in questa Polizza.
Avviso Danni e Preventivi
29.1 Nel caso si verifichi un avvenimento che possa dar luogo a un reclamo risarcibile a fronte della presente Polizza e
come specificato nella Scheda di copertura, dovrà esserne dato immediato avviso agli Assicuratori; inoltre in caso di
29.2 Prima di qualsiasi ispezione, Assicurato dovrà dare comunicazione agli Assicuratori, come specificato nella
Scheda di copertura , i Assicurato abbia notificato per iscritto, o per
qualunque altro mezzo, che si ritiene responsabile per qualunque somma o somme di denaro, come precisato nella
Sezione B Responsabilità Civili.
29.3 Gli Assicuratori avranno facoltà di stabilire il porto verso il quale l'Imbarcazione dovrà far rotta per entrare in
bacino o per essere riparata (le effettive maggiori spese sostenute per il trasferimento derivanti dalla richiesta degli
Assicuratori saranno in tal caso risarcite all'Assicurato) e inoltre avranno diritto di veto riguardo la località prescelta
per la riparazione o il nominativo del cantiere.
29.4 Gli Assicuratori avranno inoltre facoltà di indire appalti o pretendere che gli stessi vengano indetti dall'Assicurato,
Spese di Salvataggio
Ferme restando tutte le altre condizioni previste al riguardo in questa Polizza, le spese di salvataggio sostenute allo
derivante da detti rischi.
!!"#$%# &'""()ssicurato
31.1 In caso di perdita o sventura Assicurato o chi per esso dipendente o mandatario, dovrà prendere le misure
preventive necessarie allo scopo di evitare o ridurre la perdita che risulterebbe indennizzabile a termini della presente
31.2 Fermo restando le condizioni di seguito previste e la precedente Clausola 28, gli Assicuratori contribuiranno
Assicurato, o da chi per esso dipendente o
mandatario, allo scopo di evitare o diminuire la perdita. generale , le spese di salvataggio, i costi per la difesa o
coperta con la Clausola
13.2 non potranno essere considerate come ricadenti nella presente Clausola 31.
31.3 Assicurato si impegna a fornire agli Assicuratori ogni ragionevole assistenza allo scopo di ottenere tutte quelle
informazioni e prove che gli stessi reputino necessarie per effettuare u
a loro esclusivo
Assicurato qualsiasi terzo responsabile, relativamente a tutto quanto assicurato con la presente Polizza.
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31.4 Assicurato o degli Assicuratori assicurato non potrà in alcun caso essere considerato come rinuncia o consenso di abbandono o altrimenti pregiudicare
comunque sarà senza pregiudizio per i diritti delle rispettive parti.
31.5 31 sarà calcolato come supplementare al danno
indennizzabile a qualsiasi altro titolo agli effetti della presente Polizza, ma le spese sostenute agli effetti della Clausola
non potranno essere in nessun caso maggiori della somma assicurata prevista dalla Scheda di copertura
Clausola per Imbarcazioni Veloci
Questa Clausola prevarrà sulle clausole precedentemente riportate, in caso di discordanza/disposizioni contrastanti o
incompatibili con le stesse
32.1 Polizza è che durante la navigazione, Imbarcazione
assicurata sia condotta dall'Assicurato indicato nella Scheda di copertura, o da altre persone di competenza abilitate,
oppure Imbarcazione e ne abbiano il controllo.
32.2 lImbarcazione o la responsabilità civile verso Terzi
o qualsiasi prestazione di salvataggio
32.2.1 Imbarcazione, specificatamente causati o derivanti da naufragio, incaglio, sommersione,
immersione, rotture degli ormeggi, mentre la stessa si trovava ormeggiata o ancorata, non sorvegliata, al largo di
una spiaggia o costa esposta, o
32.2.2 danni occorsi mentre Imbarcazione partecipa a gare o prove di velocità, oppure a qualsiasi collaudo in
relazione alle stesse.
32.3 32.3.1 attribuibili a quanto previsto dalle Clausole e
32.3.2 qualsiasi perdita o danno causato da cattive condizioni atmosferiche, acqua o collisione, fatta eccezione
per quella contro un'altra Imbarcazione, molo o pontile; tuttavia la presente Clausola 32.3.2 non esclude i
Imbarcazione cattive
condizioni atmosferiche.
32.4 Nel caso in cui Imbarcazione assicurata sia dotata di motori entrobordo, la validità della presente Polizza
relativamente a danni causati o derivanti da incendio o esplosione sarà operante soltanto nel momento in cui
Imbarcazione non sia dotata, nella sala macchine (o vano motore), nel vano serbatoi e nella cucina, di un sistema di
estinzione degli incendi automatico o con controllo a distanza e tale impianto sia stato installato propriamente e
mantenuto in condizioni di efficiente funzionamento.
Estensione Passeggeri
La copertura di questa Polizza si intende estesa a un numero massimo di 12 passeggeri ormeggiata, ancorata o in mare aperto.
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Condizioni Generali
Severability Notice
Le obbligazioni del sottoscrivente Assicuratore sotto questa Polizza sono molteplici e non singole e sono limitate alla
singola sottoscrizione. Gli Assicuratori sottoscriventi non devono essere ritenuti, in qualsiasi momento, responsabili
della non adempienza totale o parziale delle obbligazioni di qualsivoglia assicuratore sottoscrivente o co-sottoscrivente.
Policy Law
La seguente Polizza, a meno che diversamente specificato nella Scheda di copertura, risponde alle norme e leggi di
Inghilterra e Galles ed è, pertanto, soggetta alla giurisdizione delle corti di Inghilterra e Galles. Comunicheremo con Lei
in Inglese.
Disdetta Polizza / Periodo di Riflessione
Assicurato, rientri nella categoria dei consumatori, ha il diritto di disdire tale Polizza scrivendo direttamente a Baiman Marine o al Suo broker entro 14 giorni dal
izio del Periodo di Copertura.
La Polizza potrà inoltre essere disdetta in qualunque momento da entrambe le parti dando un preavviso di almeno 30
giorni. Tale preavviso scritto potrà essere recapitato via a mezzo posta, posta elettronica, fax o consegna a mano. In
caso di disdetta via posta, essa dovrà essere consegnata entro sette giorni dalla data di invio, mentre una disdetta via fax
o e-mail dovrà esse consegnata il giorno stesso della spedizione.
Se la Polizza è viene disdetta, il premio sarà calcolato su base pro-rata e verrà restituito parte del premio
corrispondente al Periodo di Polizza non trascorsa con un sovraprezzo del 10%. In caso di un reclamo riguardante
tale Polizza, gli Assicuratori non potranno rimborsare alcuna somma di denaro.
Trattamento dei Dati Personali
Al fine di gestire questa Polizza e qualsiasi reclamo mosso contro la stessa, Baiman Marine e/o gli Assicuratori
Nel caso di trasferimento di tali dati sensibili, sarà assicurata la massima protezio Protection A !!".
Procedura di Ricorso
# Assicurato, dovesse avere qualsiasi domanda o richiesta a proposito della sua polizza assicurativa o a proposito
di un suo reclamo, dovrebbe per prima rivolgersi al suo broker.
Se tale procedura non dovesse risolvere il suo problema o qualora non fosse possibile compiere tale operazione, è
pregato di contattare:
Mr Paul Collins
Compliance Officer
Baiman Marine
Londra EC3N 1BT
5th Floor, 155 Minories
020 7488 2211
Fax: 020 7488 4436
[email protected]
Nel caso non sia ancora soddisfatto e desidera $ % & '(
Assistance team )
Policyholder & Market Assistance,
Lloyd's Market Services,
One Lime Street,
London EC3M 7HA
020 7327 5693
020 7327 5225
E-mail: [email protected]
Il form ufficiale della * .
Qualora i % & ( della + #, # gli durante il trattamento della richiesta, in
qualsiasi caso, presentare un reclamo non preclude la possibilità di ricorrere a mezzi legali.
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I Nostri Uffici
con sede a Plymouth, Devon,
manifatturiera di yacht inglese e
immerse in una storia navale, è
la location ideale per i nuovi
ufficiBaiman Marine. I nostri
clienti sono i benvenuti, sia per
informazioni generali
4th Floor, Salt Quay House, Sutton Harbour
Plymouth, Devon PL4 0HP
Sito Web:
Il Team:
Ross Bailey, Underwriting Manager
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 01752 358 739
Cell: 07880 190 962
Toby Courtney, Amministratore
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 01752 358 739
07557 563 393
4th Floor, Salt Quay House, Sutton Harbour
Plymouth, Devon PL4 0HP
C.J. Coleman and Company Limited Trading as Baiman Marine
Registrato in Inghilterra al 5° piano, 155 Minories, London, EC3N IBT.
Registrazione No. 1135419.
Autorizzato e Regolato dalla Financial Conduct Authority.
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Baiman Yacht Policy
Wherever the following words appear in bold they will have the meanings shown below.
Total Loss:
When the cost of the recovery and/or repair of the Vessel would exceed the Insured
Excess / Deductible:
The amount which must be contributed by the Insured to any claim settlement, as stated in
the Schedule.
External Accident:
An acccident which is caused by the unpredictable intervention of any external force, or of
any person other than the Insured or the crew, or any person using the Vessel with the
express permission of the Insured.
Gear and Equipment:
This includes masts, spars, standing and running rigging, sails, navigational aids (both handheld and built in, including computers, if previously agreed by the Insurer and separately
noted in the Schedule). Televisions, entertainment systems, and similar equipment if
permanently attached to the Vessel.
The owner(s) of the Vessel and/or the person(s) named in the Schedule provided that
person has an insurable interest in the Vessel.
Insured Value:
The value of the insured Vessel, as agreed upon between the Insurer and the Insured,
and as stated in the Schedule.
The Insurer(s) as identified in the Schedule.
Latent Defect:
A defect of design, manufacture or material which is not apparent by normal inspection, and
which is not the result of wear and tear or lack of maintenance.
Engines including fuel systems, gear boxes and gear box controls, couplings, shafts and shaft
support, stern gear and propellers, exhaust systems, auxiliary engines, generators, water
makers, pumps and deck machinery. Also electrical and electro-hydraulic systems including
furling and winch systems, control panels and cables, switch boards, electrical cables,
stabilisers, pipe systems, tanks and their associated equipment.
A failure to take reasonable care, which results in loss or damage which could reasonably
have been foreseen.
Personal Effects:
Items of a personal nature which would not normally be sold with the Vessel including
fishing gear, sextants, nautical books, cameras, binoculars, bicycles, sports equipment,
clothing, wet-weather gear, oilskins, sea boots, portable electronic equipment.
The contents of this document together with the Schedule incorporating all endorsements
issued from time to time by Insurers to attach to this Policy which shall be read together
and on which basis shall constitute the Policy.
Policy Period:
The period stated in the Schedule.
The Schedule attaching to this Policy, incorporating all endorsements.
A small boat used in connection with the Vessel.
Total Loss:
When the Vessel is irrecoverable, completely destroyed or so damaged that it ceases to
have characteristics of a yacht.
The Vessel as named in the Schedule, being its hull, Machinery, including outboard
motor(s), boat(s), and Gear and Equipment, such as would normally be sold with her if
she changed hands.
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This Policy constitutes a contract of insurance between the Insured and Insurers. The Policy contains the extent of the
cover that Insurers provide, subject always to receipt of the premium.
The Policy must be read together with the Schedule and any endorsements. This Policy is not complete unless a signed
Schedule is attached. The headings of each clause are for ease of identification only.
In consideration of the premium and in reliance upon the information the Insured has provided to Insurers prior to
commencement of this Policy and which is deemed to form the basis of the Policy, Insurers agree to provide the following
- Hull and Property Damage
Subject always to the exclusions contained herein, this Policy covers during the Policy Period:
loss of or damage to the insured Vessel, caused by:
perils of the seas, rivers, lakes or other navigable waters;
contact with dock or harbour equipment or installation, land conveyance, aircraft or similar objects or objects
falling therefrom; or
earthquake, volcanic eruption or lightning; and
provided such loss or damage has not resulted from want of due diligence by the Insured, owners or managers:
loss of or damage to the insured Vessel caused by: accidents in loading, discharging or moving stores, Gear and Equipment, Machinery or fuel; explosions; malicious acts; or theft of the entire Vessel or her boat(s), or outboard motor(s) provided it is securely locked to the
Vessel or her boat(s) by an anti-theft device in addition to its normal method of attachment, or,
following upon forcible entry into the Vessel or place of storage or repair, theft of Machinery
including outboard motor(s) or Gear and Equipment; and
loss of or damage to the insured Vessel, excepting motor and connections (but not strut shaft or propeller),
electrical equipment and batteries and connections, caused by: latent defects in hull or breakage of shafts or bursting of boilers (excluding the cost and expense of
replacing or repairing the defective part broken shaft or burst boiler); or the Negligence of any person whatsoever, but excluding the cost of making good any defect
resulting from either Negligence or breach of contract in respect of any repair or alteration work
carried out for the account of the Insured and/or the owners or in respect of the maintenance of
the Vessel; and
the expense of sighting the bottom after a stranding, if reasonably incurred specifically for that purpose, even if no
damage be found.
In addition to the cover provided above, this Policy will also provide the following:
Insurers agree to pay the reasonable cost of inspecting the bottom of the Vessel after grounding, even if no damage is found,
without application of any Deductible.
Governmental / State Authority Costs
Insurers agree to pay the costs for which the Insured is liable arising out of any act of any Governmental Authority or State
Authority done for the purpose of saving the Vessel.
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Emergency Tow and Assistance
Insurers agree to reimburse the Insured for reasonable costs up to the limit stated in the Schedule in the event there is an
emergency situation where the Insured and the Vessel are not in imminent danger resulting from the following services to
the Vessel if help is not available and commercial assistance must be obtained:
Towing to the nearest place where necessary repairs can be made.
Delivery of gas, oil, parts or loaned battery (excluding the cost of these items themselves) or emergency labour, while
away from safe harbour.
The Policy Deductible does not apply to this coverage.
Personal Effects
Insurers agree to cover (without reference to any Excess and Deductible in Clause 27.1), Personal Effects of
the Insured, his/her family, guests and charterers, and crew's clothes provided by the owners, while on board or in
use in connection with the Vessel, including while in transit from the Insured's place of residence to the Vessel, and
until return to such place of residence, for all risks of loss of or damage to, but EXCLUDING CLAIMS ARISING
wear and tear, gradual deterioration, damp, mould, mildew, vermin, moth and mechanical derangement;
breakage of articles of a brittle nature, unless caused by the Vessel being stranded, sunk, burnt, on fire or in
collision, or by stress of weather, burglars or thieves;
loss of cash, currency, banknotes or travellers cheques; or
loss of water-skis or diving equipment, unless as a result of fire or theft following forcible entry or of Total
Loss of the Vessel.
The amount recoverable shall be limited to the amounts stated in the Schedule in respect of any one event or any
single article. Items valued in excess of the any one article limit shall only be covered if specifically listed and valued and
in the event of a Total Loss or Constructive Total Loss the value of these items may be paid in addition to the
Insured Value if stated as additional values in the Schedule.
Crew Breach of Warranty
Insurers agree to pay for loss or damage to the Vessel when caused by breach of any warranty contained in the Policy by a
paid captain and/or paid crew members provided the breach of such warranty does not constitute a violation of the laws of the
country that has jurisdiction over the insured Vessel at the time the breach occurred or such breach is not committed with
the consent, approval or knowledge of the Insured.
Outboard Motor
This Policy provides cover in respect of loss of or damage to the outdoor motor in the event of it dropping off the Vessel or
falling overboard.
Frost Damage
This Policy provides cover for all loss or damage to the insured Vessel, and/or Tender/Dinghy and/or Gear and
Equipment and/or Machinery caused by frost subject to the Insured taking all due and reasonable precautions to prevent a
loss or damage.
Exclusions Applicable to Section A
No claim shall be allowed in respect of any of the following:
ship's boat not permanently marked with the name of the parent Vessel;
sails and protective covers split by the wind or blown away while set, unless in consequence of damage to the spars to
which sails are bent, or occasioned by the Vessel being stranded or in collision or contact with any external substance
(ice included) other than water;
sails, masts, spars or standing and running rigging while the Vessel is racing, unless the loss or damage is caused by the
Vessel being stranded, sunk, burnt, on fire or in collision or contact with any external substance (ice included) other
than water;
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consumable stores, or moorings;
sheathing, or repairs thereto, unless the loss or damage has been caused by the Vessel being stranded, sunk, burnt, on
fire or in collision or contact with any external substance (ice included) other than water; or
loss or expenditure incurred in remedying a fault in design or construction or any cost or expense incurred by reason
of betterment or alteration in design or construction.
Specific Conditions and Warranties Application to Section A
Unrepaired Damage
The measure of indemnity in respect of claims for unrepaired damage shall be the reasonable depreciation in the
market value of the Vessel at the time this Policy terminates arising from such unrepaired damage, but not exceeding
the reasonable cost of repairs.
In no case shall Insurers be liable for unrepaired damage in the event of a subsequent Total Loss (whether or not
covered under this Policy) sustained during the Policy Period or any extension thereof.
Insurers shall not be liable in respect of unrepaired damage for more than the Insured Value as stated in the
Schedule at the time this Policy terminates.
Constructive Total Loss
In ascertaining whether the Vessel is a Constructive Total Loss, the insured value shall be taken as the repaired
value and nothing in respect of the damaged or break-up value of the Vessel or wreck shall be taken into account.
No claim for Constructive Total Loss based upon the cost of recovery and/or repair of the Vessel shall be
recoverable hereunder unless such cost would exceed the insured value, as determined above. In making this
determination, only the cost relating to a single accident or sequence of damages arising from the same accident shall
be taken into account.
Disbursements Warranty
It is warranted that no amount shall be insured, policy proof of interest or full interest admitted for account of the Insured,
mortgagees or owners on disbursements, commission, profits or other interests or Excess or increased value of hull or
Machinery however described unless the Insured Value of the Vessel is over EUR 50,000 or equivalent in another
currency and then not to exceed 10 per cent of the total amount insured in respect of the Vessel as stated in the Schedule.
Provided always that a breach of this warranty shall not afford Insurers any defence to a claim by a mortgagee who has
accepted this Policy without knowledge of such breach.
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- Third Party Liability
This Section only to apply when an amount is stated for this purpose in the Schedule.
Liabilities to Third Parties
Insurers agree to indemnify the Insured, after the application of the Excess, for any sum or sums which the
Insured shall become legally liable to pay and shall pay, by reason of interest in the insured Vessel and arising out of
accidents occurring during the Policy Period, in respect of:
loss of or damage to any other vessel or property whatsoever;
loss of life, personal injury or illness, including payments made for life salvage, caused on or near the Vessel
or any other vessel; or
any attempted or actual raising, removal or destruction of the wreck of the insured Vessel or the cargo
thereof or any neglect or failure to raise, remove or destroy the same.
Legal Costs
Insurers will also pay, provided their prior written consent has been obtained,
the legal costs incurred by the Insured or which the Insured may be compelled to pay in contesting liability
or taking proceedings to limit liability; and
the costs for representation at any coroner's inquest or fatal accident enquiry.
Sister Ship
Should the insured Vessel come into collision with or receive salvage services from another vessel belonging wholly or in part
to the same owners or under the same management, the Insured shall have the same rights under this Policy as they would
have were the other vessel entirely the property of owners not interested in the insured Vessel; but in such cases the liability
for the collision or the amount payable for the services rendered shall be referred to a sole arbitrator to be agreed upon
between Insurers and the Insured.
Navigation By Other Persons
The provisions of this Clause 13 shall extend to any person navigating or in charge of the insured Vessel with the permission
of the Insured named in the Schedule (other than a person operating, or employed by the operator of, a shipyard, marina,
repair yard, slipway, yacht club, sales agency or similar organisation) and who while so navigating or in charge of the Vessel
shall in consequence of any occurrence covered by this Clause 13 become liable to pay and shall pay any sum or sums to any
person or persons, other than to the Insured named in the Schedule, but indemnity under this Clause 13.4 shall inure to the
benefit of the Insured and only to a person navigating or in charge of the insured Vessel, at the written request of and
through the agency of the Insured. Nothing in this extension shall increase the Insurers' liability beyond the limitation of
liability imposed by Clause 13.7 below and this extension is subject to Policy terms, conditions and warranties.
Removal of Wreck Extension
Insurers also agree to pay the expenses, after deduction of the proceeds of the salvage, of the removal of the wreck of the
insured Vessel from any place owned, leased or occupied by the Insured.
Water-Skier Liability
This Policy shall provide cover in respect of any liability to or incurred by any person insured hereunder whilst engaged in a
sport or activity, including whilst water skiing or aquaplaning, while being towed by the Vessel or preparing to be towed or
after being towed until safely on board or ashore.
This cover includes liability to and/or of users of personal watercraft and any such similar craft up to the same limit each and
every accident as stated in the Schedule for this Section.
Limit of Liability
The liability of Insurers under this Clause 13, in respect of any one accident or series of accidents arising out of the same
event, shall in no case exceed the limit stated in the Schedule, but when the liability of the Insured has been contested with
the consent in writing of Insurers, Insurers will also pay a like proportion of the costs which the Insured shall thereby incur
or be compelled to pay.
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Exclusions Applicable to Section B
Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section this Policy does not cover any liability, cost or expense arising in
respect of:
any direct or indirect payment by the Insured under workmen's compensation or employers' liability acts
and any other statutory or common law liability in respect of accidents to or illness of workmen or any other
persons employed in any capacity whatsoever by the Insured or by any person to whom the protection of
this Policy is afforded by reason of the provisions of Clause 13.4, in, on or about or in connection with the
insured Vessel or her cargo, materials or repairs;
any boat belonging to the Vessel and having a maximum designed speed exceeding 17 knots, unless such boat
is specially covered herein and subject also to the conditions of the Speedboat Clause 32, or is on the parent
Vessel or laid up ashore; or
punitive or exemplary damages, however described.
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Additional Coverages
Uninsured Boaters
Insurers will pay the damages which, because of bodily injury received aboard the insured Vessel, the Insured is
legally entitled to recover from the uninsured owner or operator of another vessel.
Vessel named in the Schedule who is legally responsible for the accident, and to whom no liability policy applies; or
who cannot be identified (such as a hit and run operator).
Insurers do not provide Uninsured Boater coverage:
for claims settled without our written consent;
if the uninsured vessel is owned by a governmental agency or unit;
for uninsured vessels owned by or furnished for the regular use of the Insured, a member of the
immediate family, or any person insured by this Policy;
for an Insured using a vessel without permission;
when the Vessel named in the Schedule is being chartered; or
where no evidence of physical contact exists between the insured Vessel and an unidentified vessel or where
no evidence of physical contact exists between the insured Vessel and an uninsured vessel.
This coverage, will not apply directly or indirectly to the benefit of any insurer under any state or federal compensation law or
Payment made for this coverage to or for an insured person will reduce the amount that person is entitled to recover under
)* +, - Third Party Liability of this Policy.
The limit for Uninsured Boater coverage stated in the Schedule is the most Insurers will pay under this Policy, regardless of
the number of insured persons, claims made, or vessels involved in any one accident or series of accidents arising out of the
same event.
This Policy provides cover for loss of or damage to equipment and apparatus not owned by the Insured but installed for use
on the Vessel and for which the Insured has assumed contractual liability, whether such equipment or apparatus is in the
nature of aids to navigation or communication or otherwise and where such loss or damage is caused by an insured peril as
provided under Clause 1 of this Policy, subject in all other respects to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this Policy. In
no event shall the liability of Insurers exceed the lesser of the contractual liability of the Insured for loss of or damage to
such equipment or apparatus or its replacement value. All such equipment and apparatus shall be included in the Insured
Value of the Vessel.
Medical Expenses
Insurers . */ 0/ 1 . ** *** Schedule for
attendance upon the Insured or his/her family as the direct result of personal injuries caused by violent, accidental, external
and visible means, sustained as the direct result of the insured Vessel sinking or being in collision with another vessel or with
any external object other than water.
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Exclusions Applicable to all Sections
The following clauses shall be paramount and shall override anything contained in this Policy inconsistent therewith.
In no case shall this Policy cover:
War Exclusion
loss, damage, liability or expense caused by
war, civil war, revolution, rebellion, insurrection, or civil strife arising therefrom, or any hostile act by or against a
belligerent power;
capture, seizure, arrest, restraint or detainment (barratry and piracy excepted), and the consequences thereof or any
attempt thereat; or
derelict mines, torpedoes, bombs or other derelict weapons of war.
Strikes and Political Action Exclusion
loss, damage, liability or expense caused by
strikers, locked-out workmen, or persons taking part in labour disturbances, riots or civil commotions; or
any terrorist or any person acting from a political motive.
Nuclear Exclusion
loss, damage, liability or expense arising from
any weapon of war employing atomic or nuclear fission and/or fusion or other like reaction or radioactive force or
ionising radiations from or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the
combustion of nuclear fuel; or
the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear
component thereof.
Radioactive Contamination, Chemical, Biological, Bio Chemical and Electromagnetic Weapons
loss, damage, liability or expense directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from
ionising radiations from or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste or from the
combustion of nuclear fuel;
the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous or contaminating properties of any nuclear installation, reactor or
other nuclear assembly or nuclear component thereof;
any weapon or device employing atomic or nuclear fission and/or fusion or other like reaction or radioactive force or
the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous or contaminating properties of any radioactive matter. The
exclusion in this sub-clause does not extend to radioactive isotopes, other than nuclear fuel, when such isotopes are
being prepared, carried, stored, or used for commercial, agricultural, medical, scientific or other similar peaceful
purposes; or
any chemical, biological, bio-chemical, or electromagnetic weapon.
Sanctions Exclusion
Insurers shall not be deemed to provide cover and or be liable to pay any claim or provide any benefit hereunder to the
extent that the provision of such cover, payment of such claim or provision of such benefit would expose Insurers to any
sanction, prohibition or restriction under United Nations resolutions or the trade or economic sanctions, laws or regulations
of the European Union, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland or United States of America.
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Additional Policy Conditions and Warranties
In Commission and Laid Up
The Vessel is covered subject to the provisions of this Policy
while in commission at sea or on inland waters or in port, docks, marinas, on ways, gridirons, pontoons, or
on the hard or mud or at place of storage ashore, including lifting or hauling out and launching, with leave to
sail or navigate with or without pilots, to go on trial trips and to assist and to tow vessels or craft in distress,
or as is customary, but it is warranted that the Vessel shall not be towed, except as is customary or when in
need of assistance, or undertake towage or salvage services under a contract previously arranged by owners,
masters, managers or charterers.
while laid up out of commission as provided for in Clause 23 below, including lifting or hauling out and
launching, while being moved in shipyard or marina, dismantling, fitting out, overhauling, normal maintenance
or while under survey, (also to include docking and undocking and periods laid up afloat incidental to laying up
or fitting out and with leave to shift in tow or otherwise to or from her lay-up berth but not outside the
limits of the port or place in which the Vessel is laid up) but excluding, unless notice be given to Insurer and
any additional premium required by them agreed, any period for which the Vessel is used as a houseboat or
is under major repair or undergoing alteration.
Notwithstanding Clause 21.1.1 above the Gear and Equipment, including outboard motors, are covered subject to
the provisions of this Policy while in place of storage or repair ashore.
Navigating Warranty
It is warranted that cover is provided under this Policy so long as the Vessel is not navigating outside the Cruising Area
stated in the Schedule except where prior notice is given to Insurers, and cover agreed at terms agreed between the
Insured and Insurers.
Laid Up Warranty
It is warranted that if the Vessel is laid up out of commission it is as stated in the Schedule, or covered on terms agreed
between the Insured and Insurers subject to prior notice given to Insurers.
Should the Vessel at the expiration of this Policy be at sea or in distress or at a port or place of refuge or of call, she shall,
provided prompt notice be given to Insurers, be held covered at a premium to be agreed between Insurers and the Insured
until anchored or moored at her next port of call in good safety.
No assignment of or interest in this Policy or in any moneys which may be or become payable thereunder is to be binding on
or recognised by Insurers unless a dated notice of such assignment or interest signed by the Insured, and by the assignor in
the case of subsequent assignment, is endorsed on the Policy and the Policy with such endorsement is produced before
payment of any claim or return of premium thereunder.
This Policy does not cover any loss, damage or liability which at the time of the happening of such loss, damage or liability is or
would, but for the existence of this Policy, be insured under any other policy, except in respect of any excess beyond the
amount which would have been payable under such other policy had this Policy not been effected.
Change of Ownership
This Clause 27 shall prevail notwithstanding any provision whether written typed or printed in this Policy inconsistent herewith.
Should the Vessel be sold or transferred to new ownership, or, where the Vessel is owned by a company, should
there be a change in the controlling interest(s) of the company, then, unless Insurers agree in writing to continue the
Policy, this Policy shall become cancelled from the time of such sale transfer or change and a pro rata daily net
return of premium be made calculated on the premium charged for the in commission and/or laid up period.
If however the Vessel shall have left her moorings or be at sea at the time of sale or transfer such cancellation shall if
required by the Insured be suspended until arrival at port or place of destination.
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Excess and Deductible
No claim arising from an insured peril shall be payable under this Policy unless the total amount of such adjusted
claim arising out of each separate accident or occurrence (including claims under Clause 13, 30 and 31) exceeds the
Deductible or Excess stated in the Schedule, in which case this sum shall be deducted.
Where more than one Deductible applies under Section A the largest Deductible shall apply.
This Clause 28.1 shall not apply to a claim for Total Loss or Constructive Total Loss of the Vessel or, in the
event of such a claim, to any associated claim under Clause 31 arising from the same accident or occurrence.
Prior to the application of Clause 28.1 and in addition thereto, deductions new for old not exceeding one-third may be
made at Insurers' discretion in respect of loss of or damage to:
protective covers, sails and running rigging; or
outboard motors whether or not insured by separate valuation under this Policy.
Notice of Claim and Tenders
Prompt notice shall be given to Insurers as specified in the Schedule in the event of any occurrence which may give
rise to a claim under this Policy, and any theft or malicious damage shall also be reported promptly to the Police.
Where loss or damage has occurred, or where the Insured has been made aware in writing or by other means that
they shall be held liable for any sum or sums as defined under Section B Liabilities to Third Parties notice shall be
given to Insurers as specified in the Schedule prior to survey.
Insurers shall be entitled to decide the port to which the Vessel shall proceed for docking or repair (the actual
additional expense of the voyage arising from compliance with requirements being refunded to the
Insured) and shall have a right of veto concerning a place of repair or a repairing firm.
Insurers may also take Tenders or may require Tenders to be taken for the repair of the Vessel.
Salvage Charges
Subject to any express provision in this Policy, salvage charges incurred in preventing a loss by perils insured against may be
recovered as a loss by those perils.
Duty of Insured
In case of any loss or misfortune it is the duty of the Insured and their servants and agents to take such measures as
may be reasonable for the purpose of averting or minimising a loss which would be recoverable under this Policy.
Subject to the provisions below and to Clause 28 Insurers will contribute to charges properly and reasonably
incurred by the Insured their servants or agents for such measures. General average, salvage charges, collision
defence or attack costs and costs incurred by the Insured in contesting liability covered by Clause 13.2 are not
recoverable under this Clause 31.
The Insured shall render to Insurers all possible aid in obtaining information and evidence should Insurers desire to
take proceedings at their own expense and for their own benefit in the name of the Insured to recover compensation
or to secure an indemnity from any third party in respect of anything covered by this Policy.
Measures taken by the Insured or Insurers with the object of saving, protecting or recovering the subject-matter
insured shall not be considered as a waiver or acceptance of abandonment or otherwise prejudice the rights of either
The sum recoverable under this Clause 31 shall be in addition to the loss otherwise recoverable under this Policy but
in no circumstances shall amounts recoverable under Clause 31.2 exceed the sum insured stated in the Schedule in
respect of the Vessel.
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Speed Boat
This Clause overrides any conflicting provisions in the clauses above.
Coverage shall only be available under this Policy when the insured Vessel is under way if the Insured named in the
Schedule or other competent person(s) is on board and in control of the Vessel.
No claim shall be allowed in respect of loss of or damage to the Vessel or liability to any Third Party or any salvage
caused by or arising from the Vessel being stranded, sunk, swamped, immersed or breaking adrift, while left
moored or anchored unattended off an exposed beach or shore, or
arising while the Vessel is participating in racing or speed tests, or any trials in connection therewith.
No claim shall be allowed in respect of rudder strut shaft or propeller
under Clauses and
for any loss or damage caused by heavy weather, water or contact other than with another Vessel, pier or
jetty, but this Clause 32.3.2 shall not exclude damage caused by the Vessel being immersed as a result of
heavy weather.
If the Vessel is fitted with inboard Machinery no liability shall attach to this Policy in respect of any claim caused by
or arising through fire or explosion unless the Vessel is equipped in the engine room (or engine space) tank space and
galley, with a fire extinguishing system automatically operated or having controls at the steering position and properly
installed and maintained in efficient working order.
Passenger Extension
Coverage shall be provided under this Policy notwithstanding that from time to time there may be more than 12 passengers
on board whilst alongside, at anchor or whilst under way at sea.
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General Policy Conditions
Severability Notice
The subscribing Insurers' obligations under this Policy are several and not joint and are limited solely to the extent of their
individual subscriptions. The subscribing Insurers are not responsible for the subscription of any co-subscribing insurer who
for any reason does not satisfy all or part of its obligations.
Policy Law
Unless specifically stated in the Schedule this Policy is governed by the law and practice of England and Wales and shall be
subject to the exclusive jurisdictions of the courts in England and Wales. We will communicate to you in English.
Policy Cancellation / Cooling off Period
If you, the Insured, are a consumer, as defined by the Financial Conduct Authority, you are entitled to cancel this Policy in its
entirety by writing to Baiman Marine or your broker within 14 days of either the date you receive this Policy or the start of
the Policy Period, whichever is later.
This Policy given in writing and may be served by recorded mail, e-mail or facsimile transmission or may be delivered by hand. Any notice
sent by recorded mail shall be deemed to have been served seven calendar days after dispatch and any notice sent by e-mail or
facsimile shall be deemed to have been served at the time of dispatch.
If this Policy is cancelled, the premium will be adjusted on a pro-rata basis, returning a proportionate part of the premium
corresponding to the unexpired Policy Period subject to a 10% charge. However, in the event of any claim under this Policy,
no refund will be payable by Insurers.
Data Protection
In order to administer this Policy and any claims or complaints made against the Policy, Baiman Marine and/or Insurers may
share any personal data provided with other business partners used to facilitate the claim or complaint. If we do
" # $ # e
Data Protection Act 1998.
Complaints Procedure
If you, the Insured have any questions or concerns about your contract of insurance or the handling of a claim you should,
in the first instance, contact your broker.
If following the above procedure, your complaint has not been resolved, or if it is not applicable, you should write to the:
Mr Paul Collins
Compliance Officer
Baiman Marine
5th Floor, 155 Minories
020 7488 2211
020 7488 4436
[email protected]
In the event that you remain dissatisfied and wish to make a complaint, you can do so at any time by referring the matter to the
& '$ ( )
* +
Policyholder & Market Assistance,
Lloyd's Market Services,
One Lime Street,
London EC3M 7HA
020 7327 5693
020 7327 5225
[email protected]
( )
Where appropriate, complaints that cannot be resolved %
& '$ ( )
the Financial Ombudsman Service. Further details will be provided at the appropriate stage of the complaints process.
Making a complaint does not affect your right to take legal action.
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Our Offices
Based in Plymouth, Devon at
the heart of the UK yacht
building industry and steeped
with nautical history it is the
ideal location for the new
Baiman Marine offices. We
welcome clients to come in
and visit us either to talk
about their insurance or for
general enquiries
Contact Us:
4th Floor, Salt Quay House, Sutton Harbour
Plymouth, Devon PL4 0HP
The Team:
Ross Bailey, Underwriting Manager
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 01752 358 739
Mob: 07880 190 962
Toby Courtney, Administrator
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 01752 358 739
07557 563 393
4th Floor, Salt Quay House, Sutton Harbour
Plymouth, Devon PL4 0HP
C.J. Coleman and Company Limited Trading as Baiman Marine
Registered in England at 5th floor, 155 Minories, London, EC3N IBT.
Registration No. 1135419.
Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
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Baiman Yacht Policy
Wherever the following words appear in bold they will have the meanings shown below.
Total Loss:
When the cost of the recovery and/or repair of the Vessel would exceed the Insured
Excess / Deductible:
The amount which must be contributed by the Insured to any claim settlement, as stated in
the Schedule.
External Accident:
An acccident which is caused by the unpredictable intervention of any external force, or of
any person other than the Insured or the crew, or any person using the Vessel with the
express permission of the Insured.
Gear and Equipment:
This includes masts, spars, standing and running rigging, sails, navigational aids (both handheld and built in, including computers, if previously agreed by the Insurer and separately
noted in the Schedule). Televisions, entertainment systems, and similar equipment if
permanently attached to the Vessel.
The owner(s) of the Vessel and/or the person(s) named in the Schedule provided that
person has an insurable interest in the Vessel.
Insured Value:
The value of the insured Vessel, as agreed upon between the Insurer and the Insured,
and as stated in the Schedule.
The Insurer(s) as identified in the Schedule.
Latent Defect:
A defect of design, manufacture or material which is not apparent by normal inspection, and
which is not the result of wear and tear or lack of maintenance.
Engines including fuel systems, gear boxes and gear box controls, couplings, shafts and shaft
support, stern gear and propellers, exhaust systems, auxiliary engines, generators, water
makers, pumps and deck machinery. Also electrical and electro-hydraulic systems including
furling and winch systems, control panels and cables, switch boards, electrical cables,
stabilisers, pipe systems, tanks and their associated equipment.
A failure to take reasonable care, which results in loss or damage which could reasonably
have been foreseen.
Personal Effects:
Items of a personal nature which would not normally be sold with the Vessel including
fishing gear, sextants, nautical books, cameras, binoculars, bicycles, sports equipment,
clothing, wet-weather gear, oilskins, sea boots, portable electronic equipment.
The contents of this document together with the Schedule incorporating all endorsements
issued from time to time by Insurers to attach to this Policy which shall be read together
and on which basis shall constitute the Policy.
Policy Period:
The period stated in the Schedule.
The Schedule attaching to this Policy, incorporating all endorsements.
A small boat used in connection with the Vessel.
Total Loss:
When the Vessel is irrecoverable, completely destroyed or so damaged that it ceases to
have characteristics of a yacht.
The Vessel as named in the Schedule, being its hull, Machinery, including outboard
motor(s), boat(s), and Gear and Equipment, such as would normally be sold with her if
she changed hands.
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This Policy constitutes a contract of insurance between the Insured and Insurers. The Policy contains the extent of the
cover that Insurers provide, subject always to receipt of the premium.
The Policy must be read together with the Schedule and any endorsements. This Policy is not complete unless a signed
Schedule is attached. The headings of each clause are for ease of identification only.
In consideration of the premium and in reliance upon the information the Insured has provided to Insurers prior to
commencement of this Policy and which is deemed to form the basis of the Policy, Insurers agree to provide the following
- Hull and Property Damage
Subject always to the exclusions contained herein, this Policy covers during the Policy Period:
loss of or damage to the insured Vessel, caused by:
perils of the seas, rivers, lakes or other navigable waters;
contact with dock or harbour equipment or installation, land conveyance, aircraft or similar objects or objects
falling therefrom; or
earthquake, volcanic eruption or lightning; and
provided such loss or damage has not resulted from want of due diligence by the Insured, owners or managers:
loss of or damage to the insured Vessel caused by: accidents in loading, discharging or moving stores, Gear and Equipment, Machinery or fuel; explosions; malicious acts; or theft of the entire Vessel or her boat(s), or outboard motor(s) provided it is securely locked to the
Vessel or her boat(s) by an anti-theft device in addition to its normal method of attachment, or,
following upon forcible entry into the Vessel or place of storage or repair, theft of Machinery
including outboard motor(s) or Gear and Equipment; and
loss of or damage to the insured Vessel, excepting motor and connections (but not strut shaft or propeller),
electrical equipment and batteries and connections, caused by: latent defects in hull or breakage of shafts or bursting of boilers (excluding the cost and expense of
replacing or repairing the defective part broken shaft or burst boiler); or the Negligence of any person whatsoever, but excluding the cost of making good any defect
resulting from either Negligence or breach of contract in respect of any repair or alteration work
carried out for the account of the Insured and/or the owners or in respect of the maintenance of
the Vessel; and
the expense of sighting the bottom after a stranding, if reasonably incurred specifically for that purpose, even if no
damage be found.
In addition to the cover provided above, this Policy will also provide the following:
Insurers agree to pay the reasonable cost of inspecting the bottom of the Vessel after grounding, even if no damage is found,
without application of any Deductible.
Governmental / State Authority Costs
Insurers agree to pay the costs for which the Insured is liable arising out of any act of any Governmental Authority or State
Authority done for the purpose of saving the Vessel.
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Emergency Tow and Assistance
Insurers agree to reimburse the Insured for reasonable costs up to the limit stated in the Schedule in the event there is an
emergency situation where the Insured and the Vessel are not in imminent danger resulting from the following services to
the Vessel if help is not available and commercial assistance must be obtained:
Towing to the nearest place where necessary repairs can be made.
Delivery of gas, oil, parts or loaned battery (excluding the cost of these items themselves) or emergency labour, while
away from safe harbour.
The Policy Deductible does not apply to this coverage.
Personal Effects
Insurers agree to cover (without reference to any Excess and Deductible in Clause 27.1), Personal Effects of
the Insured, his/her family, guests and charterers, and crew's clothes provided by the owners, while on board or in
use in connection with the Vessel, including while in transit from the Insured's place of residence to the Vessel, and
until return to such place of residence, for all risks of loss of or damage to, but EXCLUDING CLAIMS ARISING
wear and tear, gradual deterioration, damp, mould, mildew, vermin, moth and mechanical derangement;
breakage of articles of a brittle nature, unless caused by the Vessel being stranded, sunk, burnt, on fire or in
collision, or by stress of weather, burglars or thieves;
loss of cash, currency, banknotes or travellers cheques; or
loss of water-skis or diving equipment, unless as a result of fire or theft following forcible entry or of Total
Loss of the Vessel.
The amount recoverable shall be limited to the amounts stated in the Schedule in respect of any one event or any
single article. Items valued in excess of the any one article limit shall only be covered if specifically listed and valued and
in the event of a Total Loss or Constructive Total Loss the value of these items may be paid in addition to the
Insured Value if stated as additional values in the Schedule.
Crew Breach of Warranty
Insurers agree to pay for loss or damage to the Vessel when caused by breach of any warranty contained in the Policy by a
paid captain and/or paid crew members provided the breach of such warranty does not constitute a violation of the laws of the
country that has jurisdiction over the insured Vessel at the time the breach occurred or such breach is not committed with
the consent, approval or knowledge of the Insured.
Outboard Motor
This Policy provides cover in respect of loss of or damage to the outdoor motor in the event of it dropping off the Vessel or
falling overboard.
Frost Damage
This Policy provides cover for all loss or damage to the insured Vessel, and/or Tender/Dinghy and/or Gear and
Equipment and/or Machinery caused by frost subject to the Insured taking all due and reasonable precautions to prevent a
loss or damage.
Exclusions Applicable to Section A
No claim shall be allowed in respect of any of the following:
ship's boat not permanently marked with the name of the parent Vessel;
sails and protective covers split by the wind or blown away while set, unless in consequence of damage to the spars to
which sails are bent, or occasioned by the Vessel being stranded or in collision or contact with any external substance
(ice included) other than water;
sails, masts, spars or standing and running rigging while the Vessel is racing, unless the loss or damage is caused by the
Vessel being stranded, sunk, burnt, on fire or in collision or contact with any external substance (ice included) other
than water;
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consumable stores, or moorings;
sheathing, or repairs thereto, unless the loss or damage has been caused by the Vessel being stranded, sunk, burnt, on
fire or in collision or contact with any external substance (ice included) other than water; or
loss or expenditure incurred in remedying a fault in design or construction or any cost or expense incurred by reason
of betterment or alteration in design or construction.
Specific Conditions and Warranties Application to Section A
Unrepaired Damage
The measure of indemnity in respect of claims for unrepaired damage shall be the reasonable depreciation in the
market value of the Vessel at the time this Policy terminates arising from such unrepaired damage, but not exceeding
the reasonable cost of repairs.
In no case shall Insurers be liable for unrepaired damage in the event of a subsequent Total Loss (whether or not
covered under this Policy) sustained during the Policy Period or any extension thereof.
Insurers shall not be liable in respect of unrepaired damage for more than the Insured Value as stated in the
Schedule at the time this Policy terminates.
Constructive Total Loss
In ascertaining whether the Vessel is a Constructive Total Loss, the insured value shall be taken as the repaired
value and nothing in respect of the damaged or break-up value of the Vessel or wreck shall be taken into account.
No claim for Constructive Total Loss based upon the cost of recovery and/or repair of the Vessel shall be
recoverable hereunder unless such cost would exceed the insured value, as determined above. In making this
determination, only the cost relating to a single accident or sequence of damages arising from the same accident shall
be taken into account.
Disbursements Warranty
It is warranted that no amount shall be insured, policy proof of interest or full interest admitted for account of the Insured,
mortgagees or owners on disbursements, commission, profits or other interests or Excess or increased value of hull or
Machinery however described unless the Insured Value of the Vessel is over EUR 50,000 or equivalent in another
currency and then not to exceed 10 per cent of the total amount insured in respect of the Vessel as stated in the Schedule.
Provided always that a breach of this warranty shall not afford Insurers any defence to a claim by a mortgagee who has
accepted this Policy without knowledge of such breach.
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- Third Party Liability
This Section only to apply when an amount is stated for this purpose in the Schedule.
Liabilities to Third Parties
Insurers agree to indemnify the Insured, after the application of the Excess, for any sum or sums which the
Insured shall become legally liable to pay and shall pay, by reason of interest in the insured Vessel and arising out of
accidents occurring during the Policy Period, in respect of:
loss of or damage to any other vessel or property whatsoever;
loss of life, personal injury or illness, including payments made for life salvage, caused on or near the Vessel
or any other vessel; or
any attempted or actual raising, removal or destruction of the wreck of the insured Vessel or the cargo
thereof or any neglect or failure to raise, remove or destroy the same.
Legal Costs
Insurers will also pay, provided their prior written consent has been obtained,
the legal costs incurred by the Insured or which the Insured may be compelled to pay in contesting liability
or taking proceedings to limit liability; and
the costs for representation at any coroner's inquest or fatal accident enquiry.
Sister Ship
Should the insured Vessel come into collision with or receive salvage services from another vessel belonging wholly or in part
to the same owners or under the same management, the Insured shall have the same rights under this Policy as they would
have were the other vessel entirely the property of owners not interested in the insured Vessel; but in such cases the liability
for the collision or the amount payable for the services rendered shall be referred to a sole arbitrator to be agreed upon
between Insurers and the Insured.
Navigation By Other Persons
The provisions of this Clause 13 shall extend to any person navigating or in charge of the insured Vessel with the permission
of the Insured named in the Schedule (other than a person operating, or employed by the operator of, a shipyard, marina,
repair yard, slipway, yacht club, sales agency or similar organisation) and who while so navigating or in charge of the Vessel
shall in consequence of any occurrence covered by this Clause 13 become liable to pay and shall pay any sum or sums to any
person or persons, other than to the Insured named in the Schedule, but indemnity under this Clause 13.4 shall inure to the
benefit of the Insured and only to a person navigating or in charge of the insured Vessel, at the written request of and
through the agency of the Insured. Nothing in this extension shall increase the Insurers' liability beyond the limitation of
liability imposed by Clause 13.7 below and this extension is subject to Policy terms, conditions and warranties.
Removal of Wreck Extension
Insurers also agree to pay the expenses, after deduction of the proceeds of the salvage, of the removal of the wreck of the
insured Vessel from any place owned, leased or occupied by the Insured.
Water-Skier Liability
This Policy shall provide cover in respect of any liability to or incurred by any person insured hereunder whilst engaged in a
sport or activity, including whilst water skiing or aquaplaning, while being towed by the Vessel or preparing to be towed or
after being towed until safely on board or ashore.
This cover includes liability to and/or of users of personal watercraft and any such similar craft up to the same limit each and
every accident as stated in the Schedule for this Section.
Limit of Liability
The liability of Insurers under this Clause 13, in respect of any one accident or series of accidents arising out of the same
event, shall in no case exceed the limit stated in the Schedule, but when the liability of the Insured has been contested with
the consent in writing of Insurers, Insurers will also pay a like proportion of the costs which the Insured shall thereby incur
or be compelled to pay.
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Exclusions Applicable to Section B
Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section this Policy does not cover any liability, cost or expense arising in
respect of:
any direct or indirect payment by the Insured under workmen's compensation or employers' liability acts
and any other statutory or common law liability in respect of accidents to or illness of workmen or any other
persons employed in any capacity whatsoever by the Insured or by any person to whom the protection of
this Policy is afforded by reason of the provisions of Clause 13.4, in, on or about or in connection with the
insured Vessel or her cargo, materials or repairs;
any boat belonging to the Vessel and having a maximum designed speed exceeding 17 knots, unless such boat
is specially covered herein and subject also to the conditions of the Speedboat Clause 32, or is on the parent
Vessel or laid up ashore; or
punitive or exemplary damages, however described.
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Additional Coverages
Uninsured Boaters
Insurers will pay the damages which, because of bodily injury received aboard the insured Vessel, the Insured is
legally entitled to recover from the uninsured owner or operator of another vessel.
Vessel named in the Schedule who is legally responsible for the accident, and to whom no liability policy applies; or
who cannot be identified (such as a hit and run operator).
Insurers do not provide Uninsured Boater coverage:
for claims settled without our written consent;
if the uninsured vessel is owned by a governmental agency or unit;
for uninsured vessels owned by or furnished for the regular use of the Insured, a member of the
immediate family, or any person insured by this Policy;
for an Insured using a vessel without permission;
when the Vessel named in the Schedule is being chartered; or
where no evidence of physical contact exists between the insured Vessel and an unidentified vessel or where
no evidence of physical contact exists between the insured Vessel and an uninsured vessel.
This coverage, will not apply directly or indirectly to the benefit of any insurer under any state or federal compensation law or
Payment made for this coverage to or for an insured person will reduce the amount that person is entitled to recover under
)* +, - Third Party Liability of this Policy.
The limit for Uninsured Boater coverage stated in the Schedule is the most Insurers will pay under this Policy, regardless of
the number of insured persons, claims made, or vessels involved in any one accident or series of accidents arising out of the
same event.
This Policy provides cover for loss of or damage to equipment and apparatus not owned by the Insured but installed for use
on the Vessel and for which the Insured has assumed contractual liability, whether such equipment or apparatus is in the
nature of aids to navigation or communication or otherwise and where such loss or damage is caused by an insured peril as
provided under Clause 1 of this Policy, subject in all other respects to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this Policy. In
no event shall the liability of Insurers exceed the lesser of the contractual liability of the Insured for loss of or damage to
such equipment or apparatus or its replacement value. All such equipment and apparatus shall be included in the Insured
Value of the Vessel.
Medical Expenses
Insurers . */ 0/ 1 . ** *** Schedule for
attendance upon the Insured or his/her family as the direct result of personal injuries caused by violent, accidental, external
and visible means, sustained as the direct result of the insured Vessel sinking or being in collision with another vessel or with
any external object other than water.
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Exclusions Applicable to all Sections
The following clauses shall be paramount and shall override anything contained in this Policy inconsistent therewith.
In no case shall this Policy cover:
War Exclusion
loss, damage, liability or expense caused by
war, civil war, revolution, rebellion, insurrection, or civil strife arising therefrom, or any hostile act by or against a
belligerent power;
capture, seizure, arrest, restraint or detainment (barratry and piracy excepted), and the consequences thereof or any
attempt thereat; or
derelict mines, torpedoes, bombs or other derelict weapons of war.
Strikes and Political Action Exclusion
loss, damage, liability or expense caused by
strikers, locked-out workmen, or persons taking part in labour disturbances, riots or civil commotions; or
any terrorist or any person acting from a political motive.
Nuclear Exclusion
loss, damage, liability or expense arising from
any weapon of war employing atomic or nuclear fission and/or fusion or other like reaction or radioactive force or
ionising radiations from or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the
combustion of nuclear fuel; or
the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear
component thereof.
Radioactive Contamination, Chemical, Biological, Bio Chemical and Electromagnetic Weapons
loss, damage, liability or expense directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from
ionising radiations from or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste or from the
combustion of nuclear fuel;
the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous or contaminating properties of any nuclear installation, reactor or
other nuclear assembly or nuclear component thereof;
any weapon or device employing atomic or nuclear fission and/or fusion or other like reaction or radioactive force or
the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous or contaminating properties of any radioactive matter. The
exclusion in this sub-clause does not extend to radioactive isotopes, other than nuclear fuel, when such isotopes are
being prepared, carried, stored, or used for commercial, agricultural, medical, scientific or other similar peaceful
purposes; or
any chemical, biological, bio-chemical, or electromagnetic weapon.
Sanctions Exclusion
Insurers shall not be deemed to provide cover and or be liable to pay any claim or provide any benefit hereunder to the
extent that the provision of such cover, payment of such claim or provision of such benefit would expose Insurers to any
sanction, prohibition or restriction under United Nations resolutions or the trade or economic sanctions, laws or regulations
of the European Union, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland or United States of America.
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Additional Policy Conditions and Warranties
In Commission and Laid Up
The Vessel is covered subject to the provisions of this Policy
while in commission at sea or on inland waters or in port, docks, marinas, on ways, gridirons, pontoons, or
on the hard or mud or at place of storage ashore, including lifting or hauling out and launching, with leave to
sail or navigate with or without pilots, to go on trial trips and to assist and to tow vessels or craft in distress,
or as is customary, but it is warranted that the Vessel shall not be towed, except as is customary or when in
need of assistance, or undertake towage or salvage services under a contract previously arranged by owners,
masters, managers or charterers.
while laid up out of commission as provided for in Clause 23 below, including lifting or hauling out and
launching, while being moved in shipyard or marina, dismantling, fitting out, overhauling, normal maintenance
or while under survey, (also to include docking and undocking and periods laid up afloat incidental to laying up
or fitting out and with leave to shift in tow or otherwise to or from her lay-up berth but not outside the
limits of the port or place in which the Vessel is laid up) but excluding, unless notice be given to Insurer and
any additional premium required by them agreed, any period for which the Vessel is used as a houseboat or
is under major repair or undergoing alteration.
Notwithstanding Clause 21.1.1 above the Gear and Equipment, including outboard motors, are covered subject to
the provisions of this Policy while in place of storage or repair ashore.
Navigating Warranty
It is warranted that cover is provided under this Policy so long as the Vessel is not navigating outside the Cruising Area
stated in the Schedule except where prior notice is given to Insurers, and cover agreed at terms agreed between the
Insured and Insurers.
Laid Up Warranty
It is warranted that if the Vessel is laid up out of commission it is as stated in the Schedule, or covered on terms agreed
between the Insured and Insurers subject to prior notice given to Insurers.
Should the Vessel at the expiration of this Policy be at sea or in distress or at a port or place of refuge or of call, she shall,
provided prompt notice be given to Insurers, be held covered at a premium to be agreed between Insurers and the Insured
until anchored or moored at her next port of call in good safety.
No assignment of or interest in this Policy or in any moneys which may be or become payable thereunder is to be binding on
or recognised by Insurers unless a dated notice of such assignment or interest signed by the Insured, and by the assignor in
the case of subsequent assignment, is endorsed on the Policy and the Policy with such endorsement is produced before
payment of any claim or return of premium thereunder.
This Policy does not cover any loss, damage or liability which at the time of the happening of such loss, damage or liability is or
would, but for the existence of this Policy, be insured under any other policy, except in respect of any excess beyond the
amount which would have been payable under such other policy had this Policy not been effected.
Change of Ownership
This Clause 27 shall prevail notwithstanding any provision whether written typed or printed in this Policy inconsistent herewith.
Should the Vessel be sold or transferred to new ownership, or, where the Vessel is owned by a company, should
there be a change in the controlling interest(s) of the company, then, unless Insurers agree in writing to continue the
Policy, this Policy shall become cancelled from the time of such sale transfer or change and a pro rata daily net
return of premium be made calculated on the premium charged for the in commission and/or laid up period.
If however the Vessel shall have left her moorings or be at sea at the time of sale or transfer such cancellation shall if
required by the Insured be suspended until arrival at port or place of destination.
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Excess and Deductible
No claim arising from an insured peril shall be payable under this Policy unless the total amount of such adjusted
claim arising out of each separate accident or occurrence (including claims under Clause 13, 30 and 31) exceeds the
Deductible or Excess stated in the Schedule, in which case this sum shall be deducted.
Where more than one Deductible applies under Section A the largest Deductible shall apply.
This Clause 28.1 shall not apply to a claim for Total Loss or Constructive Total Loss of the Vessel or, in the
event of such a claim, to any associated claim under Clause 31 arising from the same accident or occurrence.
Prior to the application of Clause 28.1 and in addition thereto, deductions new for old not exceeding one-third may be
made at Insurers' discretion in respect of loss of or damage to:
protective covers, sails and running rigging; or
outboard motors whether or not insured by separate valuation under this Policy.
Notice of Claim and Tenders
Prompt notice shall be given to Insurers as specified in the Schedule in the event of any occurrence which may give
rise to a claim under this Policy, and any theft or malicious damage shall also be reported promptly to the Police.
Where loss or damage has occurred, or where the Insured has been made aware in writing or by other means that
they shall be held liable for any sum or sums as defined under Section B Liabilities to Third Parties notice shall be
given to Insurers as specified in the Schedule prior to survey.
Insurers shall be entitled to decide the port to which the Vessel shall proceed for docking or repair (the actual
additional expense of the voyage arising from compliance with requirements being refunded to the
Insured) and shall have a right of veto concerning a place of repair or a repairing firm.
Insurers may also take Tenders or may require Tenders to be taken for the repair of the Vessel.
Salvage Charges
Subject to any express provision in this Policy, salvage charges incurred in preventing a loss by perils insured against may be
recovered as a loss by those perils.
Duty of Insured
In case of any loss or misfortune it is the duty of the Insured and their servants and agents to take such measures as
may be reasonable for the purpose of averting or minimising a loss which would be recoverable under this Policy.
Subject to the provisions below and to Clause 28 Insurers will contribute to charges properly and reasonably
incurred by the Insured their servants or agents for such measures. General average, salvage charges, collision
defence or attack costs and costs incurred by the Insured in contesting liability covered by Clause 13.2 are not
recoverable under this Clause 31.
The Insured shall render to Insurers all possible aid in obtaining information and evidence should Insurers desire to
take proceedings at their own expense and for their own benefit in the name of the Insured to recover compensation
or to secure an indemnity from any third party in respect of anything covered by this Policy.
Measures taken by the Insured or Insurers with the object of saving, protecting or recovering the subject-matter
insured shall not be considered as a waiver or acceptance of abandonment or otherwise prejudice the rights of either
The sum recoverable under this Clause 31 shall be in addition to the loss otherwise recoverable under this Policy but
in no circumstances shall amounts recoverable under Clause 31.2 exceed the sum insured stated in the Schedule in
respect of the Vessel.
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Speed Boat
This Clause overrides any conflicting provisions in the clauses above.
Coverage shall only be available under this Policy when the insured Vessel is under way if the Insured named in the
Schedule or other competent person(s) is on board and in control of the Vessel.
No claim shall be allowed in respect of loss of or damage to the Vessel or liability to any Third Party or any salvage
caused by or arising from the Vessel being stranded, sunk, swamped, immersed or breaking adrift, while left
moored or anchored unattended off an exposed beach or shore, or
arising while the Vessel is participating in racing or speed tests, or any trials in connection therewith.
No claim shall be allowed in respect of rudder strut shaft or propeller
under Clauses and
for any loss or damage caused by heavy weather, water or contact other than with another Vessel, pier or
jetty, but this Clause 32.3.2 shall not exclude damage caused by the Vessel being immersed as a result of
heavy weather.
If the Vessel is fitted with inboard Machinery no liability shall attach to this Policy in respect of any claim caused by
or arising through fire or explosion unless the Vessel is equipped in the engine room (or engine space) tank space and
galley, with a fire extinguishing system automatically operated or having controls at the steering position and properly
installed and maintained in efficient working order.
Passenger Extension
Coverage shall be provided under this Policy notwithstanding that from time to time there may be more than 12 passengers
on board whilst alongside, at anchor or whilst under way at sea.
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General Policy Conditions
Severability Notice
The subscribing Insurers' obligations under this Policy are several and not joint and are limited solely to the extent of their
individual subscriptions. The subscribing Insurers are not responsible for the subscription of any co-subscribing insurer who
for any reason does not satisfy all or part of its obligations.
Policy Law
Unless specifically stated in the Schedule this Policy is governed by the law and practice of England and Wales and shall be
subject to the exclusive jurisdictions of the courts in England and Wales. We will communicate to you in English.
Policy Cancellation / Cooling off Period
If you, the Insured, are a consumer, as defined by the Financial Conduct Authority, you are entitled to cancel this Policy in its
entirety by writing to Baiman Marine or your broker within 14 days of either the date you receive this Policy or the start of
the Policy Period, whichever is later.
This Policy given in writing and may be served by recorded mail, e-mail or facsimile transmission or may be delivered by hand. Any notice
sent by recorded mail shall be deemed to have been served seven calendar days after dispatch and any notice sent by e-mail or
facsimile shall be deemed to have been served at the time of dispatch.
If this Policy is cancelled, the premium will be adjusted on a pro-rata basis, returning a proportionate part of the premium
corresponding to the unexpired Policy Period subject to a 10% charge. However, in the event of any claim under this Policy,
no refund will be payable by Insurers.
Data Protection
In order to administer this Policy and any claims or complaints made against the Policy, Baiman Marine and/or Insurers may
share any personal data provided with other business partners used to facilitate the claim or complaint. If we do
" # $ # e
Data Protection Act 1998.
Complaints Procedure
If you, the Insured have any questions or concerns about your contract of insurance or the handling of a claim you should,
in the first instance, contact your broker.
If following the above procedure, your complaint has not been resolved, or if it is not applicable, you should write to the:
Mr Paul Collins
Compliance Officer
Baiman Marine
5th Floor, 155 Minories
020 7488 2211
020 7488 4436
[email protected]
In the event that you remain dissatisfied and wish to make a complaint, you can do so at any time by referring the matter to the
& '$ ( )
* +
Policyholder & Market Assistance,
Lloyd's Market Services,
One Lime Street,
London EC3M 7HA
020 7327 5693
020 7327 5225
[email protected]
( )
Where appropriate, complaints that cannot be resolved %
& '$ ( )
the Financial Ombudsman Service. Further details will be provided at the appropriate stage of the complaints process.
Making a complaint does not affect your right to take legal action.
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Our Offices
Based in Plymouth, Devon at
the heart of the UK yacht
building industry and steeped
with nautical history it is the
ideal location for the new
Baiman Marine offices. We
welcome clients to come in
and visit us either to talk
about their insurance or for
general enquiries
Contact Us:
4th Floor, Salt Quay House, Sutton Harbour
Plymouth, Devon PL4 0HP
The Team:
Ross Bailey, Underwriting Manager
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 01752 358 739
Mob: 07880 190 962
Toby Courtney, Administrator
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 01752 358 739
07557 563 393
4th Floor, Salt Quay House, Sutton Harbour
Plymouth, Devon PL4 0HP
C.J. Coleman and Company Limited Trading as Baiman Marine
Registered in England at 5th floor, 155 Minories, London, EC3N IBT.
Registration No. 1135419.
Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
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