WGC MatchPlay Bracket - from Timothy Douglas Baugh


WGC MatchPlay Bracket - from Timothy Douglas Baugh
WGC-­‐Accenture Match Play Championship Bracket Building/Adding additional Info Each region of the bracket can be edited by clicking the “Edit Region” button . By clicking this, it will launch a separate screen, which can be closed by clicking the “Close” button in the top right corner. Once we receive information and Michael populates, all the empty spots on the full-­‐region should be filled. We can edit information manually that isn’t showing correctly from the XML document by clicking on a certain tier of that region and selecting the different players. You can manually change the players here. Don’t forget to click “Save” if you want to save and update info this way: In order to activate the Tee Time Field and edit the area inside of there, you must check the “top tab” box, as it does not default to show. If you want to adding a note to the top area and not show a tee time, you click on “Enable Note” If you want to add a note at the bottom, you have to check the “Btm Tab” box and enter your information into there. I DBLink – Automated Override One thing that Lorenzo said I wasn’t sure about, was that he said not to select any file to the “Folder Upload/Update” area. If you try to make any manual changes, having something pathed here will over-­‐ride…sounding like a DBLink thing. Sponsors (Titleist) We have the ability to add a sponsor to the title of our scorecards and matchup headshots. To add a sponsor (currently the only one is Titleist), then we must select it from this drop-­‐down box at the top right of the main bracket screen. We need to find out from Lorenzo how to add additional sponsors onto there. Operating Bracket The simplest way to operate the bracket is to “click” on the different tiers using the mouse. We can click on the different tiers (shown in grey) with a minimum of 4 or 8 players showing. We can get back to the main bracket graphic screen by clicking “Home” on the toolbar. In order to show the heads matchups, you must click on one single tier (you only have to click once) Once that tier is selected, its box around it will go from orange to green. Once it shows green, you are now active to playout the scorecards and the headshots. Not a ctive Moused Over Active You playout the headshot Matchups by clicking “Show Faces” or by using F1. You Playout the Scorecard by using F2 You continue the Scorecard to show the back 9 by clicking “Continue Scorec” or F3 The player apparently defaults to the front 9, you can change to show the back 9 first by selecting it from the “Hole” drop-­‐down menu This whole area is called the Playlist You can build the playlist to go through the numbers more automated if you want by adding the number from the specific region tier into this box and pushing “Enter” on the keyboard or by clicking “Add Match” You can remove it by clicking Delete Selection. Building this playlist might benefit us because then we can use the Next Game and Previous Game Buttons to get away from the mouse and use the keyboard. If the playlist is built correctly, we can use all the F keys assigned. We can jump between the games and then playout the headshots and scoreboards easily using this method. It might be something to look into later in the week. Headshot Matchup Scorecard with Headshots.