MAQ Brochures 15-07-2005
MAQ Brochures 15-07-2005
h21,15 July 2005 ln this issue... Excitingnewproduct initiatives MacquarieMortgagcsarepleasedto announce someexcitingnew productenhancements. llllbctive Monday l8 July 2005.thc followingproductsand leatureswill be available: 1007ooffsetfeature now availableon MacouarieMortgaseSaver MortgageSavernow oll'ersan offsetsub-accounton bothstandard andExpressoptions.With an oflbetsub-account customers canuseA'l'M, IIFTPOS,BPAY@andchequebook to accesstheir lunds. Onc olliet sub-account is availableandmustbe linkedto a variableaccount.Wherethebalance in theollbct sub-account excecdstheamountoutstanding in the linkedhomeloanaccount,the customerwill not receiveany interestreductionon theexcessamount. IntroducinqMacouarieExecutivePlus l'lxccutivel'lus is our ncwestpro pack homeloan thatcombinesthe benetitsof a standardloan andlineol'crcditaccount(t.OC)all in thconehomeloan.With interest capitalisation. a global lacility limit andcompetitivcrates,l']xecutivePlusgivescustomers totalcontrolof theirhome Ioan. 'l'heloanrequires2 sub-accounts. one l.OC andone standard account(a 3rd is availableatler settlement). A nervlixpress(low doc)optionis alsoavailable on theMacquarie Executive I)lus. 'l hc intercst rateslbr MacquariellxccutiveI)lusarethesameas for Maccluarie l.,xecutivc C]hoice helorv. Changes to Macquarie Executive Choice l'lxccutivcchoicc has n.rv bcencustonrisedto a line ol'credit (LOC) loan. Changcsto I..xccutiveChoicc include o r Ncrv minimum loan amounto{'$250.000 Ner.vloan anrount and intercst ratc tiers Loan amount > $250,000< $500,000 > $500,000< $1 mitlion > $1 million Intereat iate U61g 6.80%p.a. p.a. 6.706/o p.a. 6.650/o tt6o I i +J*.',Jw: k t f€ .t 6 '1[tlc 1.^ 5;r'r ' gqC*\' , . t*'jt - /id' t4f&"a / -'"ds Introducing'Easy Increa3e Conlirmauon of ourcredit parameter9 mortgagenetls Macquarie Mortgag€s'reftrrier infolmatbncite,providing you Withconvenlenl accessto toolsand inlormetionto helpyou manageyourrelattonshlp wilh MacquadeMortgage3. To obtalna password contac,tyour Bu$inesf DevelopmenlManager. Visitlhe Macquarie Bank web$iteror additbnal Informationofl produds and the olhercervlcesthal Macquariaofers. Macquarie Mortgagesan intelligent choice... @ Mrqcl+.rtLqlf MacquarieMortgageSaver - $2.000.000 $100,000 Other amountsconsideredon case by case basis Owner Up to 95% purchaseor refinance or investment; Can fix all or of the loan for periods from 1 to 5 Can be split into 2 sub-accountsplus 1 offset account for tax effectiveplanningat settlement 3 sub-accountsplus 1 olfset account availableafter settlement . Principaland interest RepaymentOptions AdditionalPayments Access to Funds Salarycrediting- borrowerscan have all or part of their pay directlydeposited to their loan account monthly or more frequently(by providingemployer*ith nsa 032 g54 and loan number) Directdebit - borrowerscan have their repaymentdrawn from a nominated bank account with the choice of fortnightly(Fridays)or monthly repayments(lirst business duy) and directdebit availablefor sub-accounts Additionalpayments(principalreductions)can also be made throuqh: . Depositcard - cash or cheques can be depositedat any Australiapost outlet o BPAY* from another bank, buildingsociety or credit union o Break cost fees may apply to fixed rate accounts Availablebalancecan be accessed through; r Fundstransferto 5 nominatedaccountsusinginternetor phone banking(no minimum) r Directdebits by third partiessuch as gas, rates, electricityand credit card sweeps (usinsBSB 032 873) Free redraw (no minimum)through internetanO ptrone Oant<ing Up to 3 sub-accounts(plus 1 offset) 100% offset account - see "OffsetAccount - FeatureGuide" MortgageInsurancecapitalisation mymortg@geinternetaccess includingfunds transfer MacquariePhonelink phone access includingfunds transfer BPAY out - offset account only ATM and EFTPOSusingthe Cash Card - offseraccountonly Depositcard Optionalchequebook - offset account only 6 monthlystatementfor each account Only payableby borrowersif: Pleasereferto fee schedulefor full details 4 Version9.0