More gold found in under-explored offset limb of Voyager 1 lode
More gold found in under-explored offset limb of Voyager 1 lode
More gold found in under-explored offset limb of Voyager 1 lode Highlights ASX ANNOUNCEMENT 22 DECEMBER 2010 New drilling results uncover a high grade zone in the offset limb of the Voyager 1 lode which is not in the current 65koz Stage One mine plan Significant results include (all true width): Australian Securities Exchange Code: NST 1.4 m 1.5 m 1.6 m 8.0 m Board of Directors Mr Chris Rowe Non-Executive Chairman @ @ @ @ 64.0 g/t gold 42.9 g/t gold 34.4 g/t gold 3.6 g/t gold (740mRL) (728mRL) (740mRL) (705mRL) Mr Bill Beament Managing Director New ore position highlights the significant potential to find more gold in other areas of the mine that have been subject to little or no exploration and evaluation from previous owner’s Potential to increase the 65koz Stage One (royalty-free); Evaluation underway Mr Michael Fotios Non-Executive Director Mr Peter Farris Non-Executive Director Ms Karen Brown Company Secretary Issued Capital Shares 298 M Options 79M ($6.4M Funding) Current Share Price $0.35 Market Capitalisation $104 million Projects Paulsens Golden Crown Range Emull Commodities gold gold gold, silver Zn, Cu, gold Northern Star Resources Ltd (ASX: NST) is pleased to advise that it has discovered high-grade gold mineralisation within the offset limb of the Voyager One lode. This mineralisation is outside the existing 65,000ounce Stage One mine plan at the Paulsens Gold Mine in Western Australia. As well as adding to future production and mine life, the results are considered extremely important because they highlight the significant potential to find additional gold in the many areas at Paulsens which have been exposed to little or no exploration and evaluation. The new high grade zone is just offset from the Voyager One lode being mined, meaning it can be included in the current mine plan easily and quickly (refer to Figure 1). Full results are attached in the accompanying table. In light of this successful discovery, Northern Star will continue to drill beyond the previous long-standing focus of the very high grade upper zone hinge component of Paulsens mineralisation. ASX ANNOUNCEMENT 22 DECEMBER 2010 Northern Star believes this additional mineralisation has the potential to increase the Stage One 65,000-ounce mine plan. Evaluation, including design and economic analysis, are well underway. Northern Star Managing Director Bill Beament said the results continued to highlight the exploration potential at Paulsens, not just at depth, but within the immediate surrounds and, more importantly, in the upper levels where 400,000 ounces were mined from a 600,000 ounce resource. "Any additions to the Stage One mine plan will be royalty-free so significantly higher margins can be expected when this area is mined," Mr Beament said. Figure 1 - High grade drilling in un-development resource outline of the upper zone offset limb Yours faithfully, Bill Beament Managing Director Northern Star Resources Ltd Level 1, 24 Mumford Place, Balcatta WA 6021 Tel: +6 8 6241 1866 Fax: +6 8 6241 1811 Email: [email protected] Website: ASX ANNOUNCEMENT 22 DECEMBER 2010 RESOURCE DEFINITION Hole # Downhole Intersection (m) Est. True Thickness (m) Grade (g/t) cut to (100g/t) Gram/mts Ore zone and comments RL of intersection PDU1345 PDU1346 PDU1347A PDU1347A PDU1371 PDU1372 PDU1373 PDU1374 PDU1400 13.16 1.49 1.2 0.93 2 1.9 2.05 5.5 0.68 8 1.4 1.1 0.9 1.6 1.7 1.5 3.6 0.6 3.59 64 3.2 8.64 34.44 2.56 42.9 2.8 12.3 28.7 89.6 3.5 7.8 55.1 4.4 64.4 10.1 7.4 VOY UZ (Offset Limb) VOY UZ (Offset Limb) VOY LZ (Offset Limb) VOY UZ (Offset Limb) VOY UZ (Offset Limb) VOY UZ (Offset Limb) VOY UZ (Offset Limb) VOY UZ (Offset Limb) VOY UZ (Offset Limb) 705mRL 740m RL 731mRL 743mRL 740m RL 726m RL 728m RL 711m RL 732m RL At a nominal 3g/t lower cut off and a 100g/t upper cut off NSR means no significant result Quality Control - Paulsens All core is logged and whole core samples (if LTK48 size, NQ2 sized core is cut and half cored) are marked and prepared for shipping at the Paulsens Mine Property and sent to an independent Laboratory for assay. The remaining half core is stored on site. All samples from which information in this document is derived were received by ALS Chemex – Australian Laboratory Services Pty (‘ALS’) Limited in Karratha, Western Australia. Samples are weighed and crushed to 70% passing -6mm mesh. The crushed material is split and a portion is pulverised. A 100-gram pulp is sent to ALS Perth, Western Australia for assay. A 30-gram portion of the pulp is treated by fire assay method with atomic absorption finish (Au-AA25). A second pulp sample split (150200 g) is kept in Karratha. Sample rejects are discarded after 90 days. Limit samples ( >100 grams per tonne gold) are re-analysed using ALS’ dilution method (Au-DIL). Northern Star Resources inserts one standard in each hole, and one blank is now inserted in each ore zone, although this practice has only recently been adopted. Laboratory standards and blanks are inserted by ALS and several pulp duplicates are also assayed as a determinant of mineralisation variability. ALS has AS/NZS ISO 9001:2000 certification in Perth. This does not cover the sample preparation facilities; however these preparation laboratories follow the same quality management system. They are not audited by NCSI but are audited internally. Competent Persons Statements The information in this announcement that relates to exploration results, data quality, geological interpretations and potential for eventual economic extraction, is based on information compiled by or under the supervision of Brook Ekers, (Member AIG), who is a full-time employee of Northern Star Resources Ltd. Mr. Ekers has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the "Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves". Mr. Ekers consents to the inclusion in this announcement of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears. Forward Looking Statements Some of the information contained in this Announcement has been obtained from third parties and has not been independently verified by NST. In particular the financial projections model on which the forward looking statements included in this Announcement has not been prepared by the Company and the Company has not undertaken any verification of the model. The Company takes no responsibility and is not liable for the projections in any way. Given the risks and uncertainties that may cause the Company’s actual future results, performance or achievements to be materially different from that expected, expressed or implied by the forward looking statements included in this announcement, undue reliance should not be placed on these statements. Nothing contained in this Announcement is a promise or representation as to the future. No assurance or representation is made by any person that any forecast or projection will be achieved. Accordingly, investors must make their own investigations and inquiries regarding all assumptions, uncertainties and contingencies, which may affect the future operations of the Company.” Level 1, 24 Mumford Place, Balcatta WA 6021 Tel: +6 8 6241 1866 Fax: +6 8 6241 1811 Email: [email protected] Website: