27 Locally Grown 28 Fiesta Sunbathers 29 Cauliflower Skiiers 30 Sunflower Garden LILLIPUTIAN LANDSCAPES These images are made by creating environments with food or other common objects and placing minature model-train figures within the setting. Each photograph is a true representation of the actual scene and is not manipulated on a computer. At first glance the viewer may see a landscape with farm workers or a moun- 31 Farmers 32 Pepper Fairy 33 Lost taineer in a cave. On closer inspection the viewer realizes that the field is broccoli or that the cave is a green pepper. My goal is to inspire laughter at the absurdity, appreciation of the beauty of living things, and an overall feeling of delight. 34 Night Rider photos © 2007 Judy Robinson-Cox 978-283-3598 35 Over Medicated All photographs are printed on archival Ultra Premium Epson paper with archival inks. Finished photos and matted with archival mats. 38 Fly Swatter 39 Bling Queen 40 Phone Man 02b Lettuce Garden 37 Money Magnates 36 Blue Hairs 15 Sushi Sunbathers with umbrella 01 Pepper Climber 02 Lettuce Farm 14 Sushi Sunbathers 03 Broccoli Women 04 Feast 16 Sushi Fishermen 05 Fore! 06 Beach Party 18 Sushi Boys 19 Sushi Girl 07 Veggie Farmers 08 Broccoli Farmers 20 Sushi Party 21 Sushi Mates 09 Dare Devil 10 Love in Bloom 22 Sushi Girls with umbrella 23 Horse Farm 11 Berry Climber 12 Point Man 13 Nature’s Housekeepers 24 Sushi Love 25 Sushi Girls 17 Sushi Tidbits 26 Miss Muffet Lilliputian Landscapes Order Form Please fill out all information and fax, phone or mail your order. Judy Robinson-Cox, 5 Haskell Court, Gloucester, MA 01930 FAX: 978-231-0571 Bill To: PHONE: 978-283-3598 EMAIL: [email protected] Ship To: Name Name Address Address City/State/Zip City/State/Zip Telephone Telephone Fax Fax email email Size and Price chart Print size Frame/Mat size 5x7 Unframed w mat (UF) Framed w mat (F) Quantity Size 7 x 10 8 x 12 10 x 15 $75 $125 8 x 10 11 x 14 12 x 16 $45 $75 $125 $30 UF or F $50 12 x18 15 x 20 18 x 24 $175 $200 $150 Number/ Name of photo Shipping and handling within USA Mass. add 5% sales tax $25 to $50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5.00 $50 to $100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10.00 $100 to $300 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$25.00 over $300 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .call Each Subtotal: Shipping: Total: Method of Payment: ❒ AmEx ❒ Master Card ❒ Visa ❒ Check card # Exp. date signed Judy Robinson-Cox, 5 Haskell Court, Gloucester, MA 01930 FAX: 978-231-0571 PHONE: 978-283-3598 EMAIL: [email protected] Price