Exercise and Mobility Guide


Exercise and Mobility Guide
Active Recovery Workout
Total Workout Time: 10-30 minutes
Equipment Needed: Towel, foam roller or tennis/lacrosse ball, mat
The goal of active recovery is to improve circulation, reduce stress, and to improve mobility. Perform this routine on your “off” days, after a hard workout, or anytime you
need to lower your stress level!
1. “Hot Spot” Mobility - Perform 2-3 minutes on each side
2. Passive Stretching - use a towel and hold each pose for 30-60 seconds
3. Belly Breathing - start by either sitting, standing,
or lying down in a completely erect position.
1. Next, relax the body, and relax the mind.
2. Put one palm on your belly and then exhale through
your mouth and gently pull your abdomen in.
3. Inhale through your nose and expand your abdomen, focusing on expanding the lower abdomen.
4. Feel your hand rise with your belly as you inhale.
5. Repeat at least 10 times.
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Exercise Directory
Core Exercises
Mountain Climbers
While holding the push up position
you begin the exercise by tucking
in your right knee into your chest
while keeping your toes from
touching the ground and then
switch and that will be the first
Forearm Plank
Place elbows directly underneath
your shoulders, then PACK your
shoulders. Pull your pelvis toward
your chest then squeeze your
glutes, abs, and legs throughout
the hold. The body should be a
completely rigid plank.
Pose #1
Pose #2
Superman Flys
While holding the push up position
you begin the exercise by tucking
in your right knee into your chest
while keeping your toes from
touching the ground and then
switch and that will be the first
Hip Bridges
Squeeze your glutes and keep
your abs tight as you lift your hips
off the ground by digging your
heel down into the ground and
bring your hips in line with your
shoulders. Abs are tight throughout.
Bicycle Crunches
Make sure to keep you back flat
and neck relaxed the entire time.
Draw your pelvis to your chest as
you reach towards your elbow towards your opposite knee.
Folsom Lake Fitness * All Rights Reserved
Side Bridge
to pack you
shoulder and
keep your
abs and
glutes tight
the pose.
Pose #3
Scissor Kicks
Place hands underneath
your glutes. Pull your pelvis
toward your chest so that
your back is flat. Lift both
legs off the floor, then raise
one leg so that it is higher
than the other. Switch legs
and continue in “flutter”
Level 1: bend your knees
or keep 1 foot on the floor if
your back arches or you feel
pain in low back.
Level 2: Keep legs straight
but make sure back is completely flat.
Exercise Directory
Cardio Exercises
Step Outs/Jumping Jacks
Start with your feet together, and
then step out to the side with one
foot (Level 1), or jump out with
both feet (Level 2/3) and then
step back together. Keep your abs
tight and engaged the entire time.
See Burpee description below. The only difference is, instead of
lowering all the way to the floor, you will stay in a plank position,
and then jump back to squat position with NO jump at the end.
Begin in a standing position. Drop into a squat position with your hands on the ground. Kick your feet
back, while keeping your arms extended. Drop to a push up position and then lower yourself so that
your belly is on the ground. Then, push yourself up back into a squat position and jump straight up.
Lateral Skaters
Standing Elbow to Knee
Make sure not to CRUNCH your
neck. Use your abs to draw in
your belly to your chest..
Folsom Lake Fitness * All Rights Reserved
Butt Kicks
Exercise Directory
Strength Exercises
Prisoner Squats
Start with feet slightly wider than
shoulder width apart. Bring your
hands behind your ears and squat
down. Stay on your heels and focus
on keeping your chest tall.
One Side Squat
Same rules apply as the prisoner
squat except you will have either a
dumbbell or water bottle on 1
shoulder, and the other arm extended.
Make sure to keep your weight back
so that your spine is straight. Push
through your heels not your toes,
keep your front and back legs at 90
degree angles. Use the wall for support if needed.
Dumbbell Deadlifts
Hinge back by reaching your butt towards the wall behind you.
Then sit back and down as you lower the dumbbell to the ground.
Your hips should be slightly higher than your knees (NOT a squat)
and your knees should be BEHIND your ankles.
Keep your back flat and your chest tall.
Push Ups
Prone Cobra
Lie facedown on the floor with your legs straight and your arms
next to your sides, palms down. Contract your glutes and the
muscles of your lower back, and raise your head, chest, arms,
and legs off the floor. Simultaneously rotate your arms so that
your thumbs point toward the ceiling. At this time, your hips
should be the only parts of your body touching the floor. Hold
this position for the prescribed amount of time or for 1 1 sec
count if you are doing reps.
Start on your knees, and make sure
your body is straight from head to
heels. Keep your abs, glutes, and
legs tight throughout.
Folsom Lake Fitness * All Rights Reserved
Bent Over Rows
Keep your back FLAT by
pulling your chest tall.
Squeeze your shoulder
blades together and keep
your elbows close as you