t".,liiik - Parliament Of Singapore
t".,liiik - Parliament Of Singapore
Bishan-Toa Payoh Town Council's Audited Financial Statements, Auditors' Reports and Annual Report for FY2013/2014 S. 125 of 2014 Presented to Parliament pursuant to Statute. Ordered by Parliament to lie upon the Table: Toa Payoh Office: September 2014 9626 Blk I 25A Lorong 2 Toa Payoh #0 I I 34 Singapore 311125 Tel: 6259 6700 Fax: 625929 Bishan Office: Blk 197 Bishan Streetl3 #01-585 Singapore570197 Tel:6259 6700 Fax: 6356 7388 Website: http://www.btptc.org.sg Email : [email protected] fiistra*-?bit Pat'ult'ft)x'lt {}:uncil t, at! eIX aI *a I BISHAN.TOAPAYOHTOWNCOUNCITANNUALREPORTFY2O13/14 Chairman's Review Many people regard town councils as estatemanagers,responsible for the cleanliness and maintenance of the estate. That is true in part - maintenance is an important function. However, a less well known role is strategic planning and development of infrastructure projects to renew our estate.Residents' aspiration and expectationsare constantly evolving, and facilities which have may been consideredspecial or unique a few years ago, are today regardedas standard. The town council has to keep up with thesechanges. My three years as the Chairman of this Town Council has given me a good understandingof the importance in engaging residentsand maintaining a close relationship with them. As I have said in the many Town Hall meetingswe have held, the Town Council is here to serve the residents,and every dollar we collect from them is usedtowardsthat service. I am grateful to the many residentswho took time off from their schedulesto meet me at various eventsand sharetheir thoughts and feedback. Infrastructure Proj ects Bishan - Toa Payoh is an ageing estate. While we have the advantageof being superbly located in the heart of Singapore,our housing blocks and facilities require a bit more work to keep them fresh and relevant. We also haveto keep in mind the needsof our ageingpopulation as well. t".,liiik We will thereforebe launching an exciting new project to build 72 more fitress stationsaround the entire estate,and to upgradeexisting ones. Thesewill have equipment for our seniorsto work on the four critical aspectsof strength,flexibility, enduranceand balance. They will be easily accessibleto all. The parks will be part of a new project to keep our seniors fit and healthv. We are also bringing forward Repairsand Redecoration(R&R) works for our blocks. A total of 76 blocks will be spruced up this year. In addition, residentsof 59 blocks welcome the completion of the lift upgrading programme (LUP) in their precincts. This is on top of the Neighbourhood Renewal Programme(NRP) being carried out acrossthe divisions, where we have built covered link-ways, drop-off porchesand barier-free ramps. Energy Efficient The Town Council is pressingon with our progrirmmeto replaceall light bulbs with more energy-efficientLED ones.This shouldseea loweringof our electricitybill, resultingin cost savingsfor residents.We haveseenanaverage30 per centdropin our electricityconsumption for the 215 blocksinstalledwith LED lighting. I am pleasedto reportthat we haveintroduced LED light bulbsto another68 blocks. By 2016,97percentof the estatewill be illuminated with LED lights. We arealsoexploringotheroptionsto reduceenergyconsumption.We have an on-goingtrial projectin BishanEastwheresolarpanelshavebeeninstalledat the rooftop. We will evaluatetheir feasibilitvafterthetrial. Partnering residents Dengue is becoming a growing menace,particularly on account of the changein our weather patterns. We will have to increaseour anti-mosquitoefforts. However, as most breeding sites are found in the home, successin this area will require the support and co-operation of our residents. Thus, we have been actively engagingresidentsto keep our estatesfree of stagnant water. The Town Council will also intensifu its "mozzie-attack" operations. This costs S830,000over the two-yearperiodfrom FY2012/13toFY20l3/14. Litter provides a source for mosquito breeding. While our cleanerswill continue to do their job, the problem is best tackled if everyone plays an active role in ensuring that the estate remainslitter-free. Sincethe launchof the quarterlyCleanestBlock Competitionin 2013, we have seenimprovementsin the overall cleanliness. We have thereforedecidedto enhancethe competition in 2014 by recognizing more blocks, and awarding more residents of those winning blocks with a 50 per cent rebatein serviceand conservancycharges. Financial highlights The Town Council ended the financial year with an operating surplus of $8.27 million, after governmentgrants. As in the past yeirs, we endedthe financial year with a deficit and it is the government grant that keeps our financesin the black. In view of lower utility tariffs, we had a lower deficit when compared with the previous year. This can quickly change should the price of oil increase. Our sinkingfundclosedwith $141.63million. In thecomingyears,we will be drawingdown a substantialamountfrom the sinking fund to fund our increasedRepairs& Redecoration works. We are also monitoring our arrears sifuation. While it remains in the "Green" band as determinedby the MND, we will have to keep up our collection efforts. If we do not collect, it would mean that residentswho pay are effectively subsidisingthosewho do not. That is not fair. I have nonethelessinstructedthe Town Council to refer all casesof financial hardship to the welfare committeesof the respectivedivisions, and222 families have received financial assistancethis year through our efforts. Conclusion We were able to provide and deliver the facilities and services to residents becauseof the support and contributions from many people, including the town councillors and community leaders,the managementand staff and my parliamentary colleagues. I thank them for their dedication and hard work. I would alsolike to thankall residentsfor their continuedsupport. Hri Kumar Nair Chairman