01.06.12 13:40:33 [Page 'Monthly Benlamadena_1' - Dialog40cn710 | Costa Nachrichten | Monthly Benlamadena | Monthly Benalmadena | Monthly Benalmadena] of miguelc (Black arch) NEWS AND INFORMATION FOR FOREIGN RESIDENTS BENALMÁDENA MONTHLY Issue No. 9 June 2012 Foreign Residents' Department 952 579 979 NEWS Page 4 Council thumbs-up for B&Bs WHAT'S ON June events and activities Page 7 INFORMATION The Sixty Five discount card Page 6 Residents to continue getting 60% IBI discount Officals say the scheme benefits residents and encourages 'empadronamiento' THE town hall has announced that, despite its difficult budgetary situation, it is maintaining the 60 per cent discount on IBI property tax for registered (’empadronado‘) residents who are up to date on all payments to the town hall and who make their IBI payment via standing order with their bank. "Despite the crisis and the town hall’s poor economic situation, we believe it is necessary to maintain this subsidy - which we approved in 2009 in compensation for the increase in IBI tax due to the reassessment of home values - given the current recession and the fact that the application of the reassessed values will continue to be felt for seve- ral years more," said the councillor for the economy and taxes, Manuel Arroyo. The discount scheme also benefits the town hall by serving as an incentive for residents to register on the local 'padrón' census, said the councillor. "We currently have 67,000 empadronado residents, but we provide services for a yearround population of easily 100,000 residents, and by increasing the number of empadronados we would receive state funding much more in line with our real population," he said. The IBI payment period started last month and remains open until October 31. Those who make their payment via Councillor Manuel Arroyo explaining the measure standing order will have it split into three instalments, the first charged to their account last month (May 7), and the next two on July 7 and September 7. Photo: Rohu People who do not pay via standing order and who want to pay in instalments must submit a request for the three-payment plan, said the councillor. 01.06.12 13:40:40 [Page 'Monthly Benlamadena_2' - Dialog40cn710 | Costa Nachrichten | Monthly Benlamadena | Monthly Benalmadena | Monthly Benalmadena] of miguelc (Black arch) Page 2 BENALMADENA MONTHLY Town hall creates jobs for 70 unemployed THE town council last month approved the launch of an employment scheme to give temporary part-time jobs to local unemployed people. The programme, budgeted at 300,000 euros, will provide six-month contracts to 70 people, who will receive a monthly salary of 520 euros for working four-hour days for the municipal maintenance department. "This plan represents a dynamic response to the problems of employment and social exclusion, providing a part-time work contract with a salary that actually exceeds the minimum wage," said the mayor, Javier Carnero. Francisco Salido, the councillor for social welfare, added: "In addition to the six months of paid work, afterward the participants will be eligible for unemployment benefits for another four months." Priority will be given to long-time unemployed who are no longer receiving any benefits, and other groups in particularly unfavourable circumstances. Once all the eligible applicants have been assigned points based on their socioeconomic situation, a committee consis- In Brief GOOD WORK Benalmádena's local police department has received a note of commendation from the British consul in Málaga, Steve Jones. The letter was in response to the force’s action in assisting an elderly Scottish tourist found lost and confused on the town’s streets, and tracking down his hotel and getting him to the airport in time to reunite with his wife for their flight home. CEMETERY DEBTS Mayor Carnero announcing the jobs programme ting of employment department staff and a social worker will make the final selection. "I want to emphasise that the people participating in this programme will not be taking work from town hall workers, but will be employed as reinforcements for projects and services that can’t be completely covered by the municipal maintenance department or other departments,“ said the mayor. He said the 300,000-euro cost of the scheme will be paid for by "the budget areas where we have cut costs by 30 per cent, as laid out in our economic austerity plan". The aim is for the programme to launch this month, with a six-month duration. The town hall’s intention is to then repeat the scheme in each subsequent six-month period for the next three years, so that by the end of 2015 some 500 people will have benefitted, or about six per cent of the town’s total number of unemployed. In the first three days of accepting applications last month, some 700 application forms were requested and more than 100 completed forms submitted to the town hall. The application period closed on May 30. Pueblo resident Enid Boundry turns 101 TOWN hall officials last month joined Benalmádena Pueblo re- June 2012 sident Enid ’Eny‘ Boundry in celebrating her 101st birthday. Eny with family members and town hall officials Photo: Rohu Born in North Wales on May 16, 1911, Eny has lived in Benalmádena with her daughter Louise for around 20 years. "Enid Boundry is a real example of youthful spirit and joy for life," said deputy mayor Encarnación González, during the event. The celebration was also attended by around a dozen British British residents of the town including Eny's friends and family as well as representatives of the Welsh Society. In addition to a number of birthday gifts, Eny received a card from the town's mayor and councillor for foreign residents, Javier Carnero. The town hall says nearly 200 people have unpaid debts for burial niches at the Arroyo de la Miel cemetery, which could impede them from receiving discounts on municipal taxes and fees. After reviewing 680 niche rental contracts, it was found that 184 are not up to date on the payments. The town hall says many of these people may have been unaware of the need to renew their contract after the end of the five-year rental period typically covered by insurance. Notification is being sent to those affected. CHEAPER CLEANING The town hall is to save 350,000 euros a year on rubbish collection and cleaning due to a modification of its contract with the GSC, the company that provides the service. The agreement, which has been approved by the council, will reduce costs by 5.76 per cent through efficiencies and additional equipment, "without reducing the current level of service," said officials. GSC is to invest nearly 5.1 million euros on systems and equipment. PAVEMENT UPGRADE Work started last month on a 220,000-euro project to improve the pavements along the Avenida del Sol coast road in Benalmádena. The project takes in the stretch from the traffic light at Hotel Torrequebrada to Tres Caravelas, and will include renewing the pavements and installing 22 new street lights. The completion timeline is three months. 01.06.12 13:40:47 [Page 'Monthly Benlamadena_3' - Dialog40cn710 | Costa Nachrichten | Monthly Benlamadena | Monthly Benalmadena | Monthly Benalmadena] of miguelc (Black arch) June 2012 In Brief UNIVERSITY SUCCESS Benalmádena’s councillor for education, Elena Galán, last month congratulated the teachers and students of the town’s Access to University course for adults (aged 25 and up), after 75 per cent of the students passed the entrance exam, meaning they can start at university next year. The councillor said the high success rate was a testament to effort of the students as well as the work carried out by the municipal education and training centre. SAN JUAN FESTIVITIES The town hall has opened the sign-up period for the various contests and activities surrounding this month’s Romería and Feria de San Juan, including a new event this year, a 'verbena' party on June 15 at Plaza de la Mezquita in Arroyo, where the young feria queens will be elected. Groups and associations interested in particating can sign up at the Casa de la Cultura from 9am to 2pm weekdays until June 8. WATER WORKS Work is underway on the installation of a new 325mm water main that the town hall says will put an end to supply problems in the Casablanca and Los Nadales zones of Benalmádena Pueblo during times of high demand. The work, in the Retamar zone near the Mariposario butterfly park, is more nearing completion and should be finished early this month. LINE 2 BUS JOINS TRANSPORT CONSORTIUM A new bus fare officially took effect last month on Benalmádena’s local Line 2 service as it joined the Málaga Transport Consortium bus network. The price of a single ticket rose by 19 cents to 1.40 euros, though the cost is 83 cents for those paying with a consortium bus pass, which also provides transfers to other consortium buses for just 59 cents. BENALMADENA MONTHLY Page 3 Local beaches get ready for the summer Cleaning, maintenance and sand replacement ahead of tourist boom WORK launched last month on cleaning and maintenance at local beaches to get them prepared for the summer tourism season, which officially kicks off on June 15. The councillor for beaches, Inmaculada Vasco, held a meeting early last month with the 20-strong team of beach cleaning and maintenance staff including municipal workers as well as employees of the town hall’s contracted cleaning company, GSC - to lay out the strategy for the pre-summer and summer campaign. The pre-season work has included the replacement sand on the storm damaged Santa Ana and Las Gaviotas beaches using sand that had been dredged from the mouth of the marina and was stockpiled at Malapesquera beach. "We decided to accumulated the dredged sand to use it Beaches are gearing up for another busy summer on the beaches worst damaged by winter storms, after seeing that the central government had no intention to perform sand replacement on the town’s beaches," said the councillor. She also put out a call to members of the public to do their part to help keep the town’s beaches clean this summer. "At nine or 10 beaches we have now installed sets of rubbish and recycling containers," she said, urging all beach users to make use of them to ensure that the beaches are as clean and attractive as possible for residents as well as tourists. Town hall meets with foreign resident groups One of the town hall's periodic meetings with members of the Royal British Legion BENALMÁDENA’S Foreigners' Department, headed by the town’s mayor, Javier Carnero, has launched a new round of meetings with foreign-resident groups and associations, to "learn firsthand their problems, concerns and vision for the town,"announced the town hall last month. One meeting took place early last month with the Royal British Legion, the local chapter of which has been registered in the town since 1985. The gathering, attended by around 20 RBL members, featured discussions on a range of topics including local taxes, cultural activities and the process of registering on the municipal 'padrón' census, among others. Later in the month a meeting was held at the town hall with representatives of nearly two dozen foreign-resident groups and associations. Groups attending included the RBL, Elim Family, the Finnish Association, the Irish Association, the Photographic Society and the Welsh Society, among many others. "We believe it is necessary to have these periodic meetings with foreign-resident groups so that they can directly provide their suggestions on issues that we can work to improve," said Mayor Carnero. "At the same time, the meetings allow us to provide them information about town hall services and procedures." The Foreigners' Department will continue to be in contact with other foreign-resident groups and associations in the to schedule future meetings with them. 01.06.12 13:40:51 [Page 'Monthly Benlamadena_4' - Dialog40cn710 | Costa Nachrichten | Monthly Benlamadena | Monthly Benalmadena | Monthly Benalmadena] of miguelc (Black arch) Page 4 BENALMADENA MONTHLY Council thumbs for local B&Bs up The proposal still requires sign-off from the Junta de Andalucía THE Benalmádena council last month approved a measure that in the future could allow some local homeowners to convert their houses into bed-and-breakfast accommodation. The council gave preliminary approval to a modification of the local development plan (PGOU), to allow the creation of B&Bs in properties classified as U-4 single family homes, with a maximum built size of 150 square metres on a plot of less than 600 square metres. In all there are around 100 such homes in the town, according to the town hall, but many of them would not qualify due to their proximity to the town centre. A number of the eligible homes are located in the La Viñuela zone to the south of Benalmádena Pueblo. The planning change came Proposal could see certain types of homes used as B&Bs following a request by a local resident who wanted his home reclassified for use as a B&B. Several other requests followed, so rather than handling them case by case, the town hall decided to make an official set of parameters for allowing the creation of such establishments, explai- ned the mayor, Javier Carnero. The approval at Monday’s council meeting was just the first step in pushing through the change, which among other things will require signoff from the Junta de Andalucía’s public works and environment departments. Mayor in bilingual interview with local students The mayor responding to questions from students BENALMÁDENA'S mayor, Javier Carnero, last month visited the Al Baytar secondary school where he underwent a bilingual 'interview', fielding questions from students in Spanish and English. The activity was organised by the school's teacher for in- Photo: Rohu tercultural studies, Jesús Relinque. "This type of multicultural activity is especially valuable in a town like Benalmádena where more than 300 nationalities live together and some 30 per cent of the population is foreign, said the mayor, who is also the coun- cillor for foreign residents. "This school is itself an example of multiculturalism, with students of more than 40 nationalities studying together with teamwork and harmony," he said. Questions from the students touched on subjects such as values in education, attention to the needs of people of different nationalities and the current situation and context of public education. The mayor stressed his strong conviction of the importance and value of public education as well the importance of integrating residents of all nationalities. Teacher Jesús Relinque expressed his appreciation for the mayor's participation and said he has found the town hall very supportive of "all educational initiatives related to multiculturalism". June 2012 In Brief ART EXHIBITION The Centro de Exposiciones in Benalmádena Costa is currently hosting an exhibition of paintings and drawings by artist Juan Manuel Fuentes del Ama. The show, which runs until June 24, features 50 oil paintings and 20 drawings spanning the artist’s career from the late 1970s to the present. Sr Fuentes del Ama, who was born in Madrid, trained in Paris and has had shows in the US, Paris, Mexico and in may cities of Spain, describes his work as "visionary, surrealist, symbolist, dreamlike and, above all, narrative," and cites the works of Shakespeare as one of his inspirations. TIME BANK Benalmádena’s councillor for business development, employment and equality, Encarnación González, last month visited Málaga’s Time Bank which allows people to exchange services free of charge based on hourly credits - to learn more about how it functions. The idea is to glean ideas that can be used at the town’s Innova entrepreneurial centre to create a similar exchange scheme for business services. TOURISM INFO The Felipe Orlando Pre-Columbian Museum in Benalmádena is to serve as a support branch for the town’s tourism office, after the installation last week of an information point with maps and material on local sites of interest, cultural events and fiestas. Officials say museum staff will be kept up to date by the tourism office on local events and activities. ROAD REPAIRS A road crew is filling potholes and making other minor repairs along the main road linking Arroyo de la Miel with Benalmádena Pueblo, announced town hall officials last month. The work is part of an ongoing road maintenance programme that started in Benalmádena Costa, has moved on to Arroyo and will then hit streets in the pueblo. 01.06.12 13:40:56 [Page 'Monthly Benlamadena_5' - Dialog40cn710 | Costa Nachrichten | Monthly Benlamadena | Monthly Benalmadena | Monthly Benalmadena] of miguelc (Black arch) June 2012 BENALMADENA MONTHLY Page 5 Benalmádena Bowls Club's Presentation Night 2012 BENALMADENA Bowls Club held its Annual Presentation Night earlier this spring at the Sunset Beach Club at Benalmádena Costa. Trophies were given to the winners of the Drawn Triples Brian Todd, Harry Ronald and Nominated Mixed Triples Nominated Men's Pairs Colin Handley; Drawn Ladies' Pairs Kate Morris and Brenda Tims; Drawn Men's Pairs Geoff Edginton and Neil Stanton; Nominated Triples Brian Todd, Lennie Dineen, Sybil Ferguson; Nominated Mixed Pairs Bill Gregory and Maureen Robertshaw; Nominated Ladies' Pairs Kate Morris and Amber Dineen; and Nominated Men's Pairs Alan Tims and Richard Jones. The Ladies' Singles was won by Amber Dineen and the Men's Singles was won by Joe Stamper. Amber and Joe then went on to represent Benalmádena in the Champions of Champions held in April at Lauro Golf Bowls Club. Also mentioned was the Handicap Singles Winner Phil Hall who was presented with Dunnes Gift Voucher. The First Win Trophy for the ladies went to Lynne Heseltine and the men's winner was Jonathan Young. Our club is open for roll ups on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. Please contact our competition secretary on 95 238 6371 or email us for more information: [email protected]. Or check out our- website Coaching available also free hire of bowls. Everyone welcome. Winners Nominated Ladies Pairs Winners Drawn Ladies Pairs CALLING ALL CLUBS Winners Drawn Men's Pairs BENALMÁDENA Monthly would like to welcome club and association members to the pages of this new council publication. Each month we will be featuring a local group and its members on this page. Inclusion is absolutely free and gives readers a chance to see the many activities available to them through membership to your club. But remember we’re a monthly publication so we need your news as soon as possible! Contact Joanna Drozdawska at the town hall’s Foreign Residents‘ Department on 952 579 979 or email [email protected] for more information. 01.06.12 13:41:04 [Page 'Monthly Benlamadena_6' - Dialog40cn710 | Costa Nachrichten | Monthly Benlamadena | Monthly Benalmadena | Monthly Benalmadena] of miguelc (Black arch) Page 6 BENALMADENA MONTHLY June 2012 The 'Sixty Five' card and what it can do for you Benalmádena Foreign Residents' Department's Joanna Drozdowska answers your questions Q I've heard that there is a special discount card for OAPs and I'd like to know if I am eligible to apply for one? In a nutshell, the answer is yes, foreign residents in Andalucía can apply, although as you will see you do have to fulfill various requirements which we will look at in the next two issues of Benalmádena Monthly. The regional government issues a card called the 65 card which is issued by the Junta de Andalucía's Social Services and Equality Department free of A charge to over 65s who would like it. This document means users can benefit directly from social services programmes, discounts, subsidies, etcetera. There are two types of 65 cards: • Andalucía Junta sesenta y cinco is for those people over 65 and resident in any part of Andalucía. • Andalucía Junta sesenta y cinco Oro Like the other card, this is for over 65s who also had a personal income during the previous year that does not excede 75% of Spain's average annual wages. With your card you can access exclusive services and discounts such as: • Use the Andalucía Tele-home care services with discounts of 40%, 80% and even 100%. • Make long distance bus trips within Andalucía with a 50% discount on ticket prices. • Buy your glasses with discounts between 30 and 55%. • Buy a hearing aid with discounts between 30 and 35%. • Enjoy multiple discounts at hotels, cinemas, sporting events, monuments and theme parks ... • Have access to completely free legal advice from the Servicio de Orientación Jurídica. You can find information on this legal service at your nearest Junta de Andalucía Senior Citizen's Day Centre. • Make use of important discounts on Day Centre or Family Respite Centre places. • Use Senior Citizen Day Centre dining rooms with a 50% discount on the price of the menu (only Oro cardholders). • Apply for a subsidy to adapt your home should you have mobility problems. Continues next month... Spotlight on... Suzanne and Ray Challinor EACH issue Benalmádena Monthly briefly turns the spotlight on an expat resident to get to know a little bit about the person behind the face... In this edition we asked Suzanne and Ray Challinor to sit in the interview chair. 1. What were you doing before you came to Spain? Since 1976 we have both worked together in a self employed capacity. We have been involved in retail, business sales and consultancy, marketing and training. 2. Why have you chosen to live in Benalmádena and how long have you been here? It was by accident really. For many years we had holidays in Montemar but as they were a well deserved break from business we spent little time discovering the area. In 1997 we decided to buy a property in the area and that is when we came across Benalmádena. From the start we considered it to be the best and most attractive part of the coast and still have that view today. 3. How long have you lived here? We are now in our thirteenth year and look forward to many more in the future. 4. Do you feel at home here? Yes we do. We only return to the UK occasionally to keep in touch with our family and always encourage them to visit us. Benalmádena is not just where we live it is home to us. We feel very much as part of the community and intend to spend the rest of our time here. 5. What do you like most about life in Spain? We admire and enjoy the way the Spanish in Andalusia take a relaxed and carefree approach to life. The celebrations and fiestas are very much part of local culture and something we do not experience in the UK. It’s nice to see people attach importance to their leisure time rather than just concentrate on work and material gain. 6. What do you miss most from your country? The honest answer is very little. We certainly don’t miss the rain and cold or the day to day pressures which have become part of the British way of life. Benalmádena offers the life we enjoyed in past years but with the modern technology and facilities which we are now all used to. 7. Do you feel integrated? Very much so. Over the past few years the Benalmádena Ayuntamiento has developed the Foreigners' Department which has brought us much closer to the Spanish way of life. In addition we Ray and Suzanne enjoy the relaxed Spanish approach to life have been encouraged to bring some of our own cultural events here. We are both very involved with St George’s Day and the Costa Del Sol Photographic Society. The council has given tremendous support to us with both of these projects and the interest shown by the Spanish has proved that integration is possible and can be a success. 8. How would you promote integration between foreigners and Spanish people? First, it is essential that we accept that we are the guests here and should always respect that. We should also try to learn the language. That can be difficult but from our experience it is better to try with mistakes than to make no attempt. Spanish people apprecia- te the effort and it is surprising how little is required to create a bond. It is also important to follow local news. Not just through our own newspapers but through publications such as this. To us it’s important to use the Spanish shops, restaurants and other businesses. We should support our local community if we want to be part of it. Finally, we have an excellent Foreigners' Department promoted by the Benalmadena Ayuntamiento. Many events are organised by them to encourage integration and it is up to us to become involved and enjoy the many benefits. We both consider Benalmadena to be one of the finest towns in Spain and we are both proud to be residents here. June 2012 BENALMADENA MONTHLY Page 7 folklore all day long, but really comes into its own from dusk onwards. June Agenda Special events Book Clubs Costa del Sol Photographic Society, Until June 10. Photos by club members, which will be auctioned off in favour of Cudeca. Javier Ortiz Pinazo, June 12-July 2. Collages. ARROYO DE LA MIEL LIBRARY, Parque de la Paloma. In Spanish: June 6, 12 and 26 at 7pm. In English: Read On, June 5 at 7pm. In French: Cercle de Lecture, June 19 at 7pm. BENALMADENA PUEBLO LIBRARY (behind the Felipe Orlando Museum) In Spanish: June 19 at 11am & 6pm. CASA DE LA CULTURA, Arroy de la Miel. 23rd Bonsai & Suiseki Exhibition, Until June 2. Photographic Exhibition, June 4-9. 25 years of La Leala School. Cross stitch, embroidery and craft work, June 15-26. Kid's Stuff STORY TIME, June 6, 13 and 20 at 6.15pm at the Benalmádena Pueblo library ( behind the Felipe Orlando museum). A fun afternoon activity for very young readers accompanied by an adult. Everyone is welcome. Stories are in Spanish but with lots of visual and sound effects to keep the young audience rivetted. STORYTELLING IN THE PARK, June 5, 12, 19 & 26 at 6pm. Takes place at the Poets' Monument in the Parque de la Paloma. The Mas Madera Film Club THIS MONTH marks the end of the cinema club season. New season starts in October. Films are at 9pm at the Casa de la Cultura in Arroyo de la Miel. Films are shown with original soundtrack and with Spanish subtitles if in a foreign language. Tickets: 3 euros. June 7: The Artist. France 2011. Silent, black and white comedy. Arroyo de la Miel celebrates its annual fair this month from June 22-25. Director Michel Hazanavicius, Stars Jean Dujardin, Berenice Bejo. June 14: Un Dios Salvaje. France/Germany/Spain 2011. Drama/ comedy. Director Roman Polanski. Stars Jodie Foster, Kate Winslet. Exhibitions BENALMADENA COSTA EXHIBITION CENTRE (On the N340 coast road, opposite post office). Open Tues-Sat, 10-2/5-7.30. Sun/fiestas 11-1.30pm. Entrance free. Closed Mon. Juan Manuel Fuentes, Until June 24. Tierras Lejanas exhbition. Oil paintings and drawings. BIL-BIL CASTLE (on the N340 coast road opposite Benal Beach). Entrance free. Music BIL BIL CASTLE (on the N340 coast road opposite Benal Beach). At. 20.30. European Day of Music, June 16. Choir concert at9pm. Young Malaga Musicians, June 29 at 8.30pm. Local prizewinning pianists perform Beethoven, Haydn, Chopin... Entrance free. OFF THE BEATEN TRACK. There are no trips planned until the autumn. Local Birds ,June 2 at 10am. Talk by Juan Antonio Gomez Negrillo (Spanish Ornithological Society) on how to identify local birds. At the Arroyo de la Miel library. Mysteries of Pre-Columbian Ameria, June 15-16. Conference in Spanish. At the Felipe Orlando Pre-Columbian Museum, Benalm´ádena Pueblo. Friday 5-7pm and Saturday 10-1.30pm and 5-7pm. Spanish-English Language Exchange Programme. Organised by the town hall's Foreign Residents' Department to improve conversational Spanish or English in a friendly, fun and free way. Takes place on Monday, 5.30-7pm at the senior citizens' centre in Benalmádena Pueblo or on Tuesday and Thursday at the senior citizens' centre in the Plaza de la Mezquita, Arroyo de la Miel. Continues through June and July. To take part, pop along to a meeting and fill out an inscription form or ask Joanna at the town hall's Foreign Residents' Department (952 579 979). Fiestas & Fairs Noche de San Juan, June 23. Bonfires, fireworks and parties all along the Costa as well as street parties in Arroyo and Benalmadena mark the star t of summer with burning of the old to make way for the new. Arroyo de la Miel Annual Fair, June 22-25 at the fairground by the Parque de la Paloma. Fairground attractions, concerts and On-duty Chemists. Farmacias are usually open from 9.301.30pm and 5-9pm but there is also an emergency chemist on duty in each municipality outside these hours. To find out which chemist is on duty, telephone the local police, (952562142) health centre or check on the door of any chemist's shop where the duty rota will be displayed. Useful telephone numbers Emergency numbers All emergencies 112 (This is a central call base for any emergency) Ambulance service 061 Fire brigade 952 563 429 Guardia Civil 062 Local Police 092 National Police 091 902 102 112 - Reports in case of theft or robbery (English spoken) General telephone numbers Endesa electricity company 900 248 248 Hospital Carlos Haya, Málaga 952 390 400 Hospital Clinico Universitario, Málaga 952 649 400 Hospital Materno Infantil, Málaga 952 300 400 Hospital Costa del Sol, Marbella 951 976 669/951 976 670 GP appointments by phone to Salud Responde 902 505 060 or by internet Appointments for NIE applications at Torremolinos police station 952 378 437 Local telephone numbers Foreigners' Department, Town Hall 952 579 979 Health Centre (Arroyo) 952 440 404/952 443 545 Health Centre (Pueblo) 952 449 313 Health Centre (Torrequebrada) 951 308 121 Hospital Chare 951 976 070 Hospital Xanit 952 443 119 Local police (Arroyo) 952 562 142 Local police (Pueblo) 952 579 853 Sports Centre (Arroyo) 95 257 7050 Sports Centre (Pueblo) 95 256 8085 Taxis 952 441 545 Tourist Office 952 442 494 01.06.12 13:41:09 Page 8 [Page 'Monthly Benlamadena_8' - Dialog40cn710 | Costa Nachrichten | Monthly Benlamadena | Monthly Benalmadena | Monthly Benalmadena] of miguelc (Black arch) BENALMADENA MONTHLY June 2012
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