South Korea - Clyde Bergemann Power Group
South Korea - Clyde Bergemann Power Group
Edition 1 | 2015 South Korea – A Sustainable Economic Growth with a Developing Energy Policy Read More on Page 2 Clean Energy Solutions Two Contracts for Clyde Bergemann on the Way to the the Extension of the Stack Dampers Pagbilao Power Plant Deliver Cost Savings in the Philippines Through Efficiency Customer: the Clyde Bergemann Road Show Europe 2015 Page 8 Page 11 Page 12 CONTENT 28 % (24.5 GW), coal-fired power plants take the largest share of capacity, followed by natural gas-fired plants (23.4 GW) and nuclear power plants (20.7 GW). South Korea – A Sustainable Economic Growth with a Developing Energy Policy............................................................ 2 Clyde Bergemann Europe Receives US$10 Million Order for Dust and SO2 Reduction Systems for Polish Power Plant.............. 4 Clyde Bergemann Delivers Cleaning Technology for 2 x 900 MW Power Plant “Opole” in Poland.............................. 5 Franz Bartels | President & CEO Steel ‘H’ Optimized Design Proves a Key Selling Point for Muja Power Station in Western Australia.............................. 6 ® Globally Successful: Clyde Bergemann Supplies Cleaning Equipment for Ultra-Supercritical Power Plant in Morocco.......... 7 Clean Energy Solutions on the Way to the Customer: the Clyde Bergemann Road Show Europe 2015.......................... 8 Clyde Bergemann Wins Contract for Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) Rebuild in Michigan, USA.................................................. 9 Drax Bestows Silver Safety Award to Clyde Bergemann.............10 Clyde Bergemann Europe Secures two Contracts for the Extension of the Pagbilao Power Plant in the Philippines............11 Clyde Bergemann Stack Dampers Deliver Cost Savings Through Efficiency................................................12 First New SMART Clean™ Technology for Utility in North America.............................................................13 Successful Implementation of Hg Removal at Western US Utility Plants...........................................................14 Clyde Bergemann Colombia Provides Fly Ash Solutions for Gecelca Termoguajira Power Plant.......................................15 Events Diary..............................................................................16 Personnel..................................................................................16 Our Cover Story: South Korea – A Sustainable Economic Growth with a Developing Energy Policy Over the past four decades, South Korea has demonstrated tremendous growth and sustained efforts to become a high-tech industrialized economy. In 2014, it was the world’s 13th largest economy in terms of GDP and seventh largest, in terms of energy consumption with 280 million toe (tonnes of oil equivalent) of primary energy. With limited natural resources (no oil and only small reserves of natural gas and anthracite coal) the country is highly dependent on external energy sources: 96 % of primary energy is imported. The Korean government is therefore permanently challenged to offer ecologically and economically sound solutions for its energy supply. According to the energy statistics published by the Korea Energy Economics Institute (KEEI), the total electricity generating capacity in the country more than doubled between 1995 and 2013 when it reached 87 GW. With The majority of electricity was generated in coal-fired (39 %) and nuclear (27 %) power plants. Most of the remainder came from natural gas (24 %), complemented with smaller shares from hydro (1.7 %) and other renewable energy sources (1.9 %)*. In the past, the Korean government directed its energy policy foremost on securing a reliable supply in order to support economic growth. With energy-intensive industries like steel and petrochemicals, electricity consumption increased five times faster than the OECD average over the past decade. Regardless of how: supply was expanded whenever consumption increased. Around 2000, the focus changed slightly when discussions about renewable forms of energy came up as an option to respond to climate change. Since fossil fuel fired plants were being questioned, nuclear energy seemed to be a promising option. Based on those conditions and ideas, South Korea’s Cabinet published the First National Basic Energy Plan in 2008, highlighting “Low Carbon, Green Growth” as the core of the Republic’s new vision. The plan supported the decrease of fossil fuels as a primary energy source (including oil) from 83 % to 61 % by 2030, while increasing the ratio of new & renewable energies to 11 % from 2 %. The nuclear power ratio among total generating facilities should be increased up to 41 %. Then, in 2011, the catastrophe at Fukushima happened. The calls for an expansion of nuclear power fell silent. Still, with 24 reactors, the country has the largest density of nuclear power plants in the world. Four more are under construction. While developing the second plan, the government originated a civilian-government working group, including participants from industry, civic groups, and universities. The new energy policy framework for the period 2014 – 2035 was released in January 2014. The document outlines a reduction of nuclear power to 29 % in favor of renewable energies and natural gas. Remaining shortages in generating units shall be provided by coaland gas-powered plants. An additional new Electricity Plan (6th Basic Plan for Long-Term Electricity Supply and Demand) released in January 2014, documents plans to raise coal plant capacities to 44.9 GW by 2027, and to install 15 more coal-fired facilities with a capacity of 12.5 GW by the end of 2017. South Korea is on its way to …”shift its attention from the supply side to the consumption side”, as Seung Il Cheong, South Korea’s Director for Energy Industry Policy, wrote in an article for Siemens**. Next to increasing capacity in the proposed mix, there is a necessity to improve energy efficiency. Smart grids are seen as “…highly promising technology”** to enable a more efficient use of energy on the one hand, supported by initiatives to significantly reduce energy consumption on the other hand. The Clyde Bergemann Power Group has been a reliable partner of the South Korean power industry for more than 30 years. Our equipment can be found in 70 % of the installed utility power plants in the country. Last year, newly built plants “Bukpeyong”, “Shin Boryeong” and “Yeosu” were all provided with high-tech cleaning systems from Clyde Bergemann. Further deliveries are on their way. Franz Bartels | President & CEO Franz Bartels, Clyde Bergemann Power Group [email protected] Publisher: Clyde Bergemann Power Group Inc., Schillwiese 20, D-46485 Wesel (Germany) Responsible for content: Franz Bartels | Editorial: Claudia Denniger, Clyde Bergemann Power Group, e-mail: [email protected] Graphic design: TEMA Technologie Marketing AG Reprints are permissible only after consultation with the editorial offices. 2 NEWS 1 | 2015 * Korea Energy Economics Institue, “Energy Statistics 2014” **Seung Il Cheong, “South Korea: a Paradigm Shift in Energy Policy”, Living Energy No. 8, July 2013 NEWS 1 | 2015 3 Clyde Bergemann Europe Receives US$10 Million Order for Dust and SO2 Reduction Systems for Polish Power Plant Clyde Bergemann Delivers Cleaning Technology for 2 x 900 MW Power Plant “Opole” in Poland The Clyde Bergemann Power Group Europe (CBEU) has been awarded a contract to design, supply and commission SO2 and dust reduction systems for the cogeneration plant in Będzin, Poland. CBEU’s scope for the project includes a Circulating Dry Scrubber (CDS), a Pulse Jet Fabric Filter (PJFF) system and associated material handling systems to reduce SO2 to 130 mg/m3 and dust to 15 mg/m3. The operator, Elektrociepłownia Będzin S.A., saw the need to adopt the plant to meet the newly defined Emission Limit Values (ELV) that are a part of the European Industrial Emissions Directive (IED). The IED entered into force in January 2011 and requires existing large combustion plants to meet minimum standards for the emissions of toxic air pollutants such as acid gases and particulate matters in a short term time. CBEU’s customer is SBB Energy, a Polish engineering company and the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contractor, providing the full package of DeNOx and DeSOx control for the Będzin cogeneration plant. The Będzin project ties together the global expertize of the Clyde Bergemann Power Group to offer an optimal solution: Clyde Bergemann Polska coordinates the pro ject close to the customer and is responsible for the local fabrication and services. They are supported by Clyde Bergemann Doncaster (UK) who supply all associated material handling systems. The CDS and PJFF technology is provided by Clyde Bergemann CBPG’s package was chosen due to its solut-ion, compared to other offerings viewed by SBB. 4 NEWS 1 | 2015 Hanover, the Group´s core competence center for air pollution control solutions. “This order clearly shows the benefits we can offer our customers through our global capabilities”, says Franz Bartels, President & CEO of the Clyde Bergemann Power Group. “Our broad product range and expertize coupled with a global presence enable us to offer tailor made solutions eye to eye with our customers.” The European Sales Team of the Clyde Bergemann Power Group proudly announced that it gained the contract to supply the cleaning technology for the new build units 5 and 6 of the Opole power plant in Poland. the sides and opposite wall from a distance of up to 25 metres. The SMART Cannon’s cleaning radius and flexibility lend it unbeatable efficiency in areas like these, where water is the preferred medium for cleaning. Clyde Bergemann´s customer Alstom is in charge of building the two 900 MW units 5 and 6 for the new ultra-supercritical (USC) coal-fired plant, operated by the stateowned Polska Grupa Energetyczna (PGE). Alstom’s scope of supply includes the overall project management, erection and general design of the entire plant as well as its commissioning and the support of the consortium members. For cleaning the convective part of each boiler, use is made of 60 retractable “PS-H” sootblowers and 10 part retractable “PSHB” sootblowers. Additionally, 36 “RSGAR” rake sootblowers are envisaged for the Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) plant. Clyde Bergemann Germany was assigned with the design, manufacturing and delivery of the boiler cleaning solutions as well as associated optimization and controls technology. A total of 12 SMART Cannons will be installed in the furnace area of each unit. The patented SMART Cannon technology ensures an extremely effective cleaning system for this part of the boiler. Its construction with two linear drives and a spherical cannon guide provides a horizontal and vertical blowing arc of 90°. Based on in-house developed control technology, the water jet creates a meander-shaped pattern cleaning PS-H sootblowers are deployed to clean the superheater surfaces. Cleaning is undertaken by having the lance tube moved helically into the boiler with two opposite high-performance nozzles over a 10 metre travel. The PS-HB part retractable sootblowers are used in areas with lower flue gas temperatures. The blowing tube is fitted with highperformance nozzles along its entire length, and remains partially in the flue gas path where it is held on bearings permitting it to move to realize complete coverage. During the cleaning process the blowing tube is moved helically over its travel of 3.2 metres in the flue gas path. for Opole 5 and 6 feature a blowing rake equipped with cross-arms having nozzles. For cleaning, these are aimed optimally at the reactor heating surface. The blowing rake continues to move axially in the flue gas path during its cleaning cycle. Overall, Clyde Bergemann’s scope of supplies and services includes • the cleaning devices along with a control system individually adapted to the boiler; • SMART Furnace, a platform for intelligent boiler cleaning, comprising of a software for continuous monitoring and evaluation of slagging in the furnace with the help of 40 heat flux sensors; • erection control, cold and hot commissioning • spare parts for commissioning and • two years operation. Once operational, the plant will be Poland’s largest hard coal-fuelled facility, and will supply electricity to the equivalent of two million homes. Arnd Benninghoff, CBEU [email protected] The most optimum solution for cleaning the SCR is provided with the RSG-AR rake sootblowers. The 2 x 36 blowers envisaged Design work for the project has already begun with implementation scheduled to start in the first half of 2016. Piotr Zarmutek, CBP [email protected] NEWS 1 | 2015 5 Steel ‘H’® Optimized Design Proves a Key Selling Point for Muja Power Station in Western Australia Globally Successful: Clyde Bergemann Supplies Cleaning Equipment for Ultra-Supercritical Power Plant in Morocco Pictures showing key points CBA considered such as maintaining the existing header connections (Left) and using space available (Right) Synergy Corporation, a Western Australian Power company, approached Clyde Bergemann Australia (CBA) in early 2014 looking for a long term solution for erosion reduction in their finned Economizers at Muja Power Station Stage “C” boilers 5 & 6. Each boiler has a maximum continuous rating of 215 MW and approximately 85 % of the 51,000 tonnes of ash passes over the economizer each year. The customer was looking for an economizer to reduce the frequency of tube failures due to erosion and reduce ash build up within the Economizer causing flow distortion accelerating potential failure points. (53 years) in delivering successful energy recovery solutions for coal fired power plants around the world. CBA undertook a review of technical factors to consider when offering a revised design for Synergy Corporation. Key technical issues such as reduced fouling by widening the fin gap to assist in reducing gas velocity over the economizer while reviewing the trade off in reduced heat transfer performance were considered. CBA explored the possibility of utilizing some additional space 6 NEWS 1 | 2015 By maintaining the existing header connection points and using additional space (see pictures) CBA managed to optimize the steel ‘H’® solution to achieve the same thermal performance as the existing Economizer. CBA widened the fin gap to reduce erosion potential by up to 60 % and by opening the gaps this allows for increased area for ash flow to occur reducing potential future block- ages. The graph below highlights the effects of flue gas velocity on erosion potential. This was a key area of differential that CBA demonstrated to secure an order. Synergy is Western Australia’s largest power producer and retailer with in excess of one million customers (52 % market share) located along the south western side of the Australian continent. Their generation assets are wide and varied including coal fired boilers, gas fired power plants, gas turbines and wind farms delivering in excess of 10,000 Gigawatts of electricity annually. CBA specializes in the design and manufacture of steel ‘H’® Economizers for a variety of applications. CBA has a long history above the existing Economizer and found the customer accepted this solution. In November 2014, Synergy placed the order with CBA for the newly designed steel ‘H’® Economizer that will be designed and manufactured in Sydney and road freighted 4,000 km to site, Muja Power Station on the other side of the country. The Economizer will be delivered in mid 2015. Effects of Flue Gas Velocity on Erosion Potential The first coal-fired project in Morocco using state-of-the-art ultra-supercritical technology will be equipped with cleaning technology from the Clyde Bergemann Power Group. The 2 x 693 MW plant located near the coastal city of Safi in the southwest will be the second-largest coal-fired power station in Morocco and is supposed to cover around 25 percent of the country’s power demand. Since the 1990s, the government of Morocco has emphasized energy as a central role for its economic and social development. In 1995, an ambitious program was set in place with the aim of extending access to electri city to the general rural population. The network now embraces 98 % of the population, compared with 18 % two decades ago. In 2009, the government developed a National Energy Strategy focusing on five main areas: to optimize the fuel mix in the electricity sector; accelerate the development of energy from renewable sources (esp. wind, solar and hydropower); make energy efficiency a national priority; encourage more foreign investment in the energy sector and promote greater regional integration. Signifi cant progress has been made since then in the power sector. An additional 2 Gigawatts of coal-fired power capacity was assigned to significantly reduce the average cost of base load power, one of them being the Safi power plant. The plant will be the first coal-fired project in Morocco to use ultra-supercritical technology, which is characterized by a 10 % higher efficiency compared to conventional plants, significant CO2 reductions and lower fuel costs. The Safi Energy Company – a joint venture between Morocco’s Nareva, France’s GDF Suez and Japan’s Mitsui – secured a $2.6 billion in financing in September 2014 to take over the project. Safi awarded the construction contract worth $1.77 billion to South Korea’s Daewoo Engineering. Clyde Bergemann’s scope of supplies includes for each unit 32 VS-H wallblowers and 38 PX-H retractable sootblower for the cleaning of the furnace and the convective areas respectively. posite backward inclined high-performance nozzles is axially moved into the boiler. As soon as the nozzle head has reached the blowing position, the blowing process begins. During this process, the tube wall is cleaned in circular form. After performing the necessary number of rotations the nozzle head returns to its rest position. PX-H retractable sootblowers are deployed for cleaning heat exchangers in areas with flue gas temperatures up to 1,500 °C. Cleaning is achieved by having the lance tube moved helically into the boiler with two opposite high-performance nozzles blowing steam over an 11 meter travel. Design work has already started with deliveries being scheduled for January and May 2016. Bernd Mussmann, CBEU - Sales [email protected] The VS-H uses steam as cleaning medium and can be applied at flue gas temperatures < 1,600 °C. The nozzle head with two op- Gerard Grant, CBA [email protected] NEWS 1 | 2015 7 Clyde Bergemann Wins Contract for Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) Rebuild in Michigan, USA Clean Energy Solutions on the Way to the Customer: the Clyde Bergemann Road Show Europe 2015 “We invite you to invite us”: The sales team of the Clyde Bergemann Power Group Europe (CBEU) launches its first roadshow through 14 European countries and we invite you to share this exciting experience. Over a period of six months, the truck is going to visit customers and inform them about the group’s powerful portfolio of products and systems for effective on-load boiler cleaning and ash handling as well as reliable combustion gas control and cleaning. In addition to information about new products and systems, the team has examples of the successful implementation of optimization and modernization on board: valuable expertize that can save cost and offer a competitive edge for the operators. The truck may be accompanied – including its detailed route and the latest experience reports – from early May through the Linked In page of the Clyde Bergemann Power Group ( clyde-bergemann) Claudia Denniger, CBPG [email protected] The Genesee Power Station in Flint, MI is a biomass-fired steam boiler which burns wood waste, plus about 2% tirederived fuel. The turbine/generator output is approximately 35 MW. Genesee contracted the Clyde Bergemann Power Group Americas (CBAM) for an Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) rebuild. The scope includes design, supply and installation of new internals comprised of new collecting plates and RigitrodeTM electrodes for the first and third fields of the existing ESP. The Genesee ESP is a single chamber Joy Western rigid frame unit (circa 1995) collecting fly ash from a biomass-fired boiler. It is equipped with three mechanical fields, each with approximately 12 feet of treatment length and one electrical section per field. Collecting plate panels are segmented (18”) g-section with one Rigid Discharge Electrode (RDE) opposite each segment, 29 rows per field and lane spacing is 12”. In the inlet field the emitter tabs are flared or “spread”. This Joy design uses vertical trusses (four per electrical field) to minimize sway. Cleaning on both frames is by pneumatic rapping system. Fly ash is collected in a trough hopper with continuous evacuation via a drag conveyor. The ESP is downstream of the ID fan. Annual inspection information compiled over the years on the ESP determined it had reached its life cycle on some critical internal components. Issues included missing Discharge Electrodes and Collecting Electrodes in the first and third fields, material thinning outlet ducting of the ESP, air in leaking causing ash accumulation and eroding the ducting resulting in poor ESP performance. 8 NEWS 1 | 2015 While the RFQ indicated the desire to replace all supports and framing for both the collecting and discharge electrodes, CBAM assessed that such supports and framing could be reused and proposed a more cost effective approach for upgrading the ESP. Recent inspections indicated the high voltage framing to be in satisfactory condition and the field arrangement revealed a reduction in collecting area would be required to accommodate different collecting system supports. CBAM proposed a retrofit that utilized a shop assembled collecting plate design with the same hanger mechanism currently in use in the ESP design. For the high voltage discharge electrodes, CBAM Rigitrodes were used, however, the pins were turned 90 degrees from their normal orientation to allow attachment to the high voltage framing in a method similar to that currently in use in the Joy ESP. This retrofit includes reusing all rapper hardware, also the existing rapper anvil beams and rapper trains. After inspection and working with the customer, CBAM secured the order for rebuilding the ESP. The customer was confident with CBAM after cooperating over two plus years providing annual inspections and a cost effective solution. John Malone [email protected] NEWS 1 | 2015 9 Clyde Bergemann Europe Secures two Contracts for the Extension of the Pagbilao Power Plant in the Philippines Drax Bestows Silver Safety Award to Clyde Bergemann Drax Power has officially awarded Clyde Bergemann with the Contractor Safety Excellence Silver Award for 2014 at the Leeds Royal Armouries venue in the UK. Clyde Bergemann Doncaster has worked at Drax Power Station for over a year on the Biomass Ash Segregation system and Ash Handling on unit 3. The team members comprises of Colin Gebbie, Mark Barnes, Martin Beecham, Grayham Wilson, Rizwan Chaudhry & Carl Reading have completed more than 15,000 man hours without a lost-time incident. Steve Cragg, Clyde Bergemann Doncaster’s Managing Director said: “This is a great achievement. As a company, safety is always at the forefront of everything we do and part of our core values. I know the team at Drax work hard every day to maintain the safest working environment for their colleagues and others who come onto and work on the site.” Photograph depicts: The Biomass Ash Segregation system (silo) at Drax Power Station on phase following the completion of the project with Colin Gebbie, Senior Contract Manager, Clyde Bergemann Doncaster & David McLachlan, Lead Engineer Materials Handling, Drax, presenting the Contractor Safety Excellence Silver Award. Steve Cragg [email protected] When unit 3 of the lignite-fired power plant Pagbilao is going live in the second half of the year, two Business Units of the Clyde Bergemann Power Group Europe (CBEU) will have participated. In October 2014, the European team secured the contract for cleaning technology for the 420 MW boiler. A short time later, the fly and bottom ash handling systems could also be booked. With an installed capacity of 735 MW, Pagbilao today is the Philippines second largest coal-fired power plant. In order to meet the growing energy demand, Japanese TeamEnergy Corp. and Aboitiz Power initiated the extension of the site in September 2014, planning to add another 420 MW. The 976 million USD project is carried out by the Pagbilao Energy Corp. (PEC), a joint venture between TPEC Holdings Corp. and Therma Power Inc., both wholly owned subsidiaries of Team Energy and Aboitiz. Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd. (MHPS), working jointly with Daelim Industrial Co., Ltd. of Korea, has received the full turnkey contract. On-load Cleaning Equipment Guaranteeing High Boiler Efficiency Being responsible for the boiler construction, MHPS Nagasaki mandated that Clyde Bergemann be responsible for the layout and implementation of the boiler cleaning equipment. The order was preceded by an intensive planning phase, in which the CBEU sales team was able to score with deep technical expertize and close project monitoring. The scope of supply includes 50 VS-H wall blower for the cleaning of the furnace heating surfaces, 36 PS-H retractable sootblower with a travel range of 7.8 m to clean the superheater and reheater (up to 1,500 °C) and 8 PS-HB part retractable sootblower with a travel range of 3.9 m for the economizer. The hardware for the electrical control of the cleaning equipment is also included. 10 NEWS 1 | 2015 Separately, the concept for fly and bottom ash handling systems was presented by the Clyde Bergemann specialists of the “Materials Handling” unit. Their scope of supply includes combustion chamber hoppers, jaw crushers, a bottom ash conveying system and an associated silo with redundant truck loading facility. Comprehensive System for Bottom and Fly Ash Handling The delivered hoppers pass the hot slag in six parallel outlets. Each leg of the hopper is equipped with a grating and a hydraulic driven crusher combination at the outlet. Oversized particles lying on the grating automatically activate the hydraulic jaw crusher elements so that all the bottom ash falls through the grating. For further transportation and cooling of the bottom ash, the patented DRYCON steel plate conveyor is used. Transport chains are connected to the plate conveyor elements via connecting pins which are driven by an electric drive motor. The DRYCON technology makes it possible to easily transport the bottom ash to the silo with just one conveyor belt, over a distance of 64.5 m at an incline of 40°. Other commercially available systems have to resort to a second conveyor for significantly shallower angles. Not only does this increase the costs of purchase but also has a negative effect on follow-on costs, for example for commissioning and spare part provision. Clyde Bergemann’s scope of supply also includes a pneumatic conveying system, forwarding fly ash from the air preheater and economizer directly to the 310 m3 silo. It involves a vacuum system with a total of two ash separators on the silo roof. A redundantly designed truck loading facility is located below the silo. It consists of a rotary valve, weighing equipment, an ashmoistening paddle mixer and truck loading equipment. The ash is moistened under controlled conditions and loaded into open trucks at a loading rate of approximately 40 t/h without producing dust. Bernd Mussmann, CBEU [email protected] NEWS 1 | 2015 11 First New SMART Clean™ Technology for Utility in North America Clyde Bergemann Stack Dampers Deliver Cost Savings Through Efficiency Customer-Engineered, Cost-Effective Solutions Boiler stack dampers, also known as weather dampers, are used to prevent system heat loss and to keep moisture out of a boiler when the unit is offline. Good heat retention allows for a faster startup when the system is ready to come back online, which in turn provides increased plant efficiency. Stack dampers are composed of two or more tightly-closing louver blades and a drive system arranged in a housing mounted across an exhaust stack. The damper shuts to block heat egress from the stack when the boiler is not in operation, and then opens as the system comes back up. When the damper is closed, a channel at the top of the damper diverts rain or other moisture away from the stack, thereby keeping dampness out of the system. Typically, a stack damper is found within the body of the stack or may be located at the top of the stack, depending on the customer’s requirements or preference. Quality Design for Long-Term, Trouble-Free Operation Clyde Bergemann has become the global stack damper supplier of choice, with tightsealing stack dampers that guarantee 99.5% sealing efficiency, a high effectiveness level that delivers important cost savings to the end user. Using proven Bachmann™ technologies, Clyde Bergemann engineers each stack damper for a 30-year design life, the 12 NEWS 1 | 2015 industry standard. A key difference from competitors’ products is that Clyde Bergemann’s quality design provides long-term, trouble-free operation. The construction materials used are carbon steel for housings and blades, with ASTM 17-4PH stainless steel for the shafting. Most competitors skimp by using carbon steel for the shafting, which over time can result in a seized shaft and frozen blades – a disruptive, expensive failure. Clyde Bergemann’s robust design eliminates this worry. Clyde Bergemann’s design also incorporates a proven castle bushing counterweight relief system. This system ensures that, upon a specified pressure, the damper blades will automatically open in the event the system is accidentally brought online without the damper first being opened. Thus, the design safeguards against damaging “dead-heading” of the system. Each stack damper supplied by Clyde Bergemann is custom-engineered to meet the specific customer requirements as well as the ever-changing performance of today’s combustion turbines. Modern turbines are much larger than their predecessors of only a few years ago, and Clyde Bergemann has kept pace with the evolving technology, supplying dampers ranging from small diameter to those measuring up to 24 feet (7.3 meters) or more. Clyde Bergemann has developed cost-effective solutions for both, new and existing damper applications, offers standard stack damper systems as well as custom solutions. For example, if an existing stack does not already have a damper, a system kit which allows for modification of the stack to incorporate damper blades and a drive system can be supplied. This means the new damper can be built directly inside the stack. Furthermore, damper rebuild kits are available to repair existing stack dampers that are not functioning properly. This involves replacing the existing blades with a complete Clyde Bergemann blade system for long-term, reliable performance. Global Network, Global Successes Clyde Bergemann’s high-quality stack dampers are built in house, at their own fabrication facility in Jesup, GA, USA, as well as throughout a global network of qualified suppliers. This ensures an economical solution for the customer, no matter where in the world the project site is located. Furthermore, Clyde Bergemann can supply stack damper units either in segments or fully assembled, providing an option for additional savings in site erection costs. With over 15 years of experience, Clyde Bergemann is recognized globally as the stack damper supplier who offers the most technical and cost-effective damper products with the best deliveries in the market today. Just recently, Clyde Bergemann received an order for 12 stack dampers that will be installed at heat recovery steam generators (HRSGs) at a power generation facility in Saudi Arabia, and multiple orders to supply a total of 14 dampers for several power plants across the U.S. and Algeria. Scott Owing, CBAU [email protected] The Clyde Bergemann Power Group Americas (CBAM) sold the first new version of SMART Clean in the Utility market to a power plant in the southwest United States. The Utility, which has 3 super critical combustion engineering boilers with 800 MW gross power generation, first purchased SMART Clean in 2009 as a solution to their 2 – 3 forced outages per year due to sootblower tube erosion. SMART Clean is a boiler cleaning optimization system, designed to intelligently respond to real-time heat transfer in the boiler and target areas that are fouling while simultaneously adjusting the sootblower cleaning flow based on how tenacious the deposit is. Since the system was first installed, SMART Clean has eliminated all tube erosion outages, as well as improving economizer exit gas temperature by 20F providing a 0.6% plant heat rate improvement. analyzes what effect sootblowing in a particular area will have on boiler efficiency before the sootblowing actually takes place. This allows the system to operate the sootblowers that will have the greatest impact on improving boiler efficiency. In addition to the new SMART Clean platform, the Utility purchased four SMART Retractable Sootblowers to install in their superheater tube bank, where conventional sootblowers are unable to keep clean. Installation and commissioning of the SMART Clean upgrade will take place late March 2015, with results expected to begin in summer. Tim Martin [email protected] In November 2014, the CBAM sales team presented the additional capabilities of the new the SMART Clean platform to operations management. The new platform will further improve plant heat rate an additional 0.4 % by using a “what if” analysis that NEWS 1 | 2015 13 Successful Implementation of Hg Removal at Western US Utility Plants A large Utility located in the western United States, contracted Clyde Bergemann Power Group Americas (CBAM) for the supply and installation of Calcium Halide Injection (CHI) systems and Wet Flue Gas Desulfurization scrubber (WFGD) re-emission Control Additive (RC) systems to assist with compliance of the EPA Mercury and Air Toxic Standards (MATS). CBAM assembled a competitive and valuable solution for the customer for both the supply and installation of equipment at four different sites in the state of Wyoming, all fired with Powder River Basin sub-bituminous coal. On units using electrostatic precipitators (ESP) to control particulate emissions and WFGD to control sulfur-dioxide emissions, CBAM is providing CHI systems to increase the levels of mercury oxidation and RC systems to maintain acceptable levels mercury capture in the WFGD to assist these units with MATS compliance. On units with Pulse Jet Fabric Filters (PJFF) to control particulate, CBAM is providing CHI systems to increase the levels of mercury oxidation, with final capture with Activated Carbon Injection (ACI) systems. To date, CBAM delivered a successful project to the customer with recent commissioning and start-up of the equipment and systems necessary to dose the units with Calcium Halide and re-emission control additives. The project management and installation of equipment was directed by the CBAM office in Malvern, PA and required close contact, project management and direction to work through existing site plan limitations to develop and refine final design, layout, electrical, and other site interface details. The CBAM team worked closely with the Utility site staff as each site required adjustments to the equipment locations from those initially proposed locations. With the equipment design and interface confirmed, CBAM used both in-house construction resources and outside contractors, where needed, to deliver the installation and commissioning of the equipment; met budget and schedule requirements, and provided the Utility with a successful project updating the Wyoming fleet with MATS compliance solutions. Clyde Bergemann Colombia Provides Fly Ash Solutions for Gecelca Termoguajira Power Plant The Termoguajira power station in Dibulla, Guajira, Colombia is a coal fired plant with two units equaling 320 MW. While being entrusted with sootblower maintenance and repair works, Clyde Bergemann Colombia (CBCOL) detected problems the operator was having with the current fly ash system. The existing pneumatic vacuum system was continuously getting plugged and had many leaks, leaving the plant covered with ash. The problem arose and deteriorated when the plant – due to an increase of electricity demand – had to run all units at full load for which it was obviously not constructed. are used to meter ash into a vacuum conveying system. Also the CBPG team is going to apply PERMA/lok 5 valves, to upgrade their currently installed valves that are used for on/off control. The PERMA/lok 5 valves are designed especially for heavy duty material handling applications. Ash piping and Connectors are included as well. Implementation will start in June 2015. CBCOL used the opportunity and presented itself as a supplier of Material Handling solutions, discussed the problem with the customer, offered a detailed analysis and a firm proposal. By walking the system and doing additional calculations, the Clyde Bergemann specialists were able to propose replacement equipment that provided solutions to their ash handling needs. The scope included upgraded Ash Intake Valves that will be mounted directly below the hopper outlets which James Fisher [email protected] Hector Inigo [email protected] 14 NEWS 1 | 2015 NEWS 1 | 2015 15 Events Diary Date 2015 Name of Event Country Date 2015 Name of Event Country Reinhold APC Atlanta, GA, USA Power Gen International Las Vegas, USA July May 04. – 07.05.2015 World of Coal Ash Nashville, TN, USA 13. – 14.07.2015 06. – 07.05.2015 VDI Conference – Corrosion in Waste to Energy Plants Düsseldorf, Germany December 06. – 08.05.2015 ICCI – International Energy and Environment Fair Istanbul, Turkey 08. – 10.12.2015 POWER-GEN Europe Amsterdam, The Netherlands June 09. – 11.06.2015 Personnel Mr. Michael (Mike) Sedler Stephan Bovet ... joined CBAM as President of the new business unit, the Air Pollution Control Aftermarket Division (CBKC). Mike will establish an office in the Kansas City area and build a team to support our aftermarket growth targets. CBKC is responsible for all APC Spare Parts, Service and APC Equipment Rebuilds. ... became Group IT Coordination Manager with effect from 1st March 2015. In his new function he will further develop our CBPG IT strategy. Among other things he will focus on Group wide IT standards, joint IT platforms and Group IT clusters. Robert (Bob) Wagner Dr. Danny Tandra ... is appointed as Director Controlling for the CBAM Division. In this new position Bob is responsible to provide proper reporting and analyses for CBAM, accurate forecasting including cash forecasts at the CBAM level and oversight of large CBAM projects. ... is appointed Director of Technology and Business Development for Clyde Bergemann Atlanta. To his previous responsibilities in the Technology and Product Development areas of CBAT he is now also responsible for the Product Management and Sales Support. Vanita Parmar Joseph Ontko ... took over the position of Corporate Global Marketing Manager. She will lead our Group marketing team with effect from 1st March 2015. ... took over the position as CBAT Controller with effect from February 16, 2015. Peipei Zhang Tim Martin ... is appointed as Compliance Delegate for Clyde Bergemann Power Group SE-Asia. She will support the local organisation in this area and improve the communication with our Group Compliance Director. ... took over the position as Director of Operations for Clyde Bergemann Atlanta. He is responsible for the overall operational excellence of the Atlanta facility. 16 NEWS 1 | 2015