CBPG News 1-12_en_RZ.indd - Clyde Bergemann Power Group
CBPG News 1-12_en_RZ.indd - Clyde Bergemann Power Group
Clyde Bergemann News Clean Energy Solutions Edition 01/12 Power market in South America South America can be considered one of the most attractive emerging energy markets in the world. With more than $ 116 billion in power generation project construction starts scheduled for 2012, Latin America is one of the hottest world regions in terms of power generation project development. The top five Latin American countries for planned power generation project starts in 2012 are Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru and Mexico. These five countries represent 75 % of the value of planned power generation project starts in 2012. >> Page 2 Content: - Power market in South America - Indonesia – sustained growth for power sector - SMART CleanTM solutions to latest EPA regulations - Challenges and opportunities by use of biomass in coal-fired power plants - New on-load boiler cleaning system for boilers fired with waste, biomass and refuse-derived fuels - First biomass unit to implement complete SMART CleanTM system - Clyde Bergemann Atlanta secures first Shower Cleaning System order - On-load boiler cleaning systems at a glance - Clyde Bergemann Africa team plays it safe at Medupi Power Station > Page 2 > Page 3 > Page 4 > Page 4 > Page 6 > Page 7 > Page 7 > Page 8 > Page 8 - Every accident is one too many – occupational safety and health are crucial when working in a power plant - Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction selects Clyde Bergemann for Rabigh Power Plant 2 project - Slovenia's state-of-the-art coal-fired plant decides for intelligent on-load boiler cleaning - Case study: Process monitoring with SMART IsoTemp at coal-fired AS Pontes power plant, Spain - Fabrication and testing of first United States DRYCONTM project completed - Clyde Bergemann Power Group Americas awarded a contract from Metso for the GREC Fabric Filter & Injection Systems - DeNOx performance exceeds expectations of Chinese 1,000 MW power plant > Page 9 > Page 10 > Page 10 > Page 11 > Page 12 > Page 12 > Page 13 - Clyde Bergemann Power Group Americas awarded over US$ 20 million in contracts for gas-fired power plant equipment - Power surge in the Middle East - Clyde Bergemann Termotec expands resources - Imtech Deutschland chooses Clyde Bergemann technology - Partner of steel and copper industry - High Energy Efficiency Burner for emissions far below the legal requirements - Technology Seminar supporting UK Waste to Energy & Biomass markets - Annual Clyde Bergemann Power Group Sales Conference - Doncaster enterprise for learning - Events Diary - Personnel Developments > Page 14 > Page 15 > Page 16 > Page 17 > Page 17 > Page 18 > Page 18 > Page 19 > Page 19 > Page 20 > Page 20 www.clydebergemannpowergroup.com 2 Power market in South America energy supply that will support economic growth, also positioning the region’s countries well, as the cost of fuels and emissions increases in the future. Chile currently has 12 coal-fired power projects under development. The projects have a total investment value of $ 7 billion, four of which are in the engineering phase, five in the planning phase, and the remainder under construction. Some of the largest plants include the 740-MW Punta Alcalde coal-fired power station, the 152-MW Source: Industrial Info Resources Latin American economies are charging, despite of global economic woes, growth rates of 7 percent or even higher in some countries. Energy needs are expected to grow in tandem or even faster. For instance, power demand grew 11.5 percent in Brazil in 2010, and an average 4.5 percent per year since 2001 in the region as a whole. Brazil and Mexico, among other Latin American economies, are in dire need of new electricity generation to fuel their growing economies. The need to curtail increasing carbon emissions resulting from strong economic growth is imperative to Latin American countries, if they are to remain competitive and to maintain a sustainable energy growth. Demand for goods is becoming ever more sensitive to the carbon footprint they carry, especially in developed countries. The IEA’s Current Policies Scenario from their yearly World Energy Outlook publication states that Latin America could increase its CO² emissions by roughly 50 percent between 2008 and 2035. Latin America is still developing more coherent policies and regulatory frameworks for all renewable energy sources, as commitment to renewables in general grows. It is expected that current challenges will be ironed out in time, allowing clean energy investments to increase even more in the region. This will secure a clean and competitive future Sources: Industrial Info Resources, Power Engineering International, World Energy Insight 2011 Guacolda coal-fired unit addition, and the 750-MW Mejillones coal-fired unit addition. President Piñera stated that by 2020 an additional 8,000 MW will need to be added to the national grid in order to respond to the country's future demand for electricity. Argentina is second in Latin America for the value of power project starts for 2012, with 61 projects totaling $ 13.8 billion. Argentina relies mainly on thermal generation (61 % of installed capacity) and hydropower generation (38 %). New renewable energy technologies are taking off in the country. The Patagonia region has some of the best conditions in the world for wind power generation. Brazil, with 294 projects totaling $ 43.4 billion, leads the region, accounting for about 37 % of the value of projects scheduled to begin construction during the year. These projects will add 31 GW to the current 117.5 GW online in Brazil. During the same period of time, about 48 new power plants accounting for 7.51 GW will begin operations, representing a 6 % increase in the country's total installed capacity. This growth is boosting output to 145 GW in readiness for Brazil to play host to the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games. Brazil's explosive economic growth is expected to cool slightly before the 2014 FIFA World Cup. However, that year, the South American nation's economy will eclipse that of India to become the world's sixth largest, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit. And by 2020, Brazil could also outflank Germany, becoming the world's fifth biggest economy. These figures point to Brazil's heavy reliance on renewables. This trait has been emphasized over the past years, after the government decided to organize periodic energy auctions as a means to foster power generation, transmission and distribution by helping power producers make their way into the consumer market. The system has helped lower the price that users pay for electricity. The auctions have promoted renewable energy sources above others. To help increase energy from alternative sources and make the required technology more easily available, the government has also sponsored auctions specifically oriented for a specific renewable source, such as wind power or biomass-fired power. Chile, Peru, Mexico, Panama, Ecuador, Bolivia, Venezuela, El Salvador, Uruguay, Costa Rica and Colombia all have in excess of $ 1 billion worth of scheduled Power Industry project starts in 2012. Contact Details: Franz Bartels Clyde Bergemann Power Group [email protected] www.clydebergemannpowergroup.com 3 Indonesia – sustained growth for power sector Forecast electricity demand (in TWh) in Indonesia TWh 350 300 250 200 150 Indonesia 100 Java-Bali Western Indonesia 50 Eastern Indonesia 0 2010 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 Source: RUPTL PLN 2010-2019 Indonesia is a large archipelago with over 17,000 islands and a population of around 234 million, the fourth most populous country in the world. Population, economic activity and industry are most concentrated in Java and Sumatra Islands. As of 2011, Indonesia’s GDP growth stands at around 6.1 % and nominal GDP is US$ 700 billion. Indonesia has no interconnection system to the smaller remote islands, the main islands for transmission electricity are Java-Bali, Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sulawesi. Until the first quarter of 2011 the electrification ratio in Indonesia stood at 68 %, some 12 % behind the state electricity company PLN and Energy and Mineral Resources ministry target of 80 % electrification by 2011. Indonesian electricity demand growth annually is forecast at 9.5 %, and annually additional power generation is 7.8 GW with composition coal power plant 58.8 %, combine cycle 12.6 % and the rest 28.6 % is renewable energy. To meet this demand, the Indonesian government has implemented a 10,000 MW acceleration program, phase 1 and phase 2. The construction of the phase 1 acceleration program has been completed and 80 % of the plants are now operational. In order to tackle this situation,the Indonesian government will build small sized power plants with a capacity below 100 MW in the remote areas. In total, around 120 units or 75 % of the total power generation will be built up this way. The power generation fleet on phase 2 acceleration program is on the table below. In light of these market developments and future potential in Indonesia, the Clyde Bergemann Power Group has opened a business unit in the city of Jakarta. The locality of the new facility along with local knowledge of the team put in place to run the establishment will ensure that the Clyde Bergemann Power Group is in a key position to support this market. PT. Clyde Bergemann Indonesia, as it is now known, covers the business territory for Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines and Vietnam. Power plant type Capacity (MW) Coal power generation 7,616 Combine cycle 1,440 Hydro 174 Geothermal 2,125 Source: RUKL PLN 2010-2019 Phase 2 acceleration program’s focus is to fulfill electricity demand on the smaller islands and remote areas which cannot be reached by the interconnection system. Contact Details: Agustinus Tjhay Clyde Bergemann Indonesia [email protected] John Cannon Clyde Bergemann Indonesia [email protected] www.clydebergemannpowergroup.com 4 SMART Clean™ solutions to latest EPA regulations In light of the latest Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) regulations, it is important for plants to understand what is needed remain compliant and what kind of economic impacts they can expect. Clyde Bergemann Atlanta’s SMART Clean™ technologies, in combination with products from our sister companies, offer a total cost efficient solution for plants who are looking to lower emissions and retain their efficiency. The “Utility MACT” rule, set by the EPA, requires coal and oil-fired power plants to reduce emissions of CO², SO², mercury and other toxics within the next three years. The emission limits must represent Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT), defined as the top 12 % performance of existing units. In order to meet these emission limits plants will need to install air pollution controls, including activated carbon injection (ACI), scrubbers or dry sorbent injection (DSI), and upgrade particulate control systems such as fabric filters and electrostatic precipitators (ESP). These technologies, however result in parasitic power loss. Parasitic power loss is referred to as the reduction in efficiency or MW output new equipment consumes from the plant, with no added benefit. SMART Clean™ can help plants regain this lost efficiency, resulting in a quicker return on their investment. Studies done by the EPA, National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), and Sargent and Lundy all show Intelligent Sootblowing as one of the recommended technologies plants can use to increase boiler efficiency, thereby reducing emissions. The studies also show the economic benefits of Intelligent Sootblowing as being the most cost effective method. Contact Details: Tim Martin Clyde Bergemann Atlanta, USA [email protected] Challenges and opportunities by use of biomass in coal-fired power plants Lode Smeets, Project Manager Renewable Energy at Tractebel Engineering, summarizes the key aspects of the use of biomass in coal-fired power plants. Tractebel Engineering offers international, independent and multidisciplinary expertise for direct biomass combustion, cocombustion, bio-gasification and biomethanation installations, from early identification of a potential project to commissioning. Through 15 years of experience in biomass projects, generating a total of more than 600 MW, Tractebel Engineering has developed a technology for biomass handling and co-firing in large scale power plants. Availability & quality Because of their relatively high energy density, availability and combustion characteristics, clean industrial wood pellets are considered to be the preferred fuel for the conversion of large scale coal plants. Clean wood pellets are mainly drawn from forest residues from the sawmill industry. The demand for pellet is expected to rise rapidly, from 15 million t/y to up to 50 million t/y by 2020. Nevertheless, the pellet market remains immature compared to coal with a consumption of 7,000 million t/y. International quality standards are still non-existing while the quality is decreasing due to the growing demand. These issues have to be taken into account from the beginning when considering biomass firing on a large scale. Biomass co-firing In general, a plant for biomass co-firing consists of train or ship unloading facilities, a pre-cleaning step, pellet storage units, pellets milling into dust and a pneumatic wood dust transport system to the burners. Biomass is more difficult to grind compared to coal and needs a adequate milling system. After milling, wood particles still remain larger than coal – up to 1.5 mm vs. 0.075 mm. This slows the heat up and volatiles release, causing delay in ignition and the need for longer residence time for complete burnout. Higher co-firing rates will impact the boiler behavior. Modifications to the combustion air system, burners and flue gas cleaning system have to be evaluated for each case separately. Depending on the quality of the pellets and performance of the milling system, increased unburned carbon, slagging, fouling and corrosion rates also www.clydebergemannpowergroup.com 5 require specific attention and mitigating measures. The extent depends on the boiler design but a 100 % conversion to biomass causes a derating in almost all cases. Risks The handling of pellets always generates dust due to pellet decomposition. Because wood dust is very explosive, every biomass installation has to be designed according to a safety first approach. Through years of experience, Tractebel Engineering has defined the necessary measures for fire and explosion protection, first to prevent the formation of an explosive atmosphere: dedusting systems, closed conveying, etc.; prevention of ignition sources; detection systems for early warnings; and finally to limit the impact of an explosion: explosion panels, compartmentation, suppression systems, etc. Contact Details: Lode Smeets Tractebel Engineering [email protected] Developments Tractebel Engineering evaluated combustion technologies and solutions for highest global electrical net efficiency with biomass. The study demonstrated electrical net efficiencies of more than 42 % to 44 % are now feasible. When considering a biomass project, rather than the investment costs it is important to look at the total cost of ownership for a biomass plant. Fuel costs in general represent about 70 % of the total costs while CAPEX & OPEX take only approximately 15 % each for their account. The increasing demand for biomass fuels makes the profitability of a project largely dependent on the ability to burn more challenging fuels. Lessons learned: • SAFETY – “Safety first approach” The question is not how to avoid explosion because it will explode, but how to manage the explosion. • COMBUSTION – “There is no such thing as clean biomass” Slagging, fouling, corrosion provoke less efficiency and less availability. • ECONOMICS Fuel cost represents 70 % of the total costs, the focus has to be on fuel flexibility. • SOURCING Market not yet mature, no real fuel quality standards defined. The supply chain needs to be secured. Some references of Tractebel Engineering: Gelderland power plant (The Netherlands): 600 MW – CFPP converted to 25 % pellet co-firing | Rodenhuize power plant (Belgium): 285 MW – CFPP converted to 100 % pellet co-firing with a capacity of 195 MW | Polaniec power plant (Poland): 195 MW – greenfield circulating fluidised bed unit (20 % agri / 80 % wood chips) www.clydebergemannpowergroup.com 6 RX-SMART Helix-W New on-load boiler cleaning system for boilers fired with waste, biomass and refuse-derived fuels Fuels with the most variable heating values and chemical compositions are used in incinerators and biomass boilers. Due to their tendency to develop complex deposits, waste, refuse-derived fuels and biomass are seen as challenging energy sources. Incinerators and biomass boilers often have low steam parameters for the sootblowers so intensive cleaning is not possible. The strong deposit build-up in the convective area can also mean that conventional steam sootblowers will not work effectively. Consequently, the fouling will continue to increase, causing unplanned downtimes and reduced boiler availability. The new RX-SMART Helix-W is a fully automatic cleaning system using water as the cleaning medium. It consists of a long retractable sootblower and a media supply unit with modules for the pump, for water inlet, water outlet and an automation unit. RX-SMART Helix-W employs two gear motors, one for the axial and one for the rotational movements. This enables the cleaning system to precisely position the water jet in the gaps between the heat exchanger tubes and to perform the cleaning rotating without axial speed. This so-called “Go-Stop-Clean-Go” mode avoids metal surfaces being hit by water and therefore thermal load. Sophisticated control of the water circuit ensures that the water jet will only be applied for cleaning and interrupted on the spot by a pressureactive nozzle. If no cleaning is performed, the nozzle stays closed so that the water cools the long retractable sootblower in a closed cooling circuit. Water as the cleaning medium is capable of producing the required intensive cleaning effect. To perform the cleaning as gently as possible on the heat exchanger pipes, specially designed hardware and software components and two gear motors with incremental rotary encoders ensure that the RX-SMART Helix-W moves precisely to the cleaning position within the space between the heat exchanger tubes. Water is released for cleaning only. Novel water jet controls guarantee an instant build-up and interruption of the water outlet from the pressure-active nozzle. If no cleaning is performed, the entire water flow is used for cooling the long retractable sootblower in a closed cooling circuit. The operation of this new on-load boiler cleaning system can be viewed by means of a 3D animation at www.clydebergemann. de under the section Media/Downloads. A brochure is available there, too. Contact Details: Arnd Benninghoff Clyde Bergemann GmbH, Germany [email protected] www.clydebergemannpowergroup.com 7 First biomass unit to implement complete SMART Clean™ system Clyde Bergemann Atlanta is working with Factory Sales & Engineering, Inc on a project for the Abengoa Cellulosic Ethanol Plant in Hugoton, Kansas. The facility, scheduled to be commissioned in 2013, will convert about 315,000 dry tons per year of crop residue and cellulosic energy crops to 25 million gallons of ethanol, while also generating 25 megawatt (MW) of electrical power. This project is the first biomass unit to implement Clyde Bergemann’s complete SMART Clean™ system and will include: US Retractable Sootblowers, Cleaning Contact Details: Huiying Zhuang Clyde Bergemann PG Americas, USA [email protected] WLB100A SMART Cannon System, 9 SMART PLC Module, 15 US Partial Retractable Sootblowers, SMART Convection, and SMART Controls. Abener Engineering (a division of Abengoa) was tasked to design and engineer the new biomass unit which will burn a variety of challenging fuel including corn stover, wood chips, switchgrass, syrup from ethanol manufacturing process, waste treatment sludge, etc. This will be the first biomass unit in the world to burn these types of fuels which have a very low ash fusion temperature and a high slagging tendency. Severe slagging is expected from the furnace to the backpass portion of the boiler. In addition, this unit will supply steam and power to the ethanol manufacturing process making reliability critical. Our SMART Clean™ technologies proved the best fit for this challenging application. The SMART Cannon can remove the molten slagging in the furnace very effectively while our SMART US Sootblowers can target the specific slagging area in the superheater and generating bank to prevent them from plugging. The use of SMART Convection will tell which tube bundle is dirty and remove the slag before it gets too severe to clean. For the low temperature areas such as economizer and air heater, partial tract retractable sootblowers are very cost effective and clean more effectively than rotary sootblowers, which were the standard design for small biomass units. Clyde Bergemann Atlanta secures first Shower Cleaning System order Clyde Bergemann Atlanta secured its first Shower Cleaning System (SCS) order with Covanta Energy’s Niagara Plant located in Niagara Falls, New York. This energyfrom-waste plant processes 2,250 tons of waste per day selling the steam to adjacent chemical facilities and the electricity to the New York State power grid. The use of waste and biomass as a fuel is a challenge. Noticeable consequences of this are increased deposit formation in the open passes, accelerated corrosion processes, and unplanned shutdowns. In particular, deposits in the open passes of incinerators strongly influence plant availability. Fouling on the membrane walls of the open passes can lead to significantly reduced heat transfer which consequently increases superheaters. Raised flue gas temperature the flue gas temperature before the and corrosive chemical components combine to produce a substantial risk for high-temperature corrosion. When using waste and biomass as the fuel, the cleaning effectiveness of a water based on-load boiler cleaning system depends on the actual fuel composition and the consequential deposit characteristics. Clyde Bergemann’s SCS uses water as the cleaning medium. Located on the boiler roof, it removes deposit from the lower side, the membrane walls, the pendant heater, and superheater surfaces. By using different nozzle designs and cleaning parameters, the cleaning efficiency can be adjusted to specific surface deposit characteristic. • Stable flue gas temperature • Lower risk for high-temperature corrosion and reduced corrosion rate • Shorter revision period as timeconsuming manual primary cleaning is almost eliminated • The construction of SCS allows cleaning of narrow designed open passes • Corrosion protection of the flange by applying sealing air Advantages of using SCS on waste and biomass fired boilers include: Contact Details: John Malone Clyde Bergemann PG Americas, USA [email protected] • Increased plant availability due to reliable cleaning of the open passes which are important for efficient plant operation Shower Cleaning System www.clydebergemannpowergroup.com 8 On-load boiler cleaning systems at a glance In a new brochure, Clyde Bergemann presents the complete scope of supply for the efficient cleaning of heating and reaction surfaces. This 20-page brochure covers all devices which remove slagging and fouling by means of steam/air, water or by impact energy. Solutions for boiler diagnostics/analysis and optimization as well as the in-house competence in automation are covered, too. This brochure is available at www.clydebergemann.de under the section Media/Downloads. Clyde Bergemann Africa team plays it safe at Medupi Power Station View of Medupi power station, Lephalale, in South Africa On 12 October 2011, the Clyde Bergemann Africa (CBZ) team on Package 32, Medupi Power Station, reached their safety target of 150,000 hours LTI (Lost Time Injury) free. This is the second Health & Safety achievement for the year 2011, after the team was awarded a gold certificate for one year without LTI in August. CBZ was rated by the Medupi Engineering Team as the best contractor for its size in terms of quality, with a nearly perfect record over five audits. CBZ’s scope for Medupi is the design, construction, supply and commissioning of the fly ash handling and conditioning systems. The company is also acting as the on-site construction supervisor taking care of erection control and commissioning services for the onload boiler cleaning equipment supplied by Clyde Bergemann in Germany. The team’s goal is to still be LTI free in April this year when the next 6-monthly assessment is done. Responsible for this impeccable record are Gerardine Henning (Safety & Environmental Officer) and Eliza Haystek (Quality Officer). Contact Details: Jaco van der Westhuizen Clyde Bergemann Africa, South Africa [email protected] www.clydebergemannpowergroup.com 9 Every accident is one too many – occupational safety and health are crucial when working in a power plant Employees of Clyde Bergemann GmbH in Wesel, Germany show competence of high safety standards by passing SCC checks successfully. Occupational safety is of major importance to power plant operators. Suppliers can be excluded from contract qualification if they show no evidence of compliance with safety standards. Certification under “Safety Certificate Contractors“ (SCC) assesses the health and safety management system of companies performing work on the premises of third parties. Since 2005, Clyde Bergemann GmbH has been certified in accordance with SCC guidelines that apply all over Europe. The SCC certificate provides evidence to Clyde Bergemann’s customers – among which are operators of coal-fired power plants, incinerators and industrial boilers – that employees have received training in all aspects of occupational safety and health protection. In order to qualify for the certification process or to retain the seal of approval, no more than two reportable industrial accidents should have occurred during any given year. Quite recently, another 35 employees of Clyde Bergemann came together to attend a preparatory workshop with subsequent examinations in the in-house training and conference center in Wesel, Germany. Topics ranged from legal aspects to the identification and assessment of risks and analysis of accidents. The Elsevier Academy, as an accredited SCC auditor, supervised and evaluated the examination results. All participants have successfully provided evidence of their proficiency. Employees of Clyde Bergemann GmbH in Wesel, Germany attend a preparatory workshop for SCC examination at the in-house training and conference center. Contact Details: Erich Stratmann Clyde Bergemann GmbH, Germany [email protected] www.clydebergemannpowergroup.com 10 Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction selects Clyde Bergemann for Rabigh Power Plant 2 project The on-load boiler cleaning devices for the new build Rabigh Power Plant 2 will be supplied by German-based Clyde Bergemann GmbH. South Korea’s Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction recently ordered 160 long retractable sootblowers type PS-LL along with Thermo Probes. The control system will also be commissioned by Clyde Bergemann. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The end user is Saudi Electricity Company. Compared to the figures in 2000, the country’s electric power consumption is expected to triple to 309,100 GWh by 2016. Contact Details: Ulrich Balsmann Clyde Bergemann GmbH, Germany [email protected] The 4 x 700 MW heavy fuel oil and crude oil fired units are located 150 km northwest of Slovenia’s state-of-the-art coal-fired plant decides for intelligent on-load boiler cleaning Power Plant Šoštanj EPC-contractor ALSTOM Power Systems GmbH, of Stuttgart, Germany, awarded a contract to Clyde Bergemann as the sole supplier of the on-load boiler cleaning solution for unit 6 of the Šoštanj coalfired power plant in Slovenia. With a net efficiency of 43 %, the new 1 x 600 MW ultra supercritical tower-type unit, whose construction is in progress, will make this station one of the most efficient and advanced in Slovenia. According to the specific cleaning requirements of the different boiler areas, e.g. furnace, superheater, economiser, air heater and DeNOx, the overall 128 sootblowers consist of the series water cannon, long retractable, helical, rake and rotating element. The furnace will be equipped additionally with the SMART Furnace-FACOS optimisation system. This system uses sensors to detect the position and intensity of slagging in the furnace area. This data will be linked with the current performance data of the steam generator to decide upon stored algorithms which cleaning action needs to be done and at what intensity. SMART FurnaceFACOS not only regards the level of slagging but also the influence of the imminent cleaning operation on boiler performance. Clyde Bergemann carries out engineering, installation and commissioning. Termoelektrarna Šoštanj d.o.o. operates the Šoštanj station. Coal is supplied by the nearby Premogovnik Velenje lignite mine. When operational in 2014, unit 6 replaces the older units which have been brought on line from 1956 to 1977. Contact Details: Arnd Benninghoff Clyde Bergemann GmbH, Germany [email protected] www.clydebergemannpowergroup.com 11 Case study: Process monitoring with SMART IsoTemp at coal-fired As Pontes power plant, Spain promote the cooling of the ash particles in the vicinity of the wall. This results furthermore in a reduction of deposit formation. Thereby, the formation of local limited slagging in the furnace can be reduced. Solution Important control parameters for qualitative evaluation of the combustion are the flame and flue gas temperatures. Installed SMART IsoTemp for thermal diagnostics Situation Variable boiler operation with changes in mill and burner combination leads to unpredictable imbalance in the flame position. This results in thermal overload at the membrane walls in the evaporator. Slagging hotspots will build on these areas of the furnace. By altering the boiler design and changing from local lignite coal to imported subbituminous coal the problems cannot be completely avoided. In thermal overloaded areas, the evaporator tends to slag, in spite of using imported coal with a very low ash portion. Objective target The main objective target of using SMART IsoTemp was to gain a stable operating performance by retention of the variable boiler operation. Essential for this was to have a symmetrical and constant positioning of the flame in the middle, which would Contact Details: Daniel Bartels Clyde Bergemann GmbH, Germany [email protected] SMART IsoTemp is an optical measurement device which records and evaluates these parameters continuously and contactless in real-time. Based on the results, corrective actions in the firing operation can be carried out just in time to keep the temperature in optimised operation and to stabilize the operation performance. Realization The furnace conditions call for six SMART IsoTemp pyrometers. To establish the desired optimisation all SMART IsoTemps have to be installed at the same level at the boiler wall at the end of the furnace. Due to the high ambient temperatures, a fibre optic detects the radiative temperature of the furnace and sends this to the pyrometer. The control centre receives easily interpretable information and is able to optimize the following parameters in realtime: • Air feed and velocity • Fuel mass flow • Burner and mills combinations Results: • Transparent process flow – The control centre easily recognizes the quality of the combustion process and can optimise it in real-time. This is especially helpful during the start-up process of the boiler after shut-downs, strong reductions in the boiler load and changes in mills. • Results of the corrective actions for flame adjustment will be recognized. • Changes in the fuel mix are procedural and at any time controllable. The important control parameters, flame temperature and location, are continuously monitored so that the temperature distribution can be presented as information that is easily understood. • High fractions of unburned coal can be noticed. A PC-based detection system transfers the radiation into temperature signals, from which the temperature profile of the complete furnace section will be generated. The visualization is presented in a two dimensional image. Using an interface, the visualization along with the measured temperature signals, the temperature distribution and the absorption coefficients will be transferred to the process control system. Visualisation of the temperature distribution by thermal diagnosis with SMART IsoTemp www.clydebergemannpowergroup.com 12 Fabrication and testing of first United States DRYCON™ project completed removal system to a dry system. CBAM was awarded the contract to supply engineering and equipment utilizing our DRYCON™ technology. DRYCON™ for Seminole Electric Clyde Bergemann Power Group Americas (CBAM) has successfully managed to fabricate, assemble, and test their first DRYCON™ module for Seminole Electric ahead of schedule and under budget. Seminole Electric’s two 650 MW coalfired units in Palatka, Florida needed to convert their existing wet bottom ash With the project being awarded last March of 2011, Clyde Bergemann Malvern used CBAM's engineering team in Atlanta and CBAT's facility for fabrication with a completion date goal of spring 2012. As of the beginning of February 2012, the secondary conveyor for the DRYCON™ project has been completed, tested, and shipped. Fabrication for the primary conveyor has been completed with assembly underway. Testing of the unit will occur mid February with shipment happening at the end of the month. The whole CBAM team has worked very closely with Seminole Electric to ensure timely delivery of the project and to meet their budgetary expectations. Ron Tempesta, President of Clyde Bergemann Malvern, comments: “This is the first DRYCON™ project fabricated in North America for Clyde Bergemann and we are very pleased with the results we have achieved. This demonstrates CBAM's ability to deliver on-time, on-budget results. We hope this will open the door for future opportunities at other major North American utilities with Clyde Bergemann Malvern's DRYCON™ technology and other potentially new product lines." Contact Details: Ron Tempesta Clyde Bergemann Malvern, USA [email protected] Clyde Bergemann Power Group Americas awarded a contract from Metso for the GREC Fabric Filter & Injection Systems Clyde Bergemann Power Group Americas (CBAM) headquartered in Atlanta, GA has been awarded a contract from Metso Power to provide the multi-pollutant emissions control system for the Gainesville Regional Energy Center (GREC) BFB Biomass plant in Gainesville, FL. The system is being supplied by Clyde Bergemann Hanover, the air pollution control business unit within CBAM. The GREC plant, which will burn waste wood from logging and mill activity as well as urban wood waste from clearing, is scheduled to come online in 2013. Due to the strong positive relationship between the two companies, Metso is very confident in Clyde Bergemann’s ability to apply its proprietary technology to achieve the low air emissions required for the GREC project. Clyde Bergemann’s APC solution includes its proprietary pulse jet fabric filter, dry sorbent injection and activated carbon injection systems to achieve the cleanest air emissions ever required for a biomass boiler in the USA. The modular fabric filter will utilize proprietary technology and be applied to the hot side of the plant‘s low dust SCR, handling elevated gas temperatures while achieving filterable particulate matter emissions consistent with the plant’s air permit. In coordination with the fabric filter, an activated carbon injection system will provide dioxin/furan and heavy metal control while a sodium-based injection system provides acid gas mitigation. The material handling equipment for the injection systems will be furnished by Clyde Bergemann Malvern, CBAM’s Material Clyde Bergemann’s fabric filter and APC solutions Handling business unit. The complete fabric filter and sorbent injection systems will be delivered to site in early 2012. Contact Details: Mike Newbury Clyde Bergemann PG Americas, USA [email protected] www.clydebergemannpowergroup.com 13 DeNOx performance exceeds expectations of Chinese 1,000 MW power plant In October 2007, Clyde Bergemann Huatong signed a contract to supply advanced DeNOx technique for 1,000 MW unit 5 of the Anhui Energy Tongling Power Plant Phase VI. The scope of supply covered conceptual design, detail design, equipment procurement and delivery, erection supervision and commissioning on-site. Major equipment of the system are DeNOx reactor, duct work, catalyst, dilution fan, sonic blower, ammonia tank, evaporator, flow regulator, pressure regulator station as well the required instruments and electrical equipment. This is the first DeNOx system supplied by Clyde Bergemann Huatong. In September 2011, the DeNOx system’s performance 5 day tests, attended jointly by Anhui Energy Tongling Power Plant Co., Ltd, general contractor of Tongling Power Plant, Clyde Bergemann Huatong and Xi’an Thermal Power Research Institute Co., Ltd, was going smoothly. The performance tests include all parameter measurements at two full load at 1,000 MW, one medium load at 700 MW and one low load at 500 MW conditions. The measured parameters are DeNOx efficiency, SO² / SO³ conversion rate, ammonia slip rate, ammonia consumption and pressure loss of the DeNOx system as specified in the contract. In May 2011, the 168-hour trail-run of unit 5 came to end and CBH’s first DeNOx system was successfully put into operation. During the trail-run operation, as the first ammonia injection succeeded, the DeNOx system was put in automatic run and it is shown that DeNOx efficiency was satisfactory to the specification. The results indicate that all the actual performance values are better than the specified ones. The success of Clyde Bergemann Huatong’s first DeNOx system has laid the foundation for future projects. With collaboration, Clyde Bergemann Huatong and Xi’an Thermal Power Research Institute Co., Ltd carried out these tests, and the results were recorded as follows: Parameter Unit of Performance Actual test value measurement guarantee value De-NOx efficiency % Ammonia slip Contact Details: Xiao Weinong Clyde Bergemann Huatong, China [email protected] µL/L Conclusion 75 76.5 (full load) 75 76.1 (medium load) conforming 75 77.3 (low load) conforming 3.0 0.56 (full load) conforming 3.0 0.44 (medium load) conforming conforming 3.0 0.27 (low load) conforming SO²/SO³ conversion rate % 1.0 0.19 (full load) conforming Pressure loss Pa 800 636 (full load) conforming Ammonia consumption kg/h 440.7 210.6 (full load) conforming www.clydebergemannpowergroup.com 14 Clyde Bergemann Power Group Americas awarded over US$ 20 million in contracts for gas-fired power plant equipment Combined cycle gas turbine system Clyde Bergemann Auburn, the air-gas handling division of Clyde Bergemann Power Group Americas, has secured contracts totalling over US$ 20 million to supply equipment and services for new power plants being constructed in Africa and the Middle East. The company was selected to supply dampers, stacks, silencers and other exhaust system components and services for gasfired plants in Egypt and the United Arab Emirates. These projects will add nearly 4,000 MW power generating capacity in a region that is experiencing tremendous growth in energy demand. The plants are expected to begin operation by the middle of 2013. “As evidenced by these awards, Clyde Bergemann Auburn‘s reputation for delivering quality technology is recognized globally, and we continue to demonstrate our strengths in a very competitive environment“, said President Fred Koch. Guillotine damper as part of a combined cycle gas turbine system The equipment will be installed in gas-fired combined cycle power plants designed for high efficiency and low carbon emissions. A combined cycle plant, which conducts secondary processing of combustion exhaust by way of a heat recovery steam generator, typically produces approximately 50 % more energy thus causing less carbon dioxide and other pollutants than a conventional simple cycle plant generating the same MW. Clyde Bergemann Auburn, is a global engineering company focusing on highperformance clean energy solutions for Power, Utility, Petrochemical, and Industrial applications. The company develops and supplies custom designed and fabricated systems including dampers, diverters, expansion joints, stacks and exhaust system components for gas turbine and fossil fired power plants. The company is ISO 9001:2008 certified. Clyde Bergemann Auburn’s customers, engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) companies for the projects are based in China and Korea. The company has previously collaborated with the firms on numerous projects around the world. Commenting on the market outlook, Koch said, “We are now seeing some good activity in our core markets. These orders reflect a strong company-wide effort and intense focus on our markets, customers and opportunities.” Contact Details: Chris Caiazzo Clyde Bergemann Auburn, USA [email protected] www.clydebergemannpowergroup.com 15 Power surge in the Middle East Robust growth prompting new construction projects Quickly becoming one of the most exciting markets for power generation development is the Gulf Cooperative Council (GCC) region of the Middle East. Energy demand in the GCC, which encompasses Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates, is experiencing aggressive growth. Driven by accelerated economic development, a growing population, and water desalination initiatives, the corresponding increase in energy demand – currently about 8 % annually – is fueling a robust rate of construction of power generation facilities throughout the region. A combined cycle plant typically produces approximately 50 % more energy than a simple cycle plant with the same amount of fuel. Combined cycle plants also cause less carbon dioxide and other pollutants than a conventional simple cycle plant generating the same MW. Clyde Bergemann Auburn (CBAU), a business unit of CBPG, is participating in one of the largest energy projects in Saudi Arabia. The company is participating in the repowering of the existing PP10 site in Riyadh. The project will increase the plant’s capacity from 2,200 MW to 3,400 GW. CBAU supplied the original simple Industry experts foresee energy demand continuing to grow steadily over the long term, in fact, tripling over the next 25 years. The World Energy Council estimates 100 GW of additional capacity, representing investments of US$ 50 billion in power generation and US$ 20 billion in desalination, will be required in just the next decade. Such sustained growth will call for longterm additions to the Middle East’s power grid, supported by reliable equipment that is up to the task of operating reliably and economically under extremely challenging ambient conditions. Clyde Bergemann Most of the electricity generation capacity coming online in the Middle East is from gas- and oil-fired plants, in some cases very large-scale “mega” installations constructed in multiple phases involving 10-, 20-, or more, unit configurations. Many electricity producers seeking to boost output rapidly at existing facilities are repowering their existing simple cycle plants to more efficient and cleaner combined cycle operation. Repowering of a simple cycle gas turbine unit consists of adding a Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) so that the exhaust gas which was being ejected to the atmosphere is now sent through the HRSG to provide steam for either electric generation by a separate steam turbine or for some other process (e.g. desalination, heating, etc.). Contact Details: Chris Caiazzo Clyde Bergemann Auburn, USA [email protected] cycle stacks which were required to be capable of future conversion to combined cycle operation The CBAU repowering scope of supply includes converting the previously supplied elbows to diverter dampers, blanking guillotines, and auxiliary equipment. Auburn’s proven track record in the region will continue to make it the supplier of choice for major power projects requiring high performance air-gas handling equipment. www.clydebergemannpowergroup.com 16 Clyde Bergemann Termotec expands resources The Clyde Bergemann Termotec Dry Cooling team (left to right): Ralph Ludwig (Managing Director), Kurt Rüdel (Sales Director), Manfred Thomas (Engineer), Christoph Schulze (Managing Director), Uwe Wink (Project Manager), Hans-Georg Schrey (Design & Development), Richard Leitz (Director) Since 1982, Clyde Bergemann Termotec has been a competent partner for heat exchanger plants. Within the Clyde Bergemann Power Group, Clyde Bergemann Termotec is one of the centers of competence in the field of energy recovery. From development and design to production and true-to-size installation, Clyde Bergemann Termotec provides forward-looking and customized solutions. Air Cooled Condenser and Hans Georg Schrey is responsible for the design and development of Air Coolers. Recently, the team covering the range of dry cooling heat exchangers and aircooled condensers has been enforced by a group of well experienced specialists in dry cooling technology. Richard Leitz, Kurt Rüdel and Hans-Georg Schrey joined the company and implemented their long-term experience, especially with regard to aircooled condenser design and optimization. Air-cooled condensers are environmentally friendly because no cooling water is required and no waste generated. Clyde Bergemann Termotec supplies air-cooled condensers in classical A-Frame or vertical arrangement with multi-row or singlerow technology. Starting from the turbine exhaust the complete cold end of the steam cycle is designed and engineered by Clyde Bergemann Termotec engineers. The demand for air-cooled condensation has been constantly growing over the past decade on a world-wide scale. Thermal power, solar, biomass stations as well as pulp and paper plants are key users of dry condensation technology. An updated brochure of the energy recovery capabilities by Clyde Bergemann Termotec has just been released. It is available for download at www.clydebergemann.de Richard Leitz is the Director Air Cooled Condenser, Kurt Rüdel acts as Sales Director Contact Details: Richard Leitz Clyde Bergemann Termotec richard. [email protected] Kurt Rüdel Clyde Bergemann Termotec [email protected] Hans-Georg Schrey Clyde Bergemann Termotec [email protected] www.clydebergemannpowergroup.com 17 Imtech Deutschland chooses Clyde Bergemann technology New waste incineration plant in Plymouth, Southern England gets air-cooled condenser system Imtech Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG recently concluded a contract with Clyde Bergemann GmbH for the planning, manufacturing, supply, installation and commissioning of an air-cooled condenser system. This installation will be used in the new thermal recycling plant in Plymouth, a city in the English county of Devon. The order is carried out by Clyde Bergemann Termotec GmbH, the specialist for heat exchanger technology within the Clyde Bergemann Power Group. Operating company of the waste incineration plant is MVV Energie AG. Using combined heat and power, the power plant generates 23 MW heat and 22.5 MW electricity. The annual recycling rate of household waste amounts to 245,000 tons. In May 2011 Imtech was awarded the contract by MVV for the supply of steam generator and water-steam-cycle including turbine and water treatment plant. The commissioning of the waste recycling plant is planned for 2014. The air-cooled condenser consists of five fan cells with auxiliary components. The condensation capacity is approx. 48 MWt at 70 mbar with 83.25 t/h steam and fulfils the very stringent sound emission requirements. Contact Details: Air cooled condenser Kurt Rüdel Clyde Bergemann Termotec [email protected] Partner of the steel and copper industry Copyright: Allmeson GmbH © Stahl-Zentrum, Düsseldorf und HKM, Duisburg The complete scope of advanced burner and heating technology by Clyde Bergemann Brinkmann are presented in new brochures. The brochures are available at www. clydebergemann.de under the section Media/ Downloads. FROM IRON ORE TO STEEL Process burners, lance systems, manipulators and heating systems for precise steel qualities COPPER Systems & Solutions for melting, holding, refining and thermal treatment www.clydebergemannpowergroup.com 18 High Energy Efficiency Burner for emissions far below the legal requirements This burner is an improved high impulse burner. The innovative technology result in an increased heat yield in the material with near-stoichiometric operation. Thanks to the formation of the flame with a significantly stronger impulse and higher exit velocity the mixing quality of oxidator and fuel is optimised. With regard to combustion technology, all kinds of stoichiometric requirements can be reproducable reached. Modern copper production places high demands to the process and is subject to continuously more stringent regulations regarding NOx and CO emissions. With the experience of over 130 years working in the thermal process Clyde Bergemann Brinkmann has this task accepted. The result of the development activity is the High Energy Efficiency Burner – in short HEE. In view of the achieved results regarding NOx and CO emissions the most stringent legal requirements are fulfilled today and also in the future. Practical experience with the new burner proves that actual values are less than half of the values of the German TA Luft (Technical Instructions on Air Quality Control). Due to the compact construction, the HEE burner is ideal for retrofitting. Information about this new High Energy Efficiency Burner as well as the complete scope of supply by Clyde Bergemann Brinkmann can be obtained at www. clydebergemann.de. Contact Details: Ahmad Al-Halbouni Clyde Bergemann Brinkmann, Germany [email protected] Technology Seminar supporting UK Waste to Energy & Biomass markets Clyde Bergemann Scotland had pleasure coordinating and welcoming delegates from companies from around the UK in October to the Radisson Hotel in Birmingham for a technology seminar focused on the waste-to-energy and biomass services of the Clyde Bergemann Power Group. The day achieved its aim of presenting group solutions designed to help assist plants in their strategies to increase efficiency, reduce costs and reduce environmental impact. Colleagues from five group companies present their particular business capabilities and the wider group synergies that were possible. And from the delegate feedback reports, all presentations were very well received during the event. The day was a huge success and has yielded many opportunities including new relationships with four of the big companies in the industry that are currently working on new projects. Existing partnerships were also consolidated as the Clyde Bergemann Power Group demonstrated its continued commitment to technology and solutions in this market. More seminars of this nature will be planned through 2012. Many thanks to all who took part and to Neil Manson and Charlene Alcantar who did a splendid job of ensuring the event was managed well. Key contributors to the event (left to right): Wolfram Jaspers, Energy Recovery; Mike Davidson, Air Pollution Control; Stephen Young, Boiler Efficiency; Will Sullivan, Air Gas Handling and Craig Buckley, Materials Handling Contact Details: Charlene Alcantar Clyde Bergemann Ltd, Scotland [email protected] www.clydebergemannpowergroup.com 19 Annual Clyde Bergemann Power Group Sales Conference Clyde Bergemann Power Group held their annual Sales Conference from the 17th to the 18th of November 2011 at the company’s conference center in Wesel, Germany. More than 120 key personnel attended the conference from the corporate’s global sales, marketing and R&D teams. The sales conference provided an opportunity to share knowledge and experience of technology developments, major projects and market information from around the world. Clyde Bergemann Power Group welcomed guest speakers including Professor Christian Rehtanz from the Technical University Dortmund, Germany; Lode Smeets from Tractebel Engineering; Nigel Cooke from Lafarge. Professor Rehtanz presented today’s challenges of the power transmission system to keep up with the growing feedin of wind and photovoltaic energy. Lode Smeets presented the experience Tractebel Engineering made with numerous coal to biomass conversion and biomass co-firing projects. Nigel Cooke shared his knowledge on key issues related to the use of ash from a cement perspective. The guest speakers of the Clyde Bergemann Power Group Sales conference (left to right): Prof. Christian Rehtanz, Technical University Dortmund; Lode Smeets, Tractebel Engineering; Nigel Cooke, Lafarge As every year, the two days created an opportunity for learning and networking to circulate knowledge and expertise throughout Clyde Bergemann Power Group’s business fields. Doncaster enterprise for learning Clyde Bergemann Materials Handling has been presented with an award from Business and Education South Yorkshire for their contribution towards a local enterprise growth initiative. By linking business with local educational establishments over two years, the aim was to ensure that Doncaster’s young people are aware of the skills they will need in future Contact Details: Dan Young Clyde Bergemann Materials Handling, UK [email protected] employment and the opportunities that are available to them. In return, local business has the opportunity to understand and influence the topics and methods of study in education. The result is better enterprise awareness in schools and better availability of suitable employment candidates for local businesses. Clyde Bergemann’s contribution included school visits to give presentations and help with activities and providing work experience placements for engineering diploma students. Clyde Bergemann received the award for being one of the top 20 contributors from over 200 local businesses. Dan Young (right), Technology Manager Clyde Bergemann Materials Handling, receives the award from Keith Glanville, a representative of Business and Education South Yorkshire www.clydebergemannpowergroup.com 20 Personnel Developments Events Diary Date Participation of Clyde Bergemann Name of event Location April 2-4, 2012 BLRBAC Atlanta, GA April 23-25, 2012 NAWTEC Portland, ME Clyde Bergemann Power Group Americas exhibits May 8-10, 2012 VGB Keli Berlin, Germany Clyde Bergemann Wesel, Germany exhibits May 15-17, 2012 Electric Power Baltimore, MD May 21-23, 2012 CIBO Fluidized Bed Combustion Conference Raleigh, NC June 12-14, 2012 POWER-GEN Europe Cologne, Germany June 19-22, 2012 Air & Waste Management San Antonio, TX Association April May June Ralph Ludwig (left) took over the position as Managing Director of Clyde Bergemann Germany and for the entire CBEUI division. He follows Bernhard Rogalla (right), who is now acting as Director Project Development & Contracting and Business Development for the entire CBEU division. Clyde Bergemann Power Group exhibits July Dr. Patrick von Hagen took over the position as COO of Clyde Bergemann Power Group RoW. He will cover this new function beyond his current position as Group Corporate Finance Director. July 16-17, 2012 Reinhold APC Conference & Expo Baltimore, MD July 30 August 2, 2012 CIBO Industrial Emissions Control Conference Portland, ME August 15-17, 2012 Coal-Gen Louisville, KY August 20-23, 2012 MEGA Symposium – Air Pollutant Control Baltimore, MD Clyde Bergemann Power Group Americas exhibits VGB Congress Power Plants Mannheim, Germany Clyde Bergemann Power Group exhibits August October October 10-12, 2012 December December 11-13, 2012 POWER-GEN International Orlando, FL Clyde Bergemann Power Group Americas exhibits Sascha Herzmanatus joined Clyde Bergemann Power Group as Business Control Manager. In this position, he strengthens the Group Finance function. Editorial News Editors: Printing: Publisher: Stacy Gentry Clyde Bergemann Power Group Americas, USA eMail: [email protected] DWS Offsetdruck GmbH Herford, Germany Clyde Bergemann Power Group Inc. Lydia Howes Clyde Bergemann Auburn, USA eMail: [email protected] Sonja Mayer Clyde Bergemann GmbH, Germany eMail: [email protected]
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