On the Development and Growth of Neocaridina denticulata DE HAAN
On the Development and Growth of Neocaridina denticulata DE HAAN
NAOSITE: Nagasaki University's Academic Output SITE Title On the Development and Growth of Neocaridina denticulata DE HAAN Author(s) Mizue, Kazuhiro; Iwamoto, Yasuo Citation 長崎大学水産学部研究報告, v.10, pp.15-24; 1961 Issue Date 1961-01-31 URL http://hdl.handle.net/10069/31704 Right This document is downloaded at: 2016-10-25T05:45:40Z http://naosite.lb.nagasaki-u.ac.jp On the Development and denticulata Kazuhiro MIZUE Growth of Neocaridina DE HAAN and Yasuo IWAMOTO ユ6 皿Meth。d and《〈aterial This shrimp has been described in,“ILLUSTRATED ENCYCLOPAEDTA OF THE FAUATA OF JAPAN” and “ENCYCLOPAEDIA ZOOLOGICA ILLUSTRATED ・IN COLOURS”. By these literature .its distribution in Japan extends broadly throuout the south−West since N 30” and it is very common species. The sketch of our shrimp is shown in Fig. 1. Our species is very similar to C4ridina denticulata DE HAAN (this is tipical form, Japan 一一 from the neighbourhood of Lake Biwa) in S. KEMp’s original work I(ユ9ユ8).And then he introduced the Caridina 1 denticulata sinensis KEMP in this work, but our species is different from the Caridina denticulata sinensis on the point of the pumber of rostral teeth and of the shape at the endopodite of first maxilIiped.1nユ938, Prof・ L KuBo had prepared a new genus−Neocaridina 一一 and separated from Caridina by three characteristics, and he reported about the Neocaridina denticuldta DE HAAN at Nagasaki, Unzen, Beppq, Huzan, Hukuyama, Hukuoka, Kyoto, Yaizu etc. And tben after the war Mr. H. YAGucHi described about Neocaridina denticulata DE HAAN of Chiba pref., but the shrimp of Chiba pref. is different from our species on the point of the shape of rostrum and the number of rostral teeth. Prof. T. KAMiTA described about the Neocari− dina denticula’ta DE HAAN in Tl⊥加 following prefecturs−Shima− ne, yamaguchi, Oita, Kagos− hima, , Kumamoto, Wakayama, mbenm Tottori etc. in 1956. These むセゆ treatises has been treated ∼ on the taxo40mi’c problems rnainly and has not been rstudied on the’development lmD N N scxxx x l 匡 ZxS m3n己ib工e 馨 and growth except the KAMiTA’s work. We collected this shrimp from the pools among the mountains in the neighbouring imn 竈ち ef Sasebo city, and we had 琶“ む breeded since autumn ofユ958 、 18t 皿axi:la Jrd maxilltped in the outdoor concrete bree− ding pool (360cmX370×32) and 翌≠狽? imm N $ in the columnar glass ’ 腰 一i藤−・ titti’ 二望 2n.己 口8】iユ1a t .冗 ・嵩 慧曳 vbve,i 1黙.. t/ ’ 帆㌔ I““1cr 霧・,”ノアノア甥・1 響 ㌔、 鷹1 1//!1Zl12C/・/x ーー with Eichhornia crassipes. 郷 鹸脚 tank (30cmX40) in the room ﹁ Fig. 2 Antennule, antenna, mandible, maxillas and maxillipeds of adult ユ7. 7層 k ユst ?na 一 Srd 1 btb irtan Fig.5 Pereiopods(ユst’》5th)of adult the freshness and by the 終嘆願購: z 欝 1 へ ﹂灘譜敵 PLATE ip ENCYCLOPAEDIA. 、●;。}●謹い,、‘亀 ぜ コ ●::亀,’.璽唖∴し、・・鴨 尋,錦. ρ. 」じ 伽●o 喚 color is blackish brown at 雛r. Uムr/1 0F ノノIPAN the.1)ody 義、 CYCLOPAEDIA OF THE FA− 墨.、・満 灘 By ILLUSTRATED EN一一 轟.、 A Body−color ZOOLOGICA LILUSTRATED IN COLORS it is grey green. Our shrimp has many vari− ︸ ati6ns in body color but .the lt1 メ lst pleopod ef male many are semitransparent 2nd ・pleopod of male E grey green, the blackish brown 彫 , shrimp exists conparatively lmrn and in this shrimp there is a s widely striped brown design on the back s ide through the Carapace and abdomen, and the reddish sometimes. Pr− ist pleopod of ;.ema te 2nd ’pleopod of fenialo l l L l Fig.4 ユst and 2nd pleopod of adult (differences of both sexes) 三一愚慮 皿Observati。n tt−v9 ノ x 藩 前輪導 蕊. し x 蹴、糠 態−. ’ 臥 K T﹄∼㎞ 曝 饗』. .奪 ” ︶ 霧 ノ 蜘驚総州ダ 輔蝋 .., 己継⋮翰菖.灘・鷺. ∼.諺 諮u .− 、 繕謙繋・戴 ユ8 s ajttx / ・馨 t.ゴー〆 N 5rd pleopod 4th pieopod g−t ,,、.,、_多 fi Fi9.. ,5 3rd.v5th pleopods of adult B D]tF6r.enceF ;n b6th sexes KAMiTA has $hown that in the mound of the size distribution of the adult Neocaridina d・伽1⑳hr.f・m・‡・i・lri・・eエ・・g・・‡h・ゆ・m・,1・…d・hi・i・.・h・.・am6・e・廿lt t・・ilt・6・ In the adult Which eol,lected at’・ the first decade’,of May, the range of the feM’ale bodY 1・ngth i・・ D16・0−25・5mm・且d it・m・an i・21・2 mm・.th・.. @m・1・i・ユ6・0」20・O mm. E.. P8・2 mm・But it is alm6st imposible to distingqish.the both. sexes by itsi”body length only.’ The differences 6f the both sexes in. this species are clearly in the.Ist and 2nd pleopods as’, Fig. 4 showes, naMely at the 2nd pleopod the endopodite and exopodite are al.most sarne size in female, but in .male the exopoqite ,is larger, and the other is vgry.smaller.,.a.nq the endopodite is attached tb the enlarged and thickened appendix masculina which has many setae.一In the next pl’ ≠モ?@at the lst Pleopod the exopodite isi norinal’slender fotm, the enddpodite is .very large .and pear−shaped in male as KuBo described, but in the lst’ pleopod of female the endopodite is srhaller and more slender than the’exopodite and iS not seen the special form sUch as’ 高≠撃?D C Nuinber oF rostral tedth Th・n廿mb・.・・f…t・al teeth・h・wed ip. T・bl・lbゾsex.・・it i・.・imp6・t・nt・t・nd・・己 of the’classification, About the dorsal teeth t.here・is the differenc by’sex. and out numb6f of rostral teeth 60mes within the rahge「of別VCYCLOPAEDIA ZOOム0β∫σA; ILLUSTRATED IN.COLOURS and ILLU’ @STRATED ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF THE F4UNA OF JAPAN and is :similar to the KEMp’s r’ange, and its mode, but is more few than the KuBo’s number which was colle6ted in various districts of this country. D Number og spine at teison There are many spines at telsop, namely spine exist at the both sides in the dorsal face of telson an.d at the terminal margin of telson. Table 2 showes the number of the side’spines of our shrimp, its mode and peak’ 奄獅モ撃奄獅?@towards the large number than KvBo’s examination. And’the numberi of the sPines at the terminal margin of telson is shown’ 奄氏@Table 3, it has the wide distribution’than the others. ユ9 Table 1 The number of rostral teeth female male Na. of ”一. NO・ Of dorsal taath dorsal tooth 2 1, 6 5 4 3 Tota1 6 5 4 3 2 8 7 Tota1 No. ef No. ot ventral tooth The number of spinule the outer uropod female male Right Left 2 3 9 ユ2 ユ2 ユ 8 ユ Tota1 ユ ユ8 ユ ユ7 ﹁⊥︵b︹∠ ユ6 33 ユ5 ︵∠Q9 Table 2 3 v 14 ﹁⊥ 9 ユ3 ﹁⊥ ﹁⊥ ﹁⊥1 7誘 3 ユ2 ﹁⊥ワよ︵◎ ユ Tota1 ﹁⊥つ∪只︶ ユ7 ﹁⊥﹁⊥ ﹁⊥︻∠Qu ユ6 ユユ 3422 ユ5 ﹁⊥ ユ4 2 ユ0 22﹁⊥﹁⊥ 1 ユ3 ﹁山﹁⊥1⊥ ユ ユ2 ﹁⊥︵∠﹁⊥﹁⊥ ll 2﹁⊥484 2 2 ユO ユ[241.ユ ﹁⊥﹁⊥ 9 4 5 6 7 Tota1 Right Left 3 2 4 6 5 3 ユ 6 9 4 ﹁ 1 ⊥ 6 戸◎64ユ0 ventral tooth Tota1 7 2 2 3ユ 27 ,﹁ ﹁⊥ 議3 ⊥工 ﹁⊥2 7 1山﹁山 Tota1 6 35[8 22 5 ユ 4 3 4 ユ Tota1 33 2只︶ 7 ユ44ユ[ユ0 ユ 6 3 ユ 5 ﹁⊥Q︾ ユロ2一螂 3 4 4 ユ35 3 5 Table 5 The number of ’spine at the terminal margin of the outer uropod X. LNo. of .spine seti ”× 8 9 ︵∠[○ ワ乙7み 4 只︶ワ呂 2 ∩つ ︶∪ 4 2 ユ female Total ユ3 ユ2 1ユ −占8 male’ ユ0 ﹁⊥﹁⊥ 1 7 6 20 E Hatching The adult shrimp was removed to the columnar glass water tank in the sunny laboratory from the outdoor concrete breeding pool at autumn of 1959, and each tanks include 15 males and 15 females. They performed the molting in the period between the last decade of November and’ the first decade of December in these tanks with both sexes. The many Eichhornia crassiPes are held in these tanks at the laboratory and outdoor breeding pool, and the shrimp takes hold of the long fibers of the root of Eichhornia crassiPes and molts. After this molting they hibernate in the soft mud at the bottom of the tanks. We took notice of it in the first decade of April of 1960 that the females in the tanks maintain the many egges in the between of each pleopod’s. So it is presumed that the period of the copulation and spawning is between the middle decade of December and the last decade of March. We has not observed about the development of their gonad, the copulation, the spawning and its food organism etc. After hibernation the male specimens molted at the middle decade of April in the glass wate’r tank. The egg of this shrimp is larger than the other fresh water shrimps egg and it grows up to about 1.6mmxl.06 in front of lhatching, and the number of egg in this species is about IOO−140 and is very few in comparison with the others, anq there is a positive corre一・ lation between the body length and the number of egges. At the glass tanks in the labora− tory, the hatching is performed in the period from the’middle decade of May to the last decade of June. ln the outdoor pool it is the same term. After the hatching these’young shrimps molt in several times and when they grow up about 16 Mm in body length after two mQnthes from the hatching theY maintain many eggs. ln the outdoor pool these young shrimps are holden only and their parents which tided over the winter is not put in this pool, so it is seemed the male reaches to the sexual maturity too as the female rnaintain the many eggs. Describing afterwards these shrimp can be distinguished in both sexes by the appendix masculina when they grow up about U mm in body length after −a month from the hatching, so it is guessed that the gonad matures in both sexes. This is the second spawning season in this year. The hatching of this second spawning is between the first decade of August and the middle decade of September. The large group of the shrimp which tided over the winter and spawned in the first spawning season is not spawn in this period. And in the second spawning the number Of egges is about 40−50 and is more few than in the first spawning, it is seemed that this is for the reason of the little body length. There are two mode in the size distribution of this shrimp during from the latter part of spring to summer, namely the one is the large group of parent shrimp which tided over the winter the other is the small group of the formers suc− cessors, then there are three modes in the size distribution at autumn, namely the smallest group in three modes is the shrimp which hatched out from the small shrimp in the period frorn summer to autumn. The一 egges of this shrimp adhere in the pleopods by the elastic fibroid egg handle and is not fallen off easily from the pleopods and it is similar to the case of Cambarus affinis. The color of egg which has, been maintained by the parent shrimp is thick dark green in the beginning, but it turns into semitransparent light brown and is noticed the larval eyes in egg as the hatching draws near. (PLATE L Fig 1.) ln hatching the parent shrimp acts taking hold of the long fibers of the root of Eic肋ornia crassipes in no exception in this case・ And the hatching is not performed in the daytime in general and it is seemed that the greater part of shrimp ・is hatched out from evening to daybreak and its necessary.time is about ten hours. PLATE 1, Fig. 2 shows the circumstances that the young shrimp has been hatched out from the egg, 2ユ namely when the egg shell had split and the young shrimp had come out from the egg the shell contracts and adheres at the back side of carapace of young ,shrimp and at this time the young shrimp adhetes i’n the pleopods of ・the parent’s shrimp with the egg’shell yet. After about 20 minutes from the . 十一tt hatching the young shrimp performes the rs( i/ Ist molting. During this 20 minutes the young shrimp does not mgve the . body except the maxilliped. The lst r rnolting requires about one minute, and after this molting the young shurimp iOi separates from the parent for the first time and begins to swim activly. The . 呂 parent shrimp melts in company with k.. the egg shells which has attached in XA.5 . their pleopods when the young shrimps g had acted the 2nd molting. F Development and growth PLATE 1, Fig. 3 shows the shrimp 20 40 oo eo timeCday) after the lst molting. ln Japan, the Fig. 6 Growth curve, .(1)…mean length in studing about the development of the each larval stages young shrimp is very few, especially detail about the metamorphosis of Pa’atya in the fresh water. YoKoyA has reported in in their lst larval stage and the later compressa imProvisa and Leander Paacidens, from the parent remarkably. But in N. several stages the body form is different between the young shrimp after lst molting and denticnlata there is a few difference are following points, namely the shape of telson and its parent. The difference of both uropod in the former differs from its parent as PLATE Vfil, and the rate that the carapace has occupied to body length in the former is larger than the parent slightly, and in parent the size of the 2nd abdorminal segment is larger than the other but in the former the each abdorminal segments are same size.・The 2nd molting is performed after 2 and 3 days from the lst molting. The young shrimp after’the 2nd molting is the nearly same shape to the parent and the form of telson and uropods are very transformed. The 3rd molting is performed after 2 and 3 days from the 2・nd molting. The 4th molting is after 1−3 days frorn the 3rd. The 6th molting is after 3 and 4 days from the 4th・ PLATE W shows ’the variations about the shape of telson and uropod in the each larval stages. By this PLATE the shape of the telson and uropod after the 5th’ 高盾撃狽奄獅〟@is not different from that of the parenL The forms of the shrimp at the each stages are shown in PLATE I一皿. And the antennule and aIItenna,・the mandible and maxillas, maxillipeds, pereiopods, pleopods, telson and uropod in the each stages are shown in PLATE IV−wr. And the yolk is noticed in a small quantity in the carapace of the young shrimp after 5th molting. The ・color of the excrement in the young shrimp stage is colorless and transparent jellify untill the shrimp after the 4th molting but the color of it in the shrimp after the 5th molting changes to amber color, and since the next stage the color of it is deep blackish brown and is same color to that of parent. From the absence of the yolk and the change of the ・color of ’the excrement at the larval stage, it is seemed that the shrimp after・ the 5th molting beginsi to take the food. And the growth of thg .shrimp from this stage is very rapidly・ The difference in both sexes is not clearly 1) Neocaridina south-west denticulata DE HAANis not most popular of Japan, but owing to the diffusion after the war, it is going to be annihilated. shrimp has increased as it is the most desirable studied about the behavior of this shrimp since of its propagation and in this paper we report this shrimp. fresh water of the insecticides shrimp in the in the paddy-field On the one hand the demand to this live-bait in the coastal sea. We has the autumn of 1958 to know the way about the development and growth of 2) We collected this shrimp from the pools among the mountains in the neighbouring of Sasebo city. 3) Our shrimp has many variations in body color but the many are semitransparent 4) grey green, the blackish brown comparatively and the reddish sometimes. The differences of both sexes in the adult of this shrimp are following, (1) the size distribution of females is larger than males, (2) at the 1st pleopod of this shrimp the exopodite is normal slender form and the endopodite is very large and pear-shaped. in male, but in female the endopodite .is smaller and more slender than the exopodite and is not seen the special form such as male, (3) at the 2nd pleopod the endopodite and exopodite are almost same size in female but in male the exopodite is larger and the other is very smaller, and the endopodite is attached to the enlarged and thickened appendix masculina ) Our shrimp has the special number5 in the dorsal and ventral teeth at rostrum, in the spines of the both sides at the dorsal face of telson and in the spines at the terminal ) which has many setae. margin of telson as the tables show. After hibernation the male molts at the6 middle of April and the female spawns the eggs and holds this eggs in his pleopods, and the hatching is performed in the period from the middle 'decade of May to the last decade of June, this is the first hatching season in this year. 7) The egg of this shrimp is larger than the other, and the number of eggs in this species is very few in comparison with the other and there is a positive correlation between the body length and the number of eggs. After the spawning the eggs adhere in the pleopods by the elastic fibroid egg handle. 8) The shape of the young shrimp after the hatching is almost the same to the parent except the telson and uropods as the PLATE VII shows. This shrimp does not metamorphose. 9) The figures of the body, antennas, mandible, maxillas, maxillipeds, pereiopods, pleopods, telson and uropods are shown at PLATES in the each larval stages. 10) In the shrimp after the 5th molting (after about 10 days from the hatching), there is no yolk in the carapace and the color of the excrement changes so it is seemed. that the shrimp after the 5th molting begins to take the food. Its growth from this stage is rapidly. 11) In the young shrimp which grows up about 11mm in body length after a month from the hatching, the characteristic of the sex already appears and the both sexes can be distinguished by Ist and 2nd pleopods, it is guessed that the gonad matures in both. sexes since this time. 12) The shrimp which grows up about 16 mm in body length after two monthes from the hatching molts the eggs which has held between the pleopods, namely this is the second hatching season in this year and it is the period from the first decade of August to the middle decade of September. The molting and development of this larval shrimp which had hatched out in this hatching season is same to that in the first hatching season. And the parent shrimp in the first hatching season does not perform the spawning and hatching. 13) The growth curve of this shrimp is indicated in Fig. 6. 14) This shrimp has been alive more than two years at least. 15) This shrimp is very delicate to the chemicals such as insecticides, but is not so delicate for the change of natural environments such as the water temperature and its growth is rapidly and the period which reaches to the sexual maturity is short and its food at the breeding is the rice-bram and so on which is very easy to receive, So the propagation of this shrimp is not difficult. 24 ユ0) AsANo, S.:AObservation on the Development of Cambarμs clarleii, Collecting an.d Breeding,10,7..8,2ユ7−222,(ユ948),(in japanese) ・・: ユユ)YoKoYA,1Y.:On the Metamorphosis of two Japanese Freshwater Shrimps, Pa7atya comPressa and Leandept Paucidens, with Reference to the Development of their Appendages, The Journal of the College of Agriculture, lmPerial Universi. ty of Tokpto, 11,2s 75一ユ50,(ユ93ユ) V工.Plabe PLATE 1 』Fig.ユ Egg Fig.2 The young shrimp in the lst larval stage which is Performing the lst molting after the hatching Fig. 3 lst larval stage after lst molting tt @ PLATE 皿 Fig.ユ 2nd lar.val stage after 2nd molting Fig. 2 3rd larval stage after 3rd molting PLATE 皿 =F’ 奄〟Dユ ーFig. 2 4th larval stage after 4th molting 一 5th ’larval stage after.5th molting PLATE IV Antennule, ant’ ?獅獅=C mandible and maxillas in the each larval stages =Fig.ユ Antennule (lst larval stage Fig. 2 Antenna (’1ny−m5) Fig. 3 Mandible(ユー一5) ’Fig. 4 Ist maxilla(ユー5) 1Fig. 5 2nd maxilla(ユー5) 5t h) PLATE V Maxillipeds in the each larval stages :Fig.ユ Ist maxilliped (1−5) .Fig. 2 2nd maxilliped (1−5) Fi.g 3 3rd.maxilliped(ユー5) PLATE VI Pereiopods in the each larval stages =Fig.ユ Ist pereiopod (1−5) Fig, 2 2nd pereiopod(ユー5) ’Fig. 3 3rd pereiopod(ユー一5) Fig. 4 4th pereiopod(ユー5) Fig. 5 5th pereiopod(ユー9) PLATE V皿 Pleopods in the each larval stages ’ ’Fi’ X.1 、 Ist pleopod(ユー一5) Fig.2 2nd pleopod(ユー5) ’F.ig.3 3rd pleopod(ユー5) PLATE V皿. Telson and uropods in the each larval stages(ユー5) PLATE 1 rw .こ\. o 〈 >i 彰 ew !SFS 工a七eral viev front view imn H’rH Pig.1 /N ventral view 麟 く eorsal vtew Ftg.2 妊、o 、 ゆ■ 漆[1 叉 ”2弩 〉 見 4 馨鑓 り ゆおぞ ず ロ 一eltL,;一K \譲 ヤこ・“.....臨 一 つ 1 N 擁 lrnrn 盛9・3 、..瓦’ .﹂ 咽 蹉華 と、,5.. し 『)DLO f KVW’ K. MizuE and Y. lwAM6itt’ : On the Development and Growth of IVeocaridina denticulata PLATE [ 楓媛鵬 z Fig.1 繋 顔,、 〆 磁磯 ︵ 」 H一一 屡雛馨齢藁 / κ 「 湊、 K. MizuE and Y. lwAMoTo \ 賎 「 On the Development and Growth of Neocaridina denticuldta P:LATE 皿 糠 rt Y , 且9.1 1mrn 養 t t Fig.2 N一 コ匪謎㍗.団 斗、 、懸 斗 \ ミメ朋 A igt /一,.. 射 タレ ㌣ 響レ 惹艶 y 匹■ ・ 蕊1ぐ K. Miz’uE・ and Y. lwAMoTo : On the Development and Growth of Neocaridina denticulata PLATE’ IV 凶’ /r バ少/ ,・ ?fk 乃 ガ、 1、 覧 )T’ ,g r,R ’ N / 膨 一 0。2囮 2 / / / n 1 膨 ノ L 1 樂ヂ ゆ/ 饗 騨 aE イy t 3 5 1 if 1 ・/,ノ f7グ f F±g.1 漸岡唱義 黛 F I f ρ三児畑 簿ま z 一 ㌔“㌧、.. 撚、7ア 欝 藤 x“・ 7 r ろ ノ 7 J フ,/〆胤 ㌶ r \ ノ lfX’W」’ 購 ギ 董\ ’ さ i /島 1 lx / づ ドし・、』 rr, x 4 Pig.2 O.2mm \トき\ kx. ﹁2 聾,意 雲気 r︶ ゾ 5 4 5 9, ’, , . 葬ノ写 気 Fig・5 1 4 髭多二 一 該 ノ 顯「. N _, }ww γ 轟ダ u堵’ 一. う I 1 、べ ーハ 論 賢.:」 髪三 う /久ノ ・.彰.’r・’㌃・〆 2 葦霧乾諺多 遷寿 iglt> / ,v “’il 騰 ,獲 2 6孝’ 多髭レ ㎜ よ哩 L 裟ち vaff’ }ie{ 鰯 O.2mm 4 5 Pig.4 \ / z 三 x 際、.煩) K. MizuE and Y. lwAMoTo : On the Development and Growth of Neocaridina denticulata PLATE V 畿 t tt・ ・・一 ナ; r/i T ら 箋劣6.鰐、め、〆 、 力 多 ’{一11. N O.2mm ノ ’葱 ﹂ ? 1 Fig.,,. ’ 〆 瀬’ ユ 4 〉 ミへ, 蔦 mu r︶ ’ く へ / ノZ 1 / f へ 瀬 冒恵、 k t ‘ ¢ 眠 f N, Fig.5 5 2 4 3 r/ ︶ lnun K. MrzuE and Y. IwAMoTo : On the Development and Growth of Neocaridina denticulata PLATE VI 等し ’ 環 Fig。ユ 1 2 5 4 一髪 5 . s Rig.2 4 3 ユ町 4畠 k Eig.3 v 4・ 2 s 1 5 γ巴 舶 / 1 2 s x l stg.5 1 2 4 5 5 K:.MlzuE and Y.工wAMoTo : 0n the DeveloDment and Growth of IVeocaridina denticulata P:LATE V皿 ゐ 黛 t 眠 “ 〈t 黛 ’ x 1 Fig.1 s 4 O.Irnm 一罪 遙迂・ 1♂ 轟彦 毒γノ”4 2 1 ノ グ 謬 ” §ギ 罪 N 伽 ゑ ヤ 話 1 3 Fig.2 虎轟ノ⋮ 彦朽方 楼舅診グ 剛 ! 〆 呂 ’ グ 雌 N ’ 多 L h’ g.3 5 、4 1 5 K.一MizuE and Y. lwAMoTo : On the Development and Growth of Neocaridina denticulata ノ些 t f 一再 ’ げ 〆 嵐 過 N t ︾戸. 彦 彦 L 〆グ一 4測㍉ k 7 ie O.Imm 雛 2 1 x 夢 ∠’ e P:LATE V皿 簸 一鹸 N ts N t 馨 1,“lf 1 /1「J ’ ド ノ {”t必 ,ノ Ii 撚 2 1 齢珍儲 継戦 yri 鎌 一郵 .覗 議 灘響 、響 し き‘ 澱 漸、 影 部 愚 ︾畿 1 O.2rrm げ“’ NX 3 w,i N 鎌 し レかイ N、 ’ ’ ! ノ 昭墾 lL ∼ ; ff.,,2if’ e,ig N l ド,ノ1・ s z シ adult 八 、 、 多 × N xa レrレ! t 4︽ぐ4 Xx 44 /Zi し︶︾レレ }zl 5 き 蝋 薄薄 講 x 1 1mm K MizuE and Y. lwAMoTo : On the Development and Growth of Neocaridina denticulata